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Action Research Rabago Delabahan

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Research Title:



Research Proponent: Iriss Joy F. Rabago, T2

Jeffrey L. Delabahan, T2
Division: Sarangani
District: Alabel 4
School: Datal Anggas Integrated School

Research Category:
________ Oral Presentation ________Poster Presentation
Research Theme:
________Theme 1-A: Teaching and Learning
________Theme 1-B: Teaching and Learning
________Theme 2: Child Protection
________Theme 3: Human Resource Development
________Theme 4: Governance and Cross Cutting Themes
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This action research took serious actions to empower the researchers' programs

in the context of early marriage, their responsibilities, and the consequences. This

research took a qualitative approach specifically multiple case study. The five (5)

informants from Datal Anggas Integrated School were purposively selected. The

researcher gathered all essential resources and requirements, including a location and

a voice/audio recorder. Moreover, the data were coded, emerged and analyzed using

thematic analyses and cross-case analyses. The results of the program helped

students be enlightened with the possible obligations and responsibilities of someone

engaged in early marriage.


The researchers express their heartfelt gratitude to: Rob H. Masalon, MAEd

their very supportive and kind school head, for giving the constant inspiration and

encouragement to pursue this study. To the informants of Datal anggas Integrated

School in Alabel IV in the Division of Sarangani, for allowing themselves to be part of

this study. Their family for entrusting moral support. To Almighty God, for the strength,

courage, and wisdom to take such steps in completing this lifetime achievement. The

researchers are forever grateful for this blessing.


Early marriage is a very common problem facing by youths around the world. It

is also a relevant issue in many different regions in the Philippines and in many cases,

it has been one of the factors why students are not able to pursue their education and

forced to stay at home, raise children and do duties they are not even ready to handle.
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According to UNICEF, the Philippines has the world's 12th highest absolute

number of child brides. The Philippine family code sets the marriageable age at 18

years, in accordance with the Philippines' commitment to the UN convention on the

rights of the child. And yet, 1 in 6 (20%) young women aged 20-24 marry before they

turn 18 (NDHS, 2017). Moreover, it was stated in the report of UNFPA (2020) that

adolescent girls who are at risk of child marriage, or who are already married, don’t

have enough knowledge about their rights and the consequences of child marriage,

and have no skills to express their views and exercise their choices.

Furthermore, based on the report of UNICEF (2001) early marriage has

implications for the well-being and orientation of families, and for community in general

where girls are uneducated and unprepared for their roles as mothers. To address this

problem, we must encourage the creation of digital spaces where girls can learn and

acquire new income-generating skills in order to achieve financial independence.

Connecting girls to income-generating activities and energizing youth.

In Datal Anggas Integrated School, 30 percent of the enrolled secondary

students for school year 2020-2021 got married in an early age and it is seemingly

getting higher every year, which is why the aim of this paper was to understand the

conditions that trigger minors to engage in marriage while schooling and to come up

with an effective solution to end the problem.


In this study, the innovation focused on empowering the program “Project

Lamang Ang May Alam” through the contextualization of reading materials and

adoption of existing programs.

Empower the use “PROJECT LAMANG ANG MAY ALAM” Train and educate
of Google and the students about
other ICTs in the use of internet in
gathering legit GOOGLE ON THE GO LET’S BE TECHY-TECHY collecting
information information


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The following innovation, intervention and strategy were proposed by

researchers to address the challenges experienced by students.

A. Adapting and organizing existing programs from specific organizations.

Improved access to physical and mental health information for incorporating

issues of early marriage.

B. Empowering the utilization of Google as search engine and Information

and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as critical change enablers.

Train youths how to use Google and other ICTs as their flatforms to gather

information to address the challenges they experienced.

C. Contextualizing Reading Materials. Provided reading materials addressing the

challenges experienced by the students who are married at the same time

D. Analyzing students’ views, experiences and challenges through context,

input, process and product (CIPP) model.

This model will facilitate in-depth interpretation and analysis of the data that

were gathered.


The main purpose of this study is to seek answer to the following questions:

1. How do students view early marriage?

2. How do the students describe the challenges they encountered as they engaged in

early marriage while attending school?

