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Ul 864 2020-05

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UL 864


Control Units and Accessories for Fire

Alarm Systems
MAY 7, 2020 - UL 864 tr1

UL Standard for Safety for Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems, UL 864

Tenth Edition, Dated December 1, 2014

Summary of Topics

This revision of ANSI/UL 864 dated May 7, 2020 is issued to incorporate the following changes:

– Alternative means utilizing adhesives to provide mechanical securement of parts; 6.1.2,

6.2.1, 9.5 – 9.9, Section 83, Section 92.6

– Building System Information Unit; 3.13A, Sections 54A, 54B, 54C, 96.31,

– Class N pathway performance criteria; 3.39A, 56.1.13A, 56.1.14, 56.3.1, 56.4.1

– Aligning UL 864 with new UL 268 requirements for special application smoke detectors; –, 96.32

Text that has been changed in any manner or impacted by UL's electronic publishing system is marked
with a vertical line in the margin.

The new and revised requirements are substantially in accordance with Proposal(s) on this subject dated
June 28, 2019 and February 14, 2020.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise
without prior permission of UL.

UL provides this Standard "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but
not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purpose.

In no event will UL be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages,
including loss of profits, lost savings, loss of data, or any other damages arising out of the use of or the
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tr2 MAY 7, 2020 - UL 864

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DECEMBER 1, 2014
(Title Page Reprinted: May 7, 2020)

ANSI/UL 864-2020 i

UL 864

Standard for Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems

The First through Eighth Editions of this standard were titled Control Units for Fire-Protective Signaling

First Edition – October, 1948

Second Edition – September, 1957
Third Edition – February, 1972
Fourth Edition – September, 1972
Fifth Edition – January, 1975
Sixth Edition – June, 1980
Seventh Edition – May, 1991
Eight Edition – November, 1996
Ninth Edition – September, 2003

Tenth Edition

December 1, 2014

This ANSI/UL Standard for Safety consists of the Tenth Edition including revisions
through May 7, 2020.

The most recent designation of ANSI/UL 864 as an American National Standard

(ANSI) occurred on May 7, 2020 ANSI approval for a standard does not include

the Cover Page, Transmittal Pages, and Title Page.

The Department of Defense (DoD) has adopted UL 864 on May 2, 1991. The
publication of revised pages or a new edition of this Standard will not invalidate the
DoD adoption.

Comments or proposals for revisions on any part of the Standard may be

submitted to UL at any time. Proposals should be submitted via a Proposal
Request in UL's On-Line Collaborative Standards Development System (CSDS)

UL's Standards for Safety are copyrighted by UL. Neither a printed nor electronic
copy of a Standard should be altered in any way. All of UL's Standards and all
copyrights, ownerships, and rights regarding those Standards shall remain the
sole and exclusive property of UL.


2 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

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MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 3


INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................. 11

1 Scope ................................................................................................................................. 11
2 General ...............................................................................................................................12
2.1 Components............................................................................................................12
2.2 Units of measurement ..............................................................................................12
2.3 Undated references .................................................................................................12
3 Glossary..............................................................................................................................12
4 Information Required for Assessment ....................................................................................21

CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................................................................22

5 General ...............................................................................................................................22
6 Enclosures ..........................................................................................................................22
6.1 General...................................................................................................................22
6.2 Metallic material.......................................................................................................22
6.3 Polymeric materials..................................................................................................25
6.4 Covers ....................................................................................................................26
6.5 Battery compartments ..............................................................................................27
6.6 Enclosure openings – general...................................................................................27
6.7 Enclosure top openings ............................................................................................27
6.8 Enclosure side openings ..........................................................................................28
6.9 Enclosure bottom openings ......................................................................................32
7 Internal Materials .................................................................................................................32
8 Accessibility of Uninsulated Live Parts, Film-Coated Wire, and Moving Parts ............................33
9 Mechanical Assembly...........................................................................................................35
10 Protection Against Corrosion...............................................................................................36
11 Branch-Circuit Connection ..................................................................................................36
11.1 General .................................................................................................................36
11.2 Permanently connected ..........................................................................................37
11.3 Cord-connected product .........................................................................................38
12 Other Field-Wiring Connections...........................................................................................41
12.1 General .................................................................................................................41
12.2 Field-wiring compartment .......................................................................................42
12.3 Power-limited circuits .............................................................................................42
12.4 Field-wiring terminals (general application) ..............................................................43
12.5 Field-wiring terminals (qualified application) .............................................................43
12.6 Field-wiring leads ...................................................................................................44
12.7 Cords and plugs.....................................................................................................45
13 Internal Wiring ...................................................................................................................45
13.1 General .................................................................................................................45
13.2 Splices and connections .........................................................................................46
13.3 Connectors and receptacles ...................................................................................47
14 Protective Devices .............................................................................................................47
15 Current-Carrying Parts .......................................................................................................47
16 Spacings ...........................................................................................................................47
17 Insulating Material ..............................................................................................................49
18 Printed-Wiring Boards ........................................................................................................49
19 End-of-Line Devices ...........................................................................................................49
20 Voltage-Dropping Resistors ................................................................................................50
21 Coil Windings.....................................................................................................................50
22 Components ......................................................................................................................50
22.1 Switches ...............................................................................................................50
4 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

22.2 Lampholders and lamps .........................................................................................50

22.3 Operating mechanisms...........................................................................................51
22.4 Across-the-line components....................................................................................51
23 Batteries............................................................................................................................51
23.1 Rechargeable storage-type used as standby power source .......................................51
23.2 Primary dry-cell batteries ........................................................................................52
23.3 Lithium batteries ....................................................................................................52
24 Grounding for Products Containing High-Voltage Circuits ......................................................53
25 Servicing Protection ...........................................................................................................55
25.1 General .................................................................................................................55
25.2 Trained service personnel.......................................................................................56
25.3 Antenna terminal discharge assembly .....................................................................56

PROTECTION AGAINST INJURY TO PERSONS ..............................................................................56

26 General .............................................................................................................................56
27 Telescoping Antenna ..........................................................................................................57
28 Sharp Edges......................................................................................................................57
29 Stability .............................................................................................................................57

PERFORMANCE .............................................................................................................................58

GENERAL .......................................................................................................................................58

30 Details...............................................................................................................................58
30.1 Tests and voltages .................................................................................................58
30.2 Maximum rated load...............................................................................................59

OPERATION TESTS ........................................................................................................................59

31 Specifics............................................................................................................................59

LOCAL SERVICE ............................................................................................................................60

32 General .............................................................................................................................60
33 Signaling ...........................................................................................................................60
33.1 General .................................................................................................................60
33.2 Display information.................................................................................................61
33.3 Alarm signals .........................................................................................................62
33.4 Trouble signals ......................................................................................................64
33.5 Supervisory signals ................................................................................................64
33.6 Other signals .........................................................................................................65
34 Emergency Voice/Alarm Communications and Telephone/Intercom Signaling.........................65
34.1 General .................................................................................................................65
34.2 Emergency voice/alarm communications .................................................................66
34.3 Two-way telephone/intercom communication ...........................................................68

RELEASING SERVICE ....................................................................................................................69

35 General .............................................................................................................................69
36 Operation ..........................................................................................................................69
36.1 General .................................................................................................................69
36.2 Signals ..................................................................................................................71
36.3 Abort.....................................................................................................................73
36.4 Manual release switch ............................................................................................74
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 5

36.5 Cross-zone initiation...............................................................................................74

36.6 Single-zone multiple-detector (counting zone) initiation .............................................74
36.7 Combination single-zone multiple-detector and cross-zone initiation ..........................75

REMOTE STATION, CENTRAL STATION, AND PROPRIETARY SERVICES ......................................75

37 General .............................................................................................................................75
38 Protected Premises Units ...................................................................................................75
38.1 General .................................................................................................................75
38.2 Trouble signals ......................................................................................................76
38.3 Supervisory signals ................................................................................................77
38.4 Guard tour supervisory signals................................................................................77
38.5 Off-premises signaling............................................................................................77
39 Supervising Station Units....................................................................................................78
39.1 General .................................................................................................................78
39.2 Display and recording.............................................................................................79
39.3 Monitoring integrity.................................................................................................82
40 Supervising Station Signal Processing Equipment ................................................................82
41 Transmission and Communication Paths .............................................................................85
41.1 General .................................................................................................................85
41.2 Active multiplex......................................................................................................86
41.3 Digital alarm communicator transmitter (DACT) ........................................................87
41.4 Two-way private-radio frequency multiplex...............................................................89
41.5 One-way private-radio frequency.............................................................................90
41.6 Direct-connect non-coded systems..........................................................................92
41.7 Performance based technologies ............................................................................92

AUXILIARY SERVICE ......................................................................................................................93

42 General .............................................................................................................................93
43 Protected Premises Units ...................................................................................................93
43.1 General .................................................................................................................93
43.2 Alarm signals .........................................................................................................94
43.3 Auxiliary signaling circuit.........................................................................................94
44 Supervising and Subsidiary Station Units .............................................................................94

MARINE APPLICATIONS.................................................................................................................94

45 General .............................................................................................................................94
46 Signaling ...........................................................................................................................95
46.1 General .................................................................................................................95
46.2 Display information.................................................................................................96
46.3 Alarm signals .........................................................................................................96
46.4 Supervisory signals ................................................................................................97

SMOKE-CONTROL APPLICATIONS ................................................................................................98

47 General .............................................................................................................................98
48 Power Supplies..................................................................................................................98
49 Firefighter's Smoke-Control Station (FSCS) .........................................................................99
50 Operation ........................................................................................................................ 100

RELEASING DEVICE (NON-EXTINGUISHING AND NON-WATER BASED) ..................................... 102

51 General ........................................................................................................................... 102

6 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

52 Power Supplies................................................................................................................ 102

53 Operation ........................................................................................................................ 103
54 Monitoring for Integrity ...................................................................................................... 103


54A General......................................................................................................................... 104

54B Operation ...................................................................................................................... 104
54B.1 General............................................................................................................. 104
54B.2 Display information ............................................................................................ 105
54B.3 Operation of fire alarm system ............................................................................ 106
54B.4 Combination systems......................................................................................... 107
54C Installation Information ................................................................................................... 107

COMMON REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................... 108

55 Power Supplies................................................................................................................ 108

55.1 General ............................................................................................................... 108
55.2 Primary power source........................................................................................... 108
55.3 Secondary power source(s) .................................................................................. 109
55.4 Primary batteries.................................................................................................. 110
56 Common Performance and Monitoring for Integrity – Protected Premises Units/Systems....... 112
56.1 General ............................................................................................................... 112
56.2 Initiating-device circuits ........................................................................................ 116
56.3 Notification appliance circuits ................................................................................ 116
56.4 Signaling line circuits............................................................................................ 117
56.5 Low-power radio-frequency signaling .................................................................... 117
56.6 Remote keypads/annunciators.............................................................................. 119
57 Trouble Signals ................................................................................................................ 119
58 Components – Monitoring for Integrity ............................................................................... 120
59 Software.......................................................................................................................... 122
59.1 General ............................................................................................................... 122
59.2 User access and programming.............................................................................. 123
59.3 Software integrity ................................................................................................. 123
60 Features.......................................................................................................................... 125
60.1 General ............................................................................................................... 125
60.2 Alarm verification ................................................................................................. 125
60.3 Multiple detector operation.................................................................................... 127
60.4 Positive alarm sequence....................................................................................... 127
60.5 Automatic drift compensation and/or smoke detector sensing chamber supervision .. 128
60.6 Calibrated detector sensitivity testing..................................................................... 128
60.7 Pre-signal............................................................................................................ 128
61 Combination Systems....................................................................................................... 129
61.1 General ............................................................................................................... 129
61.2 Mass notification system interconnection ............................................................... 130
61.3 Carbon monoxide signaling................................................................................... 131
62 Interconnected Fire Alarm Units ........................................................................................ 132

OTHER TESTS .............................................................................................................................. 132

63 Electrical Ratings Test ...................................................................................................... 133

63.1 General ............................................................................................................... 133
63.2 Power input circuits .............................................................................................. 133
63.3 Other external circuits........................................................................................... 133
64 Voice Amplifier Harmonic Distortion Test ............................................................................ 133
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64.1 Crossover............................................................................................................ 133

64.2 Total harmonic ..................................................................................................... 134
65 Variable Voltage Operation Test ........................................................................................ 134
66 Power-Limited Circuits Test............................................................................................... 135
66.1 General ............................................................................................................... 135
66.2 Maximum voltage................................................................................................. 137
66.3 Maximum current ................................................................................................. 137
66.4 VAmax (not inherently limited circuits only)............................................................... 138
67 Compatibility Tests ........................................................................................................... 138
67.1 General ............................................................................................................... 138
67.2 Notification appliance circuits (NAC) ...................................................................... 138
67.3 Power output circuits ............................................................................................ 142
67.4 Releasing device circuit ........................................................................................ 143
67.5 Signaling line circuit (SLC) .................................................................................... 143
67.6 Two-wire conventional smoke detectors................................................................. 146
67.7 Audio amplifier power input/output characteristics tests........................................... 150
68 Component Temperature Test ........................................................................................... 150
69 Charging Current Test ...................................................................................................... 154
69.1 General ............................................................................................................... 154
69.2 Discharged battery ............................................................................................... 155
69.3 Charged battery ................................................................................................... 156
69.4 Discharged battery – second trial .......................................................................... 156
70 Standby Operating Power Test for Releasing Devices ......................................................... 156
70.1 Releasing device service – extinguishing agents and water suppression .................. 156
70.2 Releasing devices – non-extinguishing and non-water based .................................. 156
71 Variable Ambient Temperature and Humidity Tests ............................................................. 157
71.1 General ............................................................................................................... 157
71.2 Low temperature test............................................................................................ 157
71.3 High temperature test ........................................................................................... 158
71.4 Humidity test........................................................................................................ 158
72 Overload Test .................................................................................................................. 159
72.1 Products supplied from commercial AC power systems........................................... 159
72.2 Separately energized circuits ................................................................................ 159
72.3 Battery charger transfer mechanism ...................................................................... 160
72.4 Voice amplifiers ................................................................................................... 160
73 Endurance Test................................................................................................................ 160
73.1 General ............................................................................................................... 160
73.2 Integral operating devices..................................................................................... 161
73.3 Power supplies .................................................................................................... 161
73.4 Battery charger .................................................................................................... 161
73.5 Printers ............................................................................................................... 162
73.6 Audible signaling appliance................................................................................... 162
73.7 Voice amplifiers ................................................................................................... 162
74 Jarring Test...................................................................................................................... 162
75 Time-Limit Cutout Calibration Test ..................................................................................... 164
76 Leakage Current Test ....................................................................................................... 164
77 Transient Tests ................................................................................................................ 166
77.1 General ............................................................................................................... 166
77.2 Externally-induced supply-line transients ............................................................... 167
77.3 Internally-induced transients ................................................................................. 167
77.4 Input/output (low-voltage) field-wiring transients ..................................................... 167
78 Electric Shock Current Test ............................................................................................... 173
79 Ignition Test Through Bottom-Panel Openings.................................................................... 176
80 Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test ...................................................................................... 177
81 Abnormal Operation Tests ................................................................................................ 178
81.1 General ............................................................................................................... 178
8 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

81.2 Operation ............................................................................................................ 179

81.3 Field-wiring circuits............................................................................................... 179
81.4 Electronic components ......................................................................................... 179
81.5 Cooling fans and blowers...................................................................................... 180
81.6 Transformer burnout............................................................................................. 181
81.7 Communications circuits....................................................................................... 181
81.8 Evaluation of reduced spacings on printed-wiring boards ........................................ 181
82 Tests on Special Terminal Assemblies ............................................................................... 182
82.1 General ............................................................................................................... 182
82.2 Mechanical secureness test.................................................................................. 182
82.3 Flexing test.......................................................................................................... 183
82.4 Millivolt drop test .................................................................................................. 183
82.5 Temperature test.................................................................................................. 183
83 Mechanical Strength Test for Metal Enclosures and Guards and Enclosure Parts Secured with
Adhesive........................................................................................................................ 183
84 Radio Frequency Interference Test .................................................................................... 186
85 Short-Range Radio Frequency (RF) Devices Test............................................................... 186
85.1 General ............................................................................................................... 186
85.2 Reference level determination............................................................................... 187
85.3 Interference immunity........................................................................................... 187
85.4 Frequency selectivity............................................................................................ 187
85.5 Clash .................................................................................................................. 188
85.6 Clash error .......................................................................................................... 189
85.7 Error (falsing) rate ................................................................................................ 190
85.8 Throughput rate ................................................................................................... 190
85.9 Transmitter stability tests ...................................................................................... 191
85.10 Transmitter accelerated aging test ....................................................................... 191
86 Long-Range Radio Frequency (RF) Device Tests ............................................................... 192
86.1 General ............................................................................................................... 192
86.2 Reference signal level .......................................................................................... 192
86.3 Throughput rate test ............................................................................................. 193
86.4 Error (falsing) rate test .......................................................................................... 193
86.5 Adjacent channel rejection test.............................................................................. 194
86.6 Intermodulation rejection test ................................................................................ 194
86.7 Spurious response rejection test ........................................................................... 195
86.8 Clash .................................................................................................................. 195
87 Primary Batteries Test ...................................................................................................... 196
87.1 Life test ............................................................................................................... 196
87.2 Battery trouble voltage determination..................................................................... 197
87.3 Battery replacement test....................................................................................... 200
87.4 Butt-type connection pressure test ........................................................................ 200
88 Strain-Relief Test.............................................................................................................. 201
88.1 Cord-connected products ..................................................................................... 201
88.2 Field connection leads.......................................................................................... 201
89 Antenna End-Piece Secureness Test ................................................................................. 201
90 Polarity Reversal Test....................................................................................................... 201
91 Environmental Tests for Marine Applications ...................................................................... 202
92 Wet Location and Outdoor-Use Tests................................................................................. 202
92.1 General ............................................................................................................... 202
92.2 Corrosion tests .................................................................................................... 202
92.3 Dust test.............................................................................................................. 203
92.4 Water spray test................................................................................................... 203
92.5 Gasket testing...................................................................................................... 207
92.6 Polymeric and adhesive materials tests ................................................................. 208
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 9

MANUFACTURING AND PRODUCTION-LINE TESTS .................................................................... 208

93 Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test ...................................................................................... 208

94 Grounding-Continuity Test ................................................................................................ 209

MARKINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................. 210

95 Markings ......................................................................................................................... 210

95.1 General ............................................................................................................... 210
95.2 Permanence of marking........................................................................................ 214
96 Installation Wiring Diagram/Instructions ............................................................................. 214
97 Operating Instructions ...................................................................................................... 222
98 International Languages ................................................................................................... 222

APPENDIX A ................................................................................................................................. 224

Standards for Components ...................................................................................................... 224

10 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

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MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 11


1 Scope

1.1 These requirements cover:

a) Discrete electrical control units and accessories for fire alarm systems;

b) Electrically- and electronically-operated amplifiers that provide speech communication and

distinctive sounds in conjunction with fire protective signaling systems; and

c) Commercial stationary and fixed power supplies for fire-protective signaling systems, having
input and output ratings of not more than 600 V, direct- and alternating-current, (DC and AC).

1.2 These requirements cover products to be employed in accordance with the following National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) Standards:

a) Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems, NFPA 12;

b) Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems, NFPA 12A;

c) Installation of Sprinkler Systems, NFPA 13;

d) Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection, NFPA 15;

e) Installation of Foam-Water Sprinkler and Foam-Water Spray Systems, NFPA 16;

f) Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems, NFPA 17;

g) Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems, NFPA 17A;

h) National Electrical Code, NFPA 70;

i) National Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 72;

j) Standard for Smoke Control Systems, NFPA 92;

k) Standard for Water Mist Fire Protection Systems, NFPA 750;

l) Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems, NFPA 2001; and

m) Standard for Fixed Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Systems, NFPA 2010.

1.3 The products covered by this standard are intended to be used in combination with other appliances
and devices to form a commercial fire alarm system. These products provide all monitoring, control, and
indicating functions of the system. An installation document (s) provided with the product describes the
various products needed to form a fire alarm system and their intended use and installation.

1.4 These requirements do not cover:

a) Manual boxes, automatic fire detectors, abort stations, manual releasing stations, or other
initiating devices; nor do they cover notification appliances not provided as part of the product.

b) Commercial sound equipment for institutional and industrial use or theater equipment.
Commercial sound equipment is covered by the Standard for Audio, Video, and Similar Electronic
Apparatus-Safety Requirements, UL 60065.
12 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

c) Commercial power supplies covered by the Standard for Power Units Other Than Class 2, UL
1012, or commercial battery chargers covered by the Standard for Battery Chargers for Charging
Engine-Starter Batteries, UL 1236.

1.5 These requirements do not include determination of compliance with regulations of the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC). Should products covered by these requirements be required to
comply with FCC regulations, a report of verification from the manufacturer is required as evidence of such

2 General

2.1 Components

2.1.1 Except as indicated in 2.1.2, a component of a product covered by this standard shall comply with
the requirements for that component. See Appendix A for a list of standards covering components used in
the products covered by this standard.

2.1.2 A component is not required to comply with a specific requirement that:

a) Involves a feature or characteristic not required in the application of the component in the
product covered by this standard, or

b) Is superseded by a requirement in this standard.

2.1.3 A component shall be used in accordance with its rating established for the intended conditions of

2.1.4 Specific components are incomplete in construction features or restricted in performance

capabilities. Such components are intended for use only under limited conditions, such as certain
temperatures not exceeding specified limits, and shall be used only under those specific conditions.

2.2 Units of measurement

2.2.1 Values stated without parentheses are the requirement. Values in parentheses are explanatory or
approximate information.

2.3 Undated references

2.3.1 Any undated reference to a code or standard appearing in the requirements of this standard shall
be interpreted as referring to the latest edition of that code or standard.

3 Glossary

3.1 For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions apply.

3.2 ACKNOWLEDGE – Action taken to confirm that a message or signal has been received, such as
pressing a button.

3.3 ACTIVE MULTIPLEX SYSTEM – A system employing a signaling method characterized by

simultaneous or sequential transmission, or both, and reception of multiple signals, including a means for
positively identifying each signal. Employs signaling devices such as transponders and transceivers to
transmit status signals of each initiating device within a prescribed time interval so that lack of receipt of
such signal is to be interpreted as a trouble signal.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 13

3.4 ADDRESSABLE DEVICE – A fire alarm system component with discrete identification that can have
its status individually identified or that is used to individually control other functions.

3.5 ADVERSE CONDITION – Any condition occurring in a circuit or communication path that interferes
with the proper signaling or interpretation of status-change signals or both. Conditions include radio
frequency interference.

3.6 AIR-HANDLING SPACE – Space used for environmental air-handling purposes other than ducts or
plenums. The space over a hung ceiling used for environmental air-handling is an example.

3.7 ALARM SIGNAL – A signal indicating an emergency condition requiring immediate action such as a
signal indicative of a fire.

3.8 ALARM VERIFICATION – A feature of automatic fire-detection and alarm systems to reduce
unwanted alarms wherein smoke detectors report alarm conditions for a minimum period of time, or
confirm alarm conditions for a given period of time after reset, in order to be accepted as a valid alarm

3.9 ALERT TONE – An attention-getting signal to alert occupants of the pending transmission of a voice

3.10 ANALOG INITIATING DEVICE (SENSOR) – An initiating device that transmits a signal indicating
varying degrees of conditions as contrasted with a conventional device, which can only indicate an
alarm/no alarm condition.

3.11 ANNUNCIATOR – A unit containing one or more indicator lamps, alphanumeric displays, or other
equivalent means in which each indication provides status information about a circuit, condition, or

3.12 AVERAGE VALUE – The sum of all instantaneous values of current (or voltage), averaged over
one-half of an alternating cycle.

3.13 BATTERY CHARGER – A product intended to deliver sufficient current to maintain storage
batteries in their fully-charged condition while the batteries are not connected to a load. The storage
batteries are intended to provide a secondary source of operating power in response to failure of the
primary source of operating power.

3.13A BUILDING SYSTEM INFORMATION UNIT (BSIU) – Computer-based electronic device(s) that is
intended to display building information and execute system control functions, including fire system
information display and control.

3.14 CHANNEL – A path for voice or signal transmission utilizing modulation of light or alternating
current within a frequency band.


a) High-Voltage Circuit – A circuit involving a potential of not more than 600 V nominal and having
characteristics in excess of those of a low-voltage circuit.

b) Low-Voltage Circuit – A circuit involving a potential of not more than 30 V alternating current
(AC) rms, 42.4 V direct current (DC) or peak.

c) Power-Limited Circuit – A circuit wherein the power is limited as specified in Table 66.1 and
Table 66.2.
14 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

3.16 CODED SIGNAL – Signal pulsed in a prescribed code for each round of transmission which
conveys information on the location from which the status-change signal originated. A minimum of three
rounds is required for an alarm signal.

3.17 COMBINATION SYSTEM – A fire alarm system whose components might be used, in whole or in
part, in common with a non-fire alarm signaling system such as smoke control, security, process
monitoring, paging, or building automation.

3.18 COMMUNICATION (S) CIRCUIT – A circuit or path connecting subsidiary/satellite station (s) to
supervising station(s) over which signals are carried.

3.19 CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY – A single owner or single user on a continuous plot of ground,
including any buildings thereon, that is not separated by a public thoroughfare, transportation right-of-way,
property owned or used by others, or body of water not under the same ownership.

3.20 CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORY – A device or appliance externally connected to a control unit that is
employed to assure proper operation of a system or to provide supplementary signaling and/or
annunciation. Examples of control unit accessories are: annunciators, end-of-line resistors or diodes,
auxiliary relays, remote switches, and the like.

3.21 CONTROL UNIT, PROTECTED PREMISES – A unit that directly or indirectly monitors the status of
initiating devices, processes any status-change signals, and performs logical control to generate output
signals required by the system type.

3.22 CONTROL UNIT, SUPERVISING STATION – A unit that directly or indirectly receives status-
change signals from one or more protected-premises control units and performs processing and logical
control to generate output signals required by the system type.


a) Auxiliary – A system that uses the municipal fire alarm system for transmitting an alarm of fire to
the public fire service communications center. Fire-alarm signals transmitted from the premises are
received at the public fire service communications center on the same equipment and by the same
method as alarms transmitted manually from the fire alarm boxes located on the street.

b) Central Station – A system in which status-change signals at a protected premises are

automatically transmitted to a central supervising station where competent and experienced
personnel take appropriate action in response to a received signal. The central supervising station
is controlled and operated by a person, firm, or corporation whose business includes the furnishing,
maintaining, or monitoring of supervised fire alarm systems.

c) Local – A system located at the protected premises which indicates alarm, trouble and
supervisory conditions via notification appliances within the protected premises.

d) Marine – A local protected premises system that is intended to be installed aboard a commercial

e) Proprietary – Local control unit installed at the protected premises with provision for connection
via a transmission channel to a Proprietary Receiving Unit. A system in which status change
signals occurring at the protected premises are automatically transmitted to an on-premises
supervising station where trained, competent personnel take appropriate action in response to a
received signal. The protected property may be contiguous or noncontiguous but must be under
one ownership.

f) Releasing – A local protected premises system that also initiates release of an extinguishing
agent upon the detection of an alarm condition.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 15

g) Remote Station – A system in which status change signals occurring at a protected premises are
transmitted to a supervising station at a public fire services communications center, a fire station, or
a similar governmental agency that has a public responsibility for taking prescribed action to
ensure response upon receipt of a fire alarm signal. Trouble and supervisory signals may be
transmitted to a supervising station at a different location.

h) Smoke Control – A system which, during an alarm condition, provides selective and overriding
control of mechanical fans, dampers, and the like to produce airflow and pressure differences
across smoke barriers to limit and direct smoke movement. A system is categorized as either or
both of the following types:

Dedicated – A system which is normally inactive and is used exclusively for the purpose of
smoke control.

Nondedicated – A system which provides the building heating-ventilating-air conditioning

(HVAC) function under normal conditions and provides a smoke control objective during a
fire alarm condition.

3.24 CONVENTIONAL DEVICE – An initiating device or notification appliance that cannot be individually
identified or selected for control by the fire alarm system.

3.25 DELINQUENCY SIGNAL – A signal indicating the need for action in connection with a guard tour.

3.26 DERIVED CHANNEL – A circuit that uses the local leg of the public switched network as an active
multiplex channel while simultaneously allowing that leg's use for normal telephone communications.

3.27 DIGITAL ALARM COMMUNICATOR RECEIVER (DACR) – A system component that accepts and
displays signals from digital alarm communicator transmitters (DACTs) sent over the public switched
telephone network.

3.28 DIGITAL ALARM COMMUNICATOR SYSTEM (DACS) – A system in which signals are transmitted
from a digital alarm communicator transmitter (DACT), located remote from the supervising station,
through the public-switched telephone network to a digital alarm communicator receiver (DACR).

3.29 DIGITAL ALARM COMMUNICATOR TRANSMITTER (DACT) – A system component to which

initiating devices or groups of devices are connected. The DACT seizes the connected telephone line,
dials a pre-selected number to connect to a DACR, and transmits signals indicating a status change.

3.30 DIGITAL ALARM RADIO RECEIVER (DARR) – A system component that receives and decodes
radio signals.

3.31 DIGITAL ALARM RADIO SYSTEM (DARS) – A system in which signals are transmitted from a
digital alarm radio transmitter (DART) located remote from the supervising station through a radio channel
to a digital alarm radio receiver (DARR).

3.32 DIGITAL ALARM RADIO TRANSMITTER (DART) – A system component to which initiating devices
or a group of devices are connected.

3.33 DISPLAY – The visual representation of output data or status information, other than printed copy.

3.34 DISTINCTIVE SIGNALS – Signals obtained from different sounding appliances (such as bells,
horns, sirens, and buzzers) or from a single appliance (such as an electronic horn) where a continuous
signal is obtained under one condition and a pulsing signal under another.
16 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

3.35 DRIFT COMPENSATION – A feature of a smoke detector or control unit that monitors and
automatically adjusts the alarm’s sensitivity.

3.36 EMERGENCY CONTROL FUNCTION – Building, fire, and emergency control functions that are
intended to increase the level of life safety for occupants or to control the spread of the harmful effects of
fire or other dangerous products.

3.37 EMERGENCY CONTROL FUNCTION INTERFACE DEVICE – A fire alarm or signaling system
component that directly interfaces with the system that operates the emergency control function.

3.38 EMERGENCY VOICE/ALARM COMMUNICATIONS – Dedicated manual or automatic facilities for

originating and distributing voice instructions, as well as evacuation signals pertaining to a fire emergency,
to the occupants of a building.

3.39 END-OF-LINE DEVICE – A device installed at the end of a circuit for the purpose of monitoring the
circuit for fault conditions.

3.39A Endpoint (Class N) – The end of a pathway where a single addressable device or a control unit is

3.40 EVACUATION – The withdrawal of occupants from a building.

3.41 EVACUATION SIGNAL – Distinctive signal intended to be recognized by the occupants as requiring
evacuation of the building.

3.42 EXTERNAL CIRCUITS – Circuits or wiring leaving the product.

3.43 FAULT – An open, ground, or short-circuit condition on any line extending from a product.

3.44 FIELD WIRING – Conductors to be installed by others to connect a product to source(s) of supply,
devices, other products, and loads.

3.45 FIRE COMMAND CENTER – The principal attended or unattended location where the status of the
detection, alarm communications, and control systems is displayed and from which the system can be
manually controlled.

3.46 FIREFIGHTER'S SMOKE CONTROL STATION (FSCS) – A product that includes monitoring and
overriding control capability over smoke control systems and equipment for the use of the fire department.

3.47 FIXED EQUIPMENT – Any equipment product that is intended to be permanently connected
electrically to the wiring system.

3.48 GAGES – Wherever they appear in this standard, the abbreviations MSG, GSG, and AWG mean,
respectively, Manufacturers' Standard Gage for Steel Sheets, Galvanized Sheet Gage, and American Wire
Gage. Reference to sheet metal by gage number is intended only as auxiliary information. Sheet metal of
the indicated gage number may not be used if the forming processes have reduced the thickness of the
sheet to a point below the specified minimum thickness.

3.49 GATEWAY – A device that is used in the transmission of digital or analog data from the fire alarm
control unit to other building-systems control units, equipment, or networks, and/or from other building-
system control units to the fire alarm system.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 17

3.50 GROUNDED CONDUCTOR – A conductor employed to connect the intentionally grounded circuit
of a wiring system to a grounding electrode.

3.51 GROUND FAULT – A circuit impedance to ground sufficient to result in the annunciation of a trouble

3.52 GROUNDING CONDUCTOR – A conductor employed to connect non-current-carrying parts of

equipment, raceways, and enclosure to a grounding electrode at the service which is, in turn, connected to
earth ground or to some conducting body which serves in place of earth ground.

3.53 GUARD TOUR SUPERVISORY SERVICE SIGNAL – A supervisory signal monitoring the
performance of guard patrols.

3.54 INITIATING DEVICE – A manually- or automatically-operated device, the normal intended

operation of which results in a fire alarm or supervisory signal indication from the control unit. Examples of
alarm-initiating devices are thermostats, manual boxes, smoke detectors, water-flow switches, and proof
sensors. Examples of supervisory signal-initiating devices are water-level indicators, sprinkler-system
valve-position signals, pressure supervisory transmitters, and water-temperature switches.

3.55 INITIATING DEVICE CIRCUIT – Circuit to which automatic or manual initiating devices are
connected where the signal received does not identify the individual device operated.


a) Damp – A location protected from sun, rain, and water, but may be subject to moisture. Such
locations may include basements, barns, cold-storage warehouses, greenhouses, indoor
swimming facilities, and the like. They may also include partially protected locations under
canopies, marquees, roofed open porches, and the like.

b) Dry – A location with a controlled ambient that is not subject to dampness or wetness.

c) Wet – A location subject to rain (or the spray of noncorrosive and nonflammable liquids) that may
become saturated with water or that is unprotected from the weather.

3.57 INTERCOM – Two-way voice-communication equipment intended for fire-emergency use.

3.58 KEYPAD – A means of manually controlling the product. Provided with a visual-indicating device
containing identified targets or indicator lamps, alphanumeric displays, or other equivalent means, in
which each indication provides status information about a circuit, condition, and/or location.

3.59 LEG FACILITY – That part of the communication channel that connects each protected building or
premises to the trunk facility.

3.60 LIFE SAFETY NETWORK – A combination system that carries other signals in addition to fire alarm
signals and is connected to a fire alarm system.

3.61 LONG-RANGE RADIO-FREQUENCY DEVICES – Any device that communicates between a

protected premises and a subsidiary station, supervising station, or another protected premises using a
private radio network.

3.62 MESSAGE(S) – Communicated data that contains specific information relating to the status of the
product and is transmitted via a wired or wireless pathway from an origin to a destination.
18 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

3.63 MULTIPLEXING – A signaling method using wire path, cable carrier, radio, or combinations of these
facilities characterized by the simultaneous and/or sequential transmission and reception of multiple
signals in a communication channel including means for positively identifying each such signal.

3.64 NONCODED SIGNAL – Signal from a notification appliance that does not give information on the
location of the initiating device which is in the alarm condition.

3.65 NON-VOLATILE MEMORY – A storage device not alterable by the interruption of the power to the
memory; for example, ROM, FLASH, PROM, EPROM, and EEPROM.

3.66 NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE – Any audible, tactile, or visual signal or any combination thereof
employed to indicate a fire, supervisory, or trouble condition.

3.67 NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CIRCUIT – A circuit or path directly connected to a notification


3.68 NOTIFICATION ZONE – An area covered by notification appliances that are activated

3.69 OFF-HOOK – To make connection with the public-switched telephone network in preparing to dial a
telephone number.

3.70 ON-HOOK – To disconnect from the public switched telephone network.

3.71 OPEN FAULT – A circuit impedance increase sufficient to prevent normal operation.

3.72 OPERATOR – Individual(s) responsible to access and operate the product and/or system, but does
not have access to portions of the product required for servicing and maintenance.

3.73 OPERATOR INTERFACE – Providing controls for manually operating the product/system.

3.74 PATH (PATHWAY) – Any conductor, optic fiber, radio carrier, or other means for transmitting
information between two or more units and/or locations.

3.75 POLARITY REVERSAL CIRCUIT – Direct-current circuit employed where an alarm condition
results in a polarity reversal on a communications or transmission line.

3.76 PORTABLE EQUIPMENT – A product that is easily carried or conveyed by hand. When intended to
be connected to a high-voltage circuit, the product is provided with a power supply cord for connection to
the supply circuit.

3.77 POSITIVE ALARM SEQUENCE – An automatic sequence that results in an alarm signal, even
when manually delayed for investigation, unless the system is reset.

3.78 POWER, EVACUATE – Rated output power for a square wave signal used for evacuation

3.79 POWER, SPEECH – Rated output power while delivering audio frequency signals over the rated
frequency band within the constraints of the distortion limits specified in this standard. Audio frequency
signals are considered to be within the 15-Hz to 15-kHz frequency range.

3.80 POWER SUPPLY – A source of electrical operating power including the circuits and terminations
connecting it to the dependent product/system components.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 19

3.81 POWER SUPPLY-BATTERY CHARGER – A power supply that serves the dual function of
providing operating power and charging storage batteries. The power supply is usually permanently
connected to storage batteries, and the power supply-battery combination is intended to provide all of the
electrical operating power required by the equipment to which the combination is connected, when the
equipment is operating in its intended manner.

3.82 PRERECORDED MESSAGE DEVICE – An automatically- or manually-actuated device intended to

translate a pre-recorded message stored on a tape or other medium into an electronic signal that when
amplified and introduced into speakers produces vocal or tonal information.

3.83 PRE-SIGNAL ALARM – An arrangement where the operation of an automatic detector or initial
operation of a manual station actuates only a selected indicating-device or devices for the purpose of
notifying key personnel who then have the option of initiating a general alarm.

3.84 PRIMARY BATTERY – Any battery which by design or construction is not intended to be recharged.

3.85 PRIMARY OPERATOR INTERFACE – Intended to be the main means of interfacing the controls for
manually operating the product/system.

3.86 PRIVATE-RADIO FREQUENCY SYSTEM – A radio system under the control of the supervising
station or other company where only private access to the system is permitted.

3.87 PROTECTED PREMISES – The physical location protected by a fire alarm system.


support loads in connection with releasing automatic or manual operating devices. Examples include
solenoids, relays, and actuators, holder/release devices, and devices intended to actuate the locking or
unlocking of exits.

3.89 RESET – A control function that attempts to return a system or device to its normal non-alarm state.

3.90 RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK – A risk of electric shock is determined to exist at any part if:

a) The potential between the part and earth ground or any other accessible part is more than 42.4
V peak, and

b) The continuous current flow through a 1500 Ω resistor connected across the potential exceeds
0.5 mA

3.91 RISK OF FIRE – A risk of fire is considered to exist at any two points in a circuit where:

a) The open circuit voltage is more than 42.4 V peak and the energy available to the circuit under
any condition of load including short circuit, results in a current of 8 A or more after 1 min of
operation; or

b) A power of more than 15 W can be delivered into an external resistor connected between the
two points.

3.92 SATELLITE/SUBSIDIARY STATION – A normally unattended location capable of being manned,

but removed from the supervising station and linked to the supervising station by communication channel
(s). This location interconnects signal-receiving equipment or communications channel(s) from protected
buildings or premises to the supervising station.
20 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

3.93 SHORT-RANGE RADIO-FREQUENCY DEVICES – Any device that communicates with

control/receiving equipment by low-power radio signals in accordance with the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) 47, Part 15.

3.94 SIGNALING-LINE CIRCUIT – A circuit or path between any combination of circuit interfaces,
control units, or transmitters over which multiple-system input signals or output signals, or both, are

3.95 SIGNALING-LINE CIRCUIT INTERFACE – A system component that connects a signaling-line

circuit to any combination of initiating devices, initiating-device circuits, notification appliances, notification
appliance circuits, system control outputs, and other signaling-line circuits.

3.96 SOFTWARE – Programs, instructions, procedures, data, and the like that are executed by a central
processing unit of a product and which influences the functional performance of that product. For the
purpose of this standard, software is one of two types:

a) Executive Software – Control and supervisory program which manages the execution of all other
programs and directly or indirectly causes the required functions of the product to be performed.

b) Site-Specific Software – Program that is separate from, but controlled by, the executive software
which allows inputs, outputs, and system configuration to be selectively defined to meet the needs
of a specific installation.

3.97 STANDBY POWER SOURCE – Provides power when the primary power source fails.

3.98 STATIONARY EQUIPMENT – Any product that is intended to be fastened in place or located in a
dedicated space, and is provided with a power-supply cord for connection to the supply circuit.

3.99 STORAGE BATTERY – Any battery which, by design or construction, is intended to be recharged.

3.100 SUPERVISING STATION – A facility that receives signals and at which personnel are in
attendance at all times to respond to these signals.


technology equipment located at a supervising station, subsidiary station, or remotely located in the
signaling path which receives, processes and displays alarm, supervisory and trouble signals for central
station, remote station or proprietary services.

3.102 SUPERVISORY SIGNAL – A signal indicating the need of action in connection with the
supervision of watchmen, sprinkler and other extinguishing systems or equipment, or with the
maintenance features of other protective systems.

3.103 SUPPLEMENTARY – Refers to equipment or operations not required by this standard.

3.104 SUPPLEMENTARY DEVICE – A device intended to be connected to a supplementary device


3.105 SUPPLEMENTARY-DEVICE CIRCUIT – A circuit provided by a product for controlling a device,

the operation of which is supplementary to the primary initiating and indicating devices of the control unit.

3.106 SWITCHED-TELEPHONE NETWORK – An assembly of communications facilities and central-

office equipment operated jointly by authorized service providers that provides the general public with the
ability to establish transmission channels via discrete dialing.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 21

3.107 TONE GENERATOR – A device intended to generate an electronic signal that, when amplified
and introduced into speakers, produces a non-prerecorded, non-vocal, audible signal recognizable as
indicating an evacuation condition.

3.108 TRANSMISSION FAULT – Any condition which interrupts communication between protected
premises and the supervising station.

3.109 TRANSMISSION LINE – A circuit or path connecting transmitters to supervising stations or

subsidiary/satellite station(s) over which signals are carried.

3.110 TRANSMITTER – A system component that provides an interface between a protected premises
unit and the transmission channel.

3.111 TRANSPONDER – A multiplex alarm transmission system functional assembly located remote
from the supervising station.

3.112 TROUBLE SIGNAL – A visual or audible signal indicating a fault condition of any nature, such as a
circuit break or ground or other trouble condition occurring in the device or wiring associated with a
protective signaling system.

3.113 TRUNK FACILITY – That part of the communications channel that connects two or more leg
facilities to a central supervising or satellite station.

a) Primary Trunk Facility – That part of a communication channel that connects all leg facilities to a
central supervising or satellite station.

b) Secondary Trunk Facility – That part of a communication channel that connects two or more, but
not all, leg facilities to a primary trunk facility.

3.114 USER – An individual who operates or services the product.

3.115 WIRE-TO-WIRE FAULT – A wire-to-wire (short circuit) fault is determined to be a resistance of 0.1
Ω or less across the circuit.

3.116 ZONE – A defined area within the protected premises. A zone defines an area from which a status
indication can be received or an area in which a form of control can be executed.

4 Information Required for Assessment

4.1 The following documentation may be required to determine compliance:

a) Schematic diagrams of all circuits.

b) Where the product uses software, evidence of software integrity as described in 59.3.1 – 59.3.4.

c) Marking to be applied to the product as required in Markings, Section 95.

d) Installation wiring diagram/instructions as required in Installation Wiring Diagram/Instructions,

Section 96.

e) Operating instructions as required in Operating Instructions, Section 97.

22 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020


5 General

5.1 A product shall use materials that have been determined to comply with the requirements for the
particular use, as indicated by the performance requirements of this standard.

5.2 Metals, when required to meet the requirements of this standard, shall not be used in such
combination as to cause galvanic action that will increase the risk of fire, electric shock, injury to persons,
or impair the operation of a product associated with the safety of life and/or property protection.

5.3 Where breakage or deterioration of a part such as an enclosure, a frame, a guard, or the like can
result in a risk of injury to persons, the part shall be constructed to meet the demand or expected loading

5.4 The requirement in 5.3 applies also to those positions of a part adjacent to a moving part identified to
involve a risk of injury to persons.

5.5 Electrical equipment with nonmetallic enclosures and other non-metallic discrete objects, intended
to be installed in air-handling spaces shall additionally comply with the requirements in the Standard for
Fire Test for Heat and Visible Smoke Release for Discrete Products and Their Accessories Installed in Air-
Handling Spaces, UL 2043.

5.6 Products that currently meet all the requirements of the Standard for Information Technology
Equipment – Safety – Part 1: General Requirements, UL 60950-1 or the Standard for Audio, Video, and
Similar Electronic Apparatus-Safety Requirements, UL 60065 need only be evaluated to the following
sections with respect to the construction requirements: 6.1.1, 9.5, 11.1.1, 11.2, 12.1 – 12.3, 12.6, 14.4, 19,
23.1, 25.3, and 27.

6 Enclosures

6.1 General

6.1.1 All electrical parts of a product shall be enclosed to provide protection of internal components and
prevent contact with uninsulated live parts.

