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Avaya Aura® Session

Manager is a Active participation, pervasive collaboration and quality experiences define
comprehensive SIP the new Era of Engagement for today’s enterprises. Getting together with
customers, coworkers, and suppliers is no longer enough. Employees need
routing core for real
tools to take an active role in creating value, delighting customers and
time voice, video
engaging colleagues in flexible interactions that deliver business results.
and collaborative
To enable this transformative, people-centric engagement, Avaya has
developed the Avaya Aura® Platform – a set of seamless components that
mesh together to provide comprehensive team and customer engagement
Its scalability, solutions that deliver a meaningful impact to your business.
reliability and
openness create the Avaya Aura® Session Manager is the core of Avaya’s Session Initiated
Protocol (SIP) based architecture. The Session Manager platform makes
foundation for the
it possible to securely unify media, networks, devices, applications and real-
Era of Enterprise
time, actionable presence across a common infrastructure, creating the
on-demand access to services and applications that define the
engagement experience.

Avaya Aura Session Manager • Rapid application deployments to

enables the engaged enterprise users based on need, not location
with: • Comprehensive support for SIP
• A highly secure and reliable devices and trunking
architecture from the core to the edge • Scale to 250,000 users and 350,000
• Lower total cost of ownership through SIP devices on a single enterprise
centralized infrastructure and network
• Reduced operational costs with Key Customer Benefits
single routing and dial plan control
Quality Experiences
• Complete integration with Avaya
• Business agility driven through a
Aura® Communication Manager or
holistic enterprise architecture for
Avaya Communication Server 1000
connecting users, applications and
• Support for third-party equipment multi-vendor solutions.
integration through comprehensive
adaptation modules • New cost savings from SIP
connectivity and reduced PSTN usage
• True converged multimedia Call
through centralized, enterprise-wide
Admission Control (CAC) with
routing and trunking.
configurable video “down-speeding”
for bandwidth management  |  1
• Increased customer satisfaction by Feature Summary
more efficiently and effectively
connecting people and accelerating Scale and Capacity
processes in real-time across the
Session Manager supports up to
engaged enterprise.
25,000 locations with more than 3
• Lower total cost of ownership Million Busy Hour Call Completions
with a centralized, easy to use (BHCC). A single instance of Session
management interface plus the Manager is now certified for over
ability to efficiently deploy 400,000 BHCC of trunk and inter-
enterprise-wide centralized location calling with support for
applications. 23,300 SIP devices, 150 sessions per
second and 160,000 simultaneous
• Unprecedented enterprise wide sessions. With capacity for up to 28
scalability with support for truly Session Managers in a single
global deployments of up to enterprise environment, 250,000
250,000 total users, 350,000 SIP total users including 250,000 SIP
• Access to advanced devices, 2,000 Communication users can now be supported on a
SIP-based collaboration Managers, and 25,000 locations global Avaya Aura Platform.
and customer contact with a single point of management.
solutions • Solid reliability and redundancy Reliability and Redundancy
through simultaneous endpoint The Avaya Aura® Platform employs
• Lower total cost of registrations at up to two core the Internet Engineering Task Force
ownership Session Managers and a third (IETF) standard RFC 5626 to deliver
Survivable Remote Branch Session multiple, simultaneous registrations to
• Centralized Manager/IP Office Branch. endpoints. Avaya and RFC compliant
infrastructure and endpoints can register with multiple
management • Outstanding geo-redundancy
core Session Managers and with a
with up to 28 “active-active”
local branch Avaya Aura® Survivable
• Reduced operational Session Manager instances that
Remote Session Manager or IP Office
costs with single safely tolerate network delays
branch instance for a total of three
up to 1 second.
routing and dial plan simultaneous registrations. As a result,
control • Enterprise wide centralized dial plan calls can be placed during network
management including integration outages without dropping, and with
and management of third party only a delay of two seconds or less.

A Next-generation Architecture for the Era of Engagement

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Session Manager also supports
bonding and up to 28 geo-redundant SPECIFICATIONS
Session Manager instances. It can Item Release 7.1
tolerate up to 1,000 msec of network
Total Enterprise SIP Users 250,000
round trip delay providing true global
coverage and resiliency for larger Total Enterprise Users 250,000
enterprise networks. Session Manager Total Enterprise SIP Devices 350,000
also supports Call Preservation in
the event of a network or Session Total Enterprise Presence Users 250,000

Manager failure in the core that allows SIP Users/Communication Manager 36,000
calls in queue in a contact center to
SIP Trunks per Communications Manager 24,000
be processed in the normal way
without any interruption or loss in Survivable Remotes/Communication Manager 250
service. Survivable Remotes per Enterprise Network (BSMs) 500

Locations/Adaptations/SIP Entities 25,000

Third-Party PBX Support
SIP Domains 1000
Session Manager supports
connectivity to third-party PBXs as Dial Patterns/Routing Policies 300,000
well as legacy Avaya H.323, analog
and digital endpoints, providing a remainder allocated for data traffic. SIP Connectivity
forward migration path for customers Flexible options allow voice to utilize
Supports SIP connections (but is not
with heterogeneous networks. unused bandwidth from video limited) to:
allocations, and Avaya’s video down-
Endpoint Support speeding capability allows video calls • Avaya Aura® Communication
to be completed when the full Manager and Avaya Communication
Session Manager provides extensive
bandwidth requested is not available, Server 1000
endpoint support including the Avaya
9600 Series IP Deskphones, Avaya without affecting the quality of • Avaya Aura® Messaging and Avaya
Equinox, Avaya Video Conferencing existing calls. Modular Messaging
Systems, Avaya Scopia desktop • Avaya Equinox Experience
clients and third party SIP endpoints Enhanced Emergency Calling
including those provided by Avaya’s • Avaya Voice Portal Avaya
Through integration with Avaya
DevConnect partners. Experience Portal, and Intelligent
DevConnect Partner solutions, SIP
Call Routing
endpoints can now report their exact
Advanced Administration location down to the specific IP • Avaya Aura® Contact Center
Avaya Aura® System Manager’s new phone jack including devices
• Avaya SIP Endpoints including
tab-based administration interface supported under Multi-device
Video Capable Endpoints
allows faster Session Manager Access (MDA).
• Avaya G860 Media Gateway and
configuration and administration.
Security AudioCodes M3000
In addition, System Manager
simultaneously supports multiple Session Manager can now connect • Avaya IP Office
Session Manager Releases for flawless SIP entities and every endpoint in the
• Avaya Session Boarder Controller
system upgrades. enterprise with encrypted Transport
for Enterprise
Layer Security connections using a
Converged Call new software-based technology that
Dial Plan
Admission Control no longer requires Transport Layer
Security acceleration hardware.  In Session Manager allows central
Session Manager supports truly
addition, the System Manager Trust enterprise-wide dial plans across
converged voice and video
Management interface is easy to use, multi-vendor PBX environments. It
bandwidth management with
and makes sending and applying implements a uniform dial plan where
centralized administration and
unique third-party security required, or binds together multiple
control. In a converged network, each
certificates to any SIP entity simple length dial plans in one centralized,
SIP or H.323 entity link can be
to accomplish. easy-to-manage database so users do
administered for fixed allocations
not have to change the way they dial.
handling voice, and video with the  |  3
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Network Routing Centralized Messaging
It supports creating system-wide The load balancing and star connectivity
network routing rules to cost-effectively capabilities of Session Manager allows a
route calls using an enterprise’s IP single Avaya Aura Messaging or Modular
network, including: Messaging instance to provide service
(including lighting message waiting
• Enterprise-wide least cost routing
indicator lamps) for Avaya, Cisco and
• Enterprise-wide alternate routing other SIP-compliant PBX systems.
including routing around failures,
following customer-provided priorities, Centralized Conferencing
and dynamically avoiding routes with
Common Avaya Aura® Conferencing
bandwidth limits
capabilities can be “shared” across a
• Enterprise-wide time of day routing Session Manager network with up to
• Tail end hop off three systems providing the scale
necessary for large conferencing needs
• Toll avoidance while still providing local access to
conferencing resources. This avoids
Application Agility mesh conferencing connections that
Avaya Aura enhances user productivity waste bandwidth across large multi-
while increasing business agility by data center enterprise configurations.
enabling faster, and easier deployment
of applications targeted to unique users Multi-Device Access (MDA)
and workgroups. Each application can Improves worker productivity in a
be added to an enterprise without any multi-device world by allowing a user
modifications or upgrades to the other to register up to 10 SIP devices to the
applications in the enterprise cloud same extension. All devices are alerted
including Communication Manager. when an incoming call arrives, and the
user can answer the call on any device.
Call Detail Recording Once the call is answered, all devices
Each instance of Session Manager stop ringing.
provides a third-party Call Detail
Recording (CDR) interface, allowing
enterprise-wide CDR data to be
Learn More
recorded and saved. New video To learn more about Avaya Aura Session
About Avaya bandwidth parameters for multimedia Manager talk to your Avaya Account
Avaya is a leading, calls are also included in the CDR Manager or Authorized Partner. Also, visit
global provider of output. us at
customer and team
engagement solutions Secure Centralized Trunking
and services available Avaya Aura® Session Manager can
in a variety of flexible provide redundant connections to a SIP
on-premise and cloud service provider via a variety of Session
deployment options. Boarder Controllers. To facilitate these
Avaya’s fabric- connections, Session Manager provides
based networking the location based Automatic Number
solutions help simplify
Identification (ANI) information needed
and accelerate the
by service providers as well as new
deployment of business
“From” and “To” header manipulations
critical applications
and services. For more that make multiple service provider SIP
information, please visit integration simple to implement.
© 2017 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and are registered in the
United States and other countries. All other trademarks identified by ®, TM, or SM
are registered marks, trademarks, and service marks, respectively, of Avaya Inc.
Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Provide feedback
04/17 • UC4302-13 for this document  |  4
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The foundation of your unified
communications experience

Avaya Communication Server The Communication Server 1000E is a Supporting both Standard Availability
1000E is a full-featured IP highly scalable communications (SA) and High Availability (HA) options,
telephony communications platform that can evolve and grow with the Communication Server 1000E
system that delivers the your business needs. It incorporates comes in multiple deployment
benefits of network comprehensive resilience and security configurations. These can include
convergence and collaborative capabilities, helping ensure the co-resident call and signaling server
communications, while protection of your network, its traffic applications, TDM-only options for
providing all your employees and your users. The Communication SA configurations, or integrated
with access to productivity- Sever 1000E consists of the following hardware to run call server and IP
enhancing applications. three key elements: Signaling and Network Routing
applications. Alternatively, you can
• The Communication Server 1000E
choose commercial off the shelf (COTS)
Call Server provides reliable call and
servers for running the IP Signaling and
connection management service. It
Network Routing applications with full
controls the system software and
support of all features and capabilities,
is capable of supporting up to
including multiple redundancy
22,500 clients per server, as well as
enabling geographically redundant
configurations to help ensure business
The Communication Server 1000E
supports a broad portfolio of business-
• The IP Signaling and Network critical applications including unified
Routing Servers perform important messaging, web-based contact center
IP call control services such as applications, SIP-based multimedia
registration of IP terminals and IP services, integration with Microsoft
endpoints, IP address translation and Office Communications Server 2007
bandwidth control. They enable the and over 750 world-class business
streamlining of the network dialing telephony features designed to keep
plan and simplify the scalability and your enterprise competitive.
management of Communication
Server 1000 networks. The Communication Server 1000E
• Enterprise Media Gateways support a delivers the capabilities, feature richness
complete range of analog and digital and flexibility that enable a simple
line and trunk interfaces across LAN evolutionary path to the award-winning
or WAN infrastructures. Avaya Aura® unified communications
solution.  |  1
Communication Server 1000E Technical Specs )1+2+3( ‫ﺑﻨﺪ ﺭﻗﻢ‬
Call Server
Call Server Capacity 22,500 IP users
Operating System VxWorks V5.5.19, Red Hat Linux 5.1 for Co-Resident System
CPU CPPM with Intel Pentium M 738
Memory 2GB DDR RAM
Mass Storage Media 40 GB Fixed Media Disk
Busy Hour Call Completions* CPPM 950,000
* BHCC ratings are nominal only; actual capacity is dependent on site configuration and
application features.
Maximum Number of IP 22,500 IP / 11,250 SIP
Maximum Number of Digital 5,000
Maximum Number of Analog 5,000
Call Control APIs Supported TAPI, SIP TR-87, AML
Software Features Over 750 features including: Six Party Conference (62 Party Conference with Integrated Conference
Bridge), Attendant Recall, Automatic Busy Redial, Call Duration Display Timer, Call Forward (nine
types), Call Join, Call Park, Call Transfer, Call Waiting, Calling Line Identification, Calling Party
Name Display, Charge Account Codes, Controlled Class of Service, DID Route Control, Flash, Hold,
Hunting (six types), IP Call Recording, Malicious Call Trace, NAT Traversal, Network Virtual Office
Login, Override Position Busy, Personal Directory, Redial List and Callers List, Remote Message
Waiting, Ring Again, Trunk Route Optimization – Call Modification, Mobile extension, SIP Hospitality,
Dynamic Call Redirect, Bandwidth Management, Active Call Fail-Over, Alternate Call Routing, PVQM,
Automatic QoS.

Signaling Server CPPM HP DL360 G9

CPU Intel Pentium M 738 Intel E5-2620v3 Hex Core CPU 2.4GHz
Memory 2 GB DDR Dram 16GB DDR4 RAM
Mass Storage Media 40GB Fixed Media Disk 2x 300GB GB HDU (Raid 1)
Operating System Linux RedHat V5.1 Linux RedHat V5.1
IP Sets 5,000 5,000
H323 Virtual Trunks 1,200 1,200
SIP Virtual Trunks 1,800 1,800
Personal Directory, Recall List, 22,500 22,500
Call List
H323 call per hr 40,000 80,000
SIP calls per hr 40,000 80,000
NRS calls per hr 100,000 200,000
Endpoints per NRS 5,000 5,000
Routing entries per NRS 20,000 20,000
SIP line gateway / SIP Clients 1,800 1,800

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Supported Trunks • IP: IP Virtual Trunks using IP Peer Networking over H.323 or SIP
• Digital: DTI, ISDN-PRI
• Analog: Loop and Ground Start CO, FX, WATS, two or four wire E&M, four wire DX, DID, TIE,
RAN Paging
Network Signaling H.323v4, MCDN, SIP, LDAP, QSig, QSS, in band and DPNSS

Phones & Clients

IP Phones & Clients • 1100 Series IP Deskphones, 1200 Series IP Deskphones, 2000 Series IP Deskphones
• 1535 IP Deskphone
• 2033 IP Conference Phone
• 2050 IP Softphone for Windows PC and 2050 IP Softphone for Windows Mobile
• 2200 Series WLAN Handsets, 6100 Series WLAN Handsets
• IP Phone/Client Accessories: 1100 Series Expansion Module (18-button); 2000 Series Expansion
Module (24-button); 1200 Series Expansion Modules (12/18Key); Enhanced USB Desktop Adapter
and Mobile USB Headset Adapter for 2050 IP Softphone
IP Phone Powering Options 802.3af Power over Ethernet, Power over LAN Hub and local AC adapter
Digital Phones 3900 Series Digital Deskphones
Attendant Services 2250 Attendant Console; PC Console Interface Unit (PCCIU)
Compatibility (The PCCIU supports PC-based Attendant software from various third-parties)

IP Remote Services • Enterprise Media Gateway 1000B: supports up to 400 survivable IP users in addition to Digital
and Analog users.
• Survivable Media Gateway: supports up to 22,500 IP users
Unified Messaging • Avaya Aura Messaging – connects via SIP in flexible single or redundant deployments up to
300 ports
• Microsoft Exchange 2007 Unified Messaging
Contact Center • Avaya Aura Contact Center 7: configurable up to 10,000 agents with up to 3,350 actively logged on
(configuration dependent). Busy-hour capacity: 66,000 calls per hour per application (configuration
Interactive Voice Response • Media Processing Server 500: Scalable up to eight T1/E1 spans (192/240 ports) in a single system.
Multiple systems can be networked together for additional capacity.
• Media Processing Server 1000: A single MPS 1000 system starts at 4 digital spans and grows to
384 spans. 96 - 9216 T1 channels or 120 -11520 E1 channels. 120 - 11520 VoIP channels. Mixed T1/VoIP
or E1/VoIP configuration. An extremely compact solution, the MPS 1000 requires approximately 1/8
the floor space of a similarly configured VPS/ is system. A system supporting up to 1536 T1 or 1920
E1 channels can be deployed in a single cabinet.
Conferencing • Multimedia Conferencing: A standalone SIP-based reservation-less audio/video conferencing solution
for the CS 1000 and also interoperable with Microsoft OCS. Operates on COTS hardware. Single
conference capacity to 300 participants, single server capacity to 800 ports and cluster capacity to
5,600 ports. Audio conference recording supported.
Multimedia • The Converged Office solution for Communication Server 1000 integrates Avaya business-
grade telephony with Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 desktop collaboration and
communication systems in an open-SIP, standards-based environment. This robust, enterprise-class
architecture provides a winning solution that goes beyond the complexity of competitive middleware
offerings. |3 3
Applications (cont.)
Integrated Applications • Integrated Conference Bridge: Capacity per card – up to ten simultaneous three-party conference
calls, a conference with up to 32 participants or any combination thereof. 24 and 32 port
configurations and the dual card 42, 50 and 62 port configurations supported. Ten languages
supported. Supports conference scheduling through Microsoft Outlook. Conferences can be
scheduled or ad hoc (reservationless).
• Integrated Recorded Announcement: Small (five channel), Medium (six channel) and Large (ten
Channel) configurations available supporting up to 20, 36 or 40 concurrent calls per card. With
RAN Broadcast software option, number of concurrent calls equals 136, 152 and 242 per card,
respectively. Eight minutes of voice or music memory standard; expandable up to five hours.
Netscape Communicator 3.0 or later and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or later are supported.
• Integrated Call Director: Extensive find me/follow me capabilities for one number dialing. Remote
dial access. Eight port/50 user expandable to 100 users, 16 port/100 user expandable to 150 users,
24 port/150 user expandable to 200 users and 32 port/200 user expandable to 300 users are the
configurations available. Seventeen languages supported. Netscape Communicator 4.01 or later and
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.5 or later are supported.
• Hospitality Voice Services: Two, four and eight port configurations available. Two port configuration
supports up to 200 rooms; Four port up to 500 rooms; Eight port up to 1000 rooms. Maximum of
one IVS card per system. Netscape Communicator 4.01 or later and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.5
or later are supported.
• Integrated Call Assistant: 5 to 32 port configurations available. Up to 32 ports supported on CS 1000
Release 4.0 or later. Netscape Communicator 4.01 or later and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.5 or
later are supported.
• Flash Card Option: Maximum of 16 voice greetings and menus, eight call screening tables, 1000
database name capacity, 14 predefined menus. American English supported.
• Hard Drive Option: Maximum of 32 voice greetings and menus, 32 call screening tables, 10,000
database name capacity, 22 predefined menus, 3000 personal verification recordings. Eight
languages supported.
Wireless & Mobility Hardware: 4000 Series DECT Handsets (SIP)
• 4710 and 4710E DECT Access Points
• Software: Minimum release of CS 1000 software supported is 5.5.
Management • As elements of Avaya Aura System Manger, the Unified Communications Management Solution
(UCM) can support up to 1000 elements in a CS 1000 security domain. Supported elements include
CS 1000 Element Manager (one per CS 1000), NRS Manager and Subscriber Manager.

System Capabilities
Standards and Protocols 802.1d, 802.1p, 801.1Q, 802.3, 802.3af, 802.11a/b/g, DCL, DHCP, DiffServ, DNS, FAX, FAX Group 3/4,
Supported G.711, G.726, G.728, G.729, G.729a, H. 225, H.245, H.323v4, IP Precedence, LDAP, SNMP, NAT, NTP, RSVP,
RTP, RTCP, SIP, SSH, T.120, T.37, TCP/IP, Q.931, UDP/IP, VPIM, W RED and the following RFCs:2401,
2402, 2406, 2408, 2409, 2412, 2617, 2833, 2976, 3261, 3262, 3263, 3264, 3265, 3311, 3323, 3325, 3326.
Mechanical Standards Call Servers and Media Gateways (including Expansion, PRI and MG 1010) comply with Bellcore
GR-63-CORE. Signaling Server complies with Mil Std 810E Method 516.

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System Redundancy and Survivability Options
Signaling Server • Unistim TPS - Load balanced with active failover
• Network Redirect - Primary, Secondary, Failsafe Automatic Failover
• SIP Proxy - Primary, Alternate - Active/Active Failover
• SIP and H.323 Gateways - Automatic Trunk Failover
Call Server
• Call Processor(s) Optionally Redundant
• Geographic Redundancy Yes
• Campus Redundancy Yes

Media Gateways
• Survivable Media Survivable Call Server
• MG 1000E Dual Homing
• MG 1000E PRI Dual Homing
• MG 1000B (Branch) Survivable Call Server
• MG 1010 Survivable Call Server with redundant power and cooling
• MG XPEC (Integrated Dual Homing
IPE Module)

Operating Environment COTS Signaling Server:
HP DL360 G9
Operating Ambient Temperature 41° to 104° F (5° to 40° C), Operating Altitude to 10,000 ft (3,050m),
Operating Relative Humidity 8% to 90% (non-condensing).
Call Server and Media Gateway, Media Gateway Expansion and PRI
Ambient Temperature: Recommended: 15-30 degrees Celsius (59-86 degrees Fahrenheit) – Absolute
0-45 degrees Celsius (32- 113 degrees Fahrenheit) – Relative Humidity (%) without condensation:
Recommended: 20%-55% – Absolute: 10%-95%.
MG 1010
Ambient Temperature: Recommended: 0-45 degrees Celsius (32-113 Fahrenheit) for a minimum of 2
hours. The system shall operate in an ambient temperature of 40°C with a relative humidity of 95%
(non-condensing) for a minimum of 3 days.
Input Voltage COTS Signaling Server: AC 110-240V, 50/60 Hz, auto-sensing; DC N/A
Call Server: AC 110-240V, 50/60 Hz; DC N/A
Media Gateway: MG 1000 and Expansion AC 110-240V, 50/60 Hz; DC -48V; MG 1000E PRI
AC 110-240V, 50/60 Hz; DC N/A; MG 1010 AC 110-240V, 50/60 Hz; DC N/A
Power Consumption COTS Signaling Server (HP DL360 G9): Watts 500; Heat Output Maximum 1979 BTU/hr
Call Server: Watts 300; Heat (BTU/hr) 1024
Media Gateway:
• MG 1000 and Expansion: Watts 300; Heat (BTU/hr) 1024
• MG 1000E PRI: Watts 80; Heat (BTU/hr) 342
• MG 1010: Watts 630 maximum; Heat (BTU/hr) 2150 maximum
Dimensions and Weights COTS Signaling Server (HP DL360 G9) 19” rack mount: 1U; Width 42.62 cm (16.78 in); Height 4.32 cm
(1.70 in); Depth 75 cm (29.5 in); Weight (maximum) 13.45 kg (29.7 lb)
Call Server: Width 17.4 in. (442 mm); Depth 15.5 in. (392 mm); Height 5.2 in. (132 mm); 19 Rack
Mounting 3U; Weight 29 lb. (13.2 kg)
Media Gateway: MG 1000 and Expansion; Width 17.2 in. (437 mm); Depth 12.8 in. (325 mm);
Height 8.4 in. (213 mm); 19 Rack Mounting 5U; Weight 30 lb. (13.6 kg.)  |  5
About Avaya
Avaya is a leading,
global provider of
customer and team
engagement solutions
and services available
in a variety of flexible
on-premise and cloud
deployment options.
Avaya’s fabric-
based networking
solutions help simplify
and accelerate the
deployment of business
critical applications
and services. For more
information, please visit

© 2016 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and are registered in the
United States and other countries. All other trademarks identified by ®, TM, or SM
are registered marks, trademarks, and service marks, respectively, of Avaya Inc.
Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Provide feedback
12/16 • UC5164-04 for this document  |  6
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Avaya Aura®
Communication Communication Manager
Manager is a
The Foundation of your
software foundation Business Collaboration Solution.
for real time voice
and video Overview
Avaya Aura® Communication Manager is a key
component of Avaya Aura, Avaya’s architecture for next
More than 700
generation, people-centric collaboration. It delivers rich
services for unified
voice and video capabilities and provides for a resilient,
distributed network of media gateways and analog,
including mobility, digital and IP-based communication devices. In addition,
contact center, Communication Manager boasts robust PBX features, high
messaging, auto reliability and scalability, and multi-protocol support.
attendant, advanced
conference calling
Avaya Aura Communication Manager Key Customer Benefits
and E911. enables the virtual enterprise with:
Helping ensure business continuity
• Robust voice and video call processing
• Transparent server failover: If the
primary server fails, the backup
• Advanced workforce productivity and
automatically takes over.
mobility features.
• Redundant interfaces: Minimizes the
• Built-in conferencing and contact
impact of local network failures.
center applications.
• Geographically separated redundant
• Centralized voicemail and attendant
servers: Provides redundancy across
operations across multiple locations.
the IP telephony solution.
• Connectivity to a wide range of
• Branch office survivability: Keeps
analog, digital, and IP-based
branch offices and remote locations
communication devices.
connected to the main data center.
• Support for SIP, H.323 and many industry-
• Voice quality monitoring and
standard communications protocols over
management: Checks for network
a variety of different networks.
conditions that adversely affect voice
• More than 700 powerful features in all. quality and automatically applies
corrective action.
• High availability, reliability and
survivability. | 1
Avaya Aura Promoting enterprise security new functions and enhanced options
for linking communications with
Communication • Secure by design: Avaya Aura
business processes. SIP based
Manager Communication Manager telephony
presence lets users inform others of
Deployment servers are isolated from the rest of
their status, availability and how they
the enterprise network to safeguard
Options: may be contacted.
them from viruses, worms, DoS and
• Centrally located Feature
other attacks. • End-to-end standards-based
Server: you can connect all
application integration: Linux-based
your offices and SIP end-points • Secure by default: Avaya Aura
Avaya Aura Communication Manager
to Session Manager via SIP to a Communication Manager uses the
software provides integration of old
centrally located instance of minimum number of services and
(TSAPI, JTAPI, CSTA) and new (Web
Communication Manager. This access ports to reduce susceptibility
services and service-oriented
will allow you to deliver core to malicious attacks.
architecture) standards.
features consistently across the • Secure communications: Avaya Aura
enterprise; with no local PBX Communication Manager uses media Simplified Network Management
restrictions. In addition to that encryption between servers, gateways
you will be able to deploy full • Avaya Aura® System Manager:
and endpoints to secure the voice
application sequencing Provides centralized administration
stream and signaling channels.
capabilities. of multiple instances of
Communication Manager. It takes a
• Evolution Server: you will be Enhancing workforce productivity
solution level approach to network
able to provide features and • Handles incoming calls effectively: administration that allows IT
benefits to a mix environment Multiple options for call routing, departments to incorporate new
of both SIP and NON-SIP, such queuing and priority handling. components and applications under
as H.323, Analog or Digital end
• Increases efficiency: Easy-to-use a common management umbrella
points and support implicit
features save workers hours in over time, managing the elements of
application sequencing
setting up, dialing and routing calls. Avaya Aura together as a system.
• Improves collaboration: Workers
These options can be used
enjoy increased collaboration with
singly or can appear together on
easy-to-operate conferencing and
Feature Summary
multiple Communication
paging features. • Telephony Features:
Manager servers in the
Comprehensive end user telephony
enterprise to provide cost
Open Standards features (i.e. auto attendant, call
savings on Communication
transfer, call forward, etc.) facilitate
Manager server deployment and • Support for open standards:
effective communications among
a rich set of customer Facilitates embedding
employees, customers and partners.
sequenced applications . communications into business
processes, adding value to the • Mobility Features: Extensive

enterprise. in-building or in/out building

wireless choices and hot desking
• SIP support: SIP improves the
features like Extension to Cellular
connectivity and openness of Avaya
(EC500), Personal Station Access
Aura Communication Manager and
(PSA) and Automatic Customer
associated end-user devices, resulting
Telephone Rearrangement (ACTR)
in reduced costs, faster deployment of

2 |
)4-6( ‫ﺑﻨﺪ ﺭﻗﻢ‬
extend Avaya Aura Communication features to enable SIP interoperability • Safety and Disaster Recovery:
Manager features to users no matter and capabilities on Avaya Aura Tools to help organizations manage
where they’re working. Communication Manager. and respond to unforeseen
emergency situations.
• Collaboration: Built-in features • Quality of Service: QoS features like
like Meet Me Conferencing (up to Inter-Gateway Alternate Routing • Integrated Management: Powerful
six parties) or the optional (IGAR) and Call Admission Control built-in tools for administrators and
Expanded Meet Me Conferencing provide a no compromise approach network managers to maintain
(up to 300) make it easy to to reliability and functionality on communication solutions and drive
collaborate with groups of peers, converged IP networks to assure down total cost of ownership,
customers and partners. Avaya Aura Communication including applications for network
Manager end users receive the same management, configuration
• Integrated Messaging: Built-in
feature delivery over IP as when management, and fault and
messaging features and full
using circuit switched technologies. performance monitoring.
capability for messaging integration
with voice, fax and e-mail. • Reliability & Survivability: Supports a
wide variety of servers, gateways and
• Call Center Integration: Call center
survivability features enabling Technical Specifications
applications like Avaya Call
99.999% availability or better at highly Operating System and
Management System for real-time
competitive prices. The software is Supported Servers
reporting and performance statistics,
capable of mirroring processor func-
and Avaya Business Advocate for • Avaya supplied servers: HP®
tions, providing alternate gatekeepers,
expert predictive routing based on ProLiant DL360 G7 and Dell®
supporting multiple network interfaces
incoming calls rather than historical PowerEdge R610, Avaya S8800,
and ensuring survivability at remote
data, are easily integrated. S8510, S8300D
and central locations.
• Telecommuting: Telecommuter • Avaya hardened Operating System:
• Intelligent Networking and Call
capabilities route calls appropriately Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Routing: Lets organizations create a
and give employees access to the
virtual fabric of many switches that
full Avaya Aura Communication Capacity*
can pass information and calls,
Manager feature set whether
• Total number of Stations: 36,000
opening new revenue opportunities
working at home, in the office or on
and higher levels of customer • SIP Endpoints: 36,000
the road.
service. Call routing features are
• SIP Trunks: 24,000
• Application Integration: Lets IT also designed to reduce networking
application developers leverage costs through effective use of IP
Avaya Aura Communication Trunking over WAN or LAN links.
Manager functionality via standard Learn More
• Security and Privacy: Security
Web Services interfaces, enabling To learn more about Avaya Aura
features for detecting probable
integration of business and Communication Manager talk to your
breaches, taking measures to protect
communication applications with Avaya Account Manager or
the system, notification and tracking
real-time telephony. Authorized Partner. Also, visit us at
activities. Also provides real-time
• SIP Support: Integrated SIP proxy/ media encryption for environments
registrar server with SIP trunking where enhanced voice privacy over a
support and duplicated server LAN/WAN is required.

