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Knights of The Dinner Table 256

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Three new

Bundles of Trouble
are all available now
as print books or PDFs.
33 Gamer’s Pulpit
Peekaboo, I SEE You! by Jack Shannon
DEPARTMENTS 46 Tales from the Table
Actual Tales from the Gaming Table
4 Cries from the Attic 57 Web Scryer
Editorial of a madman by Ken Newquist A Cornucopia of Gamer Food

5 Table Talk: Letters Page
42 Denizens of Tellene
Goldhorse, Baneli, Col. Haren, Young Horse by Barb Blackburn
Our readers talk back
48 All Things Magic
60 Back Room at the Games Pit Beads of Cursing by Barb Blackburn

An opinion arena where 49 Bait And Tackle

readers can sound off Adventure hooks on the fly

51 Deadly Trappings
62 Weird Pete’s Bulletin Board
Classified ads, personals The Pinball by Paul Dunford
and other strangeness



Treasures of the 52 Lost Game Safari

by Alan Hume
Khydoban Star Warriors
A detailed report on the 55 Indy Game Scene
artifacts found in the
by Egg Embry
Khydoban Desert
Wicked Pacts
by Lloyd Brown III 58 Off the Shelf
by Noah Chinn
One Must Kill Another

59 Brian’s Picks
Jaunty Jalopies, Middenarde,
Dumb A**

© Copyright 2018, Kenzer and Company, All Rights Reserved. Knights of the Dinner Table® magazine
(ISSN 1526-307X) is published monthly by Kenzer and Company, 1659 N Claremont Ave, Chicago, IL 60647.

LEGAL NOTICE: Knights of the Dinner Table, HackMaster and Kingdoms of Kalamar are registered trademarks of Kenzer and Company. This Be GMs Day™, All Things Magic, Back Room at the
Games Pit, Bait and Tackle, Board Squawk, Brian’s Small Press Picks, Celebrity Hack, Cries from the Attic, Deadly Trappings, Disks of Wondrous Power, GameMasters’ Workshop, Game
Mechanic, Gamer Pulpit, GameVine, Gaming the Movies, Gary Jackson Files, Hacklopedia of Beasts, Hard Eight Enterprises,, KODT, Lookin’ at Comics, Off the Shelf, One-Two
Punches, Parting Shots, Players’ Advantage, Radio Free KODT, Retro-KODT, RFKODT, Rustlers of the Night, SpellJacked, Summon Web Scryer, Table Talk, Tales from the Table, The Gamer’s
Rant on the Movies/TV. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The “Indy” Game Scene, the Kenzer and Company Logo, The Quotable Gamer, Weird Pete’s Bulletin Board, W.W.A.G.D. and all promi-
nent characters and likenesses thereof are trademarks of Kenzer and Company.

2 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256


PUBLISHER Kenzer and Company

9 Out of the Frying Pan EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
Jolly R. Blackburn •
17 Be Kind — Rewind Barbara Blackburn •
21 Two Tickets to Ride Jolly R. Blackburn • Steve Johansson
27 A Shout in the Dark David S. Kenzer • Brian Jelke • Barbara Blackburn (+1)
30 Two Peas in a
KODT STRIP ART Jolly R. Blackburn
Shuttle Pod
COVER ART Fraim Brothers
Brendon Fraim • Brian Fraim
Bill “Indy” Cavalier
Jolly Blackburn • James Yoder
Cosmo Joe • Brian Anson
Patrick Bright
Kenneth Newquist • Noah Chinn • Lloyd Brown III
Barbara Blackburn • Jolly R. Blackburn • Egg Embry
OTHER TOONS Benjamin Lomax • Alan Hume • Jack Shannon

64 Additional Cartoons Steve Johansson • • 847-858-6847
Bill “Indy” Cavalier, Cosmo Joe, SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES
James Yoder, Brian Anson,
Kevin Vance • Jack Grayson • Craig Zipse

Postmaster: Send address changes to:
THE COVER Knights of the Dinner Table
This month’s cover is E-Mail: • Phone: 847.858.6847
another classic Marvel World Wide Web:
cover tribute by Submissions: We accept submissions for strip ideas, jokes, cartoons,
the Fraim Brothers. etc. We are interested in running anything that other gamers and fans
would enjoy. Check out our website for writer’s guidelines.
(Fantastic Four #49 -
April 1966) Subscriptions: A standard 12-issue monthly subscription is only
$77.99 (or $65.99 for slower bulk mail shipping). [US $92.99 for
Canada or US $117.99 for other foreign locations.] 6- and 24-issue
subscriptions are also available.
To subscribe, order by credit card at our online store at
HTTP://WWW.KENZERCO.COM or send a check or money order (made
payable to Kenzer and Company) to:
D T ™ was accidentally created by Jolly R. Blackburn
K way back in 1990 as ‘filler’ for his small press magazine, Shadis. It was
something of a ‘creative burp’ and Jolly really didn’t give it much thought.
Kenzer & Company KODT Subscriptions,
1659 N Claremont Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
Perhaps that’s why he was just as surprised as anyone that soon KODT was
overshadowing everything else he’d ever done and that the created was now Back Issues: Older issues and other KODT merchandise are avail-
able for direct purchase on our website at HTTP://WWW.KENZERCO.COM
controlling the creator. The Knights have gone far beyond anything Jolly or the D-Team (David
Kenzer, Brian Jelke, Steve Johansson and Barbara Blackburn) ever imagined. In 2006, Jolly was ATTENTION RETAILERS: If you are having difficulty getting our
inducted into the Hall of Fame. Now, with over 256 issues and over 80 trade paper backs under product (including back issues and RPGs) please call or e-mail us.
their belts, it’s been a wild ride and we look forward to seeing where the Knights take us next.

Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 3

o you ever wonder what happens to the strip ideas you, We’ve gotten boxes, and emails full of submissions over the
or others, send in to Jolly here at Knights of the years, and we treasure them. Sometimes, an idea or a submis-
Dinner Table? If so, I’m about to give you a sneak peek. sion will sit there for a long, long time before being used. For
Not all are used, unfortunately. But, even if they aren’t, they that, we do apologize, but, with the hectic schedule we have,
are appreciated. But, what if they are chosen? and the many emails we get, sometimes things slip through
the cracks until we have the time to sift through them. Then,
If you’ve ever submitted a strip idea to KODT, and seen your
like a bolt out of the blue, one of those treasures will spark
name at the top, along with Jolly’s, you’ll know. You barely
something and be resurrected from the dead pile into the
recognize it sometimes.
pages of the magazine.
You see, Jolly’s been writing these strips, and these charac-
Sometimes, these ideas are like a fine wine, fermenting and
ters, for a very long time. So, when he’s writing, and blocking
aging until they are ready for use. Yes, I did just go there. In
them out, his mind will wrestle with the idea, and he will shape
reality, we often just suck at looking through everything sent
it into something that fits into his vision for his creations. So, do
in. Then, of course, there are our spam filters that kick things
not be offended if your idea looks like its been folded and
into a black hole. But if you have a submission, make sure you
mutilated. It’s all part of the process of strip writing.
annotate that in the subject line of your email with the word
So, you may ask, why should I bother sending in strip ideas? SUBMISSIONS.
Do they really need them, at KODT, or not?
KODT is a collaborative effort, and I think that’s what makes
First of all, yes. We do need them. In fact, that’s one of the it so special. Interacting with our readers, whether it’s through
reasons we are discussing it here, because we need more. submissions, letters or even in person at conventions, is one of
Just because your idea is transformed into a very different the best perks of the job. We couldn’t do this without you, and
image than you may have had when sending it in doesn’t we wouldn’t want to if we could. So, thanks, and remember to
mean we do not appreciate that seed of creativity. Believe me, keep sending those submissions.
those seeds and creative ideas give KODT a tremendous boost We hope you enjoy this issue.
because they help spark the strips that come out every issue.
Barbara Blackburn
AND, you do get name credit, right alongside Jolly’s. Just be
June 8, 2018
aware that we do not pay a fee for those ideas. Sorry, but we
just can’t do that for many reasons.
So, here we go: We NEED strip ideas, so PLEASE send them to
us! If you’ve never done it before, and you want to know more,
look online and download our writer's guidelines at

Twenty Years Ago This Month: KODT #20. June 1998.

Sara offers to head up a Book Club — Jolly

4 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256

you’re almost in a PANIC as your own FEAR grips you —

but THEN, you see the HEADLIGHTS of the SCURRY

just beyond the doors — their LIGHT is comforting.

they promise ESCAPE and DISTANCE between YOU and

this HORRIBLE ROOM — just a few more STEPS....

when suddenly they GO out! at least they

APPEAR to — but then you realize something LARGE
has stepped between YOU and the light. oh gawd...

you can JUST make out w-wait. this ain’t

its DIMLY backlit outline. WHAT..?!! GAAAA¡¡ happening..

HACKWURLD played it more than any of the others (which

I only dabbled in here and there with one off
Really enjoying the strips with Sara as the adventures).
gamemaster. One has to wonder if her style I even adapted my own Star Wars rules for
EDITOR’S NOTE: The mail just
was picked up at the many Gary Jackson Traveler long before an official SW license
never seems to stop. While we
Hack Camps. Been getting a kick out of ever existed. You are right — those were the
make every effort to read each and
how she’s been mixing things up and trying years when gamemasters blazed their own
every letter, it is not always possible
new things. trails and made their own rules.
to give a personal reply. Even if your letter
doesn’t happen to be published or if you don’t Reminds me how GM’s used to do a lot of As for inspiration, for sure, HackWurld
get a direct response, rest assured you are their own rules and fill in the blanks on the began with some nods to Gamma World and
being heard. fly back in the day. There was a sense of MA. As is so often the case with KODT, I find
breaking new ground and crafting new rules it’s sort of taking on a life of its own and
Remember, KODT is an interactive
as you went. Something I’d forgotten until
magazine. We want you, the reader, to be taking me places I hadn’t expected. — Jolly
reading the current story line.
involved. So keep your suggestions, thoughts
and opinions (constructive and otherwise) I’m curious about HackWurld. I suspect it’s YEE HAW!!!
coming. Opinions expressed by readers are inspired by games like Metamorphosis
Alpha, Gamma World and even Star Thanks for running us through, Aces and
not necessarily shared by the editor or Kenzer
Frontiers or Traveler. But it also seems to Eights at Nexus, Mr. Blackburn. Had a
and Company. Please be aware that due to
very much be its own thing. grand time. Next time I save a bullet for
space considerations, some letters have been
edited and/or trimmed. — Jolly Was hoping you give some insight as to
which games you’re drawing from and if any Wish I’d backed the kickstarter. Which
brings me to my question.
KODT 254 real life experiences with those games are
Will the Reloaded book be available to
being drawn from.
Just finished issue 254 and the last page those of us who didn’t back it? Hope to catch
Oh, and I another thumbs up to Patty
left me wanting more. Great pacing. I felt you at Con on the Cobb in the fall.
being at the table. I don’t know if she’ll be a
like I was on the Margo and that damn clock Greg Harshman 7
permanent fixture at the Knights table but I
was counting down. Good plot device.
think she adds a lot to the group vibe. Thanks for coming out for the event, Greg.
And for crying out loud, have they learned
Rick Dayton 7 Indeed you can buy a copy of Aces and Eights
nothing? You never split the party!!!
Glad you are enjoying the strips, Rick. The Reloaded in the near future. Book’s at the
Good job.
answer is “all of the above”. As far as sci-fi printers as I type this. — Jolly
Ned Fierce 7 rpgs, Traveler is by far my go to game, and I

^: Via ONLINE FORUM — Just pop over to and visit our discussion forums
7: via E-MAIL — Send your strip ideas, reader mail, back room fodder and questions to
. via SNAIL MAIL — Or write to us at KODT c/o KenzerCo 309 S Dilger Ave, Waukegan, IL 60085
z: via TWITTER — kenzerco or jollybgood FB: via Facebook — Kenzerco OR Jolly Blackburn
Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 5
T his year’s Nexus Game Fair was a blast, as you can see
from the pictures. Great gaming, awesome vendors and
tons of fun were what the weekend in Milwaukee was all
about. It was great to rub elbows with fellow gamers and hang
out with friends as well.

6 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256

Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 7
Who were his main customers before the
Knights and the rest of the gamers in
Muncie grew up?
After all there are no players in Muncie
that I know of that are above forty besides
Pete. A lead in panel to that strip reveals that
All the groups we've seen have been in the Pete’s shop was originally called, “The
20's to early 30's range. What was the Games Pits Stop” and that Pete sold such
Games Pit before it was the Games Pit and things are RC cars, HO trains and hobby
why did Pete chose Muncie to set up shop? supplies. At some point, part of the sign fell
Skytower. 7 down and Pete apparently never saw fit to
replace it.
There have been hints about the Games
Pit’s origins in the comic over the last two and It’s interesting to note that when I first
started doing Knights of the Dinner Table
half decades but no detailed history.
as a comic in 1994, the role-playing games
It’s known, for example, that all of the market was in a steep decline due to the
Knights and many of the other characters in advent of CCG’s and money, talent and
the Muncieverse were introduced to gaming interest being shifted toward them. In fact, a
CATTLEPUNK VOL 3 in Weird Pete’s shop as children. CEO I knew at a certain game company told
Seeing the ad on Facebook about CP3 really In fact, recently, Eddie (Tank) discussed vis- me, “Face it — role-playing games are dead,
made me happy. I’ve been enjoying these iting the shop as a kid). And several years ago, Jolly.” That was around 1996.
graphic novels. Can’t wait to read this one. Nitro mused about going into the shop with At the time, he wasn’t alone in that assess-
Any idea when it will hit stores? his dad (a model train enthusiast) to look at ment. Anyway, KODT grew up in that shadow
Loren Miller 7 the HO trains. Even the Knights of the and it’s why in many of the early strips groups
Dinner Table are touted as having been a were portrayed as struggling to find players
It is a beast of a book Loren which I’m still and shrinking. And why Pete was perpetually
“mighty gaming group” with over twenty-
working on. Hopefully by late summer. some members at one time. struggling to keep his doors open.
— Jolly So Pete had plenty of eager gamers in town Inspiration for the Games Pit itself was a
to buy the games he was peddling (not to little game shop in “the village” just off
ORIGINS OF mention pogs, beanie babies and any other campus from Ball State University.
THE GAMES PIT. trend that came along.) The shop has had many owners over the
We also know the Pete and many of the last three decades or so and move a few times
I’ve wondered about this. As I recall Pete
other regulars are avid wargamers. (with the original building since leveled).
accepted a buy out from Gary just before
Which is pretty much why the Games Pit is in
Hackmasters of Everknight was The biggest peek at the Games Pit’s past Muncie. That’s where I rolled dice.
published. Did he plan to open the Games Pit was in a bonus strip in Bundles of Trouble
before he was bought out? Volume 3. Hope that helps. — Jolly q

Above: Weird Pete behind the counter of the “Games Pit Stop” — the original name of his shop before part of the sign fell down. This
rare glimpse into the history of the Games Pit was presented as part of a Bonus Strip in the back of Bundle of Trouble vol. 3.

8 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256

Out of the Frying Pan by jolly r. blackburn


an ESCAPE POD, brian, patty w-what are
and b.a.’s characters have just you DOING? well great -
WATCHED the massive colony what like it or not —
ship, MARGOLLA, burn up in the happened to we’re COMMITTED
ATMOSPHERE of the planet us taking a to going to
KC-9 presumably with their two VOTE...? the CUERVO.**
comrades, (bob and dave) on board.*

DRIFTING in space, they have now

spent the last 15 minutes DEBATING sorry - SORRY.
their next course of action. FLOYD is impulsive
\ actually ROLLED
— as well as BULL -sigh- no
LAND on the planet below — turning vs. my COMPULSION
HEADED. something
or investigate the margolla’s back now. to PUSH the button.
he STRUGGLES with.
sister ship, THE CUERVO. in orbit \ critically FAILED.
around the planet

FLOYD’s a little SHEEPISH we literally have ONE shot at of EXPLORING the CUERVO. we were
and EMBARRASSED realizing BURNING OFF precious FUEL every SECOND we DEBATED the issue.
what he’s just done.
once we entered the ATMOSPHERE of KALI CETI NINE
he knows it was a MISSTEP. — \’m guessin’ that option is forever off the table.

but honestly — DECISIVE ACTION it seemed to FLOYD like we owe it to ourselves to investigate - see if
is just part of his natural — there are any survivors, materials or information on our sister ship.
albeit unrefined, leadership
abilities kickin’ in.
well sure - but we should’ve oh - you’ve got
darn it, made that decision together. no argument
he probably
B.A. will from me on that.
you LOOK
just did us
this way... that’s all just playin’ my
we’re saying. character is all.


curious how ALL as \ mentioned before —

of his characters then we IMPROVISE — find a SOLUTION.
behave EXACTLY as the ESCAPE POD’s
he does in real life. it’s a BIG SHIP - there’s BOUND to be fuel. system-light NAVIGATION
or POSSIBLY even more ESCAPE PODS. SYSTEM had already ROUTED
a course of ENTRY into
well, it’s done. KC-9’s atmosphere when
nothing to do but sure — or DEADLY CREATURES like BRIAN pushed the BUTTON
roll with it \ suppose. the one the ATTACKED bob and dave. locking in the NEW
coordinates to the CUERVO.
and if the POD
doesn’t have enough we could find geeze, guys. \
FUEL for REENTRY ourselves SAID \ was sorry.
afterwards? then what? STRANDED
on the CUERVO. you gonna keep BEATING
ME up about this...?

