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COSMETOLOGY • Kinds of Make Up

1. Day make-up – work, church, ordianry event

• Matrix – contains nerves 2. Evening make-up – heavy/dramatic, party,

• Cuticle – overlapping skin around nail
3. Photographic make-up – wedding, pictorial
• Mantle – deep fold or skin at the base of nail
4. Theatrical/Fantasy make-up – disguise,
• Nail Wall – skin on sides of nail
theater play
• Eponychium – thin line at base of nail
5. Corrective make-up – achieve balance
• Nail bed – beneath nail
– Highlighting
• Lunula – half moon shape
– Shadowing/Shading
• Nail grooves – slit or track in nail bed
6. Implement and Supplies
– EYE: Eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara and
• Remove old polish eyebrow brush

• Shape nails – FACE: Foundation brush, concealer brush,

powder brush and blusher brush
• Soften cuticle
– LIP: Lip brush
• Dry fingertips
7. Cosmetics
• Apply cuticle remover
– Foundation
• Loosen cuticle
– Powder
• Trim cuticle
• Clean under free edge
1. Induces relaxation – even tempo or rhythm
• Apply hand and arm massage
2. Oily skin and blackheads – caused by
• Remove traces of oil hardened mass sebum
• Apply base coat 3. Whiteheads (Milia) – common skin disorder
• Apply colored polish 4. Acne – disorder of sebaceous gland
• Apply top coat 5. Packs and mask – normal and oily skin
• Apply instant nail dry 6. Hot oil mask facial – dry, scaly skin, and skin
inclined to wrinkle

Plain Facial

• Prepare tools and patron

• Give plain facial

• Apply beaten egg white 7. Parting - subsection Section – division of hair
before cutting
• Let application stay for 3 – 5 minutes and
remove it with hot towel 8. Tension – how tightly hair is pulled

• Apply skin lotion and makeup 9. Undercutting – held in forward position

Facial Treatment 10. Weight lien – ends of hair hang together

• Cleansing cream • Hair style

• Massage cream 1. Chignon – traditional

• Treatment mask 2. Petal blossom – pageant

• Moisturizer 3. Laced up and Elegant – wedding

• Study of hair – trichology 4. French twist – casual

• Hair comes in variety of colors, shapes and BLESSING NOTES

• foundation serves as make-up base – cream
• Hair is distributed all over the body, except
• best shear to use for thinning bulky hair –
palms of hands, soles of feet, lips and eyelids
thinning shear
• Types of hair:
• process of thinning, tapering and shortening –
• Long hair hair cutting

• Short hair and • color to the cheeks – Rogue (also called blush)

• Vellus hair (lanugo) • To correct misshaped eyebrows – eyebrow

• Color of hair
• makes eyelashes wavy – curl lash
1. Natural color depends mainly on heredity
• makes small eyes appear bigger, adding lines
2. Albino – person born with white hair
on the eyelids
3. Gray hair – absence of color pigment, result
• emery board is used to shape – free edge
of natural aging process
• orange wood stick is used to – remove excess
• Hair cutting
nail polish around the nails
1. Beveled – 90 degrees
• ability of the hair to absorb moisture – hair
2. Blunt – cutting straight across the strand porosity

3. Elevation – hair is held away from head • Foot cosmetics with tiny particles – foot scrub

4. Graduated – wedge • best way of shaping the eyebrow with the use
of shave – Depilation
5. Guide – determines length of hair
• heavy make-up – evening affair
6. Layering – achieve by cutting with elevation
• first cosmetic applied on nail – base coat
• dividing the hair – Sectioning • correct way to use cuticle nail file, The dull
spade side is used to push back and loosen the
• darker shade of eye color – Lighter
• lips are broad – use lip liner at the outer
• nail to grow out straight – square nail
portions of the lips
• massage applied before – base coat
• nail is composed – Keratin
• last step in manicuring/pedicuring – apply top
• Customer A is complaining, Ask for an
apology, maintain professionalism and ask what
she wants. • imaginative and artistic process – nail art

• first thing the pedicurist should do, Ask the • Expert – nail technician
customer what she wants for her toenails like
• Protein in nail – Keratin
the shape, color, etc.
• Nail extenders – artificial nail
• NOT desirable quality for effective client
relation, discussing personal life • Decorative / painting – nail tatoo
• statement is NOT true, Salon owners and • statement is CORRECT, Adult fingernails grow
managers do not consider appearance, at an average rate of 1/8 inch a month
personality and poise to be as important as
technical knowledge and manual skills. • technical term of nail – Onyx

• guidelines for good human relations and • Nail diseases – Onychosis

professional attitude, EXCEPT one, Make a good • Study of nail – Onychology
impression by wearing obtrusive jewelry to look
at your best. • hand-held tools used in manicure –
• public teacher – Business attire
• light, continuous stroking movement –
• make-up of public teacher – Light make-up effleurage
• a neatly finished up style – Chignon • Massage with pressure – petrissage
• Long hair – Laced-up and Elegant • Continuous stroke that create heat – friction
• makeup in wedding – Photographic • not good to apply massage when a person,
• short nails – Round nail high blood pressure and heart condition

