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Laser welding of stainless steel

Article  in  Journal of Achievements of Materials and Manufacturing Engineering · January 2020

DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.0815


3 952

2 authors:

Agnieszka Kurc-Lisiecka Aleksander Lisiecki

WSB University in Chorzów Silesian University of Technology


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DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.0815 Volume 98 • Issue 1 • January 2020

International Scientific Journal

published monthly by the

of Achievements in Materials World Academy of Materials

and Manufacturing Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering

Laser welding of stainless steel

A. Kurc-Lisiecka a,*, A. Lisiecki b
a Department of Management Engineering, Scientific Institute of Entrepreneurship
and Innovation, Faculty of WSB University in Chorzów, WSB University in Poznan,
ul. Sportowa 29, 41-506 Chorzów, Poland
b Department of Welding Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,

Silesian University of Technology, ul. Konarskiego 18a, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland

* Corresponding e-mail address:
ORCID identifier: (A.L.)


Purpose: of this paper was to analyze the influence of the basic parameters of laser
welding (i.e. laser beam power and welding speed, as well as energy input) of butt joints of
the 2.0 mm thick stainless steel AISI 304 sheets on the weld shape and joint quality.
Design/methodology/approach: The preliminary trials of simulated laser welding by
melting the austenitic stainless steel sheets (the so called bead-on-plate welding), as
well as the welding of the test butt joints, were carried out using the high-power diode
laser (HPDL) ROFIN DL 020, without the additional material (the technique of autogenous
welding). A crucial parameter that determines both the mechanical properties and the
corrosive resistance of a joint (the region of a weld and HAZ - heat affected zone) in the
case of stainless steels with austenitic structure is energy input, which should be kept at a
minimum, and at the same time full penetration and a proper shape of the fusion zone should
be ensured. The investigations included the macrostructure and microstructure observations
by light microscopy, researches of mechanical properties in a static tensile test and also
microhardness measurements made by Vickers method.
Findings: The results have shown that it is possible to provide a proper shape of the weld
of fine-grained structure and narrow heat affected zone, but it requires careful selection of
the welding parameters, especially a low energy input. The microhardness measurements
showed that the in case of welding the butt joints using the high-power diode laser in HAZ
area a slight increase in microhardness to approx. 185HV0.2 compared to base material
(160-169HV0.2) and a decrease in microhardness in the fusion zone (FZ) to approx. 140-
150HV0.2 have been observed. All welded sample broke from the joint during the testing at
tensile stress between 585 MPa and 605 MPa with corresponding percentage elongation in
the range of 45-57%. It can be found that the joints strength is not less than the strength of
the base metal of 2.0 mm thick AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel sheet.
Research limitations/implications: Studies of the weldability of stainless steels indicate
that the basic influence on the quality of welded joints and reduction of thermal distortions
has the heat input of welding, moreover the highest quality of welded joints of austenitic
stainless steel sheets are ensured only by laser welding.
Practical implications: The laser welding technology can be directly applied for welding
of austenitic steel AISI 304 sheets 2.0 mm thick.
Originality/value: Application of high power diode laser for welding of austenitic stainless
steel AISI 304.
Keywords: Laser welding, AISI 304 steel, High-power diode laser (HPDL)

32 Research paper © Copyright by International OCSCO World Press. All rights reserved. 2020
Volume 98 • Issue 1 • January 2020

Reference to this paper should be given in the following way:

A. Kurc-Lisiecka, A. Lisiecki, Laser welding of stainless steel, Journal of Achievements
in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 98/1 (2020) 32-40.