6.1.2 Enclosure parts fastened with adhesive meeting 9.6 – 9.9 shall comply with the test requirements
in Mechanical Strength Tests for Metal Enclosures and Guards and Enclosure Parts Fastened with
Adhesive, Section 83.

6.2 Metallic material

6.2.1 An enclosure of metal shall have a minimum thickness as specified in Table 6.1, Table 6.2, or Table
6.3, or shall comply with the test requirements in Mechanical Strength Tests for Metal Enclosures and
Guards and Enclosure Parts Fastened with Adhesive, Section 83.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 23

Table 6.1
Cast-metal electrical enclosures

Minimum thickness
Cast metal other than die-
Die-cast metal, cast,
Use, or dimensions of area involveda in (mm) in (mm)
Area of 24 in2 (155 cm2) or less and having no dimension 1/16 (1.6) 1/8 (3.2)
greater than 6 in (152 mm)
Area greater than 24 in2 (155 cm2) or having any dimension 3/32 (2.4) 1/8 (3.2)
greater than 6 in (152 mm)
At a threaded conduit hole 1/4 (6.4) 1/4 (6.4)
At an unthreaded conduit hole 1/8 (3.2) 1/8 (3.2)
The area limitation for metal 1/16 in (1.6 mm) thick may be obtained by the provision of reinforcing ribs subdividing a larger area.

Table 6.2
Minimum thickness of sheet metal for electrical enclosures of carbon or stainless steel

With supporting frame or equivalent

Without supporting framea reinforcinga Minimum thickness
Uncoated, Metal coated,
Maximum width,b Maximum length,c Maximum width,b Maximum length, in (mm) in (mm)

in (cm) in (cm) in (cm) in (cm) [MSG] [GSG]

4.0 (10.2) Not limited 6.25 (15.9) Not limited 0.020 (0.51) 0.023 (0.58)
4.75 (12.1) 5.75 (14.6) 6.75 (17.1) 8.25 (21.0) [24] [24]
6.0 (15.2) Not limited 9.5 (24.1) Not limited 0.026 (0.66) 0.029 (0.74)
7.0 (17.8) 8.75 (22.2) 10.0 (25.4) 12.5 (31.8) [22] [22]
8.0 (20.3) Not limited 12.0 (30.5) Not limited 0.032 (0.81) 0.034 (0.86)
9.0 (22.9) 11.5 (29.2) 13.0 (33.0) 16.0 (40.6) [20] [20]
12.5 (31.8) Not limited 19.5 (49.5) Not limited 0.042 (1.07) 0.045 (1.14)
14.0 (35.6) 18.0 (45.7) 21.0 (53.3) 25.0 (63.5) [18] [18]
18.0 (45.7) Not limited 27.0 (68.6) Not limited 0.053 (1.35) 0.056 (1.42)
20.0 (50.8) 25.0 (63.5) 29.0 (73.7) 36.0 (91.4) [16] [16]
22.0 (55.9) Not limited 33.0 (83.8) Not limited 0.060 (1.52) 0.063 (1.60)
25.0 (63.5) 31.0 (78.7) 35.0 (88.9) 43.0 (109.2) [15] [15]
25.0 (63.5) Not limited 39.0 (99.1) Not limited 0.067 (1.70) 0.070 (1.78)
29.0 (73.7) 36.0 (91.4) 41.0 (104.1) 51.0 (129.5) [14] [14]
33.0 (83.8) Not limited 51.0 (129.5) Not limited 0.080 (2.03) 0.084 (2.13)
38.0 (96.5) 47.0 (119.4) 54.0 (137.2) 66.0 (167.6) [13] [13]
42.0 (106.7) Not limited 64.0 (162.6) Not limited 0.093 (2.36) 0.097 (2.46)
47.0 (119.4) 59.0 (149.9) 68.0 (172.7) 84.0 (213.4) [12] [12]
52.0 (132.1) Not limited 80.0 (203.2) Not limited 0.108 (2.74) 0.111 (2.82)
60.0 (152.4) 74.0 (188.0) 84.0 (213.4) 103.0 (261.6) [11] [11]
63.0 (160.0) Not limited 97.0 (246.4) Not limited 0.123 (3.12) 0.126 (3.20)
73.0 (185.4) 90.0 (228.6) 103.0 (261.6) 127.0 (322.6) [10] [10]

Table 6.2 Continued on Next Page

24 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Table 6.2 Continued

With supporting frame or equivalent

Without supporting framea reinforcinga Minimum thickness
Uncoated, Metal coated,
b c b
Maximum width, Maximum length, Maximum width, Maximum length, in (mm) in (mm)

in (cm) in (cm) in (cm) in (cm) [MSG] [GSG]

A supporting frame is a structure of angle or channel or a folded rigid section of sheet metal that is rigidly attached to and has
essentially the same outside dimensions as the enclosure surface and that has sufficient torsional rigidity to resist the bending
moments which may be applied via the enclosure surface when it is deflected. Construction that is considered to have equivalent
reinforcing may be accomplished by designs that will produce a structure that is as rigid as one built with a frame of angles or
channels. Construction considered to be without supporting frame includes:
1) A single sheet with single formed flanges (formed edges),
2) A single sheet which is corrugated or ribbed, and
3) An enclosure surface loosely attached to a frame, for example, with spring clips.
The width is the smaller dimension of a rectangular sheet metal piece which is part of an enclosure. Adjacent surfaces of an
enclosure may have supports in common and be made of a single sheet.
For panels which are not supported along one side, for example, side panels of boxes, the length of the unsupported side shall be
limited to the dimensions specified unless the side in question is provided with a flange at least 1/2 in (12.7 mm) wide.

Table 6.3
Minimum thickness of sheet metal for electrical enclosures of aluminum, copper, or brass

With supporting frame or equivalent

Without supporting framea reinforcinga
Maximum width,b Maximum length,c Maximum width,b Maximum length, Minimum thickness,

in (cm) in (cm) in (cm) in (cm) in (mm)

3.0 (7.6) Not limited 7.0 (17.8) Not limited
3.5 (8.9) 4.0 (10.2) 8.5 (21.6) 9.5 (24.1) 0.023 (0.58)
4.0 (10.2) Not limited 10.0 (25.4) Not limited
5.0 (12.7) 6.0 (15.2) 10.5 (26.7) 13.5 (34.3) 0.029 (0.74)
6.0 (15.2) Not limited 14.0 (35.6) Not limited
6.5 (16.5) 8.0 (20.3) 15.0 (38.1) 18.0 (45.7) 0.036 (0.91)
8.0 (20.3) Not limited 19.0 (48.3) Not limited
9.5 (24.1) 11.5 (29.2) 21.0 (53.3) 25.0 (63.5) 0.045 (1.14)
12.0 (30.5) Not limited 28.0 (71.1) Not limited
14.0 (35.6) 16.0 (40.6) 30.0 (76.2) 37.0 (94.0) 0.058 (1.47)
18.0 (45.7) Not limited 42.0 (106.7) Not limited
20.0 (50.8) 25.0 (63.5) 45.0 (114.3) 55.0 (139.7) 0.075 (1.91)
25.0 (63.5) Not limited 60.0 (152.4) Not limited
29.0 (73.7) 36.0 (91.4) 64.0 (162.6) 78.0 (198.1) 0.095 (2.41)
37.0 (94.0) Not limited 87.0 (221.0) Not limited
42.0 (106.7) 53.0 (134.6) 93.0 (236.2) 114.0 (289.6) 0.122 (3.10)
52.0 (132.1) Not limited 123.0 (312.4) Not limited
60.0 (152.4) 74.0 (188.0) 130.0 (330.2) 160.0 (406.4) 0.153 (3.89)
A supporting frame is a structure of angle or channel or a folded rigid section of sheet metal which is rigidly attached to and has
essentially the same outside dimensions as the enclosure surface and which has sufficient torsional rigidity to resist the bending

Table 6.3 Continued on Next Page

MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 25

Table 6.3 Continued

With supporting frame or equivalent

Without supporting framea reinforcinga
Maximum width,b Maximum length,c Maximum width,b Maximum length, Minimum thickness,

in (cm) in (cm) in (cm) in (cm) in (mm)

moments which may be applied via the enclosure surface when it is deflected. Construction that is considered to have equivalent
reinforcing may be accomplished by designs that will produce a structure which is as rigid as one built with a frame of angles or
channels. Construction considered to be without supporting frame includes:
1) A single sheet with single formed flanges (formed edges),
2) A single sheet which is corrugated or ribbed, and
3) An enclosure surface loosely attached to a frame, for example, with spring clips.
The width is the smaller dimension of a rectangular sheet metal piece which is part of an enclosure. Adjacent surfaces of an
enclosure may have supports in common and be made of a single sheet.
For panels which are not supported along one side, for example, side panels of boxes, the length of the unsupported side shall
be limited to the dimensions specified unless the side in question is provided with a flange at least 1/2 in (12.7 mm) wide.

6.2.2 Where threads for the connection of conduit are tapped all the way through a hole in an enclosure
wall, or where a construction that is determined to be equivalent is used, there shall not be less than 3-1/2
nor more than 5 threads in the metal, and the construction shall be such that a standard conduit bushing
can be attached.

6.2.3 Where threads for the connection of conduit are tapped only part of the way through a hole in an
enclosure wall, there shall not be less than five full threads in the metal, and there shall be a smooth,
rounded inlet hole for the conductors which shall afford protection to the conductors equivalent to that
provided by a standard conduit bushing.

6.2.4 At any point where conduit or metal-clad cable is to be attached to the enclosure, sheet metal shall
be of such thickness or shall be so formed or reinforced that it will have stiffness at least equivalent to that
of an uncoated flat sheet of steel having a minimum thickness of 0.032 in (0.81 mm).

6.3 Polymeric materials

6.3.1 Polymeric materials used as an enclosure shall comply with the applicable portion of the Standard
for Polymeric Materials – Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C, and also with the additional
requirements specified in this standard.

6.3.2 Polymeric material that is not used as an enclosure, but that is attached to or exposed on the
outside of a product such as a viewing window, shall have flammability characteristics as shown in Table

Table 6.4
Flammability characteristics of polymeric material

Polymeric material area/dimensions Flammability rating

3 3
0.24 in (4 cm ) maximum and 2.4 in (61 mm) maximum length None
Greater than 0.24 in3 (4 cm3) and less than 2 ft2 (0.19 m2), 6 ft HB, V-2, V-1, V-0, or 5V
(1.83 m) maximum length

Table 6.4 Continued on Next Page

26 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Table 6.4 Continued

Polymeric material area/dimensions Flammability rating

2 2 2 2
Greater than 2 ft (0.19 m ) and less than 10 ft (0.93 m ), 6 ft V-1, V-0, or 5V
(1.83 m) maximum length
Greater than 10 ft2 (0.93 m2), or longer than 6 ft (1.83 m) Maximum flame spread rating of 200 as specified in the
Standard for Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of
Building Materials, UL 723, or radiant panel as specified in the
Standard for Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts
in Devices and Appliances, UL 94

6.3.3 Conductive coatings applied to nonmetallic surfaces such as the inside surface of an enclosure,
shall comply with the appropriate requirements in the Standard for Polymeric Materials – Use in Electrical
Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C, unless flaking or peeling of the coating cannot result in the reduction of
spacings or the bridging of live parts.

6.3.4 A polymeric enclosure intended for connection to a rigid metallic conduit system shall comply with
the requirements for polymeric enclosure rigid metallic conduit connections in the Standard for Enclosures
for Electrical Equipment, UL 50.

6.3.5 The continuity of a conduit system shall be provided by metal-to-metal contact and not rely on a
polymeric material and shall comply with the requirements for polymeric enclosure bonding in the
Standard for Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, UL 50.

6.4 Covers

6.4.1 An enclosure cover shall be hinged, sliding, pivoted or similarly attached to provide access to fuses
or any other over current-protective device, the intended protective functioning of which requires renewal
or resetting, or when it is necessary to open the cover in connection with the normal operation of the unit.

Exception: In lieu of providing a hinged, sliding, or pivoted cover, supervision of the enclosure cover by
means of a tamper feature is suitable when its operation results in either a trouble or alarm signal. This
applies only when the cover provides access to overcurrent devices such as fuses or circuit breakers or
other indicators that are not used on a continuing basis.

6.4.2 Normal operation referenced in 6.4.1 is determined to be operation of a switch for testing or for
silencing an audible signal appliance or operation of any other component of a unit which requires such
action in connection with its intended performance.

6.4.3 A hinged cover is not required when the only fuse(s) enclosed is intended to provide protection to
portions of internal circuits used on a separate printed-wiring board or circuit subassembly, to prevent
circuit damage resulting from a fault. The use of such a fuse (s) is suitable when the following (or other
wording that has been determined to be equivalent) is indicated as a marking on the outside of the cover:
"Circuit Fuse(s) Inside – Disconnect Power Prior To Servicing."

6.4.4 Glass covering an observation opening shall be tempered and secured in place so that it cannot be
displaced and shall provide mechanical protection for the enclosed parts. The thickness of a glass cover
shall not be less than that indicated in Table 6.5.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 27

Table 6.5
Thickness of glass covers

Maximum size of opening

Length or width, Area, Minimum thickness,

in (mm) in 2 (cm2) in (mm)

4 (102) 16 (103) 1/16 (1.6)
12 (305) 144 (929) 1/8 (3.2)
over 12 (over 305) over 144 (over 929) see note a
1/8 in (3.2 mm) or more, depending upon the size, shape, and mounting of the glass panel.

6.4.5 A glass panel for an opening having an area of more than 144 in2 (929 cm2), or having any
dimension greater than 12 in (305 mm), shall be supported by a continuous groove not less than 3/16 in
(4.8 mm) deep along all four edges of the panel, or other means that have been determined to be an
equivalent arrangement.

6.4.6 A transparent material other than glass used for the cover of an observation opening shall not
introduce a risk of fire, distort, nor become less transparent at the temperature to which it is intended to be
subjected under either normal or abnormal service conditions. See 6.3.2.

6.5 Battery compartments

6.5.1 A compartment for vented storage batteries shall have a total volume at least twice the volume
occupied by the batteries. Ventilating openings shall be provided and so located as to permit circulation of
air for dispersion of gas while the battery is being charged at the highest rate permitted by the means
incorporated in the control unit.

6.5.2 The interior of a storage battery compartment shall be protected so that it will be resistant to
detrimental action by the electrolyte.

6.6 Enclosure openings – general

6.6.1 An enclosure intended for recessed mounting and whose front panel is to be flush with the surface
of the wall shall have no openings that vent into concealed spaces of a building structure, such as into
hollow spaces in the wall, when the product is mounted as intended.

Exception: Products supplied solely from power-limited sources and controlling only power-limited loads.

6.6.2 The requirement in 6.6.1 does not apply to an opening for a mounting screw or nail or for a
manufacturing operation (such as paint drainage) when:

a) An opening for non-mounting purposes does not have a dimension greater than 17/64 in (6.75
mm) or an area greater than 0.055 ft2 (35.5 mm2); and

b) An opening for mounting does not have a dimension greater than 0.75 in (19.05 mm) or an area
greater than 0.7 in2 (430 mm2) and there are no more holes than are needed to mount the product.

6.7 Enclosure top openings

6.7.1 An opening directly over an uninsulated live part involving a risk of fire, electric shock, or electrical-
energy/high-current levels, shall not exceed 0.20 in (5.0 mm) in any dimension unless the configuration is
such that a vertically falling object cannot fall into the unit and contact an uninsulated live part. See Figure
6.1 for examples of top-cover designs complying with the intent of the requirement.
28 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Figure 6.1
Cross-sections of top-cover designs

6.8 Enclosure side openings

6.8.1 An opening in the side of the enclosure shall:

a) Not exceed 0.19 in (4.8 mm) in any dimension;

b) Be provided with louvers shaped to deflect an external falling object outward (see Figure 6.2 for
examples of louver designs complying with the requirement); or

c) Be located and sized so that objects which are present cannot drop into the unit and fall (with no
horizontal velocity) onto uninsulated live parts involving a risk of fire, electric shock, or electrical-
energy/high-current levels, or parts involving injury to persons (see Figure 6.3).

6.8.2 When a portion of a side panel falls within the area traced out by the 5° angle in Figure 6.4, that
portion of the side panel shall be investigated as a bottom enclosure in accordance with 6.9.1 – 6.9.3.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 29

Figure 6.2
30 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Figure 6.3
Example of enclosure side opening

A – Enclosure side opening.

B – Vertical projection of the outer edges of the side opening.
C – Inclined lines that project at a 5° angle from the edges of the side opening to point located E distance from B.
D – Line which is projected straight downward in the same plane as the enclosure side wall.
E – Projection of the opening (not to be greater than L).
L – Maximum dimension of the enclosure side opening.
V – Volume in which bare parts at uninsulated live parts are not located.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 31

Figure 6.4
Enclosure bottom

A – The entire component under which an enclosure (flat or dished with or without a lip or other raised edge) of noncombustible
material is to be provided. The sketch is of an enclosed component with ventilation openings showing that the enclosure is required
only for those openings through which flaming parts are to be emitted. When the component or assembly does not have its own
noncombustible enclosure, the area to be protected is the entire area occupied by the component or assembly.
B – Projection of the outline of the area of A that requires a bottom enclosure vertically downward onto the horizontal plane of the
lowest point on the outer edge D of the enclosure.
C – Inclined line that traces out an area D on the horizontal plane of the enclosure. Moving around the perimeter of the area B that
requires a bottom enclosure, this line projects at a 5° angle from the line extending vertically at every point around the perimeter of A
and is oriented to trace out the largest area; except that the angle shall be less than 5° when the enclosure bottom contacts a vertical
enclosure or side panel, or when the horizontal extension of the enclosure B to D exceeds 6 in (152 mm).
D – Minimum outline of the enclosure, except that the extension B to D is not required to exceed 6 in (152 mm), flat or dished with or
without a tip or other raised edge. The bottom shall either be flat or formed in any manner when every point of area D is at or below
the lowest point on the outer edge of the enclosure.
32 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

6.9 Enclosure bottom openings

6.9.1 The bottom of an enclosure shall consist of a complete or partial bottom enclosure under a
component, groups of components, or assemblies, as shown in Figure 6.4, that complies with the
ventilation opening requirements in 6.9.2 and 6.9.3 unless a test demonstrates that the bottom enclosure
provided contains flames, glowing particles or similar burning debris when all combustible material in the
interior is ignited.

Exception: Openings without limitation on their size and number are permitted in areas that contain only
wires, cables, plugs, receptacles, and impedance- and thermally-protected motors.

6.9.2 Ventilation openings provided in the bottom of an enclosure under materials that are not rated V-1
or less flammable meet the intent of the requirements when the openings are constructed so that materials
do not fall directly from the interior of the unit. Other bottom-opening constructions that comply with the
intent of the requirements are those that incorporate a perforated metal plate as described in Table 6.6, or
a galvanized or stainless-steel screen having a 14 by 14 mesh per 1 in (25.4 mm) constructed of wire with
a minimum diameter of 1/64 in (0.4 mm). Other constructions are to be used only when they comply with
the Ignition Test Through Bottom-Panel Openings, Section 79.

Table 6.6
Perforated metal plates

Maximum diameter of
Minimum thickness holes Minimum spacing of holes center-to-center

in (mm) in (mm) in (mm)

0.026 (0.66) 0.045 (1.14) 0.67 (1.70)
[233 holes per in ] [36 holes per cm2]
0.026 (0.66) 0.047 (1.19) 0.093 (2.36)
0.032 (0.81) 0.075 (1.91) 0.125 (3.18)
[72 holes per in ] [11 holes per cm2]
0.036 (0.91) 0.063 (1.60) 0.109 (2.77)
0.036 (0.91) 0.078 (1.98) 0.125 (3.18)

6.9.3 The bottom of the enclosure under areas containing only materials rated V-1 or less flammable
shall have openings no larger than 1/16 in2 (40 mm2).

7 Internal Materials

7.1 Polymeric materials used within an enclosure shall be evaluated in accordance with the Standard for
Polymeric Materials – Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C.

Exception: Unrated resistors, capacitors, semiconductors, integrated circuit packages, optical isolators,
and similar electrical components meet the intent of the requirement when they are mounted on a material
with a minimum flammability rating of V-1.

7.2 All combustible material used within an enclosure shall be V-2, HF-2, or better.

Exception No. 1: Motors, relays, capacitors, semiconductors, transformers, switches, insulating tubing or
tape, and other electrical elements are exempt from the above requirement when they comply with the
flame test applicable to the component. Meter faces and cases (when determined capable for mounting
live parts) and indicator lamps or jewels, or both, are exempt from flammability requirements. The
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 33

following requirements apply to parts that are isolated either by at least 0.5 in (12.5 mm) of air, or a solid
barrier of V-1 or less-flammable material from uninsulated electrical parts that involve a risk from electrical
energy-high current levels:

a) Gears, cams, belts, bearings, strain-relief bushings applied over PVC-jacketed cords, and other
small parts that contribute negligible fuel to a fire is not required to be investigated.

b) Tubing for air or fluid systems, and plastics, shall not be more flammable than HB. Foamed
plastics classed HBF in accordance with the Standard for Tests for Flammability of Plastic
Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances, UL 94, are determined as complying with this

Exception No. 2: Combustible material used within an enclosure is not prohibited from being HB when the
power sources to the enclosure meet the criteria for no risk of fire as defined in 3.91.

8 Accessibility of Uninsulated Live Parts, Film-Coated Wire, and Moving Parts

8.1 To reduce the risk of unintentional contact and electric shock from an uninsulated live part or film-
coated wire, and injury to persons from a moving part, an opening in an enclosure shall have a minor
dimension less than 1 in (25.4 mm), and such a part or wire shall not be contacted by the probe illustrated
in Figure 8.1.
34 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Figure 8.1
Articulate probe with web stop
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 35

8.2 The probe illustrated in Figure 8.1 shall be applied to any depth that the opening will permit. The
probe shall be rotated or angled before, during, and after insertion through the opening to any position that
is required in order to examine the enclosure. The probe illustrated in Figure 8.1 shall be applied in any
possible configuration and, when necessary, the configuration shall be changed after insertion through the

8.3 The probe illustrated in Figure 8.1 shall be used as a measuring instrument to evaluate the
accessibility provided by an opening, and not as an instrument to evaluate the strength of a material. It
shall be applied with the minimum force required to determine accessibility.

8.4 During the examination of a product to determine whether it complies with the requirement in 8.1, a
part of the enclosure that is to be opened or removed by the operator without using a tool (to attach an
accessory, to make an operating adjustment, or for other reasons) shall be opened or removed.

9 Mechanical Assembly

9.1 All parts of a product shall be mounted in position and prevented from loosening or turning when
such motion may adversely affect the performance of the product, or may increase the risk of fire, electric
shock, and/or injury to persons incident to the operation of the product.

9.2 A switch, fuseholder, lampholder, attachment-plug receptacle, motor-attachment plug, or other

similar component shall be mounted securely and shall not turn.

Exception No. 1: When the turning of a switch is possible, all four of the following conditions shall be met:

a) The switch shall be of a plunger, slide, or other type that does not tend to rotate when operated.
A toggle switch is determined to be subject to forces that tend to turn the switch during intended
operation of the switch;

b) The means for mounting the switch makes it unlikely that operation of the switch loosens it;

c) The spacings are not reduced below the minimum required values when the switch rotates; and

d) The intended operation of the switch is by mechanical means rather than by direct contact by

Exception No. 2: When rotation does not reduce spacings below the minimum required value, a
lampholder of the type in which the lamp cannot be replaced, such as a neon pilot or indicator light in
which the lamp is sealed in a nonremovable jewel, complies with the intent of the requirement.

9.3 Friction between surfaces shall not be used for securing the position of the parts specified in 9.2.

9.4 A rotating part that by loosening presents a risk of fire, electric shock, electrical-energy/high-current
levels, or injury to persons, shall be assembled so that the direction of rotation tends to tighten the means
that hold the rotating part in place.

Exception: A keyed part, a press fit, a part locked in place with a pin, or means that have been determined
to be equivalent, can be used to hold a rotating part in place.

9.5 Except as indicated in 9.6 – 9.9, all subassemblies, modules, and printed-wiring boards shall be held

in their intended place in the product by mechanical means.

9.6 An adhesive that is relied upon to:

a) Reduce a risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons,

36 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

b) Limit access to a manual control, or

c) Avert dislodgement of a part/module affecting normal operation of the product

shall comply with the requirements for adhesives in the Standard for Polymeric Materials – Use in
Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C. The durability shall be representative of a minimum of 30
years of service at the maximum rated prevailing ambient installation temperature.

9.7 The requirement in 9.6 applies to an adhesive used to secure a part, including a nameplate, which
may, if loosened or dislodged:

a) Energize an accessible dead metal part,

b) Make a live part accessible,

c) Reduce spacings below the minimum required values,

d) Short-circuit live parts,

e) Make a limited-accessible control accessible, or

f) Affect the normal operation of the product.

9.8 Whether the conditions specified in 9.7 (a) – (f) can occur is to be considered with respect to both:

a) A part inside or outside of the device, and

b) A part on the outside of the device that may affect equipment in which the device is to be

9.9 Parts secured using adhesive are to be installed in the product prior to leaving the factory.

10 Protection Against Corrosion

10.1 Iron and steel parts shall be protected against corrosion by enameling, galvanizing, plating, or other
means that have been determined to be equivalent, when corrosion of unprotected parts results in a risk of
fire, electric shock, injury to persons, or impairment of operation of a product.

Exception No. 1: Surfaces of sheet-steel and cast-iron parts within an enclosure are not required to be
protected against corrosion when oxidation of the metal due to exposure to air and moisture is not likely to
weaken the parts to result in a condition of risk. The thickness of metal and temperature are also to be

Exception No. 2: Bearings, laminations, or minor parts or iron or steel, such as washers, screws, and
similar equipment, are not required to be protected against corrosion.

11 Branch-Circuit Connection

11.1 General

11.1.1 Control units and accessories shall be provided with a means for permanent connection to the
branch-circuit supply.

Exception: Video display terminals, other operator interface products, and printers installed within a
supervising station that may be repositioned for normal use or maintenance.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 37

11.2 Permanently connected

11.2.1 General A product intended for permanent connection to the branch-circuit supply shall have provision
for installing the supply conductors in rigid metallic conduit.

Exception: An enclosure without provisions for connection to rigid metallic conduit is acceptable when the
installation instructions specifically indicate which sections of the enclosure may be drilled for the
connection. A knockout or other supply-connection opening located where temperatures in excess of 140°F
(60° C) have been measured during the Component Temperature Test, Section 68, and not having
qualifying marking as specified in 95.1.14, shall be sealed by welding or the equivalent or be permanently
marked adjacent to the opening with: "Do Not Use".

11.2.2 Field-wiring compartment The location of a terminal box or compartment, in which branch-circuit connections to a

permanently-wired product are to be made, shall be such that the connections can be readily inspected
without disturbing the wiring or the product after the product has been installed as intended. A terminal compartment intended for connection of a supply raceway shall be attached to the
product so that it does not turn. The field-wiring compartment area of a product shall be of sufficient size for completing all wiring
connections as specified by the installation wiring diagram. Where damage to field-wiring insulation may be caused by internal components or sharp edges
in the wiring compartment, insulating or metal barriers having smooth, rounded edges shall be provided or
the following or equivalent wording marked in the wiring area: “CAUTION – When Making Installation,
Route Field Wiring Away From Sharp Projections, Corners, and Internal Components”. The wiring terminals of a product intended for mounting in an outlet box shall be located or
protected so that, upon installation, the wiring in the outlet box is not forced against the terminals or other
sharp edges so as to damage the conductor insulation, and/or the terminals or stripped leads do not come
into contact with the walls of the outlet box.

11.2.3 Field-wiring terminals and leads A permanently connected product shall be provided with wiring terminals or leads for the
connection of conductors having an ampacity not less than 125% of the current input of the product when
connected to a power-supply voltage in accordance with 30.1.1 – 30.1.6. The free length of a lead inside a terminal box or compartment shall be 6 in (150 mm) or more,
provided with strain relief, shall not be smaller than 18 AWG (0.82 mm2), and the insulation, when of
rubber or thermoplastic, shall not be less than 0.030 in (0.76 mm) minimum average and 0.027 in (0.69
mm) minimum at any point when the lead is intended for field connection to an external circuit.

Exception: The lead shall be less than 6 in (150 mm) long when it is evident that the use of a longer lead
results in a risk of fire or electric shock
38 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020 A field-wiring terminal shall be kept from turning or shifting in position by means other than
friction between surfaces. This shall be accomplished by two screws or rivets, by square shoulders or
mortises, by a dowel pin, lug or offset, by a connecting strap or clip fitted into an adjacent part, or by some
other method determined to be the equivalent. A field-wiring terminal shall comply with the requirements in 12.4 for field-wiring terminals
(general application) except a wire-binding screw shall not have a diameter smaller than No. 8 (4.2 mm).

11.2.4 Identified terminals and leads A permanently-connected product rated 125 or 125/250 V (3-wire) or less, and using a
lampholder of the Edison screw-shell type, or a single-pole switch or overcurrent protective device other
than an automatic control without a marked-off position, shall have one terminal or lead identified for the
connection of the grounded conductor of the supply circuit. This terminal or lead shall be electrically
connected to screw shells of lampholders and shall not be connected to switches or overcurrent protective
devices of the single-pole type other than automatic controls without a marked-off position. A terminal intended for the connection of a grounded supply conductor shall be of or plated with
metal that is white in color and shall be distinguishable from the other terminals, or identification of that
terminal shall be shown in some other manner, such as on an attached wiring diagram. A lead intended for the connection of a grounded power-supply conductor shall be finished
white or gray color and shall be distinguishable from the other leads.

11.2.5 Strain relief A means of strain relief shall be provided for the field supply leads of a product to prevent any
mechanical stress from being transmitted to terminals and internal connections. Inward movement of the
leads provided with a ring-type strain relief or means determined to be the equivalent shall not damage
internal connections or components, or result in a reduction of electrical spacings. Each lead used for field connections or an internal lead subjected to movement or handling
during installation and servicing shall be capable of withstanding for 1 min a pull of 10 lbs (4.54 kg) without
any evidence of damage or of transmitting the stress to internal connections.

11.3 Cord-connected product

11.3.1 Cords and plugs A product shall be provided with a length of 5 – 15 ft (1.5 – 4.5 m) flexible cord and a grounded
attachment plug when intended for connection to a line voltage branch-circuit supply. See Table 11.1 and
Table 11.2.

Exception No. 1: A length of flexible cord of Type S, or cord determined to be equivalent, not exceeding 25
ft (7.5 m).

Exception No. 2: The length of the power-supply cord on an appliance intended for a special installation,
such as dedicated equipment intended to be mounted near a receptacle may be less.

Exception No. 3: A polarized attachment plug, rather than a grounded attachment plug, when the product
has no accessible dead-metal parts likely to be energized.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 39

Exception No. 4: An attachment plug is not required to be polarized or grounded when there are no
accessible dead-metal parts likely to be energized and no single-pole devices in primary circuits.

Exception No. 5: Double insulated equipment shall not be grounded. Refer to the Standard for Double
Insulation Systems for Use in Electrical Equipment, UL 1097.

Table 11.1
Grounding, polarization, and double insulation (DI) scheme requirements

Product Attachment plug

Connected to branch circuit with accessible dead metal Grounding or insulation scheme of DI
Connected to branch circuit with no accessible dead metal Grounding, polarization, or insulation scheme of DI
Connected to branch circuit with no accessible dead metal and Non-grounding, grounding, polarization, or insulation scheme
no single-pole devices in primary circuits of DI

Table 11.2
Power supply cords

Type of appliance Type of cord

Table-model products (for use on a table, desk, and the like) SV, SP-2, SP-3
that are not frequently moved
Products that are intended for use on desks, counters, or tables SV, SP-2
and are moved frequently
Hand-held products TSa, SVb
Floor-mounted products SJ, S
Wall-mounted products SV , SP-2c, SP-3c, SJ, S

A tinsel cord shall be used when all of the following conditions are met:
1) The cord is no longer than 8 ft (2.4 m);
2) The cord is attached to the product directly or by means of a plug intended for that purpose;
3) The product rating is not higher than 50 W; and
4) The intended use of the appliance requires an extremely flexible cord.
Type SV and similar cords shall be used when each conductor is made up of 36 AWG (0.01 mm2) strands.
Type SV, SP-2, SP-3, and similar cords shall be used only when the cord is no longer than 5 ft (1.5 m). The flexible cord shall have a voltage rating not less than the rated voltage of the product, and
shall have an ampacity that is not less than the current rating of the product. The flexible cord on a cord-connected unit shall be as indicated in Table 11.2 or shall be of a
type at least as serviceable for the particular application. Table 11.3 specifies cord types determined to be
equivalent to those specified in Table 11.2.

Table 11.3
Equivalent cords

Basic cord type Equivalent types

SP-2 SPE-2, SPT-2

Table 11.3 Continued on Next Page

40 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Table 11.3 Continued

Basic cord type Equivalent types

SP-3 SPE-3, SPT-3
S SE, SO, SOO, ST, STO, STOO The current rating of the attachment plug shall not be less than 125% of the product nameplate
rating. The voltage rating of the attachment plug shall correspond to the rated voltage of the product.
When a product is intended for use on two or more different values of voltage by field alteration of internal
connections, the attachment plug provided with the product shall be rated for the voltage for which the
product is wired when shipped from the factory. The flexible cord shall be attached permanently to the product and means shall be provided to
physically secure the attachment plug or plug-in transformer to the power receptacle so as to prevent
accidental removal.

Exception: For monitors and other operator interface products, a detachable power-supply cord without
physical securing means is suitable.

11.3.2 Strain relief A power-supply cord shall be provided with strain-relief means to keep tension on the cord from
being transmitted to terminals, splices, or wiring within the product. The strain-relief means provided shall
comply with the Strain-Relief Test, Section 88. Means shall be provided so that the flexible cord cannot be pushed into the product through the
cord entry hole when such displacement results in damage to the cord or exposure of the cord to a
temperature higher than that for which the cord is rated or can reduce spacings, such as to a metal strain-
relief attachment, below the minimum required values. A metal strain-relief clamp or band (without auxiliary protection) has been determined to be
suitable with Type SJ, S, SJT, ST or similar jacketed cords. A metal strain-relief clamp or band has been
determined to be suitable with Type SV, SP-2, SPT-2, or SVT cords only when nonconducting auxiliary
mechanical protection is provided over the cord. A knot shall not be used to provide strain relief. When tested in accordance with 88.1.1 – 88.1.3, the strain-relief means provided on the flexible
cord shall be capable of withstanding for one min, a pull of 35 lbs (15.9 kg) applied to the cord, with no
evidence of stress on the interior connections.

11.3.3 Bushings At the point at which a supply cord passes through an opening in a wall, barrier, or the overall
enclosure, there shall be a bushing or a determined equivalent that shall be secured in place, and shall
have a smooth, well-rounded surface against which the cord tends to bear. When other than a jacketed
cord is used and the wall or barrier is of metal, an insulation bushing shall be provided.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 41 When the cord hole is in porcelain, phenolic composition, or another rated nonconducting
material, a smooth, well-rounded surface is determined equivalent to a bushing. Ceramic materials and some molded compositions are capable of being used for insulating
bushings. Vulcanized fiber is not prohibited from being used when the bushing is not less than 3/64 in (1.2
mm) thick and is formed and secured in place so that it will not be affected adversely by conditions of
ordinary moisture. A separate soft-rubber, neoprene, or polyvinyl chloride bushing shall only be used on a supply
cord where the cord enters the frame of a motor or the enclosure of a capacitor that is physically attached
to a motor when the bushing is:

a) Not less than 3/64 in (1.2 mm) thick, and

b) Located so that it will not be exposed to oil, grease, oil vapor, or other substances that tend to
have a deleterious effect on the compound used. A bushing of any of the materials specified in on a supply cord anywhere in a product is
acceptable when it is used in conjunction with a type of cord for which an insulating bushing is not
required. The edges of the hole in which such a bushing is used are required to be free from burrs, fins,
and other conditions that could damage the bushing. At any point in a product, a bushing of the same material as, and molded integrally with, the
supply cord is capable of being used on a Type SP-2 or heavier cord, when the thinnest section is not less
than 1/16 in (1.6 mm) thick at the point where the cord passes through the enclosure. An insulated metal grommet to be used in place of an insulating bushing meets the intent of the
requirement, when the insulating material used is not thinner than 1/32 in (0.8 mm) and completely fills the
space between the grommet and the metal in which the grommet is mounted.

12 Other Field-Wiring Connections

12.1 General

12.1.1 A product shall be provided with wiring terminals or leads for the connection of conductors of at
least the size required by the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, corresponding to the rating of the

12.1.2 All field-wiring connections shall be contained in either an enclosed field wiring compartment
integral with the product or in a separate outlet box to which the product is to be mounted.

12.1.3 Duplicate terminals or leads, or an equivalent arrangement, shall be provided for circuits of
products intended to be connected to initiating-device circuits, notification appliance circuits, or non-
addressable signaling line circuits of a control unit; one for each incoming and one for each outgoing wire.
It is not prohibited that a common terminal be used in lieu of duplicate terminals when it is intended to
prevent the looping of an unbroken wire around or under a terminal screw in a manner that permits the
looped wire to remain unbroken during installation, thereby precluding supervision in the event the wire
becomes dislodged from under the terminal. A notched clamping plate under a single securing screw,
where separate conductors are intended to be inserted in each notch, is an equivalent arrangement. When
duplicate terminals or leads are not used and there is no provision to prevent looping an unbroken wire
around or under one terminal, the information in 96.13 shall be included in the installation wiring
42 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

12.2 Field-wiring compartment

12.2.1 There shall be adequate space within a terminal or wiring compartment to permit the use of a
standard conduit bushing when a bushing is required for installation.

12.2.2 The field-wiring compartment area of a product to which connections are to be made is to be of
sufficient size for completing all wiring connections as specified by the installation wiring diagram.

12.2.3 Where it is possible for damage to field-wiring insulation to be caused by internal components or
sharp edges in the wiring compartment, insulating or metal barriers having smooth, rounded edges shall
be provided or the following (or wording determined to be the equivalent) marked in the wiring area:
"CAUTION – When Making Installation, Route Field Wiring Away From Sharp Projections, Corners And
Internal Components."

12.2.4 The wiring terminals of a product intended for mounting in an outlet or junction type box shall be
located or protected so that, upon installation:

a) The wiring in the outlet box is not forced against the product, product's terminals, or sharp edges
so as to damage the conductor insulation or product's unprotected components; and/or

b) A product with exposed wiring terminals shall be held in its intended mounting location inside the
box by mechanical means.

12.3 Power-limited circuits

12.3.1 When the design of the product is such that the product either requires or permits power-limited
circuit conductors to occupy the same enclosure as electric light, power, Class 1, or non-power-limited fire-
protective signaling-circuit conductors, or medium-power network-powered broadband communications-
circuit conductors, both of the conditions in (a) and (b) shall be met:

a) The enclosure shall provide one or more cable openings into the enclosure. When a single
opening is provided, a continuous and firmly fixed nonconductor, such as flexible tubing, shall be
provided. This is required so that the power-limited conductors are segregated from electric light,
power, Class 1 conductors, non-power-limited fire-protective signaling conductors, and medium-
power network-powered broadband communications-circuit conductors. The installation document
of the product shall completely detail cable entry routing of all conductors into the product.

b) The product shall be constructed so that, with all field-installed wiring connected to the product,

1) A minimum 1/4 in (6.4 mm) is provided between all power-limited conductors and all
electric light, power, Class 1 conductors, non-power-limited fire-protective signaling
conductors, or medium-power network-powered broadband communications-circuit
conductors, or

2) For circuit conductors operating at 150 V or less to ground where the power-limited
conductors are installed using Types FPL, FPLR, FPLP, or equivalent cables, a minimum
1/4 in (6.4 mm) separation is provided between these power-limited cable conductors
extending beyond the jacket and all electric light, power, Class 1 conductors, non-power-
limited fire-protective signaling conductors, and medium-power network-powered
broadband communications-circuit conductors.

Compliance with this requirement shall be achieved by specific wire routing configurations that are
detailed in the installation document, or when a wire routing scheme will not maintain the required
separation, barriers, or nonconductive sleeving shall be used to provide separation.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 43

12.4 Field-wiring terminals (general application)

12.4.1 A field-wiring terminal to which field-wiring connections are made shall comply with the
requirements in:

a) 12.4.2 – 12.4.5;

b) The field-wiring requirements in the Standard for Electrical Quick-Connect Terminals, UL 310;

c) The Standard for Wire Connectors, UL 486A-486B;

d) The Standard for Equipment Wiring Terminals for Use with Aluminum and/or Copper
Conductors, UL 486E; or

e) The Standard for Terminal Blocks, UL 1059, rated for field-wiring (FW) Code 2 applications and
also suitable for the voltage, current, wire range, and wire type of the intended application.

12.4.2 Nonferrous soldering lugs or solderless (pressure) wire connectors shall be used for 10 AWG (5.3
mm2) and larger wires. When the connectors or lugs are secured to a plate, the plate thickness shall not
be less than 0.050 in (1.3 mm) thick. Securing screws of plated steel have been determined to meet the

12.4.3 A wire-binding screw used at a wiring terminal shall not be smaller than No. 8 (4.2 mm) diameter.
Plated screws are not prohibited.

Exception: A No. 6 (3.5 mm) diameter screw is appropriate for use for the connection of a 14 AWG (2.1
mm2) and a No. 4 (2.8 mm) diameter screw is appropriate for use for the connection of a 19 AWG (0.65
mm2) or smaller conductor.

12.4.4 Terminal plates tapped for wire-binding screws shall:

a) Have not less than two full threads in the metal (the terminal plate metal may be extruded to
provide the two full threads) and shall have upturned lugs, clamps, or the equivalent, to hold the
wires in position. Other constructions may be used if they provide equivalent thread security of the
wire-binding screw.

b) Be of a nonferrous metal not less than 0.050 in (1.3 mm) thick when used with a No. 8 (4.2 mm)
diameter or larger screw, and not less than 0.030 in (0.76 mm) thick when used with a No. 6 (3.5
mm) diameter or smaller screw.

12.4.5 When two or more conductors are intended to be connected by wrapping under the same screw,
a nonferrous intervening metal washer shall be used for each additional conductor. A separator washer is
not required when two conductors are separated and intended to be secured under a common clamping
plate. When the wires protrude above terminal barriers, the nonferrous separator shall include means,
such as upturned tabs or sides, to retain the wire.

12.5 Field-wiring terminals (qualified application)

12.5.1 Any of the following terminal configurations are suitable for connection of field wiring when all of
the conditions in 12.5.2 are met:

a) Telephone-Type Terminals – Nonferrous terminal plates using a narrow, V-shaped slot for
securing of a conductor in a special post design (requires a special tool for wire connection);

b) Solderless Wrapped Terminals – Solderless, wrapped, nonferrous terminals which require a

special tool and terminal post design;
44 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

c) Quick-Connect Terminals – Nonferrous, quick-connect (push-type) terminals consisting of male

posts permanently secured to the device and provided with compatible, female connectors for
connection to field wiring. These require a special tool for crimping of field wires. Mating terminals
shall be shipped with the control unit with instructions for their installation;

d) Push-In Terminals – Nonferrous (screwless), push-in terminals of the type used on some
switches and receptacles. Solid conductors are pushed into slots containing spring-type contacts.
The leads are removable by means of a tool inserted to relieve the spring tension on the conductor.
Push-in terminals are not to be used with aluminum conductors. The marking adjacent to the
terminal shall indicate that copper conductors only are to be used; and

e) Other Terminals – Other terminal connections are not prohibited when determined to be
equivalent to (a) – (d) and are limited to the same restrictions.

12.5.2 Any of the terminal configurations listed in 12.5.1 are appropriate for connection of field wiring
provided all of the following indicated conditions are met.

a) When a special tool is required for connection, it shall be provided and its use indicated on the
installation wiring diagram by name of the manufacturer and the model number or equivalent.

b) The range of wire sizes shall be indicated on the installation wiring diagram. The minimum
permissible wire size to be used shall not be less than 26 AWG (0.13 mm2).

c) The wire size to be used shall be rated for the current-carrying capacity of the circuit application.

d) Removal of a lead for testing or routine servicing, including detection, location, and correction of
installation wiring faults, is prohibited.

e) A means for testing for an open and a ground fault on the circuit (s) to which the wiring is
connected shall be incorporated into the control unit or indicated on the installation wiring diagram.

f) The terminal assembly shall comply with the Tests on Special Terminal Assemblies, Section 82.

