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ANNEX 3 Site Location and Preparation Study Rev1

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Pertamina – Rosneft GRR Tuban Project

Bankable Feasibility Study Report

June 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                
Annex 3 - Site Location and Preparation Study
A3.0 Objectives
The main goal of the Site Preparation & Site Location is to obtain sufficient understanding and knowledge of the
selected Site area, in order to evaluate potential risks and possible improvements during the early phases of the

The objective of the Site Preparation is to provide the technical data for the field in terms of geotechnical and geo-
electric conditions, topographic features, design cut & fill and soil stabilization, and all the related technical
documents including the estimate cost and the estimate cost for the land development of the site location.
The objective of the Site Location is to work within a structured process for incorporating PTRN, Consultant, and
construction knowledge to identify all of the possible upgrades to take in due consideration at the beginning of the
project life, thus enhancing project safety, quality, cost, schedule and risk management objectives.

A3.1 Scope of work of the study

Site Preparation Study
a) Desk study looking and reviewing existing data (for reference only) including:
- existing maps,
- regional geological conditions
- reports the results of previous surveys.
b) Based on the desk study subsequently prepared plans / methods of work / Operations, detail schedule of
execution of work, QA / QC Plan, HSE Plan. Desk study results are arranged in the form of a Preliminary
Report, which must be submitted and approved prior to the implementation of field work by PTRN.
c) Topography measurement and mapping of the project area
d) Soil boring & SPT and Laboratory Test
e) Geo-electric Survey
f) Design Cut & Fill and Land Improvement.
g) Develop cost estimate AACE Class 3 for site preparation for the Complex

Site Location Study

a) Study and investigate available and required logistics (roads, ports, jetty, airport, rail, etc) for the unloading
and transport of heavy machinery and equipment.
b) Evaluate the external infrastructure made available to the Complex, possible synergies and integration
c) Investigate available utilities and services, power grid, natural gas, etc that is available in the area and
potential for synergies for the Complex
d) Identify potential areas for development of future expansion of the Complex – including land reclaiming
from the sea, and for chemical park for production of petrochemical derivatives, plastics, rubber, tires, etc.
in the surroundings of the Complex, indicating available and required infrastructure and logistics
e) To arrive at accurate information and results that will allow PTRN to make well informed decisions about
the technical and economic viability of the Complex

Pertamina – Rosneft GRR Tuban Project
Bankable Feasibility Study Report
June 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                

A3.2 Site Preparation Study

Marine Study
Scope of work of this section is as follows:
a) Study and investigate available and required mines free for access study
b) Study and investigate the demand and conceptual design of shore protection and breakwater

The output of the study consists of:

 Analysis of the site location regarding the potential availability of mines for acces and marine facility;
 Structure conceptual design for shore protection and breakwater based on the site plan and facility
demand study.

The site location study for marine facility at Tanjung Awar Awar water area can be summarized as follows:
1. Both water area of the proposed location for refinery plant facility at Tanjung Awar Awar is not mines
free. The required water area for mines free to avoid hazard from mines in the marine activity is about
30 km2.
2. The proposed water area at Tanjung AwarAwar is located at open sea of Java Sea with gentle slope of
coast. The oceanographic characteristics are affected by the trophical monsoon character.
3. For loading and unloading of oil with vessel greater than 10.000 DWT it can use SPM and for vessel less
than 10.000 DWT it can use jetty with protected basin to maintain ship operation at basin from wind,
wave and current. It can use breakwater structure to protect the basin area.
4. New dredging works (capital dredging) is required to enlarge and deepen access channels, provide
turning basins and achieve appropriate water depths along waterside facilities.
5. The location of intake and outlet structures in tidal water bodies has to be determined carefully to
avoiding warm water recirculation.

For further stage of the Project it is recommended:

 a fast action to ensure that the water area is mines free and officially published in the international
navigation maps
 Geophysical and oceanographic survey are needed to identify the detail characteristics of the location.

