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Vol.20 Faize et al.


Exploring Students’ Competency in Personal Information

Management: Problems and Prospects

Fayyaz Ahmad Faize Waqar Hussain

Comsats University, Islamabad, Pakistan Comsats University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Email: Email:

Mubeen Akhtar
Comsats University, Islamabad, Pakistan

The selection of relevant information and its effective management

is not a simple task and requires specific competencies. This study is
aimed at exploring the competency of university students with
regards to personal information management (PIM). The objective is
to identify the problems in PIM and to provide a framework for
improving it. For this study, the sample consisted of 400 undergraduate students
randomly selected from a large public-sector university in Islamabad. The data
were collected through a questionnaire with closed and open-ended items. The
closed-ended items were analyzed through cross tabs and Chi square tests to find
a relationship between specific PIM competencies in different programs. The
questionnaire items helped in acquiring information about students’ specific
competencies in PIM were categorized as ‘low’, ‘moderate’ and ‘high’
competency. The students identified the problems they faced in PIM and
suggested ways for improving it. The findings of this study will help in improving
organization and application of information, and also in exploring further avenues
of research in improving PIM skills of university students in the developing

Keywords: Competency; Digital information; Improving information management;

Personal information management; Undergraduate students


Information reaches us through multiple sources such as television programs,

Facebook posts, tweets, mobile apps, Global Positioning System (GPS) amongst


Vol.20 Faize et al. (2018)
many others and may take the form of written texts, images, videos, and/or sound
(Anson, 2011). New ideas, concepts and theories circulate regularly through
electronic and print media. Managing this diversity and fragmentation of
information may not be easy for a user (Karger & Jones, 2006). In order to meet
these emerging issues and challenges, we need to develop ways to manage
knowledge efficiently (Qureshi, Ilyas, Yasmin, & Whitty, 2012). The concept of
Personal Information Management (PIM) is used to describe the role of an
individual in the collection, storage, organization, and retrieval of information in
digital form (Bergman, Boardman, Gwizdka, & Jones, 2004; Boardman & Sasse,
2004) and is frequently cast in terms of an individual’s ability to manage
information in fulfilment of their various life roles (Bergman et al., 2004; Fourie,
2011). The information is termed personal because it is for one’s own use
(Lansdale, 1988), directly under one’s control (Henderson, 2003) and serves only
one person (Ofer, Beyth-Marom, & Nachmias, 2008).
PIM has become an important field at present (Al Nasar, Mohd, & Ali, 2011)
and has assumed an influential role in our life (Qureshi, Raza, & Whitty, 2015).
Students search for web information to complete their assignments, prepare for
assessments and to seek information for pleasure. Even libraries maintain an online
catalogue, providing access to texts and references.
The increasing access to online information creates a dire need for users to
develop skills to manage information (Stewart & Basic, 2014). In addition, the user
also encounters information that is not actively sought but is still relevant or
interesting to them. The individual often finds it difficult to sort and scan through
the required information from the large bulk of information which is accessed.
Managing personal information is not an easy task and is error prone (Barreau &
Nardi, 1995).
Saving and storing information from the web is another issue. Shall the
individual save all that is searched or save only the relevant? The next question is
how to save the relevant without reading all the material Has the individual enough
time to read all the searched pages/documents for effective use? These are some of
the issues that users face while searching for information. Moreover, the individual
while looking for information may encounter material which may not be relevant
but may still be interesting to him/her. Following this new information will drag the
user in a completely different domain than what one was searching for initially.
Thus, restricting oneself to the required domain of information is also necessary.