12.6 Field-wiring leads

12.6.1 General Leads provided for splice connections shall be minimum 6 in (153 mm) long.

Exception: The free-lead length is not prohibited from being less than 6 in long when it is evident that the
use of a longer lead results in damage to the lead insulation or product, or in a risk of fire, electric shock, or
injury to persons. A means of strain relief shall be provided for the field wiring leads, and all internally connected
wires which are subject to movement in conjunction with the installation, operation, or servicing of a
product to prevent any mechanical stress from being transmitted to terminals and internal connections.
Inward movement of the leads provided with a ring-type strain relief or means determined to be the
equivalent shall not damage internal connections or components, or result in a reduction of electrical
spacings. Each lead used for field connections or an internal lead subjected to movement or handling
during installation and servicing shall be capable of withstanding for 1 min a pull of 10 lbs (4.54 kg) without
any evidence of damage or of transmitting the stress to internal connections.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 45

12.6.2 High-voltage circuits A lead provided for field connection to a high-voltage circuit shall not be smaller than 18 AWG
(0.82 mm2), and the insulation, when of rubber or thermoplastic, shall be minimum 0.30 in (0.76 mm)
minimum average and 0.027 in (0.69 mm) minimum at any point.

12.6.3 Power-limited circuits A lead provided for field connection to a low-voltage, power-limited circuit shall be no smaller
than 22 AWG (0.32 mm2) and the insulation shall be a minimum of 1/64 in (0.4 mm) thick.

Exception: Copper leads as small as 26 AWG (0.13 mm2) are permitted to be used only when:

a) The current does not exceed 1 amp for lengths up to 2 ft (61 cm) or 0.4 amp for lengths up to 10
ft (3.05 m);

b) There are two or more conductors and they are covered by a common jacket or the equivalent;

c) The assembled conductors comply with the strain-relief requirement specified in the Strain-
Relief Test, Section 88; and

d) The installation instructions indicate that the lead shall not be spliced to a conductor larger than
18 AWG (0.82 mm2).

12.7 Cords and plugs

12.7.1 Cords and cord connectors shall not be used for products not intended to be moved or relocated,
or where the desirability of the product being readily detachable has not been demonstrated.

12.7.2 Cords and cord connectors shall be rated for the current and voltage used.

13 Internal Wiring

13.1 General

13.1.1 The wiring and connections between parts of a product shall be protected or enclosed, or they
shall be in a cord or cable that has been evaluated and determined to be rated for the application.

13.1.2 Internal wiring shall be routed and secured so that the wires and electrical connections are not
subjected to stress or mechanical damage.

13.1.3 A hole in a wall within the overall enclosure of a product through which insulated wires pass, shall
be provided with a bushing or shall have smooth, rounded surfaces.

13.1.4 Internal wiring shall be evaluated and determined to be rated for the application, with respect to
temperature, voltage, ampacity, and exposure to oil, grease, solvents, acids, and other conditions of
service to which the wiring is subjected.

13.1.5 When it is possible that internal wiring is to be exposed to moisture, including any condensation
resulting from operation of the product, the wiring shall be evaluated and determined to be rated for such

13.1.6 Vibration, impact, flexing, or other movement of wires during intended use, including user
servicing, shall not reduce the wire insulation or the wire termination integrity.
46 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

13.1.7 A lead or a cable assembly connected to a part mounted on a hinged cover shall be long enough
to permit the full opening of the cover without applying stress to the lead or the connections. The lead shall
be secured, or equivalently arranged, to reduce the risks of abrasion of the insulation and jamming of the
leads between parts of the enclosure.

13.1.8 Metal clamps and guides used for routing stationary internal wiring shall be provided with smooth,
well-rounded edges. Auxiliary nonconducting mechanical protection shall be provided:

a) Under a clamp at which pressure is exerted on a conductor having thermoplastic insulation less
than 1/32 in (0.8 mm) thick and no overall braid and

b) On any wire(s) that is subject to motion.

13.1.9 Wires shall be routed away from sharp edges (such as those found on screw threads, burrs, and
fins), moving parts, and similar hazards, which tend to damage the wire insulation.

13.1.10 Insulated wires bunched and passed through a single opening in a metal wall within the
enclosure of the product are not prohibited when the other requirements of this standard are met.

13.1.11 Supplementary insulation shall be applied to internal wiring that involves a risk of electric shock
and is exposed during user servicing.

13.1.12 Internal wiring of circuits that operate at different potentials shall be separated by barriers or
shall be segregated, unless the conductors of the circuits of lower voltage are provided with insulation for
the highest voltage.

13.1.13 Clamping, routing, or equivalent means that ensures permanent separation may accomplish
segregation of insulated conductors.

13.2 Splices and connections

13.2.1 All splices and connections shall be mechanically secure and shall be investigated and
determined to provide intended electrical continuity. A soldered connection shall be made mechanically
secure before being soldered. Consideration shall be given to vibration when investigating electrical
connections. Pressure-wire connectors have been determined to comply with the requirements.

13.2.2 A splice shall be provided with insulation determined to be the equivalent to that of the wires
involved when permanence of spacing between the splice and other metal parts is incapable of being

13.2.3 In determining whether or not splice insulation consisting of coated-fabric, thermoplastic, or

another type of tape or tubing complies with the aforementioned requirements, a comparison is to be
made of factors such as mechanical strength, dielectric properties, and heat- and moisture-resistant
characteristics. Thermoplastic tape wrapped over sharp edges does not comply with the intent of this

13.2.4 When stranded internal wiring is connected to a wire-binding screw, there shall not be loose
strands of wire that contact other uninsulated live parts or dead-metal parts. This shall be accomplished by
use of pressure-terminal connectors, soldering lugs, crimped eyelets, soldering all strands of the wire
together, or other means that have been determined to be equivalent.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 47

13.3 Connectors and receptacles

13.3.1 A receptacle or connector of the multiple-pin type shall be suitable for the current and voltage to
which it is to be subjected.

14 Protective Devices

14.1 A fuseholder, overcurrent protective device (other than an automatic control without a marked off
position), the center contact of a screwshell-base lampholder, an interlock, and a manual on-off switch with
a marked off position shall be connected to the ungrounded side of the line when used in a high-voltage

14.2 A fuseholder shall be of either the cartridge-enclosed or plug-fuse type. The use of plug fuses is to
be limited to equipment rated at not more than 125 or 125/250 V.

14.3 Fuseholders, fuses, and circuit breakers shall be rated for the application.

14.4 All external circuits intended to be connected to nonpower-limited wire shall contain either current-
limiting or overcurrent protection to prevent fault currents in excess of the current rating for the gauge wire
size permitted by the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, or as specified in the installation wiring
diagram/instructions. The overcurrent protection provided shall be as specified in Article 240 in
ANSI/NFPA 70. See 63.3.3.

15 Current-Carrying Parts

15.1 Except as noted in 15.2, current-carrying parts shall be of silver, copper, a copper alloy, stainless
steel, aluminum, or other nonferrous material intended for the application.

15.2 Plated steel meets the intent for some secondary-circuit or primary-circuit parts (such as capacitor
terminals) when a glass-to-metal seat is necessary and for leads or threaded studs of semiconductor
devices. Blued steel or steel with an equivalent corrosion resistance meets the intent for the current-
carrying arms of mechanically or magnetically-operated leaf switches, and within a motor and motor
governor including the motor terminals, or when the temperature is in excess of 100°C (212°F) during the
intended operation.

15.3 Bearings, hinges, and the like shall not be used as current-carrying parts.

16 Spacings

16.1 A product shall provide maintained spacings between uninsulated live parts and the enclosure or
dead-metal parts, and between uninsulated live parts of opposite polarity. The spacings shall not be less
than those indicated in Table 16.1.

Exception: On printed-wiring boards having a flammability classification of V-0 in accordance with the
Standard for Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances, UL 94,
spacings (other than spacings to dead metal traces, between primary and secondary circuits, and at field
wiring terminals) are not specified between traces of different potential connected in the same circuit

a) The spacings are adequate to comply with the requirements in 81.8, Evaluation of reduced
spacings on printed-wiring boards; or

b) An analysis of the circuit indicates that no more than 12.5 mA of current is available between
short-circuited traces having reduced spacings.
48 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Table 16.1
Minimum spacings

Minimum spacings
Voltage range, Through air, Over surface,
Point of application V in (mm) in (mm)
To walls of enclosure:
Cast metal enclosures 0 – 300 1/4 (6.4) 1/4 (6.4)
Sheet metal enclosures Power or non-power limited 0 – 50 1/4 (6.4) 1/4 (6.4)
Power limited 51-300 1/4 (6.4) 1/4 (6.4)
Non-power limited 51-150 1/2 (12.7) 1/2 (12.7)
Non-power limited 300 - 600 1/2 (12.7) 1/2 (12.7)
Installation wiring terminals:
With barriers 0 – 30 1/8 (3.2) 3/16 (4.8)
31 – 150 1/8 (3.2) 1/4 (6.4)
151 – 300 1/4 (6.4) 3/8 (9.5)
Without barriers 0 – 30 3/16 (4.8) 3/16 (4.8)
31 – 150 1/4 (6.4) 1/4 (6.4)
151 – 300 1/4 (6.4) 3/8 (9.5)
Rigidly clamped assemblies:
Class 2, Power Limited 0 – 30 – – – –
Non Class 2, Power Limited 0 – 30 3/64 (1.2) 3/64 (1.2)
31 – 150 1/16 (1.6) 1/16 (1.6)
151 – 300 3/32 (2.4) 3/32 (2.4)
300 – 600 3/8 (9.5) 1/2 (12.7)
Other parts
0 – 30 1/16 (1.6) 1/8 (3.2)
31 – 150 1/8 (3.2) 1/4 (6.4)
151 – 300 1/4 (6.4) 3/8 (9.5)
300 – 600 3/8 (9.5) 1/2 (12.7)
Measurements are to be made with solid wire of adequate ampacity for the applied load connected to each terminal. In no case
shall the wire be smaller than 18 AWG (0.82 mm2).
Rigidly clamped assemblies include such parts as contact springs on relays or cam switches, printed-wiring boards, and the like.

16.2 The through-air and over-surface spacings at an individual component part are to be determined on
the basis of the volt-amperes used and controlled by the individual component. The spacing from one
component to another, however, and from any component to the enclosure or to other uninsulated dead
metal parts, shall be determined on the basis of the maximum voltage and total volt-ampere rating of all
components in the enclosure.

16.3 The spacing requirements in Table 16.1 do not apply to the inherent spacings inside motors, except
at wiring terminals, or to the inherent spacings of a component which is provided as part of the control unit.
Such spacings are determined on the basis of the requirements for the component. The electrical
clearance resulting from the assembly of a component into the complete device, including clearances to
dead metal or enclosures, shall be as specified in Table 16.1.

16.4 The “To-walls-of-enclosure” spacings indicated in Table 16.1 are not to be applied to an individual
enclosure of a component part within an outer enclosure.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 49

16.5 An insulating liner or barrier of vulcanized fiber, varnished cloth, mica, phenolic composition, or
similar material used where spacings would otherwise be insufficient, shall be minimum 0.028 in (0.71
mm) thick; except that a liner or barrier that is minimum 0.013 in (0.33 mm) thick meets the intent when
used in conjunction with a minimum of one-half of the through-air spacing required. The liner shall be
located so that it will not be affected adversely by arcing.

16.6 Insulating material having a thickness less than that specified in 16.5 meets the intent when it has
been determined to have equivalent mechanical and electrical properties.

16.7 Film-coated wire is identified as a bare current-carrying part in determining compliance of a device
with the spacing requirements, but the coating is suitable as turn-to-turn insulation in coils.

16.8 The spacings within snap switches, lampholders, and similar wiring devices supplied as part of a
unit are determined under other requirements for such devices and is not required to comply with the
requirements of Table 16.1. See General, Section 2.

17 Insulating Material

17.1 Uninsulated live parts involving risk of fire, electric shock, or electrical-energy/high-current levels
shall be mounted on porcelain, phenolic composition, or other material that has been determined
acceptable for the application.

17.2 Vulcanized fiber is not prohibited from being used for insulating bushings, washers, separators, and
barriers, but not as the sole support for uninsulated live parts when shrinkage, current leakage, or warpage
introduces a risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons. Thermoplastic materials used for the direct or
indirect support of uninsulated live parts involving a risk of fire, electric shock, or electrical-energy/high-
current shall comply with the requirements in the Standard for Polymeric Materials – Use in Electrical
Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C.

17.3 Molded parts shall have the mechanical strength and rigidity to withstand the stresses of actual

17.4 An insulating liner shall be investigated and determined to be rated for the purpose. Barriers shall
be held in place by a means more secure than friction between surfaces. The elasticity of tubing shall not
be depended upon to hold the tubing in place. Heat-shrink tubing has been determined to meet this
requirement where a sharp edge or point is not involved.

18 Printed-Wiring Boards

18.1 Printed-wiring boards shall be suitable for the application. The securing of components to the board
shall be made in the intended manner and the spacings between circuits shall comply with the
requirements for Spacings, Section 16. The board shall be reliably mounted so that deflection of the board
during installation or servicing shall not result in damage to the board or in developing a risk of fire or
electric shock.

18.2 All printed-wiring boards shall have a minimum flammability rating of V-2, rated for direct support of
current-carrying parts, and be suitable for the soldering process used.

19 End-of-Line Devices

19.1 An end-of-line device shall be constructed as follows:

a) Where the circuit in which the end-of-line device is to be connected is intended for connection by
conduit or metal-clad cable, the device shall be arranged for mounting inside of a metal box to
50 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

which such connection can be made. Mounting on an outlet box cover with terminals or leads
provided for field connection, or an equivalent arrangement, has been determined as complying
with the intent of this requirement.

b) Where the end-of-line device is intended to be installed inside a back box, splice leads, or
terminals suitable for making field connections, shall be provided. Splice leads shall have a
diameter of not less than 18 AWG (0.82 mm2). The exposed live parts of the assembly, except for
the connection portion of the terminal, shall be covered with insulating tubing or the equivalent.

c) Where the end-of-line device is intended to be installed inside a product, such as a fire alarm
control unit or accessory:

1) Splice leads or terminals suitable for making field connections shall be provided. Splice
leads shall have a diameter not less than 18 AWG. The exposed live parts of the assembly,
except for the connection portion of the terminal, shall be covered with insulating tubing or
the equivalent; or

2) It shall be provided with terminations compatible with the product's provisions for field
wiring connections. When installed per the manufacturer's installation instructions, it shall
be securely fastened with no means to open circuit, short to an adjacent circuit node, or
cause a risk of electric shock. To avoid damage to the body of the end-of-line device during
installation, the device shall be either supplied pre-formed or forming instructions shall be
included in the installation instructions.

20 Voltage-Dropping Resistors

20.1 A carbon composition resistor shall not be used as a line voltage-dropping resistor in the high-
voltage supply circuit of a product.

21 Coil Windings

21.1 Relays, transformers, and similar devices used in high-voltage circuits shall be evaluated and rated
for the intended purpose, or comply with the applicable requirements for the component (see Appendix A).

21.2 The insulation of coil windings of relays, transformers, and similar components, shall be such as to
resist the absorption of moisture.

21.3 Film-coated wire is not required to have an additional treatment to prevent moisture absorption.

22 Components

22.1 Switches

22.1.1 A switch provided as part of a product shall have a current and voltage rating not less than that of
the circuit which it controls when the device is operated under any condition of intended service.

22.2 Lampholders and lamps

22.2.1 Lampholders and lamps shall be rated for the circuit in which they are employed when the product
is operated under any condition of intended service.

22.2.2 Except for circuits operating at 30 V, root-mean-square (rms), 42.4 V direct current (DC) or 42.4 V
peak, or less, a lampholder shall be installed so that uninsulated live parts other than a screw shell will not
be exposed to contact by persons removing or replacing lamps.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 51

22.2.3 The color coding of lamps or equivalent indicators employed as part of a product shall not be the
sole means of identifying the function of the indicator.

Exception: Lamps and indicators used by service personnel for diagnostic purposes, provided that they
are identified in the product's installation instructions/manual.

22.3 Operating mechanisms

22.3.1 Operating parts, such as light-duty relays and similar devices, shall be protected against fouling
by dust or by other material that may adversely affect their intended operation, by individual protection or
dust-tight cabinets. A relay employing contacts having a wiping action does not require any special
protection against fouling by dust.

22.3.2 The assembly of an operating mechanism included as a part of a control unit or accessory shall
be such that it will not be adversely affected by any condition of intended operation.

22.3.3 Moving parts shall have sufficient play at bearing surfaces to prevent binding.

22.3.4 Provision shall be made to prevent adjusting screws and similar adjustable parts from loosening
under the conditions of actual use.

22.3.5 Manually-operated parts shall withstand the stresses to which they will be subjected in operation.

22.3.6 An electromechanical device shall be constructed to provide reliable and positive electrical and
mechanical performance under all conditions of intended operation.

22.4 Across-the-line components

22.4.1 Components such as capacitors and EMI filters, connected across the high-voltage supply circuit
of a product, shall be rated for the purpose or comply with the applicable requirements for the component.
See Appendix A.

22.4.2 A component is considered to be across the high-voltage supply circuit when, in a shorted
condition, a current of more than 1 amp passes through it when the product is in any condition where the
individual components have reached ultimate operating temperatures. The current through the component
can be limited to 1 amp or less by a fixed impedance or a protective device rated 1 amp or less.

22.4.3 A capacitor is also considered to be across-the-line when it is used under either of the following

a) For high-voltage supply-line bypass in equipment provided with a terminal or connection

intended to be grounded or

b) For antenna blocking or high-voltage supply-line bypass in equipment provided with one or more
external antenna terminals that may be grounded.

23 Batteries

23.1 Rechargeable storage-type used as standby power source

23.1.1 A storage battery shall have sealed cells, or cells with spray trap vents, and shall be maintained in
the charged state.
52 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

23.1.2 Batteries shall be located and mounted so that terminals of cells are prevented from coming into
contact with terminals of adjacent cells or with metal parts of the battery enclosure as a result of shifting of
the batteries.

23.1.3 The mounting arrangement for the batteries shall permit access to the cells for testing and
maintenance, or the product shall provide integral meters or readily accessible terminal facilities for the
connection of meters for determining battery voltage and charging current.

23.1.4 A conditioning charge shall be limited so that, with the maximum rate of charge that can be
obtained, the battery gases do not adversely affect any part of the product. The trickle and fast charge
rates of a battery shall not exceed the battery manufacturer's recommended rates.

23.1.5 The battery shall be protected against excessive loading or charging current by a fuse or other
overcurrent protective device.

23.2 Primary dry-cell batteries

23.2.1 When a battery or set of batteries is used as the main source or the non-rechargeable standby
source of power of a product intended for fire signaling, it shall meet the requirements of the Primary
Batteries Tests, Section 87.

23.2.2 Batteries shall be located and mounted to reduce the risk of terminals of cells coming in contact
with uninsulated live parts, terminals or adjacent cells, or metal parts of the enclosure as a result of

23.2.3 Ready access shall be available to the battery compartment to facilitate battery replacement,
without damage to the product components or disassembly of any part of the product, except for a cover or
similar parts.

23.2.4 Removal of the product from a mounting support to replace a battery shall be permitted only
where the connected wiring is not subjected to flexing or stress and the mounting of the product is

23.2.5 Lead or terminal connections to batteries shall be identified with the proper polarity (plus or minus
signs), and strain relief provided for any leads. The polarity shall be indicated on the product either
adjacent to the battery terminals or leads.

23.2.6 Connections to battery terminals shall be either by a lead terminating in a positive snap-action
type clip, or a fixed butt-type connection which applies a minimum 6.6 N (1.5 lb) force to each battery
contact, or another connection means that has been determined to be equivalent. The connection shall
consist of an unplated or plated metal that is resistant to the corrosive action of the electrolyte.

23.2.7 Each lead of a clip lead assembly used as part of a battery operated product shall be suited for
the intended application, shall be minimum 26 AWG (0.21 mm2) stranded wire size with minimum 0.4 mm
(1/64 in) insulation and provided with strain relief.

23.3 Lithium batteries

23.3.1 Lithium batteries shall comply with the requirements in the Standard for Lithium Batteries, UL

23.3.2 A lithium battery shall be protected from abnormal charging currents during use as required in the
Standard for Lithium Batteries, UL 1642.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 53

Exception: A circuit that obtains power solely from a lithium battery (for example, a circuit in which the
lithium battery serves as the sole power source as opposed to serving as a standby power source) is not
required to be subjected to the abnormal charging current requirements in UL 1642.

24 Grounding for Products Containing High-Voltage Circuits

24.1 A product which involves high-voltage circuits shall have provision for the grounding of all exposed
dead metal parts that might become energized from circuits involving a risk of electric shock.

Exception: Metal parts as described in (a) – (d):

a) Adhesive-attached metal-foil markings, screws, handles, etc., which are located on the outside
of the enclosure and isolated from electrical components or wiring by grounded metal parts so that
they are not liable to become energized.

b) Isolated metal parts, such as small assembly screws, etc., which are positively separated from
wiring and uninsulated live parts.

c) Panels and covers that do not enclose uninsulated live parts when wiring is positively separated
from the panel or cover so that it is not liable to become energized.

d) Panels and covers which are insulated from electrical components and wiring by an insulating
barrier of vulcanized fiber, varnished cloth, phenolic composition, or similar material that is a
minimum of 0.8 mm (1/32 in) thick.

24.2 On fixed equipment, the provision of a knockout or other opening in a metal enclosure for the
connection of metal-clad cable, conduit, metal raceway, or the like is permitted as a means for grounding.

24.3 When a product is provided with means for separate connection to more than one power supply,
each such connection shall be provided with a means for grounding.

24.4 All dead-metal parts that are accessible during intended use or user servicing, and that are capable
of becoming energized from circuits involving a risk of electric shock, shall be connected together and to
the grounding means.

Exception: Metal parts as described in the Exception to 24.1.

24.5 The following circuits of fire alarm system circuits shall be bonded to ground under the indicated

a) Alternating current circuits less than 50 V:

1) Where supplied by transformers if the transformer supply system exceeds 150 V to


2) Where supplied by transformers if the transformer supply system is ungrounded.

3) Where installed as overhead conductors outside of buildings.

b) Alternating current circuits of 50 V and over:

1) Where the system can be so grounded that the maximum voltage to ground on the
ungrounded conductors does not exceed 150 V.

2) Where the system is nominally rated 240/120 V, 3-phase, 4-wire in which the midpoint of
one phase is used as a circuit conductor.
54 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

c) Direct-current circuits operating at 51 – 300 V.

Exception: Power-limited direct-current fire alarm circuits having a maximum current of 0.030 amp.

24.6 All bonding to ground connections shall be by a positive means, such as by clamping, riveting,
brazing, welding, or by being a bolted or screwed connection. The bonding connection shall penetrate
nonconductive coatings such as paint. Bonding around a resilient mount shall not rely on the clamping
action of rubber or similar material.

24.7 A bolted or screwed connection that incorporates a star washer or serrations under the screw head
for penetrating nonconductive coatings is identified as complying with 24.6.

24.8 Where the bonding means depends upon screw threads, the use of two or more screws or two full
threads of a single screw engaging metal is in compliance with 24.6.

24.9 A field-wiring terminal intended solely for connection of an equipment-grounding conductor shall be
capable of securing a conductor of the size specified in Table 24.1.

Table 24.1
Bonding wire conductor size

Size of bonding conductora

Copper wire, Aluminum wire,
Rating of overcurrent device, amp AWG (mm2) AWG (mm2)
15 14 (2.1) 12 (3.3)
20 12 (3.3) 10 (5.3)
30 10 (5.3) 8 (8.4)
40 10 (5.3) 8 (8.4)
60 10 (5.3) 8 (8.4)
100 8 (8.4) 6 (13.3)
200 6 (13.3) 4 (21.2)
Or equivalent cross-sectional area.

24.10 The size of a copper or aluminum conductor used to bond an electrical enclosure shall be based
on the rating of the branch-circuit overcurrent device by which the equipment will be protected. The size of
the conductor shall be in accordance with Table 24.1.

24.11 Splices shall not be used in wire conductors used for bonding.

24.12 A wire-binding screw or a pressure wire connector intended for the connection of an equipment-
grounding conductor shall have a green-colored head or shall be plainly identified as such by being
marked "G," "GR," "GND," "Ground," "Grounding," or the like, or with the Symbol 5019 graphic from IEC
Publication 60417-1 shown in Figure 24.1, or by a marking on the wiring diagram provided on the product.
The wire-binding screw or pressure wire connector shall be located so that it is not able to be removed
during intended servicing of the product. When used alone, the Symbol 5019 graphic from IEC Publication
60417-1 shall be defined in the installation instructions provided with the equipment.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 55

Figure 24.1
International electrical symbol

24.13 The surface of an insulated lead intended solely for the connection of an equipment-grounding
conductor shall be green with or without one or more yellow stripes, and no other lead shall be so

24.14 The grounding conductor in a flexible cord shall be green with or without one or more yellow
stripes. The grounding conductor shall be secured to the frame or enclosure of the product by means of a
screw, rivet, or similar equipment that is not removable during intended servicing not involving the supply
cord. Solder shall not be used alone for securing the grounding conductor. The grounding conductor shall
be connected to the grounding terminal of an attachment plug.

24.15 When a means for grounding is provided on the product, even though it is not required, it shall
comply with the requirements in 24.1 – 24.14.

24.16 Metal-to-metal hinge-bearing members for doors or covers are considered to meet the
requirement for bonding the door or cover to ground, when a multiple bearing pin type (piano-type hinge)
is used.

Exception: Slip-joint or similar, hinge-bearing members are not required to comply with this requirement
when the resistance between the two parts connected by the bonding element is not more than 0.1 Ω. The
resistance shall be determined by a resistance-measuring instrument. When unacceptable results are
recorded, an alternating or direct current of at least 20 amp from a power supply of not more than 12 V
shall be passed between the two parts connected by the bonding element. The resulting drop in potential
and the test current shall be measured between the two points. The resistance in ohms shall be
determined by dividing the drop in potential in volts by the current in amperes.

25 Servicing Protection

25.1 General

25.1.1 Uninsulated live parts of high-voltage circuits, hazardous moving parts, sharp corners and
projections shall be formed, located, guarded, or enclosed so as to prevent contact by persons during
servicing such as relamping, fuse or rod replacement, battery replacement, adjusting controls, and routine
56 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

25.2 Trained service personnel

25.2.1 When the linear distance from a component requiring servicing or an operating switch and any
uninsulated current-carrying parts of high-voltage circuits is less than 152 mm (6 in), then protection by
properly applied insulating tape, barriers, or equivalent, shall be provided.

Exception: Products complying with the Electric Shock Current Test, Section 78.

25.2.2 Insulating barriers, or equivalent required by 25.2.1 shall be permanently and prominently marked
with the cautionary marking “CAUTION – High Voltage” or equivalent.

25.2.3 In lieu of the minimum 152 mm (6 in) requirement only for serviceable components, the product
shall comply with one of the following:

a) An interlock shall be provided on the cover to de-energize all live parts in the enclosure; or

b) The following permanent and prominent marking shall be provided on the cover front:
"CAUTION – De-Energize Unit Prior To Servicing."

25.2.4 Uninsulated live parts or moving parts involving a risk of injury shall be located, guarded, or
enclosed so as to reduce the risk of contact by persons during servicing conditions such as relamping,
changing fuses, adjusting controls, and operating switches.

25.3 Antenna terminal discharge assembly

25.3.1 Each terminal provided for the connection of an external antenna shall be conductively connected
to the supply circuit grounded conductor. The conductive connection shall have a maximum resistance of
5.2 MΩ, a minimum wattage rating of 1/2 W, and shall be effective with the power switch in either the on or
off position.

Exception No. 1: The conductive connection need not be provided when:

a) Such a connection is established in the event of electrical breakdown of the antenna isolating

b) The breakdown does not result in a risk of electric shock; and

c) In a construction using an isolating power transformer, the resistance of the conductive

connection between the supply circuit and chassis does not exceed 5.2 MΩ.

Exception No. 2: A component comprised of a capacitor with a built-in shunt resistor that complies with
the requirements for antenna-isolating capacitors is to be rated a minimum of 1/4 W.

25.3.2 The maximum value of 5.2 MΩ specified in 25.3.1 is to include the maximum tolerance of the
resistor value used; that is, a resistor rated 4.2 MΩ with 20% tolerance or a resistor rated 4.7 MΩ with a
10% tolerance.


26 General

26.1 When the operation and maintenance of a product by the user involves a risk of injury to persons,
protection shall be provided to reduce the risk.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 57

26.2 When investigating a product with regard to 26.1, determination shall be given to foreseeable
misuse of the product.

26.3 An accessory that is made available or recommended by the manufacturer for use with the basic
product shall be included in the evaluation of the product.

26.4 The suitability of a guard, a safety release, an interlock and similar devices, and whether such a
device is required, is to be determined from an investigation of the complete product, its operating
characteristics, and the risk of injury to persons. The investigation is to include evaluation of the results of
breakdown or malfunction of any one component, but not more than one component at a time, unless one
event contributes to another. When the investigation shows that breakdown or malfunction of a component
results in a risk of injury to persons, the component shall be investigated for reliability.

26.5 A risk of injury to persons is possible when one or more of the following conditions exist:

a) Power-operated moving parts such as gears and linkages are accessible during intended
operation or maintenance and are capable of causing a cut or laceration;

b) Sharp edges, burrs, or projections are present during use or servicing;

c) The stability of a product is such that it is capable of causing injury to persons (see Stability,
Section 29);

d) There is a possibility that a part of the body is endangered or that clothing is capable of being
entangled by a moving part.

27 Telescoping Antenna

27.1 A telescoping-type antenna terminating in an end that is capable of constituting a risk of puncture
shall be provided with a minimum 6-mm (0.231-in) diameter button or ball on the end that complies with
the Antenna End-Piece Secureness Test, Section 89.

28 Sharp Edges

28.1 An enclosure, edge, frame, projection, guard, opening, handle, or similar construction shall be
smooth and free from sharp edges that are capable of injury to persons during intended maintenance and

Exception: A sharp edge that must be exposed to enable the product to perform its intended function.

28.2 For edges where the degree of sharpness cannot be determined by inspection, compliance with
28.1 is determined by the test procedure in the Standard for Test for Sharpness of Edges on Equipment,
UL 1439.

29 Stability

29.1 Under all conditions of servicing and intended use, a fully assembled product shall not become
physically unstable to the degree that creates a risk of injury to operators or service personnel.

29.2 A product shall not tip over when tilted 10° from its intended, upright position, while all doors,
covers, gates, drawers, and similar parts are in place and closed, and all casters and jacks, when
provided, are in their most unfavorable position.
58 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Exception: For fixed or stationary equipment without casters where specialized handling is required to
transport the product, this test is to be performed after the equipment is installed as intended.

29.3 The requirements in 29.4 – 29.8 apply to all freestanding products. A freestanding product is
defined as one that is floor standing and not intended to be secured to other units or to the floor or other
parts of the building.

29.4 In conducting the tests described in 29.5 – 29.7, the equipment shall be installed as intended. All
casters and jacks, when provided, are to be placed in their most unfavorable positions, and wheels are to
be locked or blocked. However, when casters are being used only to transport the product, and jacks are
lowered after installation, then the jacks (and not the casters) are to be used in their most unfavorable
position for the test, consistent with reasonable leveling of the product.

29.5 A freestanding product that has an external surface (work top or ledge) at a height not exceeding
39-3/8 in (1.00 m) from the floor and that is prone to being stepped on or sat upon, shall not tip over when
a continuous downward force of 179.8 lbf (800 N) is applied to that surface at the point of maximum
moment. For this test, all doors, covers, gates, drawers, and similar parts shall be in place and closed.

29.6 With regard to the requirement in 29.5, delicate parts such as keyboards, control panels, or spools
are not determined as prone to being stepped on or sat upon.

29.7 A freestanding product more than 39-3/8 in (1.00 m) high and weighing more than 55.1 lbs (25.0 kg)
shall not tip over when a force equal to 1/5 the weight of the unit but not more than 56.2 lbf (250 N) is
applied in any direction, except upward, at a height not exceeding 78-3/4 in (2.00 m) from the floor. For this
test, all doors, drawers, frames, and the like that can be opened for operator or serviceman servicing are
to be opened and in the most unfavorable position. Separate tasks are to be performed when operator and
service extensions are different or when special stabilizers are used in accordance with 29.8.

29.8 A stabilizing means is not prohibited from being used to improve stability when doors, drawers, and
the like are opened. The stabilizing means shall be automatic in operation or interlocked when associated
with user use. For service personnel, where it is not automatic in operation, a conspicuous marking shall
be provided to caution the personnel on its use. See 95.1.24.



30 Details

30.1 Tests and voltages

30.1.1 Except as otherwise indicated, the performance of a product shall be investigated by subjecting a
representative sample in commercial form to the tests described in Section 31 – 92.

30.1.2 Products that currently meet all the requirements of the Standard for Information Technology
Equipment – Safety – Part 1: General Requirements, UL 60950-1 or the Standard for Audio, Video, and
Similar Electronic Apparatus-Safety Requirements, UL 60065 are not required to be evaluated to the
following sections: 66, 76, 78 – 80, 81.4, 81.6, 81.7, 82, 83, and 88.1.

30.1.3 Unless otherwise specified, the test voltage for each test of a product is to be as indicated in Table
30.1 at the rated frequency of the product.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 59

Table 30.1
Test voltages

Product rated voltage, nameplate Test voltage

110 – 120 120
60 cycle, 50/60 cycle
220 – 240 240
Rated frequency Other Maximum marked rating
DC Battery circuit Marked nominal battery voltage
110 – 120 120
50 cycle 220 220
240 240

30.1.4 Radio frequency transmitters and equipment intended to be connected to the public telephone
network shall comply with applicable Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules and regulations.

30.1.5 When a product must be mounted in a definite position in order to function as intended, it shall be
tested in that position.

30.1.6 All measurements are to be made with a true RMS meter or an oscilloscope.

30.2 Maximum rated load

30.2.1 A product shall operate as intended and without the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons
with all external circuits connected to maximum rated load.

30.2.2 Maximum rated load is that value of impedance which causes rated current to flow in the external
circuit or the maximum number of specific devices or appliances, as specified in the installation
instructions/wiring diagram, connected to the external circuit, with the input voltage to the product adjusted
to the value determined by 30.1.3.

30.2.3 Units that are provided with connectors for the installation of accessories or with open card slots,
or both, shall be subjected to the tests in this standard with such connectors or card slots, or both, loaded
to the maximum rated output capability for the unit specified by the manufacturer.


31 Specifics

31.1 A product shall be capable of operating for all conditions of its intended performance when used in
conjunction with initiating devices, notification appliances, power supplies, and interconnected equipment
to form a system of the service specific type indicated in the marking and shown in the installation wiring

31.2 To determine compliance with 31.1, initiating devices, notification appliances, interconnected
equipment, and power-supply circuits are to be connected to the product as specified by the installation
wiring diagram/instructions to form a typical system, and the system operated for each condition of its
intended performance.

31.3 The items in (a) – (d) used for testing are to be those specified by the installation wiring
diagram/instructions of the product. Substitute devices, unless otherwise indicated, are not prohibited from
being used where they produce equivalent circuit loading and actuation of the product.
60 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

a) Initiating devices (fire alarm boxes, heat detectors, smoke detectors, sprinkler supervisory
switches, proof sensors, and similar devices);

b) Notification appliances (bells, strobes, speakers, and similar appliances or parts);

c) Releasing devices (solenoids and valves); and

d) Interconnected equipment (control-unit accessories, other control units, annunciators, releasing

devices, door-hold release devices, emergency exit locks, HVAC equipment, supplementary
devices, and the like).

31.4 During the tests in Sections 31 – 62, each power-supply circuit shall be supplied from a source of
rated frequency and voltage as specified in 30.1.3.

31.5 To determine if a product complies with those requirements that specify the application of a circuit
fault, adverse condition, or malfunction of specified equipment/components, the investigation is to start
with the representative system combination in the normal supervisory condition. The fault condition is then
to be separately introduced, the results noted, the fault removed, and the system restored to the normal
supervisory condition before the next fault is introduced.


32 General

32.1 Sections 32 – 34 cover the operation requirements for control units and accessories intended for
local service.

32.2 The product shall comply with the following:

a) Power Supplies, Section 55;

b) Common Performance and Monitoring for Integrity – Protected Premises Units/Systems, Section

c) Trouble Signals, Section 57;

d) Components – Monitoring for Integrity, Section 58;

e) Software, Section 59;

f) Features, Section 60;

g) Combination Systems, Section 61; and

h) Interconnected Fire Alarm Units, Section 62.

33 Signaling

33.1 General

33.1.1 The operation of any initiating device shall cause the system to produce a clearly defined signal of
the type for which the combination is designed.

33.1.2 The time periods for processing and activation of signals in a worst case loaded system shall be
as follows:
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 61

a) Automatic processing and activation of

1) Alarm notification appliances,

2) Local alarm and/or supervisory signal annunciation and/or actuation,

3) Pre-programmed emergency audio announcement,

4) Commencement of programmed delays,

5) Other local emergency control functions associated with the protected premises when
the emergency control function interface device is integral with the fire alarm system, and/or

6) Output to separate emergency control function interface device(s),

shall not be greater than 10 s from the initiation of an alarm or supervisory condition, or operation of
a manually-activated switch.

b) Trouble signals and their restoration to normal shall be annunciated, including actuation of pre-
programmed relays, open collector outputs, and the like, within 200 s of the occurrence of the
adverse condition, fault, or the restoration to normal.

Exception: The initial battery trouble signal annunciation from a battery-operated product that
complies with 55.4.1.

33.1.3 Alarm, supervisory, and trouble signals shall be indicated at the following locations:

a) Operator interface at the protected premises for local-type service; and

b) Building fire command center for emergency voice/alarm communications systems.

33.1.4 Fire alarm signals, supervisory signals, trouble signals, and other signals shall result in distinctly
different annunciation.

33.1.5 Protected premises equipment shall be permitted to provide supplementary transmission of real
time data from the fire alarm system to off-premises equipment. Any information transmitted shall be
consistent with the data generated by the system.

33.1.6 With respect to 33.1.5, each of the following shall not affect the required operation or response of
the fire alarm control unit:

a) Transmission of the supplementary data off-premises;

b) A wire-to wire or single ground fault on the transmission circuit (metallic); and

c) A single open fault or adverse condition on the transmission path.

33.2 Display information

33.2.1 Systems serving two or more zones shall visually identify the zone of origin and/or point
addressable device of the status change.

33.2.2 The visual annunciation shall be capable of simultaneously displaying all zones having a status
change. Where all zones or status changes are not displayed simultaneously, all the following conditions

a) The display shall indicate the initial status change for the highest priority type signal.
62 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

b) An indication for each type (such as fire alarm, fire trouble, sprinkler supervisory) of active non-
displayed status changes shall be continuously visible during any off-normal condition.

c) A visual indication showing deactivated alarm notification appliances as required by 33.3.6.

d) The non-displayed status changes shall be capable of being displayed only by manual operation

e) The display controls shall not interfere with the normal operation of the unit.

f) When concurrent signals are received, they shall be indicated as follows in descending order of

1) Signals associated with life safety.

2) Signals associated with property safety.

3) Supervisory signals and trouble signals associated with life and/or property safety.

4) All other signals.

33.2.3 Non-electrical visual annunciation integral with a switch shall include obvious distinct indications
for both the normal and off-normal position of the switch. Utilization of the switch position does not meet
the intent of complying with this requirement.

33.2.4 Controls provided specifically for the purpose of manually overriding any automatic building and
fire control functions intended to increase the level of life safety for occupants or control the spread of the
harmful effects of fire or other dangerous products (emergency control function), shall provide visible
indication of the status of the associated control circuits.

33.3 Alarm signals

33.3.1 An alarm input signal shall automatically actuate notification appliance circuits necessary for
evacuation and/or relocation. In addition these circuits are not prohibited from being used for other Life
Safety Functions.

33.3.2 A system shall have the capability to provide at least one regulated NAC circuit as defined in 67.2.

33.3.3 Audible alarm notification circuits intended for evacuation shall have the capability of producing
the standard alarm evacuation signal consisting of the three-pulse temporal pattern detailed in the
National Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 72 and shall be synchronized on a system basis.

Exception: When a system is intended to provide signaling to more than one notification zone,
synchronization of the audible emergency evacuation signal pattern on a notification circuit basis in lieu of
a system basis is acceptable. Specifics covering the installation constraints shall be clearly detailed in the
installation wiring diagram/instructions for the control unit.

33.3.4 The standard alarm evacuation signal described in 33.3.3 shall be repeated for a period not less
than 3 min.

Exception: The minimum repetition period is permitted to be manually interrupted.

33.3.5 An alarm notification circuit intended to provide synchronization of visible alarm notification
appliances shall comply with the parameters specified in the Standard for Signaling Devices for the
Hearing Impaired, UL 1971.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 63

33.3.6 Any manual or automatic means for turning off activated occupant notification alarm notification
appliances (silencing) shall comply with the following requirements:

a) When an alarm signal deactivation means is actuated, the control shall be capable of
simultaneously deactivating both audible and visible notification appliances.

b) Alarm signal deactivating of activated notification appliances of a control unit/system shall be

indicated by a constantly displayed and identified visual indicator.

c) An alarm signal deactivating means left in the off-normal condition when there is no alarm shall
activate an audible trouble signal until the means is restored to normal.

d) When any alarm signal deactivating means for an individual circuit/zone of a multiple-circuit
control unit/system is activated, there shall be an indication of the related deactivated notification
circuit(s) or zone(s) by an identified lamp(s) or other visual annunciation, and operation of the alarm
notification appliances by any other notification appliance circuit having its alarm deactivation
means in the normal position shall not be prevented.

e) An alarm-signal deactivation switch shall be either:

1) A key-lock type, with the key removable only in the normal position;

2) Located inside of a locked enclosure;

3) Access limited by a software security code providing a minimum of 1000 combinations

and with a maximum 30-min time-out feature after the last activity; or

4) Arranged to provide equivalent protection against unauthorized use.

f) The activation of the alarm signal deactivating means during an alarm condition shall not result in
resetting any actuated circuit other than the notification appliance circuit (s) or zone (s) being

g) The alarm condition shall be indicated and maintained by a lamp or other visual indicator with
the deactivating means activated.

h) When alarm signal deactivation can be accomplished in a selective manner, the visual indicator
(s) referenced in (a) shall distinguish notification appliance circuit (s) or zone (s) that have been
deactivated from notification appliance circuit(s) or zone(s) that are still energized.

i) After deactivating notification appliance circuit(s) or zone(s) resulting from an alarm in one alarm
initiating device circuit, addressable alarm initiating device circuit, or addressable fire alarm
initiating device, a subsequent alarm in any other system fire alarm initiating device circuit,
addressable alarm initiating device circuit, or addressable initiating device shall cause all
previously activated notification appliance circuit(s) or zone(s) to reactivate.

Exception No. 1: When a system is intended to provide signaling service to two or more physically
separated buildings or zones, reenergization of the notification appliance circuits only on a zone
basis meets the intent of the requirement. Specifics covering installation constraints shall be clearly
detailed in the control unit installation wiring diagram/instructions.

Exception No. 2: Systems are not prohibited from having provision to automatically disable
reenergizing alarm notification circuits due to subsequent activation of other addressable smoke
detectors of the same type located in the same room or space as the initial activated device.
Specifics covering installation constraints shall be clearly detailed in the control unit installation
wiring diagram/instructions.
64 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

33.3.7 An alarm signal of a control unit/system shall be maintained continuously (locked in) by the
control unit/system until a resetting device in the control unit/system is operated manually.

33.3.8 Unacknowledged alarm signals shall not be interrupted if a fault on an initiating device circuit or a
signaling line circuit occurs while there is an alarm condition on that circuit.

Exception: Where the faulted circuit is used to interconnect control units.

33.3.9 An alarm signal that has been deactivated shall:

a) Automatically reactivate the audible and visible alarm signal at the locations specified in 33.1.3
every 24 hr or less until alarm signal conditions are restored to normal, and

b) The audible and visible alarm signal shall operate until it is manually silenced or acknowledged.

33.3.10 Systems employing multiple notification circuits or addressable notification appliances shall be
capable of arranging multiple notification circuits and addressable notification appliances to activate or
deactivate simultaneously, either automatically or by a common manual control.

33.3.11 A coded alarm signal shall consist of not less than three complete rounds of the number
transmitted and each round shall consist of not less than three impulses.

33.3.12 For a coded control unit intended for connection only to non-coded initiating devices, the alarm
signal shall either be locked in or the system shall complete the required number of rounds of alarm signal
activation without interruption due to restoration of an initiating device or fault on the initiating device circuit
or signaling line circuit.

33.4 Trouble signals

33.4.1 All trouble signals shall comply with Trouble Signals, Section 57.

33.5 Supervisory signals

33.5.1 The signal indication resulting from the operation of a product for supervisory signals shall
automatically include distinctive audible and visual signals for both the off-normal and the restoration-to-
normal conditions of the supervisory initiating devices. Cancellation of the off-normal signal is acceptable
annunciation for the restoration signal.

Exception: For products whose operation provide, in addition to the above, the capability of selecting
nonautomatic distinctive restoration-to-normal supervisory signals (locking in the supervisory signals until
manually reset), the installation wiring diagram/instructions for the product shall include instructions for
selecting the respective operation.

33.5.2 Supervisory signals shall be distinctive in sound from other signals used by the signaling system
and this sound shall not be used for any other purpose other than to also indicate a system trouble
condition. When the same sound is used for both supervisory and trouble signals, distinction between
signals shall be indicated by a visible means and silencing of a trouble signal shall not prevent subsequent
sounding of supervisory signals.

