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Astm A159-83-2001

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Designation: A 159 – 83 (Reapproved 2001)

Standard Specification for

Automotive Gray Iron Castings1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 159; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense. This specification replaces Federal specification

1. Scope TABLE 1 Grades of Gray Iron

1.1 This specification applies to gray iron castings, cast in

Grade Casting Hardness Range Description
sand molds, used in the products of the automobile, truck,
tractor, and allied industries. G1800 HB 187 max ferritic-pearlitic
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded 4.4 BID min or as agreedA
G2500 HB 170-229 pearlitic-ferritic
as the standard. 4.6–4.0 BID or as agreedA
G3000 HB 187-241 pearlitic
2. Referenced Documents 4.4–3.9 BID or as agreedA
G3500 HB 207-255 pearlitic
2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on the 4.2–3.8 BID or as agreedA
date of material procurement form a part of this specification to G4000 HB 217-269 pearlitic
the extent referenced herein: 4.1–3.7 BID or as agreedA
2.2 ASTM Standards: Brinell impression diameter (BID) is the diameter in millimetres of the impres-
sion of a 10 mm ball at 3000-kg load.
A 247 Test Method for Evaluating the Microstructure of
Graphite in Iron Castings2
E 10 Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materi-
als3 4.1.5 Surface where hardness test is to be performed (see
2.3 Military Standard: 9.4),
MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage4 4.1.6 Depth and surface hardness of case required (see 9.6),
2.4 Federal Standard: 4.1.7 Inspection lot and sampling plan required (see Section
Fed. Std. No. 123 Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies)4 10),
4.1.8 If additional requirements are needed (see 11.3), and
3. Grades 4.1.9 Whether special packaging and marking is required
3.1 The specified grades, hardness ranges, and metallurgical (see Section 12).
description are shown in Table 1 and Table 2 and in Section 9.
5. Hardness
4. Ordering Information 5.1 The foundry shall exercise the necessary controls and
4.1 Orders for materials under this specification shall in- inspection techniques to ensure compliance with the specified
clude the following information: hardness range, Brinell hardness shall be determined in accor-
4.1.1 ASTM designation, dance with Test Method E 10, after sufficient material has been
4.1.2 Grade designation of gray iron required (3.1), removed from the casting surface to ensure representative
4.1.3 If special heat treatment is required (see Section 6), hardness readings. The 10-mm ball and 3000-kg load shall be
4.1.4 If special microstructure requirements are needed (see used unless otherwise agreed upon. The area or areas on the
Section 7), casting where hardness is to be checked shall be established by
agreement between supplier and purchaser and shall be shown
on the drawing.
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A04 on Iron 6. Heat Treatment
Castings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A04.01 on Gray and White
Iron Castings. 6.1 Unless otherwise specified, castings of Grades G1800
Current edition approved July 29, 1983. Published September 1983. Originally and G2500 may be annealed in order to meet the desired
published as A 159 – 35 T. Last previous edition A 159 – 77.
hardness range.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.02.
3 6.2 Appropriate heat treatment for removal of residual
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.01.
Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700 stresses, or to improve machinability or wear resistance may be
Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS. specified by agreement between supplier and purchaser.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);
Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with NEIL TRIGWELL (BODYCOTE MATERIALS TESTING LTD); Mon May 8 06:36:31 EDT
A 159 – 83 (2001)
TABLE 2 Brake Drums and Clutch Plates for Special Service

Grade Carbon min, %A Microstructure

Casting Hardness
Graphite Matrix

G2500a 3.40 HB 170-229 Type VII, size 2–4 lamellar pearlite
4.6–4.0 BID or as agreed A distribution ferrite if present not to exceed 15%
G3500b 3.40 HB 207-255 Type VII, size 3–5B lamellar pearlite
4.2–3.8 BID or as agreed A distribution ferrite or carbide if present not to exceed 5%
G3500c 3.50C HB 207-255 Type VII, size 3–5B lamellar pearlite
4.2–3.8 BID or as agreed A distribution ferrite or carbide, if present not to exceed 5%
The chemical analysis for total carbon shall be made on chilled pencil-type specimens or from thin wafers approximately 1/32 in. (0.8 mm) thick cut from test coupons.
Drillings are not reliable because of the probable loss of graphite.
See Method A 247.
Grades G 3500b and G 3500c normally require alloying to obtain the specified hardness at the high carbon levels specified.