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The effective use of searched information also implies that it is retrieved
timely and accurately. However, retrieving relevant information from the large
volume of stored information is not an easy task. If efforts are not made to improve
the retrievability of information, then the quality of available information could be
seriously undermined (Lansdale, 1988). Retrieving information from files and
folders requires remembering the location where the information is saved as well
as the name/tag of the file to help in identifying the relevant document. Thus,
grouping of similar and related information helps in Information Management (IM)
(Karger & Jones, 2006). There are software programs that can be used for Keeping
Found Things Found (KFTF) such as the Universal Labeler (Jones, Munat, Bruce, &
Foxley, 2005). But the question is: Do our students know about these software
programs and how to use them for storing and retrieving information? There is a
dire need to develop students’ ability to manage information efficiently (Stewart &
Basic, 2014).
The government of Pakistan initiated the laptop scheme by which thousands
of laptops were distributed to university students for free. The Higher Education
Commission (HEC) also launched the digital library program to help students’ access
online libraries and journals databases. There is a considerable increase in the use
of online material in academia and research endeavors (Warriach & Tahira, 2014).
In fact, there is a significant change in the behaviour of the new generation in
Pakistan concerning the reading of online digital material (Batool, AhsanUllah, &
Awan, 2015). This requires knowledge about PIM to make good use of online
resources. The research by Ameen (2016) found that the university students in
Pakistan are not involved in independent research writing due to a lack of
knowledge and training. Further, these students do not share the online digital
information. Whether this is due to a lack of competency in sharing or otherwise,
needs to be explored.
In addition, research studies have found that managing information and
KFTF is not an easy task (Bergman et al., 2004; Jones, Dumais, & Bruce, 2002).
Although, there are systems such as Stuff I’ve Seen (SIS) that help the user in re-
finding the information that one has seen/saved before (Dumais et al., 2016), this
would add another burden on the user to learn and use another information design.
The individual using online resources requires certain competencies to manage
information accurately and conveniently (Karger & Jones, 2006). The present study
was aimed at exploring the competency of undergraduate (UG) students in PIM.
The study also explores the problems that the UG students face in PIM and


Vol.20 Faize et al. (2018)
identifying strategies for improving IM. The findings help in understanding students’
competency and in making effective use of PIM for academic purposes. Improving
PIM could also help the students in making effective use of their time, effort and
money in organizing their work and achieving their academic milestones (Bergman
et al., 2004).

Conceptual Framework

The research study makes use of the conceptual framework as elaborated by

Henderson (2003). According to Henderson (2003), effective PIM requires three
aspects: personal, information and management. The first is related to user
behaviour and his/her demographic characteristics. The second is related to the
type of information and its format and the third is about the organization,
presentation and use of information. For personal aspect, we focus on identifying
the specific competencies for handling and using information in university students.
Regarding information and management aspect, we sought students’ views about
their PIM and the problems they face in information management with the purpose
to improve PIM in university students.

Research Objective

The objectives of the present study were to:

1. Explore students’ competency in PIM;
2. Identify students’ problems in PIM; and
3. Suggest ways and means for improving students’ PIM.

Research Questions

The following research questions guided the research study. The approach for
answering each research question is given in Table 1.
1. How do university students perceive their competency on different aspects
of PIM?
2. What problems do the students encounter during PIM?
3. What strategies can be employed to improve PIM in university students?


Vol.20 Faize et al. (2018)
Table 1
The approach adopted to answer objectives and research questions
Objectives Research Questions Approach
Explore students’ How do university Measured through self-
competency in PIM students perceive their reported questionnaire
competency on different on Five-point Likert scale
aspects of PIM? to find the level of various
competencies (searching,
storing, saving, disposal,

Identify students’ What problems do the UG Identified through open-

problems in PIM students encounter ended items in the
during PIM? questionnaire

Suggest ways and What strategies can be Identified through open-

means for improving employed to improve PIM ended items in the
students’ PIM in UG students? questionnaire


This study was conducted in a large public-sector university in the federal

capital, Islamabad. The university was purposively selected on the criteria that each
course during the semester required a specific number of quizzes and assignments
(minimum four), two monthly exams and a terminal exam at the end of the
semester. Thus, the students were intensely involved in the use of the Internet for
searching, storing, and retrieving information for fulfilling their academic
requirements. We assume the students in the sample institution are involved in
information management though not to the level/degree of this engagement.