By means of the Topographic Study was possible to provide Site Preparation and Site Location Studies.
Topographic survey is needed to establish site design, structure gauging and monitoring, track alignment and
geometry surveys allowed them to complete the survey to the highest standard. A thorough topographic survey
will lessen the possibility of making costly mistakes at a later stage, as you will be less likely to come across
unforeseen problems.
A topographic survey identifies and maps the change in elevation throughout a defined area of land, using
contour lines. A topographic survey includes both natural and artificial features, and maps the ground and any
objects which may be overhead. Most often, topographic surveys serve as a base-level map to aid in the design
of a construction project.
For oil and gas projects, topographic surveys are commonly required to perform site planning and design for well
pads, production facility layouts, access roads, and pipeline alignment. Surveyors consider the unique quirks
and qualities of each survey plot before acting. After careful consideration, using GPS technology to begin the

Pertamina – Rosneft GRR Tuban Project
Bankable Feasibility Study Report
June 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                
survey. This approach is complemented by conventional topographic survey methods in situations where a
traditional approach would be more efficient than a technological solution.
When planning the design and construction, engineers must first consider the existing conditions of the site. Most
often, the given site is not level and must be modified before any construction can begin. So, the cut and fill
process is typically one of the first construction processes to take place on a site.
There are several points that can be pointed out as results of the topographic survey:
1. The result of horizontal control points measurement using GPS Geodetic and tied to the CORS BIG
(CTBN) which refers to SRGI2013 have accuracy less than 5 mm
2. The result of vertical control measurement using leveling have accuracy less than 8 km mm, where k is
total distance in km.
3. Survey area in this project which is bounded by a fence and the LWL shoreline (0 LWL) is 336.61 ha.
4. General conditions in the survey area topography is relatively flat with an elevation of between 0 – 19 m
5. Location of survey traversed high voltage wires from the power plant of Tanjung Awar-Awar
6. In general, the land used by local communities for gardening
7. In area of survey, there are 19 wells for irrigation

Geo-Electric Survey
Site preparation study is an important program in construction and engineering structures. several approaches
have been used for the success of foundation investigations. geophysical methods, particularly electrical
resistivity technique, had been extensively used for a wide variety of engineering and environmental problems.
the application of geo-electrical resistivity survey has become a prime choice, as a result of the cheap cost that
is involve and the fact that it saves time and easy to carry out, and can also be used to determine geological
structures. engineering applications of electrical resistivity include investigation the bridge, dam and building
structure foundations using electrical resistivity survey. apart from engineering applications, electrical resistivity
can also be of great importance in ground water investigation, determination of contamination source and impact
of leachate. in this study, a non-destructive geophysical technique involving resistivity mapping using wenner
array was adopted to investigate the subsurface conditions at the proposed Complex site in Tuban area with the
aim of determining the competency of the competent soil upon and to evaluate potential risks and possible
improvements during the early phases of the project which the structure will be laid Geo-electric is used to
knowing the distribution of subsurface resistivity at the study area, identify the potential presence of subsurface
void and fissure, evaluating the possibility of potential risks caused by geological conditions of the study area
related to the plan of construction of refinery and petrochemical Complex.

Geo-electric or resistivity geophysical surveys measure variations in the electrical resistivity of the ground, by
applying small electric currents across arrays of ground electrodes. The survey data is processed to produce
graphic depth sections of the thickness and resistivity of subsurface electrical layers. The resistivity sections are
correlated with ground interfaces such as soil and fill layers or soil-bedrock interfaces, to provide engineers with
detailed information on subsurface ground conditions.
The basic operating principal for Geo-electric surveys involves generating a direct current between two metal
electrodes implanted in the ground, while the ground voltage is measured between two additional implanted
electrodes. Given the current flow and measured voltage drop between two electrodes, the subsurface resistivity
between the electrodes can be determined and mapped. Results of Geo-electric surveys are based on a
computer generated inverse model of measurements made in the field, and are referred to as the apparent
Resistivity profiles detect vertical and lateral variations in resistivity in the subsurface. The presence of water or
water saturated soil or bedrock will strongly affect the results of a resistivity survey. Salt water and brine have
Pertamina – Rosneft GRR Tuban Project
Bankable Feasibility Study Report
June 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                
very low resistivity, ranging from <1 to a few tens of ohm meters. Fresh water will show a much higher apparent
resistivity, up to several thousand ohm meters depending on dissolved solids content.
The geo-electric survey was conducted and a lot of information about the subsurface condition in the study area
came out. From the resistivity value result of geo-electric survey shows that limestone almost covering all the
area. The presence of cavity is possible which well identified from resistivity data combined with borehole log

