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Unit 5: Lesson 1 (1,2,3)

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Week: …………………………....

Unit 5: Where will you be this

Date :………………………….. weekend ?
Lesson 1 (1,2,3)
 Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss can ask and answer about where someone will be on
their vacation.
 Materials : Pictures, Wall Charts, Recording.
 Procedure :
Time Contents T’s & Ss’ activities
I.WARM UP: slap the board - T gives instruction.
Ss play game in 2 groups.
At home
5’ chat with beach T corrects and declares the winner
friends study
1. Presentation:
 Pre teach vocabulary: - Teacher models one by one word: Ss listen
- in the countryside: ở miền quê and repeat ( Choral- group and individually)
10’ - on the beach: ở bãi biển - Below average SS : on the beach, by the
- by the sea: ở biển sea.
Checking vocabulary: Rub out and - Good SS: read three words.
Set the scene - Divide the class into two groups: Two Ss
in each group slap on the word the teacher
says, Who slaps first is the winner.
- Introduce the characters in the picture and
what they are doing.
- Play the recording and ask Ss to listen &
point to the lines, then listen & repeat.
- Practice the dialogue:
 Form & Usage: (Teacher- Class /Group A –Group B / S1-
Where will you be this weekend?
I think I’ll be……………… - Aks ss to draw out the target item
(Hỏi-đáp về kế hoạch cuối tuần ) - Check how to use the form
2. Practice:
10’ - Run through the pictures
(Teacher- Class / Group A–Group B / S1-
- 2 pairs model- then pairwork. T calls some
pairs to speak out and give indirect
3. Production: - Teacher expands the pattern ( good SS)
10’ - Have the class Toss the2 red and blue
balls while the music on. When the music
off the ss has red ball ask, ss has blue ball
-Learn by heart vocabulary and pattern
III. HOMELINK: -Do exercise in your Workbook.

Week:….………………………. Unit 5: Where will you be this weekend ?

Period:……… Lesson 1 (4,5,6)
 Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss can listen , read and match base on reading
 Materials : Wall Charts, Recording.
 Procedure :
Time Contents T’s & Ss’ activities
I.WARM UP : put the words in the Place Time
correct columns. beach village weekend
5’ month island tomorrow
II. NEW LESSON: seaside countryside today
4/ Listen and complete: year
* Pre-listening: Guessing -Show the pictures . Ask ss where the people
in the pictures are ( below average SS).
10’ * While – listening: - Ask ss to guess which pic may be mentioned.
T keeps ss’prediction on the board.
- Play the recording twice. Ss listen and fill in
the blanks then share with their partners
- Call some ss to give the answer on the board,
other ss give comment.Then T lets ss listen to
the tape again to give feedback and check their
Keys: 1. c 2. a 3. b prediction.
-Declare ss have the correct answer or
* Post – Listening: prediction
- Call some ss to read aloud the 3 sentences
5/ Read and complete
10’ - Show the poster, ask ss to read the questions
*Pre – reading:
and answers. Discuss in group of 4 how to
match them.
*While reading:
- Set time limit for ss to read and match
individually.Share with partner.
Call some ss to give the answers and T gives
feedback .

*Post –reading: - Ask ss in pairs- one asks , one answers

Role- play
6. Let’s sing
-Get ss read the lyrics, teach new words.Play
10’ the tape twice and ss sing along.Then sing and
do the action for fun.
-Sing the song again.(good or abilities SS)

- Guide to do exercise in WB and Practice

III. HOMELINK: singing at home

Week: …………………………..
Unit5: Where will you be this weekend?
Date: ………………………… Lesson 2 (1,2,3)
Period: …
 Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss can ask and answer about their activities in the future
 Materials : pictures, Recording.
 Procedure :
Time Contents T’s & Ss’ activities
5’ Ask and answer T gives instruction.
Where will you be this weekend? Ss play in 2 groups.
 I think I’ ll be T corrects and declares the winner
1. Presentation: - Teacher models one by one word: Ss listen
10’  Pre teach vocabulary: and repeat (vocabulay 2for below average SS)
- explore the caves: khám phá hang ( Choral- group and individually)
- take a boat trip: tham quan bằng thuyền
- build sandcastles: xây lâu đài cát ( picture)
 Checking vocabulary: - Introduce the characters in the picture and
Rub out and remember what they are talking about
 Set the scene - Play the recording and ask Ss to listen & point
to the lines, then listen & repeat.
- Practice the dialogue:
(Teacher- Class /Group A –Group B / S1- S2)

 Form & Usage:

- Aks ss to draw out the target item
What will you do at Ha Long Bay? - Check how to use the form
I think I’ ll explore the caves.
I may explore the caves.
(Hỏi đáp về hoạt động trong tương lai)
2. Practice:
10’ - Run through the pictures
(Teacher- Class / Group A–Group B / S1- S2)
- 2 pairs model- then pairwork. T calls some
pairs to speak out and give indirect correction.