* See KODT# 255: After the players ,”split the party”, Sara separated the two groups to stem the exchange of information that was going back and forth at the table.
** Cuervo: The Margolla’s sister ship. In orbit around Kali Ceti Nine.
*** See KODT#254: B.A. is informed his character has a special ability. But he doesn’t yet know what it does. Sara informed him she would ‘cue’ him when it was working by
clicking her ink pen.

Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 9

the only sounds you hear are your own LABORED
the POD veers on course BREATHS and the whir of the scrubbers purifying the air.
gracefully as it arcs around —

in the DISTANCE a DIM POINT just to your RIGHT — toward the planet, a BRILLIANT
of light swings into the flash of light rises up as the MARGOLLA continues
frame of your VIEW PORT. to break up, tumble and BURN UP on its DESCENT.

the pod’s thruster oh — and \ suppose you

fires for only hear the CRINKLING of
-sigh- with bob god speed, VINCE
a few seconds the wrapper on the JUICE
and dave on it and JASPER. we
more going silent. PACK floyd opened.
presumably. hardly knew ye.

hey - staying
HYDRATED is important.

unfortunately — at that the ENGINES shut down PREMATURELY...

crap! sara — can we roll
moment a warning LIGHT on
to make a REPAIR attempt?
the console begins to FLASH...
your approach to the CUERVO is off by
mere degrees — but by the time you
indicating the NAVIGATIONAL close the distance you will have any TROUBLE
COMPUTER is on the overshot it by hundreds of miles. SHOOTING info
FRITZ and has gone down. on our G-NOES?
can we do
you’ve got to a COURSE
due to over
be kidding me. correction...?
of lack of
maintenance MANUALLY?
and neglect. you better think
quick, folks.

good thinking, brian. in answer to your question, b.a... it’s a SHAME none of
you have any -ahem-
you punch up your device you COULD attempt to PILOT the PILOTING SKILLS.
and the DATA comes up... pod manually — with an UNSKILLED
but it proves useless. it might give you a
MARGINAL chance of
due to the even if you succeeded — FUEL reaching the CUERVO.
SPARTAN EXPENDITURE would be off the
nature of the chain due to INEFFICIENCY.
ESCAPE POD you better do something —

but that
according to the INDICATOR you will option is out
— access to the OVERSHOOT the CUERVO in SIX MINUTES.
ELECTRONICS and \ suppose.
computer can six
only be made minutes?
from the EXTERIOR.

^ “\ still don’t know what the HELL \ did to set her off. i’m pretty sure she’s the one who tipped over
that PORTA POTTY while \ was in it at REN FAIR last summer.” —Bob Herzog, KODT Issue #112, Making it Real

10 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256

sara — our CALL OUT on the EMERGENCY BAND. there’s gotta be SOME-
THING we can do, BIG GUY.
no RESPONSE...? somebody had
to be on that MISSING SHUTTLE.* oh sure. KISS our
butts GOODBYE, maybe.
yeah — we heard
something before. barring a RESCUE...

a few word fragments \ think we’re outta

with intermittent static... ROPE here, guys.

you THOUGHT you heard

\ keep trying! gotta fire the engine MANUALLY?
something. you couldn’t be SOMEONE out
really be SURE over the there. only toward the PLANET.
during maneuvering.
well that’s

but it’s not just a simple

matter of DROPPIN’ out of the sky. um, guys — wait. \ suppose now is as
GOOD a time as any to COME clean.
\ imagine we have to hit the
atmosphere at the right angle.
come clean...?
then there’s finding a
SUITABLE landing spot. about what...?

whatta ya mean
with NO computer er... \ MAY have you “MAY”...?
and SHORT on fuel...? some piloting skills
that could be useful. y-you
might be a QUICK
death — but
what the hell.

\ had some prior military experience. that’s all.

piloting skills...? y-you
mean like SHIPS and stuff...?
\ don’t understand why you WITHHELD this information.

well not the BIG BOYS - but \ didn’t WITHHOLD it. it, um — oh \ see —
shuttles, couriers and the like... never came up. that’s all.

yeah. \ think patty — you said, NICE to be in the

those are CLUB, \ suppose.
up my alley. she was a HAIR
DRESSER. right? did \...? one of the perks?

yeah. from the


* KODT 255— As the group was about to jettison thier escape pod they noticed a “disabled” shuttle that had been in the same bay had mysteriously disappeared.

Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 11

pardon...? uh huh... and exactly what are
you suggesting, brian...? hmmmm?
“the club”....? yeah.
me…? oh — nothing. \ guess
you know. we all look out for our own.
in little ways — here and there.

keep it up brian. and you’ll does membership

be in a “CLUB” of your own. come with some
the “dont’ let the door hit you on
the ass on the way out the door club” \ might take
“one of you up on it.
the girls”
whoah - easy, brian.
don’t push it.

so \ have PILOTING
SMALL CRAFT — at 74% now — this is
\’m going to
going to be an which AGAIN have
IGNORE that — \’m assuming that would be OPPOSED roll — SUFFERED from
and move along. USEFUL for an ESCAPE POD..?
you are literally of NEGLECT.
you can certainly switch FIGHTING the
you want to make the ATTEMPT. yes. of the POD.
do, patty?
go ahead and give me a
check — with moderate oh okay. c’mon, b.a.
difficulty rating. let it


moments later...
one of the MANEUVER
\ made it — \ rolled stuck and goes WILD!!
well that makes sense, \ suppose.
a MODIFIED fifty-six.
so here goes — \’m taking CONTROL. causing the POD
ah. sorry, patty. to SPIN and TUMBLE.

not enough, \’m afraid.

you can the POD is
thanks. \ have
do it, FILLED with
a feeling \’m
good patty. the CONTROLS audio alarms
going to NEED it.
luck. freeze on you. and blinking
which ADD to
your PANIC!
ok -
ho a
-s ook
oka- -s

^ “\ rolled up a TEXICAN BOUNTY HUNTER with ambidextrous NUMCHUCK proficiency last night.”
— Dave Bozwell., KODT Issue #112, Random Deck of Violence

12 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256

even worse — it QUICKLY depletes what PRECIOUS LITTLE fuel the POD had left.

GAA!! can \ make ANOTHER pilot

check and ATTEMPT to OFFSET it..? out of the FRYING
PAN and into the FIRE!!

it wouldn’t do any we’re dead

good — STARVED for unbelievable. in space..?
bob and dave
fuel the THRUSTER might’ve been
goes silent and into an the LUCKY ONES.
aimless DRIFT and SPIN
into the dark reaches. now we really
ARE hosed.

brian’s right — in lieu of a MIRACLE — the

ESCAPE POD could very well serve as your TOMB. pretty much just STATIC HISS, \’m afraid...

on that but now and then —
so what do..? what emergency
are you CAN we do..? channel, sara? you’re not sure
going to do..?
if it’s WISHFUL thinking
or a cruel trick of the
pod’s acoustics...

you hear something.


yeah...? like what?

\ dunno. SOMETHING. or — NOTHING.

you’re not sure. but you THOUGHT you maybe a
heard something just beneath the hiss. SCRUTINY
FERENGI. \’ll take roll is
ANYTHING, sara. in order —
\ FIDDLE with knobs
a “HELLO” cruel, and push some buttons. let someone
maybe? sara. else try, b.a.

or maybe not.
can \ ADJUST
this thing?

^ “the FLOOR of the cell is QUICKLY covered by an ever widening POOL of BLOOD…
you can take COMFORT in the fact your PRESENCE in the world will LONG be given WITNESS
by the BLOOD STAINED planks.” —Brian Van Hoose, KODT Issue #111, A Few Loose Ends

Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 13

oh. sure. no problem. oh - \ have some
you know what — this would be a good think you BRIEF CASE!!!
point to take a TWO-MINUTE breather. could sh...
\’ll FETCH it.

my um... ALLERGIES
are flaring up.

b.a. — you think \ nonsense...

could borrow some oh - no. that’s okay, brian.
of our mom’s ZYRTEC...? same active
\ prefer ZYRTEC. ingredients, sara.

\ got em
RIGHT here.

brian, really - that’s fine. it’ll give

me a chance to STRETCH my legs. all the same, b.a. — if you could SHOW me...

b.a. could you

what’s to show? - really.
help me find them?
oh. no need. you’ll find ‘em they’ll LITERALLY be on the FAR RIGHT.
on the second shelf of the
MEDICINE CABINET — far right... my mom’s OCD - remember?
seriously —
aaah. are you feeling POORLY, she ALPHABETIZES all the MEDICINE.
they ALL have
sara. should we call it a night?
the same basic
boris alphonso ingredients.
\’m not trying
oh - no. just some felton — she asked
SNIFFLES is all. to be difficult.
you to show her! but whatever.

moments later...
alright - alright. sigh- \ guess
my GM skills are a little rusty.

this was my SUBTLE way of getting you away curious.

from the TABLE so we can talk in private. \ dunno. but \ DO know this.

there ARE
think you could follow me to the LIVING ROOM?
oh — well sure. make of THAT? in HACKWURLD as \ recall.

\’m right
we’ll be back behind you.
momentarily, those two makin’ off maybe we TIE him up
folks. for a PRIVATE chat. when he comes back.

just to be safe.

no pun

^ “…there are no UNUSUAL slopes, no NEW constructions, no DEADFALLS, no TRAPS on the FRICKIN’
just MAGICALLY disappeared revealing a SMALL CHEST …” —B.A. Felton, KODT Issue #110, Breaking Point…

14 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256

On a Mission by jolly r. blackburn

meanwhile — 11.65 miles to the northeast... *

\ can’t believe,
was out of stock.
dude — when she KNOWS SHACK? dude
we get to the to keep some - that’s like
\ wanna hit the BACK for me.
make a RIGHT.

to see if they
WHY..? the have any DOC
b.a.’s place is

\’m on EMPTY here. this thing \ just HOPE we don’t besides — you
only has a THREE GALLON reserve. end up WALKING — over got a cold
some STUPID root beer. TWELVE PACK
and \’ve been NURSIN’ it for TWO DAYS. of IBC in back.
what’s the DIFF...?
\’ll spot ya a the HELL it all
FEW BUCKS on gas. it all tastes the
tastes the SAME.
SAME anyhow.
c’mon - alright....
TURN here!! CRETIN..¡¡

root beer is
root beer.

heh — to YOU maybe - \ happen geezus, dude. that crap from WALLY WORLD...?
to have a CULTURED pallet.
it’s not even REAL root beer.
IBC’s a FALL BACK brew. meh — \ like
it’s “okay” - but not
brand myself.
my PREFERRED brand.
you might as well drink
fifty cents a CAN — from a MUDDY HOOF like \ said — all
especially when PRINT if you’re gonna
the GAME’S on and what’s not to love? tastes the same to me.
SUCK up that swill.
\’m ALL amped up.

^ “say, you’re pretty SASSY for a DEAD GUY. aren’t ya BABY BROTHER?
-snicker- \’ll be sure to put some FLOWERS on yer GRAVE.”
—Bob Herzog, KODT Issue #110, A Shotgun and Two Dirty Barrels…

Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 15

you don’t get it man — \ helpin’ POP-POP gather
GREW up drinkin’ root beer. up the ROOT and BARK..
oh man — some of
the BEST memories.
used to make the stuff on their farm. just the SMELL of sassafras tree in the
back to that farm.
yeah. \ know.
\ used to HELP “EM when just a few miles
yeah. so
my dad would LEAVE me from the OLD you’ve said.
you’ve TALKED
with ‘em for the summer. HERZOG place.
about it.

yo, sara. wassup...?

then \’d help MIMSY boil the EXTRACT...

we’re talkin’ REAL sassafrass, dude. it’s SARA. bob — where

the heck ARE
none of those LAME substitutes wonder what you guys?
and extracts they use now. she wants?


foam that would... SODA — like
you ASKED.

to get you out

of the HOUSE for a
few minutes — not
to go on a
breep... breep...
breep... breep...

you need to get back here.

\’ll be READY for you two shortly. better


sara wants SWEET! she

us BACK at say anything
the table. about our NEW

okay - we’re
headin’ back
now — see
ya in a few. naaah.
wonder what
she has
in mind.

^ “okay, everybody STAND on BLUE SCALE’S chest and LOOK PRETTY!! i’m burnin’ off an
IMAGE-SCRY and sending it back to my PROTEGEES in FAARWIPLE. …they’ll get a KICK out
of seein’ the OLD MAN in his moment of GLORY!!” —Pete Ashton, KODT Issue #105, Team Smirk

16 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256

Be Kind — Rewind by jolly r. blackburn

b-but \ HAVE
been —every word... \’m talking
about THIS.
how could \ NOT..?
okay, b.a. —
it’s been RIVETING.
sorry about that. you were just
about to explain
why we needed to no - you don’t
now then — -klick-
TALK in private. understand. -klick-
where -klick-
were we?

your pen? YES!!

\ was
right. — you clicking
REALLY need it to beat
to pay more the band.

no, no — don’t APOLOGIZE.

sorry, sara.
you were..?
it’s MY bad — \ didn’t THINK this through.
truly — \ was SO
to the POINT \ thought caught up in things.
SURE the others would
it was MEANT to be a discrete CUE.
wonder what was going on... \’ll try and
watch for it and it’s obviously not working.
next time.
didn’t notice.
FIX that.

\ wanted

\ first started yes — and

clicking the pen — yeah...? BEFORE that’s IMPORTANT.
he pushed it?
the MOMENT brian
pushed that button.
because it’s a
CLUE as to what
from your character’s your “ABILITY”
perspective — that is all about.
back of your head
began to go off —

before FLOYD’s finger
MASHED that button.

^ “on the count of THREE you start your CHARGE across the field. … you reach the MOUTH of the
CAVE and CONTINUE your CHARGE… unfortunately for you, PETE. your ‘BATTLE CRY’ is drowned out by
the RIOTOUS LAUGHTER coming from the REAR.” —Nitro Fergueson, KODT Issue #105, On the Count of Three

Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 17

it was like an ADRENALINE RUSH... whoah — \ saw the OUTCOME of
the ACTION before it even took place?
in a “FLASH” - you SAW what was going to
happen as a RESULT of that button press that’s the
and the ESCAPE POD changing course. like some sort
of PREMONITION? GIST of it —yes.

like a FILM CLIP in FAST FORWARD although at

running through your head. THIS point —

you didn’t see

you saw the NAVIGATION PATTY’s reveal of
COMPUTERS shut down... her secret skill.

the RESULTING dilemma. or her taking


all before it
actually happened. you only saw a
SMALL window of
a few minutes.

your MENTAL FLASH was akin to observing had you PICKED that was your WINDOW —
events through a sort of BRAIN FOG. UP on my CUES —
roughly framing the
you would have START and STOPPING point
you couldn’t pick up on EVERY of your MENTAL FLASH.
detail - only the HIGHLIGHTS.
my pen BEFORE brian
think of it as pushed the button. does that make sense?
one of those
and again a few
“LAST WEEK” \’m not sure.
seconds later AFTER the
refresher clips NAV COMPUTER went down. \’m still
of the PREVIOUS digesting it.
episode of
only you didn’t
SEE that episode.

well here’s some more to chew.

wait... if \ saw STOP it from each time, when
just before PATTY these things the FLASH was
took the controls BEFORE they over — and you
and went MANUAL...? happened. SNAPPED back
THIS is where it to the PRESENT...
it HAPPENED d-does that gets really interesting.
to you again. mean, \ can...

you FLASHED yeah...?

and saw the you
for this?
the controls

the pod
spinning out
of control.

^ “FIRST we’re gonna deal with RED GURDY PICKENS! now that i’m ARMED \’ve drank
from my LAST spittoon and KISSED the toe of my LAST firk ding frickin’ BOOT by gawd.”
—B.A. Felton, KODT Issue #104, Hard to Swallow

18 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256

and thus CHANGING the outcome. that moment
you did get a very STRONG
SENSE that you could have
has long passed.
ALTERED the event that in regards to
CAUSED you to flash. wow! a RE-DO? can the BUTTON?
\ STILL do that...? at BEST — you have
oh god no.
of course not. mere SECONDS to act
after you’ve had a FLASH.
for example
floyd from
that button.

okay — just HOW does as \ said, GRABBING floyd’s

you’ll be given an hand and preventing him from
this work exactly...? OPPORTUNITY to
simple. just FOLLOWING through on his
say “REWIND”. ALTER or STOP IMPULSE was a possibility.
whatever triggered
if \ DID decide you to flash.
to take action or — CAUTIONING, sandy
after a flash. and that’s before she TOOK the
exactly controls — informing her
what we do. what will happen if she does.

well now \
AM confused.

it has — but if you choose

to REWIND — everyone goes BACK REWINDING is no
you clicked your pen
to the point in the guarantee of a more
indicating \’ve FLASHED.
action where you were trig- FAVORABLE outcome.
then — a bit later — in fact, it may not
and it all plays out again.
you click AGAIN indicating change a THING. OR even
the FLASH has ended. possibly with a make things WORSE!
different outcome.
you have NO
ah. okay. that’s control over when so choose
pretty cool these flashes WISELY.
\ say, “REWIND” happen by the way.

but the EVENT you can just because

has already played only you FLASH -
out it in REAL TIME RESPOND doesn’t mean
to them you have
at the table — to ACT on it.
with players they do.
taking actions.

^ “umm, you’re not SWALLOWING that TOBACCO JUICE are you?”

