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Which of the following terms describes how people differ on attributes such as age, race, ethnicity, gender,
physical ability and sexual orientation?

a. Inclusion

b. Multiculturalism

c. Team building

d. Workforce diversity

Which of the following refers ability to understand emotions in ourselves and others and to use that
understanding to manage relationships effectively?

a. Attitude

b. Effect

c. Emotional intelligence

d. Mood

Which of the following describes the value attached by the individual to various work outcomes?

a. Expectancy

b. Instrumentality

c. Motivation

d. Valence

Which of the following refers the extent to which a person feels able to control his or her own life?

a. Emotional control

b. Locus of control

c. Personal control

d. Social control

Which of the following is a pay system that links pay and performance by giving the workers the opportunity to
share in productivity gains through increased earnings?

a. Gain sharing

b. Performance pay

c. Sanctioned pay

d. Skill based pay

Which of the following refers as understanding our emotions and their impact on ourselves and others?

a. Self-awareness

b. Self-management

c. Social-awareness

d. Relationship management

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What is the purpose of alternative work arrangements?

a. Keep more busy in work life and family life

b. Make work life hard and family life easy

c. No relation with work life and family life

d. Provide work life balance and more family friendly employer

Which of the following terms refers to the emotions and moods that people experience in their life context?

a. Affect

b. Attitude

c. Effect

d. Emotional intelligence

What of the following refers to Invisible barrier that prevents women and minorities
from rising above a certain level?

a. Glass ceiling effect

b. Hard ceiling effect

c. Soft ceiling effect

d. Stop ceiling effect

Which of the following refers to the process by which people select, organize, interpret, retrieve,
and respond to information?

a. Attribution

b. Motivation

c. Perception

d. Projection

Which of the following traits relates to how much an individual experiences

emotional distress or displays unacceptable acts?

a. Emotional adjustment trait

b. Emotional empathy trait

c. Social empathy trait

d. Social intelligence trait

Which of the following personality dimensions consider as being outgoing, sociable, assertive?

a. Agreeableness

b. Conscientiousness

c. Emotional stability

d. Extraversion

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Which of the following refers to the process of developing, negotiating, and formalizing the targets or objectives
that a person is responsible for accomplishing?

a. Equity restoration

b. Expectancy

c. Felt positive inequity

d. Goal setting

Which one of the following traits reflect the way a person appears to others when interacting in various
community settings?

a. Capital Traits

b. Deep Level Traits

c. Informal Traits

d. Social Traits

Which of the following statement is related to “Pay for Performance”?

a. When pay is good it can help organizations attract and retain highly capable workers

b. When pay is good it encourages organizations to fire highly capable workers

c. When pay is low it encourages organizations to hire large number of workers

d. When pay is low it encourages workers to work hard

What does social learning theory explain?

a. How knowledge build

b. How learning takes place

c. How social relations build

d. How theories built

Which of the following occurs when one attribute of a person or situation is used to develop an overall
impression of that individual or situation?

a. Contrast error

b. Halo effect

c. Projection error

d. Statutory effect

Which of the following personality approaches situations logically and thoughtfully and evencapable of lying to
achieve personal goals?

a. Persons with high Machiavellian personality

b. Persons with Low Machiavellian personality

c. Person with high self-monitoring personality

d. Person with Low self-monitoring personality

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Which of the following is an ability to turn knowledge into action that results in a desired performance?

a. Controlling

b. Leading

c. Managing

d. Skills

Which of the following type of schemas sort people into categories-types or groups, in terms of similar perceived

a. Person schema

b. Person in situation schema

c. Script schema

d. Self-schema

Which of the following type of management uses hard facts and empirical evidence to makedecisions?

a. Behavioral management

b. Evidence based management

c. Human resource management

d. Team management

Which of the following exists when an individual believes that he or she has received relatively less than others
in proportion to work efforts?

a. Felt negative inequity

b. Felt positive inequity

c. Over reward inequity

d. Procedural justice

Which of the following is one of the purposes of performance management?