33.5.3 A coded supervisory signal shall consist of not less than 2 complete rounds of the number
transmitted to indicate a supervisory off-normal condition and not less than one complete round of the
number transmitted to indicate the restoration of the supervisory condition to normal.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 65

33.5.4 A means for silencing a supervisory signal sounding appliance shall comply with all the following

a) Limiting access by being either:

1) Key operated with the key removable only in the normal position;

2) Located within a locked cabinet;

3) Limited by a software security code providing a minimum of 1000 combinations and with
a maximum 30-min time-out feature after the last activity; or

4) Arranged to provide equivalent protection against unauthorized use.

b) The supervisory condition is indicated and maintained by a lamp or other visual indicator.

c) Subsequent supervisory signals in other zones will reenergize the supervisory signal notification

d) A means that is left in the "silence" position, when there is no supervisory off-normal signal, shall
cause the audible supervisory signal to sound until the means is restored to normal.

33.5.5 A supervisory signal that has been deactivated shall:

a) Automatically reactivate the audible and visible supervisory signal at the operator interface (s)
every 24 hr or less until supervisory signal conditions are restored to normal; and

b) The audible and visible supervisory signal shall operate until it is manually silenced or

33.5.6 The activation of a smoke detector mounted in air distribution systems and used solely for closing
dampers or equipment shutdown as described in the Standard for Installation of Air-Conditioning and
Ventilating Systems, NFPA 90A, is not prohibited from annunciating a supervisory signal at a constantly
attended location or as an alarm signal at the protected premises.

33.6 Other signals

33.6.1 There shall be a distinction between signals associated with fire protection and signals of other
types, such as burglary or process monitoring.

33.6.2 When a common audible, as part of the operator interface, is employed for alarm annunciation for
all types of signals, distinction shall be achieved visually.

33.6.3 When a common audible, distinct from alarm, is employed for trouble annunciation for all types of
signals, distinction shall be achieved visually.

34 Emergency Voice/Alarm Communications and Telephone/Intercom Signaling

34.1 General

34.1.1 This section covers the additional performance requirements for equipment intended for
emergency voice/alarm communications and/or two-way telephone/intercom communication service.

34.1.2 Microphone and/or telephone handset cables shall be monitored for integrity such that loss of the
connection results in a trouble signal.
66 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Exception: Microphone and telephone handset cables located within a key locked cabinet are not required
to comply with this requirement.

34.1.3 All required annunciation shall be at a fire emergency voice/alarm communication control portion
of the system. Where there are multiple fire emergency voice/alarm communication control locations only
one shall be in control at any given time and the location in control shall be identified by a visible indication
at that location.

34.1.4 Where a combination of or multiple control locations are employed, the system shall be capable of
transferring control from one unit to another.

34.1.5 When a control location is indicating that it is not in control, it shall not act as if it is in control.

34.1.6 Any switches utilized for the control of emergency voice/alarm and/or two-way telephone
communications shall be either:

a) A key-lock type, with the key removable only in the locked position;

b) Located inside of a locked enclosure;

c) Access limited by a software security code providing a minimum of 1000 combinations and with
a maximum 30-min time-out feature after the last activity; or

d) Arranged to provide equivalent protection against unauthorized use.

34.1.7 Systems or equipment arranged to stop or reduce ambient noise shall comply with monitoring for
integrity requirements in 34.2.3, Common Performance and Monitoring for Integrity – Protected-Premises
Units/Systems, Section 56, and with the other applicable requirements of this standard.

34.2 Emergency voice/alarm communications

34.2.1 Functional sequence In response to an initiating signal indicative of a fire alarm emergency, systems providing
voice/alarm communication shall minimally be capable of providing the following functions:

a) Automatic activation of an evacuation signal to any or all zones in the system, consisting of a
minimum of two cycles of the standard alarm evacuation signal consisting of the three-pulse
temporal pattern detailed in the National Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 72, followed by a recorded
evacuation message to any or all zones in the system.

Exception: Products intended to be constantly attended with capability of a 30-s response need not
provide automatic response.

b) Automatic alert tone (either separately produced or part of a pre-recorded message) of 1 – 3 s

duration followed by a recorded message to any or all zones in the system. The alert
tone/prerecorded message combination shall be repeated a minimum of three times. Preempting
of the alert tone with a predetermined time delay is not prohibited.

Exception: Products intend to be constantly attended by trained operators with capability of a 30-s
response need not provide automatic response.

c) Manual activation of an evacuation signal or recorded message on an all-call basis. Additionally,

manual activation by zone is permitted.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 67

d) If a previously initiated recorded message is interrupted by live voice instructions, upon releasing
of the microphone, the previously initiated recorded messages to the selected notification zones
shall have the capability of not resuming play automatically. When provided in addition to that described in, other functional sequences are not
prohibited. When provision is made for the manual selection of evacuation signaling zones for the purpose
of initiating tonal, prerecorded voice, or live voice evacuation messages and/or signals, the manual
selections shall override conflicting automatic zone selections. Likewise, manually initiated sources (tone
generator, prerecorded message, or live voice) shall take precedence subsequent over automatically
initiated sources.

Exception: Notification appliances required to provide special fire suppression notification shall have the
capability to override the voice/alarm communication signaling as described in For systems providing live-voice communication, manual paging shall automatically be given
precedence over all other evacuation signals, pre-alert signals and prerecorded messages, whether
previously or subsequently initiated.

Exception: Notification appliances required to provide special fire suppression notification shall have the
capability to override the ECS/MNS signaling as described in A fire emergency voice/alarm communication control system shall be configurable to have a
dedicated notification zone to cover the area served by the suppression system with the capability of being
muted by one of the following means:

a) An intelligent communication interface between the fire alarm suppression system and the fire
emergency voice/alarm communication control system to mute the fire emergency voice/alarm
communication control system speaker zone when special suppression notification appliances are
active in the suppression area.

b) Use a contact interface to mute the fire emergency voice/alarm communication control system
speaker zone to allow the special suppression notification appliances to take priority; or

c) A mechanical manual release, such as a pressure switch, etc., to interface with the fire
emergency voice/alarm communication control system that would mute the respective speaker
zone. Products utilizing a low-frequency signal tone for the pre-alert signals required by (a),
(b) and (c), or the audible alarm signal tone required by 33.3.3 or 33.3.11 shall comply with the signal
format described in the section for Determination of Low Frequency Signal Format in the Standard for
Audible Signal Appliances, UL 464. The signal components for the low frequency audio needed to meet from tone
generation to the output speaker shall be described in the installation instructions for the product.

34.2.2 Display information A continuously displayed visual indication shall be provided for the following conditions:

a) The on/off status of all speaker zones (zones are to be considered "on" when an evacuation
signal, pre-alert tone, recorded message, or live voice message is being reproduced by the
speakers of that zone, regardless of whether it was automatically or manually activated).
68 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

b) The off-normal status of all control switches (this includes zone select, manual evacuation, all-
call, and page controls). Nonelectrical visual annunciation integral with a switch shall include obvious distinct indications
for both the normal and off-normal position of the switch. Utilization of the switch position does not meet
the intent of complying with this requirement.

34.2.3 Monitoring integrity Failure of any component in the audio chain (such as amplifiers, preamplifiers, malfunction of a
pre-recorded message device, displacement of a pre-recorded message medium, primary tone
generators, and interconnected wiring) resulting in the loss of emergency signaling capability shall cause
an audible trouble signal. Compliance is to be verified with the system in the normal supervisory condition
and repeated with the system in the alarm condition.

Exception No. 1: This requirement does not apply to amplifiers and tone generators that are enclosed as
integral parts and provide signals to a single speaker.

Exception No. 2: Wiring internal to a mechanically protected enclosure is not required to be supervised. Emergency voice/alarm and/or two-way telephone/intercom communication systems sharing

components, circuitry and installation wiring with non-fire systems shall comply with Combination
Systems, Section 61.

34.3 Two-way telephone/intercom communication

34.3.1 Two-way telephone equipment, when operating in a common-talking (for example, conference or
party-line) or selective-talking mode, shall be capable of communication with at least five instruments on-
line simultaneously.

34.3.2 Two-way telephone communication service is not prohibited from being arranged so that alarm
initiation is required before telephone communication can begin.

34.3.3 A telephone station provided for reporting a fire shall be arranged so that its use will automatically
produce all of the signaling functions required of a manual fire alarm station and not require operator
response for alarm initiation. Similarly, a station provided for reporting other emergencies shall
automatically produce the signaling functions required by the emergency systems. A station for reporting a
fire and for reporting other emergencies shall be equipped with a selection lever or equivalent means by
which to initiate the signals appropriate for the condition (fire or emergency).

34.3.4 An audible and visible signal distinctive from any other alarm, supervisory, or trouble signal shall
indicate operation of a telephone call station at the fire command center.

34.3.5 Where a selective-talk telephone service is provided, a distinctive visual indicator shall be
furnished for each selectable circuit such that all circuits with telephone off-hook are continuously

34.3.6 A switch for silencing the audible call-in sounding appliance shall comply with all of the following:

a) Limiting access by being either:

1) Key operated with the key removable only in the normal position;

2) Located within a locked cabinet;

MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 69

3) Limited by a software security code providing a minimum of 1000 combinations and with
a maximum 30-min time-out feature after the last activity; or

4) Arranged to provide equivalent protection against unauthorized use.

b) The call-in condition shall be continuously indicated and maintained by a lamp or other visual

c) Subsequent call-in signals in other telephone circuits shall result in the reenergization of the
audible call-in signal.

d) A switch that is left in the "silence" position, when there is no call-in signal, shall cause the
trouble signal to sound until the switch is restored to normal.

34.3.7 Telephone/intercom circuits shall be monitored for integrity such that a single wire-to-wire fault,
single open circuit, or single ground fault results in both an audible and visual trouble indication.

34.3.8 When a station is configured as a hands-free or handset station, it shall either be protected
against unauthorized use in accordance with the Standard for Manual Signaling Boxes for Fire Alarm
Systems, UL 38, or employ a jack for connection of a portable handset.


35 General

35.1 Sections 35 and 36 cover the performance requirements for systems intended to release an
extinguishing agent or water.

35.2 The product shall comply with the following requirements:

a) Power Supplies, Section 55;

b) Common Performance and Monitoring for Integrity – Protected Premises Units/Systems, Section

c) Trouble Signals, Section 57;

d) Components – Monitoring for Integrity, Section 58;

e) Software, Section 59;

f) In Features, Section 60: Alarm verification, 60.2.1 – 60.2.3; Automatic drift compensation and/or
smoke detector sensing chamber supervision, 60.5.1 – 60.5.3; Calibrated detector sensitivity
testing, 60.6.1 – 60.6.4;

g) Combination Systems, Section 61; and

h) Interconnected Fire Alarm Units, Section 62.

36 Operation

36.1 General

36.1.1 The operation of any initiating device shall cause the system to produce a clearly defined signal
and release actuation of the type for which the combination is designed.
70 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

36.1.2 The time periods for automatic processing and activation of signals in a worst-case loaded
product/system shall be as follows:

a) Not greater than 10 s from the operation of abort or manual release switches or initiation of an
alarm condition until the required output functions are executed.

b) Not greater than 10 s from the initiation of a supervisory condition until the required output
functions are executed.

c) Trouble signals and their restoration to normal shall be annunciated within 200 s of the
occurrence of the adverse condition, fault, or the restoration to normal.

36.1.3 A product acceptable for releasing device service shall provide for the connection of releasing
actuating device(s), such as squibs, valves, solenoids, and the like.

36.1.4 Circuits extending to releasing actuating devices shall be monitored such that a trouble signal
indicates the occurrence of a single ground, single open, or an adverse condition or fault that prevents the
required operation of the system.

36.1.5 The electrical functionality of each releasing actuating device shall be monitored for integrity.

36.1.6 A multiple ground fault or short-circuit fault on releasing circuit (s) intended for connection to
limited energy cable, that would prevent required operation, shall result in a trouble signal.

36.1.7 An automatic delay provided prior to release operation by a system shall be a maximum of 60 s,
timed from a release initiation condition, either from the actuation of a single detector, or from the actuation
of the second circuit or detector for cross-zone and single-zone multiple-detector, or a combination of the
two operations as described in 36.5.1 – 36.7.2.

36.1.8 A product shall not activate releasing devices when the primary power is de-energized and all
secondary power sources, other than those used solely to sustain time and date functions or volatile
memory, are reduced from rated voltage to zero.

36.1.9 Where networked control units are employed for a single releasing device service application,
such that initiating devices, abort stations, or control switches on one unit controls releasing devices on
another unit, a trouble condition or manual disconnect function occurring at any one unit involved in the
releasing function(s) shall be visibly and audibly annunciated at each of the other interconnected control
units involved in the releasing function.

36.1.10 A system which:

a) Is intended for the release of Halon 1301 as described in Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing
Systems, NFPA 12A, water mist as described in Water Mist Fire Protection Systems, NFPA 750,
aerosol as described in Fixed Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Systems, NFPA 2010, and/or clean
agents as described in Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems, NFPA 2001,

b) Employs batteries as its standby operating power source, and

c) Is provided with a manual release circuit,

shall audibly and visually annunciate a trouble condition when the standby source is solely powering the
product and is depleted to 85% of its nominal marked voltage, unless the installation instructions indicate
that a mechanical manual release is to be additionally employed.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 71

36.1.11 Releasing service fire alarm systems used for fire suppression-releasing service (non-water
based) shall have the capability to disconnect releasing circuit (s) and shall meet the requirements of
36.1.12 – 36.1.14.

36.1.12 The disconnect shall be a physical switch and not be accomplished using software.

36.1.13 Software disconnects, even if activated by dedicated buttons or key switches, shall not be
permitted as a method to secure a suppression system from inadvertent discharge.

36.1.14 Operation of a disconnect switch or disable function shall cause the annunciation of a
supervisory signal at a required operator interface for the releasing service fire alarm control unit.

36.2 Signals

36.2.1 Alarm, trouble, supervisory, pre-discharge, and discharge/release signals shall be indicated at the
operator interface for the system.

36.2.2 Fire-alarm, supervisory, pre-discharge, discharge/release, trouble, and other signals shall be
distinctly annunciated.

36.2.3 Systems serving two or more zones shall visually identify the zone of origin of the status change.

36.2.4 The visual annunciation shall be capable of simultaneously displaying all zones having a status
change. Where all zones or status changes are not displayed simultaneously, all the following conditions

a) The display shall indicate the initial status change for the highest priority type signal.

b) An indication for each type (alarm, supervisory, trouble, pre-discharge, discharge) of active non-
displayed status changes shall be continuously visible during any off-normal condition.

c) A visual indication showing deactivated notification appliances as required by 36.2.8.

d) The non-displayed status changes shall be capable of being displayed only by manual

e) The display controls shall not interfere with the normal operation of the unit.

f) When concurrent signals are received, they shall be indicated as follows in descending order of

1) Signals associated with life safety;

2) Signals associated with property safety;

3) Supervisory signals and trouble signals associated with life and/or property safety; and

4) All other signals.

36.2.5 Nonelectrical visual annunciation integral with a switch shall include obvious distinct indications
for both the normal and off-normal position of the switch. Utilization of the switch position does not meet
the intent of complying with this requirement.

36.2.6 Systems intended for the release of Halon 1301 as described in Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing
Systems, NFPA 12A, and/or clean agents as described in Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems, NFPA
2001, shall have provision for a pre-discharge notification appliance circuit.
72 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

36.2.7 All evacuation signals produced by the system shall have the capability of complying with the
standard alarm evacuation signal consisting of the three-pulse temporal pattern detailed in the National
Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 72.

36.2.8 A means for deactivating (silencing) activated alarm, predischarge, or discharge notification
appliances shall comply with the following requirements:

a) Deactivating of activated notification appliance devices of a system shall be indicated by a

constantly displayed and identified visual indicator.

b) An alarm signal deactivating means left in the off-normal condition when there is no alarm shall
activate an audible trouble signal until the means is restored to normal.

c) When any deactivating means of a multiple-circuit system is activated, there shall be an

indication of the related deactivated circuit (s) or zone (s) by an identified lamp (s) or other visual
annunciation, and operation of the alarm notification appliances by any other circuit having its
alarm deactivation means in the normal position shall not be prevented.

d) The switch shall be either:

1) A key-lock type with the key removable only in the normal position;

2) Located inside of a locked enclosure;

3) Access limited by a software security code providing a minimum of 1000 combinations

and with a maximum 30-min time-out feature after the last activity; or

4) Arranged to provide equivalent protection against unauthorized use.

e) The activation of the alarm, predischarge, or discharge signal deactivation means during an
alarm or release condition shall not result in resetting a circuit intended for connection to releasing
devices or HVAC equipment.

f) The alarm, predischarge, or discharge condition is indicated and maintained by a lamp or other
visual indicator with the silencing means activated.

g) When signal deactivation can be accomplished in a selective or zone manner, the visual
indicator(s) referenced in (a) shall distinguish notification appliance circuit(s) or zone(s) which have
been deactivated from notification appliance circuit(s) or zone(s) which are still energized.

36.2.9 An alarm, predischarge (unless the system has progressed to a discharge condition) and
discharge signal of a system shall be maintained continuously (locked in) by the system until a resetting
device in the system is operated manually.

36.2.10 The signal indication resulting from the operation of a product for supervisory signals shall
automatically include distinctive signals for both the off-normal and the restoration-to-normal conditions of
the supervisory initiating devices. Cancellation of the off-normal signal is acceptable annunciation for the
restoration signal.

Exception: For products whose operation provide, in addition to the above, the capability of selecting
nonautomatic distinctive restoration-to-normal supervisory signals (locking in the supervisory signals until
manually reset), the installation wiring diagram/instructions for the product shall include instructions for
selecting the respective operation.

36.2.11 An alarm signal that has been deactivated shall:

MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 73

a) Automatically reactivate the audible and visible alarm signal at the operator interface(s) every 24
hr or less until alarm signal conditions are restored to normal; and

b) The audible and visible alarm signal shall operate until it is manually silenced or acknowledged.

36.2.12 Supervisory signals displayed at the system shall be distinctive in sound from other signals used
by the signaling system and this sound shall not be used for any other purpose other than to also indicate
a system trouble condition. When the same sound is used for both supervisory and trouble signals,
distinction between signals shall be indicated by a visible means and silencing of a trouble signal shall not
prevent subsequent sounding of supervisory signals.

36.2.13 A means for silencing a supervisory signal sounding appliance shall comply with all the following

a) Limiting access by being either:

1) Key operated with the key removable only in the normal position;

2) Located within a locked cabinet;

3) Limited by a software security code providing a minimum of 1000 combinations and with
a maximum 30-min time-out feature after the last activity; or

4) Arranged to provide equivalent protection against unauthorized use.

b) The supervisory condition is indicated and maintained by a lamp or other visual indicator.

c) Subsequent supervisory signals in other zones will reenergize the supervisory signal notification

d) A means that is left in the "silence" position, when there is no supervisory off-normal signal, shall
cause the audible trouble signal to sound until the means is restored to normal.

36.3 Abort

36.3.1 An abort switch, when provided, shall be a manually-operated, self-restoring device that
suspends the intended sequence leading to release of the extinguishing agent. Such a switch shall be
marked “abort”.

Exception: Abort switches shall not be used on systems intended to perform pre-action or deluge water

36.3.2 An abort switch shall not have any effect on evacuation signals from the system, nor shall it cause
confusing signals to be transmitted to a supervising station.

36.3.3 An abort switch shall not cause the restoration to normal of any initiating and notification
appliance that has operated, nor shall it cause interference with any function of system, other than the
interruption of the normal sequence leading to activation of the connected release actuating devices.

36.3.4 A system employing an abort function shall, at a minimum, have the capability of providing a time
delay preventing the immediate actuation of the releasing device(s). The time delay function shall have a
minimum capability to operate as follows:

a) The time delay does not exceed 60 s from the actuation of the abort switch.

b) The time delay overrides the automatic time delay described in 36.1.7.
74 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

c) Cumulative time delays, resulting from the operation of two or more abort switches connected
into the same releasing device zone, shall not exceed 60 s.

Exception: The actuation of the releasing device can be delayed for as long as the abort switch is
activated, when deactivation of the switch results in actuation of the releasing device within 10 s
when the 60-s delay period has elapsed.

36.3.5 A circuit to which an abort switch is connected shall comply with the requirements for initiating-
device circuits as described in Common Performance and Monitoring for Integrity – Protected Premises
Units/Systems, Section 56.

36.3.6 Actuation of an abort switch during normal supervisory condition shall result in an audible and
visual annunciation at the operator interface of the system.

36.3.7 Operation of an abort switch while the system is in the alarm condition shall result in a distinct
visual and audible annunciation of the abort condition at the operator interface for the system.

36.4 Manual release switch

36.4.1 When provided, a manual release switch shall be a manually-operated device (either self-
restoring or nonself-restoring) that overrides time delays leading to the actuation of the releasing
device(s). Such a switch shall be marked "Manual Release" or the equivalent.

36.4.2 The manual release switch shall override any pre-discharge delays resulting in an immediate
release or start of the manual release delay period. The delay period shall be 30 s or less from activation
of the switch to actuation of the releasing device(s). The manual release switch is not required to override
an abort function while the abort switch is activated. The operating instructions for the control unit shall
describe whether the operation of the manual release will override an activated abort switch.

Exception: Products intended to be installed in accordance with Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems,
NFPA 12A, Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems, NFPA 2001, Water Mist Fire Protection Systems,
NFPA 750, and Fixed Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Systems, NFPA 2010, shall have provision for the
manual release to override actuated abort switches.

36.4.3 The circuit into which a remote manual release switch is connected shall comply with the
requirements for initiating-device circuits as described in Common Performance and Monitoring for
Integrity – Protected Premises Units/Systems, Section 56.

36.5 Cross-zone initiation

36.5.1 A system employing a cross-zone initiating function shall require an alarm condition on more than
one initiating zone before the release condition is activated.

36.5.2 Actuation of one initiating-device circuit shall result in energization of intended alarm evacuation

36.5.3 A system employing a cross-zone initiating function shall not utilize the alarm verification feature
or any other time delay other than that indicated in 36.1.7.

36.6 Single-zone multiple-detector (counting zone) initiation

36.6.1 A system employing single-zone, multiple-detector initiating functions shall require more than one
detector in the same initiating circuit to operate before the release condition is activated.
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36.6.2 Operation of one detector connected to a single-zone multiple-detector initiating zone shall result
in energization of intended alarm evacuation signals.

36.6.3 A system employing a single-zone multiple detector initiation function shall not utilize the alarm
verification feature or any other time delay other than that indicated in 36.1.7.

36.7 Combination single-zone multiple-detector and cross-zone initiation

36.7.1 When a multiple-detector/cross-zoning configuration is employed, the operation shall comply with
any combination of 36.5.1 – 36.5.3 and 36.6.1 – 36.6.3.

36.7.2 Operation of one initiating device shall result in energization of intended alarm evacuation signals.


37 General

37.1 Sections 37 – 41 cover the requirements for products intended for remote station, central station,
and proprietary services. Sections 37 and 38 cover products located at the protected premises. Sections
37, 39, and 41 cover the transmission path between the protected premises and the supervising station or
subsidiary station, any subsidiary station and its communication path, and the signal receiving,
processing, display, and recording equipment at the supervising station. When the supervising or
subsidiary station is integral or collocated at the protected premises with the protected-premises control
unit, Sections 37, 39, and 41 apply.

37.2 The product shall comply with the following:

a) Power Supplies, Section 55;

b) Component – Monitoring for Integrity, Section 58;

c) Software, Section 59; and

d) Combination Systems, Section 61.

37.3 The operation of any initiating device shall cause the system to produce a clearly defined signal of
the type for which the combination is designed.

38 Protected Premises Units

38.1 General

38.1.1 The product shall comply with the following:

a) Common Performance and Monitoring for Integrity – Protected Premises Units/Systems, Section

b) Trouble Signals, Section 57;

c) Features, Section 60; and

d) Interconnected Fire Alarm Units, Section 62.

38.1.2 The time periods for processing and activation of signals in a worst-case loaded system shall be
as follows:
76 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

a) Automatic processing of alarm or supervisory signals and start of transmission to a supervisory

station receiver shall not be greater than 10 s from the initiation of an alarm or supervisory

b) Transmission of trouble signals and their restoration to normal shall be started within 200 s of the
occurrence of the adverse condition, fault, or the restoration to normal. Annunciation of trouble
signals at the protected premises shall also occur within 200 s of the occurrence of the faults
indicated in 38.2.1.

Exception No. 1: The initial battery trouble signal from a battery-operated product complying with
the requirements of 55.4.1.

Exception No. 2: Off-premises primary power failure trouble signal transmission for products
employing digital alarm communication (DACT) transmission as described in 55.2.1.

Exception No. 3: Failure of DACT communication path as indicated in

38.1.3 Alarm, supervisory, and trouble signals shall be indicated at the protected premises for systems
serving two or more zones when the off-premises signal does not include zone of origin status change
information. Where all zones or status changes are not displayed simultaneously, the display information
shall comply with 33.2.2.

38.1.4 Alarm signals transmitted to the supervising station shall have the capability of including the
actuated device address or the zone identification.

38.1.5 Alarm, supervisory, delinquency, and trouble status changes occurring at protected premises
control unit(s) shall be transmitted to the supervising station in a manner that allows distinction of signaling

38.1.6 Each protected premises unit intended for remote station type service shall have provision for
transmitting supervisory and trouble conditions to a separate location from that of alarm signals.

Exception: Provision for transmitting supervisory and trouble conditions to a separate location from that to
which alarm signals are transmitted is not required to be provided when the control unit is prominently
marked where visible after installation with the following or equivalent statement: "Not Suitable For
Remote Station Protected Premises Service Where Separate Transmission Circuits Are Required For
Fire, Supervisory (When Applicable), And Trouble Signals."

38.2 Trouble signals

38.2.1 The activation of a self-restoring trouble signal and its restoration to normal shall be automatically
processed as described in 38.1.2 and 38.2.3.

38.2.2 The activation of a latching trouble signal shall be automatically processed as described in 38.1.2
and 38.2.3. Restoration of a latching trouble signal shall be processed as described in 38.1.2 and 38.2.3
after activation of a manual reset.

38.2.3 An audible and visual trouble signal shall be annunciated at the protected premises for the
occurrence of the following fault and/or adverse conditions:

a) Primary power, secondary power, and primary battery power source monitoring of the protected-
premise equipment as required in Power Supplies, Section 55.

b) DACT-type communication system monitoring described in and

MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 77

38.3 Supervisory signals

38.3.1 The signal indication resulting from the operation of a product for supervisory signals shall
automatically include distinctive signals for both the off-normal and the restoration-to-normal conditions of
the supervisory initiating devices. Cancellation of the off-normal signal is acceptable annunciation for the
restoration signal.

Exception: For products whose operation provide, in addition to the above, the capability of selecting
nonautomatic distinctive restoration-to-normal supervisory signals (locking in the supervisory signals until
manually reset), the installation wiring diagram/instructions for the product shall include instructions for
selecting the respective operation.

38.3.2 The activation of a smoke detector mounted in air distribution systems and used solely for closing
dampers or equipment shutdown as described in the Standard for Installation of Air-Conditioning and
Ventilating Systems, NFPA 90A, is not prohibited from annunciating a supervisory signal at the supervising

38.4 Guard tour supervisory signals

38.4.1 A system utilized for guard tour supervisory signals shall comply with either 38.4.2 or 38.4.3.

38.4.2 A non-exception reporting system shall operate with the following signals either manually or
automatically recorded:

a) The operation of each station intended to transmit a signal.

b) Where intermediate stations that do not transmit a signal are employed in conjunction with
stations that transmit a signal, a distinct signal shall indicate the beginning and end of each tour of
a guard, and a station that transmits signals shall be provided at intervals not exceeding ten

c) Intermediate stations that do not transmit a signal shall be capable of operation only in a fixed

38.4.3 An exception reporting system shall operate with the following signals either manually or
automatically recorded. Delinquency signals shall additionally be visually and audibly annunciated.

a) The guard shall initiate a start signal. When a start signal is not transmitted at least once every
24 hr for systems during which tours are continuously conducted, a delinquency signal shall be

b) A delinquency signal when a tour station is not actuated within 15 min after the predetermined
actuation time.

c) A finish signal within a predetermined interval after each completed tour of the premises.

38.5 Off-premises signaling

38.5.1 The transmission and/or communication path shall operate as described for the specific type of
transmission and/or communication path as specified in Transmission and Communication Paths, Section

38.5.2 Where a proprietary protected premise unit is co-located with or integral with the supervising
station, the requirements of Common Performance and Monitoring for Integrity – Protected-Premises
78 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Units/Systems, Section 56, shall apply in lieu of the requirements specified in Transmission and
Communication Paths, Section 41.

38.5.3 Relays or modules providing signaling for off-premises transmission of trouble signals shall be
arranged to produce a trouble signal at the supervising station when all power to the relay or module is

38.5.4 A multiple ground fault or short-circuit fault on conductors extending from a circuit intended for
connection to limited energy cable, that would prevent required alarm operation, shall result in a trouble or
alarm signal.

38.5.5 Digital alarm radio transmitters (DART) utilizing private signal transmission facilities and radio
alarm transmitters (RAT) shall be arranged to check for the fault conditions specified in 56.1.1 and those
indicated in (a) and (b) such that within 200 s of the occurrence of a fault condition either an audible
trouble shall be annunciated at the protected premises or a trouble signal transmission shall have

a) Any external antennas and related connecting cable; and

b) Interconnections between elements of the transmitting equipment located in separate


38.5.6 Where the elements of the equipment described in 38.5.5 are physically separate, provision shall
be made such that the interconnecting wiring or cabling is capable of being mechanically protected.

38.5.7 Protected premises equipment shall be permitted to provide supplementary transmission of real
time data from the fire alarm system to off-premises equipment. Any information transmitted shall be
consistent with the data generated by the system.

38.5.8 With respect to 38.5.7, each of the following shall not affect the required operation or response of
the fire alarm control unit:

a) Transmission of the supplementary data off-premises;

b) A wire-to wire or single ground fault on the transmission circuit (metallic) when separate from
required off-premise signaling; and

c) A single open fault or adverse condition on the transmission path, when separate from required
off-premise signaling.

39 Supervising Station Units

39.1 General

39.1.1 The time periods for processing and activation of signals in a worst case loaded system shall be
as follows:

a) Alarm, trouble and supervisory signals, and their restoration to normal, shall be received,
displayed, and recorded at the supervising station consistent with the communication and
transmission methods utilized. See Transmission and Communication Paths, Section 41.

b) The maximum time from the occurrence of a fault or adverse condition in any transmission
and/or communication path or equipment, or the restoration of the fault or adverse condition to
normal until it is displayed and recorded at the supervising station, shall be consistent with the
communication and transmission methods utilized. See Transmission and Communication Paths,
Section 41.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 79

c) A fault or adverse condition on interconnecting wiring which affects operation, or malfunction of

equipment located within the supervising or subsidiary station, which are required to be monitored
for integrity, shall result in an audible and visual trouble annunciation at the constantly attended
supervising station's operator interface within 200 s of the occurrence. Restoration to normal shall
also be indicated within 200 s.

Exception No. 1: Either an audible or visual only trouble signal is acceptable for mechanisms that
are part of the supervising station equipment.

Exception No. 2: Cancellation of the trouble signal is acceptable for the restoration signal for
mechanisms that are part of the supervising station equipment.

Exception No. 3: The primary power source of constantly attended supervising station equipment
when the fault condition is obvious to the operator on duty.

Exception No. 4: Interconnecting wiring addressed by 40.2(i) for the main system configuration of
a redundant supervising station receiving unit.

39.2 Display and recording

39.2.1 The supervising station shall have:

a) A recording device consisting of either printer or magnetic medium or other nonvolatile electronic
memory capable of being viewed or printed and

b) Two additional means, one of which shall be an audible signal,

capable of indicating the receipt of a status change signal.

39.2.2 Status change signals shall include alarm, trouble, supervisory, and guard tour supervisory
signals as well as their restoration to normal.

39.2.3 A supervising station providing the option of turning off the audible signal associated with each
status change, shall provide a visual annunciation which is constantly displayed indicating the off-normal
condition of the audible signal.

39.2.4 The following information shall be recorded and displayed for each status-change signal:

a) Identification of the type of signal to show whether it is an alarm, supervisory, guard tour
supervisory, or trouble signal;

b) Identification of the status change to differentiate between the initiation of an alarm, supervisory,
delinquency, or trouble, or a restoration or return to normal from one or more of these conditions;

c) Identification of the point of origin of each status-change signal.

39.2.5 All status-change signals shall be automatically and permanently recorded and displayed in a
form which will expedite prompt operator interpretation in accordance with any one of the following:

a) Where a visual display is used that automatically provides status-change information for each
individual signal, including type and location of occurrence, any form of automatic recording is
acceptable. The recorded information shall include the content described above. The visual display
shall show status information content at all times, and shall be distinctly different after the operator
has manually acknowledged each signal. Each visual status change shall also be accompanied by
continuous operation of an audible indication that will alert the operator to a signal status change.
80 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

The audible indication shall either cease or change in form upon acknowledgment. Failure to
acknowledge a signal shall not prevent subsequent signals from being recorded.

b) When a visual display is not provided, signal content information shall be automatically recorded
on duplicate permanent visual recording instruments. One recording instrument shall be used for
recording all incoming signals, while the other printer shall be used for recording only alarm,
supervisory, guard tour supervisory, and trouble signals. The receipt of each signal requiring
operator attention shall be accompanied by an audible indication that shall persist until manually
acknowledged. The acknowledgment shall be recorded. Failure to acknowledge a signal shall not
prevent subsequent signals from being recorded. Restoration of the signaling device to its prior or
normal condition shall be recorded.

c) When a visual display is used in conjunction with a single recording device, the signal content
information and acknowledgment shall be both displayed and recorded. The method of recording
and display or indication of received signals shall provide all of the following conditions:

1) Each incoming signal requiring action to be taken by the operator shall result in an
audible signal and not less than two independent methods of identifying the type, condition,
and location of the status change.

2) Each incoming signal shall be automatically recorded. The record shall provide the type
of signal, condition, and location, in addition to the time and date the signal was received.

3) Failure to acknowledge or act upon an incoming signal shall not prevent subsequent
signals from being received, indicated or displayed, and recorded.

4) Each incoming signal shall initiate an audible signal that persists until manually

5) When a single display that does not permit viewing of all received signals concurrently is
used, the display shall either:

i) Retain each signal on the visual display until manually acknowledged (the display
shall also indicate when additional signals are waiting to be displayed) or

ii) Sequentially display each received signal in a scrolling manner until each signal is
manually acknowledged (each signal shall be displayed a minimum of 2 s and a
maximum of 5 s during each scroll).

6) When concurrent signals are received, the signals shall be displayed either:

i) In the following descending order of priority:

A) Signals associated with life safety,

B) Signals associated with property safety,

C) Supervisory or associated life and/or property safety trouble signals, and

D) All other signals; or

ii) Pending types (fire alarm, fire trouble, fire supervisory, etc.) of signals are
identified and displayed. Access to any of the specific type queues shall be
provided. The signals within each specific type queue shall be displayed in order of
receipt, with the oldest signal first.

7) When multiple status changes are received for the same point prior to operator
acknowledgment, the system is not prohibited from displaying only the most recent change
of status for that point, provided prior to acknowledgement of the current status, all the
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 81

subsequent status changes for that point since the last status change acknowledgment for
that point are presented to the operator in a form that allows the prompt operator
interpretation of the condition.

8) Means shall be provided for the operator to redisplay any alarm, supervisory, trouble,
guard tour supervisory, or other signals which have been acknowledged but for which a
restoration to normal signal has not been received.

Exception: Systems other than those intended for proprietary type service are not required
to prioritize signals and are not required to have the means to redisplay acknowledged but
not yet restored signals.

39.2.6 Silencing of an audible, status-change indication signal, which is common to several circuits, shall
result in reenergization of the audible signal upon receipt of a subsequent status-change signal.

39.2.7 Where a visual indication is required in 39.2.5 to identify a status-change signal and location from
which the signal originated, any one of the following or equivalent means is required.

a) Supervised single lamp circuit including a common lamp test switch;

b) Unsupervised reliable light-emitting diode (LED) including a common lamp test switch. Reliability
data to be provided by manufacturer as specified in 58.2(c);

c) Unsupervised parallel lamp circuits (at least two lamps);

d) Unsupervised single lamp circuit with supplementary recording of type, condition, and location of
signal received;

e) Two recorders;

f) Liquid-crystal display or equivalent with test means and one recorder;

g) Unsupervised single lamp circuit plus common alarm lamp plus a common lamp test switch; and

h) Monitor/CRT complying with the requirements in this standard.

i) Video terminal complying with the requirements of Supervising Station Signal Processing
Equipment, Section 40.

39.2.8 In lieu of a common lamp test switch [see 39.2.7(a), (b), and (g)] an equivalent means to readily
identify a burned out lamp shall be employed. A common lamp test switch shall be either common to all
lamps or a particular group of lamps.

39.2.9 To facilitate the prompt receipt of fire alarm signals, when multiple simultaneous status changes of
any type occur within the system, the product shall comply with either of the following requirements:

a) The system shall be able to record, within 90 s, as simultaneous status changes:

1) Not less than 50 status changes for systems of 500 or more initiating devices circuits or

2) Not less than 10% of the total number of initiating devices or initiating-device circuits
connected, whichever number is smaller.

Exception: For one-way private-radio frequency systems, not less than twelve simultaneous status
changes shall be recorded within 90 s.

b) The system shall record fire alarm signals at a rate not slower than one every 10 s when any
number of status changes occur at any rate without loss of any signals.
82 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

39.2.10 Multiple operator interfaces for the same supervising station shall be arranged to provide
segregation of signals or responsibilities for operator action regarding status-change signals.

39.2.11 When the supervising station equipment is duplicated with automatic switch over, the switch over
shall be accomplished in not more than 30 s, without loss of any signals.

39.2.12 Trouble signals indicating the faults described in Component – Monitoring for Integrity, Section
58, and annunciated separately from the supervising station receiving unit's operator interface, shall
comply with the requirements in Trouble Signals, Section 57.

39.3 Monitoring integrity

39.3.1 The requirements in 39.3.2 – 39.3.4 apply to circuits other than transmission and communication
paths utilized by supervising and subsidiary station units.

39.3.2 All means of interconnecting equipment, devices, and appliances within the supervising or
subsidiary station shall be monitored for integrity of the interconnecting conductors or equivalent path and
shall meet the requirements of 39.1.1(c).

Exception No. 1: The circuit of an alarm notification appliance intended to be installed in the same room
with the supervising station control unit, when the notification appliance circuit conductors are to be
installed in conduit or have equivalent protection against mechanical injury.

Exception No. 2: The circuit of a printer in the supervising station is not required to be monitored for
integrity regarding single open, single ground, wire-to-wire short faults, or printer malfunction.

Exception No. 3: Interconnecting wiring between a stationary computer and the computer's keyboard,
video monitor, touch screen, or mouse type device are not required to be monitored for integrity when:

a) A complete open in the interconnecting cable is visually indicated so as to be obvious to the user
or the open does not affect the required system operation except for loss of the faulted function and

b) The interconnecting cable(s) does not exceed 8 ft.

Exception No. 4: Supplementary circuits interconnecting supplementary devices are not required to be
monitored for integrity when adverse conditions or wire-to-wire faults do not interfere in any manner with
the display and recording of signals.

39.3.3 A supplementary-device circuit is considered to be a circuit provided for controlling a device, the
operation of which is supplementary to the operation of the supervising station. Supplementary devices
usually include additional printers, audible signaling appliances, pilot lamps, and the like applied so as to
produce duplication of the required signals.

39.3.4 Circuits interconnected to the receiving unit which may control the operation of the receiving unit
are not considered supplementary and such circuits and devices are to be investigated with regard to their
suitability of application and service in connection with the design and performance of the overall system.

40 Supervising Station Signal Processing Equipment

40.1 This section describes alternate methods for the evaluation of supervising station signal processing
equipment meeting the conditions specified in 40.2. This section does not apply to equipment intended for
use at the protected premise such as control units, annunciators, and the like.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 83

40.2 Supervising station signal processing equipment meeting all the conditions specified in (a) – (t)
need not be subjected to Sections 5 – 10, 11.2.3 – 28 and 63 – 94.

a) Data processing equipment and office appliance and business equipment used as supervising
station signal processing equipment shall comply with the Standard for Information Technology
Equipment – Safety – Part 1: General Requirements, UL 60950-1.

b) The manufacturer specifies the minimum system configuration(s) consisting of the following:

1) Operating system and, where applicable, revision level;

2) Microprocessor manufacturer, type(s)/family, and minimum clock speed;

3) Minimum disk storage;

4) Minimum memory requirements;

5) Required features (such as media needs (DVD, etc.), drivers, etc);

6) Required input/output functionality (such as serial ports, USB ports, and network cards);

7) System software release level; and

8) Interconnection of redundant equipment including any operator interfaces, signal inputs,

and outputs to automation equipment, where applicable.

c) A system meeting, but not exceeding the specifications of (b), shall be submitted for evaluation.

d) All supervising station signal processing equipment shall be completely duplicated with provision
for automatic switchover to the backup system within 30 s without loss of any signals. The backup
computer shall have equivalent or greater capabilities of the primary, such as memory, speed, data
storage, and the like.

e) Failure of any part of the main system configuration, shall result in automatic switchover to the
backup system without loss of any signals and shall be indicated by an audible or obvious visual
indication at the constantly attended supervising station’s operator interface, all within 30 s.

f) Confirmation of switchover without loss of any signals in (e) and (i) shall include, but not limited

1) The initiation of a failure on the main system immediately after the main system sends an
acknowledgement for receipt of a change of status signal from a protected premise unit;

2) The initiation of a failure on the main system prior to receipt of a change of status from a
protected premise unit.

g) Failure of any part of the backup system configuration shall be indicated by an audible or
obvious visual indication at the constantly attended supervising station’s operator interface, all
within 200 s.

h) A fault tolerant system is permitted to be used in lieu of complete duplication of the system
where the system is capable of the following:

1) Employs multiple power supplies, disk drives, processors, and controllers, each backing
up and checking on the process of others.

2) In the event of any component failure, the other modules take over the function
performed by the failed components without affecting the operation of the computer
84 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

3) In addition to the duplicated hardware, a fault-tolerant system includes the necessary

software to keep the system operational.

i) A fault or adverse condition on interconnecting wiring in the main system configuration which
affects system operation shall result in automatic switchover to the backup system within 30 s
without loss of any signals, and shall be indicated by an audible or obvious visual indication at the
constantly attended supervising station’s operator interface.

Exception: Interconnection between equipment within a common enclosure or when the wiring
connections are intended to be made within 20 ft (6.1 m) and are enclosed within conduit or
equivalently protected against mechanical injury.

j) A fault or adverse condition on interconnecting wiring in the backup system configuration or

between the main system and backup system which affects system operation shall be indicated by
an audible or obvious visual indication at the constantly attended supervising station’s operator
interface within 200 s.

Exception: Interconnection between equipment within a common enclosure or when the wiring
connections are intended to be made within 20 ft (6.1 m) and are enclosed within conduit or
equivalently protected against mechanical injury.

k) The supervising station signal processing equipment shall additionally meet the applicable
requirements of sections 29 – 31, 37, 39 – 41, 43, 55 – 59, and 61 – 62.

l) The installation instructions shall specify that in addition to the main power supply and secondary
power supply that are required to be provided at the supervising station, the system shall be
provided with an uninterruptable power supply (UPS) with sufficient capacity to operate the
computer equipment for a minimum of 15 min. If more than 15 min is required for the secondary
power supply to supply the UPS input power, the UPS shall be capable of providing input power for
at least that amount of time.

m) The installation instructions shall specify that the UPS shall comply with the Standard for
Uninterruptable Power Systems, UL 1778, or the Standard for Power Supplies for Fire-Protective
Signaling Systems, UL 1481.

n) The installation instructions shall specify that in order to perform maintenance and repair
service, a means for disconnecting the input to the UPS while maintaining continuity of power to
the automation system, when applicable, shall be provided.

o) A power conditioner used with the system shall comply with the applicable requirements in the
Standard for Power Units Other Than Class 2, UL 1012.

p) The installation instructions shall specify that the source of power for the equipment shall be
within the rated voltage range of the signal processing equipment.

q) The installation instructions shall specify that the equipment be protected by supply line transient
protection complying with the Standard for Surge Protective Devices, UL 1449. The transient
voltage surge suppressors for single-phase, 120/220 V AC systems shall have a marked rating of
330 V or less. The transient voltage surge suppressors for 3-phase, 480 V AC or higher-rated
systems shall have a marked rating of 400 V or less.

r) The installation instructions shall specify that all ports of the signal processing equipment that
are connected to communication circuits contained within the central-station building and not
connected to the telecommunications network shall be protected by isolated loop circuit protectors
for communication circuits. These protectors shall comply with the requirements in the Standard for
Protectors for Data Communication and Fire Alarm Circuits, UL 497B. The transient protectors
shall have a marked rating of 50 V or less.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 85

Exception No. 1: When all of the equipment connected to the signal processing equipment is
located in the same room as the signal processing equipment and is not connected to the
telecommunications network, isolated loop circuit protection is not required.

