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2 Act 1

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Organizational Behavior is the

Select one:
a. Action of the organization as a whole
b. Actions of individuals in a group context
c. Actions of individuals and groups in an organizational context
d. Actions of organization in handling individuals in the organization
In Managing Organizational Behavior, actions are focused on:
Select one:
a. teaching, developing, and applying the knowledge and skills of people
b. acquiring the knowledgeable and skilled people
c. acquiring and copying the knowledge and skills of people
d. acquiring, developing, and applying the knowledge and skills of people

Human Capital is the sum of all of the following except

Select one:
a. General attributes
b. Skills
c. Knowledge
d. Net worth
The following are the factors to human capital as a source of competitive advantage except:

Select one:
a. Imitability
b. Rareness
c. Skill
d. Value
The following are main factors to determine the behavior and value of a person in an organization
Select one:
a. Departmental
b. Interpersonal
c. Organizational
d. Individual
In a Strategic OB Approach, what is the foundation of a company’s competitive advantage?
Select one:
a. Promotion
b. People
c. Price
d. Product
Incentive Compensation provides compensation on the basis of the following except:
Select one:
a. Individual Performance
b. Team Performance
c. Tenure
d. Business Performance
Selective hiring involves hiring people using the following criteria:
Select one:
a. Experience, fit with culture, fit with mission
b. Experience, expertise, fit with culture
c. Skill and tenure in previous company
d. Skill, fit with culture, fit with mission
Decision power in High Involvement Management is given to
Select one:
a. New associates
b. Managers
c. Both A and B
d. none of the above
High Involvement Management involves management making all the decisions for its associates
Select one:
The following are part of the Big 5 Personality Traits except
Select one:
a. Agreeableness
b. Neuroticism
c. Committed
d. Openness
The degree that one desires to perform in terms of a standard of excellence or to succeed in
competitive situations is called:
Select one:
a. Achievement motivation
b. Approval motivation
c. Competing motivation
d. Acceptance motivation
People high in Social Dominance Orientation view other groups as:
Select one:
a. On par with their group
b. They don't care
c. Superior to their group
d. Inferior to their group
Those high in authoritarianism are defined as the following except
Select one:
a. Submissive to those high in power
b. Use of status and power is proper
c. Aggressive to rule breakers
d. Choose ethics over rules
A factor to a person’s characteristics is:
Select one:
a. All of the above
b. Events
c. Heredity
d. Work experience
High agreeableness generally translate to being effective in a team
Select one:
Emotional stability is defined as being able to cope well with stressful situations:
Select one:
Neuroticism is having a mindset of deeply analyzing a given event
Select one:
Being low in Extraversion means the person will generally not perform well compared to those who
are high in Extraversion
Select one:
One has to score high in all the 5 Personality Traits to be the most appropriate worker
Select one:
Content Theories focus on factors that affect motivation while Process Theories focus on the
process by which factors interact to produce motivation
Select one:
The expectancy theory focuses on the following factors except:
Select one:
a. Valence
b. Instrumentality
c. Effectivity
d. Expectancy
Equity Theory measures
Select one:
a. Measure of how valuable a person is to the company
b. Net worth of organization
c. The ratio of own output to input with another’s
d. Measure of a worker’s skill set in relation to the company’s demands

