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Ultrasonic NDT

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Technology Under Rapid Development - Software 1993-2002

Inspection Personnel
Volume 1 of 12
Section 1 of 7


Extract from ‘A Handbook for Underwater Inspectors - HMSO

Technology Under Rapid Development - Software 1993-2002

In ultrasonic testing use is made of the basic physical property that

sound waves travel at known constant velocities through any sympathetic
medium. By measuring the time for a sound wave to travel through a
material it can be determined how far that wave has travelled. In this
way sound waves can be used to measure distances. Use can also be made
of the fact that sound waves are reflected at an interface between two
materials such as steel and air to detect defects.

In order to develop and make the best of these principles the basic
physical properties of sound should be understood.


Sound is a series of mechanical vibrations or pressure waves which

bring about a state of alternative compression and rarefaction, (or
dilation) of the molecules or particles in the material in which they
are propagated.

To convey sound such as speech or a ringing bell, medium is required

which possesses elastic properties, i.e. all solids, liquids and gases.
The pulses of sound can be described as discrete events within the
material following a waveform.

The higher the density, the lower the velocity.

The higher the strength or elasticity, the higher the velocity.

The velocity of sound is constant for any given medium although it

changes from medium to medium-


There are several different types of sound waves. The three principle
types are as follows:

Longitudinal or Compression Waves

Longitudinal waves like speech consist of alternate compression or

dilation of pressure waves and these vibrations move in the same
direction as the energy of propagation, (Figure 18).

The particle mechanism depends on the elastic interconnections, thus as

each particle moves from equilibrium, it pushes or pulls the adjacent
particle and transmits at the velocity of sound.

Transverse or Shear Waves

The particle vibrations are at right angles to the propagating source

and can only exist in materials possessing shear elasticity".

By virtue of its path, the velocity of shear waves is approximately

half of longitudinal velocity (.55); thus the wavelength is also

The shear wave motion can be compared to the whip-like action of a rope
attached to a wall (Figure 19).

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Surface (or Raleigh) Waves

These are similar to transverse waves but differ in that they do not
penetrate below the surface by more than one wavelength, and have a
velocity of 2% less than transverse waves.

The particle motions of surface waves are a combination of longitudinal

and transverse waves and thus follow a rolling or orbital particle
motion, (Figure 20).

Each material has a unique speed of sound for each type of sound wave
i.e. the velocity of sound (transverse) is approximately half the
velocity of sound (longitudinal) in the same material. Refer to table

Material Compression Shear

Velocity Velocity
Air 332 -
Aluminium 6,400 3,130
Brass (70-30) 4,372 2,100
Cast Iron 3,500 2,200
Copper 4,769 2,325
Gold 3,240 1,200
Iron 5,957 3,224
Lead 2,400 790
Oil 1,440 -
Perspex 2,740 1,320
Steel-mild 5,960 3,240
Steel- stainless 5,740 3,130
Water 1,480 -
Tungsten 5,174 2,880
Zinc 4,170 2,480
Zirconium 4,650 2,300

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Extract from ‘A Handbook for Underwater Inspectors - HMSO

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The size of disturbance of each molecule from its state of rest. The
greater the amplitude the louder the noise (Figure 21).

Wavelength (X)

The distance travelled by a sound wave in the time it takes the source
to produce one complete oscillation or cycle is termed the wavelength,
(Figure 21).

Velocity (V)

The speed or velocity, measured in metres per second (m/s) that a sound
wave travels through a medium is dependent on the elasticity and
density of that medium, i.e. the material's properties.

Frequency (f)

Frequency is measured in cycles per second or Hertz.

The more vibrations or oscillations each molecule makes in a set period

of time the higher the frequency, (Figure 22).

A high frequency sound is said to have a high pitch.

The wavelength (X), the frequency (f) and the velocity (V) are related
by the formula: v - fx where X - wavelength in metres. F - frequency in
cycles/second. V = velocity in metres/second.

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Extract from ‘A Handbook for Underwater Inspectors - HMSO

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When sound waves are emitted they spread out in all directions and
therefore their intensity reduces with distance travelled in accordance
with the Inverse Square Law. The strength of intensity is, however,
also reduced or attenuated by two other mechanisms; absorption and


A sound wave propagates by the vibration and collision of molecules.