Exception No. 2: Transient voltage surge protection is not required for fiber optic circuits.

s) The installation instructions shall specify that communication circuits and network components
connected to the telecommunications network shall be protected by secondary protectors for
communication circuits. These protectors shall comply with the Standard for Secondary Protectors
for Communications Circuits, UL 497A. These protectors shall be used only in the protected side of
the telecommunications network. The transient protectors shall have a marked rating of 150 V or

t) The installation instructions shall indicate that equipment be installed in a temperature controlled
environment. A temperature controlled environment is defined as one that can be maintained
between 13 – 35° C (55 – 95° F) by the HVAC system. Twenty-four hr of standby power shall be
provided for the HVAC system. The standby power system for the HVAC system may be supplied
by an engine driven generator alone. A standby battery is not required to be used. A maintenance
contract that provides for restoring operation of the HVAC system within 24 hr, 7 days a week shall
be in place.

u) The installation instructions shall specify that supervising station processing control equipment
or the enclosure housing the control equipment be provided with a permanent means for
connection to the branch-circuit supply which shall include provision for installing the supply
conductors in conduit.

v) The installation instructions shall specify that no other software other than the operating system
software and anti-virus/security protection software shall be installed on the primary and backup

41 Transmission and Communication Paths

41.1 General

41.1.1 This section describes the requirements for the transmission path (s) between the protected
premises and remote subsidiary or supervising station(s), and the communication path(s) between remote
subsidiary station(s) and the supervising station.

41.1.2 Dual control, where utilized, shall provide for redundancy in the form of a standby circuit or other
alternate means of transmitting signals over the primary trunk portion of the transmission path. The system
shall have the capability of either using the same methods of signal transmission over separate routes, or
employing different methods of signal transmission.

41.1.3 Dual control transmission equipment shall be monitored for integrity as follows:

a) When dedicated transmission equipment, which is available full time and whose use is limited to
fire alarm signaling purposes, is utilized, a test signal shall be initiated and completed a minimum of
once an hour.

b) When public-switched telephone network facilities are utilized, a test signal shall be initiated and
completed a minimum of once every 24 hr.

41.1.4 A successful signal transmission sequence of any other type within the same required period is
considered to comply with the intent of 41.1.3.
86 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

41.1.5 A single break or a single ground on any transmission or communication circuit shall not cause an
alarm signal, or affect the required operation of the fire alarm system, other than the loss of the faulted

41.1.6 The utilization of a double loop or redundant conductors or circuits to avoid electrical supervision
does not meet the intent of these requirements.

41.1.7 When redundant equipment is employed for signal receiving, transmitting, or processing switch
over shall be accomplished in not more than 30 s with no loss of signals during this period. The switch over
shall be displayed and recorded at the supervising station.

41.2 Active multiplex

41.2.1 Alarm, trouble, and supervisory signals, and their restoration to normal shall be received,
displayed, and recorded at the supervising station in not greater than 90 s from the time they are
transmitted from the protected premises.

41.2.2 The occurrence of a fault condition, as described in 41.2.3, either singly or in combination, on the
transmission or communication path that prevents the transmission of any status-change signal shall be:

a) Automatically indicated and recorded at the supervising station. The display and record shall
identify the affected portions of the system, including trunk, or leg, or both; and

b) Shall not inhibit or delay receipt of change of status signals over any other paths except those
that are intended to be dependent on the affected path. A fault condition on one leg facility shall not
inhibit normal service on any other trunk or other leg facility.

41.2.3 A fault condition is defined as one of the following:

a) Single open;

b) Single ground;

c) Wire-to-wire short; or

d) Multi-frequency noise on the leg facility comprised of either a single frequency or multiple
frequencies, which impairs intended operation of bridging networks, but which are isolated from the
leg or secondary trunks by rejection through an isolating bridge.

41.2.4 Restoration of normal service to the affected portions of the system shall be automatically
recorded and displayed at the supervising station. The first status change of any initiating circuit, or
initiating device directly connected to a signaling circuit, or any combination that occurred at any of the
affected protected premises units during the service interruption shall also be displayed and recorded.

41.2.5 Active multiplex systems shall be designated in the product installation wiring
diagram/instructions based upon the transmission capability of the system under various fault conditions.
The systems shall be designated as follows:

a) A Type 1 system shall have dual control as described in 41.1.2 – 41.1.4. A fault condition, either
singly or in combination, on a trunk or leg facility shall not inhibit the transmission of signals from
any other trunk or leg facility, except those normally dependent on the portion of the faulted
transmission channel. A fault condition, either singly or in combination, on a leg facility shall not
inhibit normal service on any trunk or other leg facility. When public switched telephone network
facilities are employed, they shall be used only as the alternate path for transmitting signals, except
for derived channel with no more than 32 leg facilities.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 87

b) A Type 2 system shall operate as described for Type 1, except that dual control as described in
41.1.2 – 41.1.4 is not required.

c) A Type 3 system shall automatically indicate and record at the supervising station the occurrence
of a fault condition, either singly or in combination, that interferes with the ability of the trunk or leg
facility to transfer change of status signals from the protected premises to the supervising station.

41.2.6 While the system is operating under the maximum specified loading, the maximum end-to-end
operating time from the occurrence of a fault or adverse condition in any trunk or leg facility until it is
displayed and recorded at the supervising station shall not exceed 90 s for Type 1 and Type 2 systems
and 200 s for Type 3 systems.

41.2.7 Derived channel signals shall not be affected by either the on-hook or off-hook operating
conditions of the shared telephone equipment.

41.3 Digital alarm communicator transmitter (DACT)

41.3.1 General All signals exchanged in a digital alarm communication system shall be by digital code or
equivalent. Signal repetition, digital parity check, or some equivalent means of signal verification shall be

41.3.2 Digital alarm communicator transmitter (DACT) A digital alarm communicator transmitter (DACT) shall have provision for seizing the telephone
line (going off-hook) at the protected premises, disconnecting an outgoing or incoming telephone call, and
preventing use of the telephone line for outgoing telephone calls until the signal transmission to a digital
alarm communicator receiver (DACR)has been completed. A DACT shall have provision for satisfactorily obtaining an available dial tone, dialing the
number of the digital alarm communicator receiver, obtaining verification that the receiver is ready to
receive signals, transmit the signal, and receive acknowledgment that the receiver has accepted that
signal. In no event shall the time from going off-hook to on-hook exceed 90 s per attempt. Concurrent status changes occurring at a DACT shall be prioritized before the DACT goes off-
hook and are transmitted to the digital alarm communicator receiver (DACR). The priority levels of signals
shall be as follows:

a) Signals associated with life safety;

b) Signals associated with property safety;

c) Supervisory signals and trouble signals associated with life and property safety; and

d) All other signals.

Exception: When all concurrent status changes can be transmitted within 90 s, the transmissions are not
required to be prioritized. A DACT shall have means to reset and retry if the first attempt to complete a signal transmission
sequence is unsuccessful. Additional attempts shall be made until the signal transmission sequence has
been completed to a minimum of five and a maximum of ten attempts. A failure to complete the sequence
in conjunction with one status change condition shall not prevent subsequent attempts to transmit any
other status changes.
88 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020 The DACT shall have provision for calling a second digital communicator receiver number
should the signal transmission sequence to the first called number be unsuccessful. See When the maximum number of attempts to complete the sequence is reached, an audible and
visual indication of the failure shall be energized at the protected premises. A DACT that provides both fire and security protected premises services is not prohibited from
suppressing the audible indication required in during the period when the burglary protection is
completely armed. A DACT shall have provision for two separate transmission paths. The DACT shall be capable of
selecting the operable transmission path in the event of failure of the other.

Exception: Where a DACT is connected to a telephone line that is monitored for integrity so that the fault
conditions indicated in 41.2.2 – 41.2.7 are annunciated within 200 s at the supervising station, a second
transmission path is not required. The primary transmission path shall be a telephone line connected to the public-switched
network. The secondary transmission path shall be any of the following:

a) A one-way private-radio frequency alarm signaling system utilized in accordance with 41.5.1 –

b) A two-way private radio frequency alarm signaling system utilized in accordance with 41.4.1 –

c) A transmission means complying with 41.7.1.

Exception: In addition to the above capability, a telephone line (number) shall be permitted to be used as
the second transmission means. Each DACT shall be programmed to call a second DACR line (number)
when the signal transmission sequence to the first called line (number) is unsuccessful. The DACT shall
be capable of selecting the operable means of transmission in the event of failure of the other means.
Where two telephone lines (numbers) are used, it shall be permitted to test each telephone line (number)
at alternating 6-hr intervals. The first transmission attempt shall utilize the primary means of transmission.

Exception: Where the primary transmission path is known to have failed. Simultaneous change of status reporting over both transmission paths is permitted when
redundant signals are suppressed at the supervising station. Failure of the DACT transmission paths, due to a loss of line voltage, shall result in an audible
and visual trouble signal at the protected premises and the transmission of a trouble signal to the
associated supervising station receiver over the operable path. The transmission shall be initiated within 4
min of occurrence of the fault. When public cellular telephone service is used, loss of cellular service shall
be considered a transmission path failure. A DACT shall automatically initiate and complete a test signal transmission sequence to its
associated receiver at least once every 6 hr. Both transmission paths shall be tested at intervals not
exceeding 6 hr. The test signal sent when the protected premises system is in the normal supervisory
condition shall be distinctively different from the test signal sent when the protected premises system is in
an abnormal or non-restored condition. Retransmission of the previously reported off-normal or non-
restored conditions does not meet the intent of the test signals being distinctly different.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 89

Exception: When a DACT has provisions for being programmed to call a telephone number that is call
forwarded to the line of the DACR, the test frequency shall be reduced to at least once every 4 hr. A successful signal transmission sequence of any other type within the same 6-hr period is
considered to meet the intent of when the product/system complies with all of the following:

a) The associated receiver is capable of automatically annunciating delinquencies.

b) Both transmission paths are used over the period.

c) The protected premises equipment and/or transmitter are not in the off-normal condition.

41.3.3 Digital alarm communicator receiver (DACR) Failure to receive a test signal from each associated DACT as specified in shall be
treated as a trouble signal and shall result in the automatic display and recording of such at the
supervising station.

Exception: A DACR intended only for central station service is not required to automatically annunciate,
display, and record delinquency signals when marking on the product or in the installation wiring
diagram/instructions clearly indicate the need to manually track the signaling performance of each DACT
and failure to receive a signal from a DACT over the applicable period is to be handled as a trouble signal. Test signals indicating a normal supervisory condition at the protected premises need only be
recorded rather than both recorded and displayed. The DACR shall have provision for connection to at least two separate incoming telephone
lines. When the connection time to a DACT exceeds an average of 30 s, the installation wiring
diagram/instructions shall provide specific guidelines for establishing loading or the unit shall automatically
switch the signal to a separate line not included in the hunt group. Failure of any transmission path connected to a DACR, that is due to loss of line voltage, shall
result in a visual and audible trouble annunciation at the supervising station within 200 s.

41.4 Two-way private-radio frequency multiplex

41.4.1 The occurrence of an adverse condition to a communication or transmission path that interferes
with the proper transmission or receipt of status change of signals at the supervising station:

a) Shall be automatically displayed and recorded at the supervising station. The display and
recording shall identify the affected portions of the system, including trunk, or leg facility, or both;

b) Shall not inhibit or delay receipt of change of status signals over any other paths, except those
that are intended to be dependent on the affected path.

41.4.2 The transmission and communication paths shall be supervised so that when the signal strength
received at any receiver is below the minimum specified signal strength, the condition and affected portion
of the system shall be displayed and recorded at the supervising station.

41.4.3 The occurrence of continuous radio-frequency noise in excess of the specified maximum ambient
noise level or signal-to-noise ratio (see 87.2.1 – 87.2.4) on the radio-frequency path between a transmitter,
repeater, or subsidiary/supervising station receiver for a continuous period of 20 s or more shall be
90 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

automatically displayed and recorded at the supervising station. The display and recording shall identify
the affected portions of the radio-frequency signaling system.

41.4.4 Restoration of normal service to the affected portions of the system shall be automatically
recorded and indicated. The first status change of any initiating circuit, or initiating device directly
connected to a signaling circuit, or any combination that occurred at any of the affected protected
premises units during the service interruption shall also be displayed and recorded.

41.4.5 While the system is operating under the maximum specified loading, the time from beginning an
alarm, supervisory, or trouble transmission until it is displayed and recorded at the supervising station shall
not exceed 90 s.

41.4.6 Two-way radio-frequency multiplex systems shall be designated in the product installation wiring
diagram/instructions based upon the transmission capability of the system under the following fault

a) Type 4 systems shall have redundant means of the transmission and/or communication paths
between the protected premises and the supervising station, as well as redundant RF receivers at
the supervising station. Malfunction of any of the equipment, other than the protected premises
transponder, shall not interfere with the receipt of signals at the supervising station.

b) Type 5 systems will not employ redundant transmission and/or communication paths, or RF
receivers at the supervising station.

41.4.7 While the system is operating under the maximum specified channel loading, the time from the
occurrence of:

a) An adverse condition that will prevent the transmission of any change of status signal;

b) The malfunction of any transmitting and receiving equipment, including transmitting and
receiving antennas, and interconnecting cables, in the entire transmission path

until a trouble is displayed and recorded at the supervising station, shall not exceed 200 s. The display and
recording shall identify the affected portions of the radio-frequency system.

41.5 One-way private-radio frequency

41.5.1 Status-change signals from a radio alarm transmitter shall be received by at least two
independently-powered, independently-operating, and separately-located radio repeaters or radio alarm
supervising station receivers, or by one of each. At least two separate paths shall be provided from the
radio alarm transmitter to the ultimate radio alarm supervising station receiver.

41.5.2 One-way private-radio frequency systems shall be monitored to verify that at least two
independent one-way radio frequency paths, as required in 41.5.1, are utilized for each radio transmitter
during each 24-hr period. The occurrence of a failure to receive a signal by either path shall be
automatically displayed and recorded at the supervising station. The information shall identify the radio
transmitter, and the radio repeater/receiver(s) that did not receive the signal.

Exception: A one-way private-radio-frequency system intended only for central station service is not
required to automatically annunciate, display, and record 24 hr delinquency signals when marking on the
product or in a user's manual clearly indicate the need to manually track the signaling performance of each
radio transmitter and failure to receive a signal from a radio transmitter over a 24-hr period is to be handled
as a trouble signal.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 91

41.5.3 A test signal sent when the protected premises system is in the normal supervisory condition shall
be distinctly different from the test signal sent when the unprotected premises system in an abnormal or
nonrestored condition. Retransmission of previously reported off-normal or nonrestored conditions does
not meet the intent of the test signals being distinctly different.

41.5.4 A successful signal transmission sequence of any type within the 24-hr period is considered to
comply with the intent of 41.5.2 when the associated supervising station is capable of automatically
annunciating 24-hr delinquencies and the protected premises equipment and/or transmitter are not in an
off-normal condition.

41.5.5 Acceptable test signals are not required to be displayed, but shall be recorded at the supervising

41.5.6 The occurrence of continuous radio-frequency noise in excess of the specified maximum ambient
noise level or signal-to-noise ratio (see 87.2.1 – 87.2.4) on the radio-frequency path between a transmitter,
repeater, or subsidiary/supervising station receiver for a continuous period of 20 s or more shall be
automatically displayed and recorded at the supervising station. The display and recording shall identify
the affected portions of the one-way radio-frequency signaling system.

41.5.7 The radio-frequency paths shall be supervised so that when the radio transmitter signal strength
received at the radio repeater stations or subsidiary/supervising station receivers is below the minimum
specified signal strength, the condition and affected portion of the system shall be displayed and recorded
at the supervising station.

41.5.8 A one-way radio alarm system shall transmit change of status conditions to comply with the end-
to-end time parameters specified in 86.8.4. A minimum of three transmission sequences shall occur in the
first 30 s. The parameters shall be evaluated while the system is operating under the maximum specified
channel loading and with 25 radio transmitters actively in alarm and reporting to the same repeater(s) and
receiver(s) on the same transmission path(s).

41.5.9 The time period over which a single change of status is transmitted shall not exceed 7.5 min (450

41.5.10 The malfunction of any transmitting and receiving equipment, including transmitting and
receiving antennas, and interconnecting cables, in the entire transmission path shall be displayed and
recorded within 200 s at the supervising station.

41.5.11 Radio transmitters at the protected premises shall be arranged to check all antennas and related
connecting cable and interconnections between elements of the transmitting equipment located in
separate enclosures, such that within 200 s of the occurrence of a fault condition either an audible and
visual trouble shall be annunciated locally, or, when possible, a trouble signal shall be transmitted so that
display and recording at the supervising station will occur within an additional 200 s.

41.5.12 One-way radio-frequency systems shall be designated in the product installation wiring
diagram/instructions based upon the transmission capability of the system under various fault conditions.
The systems shall be designated as follows:

a) A Type 6 system is not required to have more than one radio-frequency supervising station.

b) A Type 7 system shall use more than one radio-frequency supervising station. A fault condition
on more than one repeater that results in any radio transmitters no longer being supervised shall
be indicated and recorded at the affected supervising station.
92 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

41.6 Direct-connect non-coded systems

41.6.1 Alarm, trouble, and supervisory signals, and their restoration to normal, shall be received,
displayed, and recorded at the supervising station in not greater than 90 s from the time they are
transmitted from the protected premises.

41.6.2 The maximum time from the occurrence of a fault or adverse condition in any transmission and/or
communication path or equipment, or the restoration of the fault or adverse condition to normal until it is
displayed and recorded at the supervising station shall not exceed 200 s.

41.6.3 The transmission and/or communication path between the protected premises and the
supervising station, except for circuits wholly within the protected premise or the supervising station shall
operate for alarm and supervisory signals under either of the following conditions:

a) A system shall operate during the occurrence of a single break or a single ground fault. The
circuit shall be self-adjusting in the event of the aforementioned fault and shall be self-restoring
when the break or fault is corrected.

b) A system shall operate during a single ground fault. The circuit shall normally be isolated from
ground except for a ground detecting means, which shall indicate the ground fault automatically
and operate an audible trouble signal. The ground detecting means is not required when the
presence of a second ground fault will be indicated by either an audible trouble signal or an alarm

41.7 Performance based technologies

41.7.1 Transmission technologies that operate on principles different from the transmission technologies
covered in 41.1.1 – 41.6.1 shall meet the requirements of 41.7.2 – 41.7.6.

41.7.2 The communications path(s) shall be monitored for integrity in accordance with the following:

a) Where only one communications is used, both of the following requirements shall be met:

1) Any failure of the communications path shall be annunciated at the supervising station
within 60 min of a fault that affects the communication between the transmitter at the
protected premise and the receiver at the supervising station.

2) Failure to complete a signal transmission from the transmitter at the protected premise to
the receiver at the supervising station shall result in a trouble annunciation at a required
operator interface at the protected premise.

b) Where two or more different technologies are used the requirements of both of the following
shall be met:

1) Each communications path shall be monitored for integrity.

2) Failure of any communications path shall be annunciated at the supervising station within
not more than 6 hr of the failure.

3) Failure to complete a signal transmission from the protected premise to the supervising
station shall result in a trouble annunciation at a required operator interface at the protected

41.7.3 A single communication technology is permitted to be used to create multiple paths provided the
multiple paths comply with 41.7.2(b).
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 93

41.7.4 Alarm, trouble, and supervisory signals, and their restoration to normal, shall be received,
displayed, and recorded at the supervising station in not greater than 90 s from the time they are
transmitted from the protected premises.

41.7.5 Where a transmitter shares a transmission or communications channel with other transmitters;
each transmitter shall have a unique identifier.

41.7.6 Communication of alarm, supervisory, and trouble signals shall prevent degradation of the signal
in transit by means of one of the following:

a) Signal repetition: Multiple transmissions repeating the same signal;

b) Parity check: A mathematical check sum algorithm of a digital message that verifies correlation
between transmitted and received message; or

c) A means that provides a certainty of 99.99% that the received message is identical to the
transmitted message.


42 General

42.1 Sections 43 and 44 cover the operation requirements for products intended for auxiliary service.
Protected Premises Unit, Section 43, covers products located at the protected premises. Supervising and
Subsidiary Station Units, Section 44, covers products located at the supervising station or subsidiary
station including the communication path, and the signal receiving, processing, display, and recording

43 Protected Premises Units

43.1 General

43.1.1 The product shall comply with the following requirements:

a) Power Supplies, Section 55;

b) Common Performance and Monitoring for Integrity – Protected Premises Units/Systems, Section

c) Trouble Signals, Section 57;

d) Components – Monitoring for Integrity, Section 58;

e) Software, Section 59;

f) In Features, Section 60: Alarm verification, 60.2.1 – 60.2.3; Automatic drift compensation and/or
smoke detector sensing chamber supervision, 60.5.1 – 60.5.3; Calibrated detector sensitivity
testing, 60.6.1 – 60.6.4;

g) Combination Systems, Section 61; and

h) Interconnected Fire Alarm Units, Section 62.

43.1.2 Alarm signal annunciation for protected premises units serving two or more zones, and trouble
signals shall be indicated at the protected premises. Where all zones or status changes are not displayed
simultaneously, the display information shall comply with 33.2.1 – 33.2.4.
94 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

43.1.3 The time periods for processing and activation of signals in a worst-case loaded system shall be
as follows:

a) Automatic processing and activation of the master box or shunt circuit shall not be greater than
10 s from the initiation of an alarm condition.

b) Trouble signals and their restoration to normal shall be annunciated at the protected premises
within 200 s of the occurrence of the adverse condition, fault, or the restoration to normal.

Exception: The initial battery trouble signal from a battery-operated product that complies with the
requirements of 55.4.1.

43.2 Alarm signals

43.2.1 The operation of any initiating device shall cause the system to automatically activate the master
box or shunt circuit.

43.2.2 An alarm signal of a control unit/system shall be maintained continuously (locked in) by the
protected premises unit until a resetting device in the protected premises unit is operated manually.

43.3 Auxiliary signaling circuit

43.3.1 Interconnections between the auxiliary protected premises control unit and the local energy type
box shall be monitored for single open and single ground faults such that a trouble signal shall be
annunciated at the protected premises for the fault condition.

43.3.2 A trouble signal shall persist at the protected premises until an actuated local energy box is
manually reset.

43.3.3 The shunt-type connections of an auxiliary protected premises control unit is not required to be
monitored for integrity.

43.3.4 A trouble signal shall be annunciated at the protected premises when any portion of the system at
the protected premises is placed in a bypass or test (disable) mode.

44 Supervising and Subsidiary Station Units

44.1 Transmission and communication paths and supervising and subsidiary station equipment intended
for auxiliary service shall comply with the applicable requirements in this standard and in the Public Fire
Alarm Reporting Systems chapter in National Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 72.


45 General

45.1 All equipment forming the system shall be evaluated to the requirements in General, Section 45,
and Signaling, Section 46. Products forming a part of a system shall be evaluated in conjunction with the
complete system. In addition, products for marine use shall additionally be investigated to the
requirements in Environmental Tests for Marine Applications, Section 91.

45.2 The product shall comply with the following:

a) Power Supplies, Section 55;

MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 95

b) Common Performance and Monitoring for Integrity – Protected Premises Units/Systems, Section

c) Trouble Signals, Section 57;

d) Components – Monitoring for Integrity, Section 58;

e) Software, Section 59;

f) Features, Section 60;

g) Combination Systems, Section 61; and

h) Interconnected Fire Alarm Units, Section 62.

45.3 A means shall be provided to conduct a field test on each individual initiating zone circuit for alarm
and trouble conditions.

45.4 A test means shall be provided for testing each individual initiating zone circuit for the presence of
ground(s). The product(s) shall provide the capability of electrically isolating the fire alarm control system
from the electrical system of the ship.

45.5 A means shall be provided for silencing energized audible notification appliances connected to the
notification circuits, while maintaining the alarm signals from energized visual notification appliances.

45.6 Microprocessor- or computer-based systems, after complete loss of power, shall automatically
operate on supply power resumption.

46 Signaling

46.1 General

46.1.1 The operation of any initiating device shall cause the system to produce a clearly defined signal of
the type for which the combination is designed.

46.1.2 The time periods for processing and activation of signals in a worst-case loaded system shall be
as follows:

a) Automatic processing and activation of the alarm or supervisory notification appliances shall not
be greater than 10 s from the initiation of an alarm or supervisory condition.

b) Trouble signals and their restoration to normal shall be annunciated within 200 s of the
occurrence of the adverse condition, fault, or the restoration to normal.

Exception: The initial battery trouble signal from a battery-operated product that complies with the
requirements in 55.4.1.

46.1.3 Alarm signals, supervisory signals, and trouble signals shall be indicated at the operator interface
for the control unit.

46.1.4 Fire-alarm signals, supervisory signals, trouble signals, and other signals shall be distinctly
96 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

46.2 Display information

46.2.1 Systems serving two or more zones shall visually identify the zone of origin of the status change.

46.2.2 The visual annunciation shall be capable of displaying all zones having a status change. Where
all zones or status changes are not displayed simultaneously, all the following conditions apply:

a) The display shall indicate the initial status change for the highest priority type signal.

b) An indication for each type (alarm, trouble, supervisory) of active non-displayed status changes
shall be continuously visible during any off-normal condition.

c) A visual indication showing deactivated notification appliance circuits as required by 46.3.2.

d) The non-displayed status changes shall be capable of being displayed only by manual

e) The display controls shall not interfere with the normal operation of the unit.

f) When concurrent signals are received, they shall be indicated as follows in descending order of

1) Signals associated with life safety;

2) Signals associated with property safety;

3) Supervisory signals and trouble signals associated with life and/or property safety;

4) All other signals.

46.2.3 Nonelectrical visual annunciation integral with a switch shall include obvious distinct indications
for both the normal and off-normal position of the switch. Utilization of the switch position does not meet
the intent of complying with this requirement.

46.3 Alarm signals

46.3.1 An alarm input signal shall automatically actuate alarm notification appliance circuits necessary
for evacuation and/or relocation.

46.3.2 Any manual or automatic means for turning off (silencing) activated alarm notification appliances
shall comply with the following requirements:

a) Alarm signal deactivating of activated notification appliances of a control unit/system shall be

indicated by a constantly displayed and identified visual indicator.

b) An alarm signal deactivating means left in the off-normal condition when there is no alarm shall
activate an audible trouble signal until the means is restored to normal.

c) When any alarm signal deactivating means of a multiple-circuit control unit/system is activated,
there shall be an indication of the related deactivated notification circuit (s) or zone (s) by an
identified lamp(s) or other visual annunciation, and operation of the alarm notification appliances by
any other notification appliance circuit having its alarm deactivation means in the normal position
shall not be prevented.

d) An alarm signal deactivation switch shall be either:

1) A key-lock type, with the key removable only in the normal position;
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 97

2) Located inside of a locked enclosure, with the key removable only in the locked position;

3) Access limited by a software security code providing a minimum of 1000 combinations

and with a maximum 30-min time-out feature after the last activity; or

4) Arranged to provide equivalent protection against unauthorized use.

e) The activation of the alarm signal deactivating means during an alarm condition shall not result
in resetting any actuated circuit other than the notification appliance circuit (s) or zone (s) being

f) The alarm condition shall be indicated and maintained by a lamp or other visual indicator with the
deactivating means activated.

g) When alarm signal deactivation can be accomplished in a selective manner, the visual
indicator(s) referenced in (a) shall distinguish notification appliance circuit(s) or zone(s) that have
been deactivated from notification appliance circuit(s) or zone(s) that are still energized.

h) After deactivating notification appliance circuit(s) or zone(s) resulting from an alarm in one alarm
initiating device circuit, addressable alarm initiating device circuit, or addressable fire alarm
initiating device, a subsequent alarm in any other system fire alarm initiating device circuit,
addressable alarm initiating device circuit, or addressable initiating device shall cause all
previously activated notification appliance circuit(s) or zone(s) to reactivate.

Exception No. 1: When a system is intended to provide signaling service to two or more physically
separated zones, reenergization of the notification appliance circuits only on a zone basis meets
the intent of the requirement. Specifics covering installation constraints shall be clearly detailed in
the control unit installation wiring diagram/instructions.

Exception No. 2: Systems are not prohibited from having provision to automatically disable
reenergizing alarm notification circuits due to subsequent activation of other addressable smoke
detectors of the same type located in the same room or space as the initial activated device.
Specifics covering installation constraints shall be clearly detailed in the control unit installation
wiring diagram/instructions.

46.3.3 An alarm signal of a system shall be maintained continuously (locked in) by the system until a
resetting device in the control unit/system is operated manually.

46.3.4 An alarm signal that has been deactivated shall:

a) Automatically reactivate the audible and visible alarm signal at the operator interface(s) every 24
hr or less until alarm signal conditions are restored to normal; and

b) The audible and visible alarm signal shall operate until it is manually silenced or acknowledged.

46.4 Supervisory signals

46.4.1 The signal indication resulting from the operation of a product for supervisory signals shall
automatically include distinctive signals for both the off-normal and the restoration-to-normal conditions of
the supervisory initiating devices. Cancellation of the off-normal signal is acceptable annunciation for the
restoration signal.

Exception: For products whose operation provide, in addition to the above, the capability of selecting
nonautomatic distinctive restoration-to-normal supervisory signals (locking in the supervisory signals until
manually reset), the installation wiring diagram/instructions for the product shall include instructions for
selecting the respective operation.
98 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

46.4.2 Supervisory signals displayed at the system shall be distinctive in sound from other signals used
by the signaling system and this sound shall not be used for any other purpose other than to also indicate
a system trouble condition. When the same sound is used for both supervisory and trouble signals,
distinction between signals shall be indicated by a visible means and silencing of a trouble signal shall not
prevent subsequent sounding of supervisory signals.

46.4.3 A means for silencing a supervisory signal sounding appliance shall be provided and shall comply
with all the following requirements:

a) Limiting access by being:

1) Key operated with the key removable only in the normal position;

2) Located within a locked cabinet;

3) Limited by a software security code providing a minimum of 1000 combinations and with
a maximum 30-min time-out feature after the last activity; or

4) Arranged to provide equivalent protection against unauthorized use.

b) The supervisory condition is indicated and maintained by a lamp or other visual indicator.

c) A means that is left in the "silence" position when there is no supervisory off-normal signal shall
operate a visual supervisory silence indicator and cause the audible trouble signal to sound until
the means is restored to normal.


47 General

47.1 Sections 47 – 50 cover the performance requirements of control equipment intended to control the
flow of smoke.

47.2 The product shall comply with the following:

a) Trouble Signals, Section 57;

b) Components – Monitoring for Integrity, Section 58; and

c) Software, Section 59.

d) Combination Systems, Section 61.

48 Power Supplies

48.1 A visual "power on" indication (visible after the product is installed) is to be present on all
firefighter's smoke-control stations and/or operator interfaces used for smoke control. A unique character
presentation on a display device meets the intent of this requirement.

48.2 The smoke control system shall be designed so that loss of primary power for a period of up to 15
min will result in the components automatically performing their function upon restoration of power.

48.3 A product intended only for smoke-control applications is not required to provide a secondary power
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 99

48.4 When a product is supplied by at least two independent power supplies (one primary and one
secondary) or is supplied by primary battery(ies), the product shall comply with Power Supplies, Section

Exception: The standby time shall be a minimum of 15 min.

49 Firefighter's Smoke-Control Station (FSCS)

49.1 Means shall be provided to indicate the complete status of the system in an easy to understand
manner and, for manual override of an automatic smoke-control sequence, via a firefighter's smoke-
control station (FSCS), which can be any of the following:

a) The local control panel;

b) The building's main control center;

c) A separate annunciator; or

d) The equivalent.

49.2 The controls used for the purpose of initiating a smoke-control sequence, manually overriding an
automatic smoke-control sequence or control of the annunciation, shall be provided with a means of
limited access, such as key-operated with the key removable only in the normal position, located within a
locked cabinet, access limited by a software security code providing a minimum of 1000 combinations and
with a maximum 30-min time-out feature after the last activity, or arranged to provide equivalent protection
against unauthorized use.

49.3 The FSCS shall provide manual control of all components or zones in a smoke-control system, and
shall have the highest priority over all other automatic or manual control equipment with the exception of
electrical or personnel protection devices. The commands shall provide for on-auto-off or equivalent

Exception No. 1: The controls for equipment only controlled from the FSCS are not required to employ an
"auto" position.

Exception No. 2: FSCS fan control capability is not required to bypass hand-off-auto or start/stop switches
located on motor controllers of nondedicated smoke control system fans where:

a) The use of such a motor controller switch to turn a fan on or off results in an off-normal indication
at the FSCS and

b) The installation instructions stipulate such motor controllers are accessible only to authorized

49.4 A building diagram that clearly indicates the type and location of all smoke-control equipment (fans,
dampers, etc., either individually or by zone), as well as the building areas affected shall either be part of
the FSCS or on a separate drawing with instructions to mount adjacent to the FSCS.

49.5 The current status of smoke-control components, controlled by the FSCS either on an individual or
zone basis, shall be visually indicated at the FSCS. Means shall be provided for positive feedback (or
"proof") of fan operation, including all fans used for smoke control having capacities in excess of 2000 cfm
(57 m3/min), damper position where warranted by the complexity of the system, and/or smoke-control
100 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

49.6 Provision shall be included on the FSCS for testing the visual indicators. The test means shall be

50 Operation

50.1 The recognition of a fire condition shall cause the system to activate the smoke control strategy for
which the combination is designed.

50.2 The time periods for processing and activation of signals in a worst-case loaded system shall be as

a) Automatic processing and beginning smoke-control strategies, shall not be greater than 10 s
from the actuation of a manual command or initiation of a fire alarm condition.

b) Trouble signals and their restoration to normal shall be annunciated within 200 s of the
occurrence of the adverse condition, fault, or the restoration to normal.

Exception: The initial battery-trouble signal annunciation from a battery-operated product that
complies with the requirements in 55.4.1.

c) The total response time for individual components to reach their desired state after the smoke-
control system has commanded them to alter their existing state shall not exceed 60 s for fans, and
75 s for dampers.

50.3 Where the fire alarm control unit is separate from the smoke control system, the interconnecting
wiring shall be monitored for integrity in accordance with the Common Performance and Monitoring for
Integrity – Protected Premises Units/Systems, Section 56. Audible and visual trouble signals shall be
indicated at the FSCS. See Figure 50.1.

Exception No. 1: Monitoring is not required when the installation instructions indicate that the wiring
connection are to be made within 20 ft (6.1 m) and are to be enclosed in conduit (or equivalently protected
against mechanical injury).

Exception No. 2: Ground-fault annunciation is not required where normal operation is not affected by a
single ground-fault.

50.4 Interconnecting wiring between the FSCS, addressable controllers, transponders, point logic
controllers, and operator interfaces intended to control smoke-control functions shall be monitored for
integrity in accordance with the Common Performance and Monitoring for Integrity – Protected Premises
Units/Systems, Section 56. Audible and visual trouble annunciation shall be indicated at the FSCS and,
when employed, operator interface(s). See Figure 50.1.

Exception: Ground-fault annunciation is not required where operation is not affected by a single ground
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 101

Figure 50.1
Typical smoke-control system

(a) Monitored as specified in 50.4.
(b) Monitored as specified in 50.6 and 50.7.
(c) Non-addressable output such as 0 – 10 V, 4 – 20 mA, contact closure, etc.
(d) Monitored as specified in 50.3.

50.5 Output circuits of controllers and transponders that are pneumatic, hydraulic, dry-contact, or non-
addressable are not required to be monitored as indicated in 50.4. The products controlled by these output
circuits are required to comply with 50.6.

50.6 When the system is in the smoke-control condition, the failure of any fan, damper, and/or zone to
reach its intended operating status shall result in both an audible and visual trouble signal at the FSCS.
The visual annunciation shall indicate the specific component/zone that did not reach its intended
operating status and shall be received within 200 s of the failure to receive positive confirmation.

50.7 Dedicated smoke-control systems shall employ an automatic weekly self-test function. The self-test
shall automatically command activation of each associated function. An audible and visual trouble signal
shall be annunciated at the FSCS identifying any function that fails to operate within the required time
period. The self-test function is not required for non-dedicated systems.

50.8 When multiple input signals are received from more than one smoke zone to initiate different
automatic smoke-control sequence(s), the smoke-control system shall continue automatic operation in the
mode determined by the first signal received.

50.9 The smoke-control system shall not activate an automatic smoke-control sequence as a result of a
signal input generated by the activation of a manual fire alarm pull station.

Exception: A smoke-control sequence for stairwell pressurization or other application where the sequence
is the same for any input signal received.

50.10 The following descending order of priority shall be followed in processing smoke-control

a) Manual activation and deactivation commands issued at the FSCS.

102 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

b) Manual activation and deactivation commands at other than the FSCS.

c) Initial automatically actuated smoke-control sequence. The system does not need to override
any manual activation or deactivation functions in place prior to the automatic control sequence.

d) All other manual or automatic operation used for normal building operation.

50.11 Where carbon monoxide detection or a dedicated carbon monoxide system initiates a ventilation
response, a smoke control response of the fire alarm system shall take precedence over the response of
the carbon monoxide detectors during a fire alarm condition.


51 General

51.1 Sections 52 – 54 cover the performance requirements of releasing devices.

51.2 The product shall comply with the following sections of this standard:

a) When trouble signals are annunciated or actuated by a product, the product shall comply with
Trouble Signals, Section 57.

b) Critical components shall be monitored for integrity as described in Components – Monitoring for
Integrity, Section 58.

Exception: Actuation of the intended product operation is permitted in lieu of the monitoring for
integrity described in 53.3(b).

c) Software, Section 59.

d) Features, Section 60.

Exception: Actuation of the intended product operation is permitted in lieu of the monitoring for
integrity described in 53.3(b).

52 Power Supplies

52.1 A visual "power on" indication (visible after the product is installed) is to be present on products
employing an operator interface. A unique character presentation on a display device meets the intent of
this requirement.

52.2 A product intended only as a releasing device is not required to provide a secondary power source,
when the product actuates the intended releasing operation for each of the following conditions:

a) Total instantaneous loss of primary power;

b) Degradation of primary power to 85% of rated voltage.

Exception: A lower cutout voltage is not prohibited when operation of the product is not impaired and
compatibility of connected appliances is maintained.

52.3 When a product is supplied by at least two independent power supplies (one primary and one
secondary) or is supplied by primary battery(ies), the product shall comply with Power Supplies, Section
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 103

52.4 Door locking devices, intended to be employed in conjunction with egress exits, shall unlock upon
loss of primary power.

Exception: Products arranged to unlock within ten min after loss of primary power.

53 Operation

53.1 The recognition of a life safety or fire condition shall cause the product to activate the action for
which the product is designed.

53.2 The operation of any initiating device shall cause the system to produce a clearly defined signal and
release actuation of the type for which the combination is designed.

53.3 The time periods for processing and activation of signals or actions in a worst-case loaded system
shall be as follows:

a) Automatic processing and actuation or start of an automatic delay described in 53.4 shall not be
greater than 10 s from the actuation of a manual command or initiation of an input circuit.

b) Trouble signals and their restoration to normal shall be annunciated within 200 s of the
occurrence of the adverse condition, fault, or the restoration to normal.

Exception No. 1: Actuation of the intended product operation is permitted in lieu of the monitoring
for integrity described in (b).

Exception No. 2: The initial battery-trouble signal annunciation from a battery-operated product
that complies with the requirements in 55.4.1.

53.4 An automatic delay provided prior to release operation by a system shall be a maximum of 60 s,
timed from a release initiation condition.

53.5 Nonelectrical visual annunciation integral with a switch shall include obvious distinct indications for
both the normal and off-normal position of the switch. Utilization of the switch position does not meet the
intent of complying with this requirement.

54 Monitoring for Integrity

54.1 All wiring between the releasing device and any other interconnected product shall be monitored for
integrity in accordance with the Common Performance and Monitoring for Integrity – Protected Premises
Units/Systems, Section 56.

Exception No. 1: Monitoring is not required when the installation instructions indicate that the wiring
connection are to be made within 20 ft (6.1 m) and are to be enclosed in conduit (or equivalently protected
against mechanical injury).

Exception No. 2: Ground-fault annunciation is not required where normal operation is not affected by a
single ground-fault.

Exception No. 3: Actuation of the intended product operation is permitted in lieu of the monitoring for
integrity described in this requirement.

54.2 A multiple ground fault or short-circuit fault on a wiring circuit between the releasing device and any
other interconnected product that is intended for connection to limited energy cable, that would prevent
required operation, shall result in a trouble signal or alarm signal.
104 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Exception: Actuation of the intended product operation is permitted in lieu of the monitoring for integrity
described this requirement.


54A General

54A.1 Sections 54A – 54C describe the methods for evaluation of the software utilized in BSIUs. These
sections apply to equipment for use at the protected premises for the purpose of display and control of the
fire alarm, smoke control and mass notification system(s).

54A.2 BSIU processing equipment meeting all the conditions specified in 54A – 54C need not be
subjected to Sections 5 – 28, 63 – 90, and 93 – 94.

54A.3 The product shall comply with the following:

a) Performance Details and Specifics – Sections 30 and 31;

b) Trouble Signals, Section 57;

c) Software, 59.1.1 – 59.2.3 and 59.3;

d) Combination Systems, Carbon Monoxide signaling, 61.3.1, 61.3.3, 61.3.4 and 61.3.9; and

e) Combination Systems, Mass Notification System interconnection, 61.2

f) Releasing device (non-extinguishing and non-water based), 53.3 and 53.4:

g) Releasing service, 36.1.2.

54B Operation

54B.1 General

54B.1.1 A system meeting, but not exceeding the specifications of 54C.1 (a), shall be submitted for
evaluation. The system is to be interconnected to the compatible fire alarm controls units identified in the
system’s installation instructions.

54B.1.2 The time periods for fire, mass notification or smoke control alarm and/or supervisory signal
annunciation at the BSIU shall not be greater than 10 s from the initiation of an alarm or supervisory
condition, or operation of a manually-activated switch and subsequent activation of signals in a worst case
loaded system.

54B.1.3 Trouble signals and their restoration to normal on the fire alarm, mass notification or smoke
control system shall be annunciated within 200 s of the occurrence of the adverse condition, fault, or the
restoration to normal.

54B.1.4 The following operation shall be met where the interconnection of the BSIU suppresses the
audible aspect of the change of status signals within the fire alarm control unit;

a) Failure of any part of the BSIU configuration which affects BSIU fire alarm, releasing, smoke
control or mass notification operation shall result in the fire alarm control unit automatically audibly
annunciating new change of status signals.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 105

Exception: Interconnecting wiring between a stationary computer and the computer's keyboard,
video monitor, touch screen, or mouse type device are not required to be monitored for integrity

a) A complete open in the interconnecting cable is visually indicated so as to be obvious to

the user or the open does not affect the required system operation except for loss of the
faulted function and

b) The interconnecting cable(s) does not exceed 8 ft.

b) A fault or adverse condition on interconnecting wiring in the BSIU configuration which affects
BSIU system fire alarm, smoke control or mass notification operation shall result in the fire alarm
control unit automatically audibly annunciating new change of status signals.

c) When the proper operation of the BSIU is adversely affected due to actuation of the security
means specified in 59.2.3 or during any reprogramming, the fire alarm control unit shall
automatically audibly annunciate new change of status signals.

54B.2 Display information

54B.2.1 The display content information at the BSIU shall be equivalent to the display content provided
by the interconnected fire alarm control unit, mass notification control unit, or Firefighter Smoke Control
Station (FSCS).

54B.2.2 Systems serving two or more zones shall visually identify the zone of origin and/or point
addressable device of the status change.

54B.2.3 The visual annunciation means shall simultaneously display all zones having a status change
(e.g. fire-alarm, supervisory, pre-discharge, discharge/release, trouble, abort, and other signals) or where
not displayed simultaneously, all the following conditions shall apply:

a) The display shall indicate the initial status change for the highest priority type signal.

b) An indication for each type (such as fire alarm, fire trouble, sprinkler supervisory) of active non-
displayed status changes shall be continuously visible during any off-normal condition.

c) A visual indication showing deactivated alarm notification appliances as required by 33.3.6.

d) The non-displayed status changes shall be capable of being displayed only by manual

e) The display controls shall not interfere with the normal operation of the unit.

f) When concurrent signals are received, they shall be indicated as follows in descending order of

1) Signals associated with life safety.

2) Signals associated with property safety.

3) Supervisory signals and trouble signals associated with life and/or property safety.

4) All other signals.

54B.2.4 Non-electrical visual annunciation integral with a switch shall include obvious distinct indications
for both the normal and off-normal position of the switch. Utilization of the switch position does not meet
the intent of complying with this requirement.
106 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

54B.2.5 Controls provided specifically for the purpose of manually overriding any automatic building and
fire control functions intended to increase the level of life safety for occupants or control the spread of the
harmful effects of fire or other dangerous products (emergency control function), shall provide visible
indication of the status of the associated control circuits.

54B.2.6 Any manual means for turning off activated occupant notification appliances (silencing) shall
comply with 33.3.6 – 33.3.9.

54B.2.7 An alarm signal visual display status shall be maintained continuously (locked in) until a
resetting device in the control unit/BSIU system is operated manually.