3. How does early marriage impact their lives as students?

4. Based on the findings, what intervention shall be implemented to address the



This study is qualitative in approach. Qualitative research is an inquiry approach

useful for exploring, investigating and understanding participants’ experiences

(Creswell, 2013). Multiple case study was utilized in methodology. Creswell (2014)
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added that case study research is undoubtedly described as a versatile form of

qualitative inquiry most suitable for a comprehensive, holistic, and in -depth

understanding of a complex issue like event situation, organization, and program.

Participants/Informants and/or Other Sources of Data and Information

In this study, purposeful sampling was utilized. In this qualitative sampling

procedure, the researchers intentionally select individuals and sites to understand a

specific issue (Creswell, 2012). The informants for this study were the five purposively

selected secondary students of Datal Anggas Integrated School. Moreover, other

sources of data like parents’ and learners’ feedback form, observation checklist and

teachers’ anecdotal records were also utilized to support the data triangulation


Data Gathering Methods

The following steps were done in gathering the needed data on this research:

First, the researcher wrote a research proposal with the request letter addressed to the

principal of the school where the informants were enrolled then certified by SGOD

Chief and then approved by assistant school’s division superintendent of the Division of

Sarangani. Furthermore, for ethical standards, informed consent form was given to the

informants. This form contains the objectives of the study, the approaches, and

methodology, confidentiality, and benefits.

The informants were given the opportunity to review the data during debriefing.

Upon the approval, the informants were interviewed using a semi-structured interview

guide and audio recording devices, with the material immediately transcribed. The

coding structures were organized and analyzed through different emerging themes.

The relevant data from multiple sources like teachers’ anecdotal records, observations,

and focus group discussion (FGD) were also gathered to support the data during the

triangulation process.
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This part presents the discussion of results of this study which were analyzed

through thematic analyses and cross-case analyses.

Part I. Thematic Analysis

Table 1
This table presents the analysis of themes on the descriptions of the views of the students about early

Narrative/Textual Data Coding Structure Emergent Themes/

I. Views
1. [It is one of our greatest struggles and 1. Greatest Struggle and 1. Struggle and
challenges.] Challenge Challenge

2. [Early Marriage is a result of being misguided 2. Result of being 2. Uneducated

and uneducated about its consequences and uneducated

3. [Early Marriage is a huge barrier to pursue our 3. Huge Barrier 3. Education Barrier

4. [Early Marriage is a hindrance to the 4. Hinders the 4. Hindrance

betterment of our future.] betterment of future

5. [Risky to the mental and physical health.] 5.Physical and Mental 5. Risky
Health are at risk

Part I. Cross-Case Analysis: Views on Early Marriage



B’laan Taga-Kaulo Taga-Kaulo Taga-Kaulo Taga-Kaulo

Grade 11 (F) Grade 12 (F) Grade 11 (F) Grade 11 (F) Grade 12 (M)
24 (P/KI1) 18 (P/KI2) 23 (P/KI3) 29 (P/KI4) 19 (P/KI5)

(P/KI: Participant/Key Informant)

Views on Early Marriage

Informant 1 viewed early marriage as their greatest struggle and challenge as

teenagers, while informant 2 considered early marriage as a result of being misguided

by the elders and being uneducated. The proper guidance of the parents and

guardians plays a big role in the decision making of every youth (Nwokolo, 2010). On
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the other hand, informant 3 and 4 viewed early marriage as a barrier to enjoy their

teenage days and hinders them to pursue their education because of the

responsibilities and duties they need to perform, while informant 5 viewed it as a result

of child labor because of the sudden responsibilities he needs to perform in a young


Informant 3: “Ang kaminyo man gud mam lisod kaayu isabay sa imong pagskwela…. Ang
obligasyon.tanang naa sulod sa balay imoha jud na. imbis magmodule ko mag atiman ko sakong bana.”
(Being a housewife and a student at the same time is very difficult since you have many responsibilities
to fulfill aside from focusing on your modules.) – (transcript no. 3, lines 6-7)

Part II. Thematic Analysis

Table 2
This table presents the analysis of themes on the descriptions of challenges the students encountered as
they engaged in early marriage while attending school.