The data were collected from students of UG level in eight departments

comprising Management Sciences, Humanities, Bio Sciences, Computer Sciences,
Electrical Engineering, Physics, Math, and Architecture and Design. The data from
the first two departments were combined to make the social science group.
Architecture and Design was treated as a separate group. Although, Humanities
could be combined with Architecture and Design, however, in the university where
the study was conducted, the Management Sciences and Humanities departments
are grouped under one faculty while Architecture and Design was a separate


Vol.20 Faize et al. (2018)
faculty. The data from the remaining departments were combined as the science
group. Thus, three program groups were formed consisting of social science
program, science program and, architecture and design (A&D) program. The data
were collected through convenient sampling technique. We used questionnaires for
collecting data with closed- and open-ended items. The students were approached
in the café, classrooms, and grounds to include maximum number of students in the
sample. The questionnaire was properly validated and pilot-tested before being
used for this study. Some of the items in the questionnaire were adopted and
modified from Wise, Erdelez & Chiang’s (2012) Information Encountering Scale.

Data Analysis

The items in the questionnaire were constructed on a five-point scale

aimed at measuring the level of competence in IM. The options on the five-point
scale and the score assigned to each option is given as follows to analyse data
1- Needs Improvement, 2- Below Expectations, 3- Meets Expectations, 4- Exceeds
Expectations, 5- Exceptional.
The students’ responses were fed into SPSS (PASW) for analysis. For finding
the competency score for each student, the scores obtained by each student on the
five-point scale was added for each variable (searching, sharing, storing, disposal
th th th
and retrieval) and the percentile was found for 25 , 75 and 100 rank. The scores
in the percentile range of 1-25, 26-75 and 76-100 were taken as ‘low competency’,
‘moderate competency’ and ‘high competency’, respectively. Cross tabs and Chi
square value were calculated between students’ competency score and program to
find associations between them. The responses of the students on open-ended
items were categorized to identify key themes. The related themes were further
combined to narrow down the number of themes. The frequency of students’
responses on each theme was counted and then converted into percentages.


The data from the closed-ended items are illustrated in tables showing the
students’ program and level of competency on various aspects of PIM (searching,
sharing, storing, disposal, retrieval).
The percentage of students with low and moderate searching competency
was almost equal in all the three programs (38.8% and 39.3%). So, the students’
program did not affect the level of searching competence. Moreover, the


Vol.20 Faize et al. (2018)
percentage of students with high competency in searching was less in all the three
programs (22%).
Table 2
Students’ level of searching competency program wise
Social Science Science A&D Total
Searching Low Count 31 106 18 155
Competency Competency % within 31.0% 42.4% 36.0% 38.8%
Moderate Count 44 94 19 157
Competency % within 44.0% 37.6% 38.0% 39.3%
High Count 25 50 13 88
Competency % within 25.0% 20.0% 26.0% 22.0%
Total Count 100 250 50 400
(χ (4, 400) = 4.50, p=.342).
This contradicts that searching information at present is a normal and simple
behaviour and does not require any competency (Martin, Byrnes, McGarry, Rea,
and Wood, 2016). The value of chi square revealed that there was no association
between the degree of competency and students’ program (χ (4, 400) = 4.50,
Table 3
Students’ level of storing competency program wise
Social Science Science A&D Total
Storing Low Count 29 64 15 108
Competency Competency % within 29.3% 25.6% 30.0% 27.1%
Moderate Count 51 117 30 198
Competency % within 51.5% 46.8% 60.0% 49.6%
High Count 19 69 5 93
Competency % within 19.2% 27.6% 10.0% 23.3%
Total Count 99 250 50 399
(χ (4, 400) = 8.59, p=.072)