—Sara Felton, KODT Issue #104, Hard to Swallow

Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 19

fascinating — \ gotta say, \ gotta ask... like PATTY failing
that’s PRETTY NIFTY, sara. are you asking how
her PILOT CHECK. \ KNOW the outcome
as a GM — how
before it happens...?
you come up with do you KNOW or the NAV COMPUTER
this yourself...? what’s going failing when it did.
to happen...?
\ don’t.
\ did — well, \ took
some inspiration
from THE DEAD ZONE. how do you
know when it’s
appropriate for
me to FLASH?

your ability is simply that IS a problem. they’re BOUND to

TRIGGERED randomly only problem is... make the connection — eventually.
clicking the PEN
say - here’s a thought.
just isn’t working.
decision or a choice.
\ put my PHONE on VIBRATE. and you
just SPEED DIAL me when \ FLASH.
facing imminent peril... \ was hoping
to send CUES
on the DOWN b.a. — that’s
but \ really then BRILLIANT. done!
LO so you can hang up!
have no IDEA make your OWN
of the outcome — decisions as
far as using
that depends on your ability.
player actions
and thier success and whether or
or failure for not to INFORM
most part. the others of
what you’ve seen.

oh man — this again. just remember — using

is gonna it DOESN’T mean a more
be FUN — \ FAVORABLE outcome. got it!! so —
can’t WAIT. and you have NO control we DONE here?
over when you FLASH.

also — it’s
entirely up to
YOU to ACT on
them or not. we are —
you can HEAD aren’t you
back in and coming...?
have a seat.

shortly — \ need
to TALK with BOB
and DAVE when
they ROLL in.

^ “okay, so speaking HYPOTHETICALLY, supposin’ \ WANTED to DETONATE the THERMO-NUCLEAR

DEVICE… how FAR would \ have to RUN in order to EVADE the resulting BLAST?”
—Bob Herzog, KODT Issue #103, One-Two Punches

20 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256

Two Tickets to Ride by jolly r. blackburn

a wee bit later... IN-CHARACTER — what ITEMS did \ PLACE in the SCURRY
oh no...
c’mon, b.a. this is an
leave me alone — FAT HEAD!
don’t look EASY one. what ITEMS?
to PATTY for \’m not doing this any more. just name ONE!

might as well look — \’m not a CLONE, then why are

eyes RIGHT answer him, b.a. a DOPPELGANGER or you EVADING
here, b.a...
anything else. GOT IT?!! the question?

\ didn’t know the LAST mmmm hmmm...

it’s a SIMPLE question, b.a. name of BOB’s character
coz \ JUST met the guy. just what
one might
oh gawd — not you TOO, patty. the COLOR of the LETTERING expect a
don’t you see what he’s doing? to say when
did SARA even say...? DRILLED.

sorry — \ SERIOUSLY? and \ THINK

was WITH you. \ was
grabbing a
but \ am SODA when you
curious why you guys hit the
can’t answer MED STATION.
his questions.

DEFLECT. turn things around. meanwhile: in the living room.

make the NORMS look

like THEY are the crazy ones.
so lay it on us,
sara. what’cha
c’mon, b.a. you WERE got for us?
oh for cryin’ out there for a LONG time.
out loud.

you REALLY expect

us to BELIEVE you
were going over yeah, \’m RARIN’
quirks and flaws...? to get BACK
into the game.

tell us
about our

^ “\ hope his MEDICAL INSURANCE is paid up. firk ding blast! \ was THIS close to 15th level!”
—Brian Van Hoose, Bundle of Trouble #11, First Taste of Magic

Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 21

well — \ think these but since these PREGENS are JOINED at
characters are RIGHT the hip so to speak and share EVERYTHING...
up your alley, boys.
w-wait... you’re
\ think we can just KNOCK this out makin’ us play
and get you both back to the table. CONJOINED TWINS...?
\’d go over sounds good
them with you joined at to me. let’s do this.
in private.

no dave — \’m not. although in HACKWURLD in fact that’s EXACTLY

— \ suppose that’s a FAIR question. what you are — BROTHERS. TWINS...¿¡¡
it’s just a way of saying your
NEW characters are VERY close and it’s interesting,
and share virtually everything. dave brought up the for REAL...?!!
subject of “TWINS”.
cool! so you could
we’re best like say that.
brothers. get out.
buds then.
are also

DUDE — this ROCKS!

well c’mon, sara — whatta ya WAITIN’
for — where are our SHEETS...? \ want to go over
frickin’ a! your BACK STORIES.
just like the
BROTHERS yeah. \ wanna \ have ‘em
BERZERKER we see what kind of right here.
BALL-PEEN though it’ll have to be
ran that WARHAMMER! STATS \ have.
one time. but first... the CLIFF’S NOTES version.

heh - as a
TEAM we were since the
are waiting.
well - until
that APE
LICHE turned
you into a
and broke
up the set.

^ “frozen pizza poofs. -chew- -chew- -mum- -yum- -gulp- want some? eh -- they’re not so bad.
as long as you CHASE ‘em with a SWIG of beer. never figured b.a.’s mom for a MILLER LITE girl.”
—Brian Van Hoose, KODT Issue #166, Monkey See

22 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256

you’ll be playing the COLBY social layabouts...? “daddy” may not have
TWINS, bennet and chester. had a lot of TIME for
what the hell is THAT his boys but he was very
supposed to mean...? GENEROUS with his money.
you’re the sons of a
the very WEALTHY and sort of the
POWERFUL politician, NILES LIFE you fell
into boys. a PROBLEM
never came
as SOCIAL up that he
LAYABOUTS couldn’t
at and make
— you had a go away.
back on earth.

growing up it was like the let me finish.

TWO of you had an INSURANCE hey — \ thought you said
POLICY with no deductible. these characters were one day — a problem
RIGHT up our alley. FINALLY came along your
dad couldn’t make disappear.
against mistakes, failures,
lack of trying, having to put
forth any REAL EFFORT... you make ‘em EARTH’S impending DEMISE.
sound like LOSERS.
you learned there were as plans for the
yeah. what
please tell me got underway —
the two of you
would have seats.

he was KEENLY
interested in
preserving the

long story short, after numerous scandals well — technically, yes.

and missteps he ultimately SUCCEEDED getting the “down lo”...?
TWO of you on the MARGOLLA before her departure.
you sayin’
which actually involved a bit of SKULLDUGGERY. we’re STOW receptive to the idea of
bribes, illegal meddling in procedure, fraud. AWAYS or living their LAST DAYS in
something? EASE AND EXCESS, daddy
FINALLY found the right
the MARGOLLA..?! corrupt officials and
then we’re screwed. hush, in the END
dave. he came GREASED some palms.
for you.

even if it
was on the

^ “look -- \’m DOING it -- OK. \ don’t need ADVICE from the PENCIL
NECKS in the PEANUT GALLERY. b.a., \ shake my, um, er, DUNGBIE.”
—Sara Felton, Knights of the Dinner Table #150, Mutiny on the Hackbeth

Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 23

you were SNUCK which is why — just like the
on board — but LOTTERY WINNERS — your tubes
LEFT off the weren’t DISCOVERED during the but FIRST — let me
your characters.
like the OTHERS you were BOTH
you even had your awakened to the sounds of KLAXONS
own PRIVATE cryo as the MARGOLLA’s orbit was decaying.
tubes installed —
HIDDEN DISCREETLY. then dave’s right— \’m about to
we’re HOSED. the ship’s get to that.
in an out about to BURN up...?
of the way
VAULT where can we
parts and hook up
redundant with the
systems others?
were kept.

hey — \ got, yeah — CHESTER dude — \ gotta 17 strength. HOLY CRAP!!

BENNET!! ain’t bad either.
look it the SKILLS!!
and these stats he goes by the HEY — me too.
aren’t HALF bad. nickname, “CEE-C”
15 DEX...?
twins! sweet.

well no wonder... dude — \ went to

MILITARY SCHOOL too — oh man - \
we were BUNK MATES!! LOVE this character.
says here \ went yeah but
to DARTMOUTH. PRINCETON. he’s... um... um...
\ went on to PRINCETON.
looks good hey - hold on.
looks like \ dropped on a RESUME.
and DAMN. out FRESHMAN year.
am \ right?
POPS packed
me up and
sent me to
as a TYKE.

^ “were-goats?? but it’s broad daylight!!”

—Brian Van Hoose, Bundle of Trouble #1, The Guest GM

24 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256

these SKILL RATINGS — they’re HORRIBLE. \’ve got HANG GLIDING at 17%. your CHARACTERS
reflect individuals
not sure if \’ll get who had a LOT of
a 7% in MAORI. 13% in KNOT TYING. much USE out of that. advantages for
mine \’m sure you GROWTH and
too! picked up that ooo - a 71% at LIFE EXPERIENCES...
a 21% in LAST one
who didn’t FULLY
apply themselves.
now that’s
but — there
are areas
where you

if it had WINGS, WHEELS bob, for CEE-C it was more

both of you had areas or SKIDS and a PoWERTRAIN —
of interest that you about SPORTS — but primarily
THREW yourselves into. you wanted to RIDE it. in things like martial arts and...

not only that but taking them FIRE ARMS!!!

apart, rebuilding them, tricking ah. you
them out. you have a NATURAL finally
dave - as SLUG THROWER
TALENT for all things mechanical. PROFICIENCY at 75%! noticed.
you’ve noticed
for BENNET it
you’ll see that
was SPEED and REFLECTED in the YES!!! powered

so here’s your CURRENT situation. you ASSESSED the situation. gathered supplies
and made PREPARATIONS for leaving the ship.

you WOKE up a few after noticing a disabled SHUTTLE in one of the BAYS —
HOURS before the bennet determined he could REPAIR IT with the proper parts.
OTHER group did.

yeah...? did you did. and you were able to make those
we find ‘em? REPAIRS and PILOT the ship to safety.
although your
AWARE of that — frickin’ a.

or EVEN that the

other group exists.

^ “t-trouble? ohmigawd! what KIND of trouble? GAAA!!! wait… \ think \ KNOW! S-S-SHEILA
found out \ SHORTED her on EPS in that TOURNAMENT \ ran at hackcon last fall. is THAT it?”
—B.A. Felton, Bundle of Trouble #20, Some Trouble Going Down

Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 25

dude — you hear that...? well okay, FLY BOYS... you’ve spent some
minutes DEALING with
WE’VE GOT OUR OWN SHIP!! it’s not all GUNS N’ ROSES. small GLITCHES to the
shuttle’s SYSTEMS and
ROCK ASS!! workin’ out the RUST.
bringing you to
we’re the PRESENT —
we gotta killin’ it. you have JUST when a DISTRESS
give ‘er a name!
witnessed the BEACON lights
MARGOLLA — your up your console.
HOME for the last
four centuries...
lemme guess.


you have no idea.

dave - is your PHONE charged...?
is it from an
whoever it is seems
to be having TROUBLE
with their COMM.
you’re going to
yeah. use it to simulate
yeah — is it sure. that radio on
the signal is
the OTHERS? intermittent. your shuttle.


but there is
out there.

\’m going to go back in — in a FEW

MINUTeS — \’ll send you a TEXT in a bit.

when \ do — \ want you to call my phone. here — take this

we’ll take it from there.

dude — \ think it’s a SCRIPT

\’m lovin’ it. of sorts...
we get to be TEAM COLBY!

you’re to STAY

\’ll TEXT you

more information
as \ have it.

^ “you’re actually dueling to see who can maim themselves first?

—Sara Felton, Bundle of Trouble #2, Agent of Evil!!

26 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256

A Shout in the Dark by jolly r. blackburn

a wee bit later...

with the POD a small DOT OF LIGHT
spinning and tumbling that appeared to be
you’re not even sure MOVING from left to
which DIRECTION right in her field of vision.
to look, patty.
my face against which
the just suddenly seemed
window, sara — what \ to CHANGE
straining my neck. described, direction —
exactly what just as it
do \ see it did she moved out of
AGAIN? see again? frame of
the view port.

well \ KEEP
with DIFFICULTY — due to the
looking — anything?
DISORIENTING effect of the
tell ya what, patty. SWIRLING tapestry of stars and
the PLANET SURFACE in the view port.
give me another
\’m rollin’ HUX and you can
RIVET — my lucky do it, patty.

ok a-
-s hook

SIXTEEN!!! you SPOT the point of light again, patty. but only
for a MOMENT before it moves out of view again.
\ made it!!!
I-IT’S A SHIP...?!!
only this time it appeared
perhaps 50% larger.
patty — HOLD the
WORK-LIGHT on your
uniform UP to the WINDOW.
what’s more — you thought you
detected the TELL-TALE halo of the EXTERIOR beacons went

\ knew it!!
yeah. we have to
to ourselves.

^ “ok, dave, since SCROUD is from the BASEMENT PLANE and is a TYPE II DEMON as soon as you step
near him to swing you automatically touch the DEMON FLAMES protecting him and you take 250
points of damage!! and since he’s a soul-hunter your soul immediately is trapped in his belt buckle!”
—B.A. Felton, Bundle of Trouble #1, Death by Repetition.

Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 27

oh and \’ll try that EMERGENCY COMM again yes — you actually begin
— fiddlin’ with the KNOBS some more. hearing WORDS and they’re...

good thinkin,’ guys. there is...? \ keep

um, b.a. — there DOES can we make disjointed
seem to be some UNUSUAL anything OUT? and incoherent
knocks and clicks coming at first.
across that STATIC HISS.
Oka Dave B
y o
you Dave. p swell
o u
Youʼr n speak tting
e on er.

\ get all the hate.

and SUDDENLY — the INTERIOR of \ think the TEASERS
the POD is FILLED with the actually look
SOUNDS of another HUMAN voice!! shy-a right — you
pretty cool, man.
WOULD. you loved
that BRAIN FART of a
dude, it’s LAME! movie, LAST JEDI too.
LION-O looks
like a frickin’
EWOK now!

oh gawd - will just

get off the HATE
TRAIN already..? that
and PANTHRO..? movie was AWESOME.
what the HELL?
makes me wanna
CHOKE whoever
did that to him. when LUKE threw
that SABRE over his
\ CHEERED, dude!

several counts later... -ahem- HELLO...?

LIFE POD 36-ZULA-RAY. omigawd - this
please RESPOND -are is IN-CHARACTER..?
don’t you mean DAVE...!!!
“LIGHT SWORD” — on board? come in! s-s0 they MADE it!
how could you
CHEER the DEATH h-huh...?
of a FRANCHISE...? what was VINCE and
that? omigawd.. JASPER
DAVE? BOB? are alive!

oh, whatever. YOU’RE ON!!

BOO HOO - my
cry me a river.
cool. okay.

^ “huh?? what is it boy? crossbow? you wanna USE the crossbow? the CROSSBOW OF SLAYING?”
—Dave Bozwell, Bundle of Trouble #20, Squire Lee

28 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256

ah no man — we TOTALLY what did \ TELL you...? so yo — LIFE POD 36-ZULA RAY...
got KILLED. we’re
runnin’ NEW characters. STICK to the
notes you were given. if’n yer able —
PLEASE respond!
heh. DAVE got PLAYED
the HACK-
yeah. it sucked man. BETH is
we ALMOST beat the damn.. EN ROUTE
oh. right. to give an
sorry, sara. ASSIST!


oh — it’s what we’re

callin’ the SHUTTLE omigawd — they took clever way of
the HACKBETH? back in, sara.

HACKBETH! this is LIFE and they’re \ figured as much —

POD, um...THIRTY-SIX playing NEW it was somewhat
your NOTES, something, something. characters...? TELEGRAPHED.
dave. STICK
to them! do you copy?!! but still
pretty kewl.

that ALMOST sounded looks we just got a NEW LEASE on life.

like a compliment, brian.
and looks like the
party has a SHIP now.
thanks! yeah. \ SUPPOSE they are.
‘cept we never
resolved the possibility of a
things are DOPPELGANGER in our midst.
lookin’ up.
we’re on
our WAY!

^ “okay, guys, \’ll BITE! before we call it a NIGHT, how ‘bout tellin’ me what this
‘PHASE THREE’ crap is all about. you DO understand that your characters are DEAD --
RIGHT?…COMPRENDE? you’re dead. D-E-A-D!!” —B.A. Felton, Bundle of Trouble #20, Phase Three

Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 29

Two Peas in a Shuttle Pod by jolly r. blackburn

a little later...
that’s not true. is it??
seriously...? you’re running TWIN BROTHERS...? actually...
\’ve never heard
cool, huh...? like two PEAS in a some of the THAT before.
wow. that’s pod. we do EVERYTHING together. FIERCEST
really sibling
\’ve had TWINS in
interesting. hell yeah. and you rivalries in
my class. they’ve
just KNOW \ got right back history
always got along GREAT.
YOUR back, dude. at ya, bro. have been
between TWINS.

oh um... just something heh - well not the COLBY BROTHERS, dude.
\ READ somewhere.
we get along SWIMMINGLY well!

regardless —
yeah. TUT-TUT and all that.
ah... \ see.
nobody FIGHTS
and BRAWLS we happen to be REFINED
and cultured. TRUE GENTLEMEN. come from
quit like
MONEY do ya...?
brothers do.