Soil Boring and SPT and Laboratory Test

Method of Soil Investigation

Soil survey investigations are activities that develop and provide reliable new information and understanding
about soils, soil relationships, and soil survey methods.
Soil survey investigations include:
 supplement field information with laboratory and analytical data on the properties and behavior of soil;
 develop field and laboratory methods;
 provide a database of soil information;
 provide concepts, methods, understanding, and predictions for soil survey interpretations and modeling;
and v. develop and provide theories and understanding to soil formation and the relationship of soils to genetic
and landscape factors.
Conclusions are as follows:
1. In general, the condition of the soil layer in the study area is in the form of limestone with values of N-SPT
> 50 blows/feet or called very dense.
2. The average surface in the form of clay layer with a thickness between 2.00 m until 8.00 m with values of
N-SPT 2-15 blows/feet. The thickness of the clay layer on the point of BH-03 about 8 m.
3. Due to the condition of the soil layer is very dense limestone, soil improvement is not required to increase
the carrying capacity and are not necessary acceleration consolidation system.
4. The type of foundation is recommended drill foundation (bored pile), because the use of length foundation
cannot be applied. The complete calculation of the carrying capacity of the foundation will be provided in
the final report.
5. The type of lightweight building foundation is recommended the shallow foundation that the depth is
adjusted with the load and carrying capacity of the soil layer. The complete calculation of the carrying
capacity of shallow foundation will be provided in the final report.
6. There wereno cavity in the layer of soil in the study area.
7. Ground water capacity has a small value so that the utilization of ground water cannot be used.

Cost Estimate for Site Preparation

As recommended practice of AACE International, the Cost Estimate Classification System provides guidelines
for applying the general principles of estimate classification to project cost estimates (i.e., cost estimates that are
used to evaluate, approve, and/or fund projects). Cost estimate classes is divided into several phases or stages
of project cost that can be estimated together appropriate to quality matrix, which can be applied in various
industries. This matrix and guideline provide an estimate classification system that is specific to the process
industries. Refer to the generic standard for a general matrix that is non-industry specific, or to other addendums
for guidelines that will provide more detailed information for application in other specific industries. These will
typically provide additional information, such as input deliverable checklists to allow meaningful categorization in
those particular industries.

Pertamina – Rosneft GRR Tuban Project
Bankable Feasibility Study Report
June 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                
Cost estimate summaries for Cut and fill works and Seawall is IDR 639 Billion.

A3.3 Site Location Study

The geographical location can have a strong influence on the success of an industrial venture. Much care must
be exercised in choosing the plant site and many different factors must be considered. Primarily, the plant should
be located where the minimum cost of production and distribution can be obtained.
The location (i.e. Tuban) chosen for the new Grass Root Refinery and Petrochemical Complex seems that would
guarantee the minimum cost of production and distribution and also that there are possible space for expansion
and good general living conditions as well. The choice of the final site should be first based on a complete survey
of various geographical areas.

The following factors have been already considered in choosing a plant site location at Tuban:
1) Markets
2) Power and Fuel
3) Climate
4) Transportation Facilities
5) Water Supply
6) Waste Disposal
7) Labor Supply
8) Site Characteristics
9) Flood and Fire Protection
10) Community Factors
11) Raw Material
The factors that must be evaluated in a plant-location study indicate the need for a vast amount of information,
both quantitative (statistical) and qualitative.

1) Market
In the Java island is located the biggest consumption of liquid and gas fuel as high as 40% of total consumption
in Indonesia.
The location of markets or intermediate distribution centers affect the cost of product distribution and the time
required for shipping. Proximity to the major markets is an important consideration in the selection of the plant-
site, because the buyer usually finds advantageous to purchase from nearby sources. It also should be noted that
markets are needed for by products as well as for the major final products.
The products from the new Complex can be distributed via jetty and inland transportation by using the pipeline
and possible by tank truck/car.

2) Power and Fuel

Power and steam requirements are high in the majority of refinery and petrochemical plants, such as Tuban Grass
Root Refinery and petrochemical plant and fuel is ordinarily required to supply both these utilities.
Consequently, power and fuel can be combined as major factor in the choice of a plant site. If the plant requires
large quantity of power, the consideration of the location near to the power sources may be essential as well as
the consideration of power being purchased or self-generated.
Closed to the plant location there are available power sources such as PLN (Indonesia electrical company), PLTU
(steam electrical power generation).