Such molecular movements require energy and also give out energy in the
form of heat due to friction. This energy originates in the sound wave.
The sound wave is therefore weakened due to absorption of its energy by
the molecules of the medium it travels through.

Absorption decreases as sound frequency decreases.


Steel, and metals in general, have a grain structure. Grain boundaries

refract and reflect a small proportion of the incident sound wave and
so tend to scatter it. As a result, less of the sound beam continues in
the original direction.

Scatter decreases as sound frequency decreases.

Scatter decreases as grain size decreases.

Extract from ‘A Handbook for Underwater Inspectors - HMSO

Technology Under Rapid Development - Software 1993-2002


In ultrasonic testing sound waves are used with a frequency of 20 KHz

upwards. In testing metals a range of 1 MHz to 6 MHz is generally used.
To produce these high frequencies use is made of the Piezo-Electric


Certain crystalline substances change their shape slightly when an

electrical potential is applied across opposite surfaces of the
crystal, and conversely develop an electrical potential when they are
subjected to mechanical pressure or shock. This is known as the
Piezo-Electric Effect.

If an alternating voltage is applied to the crystal, then it will

expand and contract as the voltage changes. Although the expansions and
contractions will be of the same frequency as the alternating voltage,
each crystal has a natural or resonant frequency at which it tends to
vibrate most readily.

The resonant frequency of the crystal is directly related to its

thickness. If the crystal in Figure 24A was given a very short pulse of
voltage by closing and immediately re-opening the switch then it would
vibrate for a very short period at its resonant frequency before the
expansions and contractions died away.

If the crystal was to be given a sharp knock by mechanical means, then

it would also vibrate for a short period at its resonant frequency

Extract from ‘A Handbook for Underwater Inspectors - HMSO

Technology Under Rapid Development - Software 1993-2002

producing an alternating potential across its surfaces at the same


Such devices which convert electrical energy to mechanical energy or

vice-versa are termed transducers. In ultrasonic testing equipment the
transducer is incorporated in a device termed an ultrasonic probe. A
loudspeaker is another common transducer.

Piezo electric transducers can be manufactured from a number of

materials including quartz and ceramics. Common ceramics used in the
ultrasonic transducer are barium titanate and lead zirconate titanate.

The vibrating crystal is used to produce ultrasonic compression waves

within the probe.


The most common system used in ultrasonic thickness measurement and

ultrasonic flaw detection is the pulse-echo system. Here the
piezo-electric transducer is repeatedly excited for a short duration to
produce sound wave pulses. There is a delay of micro-seconds between
each pulse, (see Figure 25).

These sound wave pulses travel through the material under test until
they meet an interface or boundary, where they are reflected back. If
the sound hits the interface at right angles then the reflected sound
travels back to the probe as an echo. Echoes coming back to the probe
are reconverted into electrical signals and the time between
transmitting the pulse and receiving the echo is electronically

By calibrating the ultrasonic equipment for the speed of sound in the

test material the equipment is able to display the time taken for the
pulse-echo to travel through the material as a distance.

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Extract from ‘A Handbook for Underwater Inspectors - HMSO

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Compression Probes

The simplest form of compression wave probe is the single crystal

probe; this can act as the transmitter of ultrasonic waves and also as
the receiver, (Figure 26).

When using a single crystal probe and the pulse echo system, the probe
acts as both the transmitter and receiver by 'listening' for the echo
during the non-productive delay between emitting each pulse.

The twin crystal probe is basically the same as the single crystal
probe but uses one transducer for continually transmitting ultrasonic
waves and one for receiving, (Figure 27).

To prevent 'cross-talk' between the two crystals a cork insulator is

used to separate the probe into two, and the thickness of the perspex
shoe is increased- This has important side effects, which will be
discussed later.

In ultrasonic thickness measurement compression probes are generally

used. These will introduce ultrasound into the material at right angles
to the surface of the material. No refraction takes place at the first
surface and only compression waves enter the material. Thus
longitudinal or compression waves are used when normal (C) compression
probes are used for ultrasonic thickness measurement.

