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Thesis Proposal

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A Thesis Presented to
The Faculty of the College of Engineering
St. Paul University Surigao
Surigao City

A Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree



May 30, 2019

The Problem and its Background

Rehabilitation of mined-out area is a long and laborious process with unforeseen costs

and expenses. However, a successful mine site rehabilitation leaves a lasting impression and

legacy for future generations. [1]

Basically, land areas disturbed via mining operations ought to be again returned to its

pre-mining condition or higher than these present before the mine was developed. [2] Though the

mining company has a price range allocated for their last mine rehabilitation and

decommissioning diagram every time it stops it’s operation, numerous nickel mining businesses

nowadays is practicing progressive mine rehabilitation.

The process is described as progressive because it starts even before mining activities

start and continue all throughout and after the mining operation. [3] This study outlines the

principle and practices of mine rehabilitation with emphasis on land form design and

revegetation in selected mined-out area of Cagdianao Mining Corporation (CMC). The long term

objective of mine rehabilitation plan vary from simply converting an area to a safe and stable

condition and establishing a land use capability that is functional and proximate to the land use

prior to the disturbance of the mine area.

Cagdianao Mining Corporation (CMC) is a 100% owned subsidiary of Nickel Asia

Corporation (NAC) and primarily engaged in the exploration and mining of nickel ore. [4] The

company is committed to implement the best practices in enhancing and managing the

environment during and after their operations. The company goes beyond compliance in

reforestation projects and greening programs.

The researchers aimed to improve a new mine rehabilitation strategy for Cagdianao

Mining Corporation (CMC) and to become aware of key problems affecting sustainable

improvement in the mining enterprise and supply information that illustrate a extra sustainable

basis for rehabilitation of mined-out areas. The objective of this rehabilitation plan is changing

the mined-out area of Cagdianao Mining Corporation (CMC) to a secure and stable condition, to

restoration the pre-mining conditions as carefully as viable to assist the future sustainability of

the site.The condition of the mined-out area subject for this rehabilitation plan is a barren area,

no vegetation can be found and the benches were relatively unstable due to its previous active

mining operations.

Because of the conditions mentioned above, the researchers were prompted to conduct

the study.

Conceptual Framework

This study was anchored in the implementing rules and regulations of R.A. 7942 also

known as the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 which requires all the mining companies should not

only promote responsible mining, but also make it a point to conduct rehabilitation after the area

has been mined-out.

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
Figure 1 shows the flow of the study. The input block plan affords the wished elements to

produce the mine rehabilitation sketch timetable of activities to be performed in selected mined-

out location of Cagdianao Mining Corporation (CMC). The process block graph represents the

approach and approaches to analyse and for documentation. The output block layout refers to the

outcome after documentation.

The input diagram presents the components that needed to make the design project which


Survey Points – This is the data or coordinates gathered during the actual survey

conducted in the mined-out area.

R.A. 7942 and DAO 2010-21 – Serves as references, these are used as a guide and basis

for the researchers in making technical specifications of their plan.

AutoCAD Civil 3D Software – Technologies used to illustrate the profile and

configuration of the area that would be included in the rehabilitation plan.

CMC’S Mine Environmental Department – This section in the mining is in-charge on

planning the rehabilitation and reforestation programs of the company.

Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program (EPEP) – Refers to the

comprehensive and strategic environmental management plan of the company for the life of the

mining project.

The process diagram presents the flow guide of the design project which includes:

Data Transmission – The process of generating the survey points to the software for

topography mapping and new surface configuration designing.

Planning – This is the process where the plans are made.

Computing Manpower – This would be needed by the researchers for them to be able to

determine the quantity of plants to be planted and labors required for the rehabilitation plan.

The output box shows the final desired outcome of the design project. The proposed mine

rehabilitation plan in the mined-out area of Cagdianao Mining Corporation (CMC). The

miniature model will be made to visualize the project. Then after the plan was made, it would be

evaluated in terms of its acceptability. The field experts would evaluate the proposed plan in

terms of:

Cost Estimates – It would evaluate whether the outline of activities is planned

accordingly as prescribed by the law.

Land Mapping – This would evaluate the technicality of mapping the area and the

making of the topographic map using the coordinates obtained in the topographic survey


Landscaping – This would evaluate the new landform design if it is stable of not.

Project Management – It would evaluate the previous implementation of the company’s

mine rehabilitation programs.