BIG WHOOP — FAT GOOD whatever, BIG GUY. you got that right.
that does ya. we’re 400 years on
THIS SIDE of the DEATH of EARTH. but bob and \ are JACKED!! and WHO’s piloting it...?!!

old ECONOMIES aren’t

just SMASHED — they SKILLS frickin’ A, man.
no longer EXIST. and KNOW TEAM
HOW, baby!! put ‘er there!
great equalizers.
who do ya -SLA
THINK got P{-
everyone’s the
SAME out here. this SHUTTLE
whatever HIGH
HORSE yer on..?

you might as

^ “um… probably wasn’t such a BRIGHT idea teachin’ him ALL your moves, bob.”
—Dave Bozwell, KODT Issue #167, The Orc is Not My Son Part V: Orc Autumn

30 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256

SKILLS...? you saying you guys are STACKED? hhrmmph.. maybe \ should alright, brian.
just WALK out an AIR LOCK
in my TIGHTY WHITEYS... that’ll be ENOUGH
you two talk like that.
DIE from
of STUPIDITY... there’ll be
WHEAT what \ might
CAKES at an let’s just NO suiciding
come back with.
IHOP dude! say we made of CHARACTERS.
and you got
out alright. REWARDED
for it...?
on that?

the ONLY thing the FIVE of you should be

the only REWARD here is concerned about at the moment is — what NExT...?!!
PLAYING the character dealt
to you to the BEST of your abilities. you have just ESCAPED a FIERY END on
the MARGOLLA — the only HOME and REFUGE
and the SATISFACTION you’ve known for the last FOUR CENTURIES.
of the E-PEE TAKE
along the way. you are still only RECENTLY roused hey, you KNOW
from your DEEP PEACEFUL SLUMBERS how \ feel
and facing the UNCERTAINITY of being about the CUERVO.
besides. the BOYS THRUST into the strange unknown.
\ wouldn’t
\ wouldn’t mind getting mind
things — a tad. good checking
so — my FEET on solid ground.
question. the other
what’s ship out.

you guys should

VOTE —and then \
\ wouldn’t mind investigating what’s on KC-9 myself. think this is a GOOD
POINT to stop the
game til next week.
\ suppose we should geeze loueeze.
put it to a vote. sounds
you fail ONE little good — it
with no one save vs. compulsion IS getting late.
agreed. only making the around here and it’s
we actually decision THROWN in your
VOTE this time. FOR us. face in perpetuity.

\ don’t KNOW
anything about that
but yeah - let’s vote.
so, dave — have
you OPENED this
ship up yet? see
what she can do?


^ “BACK OFF JACK! does this thing look like a frickin’ BUBBA-HAULIN’ PICK UP?
go steal your OWN high performance, european LUXURY sports car. -- ya BIG GOOF!”
—Bob Herzog, Bundle of Trouble #10, Final Daze

Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 31

ship blown off course stumbles across an uncharted island. Mysterious ruins
can be seen on the slopes of the mountain rising from its center. And in a small
cove protected from the choppy ocean waters — the ominous gaping maw
of a sea cave.
What secrets does this lost island hold?
Well mateys, it’s time for another HackMaster Adventure Design contest!!
To enter, write some related encounters or an adventure for this small setting.
They can be set anywhere on the island. Include rough maps as necessary.
Submit entries to

First Place: Fleet in a Box — 10 hand painted, fully rigged resin cast boats for your
table top games!
Second Place: Hand painted resin cast sailing ship.
Third Place: Pair of hand painted resin cast smuggler’s boats.

Contest Rules:
1) Entries must be received by August 15, 2018.
2) Entries will be subjectively judged on the perceived playability value of the
submission. Novel and unique challenges, interesting NPCs and a compelling story are
all favorably viewed and generally trump sheer word count.
3) Substance trumps style. Don’t let hand-drawn maps stop you from entering. We’re
looking for fun and exciting adventures in any form.
4) Winner will be contacted to submit an Assignment of Rights form to be eligible to
receive prizes.
5) Prizes are FOB Waukegan, Illinois. Winners are responsible for postage fees.
will remember and whose defeat will taste
all the sweeter, are the competent ones.
They’re the ones who were a genuine
threat, not just the ones with 2000hp and
high level spell slots. Great villains are the
ones who were able to guess their every
move. The ones whose wits matched their
own and pushed them to the limit.
A villain can only truly do this with the
right kind of information and intelligence.
Having intelligent villains who spy on
players is a good thing. It makes for
intelligent and canny players. They will
become cautious and shrewd. Or else,
they’ll die hideous deaths. A GM should
never be afraid to instil a healthy paranoia
amongst his players.
There are a few ways that your villains
can get this information. Remember, to be
fair, a villain should only act on things they
are able to know. Otherwise, your players
will justifiably call you out for metagaming.
So, always have a justification ready
about why the BEBG knows the PCs’ weak-
Peekaboo, nesses.
I SEE You! Everyone has their price…
Do the PCs pay their henchmen well? If
Jack Shannon
not, a few gold pieces and a round of
drinks in exchange for some trivial infor-

n roleplaying games, too often the PCs mation might loosen their tongue.
have the element of surprise. If the Tell me more!
players are smart, they fight when it
Players love to boast. A crowd of simper-
suits them and on their terms. All good
ing commoners in the inn could easily hide
players research the dungeon, find out
a few spies just waiting for a drunken PC to
local rumors, figure out what they are up
brag about things that might be interest-
against and equip themselves to face the
ing for a villain to know.
foe accordingly.
Innocent flower, or hidden serpent?
Well preparation is a two-way street!
Intelligent villains don’t sit around to be Those closest to the PCs can make great
surprised. They have contingency plans, spies. The armorer who always gives them
escape routes and sneaky tricks. Likewise, a discount...? Perhaps he has a reason for
they should also be pro-active. They set being so friendly besides the PCs’ high
ambushes, sabotage equipment, harass charisma.
and harm PCs. The friendly innkeeper? Maybe he likes to
The best villains, the ones your players give the PCs free drinks so he can loosen
Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 33
himself to be easily defeated. So, make sure
to give your bad guys plenty of ammuni-
tion and tricks to ensure their survival, and
maybe even more.
A villain’s motive might not be just plain
survival anyway. Villains have lives, and
plans, and schemes that don’t involve
dying. Perhaps your villain wants to rule the
world and the PCs are in the way.
Maybe that bad guy had a family
member, pet or confidant killed or hurt by
the PCs and he wants revenge.
Give your villains motivation, especially
the villains who are at the heart of your
campaign. Not every foe will be an intelli-
gent, motivated opponent for your PCs,
true. But, the BEBG who is important
enough to build a story around, is also
important enough to be intelligent, hard-
their lips and report back.
to-defeat, and a worthy match to your PCs.
Any of these folks could be hired to re-
After all, players rarely celebrate
port to the PC’s enemies for the right price.
defeating a bunch of orcs or kobolds, but if
Even an incorruptible LG cleric who occa- they are victorious against a wily, tough
sionally raises the PCs for a moderate fee bad guy who is difficult to beat, they
might be persuaded to blab if his family should truly feel victorious.
was threatened.
Sometimes, even the most unlikely crea-
tures can be spies. Is that a normal squirrel?
It’s a cheap trick, but
animal spies are a
classic way of finding
out information.
Good villains learn,
so make sure that your
bad guys learn from
encounters with
Does the wizard
always hide safely at
the back? Rear
ambush! Does the
fighter have a favorite
weapon? Shatter it.
No villain in his right
mind would allow

34 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256

agic and mundane jewelry productivity was vast; a large number of
from The Khydoban Desert use artifacts date to this era.
the materials common to the The Theocratic Period follows the Regal
peoples in the ancient Khydoban Empires Period and is usually identified as Early or
and the minor nomadic tribes who Late. The division varies with the scholar
presaged and succeeded them. These doing the talking, but the ETP (Early
materials include gold, copper, jet, Theocratic Period) is usually understood to
alabaster, ebony, carnelian, porphyry, mean before 560 years ago; The LTP
quartz, and ivory. Silver, bronze, iron, and extends after that for another generation
diamonds came about later through trade. or two.
Within historical eras emeralds and
The Post-Collapse Period identifies an
sapphires have also been mined.
artifact as coming from a vague, little
Dating artifacts is a tough job. It relies on understood period following the fall of the
archeological techniques of dating artistic Fellowship of Terror's rule of Kadar. It's kind
styles, especially of pottery, written artifacts of a catch-all for the numerous splinter
(letters, style, spelling, and language), civilizations that stumbled about after the
location, historical citations and references death throes of the kingdom.
in previously-established documents, etc.
All of these times refer to artifacts of
If the artifact is discovered in situ, stratigraphy
Kadar and some of its tributary states and
provides invaluable clues.
The Regal Period refers to an artifact
The Migration Era refers to a time of
from the Kingdom of Kadar during the rule
great mobility in the northern Khydoban. It
of Kadar or his heirs. The time period is
includes the centuries immediately
diverse, with many smaller divisions
preceding the Regal Period (with some
(usually identified by regency), and its
Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 35
overlap, depending on location), but it also History: The Talisman of Keleb-Nar has
encompasses a wider geographical range, appeared in history several times. After
encompassing in general the northern half each appearance, it always returns to the
of the Khydoban Desert. Khydoban Desert after no more than seven
The Bada-jez Period refers to the ruth- years. It has been worn by a Fhokki barbar-
less rule of a Dejy tribe by that name that ian in the defense against Kalamaran ex-
briefly conquered the southwestern por- pansion, a druid homesteader in the Rytarr
tion of the desert 250 years ago. The Bada- Woods, a gnome charlatan in Baethel, and
jez had been a mostly mercenary group of a dwarven prince in Karasta who lived be-
nomads who aided one side or another in fore the Kalamaran conquest.
minor skirmishes. Under the leadership of Properties: The character wearing the
a forgotten leader known to civilization Talisman of Keleb-Nar has a mental con-
only as the Red Scourge, they conquered nection with the character after whom the
some dozen small towns and villages. The item is named. The character has a mysteri-
conquest unified the settlements only to ous knowledge of life in the ancient king-
depose their conquerors, and they enjoyed dom, gaining a +20 bonus to Ancient
a brief period of increased trade afterward. History checks regarding Kadar or other
A Dynaji Period artifact (subdivided into civilizations in the Khydoban Desert. The
the Primacy, Blended, Priestly Periods), character might find himself doing strange
shows that culture's particular style and things, like going to an oasis for water in
dates to that empire's rule. Materials are the morning when there's a basin nearby.
similar to Kadaran jewelry, but they include
silver and copper alloys like bronze. They
also include pearls and coral.
The value of each item given is for the
greater of its jewelry value or its historical
value. It does not take into consideration
any magical properties it might possess.

Name: Talisman of Keleb-Nar

Value: 125 sp
Origin: The Talisman was created early in
the Regal Period, probably within the gen-
eration after the death of Kadar. Keleb-Nar
was either the craftsman who created the
item or the enchanter who bestowed its
magical properties; arguments have been
made for both cases. Name: Embalmer's Bracers
Description: The Talisman is a seg- Value: 50 sp
mented necklace made of connected Origin: The Bracers date to late in the
square jet plates rimmed with copper. Each Priestly Period of Dynaj. They are tied to the
was engraved with images that originally Paheri, a renegade family who maintained
told a story, but the substance of the story the old royal authority and refused to
has been lost due to erosion. It certainly in- acknowledge theocratic supremacy. The
volves the foundation of the Kingdom of Paheri continued to build monuments and
Kadar and the biography of Kadar himself. produce a great amount of art well into the
36 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256
Theocratic Period. Tradiquen, directs a vigorous campaign out
Description: The Bracers are ivory bands of Mendarn against Brolenese slavers.
inscribed with images of gods and spirits. Properties: The Carnelian Rose is a subtle
The rims have tiny animals forming a long item. The holder can create a shift blame
chain, all facing the same way. The animals and lesser memory wipe once per day
are all native to the Khydoban, especially each. Once per week, the holder can cast
the region controlled by the Paheri family, beguile creature.
except for one—something that looks like
a giant sea monsters.
History: The Bracers were among ruins
discovered by a lost shepherd in 498 I.R. He
immediately sold them for 2 sp to a
treasure-hunter operating out of Shathyf.
From there it went on auction in Geanavue,
and landed in the home of a healer named
Realoo Wauntae. The Wauntae family
maintains them in their possessions, with
Realoo's granddaughter Miiria now
wearing them.
Properties: The Embalmer's Bracers were
wards meant to protect the wearer in case
the spirit of the dead became angry or of-
fended while the wearer was handling the Name: Ka Mask
dead. The wearer can effectively and safely Value: 200 sp
grapple with, punch, and touch incorporeal
Origin: The Ka Mask dates to the LTP or
undead without harm. The undead touch-
the Post-Collapse Period; the arguments
ing the wearer has normal effect.
about its origin are as unending as the
Name: Carnelian Rose Khydoban's sands.
Value: 150 sp Description: The Ka Mask is a gold face
Origin: It's difficult to date the Carnelian plate in the shape of an ibis, apparently
Rose with any accuracy beyond placing it meant to be held by hand. This fact leads
early in the Migration Era. loremasters to speculate that it must have
been used for ceremonial or religious rea-
Description: The Carnelian Rose is
sons, not anything so vigorous as combat.
exactly what it describes—a delicate sculp-
ture in the shape of a rose, made out of a History: The Ka Mask first came to the
stone not known for such intricate detail. attention of civilization when a gnole tribe
Kept loose for most of its history, since 530 encountered a Thygashy patrol about 200
I.R., the rose has been ensconced in a silver years ago. A mercenary wizard with the
brooch for easier transportation. patrol for his own reasons was fascinated
when the Mask deflected his attempts to
History: The Carnelian Rose has been in a
charm the gnole witch doctor. The patrol
family of elven warriors for generations. The
was defeated and fled in retreat, but the
Tradiquens have allied themselves with the
wizard pursued the matter, infiltrating the
Brotherhood of the Broken Chain and pur-
gnole camp a week later and making off
sue that society's agenda across the Sover-
with the Mask.
eign Lands. The current owner, Yeleva
Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 37
Since then, the Mask changed hands captured him.
quickly several times, going from Rynoshok Properties: Wearing the Braided Chain of
to P'Bapar to Rosaleta to Cosolen. It spent the Sage allows a character to cast
50 years lost in the Obakasek before commune with higher power once per
reappearing in Sigido. After that, the week. A cleric casting the spell may ask one
Emperor claimed it. It sat in his vaults question per level, whether using this
untouched since then. Maybe. device or casting the spell under his or her
Last year, a daring thief broke into the own power.
Imperial Vault at Bet Kalamar. Official word
is that the thief was killed in his capture, but
the word in the underworld of Bet Kalamar
says that there were two thieves and only
one was captured. The other escaped with
great treasures, including the Ka Mask.
Properties: The Ka Mask protects the
wearer's spirit, making it impossible to gain
control of the character. The character is
immune to charm or possession effects.