All crystals in probes emit compression waves. However, a probe can be

designed to operate in the sheer mode by having a wedged shaped frontal
member so that the probe directs compression waves at an angle to the
surface of the test part. The angle of incidence is such that only
shear waves enter the material. In general, the angle indicated on the
probe refers to the angle from the vertical (normal) in steel.

Extract from ‘A Handbook for Underwater Inspectors - HMSO

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Extract from ‘A Handbook for Underwater Inspectors - HMSO

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So that an ultrasonic beam can be used as method of defect assessment,

it will be necessary to produce a divergent beam in the material

The ultrasonic beam produced by the simplest round single crystal probe
is basically as shown in Figure 28.

The Dead Zone is a zone where it is not possible to detect defects. Due
to imperfect damping of the crystals some waves will interfere with the
returning waves. This problem can be overcome by using twin crystals,
one transmitting, one receiving. The higher the probe frequency the
shorter the Dead Zone.

The Near Field is an area of 'turbulence' and varying sound intensity.

Due to the effect of interference in the near field the signal height
from the same size of defect may increase when it is positioned further
away from the crystal. Similarly, small defects may be completely

In the Far Field the beam diverges and the signal height from the same
size of defect decreases in relation to the distance in accordance with
the inverse square law.

It is convenient to define the beam 'edge' as the point, across the

beam, where the intensity of sound has fallen to one half, or sometimes
one tenth of the intensity at the centre of the beam. Whenever possible
we use the Far Field in ultrasonic testing, the near field usually
being accommodated within the perspex shoe of the probe.

It can be seen from the formula, (Figure 28) that by increasing the
probe diameter or increasing the frequency (shorter wavelength), the
solid angle of the beam will decrease.

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The surface finish of the material to be tested is important. Surface

irregularities will cause deterioration in the coupling conditions
resulting in a reduction in sensitivity of the test, increased probe
wear, and increased difficulty in probe handling. This, In turn, will
make defect sizing and location more difficult. Loose paint, scale,
marine growth, etc. will also affect the quality of the test and,
therefore, should be removed.


The majority of ultrasonic testing equipment operates on the pulse echo

system, i.e. the time for a pulse of sound to travel through a
material, bounce off a reflector and then return to the transducer is


In the case of simplified equipment, such as the Seaprobe 200, the

electronic circuitry has been designed to measure the time of flight of
the pulse. This time is multiplied by the pre-set speed of sound in the
material and presented, in digital form. The result is precisely half
the distance travelled, (i.e. the thickness of the material), (Figure

In ultrasonic flaw detectors, such as the Krautkramer USW or the Baugh

and Weedon PA 1011 the same functions are carried out, but the results
are presented on a cathode ray tube (CRT). This type of presentation is
known as 'A' scan.

The horizontal distance along the time base of the CRT is calibrated in
terms of thickness and the pulse echo is presented as a vertical
deflection of the time base. The further the pulse travels through the
material the more the deflection of the time base moves to the right,
(Figure 30).

The signal obtained from the pulse travelling through the full
thickness of the material under test is referred to as the 'back wall
echo' (BWE).

The flaw detector is able to present more than one signal

simultaneously, (Figure 31).

Digital wall thickness units, however, are programmed to select only

the strongest signal and display that. This can sometimes cause
problems in this type of =it, particularly when several signals of
similar strength are obtained and which result in the instrument
'hunting', i.e. the numbers do not stabilise and instead change

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Extract from ‘A Handbook for Underwater Inspectors - HMSO

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The display of information can take several forms depending on the type
of flaw detector, but all units similar to the USM2 or PA 1011 use a
cathode ray tube as shown in Figure 32.

Electrons (-ve) are emitted from a heated cathode and are attracted
towards the highly +ve anode. The focus cylinder constricts the
electron flow into a narrow beam, which passes through the anode
cylinder to eventually hit the fluorescent screen causing a bright
green display.