3) Climate

Pertamina – Rosneft GRR Tuban Project
Bankable Feasibility Study Report
June 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                
In Tuban area there is not excessive humidity or extremes of hot or cold weather that can have serious effect on
the economics operation of a plant. Therefore, the selected plant-site at Tuban would not face problems in terms
of weather extreme conditions – the design of the plant equipment can be done in an economical way as well as
the plant operations.

4) Transportation Facilities
Water, railroads and highway are the common means of transportations used by industrial concerns. If possible,
the plant-site should have access to all three types of transportation, and, certainly, at least two types should be
available. There are available air transportation and railway from Surabaya to Jakarta.
The kind and amount of products and raw materials determine the most suitable type of transportation facilities.
Avaialble transportation facilities at Tuban area are inland/highway and ocean water transportation. Effective
transportation facilities for the plant workers and maintenance access roads should be considered as necessary.

5) Water Supply
The Tuban Grass Root Refinery (TGRR) is a refinery and petrochemical plant in general used large quantity of
water for cooling, steam generation, washing, firefighting, process water etc. At Tuban sea water is available. If
the amount of water is not enough is preferable using deep wells or artesian wells or Bengawan Solo’s River or
rainfall distribution.
The level of the existing water table can be check by geological survey, and information the continuity and the
alternative is the year-round capacity of local rivers at Bengawan Solo as LPPM ITS Surabaya commenced the
scope of work for that purpose. If the water supply from the deep well or rainfall are fluctuation, then the
consideration is using the sea water which is dependable source.
The temperature, mineral content, silt or sand content, bacteriological content, cost for treatment and supply must
also be considered when choosing a water supply.

6) Waste Disposal
In recent years, there are many legal restrictions that have been placed on the methods for disposing waste
materials from the process area. Therefore, the site selected for the “Complex” as 404 ha should have adequate
capacity and facilities for waste disposal.
Legal restrictions that have a permissible tolerance levels for the various methods of waste disposal should be
considered and attention should be made and given to potential requirements for additional waste water treatment

7) Labor Supply
The type and supply of labor available in the vicinity of the proposed site location (Complex) must be examined
and prevailing pay rates, restriction on number of hours worked per week, racial problem and variation in the skill
and intelligence of the workers should also be considered.

8) Site Characteristics
The characteristics of the land at proposed plant in Tuban should be examined carefully. The topography of the
site area and the soil structure must be considered.
Future changes may make it desirable or necessary to expand the plant facilities. Therefore, even though no
immediate expansion is planned, a new plant should be constructed at a location where additional space is

9) Flood and Fire Protection

Pertamina – Rosneft GRR Tuban Project
Bankable Feasibility Study Report
June 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                
The TGRR Complex is located along north shore Java Sea of Tuban means near of large body of sea water. This
sea water is big potential to be used for resourcing water supply for the Complex. There is no history risk of flood
or hurricane damage so far. The alternatives are under study such as using deep well, artesian and river bengawan
Protection from losses by a major fire, assistance from outside fire department such as Pertamina, PLTU Tuban,
PLN, Gresik Portland Cement Factory Tuban and cement Holcim factory Tuban and fire department of local
government Tuban are available.
There is the necessity for the fire department team to conduct routine coordination meeting in the safety subject.
In case of major fire, assistance from outside fire departments should be available. Fire hazard in the immediate
area surrounding the plant site must not be overlooked.

10) Community Factors

The characters and facilities of a community can have quite an effect on the location of the plant.
If a certain minimum number of facilities for satisfactory living of plant personal do not exist, it often becomes a
burden for the plant to subsidize such facilities. Cultural facilities of the community are important to sound growth.

11) Raw Material/Feedstock

The source of raw material/feedstock is one of the most important factor influencing the selection of the plant site.
The location near to the source of feedstock permits considerable reduction in transportation and storage charges.
But if the feedstock source is not closed to the plant site, attention should be given to the purchased price of the
raw material, distance from the source of supply, freight or transportation expenses, reliability of supply, quality
consistencies of the availability of materials and storage requirements.
Tuban area selection was not based on the availability of feedstocks. Therefore, imported crude oil should be
stored in tanks with large capacities.