7. Microstructure hardening by the supplier. The depth and surface hardness of

7.1 The microstructure shall consist of flake graphite in a the hardened case shall be as agreed upon between supplier and
matrix of ferrite or pearlite or mixtures thereof. purchaser.
7.2 As graphite size and shape somewhat affect hardness-
strength ratio and other properties, the type size and distribu- 10. Quality Assurance Provisions
tion of the graphite flakes at a designated location on the 10.1 Responsibility for Inspection—Unless otherwise speci-
casting may be specified by agreement between supplier and fied in the contract or purchase order, the producer is respon-
purchaser in accordance with Method A 247. sible for the performance of all inspection and tests require-
7.3 Unless otherwise specified, the matrix microstructure of ments specified in this specification. Except as otherwise
castings covered by this specification shall be substantially free specified in the contract or purchase order, the producer may
of primary cementite. Castings in Grades G1800 and G2500 use his own or any other suitable facilities for the performance
may have a matrix of ferrite or pearlite or both. Grades G3000, of the inspection and test requirements specified herein, unless
G3500, and G4000 shall be substantially pearlite in matrix disapproved by the purchaser. The purchaser shall have the
structure. right to perform any of the inspection and tests set for in this
specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to
8. Heavy-Duty Brake Drums and Clutch Plates
assure that material conform to prescribed requirements.
8.1 These castings are considered as special cases and are 10.2 Lot—For the purpose of inspection, lot and sampling
covered in Table 2. plans shall be agreed upon between the purchaser and the
9. Alloy Gray Iron Automotive Camshafts producer.
9.1 These castings are considered as special cases.
11. General
9.2 Grade Designation—G4000d.
9.3 Chemistry—Alloy gray iron camshafts shall contain 11.1 Castings furnished to this specification shall be repre-
alloys within the following range or as agreed upon between sentative of good foundry practice and shall conform to
supplier and purchaser. dimensions and tolerances specified on the casting drawing.
Chromium 0.85–1.25 %
11.2 Minor imperfections usually not associated with the
Molybdenum 0.40–0.60 % structural function may occur in castings. These are often
Nickel as agreed repairable but repairs shall be made only where allowed by the
9.4 Casting Hardness—HB 241-321 determined on a bear- purchaser and only by approved methods.
ing surface as agreed by supplier and purchaser. 11.3 Additional casting requirements may be agreed upon
9.5 Microstructure—Extending 45° on both sides of the by purchaser and supplier. These should appear as product
centerline of the cam nose and to a minimum depth of 1 / 8 in. specifications on the casting or part drawing.
(3.2 mm), the surface shall consist of primary carbides (of
acicular or cellular form or a mixture thereof) and graphite in 12. Preparation for Delivery
a fine pearlitic matrix. The graphite shall be Type VII A and E 12.1 Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase
distribution, 4 to 7 flake size in accordance with Method A 247. order, castings shall be cleaned, preserved, and packaged in
The amount of primary carbides and location at which the accordance with supplier’s standard commercial practice.
structure is checked shall be a matter of agreement between the 12.2 Government Procurement—When specified for Gov-
supplier and the purchaser. ernment procurement, castings shall be marked for shipment in
9.6 Selective Hardening—The cam areas of camshaft cast- accordance with MIL-STD-129 for military procurement and
ing are usually selectively hardened by flame or induction Fed. Std. No. 123 for civil agency procurement.