a. Evaluation

b. Evolvement

c. Examination

d. Exploration

Which of the following terms refers as strong positive or negative feelings directed toward someone or something?

a. Attitude

b. Emotions

c. Mood

d. Self awareness

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Which of the following leadership involves a focus on exchanging valued goods in return for something leaders want?

a. Management leadership

b. Technical leadership

c. Transactional leadership

d. Transformational leadership

Which of the following involves anticipating risks and factoring them into decision making?

a. Behavior decision

b. Classical decision

c. Risk management

d. Satisficing decision

Which of the following is a personal creativity driver?

a. Creative membership

b. Decision techniques

c. External

d. . Task expertise

When the actions people take to assert their identity as a leader or follower is called?

a. Claiming

b. Ciranting

c. Identity

d. Process

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Which of the following are standardized and recurring activities used at special times to influence the behaviors and understanding
of organizational members?

a. Rites

b. Rituals

c. Saga

d. Stories

Which of the following defines team leader receives input from other people and then, based on this information,

makes a decision?

a. Authority decision
b. Bias decision

c. consultative decision
d. Team decision

Which of the following explains when decision maker faces two or more ethically uncomfortable

a. Ethical alternative

b. Ethical decision

e. Moral dilemma

d. Recognition

Which of the following theories defines any perceived inequity becomes a motivating state of mind?

a. Equity theory

b. Social identity theory

c. Social justice theory

d. Social learning theory

Which of the following theory developed to understand the psychological basis of discrimination?

a. Social awareness theory

b. social identity theory

c. Social intelligence theory

d. Social learning theory

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Which of the following terms defines a lack of autonomy and participation?

a. Dependence

b. Inducement

c. Powerfulness

d. Powerlessness

Which of the following terms defines groups whose patterns of values and philosophies outwardly reject those
of the larger organization?

a. Counter culture

b. Observable culture

c. Shared values

d. Subculture

Which of the following defines a range between one party’s minimum reservation point and theother party’s maximum
reservation point?

a. Bargaining zone

b. Distributive negotiation

c. Integrative negotiation

d. Effective negotiation

Which of the following is a benefit of functional conflict?

a. Can decrease performance and job satisfaction

b. Hurts group cohesion

c. Promotes interpersonal hostilities

d. Provides opportunities for creativity

Which of the following involves learning continuously from day-to-day experiences?

a. Cross cultural learning

b. Lifelong learning

c. Quest for evidence

d. Social learning

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Which of the following problem approaches that flexible and spontaneous ?

a. Heuristics thinking

b. Intuitive thinking

c. Judgmental thinking

d. Systematic thinking

Which of the following defines unproven and often unstated beliefs that are accepted uncritically?

a. Organizational believe

b. Organizational culture

c. Organizational myths

d. Organizational truth

Which of the following refers to a characteristic of servant leadership?

a. Leaders focus on alignment and control

b. Leaders focus on innovation, adaptability, and change

c. Leaders focus on inspirational relationships

d. leaders selflessly serve other first

Which of the following terms defines knowledge, skills and intellectual assets employees bring to the workplace?

a. Human capital

b. Personal power

c. Position power

d. Social capital

Which of the following is a common stereotype? ’

a. Authority

b. Gender

c. Individual

d. Power

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Which of the following is a danger of charismatic leadership?

a. Power distance

b. Power distribution

c. Power orientation

d. Power wielders

When manager use subordinates’ internalized values or beliefs that the boss has a right of command, is called ?

a. Coercive power

b. Hierarchical thinking

c. Legitimate power

d. Personal power

Which of the following terms defines shared perceptions about the political nature of the organization?

a. Organizational climate

b. Political climate

b. Social climate

c. Work climate

Which of the following describes tendency to attribute organizational outcomes (both good and bad)to the acts and doing of leaders?

a. Constructive follower orientation

b. Follower role orientation

c. Power distance orientation

d. Romance of leadership

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Which of the following leadership is exerted by persons appointed or elected to positions formal authority?

