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Weekly Home Learning Plan Grade 10 Quarter 1 Day and Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

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Grade 10
Quarter 1
Day and Time Learning Area Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
6:00 – 7:00 Wake up, make your bed, meditate, eat your breakfast and get ready for an awesome
September 14, 21 Develop Pre-Test / Diagnostic Modular Distance
and 28, 2021 honesty in Test Learning (Printed)
Wednesday performing the Answer the test with
1:00-5:30 assigned tasks. utmost honesty. Parents personally
In this lesson, submit the output
Week 1-3 you shall know Study the to the teacher in
the distribution activity. Follow school.
of active the procedure
volcanoes, before answering
earthquake, the questions .
epicenters, major
mountain belts Study the activity.
and further Follow the
explain the plate procedures
tectonic theory indicated in the
after gaining a activity before
full answering the
understanding of questions.
the concepts
embedded in the Study the picture.
many activities Follow the
on this lesson. proceduresindicate
d in the activity
before answering
the questions.

Study the activity.

Follow the
indicated in the
activity before
answering the

Complete the
table below. Using
the picture to
describe its
observable or

Below is a map
showing the
location of the
active volcanoes,
earthquake prone
areas and mountain
ranges in the
Philippines. List
them down.
Describe their

Using the world

map, locate and list
down the location
of active
volcanoes ,
earthquake zones
and mountain
ranges in the

Complete the
concept map. Copy
this in your
notebook. Use the
paragraph before
the concept map as
your guide to look
for more
information from
other sources.

October 12, 2021 TYPES OF Explain the Study pictures A to Modular Distance
Wednesday PLATES different process D. Describe each Learning (Printed)
1:00-5:30 BOUNDERIES that occur along of them. Reread
the plate again the pages of Parents personally
Week 5 This time, in this boundaries this module to help submit the output
lesson, you will you create an to the teacher in
identify and answer. Write your school.
describe the answer in your
different types of notebook.
plate boundaries
that will help you Complete the table
to understand the by copying it in
occurrence of an your notebook.
earthquake and
other geologic Study the world
activities. map and answer the
following questions
in your notebook.

Learning Task
4: Answer this
question in your

Learning Task
5 : Choose the
letter of the correct
October 19, 2021 Process that occur Explain the Learning Task Modular Distance
Wednesday along plate different process 1: Read and study Learning (Printed)
1:00-5:30 boundaries that occur along the different types
the plate of plate boundaries. Parents personally
Week 6 boundaries Answer the submit the output
questions that to the teacher in
follow after the school.
discussion of the
contents on plate

Learning Task
2: Study the
pictures and group
of words below.
Use the words to
explain the
processes that
occur in each
picture. Write your
answer in your

Learning Task
3: Explain the
processes along
plate boundaries
thru the use of a
graphic organizer
below. Write your
answer in your

Learning Task 4:
Read the questions
below. Pick the best
letter for your
answer in each item.
Write your answer in
your notebook.

CAUSE OF Describe the Learning Task Modular Distance

October 26, 2021 PLACE possible causes of 1 :Study the two Learning (Printed)
Wednesday MOVEMENT plate movement pictures. Answer
1:00-5:30 the questions below Parents personally
In this lesson, each picture. Write submit the output
Week 7 you will able you your answers in to the teacher in
to evaluate the your notebook. school.
different theories
explaining the Learning Task
possible causes 2 : Study the
of tectonic plates, articles below.
understand the Answer the
convection questions .
current and Write your answer
importance of in your notebook.
tectonic plates to
the survival of
earth and its

LINE OF Enumarte the line Learning Task 1 Modular Distance

November 9, 2021 EVIDENCE of evidence that :Complete the table Learning (Printed)
Wednesday THAT SUPPORT support plate below by providing
1:00-5:30 PLATE movement the needed Parents personally
Week 8 MOVENENT information about submit the output
each evidence of to the teacher in
In this lesson, plate movements. school.
will understand Write your answer
the evidences of in your paper.
plate movements
Learning Task 2
Study the two
pictures. Create a two
sentence description
of these pictures. You
may use any
available reference
like books, textbooks
and learners material
to develop
or create your

Learning Task
3 :Make a mind map
showing the different
evidences of plate
movements. You may
include pictures or
phrases to describe
and show your
understanding of
the theory. Write
your answer in your

Learning Task 4 :
Read the following
paragraph. Determine
whether these
statements are
correct. Justify your
answer if it is correct.
If is false, try to
explain what makes
the statements wrong.

Learning Task 6
: : Read the
following questions.
Choose the letter of
the best answer.
Write your answer
in your notebook.


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