Name: Braided Chain of the Sage

Value: 300 sp
Origin: The Braided Chain of the Sage
dates to the Bada-jez Period, the work of an
unknown artist from the Nehkin or Mesakh
Dejy tribes near the coast of the Sea of the
Name: Cursed Star of the Twin Dragons
Value: 1,000 sp
Description: A gold braided rope
Origin: The Cursed Star dates to the
necklace, with each braid being formed of
Migration Era. Aside from its early appear-
tinier braids, as far as the eye can detect.
ance in the northern half of the Khydoban,
History: The Braided Chain has appeared not much is known.
twice in historical records. The first time it
Description: The Cursed Star of the Twin
appeared in the booty of a captured
dragons is a spindle-shaped white
Brolenese slaver in 407 I.R., hunting far and
wide for Dejy slaves. The slaver was looted
by a Zoan freebooter and brought back to History: The Cursed Star of the Twin
that city for sale. Dragons takes part of its name from its
longest-maintained resting place, the
The second appearance was on the neck
hoard of two blue dragons. Numerous
of a Doderan revolutionary, a dwarven
brave heroes tries to claim them, but they
rebel named Athmir. Athmir led a band of
added their bones to the pile at the drag-
insurgents throughout the 540s and 550s,
ons' feet. At this point, the diamond was
raiding Kalamaran patrol stations and
known only as the Star of the Twin Dragons.
burning supply caches he couldn't capture.
He became a local hero, but he was The dragons finally fell to an angry storm
eventually betrayed by one of his own. The giant, and their treasures were scattered.
Kalamarans hanged him, but they didn't The storm giant prized the Star and gave it
find the Braided Chain on him when they a position of prestige in his palace. All
38 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256
creatures who saw it coveted it, and a long Name: Gilded Box of The Lost Obelisk
story of treachery, deceit, and broken Value: 150 sp
hearts developed. Suffice to say that the Origin: The Gilded Box can be dated to
Cursed Star left the giant's palace and was the second century of the Regal Period. The
sold as a trinket in Dydraj. original document requesting its commis-
Its new owner, a golden halfling cleric of sion and bearing the stamp of the king
the Powermaster, was declared a heretic rests in the possession of the University of
and stripped of rank shortly after he Zha-Nehzmish.
acquired it. The cleric, named “Red” Ren il Description: The Gilded Box is made of
Dioneth, has tried to sell the stone due to alabaster and gold plates formed into a
his hardship, but its bad reputation is cube about 6” on a side. The plates slide
making it impossible. He has taken it to and turn, forming different patterns with
Prompeldia—either to hock cheap or in the their arcane sigils.
hope that it will be stolen.
History: While the Gilded Box is well-
Properties: The Cursed Star grants its attested in its creation, its location has been
owner considerable control over lightning. less well documented. It was certainly in
The wearer will never be struck by the possession of a priest-assassin of the
mundane lightning, regardless of where he House of Knives around 300 I.R. when that
or she is standing or what he or she is person killed the Princess of Chandan in
wearing. The wearer is protected from all Eldor. It belonged for decades to a
lighting damage from spells and magical monastery in Tharggy. It was in the
attacks. Once per day, the wearer can recorded possessions of a hermit who died
invoke a lightning bolt. The Cursed Star also outside of Monam-Ahnoz in 545 I.R.
grants a +10 bonus to Riddling. That one
Properties: The holder of the Gilded Box
puzzles scholars; some read it as implying
can use it to teleport to the former location
that the Cursed Star has a host of other, as
of the Obelisk to which it was attuned. That
yet undiscovered, abilities.
place is now an area around 39° 1' North
The Cursed Star carries no magical curse. and 12° 30' East on the Kalamar Atlas with
It's a valuable item with magical properties. nothing but a few broken walls left.
Normal greed does the rest.
Name: The Ghost Ring of Kadar
Value: 7 sp
Origin: This Post-Collapse item has been
dated by its short inscription and the de-
sign of the holy symbols represented on its
exterior. Without knowing the location of
its discovery, its original owner, or no early
records of its ownership or properties,
sages can determine nothing more precise.
Description: The Ghost Ring of Kadar is
a simple band of teak with holy symbols on
its exterior and a personal message on its
interior facing: “to my wife.” Rings as
symbols of marriage are not known from
this period, but jewelry as a gift is almost
Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 39
History: The Ghost Ring has little history. went to a mate on the pirate ship and sold
It has been in the villages around the as booty Aasaer. In Aasaer, the medallion
Arajyd Hills for about 100 years, according wound up in the hands of the monastery,
to local oral tradition. Its provenance before where it was studied and its provenance
that is unknown. determined. It became more valuable in ac-
ademic circles at that point, and it went to
a professor at the College of Bet Rogala,
where its primary property was discovered.
The professor gathered a team of capable
mercenaries and mounted an expedition to
the ruins of Vonan. He discovered that the
golem it controlled had long since been
smashed. Assuming the treasures therein
had already been looted, the professor re-
turned home (by teleport, rather rudely.
The mercenaries explored further, discov-
ered a secret section of the ruins, and be-
came rich.)
The professor later awarded the Golem
Medallion as a booby prize to a failing stu-
dent. When that student washed out, he
Properties: unknown took the Golem Medallion back home to
Geanavue, and it eventually returned to
Name: Golem Medallion of Vonan
Value: 10 sp
Since then it has changed hands a dozen
Origin: The Goldem Medallion's inscrip-
times, each new owner planning to return
tions date it to the height of the Theocratic
to the ruins and seek out remaining
Period, which casts deep suspicion on the
purpose of its creation and the use to
which it might have been put. The expec- Properties: The Golem Medallion of
tation that it was created by evil clerics for Vonan once controlled a giant stone golem,
protecting their unholy places has deterred created to defend a temple complex north-
more than one buyer in its history. east of the remote village of Ejja-Vonan.
Once considered worthless, the Golem
Description: porphyry
Medallion has been discovered to be of aid
History: The Golem Medallion of Vonan in various endeavors related to its creation.
has spent much of its time in Thygasha,
First, it grants the wearers a +10 bonus to
albeit under a myriad of owners. The first
Crafts (Stonemasonry) checks. The ring
known, from 311 I.R., was a scholar named
must be worn for a significant period
Aeii Yulcham, who bought it from a trader
during the time of the planning and
right off the docks. He was fascinated by
construction (at least 12 hours per day) for
the inscriptions on it and set about
the bonus to apply.
translating them.
Second, the wearer can spend a minute
Once Yulcham's curiosity was satisfied, he
investigating a statue or other stone
sold it to a ship captain who bought it for
artifact to determine if it is animated in the
good luck. The ship was captured by
manner of a golem or other such creature.
pirates...27 years later, and the lucky charm
With the Golem Medallion, it takes an Easy Name: Crystal Moon
Scrutiny check to determine that the Value: 30 sp
structure is animated.
Origin: The Crystal Moon is the best-
Lastly, the Golem Medallion can
command an unlocked stone door to open, studied artifact of the Khydoban, as it is at-
regardless of its size. tested repeatedly in literature from the
Kadar Kingdom, all parts of the Reanaaria
Bay, and elsewhere. Its construction dates
to the 3rd year of the reign of King Karan,
the 6th king of Kadar's dynasty. Interest-
ingly, its enchantment seems to date to a
much later period, and the circumstance of
why that might be the case are unknown.
Description: The Crystal Moon is a pink
crystal shaped—by magic or craft—into a
crescent. At present, a tiny gold ring allow it
to be worn as a pendant, but throughout
most of history, it has been a loose piece.
History: The Crystal Moon has a history
Name: Nomad's Ring well-known to sages who scholar such arti-
Value: 5 cp (2,000 sp to a Journeyman) facts. It was given as a gift from a king of
Origin: The Nomad's Ring is an early Kadar to the King of Brandobia. By the time
Regal Period piece. that country was divided, it was in a
Description: The ring is a large gold ring regional vault in Cosdol, where it stayed
with a beehive pattern. until it was forgotten. About a hundred
History: [clerics of the Traveler] consider years ago, it appeared in the Reanaaria Bay
the Nomad's Ring to be a holy artifact and
again, this time across the world in Dynaj.
claim that the Traveler himself wore it on a
rare visit to the Sovereign Lands in 201 I.R, Properties: The Crystal Moon was
when he walked from Tarisato to Tharggy crafted by a kind and generous governor to
in a night. It should be worn by the cleric provide for his people. Once per week, it
who has walked the farthest over the past
year, although it rarely changes hands can create a bountiful feast that provides
because of infrequent communication, the delicious food and drink for 150 people.
difficulty of confirming a cleric's claims, and The food is tasty, but it doesn't last more
other mundane factors. than one day, so it can't be stored or used
Properties: The Nomad's Ring allows a as rations. The Crystal Moon also prevents
wearer to ignore requirements of food and
surprise in ¼ miles radius—the intention
water on any day following a day of
walking at least 20 miles. Riding doesn't being the prevention of humanoid
grant the bonus. Teleportation doesn't ambushes on the town at night. q
grant the bonus.
ra’El, or Goldhorse, used to be one of the most hand-
some Dejy horsemen around. But, something
changed all of that, and he can’t remember how it
He only remembers that he was on a hunting trip, and then,
he was in a healer’s tent, in great pain. Whatever happened cost
him his good looks and his left arm. In spite of the terrible injuries,
Goldhorse has maintained his special, almost magical, way with
horses, especially the wild horses of his homeland.
He feels his own horse, Zekia, is his good-luck charm. He has
said as much to his friends, as well as to his wife and son. It was
Zekia who carried him to the healer’s tent, he’s been told, and
saved his life.
Goldhorse spends most of his days traveling over the wild lands,
capturing wild horses, breeding and training them. Then, he trav-
els near and far to sell the fine horse flesh. His son El’varg (Young
Horse) helps him with every aspect of the business, from round-
ing up horses, to training and breeding. He is eager to be the hand
to his father, a man he admires.
He has made a pretty good living, at least enough to provide for
his family. The hardest part of his job is dealing with buyers. They
can be much more dangerous than wild horses, as some want to
get something for nothing (or at least very little coin). Some
buyers hate him and his people. Some are threatening. It’s the
danger of the business that makes him worry for his son.
He has been told that it was a buyer who attacked him and
caused his injuries. This was long before his son was old enough
to be along for the ride. His healer said she found out who inflicted
Goldhorse the terrible beating that left the horse seller near death. His healer,
Race: Human the beautiful Priestess Baneli, and she has told him all about who
Class: NPC
12 +2 it was who attacked him. It was a man called Colonel Haren, a
Level: N/A
Size: M +2 hateful Kalamaran who hates all Dejy.
Movement: 5 ft Goldhorse has considered exacting revenge against the
Alignment: N +1 0
Reared: Nythok immoral racist, but he has never felt the rage that most everyone
Hit Points: 30
_____________________ 2d6p+4 10 thinks he should feel. He isn’t about to go looking for him, that’s
Tenacity: Brave Int Average Fatigue 13ʼ 5 for sure. He has too much to live for to sink into the pit of revenge.
Factor: -1/0 Physical Save: 0 Mental
Save: +1 Dodge: +1 That’s not to say that if Goldhorse ever sees Colonel Haren again,
Skills he won’t demand satisfaction in an honorable duel. That would
Possessions: herd of horses, spear animal empathy 93%
animal herding 75% please him immensely. Until that day, the horse trader continues
language (Dejy) 61% to train horses, and his son, so that one day, when he is old, he
Proficiencies: spear spec. animal herding 73%
jumping 55% can pass on his business with nothing to worry about.
language (MT) 25%
Talents: charm resistant, dodge riding 67% By Barb Blackburn
hunting 60%
recruiting 39%
animal husbandry 67%
Quirks and Flaws: missing limb, severely Note: Goldhorse’s son, Young Horse, doesn’t have quite the same attitude to-
rope use 50%
maimed salesmanship 37% ward his father’s attacker. He wants the man to pay for what he did. He has
been asking around, discreetly, to find someone to help him take the bastard
42 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256
riestess Baneli of the Dejy of Nythok has an other-
worldly aspect to her life that was evident from an early
age. She is physically beautiful, and she is spiritually very
powerful and attuned to her deity, The Great Bear.
She cares deeply for the land and its creatures, including the
Dejy who are her clan mates. When a young horseman called Gold-
horse was brought into her tent by his horse, badly injured by an
attacker, she not only felt empathy for her patient, but, great anger
toward his assailant. Through prayer, and divine guidance, she
was able to discern who the guilty culprit was. She also found his
campsite one evening, and placed a curse on him that will render
him sightless one day. She feels such a curse is a righteous one,
because what this man did to Goldhorse was cruel and hateful.
The poor injured man’s face was so badly beaten that the
wounds on the left side never fully healed. He still bears the hor-
rific scars of that day. Not only that, but the man lost his left arm.
It took Baneli months of prayer, bandaging, and some surgery,
to get Goldhorse healed enough to go back to his life. The pain he
endured was tremendous, both physically and emotionally. He
had no memory of how he had become so battered. To him, he
was talking with a potential customer one moment (and perfectly
healthy) and the next, he was covered in blood and missing an
Baneli has heard talk that the attacker has also injured other
of her tribe and race, and that his hatred of the Dejy people knows
no bounds. She hopes that her curse will put his evil out of
commission permanently.
Baneli has spent much time trying to protect the land from bad
men who would desecrate it and misuse it for their own gain and
Baneli twisted ideas. “My land should drink in the rains,” she says, “not the
blood of innocents.”
Race: Human
Class: Cleric Goldhorse gifted Baneli with a beautiful speckled mare in
Level: 12th 12 0 payment for her services. She calls the mare Byara, a sacred word
Size: M +6
Movement: 5 ft for Bear. She has used the horse to help her patrol Nythok and
Alignment: N +4 1 keep out those who would endanger the land, or its people. She
Reared: Nythok is fierce when she has to be, though her general nature is one of
Hit Points: 52
_____________________ 2d4p+5 22
8ʼ a peaceful, loving woman. Her protective spirit, however, is
Str: 12/11 Int 11/60 Wis 16/87 Dex 5
12/14 Con 10/40 Lks 15/91 Cha 15/31 released and becomes righteous anger whenever she sees some-
one abusing the place where she grew up and hopes to raise a
animal empathy 63% family one day. “People think that treasure is gold, silver and shiny
Possessions: Staff, holy symbol, thick robes
animal mimicry 50% jewels,” she says. “But, they don’t see that real treasure is in the
language (Dejy) 69%
Proficiencies: staff spec. forestry 79% golden sun, the silver moon and the shining leaves on the trees. I
first aid 65% pity those who miss it.”
botany 41%
Talents: pain tolerant, charm resistant riding 86% By Barb Blackburn
cooking 57%
fire building 60%
observation 90%
Quirks and Flaws: slight limp glean info 51% Note: Baneli also has the musician skill at 71% and is a singer with a beauti-
reading lips 39% ful voice. She uses her voice in praising her deity and blessing the followers of
The Great Tree.

Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 43

etired Kalamaran officer, Colonel Vareen Haren, hates
the Dejy people. He has a distinguished career as a
member of the military, with a long record of killing
many orcs, hobgoblins, Grel, elves, dwarves, halflings, bandits,
enemy troops and Dejy.
Most of those he has slain has been in the line of duty. But, not
all of them. He has killed Dejy when he could do so without get-
ting caught.
Not many know why his hatred of Dejy is so intense. But, there
may be a few former colleagues who remember that a Dejy
warrior “lured” his fiancé away from him. He was more angry
about the disgrace of having his bride-to-be run off with a
“savage.” He hunted her down and killed her for disgracing them.
Then, he stalked her Dejy lover and killed him in his sleep. He’s
had a vendetta against Dejy ever since.
This hatred and its violent nature is what lead the man to an
early retirement. He was offered the chance to retire, rather than
be court-martialed because of how he treated some Dejy traders,
inflaming tensions and jeopardizing the deal his superiors were
trying to make.
Of course, this made him hate Dejy even more than he already
did. With this sort of seething rage inside, he reacted badly when
a Dejy trader refused to sell him a horse. The barbarian had the
nerve to call him cruel and refuse to sell to him. His pride took a
further nosedive at this, and he attacked. He almost killed the
Col. Vareen Haren Dejy, and would have, if the man’s horse hadn’t defended his
master with a terrifying ferocity. Col. Haren managed to steal one
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
of the Dejy horseman’s trade horses and escape. However, later,
Level: 11 8 -3 the horse he stole rebelled when the colonel threatened him with
Size: M +7
Movement: 5 ft a whip. He kicked the Kalamaran in the crotch and ran off.
Alignment: CE +6 M 4
Reared: Kalamar He wasn’t permanently injured by the horse, and he’s practi-
Hit Points: 56
_____________________ 2d8p+2 30 cally forgotten the encounter he had except for the humiliation of
Str: 13/88 Int 10/25 Wis 10/50 Dex 3 2ʼ 5 being refused a Dejy horse. He is a danger to anyone of Dejy blood.
13/77 Con 10/34 Lks 12/01 Cha 7/94

He has no idea that a Dejy priestess was a witness to his attack
Possessions: long sword, medium shield, ring riding 33%
mail armor, light crossbow, horse.
on the horseman through her divine magic, and that she has put
appraisal (armor) 66%
language (Kal) 83% a curse on him. That curse is one that will cause him to go blind
Proficiencies: long sword specialization,
literacy 28%
rope use 75%
club, light crossbow, shield, laborer, road-
within the next year.
marching, phalanx fighting. observation 21%
intimidation 53% By Barb Blackburn
Talents: damage bonus (sword), damage listening 50%
glean info 88%
bonus (club) cooking 72%
law 48%
Quirks and Flaws: racist, cruel recruiting 61% Note: The colonel doesn’t know that he, himself, has Dejy blood, since his
grandfather forced himself on a Dejy maid and she gave birth to his father.