A low level of difficulty of the goal may result in lack of effort

Select one:
According to the Two Factor theory, what is the term for factors that influence job dissatisfaction and
not satisfaction
Select one:
a. Obstacles
b. Hygiene
c. Demotivators
d. Hindrances
Low instrumentality means good performance may not result in good outcome
Select one:
Lack of motivators in the Two Factor Theory leads to dissatisfaction
Select one:
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs’ Esteem Needs and Self-Actualization Needs are parallel to what of
the ERG Theory:
Select one:
a. Growth Needs
b. General Needs
c. Realization Needs
d. Relatedness
The base of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs is:
Select one:
a. Safety Needs
Self-Actualization Needs
c. Physiological Needs
d. Existence Needs
The Need for Power is the desire to have influence over others and events
Select one:
Content Theories focus on factors that affect motivation while Process Theories focus on the
process by which factors interact to produce motivation
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Given Job 1 with Skill Variety, Task Identitiy, and Task Significance of 2 and Autonomy and
Feedback of 1, and Job 2 with Skill Variety, Task Identitiy, and Task Significance of 3 and Autonomy
and Feedback of 2, which job has higher Motivating Potential Score
Select one:
a. Job 2
b. They have the same value
c. Job 1
Lack of motivators in the Two Factor Theory leads to dissatisfaction
Select one:
a. False
b. True
The same rewards will motivate all people
Select one:
a. False
b. True
In Job Redesign, the following are done except
Select one:
a. Additional tasks that are as complex
b. Different skills are utilized
c. Increased responsibility
d. Job change
According to the Two Factor theory, what is the term for factors that influence job dissatisfaction and
not satisfaction
Select one:
a. Hygienes
b. Obstacles
c. Hindrances
d. Demotivators
The base of Maslow’s Heirarchy of needs is:
Select one:
a. Existence needs
b. Physiological needs
c. Safety needs
d. Self-Actualization needs
Which of these goals is most likely to act as a motivator
Select one:
a. "Do your best"
b. "Just don't screw up"
c. "Get 10 assists to get your team going in your 40 minutes of play"
d. "We're down by 50 with 5 minutes left, you have to give us the win"
Participating in setting the goals can push the associate to accomplish the tasks better
Select one:
a. True
b. False
The expectancy theory focuses on the following factors except:
Select one:
a. Instrumentality
b. Valence
c. Effectivity
d. Expectancy
Low instrumentality means good performance may not result in good outcome
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Maslow’s Heirarchy Of Needs’ Esteem Needs and Self-Actualization Needs are parallel to what of
the ERG Theory:
Select one:
a. Growth needs
b. Relatedness
c. General needs
d. Realization needs
A low level of difficulty of the goal may result in lack of effort
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Feedback is important when done with the following, except:
Select one:
a. Focused on improvement and not mistakes
b. Coming from a credible source
c. Given only when needed
d. Done in conjunction with goals
The Need for Power is the desire to have influence over others and events
Select one:
a. False
b. True
A team is a group of people who work independent of each other
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Having a general dislike on other members is what type of conflict:
Select one:
a. Interpersonal conflict
b. Personal conflict
c. Group conflict
d. Substantive conflict
Important roles in the Team Structure include:
Select one:
a. All of the choices
b. Socio Economic Roles
c. Task Roles
d. Leaders
Performance by members of the team affect others inside and outside the organization
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Norms can help address procedural conflict
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Procedural conflict is having task related disagreements (on ideas, analysis)
Select one:
a. True
b. False
The team’s composition has minor to little effect on the team
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Larger teams are harder to handle, as such should always be avoided
Select one:
a. False
b. True
The “Punctuation” in the PEM occurs in between the two stages
Select one:
a. True
b. False
The criteria for team effectiveness include the following except:
Select one:
a. Knowledge
b. Application
c. Affective
d. Outcome
Intellectual stimulation is
Select one:
a. Supports and develops followers to be self-confident and desire to improve performance
b. The ability to increase follower’s focus on a problem and to develop new ways to address it
c. Teaching followers to reexamine assumptions, seek out different views, and try to be innovative
d. All of the choices
Which leadership types are employee centered?
Select one:
a. Directive and Supportive
b. Supportive and Participative
c. Achievement oriented and Supportive
d. Participative and Directive
Which of these best describes an achievement-oriented leader?
Select one:
a. Sets guidelines, gives expectations, sets performance standards, and ensures that individuals
follow rules
b. Shares information, consults with followers, and emphasizes group decision making
c. Sets challenging goals and seeks to improve performance
d. Is friendly, concerned for the well-being, welfare and the needs of others
Individual Consideration by transformational leaders is the following except
Select one:
a. Delving in the individual's personal life
b. Developing strengths of followers
c. Giving attention per individual
d. Acting as a teacher and coach
A leader who focuses on initiating structures is most likely a
Select one:
a. Authoritarian leader
b. Employee centered leader
c. Promotion centered leader
d. Job centered leader

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Transactional leaders focus on