The brightness of the display is controlled by the grid, which allows

more or less electrons to pass depending on how negatively it is
charged. The horizontal and vertical movements of the electron hem are
controlled by the X and Y plates respectively by applying potentials
across the plates. Changing the potential between the X plates, for
example, causes the electron beam to traverse the screen.

Figure 33 gives a general block diagram of an ultrasonic flaw detector.

The pulse generator sends a pulse to the probe and also triggers the
time-base generator. The time-base generator causes the electron beam
to cross the GET screen at the same rate as the ultrasonic pulse
emitted from the probe crosses the steel block and back. The initial
pulse appears at point 'a' on the GET, Figure 33.

The electrical signals from the receiver transducer are amplified, and
fed to the Y plates where they cause deflections in the electron beam.
In Figure 33 the signal from the flaw is represented at point 'b' and
the back wall echo is represented at point 'c' on the GET.

If the steel block was 25= thick and the speed of sound in steel is
approximately 6000m/sec, it would take the ultrasonic pulse
approximately 8 millionths of a second to traverse the block and the
time-base generator would cause the electron beam to traverse the
screen at the same rate. Obviously this is too rapid for the human eye
to register the information, so the whole process is repeated many
times a second at the pulse repetition frequency (PRF). Increasing the
PRF gives an apparently steady display. However, for thick specimens of
steel too high a PRE will result in pulses being transmitted before the
echoes from previous pulses have been received. Therefore the PRF is
adjusted to compensate for changes in range or depth of material being

Both the time-base generator and the amplifier must have truly linear
characteristics if the instrument is to be of any value as a flaw

Extract from ‘A Handbook for Underwater Inspectors - HMSO

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Varying the test range control affects the time-base generator so that
the spot traverses the screen at the correct speed. Setting the coarse
control to 5Ow, for example, ensures that the spot traverses the
screen's full width in the same time it takes for the ultrasonic pulse
to leave the probe transmitter, traverse 50= of steel and return an
echo to the probe receiver. The screen can now be considered as
equivalent to 50m of steel and any defect indications will be displayed
on the screen in their correct positional relationships.

The fine adjustment test range control allows the screen width to be
made equivalent to thickness of steel between the settings of the
coarse control, is. 10m, 50m, 250= and lm.

The pulse repetition frequency (PRF) is automatically adjusted to suit

the test range.

Pulse Delay (or Zero Shift. or Delay) Control (2)

Used in conjunction with the range control when calibrating the

instrument, this control allows the whole display to be moved sideways
across the screen without affecting the positional relationship of any
signals on the screen.

Twin crystal compression probes have a relatively thick perspex shoe,

and reflections of sound from within the shoe can cause deflections of
the spot to occur on the screen immediately after the initial
transmission pulse. Rotating the pulse delay control can move this part
of the display off the screen to the left so that other deflections on
the screen are not confused,

Focus Control (3)

This control ensures that the electron beam is focused to produce a

clear sharp image on the screen.

Operating Node Control (8)

This switch (particular to the KKUSM-2) allows the operator to select

different modes of operation and pulse energy levels.

Position 1 switches the set OFF.

Position 2 (00) is used when separate transmitter and receiver

transducers are to be used, either as two separate probes, or as a twin
crystal probe.

Position 3 (01) is used when a single crystal probe is used both as

transmitter and receiver in pulse echo mode.

Position 4 (02) is the same as Position 3 but provides a higher

transmitter power.

Suppression (or Reject) Control (9)

This control allows the whole CRT display to be reduced in amplitude.

It suppresses all deflections between the Y plates and is used to
remove unwanted noise or grass" at the bottom of the screen. It should,
however, be used with discretion, as it will reduce defect signals and
affects the linearity of the screen. This control should not be used
when defect sizing.

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Technology Under Rapid Development - Software 1993-2002
Gain (or Calibrated Gain. or Attenuator. or Sensitivity) Control (10
and 11)

This control amplifies (or if rotated in the opposite direction,

attenuates) the incoming echo signal before it reaches the CRT Y
plates. Whereas the suppression control reduces or increases all the
deflections of the spot on the screen equally, the gain control alters
only the echo signals received by the probe, and reduces or increases
these signals by precise fractions or multiples of the amplitude of the
pure signal.

