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Syllabus of PHD

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Ph.D (Nursing Science)
Course Work- Syllabus.

Subject I : Research Methodology and Applied Statistics

(Contact Hrs=75 + Self study= 30 Hrs) = 05 Credit Hrs

Subject II: Nursing Science And Theory Development Including

Nursing Leadership. (Contact Hrs=75 + Self study= 45 Hrs) = 05 Credit


Part I:- Nursing leadership in Health Care delivery system.

(Contact Hrs =20 + Self study =10 hrs) = 1.4 Credits

Part II:-Philosophy of Nursing Science and Theoretical


( Contact Hrs =15+ Self study = 15 hrs) = 01 Credit

Part III:- Nursing theories and theory development.

(Contact Hrs =40 + Self study =20 hrs) = 2.6 Credits

Research Methodology & Applied Statistics

Contact Hrs=60 Self study= 30 Hrs

Unit –I Introduction : ( 3 hrs)

❖ Methods of acquiring knowledge problem solving

and scientific method.

❖ Research – definition types characteristics,

Terminology used in research, purpose, scope of


❖ Research and Nursing - Purpose scope and need for

Nursing Research, development of research in Nursing,

Areas of Nursing research

Unit – II Research Process Overview : (5 hrs)

❖ Statement of the problem and research objectives.

❖ Concepts and constructs, variables assumptions,

definitions, hypotheses formulation and types


Unit – III Review of related literature Need purpose and sources: (5 hrs)

❖ Library, -On-line search, retrieval of database from

different CD-ROMs and use of A.V. Aids.

Unit-IV Research approaches and Designs:- (25 hrs)

❖ Historical approaches

❖ Survey and experimental approaches,

❖ Qualitative research approaches, ethnography and


❖ Longitudinal, cross sectional and cohort studies-

advantages and disadvantages.

❖ Experimental designs-Purposes, characteristics, types of

design, pre-experimental and quasi and true implemented

design, steps of experimental research

❖ Sampling Methods-size, criterias of Population,

Techniques of sampling criteria, determination of sample

size, Power analysis.

❖ Data collection-Tools and techniques, types,

purposes, characteristics and uses.

❖ Scale/Construction of tools-Selection/Construction of

tools, Testing validity and reliability.

❖ Techniques of data collection: Technique, tools used for

qualitative research, observation, Focus group discussion,

measurement and record analysis and field trips.

Unit-V Data collection procedures, analysis & interpretation

and data management. (5 hrs)

Unit – VI Ethical considerations in Nursing Research (2 hrs)

– General considerations

– Ethical considerations specific to approaches, design and

data collection procedures.

– Ethics Committee – composition, role and importance

– Guidelines for ethical clearness

– Ethical issues in relation to scientific and professional

community (Plagarism)

Unit – VII Qualitative and Quantitative analysis (10 Hrs)

– Descriptive, inferential and advance statistics

– Parametric and Non parametric methods

– Multivariate analysis

Unit – VIII Communicating Research Findings (5 hrs)

– Research critique

– Project proposal for funding

– Research utilization



Contact Hrs -20 hrs Self Study: 10 Hrs


This course is designed to prepare the doctoral student to identify

and utilize the nursing science and leadership roles as a basis for analyzing,

developing and implementing national health policy and population policy and

development of nursing profession.


Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

❖ Analyze the health problems and societal forces, health economics and

politics in relation to corresponding national health policy and population

❖ Relate the impact of health policy and population policy to structure,

content, distribution and financing of health services in general and nursing

services in particular.

❖ Analyze the leadership theories

❖ Identify the leadership roles necessary for the nursing leaders for

developing nursing profession and people’s health.