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Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with NEIL TRIGWELL (BODYCOTE MATERIALS TESTING LTD); Mon May 8 06:36:31 EDT
A 159 – 83 (2001)

(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Definition TABLE X1.2 Usual Composition of Brake Drums and Clutch
Plates for Special Service
X1.1.1 gray iron—a cast iron in which the graphite is
present as flakes instead of temper carbon nodules as in Chemical Compo- Grade Grade Grade
malleable iron or small spherulites as in ductile iron. sition, % G2500a G3500b G3500c

X1.2 Chemical Composition Carbon, total (mandatory) 3.40 min 3.40 min 3.50 min
Silicon (as required) 1.60–2.10 1.30–1.80 1.30–1.80
X1.2.1 The ranges in composition generally employed in Manganese (as required) 0.60–0.90 0.60–0.90 0.60–0.90
producing the various grades of most automotive gray iron Sulfur, max 0.12 0.12 0.12
Phosphorus, max 0.15 0.15 0.15
castings are shown in Table X1.1. The composition ranges for Alloys as required as required as required
such special applications as heavy duty brake drums and clutch
plates and camshafts are shown in Table X1.2 and Table X1.3,
respectively. The contents of certain elements for these appli- TABLE X1.3 Usual Chemical Composition of Alloy Gray Iron
cations are critical in terms of service requirements and the Automotive Camshafts
ranges are specified in the standard.
X1.2.2 The specific composition range for a given grade Grade G4000d, %
may vary according to the prevailing or governing section of Total carbon 3.10–3.60
the castings being produced. Silicon 1.95–2.40
X1.2.3 Alloying elements such as chromium, copper, Manganese 0.60–0.90
Phosphorus 0.10 max
nickel, tin, molybdenum, or other elements may be employed Sulfur 0.15 max
to meet the specified hardness or microstructural requirements Chromium 0.85–1.25
or to provide the properties needed for particular service Molybdenum 0.40–0.60
Nickel 0.20–0.45 optional
conditions. Copper residual

X1.3 Microstructure
X1.3.1 The microstructure of the various grades of gray iron after solidification, the design and nature of the mold and the
are generally a mixture of flake graphite in a matrix of ferrite, casting, and by other factors such as inoculation practice in
pearlite, or tempered pearlite. The relative amounts of each of addition to the composition of the iron.
these constituents depends on the analysis of the iron, casting X1.3.4 Alloying with nickel, chromium, molybdenum, tin,
design, and foundry techniques as they affect solidification and copper or other alloys usually promotes a more stable pearlitic
subsequent cooling rate and heat treatments if any. structure and is often done to obtain increased hardness,
X1.3.2 The distribution and size of graphite flakes like the strength, and wear resistance especially in heavy sections
matrix structure of gray iron depends greatly on the solidifi- subjected to severe service.
cation rate and cooling rate of the casting. If a section solidifies X1.3.5 Alloying is sometimes used to obtain structures
very rapidly an appreciable amount of carbide causing a containing a controlled percentage of carbides as in camshaft
mottled fracture or chilled corners can be present. If a section or valve lifter castings.
cools slowly, as in a massive heavy-section casting, an appre- X1.3.6 Primary carbides or pearlite or both, can be decom-
ciable amount of ferrite may be present. In like manner, light posed by appropriate heat treatment. Gray irons of suitable
sections will contain small graphite flakes while graphite will composition and structure can be hardened by liquid quenching
form in much larger flakes if the same iron is poured into a or by flame or induction selective hardening.
heavy casting.
X1.3.3 For these reasons the strength and hardness of gray X1.4 Mechanical Properties
iron are greatly influenced by the rate of cooling during and X1.4.1 The mechanical properties listed in Table X1.4 can

