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Bai 3 Where Did You Go On Holiday

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Moc Ly Primary School English 5 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong

Week: 5 Date of teaching:

Period 13th Date of planning:
Lesson 1(Part 1, 2, 3)
Objectives After the lesson, students are able to:
- Ask and asnwer questions about past holiday.
- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills.
Language Pattern: “-Where did you go on holiday? – I went to…” . Vocab: trip,
focus really, ancient town, imperial city, holiday
Resources Pictures, Puppets, Sts’ book.
Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes
- Have Ss read the chant What do
1. Warm-up: you do in the morning?
Chant W-Class
- Give comment.
2. -T follows the steps of presenting trip, really, ancient town, W-class
Vocabulary: new words. imperial city, holiday Individual
2’ -Sts follows T’s instructions.
-T shows the pictures on the bb
and read the dialogues. W-class
3. Look, listen -Sts look and repeat the dialogues
“-Where did you go on Groups
and repeat: 3 times.
holiday? – I went to…” Individual
-T gives out the pattern
-Sts copy the pattern.
-T follows steps of picture cues. “-Where did you go on W-class
4. Point and -Sts try to practice using the holiday? – I went to…” Groups
say: 10’ pattern above. Pairs
-T corrects speaking. W-class
-T asks some pairs to stand up
and practice speaking. Use the real ss’ name. Pairs
5. Let’s talk:8’
-Other Ss observe and say their W-class
- Learn by heart the
6. Homelink :
-T tells the homelink, Ss take sentences and words in W-class
note. the whole lesson.
Week: 5 Date of teaching:
Period 14th Date of planning:
Lesson 1(Part 4, 5, 6)
Moc Ly Primary School English 5 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong

Objectives After the lesson, students are able to:

- Listen and match pictures.
- Read and match.
Language Pattern: “-Where did you go on holiday? – I went to…” . Vocab: trip,
focus really, ancient town, imperial city, holiday
Resources Pictures, Puppets, Sts’ book.
Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes
- Spend a few mins revising the
language learnt by calling a group W-Class
1. Warm-up: of four to the front of the class to
3’ Individual
introduce each other.
- Give comment.
2. -T follows the steps of presenting trip, really, ancient town, W-class
Vocabulary: new words. imperial city, holiday Individual
2’ -Sts follows T’s instructions.
-T elicits the pictures.
-T reads listening text.
3. Listen and -Sts listen and match pictures. *Answers:1.c; 2.d;3.b;4.a W-class
match: 10’ -Some Sts call out the answers. Pairs
-Others give comments. W-class

- Tell Ss that they’re going to read W-class

the sentences on the lefl and pair Individual
them with those on the right by Key: W-class
drawing a line between them. 1/ c
4. Read and - Give Ss time to do the task. 2/ d
match: 10’ - Get Ss to swap and check their 3/ a
answers before checking as a
4/ e
5/ b
- Have a few pairs act out the
5. Let’s play : - T sticks the game on the bb and W-class
8’ guides ss to play. Play the game Individual
6. Homelink : -T tells the homelink, Ss take Prepare for new lesson. W-class
2’ note.
Week: 5 Date of teaching:
Period 15th Date of planning:
Moc Ly Primary School English 5 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong

Lesson 2(Part 1, 2, 3)
Objectives After the lesson, students are able to:
- Ask and answer about means of transport.
Language Pattern: -How did you get there? – I went by…. Vocab: province, coach,
focus back, plane, train, taxi, motorbike, underground, bus, fun.
Resources Pictures, Puppets, Sts’ book.
Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes
1. Warm-up: Play the game Bingo. Play the game. W-Class
3’ Individual
-T follows the steps of presenting province, coach, back, W-class
new words. plane, train, taxi, Individual
-Sts follows T’s instructions. motorbike, underground,
2’ bus, fun.
-T shows the pictures on the bb
and read the dialogues. How did you get there? – W-class
-Sts look and repeat the dialogues I went by…. Groups
3. Look, listen 3 times. Individual
and repeat: -T gives out the patterns.
10’ -Sts copy the patterns.
-T follows steps of picture cues. W-class
4. Point and -Sts try to practice using the How did you get there? – Groups
say: 10’ pattern above. I went by…. Pairs
-T corrects speaking. W-class
-T asks some pairs to stand up W-Class
5. Let’s talk : and practice speaking. Practice using the real Pairs
8’ -Other Sts observe and say their names. W-class
6. Homelink : -T tells the homelink, Ss take Ss learn all the vocabulary W-class
2’ note. and structures at home.
Week: 5 Date of teaching:
Period 16th Date of planning:
Lesson 2(Part 4, 5, 6)
Objectives After the lesson, students are able to:
- Listen and write.
- Write about someone’s last holiday.
Language Pattern: -How did you get there? – I went by…. Vocab: province, coach,
focus back, plane, train, taxi, motorbike, underground, bus, fun.
Moc Ly Primary School English 5 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong

Resources Pictures, Puppets, Sts’ book.

Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes
- Spend a few mins revising the W-Class
language learnt by playing a game Pairs
1. Warm-up: of Slap the board, using the
3’ Play the game. Group
character cards.
- Give comment.
-T follows the steps of presenting province, coach, back, W-class
new words. plane, train, taxi, Individual
-Sts follows T’s instructions. motorbike, underground,
2’ bus, fun.
-T elicits the sentences. Key:
3. Listen and -T reads listening text. 1/motorbike W-class
write one -Sts listen and write. 2/train Individual
word in each -Some Sts call out the answers. 3/taxi W-class
blank: 10’ -Others give comments. 4/plane
-T gets feedback.
- T asks Ss do the task for 5
minutes. T goes around for help,
4. Write about if necessary. W-class
your last - T calls some Ss go to the board Ss’s own answers Individual
holiday: 10’ and write down their answers. W-class
The others give comment.
- T gives feedback
5. Let’s sing : -T sticks the song on the bb, sings Sing the song W-class
8’ and guides Ss to sing. Individual
6. Homelink : -T tells the homelink, Ss take Ss learn all the new words W-class
2’ note. at home.
Week: 6 Date of teaching:
Period 17th Date of planning:
Lesson 3(Part 1, 2, 3)
Objectives After the lesson, students are able to:
- Pronounce the sounds of the words: motorbike, underground, holiday,
- Develop Ss writing and listening skills.
Language Pattern: “-Where did you go? – I went to…”. Stress: motorbike,
focus underground, holiday, family.
Moc Ly Primary School English 5 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong

Resources Pictures, Puppets, Sts’ book.

Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes
- Ask Ss to play the game Slap the W-Class
1. Warm-up: board.
Play the game. Group
- Give them comments.
-T introduces the stress: motorbike, underground, W-class
2. Stress: motorbike, underground, holiday, holiday, family. Individual
2’ family.
-Sts follows T’s instructions.
-T shows the words, models the
3. Listen and words “motorbike, underground, motorbike, underground, W-class
repeat: 10’ holiday, family.” asks Ss to repeat holiday, family. Individual
-T gives the poster of gap-fill on Key:
4. Listen and the bb and guides. 1/ a W-class
circle a or b. -T gets Ss to do the task. 2/ a Individual
Then say the - 4 Ss come to the bb to circle the 3/ b W-class
sentences gap-fill. 4/ a
aloud: 10’ -Others give comments.
-T gets feedback.
- T shows the chant on the bb,
play the tape 3 times, guide Ss to W-class
5. Let’s chant sentence by sentence. Where did you go? Individual
chant :8’ -Ss try to chant with the teacher. Group
-Some Ss do chanting in front of
the class.
6. Homelink : -T tells the homelink, Ss take - Chant. W-class
2’ note.
Week: 6 Date of teaching:
Period 18th Date of planning:
Lesson 3(Part 4, 5, 6,7)
Objectives After the lesson, students are able to:
- Read and complete the dialogues.
- Develop Ss reading and writing skills
Language Pattern: “-Where did you go? – I went to…”
Resources Pictures, Puppets, Sts’ book.
Moc Ly Primary School English 5 Plans Design by Do Thi Huong

Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes
1. Warm-up: - T asks Ss to repeat the chant Chant W-Class
3’ “Where did you go?”. Group
2. -T follows the steps of presenting W-class
Vocabulary: new words. Individual
2’ -Sts follows T’s instructions.
-T tells the context and completes
the sentences.
- Give a few seconds for Ss to Answers: W-class
read and look at the pictures. 1 – island; 2 – by; 3 – Individual
3. Read and - Check comprehension and elicit plane; 4 – badminton; W-class
complete: 10’ the words to fill the gaps. 5_swam
- Ask Ss do the task.
- Check their answers.
- Do choral and individual
- Tells Ss that they are going to Key:
look at the pictures, read and fill 1/ It’s in the north of
the gaps. England.
- Check comprehension and elicit 2/ By underground. W-class
4. Read and the words.
3/ By train. Individual
write: 10’ - Ask Ss do the task. 4/ Because she can enjoy W-class
- Check their answers. the beautiful views on the
- Do choral and individual way.
repetition. 5/ Yes, she did.
- T asks Ss do the task for 5
minutes. T goes around for help,
if necessary. Interview
5. Project : 5’
- T asks Ss do the task. If there is W-class
not enough time, ask Ss to do it as
6. Colour the Check Sts’s understanding. W-class
stars: 3’ Individual
7. Homelink : -T tells the homelink, Ss take Prepare for new lesson.
2’ note. W-class

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