The gain control is calibrated in decibels (dB).

The coarse gain control provides two steps of 20 dB to allow p to 40 dB


The fine gain control provides twenty steps in 2 dB increments to allow

up to 40 dB controls.

The coarse and fine gain controls together provide up to 80 dB gain

control in 2 dB increments.

The gain control facilitates defect sizing, either for small defects by
comparing signal heights with those signals obtained from artificial
defect reference blocks, or in the case of large defects, it is used to
assist in plotting the defect's extremities.

Extract from ‘A Handbook for Underwater Inspectors - HMSO

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Extract from ‘A Handbook for Underwater Inspectors - HMSO

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Extract from ‘A Handbook for Underwater Inspectors - HMSO

Technology Under Rapid Development - Software 1993-2002

The horizontal and vertical scales on a flaw detector display are only
quantitative when they have been calibrated. The horizontal scale, more
commonly known as the timeless, can be calibrated to give depth values
for different materials and sound velocities. The vertical or amplitude
scale can be calibrated to give information on defect size. The method
normally employed to obtain quantitative information about a test piece
is to compare the screen signals with those from specially machined
blocks. These blocks are classified under two headings: -

Calibration Blocks

These are produced from material, of specified composition, and heat

treatment and are machined to specified shape and surface finish. The
calibration block may be a simple step wedge to allow the time base to
be calibrated for accurate thickness measurement, or it may be the more
complex 'M" International Institute of Welding Calibration Block which
allows for calibration of time base, plus determination of probe

Reference Blocks

These are produced from the same material and to the same geometric
form as the object to be inspected. Typically a reference block is made
up so the ultrasonic operators can gain familiarity with sectional
changes and the standard display patterns so formed. The reference
block may also contain artificial defects from which the gain to be
used in the actual inspection can be determined.


Three of the most widely sad calibration blocks are: -

(a) The International Institute of Welding 11V1" Bloc (Figure


The block is machined from steel but has a perspex insert at one end.
Because the velocity of sound is less in perspex, the time taken for an
ultrasonic pulse to travel through the Insert is greater than for the
same thickness of teal. The Perspex insert is machined to such a
thickness that the pulse travel rim, is the awe as for 50= of steel.
The insert can therefore be used as a 50= steel calibration block.

The "VP' block can be used for each of the following assessments: -

a Calibration of the time base in terms of thickness.

b Assessment of the dead zone.
c Checking linearity of time base.
d Checking linearity of the amplifier's gain.
e Assessing overall sensitivity of probe and amplifier.
f Checking resolution.
g Determination of beam characteristics.
h 11V2- Bloc (Figure 36)

This is a more compact form of the "VI' block, suitable for site use,
although somewhat less versatile in its functions.

i Institute of Welding (IOW) Beam Profile Calibration Bloc

(Figure 37)

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Technology Under Rapid Development - Software 1993-2002

The IOW block is designed primarily for hem profile measurement. Beam
profile is the variation in intensity of the ultrasonic beam for
various beam lengths.

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Extract from ‘A Handbook for Underwater Inspectors - HMSO

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If the time base (x-axis) and amplifier gain (y-axis) are not linear,
the A-scan display will be distorted and accurate positioning and
sizing of defects will not be possible.

Unless the instrument can be recalibrated before use, the degree of

non-linearity must be ascertained and recorded, usually as a plot, so
that accurate readings can be derived. This procedure is not always
permitted by some clients, who insist upon the use of instruments
accurate within a specified percentage. Calibration figures and
correction curves used must always be recorded in the inspection data.

Linearity is checked against manufactured defects of known sizes,

normally drilled holes in a calibration block. Multiples of depths
should be displayed as consistent multiples of increments on the
x-axis. Manipulation of the gain control should result in consistent
increases or decreases of display height per unit of gain. Calibration
tests must be repeatable before and after actual use of the equipment
or results may be nullified. A typical procedure for calibrating the
time base linearity using a V1 block is as follows:

1. Connect suitable compression probe to panel and select single probe

or double probe position.

