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Future Directions of Research in Nursing+Importance of Research in Nursing 2 +overview of Research Process

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Lec:1 Introduction to Nursing Research

?Q: What is your knowledge about nursing research

Nursing Research
Involve a systematic search for and validation of knowledge about issues of
importance to the nursing profession.

Why do research?
To provide a foundation for nursing practice that optimizes the delivery of quality bio-
psycho- social interventions.

Research study: test question to a specific design.

Research VS. Evidence-Based Practice

is systematic, rigorous, logical investigations that aim to answer questions about
nursing phenomena.

Evidence-Based Practice:
Is the collection, interpretation, and integration of valid research evidence,
combined with your clinical expertise and an understanding of patient and family
values and preference to inform clinical decision making.

What are the some area of nursing research?

 Hospitals
 Community and
 Educational setting

How do the conceptualized the research problem?

Steps: Working such problem

Define: define the problem statement

Stated: reasonable, significant, relevant, and researchable

Why do want to do this research?

Is it going to improving :
1-Patient care 2- Administration 3-Teaching
Historical evolution of nursing research?

Attempt at Nsg. research began 1850 with Florence N., who emphasized the importance

 Systematic observation
 Data collection
 Environmental factors
 Statistical analysis


Research focus to

 Nursing education
 Student characteristics
 Student satisfaction


Research focus to
1-Teaching 2-Administration 3-Curriculum issues

Research focus on
 More qualified researchers
 Widespread availability of computers for data collection and analysis
 Qualitative studies

Research focus on
 Health care delivery issues such as cost, quality, and access.
21st century
Research focus on

 Evidence base for practice

 Its try to make the best decision with the best evidence
Lec:3 Future directions of research in nursing
The past three decades have witnessed a remarkable growth in nursing science
.development. In both Korea and the United States
Nurse scientists are prepared to address important issues related to the prevention and
.management of significant health care problems
:The need for greater nursing science development in the areas of
Genetics Geriatric-2
Health promotion across the lifespan-3
.Mental health is briefly highlighted-5
Future directions of research in nursing
Future research efforts will be enhanced by interdisciplinary collaboration and the creation
.of international nursing research centers
At the same time, we need to remain cognizant of the importance of mentoring (guidance)
.future nurse scientists
Future directions of research in nursing
1-Increased focus on outcomes research
2-Increased focus on bio physiologic research.
3-Promotion of evidence-based practice.
4-Development of a stronger knowledge base through multiple, confirmatory
5-Strengthening of multidisciplinary collaboration.
6-Expanded dissemination of research findings.
Lec:2 Importance of research in nursing
:Ultimate goal of any profession is
.provides its clientele with maximally effective and efficient services
Profession seeking to

Improve the practice of its member and

.Enhance continual developmental a relevant body of knowledge
Nursing research represents a critically important tools for the nursing profession to -
acquire such knowledge
:Research is
.a crucial to support good nursing practice -1
Keep nursing care relevant. -2
better quality nursing care for public. -3
.Using research in nursing allows to practice with confidence -
- .Research helps to build our profession and improve practice
Research aids in policy development while enhancing current decision making practices for -
.health care professionals
- .By participating in research, a nurse is demonstrating professionalism
As we continue to research we improve diagnostics, therapeutic, interventions, and in -
.turn, the safety and quality of care delivered to our patients
No research means unpredictable outcome
Lec:4 Basic Research Terminology
?Is a connection between phenomena
.Relationship between cigarette smoking and lung cancer-
-One type of relationship is called a cause and effect or causal relationship
Basic Research Terminology
Research is a systematic and scientific process of gathering and investigating information -
.to generate answers to questions or to develop, define and expand a body of knowledge
?Have you ever wondered why such things are happening or how things exist -
.There are many questions that need answers
Research can help us formulate answers and solutions from the simplest to most
.complicated topic

Basic Research Terminology

Abstract - a clear summary that shows the important contents of the study. It is usually -
.found in the beginning of the article. Below is a sample of an abstract
This research aimed to determine the effects of electronic cigarette-to the health of the -
users. This is important to a lot of smokers who are already addicted to smoking. This
'research will provide the information if the electronic cigarette is safer to use than the
.traditional way of smoking
To gather the needed data, different references were used such as books, magazines, -
newspapers and the internet an interview with ten respondents which includes students.
vendors, salesmen and bystanders, was also done to ask their experiences in using the FC
(electronic cigarette)
Basic Research Terminology
Information collected during a study-may take the form of narrative information
(qualitative data). Or numeric values (Quantitate data)
Basic Research Terminology
Variables- Properties or characteristics of people, things or situations that change or vary.
:There are two kinds of variables are
Independent Variable - The variable that is changed and controlled in an experiment to -1
.test the effects on the dependent variables
.Dependent Variable - The variable that is being tested -2
.The Length of student's sleep affects his test scores
Independent variable - the length of sleep-1
Dependent variable - test scores-2
.The difference between how man and woman defines love
Independent variable - gender (man and woman)-1
Dependent variable - their definitions of love-2
Lec:5 Overview of Research Process

:Subjects or Study participant

The people who provide information to the researchers in (Quantitative study). Or study
.participant or informants in (qualitative research)
:Major Steps in the Research Process-
Phase 1: The conceptual phase
.Formulating and delimiting the problem-1
.Reviewing the related literature-2
.Undertaking clinical fieldwork-3
.Defining the framework /developing conceptual definitions -4
.Formulating the hypothesis-5
Phase 2: The design and planning phase
Selecting a research design-1
Developing intervention protocols-2
Identifying the population-3
Designing the sample plan-4
Specifying methods to measure research variables-5
.Developing methods to safe-guard subjects-6
.Finalizing the research plan-7
Phase 3: The empirical phase
Collecting the data-1
Preparing the data for analysis-2
Phase 4: The analytic phase
Analyzing the data-1
Interpreting the results-2
Phase 5: The dissemination phase
.Communicating the findings-1
.Utilizing the findings in practice-2

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