* Capacities are configuration dependent. Please contact your Avaya representative for complete details. | 3
)7( ‫ﺑﻨﺪ ﺭﻗﻢ‬

Avaya Session Border Controller

for Enterprise
A security solution for SIP-based networks
implementing unified communications
To benefit from the latest communication SIP Trunk Security
and collaboration solutions, businesses
However, SIP trunks also present a
are increasingly turning to SIP-based
security challenge: there is vulnerability
“Customer service is at at the point where the SIP trunk connects
the heart of what we to the public network, which can leave a
do, and as a leader in Whether it’s to lower costs using IP
business exposed to hacker attacks
outsourced contact telephony or to take advantage of
including spoofing, call hijacking,
center services, our the latest multimedia messaging,
clients count on us to eavesdropping and toll fraud. In addition
conferencing and unified communications
ensure superior to potential damage to business
(UC) applications, SIP is emerging as the
functions and secure operations, privacy and security mandates
industry standard.
service. The Avaya such as those for credit and health
SBCE helps us deliver information (e.g., PCI and HIPAA) require
this, and does so with Advantages of SIP that these vulnerabilities be addressed,
an eye towards cost-
Because they are designed for high- imposing significant financial and legal
savings. We can
reduce our hardware fidelity voice, high-definition video and penalties for non-compliance.
expenses, simplify other real-time collaboration applications,
implementations, and carriers are increasingly offering SIP
use fewer resources, VPN-less Remote Worker
trunks (Session Initiation Protocol). SIP
saving us time and Security
trunks cost-effectively support more
money. Avaya SBCE Business customers are now facing an
telephone extensions and help reduce
is critical in helping
local, toll-free, domestic and international evolving world where users are no longer
protect our network,
long-distance communications costs. confined inside the walls of the enterprise.
while delivering the
cost-saving benefits Trends towards mobile access to system
of SIP trunking.” With the support of a SIP network, a resources, telecommuting, and BYOD are
growing business can more easily and creating the need to deliver SIP-based UC
–Richard Blake, Manager,
IT Telecom, cost effectively roll out the latest UC and collaborative services to these remote
Teleperformance users in a flexible yet secure manner.
applications to employees regardless of
where they are working: in the office, at Avaya Session Border Controller for
home or on the road. The productivity Enterprise delivers a new solution for this
that results from these collaborative, real- need with security in mind.
time applications can be a major
competitive advantage. | 1
Security for SIP- Multi Domain Security Cloud
based networks Network support for multiple users As more enterprises are looking at
connecting via multi-tiered networks, hosted alternatives for their
• A clear line of defense both private and public cloud based, is collaboration environments, it
where the SIP trunk a necessity. This is especially true for becomes even more critical for the
meets the public large multinational enterprises or large interfaces between enterprise and
network scaled government communication host to be secure and manageable.
installations. The criticality of The Session Border Controller for
• Supporting maintaining secure access regardless Enterprise offers an interface that
communications of location is understood, but the helps to support network protection
applications that solution is not always as obvious. and enterprise control of VOIP traffic.

drive competitive Avaya Session Border Controller for Avaya sees increased interest in

advantage Enterprise helps provide the necessary configurations that are a hybrid
functions for network-to-network architecture, hosted applications as
• Protection against: security as well as network-to-user well as enterprise on premise
security. This means that for a large applications. The Session Border
- Denial of Service
Controller for Enterprise is the
(DoS) attacks scale, geographically extended protection needed to help address
- Spoofing network, all layers of network access proper protocol support and a truly
can be kept secure. The back-to-back- integrated and secure network
- Call Hijacking
to-back capabilities of the Avaya infrastructure.
- Toll-fraud blocking Session Border Controller for

- Eavesdropping and Enterprise will help ensure secure

user access no matter how extended
theft of information
and diverse.
• Multiple vendor
• Cisco 8.x & 9.x
• Mitel
• Shoretel
• Microsoft Lync

• Fine-grained policy

2 |
Avaya Session
Border Controller
for Enterprise with
IP Office
Avaya IP Office is the
solution many growing
PSTN businesses turn to for
ENTERPRISE Avaya SBCE comprehensive, easily
SIP TRUNK implemented unified

With more than

300,000 systems
installed worldwide,
IP Office is an industry
A Solution for Growing Single-box Solution for delivering the
Businesses SIP Network Security communications and
The Avaya Session Border Controller Avaya Session Border Controller for productivity tools
for Enterprise (Avaya SBCE) helps Enterprise provides an advanced today’s employees
application-layer security architecture
address the security vulnerabilities in need to perform at
in one device: SIP Firewall, Session
SIP networks in a cost-effective, easily- their best.
Border Controller, Intrusion Detection
implemented, single-box solution.
System and Intrusion Prevention
System (IDS/IPS), Access Controller,
When Avaya IP Office
Easily operated from an intuitive
Authentication, Unified is implemented in
graphical user interface (GUI), the
Avaya SBCE establishes a precise
Communications Proxy and Policy conjunction with SIP
Enforcement for all real-time unified trunks, the Avaya
demarcation where the SIP trunks
communication applications.
meet the enterprise network, Session Border
presenting a clear line of defense. It Controller for Enterprise
helps deliver enterprise-class security
Help Secure and Support works hand in hand to
that helps mitigate the risks of Denial
BYOD help protect against
of Service (DoS) and application-layer
threats as well as toll-fraud. Fine- Consumer devices are pouring into the security threats.
grained policy enforcement helps enterprise. Businesses can leverage

support ongoing compliance. BYOD—Bring Your Own Device—as a

way to reduce costs, increase
With Avaya SBCE in place, growing productivity, and enhance
businesses can adopt the collaborative communication and collaboration. The
and unified communications challenge is how to say yes to BYOD
applications that drive competitive while maintaining control of the
advantage. network. | 3
As more enterprises Every enterprise is impacted by and Support for Legacy
talking about BYOD, but what can get
are looking at hosted Communications
lost in the conversation is the fact that
alternatives for their BYOD is more than just device
Security for remote access is not just
an issue for new systems; even legacy
collaboration management. Avaya supports BYOD
call systems see requirements to add
with a combination of security,
environments, it secure mobile collaboration. The
authentication, networking, and
Avaya Session Border Controller for
becomes even more policies. The Avaya solution includes
Enterprise has been extensively tested
critical for the device authentication, access control
for compatibility with Avaya Aura® and
for wired and wireless devices, secure
interfaces between Avaya IP Office installations as well as
remote access, and support via a
to support the legacy systems of our
enterprise and host range of services.
customers. The Avaya Session Border
to be secure and The Avaya Session Border Controller Controller for Enterprise will support:

manageable. for Enterprise is designed to securely • Avaya Aura platform Release 6.1 and
enable many deployments, including: higher
The Session Border • Enabling remote workers to connect
• Avaya IP Office 9.0
Controller for without VPN, offering support of
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) • Avaya Communication Server 1000
Enterprise is the Release 7.6
without the administrative overhead
protection needed to of a Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Maintaining secure remote access is
help support proper solution
our goal for all collaboration solutions
protocol support and • Help secure UC applications entering
and enterprise mobility requirements.
the enterprise core
a truly integrated
• Help secure Border Access for
and secure network
incumbent and competitive local
infrastructure. exchange

4 |
Virtualization offers a virtualized solution for the The Avaya Session
management as well as the core
The need to reduce CapEx and Border Controller for
appliance. This will support the
consolidate the network environment
overall move to a virtualized
Enterprise offers a
has led many enterprises to utilize a
collaboration solution for all virtualized solution for
virtual application solution for
real-time collaboration. Extending
customers as they fulfill the the management as
enterprise requirements for SIP
the benefits of infrastructure well as the core
access and remote worker security.
virtualization offers a less costly appliance, supporting
implementation. In addition, the move
Avaya Session Border Controller for the overall move to a
to virtualization can provide ongoing Enterprise core application software
savings in IT operating expenses due virtualized
and EMS are available as OVA files for
to support for a common system installation on VMware. More details collaboration solution
architecture. The secure access are available in the Avaya Session for any enterprise.
requirements for SIP based Border Controller for Enterprise
communications can also significantly VMware deployment guide available
As part of the
reduce the hardware requirements for on the Avaya Support website.
Avaya support
system design. The Avaya Session
Border Controller for Enterprise for a virtualized
collaboration solution,
Avaya Aura Virtualized
Environment provides
VMware Resources
a complete set of
vCPU 3 vCPU 4

2.4 GHz
UC and Collaboration
Min Processor 2.4 GHz
(Xeon x5670 or equivalent)
applications all
CPY reservation 7200 MHz 9600 MHz
compatible with
Virtual memory 4G 8G
VMware and ready
Virtual Storage 80G 80G

Shared NICs 2@100Mbps or 1000 Mbps 4@100Mbps or 1000 Mbps

for installation on a
customer provided
infrastructure. | 5
Low Range SBCE Mid Range SBCE Mid Range SBCE (Dual PSU)
Portwell (Core) Dell (Core) Dell EMS Dell (Core/EMS) HP (Core/EMS)
Product Type Avaya SBCE Avaya SBCE Avaya EMS Avaya SBCE, EMS Avaya SBCE, EMS
SIP Trunk Sessions 250 6000 NA 6000 NA
Remote Worker 250 1200 NA 1200 NA
Part Number 271023 271021 271022 308596 308597
Platform Type CAD-0208-3402-900 PE R210 II XL (OEM) PE R210 II XL (OEM) PE R620 (CR2 OEM) DL 360pG8 (CR2 OEM)
BIOS 08.00.15 1.1.1 1.1.1 2.2.2 P71 03/01/2013
Main Processor ATOM D510 – 1.66GHz Xeon E3-1220 - 3.1GHz Pentium G850 2.9 GHz Xeon E5-2630 2.3 GHz Xeon E5-2630 2.3 GHz
(Quad core - 80W) (Dual core) (Hex Cores) (Hex Cores)
Memory 2GB DDR2 667MHz 4GB (2 X 2GB) DDR3 2GB (1 X 2GB ) DDR3 16GB (4 x 4GB) DDR3 16GB (4 x 4GB) DDR3
Hard Drives 320GB (SATA) 250/500GB (SATA) 2 X 500 GB (SATA) 2 X 300 GB (SAS) 2 X 300 GB (SAS)
Optical Drive No No No DVD+/-RW DVD+/-RW
Compact Flash No No No No No
PCI Cards 1 X Quad Port NICP- 1 X H200 (SAS/SATA) 1 X Dual 1GbE Port NIC 1 X Dual 1GbE Port NIC
CIe-4 RAID Controller
TPM No No No No No
LED Display No Yes Yes Yes Yes

Interfaces (Ports)
Data 4 X 1GbE 6 X 1GbE 2 X 1GbE 6 X 1GbE 6 X 1GbE
USB 2 2 2 2 2
Console 1 (RJ-45) 1 (DB 9 - Female) 1 (DB 9 - Female) 1 (DB 9 - Female) 1 (DB 9 - Female)
VGA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Replaceable Fan No No No No No
Replaceable Hard No No No Yes Yes
Redundant PSU No No No Yes Yes
Port Bypass No No No No No
Form Factor 1U (Desk or Rack 1U 1U 1U 1U
Bezel Dell OEM - Avaya Dell OEM - Avaya Dell OEM - Avaya HP OEM - Avaya
Branded Branded Branded Branded

6 |
Low Range SBCE Mid Range SBCE Mid Range SBCE (Dual PSU)
Portwell (Core) Dell (Core) Dell EMS Dell (Core/EMS) HP (Core/EMS)
Height 1.7 in 1.7 in 1.7 in 1.7 in 1.7 in
Width 11.75 in 17.1 in 17.1 in 17.1 in 17.1 in
Depth 5.75 in 15.5 in 15.5 in 26.9 in 27.5
Height 7.5 in 10 in 10 in 11.5 8.8
Width 12 in 24 in 24 in 24.25 23.31
Depth 15 in 32 in 32 in 36.25 38.69

Unit 3 lbs. 15.5 lbs. 16.2 lbs. 41 lbs. 42.3 lbs.
Boxed 6 lbs. 30 lbs. 31 lbs. 48 lbs. 49 lbs.
Input 100/240V AC Adaptor 100/240V AC 110/240V AC 110/240V AC 110/240V AC
(12V DC)
Nominal Current 0.2 A 1.1A 1.1A 1.5A 1.5A
Maximum Current 0.5 A 2A 2A 4.5A 4.5A
AC Power (Max) 40 Watts 250 Watts 250 Watts 500 Watts 500 Watts

Nominal Operating 20oC 20oC 20oC 20oC 20oC
Operating Temp 5oC ~ 35oC 10oC ~ 35oC 10oC ~ 35oC 10oC ~ 35oC 10oC ~ 35oC
Relative Humidity 20% ~ 90% 10% ~ 90% 10% ~ 90% 10% ~ 90% 10% ~ 90%
Storage Temp 0oC ~ 75oC -40oC ~ 65oC -40oC ~ 65oC -40oC ~ 65oC -30oC ~ 60oC

Certifications & FCC, CE, UL & RoHS FCC, CE, CSA, UL & FCC, CE, CSA, UL & FCC, CE, CSA, UL & FCC, CE, CSA, UL &
Compliances RoHS RoHS RoHS RoHS

HTS 8517.62.0050
ECCN’s H/W = 5A002 (A.1), S/W = 5D002 (C.1)
Export License Exception: ENC - Restricted to “Non - Government” End Users. Ref: Section 740.17(A), (B)(1) and (B)(2)
CCATS G072860 | 7
About Avaya
Avaya is a leading,
global provider of
customer and team
engagement solutions
and services available
in a variety of flexible
on-premise and cloud
deployment options.
Avaya’s fabric-
based networking
solutions help simplify
and accelerate the
deployment of business
critical applications
and services. For more
information, please visit
© 2015 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and are registered in the
United States and other countries. All other trademarks identified by ®, TM, or SM
are registered marks, trademarks, and service marks, respectively, of Avaya Inc.
8 | 02/15 • UC4834-09
)8( ‫ﺑﻨﺪ ﺭﻗﻢ‬

Avaya G450 Media Gateway
The Avaya G450 Media Gateway provides a secure, reliable, and scalable platform for the
delivery of Avaya Communication Manager-based IP telephony applications. It is targeted
to mid to large sized branch offices, medium sized standalone businesses or small
campus environments. Like other Avaya GX50 series Media Gateways, it can be configured
to extend Communication Manager features and applications to branch offices at the edge
of the enterprise network. The G450 can also be configured with an S8300 Server blade
or a standalone S8500 Server to deliver Communication Manager-based telephony to
standalone or small campus environments.

Product Details
The Avaya G450 Media Gateway consists of a 3U high, Modular DSP Resources are available as daughter-
19” rack mountable chassis with field- removable boards for Main Board Module. These daughterboards
Supervisor Main Board Module, Power Supplies, Fan can be implemented in 20 or 80 channel increments.
Tray, DSP resources and memory. It has eight Media The maximum capacity is 240 channels. Codecs
Module slots that host a combination of interface boards supported include G.711, G.729, and G.726.
to support T1/E1, ISDN-BRI, WAN interfaces, digital or
Robust TDM Capabilities for scalability and
analog telephones and analog trunks. The first Media
deployment flexibility including 240 voice channel
Module slot can also host an S8300 Server to provide
capacity, 192 analog or digital (DCP) ports, up to 8 T1/
integrated IP Telephony for standalone businesses or
E1s* up to 10,000 Busy Hour Call Completions
mission-critical survivability for branch office-deployed
G450s. High-resiliency features such as dual, redundant,
load-sharing power supplies; modular fan tray, standard
Important G450 capabilities include:
Local Survivability and Enhanced Local Survivability
Field-replaceable Main Board Module supports (with S8300 Server).
optional DSP and Memory add-ons. Built-in inter-
Basic routing capabilities including OSPF, RIP, PPP,
faces include two 10/100/1000 Base-T LAN ports, two
Frame Relay and VRRP support. Available IP WAN rout-
10/100 Base-T WAN ports, two USB ports, console and
ing media modules add support for PPP/Frame Relay
services ports, and an ETR port (for emergency calls
connectivity over E1/T1 or Universal Serial Port (USP)
during power failures)
interfaces. The G450 can also connect to an external
WAN device via fixed 10/100 Ethernet WAN router ports,
which support traffic shaping to match data transfer
rates with available WAN bandwidth.

Enhanced Quality of Service including Dynamic Call

Admission Control for improved bandwidth utilization
and Respond Time Report for better WAN monitoring.

Advanced Security including VPN support, SRTP

encryption, SSH/SCP, SNMP v3 support, secrets

* Maximum of 206 DSOs are supported

Features and Benefits

• Robust Resiliency Features Support Business Continuity

The G450 delivers a variety of voice survivability options to help ensure that the branch can continue to function
effectively in the event of network outages. By using an S8300 Server in Local Survivable Processor (LSP) mode,
full-featured IP telephony is restored quickly when the WAN link between the main S8XXX Server and the remote
G450 is broken. Even without the LSP, the G450 supports Standard Local Survivability, where basic telephony
features are available when the WAN link fails. Furthermore, dual, redundant hot-swappable power supplies, and
replaceable, hot-swappable main board modules and fan trays ensure help to lower both MTBF and MTBR.

• Designed for Deployment Flexibility

The G450 is interoperable with other Avaya Media Gateways and can be used in either the main headquarters
location (with an S8300 or S8500 Server running Communication Manager) or a mid to large branch office
networked back to a central S8XXX Server.

• Scalable, High Capacity Platform provides Investment Protection

The G450 has the capacity to grow as business needs expand with its modular architecture and capacity for 192
analog or digital endpoints, 8 T1/E1s*, 240 DSPs, and 64 announcements.

• Enhanced Serviceability lowers Total Cost of Ownership

The G450’s modular design streamlines serviceability for both customers and field technicians. Fans can be eas-
ily replaced, DSPs and RAM easily added, supervisor modules swapped out, power supplies changed. Given that
all media modules, main board modules, power supplies and fan trays are hot-swappable; downtime is minimized.

• Enhanced Security protects Sensitive Information

The G450, like other GX50 Media Gateways, helps to encrypt voice traffic and signaling over the IP network to
prevent eavesdropping. In addition, the G450 supports advanced security features such as comprehensive secrets
management, SSH/SCP and SMNP v3 so network managers can securely configure and manage the G450.

* Maximum of 206 DSOs are supported

Specifications Capacities
• Busy Hour Call Completions: 10,000
• Chassis slot count: 8 Media Module Slots
• Dimensions (H X W X D) : 133.3mm X 482.6 mm x
460 mm • DSP Channels: 20/80 on Daughterboard, scale to 240
• Weight of empty chassis: 7.5 kg • Touch Tone Receivers: 64
• Power: 90V-264V AC, 48-62 Hz • Announcements: 63 Playback; 1 Record
• Announcement and MOH Storage:45 Minutes
• Operating Temperature: +0°C to +40°C • Power Supplies: 2

• Humidity: 10%-90% relative humidity, • Maximum DCP/Analog endpoints: 192

non-condensing • Maximum IP Telephones:450 (w/S8300 Server);
• Front clearance: 30 cm 2400 (w/S8500 Server)

• Rear clearance: 45 cm • Maximum BRI Telephones: 128

• Operating Altitude: up to 3000 m • Maximum BRI Trunks: 64

• Maximum PSTN Trunks: 184 DSOs - T1,
Main Board Module 206 DSOs - E1
• Field removable • Maximum G450s per S8500/S87XX Server: 250
• DSP daughterboard(s) – up to 4 • Maximum G450s per S8300 Server: 50
• Modular RAM
Telephone Compatibility
• 2 USB ports
• Avaya 4600, 9600 and 1600 Series IP Telephones
• Console and Services ports for services and mainte-
nance access • Avaya 2400, 6400 and 8400 Series Digital Telephones

• ETR (Emergency Transfer Relay) port • Avaya or other analog telephones

• 2 10/100 Base T WAN ports Server/Application Options

• 2 10/100/1000 Base T LAN ports • Avaya S8300 Media Server running as either a Local
Survivable Processor (LSP) or Primary Call Controller
Media Module Slots
• IA770 Intuity Audix Messaging Application (on S8300)
• 8 media module slots, supporting up to 8 telephony
media modules, 3 IP WAN modules or 1 S8300 Server Routing/Switching Features
• OSPF, RIP, PPP, PPPoE, Frame Relay, VRRP
Media Modules
• MM711 8 port Analog Media Module • RTP Header Compression

• MM714 4 trunk + 4 telephone Analog Media Module • Dynamic Call Admission Control

• MM716 24 port Analog Media Module • WFVQ (Weighted Fair Voice Queuing)

• MM712 8 port DCP Media Module • Traffic shaping

• MM717 24 port DCP Media Module • 802.1p/q VLAN tagging

• MM710 1 port T1/E1 Media Module • Inter-VLAN routing

• MM720 8 port BRI Media Module • 802.1d/802.1w Spanning Tree/Rapid Spanning Tree
• MM722 2 port BRI Media Module

IP WAN Modules Agency/Type Approvals

• FCC part 15 and 68, CE Mark, A Tick Mark, China
• MM340 T1/E1 WAN Media Module
CCC and MII, Japan Telecom, BSMI, VCCI, Canadian
• MM342 USP WAN Media Module ICES-003, UL, GOST, Russian Telecom Ministry, NOM
Requirements Learn More
The Avaya G450 Media Gateway requires Avaya For more information about how the Avaya G450 Media
Communication Manager 5.0, which must be purchased Gateway may be leveraged to support your business,
separately. please contact your Avaya Client Executive, Avaya
Authorized BusinessPartner or visit us at

About Avaya
Avaya delivers Intelligent Unified Communications, Contact
Communications solutions that Centers and Communications
help companies transform their Enabled Business Processes.
businesses to achieve market- Avaya Global Services provides
place advantage. More than comprehensive service and
1 million businesses worldwide, support for companies, small
including more than 90 percent to large. For more information
of the FORTUNE 500®, use visit the Avaya Web site:
Avaya solutions for IP Telephony,

© 2007 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Avaya and the Avaya Logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
All trademarks identified by ®, TM or SM are registered marks, trademarks, and service marks,
respectively, of Avaya Inc., with the exception of FORTUNE 500 which is a registered trademark of
Time Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
10/07 • LB3757
About Avaya
Avaya is a global
provider of business
collaboration and
solutions, providing
unified communications,
contact centers, data
solutions and related
services to companies
of all sizes around
the world. For more
information please visit
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Avaya and the Avaya Logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and are registered in the United States and other countries. All
trademarks identified by ®, ™, or SM are registered marks, trademarks, and service marks, respectively, of Avaya Inc. All
other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Avaya may also have trademark rights in other terms used
herein. References to Avaya include the Nortel Enterprise business, which was acquired as of December 18, 2009.
11/11 • UC4296-06
4 |

Transforming the Professional

Desktop Experience
Avaya VantageTM is the all-new dedicated desktop device that provides
simple, instant, seamless & natural Engagement. Users can fire up voice,
chat, collaboration instantly through one touch connections with no
unnatural breaks or pauses – eliminating the need to manage multiple
The Avaya VantageTM has devices in order to engage.
the potential to break new
market ground in the area Vantage is the industry’s only customizable desktop device that gives you
of vertical applications the advantages of a deskphone and the flexibility of an application
with embedded platform. It is modern, connected, and personalized.
functions. Put your applications on this eye- small footprint on the desktop, is simple
catching, friendly device. It is perfect and easy to deploy, could be wall mount
HIGHLIGHTS for use on desktops, in hotel rooms, or just placed on a desk and comes with
• Contemporary form factor healthcare facilities, kiosks – wherever an optional/detachable cradle with
users need to run their applications. cordless/corded handset. Avaya
• Verticals focus: Use-Cases
Open integration and extensibility with VantageTM is an expression of the next
the Avaya BreezeTM Client SDK means generation of dedicated engagement
it’s easy to personalize Vantage for your devices that mesh brilliantly with today’s
industry, business, and users. mobile workflows.

Enable unique custom experiences that Avaya VantageTM is built for acoustic
mesh into your workflows and business excellence and performance in a
processes using this powerful, dedicated device, engineered for audio
customizable device – and enjoy the and video communications that is
advantages of a deskphone and always on, in-reach, and ready. It
flexibility of an application platform. embodies enterprise quality audio,
making it an excellent communications
endpoint for audio and video calling,
Key Features and and also application integration.
Benefits VantageTM Voice Assistant is one of the
Contemporary Form Factor first new applications that is available
Brand new, all glass, innovative – Avaya for Vantage through Google PlayTM
VantageTM is a giant leap forward into a store. It focuses on communication
potential series of new cutting-edge features and will also be useful in
desktop devices. With its large touch environments where multiple Vantage
screen display, no visible mechanical devices are in close proximity. With
buttons; it sets the stage for future Vantage Voice Assistant, users will have
devices that surpass traditional ones at the ability to work with configurable
all levels – pushing the boundaries of a hot-word phrase such as ‘Hello Vantage’
new desktop user experience. It has a to interact with the device without  |  1
touching it or even pushing the application icon. It works seamlessly with Avaya Vantage BasicTM and Avaya EquinoxTM
for calling features such as “call Sofia” or “call 1408xxxxxxx”.

It is a huge value addition to VantageTM Device, strengthening it as an application platform for developers interested in
creating applications based on unique business communication needs of their customers. By enabling voice response
for communications features and web search it brings a key convenience for desktop device users.

Avaya EquinoxTM can be installed on Avaya VantageTM, offering users a rich and vibrant user experience. Customers can
also use Avaya VantageTM Basic, a simple app designed for audio and video calling. Also available is Avaya Vantage™
Open, a SIP client that works seamlessly with Avaya Vantage™. It delivers an easy-to-use, full-featured voice
communications experience on 3rd party hosted call control infrastructure.

Verticals focus: Use-Cases

Avaya VantageTM is particularly well-suited for vertical markets such as hospitality, healthcare, retail, government, media
& entertainment where it creates opportunities for communications as a contextual part of workflow applications.

It is highly customizable and empowers the users with Avaya BreezeTM Client SDK, a software development kit to embed
communications features into workflow based business applications.

In the hospitalityi area, hotels can deploy Vantage devices to guest

rooms and use the Avaya BreezeTM Client SDK to create a stunning
guest room experience. The user interface can be designed to let
guests manage their in room preferences, such as curtains, lights,
heating and cooling. The on screen menu will entice the customers
to use the hotel restaurant, or at the touch of the screen order room
service. The friendly user interface displays the hotel’s many services
and conveniences, and allows simple click to book and click to call.
In addition the device is a functioning phone for incoming and
outgoing calls. The application can include a convenient button to
quickly and easily reach a live person from the hotel staff. The device
itself can even help extend the hotel Wi-Fi by proving an additional
light duty access point with the same network ID as the hotel Wi-Fi

Similarly, in hospitalsii Vantage devices can be deployed on nurse stations. The Avaya BreezeTM Client SDK can be used
to create a nursing staff App to make common functions that usually involve looking up information on a computer
screen and separately using a phone to dial a number simple and automatic, as part of the same process flow on the
Vantage device.

Hospital nursing staff can log in to the device, and have

custom made screen layouts and buttons depending on their
job function.

Easy access to patient information, doctor locations, and

doctor schedules improved job efficiency. Instead of dial pad
and small keys with autodial buttons, nurses could have large
on-screen keys for frequently called numbers, such
as radiology, triage, and patient dispatch. The possibilities in
many other verticals such as entertainment, media, and
finance are endless as well.

Note: i, ii – The use cases below reflect theoretical representations of

customer environments and are for example purposes only. They are not
planned for delivery by Avaya as part of the Vantage offer.
2  |
Benefits • 1X 3.5 mm audio jack socket

• Simplified customization and • 1X USB Type-C port

integrations for developers through • Up to 100 mA if using PoE 802.3af.
Avaya BreezeTM SDKs and APIs, Snap-
ins and Google Play apps to right-fit • Up to 500 mA if using PoE 802.3at.

and easily customize for unique and • 1X Handset cradle connector Powered by state-of-the-art
various user tasks and seamless
Avaya technology, Vantage is
integration into workflows. Physical Security
the desktop device that
• Kensington security slot
• Provides natural engagement: In sync enables contextual
with the present day multi-channel Stand communication-driven
communication needs, eliminating the • Hinged stand for smooth multi-angle experiences that are relevant
need to own multiple devices that give positioning to your specific industry.
rise to communications silos.
• Desk stand or a wall-mount stand Experience a desktop device
• Ease of use: Provides simplified user that takes engagement to a
interface on large touch screen Memory whole new level.
displays and eliminates unnatural • 16 GB flash memory
workflows or pauses during
• Power over Ethernet EEE 802.3af
(Class 3) or 802.3at (Class 4)

Hardware • For customers requiring AC power, an

Avaya global power adapter must be
used together with a standard country
• 8” Capacitive Touch color display
specific power cord, sold separately
• Resolution: 1280 X 800 pixel
– Dedicated 48V AC power supply.
• 24 bits color depth Use Delta Electronics Inc. model
ADP-30HR B, output 48Vdc,
Audio 0.66A
• Wideband audio available on all
transducers, handset, headset, and
handsfree Connectivity
• Supported codecs:
- G.722
• Dual Port RJ45 connected Ethernet
- G.711
- G.729
• Wireless access point mode
- G.726
• Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac
- Opus
• Hotspot
Buttons & Status Indicators
• No mechanical dial-pad
• Bluetooth® 4.2 LE, Optional module.
• Message Waiting Indicator Integrated Bluetooth for pairing
accessories, cordless handset and
wireless headsets
• 1X Power adaptor connector

• 1X RJ9 analog headset port

• 1X RJ45 10/100/1000 Mbps Gigabit

POE port  |   3
Network Protocols User Interface
• SIP* • Avaya Equinox™ Client
• Avaya Vantage™ Basic
• Avaya Vantage™ Open
• LLDP (for Ethernet interface only)
• Avaya Aura® Conferencing

• HTTP/HTTPS • Avaya Scopia® Elite MCU

• RTP/SRTP Languages
• RTCP/SRTCP* • Brazilian Portuguese, English, French,
• SNTP German, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
Latin Spanish, Russian, Simplified
• 802.1x
• VLAN (for Ethernet interface only)
Additional Applications
• DSCP Layer 3 QoS
• End users can install third party
* Done only by the communication application
such as Equinox/Vantage Basic, etc. Vantage applications on Google Play store. The
does not register to SIP registrar.
system administrator can restrict
installation of certain applications
Software and Applications using a configuration file

• Applications made with the Avaya

Platform support
Breeze™ Client SDK
• SIP protocol support on Avaya Aura®
Platform - Avaya Aura 7.0.1

• 3PCC: 3rd Party Call Control – Support

About Avaya with Cloud Based Call Control
Avaya enables the Platforms
mission critical, real-time
communication applications - Broadsoft Broadworks R21SP1
of the world’s most
- Zang Office R1.0
important operations. As a
global leader in delivering
superior communications Camera/Video Two devices to choose from:
experiences, Avaya provides
• A model with an integrated camera (A mechanical
the most complete portfolio
camera shutter that covers the camera lens)
of software and services
for contact center and • A model without camera, for privacy
unified communications —
offered on premises, in Handset • Cordless Bluetooth Handset with inductive charging (no
the cloud, or a hybrid. connectors) (Availability delayed until July 2017)
Today’s digital world • Corded Handset
requires communications
Both handsets use a magnetic switch hook with no
enablement, and no
mechanical switch-hook mechanism.
other company is better
positioned to do this Audio • High quality hands free speaker and acoustic design
than Avaya. For more
Operating System • AndroidTM 8 Oreo
information, please visit
© 2018 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and are registered in the
United States and other countries. All other trademarks identified by ®, TM, or SM
are registered marks, trademarks, and service marks, respectively, of Avaya Inc.
Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Provide feedback
01/18 • UC7928-03 for this document  |  4
Cost-effective IP Phone that
provides Secure, Reliable,
Basic Voice Communications

The Avaya J129 IP Phone Take a look at this entry-level IP Phone with its fresh industrial design and
packs all the essential call
a sleek, slim form factor. It has a small footprint on the desk for the office
or cubicle worker, and is perfect for use in location-based or walk-up
handling features you’d expect
scenarios. Place Avaya J129 IP Phones in lobbies, waiting areas, lunch rooms,
in an affordable, yet highly
manufacturing areas, hallways, and retail spaces using a two-position stand or
functional SIP phone.
a wall mount. The J129 IP Phone supports SIP telephony capabilities, enabling
enterprises to replace older analog or digital phones with today’s technology.
The J129 IP Phone addresses the need in small, medium, and large enterprises
• Ease of use for a cost effective device that delivers basic voice communication with
excellent audio performance, productivity-enhancing features, better
• Exceptional value resiliency through network outages, and enhanced security capabilities when
compared to similar phones in the market. The J129 IP Phone is a one line
• Security phone that can support two concurrent calls. Easy to use, the J129 has 3
context-sensitive soft keys and shows display prompts that enables the user
to quickly access and confidently use features including transferring or
forwarding calls, placing or retrieving calls on hold, initiating an ad-hoc
conference call, viewing the recent call history, dialing a number from the
Directory or Recent Call History, accessing voicemail, using park/unpark
functionality and more.