54B.2.8 A means for silencing a supervisory signal sounding appliance shall comply with 33.5.4 – 33.5.5.

54B.2.9 When a common audible signal, as part of the operator interface, is employed for alarm
annunciation for all types of alarm signals, distinction shall be achieved visually.

54B.2.10 When a common audible signal, distinct from alarm, is employed for annunciation for all types
of trouble and/or supervisory signals, distinction shall be achieved visually.

54B.2.11 A means for silencing a trouble signal sounding appliance shall comply with 57.5 – 57.6.

54B.2.12 Any manual means for resetting the fire alarm control unit shall comply with the following:

a) Limiting access by being either:

1) Key operated with the key removable only in the normal position;

2) Located within a locked cabinet;

3) Limited by a software security code providing a minimum of 1000 combinations and with
a maximum 30-min time-out feature after the last activity; or

4) Arranged to provide equivalent protection against unauthorized use.

54B.2.13 A common limited access means can be used for system reset, alarm signal silence,
supervisory signal silence and trouble silence functions.

54B.3 Operation of fire alarm system

54B.3.1 All other BSIU operations outside the scope of this standard shall not impair the required
operations of the fire alarm signaling system.

54B.3.2 Short circuits or open circuits in the BSIU equipment or in the wiring between the BSIU
equipment and the fire alarm system shall not impede or impair the monitoring for integrity of the
interconnected fire alarm system as described in Common Performance and Monitoring for Integrity –
Protected-Premises Units/Systems, Section 56, nor impede or impair any fire alarm signal transmissions
or operations.

54B.3.3 Single ground faults in the BSIU equipment or in the wiring between the BSIU equipment and
the fire alarm system shall not impede or impair the monitoring for integrity of the fire alarm system, or
impede or impair any fire alarm, supervisory or trouble signal transmissions or operation.

54B.3.4 Single ground faults shall be reported at the fire alarm control system as trouble signals when
they occur on the wiring interconnecting the BSIU equipment with the fire alarm system.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 107

Exception: Where multiple ground faults on the wiring interconnecting the BSIU equipment with the fire
alarm system do not impede or impair the monitoring for integrity of the fire alarm system, or impede or
impair any fire alarm, supervisory or trouble signal transmissions or operation.

54B.3.5 The required operation of the fire alarm equipment shall not be impaired by any failure of the
BSIU equipment hardware, software or circuits, or by any maintenance procedure, including removal or
replacement of defective equipment or powering down of the BSIU equipment.

54B.4 Combination systems

54B.4.1 A distinction between signals associated with fire protection and signals of other types, such as
burglary or energy management monitoring shall be made.

54B.4.2 In combination systems, fire alarm signals shall be distinctive, clearly recognizable, and shall be
indicated as follows in descending order of priority:

1) Signals associated with life safety.

2) Signals associated with property protection and supervisory signals.

3) Trouble signals associated with life safety and/or property protection.

4) All other signals.

54B.4.3 The BSIU shall meet the timing requirements in 54B.1.2 and 54B.1.3 during least favorable
system loading conditions when the BSIU controls non-life safety building systems such as lighting,
access control, security and environmental conditions or other software, such as an internet browsing, is

54C Installation Information

54C.1 The installation instructions for the BSIU software shall include the following information:

a) The minimum system configuration(s) consisting of the following:

1) Operating system and, where applicable, revision level;

2) Microprocessor manufacturer, type(s)/family, and minimum clock speed;

3) Minimum disk storage;

4) Minimum memory requirements;

5) Minimum display requirements;

6) Minimum user interface requirements (such as mouse, keyboard, touch screen, etc.);

7) Required features (such as media needs (DVD, etc.), drivers, etc.);

8) Required input/output functionality (such as serial ports, USB ports, and network cards);

9) System software release level.

b) Identify compatible fire alarm control units and mass notification control units to which the BSIU
may be interconnected.
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c) Specify that the BSIU is to be located within the same room as the fire alarm control unit to which
the BSIU is interconnected where a BSIU provides control of the interconnected fire alarm control
unit or suppresses audible change of status notification at the fire alarm control unit.

d) Specify that the BSIU shall not be permitted to perform fire alarm system control features that
cannot be accomplished by the interconnected fire alarm control panel within the same room where
a BSIU provides control of the interconnected fire alarm control unit.

e) Specify that the source of power for the BSIU equipment shall be within the rated range of the

f) Specify the BSIU equipment including all peripheral equipment (such as display, keyboard, etc.)
shall meet the requirements of the Standard for Information Technology – Safety – Part 1: General
Requirements, UL 60950-1 or the Standard for Audio/Video Information and Communication
Technology Equipment – Part 1: Safety Requirements, UL 62368-1.

g) Specify that the BSIU system is not permitted to initiate and process live voice paging.

h) Specify that no other software other than the operating system software, anti-virus/security
protection software, and other software specified in the installation instructions shall be installed on
the BSIU.


55 Power Supplies

55.1 General

55.1.1 Each product shall be supplied by at least two independent power sources (one primary and one
secondary), each of which is able to separately power the product.

Exception No. 1: Products complying with 55.4.1 are not prohibited from using a primary battery as the
sole source of power.

Exception No. 2: Products deriving power from separate equipment complying with this standard and
which are supplied by at least two independent power sources.

55.1.2 The interruption and restoration of any source of electrical energy connected to a product shall
not cause an alarm signal.

55.1.3 Transfer of the operating power to the secondary power source or return to the primary operating
power source shall not cause the loss of any off-normal signaling condition.

55.1.4 A visual “power-on” indication, visible after the product is installed, is to be present on all products
employing an operator interface. A unique character presentation on a display device meets the intent of
this requirement.

55.2 Primary power source

55.2.1 All primary power source (s) shall be monitored for the presence of voltage at the point of
connection to the product such that, after reaching the voltages specified in 55.2.3, the following shall

a) An audible and visual trouble signal shall be annunciated at the protected premise for all
products located at a protected premises.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 109

b) A trouble signal shall be transmitted for remote station, central station, and proprietary-type
protected premises units after a delay of between 60 and 180 min.

Exception: Products are not prohibited from providing capability of selecting that the primary power
failure trouble signal transmission be delayed other time periods, including no delay, provided the
60 – 180 min delay is also included.

c) Either an audible- or visual-only trouble signal, or both, shall be annunciated at the supervising
station for supervising station equipment.

Exception: The primary power source of constantly attended supervising-station equipment, when
the fault condition is obvious to the operator on duty.

55.2.2 The requirement of 55.2.1 does not apply to the following circuits:

a) A power supply for supplementary equipment.

b) The neutral of a three-, four-, or five-wire AC or DC supply source.

55.2.3 Operating power of the product shall automatically be transferred to the secondary power source
within 10 s without required signals being lost, interrupted, or delayed by more than 10 s and while
maintaining compatibility of connected equipment when each of the following conditions occur:

a) Total instantaneous loss of primary power; and

b) Degradation of primary power to the point of transfer to secondary power.

Transfer to the secondary power source shall not occur below 85 nor above 90% of rated voltage.
Restoration of the primary operating source to a value of not more than 90% of rated voltage shall result in
the transfer of product operation to the primary operating source within 30 min.

Exception No. 1: A lower transfer cutout voltage is not prohibited when operation of the product is not
impaired and compatibility of connected appliances is maintained.

Exception No. 2: The transfer for equipment located at a supervising or subsidiary station shall occur
within 60 s and required signals shall not be lost, interrupted, or delayed more than 90 s after occurrence
of the indicated conditions.

55.2.4 For units employing a rechargeable battery as the secondary power source, that does not utilize a
transfer cutout scheme (such as a float-type battery charger), the trouble indication required by 55.2.1
shall occur as described in 55.3.6.

55.2.5 For units employing an uninterruptible power source, a trouble signal shall be initiated when the
uninterruptible power source system switches from the primary power source to the secondary power

55.3 Secondary power source(s)

55.3.1 All secondary power source(s), other than those used solely to sustain time and date functions or
volatile memory, shall be monitored for the presence of voltage at the point of connection to the product
such that loss of voltage shall result in:

a) The annunciation of an audible and visual trouble signal at the protected premise for any product
located at the protected premises;
110 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

b) The transmission of an off-premises trouble signal for remote station, central station, and
proprietary-type protected premises units; and

c) The annunciation of either an audible- or visual-only trouble signal, or both, at the supervising
station for supervising-station equipment.

55.3.2 The system shall produce the same alarm, supervisory, and trouble operation signals and
indications, excluding the alternating current (AC) power indicator, when powered solely from its
secondary power source as when the product is connected to its primary power source.

Exception: Amplifiers for an emergency audio announcement and paging alarm system are not required to
remain energized when they automatically reenergize for alarm and failure of an amplifier results in an
audible trouble signal when an alarm is present on the system.

55.3.3 Standby batteries, other than those used solely to sustain time and date functions or volatile
memory or microcontroller functionality pertaining to fail-safe fire door release devices, shall be

55.3.4 If non-rechargeable standby batteries are used to sustain microcontroller functionality in a fail-
safe fire door release device that is not also an extinguishing or water-releasing device, the following shall

a) Standby battery voltage levels shall be monitored by the device. The standby battery voltages
shall be observed at least once every 200 s.

b) A trouble signal shall be annunciated should the standby battery capacity fall below the level at
which the standby battery is able to provide 24 hr of normal operation in the absence of primary
power. The trouble signal shall persist for no fewer than 30 days, or until the battery has been

c) Any failure of the standby batteries, including removal, or voltage drop below that which is
required to operate the circuitry, shall result in the release of the door. Should failure occur while
primary power is still functional, the device shall execute the normal release sequence, and a
trouble signal shall be annunciated. Should the failure occur during a loss of primary power, the
door shall immediately release.

d) The device manual shall state that replacement of the standby batteries is to be performed
whenever the standby battery has failed, or a standby battery replacement trouble code is

e) The standby battery shall be capable of providing no less than 24 hr of power to the circuitry that
it powers during a loss of primary power.

55.3.5 Products employing rechargeable batteries as the secondary power source shall monitor the
integrity of the battery-charging circuit.

55.3.6 With regard to 55.3.5, products employing voltage controlled charging methods shall initiate a
trouble signal when the charging voltage decreases below the marked nominal rated battery voltage.

55.4 Primary batteries

55.4.1 Primary batteries are not prohibited from being used when all of the following conditions are met:

a) The capacity of the primary batteries shall be monitored for integrity. The batteries shall be
monitored while loaded by:
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 111

1) Transmission of the transmitter; or

2) A load equivalent to the load imposed by transmission.

b) A required battery trouble status signal shall be transmitted to the receiver and indicated at the
fire alarm operator interface for a minimum of 7 days before the battery capacity of the
transmitter/transceiver/product has depleted to a level insufficient to maintain proper non-alarm
operation of the transmitter/transceiver/product.

c) The battery trouble signal annunciation at the receiver/control unit is not prohibited from initially
being delayed up to 4 hr.

d) The battery trouble signal shall be retransmitted at intervals not exceeding four hours or the
product locks in the signal to the control unit until the battery is replaced.

Exception: Transmitter/transceiver/receiver combinations utilizing two-way communication where

all of the following conditions are met:

1) The transceiver/receiver acknowledges receipt of the change of status signal to the

corresponding transceiver/transmitter; and

2) The receiver/control unit annunciates the current trouble status of the corresponding
input or output RF device after manual reset of the receiver/control unit.

e) Batteries (of the transmitter/transceiver/product) shall be capable of operating the

transmitter/transceiver/product, including the initiating device (if powered by the same battery), for
not less than 1 year of normal signaling service before the battery depletion threshold specified in
(b) is reached.

f) Annunciation of the battery trouble status signal at the fire alarm operator interface shall be
distinctly different from alarm, supervisory, tamper, and initiating circuit trouble signals. It shall
consist of an audible and visual signal that shall identify the affected

g) The audible trouble signal of the fire alarm operator interface is not prohibited from being
silenceable when provided with an automatic feature to resound the signal at intervals not
exceeding 4 hr.

h) The battery trouble status signal shall persist at the fire alarm operator interface until the
depleted battery has been replaced.

i) Any mode of failure of a primary battery in a device shall not affect any other device.

j) Where a single battery failure affects the intended operation of the

transmitter/transceiver/product, each transmitter/transceiver/product shall serve only one device
and shall be individually identified at the fire alarm operator interface.

k) A transmitter/transceiver/product shall be permitted to serve more than one device when all the
following are met:

1) Multiple batteries are used;

2) A single battery failure does not affect the operation of transmitter/transceiver/product;

3) Each battery shall be individually monitored for battery depletion as described in (a);

4) Each battery upon reaching depletion shall cause the transmitter/transceiver/product to

transmit a low battery trouble signal as described in (b);
112 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

5) Each transmitter/transceiver/product shall be individually identified at the fire alarm

operator interface.

56 Common Performance and Monitoring for Integrity – Protected Premises Units/Systems

56.1 General

56.1.1 All means of interconnecting equipment, devices, and appliances shall be monitored for integrity
of the interconnecting conductor (s) and/or equivalent path (s) so that the occurrence of a single ground,
single open, or adverse condition shall automatically result in a trouble signal.

Exception: Pathways required to operate with a specific Class designation in accordance with 56.1.8 –

56.1.2 The requirement in 56.1.1 does not apply to the following circuits:

a) Trouble signal circuits;

b) Interconnection between equipment within a common enclosure;

c) A circuit for supplementary system components when a short-circuit, an open, or a ground fault
in no way affects the normal operation of the control unit/system except for omission of the
supplementary feature (when necessary to comply with the above requirement, overcurrent
protective devices provided for supplementary circuit protection shall be non-interchangeable);

d) Conductors for ground detection, where a single ground does not prevent the required normal
operation of the system;

e) A non-interfering shunt circuit, when a fault condition of the circuit wiring results only in the loss
of the non-interfering feature operation; and

f) The circuit connections extended to additional fire alarm control unit equipment when these
wiring connections are intended to be made within 20 ft (6.1 m) of each other and are enclosed
within conduit or equivalently protected against mechanical injury.

56.1.3 The utilization of a double loop or redundant conductors or circuits to avoid electrical supervision
is not acceptable.

56.1.4 A single break or a single ground on any circuit shall not cause an alarm signal.

Exception: A single open is not prohibited from resulting in an alarm condition for products intended only
for marine applications.

56.1.5 The operation of a product shall not depend upon any ground connection, except for those
required for connection to ground fault detection circuit(s).

56.1.6 A multiple ground fault or short-circuit fault on initiating device, notification appliance, and/or
signaling-line circuit(s) intended for connection to limited-energy cable, that would prevent required alarm
operation, shall result in a trouble signal or alarm signal.

56.1.7 Where power to a device or appliance is supplied over a separate pathway from the initiating
device, notification appliance, and/or signaling-line circuit (s), the operation of the power pathway shall
meet the performance requirements of the initiating device, notification appliance, and/or signaling-line
circuit (s) and the power circuit shall be defined by the applicable class in the product installation wiring
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 113

diagram/instructions consistent with the operation of the particular power pathway during the specified
fault conditions described in 56.1.8 – 56.1.13.

Exception: Operation of the power pathway as defined for other classes are permitted to be utilized and
included in the product installation wiring diagram/instructions.

56.1.8 Pathways designated Class A shall operate as follows:

a) A redundant path/channel is included.

b) Operational capability continues past a single open, and the single open fault shall result in the
annunciation of a trouble signal.

c) Operational capability in a radio frequency and/or wireless pathway/channel continues during a

single fault consisting of each of the following applied separately:

1) Application of an adverse condition at a transceiver/repeater other than the device under


2) Blocking one transmission path/channel while in use at the device under test for sending
and/or receiving signals; and

3) Blocking one path/channel at the control unit receiver/transceiver while that channel is in
use for receiving signals from and/or sending signals to the device under test.

The fault shall result in the annunciation of a trouble signal when two paths/channels are no longer

d) Each transceiver and/or repeater in a radio frequency and/or wireless pathway/channel is

powered by one of the following means:

1) Both a primary source meeting 55.2 and a secondary source meeting 55.3;

2) Multiple primary batteries meeting 55.4 (k).

e) Conditions that affect the intended operation of the required paths are annunciated as a trouble

f) Operational capability is maintained during the application of a single ground fault.

g) A single ground condition shall result in the annunciation of a trouble signal.

h) Where operational capability is to be maintained during a fault, the operational capability shall be
restored within 200 s of the application of the fault.

Exception No. 1: Requirements (f) and (g) shall not apply to non-conductive pathways (e. g. wireless or

Exception No. 2: Requirement (b) shall not apply to radio frequency/wireless pathways.

56.1.9 Pathways designated as Class B shall operate as follows:

a) A redundant path is not included.

b) Operational capability stops at a single open.

c) Conditions that affect the intended operation of the path are annunciated as a trouble signal.
114 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

d) Operational capability is maintained during the application of a single ground fault.

e) A single ground condition shall result in the annunciation of a trouble signal.

f) Each transceiver and/or repeater in a radio frequency and/or wireless pathway/channel is

powered by one of the following means:

1) Both a primary source meeting 55.2 and a secondary source meeting 55.3;

2) Multiple primary batteries meeting 55.4 (k).

g) Where operational capability is to be maintained during a fault, the operational capability shall be
restored within 200 s of the application of the fault.

Exception: Requirements (d) and (e) shall not apply to non-conductive pathways (e.g. wireless or fiber).

56.1.10 Pathways designated as Class C shall operate at follows:

a) One or more pathways are included.

b) Operational capability is verified via end-to-end communication.

c) The integrity of individual paths is not required to be monitored.

d) A loss of end-to-end communication shall result in the annunciation of a trouble signal.

e) Each transceiver and/or repeater in a radio frequency and/or wireless pathway/channel is

powered by one of the following means:

1) Both a primary source meeting 55.2 and a secondary source meeting 55.3;

2) Multiple primary batteries meeting 55.4 (k).

Exception: The end device on the pathway.

56.1.11 Pathways designated as Class D shall perform the circuit’s intended operation in the event of a
pathway failure. Annunciation of the pathway failure is not required.

56.1.12 A pathway shall be designated as Class E when it is not monitored for integrity.

56.1.13 Pathways designated as Class X shall operate as follows:

a) A redundant path is included.

b) Operational capability continues past a single open, and the single open fault shall result in the
annunciation of a trouble signal.

c) Operational capability in a radio frequency and/or wireless pathway/channel continues during a

single fault consisting of each of the following applied separately:

1) Application of an adverse condition at a transceiver/repeater other than the device under


2) Blocking one transmission path/channel while in use at the device under test for sending
and/or receiving signals; and

3) Blocking one path/channel at the control unit receiver/transceiver while that channel is in
use for receiving signals from and/or sending signals to the device under test.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 115

The fault shall result in the annunciation of a trouble signal.

d) Each transceiver and/or repeater in a radio frequency and/or wireless pathway/channel utilizes
frequency hopping spread spectrum technology or equivalent means to ensure the reliability of

e) Each transceiver and/or repeater in a radio frequency and/or wireless pathway/channel is

powered by one of the following means:

1) Both a primary source meeting 55.2 and a secondary source meeting 55.3;

2) Multiple primary batteries meeting 55.4 (k).

f) Operational capability continues past a single short circuit, and the single short-circuit fault shall
result in the annunciation of a trouble signal.

g) Operational capability continues past a combination open fault and ground fault.

h) Conditions that affect the intended operation of the path are annunciated as a trouble signal.

i) Operational capability is maintained during the application of a single ground fault.

j) A single ground condition shall result in the annunciation of a trouble signal.

k) Where operational capability is to be maintained during a fault, the operational capability shall be
restored within 200 s of the application of the fault.

Exception No. 1: Requirements (f), (g), (i), and (j) shall not apply to nonconductive pathways (e.g. wireless
or fiber).

Exception No. 2: Requirement (b) shall not apply to radio frequency/wireless pathways.

56.1.13A Pathways designated Class N shall operate as follows:

a) Two or more pathways where operational capability of the primary pathway and a redundant
pathway to each device are verified through end-to-end communication. A loss of intended
communications shall result in the annunciation of a trouble signal when two paths/channels are no
longer available;

Exception: When only one endpoint is served, only one pathway is required.

b) A loss of intended communications between endpoints shall be annunciated as a trouble signal;

c) A single open, ground, short, or combination of faults on one pathway shall not affect any other

d) Conditions that affect the operation of the primary pathway (s) and the redundant pathway (s)
shall be annunciated as a trouble signal when the system’s minimal operational requirements
cannot be met; and

e) Conditions that affect the intended operation of the required paths are annunciated as a trouble

f) Operational capability is maintained during the application of a single ground fault.

g) Non-endpoint devices shall have provisions for connection of at least two separate pathways
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h) Primary and redundant pathways shall not share traffic over the same wire or fiber physical

i) Where operational capability is to be maintained during a fault, the operational capability shall be
restored within 200 s of the application of the fault.

Exception: Requirements (f) shall not apply to non-conductive pathways (e.g. fiber).

56.1.14 Where two or more fire alarm systems are interconnected, the interconnecting pathways shall be
defined by class A, B, N and/or X in the product installation wiring diagram/instructions consistent with the
operation of the particular pathway during the specified fault conditions specified in 56.1.8, 56.1.9, 56.1.13,
and 56.1.13A .i

56.2 Initiating-device circuits

56.2.1 Each initiating-device circuit shall be defined by class A and/or B in the product installation wiring
diagram/instructions consistent with the operation of the particular pathway during the specified fault
conditions described in 56.1.8 and 56.1.9.

Exception No. 1: Initiating-device circuits of products intended only for marine application.

Exception No. 2: Detection and annunciation of a ground fault is not required for an initiating device circuit
extending not more than 3 ft from a primary battery operated wireless device provided the 3-ft distance
does not include an intervening barrier such as a wall or ceiling.

Exception No. 3: Detection and annunciation of a ground fault is not required for initiating device circuit
wiring installed in non-metallic conduit extending not more than 20 ft from a primary battery operated
wireless device.

56.3 Notification appliance circuits

56.3.1 Each notification appliance circuit shall be defined by class A, B, N and/or X in the product
installation wiring diagram/instructions consistent with the operation of the particular pathway during the
specified fault conditions specified in 56.1.8, 56.1.9, 56.1.13, and 56.1.13A.

Exception No. 1: Detection and annunciation of a ground fault is not required for a notification appliance
circuit extending not more than 3 ft from a primary battery operated wireless device provided the 3-ft
distance does not include an intervening barrier such as a wall or ceiling.

Exception No. 2: Detection and annunciation of a ground fault is not required for notification appliance
circuit wiring installed in non-metallic conduit extending not more than 20 ft from a primary battery
operated wireless device.

56.3.2 A single break, single ground, or wire-to-wire short-circuit fault on the physical (metallic and fiber
optic) conductors of one alarm notification appliance circuit shall not affect the operation of any other alarm
notification appliance circuit for more than 200 s, under both of the following separate conditions:

a) The fault is first present during the normal standby condition followed by activation of the same
alarm notification circuit;

b) The fault is applied after the alarm notification circuit is activated.

Exception: Alarm notification appliance circuits which do not have notification appliances connected
directly to the circuit and which are monitored for integrity as indicated in 56.1.1.
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56.3.3 Pathways intended for use with addressable notification appliances shall additionally meet the
requirements in 56.4.2 – 56.4.4.

56.4 Signaling line circuits

56.4.1 Each signaling line circuit shall be defined by class A, B, N and/or X in the product installation
wiring diagram/instructions consistent with the operation of the particular pathway during the specified
fault conditions specified in 56.1.8, 56.1.9, 56.1.13, and 56.1.13A.

56.4.2 Where digital communications are used, the inability of a product to send or receive digital signals
over a signaling line circuit shall result in a trouble signal.

56.4.3 A single break, single ground, or wire-to-wire fault on the physical (metallic or fiber optic)
conductors of a signaling line circuit for use with addressable notification appliances or modules shall not
affect operation of more than one notification zone.

Exception: Riser conductors installed in accordance with the survivability from attack by fire requirements
in National Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 72. Specifics covering the installation constraints shall be clearly
detailed in the control unit's installation wiring diagram/instructions.

56.4.4 Any SLC pathway shall have the capability, either inherent or by use of external devices, to
prevent a wire to wire fault from affecting the entire pathway.

Exception No. 1: This does not apply to interconnected fire alarm control units.

Exception No. 2: SLC pathways limited to a single zone.

56.5 Low-power radio-frequency signaling

56.5.1 These requirements cover the operation of products and systems that utilize initiating,
annunciating, and remote control devices that provide signaling by means of low-power radio-frequency
(RF), with the transmitters operating on a random basis or using two-way interrogate/response signaling.

56.5.2 The requirements in 56.5.3 – 56.5.12 are based upon all required annunciation occurring at the
receiver/control unit in a local application. When the receiver/control unit functions as a protected premises
unit with off-premises signaling, the unit shall comply with all the local annunciation requirements in 56.5.3
– 56.5.12. In addition, as a minimum, a common alarm, supervisory, and trouble signal, as applicable,
shall be transmitted to the supervising station. Where more specific signals are transmitted, such as zone
or device information, only the initial change of status signal of each type for each zone or device shall be

56.5.3 A primary battery shall comply with 55.4.1 when a primary battery is used.

56.5.4 A fire alarm signal from a RF initiating device shall latch at the receiver/control unit until manually
reset, and shall identify the particular RF initiating device in alarm.

56.5.5 When a receiver/control unit activates RF appliance(s) such as relays or notification appliances,
the activated appliance shall remain locked-in until manually reset at the receiver/control unit.

56.5.6 A low-power radio-frequency system combination intended to provide supervisory service shall be
arranged so that the occurrence of an off-normal condition of the supervisory device shall be annunciated
by a supervisory signal and identify the affected device. The supervisory signal and affected device
118 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

identification shall latch at the receiver/control unit until either manually reset or the restoration signal is
processed as indicated in 56.5.7.

56.5.7 Restoration from off-normal to the normal supervisory condition of the supervisory device shall
result in the receiver/control unit either canceling the previously annunciated supervisory signal or
annunciating the status change audibly and visibly identifying the affected device.

56.5.8 To provide higher priority to alarm and supervisory signals than to other signals, alarm and
supervisory signals shall be periodically repeated at intervals not exceeding 60 s until the initiating device
is returned to its non-alarm condition. Receiver/control units activating RF appliances shall automatically
repeat alarm and supervisory signal transmissions at intervals not exceeding 60 s or until confirmation that
the output appliance received the signal. The duty cycle of the transmission shall be not more than 15%
measured over a one-min interval.

Exception: Transmitter/transceiver/receiver combinations utilizing two-way communication where all the

following conditions are met:

1) The transceiver/receiver acknowledges receipt of the change of status signal to the

corresponding transceiver/transmitter; and

2) The receiver/control unit annunciates the current trouble status of the corresponding input or
output RF device after manual reset of the receiver/control unit.

56.5.9 A receiver/control unit shall annunciate a latching trouble signal and identify an inoperative
transmitter/product in the system within 200 s.

56.5.10 Additional assurance of successful transmission capability shall be provided by one of the
following methods:

a) Transmitting the normal supervisory status transmission at a reduced power level of at least 3

b) Either increasing the minimum signal strength or reducing the maximum ambient radio-
frequency noise levels used in the product-specific field test procedure by at least 3 dB;

c) Increasing the minimum signal to noise ratio used in the product-specific field test procedure by
the equivalent of at least 3 dB; or

d) By another equivalent means.

56.5.11 The audible tamper signal of the receiver/control unit is not prohibited from being silenceable
when provided with an automatic feature to resound the signal at intervals not exceeding 4 hr. Both of the
following actions shall cause the annunciation of a tamper signal at the receiver/control unit additionally
identifying the affected device within 200 s.

a) Removal of an initiating-device transmitter, RF appliance receiver or retransmission device from

its installed location, including displacement of a removable surface such as a ceiling tile.

b) Removal of a cover exposing a transmitter primary battery.

56.5.12 Reception of any unwanted (interfering) transmission by a retransmission device (repeater), or

by the receiver/control unit that exceed the maximum specified ambient noise level or minimum signal-to-
noise ratio (see 85.2.1 and 85.2.2) for a continuous period of 20 s or more shall result in an audible trouble
signal indication at the receiver/control unit. This indication shall identify the specific trouble condition
(interfering signal) as well as the device(s) affected (repeater and/or receiver/control unit).
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56.6 Remote keypads/annunciators

56.6.1 Remote (but not supplementary) annunciators and keypads shall comply with the requirements in
56.1.1. Any required local trouble annunciation signal shall be audible at the primary operator interface.

56.6.2 A manually-activated alarm signaling switch integral with the keypad that complies with the
Standard for Manual Signaling Boxes for Fire Alarm Systems, UL 38, shall be considered an initiating

56.6.3 Manual fire alarm activation at the keypad is permitted when:

a) The activation cannot occur inadvertently (such as by leaning up against the keypad or other
similar-type action); and

b) The operation is not intended to be used in lieu of a manually-activated box.

56.6.4 When multiple circuits for keypads or annunciators are employed, the faults described in 56.6.1
shall be applied independently to each circuit.

56.6.5 When the keypad or annunciator is intended to operate as a supplementary device, the
requirements of 56.1.2(c) apply.

57 Trouble Signals

57.1 A trouble signal shall be indicated by the operation of a distinctive sounding appliance. When an
intermittent signal is used, it shall sound at least once every ten seconds with a minimum on-time duration
of one-half second. When a common audible signal (distinct from alarm) is to be employed for trouble
annunciation for both fire and non-fire related signals, distinction shall be achieved visually.

57.2 Cancellation of the off-normal signal is acceptable annunciation for a trouble restoration signal.

Exception: Trouble signals specified in 38.2.

57.3 The activation of a self-restoring trouble signal and its restoration to normal shall be automatically
indicated as described in 57.1 and 57.2.

57.4 The activation of a latching trouble signal shall be automatically indicated as described in 57.1.
Restoration of a latching trouble signal shall be indicated as described in 57.1 and 57.2 after activation of a
manual reset.

57.5 A means for silencing a trouble sounding device shall comply with all of the following:

a) Limiting access by being either:

1) Key operated with the key removable only in the normal position;

2) Located within a locked cabinet;

3) Limited by a software security code providing a minimum of 1000 combinations and with
a maximum 30-min time-out feature after the last activity; or

4) Arranged to provide equivalent protection against unauthorized use.

b) A visible trouble indicator remains activated or is simultaneously activated when the sounding
device is de-energized.
120 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

c) The audible trouble signal shall sound when the means is in the "silence" position and no trouble

d) The visible indicator shall be located and identified so that the user will recognize the signal as
soon as it is activated.

57.6 An audible trouble signal that has been silenced at the protected premises shall

a) Automatically reactivate the audible trouble signal at the operator interface every 24 hr or less
until trouble signal conditions are restored to normal; and

b) The audible signal shall operate until it is manually silenced or acknowledged.

58 Components – Monitoring for Integrity

58.1 The fuses of a product shall be electrically supervised to indicate rupture of the fuse by an audible
trouble signal when the fault prevents normal operation of the product.

Exception No. 1: Fuses protecting the primary input of smoke control equipment not utilizing a secondary
power source.

Exception No. 2: Supplementary products where the fault in no way affects the normal operation of the
system except for omission of supplementary features.

Exception No. 3: Either an audible- or visual-only trouble signal at the operator interface is acceptable for
mechanisms that are part of the supervising station equipment.

58.2 Opening or shorting of capacitors shall either have no adverse effect on normal operation or be
indicated by a trouble or an audible alarm signal.

Exception: Where it is not practical to have a component failure indicated, a reliable component shall be
used. The reliability of the component may be based on de-rating or on reliability data recorded for the
particular component. Suitable sources are:

a) The capacitor derating parameters specified in Table 58.1;

b) The Military Handbook Electronic Reliability Design Handbook, MIL-HDBK-338, or equivalent

such that the failure rate is equal to or less than 0.5 failures per million hours of operation; and

c) Component reliability data based on actual performance in a similar application, such that the
failure rate is equal to or less than 0.5 failures per million hours of operation.

Table 58.1
Capacitor derating parameters

Type Derating parameter Derating levela

Mica, film, glass Normal operating voltage 60%
Temperature from maximum limit 10°C
Ceramic Normal operating voltage 60%
Temperature from maximum limit 10°C
Electrolytic aluminum Normal operating voltage 80%

Table 58.1 Continued on Next Page

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Table 58.1 Continued

Type Derating parameter Derating levela

Temperature from maximum limit 20°C
Electrolytic tantalum Normal operating voltage 60%
Temperature from maximum limit 20°C
Solid tantalum Normal operating voltage 60%
Maximum operating temperature 85°C
Percent of derated value to the rated normal operating voltage.

58.3 Failure of components associated with controlling the environment within an enclosure, such as a
cooling fan motor, which would result in product temperatures exceeding those in Table 68.1 and Table
68.2 shall be indicated by an audible trouble signal.

Exception: Either an audible- or visual-only trouble signal at the operator interface is acceptable for
mechanisms that are part of the supervising station equipment.

58.4 When the off-normal position of any normally preset mechanism or similar part of a product requires
manual restoration in order to permit normal signaling performance of the system, such position shall be
indicated by an audible trouble signal.

Exception: Either an audible- or visual-only trouble signal at the operator interface is acceptable for
mechanisms that are part of the supervising station equipment.

58.5 The operation of any manual-switching part of a product to other than its normal or activated
position while the system is in the normal supervisory condition shall be indicated by a trouble signal,
when the off-normal position of the switch interferes with normal operation of the system.

Exception No. 1: Either an audible- or visual-only trouble signal at the operator interface is acceptable for
mechanisms that are part of the supervising station equipment.

Exception No. 2: Operation of a disconnect switch or a disable function affecting the operation of a
releasing circuit shall cause a supervisory signal.

58.6 To determine if a switching part of a product complies with 58.4 and 58.5, the investigation is to start
with the representative system combination in the normal supervisory condition; the system is then to be
operated for signals with the manual-switching part in each position.

58.7 When a product is controlled and influenced by a software program, a trouble signal shall activate
for the occurrence of any of the following malfunctions:

a) The product/system does not execute its program cycle.

b) The memory function of the microprocessor does not function or is corrupted.

c) Rotation ceases, or fails to start when required, in a product that incorporates permanent
memory-storage devices having rotating elements.

Exception: Supervision is not required when malfunction of the memory-storage device results only
in loss of supplementary information or features, and when the system is still capable of indicating
the nature and location of any status change.

58.8 A system shall not be affected if the system fails to execute any supplementary program.
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58.9 Where an audible trouble signal is used to annunciate the conditions indicated in 58.1 – 58.7 for
supervising station equipment, the trouble signals shall comply with the requirements in Trouble Signals,
Section 57.

59 Software

59.1 General

59.1.1 Any product that is dependent upon software program(s) to achieve proper operation shall meet
all the requirements in this section.

59.1.2 Where compliance with this standard is dependent upon the proper selection of software features
and parameters which are field programmable, one of the following shall be met:

a) The soware shall not permit any product operation or contain any programming options that are
prohibited by this standard;

b) The software shall be partitioned and identified in the field programming software as complying
or not complying with (a); or

c) A summary as described in 96.25 shall be provided in the front of the programming manual
describing all programming options and parameters that have the potential for conflicting with the
requirements in this standard and stating the proper program selections that would be in
accordance with this standard. Additionally, information shall also appear throughout the manual
where the specific feature or option appears describing the requirements of this standard.

59.1.3 A release level shall identify the executive software of a product. A new release level shall be
assigned due to any changes in the executive software.

59.1.4 With the executive software resident in the product, the release level of the software shall be
visibly marked on the product or shall be capable of being displayed on a visual annunciator provided as
part of the unit.

59.1.5 All software shall be resident in nonvolatile storage devices that are sealed against atmospheric
contaminants and not subject to mechanical wear of the storage medium. Integrated circuits and sealed
hard disk drives are examples of storage devices that meet this requirement.

Exception: Software and data that is of a supplementary nature or software used to initially program the

59.1.6 Where the design of the product requires that status-change signals be stored in memory in order
for the signal to be displayed by the control unit, the software shall have sufficient capacity to store not less
than the following number of concurrent status changes:

a) Protected-premises unit – Total number of initiating-device circuits plus initiating devices

connected to all signaling-line circuits up to a maximum of 10 or ten percent of the total, whichever
is greater.

b) Supervising station unit – Ten percent of the total number of transmitters on all transmission
channels up to a maximum of 500.

59.1.7 Where status-change signals are stored in memory and the memory capacity is not capable of
storing all possible signals simultaneously, the software design shall prohibit the overflow condition
causing corruption of existing stored data or causing the control unit to perform in a degraded mode with
regard to the status changes which are stored in memory.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 123

59.1.8 Software and firmware within a fire alarm control system that interfaces to software in another
system to provide required functions shall be functionally compatible and the compatibility shall be
indicated in the installation instructions of one or both of the compatible systems. This does not apply to
supplementary functions.

59.2 User access and programming

59.2.1 The executive program shall not be accessible for change, modification, or addition by the user,
nor shall program execution depend upon site specific programming by the user.

59.2.2 Site-specific programming is not prohibited from being performed at the factory or in the field.
When the product permits programming in the field, the extent of the programming shall be limited to the

a) Assignment and mapping of protected premises output circuits where there is a procedure or
product feature that allows the programmer or AHJ to readily verify and review all programming.
Mapping of input circuits to a supervising station transmitter output circuit is not permitted and shall
be automatically accomplished by the executive program. Actuation of the supervising-station
receiver output circuits (audible visual, recording) shall be automatically accomplished by the
executive program without user input.

b) Setting of parameters and variables that relate only to topics influenced by use and installation of
the product.

59.2.3 A security means shall be provided to restrict unauthorized access to site specific programming.
The means shall provide a minimum of 1000 possible combinations. The security means shall not be the
same as the access means provided to enable the products operational controls or features. The use of
different passwords meets the intent of this requirement.

59.2.4 Initial site specific programming or any subsequent reprogramming of a protected-premises unit
shall require manual actuation of the security means at the protected-premises unit. Once activated,
programming may be completed on-site or downloaded from an off-site location.

Exception No. 1: For a proprietary system intended to protect only contiguous properties, program
downloading from the supervising station without manual actuation at the protected-premises unit is

Exception No. 2: The telephone numbers associated with a DACT are permitted to be reprogrammed from
an off-site location without manual actuation at the protected-premises unit.

59.2.5 When the proper operation of a product is adversely affected due to actuation of the security
means or during any reprogramming, the product shall produce a visual trouble signal. In addition, a
protected-premises unit connected to a supervising station receiver shall transmit a trouble signal.

59.3 Software integrity

59.3.1 The software design shall cause the product to operate as intended and shall not contain known
critical defects which result in interruption of product operation, operation not intended by the design of the
product, or which is inconsistent with the requirements of this standard.

59.3.2 With regard to 59.3.1, evidence of software integrity shall be any of the following:

a) Software development using a documented process, which includes the test procedures, with
anticipated test results, specified in 59.3.3 and which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001.
124 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

b) Examination of the software operation by the manufacturer with a test and verification program
that is documented with a test plan and test results which, at a minimum, includes verification of the
items specified in 59.3.3.

Documentation for (a) and (b) shall include a description of the test methods used, test result (s), and
identification of test equipment.

59.3.3 The test program specified in 59.3.2 shall include performance-based testing of the functions
described in (a) – (e).

a) Confirmation of proper operation of all circuits of each applicable type, style and class, verified
as described.

1) Supervised initiating device circuits:

i) Subjecting the circuit to fault conditions (short, open, ground) and verifying that the
condition is detected and the system responds as required.

ii) Verify the circuit will detect and respond to an alarm or, if applicable, supervisory
condition, and that the system responds as required.

iii) Verify that the alarm verification cycle completes correctly.

2) Supervised output (notification appliance, master box, releasing, etc.) circuits:

i) Subjecting the circuit to fault conditions (short, open, ground) and verifying that the
condition is detected and the system responds as required.

ii) Verify the circuit activates correctly when commanded by the system.

iii) Verify that the output signal is recognizable and complies with all timing

3) Communication and transmission circuits:

i) Subjecting the circuit to fault conditions (short, open, ground) and verifying that the
condition is detected and the system responds as required.

ii) Verify that messages are transmitted correctly in response to system stimuli.

iii) Verify that incorrect messages are processed appropriately.

4) Signaling line circuits:

i) Subjecting the circuit to fault conditions (short, open, ground) and verifying that the
condition is detected and the system responds as required.

ii) Verify that a minimum of at least 1 message, per type, is transmitted correctly as

iii) Verify that incorrect messages are processed appropriately.

iv) Verify that mismatches between the actual devices on a circuit and the expected
devices on a circuit are detected and reported correctly.

b) Confirmation of proper operation of visual annunciators and displays:

1) Verify that at least 1 event, per type, intended for the display and/or annunciator is
successfully routed to and displayed by the display and/or annunciator.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 125

2) Verify that events not intended for the display and/or annunciator are not displayed.

c) Confirmation of proper operation of manual controls:

1) Verify that all key presses are processed.

2) Verify that all key presses and menu selections generate the expected action.

3) Verify that incorrect entries are rejected and do not cause abnormal system operation.

d) Confirmation of proper operation of all programming options:

1) Verify that programming options cause the operation intended.

2) Verify that incorrect entries are processed appropriately.

e) Confirmation of proper operation of intelligent devices that are controlled by the panel:

1) Verify that the panel correctly controls the device as designed.

59.3.4 The testing information specified in 59.3.2 (a) and (b) shall be submitted for review for any new
products and whenever functions are added to the software of an existing product.

60 Features

60.1 General

60.1.1 The features described in this section are optional. Any feature provided shall operate as

60.2 Alarm verification

60.2.1 To reduce the effect of electrical and migratory smoke transients, a system is not prohibited from
having provision for an alarm verification feature for alarm signals received from smoke detectors or
smoke monitoring heads. When employed, the feature shall be:

a) Integral in the control unit;

b) A module that can be wired or plugged into a control unit;

c) A separate product that can be field wired to interface between the control unit and initiating
device circuit; or

d) An equivalent arrangement.

Alarm verification shall be arranged on a per circuit (zone) basis.

Exception: When alarm verification is to be accomplished on a multiple circuit (zone) or system basis, the
retard-reset-restart period duration shall not exceed 30 s. Alarms from devices other than smoke detection
shall not be delayed by more than 10 s when this option is employed.

60.2.2 When an alarm verification feature is provided, the maximum retard-reset-restart period of alarm
verification of a system, including any time delay due to system reset and power-up time of the smoke
detector to become operational for alarm, shall not exceed 60 s. During the minimum 60-s alarm
confirmation period following the retard-reset-restart period, re-actuation of the same detector that initiated
126 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

the alarm verification cycle, actuation of another smoke detector on the same circuit (zone), or an alarm
from another zone shall result immediately in an alarm signal from the control unit. See Figure 60.1.

Exception: When two or more protected-premises units are connected to a supervising station unit or
when two or more local-type control units are networked together, it is acceptable to configure each
protected premises unit or local unit to permit its own alarm verification feature.

Figure 60.1
Alarm verification timing diagram

A – Smoke detector goes into alarm.

AB – RETARD-RESET PERIOD (Control Unit) – Control unit senses detector in alarm and retards (delays) alarm signal, usually by
de-energizing power to the detector. Length of time varies with design.
AC – RETARD-RESET-RESTART PERIOD – No alarm obtained from control unit. Maximum permissible time is 60 s.
AD – ALARM VERIFICATION PERIOD – Consists of the retard-reset-restart and confirmation periods.
BC – DETECTOR RESTART (POWER UP) PERIOD – Power to the detector is reapplied and time is allowed for detector to become
operational for alarm. Time varies with detector design.
CD – CONFIRMATION PERIOD – Detector is operational for alarm at point C. If detector is still in alarm at point C, control unit will
alarm. If detector is not in alarm, system returns to standby. If the detector re-alarms at any time during the confirmation period the
control unit will alarm.
DE – OPTIONAL REGION – Either an alarm can occur at control unit or restart of the alarm verification cycle can occur.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 127

60.2.3 The retard-reset period of alarm verification is not required to include the polling time of a
multiplex system when alarm verification is provided at the same unit to which the smoke detectors are
connected, but shall include the polling time when the alarm verification is provided at a remote unit.

60.2.4 Alarm verification shall not be used in initiating-device circuits intended for cross-zone operation.

60.2.5 Products incorporating an alarm verification feature shall not be used with smoke detectors
employing an alarm verification feature.

Exception: This requirement does not apply to smoke detectors that employ less than 10 s signal
processing time and do not reset themselves.

60.2.6 Alarm verification shall apply to alarm signals from smoke detectors only, and not to alarm signals
from other initiating devices (such as manual stations, heat detectors, water flow indicators, and similar
devices) which are capable of being connected to the same circuit.

60.2.7 To determine the retard-reset duration of the alarm verification feature (not including the power-up
time of a smoke detector), a product/control unit is to be connected to a rated source of electrical supply as
specified in 30.1.3. Each initiating device circuit provided with alarm verification is to be placed into alarm
by a switch representing detector contacts, by actuation of the specific detector to be employed with the
product/control unit, or by equivalent means. The time between initiation of the detector alarm and
energization of the product/control unit alarm circuit is the retard-reset period. The retard-reset-restart
period is to be determined by adding the maximum power-up time of the smoke detector(s), intended to be
connected to the product/control unit as indicated in the product/control unit installation wiring
diagram/instructions, to the retard-reset period.