TABLE X1.1 Typical Base Compositions, %

Grade Carbon Silicon Manganese Sulfur, max Phosphorus, max Approximate Carbon

G1800 3.40–3.70 2.30–2.80 0.50–0.80 0.15 0.25 4.25–4.5

G2500 3.20–3.50 2.00–2.40 0.60–0.90 0.15 0.20 4.0–4.25
G3000 3.10–3.40 1.90–2.30 0.60–0.90 0.15 0.15 3.9–4.15
G3500 3.00–3.30 1.80–2.20 0.60–0.90 0.15 0.12 3.7–3.9
G4000 3.00–3.30 1.80–2.10 0.70–1.00 0.15 0.10 3.7–3.9
(usually alloyed)

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Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with NEIL TRIGWELL (BODYCOTE MATERIALS TESTING LTD); Mon May 8 06:36:31 EDT
A 159 – 83 (2001)
TABLE X1.4 Mechanical Properties for Design Purposes

Grade Hardness RangeA Tensile Strength, min, psi Transverse Strength, Deflection, min, in.
(kgf/mm2) min, lb (kg)B (mm)B

G1800 HB 143-187 18 000 (14) 1720 (780) 0.14 (3.6)

5.0–4.4 BID
G2500 HB 170-229 25 000 (17.5) 2000 (910) 0.17 (4.3)
4.6–4.0 BID
G3000 HB 187-241 30 000 (21) 2200 (1000) 0.20 (5.1)
4.4–3.9 BID
G3500 HB 207-255 35 000 (24.5) 2450 (1090) 0.24 (6.1)
4.2–3.8 BID
G4000 HB 217-269 40 000 (28) 2600 (1180) 0.27 (6.9)
4.1–3.7 BID
Brinell impression diameter (BID) is the diameter in millimetres of the impression of a 10-mm ball at 3000-kg load.
See Method A 438 for information concerning the B transverse test bar and the transverse test.

TABLE X1.6 Typical Applications of Gray Iron for Automotive

be used for design purposes. However, the suitability of a Castings
particular grade for an intended application is best determined
by laboratory or service tests. Typical mechanical properties Grade General Data
for such specialized applications as heavy-duty brake drums
and clutch plates are shown in Table X1.5. G1800 Miscellaneous soft iron castings (as cast or annealed) in which
strength is not of primary consideration. Exhaust manifolds may be
made of this grade of iron, alloyed or unalloyed. These may be
X1.5 Application of Gray Iron in Automotive Castings annealed castings for exhaust manifolds in order to avoid growth
(see Table X1.6) and cracking due to heat.
G2500 Small cylinder blocks, cylinder heads, air cooled cylinders, pistons,
X1.5.1 The graphite flakes in gray iron give this metal many clutch plates, oil pump bodies, transmission cases, gear boxes,
desirable properties. These include excellent machinability, clutch housings, and light-duty brake drums.
G3000 Automobile and diesel cylinder blocks, cylinder heads, flywheels,
high thermal conductivity, vibration dampening properties, and differential carries castings, pistons, medium-duty brake drums, and
resistance to wear or scuffing. Due to its low freezing tempera- clutch plates.
ture for a ferrous alloy, high fluidity, and low shrinkage G3500 Diesel engine blocks, truck and tractor cylinder blocks and heads,
heavy flywheels, tractor transmission cases, and heavy gear boxes.
properties it is more readily cast in complex shapes than other G4000 Diesel engine castings, liners, cylinders, and pistons.
ferrous metals.
X1.5.2 Gray iron castings of the lower-strength Grades
G1800 and G2500 are characterized by excellent machinabil-
Table X1.5. Heavy-duty irons for such service require high
ity, high damping capacity, low modulus of elasticity, and
carbon contents for resistance to thermal shock and to mini-
comparative ease of manufacture. When higher strength is
mize heat checking. To maintain strength levels specified for
obtained by a reduction in the carbon or carbon equivalent,
Grades G3500b and G3500c normally requires alloying due to
castings are more difficult to machine, have lower damping
their high carbon contents.
capacity, higher modulus of elasticity, and may be more
X1.6.2 Microstructure
difficult to manufacture.
See Table 2 for microstructure requirements.
X1.6 Special Applications of Gray Iron X1.6.3 Suggested Usage
Following are suggested grades for brake drums and clutch
X1.6.1 Heavy-Duty Brake Drums and Clutch Plates
plates according to types of service:
Automotive brake drums and clutch plates for heavy-duty
Grade Suggested Usage
service are considered as special cases. Typical chemical G2500a Brake drums and clutch plates for moderate service require-
analyses and mechanical properties are listed in Table X1.2 and ments, where high carbon iron is desired to minimize heat
checking (see Section 8).
G3500b Brake drums and clutch plates for heavy-duty service where
TABLE X1.5 Typical Mechanical Properties both resistance to heat checking and higher strength are definite
requirements (see Section 8).
G3500c Extra-heavy-duty service brake drums (see Section 8).
Mechanical Grade Grade Grade
Properties G2500a G3500b G3500c
X1.7 Automotive Camshafts
Tensile strength, min: X1.7.1 Alloy gray iron automotive camshafts are also con-
psi 25 000 35 000 35 000
kgf/mm2 17.5 24.5 24.5 sidered as special cases. The chemical composition of such
Transverse strength, min: castings is usually within the range given in Table X1.3 but
lb 2000 2400 2400 may be modified by mutual agreement.
kg 910 1090 1090
Deflection, min: X1.7.2 In casting hardenable iron from camshafts, the aim is
in. 0.17 0.24 0.24 to obtain a suitable microstructure in critical locations of the
mm 4.3 6.1 6.1 casting and balance the composition to obtain response to
Hardness, HB 170–229 207–255 207–255
Brinell indention diameter, mm 4.6–4.0 4.2–3.8 4.2–3.8 induction or flame-hardening treatment. These depend not only
on the chemistry of the iron but even more on the cross section