1. Introduction
1. Introduction steels depends on various metallurgical and processing
variables (i.e.: chemical composition of material, occurrence
The wide used kinds of stainless alloys are austenitic of other phases ௅ delta (FeG) ferrite; stress state, temperature,
steels, well-known as 18-8 types. Contain, according to the rate of deformation etc.). Corrosion resistance of those type
standard, from 16 to 18% Cr, 6-8% Ni and 0.03-0.1% C. of steel increase with increasing chrome content in the alloy
Austenitic stainless steels (ASS) are widely used materials [2,5-9]. Stainless steels have a large range of applications,
because of their excellent corrosion resistance in various mainly: in the chemical, petrochemical, automotive and food
aggressive environments, mainly: air atmosphere, damp industries. They are also applied in nuclear energy
and salt water and some oxidizing solutions of the salt as industries, for the production of decorative products or ships
well as inorganic and organic acids, combined with high equipment and etc. [6].
mechanical and plastic properties [1-2]. Compared to low- According to the classical definition, welding is a
alloy steels, such as: BH type steels (Bake Hardening ௅ process of joining two metals through localized
grade 11180B, 11260B), steels with ferritic-bainitic coalescence resulting from a suitable combination of
structure with residual austenite, TRIP (Transformation temperature, pressure and metallurgical conditions [7].
Induced Plasticity) steels ௅ TRIP700 grade, steels with Whereas the laser welding is accomplished when the light
ferritic-austenitic structure type DS (Duplex Steel ௅ grade energy emitted from a laser source is focused upon a
1.4462) and high strength micro-alloy steels type HSLA workpiece to fuse materials together. According to those
(High Strength Low Alloy ௅ grade H320LA), as well as definitions can be say that austenitic stainless steels type
steels with ferritic-martensitic structure type DP (Dual 18-8 are well welded and the problem of hot cracking of
Phase ௅ grade H300X) or also some Al and Mg alloys, the welded joints is limited thanks to high metallurgical purity
tested Cr-Ni austenitic steel shows a clearly better ratio of of steel and also consumables and applying minimal heat
strength to plastic properties (Fig. 1) [1-5]. input of welding. Similarly reduction of carbon content in
austenitic steels and consumables below 0.01% prevents
the phenomenon of inter-grain corrosion of welded joints.
The only problem is minimizing of thermal distortions
during welding, especially in a case of welding of thin
sheets, as a result of high thermal expansion of austenitic
structure steel about 18x10-6 1/K and very low heat
conductivity about 15.5 W/mxK [1,6,9]. Previous studies
in the field of weldability of wide group of stainless steels
indicate that the basic condition for ensuring high quality
of welded joints and reducing thermal distortions to
minimum is reducing the heat input of welding, moreover
the highest quality of welded joints of austenitic stainless
steel sheets are ensured only by correct parameters
optimization of laser welding [8,10,12-22]. Otherwise, the
welded joint will be the weakest part of the whole
construction, determining its performance parameters,
Fig. 1. Comparison of mechanical properties of various quality, durability and safety [13-24]. Therefore, the aim of
group of constructional materials [6] the investigations was to analyze the influence of the basic
parameters of laser welding (i.e. laser beam power and
Stainless steels are iron alloys that have a durable chrome welding speed, as well as energy input) of butt joints of the
oxide passive layers on the surface, which ensure them a 2.0 mm thick stainless steel AISI 304 sheets on the weld
corrosion resistance. The corrosion resistance of stainless shape and joint quality.