Select one:
a. Followers doing more than expected, growing and developing and increasing self confidence
b. None of the choices
c. Day to day transactions to produce for the organization
d. The exchange relationship and giving reward for a particular outcome
Transformational leaders focus on
Select one:
a. Followers doing more than expected, growing and developing and increasing self confidence
b. None of the choices
c. The exchange relationship and giving reward for a particular outcome
d. Building relationships with people
By showing consideration, leaders are able to
Select one:
a. Build friendships, trust, and relationships
b. Enforce a structure on his followers
c. None of the choices
d. Both choices
Which of these best describes a supportive leader?
Select one:
a. Shares information, consults with followers, and emphasizes group decision making
b. Sets guidelines, gives expectations, sets performance standards, and ensures that individuals
follow rules
c. Is friendly, concerned for the well-being, welfare and the needs of others
d. Sets challenging goals and seeks to improve performance
Which of these best describes a participative leader?
Select one:
a. Sets guidelines, gives expectations, sets performance standards, and ensures that individuals
follow rules
b. Sets challenging goals and seeks to improve performance
c. Is friendly, concerned for the well-being, welfare and the needs of others
d. Shares information, consults with followers, and emphasizes group decision making
Downward communication primarily cascades the following except:
Select one:
a. Instructions
b. Feedback
c. Information
d. Requests
Information overload, network breakdowns, and information distortion are all forms of:
Select one:
a. Interpersonal barriers
b. Organizational barriers
c. Language barriers
d. Individual barriers
Which of the following is a dense network?
Select one:
a. Y
b. All connected
c. None of the choices
d. Wheel
What type of communication coordinates among people and other units of the same level
Select one:
a. Sideline Communication
b. Upward Communication
c. Downward Communication
d. Horizontal Communication
Formal numerical text contains data, graphs, and analysis.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Use of body language and facial expression is what type of communication
Select one:
a. Non-verbal
b. None of the choices
c. Implied
d. Face to face
Encouraging individual action to overcome communication barriers include the following except
Select one:
a. Encourage feedback related to understanding
b. Knowing your audience
c. Selecting the appropriate medium
d. Give feedback on his bad performance to motivate
Upward communication gives what type of feedback
Select one:
a. Instructions
b. Feedback on downward communication and ideas
c. Coordination among people and units
d. None of the choices
Which of the following is a decentralized system?
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Y
c. All-connected
d. Both A and B
Communication Audits are necessary to ensure proper channeling and processing of information
Select one:
a. False
b. True
The following are individual barriers except:
Select one:
a. Specialty area jargon
b. Poor listening skills
c. Status Difference
d. Consideration of self interest
Dense network is defined as
Select one:
a. Most connect with most
b. A few connected with most
c. All connected with a few
d. A few connected with a few
Choosing the right communication media isn’t a priority as long as the message is delivered
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Information distortion is always intentional
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Sparse network is defined as
Select one:
a. A few connected with a few
b. A few connected with most
c. Most connect with most
d. All connected with a few
The best communication media in firing an employee is through email
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Wheel is a sparse, centralized network
Select one:
a. False
b. True
The All connected network shows the following kinds of communication except
Select one:
a. Horizontal communication
b. Sideline communication
c. Upward communication
d. Downward communication
Which of the following is a centralized system?
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Wheel
c. All-Connected
d. Circle
Communication is the sharing of information between two or more people to achieve a common
understanding about an object or situation
Select one:
a. False
b. True
This type of structuring characteristics has associates and managers have jobs with narrow scopes
and limited variety
Select one:
a. Centralization
b. Formalization
c. Specialization
d. Standardization
This organizational culture values flexibility and discretion with focus inside the organization
Select one:
a. Adhocracy
b. Heirarchy
c. Market
d. Clan
Competitive Advantage is normally obtained by leading in one of the following except
Select one:
a. Low cost
b. Mass selling
c. Product differentiation
This organizational culture values control and stability with focus outside the organization
Select one:
a. Clan
b. Heirarchy
c. Adhocracy
d. Market
This type of departmentalization has its resources grouped into divisions
Select one:
a. Network Organization
b. Hybrid
c. Divisional
d. Functional
This type of departmentalization has related resources to a particular function area grouped together
Select one:
a. Functional
b. Network Organization
c. Hybrid
d. Divisional
This type of structuring characteristics has rules and standard operating procedures govern the
behavior in the organization
Select one:
a. Specialization
b. Centralization
c. Standardization
d. Formalization
This organizational culture values control and stability with focus inside the organization
Select one:
a. Clan
b. Market
c. Adhocracy
d. Heirarchy
A company that focuses on growth and/or diversification is a company that applies what strategy
Select one:
a. Growth Strategy
b. Corporate Strategy
c. Business Strategy
d. Market Share Strategy
This type of structuring characteristics has authority remaining at the top
Select one:
a. Centralization
b. Formalization
c. Specialization
d. Standardization
Organizational height talks about
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. The level the organization is in relation to other companies
c. The number of levels in the organization
d. The highest state the organization is or was at
Which organizational culture is effective on cohesion and morale
Select one:
a. Heirarchy
b. Market
c. Adhocracy
d. Clan
This type of structuring characteristics has rules and operating procedures documented on paper or
in company intranets
Select one:
a. Standardization
b. Specialization
c. Centralization
d. Formalization
This organizational culture values flexibility and discretion with focus outside the organization
Select one:
a. Market
b. Heirarchy
c. Clan
d. Adhocracy
Tall hierarchies must be avoided as they are more expensive to maintain
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Factors that affect organizations are the following except for
Select one:
a. Strategy
b. None of the choices
c. Environment
d. Technology
This type of departmentalization outsources some of its functional areas
Select one:
a. Divisional
b. Hybrid
c. Network Organization
d. Functional
Socialization is defined as
Select one:
a. Establishing relationships witrh colleagues
b. None of the choices
c. Imparting the organization’s culture to newcomers
d. Getting to know newcomers
Subcultures are groups that may have a different set of values to the organization
Select one:
a. False
b. True
A company that focuses on the competitive advantage applies which strategy
Select one:
a. Market Share Strategy
b. Corporate Strategy
c. Business Strategy
d. Growth Strategy

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