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);
Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with NEIL TRIGWELL (BODYCOTE MATERIALS TESTING LTD); Mon May 8 06:36:31 EDT
A 159 – 83 (2001)
of the casting and details of melting practice. In making a given quirements for Grade G4000d alloy cast iron camshafts.
casting, it is recognized that the foundry will find it necessary
to adjust the chemistry to narrower limits within the range of X1.8 Additional Information
analysis in Table X1.3. X1.8.1 Additional information concerning gray iron cast-
X1.7.3 As the performance of an automotive camshaft is ings, their properties and uses can be obtained from the
determined by the microstructure and hardness, producers do following sources:
not normally use tensile or transverse tests for quality control (1) Metals Handbook, 8th Edition, Vols 1, 2, and 5, published
purposes. Camshaft iron with chemistry as given in Table X1.3 by the American Society for Metals, Metals Park, Ohio.
would be expected to have the following minimum mechanical (2) Cast Metals Handbook published by the American Found-
properties. rymen’s Society, Des Plaines, Ill.
Tensile strength, min: (3) Gray & Ductile Iron Castings Handbook (1971) published
psi 40 000 by Gray and Ductile Iron Founders Society, Cleveland,
kgf/mm2 28 Ohio.
Transverse strength, min:
lb 2600 (4) Physical and Engineering Properties of Cast Iron, Angus,
kg 1180 British Cast Iron Research Association (1960), Alve-
Deflection, min: church, Birmingham, England.
in. 0.27
mm 6.9 (5) Engineering Data on Gray Cast Irons, G. N. J. Gilbert
Hardness, HB 241–321 British Cast Iron Research Association (1968), Alve-
BID 3.9–3.4 church, Birmingham, England.
(6) Gray, Ductile and Malleable, Iron Castings Current Ca-
X1.7.4 Microstructure——See 9.5 for microstructure re- pabilities. ASTM STP 455, (1969).

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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with NEIL TRIGWELL (BODYCOTE MATERIALS TESTING LTD); Mon May 8 06:36:31 EDT

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