• implements – cuticle pusher, nail brush, • shaping the nails, what comes first, Discuss
cuticle nipper, nail file and orange wood stick with the client the nail shape best suited for
him/her. File the nails at the left hand starting
• cosmetics – top coat, base coat, assorted with the little finger and working towards the
colored polish and cuticle remover thumb.
• equipment – manicure pillow, chair, and • exposed to the sunlight – SPF lotion
finger bowl
• drinks can take to hydrate – plain water

• color testing of a foundation – jawline

• aids in maintaining face – face cleansers • holds the shears at an angle to the hair strand
other than 90 degrees – beveled cut
• moisturize the face – face cream
• safety measures in haircutting is NOT true, Cut
• first step in giving facial – apply cleansing
past the second knuckle when cutting on the
inside of the hand
• NOT a concern in analyzing the client's skin –
• partially wet and partially dry – Uneven
shape of the face
• texturizing performed most effectively, On dry
• NOT beneficial for facial treatments –
hair styled the way it will typically be worn
weakening muscle tissue
• myths about hair growth, EXCEPT, Normal,
• common skin disorder - whiteheads
healthy hair grows and sheds each follicle
• recommended for dry, scaly skin, or skin that repeatedly cycles through three stages
is inclined to wrinkles – hot oil mask facial
• graduated effect – taped haircutting
• role of the cosmetologist, Work closely with
• art of creating curls or weaving – Hair setting
the client's physician to carry out instructions as
to the kind and frequency of facial treatments. • to increase the circulation of the blood to the
scalp – Scalp manipulation
• treatment for acne, EXCEPT – Apply
moisturizer • remove tangles before hairstyling – Nape of
the neck
• used to set the foundation – powder
• strands of hair an average person shed per
• backdrop for entire make-up – foundation
day – 40-100
• highlight is produced when, a lighter shade
• Hair is distributed all over the body, EXCEPT –
than the original one is applied to a particular
Soles of the feet
part of the face
• Assessing personal need of client –
• in giving facial manipulations to induce
relaxation – tempo
• Manicure – hands and fingernails
• has some obvious abrasions on her scalp –
Advise the client of her scalp condition and • Ideal nail contour – Oval shaped
reschedule her appointment
• Fits most fingers and toes – almond shape
• cause of gray hairs at this early age – has
• Lies underneath most of nail – nail bed
defects in pigment formation occurring at birth
• Half moon like – lunula
• arranging the hair with attractive shapes and
styles – Hairstyling • First step in manicure/pedicure – cleaning
• Who is an albino, an absence of coloring • Loosen cuticle – push in one direction
matter in the hair shaft, which is accompanied
by no marked of pigment coloring in the skin or • Use to loosen cuticle – cuticle pusher
irises of the eyes • Functions of top coat – protect enamel from
• Small nail – round shape I. Curl lash

• Do not shake bottle – air bubbles II. Eyeliner

• Prevent multiplication of micro-organism – III. Eye shadow

IV. Mascara
• Ordinary occasions, work or going church –
a. I, II, III, IV
day make-up / light make-up
b. II, III, IV, I
• Facial with normal skin – about a month /
once a month c. III, II, I, IV
• Oily skin type – skin toner d. IV, I, II, III
• Hair structure above the skin – hair shaft • If you are going to start a home service as a
manicurist/pedicurist and your parents give you
• Hair structure beneath the skin surface – hair
root ₱500.00 to start with, which equipment,
implements, cosmetics and materials should
• Haircut by analyzing – face shape
you buy
• Effective client relationship – good manners
and emotional balance
I. Nail cutter, nail pusher, cuticle nipper,
• Long and casual hairstyle – rollers with large
assorted nail polish, base coat, and top coat
II. Solvent, lotion, cuticle oil, and nail art designs
• Cutting straight across without thinning –
layered cut III. Tray basket, emery board, orangewood stick,
nail brush, nail file, and nail polish remover
• Tweeze eyebrow – upward
IV. Finger bowl, manicure pillows, hand towel,
• Tools and equipment be sanitized – before
antiseptic solution, and nail buffer
a. I only
• Commercial hot-oil treatment
b. I and II
1. Apply hot oil product
c. I and III
2. Cover with plastic cap for 15-20 mins
d. I and IV
3. Give scalp massage
• Arrange steps in cleaning the nails:
4. Rinse hair
I. Apply cuticle remover
5. Shampoo hair
II. Cut & file nails
Answer – 1,3,2,5,4
III. Push cuticle

IV. Trim cuticle

• Arrange the following cosmetics in their order
of use in applying make-up? a. I, III, II, IV
b. II, I, III, IV

c. III, I, IV, II

d. I, III, IV, I

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