Laser welding of stainless steel 33

Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering

2. Materialsand
2. Materials andthe
methodology recommended for welding of austenitic stainless steels
because ensures narrow bead of the weld and low angle
To determine the influence of parameters of laser distortions of joints, thanks to intensive heat transfer. The
welding without consumables by high power diode laser experimental stand is shown in Figure 3. The laser was
ROFIN DL 020 on a quality and a shape of butt joints of characterized by maximum output power of 2.5 kW. The laser
austenitic stainless steel AISI 304 sheet 2.0 mm thick, tests beam spot of size 1.8 x 6.8 mm was set along the welding
of bead-on-plate welding and welding of the steel sheets direction and focused on the top surface of the welded sheets.
were carried out at different power of the laser beam and
different welding speed.
The samples for welding tests were cut by a mechanical
guillotine from a 2.0 mm thick sheet of AISI stainless steel
at supersaturated conditions into coupons 100 mm long and
40 mm wide. In the supersaturated state the investigated
steel display a single-phase austenite structure with a
diameter of the average grains in the matrix Ȗ amounting to
about 75 ȝm and a hardness of about 125 HV0.5, containing
many annealed twins and single clusters of non-metallic
inclusions (Fig. 2). The chemical composition of the applied
steel is given in Table 1, while the mechanical properties are
given in Table 2.
The welding trials of austenitic stainless steel AISI 304
sheets were conducted by means of an experimental stand
equipped with the high power diode laser (HPDL) and the
positioning system ISEL Automation. A copper backing plate Fig. 2. Microstructure of AISI 304 stainless steel after its
was used for formation of the weld root, which is austenitizing for 1 hour at a temperature of 1100qC

Table 1.
Chemical composition of 2.0 mm thick sheet of AISI 304 stainless steel, wt.%
Cmax Cr Ni Mnmax Simax Pmax Smax Nmax
0.07 17.0-19.0 8.0-10.5 2.0 1.0 0.045 0.0.15 0.11

Table 2.
The mechanical properties of 2.0 mm thick sheet of AISI 304
stainless steel
Tensile strength Rm, Yield point Rp0,2, Elongation A5,
MPa MPa %
540-750 230 45

Shielding gas argon was delivered to the weld region by

cylindrical nozzles 10 mm in diameter prior to the welding
and the flow rate was kept constant at 12 l/min. At the
beginning stage of the study bead-on-plate welding tests
were done in a wide range of welding parameters in order to
determine the welding conditions that allow to provide a full
penetration and a narrow weld at relatively low heat inputs,
Table 3. The laser beam power was ranged from 1500 W to
2200 W, while the processing speed was ranged from 200 Fig. 3. A view of the experimental stand for laser welding
mm/min to 400 mm/min. After the initial tests of bead-on- tests of 2.0 mm thick AISI 304 steel sheets using a high
plate welding the parameters considered as optimal were power diode laser ROFIN DL 020
chosen for laser welding of real butt joints (Tab. 4).

34 Research paper A. Kurc-Lisiecka, A. Lisiecki

Volume 98 • Issue 1 • January 2020

Table 3.
Parameters of bead-on-plate welding of 2.0 mm thick sheets of AISI 304 stainless steel using a high power diode laser ROFIN
DL 020
Bead No. Output power, Welding speed, Energy input, Current intensity,
W mm/min J/mm A
1 1500 200 450 15
2 1700 200 150 16.5
3 1600 200 480 15.5
4 2200 400 330 20
5 2200 300 440 20
Other parameters: Shielding gas Ar 5.0; The laser beam spot of size 1.8 x 6.8 mm was set along the welding direction and focused on the
top surface of the welded sheets at 82 mm focal length

Table 4.
Parameters of laser welding of 2.0 mm thick butt joints of AISI 304 stainless steel by high power diode laser ROFIN DL 020
Test butt Output power, Welding speed, Energy input, Current intensity,
joint W mm/min J/mm A
A(3) 1600 200 480 15.5
B(5) 2200 300 440 20
Other parameters: Shielding gas Ar 5.0; The laser beam spot of size 1.8 x 6.8 mm was set along the welding direction and focused on the
top surface of the welded sheets at 82 mm focal length