The full duplex speakerphone enables for hands-free conversations. The dual
10/100 Ethernet ports enable easier building cabling since a co-located PC
gains access to the LAN through the J129 IP Phone. The J129 supports Power
over Ethernet as a power efficient Class 1 device, again eliminating cabling,
and which also enables the phones to work through power outages if the
wiring closet is backed up with a UPS system.

Basic IP Phone
SIP Telephony
J129 IP Phone supports AST-SIP software The J129 IP Phone supports all the key
for enhanced features and integration phone features and call handling
similar to the 96xx IP Phones including capabilities needed for use in walk-up
simultaneous registration with Avaya scenarios and for users with basic
Aura® for better resiliency at an communications requirements. The
affordable price, while allowing many handset has built in volume boost for
other features such as access to call logs hearing impaired to avoid having to
and address books, and a visual message purchase a separate amplified headset.
waiting indicator.  |  1
To learn more and to Perfect Fit For Your Business
obtain additional
It’s a high quality deskphone with a modern, sleek design that offers the right features
information such as
at the right price. Choose enhanced feature options through the Enhanced IPT license
white papers and
to enable Security & Aura Resiliency features or Core License for supported features
case studies about the
including remote access with the Avaya Session Border Control solution.
J129 IP Phone, please
contact your Avaya
Account Manager or
Ease of use: Simplified user interface enables walk-ups, visitors, or individual users in
Authorized Partner, or
offices to communicate quickly and with ease.
visit us at
Exceptional value: Get the right communications capabilities at the right price, and
with the quality you expect from Avaya.
Security: Provides customers with enhanced security compared to other products
available in the market.

Audio • OPUS Codec, G.711a/u, G.722, G.726A, G.729, G.729A,

Call Handling • Supports AST-SIP* for enhanced features and integration

• Native support with IP Office
• Single line phone, supports two concurrent calls
• Mute Key with Mute Alerting
• Recent Call Log (100 entries)/Aura Contact List*
(250 entries)
• Transfer
• Hold
• Park/Unpark
• Conferencing
• TLS / SRTP for encryption
• Handset has built-in volume boost for Hearing Impaired
User Interface • FSTN Monochrome 128x32 pixel display (56 x 14.5mm)
About Avaya • Three context-sensitive soft keys
• Status indicators
Avaya enables the
mission-critical, real- Software compatibility • Avaya Aura®
• Avaya IP OfficeTM
time applications of the
• Broadsoft Broadworks R21SP1
world’s most important • Zang Office R1.0
operations. As the global
Connections • Dual 10/100 Ethernet ports to support co-located PC
leader in delivering
• RJ45 connector
superior communications
experiences, Avaya Power Requirements • Supports Power over Ethernet (PoE) 802.3af as a Class 1
provides the most • For customers requiring AC power, an Avaya global power
complete portfolio of adapter must be used together with a standard country
software and services specific power cord, sold separately
for contact center and Languages Support for the following languages:
unified communications— English, French, German, Italian, Brazilian-Portuguese,
Spanish, Russian, Korean, Hebrew, Dutch, Polish, Turkish and
offered on premises, in Simplified Chinese
the cloud, or a hybrid.
Today’s digital world * Supported with Avaya Aura only
requires communications
enablement, and no Learn More
other company is better
positioned to do this
than Avaya.
© 2017 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and are registered in the
United States and other countries. All other trademarks identified by ®, TM, or SM
are registered marks, trademarks, and service marks, respectively, of Avaya Inc.
Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Provide feedback
11/17 • UC7927-07 for this document
2  |
The Avaya 1600 Series IP Deskphones are a value-priced family of deskphones
designed to meet basic communication needs in a low-cost package with the
quality and reliability you expect from Avaya. The 1600 Series IP Deskphones
are designed for the same user profiles as the top-of-the-line 9600 Series IP
Deskphones, thus offering a feature-set and price-point alternative. By
providing a range of endpoints covering the differing needs of users at all price
points, Avaya makes it possible for companies to equip their workforce with
deskphones that look great, sound better, enhance productivity, and turn
communications into a competitive advantage. With similar industrial design
and administration, the 1600 Series and 9600 Series may be deployed in mixed
environments or on their own.
• IP Deskphones for the
value-oriented customer.

• Straightforward, familiar For businesses seeking an easy, cost‑ A Familiar, Functional

access to the most common effective transition to IP Deskphones,
telephony features.
Avaya presents the 1600 Series IP
The 1600 Series IP Deskphones combine
Deskphones. With features and
• Cost effective, competitive
the best of past and present. Fixed keys –
price point. capabilities generally not found in
familiar to any phone user – provide easy
competitively-priced models, these
• The quality and reliability access to the most common features.
phones offer an attractive upgrade from
you expect from Avaya. Meanwhile, flexible softkeys provide
older systems or an addition to your
contextual guidance and prompts for ease
existing Avaya phone solution portfolio.
of use and efficiency.

1600 Series IP Deskphones combine

traditional telephone features such as dual
LED indicators and fixed feature buttons Clear Sound, Clean Looks
(e.g., conference, transfer, hold) with The 1600 Series IP Deskphones offer clear,
contemporary innovations such as clean audio that will more than satisfy the
softkeys, navigation wheel and a context- most discerning users. All models come
sensitive user interface (in select models). with an integrated 2-way speakerphone.
Also standard on the 1600 series: 2-way The phone’s streamlined industrial design
speakerphones, backlit displays and multi- reflects its function as a true business-
line capabilities. These stylish deskphones class communications device.
are a smart addition to any retail store,
branch or corporate office.  |  1
Built-in Investment for the Walkup user and the Everyday
user. They’re ideal for locations such as
common areas in offices, stockrooms,
The 1600 Series IP Deskphones have
lobbies, or drop-in desks. Visitors –
been engineered to adapt to your
including customers – are examples of
company’s growing needs. The external
Walkup users who need a phone with a
Gigabit Ethernet adaptor allows you to
simple, familiar interface. It’s also
attach a PC that can function with a
perfect for the Everyday phone users
high-speed connection to applications
for whom a phone is not the one critical
on your network, while the 32-button
piece of their communication needs.
expansion module for the 1616-I can be
For Avaya IP Softphone users on
custom-programmed to fulfill a wide
Communication Manager and Phone
1603-I IP Deskphone range of specific user needs.
Manager application users on IP Office,
1603SW-I IP Deskphone
this is the perfect desktop companion.

Top Value for Your 1603-I and 1603SW-I highlights:

Communications Dollar • Supports 3 administrable feature
You expect top quality and reliability buttons.
from Avaya and the 1600 Series • Each button includes dual LED’s
IP Deskphones deliver by giving you a (red, green) providing explicit status
solidly built phone that can outlast for the user.
competitors’ low-cost phones – • Includes fixed feature keys for
stretching your investment and common telephone tasks including
lowering total cost of ownership. It’s a conference, transfer, drop, hold, mute.
cost-effective solution that delivers • 2-way speakerphone.
significant competitive advantages at
• 2 lines by 16 character display,
1608-I IP Deskphone
its price point. backlit for easier viewing in all
lighting conditions.

• Secondary Ethernet 10/100 port for

Protect Your a collocated laptop or PC available
on the 1603SW-I.
Investments with SIP
• SIP Support on the 1603SW-I
SIP support on the 1603SW-I
provides a low cost basic SIP phone
IP Deskphone extends your investments
option and integration with the
even further with enhanced Avaya Aura™ environment.
manageability, serviceability, and
integration with Avaya Aura™ For Everyday users: the 1608-I. Everyday
Session Manager 6.0, Avaya Aura™ users typically rely on several forms of
Communication Manager 6.0 and communication including voice and email
Avaya Midsize Business Template 5.2.1. – and while they require a quality
telephone, their telephone use is relatively

For Walkup users and Everyday users: light or straight-forward in nature. Cubicle
1616-I IP Deskphone
the 1603-I and 1603SW-I IP workers and sales staff within a retail

Deskphones. The Avaya 1603-I and store are examples of Everyday users for

1603SW-I IP Deskphones are designed whom the 1608 delivers a productivity-

enhancing telephone.
2  |
1608-I highlights:

• Supports 8 administrable feature


• Each button includes dual LED’s (red,

green) providing explicit status for
the user.

• Includes several fixed feature keys for

common telephone tasks including
conference, transfer, drop, hold, mute.

• Includes high quality, 2-way


• Supports a broad portfolio of Avaya

wired and wireless headsets through
its integrated headset jack.

• 100 number capacity contacts and

call log applications that can enhance
1616-I highlights: • The viewing angle of the display on
productivity and personalization.
the 1616-I is adjustable and measures
• The Avaya 1616-I IP Deskphone
• Context sensitive user interface along 4 lines by 24 characters.
supports 16 administrable feature
with 3 softkeys and a 4-way navigation
buttons on the phone itself – and a • Additional caller related information
cluster – ideal for scrolling through the
32-button expansion model provides is displayed with active appearances
local contacts list or call logs.
access to a total of 48 feature keys or for easier call handling.
• The 3 line by 24 character display is speed dial buttons.
• The display is backlit for easier
backlit for easier viewing in all
• Each of the buttons features a dual viewing in all lighting conditions.
lighting conditions.
LED (red, green) providing explicit
For Navigators: the 1616-I. The Avaya status for the user.

1616-I IP Deskphone is designed for the • For a familiar look and feel, the
Navigator type user. Receptionists, 1616-I includes several fixed feature
assistants, and managers are examples keys for common telephone tasks
including conference, transfer, drop,
of Navigator users – people who answer
hold and mute.
incoming calls, transfer customers to
different departments or extensions, and • In addition, the 1616-I includes a high
quality 2-way speakerphone, and
monitor several line appearances
supports a broad portfolio of Avaya
throughout atypical day. For the
wired and wireless headsets through
Navigator user, the 1616-I provides the its integrated headset jack.
most 1-touch line/feature/speed-dial
• Context sensitive user interface along
buttons without the need to scroll
with 3 softkeys and a 4-way navigation
through on-screen lists. cluster – ideal for scrolling through the
local contacts list or call logs.  |  3
The [name of Phone e.g. 9611G IP Deskphone] is available in
a global model so the English language text on the faceplate
has been removed. Contact your Avaya Account Manager or
Learn More Avaya authorized partner for details.

To learn more and to obtain additional information such as white papers and case
studies about the Avaya 1600 Series IP Deskphones please contact your Avaya
Account Manager or Authorized Partner or visit us at

The 1616 IP Deskphone is available in a global model. English language text on the faceplate has been
removed. Contact your Avaya Account Manager or Avaya authorized partner for details.

1616-I IP Deskphone

About Avaya
Avaya is a leading,
global provider of
customer and team
engagement solutions
and services available
in a variety of flexible
on-premise and cloud
deployment options.
Avaya’s fabric-
based networking
solutions help simplify
and accelerate the
deployment of business
critical applications
and services. For more
information, please visit

© 2016 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and are registered in the
United States and other countries. All other trademarks identified by ®, TM, or SM
are registered marks, trademarks, and service marks, respectively, of Avaya Inc.
Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Provide feedback
09/16 • LB3472-08 for this document  |  4
)12( ‫ﺑﻨﺪ ﺭﻗﻢ‬

Avaya B179 SIP

Conference Phone
Simple, sophisticated solution extends crystal
clear sound and smart productivity features to
board rooms and large conference rooms

The Avaya B100 Series Conference Phones offer sophisticated

and easy to use communication solutions for small to large
companies. Providing superior voice quality with the award
winning Omnisound® audio technology, the B100 Series
Conference Phones cost effectively offer a variety of low
bandwidth, plug-and play deployment options, that address
the unique needs of diverse users within your organization
with a broad choice of models.
With a sleek appearance and suite of new network. These conference phones
smart productivity features, the B100 can be used to complement scheduled
Series Conference Phones are an ideal meetings and training sessions or for
choice for companies adding endpoints to impromptu calls between globally
their existing infrastructure or deploying a dispersed offices and remote workers. | 1
)12( ‫ﺑﻨﺪ ﺭﻗﻢ‬
The Avaya B179 SIP Specifications
Conference Phone AUDIO FEATURES
Best suited for board rooms and large • OmniSound® Wideband.
conference rooms with groups
greater than 10 people, the B179 SIP • Omnidirectional microphone.
Conference Phone helps improve
• Pick-Up Range: Up to 320 sq ft
employee productivity and
> 10 people
collaboration between customers,
partners and suppliers with features
Avaya B179 SIP • Speakers: frequency range:
Conference Phone 200–7000 Hz
• OmniSound — powerful crystal

clear sound to provide seamless • Volume: Max 90 db SPL 0.5 m

• Equalizer: soft, neutral and bright.

Crystal Clear Sound: Omnisound • SIP based for powerful integration

audio technology guarantees clear with Avaya Aura as well as third CONNECTIVITY
transmission during meetings – so party networks, also supports PoE
• Ethernet: RJ45 AUX (headset/PA):
you and your team don’t miss any
• Web-based configuration to import/
part of the discussion. Full Duplex • Expansion microphones:
export contacts and settings
transmits and receives sound
simultaneously to prevent audio POWER
• A Conference Guide that easily
clipping; 360° surround sound and
helps you set up group calls with the • Power over Ethernet IEEE 802.3af
powerful speakers optimize audio
touch of a button
pick-up and broadcasting. Noise • Transformer: 100–240 V
suppression filters cut static AC/13.5 V DC
• Optional expansion microphones
background noise and an equalizer that increase range (and number of
lets you adjust pitch to suit your participants) up to 750 sq ft APPROVALS
• Electrical safety: EN 60950-1:2006,
• SD-memory card to record your
ANSI/UL 60950-1-2002,
Plug and Play simplicity: Connect the meetings and conference calls for
Avaya B179 SIP Conference Phone to playback or to archive for later use • CAN/CSA-C22.2, no. 60950-1-03
an Ethernet line (and to a power
EMC/Radio: EN 301 489-3 V1.4.1
outlet if you don’t have Power over • A Phone Book for quick access to
(2002-08),EN 301 489-1 V1.6.1
Ethernet PoE) and you are ready to your key contacts
(2005-09), FCC Part 15 subpart B
go! It’s easy. Also included is a
class A, FCC Part 15 subpart C, EN
conference guide, perfect for making • User profiles for storing personal
300220-1:2000, EN 300220-2:2000
multi-party calls, and a handy phone contact details and settings
book to store your key contacts.
• Optional wireless headset
Flexibility and Productivity connection and PA system to meet DIRECTORY
Enhancing Features: Enhance web the sound requirements for larger
• Phone book: < 1,000 entries per
conferencing, video and other groups
communications environments. The
• Hold up-to 5-way conference calls
B179 SIP Conference Phone is a • Export/import of contacts, Call list
versatile high performer that
complements your existing solutions, • Support for LDAP external directory
which can be easily redeployed as
your business grows or as needs

2 |
• User profile: 4 profiles (password NETWORK AND

• Call groups: 20 groups. • Network addressing: DHCP and

static IP


• Supports SD memory cards up to
2 GB • Connection protocol: SIP 2.0
(RFC 3261 and companion RFCs)


• Size: Diameter 240 mm, height 77
mm • Security: 802.1x Authentification,
• Weight: 2.2 lb
• Quality of Service: DiffServ, VLAN
• Licorice black. • Audio support Codecs: G722, G711
A-law, G711 μ-law, G729ab


• DTMF tone generation: RFC, SIP
• Display: Illuminated graphics LCD, INFO, In-band
128x64PX (5x2,5 in). Best suited for
• Time servers: NTP and SNTP
• Keypad: Alphanumeric 0–9, *, on/R, Daylight saving: Configurable for board rooms and
off, mute, hold, volume up, volume automatic adjustments
down, 5 buttons for menu large conference
navigation, line (line mode), and
CONFIGURATION AND rooms with groups
conference guide.
greater than 10
• Configuration: Via integrated web
server, HTTP or HTTPS people, the B179 SIP
• Avaya Aura (Communication
Manager Rls 6.0.1 with Session • Separate user and administrator
Conference Phone
Manager Rls 6.1) login for secure configuration. helps improve
• Avaya Communication Server 1000 • Support for device management for employee
Rls 6.0+ easy configuration and updating of
multiple conference phones. productivity and
• Avaya IP Office Rls 7.0+
• Avaya Communication Manager Rls LANGUAGE VERSIONS
5.0 and 5.2.1 with SES 5.2.1
between customers,
• User Interface: Danish, English,
Finnish, French, Italian, Dutch, partners and
Norwegian, Polish, Spanish,
INTEROPERABILITY Swedish, Turkish, German, Russian, suppliers.
• SIP 2.0, RfC3261 and companion Chinese, Korean, Japanese and
RFCS Portugese. | 3
14 ‫ﺑﻨﺪ ﺭﻗﻢ‬


Cost-effective IP Phone that
provides Secure, Reliable,
Basic Voice Communications

The Avaya J129 IP Phone Take a look at this entry-level IP Phone with its fresh industrial design and
packs all the essential call
a sleek, slim form factor. It has a small footprint on the desk for the office
or cubicle worker, and is perfect for use in location-based or walk-up
handling features you’d expect
scenarios. Place Avaya J129 IP Phones in lobbies, waiting areas, lunch rooms,
in an affordable, yet highly
manufacturing areas, hallways, and retail spaces using a two-position stand or
functional SIP phone.
a wall mount. The J129 IP Phone supports SIP telephony capabilities, enabling
enterprises to replace older analog or digital phones with today’s technology.
The J129 IP Phone addresses the need in small, medium, and large enterprises
• Ease of use for a cost effective device that delivers basic voice communication with
excellent audio performance, productivity-enhancing features, better
• Exceptional value resiliency through network outages, and enhanced security capabilities when
compared to similar phones in the market. The J129 IP Phone is a one line
• Security phone that can support two concurrent calls. Easy to use, the J129 has 3
context-sensitive soft keys and shows display prompts that enables the user
to quickly access and confidently use features including transferring or
forwarding calls, placing or retrieving calls on hold, initiating an ad-hoc
conference call, viewing the recent call history, dialing a number from the
Directory or Recent Call History, accessing voicemail, using park/unpark
functionality and more.

The full duplex speakerphone enables for hands-free conversations. The dual
10/100 Ethernet ports enable easier building cabling since a co-located PC
gains access to the LAN through the J129 IP Phone. The J129 supports Power
over Ethernet as a power efficient Class 1 device, again eliminating cabling,
and which also enables the phones to work through power outages if the
wiring closet is backed up with a UPS system.

Basic IP Phone
SIP Telephony
J129 IP Phone supports AST-SIP software The J129 IP Phone supports all the key
for enhanced features and integration phone features and call handling
similar to the 96xx IP Phones including capabilities needed for use in walk-up
simultaneous registration with Avaya scenarios and for users with basic
Aura® for better resiliency at an communications requirements. The
affordable price, while allowing many handset has built in volume boost for
other features such as access to call logs hearing impaired to avoid having to
and address books, and a visual message purchase a separate amplified headset.
waiting indicator.  |  1
To learn more and to Perfect Fit For Your Business
obtain additional
It’s a high quality deskphone with a modern, sleek design that offers the right features
information such as
at the right price. Choose enhanced feature options through the Enhanced IPT license
white papers and
to enable Security & Aura Resiliency features or Core License for supported features
case studies about the
including remote access with the Avaya Session Border Control solution.
J129 IP Phone, please
contact your Avaya
Account Manager or
Ease of use: Simplified user interface enables walk-ups, visitors, or individual users in
Authorized Partner, or
offices to communicate quickly and with ease.
visit us at
Exceptional value: Get the right communications capabilities at the right price, and
with the quality you expect from Avaya.
Security: Provides customers with enhanced security compared to other products
available in the market.

Audio • OPUS Codec, G.711a/u, G.722, G.726A, G.729, G.729A,

Call Handling • Supports AST-SIP* for enhanced features and integration

• Native support with IP Office
• Single line phone, supports two concurrent calls
• Mute Key with Mute Alerting
• Recent Call Log (100 entries)/Aura Contact List*
(250 entries)
• Transfer
• Hold
• Park/Unpark
• Conferencing
• TLS / SRTP for encryption
• Handset has built-in volume boost for Hearing Impaired
User Interface • FSTN Monochrome 128x32 pixel display (56 x 14.5mm)
About Avaya • Three context-sensitive soft keys
• Status indicators
Avaya enables the
mission-critical, real- Software compatibility • Avaya Aura®
• Avaya IP OfficeTM
time applications of the
• Broadsoft Broadworks R21SP1
world’s most important • Zang Office R1.0
operations. As the global
Connections • Dual 10/100 Ethernet ports to support co-located PC
leader in delivering
• RJ45 connector
superior communications
experiences, Avaya Power Requirements • Supports Power over Ethernet (PoE) 802.3af as a Class 1
provides the most • For customers requiring AC power, an Avaya global power
complete portfolio of adapter must be used together with a standard country
software and services specific power cord, sold separately
for contact center and Languages Support for the following languages:
unified communications— English, French, German, Italian, Brazilian-Portuguese,
Spanish, Russian, Korean, Hebrew, Dutch, Polish, Turkish and
offered on premises, in Simplified Chinese
the cloud, or a hybrid.
Today’s digital world * Supported with Avaya Aura only
requires communications
enablement, and no Learn More
other company is better
positioned to do this
than Avaya.
© 2017 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and are registered in the
United States and other countries. All other trademarks identified by ®, TM, or SM
are registered marks, trademarks, and service marks, respectively, of Avaya Inc.
Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Provide feedback
11/17 • UC7927-07 for this document
2  |
15 ‫ﺑﻨﺪ ﺭﻗﻢ‬

Avaya 9611G IP
Provide everyday users with
The 9611G IP enriched communications
deskphone is capabilities
an 8-line phone Enabling customers to transition easily to the best of IP phone
ideally suited technology, the 9611G IP deskphone delivers intelligent
for users that communications with a traditional look and feel, graphical color
consider display, high definition audio quality with full duplex speaker, and a
wideband handset and headset.
their phone to
be one of Competitively priced and high-performing, it supports a USB
interface, integrated Gigabit Ethernet, a secondary Ethernet port, and
many useful
up to three 12 or 24 Button Expansion Modules. Part of the 9600
communication Series IP Deskphones, the 9611G leverages your enterprise IP Network
tools, and rely to deliver sophisticated communications from headquarters or
on common remote locations. Integrated with the Avaya Aura® and IP Office™
functions like Platforms, the 9611G’s evolutionary approach optimizes
communications through a flexible architecture that leverages
directory and
existing investments and accommodates changing business needs.
speed dial
to enhance Key Features and Benefits party applications such as company-
wide corporate directories
productivity and • Delivers high-definition audio that can
increase productivity by reducing • Provides consistency through a common
communications. Avaya one-X® interface (including mobile
fatigue and provides easier-to-
understand multi-party calls using the endpoints)
wideband audio codec in the handset • Wired/wireless headset compatible
and headset
• Enables efficient, high-speed call
• Facilitates access to information through management through support for up to
an easy-to-read, high resolution color three 12 or 24 Button Expansion Modules
display and a permanently labeled
Navigation Cluster (Up/Down, • Supports reduced energy consumption
Left/Right, OK) and costs through Power-over-Ethernet
Class 1 design with “sleep mode”
• Delivers visual queues that can speed
task management through 8 Red/Green • Provides choice through integrated
LED buttons Gigabit Ethernet and USB interface
• Helps increase productivity through
context-sensitive graphical interfaces • Accommodates advanced unified
communications solutions with Session
• Simplifies call control on the display Initiated Protocol (SIP) based
using softkeys to transfer, conference infrastructure
and forward calls and to access
everyday processes including third- | 1
Specifications Software

Hardware • SIP protocol support on Avaya Aura

• Color display - 2.8 inches x 2.1 inches
(7.0 cm x 5.3 cm) – Diagonal width: 3.5 • H.323 protocol support
inches (8.8 cm) • Standards-based codec support: G.711,
• 8 buttons with dual LEDs (red, green) G.726, G.729A/B, G.722 (G.726 is not
available in SIP)
• 4 Softkeys
• Supports the following languages:
• Permanently-labeled feature buttons:
Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Simplified
Speaker, Mute, Volume, Headset,
Chinese, Dutch, English, Canadian
Contacts, Home, History, Message,
French, Parisian French, German,
Hebrew, Italian, Japanese (Kanji,
• Permanently-labeled Navigation Cluster Hiragana and Katakana), Korean, Latin
(Up/Down, Left/Right, OK) American Spanish, Castilian Spanish, and
• 24 administrative buttons and up to 8
lines displayed simultaneously with Requirements and Platform Support
green / red LEDs
• Avaya Aura Communication Manager 6.x
• Wideband audio in handset and headset and greater (H.323)
• Full duplex speakerphone • Avaya Aura Communication Manager 6.x
• Ergonomic hearing aid compatible with Avaya Aura Session Manager 6.x
handset supports TTD acoustic coupler • Local or centralized electrical power;
• Two message waiting indicators through a 802.3af switch, or local power
supply (optional)
• Gigabit Ethernet support
• HTTP file server
• Wall-mount option and dual-position
Learn More
• Ethernet (10/100/1000) line interface
To learn more about the 9611G IP
• Secondary Ethernet interface Deskphone and 9600 Series IP
10/100/1000 Mbps Deskphones contact your Avaya Account
Manager, Avaya Authorized Partner or
• PoE Class (IEEE 802.3af) registers as
visit for white papers, case
class 1 device
studies and other information showcasing
Avaya solutions in action.
The [name of Phone e.g. 9611G IP Deskphone] is available in

About Avaya a global model so the English language text on the faceplate
has been removed. Contact your Avaya Account Manager or
Avaya authorized partner for details.
Avaya is a global
provider of business
collaboration and
solutions, providing
unified communications,
contact centers,
networking and related
services to companies
of all sizes around
the world. For more
The 9611G IP Deskphone is available in a global
information please visit model. English language text on the faceplate has been removed.

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and are registered in the United States and other countries. All other

trademarks identified by ®, TM, or SM are registered marks, trademarks, and service marks, respectively, of Avaya Inc.
2 10/14 • UC4560-04
• B179, power cable and AC adapter, Ethernet network cable, memory card 2GB

• Expansion microphone extends the voice pickup range from 320 to up to 750 sq ft
(30-70 m2).

• PA Interface box

• Security Lock and Cable

• Wall Mounting Bracket

Learn More
With more than 100 years as a leader in communications, Avaya can help your company
maximize productivity with the intelligent communications solutions specific to the
needs of your workforce. To learn more about the B100 Series Conference Phones,
contact your Avaya Account Manager, Avaya Authorized Partner or visit for videos, case studies and other information showcasing Avaya
solutions in action.

About Avaya
Avaya is a global
provider of business
collaboration and
solutions, providing
unified communications,
contact centers,
networking and related
services to companies
of all sizes around
the world. For more
information please visit

© 2012 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.

All trademarks identified by ®, ™, or SM are registered marks, trademarks, and service marks, respectively, of Avaya Inc.
11/12 • UC4714-02
4 |
16 ‫ﺑﻨﺪ ﺭﻗﻢ‬



HIGHLIGHTS HD Video, Telephony, and Unified

Rich Business Telephony
Communications Combined for
Highly-Effective Engagement

The Avaya H175 Video Collaboration Station is a unique touchscreen device

Full HD Video Conferencing that delivers high quality voice calls, full HD video collaboration, and access
to key productivity enhancing capabilities like presence, a synchronized
_ calendar and synchronized contacts. Solidly built, elegantly designed, and
ready to support the way you work for years to come, the H175 helps drive
Integrated with Avaya UC team engagement throughout your organization.

_ Video collaboration can boost productivity and enhance relationships by

enabling far-flung colleagues and business associates to interact as if they’re
Extensive Connectivity all in the same room. Enjoy richer, more persuasive meetings and look your
colleagues in the eye with the Avaya H175. The advanced H.264 High Profile
_ video engine, detachable full HD 1080p camera, flexible HDMI inputs and
outputs, along with wideband audio subsystem makes it fast and easy to
Productivity Enhancing Apps enable a highly effective personal engagement environment or create a small
“huddle” meeting station with the H175.