Result of the survey, investigation and evaluation of the existing facilities for possible integration with

TPPI’s Facilities
Road, port and jetty are available in the area of TPPI as follows:
a) Construction jetty (construction dock)
b) Product jetty (berth #3, #4, #5)
c) Single Point Mooring (SPM)
d) Hydrogen excess from catalytic reformer unit
e) Future land available
f) Access roads Trans Pasific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI)

a. Construction Dock
The TPPI’s construction dock has a capacity of 5 m draft LOA of the ship is 114 m and capable for berthing of
5000 DWT parcel cargo size.

b. Transporting facilities from construction dock

The transporting of heavy machinery and process equipment along the project is consist of divided into:
- The road via Daendels Street
- And the other is trough area #500 then coming to the laydown in the COMPLEX area #300

Pertamina – Rosneft GRR Tuban Project
Bankable Feasibility Study Report
June 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                
c. Tie in facilities into berth #3, #4, #5 which is the capacity is 35000 DWT, 40000 DWT. This are still available
room for products from the Complex to joint operation up to 15% occupancy.

d. Tie in the Naphtha from the Complex to the condensate tankages. If the quality and quantity of naphtha from
the Complex is suitable feedstock to TPPI then crude oil SPM of TPPI will be abandoned. Its SPM is possible to
integrate into the Complex in the future that mean both are cost saving significant enough.

e. For initial starting up of the Naphtha Hydrotreating Process Unit of the Complex hydrogen rich gas is needed.
According to the presentation by TPPI at 18 August 2016 there are mentioned that the hydrogen rich gas excess
from the Reformer process unit is 10 ton per day. If the quality of rich gas is suitable for initial starting up of the
Naphtha Hydrotreating Process Unit of the Complex then the preparation of tie in can be considered. But if not
suitable either quality or quantity of excess hydrogen rich gas, the Complex should have the consideration to
import hydrogen electrolytic gas and stored in the hydrogen bottles rack as required.

Site Survey, Investigation and Evaluation of The External Infrastructure Surrounding of the Complex:

a. Nearby of the COMPLEX there is available Terminal Bahan Bakar Minyak (TBBM) Tuban which is belonging to
Pertamina. In order the utility boiler of the utility system is the COMPLEX can be started up of initially that mean
the unit need the fuel oil. Availability of the fuel oil should be considered with purchase from TBBM by using
temporary transfer line or by tank truck.

b. Closed to the COMPLEX there is available power source such as PLTU Tanjung Awar-awar and IBT Ngimbang.
The voltage level is 150 kV and 20 kV. If the COMPLEX has a consideration to purchase of the electrical power
as required.

c. Raw Water Intake

Raw water intake for the COMPLEX has 4 alternatives source such as sea water, river water, rainfall distribution
and water table.
1. Sea Water Intake
Supply of the sea water, there are two system supply of the sea water intake e.g :
- To construct the canal that’s simultaneously using for the pound of the product jetty which has draft of 8 m
with ship capacity of 5000-10000 DWT, however this alternative will have future problem with high
sedimentation rate. And also necessary to facilitate the break water facility.
- By installing the fiber pipe along 3.5 km into the bottom water sea which has 7 m depth. The alternative
location of the supply system as above mentioned is in Area #500 and Area #300.

2. Raw water is supply from Bengawan Solo’s River. Based on the secondary data mentioned that the potential
water of Bengawan Solo is 31000 m3/hour. The distance of the water intake location is ±30-40 km to the
COMPLEX. The source of water intake is Trucuk closed to Padangan.

3. Rainfall Distribution
Rainfall data available from 3 rainfall station in Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai (BBWS) Bengawan Solo, that are
Jenu Station, Bogorejo Station, and Sidomulyo Station. Based on the calculation of potential volume of rainfall
is 432443 m3/day.

4. Ground water reservoir capacity

Pertamina – Rosneft GRR Tuban Project
Bankable Feasibility Study Report
June 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                
Ground water reservoir capacity in study area is estimated from the geoelectric survey result combined with
soil investigation (drilling), and in situ permeability test. The potential volume of ground water that can be
exploited from the site is 0.000408 cm3/second.

d. Natural Gas Source

The possibility of natural gas is come from Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN).
The potential of natural gas is 554 MMSCFD while the contracted demand is 756 MMSCFD until year of 2018 so
far still deficit. By having data from PGN that mentioned there is no possibility to draw natural gas PGN as well.

e. Water outfall to the Java Sea around Tuban

There are 3 alternatives location can be considered for designing of water outfall such as :
- In the Area #500
- In the area #300
- Joint location at PLN Tanjung Awar-awar

Terminal BBM Tuban

Nearby TPPI area is terminal BBM Tuban which is available liquid fuel such as premium, pertamax, diesel and
fuel oil which is belonging to Pertamina. Tie in look necessary at fuel oil line for doing initial starting up of the utility
of the Complex.
Besides of the source of the fuel oil from Tuban BBM terminal here also to be considered purchasing fuel oil from
public service fuel station by using tank truck/tank cars to fill up to the fuel oil tank in the Utility area in the Complex.

PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara), PLTU (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap) Tanjung Awar-Awar Tuban and
IBT Ngimbang Jawa Timur.
Electrical power is available at near location and that is possible to purchase for all power requirement of the

The alternative is to purchase of electrical power for backing up to the COMPLEX as required only. Therefore, the
Complex should be designed the basic electrical system design for tie in to the external facilities.

Fire Fighting Coordination

Many existing industries in the Tuban Area and surrounding, such as TPPI, Terminal BBM Tuban, PLTU Tanjung
Awar-Awar, Gresik portland cement factory in Tuban, Holcim cement factory in Tuban, and Local government of
Tuban are provided by fire fighting team and facility.
Management coordination should be made at any time to prepare for fighting to protect losses at major fire if any.

Cross Country Pipe Line in Complex Area

The cross country pipe line has a function for delivery oil and other commodity as follows:
- Crude oil pipe line is using for delivery raw material from crude oil tankages to the process area in the Area #100
- Oil product pipe line is using for delivery of many kind of the products from the product storage tanks (Area #300)
to shipping terminals/ product jetty and others.
- Beside of the oil which is transferring to cross country pipe line also other commodity such as drinking water,
electrical cable power, and telephone cable.
- Because of many pipe lines are delivery to/from crude oil tankages and product jetty and other commodities in
Area #500 there are needed the right of way around of 40 meters wide. Most of the land right of way which of 120
m along 250 m needed the land acquisition from community. Because you need to know between area 340 Ha
and 64 Ha, there is required area of land acquisition.
Pertamina – Rosneft GRR Tuban Project
Bankable Feasibility Study Report
June 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                
Water Treatment Units
- Brackish sea water is used for raw water to produce bowler feed water, process water, drinking water, and service
- For producing of above mentioned water the facility of the water treatment are of those provided by such as
multistage flash desalination, reverse osmosis, and water polisher.
- A set of jockey pump for pressurizing fire water line system will taking suction from service water tank.

Water Supply System

Brackish river water or sea water is sent from the source such as river and from the sea coming into water pit of
water intake system. From the water pit is pumped in to the day tank. Then divided into two sections: surface
condenser of condensing turbine generator and to the sea water desalination unit or to the river osmosis.
The type of taking of the raw water from the river and from the sea are different on the design such as direct gravity
canal or pipe line.
By experience with the operational point of view using canal in TPPI and also Tanjung Awar-awar seems that
problems with high rate sedimentation and canal dredging occur very often.
Therefore, in order to take sea water for the Complex is preferable using fiber pipe directly down into the bottom
of the sea along 3.5 km which sea water depth is about -7 m. In such a way hopefully dredging of the sedimentation
would not be necessary.

Fuel Supply Units

- Fuel Oil System
For initial starting up of the Utility boiler there is necessary fuel oil or diesel oil. That oil should be consider available
to the side prior to initial starting up of the Utility boiler.
Nearby of the COMPLEX there is available Terminal BBM belonging to Pertamina or TPPI that are producing both
of the above mentioned fuel. Purchased of fuel should be considered and ready prior to initial starting up of Utility

- Fuel Gas System

Off gas from the TPPI COMPLEX is one possibility and be utilized as fuel gas to the utility boiler and process unit
heater as far as available.
These off gas can be taken from the TPPI’s fuel gas system. But also the Complex should be considered the
facilities of the fuel gas system as on the

Future Land Potential for Expansion

There are 3 (three) areas that potential for expansion of the project, such as:
 125,3 Ha is located adjacent to building’s park area #300
 131,2 Ha is located near by the crude terminal area #500
 169,7 Ha is located near by the crude terminal area #400
Potential area for reclamation along to the shore in area #300 has a width of 35,79 H.


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