The quality of bead-on-plate welds and butt joints was steel have shown that despite a slight spatter the process was
evaluated by visual inspection, macrographs and micro- stable and reproducible. The results of visual and
graphs observation by light microscopy and also the macrographic tests (Figs. 5-7) have shown that it is possible
mechanical properties determined in a static tensile test and to make butt joints of high quality and the correct shape of
microhardness measurement were done. The cross sections the fusion line, as well as with a smooth surface and uniform
were prepared by grinding and subsequent polishing by width of the face weld.
diamond suspension of 6 µm, 3 µm, and 1 µm respectively.
The microstructure was revealed by etching in the Adler II
reagent composed of iron chloride FeCl3, hydrochloric acid
HCl, and water H2O, in proportions 1:1:4. Macrostructure
and microstructure of samples were analysed by optical
microscopy (OM), by means of OLYMPUS SZX9 and
NICON Eclipse MA100.
The mechanical properties of the examined butt joints
were determined by means of a static tensile test according
to PN-EN 4136 standard. The static tensile test were
performed on the testing machine ZWICK 100N5A (Fig. 4).
Measurements of microhardness of the across section of
butt joints of austenitic stainless steel AISI 304 sheets 2.0
mm welded by high power diode laser HPDL ROFIN DL
020 were carried out by a microhardness tester Micro-
Vickers 401 MVD manufactured by Wilson Wolpert,
according to to PN-EN ISO 6507-1 standard.
Fig. 4. A view of the tensile sample during static tensile test
of a butt joint of 2.0 mm thick steel sheet AISI 304
3. Resultsand
3. Results anddiscussion
Preliminary tests of bead-on-plate welding of the
The observations of the laser welding process of butt austenitic steel AISI 304 sheets 2.0 mm thick by HPDL laser
joints of 2.0 mm thick sheets of AISI 304 chrome-nickel showed that the power of laser beam has a very strong

Laser welding of stainless steel 35

Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering

influence on the bead shape and a penetration depth (Fig. 8, was about 4.5 mm (Fig. 7b). In this case, the fusion line has
Table 3). Increase of the power of laser beam resulted in an elliptical shape, which means that the stitch width
decreasing of the width of beads and the penetration depth decreased more rapidly as the weld depth increased.
(Figs.7, 9, 10, Table 4). The test joint A (3) welded with 480 Observations of the micrographs of the welds in the
J/ mm energy input was characterized by a wide weld width region of fusion line reveal that the width of the heat affected
of about 3.5 mm. The fusion line (i.e. the area between zone (HAZ) is negligible about a few microns. This is due
fusion zone and base material) was steep and tapered width to the high power density of the laser beam as a heat source
as the depth increased (Fig. 7a). While, in the test joint B(5) but also due to relatively low thermal conductivity of the
welded with 440 J/mm energy input the average wide weld austenitic stainless steel.

a) b)

Fig. 5. A view of the test butt joints A(3) of austenitic stainless steel AISI 304 sheets 2.0 mm welded by high power diode
laser according to parameters given in Table 4; a) weld face, b) root surface

a) b)

Fig. 6. A view of the test butt joints B(5) of austenitic stainless steel AISI 304 sheets 2.0 mm welded by high power diode laser
according to parameters given in Table 4; a) weld face, b) root surface

a) b)

Fig. 7. Macrostructure on cross sections of butt joint of AISI 304 steel sheets 2.0 mm thick welded by high power diode
(Tab. 4); a) test butt joints A(3) welded with energy input 480 J/mm, b) test butt joints B(5) welded with energy input 440 J/mm
(Tab. 4)

36 Research paper A. Kurc-Lisiecka, A. Lisiecki

Volume 98 • Issue 1 • January 2020

a) b)

Fig. 8. A view of the bead-on-plate welds produced by high power diode laser melting of 2.0 mm sheet of AISI 304 stainless
steel (Tab. 3); a) weld face, b) roof surface