Extensive connectivity offers convenience for both the user and the
administrator. The Avaya H175 Video Collaboration Station has built-in WiFi,
Gigabit Ethernet, plus an additional network outlet for a co-located PC which
simplifies deployment to lower costs. Why settle for anything less?  |  1
Full HD Video Extensive Connectivity
Conferencing The H175 offers flexible connectivity

The Avaya H175 sets the standard for options enabling numerous use cases.

desktop videophones including With HDMI output, video meetings

capabilities more often found in can be held with a small group or

dedicated video conferencing “huddle” and viewed on a much larger

systems. The full HD 1080p30fps external display; HDMI input provides

camera and wideband audio system simultaneous external display of PC

transform a simple video meeting into applications and video sessions with

a true collaborative session providing flexible, user-selectable layout

an atmosphere almost as if local and options. The detachable HD camera

remote meeting participants were can be easily mounted separately on

Rich Business working together in the same room. external displays, and is adjustable for

Telephony Efficient, high-performance video optimal eye level positioning. USB

collaboration is achieved with H.264 and Bluetooth support your favorite

Avaya H175 users enjoy full  
High Profile offering the same quality headset, keyboard, and mouse; a
Avaya Aura® or Avaya IP Office™
as traditional H.264 compression but high-powered USB port allows for
communication features features  
requiring 30% less bandwidth – ideal rapid charging of mobile devices.
with easy call control and
for real world networks. Dual-band WiFi and two Gigabit
management via the large  
Ethernet ports greatly simplify
seven-inch touchscreen display.
deployment and installation.
Productivity is enabled by
Integrated with
anticipating user intentions  
Avaya UC
with context sensitive menus and
Productivity Enhancing
prompts making advanced tasks   With an enhanced user interface
optimized for touchscreen  
such as call transferring, call
operation and shared with Avaya With touchscreen access to web-
forwarding, conference calls, and
Communicator, the H175 offers tight based applications, menus, calendars,
bridged call appearances simple.
integration with the Avaya UC and directories, the H175 Video
Superior acoustics reduce  
platform for a simple and intuitive Collaboration Station supports the
distracting background noise  
user experience. Users can way you work now and for years to
and provide wideband voice with
immediately view colleagues’ come. The contact application
handsets, headsets, and the
presence and place an audio or video synchronizes with Microsoft
embedded full-duplex speakerphone
call. Conferencing is just as simple Exchange, which includes the ability
for fatigue-free communications.
where dragging and dropping to search an entire organization’s
Wired and cordless DECT 6.0
multiple participants into a call starts directory. Microsoft Exchange
handsets are available for flexibility.
the session, and while active, users Calendar integration offers meeting
For administrators, the Avaya H175
can see participant names and have reminders with click-to-dial
can be managed with the same  
complete conference control through capabilities including phone numbers
tools as the Avaya 9600 Series IP
the meeting roster. Interoperability and embedded conference access
Deskphones with SIP 6.x and  
includes Avaya Scopia® video codes saving time-robbing steps and
7.x software.
solutions for feature rich multi-party errors in connecting. The built-in

video conferencing, and large-scale browser enables convenient access to

audio and video conferences with websites and enterprise applications

Avaya Aura Conferencing. with information at a glance and click-

to-dial power.
2  |
Hardware • Camera block with LED status Physical
• Speakerphone with LED status • W: 26.1 cm (10.3’’)
Display • Headset with LED status • D: 28.3 cm (11.1’’) with display
• 7” capacitive touchscreen • Incoming call / message waiting horizontal
• 1280 x 800 WXGA resolution LED status • H: 22.2 cm (8.7’’) with display
• Capacitive touch buttons with upright
LED status for home, contacts, • Weight: 1.6 kg (3.5 lb) without
• Wideband audio through handset, communication app, call history and power supply
headset and speakerphone back/previous • 1.8 kg (4.0 lb) with power supply
• Full-duplex speakerphone
Connectors/Ports Environmental
Video • 1 x RJ45 Gigabit Ethernet PoE • Operating temperature: 0°C to
• Full HD 1080p HD video LAN 40°C (32°F to 104°F)
• Video displayed on built-in 7” • 1 x RJ45 Gigabit Ethernet PC • Relative humidity: 10% to 90% non-
touchscreen or on external monitor • 1 x USB dedicated camera condensing
• External monitor output provides • 1 x USB 2.0 for high-powered
simultaneous display of video
conferencing and PC (via HDMI in)
charging (up to 1.5 A) Connectivity
• 2 x USB 2.0 for headset, keyboard,
with Picture-in-Picture support Ethernet
• Variable window size / position • 10/100/1000 mbps LAN
• 1 x USB 2.0 Micro AB
• 10/100/1000 mbps PC
Camera • 1 x HDMI out for external monitor
• 1080p30fps resolution • 1 x HDMI in for PC input WiFi
• Detachable • 1 x RJ9 analog handset • IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n
• f2.0 lens for superior low light • 1 x RJ9 analog headset • Dual frequency (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz)
performance • 1 x 48 V AC power supply
• Field of View (H) up to 70° • 1 x microSD card slot (future Bluetooth
• Focus range from 40 cm (15.7”) to   support) • 4.0, Headset Profile (HSP)
3 m (9.8‘) • Keyboard and mouse (HID) Profile
Physical Security
• Privacy shutter Network Protocols
• Kensington security slot
• Manual tilt for optimal eye level • SIP
positioning Storage • DHCP
• Integrated or external display mount • 8GB eMMC flash memory • DNS
• Activity LED
Memory • LLDP
Handset • 2GB RAM • UDP
• DECT 6.0 cordless handset with • TCP
answer, volume, and mute controls Power • TLS
• Optional wired handset • 802.3af SPPoE, 15.4 W • HTTP/HTTPS
• 802.3at PoE, 25.5 W • RTP/SRTP
Physical Buttons & Status Indicators • 110-220 V AC, 50-60 Hz, 30 W • RTCP/SRTCP
• Dial pad
• Volume up/down
• 802.1x
• Audio mute with LED status
• 802.1p Layer 2 QoS
• DSCP Layer 3 QoS
H175 Video Collaboration Station Models
H175 Video Collaboration Station with Cordless Handset 
Includes: H175, cordless DECT handset, HD video camera, 2 m (72”) camera cable, • Wired network
and Ethernet cable 802.1x EAP-TLS
• WiFi network
H175 Video Collaboration Station with Analog Handset (must be used for installation
in China, India, Korea, Taiwan and other countries that do not support DECT, WEP
available world-wide)  WPA/WPA2 PSK
Includes: H175, analog handset with cord, HD video camera, 2 m (72”) camera cable, EAP-PEAP (MSCHAPV2, GTC)
and Ethernet cable
H100 Series Power Supply (region specific power cords required) EAP-TTLS (MSCHAP, MSCHAPV2,
H100 Series HD Video Camera • Data Encryption
H100 Series 2 m (72”) Camera Cable HTTPS file download
Exchange ActiveSync with HTTPS
H100 Series Cordless DECT Handset
HTTPS browser support
H100 Series Wired Analog Handset • Avaya Aura SIP AES-256 encryption
H100 Series Analog Handset Cord  |  3
• Secure remote SIP connectivity with • Status bar summary (missed calls,
Avaya Session Border Controller for voice mail, EC500) and one-touch
Enterprise (Avaya SBCE) access to more information
• Customized ringtones for calling and
Media called party ID
• Voicemail management
• Audio and video conferencing with
• H.264 High Profile, H.264 AVC Baseline Avaya Aura Conferencing and Scopia
• Adaptation of incoming bit rate to Video Conferencing
video window size saving bandwidth
• Roster conference control with Avaya
• Video encoding formats Aura and Scopia solutions
HD 1080p (1920 x 1080)
• VPN-less remote worker support with
HD 720p (1280 x 720) Avaya Session Border Controller
480p (848 x 480)
• Available redundancy support and
360p (640 x 360) protection against network outages
240p (416 x 240)
Audio • Avaya Aura directory search
• G.711, G.722, G.726, G.729a, G.729ab
• Manage and synchronize contacts from
HDMI Output Formats Microsoft Exchange Server
• 1920 x 1200 (WUXGA) • Supports up to 5,000 total contacts:  
• 1920 x 1080 (HD 1080) 250 local; 5,000 Microsoft  
• 1600 x 900 (HD+) Exchange Server
• 1366 x 768 Presence
• 1280 x 1024 (SXGA) • Presence status with Avaya Aura
• 1280 x 800 (WXGA) Presence Services
• 1280 x 768 (WXGA)
• 1280 x 720 (HD 720)
• Synchronized with Microsoft Exchange
• 1024 x 768 (XGA) Server
• 800 x 600 (SVGA) • Embedded click-to-dial including
bridge access codes
Software and Video Kiosk Mode
Applications • Kiosk deployment mode enables users
to reach out to “experts”
User Interface • Customizable idle-screen can display
• Enhanced user interface shared with company brand or promotional video
Avaya Communicator 2.0 clip
About Avaya • Integration with Contacts and Calendar • HDMI out for connection to larger kiosk
• Arabic, Chinese, English, French,
Avaya is a leading, • Customizable lock screen for call
German, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
global provider of Portuguese, Russian, Spanish initiation
customer and team • Phone lock disabling for ease-of-use
engagement solutions Conferencing and Telephony • Video as default session mode
and services available • Full feature support with Avaya Aura
SIP-AST Additional Applications
in a variety of flexible
• Compatible with IP Office 10.0 • Web Browser (HTML5) with embedded
on-premise and cloud
deployment options. • Feature parity with 96x1 SIP 6.3 Avaya
endpoints (not including Contact • Calculator with simple and scientific
Avaya’s fabric- calculations and conversions
based networking Center features)
• Advanced call management - call • Clock with alarms
solutions help simplify
forwarding, transfer, park, bridged call • Gallery application to manage media
and accelerate the
appearances files
deployment of business
• History for all calls, also shows calling • Lock Collaboration Station screen
critical applications
and called parties for bridged or • Context-sensitive help
and services. For more forwarded calls
information, please visit

© 2016 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and are registered in the
United States and other countries. All other trademarks identified by ®, TM, or SM  
are registered marks, trademarks, and service marks, respectively, of Avaya Inc.
Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Provide feedback  
08/16 • UC7739-06 for this document  |  4
)17-18-19-20( ‫ﺑﻨﺪ ﺭﻗﻢ‬ Data Sheet

Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches

Ready to Replace an Old Switch?
If you’re looking for a new switch, consider the next-generation Catalyst 3850 Series. It enables converged wired-
wireless access to support BYOD and mobility. It also offers a variety of performance, security, and operational
enhancements versus previous generations of switches.

● See Model Comparison for the Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switches
● Free tool! Check to see if you have obsolete or end-of-support equipment through free Cisco Active
● Trade-in your old switch and save!

© 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 1 of 38
Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches
The Cisco® Catalyst® 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches are an enterprise-class lines of stackable and
standalone switches, respectively. These switches provide high availability, scalability, security, energy efficiency,
and ease of operation with innovative features such as Cisco StackPower (available only on the Catalyst 3750-X),
IEEE 802.3at Power over Ethernet Plus (PoE+) configurations, optional network modules, redundant power
supplies, and Media Access Control Security (MACsec) features. The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series with
StackWise® Plus technology provides scalability, ease of management and investment protection for the evolving
business needs. The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X enhance productivity by enabling applications such as IP
telephony, wireless, and video for borderless network experience.

Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series primary features:

● 24 and 48 10/100/1000 PoE+, non-PoE models, and 12 and 24 GE SFP port models
● 24 and 48 10/100/1000 UPOE-capable models with Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) support
● Four optional uplink network modules with GE or 10GE ports
● Industry first PoE+ with 30W power on all ports in 1 rack unit (RU) form factor
● Dual redundant, modular power supplies and fans
● Media Access Control Security (MACsec) hardware-based encryption
● Flexible NetFlow and switch-to-switch hardware encryption with the Service Module uplink
● Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for routed access in IP Base image
● IPv4 and IPv6 routing, Multicast routing, advanced quality of service (QoS), and security features in
● Enhanced limited lifetime warranty (LLW) with next business day (NBD) advance hardware replacement
and 90 day access to Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) support
● Enhanced Cisco EnergyWise for operational cost optimization by measuring actual power consumption of
the PoE devices, reporting, and reducing energy consumption across the network
● USB Type-A and Type-B ports for storage and console respectively and an out-of-band Ethernet
management port
In addition to the above features, the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X switches also offer:

● Cisco StackPower™ technology: An innovative feature and industry first for sharing power among stack
● Cisco StackWise Plus technology for ease of use and resiliency with 64 Gbps of throughput
● Investment protection with backward compatibility with all other models of Cisco Catalyst 3750 Series

Switch Configurations
All switch models can be configured with four optional network modules. The UPOE, PoE+, and non-PoE switch
models are available with either the LAN Base or IP Base feature set. IP Services feature set is available as an
upgrade option at the time of ordering or through a license at a later time. The GE SFP switch models are available
with either IP Base or IP Services feature set.

© 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 2 of 38
Stackable Switches
Figure 1 shows the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series Switches (front and back).

Figure 1. Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series Switches (Front and Back)

Table 1 shows the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series configurations.

Table 1. Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series Configurations

Feature Set Models Total 10/100/1000 Default AC Power Available PoE Power Stackpower
Ethernet Ports Supply

LAN Base WS-C3750X-24T-L 24 350W - Yes- starting

15.0(2)SE software
WS-C3750X-48T-L 48 release (cables
purchased separately)
WS-C3750X-24P-L 24 PoE+ 715W 435W

WS-C3750X-48P-L 48 PoE+

WS-C3750X-48PF-L 48 PoE+ 1100W 800W

WS-C3750X-24U-L 24 UPOE 1100W 800W

WS-C3750X-48U-L 48 UPOE 1100W 800W

IP Base WS-C3750X-24T-S 24 350W -

WS-C3750X-48T-S 48

WS-C3750X-24P-S 24 PoE+ 715W 435W

WS-C3750X-48P-S 48 PoE+

WS-C3750X-48PF-S 48 PoE+ 1100W 800W

WS-C3750X-24U-S 24 UPOE 1100W 800W

WS-C3750X-48U-S 48 UPOE 1100W 800W

WS-C3750X-12S-S 12 GE SFP 350W -

WS-C3750X-24S-S 24 GE SFP 350W -

IP Services WS-C3750X-24T-E 24 350W -

WS-C3750X-48T-E 48

WS-C3750X-24P-E 24 PoE+ 715W 435W

WS-C3750X-48P-E 48 PoE+

WS-C3750X-48PF-E 48 PoE+ 1100W 800W

WS-C3750X-24U-E 24 UPOE 1100W 800W

WS-C3750X-48U-E 48 UPOE 1100W 800W

WS-C3750X-12S-E 12 GE SFP 350W -

WS-C3750X-24S-E 24 GE SFP 350W -

© 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 38
Standalone Switches
Figure 2 shows Cisco Catalyst 3560-X Series Switches.

Figure 2. Cisco Catalyst 3560-X Series Switches

Table 2 shows the Cisco Catalyst 3560-X Series configurations.

Table 2. Cisco Catalyst 3560-X Series Configurations

Feature Set Models Total 10/100/1000 Default AC Power Supply Available PoE Power
Ethernet Ports

LAN Base WS-C3560X-24T-L 24 350W -

WS-C3560X-48T-L 48

WS-C3560X-24P-L 24 PoE+ 715W 435W

WS-C3560X-48P-L 48 PoE+

WS-C3560X-48PF-L 48 PoE+ 1100W 800W

WS-C3560X-24U-L 24 UPOE 1100W 800W

WS-C3560X-48U-L 48 UPOE 1100W 800W

IP Base WS-C3560X-24T-S 24 350W -

WS-C3560X-48T-S 48

WS-C3560X-24P-S 24 PoE+ 715W 435W

WS-C3560X-48P-S 48 PoE+

WS-C3560X-48PF-S 48 PoE+ 1100W 800W

WS-C3560X-24U-S 24 UPOE 1100W 800W

WS-C3560X-48U-S 48 UPOE 1100W 800W

IP Services WS-C3560X-24T-E 24 350W -

WS-C3560X-48T-E 48

WS-C3560X-24P-E 24 PoE+ 715W 435W

WS-C3560X-48P-E 48 PoE+

WS-C3560X-48PF-E 48 PoE+ 1100W 800W

WS-C3560X-24U-E 24 UPOE 1100W 800W

WS-C3560X-48U-E 48 UPOE 1100W 800W

Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Software

In addition to IP Base and IP Services feature sets, the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series come with a new
LAN Base feature set. The three feature sets available with all Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches

© 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 4 of 38
● LAN Base: enterprise access Layer 2 switching features
● IP Base: baseline enterprise access Layer 3 switching features
● IP Services: advanced Layer 3 switching (IPv4 and IPv6) features
The LAN Base feature set includes comprehensive Layer 2 features, with up-to 255 VLANs. The IP Base feature
set provides baseline enterprise services in addition to all LAN Base features, with 1K VLANs. IP Base also
includes the support for routed access, StackPower (available only on the Catalyst 3750-X), MACsec, and the new
Cisco Service Module. The IP Services feature set provides full enterprise services that includes advanced Layer 3
features such as Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Border
Gateway Protocol (BGP), Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM), and IPv6 routing such as OSPFv3 and EIGRPv6.
All software feature sets support advanced security, QoS, and management features.

The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series Switches with LAN Base feature set can only stack with other Cisco Catalyst
3750-X Series LAN Base switches. A mixed stack of LAN Base switch with IP Base or IP Services features set is
not supported.

Customers can transparently upgrade the software feature set in the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series
Switches through Cisco IOS® Software activation. Software activation authorizes and enables the Cisco IOS
Software feature sets. A special file contained in the switch, called a license file, is examined by Cisco IOS
Software when the switch is powered on. Based on the license’s type, Cisco IOS Software activates the
appropriate feature set. License types can be changed, or upgraded, to activate a different feature set. For detailed
information about Software Activation, visit

Cisco StackWise Plus Technology

Cisco StackWise Plus technology is built on the highly successful industry leading StackWise technology, which is
a premium stacking architecture optimized for GbE. StackWise technology was designed to respond to additions,
deletions, and redeployment while maintaining constant performance. The stack behaves as a single switching unit
that is managed by a master switch elected from one of the member switches. The master switch automatically
creates and updates all the switching and optional routing tables. A working stack can accept new members or
delete old ones without service interruption. StackWise creates a highly resilient single unified system of up to nine
switches, providing simplified management using a single IP address, single telnet session, single command-line
interface (CLI), auto-version checking, autoconfiguration, and more. StackWise Plus supports all the features of
StackWise and provides backward compatibility with the existing Cisco Catalyst 3750 Series Switches while
enhancing the throughput of the system up to 64 Gbps. StackWise Plus also enables local switching in Cisco
Catalyst 3750-X Series Switches. Local switching packets coming into a port in the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series
or 3750-E Series Switch destined for another port in the same switch do not have to traverse through the stack
ring, thus increasing the forwarding capacity of the switch. The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series stacks up to nine
switches as a single logical unit for a total of 432 Ethernet 10/100/1000 ports with 18 10GbE ports. Individual
10/100/1000 units can be joined in any combination to evolve with network needs.

Cisco StackPower Technology

The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series introduces Cisco StackPower technology, innovative power interconnect system
that allows the power supplies in a stack to be shared as a common resource among all the switches. Cisco
StackPower unifies the individual power supplies installed in the switches and creates a pool of power, directing
that power where it is needed. This feature is available in all Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series Switches feature sets*.

© 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 5 of 38
Up to four switches can be configured in a StackPower stack with the special connector at the back of the switch
using the StackPower cable**, which is different than the StackWise cables. (See Figure 3.)

Figure 3. StackPower Connector

StackPower can be deployed in either power sharing mode or redundancy mode. In power sharing mode, the
power of all the power supplies in the stack is aggregated and distributed among the switches in the stack. In
redundant mode, when the total power budget of the stack is calculated, the wattage of the largest power supply is
not included. That power is held in reserve and used to maintain power to switches and attached devices when one
power supply fails, enabling the network to operate without interruption. Following the failure of one power supply,
the StackPower mode becomes power sharing.

StackPower allows customers to simply add one extra power supply in any switch of the stack and provide either
power redundancy for any of the stack members or simply add more power to the shared pool. StackPower
eliminates the need for an external redundant power system or installation of dual power supplies in all the stack

Available in LAN Base in the 15.0(2)SE software release
For LAN Base, cables need to be purchased separately

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Network Module
Figure 4 shows various Network Modules with Four GbE, Two 10GbE SFP+ Interfaces, Two 10GB-T and Service
Module with Two 10GbE SFP+ Interfaces.

Figure 4. Network Modules with Four GbE, Two 10GbE SFP+ Interfaces, Two 10GB-T and Service Module with Two 10GbE
SFP+ Interfaces

The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series and 3560-X Series Switches support four optional network modules for uplink
ports. The default switch configuration doesn’t include the uplink module; at the time of switch purchase the
customer has the flexibility to choose from the network modules described in Table 3.

Table 3. Network Module Numbers and Descriptions

Product Number Product Description

C3KX-NM-1G Four GbE port network module

C3KX-NM-10G Two 10GbE SFP+ ports network module with four physical ports with two SFP+ and two regular SFP ports
C3KX-NM-10GT Two 10GB-T ports network module

C3KX-SM-10G Service Module with two 10GbE SFP+ ports network module for Netflow and MACsec encryption

The SFP+ interface supports both 10GbE and GbE port, allowing customers to use their investment in GbE SFP
and upgrade to 10GbE when business demands change, without having to do a comprehensive upgrade of the
access switch. The four uplink modules are hot swappable. The four network modules can be used in any of the
combinations shown in Table 4.

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Table 4. 10GbE Network Module Configuration

Interface Options

Network Module 10GbE SFP+ Ports GbE SFP Ports

1GbE 0 4

10GbE Network Module 2 0

0 4

1 2

10GB-T 2 (RJ-45) 0

Service Module 2 0

1 1

0 2

Service Module
The new Cisco Service Module offers enhanced security and Flexible Netflow (FNF) features on the uplink ports of
the Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X. The service module is supported with IP Base or IP Services feature set. It can
be used with SFP or SFP+ at 1G or 10G speeds. The new Cisco Service Module has custom dedicated hardware
for FNF monitoring, separate from the dedicated hardware for MACSec. Therefore there is no impact on packet
forwarding performance & latency. It offers flexibility with the user being able to define flows. The new Cisco
Service Module enables the following services:

● Line rate (40G) Flexible NetFlow for Network Monitoring and Security Anomaly Detection
◦ Supported version 9
◦ 32,000 simultaneous flows
◦ 128 of simultaneous active monitors
● Line rate (40G) MACsec encryption (please refer to MACsec section below)
FNF is a networking monitoring technology. A NetFlow table can be used to collect flow statistics. The flow
information can be used by customers for a variety of use cases like understanding:

1. Applications running on the network, and identify undesired applications, P2P etc
2. Granular Local and aggregated Campus view (Top N applications, drill down etc).
3. Top talkers (ports, users, applications) for application usage, productivity and asset utilization etc.
4. Security Anomaly Detection by examining flows that do not traverse trust boundaries for inside the perimeter
5. Impacts of network and application changes
6. Compliance conformation
7. Traffic patterns for capacity planning

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Enabling FNF at the access switch ensures you get all flows. The access switch is the most logical place in the
network for collecting statistics and monitoring all flows. With Netflow, you can obtain MAC-address and access
port information associated with the flow, to get directly to the source of the flow. Most collectors are able to
leverage the location based on MAC-address and interface port number provided by the access switch to the
collector. Thus by enabling FNF at the access switch you are able to get the location information of the flow. The
access switch has a variety of identity mechanism for user authentication and adding user awareness is the natural
progression that can be developed. Access switches are an order of magnitude greater than distribution and core
which makes them scale well for FNF and ensure there are no performance impacts of oversubscription at
aggregation and core.

10GB-T Module
The new Cisco 10G Base-T module is hot-swapable and can operate at either 10GE or GE speed (with manual

Table 5 shows the cable types and supported lengths of the new Cisco 10G Base-T module.

Table 5. 10GB-T Cable Types and Supported Lengths

Cable Type Supported Length

Category 7a 100 meters

Category 7 100 meters

Category 6 55 meters
Category 6a 100 meters

Category 6a requires 3db Insertion Loss margin at 250MHz.

The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches offer exceptional security with integrated hardware support
for MACsec defined in IEEE 802.1AE. MACsec provides MAC layer encryption over wired networks using out-of-
band methods for encryption keying. The MACsec Key Agreement (MKA) protocol provides the required session
keys and manages the keys required for encryption when configured. MKA and MACsec are implemented following
successful authentication using 802.1x Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) framework. In Cisco Catalyst
3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches both the user/down-link ports (links between the switch and endpoint devices
such as a PC or IP phone) and, using the service module, the network/up-link ports can be secured using MACsec.
With the service module you can encrypt switch to switch links such as access to distribution, or encrypt dark fiber
links within a building or between buildings.

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Dual Redundant Modular Power Supplies
The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series and 3560-X Series Switches support dual redundant power supplies. The switch
ships with one power supply by default, and the second power supply can be purchased at the time of ordering the
switch or at a later time. If only one power supply is installed, it should always be in the power supply bay 1. (See
Figure 5).

Figure 5. Dual Redundant Power Supplies

Table 6 shows the different power supplies available in these switches and available PoE power.

Table 6. Power Supply Models

Models Default Power Supply Available PoE Power

24 Port Data Switch C3KX-PWR-350WAC -

48 Port Data Switch

24 Port PoE Switch C3KX-PWR-715WAC 435W

48 Port PoE Switch

48 Port Full PoE Switch C3KX-PWR-1100WAC 800W

24 Port UPOE Switch C3KX-PWR-1100WAC 800W

48 Port UPOE Switch

In addition to the above power supplies a 440W DC power supply is available as a spare (should be ordered
separately) on all switch models. The DC power supply also delivers PoE capabilities for maximum flexibility,
(please refer to table 7 for available PoE for different configurations) and customers can mix and match the AC and
DC power supplies in the two available power supply slots. Any of these power supplies can be installed in any of
the switches.

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Table 7. Available PoE with DC power supply

Model # of 440W Total Available PoE Budget


24-Port PoE Switch 1 220W

2 660W

48-Port PoE Switch 1 185W

2 625W

Power over Ethernet Plus (PoE+)/Universal Power Over Ethernet (UPOE)

In addition to PoE 802.3af, the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches support PoE+ (IEEE 802.3at
standard), which provides up to 30W of power per port and UPOE, which provides 60W of power per port (only on
UPOE-capable models). The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches can provide a lower total cost of
ownership for deployments that incorporate Cisco IP phones, Cisco Aironet® wireless LAN (WLAN) access points,
or any IEEE 802.3af-compliant end device. PoE removes the need for wall power to each PoE-enabled device and
eliminates the cost for additional electrical cabling and circuits that would otherwise be necessary in IP phone and
WLAN deployments. Table 8 shows the power supply combinations required for different PoE needs. Cisco UPOE
switches extend the IEEE 802.3 PoE+ standard to double the power per port to 60 watts. UPOE-enabled ports can
be used to deliver power for all current PoE/PoE+ solutions in addition to UPOE devices, including VDI clients, IP
turrets for financial trading, personal Cisco TelePresence® systems, and more. The maximum UPOE budget
available on the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X/3560-X switch is 1800W per switch. This requires the 1100W AC power
supply in both the power supply slots. 1800W in POE budget makes sure that the 24-port models support full
UPOE on all ports (24 x 60W/port = 1440W) and the 48-port models support up to 30 UPOE connections (30 x
60W/port = 1800W) per switch.

Table 8. Power Supply Requirements for PoE/PoE+ and UPOE models

POE/POE+ 24 Port PoE Switch 48 Port PoE Switch

PoE (15.4W per port) One C3KX-PWR-715WAC One C3KX-PWR-1100WAC


PoE+ (30W per port) One C3KX-PWR-1100WAC Two C3KX-PWR-1100WAC

or or
Two C3KX-PWR-715WAC One C3KX-PWR-1100WAC and one C3KX-

UPOE (60W per port) One C3KX-PWR-715WAC and one C3KX- One C3KX-PWR-715WAC and one C3KX-
or or
Two C3KX-PWR-1100WAC Two C3KX-PWR-1100WAC

eXpandable Power System (XPS) 2200

The XPS 2200 is the next-generation redundant power system (RPS). It not only provides the functionalities
offered by the RPS but also provides enhanced services with the support for Cisco StackPower technology. When
used with the Cisco Catalyst 3560-X, it provides RPS functionality, but when used with the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X,
it provides StackPower functionality to all the stack members, including power supply redundancy.

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The XPS supports dual redundant power supplies and fans. Up to nine switches can be connected to the XPS
2200, and it can provide power backup to two of the failed switches concurrently (when appropriately sized power
supplies are used). The power supplies used by the XPS 2200 are the same as the ones supported in the Cisco
Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches. The XPS 2200 is fully configurable for setting switch priorities in
case of multiple failures.

Please refer to the XPS 2200 Performance Specifications section at the end of this document.
Figure 6. The XPS 2200

Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches Enable Cisco Borderless Network
Borderless Networks, a Cisco architecture, deliver the new workspace experience, connecting anyone, anywhere,
using any device, to any resource securely, reliably, and transparently. Cisco’s Borderless Networks architecture
addresses primary IT and business challenges to help create a truly borderless experience by bringing interactions
closer to the employee and customer.

Borderless experience is only possible with intelligent network elements designed and architected to meet the
needs of a global workspace. Cisco Network Access is a primary component of this architecture, enabling various
borderless network services such as mobility, security, MediaNet, EnergyWise, and ease of operations for
increased productivity and operational efficiency. When network access is intelligent, it knows the identity of the
user, as well as where the user is on the network. It knows what is connecting to the network, to automatically
provision the network for QoS and delivery. It becomes services-aware to optimize user experience. Only with
intelligent access network, your enterprise can go borderless securely and transparently. Your business can save
energy, simplify operations with better business efficiency, and have an optimized total cost of ownership.

Cisco Network Access for Borderless solution focuses on the following primary areas:

● Sustainability
● Ease of operations
● Borderless security
● Borderless experience

Cisco Catalyst switching solutions enable greener practices through measurable power efficiency, integrated
services, and continuous innovations such as Cisco EnergyWise, an enterprisewide solution that monitors and
conserves energy with customized policies. Together, Cisco EnergyWise technology and Cisco Catalyst switches
reduce greenhouse gas (GhG) emissions and increase energy cost savings and sustainable business behavior.
Sustainability features in the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches include the following features
● Cisco EnergyWise technology
● Efficient switch operation
● Intelligent power management
● Energy Efficient Ethernet

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Cisco EnergyWise Technology
Cisco EnergyWise is an innovative architecture, added to fixed configuration switches, promoting companywide
sustainability by reducing energy consumption across an entire corporate infrastructure and affecting more than 50
percent of global greenhouse gas emissions created by worldwide building infrastructure, a much greater effect
than the 2 percent generated by the IT industry. Cisco EnergyWise enables companies to measure the power
consumption of network infrastructure and network-attached devices and manage power consumption with specific
policies, reducing power consumption to realize increased cost savings, potentially affecting any powered device.