Statement of Purpose and Objectives

This study aimed to design a plan to rehabilitate the mined-out area of Cagdianao Mining

Corporation (CMC). Specifically, this study sought to achieve the following objectives:

1. To document the mine rehabilitation plan in terms of:

1.1 Input;

1.2 Process;

1.3 Output.

2. To evaluate the acceptability level of the mine rehabilitation plan in terms of:

2.1 Mine Rehabilitation Methodology;

2.2 Land Mapping

2.3 Landscaping

2.4 Project Management

3. To present the cost estimates of the mine rehabilitation plan.

4. To create a miniature model of the mine rehabilitation plan.


The researchers will able to create a mine rehabilitation plan in the mined-out area of

Cagdianao Mining Corporation (CMC). The researchers produced the following hypothesis:

1. Cagdianao Mining Corporation will support the project ion implementation.

2. The line-up of activities is not time consuming and should be achievable in earliest

possible time.
3. Community resources and participation will be needed in the implementation of this mine

rehabilitation plan.

4. The proposed plan would be adapted by the company in the implementation of their mine

rehabilitation programs.

Significance of the Study

This study plays a vital role in the improvements of rehabilitation process in Cagdianao

Mining Corporation. This study will be beneficial to the following:

CMC’s Management – This study will help the CMC Management to start their mine

rehabilitation operation right away hence the proposed plan will be given to them.

Host Community – This project benefits them because the main objective of the project

is site restoration and community stability.

Mining Engineering Students – This project can benefit them because in their studies,

they would have a reference and guidelines on how to make a progressive rehabilitation plan.

Researchers – The study will serve as a preliminary and an advance mine practice of the

researchers to be familiar in the mining field prior to their actual job on training.

MGB-13 – The bureau can benefit because the plan can be used as their guidelines in

setting standards in the assessment of the mine rehabilitation programs of mining companies.
Scope and Limitation

The researchers learn about covers and are restricted in any of the following parameters:

The researchers will make a rehabilitation layout in the mined-out vicinity of Cagdianao Mining

Corporation. The sketch will be evaluated in terms of acceptability level. The evaluators will be

the CMC management, CMC employees, Mining Engineers, Geodetic Engineers, Civil

Engineers, Environmental Officers, Officials from the Local Government Unit (LGU) Barangay

Level, Non- Governmental Organization (NGO) and personnel’s of MGB-CARAGA chapter.

The mine rehabilitation diagram as well as the specification of the following parameters:

The researchers will make a rehabilitation plan in the mined-out region in Cagdianao Mining

Corporation however the principles described can be utilized to any mine rehabilitation programs

of all nickel mining companies.

The scope of the graph is to create a new landform format applicable to the location via

land mapping, landscaping and outlining the work breakdown structure. There will be no

constructing shape to be build, as a substitute the place will be utilized for reshaping, backfilling

and reforestation purposes only. The predicament of the study is that the researchers would

solely be making a rehabilitation planfor the mined-out vicinity however the implementation of

the graph would still relies upon on the choice of the organization if they will implement the

graph or not.

Review of Related Literature


This section of the study reviews books, electronic source, and other literature which

direct bearing to the present study. They are classified as to foreign, Asian and local sources.

Rehabilitation of the mined-out area has become a necessary part of the mine life cycle

because of the demand of society for a wholesome environment.

The concept of the mine rehabilitation in enshrined in the Philippine Mining Act of 1995

which mandates that all mineral development plans need to encompass in its design, the mine

rehabilitation plan. [5] Section 69 of this mining regulation high lights that each and every

contractor shall undertake an environmental protection and enhancement program masking the

length of the mineral agreement or permit. Such environmental application shall be included in

the work application which the permittee shall put up as an accompany document to the utility

for mineral agreement. The work application shall consist of no longer solely plans to relative to

mining operations but additionally to rehabilitation, regeneration, revegetation, and reforestation

of the mineralized areas.

Stated also in the section 71 of Philippine Mining Act of 1995 the mine rehabilitation

fund shall be created primarily based on the contractors authorized work application and shall be

deposited as a have faith fund in a authorities depository financial institution and be used for

bodily and social rehabilitation of areas and communities affected via mining things to do and

for lookup on the social, technical and preventive thing of rehabilitation. Failure the
responsibility shall stay instantaneous suspension of closure of the mining activities of the

contractor concerned.