44 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256

oung Horse, as El’Varg, son of Goldhorse is called,
admires his father immensely. He would do anything
for him, except maybe give up his hatred of the man
who maimed his father.
Goldhorse’s horrific injuries were suffered before the lad was
born, but he sees the struggles they bring to the man who has
raised him and it angers him. He is happy, and proud, to help
Goldhorse with the horses. Young Horse loves the wild horses that
his people raise. He can think of nothing more beautiful than to
see a horse running with such power and grace. To be a part of
herding them, breeding them and trading them to reputable
people alongside his father is a great honor.
But, he believes that nobody should be able to treat a great
man like Goldhorse with such disrespect. He hopes to make the
man pay someday.
But, for now, he obediently, and lovingly, helps his father
continue doing what he was born to do. He created a special
saddle for his father (though not many Dejy use saddles) to help
hold him in the saddle safely when he needs to use his spear for
hunting, or use his rope for capturing a horse. He helps his father
round up the horses, which is not an easy job sometimes. These
creatures have minds and wills of their own.
He also helps with breeding, corralling, feeding, brushing, and
selling the horses. He has learned a lot from his father about how
to deal with the horses, and he has his own instincts.
He has his own horse, of course. He’s had this horse since he
was old enough to ride. It’s a faithful copper-colored horse he
calls Neb. Neb is gentle now, though he was once an aggressive,
spirited stallion. Through proper training, and because of Young
El’Varg (Young Horse) Horse’s affinity for these animals, the horse finally was tamed and
Race: Human taught to obey, not out of fear, but out of love. Father and son
Class: Fighter refuse to sell horses to anyone who would beat or mistreat a horse
Level: 1 8 0
+4 in the name of training, or out of anger. They feel a
Size: M
Movement: 5 ft responsibility to the horse first, then to the buyer.
Alignment: N +0 2 In fact, whenever the two have found out that someone who
Reared: Nythok
Hit Points: 26
_____________________ 2d6p+2 9 bought one of their horses has turned out to be abusive, they will
Str: 13/04 Int 12/84 Wis 12/07 Dex 2ʼ 5 find that person and buy back the horse, or, if the owner is
15/04 Con 11/11 Lks 14/03 Cha 12/04 unwilling to sell, will take the horse back by force or by
Skills subterfuge. Thankfully, people like that seem to be the excep-
Possessions: short sword, bracer, leather riding 73%
armor, horse.
tion, rather than the rule. Young Horse is happy with the life they
appraisal (armor) 26%
language (Dejy) 74% live except he has a burning passion for revenge against Colonel
Proficiencies: short sword spec., laborer,
animal empathy 80% Haren, the man who assaulted his father. “He deserves to suffer
animal herding 66%
hiking, phalanx fighting, shield use, armor. animal husbandry 21% like you did,” he tells his father. But, Goldhorse says, “Son, he does
animal training 41% suffer much worse than I do. His hatred sickens him, and drives
rope use 54%
Talents: swift blade, damage bonus salesmanship 38% out all happiness.” By Barb Blackburn
cooking 32%
listening 44% Note: Young Horse has been learning how to fight from one of the warriors
Quirks and Flaws: justiciar observation 19% in the village, though he is doing so secretly. He doesn’t think his father would

Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 45

down the path, extended a pole-arm to whenever the party got into a fight, the
the flailing fighter and pulled him out. I cleric would find a way to force Calondae
swam over to the cleric and was able to into her were form. Partly because the
get us both out. Come to find out that mage was more effective in weretiger
both the cleric, and my fighter were flail- form. More importantly she couldn't cast
ing around in water that was shallow any of her spells as a tiger for which the
enough for us to stand up in. Water in an cleric (frequently the victim of her
RPG, it seems, can not only be dangerous misfires) was a great blessing.
to a character’s hit points, it can be ab- —Michael Maley
solutely devastating to the pride. I pic-
tured our stalwart group as akin to The FIGHTING BOREDOM
Three Stooges at that moment.—Bab-
O ne of my players gets bored with role-
playing sometimes and just decides to
go do random things to entertain himself.
Here's a list of the best ones:
B ack when we were first playtesting
Aces & Eights, the D-Team and
friends cut a pretty bloody swath through
• Bought two honey badgers and got
them costumes to look like the Swiss
DON’T GO IN THE WATER the Shattered Frontier. Guard, then gave them pikes and a war
pony. He is currently trying to train them.
W e were playing our regular Hack- That’s when it struck home the fact
master game, still trying to recover that in the Old West, if you get shot or in- • Bought an elephant, got tired of it,
artifacts taken from our cleric’s temple. jured, there isn’t any magical healing to and made it stampede a city he didn't
mend you quickly. like.
We have spent quite a few sessions
traveling through swampy, dangerous This was especially true for Brian J. Al- • Bought a sedan chair and hired four
areas, and passing by some irritating ways one to seek action in an RPG, Brian hirelings to carry it around. He later used
kobolds who love shooting crossbow bolts ended up getting his characters shot or it as a weapon.
at us, and then disappearing down holes beaten up quite often. When one of his • Bought, renovated, and lost a
and such. characters was laid up, he’d just play an- business due to fire in the same session.
We had had enough. We learned how other one. So, when one of his outlaws
—Scott Wilson
to get past their quicksand trap to get got shot robbing a bank, he found him-
within range to attack, and the battle was self sent to the doc’s office. The town doc-
tor had an upper story dedicated to

on. We were finally giving out some pay-
housing patients who needed to heal in a story of a wonderful argument ru-
bed. It was a hospital of sorts. When ined by cellphones and the Internet:
As we knocked back, knocked down Brian’s bank robber came to his senses, he Playing an Adventurer's League mod-
and killed a few of their numbers, other looked around at where he was and no- ule, we look up in the sky to see a giant
cowardly kobolds ran away, but we ran roc with a 200+ foot wingspan swooping
ticed that every bed in the place was
after, in hot pursuit. down to attack our boat, looking as if it
filled. And, that’s when the GM told him
My friend’s 10-year-old son took the that all of those other patients? They were could carry the entire thing aloft. Small
lead with his fighter, who tried to run Brian’s characters too. He had his own pri- arms fire as it approaches does little, so
down a mostly submerged pathway to vate hospital ward.—BabWryter when it gets in range I Polymorph it into
catch the villains. But, when they swerved the first thing I can think of that I believe
right, the fighter kept going and ran off C’MON TIGER! would sink in the deep ocean water and
of the path into the water, which is in-
O ne battle the elvish Houri mage drown - an elephant. It fails and splashes
fested with piranha. down.
Calondae was savaged by a weretiger
Just like that, my fighter, and then our and became infected, turning into a In the olden days this would precipi-
cleric (his mom) tried to save him and weretiger herself. She decided it was use- tate a classic half-hour argument. Can ele-
ended up in the water with him. ful in case her spells failed her so she de- phants swim? Can they swim in salty
As the piranha began nibbling at his clined healing. The party concurred, ocean water, where they presumably get
armor, another cleric (a dwarf) sauntered especially the cleric Sable. Afterwards a buoyancy bonus? Or are they too dense
46 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256
to swim and sink down and down, until promptly looted. Perhaps we should have onto the rock foundation below.
they drown which breaks the Polymorph left the black skull behind. Entering through the roof there was a
spell and returns them to health far be- Most of our following adventures in- scene of devastation. there were dead
neath the ocean waves? volved running from the Hag of Endive, hobgoblins everywhere, their faces
Sadly, a quick websearch later we dis- who apparently was displeased that we twisted visages of pain and fear. Rem-
covered that elephants CAN swim, and had taken her phylactery. nants of spiderwebs covered the second
quite well indeed. One angry elephant If there had been any survivors to tell floor, surrounded by charred walls and
nearly capsizing our boat by trying to the tale, they most likely would have told ash. Above us, the sky darkened slightly,
climb aboard it later, we had to kill it to future travelers to stick to the Safe almost as if the gods were annoyed by
break the spell, then kill the Roc at close path.—Corey Cole what had occurred. We camped there that
range. night, and set off the next day to reach the
At least it didn't get a flyby attack. THE JOURNAL OF HS PT. 3 river between Has and Sabden, to con-

—Ron Levy tinue our journey. —Jacob Wright
wo previous journal entries were
shared in KODT #255. Here are some
more entries.

M y Helston (U.K.) Group is currently in

a sunken castle solving the mystery
The Journal of Heinrich Stark. As-
sassin 18th of Arid T he Journal of Heinrich Stark. As-
sassin 20th of Arid
of it all. We decided that the easiest route for Some days I fear that my own prankish
They encounter a door covered in beau- us to get back up to the keep would be to nature will bite me in the rear, but today
tiful yet horrifying carvings of skeletal take the river down to Fuwido then up to was not that day.
dragons. Part of the riddle on the door Has, a path we have travelled before. After another day of travel we arrived
talks of rebuking the dead. This went fairly uneventfully and we at Has. As it was the home of our barbar-
The Cleric (an irregular player) forgot arrived in Fuwido on schedule. We set off ian’s sister and our normal stomping
they could turn undead. So there was the the next morning through the mountain grounds, we decided to stay the night and
whole party berating the skeleton that pass between Fabiden and Has. The pass relax a bit.
the necromancer had dominated in a pre- itself was mostly clear and by the end of It was there at The Inn “The Wolf Den”
vious room. the first day an old stone keep came into that I set my eyes upon a young lass by the
‘You’re a very naughty skeleton. Bad view. name of Nelata. Of the appropriate age of
Bert’! From a distance we could tell it was in- course, and affectionate enough. I noted
habited, but could not determine by what. that a number of the local young men
Poor Bert Skeletor was very sad.
While the majority of the party slowly were trying to get her attention so I de-
Then the Cleric realized he needed to cided to crush their spirits as only an ad-
snuck forward under the darkened twi-
cast it on the door. venturer could.
light sky, the wizard decided to take mat-
Bert Skeletor was apologized to...— ters into his own hands. It was then that we noticed our ranger
Tim Hart had wandered off into the hills, leaving us
I cannot say first hand what happened
in there. There were flashes of fire, the to be stuck in town for a few days. In the
smell of burnt hair and monstrous downtime I used a bit of skill to craft a pair

O ur party was travelling down the road

when we came to a crossroads. There
was a signpost, but it didn't tell us where
screams of fright. From the rooftop, what
turned out to be hobgoblins tried to pick
of luxurious soft fur gloves. A gift of
gloves, paired with gentle words, exciting
off the members of the party outside that stories and hollow promises netted me a
the roads led. One arrow said "Safe", and they could see, but not to very great ef- bed partner for the duration of our stay.
the other said "Interesting". fect. The look of hatred in the eyes of those
We all looked at each other, and pretty After a short time we made our way to inexperienced whelps was worth the
much in unison said, "Safe has to be a the wall and began to ascend it using trouble.
trap!" Without further ado, we set off on ropes and hooks, as the front portcullis I left Nelata with sweet words about
the interesting route. was down and the door barred. I made it how once we rescued our long time
That led us to a seemingly-abandoned up fine, but the elf ranger had a bit of a friend, I would be back to sweep her off
house, which (being adventurers), we slip near the top and fell crashing down her feet. —Jacob Wright q
Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 47
Beads of Cursing

his amazing necklace is made up to shout Safe to enact this protection.
of a string of jade beads created to Once he uses the Safe command, he is im-
assist its wearers with cursing ene- mune from curses for a day.
Because of the powerful effects of the
Each bead equals one curse. The neck- necklace, it has been something very de-
lace can be used only once per day. To use sired, sought after, and even killed for.
the necklace, someone must wear it, and
The last known whereabouts of the
touch the bead he wants to use.
necklace was around the neck of a Dejy
It is made up of fifteen beads. Once all of priestess whose devoted followers found
the beads have been used, the necklace it for her and presented it to her. They say,
becomes a normal piece of jewelry. she had to use it against a spiteful fairy
When a wearer touches a bead, he can who had hoped to get the necklace for
say what curse he wants to use. He says himself.
Miss to give the target -1 to attack for the There is also rumored to be an exact op-
day. He says Open to give the target -1 de- posite to this necklace called the Beads of
fense for the day. The curse Slow gives the Blessing, that lets wearers bless anyone he
target +1 to their weapon speed and ini- chooses in much the same way as curses
tiative for the day. Slay takes away a point are given from the Beads of Cursing, letting
of DR, and Fall gives the cursed person a the wearer specify what type of boon to
+1 to any Threshold of Pain checks for the bestow on others, or on himself. This string
day. of beads is owned by a high cleric of the
The wearer can also use the necklace to Caregiver.
protect himself from curses, but if he does, Barbara Blackburn
all of the beads are expended. He just has

48 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256

SETTING: Any western setting with a story-telling tradition
BAIT: The group is putting their boots up in a not terribly dusty sa-
loon when they hear a table of locals discussing a real tragedy. Ap-
parently young Danny Bailey was killed by some punk with a shotgun.
Danny apparently was some kind of local hero. It was cold-blooded
murder for sure, shot down as he checked out of the town’s only hotel.
It’s going to be a rough season, as the harvest is coming in and with-
out young Danny, the harvesters will face the risk of being ambushed.
Danny was quick on the trigger and nobody pulled any nonsense when
he was around.
TACKLE: Young Danny Bailey was indeed gunned down in that local
hotel, but if the group tries to investigate or help in any way, they will
find the local authorities quite uncooperative, unwilling to dig into the
situation or pursue the killer, even though there were many witnesses. porch with a shotgun on his lap. “Good girl. Now your momma gets to
It is believed he escaped on the train before anyone could catch him. keep breathin” He hoists the shotgun and points it at the group. Un-
In fact the authorities are well glad the young gunslinger is done for. fortunately this fellow believes (wrongly or rightly), that the group
The “harvest” the locals are lamenting is moonshine, in dozens of hill- has done him some great disservice, though finding out what that is
side stills. before he fills them with buckshot will be challenging. The dirty little
This particular liquor, beyond being quite illegal and untaxed, ac- girl’s mother is in the house, her wrists tied to the stove.
tually is made with some really unsavory mash which is nearly toxic. Fortunately she is unharmed. This wild man also is not evil, just
Several young men have literally drunk themselves to death. But the wrong in the head. But taking him down will be much harder than
shiners are well-respected in the community because they devote their taking him out. Either way the group might end up full of lead.
profits to the betterment of the area and only sell the shady stuff to
other areas so nobody knows how bad their product is. The “young
By Benjamin Lomax
punk” was in fact a gunslinger hired by the authorities to do the deed,
as they were afraid to engage Bailey for fear of local repercussion and ALL THE GIRLS LOVE ALICE
also the damage the boy’s quick trigger finger would do. Shooting him
in the back seemed the most prudent way to enforce the law. But no SETTING: Any fantasy setting with a magical charm history, sirens,
matter what side the group gets involved with, this situation will likely harpies, etc.
develop into quite a mess, with the locals up in arms and demanding BAIT: The party has been travelling for some time when they come
satisfaction, and the law gathering up resources to shut them down. upon a small village out on the edge of civilized lands. It’s a quiet vil-
By Benjamin Lomax lage, with a somber atmosphere. No laughter, children playing, just
farmers working fields quietly, townsfolk engaging in business, all with
DIRTY LITTLE GIRL faces downturned. It’s disturbing. There are no signs of tragedy, no
burned buildings or destruction, no signs of blood or battle. But even
SETTING: Any rough down-and-dirty western setting upon entering the one quiet inn in town the ominous quiet is nearly
BAIT: The group has been on the trail for quite some time, gather- overwhelmingly intrusive. It takes a moment to identify the unifying
ing up quite a bit of road-grime. Finally settling into a ragged and bro- theme. No women are cooking, waiting tables, or cleaning. No females
ken remnant of a saloon with large holes in the roof, the group is just tending fields or chasing chickens or buying bread in the market. Where
digging into some thick grainy dark bread and waiting for the foam are the women?
on their equally dark and thick beers to die down patiently. TACKLE: It’s obviously a sensitive topic, with the husbands, broth-
Suddenly a ragged waif of a girl, even filthier than the group are, ers, sons and fathers in the village devastated. They will not want to
comes rushing through the swinging doors, a cloud of dust trailing her. talk to any outsiders about what has happened here. But it has clearly
She is not screaming or crying, just looking intently at them. “You need devastated the whole community.
to come help me. Otherwise a lot of people in this town are going to Eventually the party will find out that the local area is suffering
die” under the curse of an unconventional siren. This creature, which the
TACKLE: This filthy intense little stranger waits for the group to re- villagers have named “Alice”, comes into town every month or so. Some
spond, looking bored the whole time. If the team refuses, she will huff of the remaining men have seen her.
and shake her head, then go try to find someone else. If the group A young waifish thing in rough-spun garb. The first time the vil-
agrees, she urges them on assertively, her business-like demeanor at lagers took pity on her and asked her to share their food, as she looked
odds with her ragged appearance. hungry and tired. Her only response was a peculiar hissing ululation.
She walks with the group silently toward the edge of town, then Immediately all the females in the area, who had already gathered
with a portentous gesture points toward a weather-beaten small around her protectively, become ferociously enthralled, surrounding
dwelling. A wild-eyed equally ragged bearded man is sitting on the her.
Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 49
As the volume of the girl’s chant rose, more and more surrounding demands that it is “his table” and you outsiders better skedaddle if you
women gathered. After a short time “Alice” retreated whence she came, know what’s good for you!
but took all the females within earshot with her. Confusion reigned the TACKLE: This young tough gets his kicks from starting fights, every
first time when they didn’t come back. Now she returns every month weekend. The locals have figured this out and avoid him entirely. The
or so and gathers whoever is left. Attempts to follow her have been un- group can figure that out pretty readily when they notice that the bar
successful as her thralls will not allow it. Rescuing the women without is nearly entirely uninhabited, though it’s the only saloon in town. The
endangering them will be tricky at best. Alice herself does not appear group may have some veteran brawlers, and believe this youngster
to be harming anyone… might serve as a welcome distraction from their rough times of late.
By Benjamin Lomax But the kid is avoided for a reason. He’s a world-class bare knuckle
fighter, strong and quick enough to defeat just about any unarmed foe.
YOUR SISTER CAN’T TWIST Though the townies don’t care for him, if anyone in the group pulls a
SETTING: Any western setting with a small town tradition weapon to equal the odds the sheriff will be called in quickly and some-
thing much worse than a round of fisticuffs will result. But the other op-
BAIT: The group has been through some tough times, chased by out-
tion is a humiliating beat-down to add to their woes, unless they can
laws and lawmen both, with some cause for both. Time to put some
work something else out?
road behind them and meet some new faces.
Sometimes being a stranger is the best thing when all the familiar
faces are gunning for you. A small town out on the edge of the frontier By Benjamin Lomax
seems to be the best solution for now, and one such town presents it-
self quite conveniently. Arriving in town there is an excitement in the
air, banners are hung on some of the buildings and the town square SETTING: Any rough and tumble western setting
has been cleared with a podium. It appears the group has come upon BAIT: The group has settled into a nice little town, working some
a special event, some sort of dance, which the townsfolk seem jazzed local jobs and doing pretty well for themselves. They have saved a lit-
up for, but that’s probably as good as it gets here in the sticks. tle money and are renting a nice but primitive hardwood house with a
TACKLE: Pretty conventional scene it appears, but the townsfolk real roof, sleeping on mattresses instead of pallets or the floor. Yes
seem enthusiastic for the party to join in with the locals and have some things are beginning to look pretty good indeed. That is until they find
fun. As the sun goes down the characters are loosening up with some out who their neighbors are… It appears the house next door not only
locally crafted spirits (strong and not terribly tasty). has an obnoxious flat faced dog that barks all night, so loud it could
The villagers begin dancing with a wild abandon, the music has raise the dead, but also the human residents seem to party and drink
taken a strong and energetic turn. A blazing fire is crackling and pop- all night themselves. The owner of the home appears to be a ragged
ping and the shadows are dancing, giving the whole area an eerie look. older woman, and her boyfriend even more so, an ugly lout who stinks
The group begins to feel uncomfortable as the townsfolk are getting and dresses in sackcloth. You can tell that there will be problems if they
wilder and wilder with each passing moment. For the moment the are confronted, but the only other choice is to leave their new home
group is not added to the festivities, just looking at the action and shift- behind and find someplace new.
ing uncomfortably in their seats. It finally appears that the villagers TACKLE: The neighbors are everything they seem to be and more.
have begun to engage their darker desires. Some couples have started Alchoholics, rude and unaware of the feelings of anyone else, or even
to engage in rampant PDAs, while some others have begun to brawl. unaware that anyone else even exists! If the group just up and leaves
One or the other group is going to be engaged to join them soon. What them behind, they will keep on with their wicked ways unchecked.
they do then could lead to a lot of interesting situations… If on the other hand the characters choose to intervene and set them
By Benjamin Lomax straight, rather than getting into a verbal or physical confrontation,
they will find this couple rely on being pathetic. They immediately weep
SATURDAY NIGHT’S ALRIGHT FOR FIGHTING and moan about the hardships they have endured in their lives, and
SETTING: Any western setting with a tradition of bar fights (and how only strong tequila can ease the pain they feel from injuries they
what worthwhile western setting doesn’t have a tradition of bar suffered at the hands of the horrible and evil landlord that owns the
fights?) whole town.
BAIT: The group has had a rough go lately, long dusty roads with lit- He owns their home and threatens them even though they were in-
tle profit to show from their efforts, constantly harassed by the law, jured in his employment. They ask the group to take pity on them and
ambushed by scallywags and outlaws. Worst of all, they are thirsty for help them pay for their rent, buy them a bottle or two, anything at all
something to wet their whistle and short of coin to pay for it. It does- will help? Though the rest of the town look down on this sad couple,
n’t seem like they can catch a break. they won’t take to any outsiders treating them badly, verbally abusing
them our engaging them physically. If the group refuses to help them,
Heading into the local bar with the hopes of working out some kind
the couple promise to stop bothering them at night. They are sorry, just
of deal with the bartender, or finding some ale or beer cheap enough
trying to do their best. But that very same night, their conduct resumes
that the few nickels and dimes they can scrape together, maybe they
and is even amplified, drunken rowdiness on a new level. But helping
can each get a sip? A dark thick brew fits the bill nicely, though it’s
them will only contribute to the same…
rather nasty. It seems like things are about to make a brief turn for the
better, until a young and angry local punk comes up to their table and By Benjamin Lomaxq
50 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256
The Pinball
AKA: Gnomish Bell Ringer
MECHANISM: pressure, counter-weight &
LETHALITY: Non-lethal
SUGGESTED DAMAGE: Bruising, temporary
deafness, stunning & possible sprain
ENGINEER: Paul Dunford