EnergyWise encompasses a highly intelligent network-based approach to communicate messages that measure
and control energy between network devices and endpoints. The network discovers Cisco EnergyWise
manageable devices, monitors their power consumption, and takes action based on business rules to reduce
power consumption. EnergyWise uses a unique domain-naming system to query and summarize information from
large sets of devices, making it simpler than traditional network management capabilities. Cisco EnergyWise’s
management interfaces allow facilities and network management applications to communicate with endpoints and
each other using the network as a unifying fabric. The management interface uses standard SNMP or TCP to
integrate Cisco and third-party management systems.

Efficient Switch Operation

Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches, designed and engineered by Cisco, provide optimum power
saving, low power operations for industry best-in-class power management, and power consumption capabilities.
The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X ports are capable of reduced power modes so that ports not in use can
move into a lower power utilization state.

StackPower lets customers to simply add one extra power supply in any switch of the stack and provide either
power redundancy for any of the stack members or simply add more power to the shared pool.

Intelligent Power over Ethernet Management

The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series PoE models support Cisco IP phones and Cisco Aironet WLAN
access points providing up to 30W of power per port, as well as any IEEE 802.3af-compliant end device.

● Cisco Discovery Protocol Version 2 allows the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches to
negotiate a more granular power setting when connecting to a Cisco powered device such as IP phones or
access points than what is provided by IEEE classification.
● Per port power consumption command allows customers to specify maximum power setting on an
individual port.
● Per port PoE power sensing measures actual power being drawn, enabling more intelligent control of
powered devices.
● The PoE MIB provides proactive visibility into power usage and allows customers to set different power-
level thresholds.

Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE)

EEE (IEEE 802.3az) provides a mechanism and a standard for reducing the energy usage of an Ethernet port
without affecting the vital function of forwarding traffic. During peak work hours, most wired client devices use their
network connections with infrequent bursts. The normal EEE operation is well suited to this behavior. During off-
peak times the client devices may use sleep or hibernate modes. At this time the network interface can be
completely inactive and able to be woken on demand by remote request.

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Prior to the EEE standard, it was a common practice for client devices such as personal computers and servers to
save power during sleep states by renegotiating the Ethernet link to a lower speed. With EEE capability, PCs and
other “sleep oriented” devices can achieve power savings similar to the speed downshift while allowing a much
faster transition back to the active state. Faster link wake time improves the user’s experience by allowing a faster
transition for the client device from the sleep to active and connected state.

Cisco Catalyst 3750-X/3560-X series switches support EEE on the UPOE models.

Ease of Operations
The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X help reduce the operating costs through:

● Cisco Catalyst Smart Operations

● Easy to use deployment and control features
● Advanced, intelligent network management tools

Cisco Catalyst Smart Operations

Cisco Catalyst Smart Operations is a comprehensive set of capabilities that simplify LAN deployment,
configuration, and troubleshooting. In addition to adaptive, always on technologies such as StackWise and
StackPower, Cisco Catalyst Smart Operations enable zero touch installation and replacement of switches, fast
upgrade, as well as ease of troubleshooting with reduced operational cost. Cisco Catalyst Smart Operations is a
set of features that includes Smart Install, auto Smartports, Smart Configuration. and Smart Troubleshooting to
enhance operational excellence:

● Cisco Smart Install is a transparent plug and play technology to configure the Cisco IOS Software image
and switch configuration without user intervention. Smart Install utilizes dynamic IP address allocation and
the assistance of other switches to facilitate installation providing transparent network plug and play.
● Cisco Auto Smartports provide automatic configuration as devices connect to the switch port, allowing
auto detection and plug and play of the device onto the network.
● Cisco Smart Configuration provides a single point of management for a group of switches and in addition
adds the ability to archive and backup configuration files to a file server or switch allowing seamless zero
touch switch replacement.
● Cisco Smart Troubleshooting is an extensive array of debug diagnostic commands and system health
checks within the switch, including Generic Online Diagnostics (GOLD) and Onboard Failure Logging

Easy to Use Deployment and Control Features

● Embedded Event Manager (EEM) is a powerful and flexible feature that provides real-time network event
detection and onboard automation. Using EEM, customers can adapt the behavior of their network devices
to align with their business needs. This feature requires IP Base feature set.
● IP service-level agreements (SLAs) enable customers to assure new business-critical IP applications, as
well as IP services that utilize data, voice, and video, in an IP network. This feature requires IP Services
feature set.
● Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) autoconfiguration of multiple switches through a boot
server eases switch deployment.

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● Automatic QoS (AutoQoS) simplifies QoS configuration in voice over IP (VoIP) networks by issuing
interface and global switch commands to detect Cisco IP phones, classify traffic, and help enable egress
queue configuration.
● Stacking master configuration management and Cisco StackWise technology helps ensure that all
switches are automatically upgraded when the master switch receives a new software version. Automatic
software version checking and updating help ensure that all stack members have the same software
● Autonegotiation on all ports automatically selects half- or full-duplex transmission mode to optimize
● Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) facilitates dynamic trunk configuration across all switch ports.
● Port Aggregation Protocol (PAgP) automates the creation of Cisco Fast EtherChannel® groups or Gigabit
EtherChannel groups to link to another switch, router, or server.
● Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) allows the creation of Ethernet channeling with devices that
conform to IEEE 802.3ad. This feature is similar to Cisco EtherChannel technology and PAgP.
● Automatic media-dependent interface crossover (MDIX) automatically adjusts transmit and receive pairs
if an incorrect cable type (crossover or straight-through) is installed.
● Unidirectional Link Detection Protocol (UDLD) and Aggressive UDLD allow unidirectional links caused
by incorrect fiber-optic wiring or port faults to be detected and disabled on fiber-optic interfaces.
● Switching Database Manager (SDM) templates for access, routing, and VLAN deployment allow the
administrator to easily maximize memory allocation to the desired features based on deployment-specific
● Local Proxy Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) works in conjunction with Private VLAN Edge to
minimize broadcasts and maximize available bandwidth.
● VLAN1 minimization allows VLAN1 to be disabled on any individual VLAN trunk.
● Smart Multicast, with Cisco StackWise Plus technology, allows the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series to
offer greater efficiency and support for more multicast data streams such as video by putting each data
packet onto the backplane only once.
● Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) Snooping for IPv4 and IPv6 MLD v1 and v2 Snooping
provide fast client joins and leaves of multicast streams and limit bandwidth-intensive video traffic to only
the requestors.
● Multicast VLAN Registration (MVR) continuously sends multicast streams in a multicast VLAN while
isolating the streams from subscriber VLANs for bandwidth and security reasons.
● Per-port broadcast, multicast, and unicast storm control prevents faulty end stations from degrading
overall systems performance.
● Voice VLAN simplifies telephony installations by keeping voice traffic on a separate VLAN for easier
administration and troubleshooting.
● Cisco VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) supports dynamic VLANs and dynamic trunk configuration across
all switches.
● Remote Switch Port Analyzer (RSPAN) allows administrators to remotely monitor ports in a Layer 2
switch network from any other switch in the same network.

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● For enhanced traffic management, monitoring, and analysis, the Embedded Remote Monitoring (RMON)
software agent supports four RMON groups (history, statistics, alarms, and events).
● Layer 2 traceroute eases troubleshooting by identifying the physical path that a packet takes from source
to destination.
● Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) reduces the cost of administering software upgrades by downloading
from a centralized location.
● Network Timing Protocol (NTP) provides an accurate and consistent timestamp to all intranet switches.

Advanced, Intelligent Network Management Tools

The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches offer both a superior CLI for detailed configuration and
Cisco Network Assistant software, a PC-based tool for quick configuration based on preset templates. In addition,
CiscoWorks LAN Management Solution (LMS) supports the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches for
networkwide management.

Cisco Network Assistant

A PC-based network management application designed for small and medium-sized business (SMB) networks with
up to 250 users, Cisco Network Assistant offers centralized network management and configuration capabilities.
Cisco Network Assistant uses Cisco Smartports technology to simplify both initial deployment and ongoing
maintenance. This application also features an intuitive GUI where users can easily apply common services across
Cisco switches, routers, and access points, such as:

● Configuration management
● Troubleshooting advice
● Inventory reports
● Event notification
● Network security settings
● Password synchronization
● Drag-and-drop Cisco IOS Software upgrades
● Secure wireless
For detailed information about Cisco Network Assistant, visit

CiscoWorks LAN Management Solution

CiscoWorks LAN Management Solution (LMS) is a comprehensive network lifecycle management solution. It
provides an extensive library of easy-to-use features to automate the initial and day-to-day management of your
Cisco network infrastructure. CiscoWorks LMS uniquely uses Cisco hardware and software platform knowledge
and operational experience into a powerful set of work-flow driven configuration, monitoring, troubleshooting,
reporting, and administrative tools. Including:

● Support for new Cisco hardware platforms the day they ship
● Support for new technologies and services from initial deployment to day-to-day administration and
management, such as EnergyWise, Identity, Cisco Auto Smartports, Cisco Smart Install, and much more
● Configuration management tools built from Cisco experience and Cisco Validated Design recommendations

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● Monitoring and troubleshooting capabilities that incorporates Cisco hardware best practices and diagnostics
● Automation in managing hardware inventories, security vulnerabilities (PSIRTS) and platform end-of-life and
support cycles
For detailed information about CiscoWorks LMS, go to

Borderless Security
The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches provide superior Layer 2 threat defense capabilities for
mitigating man-in-the-middle attacks (such as MAC, IP, and ARP spoofing). TrustSec, a primary element of
Borderless Security Architecture, helps enterprise customers secure their networks, data and resources with
policy-based access control, identity and role-aware networking, pervasive integrity, and confidentiality. The
borderless security is enabled by the following feature sets in the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series

● Threat defense
● Cisco TrustSec
● Other advanced security features

Threat Defense
Cisco Integrated Security Features is an industry-leading solution available on Cisco Catalyst Switches that
proactively protects your critical network infrastructure. Delivering powerful, easy-to-use tools to effectively prevent
the most common and potentially damaging Layer 2 security threats, Cisco Integrated Security Features provides
robust security throughout the network. Cisco Integrated Security Features include Port Security, DHCP Snooping,
Dynamic ARP Inspection, and IP Source guard.

● Port Security secures the access to an access or trunk port based on MAC address. It limits the number of
learned MAC addresses to deny MAC address-flooding.
● DHCP Snooping prevents malicious users from spoofing a DHCP server and sending out bogus
addresses. This feature is used by other primary security features to prevent a number of other attacks such
as ARP poisoning.
● Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI) helps ensure user integrity by preventing malicious users from exploiting
the insecure nature of the ARP protocol.
● IP source guard prevents a malicious user from spoofing or taking over another user’s IP address by
creating a binding table between the client’s IP and MAC address, port, and VLAN.

Cisco TrustSec
TrustSec secures access to the network, enforces security policies, and delivers standard based security solutions
such as 802.1X enabling secure collaboration and policy compliance. TrustSec capabilities reflect Cisco thought
leadership, innovations, and commitment to customer success. These new capabilities include:

● IEEE 802.1AE MACsec with prestandard 802.1X-REV Key management: industry’s first fixed switches with
prestandard 802.1X-Rev key management. Available on Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series
Switches, MACsec provides Layer 2, line rate Ethernet data confidentiality and integrity on host facing ports,
protecting against man-in-the-middle attacks (snooping, tampering, and replay).

© 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 17 of 38
● FIPS 140-2 validated for devices used in government and sensitive environments for extremely high levels
of data security.
● Flexible authentication that supports multiple authentication mechanisms including 802.1X, MAC
Authentication Bypass and web authentication using a single, consistent configuration.
● Open mode that creates a user friendly environment for 802.1X operations.
● Integration of device profiling technology and guest access handling with Cisco switching to
significantly improve security while reducing deployment and operational challenges.
● RADIUS Change of Authorization and downloadable Calls for Comprehensive policy management
● 802.1X Supplicant with Network Edge Access Transport (NEAT) enables extended secure access
where compact switches in the conference rooms have the same level of security as switches inside the
locked wiring closet.

Other Advanced Security Features

Other Advanced Security features include but are not limited to:

● Private VLANs restrict traffic between hosts in a common segment by segregating traffic at Layer 2, turning
a broadcast segment into a nonbroadcast multiaccesslike segment.
● Private VLAN Edge provides security and isolation between switch ports, which helps ensure that users
cannot snoop on other users’ traffic.
● Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) feature helps mitigate problems caused by the introduction of
malformed or forged (spoofed) IP source addresses into a network by discarding IP packets that lack a
verifiable IP source address.
● Multidomain Authentication allows an IP phone and a PC to authenticate on the same switch port while
placing them on appropriate voice and data VLAN.
● Cisco security VLAN ACLs on all VLANs prevent unauthorized data flows from being bridged within
● Cisco standard and extended IP security router ACLs define security policies on routed interfaces for
control-plane and data-plane traffic. IPv6 ACLs can be applied to filter IPv6 traffic.
● Port-based ACLs for Layer 2 interfaces allow security policies to be applied on individual switch ports.
● Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol, Kerberos, and Simple Network Management Protocol Version 3
(SNMPv3) provide network security by encrypting administrator traffic during Telnet and SNMP sessions.
SSH Protocol, Kerberos, and the cryptographic version of SNMPv3 require a special cryptographic software
image because of U.S. export restrictions.
● Bidirectional data support on the Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN) port allows Cisco Intrusion Detection
System (IDS) to take action when an intruder is detected.
● TACACS+ and RADIUS authentication facilitates centralized control of the switch and restricts
unauthorized users from altering the configuration.
● MAC Address Notification allows administrators to be notified of users added to or removed from the
● Multilevel security on console access prevents unauthorized users from altering the switch configuration.

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● Bridge protocol data unit (BPDU) Guard shuts down Spanning Tree PortFast-enabled interfaces when
BPDUs are received to avoid accidental topology loops.
● Spanning Tree Root Guard (STRG) prevents edge devices not in the network administrator’s control from
becoming Spanning Tree Protocol root nodes.
● IGMP filtering provides multicast authentication by filtering out nonsubscribers and limits the number of
concurrent multicast streams available per port.
● Dynamic VLAN assignment is supported through implementation of VLAN Membership Policy Server
client capability to provide flexibility in assigning ports to VLANs. Dynamic VLAN facilitates the fast
assignment of IP addresses.

Borderless Experience
Borderless network enables enterprise mobility and business-grade video services. Industry’s first unified network
(wired and wireless) location services enable tracking of mobile assets and the users of those assets for both wired
and wireless devices. The true borderless experience is enabled by the following feature sets in the Cisco Catalyst
3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches:

● High availability
● High-performance IP routing
● Superior QoS
● Location awareness and mobility

High Availability
The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series increases availability for stackable switches. Each switch can operate both as
master controller and as forwarding processor. Each switch in the stack can serve as a master, creating a 1:N
availability scheme for network control. In the unlikely event of a single unit failure, all other units continue to
forward traffic and maintain operation.

Other high-availability features include but are not limited to:

● Cross-Stack EtherChannel provides the ability to configure Cisco EtherChannel technology across different
members of the stack for high resiliency.
● Flexlink provides link redundancy with convergence time less than 100 ms.
● IEEE 802.1s/w Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) and Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) provide
rapid spanning-tree convergence independent of spanning-tree timers and also offers the benefit of Layer 2
load balancing and distributed processing. Stacked units behave as a single spanning-tree node.
● Per-VLAN Rapid Spanning Tree (PVRST+) allows rapid spanning-tree reconvergence on a per-VLAN
spanning-tree basis, without requiring the implementation of spanning-tree instances.
● Cisco Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) is supported to create redundant, failsafe routing topologies.
● Switch-port autorecovery (Errdisable) automatically attempts to reactivate a link that is disabled because of
a network error.

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High-Performance IP Routing
Cisco Express Forwarding hardware routing architecture delivers extremely high-performance IP routing in the
Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches.

● Static routing (16 routes) with LAN Base feature set.

● IP unicast routing protocols (Static, Routing Information Protocol Version 1 [RIPv1], and RIPv2, RIPng,
EIGRP stub) are supported for small-network routing applications with IP Base feature set.
● Advanced IP unicast routing protocols (OSPF, EIGRP, BGPv4, and IS-ISv4) are supported for load
balancing and constructing scalable LANs. IPv6 routing (OSPFv3, EIGRPv6) is supported in hardware for
maximum performance. OSPF for routed access is included in the IP Base image. The IP Services feature
set is required for full OSPF, EIGRP, BGPv4, and IS-ISv4.
● Equal-cost routing facilitates Layer 3 load balancing and redundancy across the stack.
● Policy-based routing (PBR) allows superior control by facilitating flow redirection regardless of the routing
protocol configured. The IP Services feature set is required.
● Hot Standby Routing Protocol (HSRP) provides dynamic load balancing and failover for routed links, up to
32 HSRP links supported per unit or stack.
● Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) for IP multicast routing is supported, including PIM sparse mode (PIM-
SM), PIM dense mode (PIM-DM), PIM sparse-dense mode and Source Specific Multicast (SSM). The IP
Services feature set is required.
● Virtual routing and forwarding (VRF)-Lite enables a service provider to support two or more VPNs, with
overlapping IP addresses. IP Services feature set is required.

Superior Quality of Service

The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series offers GbE speed with intelligent services that keep everything
flowing smoothly, even at 10 times the normal network speed. Industry-leading mechanisms for marking,
classification, and scheduling deliver superior performance for data, voice, and video traffic, all at wire speed.

Following are some of the QoS features supported in the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches:

● Cross-stack QoS allows QoS to be configured across the entire stack (available only on the
Catalyst 3750-X).
● 802.1p class of service (CoS) and differentiated services code point (DSCP) field classification are
provided, using marking and reclassification on a per-packet basis by source and destination IP address,
MAC address, or Layer 4 TCP/UDP port number.
● Cisco control-plane and data-plane QoS ACLs on all ports help ensure proper marking on a per-packet
● Eight egress queues per port help enable differentiated management of different traffic types across the
stack. Four queues are user configurable and four are reserved for system use.
● Shaped Round Robin (SRR) scheduling helps ensure differential prioritization of packet flows by intelligently
servicing the ingress queues and egress queues.
● Weighted Tail Drop (WTD) provides congestion avoidance at the ingress and egress queues before a
disruption occurs.
● Strict priority queuing helps ensure that the highest-priority packets are serviced ahead of all other traffic.

© 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 20 of 38
● The Cisco committed information rate (CIR) function provides bandwidth in increments as low as 8 Kbps.
● Rate limiting is provided based on source and destination IP address, source and destination MAC address,
Layer 4 TCP/UDP information, or any combination of these fields, using QoS ACLs (IP ACLs or MAC
ACLs), class maps, and policy maps.
● Up to 64 aggregate or individual policers are available per Fast Ethernet or GbE port.

Location Awareness and Mobility

In order to provide delivery of a best-in-class network experience to end users, it’s critical for network access to be
location aware. A wide variety of devices can appear on the network, both wired (switches, routers, IP phones,
PCs, access points, controllers, video digital media players, and so on) and wireless (mobile devices, wireless
tags, rogues, and so on). In many industries, locating assets is primarily a manual process and is time consuming
and error prone. The inability to locate assets in real time and to help ensure their availability when and where they
are needed limits reaction time and efficiency.

Location services answer business-critical questions about both mobile assets and the users of those assets
regardless of whether those assets are connecting using wired or wireless, and hence directly improve their
organization's profitability. Network Location Services also improve security and accelerate client troubleshooting
by locating an asset, user, or device on the network.

● Network visibility and control provide centralized visibility into wired and wireless devices on the network
and their location.
● Location-assisted client troubleshooting enables tracking of wired or wireless clients for quick problem
● Asset tracking and improved security provide centralized inventory of wired and wireless devices and asset
management for improved business processes.
● Cisco Mobility Service Engine (MSE) Open API provides an open API (based on Simple Object Access
Protocol [SOAP] and XML protocol) for any business application that needs the location data.
● Location based policy allows greater control and visibility. With EnergyWise, power policies can be set up
(to reduce the power or shut down the power from a port) based on the location.
● Cisco Emergency Responder (CER) enhances emergency calling from Cisco Unified CallManager. It helps
assure that Cisco Unified CallManager sends emergency calls to the appropriate Public Safety Answering
Point (PSAP) for the caller's location.

Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Specifications

Switch Performance
Table 9 shows Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches performance specifications.

Table 9. Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Performance Specifications

Performance Numbers for All Switch Models

Switching Fabric 160 Gbps

DRAM 256 MB (512 MB for 3750X-12S and 3750X-24S)

Flash 64 MB (128 MB for 3750X-12S and 3750X-24S)

Total VLANs 1005


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Performance Numbers for All Switch Models

Total Switched Virtual Interfaces (SVIs) 1K

Jumbo Frame 9216 Byte

Total Routed Ports per 3750-X Stack 468

Forwarding Rate of the Switch Models (with Two 10GbE Uplinks)

Forwarding Rate

3750X-24T 65.5 mpps



3750X-48T 101.2 mpps




3750X-12S 35.7 mpps

3750X-24S 65.5 mpps

3560X-24T 65.5 mpps



3560X-48T 101.2 mpps




Scalability Numbers
MAC, routing, security, and QoS scalability numbers depend on the type template used in the switch. Routing
template is not supported in the LAN Base feature set. Table 10 shows Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series
Switch scalability numbers.

Table 10. Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switch Scalability Numbers

Access Default Routing VLAN

Unicast MAC addresses 4K 6K 3K 12K

IGMP groups and multicast routes 1K 1K 1K 1K

Unicast routes 6K 8K 11K 0
Directly connected hosts 4K 6K 3K 0

Indirect routes 2K 2K 8K 0
Policy-based routing ACEs 0.5K 0 0.5K 0
QoS classification ACEs 0.5K 0.5K 0.5K 0.5K

Security ACEs 2K 1K 1K 1K
VLANs 1K 1K 1K 1K

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Dimensions, Weight, Acoustic, MTBF, and Environmental Range Specifications for Cisco
Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches
Table 11 shows dimensions, weight, acoustic, MTBF, and environmental range.

Table 11. Dimensions, Weight, Acoustic, MTBF, and Environmental Range

Dimensions (H x W x D) Inches Centimeters

3750X-24T 1.75 x 17.5 x 18.0 4.45 x 44.5 x 46.0




3750X-48PF 1.75 x 17.5 x 19.5 4.45 x 44.5 x 49.5


3750X-12S 1.75 x 17.5 x 18.0 4.45 x 44.5 x 46.0

3750X-24S 1.75 x 17.5 x 18.0 4.45 x 44.5 x 46.0

3560X-24T 1.75 x 17.5 x 18.0 4.45 x 44.5 x 46.0




3560X-48PF 1.75 x 17.5 x 19.5 4.45 x 44.5 x 49.5


Weight Pounds Kilograms

3750X-24T 15.6 7.1

3750X-24P 15.8 7.2

3750X-24U 16.0 7.3

3750X-48T 16.3 7.4

3750X-48P 16.5 7.5

3750X-48PF 16.7 7.6

3750X-48U 16.7 7.6

3750X-12S 15.0 6.8

3750X-24S 15.4 7.0

3560X-24T 15.4 7.0

3560X-24P 15.7 7.1

3560X-24U 15.9 7.2

3560X-48T 16.1 7.3

3560X-48P 16.4 7.4

3560X-48PF 16.6 7.5

3560X-48U 16.7 7.6

Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) Hours

3750X-24T 189,704

3750X-24P 167,198

3750X-24U 238,070

3750X-48T 171,846

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3750X-48P 139,913

3750X-48PF 139,913

3750X-48U 184,120

3750X-12S 194,224

3750X-24S 163,707

3560X-24T 208,218

3560X-24P 181,370

3560X-24U 247,580

3560X-48T 186,778

3560X-48P 149,594

3560X-48PF 149,594

3560X-48U 189,710

C3KX-PWR-350WAC 580,710

C3KX-PWR-715WAC 664,055

C3KX-PWR-1100WAC 392,174

C3KX-PWR-440WDC 469,350

C3KX-NM-1G 5,083,574

C3KX-NM-10G 2,468,553

C3KX-NM-10GT 1,411,719

C3KX-SM-10G 396,940

Environmental Ranges

With AC Power Supply Normal Operating Temperature and Altitudes:

-5ºC to +45ºC, up to 5,000 feet (1500 m)
Operating Environment and Altitude -5ºC to +40ºC, up to 10,000 feet (3000 m)

Short-Term* Exceptional Conditions:

-5ºC to +50ºC, up to 5,000 feet (1500 m)
-5ºC to +45ºC, up to 10,000 feet (3000 m)
-5ºC to +45ºC, at sea level with single fan failure
Not more than following in one year period: 96 consecutive hours, or 360 hours total, or 15

With DC Power Supply Normal Operating Temperature and Altitudes:

-5ºC to +45ºC, up to 6,000 feet (1800 m)
Operating Environment and Altitude (NEBS) -5ºC to +40ºC, up to 10,000 feet (3000 m)
-5ºC to +35ºC, up to 13,000 feet (4000 m)

Short-Term* Exceptional Conditions:

-5ºC to +55ºC, up to 6,000 feet (1800 m)
-5ºC to +50ºC, up to 10,000 feet (3000 m)
-5ºC to +45ºC, up to 10,000 feet (4000 m)
-5ºC to +45ºC, at sea level with single fan failure
Not more than following in one year period: 96 consecutive hours, or 360 hours total, or 15

Acoustic Noise With AC Power Supply (with 16PoE+ ports loaded):

Measured per ISO 7779 & Declared per ISO LpA: 43 dbA Typical, 46 dbA Maximum
9296 LwA: 5.2 Bel Typical, 5.5 Bel Maximum
Bystander positions operating to an
ambient temperature of 25°C
For GE SFP port models:
LpA: 31 dbA Typical, 34 dbA Maximum
LwA: 4.2 Bel Typical, 4.5 Bel Maximum

Typical: Noise emission for a typical configuration

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Maximum: Statistical maximum to account for variation in production

Relative Humidity 5% to 95%, noncondensing

Storage Environment Temperature: -40 C' to 70 C'

Altitude: 15,000 ft

Vibration Operating: 0.41Grms from 3 to 500Hz with spectral break points of 0.0005 G2/Hz at 10Hz and
200Hz 5dB/octave roll off at each end.

Nonoperating: 1.12Grms from 3 to 500Hz with spectral break points of 0.0065 G2/Hz at 10Hz
and 100Hz 5dB/octave roll off at each end.

Shock Operating: 30G, 2ms Half sine

Nonoperating: 55G, 10ms Trapezoid

Note: GLC-GE-100FX and GLC-T SFPs are not supported for NEBS short-term operation.

Connectors and LED Indicators for Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560X Series
Table 12 shows connectors and LED indicators.

Table 12. Connectors and LED Indicators

Connectors and ● 1000BASE-T ports: RJ-45 connectors, 2-pair Cat-5E UTP cabling
Cabling ● 1000BASE-T SFP-based ports: RJ-45 connectors, 2-pair Cat-5E UTP cabling
● 100BASE-FX, 1000BASE-SX, -LX/LH, -ZX, -BX10, DWDM and CWDM SFP Transceivers: LC fiber connectors (single-
mode or multimode fiber)
● 10GBASE-SR, LR, LRM, CX1 (v02 or higher) SFP+ Transceivers: LC fiber connectors (single-mode or multimode
● Cisco StackWise stacking ports: copper-based Cisco StackWise cabling
● Cisco StackPower: Cisco Proprietary Power Stacking cables
● Ethernet Management port: RJ-45 connectors, 2-pair Cat-5 UTP cabling
● Management console port: RJ-45-to-DB9 cable for PC connections

Power Connectors ● Customers can provide power to a switch by using either the internal power supply or the Cisco XPS 2200.
The connectors are located at the back of the switch
● Internal power supply connector: The internal power supply is an autoranging unit. The internal power supply supports
input voltages between 100 and 240VAC. Use the supplied AC power cord to connect the AC power connector to an
AC power outlet

Management and Standards Support for Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches
Table 13 shows management and standards support for the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series.

Table 13. Management and Standards Support for the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series

Description Specification

© 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 25 of 38
Description Specification
Standards IEEE 802.1s RMON I and II standards
IEEE 802.1w SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3
IEEE 802.1x
IEEE 802.1x-Rev
IEEE 802.3ad
IEEE 802.1ae
IEEE 802.3af
IEEE 802.3at
IEEE 802.3x full duplex on 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, and
1000BASE-T ports
IEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree Protocol
IEEE 802.1p CoS Prioritization
IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T specification
IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX specification
IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T specification
IEEE 802.3z 1000BASE-X specification

Power Supply Specifications

Table 14 lists the power specifications for the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series based on the kind of
power supply used.

Table 14. Power Specifications for Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series

Description Specification


Power Supply Rated 1100W 715W 350W 440W


Total Output BTU (Note: 3793 BTU/hr, 1100W 2465 BTU/hr, 715W 1207 BTU/hr, 350W 1517 BTU/hr, 440W
1000 BTU/hr = 293W)
Input-Voltage Range and 115-240VAC, 100-240VAC, 100-240VAC, -36VDC to -72VDC
Frequency 50-60 Hz 50-60 Hz 50-60 Hz
Input Current 12-6A 10-5A 4-2A <8A@-72VDC

Output Ratings -56V@19.64A -56V@12.8A -56V@6.25A -56V@7.86A

Output Holdup Time 10 ms minimum @ 16.7 ms minimum @ 16.7 ms minimum @ > 2ms@-48VDC
102.5VAC 100VAC 100VAC

Power-Supply Input IEC 320-C16 IEC 320-C16 IEC 320-C16 Terminal Strip
Receptacles (IEC60320-C16) (IEC60320-C16) (IEC60320-C16)
Power Cord Rating 13A 13A 10A 20A @ 100VDC

Physical Specifications (H x W x D): 1.58 X 3.25 X (H x W x D): 1.58 X 3.25 X (H x W x D): 1.58 X 3.25 X (H x W x D): 1.58 X 3.25 X
13.25 in 11.75 in 11.75 in 11.75 in
Weight: 3.5 lb Weight: 2.78 lb Weight: 2.76 lb Weight: 2.65 lb
(1.6 kg) (1.26 kg) (1.25 kg) (1.2 kg)

© 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 26 of 38
Description Specification

Operating Temperature 23 to 113°F (-5 to 45°C)

Storage Temperature -40 to 158°F (-40 to 70°C)
Relative Humidity 5 to 90% noncondensing
Operating, and
Altitude 10,000 ft. (3000 meters), up to 45°C
MTBF Calculated MTBF must be greater than 300,000 using Telcordia SR-332, Method 1, Case 3. Demonstrated MTBF is
500,000 hr (with 90% confidence level).
EMI and EMC FCC Part 15 (CFR 47) Class A
Compliance ICES-003 Class A
EN 55022 Class A
CISPR 22 Class A
AS/NZS 3548 Class A
BSMI Class A (AC input models only)
VCCI Class A
EN 55024, EN300386, EN 50082-1, EN 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3
EN61000-4-2, EN61000-4-3, EN61000-4-4, EN61000-4-5, EN61000-4-6, EN 61000-6-1
Safety Compliance UL 60950-1, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1, EN 60950-1, IEC 60950-1, CCC
LED Indicators “AC OK”: Input power to the power supply is OK.
“PS OK”: Output power from the power supply is OK.