Vol.20 Faize et al. (2018)
The data from Table 3 indicates that UG students in all the three programs
have moderate competency in storing/saving digital information (49.6%). The
percentage of students with low and high competency in storing/saving was
relatively less. It was surprising that only 10% students in A&D viewed their
competency as high which was very small. One possible reason for this may be the
nature of information involved in A&D comprising of visuals, maps and high-
resolution images which may require specialized skills for their accurate
storing/saving. However, there was no significant association between the storing
competencies of students in all the three groups (χ (4, 400) = 8.59, p=.072).
Sometimes, the students avoid storing and filing information as it creates a sort of
archive with the bulk of unwanted and irrelevant information making it harder to
find the right stuff (Whittaker & Sidner, 1996).
Table 4
Students’ level of sharing competency program wise
Social Science Science A&D Total
Sharing Low Count 44 116 26 186
Competency Competency % within 44.0% 46.4% 52.0% 46.5%
Moderate Count 38 77 15 130
Competency % within 38.0% 30.8% 30.0% 32.5%
High Count 18 57 9 84
Competency % within 18.0% 22.8% 18.0% 21.0%
Total Count 100 250 50 400
(χ (4, 400) = 2.74, p=.603)
Regarding competency in sharing information, we found no significant
relationship in the level of competencies and students’ program (χ (4, 400) = 2.74,
p=.603). The percentage of students with low competency in sharing information
was greater (46.5%) than the other two. It is concluded that information sharing is
easy to say but difficult to do as supported by Wilson and Gray (2015). The
students with low competency were more evident in architecture and design
(52%). One reason for this may be the personalized nature of information in A&D
that make students reluctant to share. Wilkes (2014) also found the problem of
what to share and what not to share. Individuals also show reluctance to share
information if they feel incapable of sharing information (Bandura, 1982).


Vol.20 Faize et al. (2018)
Table 5
Students’ level of disposal competency program wise
Social Science Science A&D Total
Disposal Low Count 31 58 24 113
Competency Competency % within 31.0% 23.2% 48.0% 28.3%
Moderate Count 45 143 18 206
Competency % within 45.0% 57.2% 36.0% 51.5%
High Count 24 49 8 81
Competency % within 24.0% 19.6% 16.0% 20.3%
Total Count 100 250 50 400
(χ (4, 400) = 15.35, p=.004)
The competency in disposal/deleting of un-needed information was more
prominent with 51.5% students expressing moderate competency. The data
revealed a significant positive relationship between competency in disposing
information and students’ program (χ (4, 400) = 15.35, p=.004). Thus, the level of
competence in disposing information can be predicted from the students’ program.
The question that arises here is whether the students are competent in
disposing/deleting information or unwanted/unneeded information from their
storage record. Cumming (2011) found that disposing the right digital information is
a difficult task and requires coordinated approach in an organization. However, for
students in an individual capacity, this might be a simple task of merely deleting
information from their devices.
The students’ competency in retrieving information can be identified from
the students’ program ((χ (4, 400) = 9.80, p=.044). The students in A&D have
same percentage of low and moderate competency (40% each). However, the
majority of students in social science have moderate competency in retrieving
information (60%). It is evident that a few students have high competency in
retrieving information. This is also supported by Al Nasar et al. (2011) that
retrieving information is a major problem in PIM. In fact, retrieving information is
a time consuming, challenging and frustrating task as reported by Elsweiler, Baillie,
& Ruthven (2011).


Vol.20 Faize et al. (2018)
Table 6
Students’ level of retrieval competency program wise
Social Science Science A&D Total
Retrieval Low Count 18 66 20 104
Competency Competency % within 18.0% 26.4% 40.0% 26.0%
Moderate Count 60 122 20 202
Competency % within 60.0% 48.8% 40.0% 50.5%
High Count 22 62 10 94
Competency % within 22.0% 24.8% 20.0% 23.5%
Total Count 100 250 50 400
((χ (4, 400) = 9.80, p=.044).