Narrative/Textual Data Coding Structure Emergent Themes/

Mental and Emotional Health

1. [It is a factor that affects our mental health 1. Mental breakdown 1. Stress
because of stress.] and Stress

2. [Afraid to Socialize due to the judgment of

other people.]
2. Social Phobia 2. Socialization Gap
3. [I’m hesitant to go out and mingle with other
people because of a possibility to get bullied.]

4. [Overthinking how to support our family and 4. Overthinking

how to survive everyday.]

5. [I sometimes regret the situation I am in and 5. Regretful 4. Emotional Damage

tend to breakdown emotionally.]

Physical Health

1. [Being a student and a mother at the same 1. Distraction to studies 1. Overfatigue

time require me to do multi-tasking which will and overfatigue
result to distraction and overfatigue.]

2. [Early marriage gives me more duties and

responsibilities which disable me to focus on
my studies.] 2. More Duties

2. Physical Exhaustion
3. [I am confused with the tasks and obligations I 3. Tired
need to fulfil as a wife, mother and student and
sometimes my body eventually surrenders.]
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4. [This situation (early marriage) will force you to 4. multi-tasking

multi-task. You need to work and make a living
instead of focusing only in studying.]

5. [Early Marriage will result to Child Labor 5. Sudden responsibilities 3. Child Labor
because of sudden responsibilities and duties.]

Part II. Cross-Case Analysis: Challenges Experienced by the Learners



B’laan Taga-Kaulo Taga-Kaulo Taga-Kaulo Taga-Kaulo

Grade 11 (F) Grade 12 (F) Grade 11 (F) Grade 11 (F) Grade 12 (M)
24 (P/KI1) 18 (P/KI2) 23 (P/KI3) 29 (P/KI4) 19 (P/KI5)

(P/KI: Participant/Key Informant)

Mental Breakdown and Stress

The data shows that informant 1 experienced mental breakdown and stress.

On the other hand, informant 2 and 3, experienced social phobia. These themes

emerged into Socialization Gap. According to Ayako, K. et al. (2020) child marriage

often results in adverse health, economic, and social consequences. Moreover, it was

mentioned in the study of Smith (2015) that many students experienced problems

related to mental health due to family affairs and many extracurricular activities.

Informant 2: “….ug sa tinood lang Sir, maulaw nko maggawas2 kay basi ebully ko.”
(To be honest, I am afraid to socialize with other people because I’m afraid to be
bullied.) – (transcript no. 2, lines 20-21)

Furthermore, informant 4 experienced overthinking while informant 5

experienced being regretful of the situation he is in. These themes emerged to

emotional damage and eventually result to low performance of students in school.

Informant 4: “Malibog gani ko sir oy …. Naa koy trabaho sa barangay tapos naa pod koy bata….
Maglimpyo ko sa balay… mo skwela, naga labad akong ulo sir sa kadaghan sakong ginahunahuna.” (I
can’t focus on answering my modules because I have now many responsibilities to fulfill.) – (transcript
no. 4, lines 9-11)

Physical Health

Informant 1 experienced overfatigue as one of the challenges of being a

student and a mother at the same time, while informant 2 experienced having more
Page |9

duties, informant 3 experienced being tired and confused of the obligations she needs

to do and informant 4 experienced multi-tasking because she needs to earn for her

family. These themes emerged into physical exhaustion.

Informant 5: “Dili jud lalim nga musulod ka sa kaminyuon sir……. Kanang dili paka ready ug kailangan
jud …..maningkamot. Mao na akong lawas bun-og na maskin bata pako. (It is really difficult to marry at a
young age. You have no choice but to work hard that is why I experienced physical exhaustion and
overfatigue.) – transcript no. 5, lines 14-15

Part III. Thematic Analysis

Table 3
This table presents the analysis of themes on the descriptions of impact of early marriage to the
academic performance of students.

Narrative/Textual Data Coding Structure Emergent Themes/

Education (Performance in School)

I.[I always tend to submit my modules late and 1. Can’t focus on their studies
I can’t focus on answering.]
1. Lack of focus

2. [I can’t concentrate in answering my 2. Can’t concentrate

modules because it’s not the only thing I in answering my
need to prioritize.] modules

3. [Compared to before when I was still 3. Low grades

single, my grades are higher than now that
I am already married.]
3. Low Academic
4. [I’m struggling to get good grades because 4. Struggling to get good
my attention is divided as a student and as grades
a mother at the same time.]