DENR Administrative Order Chapter XVI section 166 specifies the general provision

consistent with the basic policy of the state to assure the availability. Sustainability and equitable

distribution of the country’s natural resources, the department adopts the policy that mining

activities attendant to permit, agreements and leases shall be manage in technically , financially,

socially, culturally and environmentally responsible manner to promote the general welfare for

the country and the sustainable development objectives and responsibilities as provide for in

these implementing rules and regulations.

The environmental safety objectives in the revised imposing policies and policies of R.A

7942 Includes the renovation of sustainable environmental prerequisites at each stage of the

mining operations during every stage of the mining operations, as properly as after the

termination stage thereof which includes those disturb all through exploration shall be

progressively rehabilitation to a situation prescribe in the Environmental Compliance Certificate

(ECC) and Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program (EPEP). Establish of a

Functional post-disturbance land use capability, mine website online rehabilitation shall purpose

to set up a land use functionality that is purposeful and proximate to the land use prior to the

disturbance of the mine are unless different greater recommended land uses are predetermined

and agreed in partnership with nearby communities and LGUs.

It places now the accountability on the shoulders of mining engineers to think about the

mining and environmental legal guidelines in the components of mine rehabilitation applications

and to oversee the general implementation of this rehabilitation plan, making him the most seen

professional in the mine rehabilitation process. In the previous quite a few a long time of mineral
development, environmental science has advanced to turn out to be the associate of the industry.

There are newer technologies introduced to improve the mining methods so that these will not

leave the areas barren. [5]

Locally, Carrascal Nickel Corporation (CNC) has pioneered modern mine rehabilitation

application for a variety of mined-out areas. The format do now not only center of attention on

regreening however additionally on soil stabilization and utilization. For example, the mined-out

quarry their pit has been grew to become into a multilevel camp facility for contractors whilst

advertising revegetation and appropriate slope and drainage design. [6] The supposed procedure

on the slope stabilization advert revegetation fot mine-out areas of Carrascal Nickel Corporation

is being broadly implemented during the mine site. Progressive rehabilitation has been

aggressively conducted to enhance the ecology and biodiversity at the mine while advancing it’s

the mine development.

Unknown to many Special these who are now not acquainted with mining operations

some of previously lively mining areas are now utilized for the different purposed such as eco-

tourism sites, real estate improvement and forested areas via effectives ultimate mine


Very few knew that Baguio is one of the ancient mining districts in the Philippines in

particular these who were not from that place. One of the most sought-after tourist spots in the

city is the Mines View Park. By the title of the park itself, it implies that you are in an location

overlooking the mines. Of course, the mine is No longer there due to the fact the areas has

already been converted in a bustling community. [7]

In other mining region like Davao, some of the former mine facilities were converted into

another purpose such as eco-tourism sites. A good example is the former tailings pond on North

Davao Mining Corporation (NDMC) which is already converted in an eco- tourism park which

has become the social pride of the town of Maco in Compostela Valley Province. The facility

now serves as a weekend destination for those who want to commune with nature. [8]

Similarly, a former mine facility of the old Sabera mines in Compostela Valley was also

turned into rice paddies for commercial production. The mine-out areas underwent recontouring

and new a set of rice paddies was developed. [9]

In 2010 Rio tuba Nickel Mining corporation (RTN) was started 14 hectares of mine-out

area with re-contouring and planting of over 16000 seedlings. This brings the total mine-out area

rehabilitation to date to 238 hectares with over 500,00 seedlings planted. RTN also maintains a 6

hectares mangrove plantation and over 4000 propagules planted. Numerous livelihood,

infrastructure projects and scholarship are also sponsored by RTN in respond to their corporate

social responsibility. [10]

The success stories of rehabilitation programs of different mining companies were only

proof that mined-out areas can be nurture back to natured. The case mentioned above are the

guarantee that these mine-out areas can be put into another use after the minerals and metals

were extracted from it.

People in mining industry are really give immeasurable efforts not only in restoration and

rehabilitation of its mine-out areas but also transforming them into a more productive and more

sustainable landscape. The new philosophy in the mining industry is sustainability that is the

meeting of economic and environmental needs of the present while enhancing the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs. [11] The bottom line is making a development today

without compromising the needs for the generation to come.

Mine rehabilitation is also considered as people empowered development because muti-

partite monitoring ground activities are involved in the process. As part of transparency, the

mining proponents which include local and national government agencies church groups and

mine communities will see to it that progressive mine rehabilitation is in place. [12]

These government and non-government organization serve as the industry primary

stakeholders which impacts in the monitoring and evaluation of the company’s mine

rehabilitation programs and to make sure that the company is true to its commitment of

practicing responsible mining.