2. Switch unit on and allow warming up for a few minutes -ensure battery
is charged.

3. Set Gain to mid-position, range to suit test block, reject

(suppression) to off,

4. Apply couplant to side of V1 block and apply probe. Observe signal on


5. Adjust amplitude of traces with Gain Controls so that the let back
wall echo (BWE) is set to full screen height (FSH).

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Ultrasonic test indications fro, subsurface discontinuities within the

test specimen are usually related or compared to those from standard
test blocks having flat-bottomed holes of varying depths or diameters.
These comparisons are fairly accurate for evaluating the size, shape,
position, orientation and impedance of discontinuities. Test conditions
used in the field, and the discontinuities themselves, are sometimes
the cause of ultrasonic phenomena, which are difficult to interpret.
This difficulty may be resolved by experience in relating the
ultrasonic signals to the probable type of discontinuity with reference
to the test conditions. The experienced operator also learns to
discriminate between the indications from actual defects and those of
no interest, which are called false or irrelevant indications.

The shape of the defect, the orientation, the contents and even the
surface finish of the work piece, itself all combine to alter the
amount of reflection. So in fact, if the discontinuity happened to be a
large irregularly shaped and diagonally located slag filled cavity, it
might only give the same amount of reflected energy as a smooth,
flat-bottomed hole reflector.

Only wall thickness, internal corrosion and lamination defects can be

detected with A-scan using compression probes.


The probe surface requires to be applied directly against the metal

surface. Local cleaning must, therefore, precede measurement. Cleaning
should remove gross fouling and scale to leave clean bare metal. A poor
surface will substantially degrade the results. If satisfactory
readings cannot be obtained on heavily corroded or pitted surfaces it
may be necessary (dependant on approval) to dress the surface by light


Single and Twin Crystal Probes

Twin crystal probes use separate crystals for transmitting and

receiving and have thicker perspex, shoes, so they do not have a dead
zone in the material under test. This means that they are able to test
for defects closer to the surface than single crystal probes. The
thicker shoe, however, reduces the intensity of the ultrasonic pulse
and hence limits the effective working range. Because of this, twin
crystal probes are cite, 'focused' and have an optimum working range.

Single crystal probes have greater penetrating power and are more
suitable for testing thick sections.

Underwater we tend to work on thin wall sections and, therefore,

generally use twin crystal compression probes.

The higher the frequency the greater the attenuation by absorption and
scatter, therefore, when working on coarse grain structures which cause
high attenuation a lower frequency probe is selected.

Lowering the frequency has the effect of increasing the beam angle. To
overcome this we can increase the crystal diameter.
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Generally when testing steels of relatively thin section attenuation is

not a problem. We then use higher frequencies, which produce a narrow,
well defined beam. These higher frequencies correspond to shorter
wavelengths and result in shorter pulse lengths which provide a greater
ability to resolve small defects and defects close together. In
practice, defects with diameters of less than half a wavelength cannot
be detected.

A probe with good resolution will be able to detect small defects and
will be able to resolve defects which are close together, see, for
example, the defects in the I.O.W. block (Figure 37).


The oldest method of determining the size of a reflector ultrasonically

is by scanning it using the sound field of the probe. By 'wandering
around' the reflector, its contours can be estimated.

If this method is used on large flat reflectors (plate tests) then the
echo indication, as compared to the maxim= indication, decreases by
exactly 6 dB if half of the sound beam strikes the reflector and half
of it passes by. If, by moving the probe, one looks for the 6 dB
drop-off point then the axis of the beam points directly to the edge of
the reflector (half-value method).

The procedure is as follows: -

1. Calibrate as required.

2. Obtain maxim= signal from defect with probe.

3. Using gain control set signal at 100% FSH.

4. Using gain control to reduce signal height by 6 dB and mark screen

with wax pencil at top of signal.

5. Reset signal by increasing gain 6 dB.

6. Move probe towards edge of defect and stop when last significant echo
is reached. This is where the ripple effect ceases and the signal
starts to reduce in height. Recheck that signal is still at 100% then
continue moving probe till the signal has fallen to the original 50%

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1. Ensure that surface to be inspected is clean and suitably prepared.