Response on Open-ended items

There were three open-ended items in the questionnaire. The students

were asked about their preferred device for PIM. The response on this item was
very high. The students mentioned the device they commonly use for PIM. The
frequency count was made for each device and then converted into percentages.
The other two items were aimed at identifying problems in PIM and how to
improve it.
The concept of PIM was very novel for UG students in the sample institution
which was also reflected in their responses on the last two items. The students did
not have information about PIM and what issues or problems are associated with it.
The same was found by Sedghi, Abdolahi, Azimi, Tahamtan, and Abdollahi (2015).
Gerken et al. (2009) also elaborated that PIM deals with the novice internet user.
This led to a relatively weak response on the open-ended items that sought to
identify the problems students face in PIM and how it can be improved. Some of
the problems and improvement strategies identified by students were not related
to PIM and were thus omitted from the analysis. The responses of the students
were categorized in order to identify key themes. The related themes were further
merged to narrow down the number of themes. The frequency of students’
responses was counted and then converted into percentages.


Vol.20 Faize et al. (2018)
Table 7
Frequency of students preferred device for PIM
Preferred Count & % Social Science A&D Total
device Sciences
PC/laptop Count 62 166 29 257
Percentage 62% 66.4% 58% 64.3%
within Program
Mobile Count 28 62 14 104
Percentage 28% 24.8% 28% 26%
within Program
Flash Drive Count 26 61 15 102
Percentage 26% 24.4% 30% 25.5%
within Program
Hard Copies Count 4 17 5 26
Percentage 4% 6.8% 10% 6.5%
within Program
Sky Drive Count 6 14 0 20
Percentage 6% 5.6% 0% 5%
within Program
In order to seek more information about students’ PIM, they were asked
about the device that they preferred to use for PIM. The students identified five
device types: PC/laptop, flash drive, sky drive, mobile phone and hard copies. The
most preferred device for PIM was PC/laptop used by students of all Program
(64.3%). The use of mobile phones for PIM was the second preferred device
followed by flash drives. This supports the findings of Sedghi et al. (2015) that
majority users keep information in PC/laptops. However, Sedghi et al. found flash
drive as the second most preferred device which in our study was the mobile
phones. The use of sky drive for PIM was very low (5%). SkyDrive is a storage service
offered by Microsoft that enables the user to store, synchronize and access their
files online and offline. One possible reason for this reluctance might be the security
issue associated with the sky drive (Pearson, 2009). Surprisingly, no student in
architecture and design was using sky drive for PIM.


Vol.20 Faize et al. (2018)

Restricted access to information 9

Virus/pop ups 13

Frequent ads on webpage 21

Difficulty in searching relevant
Connectivity problem 33
Problem with credibility of
0 10 20 30 40
Percentage of Responses

Figure 1. Problems in PIM

The problems identified by students during PIM are illustrated in Figure 1.

The most common problem identified by students (35.8%) was the problem with
authenticity/credibility of web information. This restrains the individual from saving
and using the searched information (Wathen & Burkell, 2002). The second problem
was the connectivity and low speed Internet (33%) which makes the students save
only the successfully loaded pages and utilize only the information in these saved
pages. This also discourages them from searching more relevant material due to
slow speed and disconnection problems. Students also expressed that they face
difficulty in searching relevant information on the web (27%). Some of these
students reported various distractions and encountered information which diverts
them from their specific target information. Hou and Zhang (2003) also asserted
that finding the relevant information using search engines has become a challenge
in the wake of thousands of pages suggested by search engines. Moreover, the
students complain of frequent ads and offers (21%), that are loaded around the
web information. This creates difficulty in searching and reading relevant
information (Cho & Austin, 2004). Another problem is the virus/bugs acquired while
searching and saving information from the web (13%). The students reported that
while using the Internet, they encounter various types of virus/malware that infect
their device and documents. Thus, they keep multiple copies of documents which
results in information overload and time wastage in retrieving the right information


Vol.20 Faize et al. (2018)
from their device. This supports Elsweiler et al. (2011) with regards to retrieving, as
time consuming and frustrating. Lastly, the students complained of restricted
access to information on the web (9%). Sometimes, the relevant information is not
open access and requires payment for purchasing the document. The students thus
search for free articles/information which may not be very relevant to them thus,
restricting its future use and applicability.