Power Consumptions of Standalone Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches
Table 15 shows power consumptions of standalone Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches based on
Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) testing using IMIX distribution stream traffic, with input
voltage of 115V AC @ 60 Hz and no PoE loading.

Table 15. Power Consumptions of Standalone Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series

Models Uplink Module Power Consumption, W

0% Traffic 10% Traffic 100% Traffic Weighted Average

3750X-24T & 3560X-24T C3KX-NM-1G 93.6 92.8 93.5 93.0

3750X-24P & 3560X-24P 99.4 98.7 99.3 98.9

3750X-48T & 3560X-48T 121.3 119.7 120.4 120.0

3750X-48P & 3560X-48P 134.9 133.3 133.9 133.6

3750X-48PF & 3560X-48PF 137.4 135.8 137.2 136.2

3750X-12S 86.1 86.1 87.1 86.4

3750X-24S 107.5 107.5 108.9 107.9

3560X-24U 97.82 97.27 98.01 97.43

3560X-48U 122.55 121.33 122.06 121.59

3750X-24U 95.59 95.17 96.10 95.33

3750X-48U 126.39 125.29 125.87 125.51

3750X-24T & 3560X-24T C3KX-NM-10G 95.8 95.4 98.7 95.8

3750X-24P & 3560X-24P 101.7 101.5 104.6 101.8

3750X-48T & 3560X-48T 124.2 122.7 126.0 123.3

3750X-48P & 3560X-48P 137.2 136.0 139.3 136.5

3750X-48PF & 3560X-48PF 140.9 139.6 142.9 140.1

3750X-12S 87.6 87.9 91.9 88.6

© 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 27 of 38
Models Uplink Module Power Consumption, W

0% Traffic 10% Traffic 100% Traffic Weighted Average

3750X-24S 109.7 110.1 114.1 110.7

3560X-24U 99.23 99.10 102.63 99.48

3560X-48U 123.54 122.73 125.99 123.17

3750X-24U 99.34 99.16 102.69 99.54

3750X-48U 127.17 126.33 129.48 126.77

3750X-24T & 3560X-24T C3KX-NM-10GT 111.7 110.6 114.1 111.1

3750X-24P & 3560X-24P 119 116.9 122.4 117.7

3750X-48T & 3560X-48T 142.8 141.9 145.4 142.4

3750X-48P & 3560X-48P 151.6 150.7 154.2 151.2

3750X-48PF & 3560X-48PF 156.3 155.1 158.5 155.6

3750X-12S 109.3 109.1 111.2 109.3

3750X-24S 139.4 139 142.7 139.5

3560X-24U 116.16 115.92 119.27 116.29

3560X-48U 139.25 138.42 141.83 138.88

3750X-24U 114.92 114.64 118.09 115.03

3750X-48U 141.22 140.37 143.78 140.84

3750X-24T & 3560X-24T C3KX-SM-10G 125.80 125.63 130.45 126.14

3750X-24P & 3560X-24P 132.15 132.31 137.00 132.75

3750X-48T & 3560X-48T 157.46 156.72 161.61 157.32

3750X-48P & 3560X-48P 166.26 165.57 170.36 166.15

3750X-48PF & 3560X-48PF 169.75 169.35 173.69 169.85

3750X-12S 127.4 127.3 130.3 127.6

3750X-24S 151.7 151.7 156.8 152.2

3560X-24U 131.14 131.05 135.41 131.50

3560X-48U 155.00 154.24 158.86 154.82

3750X-24U 132.43 132.45 137.21 132.92

3750X-48U 156.94 156.33 160.92 156.88

Safety and Compliance

Table 16 lists the safety and compliance information for the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series.

Table 16. Safety and Compliance Information for Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series

Description Specification
Safety Certifications UL60950-1
C-UL to CAN/CSA 22.2 No.60950-1
TUV/GS to EN 60950-1
CB to IEC 60950-1 with all country deviations
AS/NZS 60950-1
CE Marking
NOM (through partners and distributors)
GOST (Russia Safety Mark)

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Description Specification
Electromagnetic Emissions FCC Part 15 Class A
Certifications EN 55022B Class A (CISPR22 Class A)
VCCI Class A
AS/NZS 3548 Class A or AS/NZS CISPR22 Class A
CE Marking
GOST (Russian mark - Post FCS through partners)
CCC for PS FRU Redundant
Environmental Reduction of Hazardous Substances (ROHS) 5
Noise Specifications Office Product Spec: 48dBA at 30°C (refer to ISO 7779)
Telco CLEI code

The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches are NEBS Level 3 compliant according to NEBS Criteria
Levels SR-3580.

Cisco Enhanced Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty

The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches come with an enhanced limited lifetime hardware warranty
(E-LLW) that includes next business day delivery of replacement hardware where available and 90 days of 8x5
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) support.

Your formal warranty statement, including the warranty applicable to Cisco software, appears in the Cisco
information packet that accompanies your Cisco product. We encourage you to review carefully the warranty
statement shipped with your specific product before use.

Cisco reserves the right to refund the purchase price as its exclusive warranty remedy.

For further information on warranty terms, visit Table 17 provides information
about the enhanced limited lifetime hardware warranty.

Table 17. Enhanced Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty

Cisco Enhanced Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty

Device Covered Applies to Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches.

Warranty Duration Lifetime. As long as the original customer owns the product.
EoL Policy In the event of discontinuance of product manufacture, Cisco warranty support is limited to 5 years from the
announcement of discontinuance.

Hardware Replacement Cisco or its service center will use commercially reasonable efforts to ship a replacement for next business day
delivery, where available. Otherwise, a replacement will be shipped within ten (10) working days after receipt of the
RMA request. Actual delivery times might vary depending on customer location.

Effective Date Hardware warranty commences from the date of shipment to customer (and in case of resale by a Cisco reseller, not
more than 90 days after original shipment by Cisco).
TAC Support Cisco will provide during business hours, 8 hours per day, 5 days per week basic configuration, diagnosis, and
troubleshooting of device-level problems for up to a 90-day period from the date of shipment of the originally
purchased Cisco Catalyst 3750-X or 3560-X product. This support does not include solution or network-level support
beyond the specific device under consideration. Access Warranty allows guest access only to

© 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 29 of 38
Software Policy for Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches
Customers with Cisco Catalyst LAN Base and IP Base software feature sets will be provided with maintenance
updates and bug fixes designed to maintain the compliance of the software with published specifications, release
notes, and industry standards compliance as long as the original end user continues to own or use the product or
up to one year from the end-of-sale date for this product, whichever occurs earlier. Customers with licenses for our
premium software images require a service support contract such as Cisco SMARTnet® Service to download

This policy supersedes any previous warranty or software statement and is subject to change without notice.

Cisco and Partner Services for Next-Generation Cisco Catalyst Fixed Switches
Enable the innovative, secure, intelligent edge in the Borderless Network Architecture using personalized services
from Cisco and our partners. Through a discovery process that begins with understanding your business
objectives, we help you integrate the next-generation Cisco Catalyst fixed switches into your architecture and
incorporate network services onto that platform. Sharing knowledge and leading practices, we support your
success every step of the way as you deploy, absorb, manage, and scale new technology. Choose from a flexible
suite of support services designed to meet your business needs and help you maintain high-quality network
performance while controlling operational costs. (See Table 18.)

Table 18. Technical Services Available for Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switches

Technical Services
Cisco SMARTnet Service
● Around-the-clock, global access to the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC)
● Unrestricted access to the extensive knowledge base and tools
● Next-business-day, 8x5x4, 24x7x4, and 24x7x2 advance hardware replacement and onsite parts replacement and installation available
● Ongoing operating system software updates within the licensed feature set
● Proactive diagnostics and real-time alerts on Smart Call Home enabled devices

Cisco Smart Foundation Service

● Next business day advance hardware replacement as available
● Business hours access to SMB TAC (access levels vary by region)
● Access to SMB knowledge base
● Online technical resources through Smart Foundation Portal
● Operating system software bug fixes and patches

Cisco SP Base Service

● Around-the-clock, global access to the Cisco TAC
● Registered access to
● Next business day, 8x5x4, 24x7x4, and 24x7x2 advance hardware replacement. Return to factory option available2
● Ongoing operating system software updates1

Cisco Focused Technical Support Services

● 3 levels of premium, high-touch services are available:
● Cisco High-Touch Operations Management Service
● Cisco High-Touch Technical Support Service
● Cisco High-Touch Engineering Service
● Valid Cisco SMARTnet or SP Base contracts on all network equipment are required

. Cisco operating system updates include the following: maintenance releases, minor updates, and major updates within the licensed feature set.
. Advance hardware replacement is available in various service-level combinations. For example, 8x5xNBD indicates that shipment will be
initiated during the standard 8-hour business day, 5 days a week (the generally accepted business days within the relevant region), with next
business day (NBD) delivery. Where NBD is not available, same day ship is provided. Restrictions apply; for details, review the appropriate
service descriptions.

© 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 30 of 38
Ordering Information
Table 19 lists ordering information for the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series. To place an order, visit the
Cisco Ordering homepage at

Table 19. Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Ordering Information

Product Number Product Description

Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series
WS-C3750X-24T-L Stackable 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, with 350W AC power supply
1 RU, LAN Base feature set (Stackpower cables need to be purchased separately)
WS-C3750X-48T-L Stackable 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, with 350W AC power supply
1 RU, LAN Base feature set (Stackpower cables need to be purchased separately)
WS-C3750X-24P-L Stackable 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet PoE+ ports, with 715W AC power supply
1 RU, LAN Base feature set (Stackpower cables need to be purchased separately)

WS-C3750X-24U-L Stackable 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet UPOE ports, with 1100W AC power supply
1 RU, LAN Base feature set (Stackpower cables need to be purchased separately)
WS-C3750X-48P-L Stackable 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet PoE+ ports, with 715W AC power supply
1 RU, LAN Base feature set (Stackpower cables need to be purchased separately)
WS-C3750X-48PF-L Stackable 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet PoE+ ports, with 1100W AC power supply
1 RU, LAN Base feature set (Stackpower cables need to be purchased separately)

WS-C3750X-48U-L Stackable 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet UPOE ports, with 1100W AC power supply
1 RU, LAN Base feature set (Stackpower cables need to be purchased separately)
WS-C3750X-24T-S Stackable 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, with 350W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Base feature set

WS-C3750X-48T-S Stackable 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, with 350W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Base feature set
WS-C3750X-24P-S Stackable 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet PoE+ ports, with 715W AC Power Supply 1 RU, IP Base feature set
WS-C3750X-24U-S Stackable 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet UPOE ports, with 1100W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Base feature set

WS-C3750X-48P-S Stackable 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet PoE+ ports, with 715W AC Power Supply 1 RU, IP Base feature set
WS-C3750X-48PF-S Stackable 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet PoE+ ports, with 1100W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Base feature set
WS-C3750X-48U-S Stackable 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet UPOE ports, with 1100W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Base feature set

WS-C3750X-12S-S Stackable 12 GE SFP Ethernet ports, with 350W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Base feature set
WS-C3750X-24S-S Stackable 24 GE SFP Ethernet ports, with 350W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Base feature set
WS-C3750X-24T-E Stackable 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, with 350W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Services feature set
WS-C3750X-48T-E Stackable 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, with 350W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Services feature set
WS-C3750X-24P-E Stackable 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet PoE+ ports, with 715W AC Power Supply 1 RU, IP Services feature set
WS-C3750X-24U-E Stackable 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet UPOE ports, with 1100W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Services feature set

WS-C3750X-48P-E Stackable 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet PoE+ ports, with 715W AC Power Supply 1 RU, IP Services feature set
WS-C3750X-48PF-E Stackable 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet PoE+ ports, with 1100W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Services feature set
WS-C3750X-48U-E Stackable 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet UPOE ports, with 1100W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Services feature set

WS-C3750X-12S-E Stackable 12 GE SFP Ethernet ports, with 350W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Services feature set
WS-C3750X-24S-E Stackable 24 GE SFP Ethernet ports, with 350W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Services feature set
Cisco Catalyst 3560-X Series

WS-C3560X-24T-L Standalone 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, with 350W AC power supply 1 RU, LAN Base feature set
WS-C3560X-48T-L Standalone 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, with 350W AC power supply 1 RU, LAN Base feature set
WS-C3560X-24P-L Standalone 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet PoE+ ports, with 715W AC power supply 1 RU, LAN Base feature set

WS-C3560X-24U-L Standalone 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet UPOE ports, with 1100W AC power supply 1 RU, LAN Base feature set

© 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 31 of 38
Product Number Product Description

WS-C3560X-48P-L Standalone 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet PoE+ ports, with 715W AC power supply 1 RU, LAN Base feature set
WS-C3560X-48P-L Standalone 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet PoE+ ports, with 715W AC power supply 1 RU, LAN Base feature set
WS-C3560X-48PF-L Standalone 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet PoE+ ports, with 1100W AC power supply 1 RU, LAN Base feature set
WS-C3560X-48U-L Standalone 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet UPOE ports, with 1100W AC power supply 1 RU, LAN Base feature set
WS-C3560X-24T-S Standalone 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, with 350W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Base feature set
WS-C3560X-48T-S Standalone 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, with 350W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Base feature set
WS-C3560X-24P-S Standalone 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet PoE+ ports, with 715W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Base feature set
WS-C3560X-24U-S Standalone 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet UPOE ports, with 1100W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Base feature set
WS-C3560X-48P-S Standalone 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet PoE+ ports, with 715W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Base feature set
WS-C3560X-48PF-S Standalone 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet PoE+ ports, with 1100W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Base feature set
WS-C3560X-48U-S Standalone 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet UPOE ports, with 1100W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Base feature set

WS-C3560X-24T-E Standalone 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, with 350W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Services feature set
WS-C3560X-48T-E Standalone 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, with 350W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Services feature set
WS-C3560X-24P-E Standalone 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet PoE+ ports, with 715W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Services feature set

WS-C3560X-24U-E Standalone 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet UPOE ports, with 1100W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Services feature set
WS-C3560X-48P-E Standalone 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet PoE+ ports, with 715W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Services feature set
WS-C3560X-48PF-E Standalone 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet PoE+ ports, with 1100W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Services feature set

WS-C3560X-48U-E Standalone 48 10/100/1000 Ethernet UPOE ports, with 1100W AC power supply 1 RU, IP Services feature set
Network Modules for the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series
C3KX-NM-1G= 1G network module spare

C3KX-NM-10G= 10G network module spare

C3KX-NM-10GT= 10G-T network module spare
C3KX-NM-BLANK= Network module blank spare

C3KX-SM-10G= 10G Service Module Spare

Power Supplies and Fan for the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series
C3KX-PWR-350WAC= 350W AC power supply

C3KX-PWR-715WAC= 715W AC power supply

C3KX-PWR-1100WAC= 1100W AC power supply
C3KX-PWR-440WDC= 440W DC power supply
C3KX-PS-BLANK= Power supply blank spare
C3KX-FAN-23CFM= Fan module spare

eXpandable Power System (XPS) for the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series
XPS-2200 eXpandable Power System 2200
CAB-XPS-58CM= XPS cable 58 cm spare
CAB-XPS-150CM= XPS cable 150 cm spare
XPS-2200-FAN= XPS 2200 fan module spare
StackWise and StackPower Cables for the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series
CAB-STACK-50CM= Cisco StackWise 50 cm stacking cable
CAB-STACK-1M= Cisco StackWise 1 m stacking cable
CAB-STACK-3M= Cisco StackWise 3 m stacking cable
CAB-STACK-50CM-NH= Cisco StackWise 50 cm nonhalogen lead-free stacking cable
CAB-STACK-1M-NH= Cisco StackWise 1 m nonhalogen lead-free stacking cable
CAB-STACK-3M-NH= Cisco StackWise 3 m nonhalogen lead-free stacking cable

© 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 32 of 38
Product Number Product Description

CAB-SPWR-30CM= Cisco Catalyst 3750-X StackPower cable 30 cm spare

CAB-SPWR-150CM= Cisco Catalyst 3750-X StackPower cable 150 cm spare
Spare Power Cords for the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series
CAB-3KX-AC= AC Power Cord for Cisco Catalyst 3K-X (North America)
CAB-3KX-AC-AP= AC Power Cord for Cisco Catalyst 3K-X (Australia)
CAB-3KX-AC-AR= AC Power Cord for Cisco Catalyst 3K-X (Argentina)
CAB-3KX-AC-SW= AC Power Cord for Cisco Catalyst 3K-X (Switzerland)
CAB-3KX-AC-UK= AC Power Cord for Cisco Catalyst 3K-X (United Kingdom)
CAB-3KX-AC-JP= AC Power Cord for Cisco Catalyst 3K-X (Japan)
CAB-3KX-250VAC-JP= Japan 250V AC Power Cord for Cisco Catalyst 3K-X (Japan)
CAB-3KX-AC-EU= AC Power Cord for Cisco Catalyst 3K-X (Europe)

CAB-3KX-AC-IT= AC Power Cord for Cisco Catalyst 3K-X (Italy)

CAB-3KX-AC-IN= AC Power Cord for Cisco Catalyst 3K-X (India)
CAB-3KX-AC-CN= AC Power Cord for Cisco Catalyst 3K-X (China)

CAB-3KX-AC-DN= AC Power Cord for Cisco Catalyst 3K-X (Denmark)

CAB-3KX-AC-IS= AC Power Cord for Cisco Catalyst 3K-X (Israel)
CAB-C15-CBN Cabinet Jumper Power Cord, 250 VAC 13A, C14-C15 Connectors

Spare Accessory and Rack Mount Kits for the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series
C3KX-ACC-KIT= Accessory kit for Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series

C3KX-RACK-KIT= Rack mount kit for Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series
C3KX-4PT-KIT= Extension rails and brackets for four-point mounting for Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series

FIPS Accessory Kit for the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series
C3KX-FIPS-KIT FIPS Opacity Shield for Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series

Not supported for NEBS
DOM = digital optical monitoring
These SFPs will not operate in the SFP+ module slots for the C3KX-NM-10G and C3KX-SM-10G Network Modules

Optics compatibility information

The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series support a wide range of optics. Since the list of supported optics is
updated on a regular basis, please consult the tables available here for the latest SFP compatibility information:

Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Product Activation Process

The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series product activation process has two steps, described in Table 20.

The first step shows the product activation key, and the second step shows the various upgrade licenses.

Table 20. Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Product Activation Process

Step One: Product Activation Keys Step Two: Upgrade License

Product Number and Description Product Number Product Description

C3750X-LIC= 3750-X LAN Base to IP Base Upgrade License
(Product activation keys for 3750-X C3750X-24-L-S C3750X-24 LAN Base to IP Base Paper License
C3750X-48-L-S C3750X-48 LAN Base to IP Base Paper License

L-C3750X-24-L-S C3750X-24 LAN Base to IP Base E-License

L-C3750X-48-L-S C3750X-48 LAN Base to IP Base E-License

© 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 33 of 38
Step One: Product Activation Keys Step Two: Upgrade License

Product Number and Description Product Number Product Description

3750-X IP Base to IP Services Upgrade

C3750X-24-IOS-S-E C3750X-24 IP Base to IP Services factory IOS Upgrade

C3750X-48-IOS-S-E C3750X-48 IP Base to IP Services factory IOS Upgrade

C3750X-24-S-E C3750X-24 IP Base to IP Services Paper License

C3750X-48-S-E C3750X-48 IP Base to IP Services Paper License

C3750X-12S-S-E C3750X-12S IP Base to IP Services Paper License

C3750X-24S-S-E C3750X-24S IP Base to IP Services Paper License

L-C3750X-24-S-E C3750X-24 IP Base to IP Services E-License

L-C3750X-48-S-E C3750X-48 IP Base to IP Services E-License

L-C3750X-12S-S-E C3750X-12S IP Base to IP Services E-License

L-C3750X-24S-S-E C3750X-24S IP Base to IP Services E-License

3750-X LAN Base to IP Services Upgrade

C3750X-24-L-E C3750X-24 LAN Base to IP Services Paper License

C3750X-48-L-E C3750X-48 LAN Base to IP Services Paper License

L-C3750X-24-L-E C3750X-24 LAN Base to IP Services E-License

L-C3750X-48-L-E C3750X-48 LAN Base to IP Services E-License

C3560X-LIC= 3560-X LAN Base to IP Base Upgrade License

(Product activation keys for 3560-X C3560X-24-L-S C3560X-24 LAN Base to IP Base Paper License
C3560X-48-L-S C3560X-48 LAN Base to IP Base Paper License

L-C3560X-24-L-S C3560X-24 LAN Base to IP Base E-License

L-C3560X-48-L-S C3560X-48 LAN Base to IP Base E-License

3560-X IP Base to IP Services Upgrade

C3560X-24-IOS-S-E C3560X-24 IP Base to IP Services factory IOS Upgrade

C3560X-48-IOS-S-E C3560X-48 IP Base to IP Services factory IOS Upgrade

C3560X-24-S-E C3560X-24 IP Base to IP Services Paper License

C3560X-48-S-E C3560X-48 IP Base to IP Services Paper License

L-C3560X-24-S-E C3560X-24 IP Base to IP Services E-License

L-C3560X-48-S-E C3560X-48 IP Base to IP Services E-License

3560-X LAN Base to IP Services Upgrade

C3560X-24-L-E C3560X-24 LAN Base to IP Services Paper License

C3560X-48-L-E C3560X-48 LAN Base to IP Services Paper License

L-C3560X-24-L-E C3560X-24 LAN Base to IP Services E-License

L-C3560X-48-L-E C3560X-48 LAN Base to IP Services E-License

© 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 34 of 38
XPS 2200 Performance Specifications
Table 21 lists the performance specifications for the power supplies.

Please note that the same power supplies used in the 3750-X and 3560-X are all usable in the XPS-2200 (please
refer to Table 12).

Table 21. XPS 2200 Performance Specifications

Performance Numbers for XPS 2200

Total Power Sharing Capability (Stack Power Mode, 9 Switches and 20 total 1100W power supplies) 22kW
Maximum Power Back-up Capability (RPS Mode, 2x1100W power supplies in XPS 2200) 2200W
Nominal Voltage 56V
Nominal Maximum Current per Port (input or output) 40A
Flash 8MB

Heat Dissipation
Table 22 provides heat dissipation information for the Cisco XPS 2200.

Table 22. Heat Dissipation

Cisco XPS 2200 Power Supply Heat Dissipation

No Load (BTU/hr) Full Load (BTU/hr)

1 x 350WAC 120 480

2 x 350WAC 160 665

1 x 715WAC 155 610

2 x 715WAC 205 920

1 x 1100WAC 155 825

2 x 1100WAC 205 1350

1 x 440WDC 115 645

2 x 440WDC 155 990

Physical and Environmental Specifications

Table 23 lists the physical and environmental specifications for XPS-2200.

Table 23. Physical and Environmental Specifications

Description Specification
Physical specifications H x W x D:
1.73 x 17.5 x 20.5 in.
(4.4 x 44.5 x 52.1 cm)
19.8 lb (9.0 kg)
Total input BTU (1000 BTU/Hr = 290W) 8525 BTU/Hr
Operating temperature -5 to 45°C up to 5000ft elevation, -5 to 40°C up to 10000ft elevation
Storage temperature -40 to 70°C
Relative humidity operating, 5 to 95% non-condensing
Relative humidity non-operating, 5 to 95% non-condensing
Operating altitude 10,000 ft. (3000m)

© 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 35 of 38
Description Specification
Storage altitude 15,000 ft. (4750 m)
Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) 222,000 hours
Electromagnetic compatibility FCC Class A for North America: 47 CFR Part 15
certifications VCCI Class A for Japan: V-3/2007.04
CCC EMC for China on Spare Power Supplies: EN61000-3-2 (GB17625.1-1998)
BSMI Class A for Taiwan: CNS13438
KCC (formerly MIC) GB17625.1-1998 Class A for Korea: KN24/KN22
AS/NZS Class A for Australia: CISPR22:2004 or EN55022
Brazil, ANATEL In-Country approval
CE Class A for European Union: EN55022, EN300386, EN55024 (CISPR24)
Safety certifications UL 60950-1
CAN/CSA 22.2 No.60950-1
EN 60950-1CB to IEC 60950-1
GB 4943

Acoustic Specifications
Table 24 lists the acoustic specifications of the Cisco XPS 2200.

The following numbers represent the range of values for Idle, 50% and 100%:

Table 24. Cisco XPS 2200 Acoustic Specifications

Cisco XPS 2200 Power Sound Pressure Sound Power

Supply Configuration
LpA (Typical) LpAD (Maximum) LwA (Typical) LwAD (Maximum)
2 x 1100WAC 43 dB 63 dB 5.3 B 7.3 B

2 x 715WAC 42 dB 61 dB 5.3 B 6.6 B

Dimensions and Weight Options

Table 25 describes various XPS2200 dimensions and weight options (All have a 1 RU height).

Table 25. Cisco XPS 2200 Dimensions and Weight Options

XPS2200 dimensions and Dimensions (H x W x D) Weight

weight options
Inches Centimeters Pounds Kilograms
XPS2200 including 3 fan 1.73 x 17.5 x 17.46 4.4 x 44.5 x 44.4 12.8 5.8
With two C3K-PWR- 1.73 x 17.5 x 20.5 4.4 x 44.5 x 52.1 19.0 8.6
1100WAC power
With two C3K-PWR- 1.73 x 17.5 x 19.0 4.4 x 44.5 x 48.3 18.5 8.4
715WAC power supplies
With two C3K-PWR- 1.73 x 17.5 x 19.0 4.4 x 44.5 x 48.3 18.5 8.4
350WAC power supplies
With two C3K-PWR- 1.73 x 17.5 x 19.0 4.4 x 44.5 x 48.3 18.4 8.3
440WDC power supplies

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Connectors and Cabling
Table 26 describes the connectors and cabling for the XPS2200.

Table 26. Cisco XPS 2200 Connectors and Cabling

Connectors and Cabling ● Cisco StackPower: Cisco Proprietary Power Stacking cables
● Service port: RJ-45-to-DB9 cable for PC connections

Power Connectors ● Customers can provide power to a XPS-2200 by using either the internal power supply or via one or more 3750-
X/3560-X Switches. The connectors are located at the back of the switch. (9 StackPower/XPS ports and up to two
AC Power Inlet Connections).
● Internal power supply connector: The internal power supply is an autoranging unit. The internal power supply
supports input voltages between 100 and 240VAC. Use the supplied AC power cord to connect the AC power
connector to an AC power outlet.

The Cisco XPS 2200 has 3 field-replaceable fan modules (XPS-2200-FAN).

Table 27 describes the fan module for the XPS2200.

Table 27. Cisco XPS 2200 Fan Module Dimensions and Weight

Dimensions (H x W x D) Weight

Inches Centimeters Pounds Kilograms

XPS2200 Fan Module 1.59 x 1.59 x 4.24 4.04 x 4.04 x 10.77 .13 .06

● System fan modules offer up to 24 cubic feet per minute (CFM) under full load at ambient temperature of
45°C and altitude of 3000 meters.

Table 28 describes the indicator options for the XPS2200.

Table 28. Cisco XPS 2200 Indicators

RPS Mode- 9 port ● Solid Green when in RPS mode and able to backup this Port
associated LEDs ● Blinking Green when actively backing up Port
● Solid Amber indicates backup not available for this Port
● Blinking Amber for any port faults

SP Mode- 9 port ● Solid Green when in SP mode and there are no issues
associated LEDs ● Blinking Green not defined
● Solid Amber indicates that SP port off-line (No Power Output)
● Blinking Amber for any port faults

Combined function (SP ● Blinking Amber on both RPS and SP LEDs indicates cable fault (short, etc.)
and RPS) LEDs ● Both RPS and SP ports alternate Green/Amber when selected via push button
● 18 Port LEDs for new features with more comprehensive single look status assessment

System LEDs - Front of ● System

System ◦ Solid Green - Normal operation with no faults
◦ Blinking Green during boot
◦ Solid Amber - Temperature faults, cable faults, port faults, power supply faults, fan faults
◦ Blinking Amber during software updates
● Fan
◦ Use one Fan LED, amber when any one fan fails, green when all OK
◦ Each FRU Fan (3) will have an associated Status LED (green=working, amber=failed), but no silkscreen on
front panel
● Temp
◦ Green - No Problems. Amber - Over Temperature

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● FEP (PS1 & PS2)
◦ Solid Green - Stack Power Mode OK
◦ Blinking Green - RPS Mode OK
◦ Solid Amber - Stack Power Mode Faulty

Power Supply Specifications

The XPS 2200 uses the same power supplies as the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches. Refer to
Table 12 for the power specifications for each type of power supply that is usable in the XPS 2200 as well as the
Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches.

Cisco XPS2200 Ordering information

Table 29 shows Cisco XPS2200 ordering information.

Table 29. Ordering Information

Product Number Product Description

XPS-2200 eXpandable Power System 2200

CAB-XPS-58CM= XPS cable 58 cm spare
Cable to connect XPS-2200 StackPower/XPS ports to 3750-X or 3560-X Switch SKUs

CAB-XPS-150CM= XPS cable 150 cm spare

Cable to connect XPS-2200 StackPower/XPS ports to 3750-X or 3560-X Switch SKUs
XPS-2200-FAN= XPS 2200 fan module spare

C3KX-RACK-KIT= Rack mount kit for Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series
C3KX-ACC-KIT= Accessory kit for Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series
C3KX-4PT-KIT= Extension rails and brackets for four-point mounting for Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series

Printed in USA C78-584733-10 05/13

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Data Sheet

Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series

Product Overview
Cisco® Catalyst® 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Switches are fixed-configuration, stackable Gigabit Ethernet
switches that provide enterprise-class access for campus and branch applications (Figure 1). Designed for
operational simplicity to lower total cost of ownership, they enable scalable, secure and energy-efficient business
operations with intelligent services and a range of advanced Cisco IOS® Software features.

Figure 1. Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Series Switches

Product Highlights
Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Series Switches feature:

● 24 or 48 Gigabit Ethernet ports with line-rate forwarding performance

● Gigabit Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) or 10G SFP+ uplinks
● FlexStack-Extended capabilities for out-of-the wiring-closet distance stacking of up to 8 switches with 40
Gbps of stack throughput (optional)
● FlexStack-Plus for stacking of up to 8 switches with 80 Gbps of stack throughput (optional)
● Power over Ethernet Plus (PoE+) support with up to 740W of PoE budget
● 24-port PoE fanless switch for deployment outside the wiring closet
● Reduced power consumption and advanced energy management features
● USB and Ethernet management interfaces for simplified operations
● Application visibility and capacity planning with integrated Full (Flexible) NetFlow and NetFlow-Lite
● LAN Base or LAN Lite Cisco IOS software features
● Enhanced Limited Lifetime Warranty (E-LLW) offering next-business-day hardware replacement
● Identify, classify and control of trusted internal network traffic through Domain Name System as an
Authoritative Source (DNS-AS)

Cisco Catalyst 2960-XR Series Switches also offer:

● Power resiliency with optional dual field-replaceable power supplies

● IP Lite Cisco IOS software with dynamic routing and Layer 3 features

© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 1 of 28
Switch Models and Configurations
Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Series Switches include a single fixed power supply and are available with either the Cisco
IOS LAN Base or LAN Lite feature set. Cisco Catalyst 2960-XR Series Switches include a field-replaceable
modular power supply and can accommodate a second power supply. The Cisco Catalyst 2960-XR Series is
available only with the Cisco IOS IP Lite feature set.