Unit- I. Current Health Issues and Policies - ( 8 hrs )

❖ Analysis of current health problems – National & Global

❖ Health care delivery system in India

❖ National health policy, population policy and alternative systems of


❖ Health policy issues relevant to nursing practice – Development of nursing

services in health policy

❖ The functions and roles of law in health care delivery – Existing

legislations related to nursing . Laws for new and emerging roles (eg)

Nurse practitioner, private practice (nursing homes)

❖ Social system and health policy

❖ Politics & health policy – Lobbying for development of nursing profession

❖ Health economics and health policy(Economics of health care and nursing)

❖ Health insurance.

Unit II:- Nursing Leadership: (8 hrs )

❖ Leadership theories
❖ Nursing leadership and decision making

❖ Nursing leadership and change process

❖ Human resource planning and management by nurse leaders

❖ Profession building in health care system – Advocacy, Lobbing

❖ Nursing Ethics:-

- Code of ethics, professional conduct for nurses in India

- Nursing standards, nursing practice, standards and quality assurance

- Human relations -- Valuing human being

❖ Communication skills

Unit III:- Nursing Informatics ( 4 Hrs )

-Nursing management information system, Networking institutions

through literature search.

- Nursing Universities, Internet, Literature search

- Knowledge about basic computers – Review


❖ Overview of Computers and Nursing

❖ Computer Systems- Data processing, the internet, a nursing resource

❖ Nursing Informatics and health care policy, privacy, confidentiality and


❖ Nursing informatics theory, clinical information systems

❖ Applications- Practice applications, Administrative application

(information technology for nursing managers), educational applications

and Research applications.

❖ Consumer use of informatics – Consumer Rights.

❖ The future of informatics



PERSPECTIVES Contact :- 15 Hrs Self Study: 15 Hrs

Course overview:

This is an introductory course. It begins the students’ integrative analysis of the

conceptual and empirical base of the domain of nursing. This course enables the student
to trace the historical development and current status of nursing science in the context of
the philosophy and history of science . (Study of nursing as a scientific discipline)


Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Analyze the historical roots and current status of contemporary

nursing science 2. explicate the paradigms of inquiry which influence the


of nursing phenomena 3. explore the impact of scientific issues on the development of

nursing science

Unit I:-. Introduction to the course, study of philosophy, History of philosophy

Unit II. History and philosophy of nursing science

Unit III. Nursing as a science and a discipline (Evolution and development)

Unit IV. Nursing knowledge and development

- Historical roots - Domains of nursing - Paradigms in nursing - Knowledge development

Unit V. Paradigms that influence approach to nursing science development.

Unit VI. Epistemological and ontological assumptions of diverse

approaches to knowledge generation in nursing.


Hrs Self Study:20 Hrs

Course overview:

This is designed to facilitate the refinement of the critical skills necessary for
analyzing and evaluating theoretical formulations, synthesizing theoretical components
into conceptual models and developing testable hypotheses. The interrelationships among
theory and practice and research in nursing will be examined.


- to describe strategies for concept and theory development

- to get overview of nursing theories

- to evaluate theories used in nursing practices

- demonstrate skill in developing and testing conceptual models

that will impact nursing science

- examine interrelationship among science, theory, practice

and research in nursing.

Unit:- 1. Epistemology 5 hrs

• Concepts, statements and theories

• Strategies for theory development

• Evaluation of theories

• Meta-theory

Unit-II. Overview of Theory in Nursing 10 hrs

• Overview of theory

• Importance of theory in nursing

• Historical overview

• Classification of theories in nursing

• Issues in theory development in Nursing

• Nursing Theory : an examination of the concept development

of nursing theory.

Unit III:- . Overview of Nursing Theories 15 hrs

The theorists and the theories

• On nursing clients

• On human being - Environment interactions

• On interactions

• On nursing therapeutics

• Other theories

Unit IV:- Analysis of Nursing theories & evaluation of nursing theories- (10 hrs )

Unit V :- Nursing theory and practice

Unit VI:-. Nursing theory and research

Unit VII:-. Inter relationships between science, theory, practice and research in



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