It’s all about opening one’s eyes and looking at the bigger picture of the benefits of

mining because if responsible mining is practiced at all times and mine rehabilitation is done as

progressively and efficiently as possible, then the mining would not get such a negative image in

the Philippines. [13]

The successful completion of the mining industry and keep the rehabilitation of a mine

will enhance public opinion of the mining industry and keep the mining company in the good

graces of the regulatory agencies. Mine rehabilitation is thus of paramount importance and

should be planned at the earliest possible time in the life of mine. [14]

Synthesis of the review. Base on the literature, the available mined-out area can be

reshaped into more acceptable landscape in advance of mine closure called progressive mine

Progressive rehabilitation can be extra running price in the mine but planning to compete

this work limits liabilities of mining operations. Furthermore, if mine rehabilitation is achieved a

progressively and correctly as possible, it would in reality decorate public opinion about the

mining industry. Thus, mining engineers will make certain that mine rehabilitation will be given

prior concerned and should be part of an integrated program throughout all phase of the mining


This plan has similarities on the existing rehabilitation plans of Cagdianao Mining

Corporation (CMC) in terms of its purpose and objectives, the methodology is implanting the

rehabilitation project also follows the company standard operating procedure.



This chapter contains the methodology applied for the development of the proposed plan.

It includes the research design, participants of the study, the research instrument used, the

procedure in gathering the data and data analysis of the study.

Research Design

C.J. Barrow pointed out in his book Environmental Management for Sustainable

Development that mine rehabilitation planning is a technical job which involves detailed

descriptions of its design processes. Also, Barrow emphasized that rehabilitation projects is not

independent activity, this is more on holistic approach focusing on social responsibility and

community development. [11] That’s why the research design applicable in this study based on the

idea of C.J. Barrow is descriptive developmental research design. Descriptive design would be

suitable because it involves observing and describing the design of the proposed plan. While the

applied developmental research design were also used to analyse the specification of each parts

of the plan as well as in the work breakdown structure.


The participants of the study serve as consultants and evaluators of the acceptability level

of the mine rehabilitation plan. They were chosen using purposive convenient sampling to make

sure that the evaluators understand and well oriented about the plan.

Table 1 shows the distributions of the participants. The project development consultants

are two (2) mining engineers, two (2) geodetic engineers and one (1) planning expert who are
experts in the field of mining. The plan is to be evaluated through acceptability evaluation. The

evaluators will be the CMC management most probably two (2) personnel’s in top level position,

eleven (11) CMC employees working on the field, five (5) mining engineers, two (2) geodetic

engineers, one (1) civil engineer, two (2) environmental officers, five (5) officials from the Local

Government Unit (LGU) Barangay Level, one (1) Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and

one (1) personnel MGB-CARAGA Chapter. The total number of participants is 35.
Project Evaluation Instruments
The mine rehabilitation project would be evaluated in terms of its acceptability level.

Thus, the researchers used and evaluation form as the instrument for statistical analysis. The

acceptability level of the mine rehabilitation plan would be determined in terms of cost

estimates, mine rehabilitation methodology, project management, land mapping and landscaping.

Project Development Procedures

The researchers made a consultation from the dean of the College of Engineering on what

to do regarding the project and upon approval of the proposed title, the researchers started the

research manuscript writing, the researchers divided the task in order to finish all the tasks on

time. After the approval and acceptance of the panel of examiners of the said proposal, the

researchers sent a request to conduct the study and to gather data through records and documents

in Cagdianao Mining Corporation (CMC). The researchers utilized mine rehabilitation guidelines

from the internet, gathered references, handbooks and ideas from the project development

consultants to attain an output which is the rehabilitation plan in the mined-out area of

Cagdianao Mining Corporation (CMC). The evaluation of the acceptability level of the project

would be processed through the evaluation of selected participants. Upon retrieval of the

instruments, statistical analysis would be applies using the mean and standard deviation which

would help to obtain the corresponding qualitative description of the design. It also shows the

perception of the participants about the project.

Figure 2: Flow Chart of the Project Development Procedure
The proposed mine rehabilitation plan in the mined-out area of Cagdianao Mining Corporation

shall undergo the following procedures.