a. Downward leadership

b. formal leadership

c. Informal leadership

d. Upward leadership

Which of the following layers of cultural analysis shows the way things are done in an organization?

a. Multi culture

b. National culture

c. Observable culture

d. Shared values

Which of the following refers to any object, act, or event that serves to transmit cultural meaning?

a. Cultural roles

b. Cultural niles

c. Cultural symbols

d. Organizational myths

Which of the following defines spillover effects of one’s emotions and mood onto others?

a. Emotion and mood contagion

b. Emotional dissonance

c. Emotional Intelligence

d. Emotional labor

Which of the following creates management and organizational practices that would increase people’s efficiency at work?

a. Job enlargement

b. Job rotation

c. Job simplification

d. Scientific management

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Which of the following is the higher order need in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

a. Esteem

b. Physiological

c. Safety

d. Social

Which of the following leadership fuels innovation, adaptability, and change?

a. Adaptive leadership

b. Administrative leadership

c. Entrepreneurial leadership

d. Ethical leadership

Which of the following describes leadership is a dynamic, interactive influence process among team members
working to achieve goals?

a. Co leadership

b. Distributed leadership

c. Norm of reciprocity

d. Shared leadership

Which of the following emotions arise from external sources (pity, envy, jealousy) and information?

a. Emotional intelligence

b. Moods

c. Self emotion

d. Social emotions

Which of the following states that organizations should create economic value in a way that also creates value for society?

a. Emergence

b. Ethical climate

c. Profit motive

d. Shared value

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Which of the following defines situation which the underlying reasons for a given destructive conflict are eliminated?

a. Conflict antecedents

b. Conflict resolution

c. Culture and conflict

d. Functional conflict

Which of the following defines reward people for acquiring and developing job relevant skills?

a. Cain sharing

b. Profit sharing plan

c. Skill based pay

d. Stock options

What does organizational culture refer as in the business setting?

a. Corporate culture

b. External adaptation

c. Management

d. Working culture

Which of the following refers to pluralism and respect for diversity at the workplace in an organization?

a. Inclusion

b. Multiculturalism

c. Organization climate

d. Valuing diversity

Which of the following refers to the process of controlling behavior by manipulating its consequences?

a. Classical conditioning

b. Operant conditioning

c. Reinforcement conditioning

d. Stimulus conditioning

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Which of the following refers to a person who sees the world as a threatening place and to regard
authority as absolute?

a. Authoritarianism

b. Dogmatism

c. Machiavellian

d. Self-Monitoring

When an individual involves in a more passive form of non-compliance in which she/he ignore ordismiss the request of the
influencing agent is called?

a. Constructive resistance

b. Dysfunctional resistance

c. formal systems

d. informal systems

Which of the following is correct about organizational behavior?

a. Study of human behavior in economic exchange

b. Study of human behavior in organization

c. Study of human behavior in present and past

d. Study of human behavior in society

Which of the following decisions made as standardized response to recurring situation and routine problem?

a. Crisis decision

b. Non-programmed decision

c. Programmed decision

d. Uncertainty

Which of the following terms also named as dysfunctional conflict?

a. Constructive conflict

b. Destructive conflict

c. Functional conflict

d. interorganizational conflict

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Which of the following defines process of making joint decisions when the parties involved have different preferences?

a. Negotiation

b. Relationship goals

c. Substance goals

d. Win-Win conflict

Which of the following views see leadership as the acts of great leaders who inspire and motivateothers to accomplish extraordinary

a. Cultural views

b. Heroic views

c. Perspective views

d. Standard views

Which of the following refers to the assignment of one’s personal attributes to other individuals?

a. Contrast effect

b. Halo effect

c. Projection

d. Selective perception

Which of the following is the capacity or willingness to follow a leader?

a. Followership

b. Identity construction

c. Implicit leadership

d. Romance of leadership

Which of the following defines extent to which an individual is dedicated to a job?

a. Emotional commitment

b. Employee engagement

C. Job involvement

d. Job satisfaction

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