the gnomes and the occasional Halfling guest may move

around freely without fear of triggering the trap.
Once triggered the hapless victim is thrown into the air
crashing into the doomed ceiling. Here spring-loaded
panels behind the dome thrust the victim back to the
ground, smashing them through the false floor, tripping
the alarm bells and landing them on woollen bails at the

T he Gnomes of the half cut ridge are not fond of

their larger more war like neighbors. So they de-
veloped a unique method of deterring, capturing
and disposing of any that are curious enough to enter
their mines or underground towns, based on a child’s toy.
Not all traps are designed to be lethal, some are de-

bottom of a cage that slams shut.

1. Hitting the ceiling bumpers and impact from the fir-
ing spring deals only low damage (varies by system but
less than 1 level or con / health in hit points loss maxi-
2. Crashing through the false floor and falling onto the
cage trapdoor (double the first component. A bad landing
may sprain or jar a limb (15% chance, motion limited by
50% D8 hours).
3. The victim lands on the wool bails disorientated ,
dazed and confused by his “flight” , multiple impacts ,
change of direction , and is unable to act for D4+2 rounds;
additionally the loud noise has a 50% chance to tem-
porarily deafen the subject for D3 hours. q
signed to hamper, disable or frustrate. Certain patrons
who seek to trap their premises do not want to kill the in-
truders who threaten them. This can be for ethical rea-
sons, a desire to avoid the messy clean-up and disposal
of the dead bodies, or concern about retribution.
Positioned in a corridor where it cannot be avoided,
the trap focuses around a large domed room with a cap-
tivating ceiling mosaic. Unless stating otherwise most
characters eyes will be drawn upwards, reducing chances
of detecting the trigger mechanism or otherwise sensing
something is amiss with the floor (by 20%). The two “trig-
ger” components of the trap, the flipper and false floor,
are only activated by more than 100 lbs plus of weight, so

Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 51

Star Warriors
TYPE: Board Game
PLAYING TIME: 30-180 minutes
DESIGNER: Peter Corless, Douglas Kaufman

tar Warriors holds the notable
distinction of being one of the earlier worthy of your time.
games released to be set in the Star
If the idea of piloting an X-Wing or a
Wars Universe and it's a pretty good fit for a
plethora of other craft against the might of
game it must be said. I grew up with Star
the Empire rocks your boat (as it surely does
Wars (the original trilogy) so it's fair to say
mine) then Star Warriors is for you. The
that it's pretty much a given that I'm going
game states that 'every small starship de-
to like this game (and I think you will too, I
picted in the Star Wars movies is included in
mean, who doesn't like Star Wars? C'mon,
the game' .
it's legendary.)
Star Warriors comes boxed with all you
Sure, there were other Star Wars games need to play: a beautiful full-color map, a
available on the market before this (Escape stand-up reference card, one pad of control
from the Death Star and Destroy Death sheets, a counter storage tray, one 6-sided
Star [sic]come to mind) and if you were flush die and, of course, all the counters you might
with money there was always the old classic ever possibly need and then some.
vector graphics Star Wars arcade game that
The quality of the map and counters could
you could throw your quarters at (Maaan, I
be a little better to be honest but they are
spent a ton of money down at the local ar-
functional and clear enough (typical for late
cade – LA Leisure in Lothian Road - on that
eighties hex and counter games) so it's not a
game. I threw so much cash at it that I'm sur-
deal-breaker (due to the ravages of time my
prised I didn't starve to death!) but this really
map is now split right down the middle un-
was the first tabletop Star Wars game (other
than the RPG of course) that I would consider
52 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256
So yes, even all these years later Star War-
riors still has value. If you are put off by the
complexity don't be as you can still play (and
play faster) with just the standard rules. Feel
free to do away with all the Advanced Game
and Optional rules and just run with the ba-
sics (they are all optional of course so this is
absolutely fine). This might not appeal to all
the purists out there however and I do rec-
ognize that some people actually enjoy de-
tail and crunch (not me though, I have
enough trouble with Advanced Squad
Leader but that's another story, let me tell
you about it sometime...)
Regardless, Star Warriors is a good simu-
lation of Star Wars space combat. All the
ships really do have a distinctive feel and are
truly unique. The difference between an X-
Wing and a TIE-fighter is clear for all to see
and you can really feel it in the gameplay
Clearly in this day and age times have which is, after all, what really matters.
moved on and we now have the glorious
Perhaps the best use of Star Warriors
Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars X-Wing
though is to take the game and throw out
Miniatures Game to play with (and it pretty
the counters (yes that's right: throw out the
much dominates the field) but I would like to
counters, keep the Star Warriors rules) and
stress that Star Warriors should still have a
play with the, rather wonderful, X-Wing
place on your gaming shelf. Compared with
miniatures models.
X-Wing, Star Warriors is complicated (and is
thus, by its very nature, going to be a slower- That way you get the best of both worlds;
paced game) and admittedly there is a fair bit a really solid tried and tested game system
of math to do to keep track of everything so and some stunning toys. That's what I would
if you are playing with a number of ships on recommend anyway folks and I think it's
the map then it will probably take you a
while and slow things down somewhat (but
ho hum, I guess things will go faster if you
are good at math...) It's worth the extra ef-
fort involved to play and while Star War-
riors does have a sharp learning curve, once
you get to grips with it it's very logical. It's
also worth mentioning that the game is not
very reliant on luck: skill really does play a
big part in the outcome, so you're not just
rolling endless dice and hoping for the best
- YOUR decisions and piloting skills (not for-
getting your Force skills) really do make all
the difference. It's a player's game to be
Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 53
what most people are doing with the game RPG.
these days. Failing that Star Warriors makes With Fantasy Flight Games' recent deluxe
a good cheap substitute for X-Wing - all those release of a special 30th Anniversary Edition
TIE-fighters do start to add up after a while. of the classic West End Games' Star Wars RPG
The great thing about this game and per- (as two high quality hardback books) it
haps its stand out appeal is that it is com- makes me wonder if maybe, just maybe, we
pletely compatible with West End Games' might also be lucky enough to see a re-re-
Star Wars RPG (in fact many of the Star Wars lease of Star Warriors?
RPG releases had scenarios for Star Warriors Who knows, stranger things have hap-
in them, or, better yet, even new ship stats. pened. I wouldn't hold my breath but it
Of course to play First Order versus Resist- would be nice. Regardless, in the meantime
ance you will need to make up your own stats we have the original of this classic game to
as this game came out years before the cur- keep us ticking over and it really is worthy of
rent movies). a second look.
In Star Warriors you plan out your move If you are looking for something 'old skool'
for the turn adding up the difficulty numbers and don't want to bear the expense of buy-
for all of your planned moves (while hoping ing into X-Wing then this could well be the
your skill rolls will not exceed that number). game for you. It's not common but you can
This is exactly the same resolution system still find copies fairly regularly on Ebay.
used by the RPG. So if your characters ever As mentioned previously however I do feel
get into a tussle with a TIE-fighter you can that the best use for this game - for a truly im-
simply pull this game out of the closet and pressive setup - is to play with the X-Wing
have at it. In fact, if necessary, the rules for miniatures, using the Star Warriors rules of
Star Warriors take precedence over those of course. So have at it and of course, as is oblig-
the Star Wars RPG. I would say that makes atory, may the Force be with you! q
this game an essential buy if you play the
54 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256
Wicked Pacts: A Modern-Day Game of Magic
CREATED BY: John M. Barfield
PUBLISHED BY: The Polyhedral Knights
REVIEW BY: Egg Embry

agic is in the blood, and Wicked Pacts is the After your character’s Bloodline and Background, they

M tabletop RPG where you decide what you will do

with that knowledge. This game allows both sim-
ple, one-shot adventures in which you are facing low-
will need an Archetype. Archetypes get into what type of
mage, or mundane, your character will be. These have
Skill prerequisites, yet this section appears before the sec-
level challenges, or complex campaigns with ongoing tion on Skills. But, the Skills you pick will be influenced by
villains and political intrigues for your characters to work the Archetype you select. This design conundrum re-
through. Wicked Pacts has an old school gaming sensi- quires you to read both sections to get the central ideas.
bility that feels more like a D&D-style RPG with its Attrib- The Archetypes names give a fair idea of the range that
utes (stats), Hit Points, Saving Throws, varieties of Wicked Pacts offers for the magic-users: Angel Slayer,
weapons, and spell lists. The game uses the John M. Demon Hunter, Enchanter, Grunt, Necromancer, Scribe,
Barfield roleplaying system where every action requires Seer, Shadow, Vodou, Warlock, or Witch. If your character
the player to “roll their Skill dice plus their relevant At- is not meant to be a mage, there are options: the Knight
tribute” against a Target Number. That system weaponizes Templar or the Ungifted. Think of the Templar as Paladin
the magic in the game, giving life to the Bloodlines and and the Ungifted as exactly what the name implies.
their hereditary powers. Your character is a Pure Blood, Skill Points are used to buy both Skills and Spells. Pay-
Angel Blood, Demon Blood, or Half Blood based on their ing for Skills and Spells from the same pool makes sense
parentage. Beyond your character’s lineage, there is your when looking at the Knight Templar and Ungifted Arche-
character’s Background to consider. Chosen through a types, since they cannot purchase Spells this saves having
random chart, or purchased by spending Adjustment a separate rule system for them and also provides those
Points, your Background develops the RP-side of your Archetypes with an advantage against the empowered.
character and determines their starting money. Skill Points are spent to raise the type of die you roll and
The PC’s Attributes are Strength, Health, Reflexes, the number of dice. Which brings up Skill Tests, roll your
Willpower, Charisma, and Intelligence determined character’s dice pool, pick the highest single die, and add
through an 18-point buy system divided between 1 to 5 an Attribute to the result then compare that to a Target
points per Attribute. These stats have immediate impact Number to determine success. When buying skills, for ex-
on your character, allowing you to determine your Hit ample, 4 Skill Points buys your character either 3d6 or 2d8
Points via a chart looking at Health and Strength. If you or 1d10. Why different combinations of dice? Because you
have a Strength and Health of 3 each, you have 32 HP, and only use the highest die rolled from a pool. 1d10 has the
heal 6 HP per day. That rate of healing makes taking dam- highest potential, but 3d6 will more consistently offer a 6.
age a real consideration. Magic Points, used to cast spells, When you upgrade your character’s Skills, you have to
are based on Willpower and Intelligence. Reflex is your strategize what will offer you the best outcome over the
Initiative modifier and makes up 2/3rds of your long haul.
Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 55
For a game created in 2018 that is not an OSR, combat will require effort to deal with. Keep in mind that magic is
is crunchy enough to require some degree of thought literally in your blood and this is a world with vampires,
and recordkeeping. Turns in Wicked Pacts are fast, two the idea of vampires that feed on the empowered is wait-
seconds in game fast. That equates to one Action per turn ing to be explored. These parts of the setting, as well as
at that speed. However, if you want to take additional ac- others, make this a near-perfect setup to play in. There
tions, they can be done at a steep TN penalty (up to a 9 are local challenges – monster of the week – and bigger
point penalty). Called Shots to specific locations incur TN picture items like vampires buying London estates. To
penalties. Melee attacks are opposed rolls. Ranged at- augment these settings, the world is crisscrossed with Ley
tacks have to be Dodged, but they require spending an Lines. If your character can locate one, they are a poten-
Action from your next round which can add penalties to tial boon granting amazing powers or they could lead to
your actions in that round. Armor, and some spells, soak a total overload. Another important aspect of the setting
damage. If you’re rolling poorly and need a bonus, the is the Dead Zones, areas where there is no magic and all
game provides Scene Points to alter the results. Post-ad- Spells fail, areas where the Ungifted hold the upper hand.
venture, any experience gained can be spent to advance
Among the supernatural elements of this game, there
your characters Skills, Attributes, Talents, and more.
are Spirits and Invisibles (higher spirits). They offer
One of the interesting aspects of Wicked Pacts is the bonuses when they side with your characters, or possess
character’s connection to Tarot Cards and the Major Ar- them. For enemies, Wicked Pacts has everything from
canas. Every session, you draw a Tarot Card that can be
mortals to monsters. There are options to simplify ene-
spent to boost your character. If it is a Major Arcana card,
mies by assigning the same type of cultist, for example,
the results of spending it can be scene altering. If it is a
either thug HP or lieutenant HP so you can determine
Minor Arcana, turning it in will impact a situation. Should
how to utilize them in combat. The monsters include an-
the Tarot Card be drawn upside down, you have to give it
gels, demons, elementals, ghosts, ghouls, trolls, vampires,
to the GM to use against your characters. If you do not
werewolves, and more to keep your mages on their toes.
know a great deal about Tarot, the rulebook offers sim-
The book offers fully realized pre-gen characters. For
ple explanations of the Minor and Major Arcanas, posi-
tive and reversed (negative) cards, so the GM and players newer GMs, a section explains GMing followed by a sam-
can interpret what these cards represent in the game. ple scenario. The scenario brings together the rules while
sharing a new spell.
Each character has Magic Points that determine the
number of spells they may cast. To cast a spell, the char- Throughout the book, the art, when it appears, is solid.
acter spends their Magic Points then rolls their skill in the Not spectacular, but solid. However, across the book’s 248
Spell against a TN; pass or fail the MPs are spent. Touch pages, art is used sparingly with gaps of up to 12 pages
Spells have an extra complication, requiring success in between art elements.
casting them and then success in making an opposed roll As well, artwork is recycled within the book. Combined
to make contact with the target. For Thrown Spells it is with the spread out art, the layout is pedestrian. White
the same, succeed in casting then make a Ranged attack pages with two-column text led by column headers of
and the target has the option to try to Dodge it. The spells light blue and white balloon letters over light grey. It’s vi-
in the game are given in a list that starts on page 70 and sually dull. This continues on to the character sheet,
runs through 109. They are divided between Archetype which feels less like a character sheet and more like a
Spells specific to your character’s Archetype and general Notepad document.
spells. In addition to spells, there are Potions, edible Com- Excepting the layout, the project is professional and
ponents that offer in-game effects, Rare Books, Rings,
fun to read. If you want to play a modern-day, magic-
Scrolls, Talismans, Wands, Heirlooms, and Relics.
based RPG with a sensibility closer to old school RPGs,
The setting for Wicked Pacts starts in earnest on page Wicked Pacts will scratch that itch. The level of crunch is
164 and runs to page 185. In those 21 pages, they hint at moderate but there is just enough to make combat and
our world with the unseen mechanizations of magic run- spell casting carefully considered decision-points instead
ning in the background. The magical collectives are di- of random acts of magic.
vided between the Hermetic Order, a holdover from the
Combat wounds cannot just be shrugged off as your
Roman Empire, the Onyx Syndicate, a looser collection of
mages that chafe under the Order’s rules, and independ- character moves on to the next encounter. Because you
ent mages and witches. The Templar Knights are the have to think through every decision, expect your players
order that protects the mundane against the supernatu- to be more invested in their characters and more
ral because, generally, they are closer to the mundanes prepared to engage in a larger campaign. Wicked Pacts
than the empowered are. The Kingdom of the Carpathi- is an excellent opportunity to bring gaming magic to
ans is the breeding ground for many vampires, as you your table.q
would expect. This offers a far-flung villain generator that
56 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256
A Cornucopia
of Gamer Food
characters progress through the “Doomfridge” by facing a series of
dungeon-based cooking challenges.
Continuing with the in-game culinary options, Power Score’s “The
Great List of Food & Drinks” pulls menus from a variety of Dun-
geons & Dragons sources to compile a massive list of food options
ranging from “squalid” (3 coppers for acorn soup or lizard gruel with
nut bread) to “aristocratic” (4 gp for Roast stag in antler sauce or roast
heron and chopped sundew). Looking for more authentically medieval
food options for your game? Tribality’s“That’s Good Eatin’ – A D&D
Meal Guide” looks at in-game meal options inspired by history. It cov-
ers breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and feast meals. For years I’ve re-
watched The Lord of the Rings trilogy at Christmastime. Now that my
kids are joining me for these extended edition marathons I’ve been
thinking about making some Tolkien-inspired meals to complement
our cinematic experience. “Middle-earth Recipes” includes dozens
of Tolkien-inspired options from drinks (Athelas tea, mulled cider,
spiced chai) to breads (Bag End Apple Bread, Bilbo’s Tea Cake) to main
hether it’s the snacks that folks bring to the table for game dishes (shire pie, stuffed pumpkin, spiced beef). The more hardcore