In general, the fusion zone (FZ) of the welds is composed produced in the investigated range of parameters is
of very fine dendritic grains. As can be seen in the Figure 9 approximately 5-7 µm, indicating high cooling rates. The
showing the microstructure of the weld produced at the frontal surfaces of dendrites meet in the middle of the welds
highest energy input of 480 J/mm (laser power 1.6 kW and forming the crystallization line, as can be seen on the cross
welding speed 0.2 m/min), along the fusion line partially section in Figure 9a. Presence of the crystallization line may
melted grains from the side of base metal occur. From those lead to deteriorate of mechanical performance of the joints
partially melted grains, epitaxially grown columnar grains because impurities present in the alloy and eutectics with
can be observed, which are perpendicular to the fusion line. low-melting point may accumulate in this region.
Within those grains fine dendrites can be identified. Detailed observations of micrographs and analysis of the
The secondary arm spacing depends on the welding weld metal microstructure indicate that the microstructure is
parameters, mainly laser output power and welding speed, mainly austenitic (FeJ) with a small share of delta (FeG)
thus heat input and related cooling rate of the weld metal. ferrite (Figs. 9 and 10). The similar results were also
The estimated secondary arm spacing for the welds observed by Khalid et al. [3].

a) b)

Fig. 9. Microstructure of the butt joints A(3) on 2.0 mm thick sheet of AISI 304 stainless steel produced at the energy input
480 J/mm (Tab. 4); a) middle region of fusion zone, b) fusion line (from right weld metal, fusion line, HAZ)

Microhardness measurements performed on the cross zone drops down below 140 HV0.2, Figure 11. The lowest
sections of the butt joints in the middle of the sheet drop in microhardness was observed in a case of the test
thickness showed that the base metal of AISI 304 stainless joint welded at energy input of 480 J/mm (power of
steel exhibits microhardness in the range from 160-169 1.6 kW, welding speed 0.2 m/min). So it is evident that the
HV0.2, Figure 11. While the microhardness in the fusion welding parameters, especially energy input affect the

Laser welding of stainless steel 37

Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering

microhardness in the fusion zone thus mechanical related to the energy input of laser welding. The higher
properties of the joints. The obtained results indicate that energy input of laser welding, the higher drop of
the drop of microhardness in the fusion zone is clearly microhardness in the weld metal.

a) b)

Fig. 10. Microstructure of the butt joints B(5) on 2.0 mm thick sheet of AISI 304 stainless steel produced at the energy input
440 J/mm (Table 4); a) middle region of fusion zone, b) fusion line (from right weld metal, fusion line, HAZ)

Fig. 11. Microhardness distribution (profile) across the butt joints of 2.0 mm thick austenitic stainless steel sheet AISI 304,
welded by high power diode laser (Tab. 4); where: BM – base material, HAZ – heat affected zone, FZ – fusion zone

After the microhardness measurements mechanical tests Figure 12.Tensile testing of cross-weld samples were carried
was performed by means of a static tensile, Fig. 4. out to measure the tensile properties of the weldment, and
The typical engineering stress-strain curve is presented in also to determine the location of failure. As can be seen, all

38 Research paper A. Kurc-Lisiecka, A. Lisiecki

Volume 98 • Issue 1 • January 2020

of the tested samples were broken in the base metal, away The mechanical properties was performed by means of a
from the fusion zone and heat affected zone, Figure 13. All static tensile, of laser welded butt joints of austenitic steel
welded sample broke from the joint during the testing at AISI 304 sheets are not lower than the properties of the base
tensile stress between 585 MPa and 605 MPa with material. As a result of butt joint welding of high power
corresponding percentage elongation in the range of diode laser in the HAZ area, there is a slight increase in
45-57%. Thus, the joints strength is not less than the strength microhardness to approx. 185 HV0.2 compared to base
of the base metal of 2.0 mm thick AISI 304 austenitic material (160-169 HV0.2) and a decrease in microhardness
stainless steel sheet. in the fusion zone to approx. 140-150 HV0.2 (Fig. 11). The
differences in the microhardness values of individual joint
zones result from the specificity of the HPDL laser welding


The authors would like to thank all those who assisted in

the preparation of samples and the conducting of

Fig. 12. Typical engineering stress-strain curve of laser References

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