60.2.8 To determine that an alarm is obtained from the product during the 60-s minimum alarm
confirmation period, the product/control unit and initiating device circuit are to be energized in the normal
standby condition. The initiating device circuit is then to be placed in alarm to actuate the alarm verification
cycle of the product/control unit and restored to the non-alarm condition. At the end of the alarm
confirmation period, the initiating device circuit is to be placed in alarm at which time the product is to

60.3 Multiple detector operation

60.3.1 Alarm activation for other than releasing service applications that requires the activation of two
automatic detection devices shall not utilize the alarm verification feature or any other time delay.

60.3.2 Guidelines, instructions, and restrictions [such as spacing, alarm verification feature, and/or other
time delay (s)] for the installation and use of a system employing multiple detector operation shall be
included in the installation wiring diagram/instructions.

60.4 Positive alarm sequence

60.4.1 Positive alarm sequence shall be used only for alarm signals from automatic fire detection

60.4.2 All system evacuation signals associated with the activated initiating device and any off-premises
signaling shall be activated immediately and automatically when:

a) The alarm signal from an automatic fire detection device is not acknowledged within 15 s of
annunciation at the operator interface of the system;

b) The system is not manually reset within 180 s of the acknowledgment described in (a);
128 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

c) When a second automatic fire detector selected for positive alarm sequence is actuated before
the system is reset as described in (b); or

d) When any other fire initiating device reporting to the system/control unit is actuated.

60.4.3 The system shall provide a means for bypassing the positive alarm sequence.

60.5 Automatic drift compensation and/or smoke detector sensing chamber supervision

60.5.1 Where automatic drift compensation of sensitivity or chamber supervision for contamination of a
smoke detector is provided, the system shall annunciate an audible and visual trouble condition,
identifying the affected detector, when service is required. For automatic drift compensation, the trouble
signal shall be activated when the limit of compensation is reached. For systems utilizing sensing chamber
supervision, the trouble signal shall be activated before the chamber clean-air reference value changes by
more than 50% of the shift necessary to indicate an alarm signal.

60.5.2 After automatic drift compensation has occurred, the sensitivity of the smoke detector shall be
within 0.5%/ft. obscuration of the initial sensitivity when tested as described in –

60.5.3 The compensation shall not adversely affect the operation of the smoke detector. The magnitude
of each compensation step shall not change the clean-air reference value by more than 5% of the shift
necessary to indicate an alarm signal. The summation of compensation steps over a twenty-four hour
period shall not change the clean-air reference value by more than 50% of the shift necessary to indicate
an alarm signal.

60.6 Calibrated detector sensitivity testing

60.6.1 The product/control unit shall correctly interpret the sensitivity of fire detectors and either display
the sensitivity of each device upon command, or annunciate a trouble condition identifying the specific
detector(s) that are not within their required sensitivity limits.

60.6.2 When initiated automatically, the specific or range of test interval (s) shall be indicated in the
product/control unit's installation wiring diagram/instructions.

60.6.3 When the product/control unit displays the sensitivity in values other than percent/ft obscuration,
the correlated values to percent/ft obscuration shall be either included in the product/control unit's marking
or installation instructions.

60.6.4 Samples of the system shall be subjected to the confirmation testing described in and

60.7 Pre-signal

60.7.1 When a system annunciates the initial alarm signal only in a constantly attended location, and
manual activation is required for a general alarm evacuation signal, subsequent actuation of alarm
initiating devices on another initiating zone of the system shall result in the activation of the general alarm
evacuation signal.

60.7.2 Any off-premises signaling, when employed, shall activate upon the initial alarm signal.
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61 Combination Systems

61.1 General

61.1.1 When a fire alarm system is intended to share components, equipment, circuitry, or installation
wiring with non-fire equipment, and the non-fire alarm equipment complies with this standard, or complies
with one of the standards shown in 61.1.2, the requirements of 61.1.3 – 61.1.5 shall apply.

61.1.2 With respect to 61.1.1, the following standards apply:

a) The Standard for Mass Notification Systems, UL 2572;

b) The Standard for General-Purpose Signaling Devices and Systems, UL 2017, Type SM or AM;

c) The Standard for Proprietary Burglary Units and Systems, UL 1076.

61.1.3 It shall be permitted to attach the non-fire alarm equipment to fire alarm circuits when the following
requirements are met:

a) The fire alarm equipment and circuits shall continue to meet the circuit requirements of Common
Performance and Monitoring for Integrity – Protected-Premises Units/Systems, Section 56 with the
non-fire alarm equipment attached.

b) Failures of the non-fire alarm equipment that affect the operation of the fire alarm system shall
be detected and reported at the fire alarm control unit.

c) The installation document of the fire product shall specify that all wiring, including that to the non-
fire alarm equipment, shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the National Fire
Alarm and Signaling Code, NFPA 72.

d) The non-fire equipment shall be compatible with the fire alarm equipment or it shall have a
contact closure interface for the connected load.

61.1.4 When the non-fire alarm equipment is connected to the fire alarm system through separate wiring,
opens and short circuits shall not impair the operation of the fire alarm system.

61.1.5 Single ground faults which impede or impair the monitoring for integrity of the fire alarm system, or
impede or impair any fire alarm, supervisory or trouble signal transmissions or operation shall be reported
at the fire alarm control system as trouble signals when they occur on the wiring interconnecting the non-
fire alarm equipment with the fire alarm system.

61.1.6 When a fire alarm system is intended to share components, equipment, circuitry, or installation
wiring with non-fire equipment, and that equipment does not comply with either this standard or any of the
standards shown in 61.1.2, the requirements of 61.1.7 – 61.1.9 shall apply.

61.1.7 Short circuits or open circuits in the non-fire equipment or in the wiring between the non-fire
equipment and the fire alarm system shall not impede or impair the monitoring for integrity of the fire alarm
system as described in Common Performance and Monitoring for Integrity – Protected-Premises
Units/Systems, Section 56, nor impede or impair any fire alarm signal transmissions or operations.

61.1.8 Single ground faults in the non-fire alarm equipment shall not impede or impair the monitoring for
integrity of the fire alarm system, or impede or impair any fire alarm, supervisory or trouble signal
transmissions or operation.
130 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

61.1.9 The required operation of the fire alarm equipment shall not be impaired by any failure of the non-
fire alarm equipment hardware, software or circuits, or by any maintenance procedure, including removal
or replacement of defective equipment or powering down of the non-fire equipment.

61.1.10 The monitoring for integrity as described in the Common Performance and Monitoring for
Integrity – Protected Premises Units/Systems, Section 56, shall continue to be met during the period the
combination system is used for non-emergency purposes.

61.1.11 Emergency control or other non-fire functions shall have the capability of not interfering with any
required operation of the fire alarm system.

61.1.12 In combination systems, fire alarm signals shall be distinctive, clearly recognizable, and shall be
indicated as follows in descending order of priority:

1) Signals associated with life safety.

2) Signals associated with property protection and supervisory signals.

3) Trouble signals associated with life safety and/or property protection.

4) All other signals.

61.1.13 Signals from fire extinguisher monitoring devices are permitted to be annunciated as supervisory

61.1.14 Where the fire alarm control unit is intended to be connected to a life safety network, the
following shall apply:

a) The interconnecting path shall be monitored for integrity as described in the Common
Performance and Monitoring for Integrity – Protected-Premises Units/Systems, Section 56.

Exception: Relays or appliances that provide fail-safe operation (activate, release, unlock) on loss
of power or a fault or adverse condition on the interconnecting path that affects operation.

b) Non-fire alarm data transmitted to the fire alarm system shall not impair the operation of the fire
alarm system.

61.1.15 Controls permitted to adjust volume levels of non-emergency or ancillary signals, such as
background music or building paging, shall be overridden by the fire alarm system to deliver emergency
signals at a preset volume setting.

61.1.16 All equipment which affect the operation of the fire alarm system, other than as described in
61.2.1 – 61.2.4 shall meet the requirements of this standard.

61.2 Mass notification system interconnection

61.2.1 Where an interface is utilized to interconnect a separate mass notification system to the fire alarm
system, any abnormal condition that would prevent reliable emergency operation of any interfaced system
shall be annunciated both audibly and visibly as a trouble signal at the affected control location.

61.2.2 When the fire alarm system has been activated, and mass notification has been given priority
over the fire alarm system, the following shall apply:

a) Deactivation of fire alarm audible and visible occupant notification signals shall cause an
individually identified “MNS Active” supervisory signal to be initiated at each affected fire alarm
control unit.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 131

b) The fire alarm signal deactivation function shall be permitted to occur only when both the fire
alarm system is in an alarm condition and notification is being given by the mass notification

c) When the fire alarm notification is overridden as permitted in (b), all other features of the fire
alarm system shall remain unaffected.

61.2.3 The signal described in 61.2.2 shall be capable of being sent to a supervising station.

61.2.4 After the mass notification system relinquishes control, the fire alarm system shall automatically
restored to normal operation when an active fire alarm signal is not present, or the fire alarm system shall
operate based on the active fire alarm signal present.

61.3 Carbon monoxide signaling

61.3.1 Signals Carbon monoxide detectors and carbon monoxide detection systems transmitted to a fire
alarm system shall have the capability of annunciation as a carbon monoxide alarm signal.

Exception: In addition, the signals are permitted to be capable of annunciation as supervisory signals.
Carbon monoxide signals annunciated as supervisory signals shall not activate notification appliances in
the pattern described in 61.3.2.

61.3.2 Where the combination system activates audible alarm signals, the system shall be capable of
signaling the following patterns:

a) A single and tone pattern consisting of four cycles of 100 ms ±10% "on" and 100 ms ±10% "off,"
followed by 5 sec ±10% "off."

b) After the initial 4 min of alarm, the five-second "off" time shall be permitted to be changed to 60
sec ±10%.

c) The alarm signal shall be repeated in compliance with (a) and (b) until the alarm is reset or the
alarm signal is manually silenced.

61.3.3 The operator interface for the system shall distinctly annunciate carbon monoxide alarm and
trouble condition(s).

61.3.4 Priority and display of the signaling shall be in accordance with 61.1.12.

Exception: Carbon monoxide signals, either alarm or supervisory, shall be permitted to take precedence
over fire related supervisory and trouble signals.

61.3.5 The circuit and pathways to carbon monoxide initiating devices and notification appliances shall
be monitored for integrity in the same manner as fire alarm circuits and pathways described in Sections 56
– 59.

61.3.6 The faults on non-fire, other than carbon monoxide, equipment and wiring described in 61.1.1 –
61.1.11 shall not impede or impair the monitoring for integrity the carbon monoxide portion of the system or
impede or impair any carbon monoxide signal transmissions or operations.

61.3.7 Carbon monoxide detectors interconnected with the fire alarm system by low-power radio
frequency pathways shall meet the requirements of Short-Range Radio Frequency (RF) Devices Test,
Section 85.
132 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

61.3.8 Carbon monoxide smoke detectors shall meet the requirements in the Standard for Gas and
Vapor Detectors and Sensors, UL 2075 and carbon monoxide alarms shall meet the requirements in the
Standard for Single and Multiple Station Carbon Monoxide Alarms, UL 2034.

61.3.9 Carbon monoxide alarms interconnected to fire alarm equipment shall be annunciated as
supervisory signals at the system required operator interface (s). The fire alarm equipment shall not
activate notification appliances in the pattern described in 61.3.2.

62 Interconnected Fire Alarm Units

62.1 The interconnections of fire alarm control units and/or control unit accessories intended to function
as a single system shall be monitored for integrity in accordance with the Common Performance and
Monitoring for Integrity – Protected Premises Units/Systems, Section 56.

62.2 The faults required by 62.1 shall not affect the intended synchronization of visual or audible
notification appliances.

62.3 Each interconnected control unit shall have the capability of being monitored separately for alarm,
trouble, and supervisory conditions, as applicable.

62.4 Unless interconnected control units located at a protected premises are intended to be installed
such that the display annunciation at each unit can be simultaneously observed, alarm, supervisory, and
trouble conditions, as well as reset, alarm silence, or trouble silence actuation originating at any unit shall
be annunciated at each control unit and non-supplementary operator interface.

62.5 The time periods for processing and activation of signals between interconnected units shall comply
with 33.1.2, 36.1.2, and 38.1.2, as applicable.

62.6 The programming of initiating, notification, and signaling points of the interconnected/networked
system shall comply with Software, Section 59.

62.7 Relays or modules providing signaling between interconnected fire alarm control units shall be
arranged to produce a trouble signal at the interconnected unit(s) when all power to the relay or module is

62.8 The operation of relays or other modules providing alarm, supervisory, or trouble (or the like) output
signaling shall operate as described for one of the following categories:

a) Common – Operates for all of the signals relative to its type (such as alarm, trouble,

b) Zone – Operates for specific zone/circuit input signals (non-programmable).

c) Programmable – Operates for any signals for which it is programmed.

The function of the relay or output module shall be clearly defined in the installation wiring
diagram/instructions for the product.

62.9 Interconnected fire alarm units shall be arranged to function as a single system with respect to the
resetting of alarm signals and not require the simultaneous operation of multiple reset switches or the
disconnection of any wiring or equipment to reset the alarm system.

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63 Electrical Ratings Test

63.1 General

63.1.1 A low-voltage circuit of a product shall comply with the limits specified in 3.15(b).

63.2 Power input circuits

63.2.1 With the product energized from rated voltage and connected to maximum rated load, the input
current of the product shall not exceed the marked rating of the product when the product is operated
under all conditions of intended use.

63.2.2 Where the operating voltage of a product is specified at two or more discrete values, the
requirement in 63.2.1 shall be applied at each voltage rating.

63.2.3 Where the input to the product is specified as a voltage range, the input current rating shall be a
single value that is equal to or greater than the measured input current obtained at any voltage within the

63.3 Other external circuits

63.3.1 All external circuits shall be electrically rated to permit proper installation of the product using
wiring methods permitted by the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70. The actual measured values of
any circuit shall not exceed the rating for that circuit.

63.3.2 The electrical rating of a circuit shall indicate the maximum circuit voltage under any operating
condition including an open circuit and the maximum circuit current (or wattage for an audio product) under
any condition of normal operation.

63.3.3 Where the circuit is not power limited as defined in the Power-Limited Circuits Test, Section 66,
and a circuit fault condition will cause a circuit current in excess of the normal current rating, either:

a) The maximum fault current shall be indicated; or

b) The minimum size wire capable of handling the fault current shall be indicated.

There shall be coordination between the maximum fault current and the overcurrent or current limiting
protection required in 14.4.

63.3.4 Output current measurements of either half-wave and full-wave rectifier circuits are to be based
on the average value of the waveform.

64 Voice Amplifier Harmonic Distortion Test

64.1 Crossover

64.1.1 The crossover distortion of an amplifier rated for speech power shall not be greater than 7%,
when measured at 1/10 power points (10 dB down from rated power output) at a signal frequency of 1000
Hz. Measurements of crossover distortion are to be made over the rated frequency range of the amplifier.

64.1.2 During the measurement of crossover distortion, the amplifier is to be tested using a sine wave
input and while delivering to a rated load consisting of speakers or any combination of speakers and
simulated resistive loading of equivalent impedance.
134 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

64.2 Total harmonic

64.2.1 If an upper frequency cutoff is not specified, the total harmonic distortion of an amplifier shall not
exceed 20% in the frequency range of 800 – 2800 Hz while delivering full rated load and operating as
specified in 64.1.2.

64.2.2 If the specified upper frequency cutoff is greater than 2800 Hz, the total harmonic distortion of an
amplifier shall not exceed 20% in the frequency range of 800 – 2800 Hz. In the range of 2800 – 15000 Hz,
the total harmonic distortion at any frequency (f) shall not exceed the value determined by the formula:
Percent Total Harmonic Distortion = 20e[−0.000189 (f-2800)].

64.2.3 During the measurements of total harmonic distortion specified in 64.2.1and 64.2.2, a minimum of
ten measurements are to be made within the appropriate frequency range with the amplifier adjusted to
deliver maximum rated output and 10 dB below the maximum rated output.

65 Variable Voltage Operation Test

65.1 The product, when connected to maximum rated load as described in 30.2.2 and subjected to the
input voltage conditions described in 65.2 – 65.6, shall operate as intended and without risk of fire or
electric shock during all conditions of intended use. At each input voltage, all conditions of intended use
are to be maintained until constant temperatures of its parts are reached, or a minimum of two hours.

65.2 The product is to be subjected to the following variable voltage conditions:

a) 110% of the rated primary input voltage specified in Table 30.1. The secondary power source is
to be connected to rated voltage.

b) 110% of the marked rated nominal standby battery voltage or rated secondary power input
voltage specified in Table 30.1. The primary input voltage is to be disconnected.

c) 85% of rated primary input voltage specified in Table 30.1 or at some lower level of transfer
voltage as specified in 55.2.1 – 55.2.4. The standby battery or, when provided, a secondary power
source shall be disconnected.

d) 85% of the marked rated nominal standby battery voltage or rated secondary power input
voltage specified in Table 30.1. The primary input voltage is to be disconnected.

65.3 In conducting the reduced voltage test, the voltage is to be reduced by a means that will maintain a
stable potential of the required value under the most severe conditions of normal loading.

65.4 The reduced voltage tests are to be made with the maximum line impedance as indicated in the
installation wiring diagram connected to all external circuit(s).

65.5 The increased voltage tests are to be made with zero line impedance in each external circuit.

65.6 In those cases where different components or units of a combination system obtain power from
separate sources, each source is to be independently varied while the system is tested for its normal

65.7 A product intended to be used with a standby battery shall have sufficient capacity to maintain a
charged battery under all conditions of intended operation, including sufficient capacity to operate the
product with the battery disconnected or fully discharged. In any operating mode other than when the
product is in the alarm condition, the battery charger shall be capable of maintaining the battery in the
charged condition when the product input is at a maximum of 85% of rated voltage or at some lower level
of transfer voltage as determined according to 55.2.1 – 55.2.4.
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65.8 A charged battery is defined as a battery having the capacity to maintain the product in the normal
supervisory and alarm conditions for the time period required in the Charging Current Test, Section 69, or
the Standby Operating Power Test for Releasing Device Service, Section 70.

65.9 A releasing-device control unit or local control unit acceptable for release of an extinguishing agent
is to be tested for operation at the lower voltage specified in 65.2(c). With the maximum number of squibs
or other releasing actuating devices connected, each releasing actuating device shall operate properly
and completely upon actuation.

65.10 An audio amplifier shall deliver not less than 60% nor more than 170% of its rated output power
(80 – 130% of rated output voltage) when the power-supply input voltage is subjected to the variable
voltage conditions described in 65.2. The 1 kHz signal described in 67.7.2 is not to be adjusted.

65.11 When the power-supply input voltage is established at the variable voltage conditions described in
65.2, the 1 kHz signal described in 67.7.2 is to be varied, as needed, so that the rated output voltage is
delivered to the load. The amplifier shall comply with the requirement of the Voice Amplifier Harmonic
Distortion Test, Section 64, at the variable voltage conditions described in 65.2.

66 Power-Limited Circuits Test

66.1 General

66.1.1 All field-wiring circuits that derive energy from power sources connected to a control unit shall be
classified as a power-limited or non-power-limited circuit. A circuit shall be considered non-power-limited
unless otherwise identified in the installation documentation and marking on the product.

66.1.2 The power source (or sources) supplying a power-limited circuit shall be either inherently limited
requiring no overcurrent protection, or limited by a combination of a power source and overcurrent
protection devices such that a power-limited circuit has electrical characteristics as described in Table 66.1
for AC circuits or Table 66.2 for DC circuits.

Table 66.1
Power limitations for AC circuits

Inherently limited power source (overcurrent Not inherently limited power source
protection not required) (overcurrent protection required)
over 100 –
Circuit voltage Vmaxa 0 – 20 over 20 – 30 over 30 – 100 0 – 20 over 20 – 100 150
Power limitations VAmaxb (volt- – – – 250d 250 –
Current limitations Imaxc(amps) 8.0 8.0 150/Vmax 1000/Vmax 1000/Vmax 1.0
Maximum overcurrent – – – 5.0 100/Vmax 1.0
protection (amps)
Power source VA (volt-amps) 5.0 × Vmax 100 100 5.0 × Vmax 100 100
Current 5.0 100/V max 100/Vmax 5.0 100/Vmax 100/Vmax
Vmax is the maximum output voltage regardless of load with rated input applied.
VAmax is the maximum volt-ampere output after 1 min of operation regardless of load and with overcurrent protection bypassed if
used. Current-limiting impedance shall not be bypassed when determining Imax and VAmax.
Imax is the maximum output current under any noncapacitive load, including short circuit, and with overcurrent protection bypassed
if used. If a transformer limits the output current, Imax limits apply after 1 min of operation. If a current-limiting impedance,

Table 66.1 Continued on Next Page

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Table 66.1 Continued

Inherently limited power source (overcurrent Not inherently limited power source
protection not required) (overcurrent protection required)
over 100 –
Circuit voltage Vmaxa 0 – 20 over 20 – 30 over 30 – 100 0 – 20 over 20 – 100 150
determined to be suitable for the purpose, is used in combination with a nonpower-limited transformer or a stored energy source,
such as a storage battery to limit the output current, the limits apply after 5 s of operation.
If the power source is a transformer, VAmax is 350 or less when Vmax is 15 or less.
NOTE – Reproduced in part from the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, copyright National Fire Protection Association,
Quincy, MA 02269.

Table 66.2
Power limitations for DC circuits

Inherently limited power source (overcurrent Not inherently limited power source
protection not required) (overcurrent protection required)
over 30 – over 100 – over 20 – over 100 –
Circuit voltage Vmaxa 0 – 20 over 20 – 30 100 250 0 – 20 100 150
Power limitations VAmaxb – – – – 250d 250 –
Current limitations Imaxc 8.0 8.0 150/Vmax 0.030 1000/Vmax 1000/Vmax 1.0
Maximum overcurrent – – – – 5.0 100/Vmax 1.0
protection (amps)
Power VA (volt- 5.0 × Vmax 100 100 0.030 × Vmax 5.0 × Vmax 100 100
source amps)
Current 5.0 100/Vmax 100/Vmax 0.030 5.0 100/Vmax 100/Vmax
Vmax is the maximum output voltage regardless of load with rated input applied.
VAmax is the maximum volt-ampere output after 1 min of operation regardless of load and with overcurrent protection bypassed if
used. Current-limiting impedance shall not be bypassed when determining Imax and VAmax.
Imax is the maximum output current under any noncapacitive load, including short circuit, and with overcurrent protection bypassed
if used. If a transformer limits the output current, Imax limits apply after 1 min of operation. If a current-limiting impedance,
determined to be suitable for the purpose, is used in combination with a nonpower-limited transformer or a stored energy source,
such as a storage battery to limit the output current, Imax limits apply after 5 s of operation.
If the power source is a transformer, VAmax is 350 or less when Vmax is 15 or less.
NOTE – Reproduced in part from the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, copyright National Fire Protection Association,
Quincy, MA 02269.

66.1.3 Relative to 66.1.2, acceptable means for current limiting include:

a) Transformer winding impedance,

b) Thermal link embedded within the winding overwrap of a transformer,

c) Circuit components (resistors, regulators, transistors, and similar devices) which comply with the
temperature test under Imax condition, and

d) Suitable current-limiting impedances (positive temperature coefficient varistor, and the like).

66.1.4 Relative to 66.1.2, the following are not acceptable means of current-limiting:

a) Circuit component burnout;

MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 137

b) Permanent or replaceable fuses;

c) Opening of conductors on printed-wiring boards; and

d) Opening of internal wiring conductors.

66.1.5 The overcurrent protection device specified in 66.1.2 shall be of the non-interchangeable type
such that it cannot be renewed in the field with an overcurrent device having a higher current rating.

66.1.6 When conducting Imax and VAmax measurements, all overcurrent protection devices of the control
unit are to be short-circuited. However, current-limiting devices are not to be bypassed and are to be
allowed to remain functional.

66.1.7 Where the product contains a float battery charger, Vmax, Imax, and VAmax measurements are to be
conducted with both AC and battery connected to the product. If the product contains a battery transfer
relay or contains a trickle charge battery circuit, measurements of Vmax, Imax, and VAmax are to be
conducted with the product first energized only from the AC power source and then repeated with the
product energized solely from the battery. The battery used during these measurements is to have the
largest capacity as specified in the manufacturer's installation document.

66.1.8 The loads referenced in 66.2.1 – 66.4.1 shall be resistive.

66.2 Maximum voltage

66.2.1 With the product energized only from its rated primary power source, the output voltage of the
circuit under test is to be measured while the circuit is connected to full rated load and under open circuit
conditions. The maximum voltage recorded under these two conditions is to be considered Vmax. Where
the product incorporates a secondary source of supply, the test is to be repeated with the product
energized solely from the secondary power source and with the primary power source disconnected. The
Vmax value obtained from each power source is to be considered separately when applying the
requirements of Table 66.1 or Table 66.2.

66.3 Maximum current

66.3.1 In order to determine compliance with the Imax limitation, a variable load resistor initially set to
draw rated current is to be connected across the circuit. The current through the load resistor is to be
noted and the load removed. The resistance of the load shall then be incrementally decreased,
momentarily reconnected across the circuit while noting the current, and then removed. The method is to
be repeated until a short-circuit condition is obtained. The load resistor is then to be readjusted to a value
capable of producing and maintaining a current equal to the maximum permitted in Table 66.1 and Table
66.2. The load resistor is then to be connected to the circuit and the current through the load resistor
measured after 1 min or after 5 s as determined from Table 66.1 or Table 66.2.

66.3.2 The maximum current measurement is to be the rms value for circuits that are constantly
energized and the peak value for circuits that pulse the output. The measurement of the time period starts
when the output is initially energized with the load specified in 66.3.1, and continues until the current is
continuously below the Imax value indicated in Table 66.1 or Table 66.2. The time period is to include any
momentary period where the output current temporarily drops below the required Imax value limit.

66.3.3 Where a transformer limits the value of Imax, and when Imax cannot be maintained for 1 min due to
transformer burnout, a plot of current versus time is to be generated and the graph extrapolated to 1 min.
The results satisfy the requirement of the test when the extrapolated value of Imax at 1 min does not exceed
the Imax limitations as indicated in Table 66.1 or Table 66.2.
138 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

66.3.4 Where a transformer does not limit the current of Imax, and when the maximum current through the
load resistor cannot be maintained for 5 s due to current-limiting devices (opening of thermal link power
supply foldback, PTC varistor effect, and similar devices) the current load resistor shall be adjusted to a
value which will produce a current just above the Imax value indicated in Table 66.1 or Table 66.2. The
results are in compliance when the Imax value stated in Table 66.1 or Table 66.2 cannot be maintained for
more than 5 s.

66.4 VAmax (not inherently limited circuits only)

66.4.1 In order to determine VAmax, the product is to be energized from a rated source of supply and the
circuit under test open-circuited. A variable load resistor, initially set to draw rated circuit current, is then to
be connected across the circuit, the circuit voltage and current recorded, and the load removed. The
resistance of the load is then to be incrementally decreased, momentarily reconnected across the circuit
while recording the voltage and current, and then removed. This procedure is to be repeated until the load
resistance has been reduced to a short circuit. Using the recorded voltage and current, the volt-ampere
output under each load condition is to be calculated. The load resistor is then to be adjusted to that value
which produced the maximum volt-ampere calculated and then connected to the circuit. After 1 min, the
voltage and current are again to be measured. The results of this test are acceptable if the calculated volt-
ampere output of the circuit after 1 min does not exceed the value specified in Table 66.1 or Table 66.2, as

67 Compatibility Tests

67.1 General

67.1.1 The interconnection of the product with other devices shall be evaluated for the purpose of
operating as a coordinated system relative to the intended signaling and without risk of fire, electric shock,
or injury to persons.

67.1.2 The requirements in 67.1.1 apply to products connected to or providing circuits described in – 67.7.5, and by which the operating parts of the product are actuated for signaling and/or action.

67.2 Notification appliance circuits (NAC)

67.2.1 Rating All notification appliance circuits of a product and power supply output circuits intended to
directly supply notification appliance circuits shall be identified by at least one of the rating designations
shown in Table 67.1.

Exception: Output circuits intended to be connected to speakers. NAC circuits that employ integral signaling schemes, or that connect to separate devices (e.g.
synchronization modules) employing signaling schemes, to synchronize, to activate and deactivate
subsets of the appliances on a NAC, or to change the output (e.g. color or tone) of appliances, shall be
evaluated as special applications when assembled in a system with those devices/appliances. This does
not preclude these circuits from also being evaluated and marked as regulated circuits when used with
other devices/appliances that do not require these signaling schemes. The requirements of 33.3.2 can be met by providing multiple ratings on a NAC, as long as one
of the ratings is a regulated rating.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 139

Table 67.1
Voltage types and ratings

Rating designation Voltage type Maximum RMS voltage range limits

Regulated 12 DC DC 8 – 17.5
Regulated 24 DC DC 16 – 33
Regulated 12 FWR FWR 8 – 17.5
Regulated 24 FWR FWR 16 – 33
Regulated 120 AC AC 96 – 132
Regulated 240 AC AC 192 – 264
Special application Any Rated

67.2.2 Voltage measurement test While the product is energized at the voltage extremes described in the Variable Voltage
Operation Test, Section 65, the voltage of the circuit shall be maintained within the voltage range limits
shown in Table 67.1, under the load conditions indicated in Table 67.2 for circuits rated “regulated”, and
Table 67.3 for circuits rated “special application”.

Exception: Products with notification appliance circuits intended for connection to a synchronized
repetitive pulsing load are not required to be subjected to Condition 4 in Table 67.2 and Condition 3B in
Table 67.3.

Table 67.2
Regulated NAC circuits

Required circuit
Condition Magnitude Duration Frequency voltage
1 (non-pulsing load) Minimum circuit rating Continuous Continuous Rated RMS value
2 (non-pulsing load) Maximum circuit rating Continuous Continuous Rated RMS value
3 (synchronized Impedance load equal to 5 times the 16.7 ms 2 Hz Rated RMS value
repetitive pulsing load) maximum circuit rating during individual
application of
surge impedance
4 (non-synchronized Impedance load equal to the Continuous Continuous Rated RMS value
repetitive pulsing load) maximum circuit rating plus the
greater of the following currents:

a) A value equal to 1.5 times

the maximum single
notification appliance
operating RMS current
rating specified to be
connected to the circuit.

b) A value equal to 4 times

the maximum single
notification appliance
operating RMS current
rating specified for
connection to the circuit
where the maximum
number of appliances
exceed 30.
140 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Table 67.3
Special application NAC circuits

Required circuit
Condition Magnitude Duration Frequency voltage
1 (non-pulsing load) Minimum circuit rating Continuous Continuous Rated RMS value
2 (non-pulsing load) Maximum circuit rating Continuous Continuous Rated RMS value
3A (synchronized Impedance load equal to the See note (1) 2 Hz Rated RMS value
repetitive pulsing load) maximum peak of the repetitive during individual
surge current of the notification application of
appliance multiplied by the specified surge impedance
maximum number of corresponding
notification appliance to be used on
the circuit.
3B (non-synchronized Impedance load equal to the Continuous Continuous Rated RMS value
repetitive pulsing load) maximum circuit rating plus the
greater of the following currents:

a) A value equal to 1.5

times the maximum single
notification appliance
operating RMS current
rating specified to be
connected to the circuit.

b) A value equal to 4 times

the maximum single
notification appliance
operating RMS current
rating specified for
connection to the circuit
where the maximum
number of appliances
exceed 30.
4 Connected to the maximum specified See note (2) See note (2) See note (2)
number of the notification appliance
to be used on the circuit.
1) Surge current time frame window specified by the manufacturer of the special application notification appliance.
2) The combination of product and notification appliance shall comply with the Signal Strength and Format Test in the Standard for
Signaling Devices for the Hearing-Impaired, UL 1971, or the Standard for Visual Signaling Appliances – Private-Mode Emergency
and General Utility Signaling, UL 1638, and/or the Audibility Test in the Standard for Audible Signal Appliances, UL 464, as
applicable. The circuit voltage shall additionally be maintained within the voltage range limits shown in
Table 67.1 for Conditions 2 and 4 in Table 67.2 and Conditions 2, 3B, and 4 in Table 67.3 when maximum
specified line loss calculations are utilized. Products not intended for use with synchronized appliances and employing the additional
information specified in 96.6(d) are not required to be subjected to:

a) Condition 3 in Table 67.2;

b) Condition 3A in Table 67.3;

c) Condition B in Table 67.4; or

d) Condition A2 or B2 in Table 67.5.

MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 141

Table 67.4
Regulated NAC circuits – surge current immunity loading

Condition Magnitude Duration Frequency

A (initial surge current load) Impedance load equal to 10 16.7 ms Once per min
times the current rating for the
NAC circuit.
B (repetitive surge current Impedance load equal to 5 16.7 ms 2 Hz
load) times the current rating for the
NAC circuit.

Table 67.5
Special application NAC circuits – surge current immunity loading

Condition Magnitude Duration Frequency Cycles

A1 (initial surge current Impedance load equal See note (a) Once per min 50
load) to the maximum peak
of the initial surge
current multiplied by
the specified maximum
number of
notification appliance to
be used on the circuit.
A2 (repetitive surge Impedance load equal See note (a) 2 Hz 50
current load) to the maximum peak
of the repetitive surge
current multiplied by
the specified maximum
number of
notification appliance to
be used on circuit.
B1 (initial surge current Connected to the Circuit cycled into the Once per min 50
load) maximum specified alarm condition for 5 s
number of the
notification appliance to
be used on the circuit.
B2 (repetitive surge Connected to the Circuit activated in n/a n/a
current load) maximum specified alarm condition for 15
number of the min
notification appliance to
be used on the circuit.
Surge current time frame window specified by the manufacturer of the special application notification appliance. For circuits rated as "special application", the loads specified in Conditions 1 and 2, and either 3
(A and B) or 4, in Table 67.3 shall be applied. The test shall be repeated for each model notification
appliance specified in the installation instructions. Refer to 96.6 (d) for the required rating information to be included in the installation wiring

67.2.3 Surge current immunity While the product is energized from a source of supply in accordance with Table 30.1, the
product shall operate as intended and:

a) Not falsely annunciate alarms or troubles;

142 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

b) Not reset during an alarm condition;

c) Not cause product failure; and

d) Not cause overcurrent or current-limiting devices to operate,

when each notification appliance circuit is subjected to the tests described in – Each circuit shall be subjected to electrical noise created by the momentary opening of the
circuit with a series connected relay contact. The relay contact shall be unflashed silver with a minimum air
gap between contacts of 2 mm. The relay shall be operated at a rate of 10 cycles per second, with a 50%
on-/off-duty cycle, for a total of 15 min. During this test, the product shall be placed in the alarm condition
and connected to maximum rated load (s) with the load of the circuit under test adjusted to a 0.6 power
factor. Each circuit designated "regulated" as indicated in Table 67.1 shall be subjected to fifty cycles of
each of the resistive loads specified in Table 67.4. A notification appliance circuit that is designated as "special application" as indicated in Table
67.1 shall be connected to the loads indicated in either Condition A(1 and 2) or B(1 and 2) in Table 67.5.
The test shall be repeated for each model notification appliance specified in the installation instructions.

67.3 Power output circuits

67.3.1 A circuit of a product that supplies only operating power to other system products shall be
identified in the installation instructions as being a regulated or a special application output. A regulated
output shall comply with 67.3.2 – 67.3.4 and shall have a single voltage rating. A special application output
shall comply with 67.3.5 and 67.3.6.

67.3.2 The output voltage of a regulated circuit shall not exceed 110% of rated voltage when no load, or
a minimum load specified by the manufacturer, is connected to all output circuits of the product and while
the primary operating input voltage to the product is adjusted to 110% of rated value. Any secondary
operating power to the product is to be connected during this test.

67.3.3 The output voltage of a regulated circuit shall not be less than 85% of rated voltage when the
input operating voltage to the product is adjusted to 85% of rated value or to 1 V above the low-voltage
level transfer voltage as determined in accordance with 55.2.3, whichever is less. During this test, any
secondary operating power to the product shall be disconnected, all circuits of the product shall be
connected to maximum rated load (as determined at rated input voltage), and with maximum line
resistance connected to the circuit under test.

67.3.4 For products using a standby battery, the same regulation (85 – 110% of rating) shall be
maintained at the regulated output circuit with the AC power disconnected and when the battery voltage is
varied between 85 – 110% of the nominal marked battery rating, under the circuit load conditions
described in 67.3.2 and 67.3.3, respectively.

67.3.5 A power output circuit that has a voltage deviation greater than permitted in 67.3.2 – 67.3.4 shall
be identified in the installation instructions as "special application". In addition, the installation instructions
shall describe by manufacturer's name and model designation, the specific appliance (s) intended to be
powered by the circuit.

67.3.6 The output voltage of a special application output shall not deviate more than the operating limits
of the specified appliance while the input voltage to the product is varied between 85 and 110% under any
load condition (full or minimum circuit and product load, and zero or maximum series line resistance). The
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 143

operating limits of an appliance are the voltage range over which the appliance has been tested during the
tests in Sections 31 – 62, and the Variable Voltage Operation Test, Section 65.

67.4 Releasing device circuit

67.4.1 A releasing device circuit that is intended to actuate an extinguishing system shall be identified as
a special application output and meet the requirements of 67.3.5 and 67.3.6.

67.4.2 The releasing devices specified in the installation wiring diagram/instructions shall be connected
to the releasing device circuit during the following tests:

a) The Variable Voltage Operation Test, Section 65;

b) The Standby Operating Power Test for Releasing Device Service, Section 70;

c) The Overload Test, Section 72;

d) The Endurance Test, Section 73;

e) The Transient Tests, Section 77; and

f) The Radio Frequency Interference Test, Section 84.

67.5 Signaling line circuit (SLC)

67.5.1 General The overall combination of control unit and device (s) connected to the signaling line circuit
(SLC) of a control unit shall comply with the requirements for the device (for examples, smoke detectors
complying with the Standard for Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Systems, UL 268, and the Standard for
Smoke Detectors for Duct Application, UL 268A; heat detectors complying with the Standard for Heat
Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems, UL 521; control and monitor modules complying with the
Standard for Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems, UL 864; notification appliances
complying with the Standard for Audible Signal Appliances, UL 464, the Standard for Visual Signaling
Appliances – Private Mode Emergency and General Utility Signaling, UL 1638, or the Standard for
Signaling Devices for the Hearing Impaired, UL 1971; and manual pull stations complying with the
Standard for Manual Signaling Boxes for Fire Alarm Systems, UL 38), which transmit a signal to the
control unit representative of the sensor portion of the device and/or are addressable. In order to determine compliance with, the control unit shall be configured and
energized as specified in the installation wiring diagram/instruction and a sample of the device is to be
connected to the SLC. In addition, the maximum number of devices or a substitute load of equivalent
circuit loading, and the maximum line resistance, capacitance and inductance representative of the
signaling line circuit field wiring shall be connected between the device and the control unit. The
combination control unit and device shall then be subjected to the applicable requirements of –

67.5.2 Alarm and/or trouble threshold limits The alarm and/or trouble limits determined by the control unit for a device shall comply with the
requirements for the device (for examples, see The limits shall be adjusted to include any
tolerances of the control unit in the processing and interpretation of signals from the device. Field programming of alarm and/or trouble limits outside of the values determined by
are prohibited. Where the limits for a specific device vary for each application, the user shall be either:
144 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

a) Required to select the application prior to choosing alarm or trouble limits, where any field
selectable limits are applicable for the application; or

b) Limited to selecting alarm and/or trouble values to the most restrictive of the combined ranges
for the various applications. In order to determine compliance with, the alarm and trouble values processed and
interpreted by the control unit shall be compared to corresponding known signals transmitted from the
device while the product/device combination is subjected to the following tests:

a) The Variable Voltage Operation Test, Section 65;

b) The Variable Ambient Temperature and Humidity Test, Section 71;

c) The Overload Test, Section 72;

d) The Endurance Test, Section 73; and

e) The Jarring Test, Section 74; and

f) The Transient Tests, Section 77. Detectors that have a special application mode/configuration in accordance with of UL
268 shall comply with normal application requirements wherein the detector or relevant sampling ports of
an air sampling detector complies with all applicable requirements defined in UL 268. The alarm and threshold limits determined by the control unit or accessory interconnected to
detectors that employ a special application mode/configuration shall be designed and shipped from the
factory with the normal application mode/configuration being the default mode of operation. The special application mode/configuration shall not be activated at the control unit/accessory
without a deliberate action by the user to initiate the special application mode/ configuration. Deliberate
actions include, but are not limited to, selecting the sensitivity consistent with the special application
mode/configuration. One of the following means of a visual indication with identifiable markings shall be provided for
detectors operating in special application mode:

a) At the spot-type or air sampling-type detector, or

b) At the control panel via displayed descriptive information on the specific detector, or

c) At the relevant sampling ports of the air sampling-type detector.

67.5.3 Variable voltage device sensitivity testing Each detector/sensor intended to be used on the SLC shall be within its rated sensitivity limits
when subjected to:

a) The sensitivity test in the Standard for Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Systems, UL 268, or

b) The oven test, the operating temperature test, or the rate-of-rise operation test, (whichever is
applicable) in the Standard for Heat Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems, UL 521.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 145 Three samples of each detector/sensor, calibrated to each end of its production window and set
at the maximum and minimum sensitivity settings, shall be subjected to the test(s) described in
while the control unit is energized from the following conditions:

a) Rated input supply source; and

b) The variable voltage conditions described in the Variable Voltage Operation Test, Section 65. The smoke sensitivity measurements at the increased voltage condition shall vary not more
than +50% from the readings measured at the rated voltage condition and shall not, in any case, exceed
the limits specified in the sensitivity test in the Standard for Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Systems, UL
268. The smoke sensitivity measurements at the reduced voltage condition shall vary not more than
50% from the readings measured at the rated voltage condition and shall not, in any case, exceed the
limits specified in the sensitivity test in the Standard for Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Systems, UL 268. The sensitivity tests on a heat detector shall comply with the test(s) described in, when
the control unit is subjected to the variable voltage conditions described in Devices other than detectors/sensors shall perform their intended signaling function while the
combination control unit/device is subjected to the Variable Voltage Operation Test, Section 65.

67.5.4 Drift compensation Where a product uses a drift compensation algorithm to automatically shift the alarm threshold
to maintain the same overall sensitivity of the smoke detector, the combination shall comply with the
requirements in 60.5.1 – 60.5.3. Two samples of each smoke detector and one sample of the product shall be subjected to the
conditions described in One sample of the smoke detector shall be set at the maximum
production clean air setting and the highest production gain, while the other shall be set at the lowest
production clean air setting and the lowest production gain. While the product is energized from a source of supply in accordance with Table 30.1, each
smoke detector shall be subjected to the sensitivity test described in the sensitivity test in the Standard for
Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Systems, UL 268. The product sensitivity setting for the low gain smoke
detector shall be the least (minimum) sensitivity value and the sensitivity setting for the high gain detector
shall be the most (maximum) sensitivity setting. The measured sensitivities shall be within the rated limits
for the detector. A contamination is then to be introduced into each detector and the product/detector
combination allowed to compensate. The process is to be repeated, increasing the contamination within
the detector, until the detector is at the point where the maximum amount of compensation has been
provided. The sensitivity test described in is to be repeated. This sensitivity shall be within
0.5%/ft. obscuration of the initial sensitivity measurement for the same detector.

67.5.5 Calibrated smoke detector sensitivity confirmation testing When the product is intended to correctly interpret the sensitivity of the smoke detectors as
required in 60.6.1 – 60.6.4, samples of the each smoke detector shall be subjected to the sensitivity test
described in the Standard for Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Systems, UL 268. The measurements shall
be within ±0.5%/ft obscuration of the values displayed on the product or at the point of annunciation of a
trouble condition when the detector is not within the required sensitivity limits, ±0.5%/ft obscuration.
146 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020 While the product is energized from a source of supply in accordance with Table 30.1, two
samples of each smoke detector shall be subjected to the sensitivity test. One sample of the smoke
detector shall be set at the maximum production clean air setting and the highest production gain, while
the other shall be set at the lowest production clean air setting and the lowest production gain.