5. [I get tired and thought of dropping from 5. No interest to continue 5. Lack of Motivation
school.] education

(P/KI: Participant/Key Informant)

Part III. Cross-Case Analysis: Impact of Early Marriage in the Lives of Students



B’laan Taga-Kaulo Taga-Kaulo Taga-Kaulo Taga-Kaulo

Grade 11 (F) Grade 12 (F) Grade 11 (F) Grade 11 (F) Grade 12 (M)
24 (P/KI1) 18 (P/KI2) 23 (P/KI3) 29 (P/KI4) 19 (P/KI5)

Educational Issues

Informant 1 experienced submission of her modules late because she can’t

focus while informant 2 cannot concentrate. These themes emerged into Lack of focus.
P a g e | 10

On the other hand, informant 3 and 4 experienced struggles to balance duties in family

and in school which leads to low academic performance. Early marriage according to

Obi (2008), as cited by Emmanuel et al. (2020) can have serious impacts on the child

as it relates to educational attainment.

Informant 5: “Daghan na kayo kog trabaho unya dili nako kafocus sa akong module kay naa ko pirmi sa
umahan. Wala na jud ko gana ma’am…” (I can’t focus with my studies because I am busy with farming. I
am not motivated anymore.) – transcript no. 5, lines 22-24


Based on the findings, early marriage is one of the factors that has an impact on

students, particularly in the areas of mental health, physical health, and education. The

identified issues require immediate attention in order to assist learners in dealing with

situations that arise during early marriage. The program "Project Lamang ang may

Alam" was found to be effective, as the number of cases of early marriage decreased

after the implementation. The government, the school, and the parents should all be

committed to the program's empowerment and continuation.

The following recommendations were made based on the study's findings and


[1] The consequences of early marriage on youth must be emphasized, and specific

interventions to alleviate the stigma associated with it should be provided.

[2] Parents who do not have access to reliable and timely information should participate in

a program that teaches them how to deal with their children's early marriages.

[3] Different programs relating to early marriage should be strengthened by educational

institutions. The institution should also make it a priority to teach students how to cope with

the physical and mental health issues that can arise as a result of early marriage.

[4] The local government should provide moral support to young boys and girls by

implementing programs that encourage them to prioritize their education for their own

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[5] Eventually, the findings of this study were unable to generate any generalizations for

other concerned and relevant individuals based on the revealed experiences of the five

informants. As a result, future research related to this study should be conducted at other

research sites and with other purposively selected participants in order to validate and

compare the significant findings. In the future, some researchers may conduct related

studies to see if there are any relevant changes in participants' perspectives and

experiences in early marriage.

Based on the identified problems experienced by the students who are
engaged in early marriage, the action plan in table 4 below should be continuously and
developmentally planned and implemented.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Sarangani
Alabel 4 District



P a g e | 12


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Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA:


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Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed

Method Approaches (14th Edition) Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE

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ISSN: 2797-3735, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 90-91.

Kohno, Ayako et al (2020) Investigation of the Key Factors that Influence the

Girls to Enter Into Child Marriage: A Meta-Synthesis of Qualitative


National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) (2017): Key Indicators

Report. pp. 14-16

Nwokolo, C. (2010): Counselling Against Early Marriage Of The Girl-Child In

Anambra state. Edo Journal of Counselling, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 50-51

P a g e | 13

Research Clue, (2019) Effect of Early Marriage on Female Academic

Performance in Nigeria: A Case Study of Three South-Western

Universities. Retrieved on March 21, 2022 from

Smit, E. (2015). Mental Health Problems Among Students. Vrije University


UNFPA State of the World’s Population 1990, New York, UNFPA 1990.

UNFPA. (2020): Policy Brief: Ending Child Marriage in the Philippines, pp. 3-5.

UNIFEF. (2001): Early Marriage Child Spouses. Inosenti Digest. Florence, Italy.

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