Table 1. Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Series Configurations

Model 10/100/1000 Uplink interfaces Cisco IOS Available FlexStack-Plus and

Ethernet ports Software image PoE power FlexStack-Extended
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48FPD-L 48 2 SFP+ LAN Base 740W Y
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48LPD-L 48 2 SFP+ LAN Base 370W Y
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PD-L 24 2 SFP+ LAN Base 370W Y
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TD-L 48 2 SFP+ LAN Base - Y

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TD-L 24 2 SFP+ LAN Base - Y

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48FPS-L 48 4 SFP LAN Base 740W Y
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48LPS-L 48 4 SFP LAN Base 370W Y

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PS-L 24 4 SFP LAN Base 370W Y

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PSQ-L 24 (8 PoE) 2 SFP, LAN Base 110W -
2 10/100/1000BT

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TS-L 48 4 SFP LAN Base - Y

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TS-L 24 4 SFP LAN Base - Y
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TS-LL 48 2 SFP LAN Lite - -

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TS-LL 24 2 SFP LAN Lite - -

Table 2. Cisco Catalyst 2960-XR Series Configurations

Model 10/100/1000 Uplink Cisco IOS Available Power FlexStack-Plus and

Ethernet ports interfaces Software PoE supply FlexStack-Extended
image power capability
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48FPD-I 48 2 SFP+ IP Lite 740W 1025WAC Y
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48LPD-I 48 2 SFP+ IP Lite 370W 640WAC Y

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24PD-I 24 2 SFP+ IP Lite 370W 640WAC Y

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48TD-I 48 2 SFP+ IP Lite - 250WAC Y
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24TD-I 24 2 SFP+ IP Lite - 250WAC Y
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48FPS-I 48 4 SFP IP Lite 740W 1025WAC Y
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48LPS-I 48 4 SFP IP Lite 370W 640WAC Y
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24PS-I 24 4 SFP IP Lite 370W 640WAC Y
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48TS-I 48 4 SFP IP Lite - 250WAC Y
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24TS-I 24 4 SFP IP Lite - 250WAC Y

Catalyst 2960-X Series Software Features

All Catalyst 2960-X Series Switches use a single Universal Cisco IOS Software Image for all SKUs. Depending on
the switch model, the Cisco IOS image automatically configures the LAN Lite, LAN Base, or IP Lite feature set.

LAN Lite models have reduced functionality and scalability for small deployments with basic requirements. Cisco
Catalyst 2960-X Series Switches are available with the LAN Base and LAN Lite feature sets, and the Cisco
Catalyst 2960-XR Series Switches are available with the IP Lite feature set.

© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 2 of 28
Note that each switch model is tied to a specific feature level; LAN Lite cannot be upgraded to LAN Base and LAN
Base cannot be upgraded to IP Lite.

For more information about the features included in the LAN Lite, LAN Base and IP Lite feature sets, refer to Cisco
Feature Navigator:

Cisco ONE Software

Cisco ONE™ Software for Access Switching is available for the Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR
Series Switches.

Cisco ONE Software is a new way for customers to purchase and use our infrastructure software. It offers a
simplified consumption model, centered on common customer scenarios in the data center, WANs, and LANs.

Cisco ONE Software and services provide customers with four primary benefits:

● Software suites that address typical customer use scenarios at an attractive price
● Investment protection of their software purchase through software services-enabled license portability
● Access to ongoing innovation and new technology with Cisco Software Support Service (SWSS)
● Flexible licensing models to smoothly distribute customer's software spend over time

For ordering information for Cisco ONE Software for the Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Switches, go

Cisco Catalyst 2960-XR Series IP Lite High-Performance Routing

The Cisco hardware routing architecture delivers extremely high-performance IP routing in the Cisco Catalyst
2960-XR Series IP Lite Switches:

● IP unicast routing protocols (Static, Routing Information Protocol Version 1 [RIPv1], RIPv2, RIPng,
and EIGRP-Stub) are supported for network routing applications.
● Advanced IP unicast routing protocols (OSPF for Routed Access) are supported for load balancing and
constructing scalable LANs. IPv6 routing (OSPFv3) is supported in hardware for maximum performance.
● EIGRPv3-Stub and PIMv6-Stub are supported as a part of the IPv6 routing suite.
● Equal-cost routing facilitates Layer 3 load balancing and redundancy across the stack.
● Policy-Based Routing (PBR) allows superior control by facilitating flow redirection regardless of the routing
protocol configured (for both IPv4 and IPv6).
● Hot Standby Routing Protocol (HSRP) and Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) provides
dynamic load balancing and failover for routed links.
● Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) for IP multicast is supported, including PIM Sparse Mode
(PIM-SM), PIM Dense Mode (PIM-DM), PIM sparse-dense mode and Source Specific Multicast (SSM).

© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 28
Network Security
The Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Switches provide a range of security features to limit access to the
network and mitigate threats, including:

● MAC-based VLAN assignment enables different users to authenticate on different VLANs. This feature
enables each user to have a different data VLAN on the same interface.
● Cisco TrustSec® uses SXP to simplify security and policy enforcement throughout the network. For more
information about Cisco TrustSec security solutions, visit
● Comprehensive 802.1X Features to control access to the network, including Flexible Authentication,
802.1x Monitor Mode, and RADIUS Change of Authorization.
● IPv6 First-Hop Security enhances Layer-2 and Layer-3 network access from proliferating IPv6 devices
especially BYOD devices. It protects against rogue router advertisements, address spoofing, fake DHCP
replies and other risks introduced by IPv6 technology.
● Device Sensor and Device Classifier enable seamless versatile device profiles including BYOD devices.
They also enable Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) to provision identity based security policies. This
feature is available on both the 2960-X and the 2960-XR product families.
● Cisco Trust Anchor Technology enables easy distribution of a single universal image for all models of
2960-X and 2960-XR Series by verifying the authenticity of IOS images. This technology allows the switch
to perform IOS integrity checks at boot-up by verifying the signature, verifying the Trusted Asset under
Management and authenticating the license.
● Cisco Threat Defense features including Port Security, Dynamic ARP Inspection, and IP Source Guard.
● Private VLANs restrict traffic between hosts in a common segment by segregating traffic at Layer 2, turning
a broadcast segment into a nonbroadcast multi access like segment. This feature is available in the IP Lite
feature set only.
◦ Private VLAN Edge provides security and isolation between switch ports, which helps ensure that users
cannot snoop on other users’ traffic.
● Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (uRPF) feature helps mitigate problems caused by the introduction of
malformed or forged (spoofed) IP source address into a network by discarding IP packets that lack a
verifiable IP source address. This feature is available in the IP Lite feature set only.
● Multidomain Authentication allows an IP phone and a PC to authenticate on the same switch port while
placing them on appropriate voice and data VLAN.
● Access Control Lists (ACLs) for IPv6 and IPv4 for security and QoS ACEs.
◦ VLAN ACLs on all VLANs prevent unauthorized data flows from being bridged within VLANs.
◦ Router ACLs define security policies on routed interfaces for control-plane and data-plane traffic. IPv6
ACLs can be applied to filter IPv6 traffic.
◦ Port-based ACLs for Layer 2 interfaces allow security policies to be applied on individual switch ports.
● Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol, Kerberos, and Simple Network Management Protocol Version 3
(SNMPv3) provide network security by encrypting administrator traffic during Telnet and SNMP sessions.
SSH Protocol, Kerberos, and the cryptographic version of SNMPv3 require a special cryptographic software
image because of U.S. export restrictions.

© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 4 of 28
● Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN), with bidirectional data support, allows Cisco Intrusion Detection System
(IDS) to take action when an intruder is detected.
● TACACS+ and RADIUS authentication facilitates centralized control of the switch and restricts
unauthorized users from altering the configuration.
● MAC Address Notification allows administrators to be notified of users added to or removed from the
● Multilevel security on console access prevents unauthorized users from altering the switch configuration.
● Bridge protocol data unit (BPDU) Guard shuts down Spanning Tree Port Fast-enabled interfaces when
BPDUs are received to avoid accidental topology loops.
● Spanning Tree Root Guard (STRG) prevents edge devices not in the network administrator’s control from
becoming Spanning Tree Protocol root nodes.
● IGMP filtering provides multicast authentication by filtering out nonsubscribers and limits the number of
concurrent multicast streams available per port.
● Dynamic VLAN assignment is supported through implementation of VLAN Membership Policy Server
client capability to provide flexibility in assigning ports to VLANs. Dynamic VLAN facilitates the fast
assignment of IP addresses.

Redundancy and Resiliency

Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Switches offer a number of redundancy and resiliency features to
prevent outages and help ensure that the network remains available:

● Cross-stack EtherChannel provides the ability to configure Cisco EtherChannel technology across
different members of the stack for high resiliency.
● Flexlink provides link redundancy with convergence time less than 100 milliseconds.
● IEEE 802.1s/w Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) and Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP)
provide rapid spanning-tree convergence independent of spanning-tree timers and also offer the benefit of
Layer 2 load balancing and distributed processing. Stacked units behave as a single spanning-tree node.
● Per-VLAN Rapid Spanning Tree (PVRST+) allows rapid spanning-tree reconvergence on a per-VLAN
spanning-tree basis, without requiring the implementation of spanning-tree instances.
● Cisco Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) is supported to create redundant, fail safe routing topologies
in 2960-XR Series IP Lite SKUs.
● Switch-port auto-recovery (Error Disable) automatically attempts to reactivate a link that is disabled
because of a network error.
● Power redundancy with an optional second power supply on 2960-XR Series models, or with an external
RPS on 2960-X Series models.

Enhanced Quality of Service

The Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Switches offer intelligent traffic management that keeps everything
flowing smoothly. Flexible mechanisms for marking, classification, and scheduling deliver superior performance for
data, voice, and video traffic, all at wire speed. Primary QoS features include:

● Up to eight egress queues per port and strict priority queuing so that the highest priority packets are
serviced ahead of all other traffic.

© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 5 of 28
● Shaped Round Robin (SRR) scheduling and Weighted Tail Drop (WTD) congestion avoidance.
● Flow-based rate limiting and up to 256 aggregate or individual policers per port.
● 802.1p class of service (CoS) and Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) classification, with
marking and reclassification on a per-packet basis by source and destination IP address, MAC address, or
Layer 4 TCP/UDP port number.
● Cross-stack QoS to allow QoS to be configured across a stack of 2960-X and 2960-XR Series switches.
● The Cisco committed information rate (CIR) function provides bandwidth in increments as low as 8 Kbps.
● Rate limiting is provided based on source and destination IP address, source and destination MAC
address, Layer 4 TCP/UDP information, or any combination of these fields, using QoS ACLs (IP ACLs or
MAC ACLs), class maps, and policy maps.

Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Switching Database Manager

Switching Database Manager (SDM) templates for LAN Base and IP Lite licenses allows the administrator to
automatically optimize the Ternary Content-Addressable Memory (TCAM) allocation to the desired features based
on deployment-specific requirements. MAC, routing, security, and QoS scalability numbers depend on the type of
template used in the switch.

Please refer to the SDM template reference link for more information:

Table 3. Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Series LAN Lite and LAN Base Scalability Numbers

Resources LAN Lite (default) LAN Base (default)

Unicast MAC addresses 16,000 16,000
IPv4 unicast direct routes 320 2000

IPv4 unicast indirect routes 32 1000

IPv6 unicast direct routes 256 2000
IPv6 unicast indirect routes 0 1000
IPv4 multicast routes and IGMP groups 1000 1000
IPv6 multicast groups 1000 1000
IPv4 QoS ACEs 384 500

IPv6 QoS ACEs 256 500

IPv4 security ACEs 256 600
IPv6 Security ACEs 256 600

Table 4. Cisco Catalyst 2960-XR Series IP Lite Scalability Numbers

Resources Default (IP Lite) VLAN (IP Lite) IPv4 (IP Lite)
Unicast MAC addresses 16K 32K 16K
IPv4 unicast direct routes 4K 250 16K
IPv4 unicast indirect routes 1.25K 250 8K
IPv6 unicast direct routes 4K 250 0
IPv6 unicast indirect routes 1.25K 250 0

IPv4 multicast routes and IGMP groups 1K 1K 1K

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Resources Default (IP Lite) VLAN (IP Lite) IPv4 (IP Lite)
IPv6 multicast groups 1K 1K 0
IPv4 QoS ACEs 500 500 500
IPv6 QoS ACEs 250 500 0
IPv4 security ACEs 1K 1K 875
IPv6 security ACEs 500 500 0
IPv4 policy-based routing ACEs 500 0 375

Cisco FlexStack-Plus
Cisco FlexStack-Plus provides stacking of up to eight 2960-X or 2960-XR Series switches with the optional
FlexStack-Plus module (Figure 2).

The FlexStack-Plus module is hot swappable and can be added to any Cisco Catalyst 2960-X or Catalyst 2960-XR
Series Switch with a FlexStack-Plus slot. Switches connected to a stack will automatically upgrade to the stack’s
Cisco IOS Software version and transparently join the stack without additional intervention.

To provide investment protection, FlexStack-Plus is backward-compatible with FlexStack. Cisco Catalyst 2960-X
LAN Base switches equipped with a FlexStack-Plus module can be stacked with Catalyst 2960-S and 2960-SF
LAN Base switches equipped with a FlexStack module (see Table 5).

Table 5. FlexStack and FlexStack-Plus Supported Combinations

Stack member 2960-XR IP Lite 2960-X LAN Base 2960-S/SF LAN Base
2960-XR IP Lite Yes - -

2960-X LAN Base - Yes Yes

2960-S or 2960-SF LAN Base - Yes Yes

Table 6. FlexStack-Plus Scalability and Performance

Stack member Stack bandwidth Stack limit Cisco IOS feature set

2960-XR IP Lite 80G 8 IP Lite

2960-X LAN Base 80G 8 LAN Base
2960-X LAN Base mixed with 40G 4 LAN Base
2960-S/SF LAN Base

Figure 2. Cisco FlexStack-Plus Switch Stack

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Cisco FlexStack-Extended
Cisco FlexStack-Extended enables a long-distance out-of-the wiring-closet stack option (floor to floor). It allows
back-panel stacking of up to eight Cisco Catalyst 2960-X or Catalyst 2960-XR Series Switches. FlexStack-
Extended can be added to supported Cisco Catalyst 2960-X or 2960-XR Series switch with a back stacking slot.
FlexStack-Extended is supported from IOS 15.2(6)E onward and is available in two module configurations: a Fiber
Module and a Hybrid Module.

The Hybrid Module has a copper port that enables short-reach connectivity across a local stack of switches. It
provides investment protection and compatibility with FlexStack-Plus through the copper port, while the SFP+ port
supports distance stacking.

The Fiber Module has two SFP+ ports supporting long-reach out-of-the wiring-closet stacking.

Please refer to Table 18 for information about transceiver and cable compatibility with FlexStack-Extended.

Cisco FlexStack-Plus, FlexStack-Extended, and Cisco IOS Software offer true stacking, with all switches in a stack
acting as a single switch unit. FlexStack-Plus and FlexStack-Extended provide a unified data plane, unified
configuration, and single IP address for switch management. The advantages of true stacking include lower total
cost of ownership and higher availability through simplified management as well as cross-stack features including
EtherChannel, SPAN, and FlexLink.

Figure 3. Cisco FlexStack-Extended: Fiber Module

Figure 4. Cisco FlexStack-Extended: Hybrid Module

Table 7. FlexStack-Extended Supported Combinations

Stack member 2960-XR IP Lite 2960-X LAN Base

2960-XR IP Lite Yes -
2960-X LAN Base - Yes

Table 8. FlexStack-Extended Scalability and Performance

Stack member Stack bandwidth Stack limit Cisco IOS feature set
2960-XR IP Lite 40G 8 IP Lite
2960-X LAN Base 40G 8 LAN Base

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Power Supply
The Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Series Switches comes with one fixed power-supply and options for an external
redundant power supply source (RPS2300).

The 2960-XR Series Switches support dual redundant power supplies. The 2960-XR Series ships with one power
supply by default. The second power supply can be purchased at the time of ordering the switch or as a spare.
These power supplies have in-built fans to provide cooling.

Figure 5. 2960-XR Series Power Supply

Table 9 shows the different power supplies available in these switches and the available PoE power.

Table 9. Cisco Catalyst 2960-XR Series Default Power Supply Configurations

Models Default Power Supply Available PoE Power

WS-C2960XR-24TS-I PWR-C2-250WAC -
WS-C2960XR-24PD-I PWR-C2-640WAC 370W
WS-C2960XR-48FPD-I PWR-C2-1025WAC 740W

Intelligent Power Over Ethernet Plus

Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Switches support both IEEE 802.3af Power over Ethernet (PoE) and
IEEE 802.3at PoE+ (up to 30W per port) to deliver lower total cost of ownership for deployments that incorporate
Cisco IP phones, Cisco Aironet® wireless access points, or other standards-compliant PoE/PoE+ end devices. PoE
removes the need to supply wall power to PoE-enabled devices and eliminates the cost of adding electrical cabling
and circuits that would otherwise be necessary in IP phone and WLAN deployments.

The Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series PoE power allocation is dynamic and power mapping scale up to a
maximum of 740W PoE+ power.

The 2960-XR Series configurations offer the additional benefit of dual redundant power supplies. If both power
supplies are used, the 2960-XR shares the load between the two power supplies for nonstop power.

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Table 10. Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series PoE and PoE+ Power Capacity

Switch model Maximum number of PoE+ Maximum number of PoE Available PoE power
(IEEE 802.3at) ports* (IEEE 802.3af) ports* (single PS source)
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48FPD-L 24 ports up to 30W 48 ports up to 15.4W 740W
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48LPD-L 12 ports up to 30W 24 ports up to 15.4W 370W
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PD-L 12 ports up to 30W 24 ports up to 15.4W 370W
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48FPS-L 24 ports up to 30W 48 ports up to 15.4W 740W
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48LPS-L 12 ports up to 30W 24 ports up to 15.4W 370W
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PS-L 12 ports up to 30W 24 ports up to 15.4W 370W
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PSQ-L 3 ports up to 30W 7 ports up to 15.4W 110W
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48FPD-I 24 ports up to 30W 48 ports up to 15.4W 740W
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48LPD-I 12 ports up to 30W 24 ports up to 15.4W 370W
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24PD-I 12 ports up to 30W 24 ports up to 15.4W 370W

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48FPS-I 24 ports up to 30W 48 ports up to 15.4W 740W

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48LPS-I 12 ports up to 30W 24 ports up to 15.4W 370W
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24PS-I 12 ports up to 30W 24 ports up to 15.4W 370W

Intelligent power management allows flexible power allocation across all ports.

Table 11. Cisco Catalyst 2960-XR Series Available PoE and Switch Power Capabilities with Different Combinations of
Power Supplies

Primary power supply Secondary power supply Available power for PoE+ Switch power Available PoE power
redundancy when one PS fails

PWR-C2-250WAC - - No -
PWR-C2-250WAC PWR-C2-250WAC - Yes -
PWR-C2-640WAC - 370W No -
PWR-C2-640WAC PWR-C2-640WAC 370W Yes 370W
PWR-C2-1025WAC - 740W No -
PWR-C2-1025WAC PWR-C2-1025WAC 740W Yes 740W

Application Visibility and Control

Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Switches support both Full (Flexible) NetFlow and NetFlow Lite,
which enable IT teams to understand the mix of traffic on their network and identify anomalies by capturing and
recording specific packet flows. NetFlow Lite supports flexible sampling of the traffic, and exports flow data in the
NetFlow Version 9 format for analysis on a wide range of Cisco and third-party collectors.

NetFlow Lite is included on all 2960-X and 2960-XR Series LAN Base and IP Lite models.

Flexible NetFlow is the next generation in flow visibility technology, allowing optimization of the network
infrastructure, reducing operation costs, and improving capacity planning and security incident detection with
increased flexibility and scalability. The 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Switches are capable of up to 8000 flow
entries in hardware.

Full (Flexible) NetFlow is included on all 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Switches and requires a Cisco ONE
Foundation License per switch.

More details about Flexible NetFlow are available at

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Domain Name System as an Authoritative Source (DNS-AS) feature (AVC with DNS-AS) provides a centralized
means of controlling the identification and classification of trusted network traffic in an organization. It accomplishes
this by using network metadata stored in a DNS server that is authoritative to the domain in question, to identify
applications, and Modular QoS CLI (MQC) to classify the corresponding traffic and apply suitable policies.

DNS-AS is included on all 2960-X and 2960-XR Series switches and requires a Cisco ONE Foundation License
per switch.

Cisco Catalyst SmartOperations

Cisco Catalyst SmartOperations is a comprehensive set of capabilities that simplify LAN planning, deployment,
monitoring, and troubleshooting. Deploying SmartOperations tools reduces the time and effort required to operate
the network and lowers Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

● Cisco AutoConfig services determine the level of network access provided to an endpoint based on the
type of the endpoint device. This feature also permits hard-binding between the end device and the
● Cisco Smart Install services enable minimal-touch deployment by providing automated Cisco IOS
Software image installation and configuration when new switches are connected to the network. This
enables network administrators to remotely manage Cisco IOS Software image installs and upgrades.
● Cisco Auto SmartPorts services enable automatic configuration of switch ports as devices connect to the
switch, with settings optimized for the device type resulting in zero-touch port-policy provisioning.
● Cisco Auto QoS is a service that automatic configuration of QoS that allows switch to manage QoS
policies based on traffic types resulting in zero-touch traffic engineering. Auto-QoS supports 8 egress
queues in the 2960-X and 2960-XR Series.
● Cisco Smart Troubleshooting is an extensive array of diagnostic commands and system health checks
within the switch, including Smart Call Home. The Cisco GOLD® (Generic Online Diagnostics) and Cisco
online diagnostics on switches in live networks help predicting and detecting failures faster.

For more information about Cisco Catalyst SmartOperations, visit

Operational Simplicity Features

● Cisco AutoSecure provides a single-line Command-Line Interface (CLI) to enable baseline security
features (Port Security, DHCP snooping, DAI). This feature simplifies security configurations with a single
● Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) auto configuration of multiple switches through a boot
server eases switch deployment.
● Stacking master configuration management with Cisco FlexStack-Plus and Cisco FlexStack-Extended
technology help ensure that all switches are automatically upgraded when the master switch receives a new
software version. Automatic software version checking and updating help ensure that all stack members
have the same software version.
● No configuration required to use Cisco FlexStack-Plus and Cisco FlexStack-Extended modules for
stacking (Plug and Play).
● Autonegotiation on all ports automatically selects half- or full-duplex transmission mode to optimize
● Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) facilitates dynamic trunk configuration across all switch ports.

© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 11 of 28
● Port Aggregation Protocol (PAgP) automates the creation of Cisco Fast EtherChannel® groups or Gigabit
EtherChannel groups to link to another switch, router, or server.
● Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) allows the creation of Ethernet channeling with devices that
conform to IEEE 802.3ad. This feature is similar to Cisco EtherChannel technology and PAgP.
● Automatic Media-Dependent Interface Crossover (MDIX) automatically adjusts transmit and receive
pairs if an incorrect cable type (crossover or straight-through) is installed.
● Unidirectional Link Detection Protocol (UDLD) and Aggressive UDLD allow unidirectional links caused
by incorrect fiber-optic wiring or port faults to be detected and disabled on fiber-optic interfaces.
● Switching Database Manager (SDM) templates for access, routing, and VLAN deployment allow the
administrator to easily maximize memory allocation to the desired features based on deployment-specific
● Local Proxy Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) works in conjunction with Private VLAN Edge to
minimize broadcasts and maximize available bandwidth.
● VLAN1 minimization allows VLAN1 to be disabled on any individual VLAN trunk.
● Smart Multicast, with Cisco FlexStack-Plus and FlexStack-Extended technology, allows the Cisco
Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series to offer greater efficiency and support for more multicast data streams
such as video by putting each data packet onto the backplane only once.
● Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) Snooping for IPv4 and IPv6 MLD v1 and v2 Snooping
provide fast client joins and leaves of multicast streams and limit bandwidth-intensive video traffic to only
the requestors.
● Multicast VLAN Registration (MVR) continuously sends multicast streams in a multicast VLAN while
isolating the streams from subscriber VLANs for bandwidth and security reasons.
● Per-port broadcast, multicast, and unicast storm control prevents faulty end stations from degrading
overall systems performance.
● Voice VLAN simplifies telephony installations by keeping voice traffic on a separate VLAN for easier
administration and troubleshooting.
● Cisco VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) supports dynamic VLANs and dynamic trunk configuration across
all switches.
● Remote Switch Port Analyzer (RSPAN) allows administrators to remotely monitor ports in a Layer 2
switch network from any other switch in the same network.
● For enhanced traffic management, monitoring, and analysis, the Embedded Remote Monitoring (RMON)
software agent supports four RMON groups (history, statistics, alarms, and events).
● Layer 2 trace route eases troubleshooting by identifying the physical path that a packet takes from source
to destination.
● Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) reduces the cost of administering software upgrades by downloading
from a centralized location.
● Network Timing Protocol (NTP) provides an accurate and consistent timestamp to all intranet switches.

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Power Management
The 2960-X and 2960-XR Series switches offer a range of industry-leading features for effective energy efficiency
and energy management. They are the greenest switches in the industry.

Switch Hibernation Mode (SHM) is an industry first and available on all 2960-X and 2960-XR Series switches.
This feature puts the switch in ultra-low power mode during periods of non-operation such as nights or weekends.
Switch Hibernation Mode on the 2960-X and 2960-XR Series switches can be scheduled using Cisco EnergyWise®
compliant management software.

IEEE 802.3az EEE (Energy Efficient Ethernet) enables ports to dynamically sense idle periods between traffic
bursts and quickly switch the interfaces into a low power idle mode, reducing power consumption.

Cisco EnergyWise policies can be used to control the power consumed by PoE-powered endpoints, desktop and
data-center IT equipment, and a wide range of building infrastructure. Cisco EnergyWise technology is included on
all Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Switches.

For more information about Cisco EnergyWise, visit

Network Management
The Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Switches offer a superior CLI for detailed configuration and
administration. The switches are also supported in the full range of Cisco network management solutions.

Cisco Prime Infrastructure

Cisco Prime network management solutions provide comprehensive network lifecycle management. Cisco Prime
Infrastructure provides an extensive library of easy-to-use features to automate the initial and day-to-day
management of your Cisco network. Cisco Prime integrates hardware and software platform expertise and
operational experience into a powerful set of workflow-driven configuration, monitoring, troubleshooting, reporting,
and administrative tools.

For detailed information about Cisco Prime, visit

Cisco Network Assistant

A Cisco network management application designed for small and Medium-Sized Business (SMB) networks with up
to 250 users that runs on PCs, tablets and even smart phones, Cisco Network Assistant offers centralized network
management and configuration capabilities. This application also features an intuitive GUI where users can easily
apply common services across Cisco switches, routers, and access points.

For detailed information about Cisco Network Assistant, visit

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Security Management
Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) support enables the 2960-XR Series switches to offer security management
for all devices connected to it.

Figure 6. Fanless, Quiet, Cool 24-Port PoE Switch

The Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Series adds a new member: the WS-C2960X-24PSQ-L (Cool). This is a 24-port
10M/100M/1000M switch that can power up to 8 ports of PoE (first eight ports only) with ability to deliver a sum
total of 110W of PoE power. This switch has four Gigabit Ethernet uplinks: two of them SFP and the other two
10M/100M/1000M copper interfaces enabling choice of fiber or copper connectivity to the aggregation point. This
switch ships with the Cisco IOS LAN Base image.

Some important 2960-X “cool” switch highlights are:

● Extends a highly secure, intelligent, managed Cisco Catalyst infrastructure with a single Ethernet cable or
fiber from the wiring closet
● Support for advanced security and intelligent services, including NetFlow Lite and Switch Hibernation,
including voice, video, AP powering, and Cisco Enterprise Network services to remote endpoints
● Less than 12-inch depth fits in user workspaces where multiple cable runs could be challenging, with very
low power consumption and heat dissipation
● Higher MTBF rates due to no moving mechanical parts, no fans help ensure that 2960-X cool switch is
convenient to be used for colocated applications
● Easy to deploy using smart-install, configure with auto-smart-ports and device sensors and manage using
Cisco Prime or CNA

2960-X Cool Switch Use Cases

Major retailers are increasingly moving customer-facing IP-based applications and services to the middle of the
sales floor or POS that is far away from their access router that connects the retail outlets to the outside network. A
typical retail outlet needs to serve customers at multiple sales points, each with a POS machine, phone, printer, or
video display with network and some PoE powering. Because of their quiet operation and ability to cater to up to 24
ports with flexible mounting options, these switches are ideally suited for mounting in confined spaces on the floor.

The 2960-X cool switch extends access to labs, classrooms, and other training rooms from the central/floor
distribution rooms, reducing cost of cabling and providing superior quality of service with enhanced security and
enterprise network features. Quiet operation and shallow depth make them ideally suited for classrooms or
confined areas nearby.

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Defense establishments often look to an access switch that is portable in mobile units. These units require multiple
network access devices, some of them residing in inconvenient locations in the mobile unit that requires being
powered by the switch, reducing number of cables to that location and reducing possible failure sources. The
switch is expected to be very quiet and have longer MTBF rates, which is served by the 2960-X cool switch.

Technical Specifications

Table 12. Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Hardware

Hardware specifications
Flash memory 128 MB for LAN Base & IP Lite SKUs, 64 MB for LAN Lite SKUs
DRAM 512 MB for LAN Base and 256 MB for LAN Lite
CPU APM86392 600MHz dual core
Console ports USB (Type-B), Ethernet (RJ-45)
Storage interface USB (Type-A) for external flash storage

Network management interface 10/100 Mbps Ethernet (RJ-45)

Table 13. Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Performance

Performance and scalability

2960-X LAN Lite 2960-X LAN Base 2960-XR IP Lite

Forwarding bandwidth 50 Gbps 108 Gbps 108 Gbps

Switching bandwidth* 100 Gbps 216 Gbps 216 Gbps
Maximum active VLANs 64 1023 1023

VLAN IDs available 4096 4096 4096

Maximum transmission unit (MTU)-L3 packet 9198 bytes 9198 bytes 9198 bytes
Jumbo frame - Ethernet frame 9216 bytes 9216 bytes 9216 bytes

Switching bandwidth is full-duplex capacity.