First is conducting of mine site assessment which includes reviewing of the company’s

EPEP and considering the annual mining plan and regulatory requirements. Followed by the

conducting a topographic survey in order to determine the topography and terrain of the mined-

out area subject for rehabilitation. Next is to generate initial mine rehabilitation plan with

components of the outline of the work breakdown structures, technical speculation of the plan

and its cost estimates. The plan will be evaluated by experts and when it is acceptable,

researchers would make recommendation for implementation of the rehabilitation plan but if the

plan is not acceptable it will be subjected for revision and further study which means that

additional rehabilitation works required.

From the start of the planning procedures, monitoring and maintenance should be

employed to access and evaluate the progress of the rehabilitation project. The environmental

officers of the company will do in charge of close and direct supervision to ensure that all

activities were fully documented.

Figure 3: Flow Chart of the Proposed Mine Rehabilitation Plan
Data Analysis

Quantitative information in this research are analysed contently. These are the data that

needs to be processed. The following are also used to help in the analysis.

Project Development Tools

AutoCad Civil 3D - A software application from computer-aided design (CAD) and

drafting. The software supports with 2D & 3D format. [15] They would be used for making the

profile and topographic map of the area.

Cost Estimates. An approximation of the probable cost of a project, computed by estimating the

cost every activity in work breakdown structure summing these estimates and adding appropriate

overheads. [16] These would be applied to provide the estimated cost for the design.

Site Vicinity Map - Blueprint and detailed plan for the development and intended used

of a particular area of land. [17] This would be used as basis for the site area assessment.

Flowchart - Flowchart is often used in complex situations such as the steps in

programming code or troubleshooting a computer. [18] Flowcharts allow for a step-by-step

diagram of the mine rehabilitation plan.

Philippine Mining Act of 1995- An act instituting a new system of mineral resources

exploration, development, utilization, conservation and rehabilitation of mining operations.

DENR Administrative Order 2010-21- Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of R.A.

7942, otherwise known as the Philippine Mining Act of 1995. [19]

Statistical Tools - This refers to the simple arithmetic average which is the sum of the

numerical values involved in project evaluation divided by the total number of quantities use. [20]

This would be used to presents the interpretation of results of the participants evaluation in terms

of performance and acceptability level.

Standard Deviation - This is a widely used measurement of variability of values used in

statistics and probability theory. A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be

very close to the mean, whereas high standard deviation indicates that the data are spread out

over a large range value. [21] This is used to present the result of the participants evaluation.

[1] H. Hager, “Mine Rehabilitation and Closure Planning Summit,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed 1 October 2019].

[2] H. H. a. J. Mutmansk, Introductory Mining Engineering, Second Edition.

[3] J. Baroquillo, Progressive Mine Rehabilitation at the Leyte magnetite project, 2012.

[4] “Citation Styles Online,” 2000. [Online]. Available: http: //

[Accessed 1 October 2019].

[5] L. Castillo, Stage Four: Decomissioning and mine rehabilitation, Portal vol.2, no.2, pp.53-56, 2013.

[6] R. Palaruan, The Harmony between development and environment, 2013.

[7] “Citation Styles Online,” 1998. [Online]. Available:

[Accessed 2 October 2019].

[8] “Citation styles online,” 2000. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2 October 2019].

[9] “Citation Styles,” 2000. [Online]. Available:

[Accessed 2 October 2019].

[10] E. Samson, Riotuba Mining Corporation Environmental Review of Operation, 2010 Annual Report
Nickel Asia Corporation, vol.1, no.2, pp. 17-18, 2010.

[11] C. Barrow, Environmental Management for Sustainable Development, Second Edition, New York:
Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.

[12] A. marasigan"MGB-V, Pursuing pro people amd pro environment programs in bicol ' portal Volume
2, no. 2, pp.16-20..

[13] M. Lleimbrod, Correcting misconceptions by employing effective mining strategies, Portal, vol.1,
no.1, pp.40-43.

[14] National Mininng Association "The future begins with mining" A vision of the mining of the future",
Washington DC, 1998.

[15] “AutoCAD,” October 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2

October 2019].

[16] “Cost Estimates,” [Online]. Available:

cost-estimate.html. [Accessed 3 October 2019].
[17] “Site Plan,” [Online]. Available:
[Accessed 3 October 2019].

[18] “Flowchart,” [Online]. Available:

[Accessed 3 October 2019].

[19] “Citation Online,” 2000. [Online]. Available: http://www.mininglaws- [Accessed 4 October 2019].

[20] “Mean,” February 2005. [Online]. Available: [Accessed
4 October 2019].

[21] “Standard Deviation,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed 5 October

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