Mark up grid if required.

2. Ascertain expected wall thickness and steel type if possible.

3. Select probe to suit job in hand, typically twin crystal, 5MHz, 15~

4. Calibrate unit for range of steel thickness to be tested and check

that time base is linear.

5. Apply probe to work piece and manipulate until initial BWE is at

full scale height. Ensure that the EWE is not from a defect within
the steel.

6. Manipulate probe, over the surface interpreting signals,

7. Suspected defects to he plotted using 6 dB or 20 dB method as


8. Photograph marked area and take dimensions for report.

9. On surface, cheek that instrument and probe are still functioning

properly and that they are, undamaged. Wash down with fresh water,
and put on charge.


Digital instruments are designed to convert the time of flight of an

ultrasonic pulse through to the back wall of the pier, material and its
return into a direct statement of thickness.

Underwater equipment consists of self-contained re-chargeable one-piece

units. These units have an integral pressurere resisting body, a probe
facing at one end and a digital read-out at the other. The common units
are the Baugh and Weedon Seaprobe 200, the Krautkramer DMU and the
Cygnus 1 Ultrasonic Gauge. They are quick and simple to use. The major
advantage of the Cygnus 1 unit is that it can be used over coated steel
(it internally subtracts the thickness of coating) and so no cleaning
to bare metal is necessary. The meters are normally pre-calibrated for
steel. No adjustment is possible on-site for the Seaprobe 200 other
than by calculation.

The stated accuracy of the Seaprobe 200 is +0.2= over the useable range
S= to 99.9mm. Recharging requires approximately 14-16 hrs and the
useable life is approximately 8 hrs, equivalent to approximately 2000
readings- it is normal practice to check the probe against a test block
having stepped thickness prior to, during and after use.


Type of Report

The order and format of the report is usually defined by the Client.
For example, in a very basic report the requirement might be for all
the graphics plus a brief report or simply graphics with an

Extract from ‘A Handbook for Underwater Inspectors - HMSO

Technology Under Rapid Development - Software 1993-2002

Should the format not be set, presentation should be logical, clear and
accurate, using the best method available to convey information.

Essential Content

The following information must be included in every report to ensure

completeness: -

a Subject(s) of test, location.

b Date, time, conditions (if relevant).
c For whom test performed, tester, dive number.
d Equipment used, calibration/allowance characteristics.
e Marking methods.
f Approach, number of passes.
g Results obtained, sizing, magnitudes.
h Rechecks.
i Recording methods, supporting information.
j Recommendations for further testing, if any.
k Engineer's recommendations, if required.

Reporting Methods

Reports come in both written and graphic form.

Written reports must be intelligible without being to, long and should
not require illustration, to clarify the text.

Graphics should be completely self explanatory, without separate text,

and any scale or exaggeration used must be clearly defined.

Both methods are combined as appropriate. At all times during the

inspection a concise and accurate narrative should be cond


Health and Safety

The W scan units may present a number of potential sources of hazard,

in particular: -

The battery contains alkaline materials and when charged also contains
considerable stored energy. Under failure conditions, the stored energy
may cause fire and/or the expulsion of caustic material.

If a battery is overcharged hydrogen may be produced which could ignite

and cause explosion.

The cathode ray tube, if damaged in any way, may implode. The main
hazard is from flying fragments.

High voltages are generated within the unit, and particular attention
must be paid to electric shock hazard if covers are removed. User, are
warned that parts of the equipment may retain electric charges for a
considerable period after the units have been switched off.

Extract from ‘A Handbook for Underwater Inspectors - HMSO

Technology Under Rapid Development - Software 1993-2002
Care and Maintenance

Many operational difficulties can be avoided by regular observance of

simple routine procedures: -

a Ensure that all controls, plug, and sockets are kept free of
foreign material.

b Calibrate for anticipated work and check that the time base is

C Ensure that transducer leads are kept in good condition.

d Never operate damaged equipment.

e Thoroughly wash the subsea housing in fresh water

after every dive.

Extract from ‘A Handbook for Underwater Inspectors - HMSO

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