Table 14. Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Forwarding Performance

Forwarding rate: 64-Byte Layer 3 packets

2960-X models
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48FPD-L 130.9 Mpps
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48LPD-L 130.9 Mpps
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PD-L 95.2 Mpps
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TD-L 130.9 Mpps
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TD-L 95.2 Mpps
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48FPS-L 107.1 Mpps
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48LPS-L 107.1 Mpps
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PS-L 71.4 Mpps
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PSQ-L 71.4 Mpps
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TS-L 107.1 Mpps

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TS-L 71.4 Mpps

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TS-LL 104.2 Mpps
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TS-LL 68.5 Mpps

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Forwarding rate: 64-Byte Layer 3 packets

2960-XR models
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48FPD-I 130.9 Mpps
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48LPD-I 130.9 Mpps
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24PD-I 95.2 Mpps
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48TD-I 130.9 Mpps
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24TD-I 95.2 Mpps
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48FPS-I 107.1 Mpps
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48LPS-I 107.1 Mpps
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24PS-I 71.4 Mpps
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48TS-I 107.1 Mpps
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24TS-I 71.4 Mpps

Table 15. Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Series Mechanical Specifications


Dimensions Inches (H x D x W) Centimeters (H x D x W)

WS-C2960X-48FPD-L 1.75 x 14.5 x 17.5 4.5 x 36.8 x 44.5
WS-C2960X-48LPD-L 1.75 x 14.5 x 17.5 4.5 x 36.8 x 44.5

WS-C2960X-48TD-L 1.75 x 11.0 x 17.5 4.5 x 27.9 x 44.5

WS-C2960X-24PD-L 1.75 x 14.5 x 17.5 4.5 x 36.8 x 44.5
WS-C2960X-24TD-L 1.75 x 11.0 x 17.5 4.5 x 27.9 x 44.5

WS-C2960X-48FPS-L 1.75 x 14.5 x 17.5 4.5 x 36.8 x 44.5

WS-C2960X-48LPS-L 1.75 x 14.5 x 17.5 4.5 x 36.8 x 44.5
WS-C2960X-48TS-L 1.75 x 11.0 x 17.5 4.5 x 27.9 x 44.5

WS-C2960X-24PS-L 1.75 x 14.5 x 17.5 4.5 x 36.8 x 44.5

WS-C2960X-24PSQ-L 1.73 x 11.03 x 17.5 4.45 x 28.0 x 44.5
WS-C2960X-24TS-L 1.75 x 11.0 x 17.5 4.5 x 27.9 x 44.5

WS-C2960X-48TS-LL 1.75 x 11.0 x 17.5 4.5 x 27.9 x 44.5

WS-C2960X-24TS-LL 1.75 x 11.0 x 17.5 4.5 x 27.9 x 44.5
Weight Pounds Kilograms
WS-C2960X-48FPD-L 12.9 lb 5.8 Kg
WS-C2960X-48LPD-L 12.9 lb 5.8 Kg
WS-C2960X-48TD-L 9.6 lb 4.3 Kg

WS-C2960X-24PD-L 12.7 lb 5.7 Kg

WS-C2960X-24TD-L 8.9 lb 4.0 Kg
WS-C2960X-48FPS-L 12.9 lb 5.8 Kg

WS-C2960X-48LPS-L 12.9 lb 5.8 Kg

WS-C2960X-48TS-L 9.4 lb 4.2 Kg
WS-C2960X-24PS-L 12.8 lb 5.8 kg

WS-C2960X-24PSQ-L 12.8 lb 5.8 kg

WS-C2960X-24TS-L 8.9 lb 4.0 kg
WS-C2960X-48TS-LL 8.9 lb 4.0 kg

WS-C2960X-24TS-LL 8.2 lb 3.7 kg

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Table 16. Cisco Catalyst 2960-XR Series Mechanical Specifications

Models (the power supplies could add up to 3.1 in. to the depth of the 2960XR chassis)
Dimensions Inches (H x D x W) Centimeters (H x D x W)
WS-C2960XR-48FPD-I 1.75 x 16.0 x 17.5 4.45 x 40.8 x 44.5
WS-C2960XR-48LPD-I 1.75 x 16.0 x 17.5 4.45 x 40.8 x 44.5
WS-C2960XR-48TD-I 1.75 x 16.0 x 17.5 4.45 x 40.8 x 44.5
WS-C2960XR-24PD-I 1.75 x 16.0 x 17.5 4.45 x 40.8 x 44.5
WS-C2960XR-24TD-I 1.75 x 16.0 x 17.5 4.45 x 40.8 x 44.5
WS-C2960XR-48FPS-I 1.75 x 16.0 x 17.5 4.45 x 40.8 x 44.5
WS-C2960XR-48LPS-I 1.75 x 16.0x 17.5 4.45 x 40.8 x 44.5
WS-C2960XR-48TS-I 1.75 x 16.0 x 17.5 4.45 x 40.8 x 44.5
WS-C2960XR-24PS-I 1.75 x 16.0 x 17.5 4.45 x 40.8 x 44.5
WS-C2960XR-24TS-I 1.75 x 16.0 x 17.5 4.45 x 40.8 x 44.5
Weight Pounds Kilograms

WS-C2960XR-48FPD-I 14.6 6.6

WS-C2960XR-48LPD- 14.0 6.4
WS-C2960XR-48TD-I 13.3 6.1

WS-C2960XR-24PD-I 13.6 6.2

WS-C2960XR-24TD-I 13.0 5.9
WS-C2960XR-48FPS-I 14.7 6.7

WS-C2960XR-48LPS-I 14.2 6.4

WS-C2960XR-48TS-I 13.2 6.0
WS-C2960XR-24PS-I 13.7 6.2

WS-C2960XR-24TS-I 13.0 5.9

Table 17. Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Environmental Specifications

Environmental ranges
Fahrenheit Centigrade

Operating temperature up to 5000 ft (1500 m) 23ºF to 113ºF -5ºC to 45ºC

Operating temperature up to 10,000 ft (3000 m) 23ºF to 104ºF -5ºC to 40ºC
Short-term exception at sea level* 23ºF to 131ºF -5ºC to 55ºC
Short-term exception up to 5000 feet (1500 m)* 23ºF to 122ºF -5ºC to 50ºC
Short-term exception up to 10,000 feet (3000 m)* 23ºF to 113ºF -5ºC to 45ºC
Short-term exception up to 13,000 feet (4000 m)* 23º to 104ºF -5ºC to 40ºC
Storage temperature up to 15,000 feet (4573 m) -13º to 158ºF -25º to 70ºC
Feet Meters
Operating altitude Up to 10,000 Up to 3000
Storage altitude Up to 13,000 Up to 4000
Operating relative humidity 10% to 95% noncondensing
Storage relative humidity 10% to 95% noncondensing
Acoustic noise
Measured per ISO 7779 and declared per ISO 9296. PoE output of 185W or less where applicable.
Bystander positions operating mode at 25°C ambient.

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Environmental ranges

Model Sound pressure Sound power

LpA (typical) LpAD (maximum) LwA (typical) LwAD (maximum)

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48FPD-L 39 dB 43 dB 4.9 B 5.3 B
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48LPD-L
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PD-L
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TD-L 42 dB 46 dB 5.1 B 5.5 B
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TD-L
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48FPS-L 39 dB 43 dB 4.9 B 5.3 B
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48LPS-L
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PS-L
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PSQ-L N/A N/A N/A N/A
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TS-L 42 dB 46 dB 5.1 B 5.5 B
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TS-L

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TS-LL 42 dB 46 dB 5.1 B 5.5 B

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TS-LL
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48FPD-I 40dB 43dB 5.2B 5.5B

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48LPD-I 40dB 43dB 5.2B 5.5B

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24PD-I 40dB 43dB 5.2B 5.5B
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48TD-I 22dB 25dB 3.3B 3.6B

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24TD-I 22dB 25dB 3.3B 3.6B

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48FPS-I 40dB 43dB 5.2B 5.5B
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48LPS-I 40dB 43dB 5.2B 5.5B

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24PS-I 40dB 43dB 5.2B 5.5B

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48TS-I 22dB 25dB 3.3B 3.6B
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24TS-I 22dB 25dB 3.3B 3.6B

Predicted reliability

Model MTBF in hours**

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48FPD-L 233,370

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48LPD-L 277,960
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PD-L 325,780
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TD-L 445,460
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TD-L 569,520
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48FPS-L 232,610
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48LPS-L 276,870
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PS-L 324,280
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PSQ-L 462,680
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TS-L 442,690
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TS-L 564,910
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TS-LL 476,560
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TS-LL 622,350
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-STACK 17,128,090
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48FPD-I 231,590
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48LPD-I 275,430
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24PD-I 322,740
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48TD-I 440,880

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Environmental ranges
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24TD-I 561,890
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48FPS-I 230,860
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48LPS-I 274,380
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24PS-I 321,290
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48TS-I 438,130
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24TS-I 557,320
Cisco PWR-C2-250WAC 1,000,000
Cisco PWR-C2-640WAC 1,000,000
Cisco PWR-C2-1025WAC 1,000,000

Not more than the following in a 1-year period: 96 consecutive hours, or 360 hours total, or 15 occurrences.
Currently estimates; Later will be Based on Telcordia SR-332 Issue 2 methodology.

Table 18. Connectors and Interfaces

Connectors and interfaces

Ethernet interfaces
● 10BASE-T ports: RJ-45 connectors, 2-pair Category 3, 4, or 5 Unshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP) cabling
● 100BASE-TX ports: RJ-45 connectors, 2-pair Category 5 UTP cabling
● 1000BASE-T ports: RJ-45 connectors, 4-pair Category 5 UTP cabling
● 1000BASE-T SFP-based ports: RJ-45 connectors, 4-pair Category 5 UTP cabling

SFP and SFP+ interfaces

For information about supported SFP/SFP+ modules, refer to the Transceiver Compatibility matrix tables at

Indicator LEDs
● Per-port status: Link integrity, disabled, activity, speed, and full duplex
● System status: System, RPS, Stack link status, link duplex, PoE, and link speed
Stacking interfaces
Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series FlexStack-Plus and FlexStack-Extended (hybrid module only) stacking cables:
● CAB-STK-E-0.5M stacking cable with a 0.5 m length
● CAB-STK-E-1M stacking cable with a 1.0 m length
● CAB-STK-E-3M stacking cable with a 3.0 m length
Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series console cables:
● CAB-CONSOLE-RJ45 Console cable 6 ft. with RJ-45
● CAB-CONSOLE-USB Console cable 6 ft. with USB Type A and mini-B connectors

● The internal power supply is an auto-ranging unit and supports input voltages between 100 and 240V AC
● Use the supplied AC power cord to connect the AC power connector to an AC power outlet
● The Cisco RPS connector offers connection for an optional Cisco RPS 2300 that uses AC input and supplies DC output to the switch
● Only the Cisco RPS 2300 (model PWR-RPS2300) should be attached to the redundant-power-system receptacle

Table 19. Management and Standards Support

Category Specification



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Category Specification

For an updated list of supported MIBs, refer to the MIB Locator at
Standards ● IEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree Protocol ● IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T
● IEEE 802.1p CoS Prioritization ● IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX
● IEEE 802.1Q VLAN ● IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T
● IEEE 802.1s ● IEEE 802.3z 1000BASE-X
● IEEE 802.1w ● RMON I and II standards
● IEEE 802.1X ● SNMP v1, v2c, and v3
● IEEE 802.1ab (LLDP) ● IEEE 802.3az
● IEEE 802.3ad ● IEEE 802.3ae 10Gigabit Ethernet
● IEEE 802.3af and IEEE 802.3at ● IEEE 802.1ax
● IEEE 802.3ah (100BASE-X single/multimode
fiber only)
● IEEE 802.3x full duplex on 10BASE-T, 100BASE-
TX, and 1000BASE-T ports
RFC compliance ● RFC 768 - UDP ● RFC 1902-1907 - SNMP v2
● RFC 783 - TFTP ● RFC 1981 - Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) Path
● RFC 791 - IP Discovery IPv6
● RFC 792 - ICMP ● FRC 2068 - HTTP
● RFC 793 - TCP ● RFC 2131 - DHCP
● RFC 826 - ARP ● RFC 2138 - RADIUS
● RFC 854 - Telnet ● RFC 2233 - IF MIB v3
● RFC 951 - Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) ● RFC 2373 - IPv6 Aggregatable Addrs
● RFC 959 - FTP ● RFC 2460 - IPv6
● RFC 1112 - IP Multicast and IGMP ● RFC 2461 - IPv6 Neighbor Discovery
● RFC 1157 - SNMP v1 ● RFC 2462 - IPv6 Autoconfiguration
● RFC 1166 - IP Addresses ● RFC 2463 - ICMP IPv6

● RFC 1256 - Internet Control Message Protocol ● RFC 2474 - Differentiated Services (DiffServ) Precedence
(ICMP) Router Discovery ● RFC 2597 - Assured Forwarding
● RFC 1305 - NTP ● RFC 2598 - Expedited Forwarding
● RFC 1492 - TACACS+ ● RFC 2571 - SNMP Management

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Category Specification
● RFC 1493 - Bridge MIB ● RFC 2865 - RADIUS
● RFC 1542 - BOOTP extensions ● RFC 3046 - DHCP Relay Agent Information Option
● RFC 1643 - Ethernet Interface MIB ● RFC 3376 - IGMP v3
● RFC 1757 - RMON ● RFC 3580 - 802.1X RADIUS
● RFC 1901 - SNMP v2C

Table 20. Voltage and Power Ratings

Input voltage and current

Model Voltage (auto ranging) Current Frequency
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48FPD-L 100 to 240 VAC 9A-4A 50 to 60 Hz
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48LPD-L 5A-2A
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PD-L 5A-2A
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TD-L 1A - 0.5A
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TD-L 1A to 0.5A

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48FPS-L 9A - 4A

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48LPS-L 5A - 2A
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PS-L 5A - 2A

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PSQ-L 2A - 4A

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TS-L 1A-0.5A
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TS-L 1A - 0.5A

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TS-LL 1A - 0.5A

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TS-LL 1A - 0.5A
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48FPD-I 100 to 264 VAC 10A to 5A 50 to 60 Hz

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48FPS-I 10A to 5 A

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48LPD-I 90 to 264 VAC 6A to 3 A 50 to 60 Hz
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24PD-I 6A to 3 A

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48TD-I 1A to 0.5 A

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24TD-I 1A to 0.5 A
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48LPS-I 6A to 3 A

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24PS-I 6A to 3 A

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48TS-I 1A to 0.5 A
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24TS-I 1A to 0.5 A

Power rating (switch maximum consumption values)

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48FPD-L 0.89 kVA
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48LPD-L 0.48 kVA

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PD-L 0.47 kVA

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TD-L 0.049 kVA
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TD-L 0.034 kVA

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48FPS-L 0.89 kVA

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48LPS-L 0.49 kVA
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PS-L 0.49 kVA
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PSQ-L 0.16 kVA
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TS-L 0.051 kVA
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TS-L 0.039 kVA
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TS-LL 0.46KVA

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Input voltage and current

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TS-LL 0.035KVA

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48FPD-I 0.89KVA
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48LPD-I 0.48KVA
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24PD-I 0.46KVA
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48TD-I 0.047KVA
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24TD-I 0.039KVA
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48FPS-I 0.89KVA
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48LPS-I 0.47KVA
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24PS-I 0.46KVA
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48TS-I 0.046KVA
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24TS-I 0.038KVA

DC input voltages (RPS input) – only for 2960-X LAN Base switches

12V 53V
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48FPD-L 4A 15A
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48LPD-L 4A 8A

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PD-L 3A 8A

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TD-L 4A N/A
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TD-L 3A N/A

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48FPS-L 4A 15A

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48LPS-L 4A 8A
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PS-L 3A 8A

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PSQ-L N/A N/A

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TS-L 5A N/A
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TS-L 4A N/A

Note: The wattage rating on the power supply does not represent actual power draw. It indicates the maximum
power draw possible by the power supply. This rating can be used for facility capacity planning. For PoE switches,
cooling requirements are smaller than total power draw as a significant portion of the load is dissipated in the
Table 21. Power Consumption

Measured power consumption in watts2

Model 0% traffic3 10% traffic 100% traffic Weighted average
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48FPD-L 50.8 65.9 66.7 66.0

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48LPD-L 45.7 61.1 62.0 61.2

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PD-L 44.7 52.3 53.1 52.3
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TD-L 32.9 47.0 47.8 47.1

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TD-L 24.9 32.2 33.1 32.3

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48FPS-L 51.9 66.6 66.8 66.6

Disclaimer: All power consumption numbers were measured under controlled laboratory conditions and are provided as
ATIS methodology.
All traffic measured with EEE enabled.

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Measured power consumption in watts2

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48LPS-L 46.7 60.8 61.1 60.9

Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PS-L 41.4 49.0 49.2 49.0
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24PSQ-L 28.5 32.8 34.8 33.0
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TS-L 34.9 49.5 49.7 49.5
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TS-L 28.0 36.8 37.1 36.9
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TS-LL 31.4 44.3 44.5 44.4
Cisco Catalyst 2960X-24TS-LL 25.2 32.0 32.0 32.0
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48FPD-I 46.7 61.8 62.5 61.9
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48LPD-I 40.7 54.6 55.9 54.8
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24PD-I 36.1 42.9 43.7 43.0
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48TD-I 29.7 44.7 45.6 44.8

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24TD-I 29.3 37.2 38.1 37.3

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48FPS-I 44.8 58.5 58.8 58.5
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48LPS-I 37.9 52.8 53.0 52.9

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24PS-I 36.5 43.2 43.4 43.2

Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-48TS-I 30.0 44.8 45.0 44.8
Cisco Catalyst 2960XR-24TS-I 28.8 36.0 36.2 36.0

Table 22. Safety and Compliance

Specification Description

Safety UL 60950-1 Second Edition

CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1 Second Edition
EN 60950-1 Second Edition
IEC 60950-1 Second Edition
AS/NZS 60950-1
EMC – emissions 47CFR Part 15 (CFR 47) Class A
CISPR22 Class A
EN55022 Class A
ICES003 Class A
VCCI Class A
KN22 Class A
CNS13438 Class A

EMC – immunity EN55024

Environmental Reduction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) including Directive 2011/65/EU
Telco Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI) code

US government certifications USGv6 and IPv6 Ready Logo

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Cisco Enhanced Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty
Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Switches come with an Enhanced Limited Lifetime Warranty (E-LLW).
The E-LLW provides the same terms as Cisco’s standard limited lifetime warranty but adds next business day
delivery of replacement hardware, where available, and 90 days of 8X5 Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC)

Your formal warranty statement, including the warranty applicable to Cisco software, appears in the Cisco
information packet that accompanies your Cisco product. We encourage you to review carefully the warranty
statement shipped with your specific product before use.

Cisco reserves the right to refund the purchase price as its exclusive warranty remedy. For further information
about warranty terms, visit

Table 23. Warranty Terms

Cisco enhanced limited lifetime hardware warranty

Device covered Applies to all Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Switches.
Warranty duration As long as the original end user continues to own or use the product.
End-of-life policy In the event of discontinuance of product manufacture, Cisco warranty support is limited to five (5) years
from the announcement of discontinuance.
Hardware replacement Cisco or its service center will use commercially reasonable efforts to ship a Cisco Catalyst 2960-X or
2960-XR Series replacement part for next business day delivery, where available. Otherwise, a
replacement will be shipped within ten (10) working days after the receipt of the RMA request. Actual
delivery times may vary depending on customer location.
Effective date Hardware warranty commences from the date of shipment to customer (and in case of resale by a Cisco
reseller, not more than ninety [90] days after original shipment by Cisco).
TAC support Cisco will provide during customer's local business hours, 8 hours per day, 5 days per week basic
configuration, diagnosis, and troubleshooting of device-level problems for up to 90 days from the date of
shipment of the originally purchased Cisco Catalyst 2960-X or 2960-XR Series product. This support does
not include solution or network-level support beyond the specific device under consideration. Access Warranty allows guest access only to

Software Policy
Customers with Cisco Catalyst IP Lite, LAN Base and LAN Lite software feature sets will be provided with
maintenance updates and bug fixes designed to maintain the compliance of the software with published
specifications, release notes, and industry standards compliance as long as the original end user continues to own
or use the product or up to one year from the end-of-sale date for this product, whichever occurs earlier.

This policy supersedes any previous warranty or software statement and is subject to change without notice.

Technical Support and Services

Table 24. Technical Services Available for Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Switches

Technical services
Cisco Smart Net Total Care Service
● Around-the-clock, global access to the Cisco TAC
● Unrestricted access to the extensive knowledge base and tools
● Next-business-day, 8x5x4, 24x7x4, or 24x7x2 advance hardware replacement and onsite parts replacement and installation available1
● Ongoing operating system software updates within the licensed feature set2
● Proactive diagnostics and real-time alerts on Smart Call Home enabled devices

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Technical services
Cisco Smart Foundation Service
● Next-business-day advance hardware replacement as available
● Access to SMB TAC during business hours (access levels vary by region)
● Access to SMB knowledge base
● Online technical resources through Smart Foundation Portal
● Operating system software bug fixes and patches
Cisco Smart Care Service
● Network-level coverage for the needs of small and medium-sized businesses
● Proactive health checks and periodic assessments of Cisco network foundation, voice, and security technologies
● Technical support for eligible Cisco hardware and software through Smart Care Portal
● Cisco operating system and application software updates and upgrades2
● Next-business-day advance hardware replacement as available, 24x7x4 option available1
Cisco SP Base Service
● Around-the-clock, global access to the Cisco TAC
● Registered access to
● Next-business-day, 8x5x4, 24x7x4, and 24x7x2 advance hardware replacement. Return to factory option available1
● Ongoing operating system software updates2
Cisco Focused Technical Support Services
Three levels of premium, high-touch services are available:
● Cisco High-Touch Operations Management Service
● Cisco High-Touch Technical Support Service
● Cisco High-Touch Engineering Service
Valid Cisco Smart Net Total Care or SP Base contracts are required on all network equipment

Advance hardware replacement is available in various service-level combinations. For example, 8x5xNBD indicates that
shipment will be initiated during the standard 8-hour business day, 5 days a week (the generally accepted business days within
the relevant region), with next-business-day (NBD) delivery. Where NBD is not available, same day shipping is provided.
Restrictions apply; please review the appropriate service descriptions for details.
Cisco operating system updates include the following: maintenance releases, minor updates, and major updates within the
licensed feature set.

Ordering Information
Table 25. Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Series Switches Ordering Information

Part number 10/100/1000 Uplink interfaces Cisco IOS Software Available PoE power FlexStack-Plus,
Ethernet interfaces feature set FlexStack-Extended
WS-C2960X-48FPD-L 48 2 SFP+ LAN Base 740W Optional
WS-C2960X-48LPD-L 48 2 SFP+ LAN Base 370W Optional
WS-C2960X-24PD-L 24 2 SFP+ LAN Base 370W Optional
WS-C2960X-48TD-L 48 2 SFP+ LAN Base - Optional
WS-C2960X-24TD-L 24 2 SFP+ LAN Base - Optional
WS-C2960X-48FPS-L 48 4 SFP LAN Base 740W Optional
WS-C2960X-48LPS-L 48 4 SFP LAN Base 370W Optional
WS-C2960X-24PS-L 24 4 SFP LAN Base 370W Optional
WS-C2960X-24PSQ-L 24 2 SFP, LAN Base 110W No
2 10/100/1000BT
WS-C2960X-48TS-L 48 4 SFP LAN Base - Optional
WS-C2960X-24TS-L 24 4 SFP LAN Base - Optional

WS-C2960X-48TS-LL 48 2 SFP LAN Lite - No

WS-C2960X-24TS-LL 24 2 SFP LAN Lite - No

© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 25 of 28
Table 26. Cisco Catalyst 2960-XR Series Switches Ordering Information

Part number 10/100/1000 Uplink Cisco IOS Software Available PoE Second FRU FlexStack-Plus,
Ethernet interfaces feature set power power supply FlexStack-Extended
interfaces option
WS-C2960XR-48FPD-I 48 2 SFP+ IP Lite 740W 1025W Optional
WS-C2960XR-48LPD-I 48 2 SFP+ IP Lite 370W 640W Optional
WS-C2960XR-24PD-I 24 2 SFP+ IP Lite 370W 640W Optional
WS-C2960XR-48TD-I 48 2 SFP+ IP Lite - 250W Optional
WS-C2960XR-24TD-I 24 2 SFP+ IP Lite - 250W Optional
WS-C2960XR-48FPS-I 48 4 SFP IP Lite 740W 1025W Optional
WS-C2960XR-48LPS-I 48 4 SFP IP Lite 370W 640W Optional
WS-C2960XR-24PS-I 24 4 SFP IP Lite 370W 640W Optional
WS-C2960XR-48TS-I 48 4 SFP IP Lite - 250W Optional
WS-C2960XR-24TS-I 24 4 SFP IP Lite - 250W Optional

Table 27. Accessories

Part number Description

C2960X-STACK FlexStack-Plus hot-swappable stacking module
C2960X-FIBER-STK FlexStack-Extended Fiber stacking module

C2960X-HYBRID-STK FlexStack-Extended Hybrid module, with one copper and one fiber port
CAB-STK-E-0.5M Stacking cable with a 0.5 m length
CAB-STK-E-1M Stacking cable with a 1.0 m length

CAB-STK-E-3M Stacking cable with a 3.0 m length

CAB-CONSOLE-RJ45 Console cable 6 feet with RJ45
CAB-CONSOLE-USB Console cable 6 feet with USB Type A and mini-B connectors

PWR-CLP Power cable restraining clip

RCKMNT-1RU-2KX= Spare rack-mount kit for Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series for 19-inch racks
RCKMNT-REC-2KX= 1 RU recessed rack-mount kit for Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series

Table 28. Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Series Redundant Power Supply Options

Part number Description

PWR-RPS2300 Cisco Redundant Power System 2300 and blower, no power supply
BLNK-RPS2300= Spare bay insert for Cisco Redundant Power System 2300 for Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Series Switches

CAB-RPS2300-E= Spare RPS2300 cable for Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Series Switches
BLWR-RPS2300= Spare 45 CFM blower for RPS 2300
C3K-PWR-750WAC= RPS 2300 750W AC power supply spare for Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Series

For more information about the RPS-2300, visit

Table 29. Cisco Catalyst 2960-XR Series Power Supply Options

Part number Description

PWR-C2-250WAC4 Second FRU power supply and fan for all non-PoE 2960-XR switches, provides 250W AC of power
PWR-C2-640WAC Second FRU power supply and fan for all 370W PoE+ 2960-XR switches, provides 640W AC of power

The first FRU power supply and fan module is configured automatically when the switch is ordered. The second redundant FRU
power supply and fan module is an option while configuring the order.

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Part number Description
PWR-C2-1025WAC4 Second FRU power supply and fan for all 740W PoE+ 2960-XR switches, provides 1025W AC of power
PWR-C2-250WAC= Spare FRU power supply and fan for all non-PoE 2960-XR switches, provides 250W AC of power
PWR-C2-640WAC= Spare FRU power supply and fan for all 370W PoE+ 2960-XR switches, provides 640W AC of power
PWR-C2-1025WAC= Spare FRU power supply and fan for all 740W PoE+ 2960-XR switches, provides 1025W AC of power

Table 30. Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series SFP/SFP+ Modules

SFP and SFP+ modules

For the list of supported SFP and SFP+ modules, visit

Table 31. Power Cords for Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Series

Part number Description

CAB-16AWG-AC AC power cord, 16AWG
CAB-ACE AC power cord (Europe), C13, CEE 7, 1.5M

CAB-L620P-C13-US Power cord, 250VAC, 15A, NEMA L6-20 to C13, US

CAB-ACI AC power cord (Italy), C13, CEI 23-16, 2.5m
CAB-ACU AC power cord (UK), C13, BS 1363, 2.5m

CAB-ACA AC power cord (China/Australia), C13, AS 3112, 2.5m

CAB-ACS AC power cord (Switzerland), C13, IEC 60884-1, 2.5m
CAB-ACR AC power cord (Argentina), C13, EL 219 (IRAM 2073), 2.5m


CAB-L620P-C13-JPN Power cord, 250VAC, 15A, NEMA L6-20 to C13, JAPAN

CAB-IND Power cable for India

CAB-C15-ISR Power cable for Israel
CAB-ACSA Power cable for South Africa

CAB-AC15A-90L-USA 15A AC power cord, right angle (United States)

CAB-ACE-RA Power cord Europe, right angle
CAB-ACI-RA Power cord Italian, right angle

CAB-ACU-RA Power cord UK, right angle

CAB-ACC-RA Power cord China, right angle
CAB-ACA-RA Power cord, Australian, right angle
CAB-ACS-RA Power cord for Switzerland, right angle
CAB-ACR-RA Power cord, Argentina, right angle
CAB-JPN-RA Power cord, Japan, right angle
CAB-C15-CBN Cabinet jumper power cord, 250 VAC 13A, C14-C15 connectors
CAB-ACBZ-12A AC power cord (Brazil) 12A/125V BR-3-20 plug for less than 12A device

Table 32. Power Cords for Cisco Catalyst 2960-XR Series

Part number Description

CAB-TA-NA= AC power cord for Cisco Catalyst 2960XR (North America)
CAB-TA-AP= AC power cord for Cisco Catalyst 2960XR (Australia)
CAB-TA-AR= AC power cord for Cisco Catalyst 2960XR (Argentina)
CAB-TA-SW= AC power cord for Cisco Catalyst 2960XR (Switzerland)

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Part number Description
CAB-TA-UK= AC power cord for Cisco Catalyst 2960XR (United Kingdom)
CAB-TA-JP= AC power cord for Cisco Catalyst 2960XR (Japan)
CAB-TA-250V-JP= Japan 250VAC power cord for Cisco Catalyst 2960XR (Japan)
CAB-TA-EU= AC power cord for Cisco Catalyst 2960XR (Europe)
CAB-TA-IT= AC power cord for Cisco Catalyst 2960XR (Italy)
CAB-TA-IN= AC power cord for Cisco Catalyst 2960XR (India)
CAB-TA-CN= AC power cord for Cisco Catalyst 2960XR (China)
CAB-TA-DN= AC power cord for Cisco Catalyst 2960XR (Denmark)
CAB-TA-IS= AC power cord for Cisco Catalyst 2960XR (Israel)
CAB-C15-CBN= Cabinet jumper power cord, 250 VAC 13A, C14-C15 connectors
CAB-C15-CBN-JP= Japan Cabinet Jumper Power Cord, 250 VAC 13A, C14-C15
CAB-TA-JP-RA= Japan AC Right Angled Power Cord for Cisco Catalyst 2960XR

Contact Cisco
For more information about Cisco products, contact:

● Phone: +1 800 553-NETS (6387)

● Worldwide Product Support
● Company Website:

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