Guidance on verifying authenticity… 11

Organized file/folder system 16.5

Access to digital libraries 18

Keep record of websites and saved… 19

provision of fast speed internet 24

Use of filter/bookmarks 35

Do not know 55

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Percentage of Responses

Figure 2. Improvement Strategies in PIM

The students lack of information about PIM was also reflected in their
responses on improving IM. 55% students did not give any suggestion for improving
PIM and simply reported that they do not know how to improve it. A similar finding
is that the participants do not know about PIM reported by Sedghi et al. (2015). The
students were not even familiar with the term ‘PIM’. 35% of students suggested the
use of filter/bookmarks for improving PIM. Bookmarks save the web link for fast
retrieval and helps in IM as found by Boardman & Sasse (2004). The students
expressed the opinion that the provision of fast speed internet would also help in
PIM (24%). Fast speed internet helps in googling through a greater number of
websites in the pursuit of finding relevant material and its purposeful use. Some
students complained that they cannot search and save files/documents with a large
size if the internet speed is slow because the documents would take much time to
load on the screen.


Vol.20 Faize et al. (2018)
Moreover, the students suggested that keeping record of websites and saved
pages would also help in searching and retrieving information (19%). Some of these
students further elaborated that the web addresses and their description can be
saved in a word document which would provide a quick hint to the user for
retrieving information. Some mentioned that emailing the information and web
links to oneself is also helpful in quickly searching for information and its retrieval.
The same was found by Whittaker and Sidner (1996). Moreover, access to digital
libraries may also help in improving PIM (18%). The access to these websites would
help the students in finding relevant, reliable and up-to-date information for their
storing and use. The same is supported by Trivedi (2010). Moreover, some students
stated that the problem of encountered information and ads might also be solved
as these websites have less distraction/ads. Further, the use of these websites helps
in suggesting related information for further reading.
Moreover, 16.5% students reported that the user should have an organized
file and folder system. This pertains to naming the file per its content and saving it
to its relevant folder for fast retrieval. This is also supported by (Karger & Jones,
2006). The students also suggested proper guidance and training in how to verify
authenticity of web information (11%). The students reported that they use
information from the web but later they come to know that their searched
information is not correct. Most of this information comes from Wikipedia, blogs,
and posts. Information about reliable websites, books resources, good journals etc.
would help them in selecting authentic information for future use. Stewart and
Basic (2014) also suggested the need to develop students’ skills to evaluate
authenticity and credibility of information received over the web.


The students in all the three programs suffer from ‘weak’ competency in
searching and sharing information and ‘moderate’ competency in storing, disposing,
and retrieving information. Comparatively, science students seemed more
competent in storing information than the students in other programs. The
Architecture and Design students were weaker in sharing information than the
science and social science students. The majority of the students keep their data in
laptop/PC while the use of sky drive was very low. The major problems identified in
PIM were credibility of information, connectivity issues and the difficulty in searcing
relevant information.


Vol.20 Faize et al. (2018)
The research concludes that university students are involved in PIM despite
having low to moderate competency. This implies a need to develop courses in IM
or that topics related to PIM should be integrated into other courses for helping
university students in IM. In order to reduce information overload, the students
should be provided guidance on Information literacy skills to help them select the
right information for their future use (Stewart & Basic, 2014). In addition, the
students may be provided basic training on how to search for reliable information
on the web and the use of sky drive to help them access their saved information
from anywhere. The academic departments in the universities need to allocate
some library periods in the timetable to help their students learn IM (Ameen,
2016). In addition, the librarians can also announce regular briefing sessions on
PIM to help students efficiently manage their resources and to save time.


The study relied on self-reported competency by students and it was

assumed that the students rightfully reported and judged their competency.
Students’ competency could be measured with greater degree of objectivity
through actual tests on searching, storing, sharing, disposing, and retrieving
information in a lab setting. Moreover, the study used data from one research
instrument. For improving credibility in the findings, multiple research instruments
may be used.


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