3. Production: Walk and talk - Ask 1 ss to walk around the class when the
10’ music on,when the music off he/she stops and
ask the nearest friend some questions.Then his/
her friend will be the next

- Learn by heart the voca and pattern.Guide to
do exercises in WB.

Unit5: Where will you be this

Week: …………………………..
Date:………………………………… weekend?
Period: …….. Lesson 2 (4,5,6)
 Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss can listen and write about their planed activities.
 Materials : Wall Charts, Recording.
 Procedure :
Time Contents T’s & Ss’ activities
5’ I. WARM UP : Musical chair


10’ 4/ Listen and number - Ask ss have a look at the four pics and
* Pre-listening:Guessing order the pics in group of 4. T keeps
ss’guessing (below average SS)

* While-listening -Play the tape twice,sts listen and number

the pictures. Share with partners. Call some
sts to show their answers
- Listen to the tape again then check their
answers. T gives feedback.

Key: 1-b 2 -a 3-d 4-c

* Post listening: Recall - Call some pairs to the front to speak out
what they’ve just heard (good SS )
- Ask ss read the questions and check their
8’ 5/ Write about you: understanding. Discuss with partner about
* Pre- writing: the answers.

- Set a time limit for ss to do the task.Swap

*While- writing: and read the writing with their partner. Call
some ss give answer by writing/reading

-Call some ss to ask and answer the 2

questions again.

7’ * Post- writing:
- In two groups, Group A writes the
6/ Let’s play: questions(any questions they like in 5
units). GB write the answers.Set time limit.
- Then S1 in GA reads and shows his/her
question- S2 in GB reads and shows his/her
answer.If they are matched.They all get
candies. Continue with the other ss.


- Do exercises in WB in class.

Week: … ………………………..
Date:………………………… Unit5: Where will you be this weekend?
Period: … Lesson 3(123)
Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss can practice pronunciation and stress.
Materials : Wall Charts, Recording.
Procedure :
Time Contents T’s & Ss’ activities
I.WARM UP: Read and complete ( E1/
p. 22; EB) T gives instruction.
5’ Answer: Ss play game in 2 groups.
1. weekend 2. go T corrects and decides the winner
3. do 4. football
5. swim 6. island - Have Ss look the words and pay attention on
the stress.Play the tape, ss listen, point and
8’ II. NEW LESSON: repeat in choral
1. Listen and repeat:
- Ss practise saying the words and the sentences
in pairs ( call some below average SS to say
- T says some words(weekend, Sunday,village )
– ss listen and find the stress.

10’ 2. Listen and circle :

- Have Ss look at the chart ;and guess which
words may be in the blanks
- Play the recording. Ss listen & write. Share
with their partner
- Get some pairs read aloud. And T gives
Keys: 1-b, 2-a , 3-b
3. Let’s chant:
8’ - Get ss read the chant sentence by sentence
- T plays the recording, Ss listen and repeat
sentence by sentence. Then practise chanting in
choral then role play until ss get fluency.

- Chant again in individual.( good or abilities

5’ SS )

III. HOMELINK: Guite ss to exercise in WB.

-Prepare one place and two activities that you
will do next weekend.
Week: ………………………….. Unit5: Where will you be this weekend?
Date:……………………. Lesson 3(4,5,6,7)
Period: …

Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss can read and write about their next holiday
Materials : Wall Charts, Recording.
Procedure :
Time Contents T’s & Ss’ activities
5’ I. Warm-up: Say the chant “Where will
you be this weekend?” again
12’ 4.Read and tick: - T shows the picture of Mai’s family and
Pre-reading: HaLong Bay then ask ss to say some things
- Pre- teach voca: about her family activities in HLBay by
-sunbathe :tắm nắng (Picture) guessing.( below average SS )
- SS open the book and read individualy to
check the prediction.
- And Ss fill in the gaps. then compare in
-Call some ss to give their answer and the
others give comment. T gives feedback.
Key : 2. Will sunbathe 3. Will have seafood
4.will build sandcastles 5. Will play
badminton 6. Will have seafood
 Post-reading:Recall
- Call some good ss to talk about Mai’s
parents and her brother activities.
8’ 5.Write about you:
- Ask ss to discuss with their partner about
the information that they can write in the
blanks (base on the Homework).
-Ss write individually.Set time limit.
-Ss compare their writings.
-T checks Ss writing.Then ask some ss to
read or speak out their writing
10’ 6. Project:
Interview three classmates about where they - Ss move around to interview their friends
will go and what they will do next weekend. By asking: Where wil you be next weekend?
What will you do there?
- T declares the 3 first ss
-Have Ss to read the statements and check
7. Color the stars their comprehension
- Help pupils who find it difficult
III. HOMELINK - Copy the writing task into the notebook.

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