night or the pint of ale the characters down when meeting
up at the Green Dragon Inn, food is a critical component of
Tolkien fans can draw inspiration from Nate Crowley, a UK-based writer
who honored the one-year anniversary of his father’s passing by eat-
ing all of the food that appeared in the Lord of the Rings movies as
the movies played. Mashable has a post that captures Cowley’s tweets
In the early, pre-kid days of my gaming group, we tended toward
about the food marathon. q
the extremes of fast food: pizza, chips, and every kind of soda we could
lay our hands on. Today we’re older, wiser, and (ahem) rounder, and a REDDIT: HEALTHIER SNACKS FOR TABLETOP GAME NIGHT
little more interested in healthier snack options. Life Hacker’s “Six
Healthy Snacks You Can Eat While Gaming” is oriented toward /healthier_snacks_for_tabletop_game_night/
video games, but its grease-free suggestions are equally valid for
tabletop, card, and board gamers. Suggestions include replacing po- LIFEHACKER: SNACKS YOU CAN EAT WHILE GAMING
tato chips with toasted pita bread, cookies with mixed nuts with dried
fruit, and pizza rolls with sushi. gaming-1720068978
The “Healthier snacks for tabletop game night” thread on Red- FAMILY GAME NIGHT IDEAS: 5
dit offers lots of community contributed snack ideas specifically de- HEALTHY AND EASY SNACK IDEAS FOR A GAME NIGHT
signed for tabletop gamers. Examples include carrot sticks, green
beans, and air-popped popcorn as well as more advanced options (as 5-healthy-and-easy-snack-ideas-for-a-game-night
in, they require cooking) such as Vietnamese shrimp rolls, baked turkey GEEKY HOSTESS: EASY D&D-STYLE TAVERN MENU
meatballs, roasted chick peas, and kale chips. While my gaming group
likes to flirt with healthier snacks, the one time we’re all-in is when
we’re gaming with the kids. “5 Healthy And Easy Snack Ideas For
A Game Night” offers kid-friendly recipes for baked potato chips,
healthy guacamole, whole-grain baked tortilla chips, homemade dungeons-dragons-except-you-cook-1807627184
hummus, and fruit skewers with yogurt dip.
Of course it is game night and sometimes fun takes precedence over POWER SCORE: THE GREAT LIST OF FOOD & DRINKS
healthy. The Geeky Hostess’ “Easy D&D-Style Tavern Menu” offers a
great menu inspired by classic fantasy eats like “Forged Salad” (made TRIBALITY: THAT’S GOOD EATIN’ – A D&D MEAL GUIDE
from whatever our Ranger found), “The Fancy Man’s Feats (meats,
cheeses, and nuts, and you must commit to marrying our eldest
daughter) and scones (served warm with butter or jam). The inspira- MIDDLE-EARTH RECIPES
tion was a double header campaign session, but I can easily see doing
something similar for my gaming group’s Nuke(m)Con (in which we in- MASHABLE: MAN EATS ALL THE FOOD IN 'LORD OF THE RINGS'
vite regulars as well as friends of the campaign to a weekend-long IN TRIBUTE TO HIS LATE FATHER
gaming stint). Venturing into Knights of the Dinner Table territory
is Kotaku’s “Stay With Me Here: Dungeons & Dragons, Except You
Cook What You Kill”. The article proposes a dungeon crawl in which
Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 57
One Must Kill Another
by Marcus Alexander Hart
Now, if you weren’t invested in any of these characters, the story
might play out as a cat-and-mouse story of hunting and attempted
murder. But this was once a family, and despite being torn apart there
was love there before.
But there is also hate. Rebecca has many reasons for hating both her
mother and her father. Her anger and feelings of betrayal run deep, but
she also has her own reasons for wanting to forgive.
And there is desperation. Matty is so lonely he would do anything to
get Kimberly back. He also wants to connect with his daughter, but what
if she’s no longer the little girl he remembered?
And there is pragmatism. Kimberly was the one who hoped to bring
her family back together, but she has always been a survivor who has
(Full disclosure: Noah acted as editor on this book) had to make tough choices.
ood horror doesn’t rely on the monster. How many horror movies The entity they face develops as the story progresses. Its motivations
have you seen get panned because all the characters were basi- at first seem arbitrary, even random. But we eventually see the under-
cally unlikeable and existed only to act as fodder for the mon- lying consistency as they learn more about it.
ster’s kill count? That’s not horror so much as it is spectacle. It’s a valid
enough form of entertainment, but to me, horror at its best makes its Marcus Alexander Hart uses an interesting writing technique to tell
characters relatable. You need to want to see them live on some level or this story. The present switches between Matty and Rebecca’s POVs in
the horror they face is essentially pointless. alternating chapters, while their past is told through Kimberly’s per-
spective. These changing perspectives and flashbacks are key to making
One Must Kill Another starts with a very human and everyday prob- the three characters relatable.
lem and throws it up against an existential horror, creating an impos-
sible choice. It is about a broken Hollywood family that should have it You learn why Kimberly resents Matty, why Matty misses Kimberly,
made. The mother, Kimberly Savage, is a famous action star. The father, why Rebecca hates her mom and feels abandoned by her dad. Why
Matty, is a screenplay writer. And Rebecca is their energetic daughter Matty no longer sees his little girl in Rebecca, and so on.
with an active imagination. Each of the characters are relatable, but they aren’t always likeable.
As the book opens, we see this family on its last thread at their cabin And that’s fine. You don’t have to like everything about a character to
getaway, desperately hoping to reconnect. But Rebecca is getting too root for them.
old for children’s games, Kimberly comes to terms with the fact that Each of the characters is deeply flawed in their own way, but never
there really nothing left between her and Matty, despite his best efforts. in a way that you’re ever rooting against them. You understand the pain
Matty continues living in denial. they feel and how they got to the way they are. More importantly, you
Then we catch up with them thirteen years later. The mother has hope they can get past their internal demons just as much as the ones
continued box office success but has never achieved the critical success surrounding the house.
she craves with her work. The father hasn’t sold anything in years and I should also point out that Hart isn’t afraid to be hella funny when
has let himself go physically. And the daughter is still trying to recover the situation calls for it. Despite the scenario and the horrible choices
from both a literally and figuratively scarring childhood. being faced, he knows that horror without levity can be draining. And
They are then given a chance at reconciliation, back at the same cabin the humor isn’t random, either. It often comes from the very same char-
getaway where their family fell apart. And that’s when the supernatu- acter flaws that are driving the drama, making it feel natural and real.
ral element is introduced. That to me is the key to a compelling horror or suspense story. Hart’s
I don’t want to give away too many details at this point, but basi- style reminds me of some of the better Stephen King stories out there,
cally they encounter a maniacal force that threatens to kill all of them when the scenario he sets up is compelling, yet also simple. He puts his
unless its ultimatum is met: two can leave the woods alive, but only characters into a trap and sees if they can puzzle their way out of it. But
after they kill the third. at the end of the day it’s the characters themselves that keep you turn-
ing the pages.
58 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256
One Small Step •

Fsomeforast-paced, fun and easy to learn, Jaunty Jalopies has been around
awhile. I couldn’t find it on the company’s website, but I did find
on Amazon, and I’m sure there are other places you can buy it, if
you choose. I bought mine from Chimera Hobby Shop’s booth at Nexus
Game Fair.
In it, 2-4 players take the roles of car racers in the 1920s. They have
to use their personalities, equipment and driving skills to avoid or over-
come mishaps and subplots. Players can be heroes, building up karma
by rescuing other racers, or they can be villains, hatching fiendish plots
so they can thwart the plans of the other racers.
Each character has a unique power. Angus MacTavish, the Scottish inventor can play a Personal-
ity or Equipment card to negate a Mishap. Fifi Le Boom, the french silent movie star can use a Per-
SEND REVIEW COPIES TO: sonality card to negate a card or effect played against her.
KODT: BRIAN’S PICKS Mishaps include someone blowing up the bridge, low on gas, and engine problems. Equipment
309 S. Dilger Ave.
Waukegan, IL 60085 includes baling wire, toolkit or a fat wallet.
BRIAN’S RATING: Time to hit the road and check this game out.


Nathan Quill • University Games •

H ave you ever wanted to be a part of

history? Then the pdf game Mid- rom the makers of Smart A**
denarde might be for you. comes a brand new party game,
The game strives to emulate low-fan- where players must forget about
tasy English history with a balance be- finding the correct answer, because
tween realism and fun. The rulebook includes an overview of what the best answer is the wrong one.
British life was like in 1450, as the English Crown was on the brink This is a game where everyone plays at the same time. It’s fast-
of the War of the Roses. Add supernatural powers lurking in the paced trivia game where players travel around a board to become the
wilderness, conflict between lords, small-town cults and hidden first one to read the end. The way players get to move is by choosing
magick, and you have a game. Characters start with an Heirloom the correct answer from cards that are divided into four categories:
item, passed down from their ancestors, some money, skills, a pool Who, What, Where and Smart A**.
of luck, and vitality points. Different parts of the body are have dif-
Players take turns being the reader by announcing the four items
ferent severing thresholds: head, torso and waist, two arms, two
from the card he picks. All of the answers appear to be connected. Play-
hands, two legs and two feet. In combat, besides losing VP, these
ers have to choose which item they feel doesn’t belong with the oth-
parts of the body are randomly chosen. Armor will not protect cer-
ers. The players with the correct “wrong” answer roll the dice and move
tain parts of the body. There are rules for hunger and thirst, hy-
ahead on the board.
perthermia and diseases such as smallpox and syphilis. Life is not
easy for anyone in the 1450s. Combat uses a dice pool system. The If nobody gets the right (wrong) answer during a turn, then the
monetary system is based in history. Weapons include swords and reader advances. Included in the bright red game box is a playing
bows, but also matchlock pistols and rifles. Twenty nine skills are of- board, six playing pieces, one die, 24 letter tokens, 400 question cards
fered, from attunement (to the supernatural) to evasion. Magic is and the instructions. The game is designed for 2-4 players of 14 years
also covered. old and up.
BRIAN’S RATING: This is an extremely interesting RPG. BRIAN’S RATING: A party game for dumb asses everywhere.

hey -- 36,000
PEEPS -- it
Can’t HURT.

am \ RIGHT?

Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 59

good grief...

BRO-MANCE in twelve seconds flat.

hey — what’s your BLOOD
surprised it took THAT long.

if \ had to guess they’re

point-whoring for the -1
when it comes to DEFENDING
a STAUNCH ALLY. bummer.

ah. right.

B.A.’s Special Ability Lynch Report 254

A s the subheading indicates, this is a sounding
board where gamers can give their two-cents’
worth on whatever seems to rile them. So pull back the
Really enjoyed the latest issue. So many
laughs. I am loving, Sara’s gamemastering
Greetings! While Sara's adventure seems
to be proceeding at the pace she wants -- the
curtain and come on in the Back Room. You can leave style to be honest. I wouldn’t mind sitting in players are giving their characters a try, they
that thin skin at the door, but be sure to bring your on her game.
opinions with you. Note that due to space limitations know to abandon ship, she even worked in a
some letters are edited. I especially loved the little signal she came surprise encounter for Bob and Dave at the
Got something to say? We wanna hear it. Just use one up with to let B.A. know when his special
of the following options; end -- what stood out was the serial killer
^: Via ONLINE FORUM — Just pop over to www.kenz- power has kicked in. Dying to know what that
background for Patty's character. and visit our discussion forums. power is. Something lame? Or something,
7 via E-MAIL — Send your strip ideas, reader mail, Dave and Bob will be envious of? This seems a lot more cold and calculating
back room fodder and questions to than the near-random or dubiously justified
.: via SNAIL MAIL — Or write to us at KODT c/o Looking forward to 255, sir.
KenzerCo, 309 S. Dilger Ave, Waukegan, IL 60085. violence of HackMaster or HackWurld, and
Brad Mays. 7
Patty seems eager to play it out.
It's like the Knights are all behaving and
ISSUE 254 when \ click my INK
PEN — like THIS...
she has permission to kill! Who knew?
You knocked it out the ball park with this
Jim Lynch. 7
issue, or should I say, Sara did so as the
gamemaster. Loved the character intros and that’ll be me SIGNALING Patty’s character has secrets, it’s true.
you that your ABILITY Whether or not she has a license to kill remains
intrigue. So in Hackwurld you roll up your has been activated.
character’s bloodtype? Hilarious. to be seen. Stay tuned. — Jolly
I think it’s brilliant that Sara has given each
Sara’s Game
player mundane John and Jane Doe types
who are poorly trained and ill-equipped. With It's kind of ingenious on Sara's part,
the crew of the ship dead or having fled they though--Patty's playing an evil character, B.A.
are on their own. Really curious as to what -clic is playing perhaps the one character with the
-clic -
B.A.’s special ability is going to be. -clic - potential for actual power in the game, and
Interesting that Sara hinted the other play- she's created a trust gap between Brian and
ers don’t have any special powers.... “yet”. Bob and Dave. So she's really disrupted the
usual way everyone plays.
Can’t wait until issue, 255. I certainly hope
this arc isn’t resolved soon. I love it. Hysteria ^
Linda Myers 7 q

60 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256
what’s a matter, BUNKY...?!! facing HARD TIME because you

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and dead tree) and have them delivered RIGHT to your BUNK!


Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 61


Serving the
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mark your
Calendars --
no worries, hoss. KENZERCO
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is a meeting place where readers may pass along information, barter, trade and gossip. Readers are invited to place classified ads, announce group meetings, seek out other players,
etc. Subscribers of KODT may place classified ads free of charge with a limit of one ad per issue and a maximum of twenty-five words. Non-Subscribers may place ads at the rate of
50¢ per word with a limit of 25 words. Companies may place ads at the following rates: [5.5” x 2” - $175], [2.75” x 2” - $95], [1.5” x 1” - $50]. Non-profit organizations (serving the
gaming community) and Conventions or Seminars may place ads for free. All ads are placed on a first-come first-served basis with subscribers having priority.
nice going, NEWT — firing into MELEE with a SAWED OFF SHOTGUN.

you managed to MAIM two darn! \’m gonna be

of your COMRADES and a ZOMBIE SNACK now!
kill poor, PETE outright.

\ was THINKING with what HURTS is \

what the hell my MOVEMENT being LOANED him the
were you at 1/4 rate due to SHELLS when he
THINKING? INJURIES that this ran out of ammo.
might improve my no - what HURTS
chances of LIMPING is when \ GRAB
AWAY to safety! that shotgun
and RAM it up his...

Gut-Punching Mayhem in Small Doses

wait — he’s back up.

oh damn — he didn’t make it. he’s down on ONE KNEE again...

and.... he’s UP AGAIN!! wow - talk about

he HURLED all IMMERSIVE role-play.
over the DRAPES C’MON, BIG GUY¡¡
\’ve never seen anyone get
great. my MOM YOU CAN MAKE IT!
poor guy. he just toss their COOKIES after
is gonna KILL me. FAILING a SEA SICKNESS roll.
WOLFED DOWN a bathroom door is
PEACH FRUIT PIE too. JUST a few feet!!
oh no — not the

that’s great - so you picked up another

HOODY HOO¡¡¡ copy of a 1st edition HACKMASTER PHB on ebay?

but you have \’ve got FOURTEEN copies.

so MANY copies.
well - 15 countin’ THIS one.
sorry, dave. oh c’mon — that’s
CHEATING, dude!! how many could you
POSSIBLY need? \’m collecting all the
not only does bob BEAT VARIANTS and PRINTINGS.
you at ARM WRESTLING you took two swigs
that round but he SNAPS of FIRE GIANT this one
your RADIUS and STRENGTH potion! is QUITE rare.
it has red
thread for the
there’s a TYPO
in the INDEX.

Knights of the Dinner Table® #256 63

By Brian Anson
By James Yoder

64 Knights of the Dinner Table® #256

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