67.6 Two-wire conventional smoke detectors

67.6.1 General Compatibility between a two-wire smoke detector that receives its power from the initiating
device circuit of a fire alarm system control unit or product is dependent upon the interaction between the
circuit parameters, such as voltage, current, frequency, and impedance, of the detector and the initiating
device circuit. A detector that does not receive its power from the initiating device circuit of a control unit
(conventionally a detector having four or more wires for field connection) may be employed with any
electrically compatible fire alarm system control unit without the need for two-wire smoke detector
compatibility consideration as its connection does not impose any load on the initiating circuit. Under an
alarm condition, the four-wire detector acts as a switch (similar to a manual station or heat detector) to
place the system in alarm. As a two-wire detector obtains its power from the initiating device circuit of a system control unit,
its operation is dependent on the characteristics of the circuit to which it is connected as the detector
imposes a resistive and capacitive load on the circuit. Similarly, the load imposed upon the initiating circuit
by a connected detector must not prevent alarm response by a control unit to a detector in alarm, nor
prevent a trouble response to an open circuit after the last detector. The connection of a two-wire smoke detector is restricted to the specific control units or
initiating-device circuits with which a compatibility evaluation has been made. A supplementary signaling device [such as an audible appliance, relay, or annunciation lamp
(LED)] that is integral with a two-wire smoke detector and that is also powered from an initiating device
circuit of a fire alarm system control unit is not to be used unless its operation, including level of audibility
and light output, is not inhibited under the maximum normal standby and alarm loading conditions
specified in the detector and control unit installation wiring diagrams. In accordance with –, to determine whether any combination of control unit
and smoke detector or detectors is compatible, whether the detectors are the same model or a mixture of
one or more models or types, the tests indicated in – are to be conducted. Products employing initiating circuits intended for connection to two-wire smoke detectors shall
be marked with a compatibility identifier consistent with 96.17(f). To maintain compatibility integrity after a compatible combination has been installed and that
can be affected by replacement detectors or a modification of either the detectors or the control unit, the
product that is changed shall be assigned a different model number, or change in the compatibility
identification marking.

67.6.2 Operating voltage determination The voltage range determined during conditions described in (a) – (e) shall not be
below the minimum, nor above the maximum manufacturer's ratings specified for the control unit initiating
circuit. The ripple voltage shall also be less than the maximum manufacturer's specified rating.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 147 For control unit/smoke detector compatibility considerations, the operating voltage of an
initiating device circuit is determined while the product is operating at each of the conditions specified in
(a) – (e), and with any fault for which the circuit is intended to remain operational as specified for the
particular class in 56.2.1:

a) Rated primary and secondary input voltage, maximum initiating circuit series line resistance, and
rated load conditions.

b) Overvoltage condition of primary input [see 65.2 (a)] with no load on the product, the initiating
circuit disconnected from the end-of-line device, zero initiating circuit line resistance, and the
standby power source connected.

c) Overvoltage condition of the standby input voltage [see 65.2(b)] with no load on the product, the
initiating circuit disconnected from the end-of-line device, zero initiating line resistance, and the
primary power source disconnected.

d) Undervoltage condition [see 65.2 (c)] level of primary input; standby supply disconnected with
maximum rated load and maximum initiating circuit series line resistance connected to the product.

e) Primary supply disconnected, standby voltage adjusted to 85% of marked rated nominal voltage
[see 65.2(d)], maximum load and initiating circuit series line resistance connected to the product. The operating voltage of a two-wire smoke detector is considered compatible with an initiating
device circuit if the detector's operating voltage range coincides with or overlaps the initiating circuit rated
voltage range at both the high and low end.

67.6.3 Alarm threshold impedance The initiating circuit of a product shall be rated to indicate the maximum impedance that will
reliably trip the circuit into the alarm condition. Compliance with is determined by connecting a variable resistor in parallel with the
end-of-line device and slowly reducing the resistance until the product latches into the alarm condition. Where a product is intended to signal a second alarm on the same zone (counting zone), the
variable resistor described in is to be slowly reduced from the first alarm condition until the
product latches into the second alarm condition. The test is repeated for the conditions described in (a) – (e). The lowest resistance
setting recorded that will trip the alarm condition shall be equal to or greater than the rated value.

67.6.4 Maximum current limitations Some two-wire smoke detectors that do not include internal current limitation are susceptible to
damage during the alarm condition if the initiating circuit available current exceeds the detector maximum
current ratings. A two-wire detector is considered compatible with a product initiating circuit when the
maximum available initiating circuit current does not exceed the maximum alarm current rating of the
noncurrent-limited detector, when the circuit is loaded with a single detector, or equivalent impedance, in
the alarm condition. Compliance with is determined by connecting a variable resistor and ammeter across
the initiating circuit and reducing the resistance not less than the minimum equivalent impedance of the
detector in the alarm condition until maximum current is recorded. This test is repeated for the conditions
described in (a) – (e). The maximum recorded current shall not exceed the manufacturer's
148 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

67.6.5 Multiple detector alarm capacity A product initiating circuit intended to respond to or support more than one smoke detector in
the alarm condition shall maintain a rated voltage as determined by (a) – (e) while connected to
the minimum impedance that would be imposed by one or more detectors in the alarm condition. Unless
the product is intended to be compatible with only one smoke detector, the minimum alarm impedance
shall be expressed in range of voltage versus current or impedance values.

67.6.6 Detectors with required accessories and/or optional components Some smoke detectors incorporate required accessories such as LEDs and/or optional
components such as relays and audible devices. These accessories and optional components are
intended to operate during the alarm condition, and therefore, the initiating circuit shall maintain rated
voltage during the alarm condition to provide intended operation of these accessories and optional
components. When a product initiating circuit is intended to be used with a detector as described in,
the product shall be rated to indicate the minimum impedance during the alarm condition (minimum alarm
impedance) that will permit minimum rated alarm condition voltage during conditions specified in
(a) – (e). Unless the product is intended to be compatible with only one smoke detector, the minimum
alarm impedance shall be expressed in range of voltage versus current or impedance values.

67.6.7 Dynamic load immunity A product having initiating-device circuits intended for use with two-wire smoke detectors with
pulsing normal operating current shall not false alarm due to the random pulsing load presented by the
maximum number of detectors permitted to be connected to the circuit. The product is to be energized from a source of rated voltage and frequency and the maximum
number of two-wire smoke detectors specified in the installation wiring diagram are to be connected to an
initiating device circuit. The combination is to be operated in the normal supervisory condition for 30 days.
During that time, no false alarms shall occur. The test is repeated for each type and combination of smoke
detector specified on the installation wiring diagram.

Exception No. 1: A product that provides an alarm retard on the initiating device circuit of 1 – 3 s is not
required to be subjected to the test if the two-wire detectors intended to be connected to the circuits have a
power pulse duration, in seconds, equal to or less than the reciprocal of the maximum number of

Exception No. 2: The impedance representative of the combined peak pulse currents of the maximum
number of smoke detectors specified in the installation wiring diagram pulsing simultaneously is greater
than the minimum normal standby impedance rating (see – for the initiating circuit.

67.6.8 Electrical supervision A product, while connected to the maximum number of two-wire detectors indicated on the
installation wiring diagram, shall provide supervision of an open circuit beyond the last detector in the
initiating device circuit. The trouble signal shall be the same with or without detectors connected. The product shall produce the same type of audible trouble signal when operated in conditions
described in (a), (b), and (d).
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 149

67.6.9 Maximum capacitance loading The initiating circuit of a product shall be rated to indicate the maximum capacitance loading
that can be placed on the circuit without affecting the normal operating characteristics. Compliance with is determined by connecting the maximum specified capacitance in
parallel with the end-of-line device simultaneously with the operation of the product's reset switch and
confirming that the circuit resets to the normal supervisory condition. The test is repeated for the conditions described in (a) – (e).

67.6.10 Alarm reset voltage and time The initiating circuit of a product shall be rated to indicate the maximum alarm reset voltage
and the minimum alarm reset time. Compliance with is determined by activating the reset switch and recording:

a) The highest voltage which remains on the initiating circuit; and

b) The time interval the circuit was de-energized below the maximum specified reset voltage. The test is repeated for the conditions described in (a) – (e). The maximum voltage
recorded shall be equal to or less than the rated value. The minimum time interval measured shall be
equal to or greater than the rated value.

67.6.11 Alarm verification (optional) Products providing alarm verification shall meet the timing requirements specified in 60.2.1 –

67.6.12 Minimum normal standby impedance (optional) The initiating circuit of the product shall be rated to indicate the minimum impedance that will
reliably not trip the circuit into the alarm condition. Compliance with is determined by conducting the test described in – The test is repeated for the conditions described in (a) – (e). The highest impedance recorded that will trip the alarm condition shall be less than the rated

67.6.13 Minimum impedance where second alarm will not occur (optional) The initiating circuit of the product shall be rated to indicate the minimum impedance that will
reliably not result in the occurrence of the second alarm condition for a counting zone. Compliance with is determined by conducting the test described in – The test is repeated for the conditions described in (a) – (e). The highest impedance recorded that will trip the second alarm condition shall be less than the
rated value.
150 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

67.7 Audio amplifier power input/output characteristics tests

67.7.1 The power input to an amplifier shall not exceed the marked rating while delivering rated output
power to the specified load or a resistive load of equivalent magnitude.

67.7.2 An amplifier shall deliver rated output power and voltage to a rated load when a sinusoidal signal
of minimum rated input voltage and having a frequency of 1 kHz is applied to the input circuit of the
amplifier while the amplifier is connected to a source of rated voltage.

67.7.3 An amplifier shall deliver not less than 60 nor more than 120% of rated output power (80 – 110%
of rated output voltage) over an 800 – 2800 Hz bandwidth. The input signal is to be at rated voltage and is
to be constant over the range of signal frequencies, as established at a test signal frequency of 1 kHz.

67.7.4 If the manufacturer specifies a bandwidth for the product that includes frequencies lower than 800
or higher than 2800 Hz, the product shall comply with the requirement of 67.7.3 over these additional
frequency ranges.

67.7.5 For these tests, all operator-accessible gain controls are to be adjusted to impose worst case
(maximum distortion) operating conditions on the system with regard to output (power) to the load.

68 Component Temperature Test

68.1 A product, when operated under any normal condition of intended use and at maximum rated load,
shall not reach a temperature at any point high enough to:

a) Result in a risk of fire or electric shock;

b) Adversely affect any materials in the product; or

c) Exceed the temperature rises at specific points as specified in Table 68.1 and Table 68.2.

Exception: A component with a temperature exceeding that indicated in Table 68.1 is not prohibited from
being used when reliability data at the higher temperature is provided by the manufacturer to justify its use.

Table 68.1
Maximum temperature rises – electronic components

Normal standby (i.e. any long

term fire or smoke control Alarm condition (i.e. short
condition of operation or any term operating condition of
non-fire or non-emergency fire, smoke control, or
operating condition), emergency signaling),
Component or device °F (°C) °F (°C)
1. Capacitorsa 45 (25) 72 (40)
2. Resistors
Carbon 45 (25) 90 (50)
Wire-wound 90 (50) 225 (125)
Other 45 (25) 90 (50)

Table 68.1 Continued on Next Page

MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 151

Table 68.1 Continued

Normal standby (i.e. any long

term fire or smoke control Alarm condition (i.e. short
condition of operation or any term operating condition of
non-fire or non-emergency fire, smoke control, or
operating condition), emergency signaling),
Component or device °F (°C) °F (°C)
In lieu of complying with these temperature limits, a component shall meet the derating parameters specified in Table 58.1 or the
component reliability assessment specified in paragraph 58.2, exception (b) or (c).
In lieu of complying with these temperature limits, a resistor shall not dissipate more than one-half of its maximum power rating
under the test conditions specified or component reliability data based on actual performance in a similar application, or the
Military Handbook, Electronic Reliability Design Handbook, MIL-HDBK-338, or equivalent, such that the failure rate is equal to or
less than 0.5 failures per million hours of operation.
The temperature of a solid-state device (such as a transistor, SCR, or integrated circuit) shall comply with one of the following:
1) Not exceed the temperature limits specified in both a) and b):
a) 50% of its rated junction temperature, or storage temperature when not rated for junction temperature, during the
normal standby condition and during any non-fire or emergency signaling condition.
b) 75% of its rated junction temperature, or storage temperature when not rated for junction temperature, under the alarm
condition or any other short term condition of operation which produces the maximum temperature dissipation of the
For reference purposes, 32°F (0°C) shall be determined as 0%. For integrated circuits, the loading factor shall not exceed
50% of its rating under the normal standby condition and 75% under any condition of operation.
2) Not exceed 100% of its rating under any condition of normal use and the component is subjected to one of the following:
a) For integrated circuits the component complies with the requirements of MIL-STD 883H. For all other solid state
devices (such as diodes, transistors, SCR’s, LEDs) the component complies with the requirements of MIL-STD-750F.
b) A quality control program established by the manufacturer consisting of inspection and testing of all pertinent
parameters of 100% of components either on an individual basis, as part of an assembly, or the equivalent.
c) Each assembled production unit is subjected to a burn-in test under the condition which results in the maximum
temperatures for 24 hr, while connected to a source of rated voltage and frequency in an ambient of at least 120°F (49°C),
followed by an operation test for normal signaling performances.
d) Component reliability data based on actual performance in a similar application, or the Military Handbook "Electronic
Reliability Design Handbook, MIL-HDBK-338" or equivalent, such that the failure rate is equal to or less than 0.5 failures
per million hours of operation.

Table 68.2
Maximum temperature rises – materials and component parts

Materials and component parts °F (°C)

1. Varnished cloth insulation 108 (60)
2. Fuses:
a) Class G, J, L, and CC:
Tube 180 (100)
Ferrule or blade 153 (85)
b) Others 117 (65)
3. Fiber used as electrical insulation 117 (65)
4. Wood and similar combustible material 117 (65)
5. Any point on or within a terminal box on a permanently wired unit (see 95.1.8) 117 (65)
6. A surface upon which a permanently wired unit is mounted in service, and surfaces that are 117 (65)
adjacent to the unit when it is so mounted
7. Enclosure surfaces:

Table 68.2 Continued on Next Page

152 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Table 68.2 Continued

Materials and component parts °F (°C)

a) Surfaces subject to contact during intended use or maintenance:
Metallic 63 (35)
Nonmetallic 108 (60)
b) Other surfaces:
Metallic 81 (45)
Nonmetallic 126 (70)
8. Class 105 (formerly Class A) insulation systems on windings of relays, solenoids, magnets,
transformers, and similar parts:
Thermocouple method 117 (65)
Resistance method 153 (85)
9. Class 130 (formerly Class B) insulation systems on windings of relays, solenoids, magnets,
transformers, and similar parts:
Thermocouple method 153 (85)
Resistance method 189 (105)
10. Class 155 insulation systems on windings of relays, solenoids, magnets, transformers, and similar
Thermocouple method 198 (110)
Resistance method 216 (120)
11. Class 180 insulation systems on windings of relays, solenoids, magnets, transformers, and similar
Thermocouple method 225 (125)
Resistance method 243 (135)
12. Phenolic composition used as electrical insulation or as a part whose malfunction is capable of 225 (125)
resulting in a risk of fire, electric shock, injury to persons or risk from electrical-energy/high-current
13. Insulated conductors, appliance wiring material see note b
14. Sealing compound 72°F (22°C) less than
melting point
15. Printed-wiring board see note c
The limitations on phenolic composition and on rubber and thermoplastic insulation do not apply to compounds that have been
investigated and determined to meet the requirements for use at higher temperatures.
77°F (25°C) less than the established temperature rating of the wire.
Temperatures on the surface of any printed-wiring board shall not exceed the temperature limits of the board.

68.2 All values for temperature rise apply to equipment intended for use with ambient temperatures
normally prevailing in occupiable spaces which usually are not higher than 77°F (25°C). When equipment
is intended specifically for use with a prevailing ambient temperature constantly more than 77°F, the test of
the equipment is to be made with the higher ambient temperature, and the allowable temperature rises
specified in Table 68.1 and Table 68.2 are to be reduced by the amount of the difference between that
higher ambient temperature and 77°F.

68.3 Temperature measurements on equipment intended for recessed mounting are to be made with the
unit installed in the intended manner on or against the black painted surface of an enclosure of 3/4 in (19.1
mm) wood such that the walls of the enclosure make a close fit with the product and extending
approximately 2 in (50.8 mm) on the top, sides and rear, and the front extended to be flush with the
product cover.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 153

68.4 A product shall be connected to a supply circuit of rated voltage. A product having a single
frequency rating is to be tested at that frequency. A product rated AC/DC or DC – 60 Hz is to be tested at
both direct current and 60-Hz alternating current. A product rated 25 – 60 Hz or 50 – 60 Hz is to be tested
on 50-Hz alternating current.

68.5 A product that is rated for use at more than one voltage or for a range of voltages shall be tested at
each supply voltage.

68.6 A product that is rated for use at more than one voltage, or a range of voltages, and contains a
tapped transformer or other means of being adapted to different supply voltages shall be tested at the
most unfavorable combination of supply voltage and voltage adjustment.

Exception: The product is to be tested while connected according to the manufacturer's instructions when
the product is marked according to 95.1.22.

68.7 For the purpose of prescreening, thermocouples consisting of wires not larger than 24 AWG (0.21
mm2) and not smaller than 30 AWG (0.05 mm2), and an infrared temperature probe or the equivalent, are
not prohibited from being employed to identify those components and/or materials in which compliance
with 68.1 is questionable and, therefore, requiring the measurements indicated in 68.8.

68.8 Temperatures are to be measured by thermocouples except the change-of-resistance method shall
be used for coil and winding temperatures where the coil is inaccessible for mounting of thermocouples
(for example, a coil immersed in sealing compound) or where the coil wrap includes thermal insulation or
more than two layers [1/32 in (0.8 mm) maximum in total thickness] of cotton, paper, rayon, or the like.

68.9 Whenever temperature measurements by thermocouples are necessary, thermocouples consisting

of 30 AWG (0.05 mm2) iron and constantan wire and a potentiometer-type instrument are to be used. The
thermocouple wire is to conform with the requirements in the Tolerances on Initial Values of EMF versus
Temperature tables in the Standard Specification and Temperature-Electromotive Force (emf) Tables for
Standardized Thermocouples, ANSI/ASTM E230/E230M.

68.10 The temperature of a copper coil winding is determined by the change-in-resistance method,
wherein the resistance of the winding at the temperature to be determined is compared with the resistance
at a known temperature by means of the formula:

T= (234.5 + t ) 234.5

in which:

T is the temperature to be determined in °C;

R is the resistance in ohms at the temperature to be determined;

r is the resistance in ohms at the known temperature; and

t is the known temperature in °C.

68.11 As it is generally necessary to de-energize the winding before measuring R, the value of R at
shutdown is to be determined by taking several resistance measurements at short intervals, beginning as
quickly as possible after the instant of shutdown. A curve of the resistance values and the time is to be
plotted and extrapolated to give the value of R at shutdown.
154 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

68.12 The circuit of a current-regulating resistor or reactor provided as part of a product is to be adjusted
for the maximum resistance or reactance at rated load.

68.13 Component temperature is to be determined while the product is operated under the following

a) Normal supervisory condition (i.e. any long term fire or smoke control condition of operation or
any non-fire or non-emergency operating condition) until constant temperatures occurs. If the
product is intended to charge standby batteries, this test shall be conducted while connected to a
discharged battery (as defined in 69.2.1 – 69.2.5).

b) Alarm condition (i. e. any short term operating condition of fire, smoke control, or emergency
signaling which produces the maximum component temperature dissipation) under maximum rated
load conditions until constant temperatures occur.

68.14 A temperature is determined to be constant when three successive readings taken at intervals of
10% of the previously elapsed duration of the test, but not less than 5-min intervals, indicate no change.

68.15 In a product having provision for multiple zones, all initiating circuits shall be actuated during the
alarm condition.

68.16 A product which is intended to provide coded impulse signals is to be operated by a testing device,
such as a timer switch, at a rate of 120 impulses per min; except that, if the signal impulses are produced
normally by a device which is a part of the product, the test impulses are to be at the maximum rate
permitted by the design.

68.17 When a time-limit cutout is provided as part of the product, and is not intended to limit the time of
alarm-signal operation, it is to be shunted out of the circuit for the duration of the test.

69 Charging Current Test

69.1 General

69.1.1 This test is to be conducted in conjunction with the Component Temperature Test, Section 68, on
products provided with standby batteries.

69.1.2 Except as indicated in 69.1.3, the test method specified in 69.2.1 – 69.4.1 shall be followed.

69.1.3 Where the product:

a) Specifies 5 min of alarm load;

b) Uses sealed lead acid batteries;

c) Uses the constant voltage charging method or a combination of the constant current and
constant voltage charging method;

d) Specifies a minimum 20% battery de-rating factor in the installation wiring diagram; and

e) Meets all of the following parameters:

1) Float voltage between 2.3 – 2.4 V per cell;

2) Minimum initial charging current is at least C/20 amps as measured using a discharged
battery; and
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 155

3) Maximum rated alarm load is C/2 amps (in which "C" equals amp hour battery capacity),

the test method described in 69.2.1 – 69.4.1 shall be waived. For all testing requiring a discharged battery
load, including the Component Temperature Test, Section 68, a discharged battery or equivalent load set
to draw the maximum charging current shall be placed on the battery-charging circuit-output terminals.

69.2 Discharged battery

69.2.1 The terminal voltage of a battery discharged as specified in 69.2.2 – 69.2.5 shall not be less than
85% of the marked nominal battery voltage.

69.2.2 The battery is first to be charged by applying AC input power to the product for 48 hr, during which
the product is to be operated continuously with normal standby load connected. AC input is then to be
disconnected, and terminal voltage of the battery is to be measured one min after disconnection.

69.2.3 The battery is then to be discharged by maintaining the normal standby load connected to the
output for the applicable period specified in (a), (b), (c), or (d):

a) 4 hr, where secondary (standby) power is intended to be used in conjunction with an automatic-
starting engine-driven generator;

b) 15 min for an uninterruptible power supply (UPS);

c) 24 hr; or

d) A longer than 24-hr period as described in the installation document of the product.

69.2.4 For products which normally have no status change signaling operations during the discharge
period, the normal standby load shall be the quiescent current of the product plus any specified normal
supervisory power supply loads not automatically disconnected upon transfer to secondary power. For
products which will normally have status-change signaling occurring throughout the discharge period
(DACR, RF repeaters) and which draw more operating current when signaling then while in the quiescent
mode, the normal standby load shall be a steady state load equal to the signaling current of the product
plus any specified normal supervisory power supply loads not automatically disconnected upon transfer to
secondary power.

69.2.5 At the conclusion of the discharge period, all products operating alarm notification appliances
used for evacuation or to direct aid to the location of an emergency, with the exception of emergency
voice/alarm communications systems, shall have the maximum rated alarm load applied for 5 min or any
longer period as described in the installation document of the product. Emergency voice/alarm
communications system shall be subjected to 15 min of maximum evacuation alarm load.

Exception No. 1: For an uninterruptible power supply, battery terminal voltage is to be measured at the
end of the 15-min discharge period.

Exception No. 2: Where a combination system includes carbon monoxide signaling, after the 5 min of
carbon monoxide alarm, the maximum carbon monoxide alarm load shall continue to be applied for a
period of not be less than 12 hr. The 5-sec “off” time of the carbon monoxide alarm signal shall be
permitted to be changed to 60 s plus or minus 10%. Additionally, the 12 hr period is permitted to be
capable of eliminated when the product’s installation instructions stipulate the system be monitored by a
supervising station with emergency response, both aspects meeting the Standard for the Installation of
Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detection and Warning Equipment, NFPA 720.
156 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

69.3 Charged battery

69.3.1 The terminal voltage of a battery charged as specified in 69.3.2 shall be at least 95% of the
voltage measured in 69.2.2.

69.3.2 At the conclusion of the test sequence described in 69.2.2 – 69.2.5, AC input power is to be
reapplied to the product for 48 hr. During charging, the product is to be operated continuously with normal
standby load connected. At the conclusion of the 48-hr recharge time, AC power is to be disconnected and
battery terminal voltage measured after one min.

69.4 Discharged battery – second trial

69.4.1 The terminal voltage of a battery shall not be less than 85% of the marked nominal battery voltage
after the battery has been discharged as specified in 69.2.3 and 69.2.5 following charging as specified in

70 Standby Operating Power Test for Releasing Devices

70.1 Releasing device service – extinguishing agents and water suppression

70.1.1 While connected to each releasing device specified in the installation document, products
controlling devices for release of an extinguishing agent shall be capable of activating the releasing device
after 24 hr of operation of the standby source of power with which it is provided. When the primary AC
power to the product is momentarily reconnected prior to operation for extinguishant release, the resulting
internal electrical transients shall not cause false operation of the release mechanism or circuitry.

70.1.2 Where the system configuration employs cross-zone release or single-zone, multiple-detector
actuation, the standby operating source shall be capable of supplying an additional 5-min alarm signal
immediately followed by the capability of releasing the extinguishing agent.

70.1.3 Where a continuous load, such as that created by solenoid release valves, motor mechanisms,
and the like, is specified, the standby operating source shall maintain at least 85% of the rated operating
voltage to the releasing devices after 60 s energization of the release circuit. If voltage is less than 85% of
rated level when 60 s have elapsed, the maximum time during which the standby operating source
maintains the minimum operating voltage (85% of rated voltage) shall be specified in the installation

70.2 Releasing devices – non-extinguishing and non-water based

70.2.1 When required to provide a secondary power source as described in Power Supplies, Section 52
and while connected to each releasing device specified in the installation document, or equivalent load,
products controlling devices for release shall be capable of activating the releasing device after 24 hr of
operation of the standby source of power with which it is provided. When the primary AC power to the
product is momentarily reconnected prior to operation for release, the resulting internal electrical
transients shall not cause false operation of the release mechanism or circuitry.

70.2.2 Where a continuous load, such as that created by motor mechanisms, and the like, is specified,
the standby operating source shall maintain at least 85% of the rated operating voltage to the releasing
devices after 60 s energization of the release circuit. If voltage is less than 85% of rated level when 60 s
have elapsed, the maximum time during which the standby operating source maintains the minimum
operating voltage (85% of rated voltage) shall be specified in the installation document.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 157

71 Variable Ambient Temperature and Humidity Tests

71.1 General

71.1.1 At the test ambient conditions specified in 71.2.1 – 71.4.2:

a) A product shall operate in the intended manner for all conditions of intended use; and

b) A voice amplifier shall meet the requirements of the Voice Amplifier Harmonic Distortion Test,
Section 64.

Exception: Test ambients of 55 ±3°F (13 ±2°C) and 95 ±3°F (35 ±2°C) are permitted to be used and the
humidity test is not required to be conducted when all the following conditions are met:

a) The equipment is intended only for use as proprietary or central station supervising stations,

b) The installation instructions indicate:

1) That the equipment is to be installed in an environment constantly maintained between

the ambient conditions indicated above; and

2) The heating and cooling systems for the controlled environment are supplied by a
standby power source capable of sustaining the systems for a minimum standby time of 24

c) The equipment is marked with the ambient temperature limitations.

71.1.2 The unit is to be energized from a source of rated voltage and frequency, and connected to
maximum rated load as described in 30.2.2.

71.1.3 Where a product has a marked rated input voltage expressed in a range of values rather than a
single value, each test ambient is to be conducted with the unit energized at the voltage where the unit
consumes the maximum power.

71.2 Low temperature test

71.2.1 An indoor dry product (intended for indoor use/dry locations) shall operate as intended following
exposure to air at the lower of the following temperatures:

a) 32 ±3°F (0 ±2°C); or

b) The lowest ambient operating temperature specified in the product's marking.

71.2.2 The unit is to be maintained in the normal supervisory condition at the test ambient until thermal
equilibrium has been reached (4 hr minimum).

71.2.3 An indoor damp and wet product (intended for indoor use in damp or wet locations) shall operate
as intended following exposure to 20 cycles of temperature and humidity cycling. A temperature cycle
consists of a change from a temperature of 77 ±9°F (25 ±5°C) at a humidity of 95 ±2% relative humidity to
the lower temperature indicated in 71.2.1 for a period of 30 min, and back to a temperature of 77 ±9°F at a
humidity of 95% relative humidity. The rate of change shall be 3.6 ±1.8°F (2 ±1°C) per min.

71.2.4 An outdoor damp and wet product (intended for outdoor use in damp or wet locations) shall
operate as intended following exposure to 20 cycles of temperature and humidity cycling. A temperature
cycle consists of a change from an ambient of 77 ±9°F (25 ±5°C) at a humidity of 95 ±2% relative humidity
158 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

to the lower of the temperatures indicated in (a) or (b) for a period of 30 min, and back to a temperature of
77 ±9°F at a humidity of 95 ±2% relative humidity. The rate of change shall be 3.6 ±1.8°F (2 ±1°C) per min.

a) Minus 40 ±3°F (minus 40 ±2°C); or

b) The lowest ambient operating temperature specified in the product's marking.

71.2.5 For the test method, the product is to be placed in a position of intended use in an air-circulating
environmental chamber. The environmental chamber is to be maintained at the appropriate temperature
and humidity indicated in 71.2.1 – 71.2.4. At the completion of the exposure, while at the low temperature
for the period described in 71.2.2, the product is to be operated for the conditions specified in 71.1.1.

71.3 High temperature test

71.3.1 An indoor dry product (intended for indoor use/dry locations) shall operate as intended following
exposure to air at the higher of the following temperatures:

a) 120 ±3°F (49 ±2°C); or

b) The highest ambient operating temperature specified in the product's marking.

71.3.2 The unit is to be maintained in the normal supervisory condition at the test ambient until thermal
equilibrium has been reached (4 hr minimum).

71.3.3 An indoor damp and wet product (intended for indoor use in damp or wet locations) shall operate
as intended following exposure to 20 cycles of temperature and humidity cycling. A temperature cycle
consists of a change from a temperature of 77 ±9°F (25 ±5°C) at a humidity of 95 ±2% relative humidity to
the higher temperature indicated in 71.3.1 for a period of 30 min, and back to a temperature of 77 ±9°F at
a humidity of 95 ±2% relative humidity. The rate of change shall be 3.6 ±1.8°F (2 ±1°C) per min.

71.3.4 An outdoor damp and wet product (intended for outdoor use in damp or wet locations) shall
operate as intended following exposure to 20 cycles of temperature and humidity cycling. A temperature
cycle consists of a change from an ambient of 77 ±9°F (25 ±5°C) at a humidity of 95 ±2% relative humidity
to the higher of the temperatures indicated below for a period of 30 min, and back to a temperature of 77
±9°F at a humidity of 95 ±2% relative humidity. The rate of change shall be 3.6 ±1.8°F (2 ±1°C) per min.

a) 151 ±3°F (66 ±2°C); or

b) The highest ambient operating temperature specified in the product's marking.

71.3.5 For the test method, the product is to be placed in a position of intended use in an air-circulating
environmental chamber. The environmental chamber is to be maintained at the appropriate temperature
and humidity as indicated in 71.3.1 – 71.3.4. At the completion of the exposure, while in the high
temperature test ambient for the period described in 71.3.2 the unit shall be maintained in each condition
of intended use, other than normal supervisory, for a minimum of two hours or until constant temperature
of its parts is reached. The product is then to be operated for the conditions specified in 71.1.1.

71.4 Humidity test

71.4.1 An indoor dry product (intended for indoor use/dry locations) shall operate in the intended manner
after having been exposed for 24 hr to moist air having a relative humidity of 93 ±2% at a temperature of
90 ±3°F (32 ±2°C). At the completion of the exposure, while at the high humidity, the product is then to be
operated for the conditions specified in 71.1.1.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 159

71.4.2 An indoor or outdoor, damp or wet product (intended for indoor or outdoor use, damp or wet
locations) shall operate as intended during and after exposure for 240 hr to air having a relative humidity of
95 ±3% and a temperature of 140 ±3° F (60 ±2° C). At the completion of the exposure, while at the high
humidity, the product is then to be operated for the conditions specified in 71.1.1.

72 Overload Test

72.1 Products supplied from commercial AC power systems

72.1.1 A product that obtains power from commercial AC power systems shall not show manifestation of
a fire or risk of electrical shock and shall be capable of operating as intended after being subjected to 50
cycles of alarm signal operation at a rate of not more than 15 cycles per min with the supply circuit at 115%
of rated voltage, and at rated frequency. During the cycling output circuits that receive energy from the
product's power supply shall be connected as described in 72.1.2 – 72.1.5. Each cycle shall consist of
starting with the product energized in the normal supervisory condition, actuating for alarm, and returning
to the normal supervisory condition. There shall be no electrical or mechanical failure of any of the
components of the product.

Exception: Voice amplifiers meeting the requirements of 72.4.

72.1.2 Rated loads are to be connected to those output circuits of the product that are energized from
the product power supply. The loads shall be those devices normally intended for connection or other
loads that have been determined to be equivalent. Where an equivalent load is used for a device
consisting of an inductive load, the applicable power factor indicated in 72.1.4 is to be used. The rated
loads are established initially with the product connected to rated supply voltage and frequency, following
which the input supply voltage is raised to 115% of rating.

72.1.3 For direct current loads, an inductive load that has been determined to be equivalent is to have
the required direct current resistance for the test current and the inductance (calibrated) to obtain the
applicable power factor indicated in 72.1.4 when connected to a 60-Hz potential equal to the rated direct
current test voltage. When the inductive load has both the required direct current resistance and the
required inductance, the AC current measured with the load connected to an alternating current circuit will
be equal to the rated DC current multiplied by the applicable power factor indicated in 72.1.4.

72.1.4 For output circuits intended for connection to notification appliances, the power factor is to be
0.60. The power factor of a motor load is to be 0.40 to simulate locked rotor conditions. When a circuit is
specified for use in pilot duty applications, the power factor is to be 0.35. A power factor of 1.0 is to be
used for all other applications.

72.1.5 Unless the device controlling a motor circuit has a horsepower rating, it is to be tested with the
motor stalled.

72.1.6 A product for use with a grounded supply circuit is to be tested with the enclosure and all other
normally grounded parts connected through a 15-amp fuse to the grounding conductor of the supply

72.2 Separately energized circuits

72.2.1 A product shall be capable of operating in the intended manner after being subjected to 50 cycles
of signal operation at a rate of not more than 15 cycles per min with the product connected to a source of
rated voltage and frequency and 150% rated loads applied to output circuits which do not receive energy
from the product. There shall be no electrical or mechanical failure of any of the components of the
160 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Exception: This requirement does not apply when the circuit controlled has a power factor less than 75%
and the integral operating device employs the following ratings:

a) A horsepower rating (evaluated on the basis of the ampere equivalent), or

b) A current rating of not less than 200% of the maximum load current.

72.2.2 The test loads shall be set at 150% of rated current while connected to a separate power source
of rated voltage and frequency at the applicable power factor indicated in 72.2.3.

72.2.3 For circuits intended for use with notification appliances, the power factor is to be 0.60 inductive.
The power factor of a motor load is to be 0.40, inductive, to simulate locked rotor conditions. When a
circuit is specified for use in pilot duty applications, the power factor is to be 0.35, inductive. Circuits rated
for use with resistive loads shall use a power factor of 1.0. When no particular load application is specified,
the power factor is to be 0.35, inductive.

72.3 Battery charger transfer mechanism

72.3.1 A product using a transfer mechanism in conjunction with a power-supply battery charger or a
battery charger shall be capable of operating in the intended manner after the transfer mechanism is
subjected to 50 cycles, at a rate of not more than 15 cycles per min, of the greater of the two following

a) 150% of the maximum rated load (normal standby or alarm) current; or

b) One that is equivalent to the maximum inrush current entering a discharged battery connected to
the charging circuitry (a discharged battery is defined in the Charging Current Test, Section 69).

72.4 Voice amplifiers

72.4.1 An amplifier shall operate as intended after operating at 115% of rated supply voltage while
delivering rated output current (sine wave) for at least 1 hr at the frequency that results in the greatest
output voltage (greatest amplifier gain). The output is to be connected to a resistive load equal to the
combined maximum system load intended for use with the amplifier.

72.4.2 Following the 1 hr of operation, the amplifier shall not show evidence of smoke, flame, or non-
operation, or distortion greater than the limits specified in the Voice Amplifier Harmonic Distortion Test,
Section 64.

73 Endurance Test

73.1 General

73.1.1 With the product supply circuit at rated voltage and frequency and with rated devices or
equivalent loads connected to the output circuits, a product shall not show a manifestation of a fire or risk
of electrical shock and shall be capable of operating in the intended manner after being subjected to
repetitive signal operation. In addition, there shall be no electrical or mechanical failure or evidence of
approaching failure of the product components. Based upon the frequency of expected use, each circuit of
the product shall be tested for the number of cycles and at the rate indicated in Table 73.1.

Exception No. 1: When circuits are not capable of the rate indicated in Table 73.1, the test cycle rate shall
be the maximum rate permitted by the design of the product.

Exception No. 2: Voice amplifiers meeting the requirements of 73.7.

MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 161

Exception No. 3: Digital alarm communicators utilized for off-premise signaling shall be subjected to 6000
cycles of signal operation.

Table 73.1
Endurance test cycles

Frequency of use Type operation Total number of operations Operations per min
Daily use Coded 1,000,000 60
Noncoded 30,000 15
Occasional use Codeda 250,000 60
Noncodedb 6,000 15
"Coded" refers to a repetitive group of on-off signals.
"Noncoded" refers to a continuous signal.

73.1.2 The loads or equivalent loads specified in 73.1.1 shall conform to the power factor loading
indicated in 72.1.4.

73.2 Integral operating devices

73.2.1 An operating device supplied as a part of a product [such as a switch, relay, motor, or coding
mechanism (except a time-limit cutout)], shall perform as intended when operated for the number of cycles
and at the rate indicated in Table 73.1. When an electrical load is involved, the contacts of the device are
to make and break the normal current at the rated voltage. The load is to represent that which the device is
intended to control or an equivalent load consistent with 72.2.3. The endurance tests of these devices may
be conducted in conjunction with the endurance test on a product.

Exception: This requirement does not apply when the circuit controlled has a power factor less than 75%,
is not a coded or daily use type operation, and the integral operating device employs the following ratings:

a) A horsepower rating (evaluated on the basis of the ampere equivalent), or

b) A current rating of not less than 200% of the maximum load current.

73.3 Power supplies

73.3.1 A product employing either power-supply circuitry or circuitry for the power-supply battery charger
shall operate as intended following 6000 cycles operation as described in 73.3.2.

Exception: For a control unit employing only a battery charger, the product shall operate as intended after
500 cycles as specified in 73.4.1.

73.3.2 With the input of the product connected to a voltage source in accordance with Table 67.1, a
resistive load or loads drawing maximum rated output power shall be connected to the power supply
output and then alternately applied and removed, or reduced to the manufacturer's specified minimum
value at a rate consistent with 73.1.1. Each cycle is to consist of the load application followed by the load
removal (or reduction) for an equal time.

73.4 Battery charger

73.4.1 For a product employing battery charger circuitry, the input circuit is to be connected to a source
having a rated voltage defined by Table 67.1. A load drawing maximum charging current to a discharged
162 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

battery, as defined in the Charging Current Test, Section 69, is to be applied to the charger circuitry for 5-s
intervals for a total of 500 cycles.

73.5 Printers

73.5.1 A printer, whether separate or integral with a product, shall operate as intended after being
subjected to 500,000 cycles of operation. A cycle shall consist of one full line of print or a status change
recording, whichever is greater. Replacement of ink, ribbons, or other renewable components is
acceptable during the conduct of the test.

73.6 Audible signaling appliance

73.6.1 An audible signaling appliance integral with a product shall operate as intended when the product
is operated for 8 hr of alternate 5-min periods of energization and deenergization, followed by 72 hr of
continuous energization. For this test, the product is to be connected to a source of rated voltage and
frequency. For a battery-operated product, a filtered DC supply is to be used that has an output voltage
equivalent to the fresh battery voltage.

73.7 Voice amplifiers

73.7.1 An amplifier shall operate as intended when operated continuously at full rated speech power for
250 hr.

73.7.2 The amplifier is to be mounted as intended and operated with a sine wave input whose rms value
is adjusted to deliver rated output voltage. The input frequency is to be varied from 800 to 2800 Hz at a
uniform rate, then returned to 800 Hz, so that the amplifier is subjected to 800 to 2800 Hz frequency
sweeps 12 times per min. The output of the amplifier is to be a resistive load equal to the combined
maximum system load intended for use with the amplifier. Gain controls, if provided, are to be adjusted to
the maximum gain setting.

73.7.3 Following 250 hr of operation, there shall not be evidence of flame or smoke, or distortion greater
than the limits specified in the Voice Amplifier Harmonic Distortion Test, Section 64.

74 Jarring Test

74.1 A product shall withstand jarring resulting from impact and vibration without:

a) Resulting in a risk of shock or fire hazard;

b) Causing false signaling operation of any part; and

c) Impairing the subsequent intended operation.

74.2 Product utilizing freestanding, desktop, or other non-wall- or ceiling-type mounting shall comply with
the requirements in 74.1 when subjected to the jarring described in 74.4.

74.3 Products, including batteries, weighing less than 13.6 kg (30 lbs) and utilizing wall or ceiling mount
configurations shall comply with the requirements in 74.1 when subjected to the jarring described in 74.5.
Products weighing 13.6 kg or more and utilizing wall or ceiling mount configurations shall comply with the
requirements in 74.1 when subjected to the jarring described in 74.4 or 74.5. The direct impact shall be
applied to the center of the side of the product intended to be adjacent to the mounting surface during
intended mounting.
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74.4 An impact of 4.08 J (3 ft·lb) is to be applied directly to any nondisplay area of the product by means
of a 535-g (1.18-lb), 51-mm (2-in) diameter steel sphere swung through a pendulum arc from a height (h)
of 775 mm (2.54 ft). The at-rest suspension point of the steel sphere is to be 25.4 mm (1 in) in front of the
plane of the product to be impacted.

74.5 The product is to be mounted as intended to the center of a 1.8- by 1.2-m (6- by 4-ft) nominal 19.1-
mm (3/4-in) thick plywood board secured in place at four corners. A 4.08 J (3 ft·lb) impact is to be applied
to the center of the reverse side of this board by means of a 535 g, 51-mm diameter steel sphere either:

a) Swung through a pendulum arc from a height (h) of 775 mm (2.54 ft) or

b) Dropped from a height (h) of 775 mm depending upon the mounting of the equipment.

See Figure 74.1.

Figure 74.1
Jarring test

74.6 During this test, products other than voice amplifiers shall be connected to a rated source of supply
voltage and tested while in the normal supervisory condition.

74.7 For voice amplifiers, during the jarring, the product is to be in the intended operating condition, and
connected to a rated source of supply voltage, and delivering maximum rated output. Following the jarring,
the product shall comply with the requirements of the Voice Amplifier Harmonic Distortion Test, Section 64.
164 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

75 Time-Limit Cutout Calibration Test

75.1 A notification-alarm circuit time-limit cutout shall operate within 10% of the set point when the circuit
in which it is connected is energized continuously at its maximum rated current and when tested at an
ambient temperature of 77 ±3.6°F (25 ±2°C).

76 Leakage Current Test

76.1 Where a cord-connected product is powered by a source greater than 42.4 V peak, the leakage
current at any exposed surface, or between any accessible part and earth ground, or any other accessible
part with an open potential of greater than 42.4 V peak shall not be more than the following values when
tested in accordance with 76.2 – 76.8:

a) 0.5 mA for an ungrounded (2-wire) portable or stationary;

b) 0.5 mA for a grounded (3-wire) portable product; and

c) 0.75 mA for a grounded (3-wire) stationary.

Exception: Where an electromagnetic radiation suppression filter is necessary for the product to function
as intended, the leakage current is to not be more than 2.5 mA when the product complies with the
following conditions:

a) The product is provided with grounding means in accordance with the applicable requirements
for a cord-connected product in Grounding for Products Containing High-Voltage Circuits, Section

b) With the filter removed from the product, the leakage current does not exceed the limits specified
in 76.1 (b) and (c), as applicable; and

c) The product is marked in accordance with 95.1.15.

76.2 With regard to the requirements in 76.1, leakage current refers to all currents, including capacitively
coupled currents that are capable of being conveyed between exposed conductive surfaces of the
equipment and ground, or between exposed conductive surfaces of the equipment.

76.3 Leakage currents from all exposed surfaces are to be measured to the grounded supply conductor
individually as well as collectively where exposed surfaces are simultaneously accessible, and from one
exposed surface to another where the exposed surfaces are simultaneously accessible. A part is
considered to be an exposed surface unless it is guarded by an enclosure determined to protect against
the risk of electric shock. Surfaces that can be readily contacted by one or both hands of a person at the
same time are determined to be simultaneously accessible. For the purpose of these requirements, one
hand is determined to be able to contact parts simultaneously when the parts are within a 4 by 8 in (102 by
203 mm) rectangle, and two hands of a person are determined to be able to contact parts simultaneously
when the parts are no more than 6 ft (1.8 m) apart.

76.4 Where a conductive surface other than metal is used for the enclosure or part of the enclosure, the
leakage current is to be measured using a metal foil having dimensions of 3.94 by 7.88 in (10 by 20 cm) in
contact with the surface. Where the surface is less than 3.94 by 7.88 in, the metal foil is to be the same
size as the surface. The metal foil is not to remain in place long enough to affect the temperature of the

76.5 The measurement circuit for the leakage current test is to be as illustrated in Figure 76.1. The
measurement instrument is defined in (a) – (c). The meter used for a measurement need only indicate the
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 165

same numerical value for the particular measurement as would the defined instrument. The meter is not
required to have all of the attributes of the defined instrument.

a) The meter is to have an input impedance of 1500 Ω resistive shunted by a capacitance of 0.15

b) The meter is to indicate 1.11 times the average of the full-wave rectified composite waveform of
voltage across the resistor or current through the resistor;

c) Over a frequency range of 0 – 100 kHz, the measurement circuitry is to have a frequency
response (ratio of indicated to actual value of current) that is equal to the ratio of the impedance of
a 1500-Ω resistor shunted by a 0.15 µF capacitor to 1500 Ω. At an indication of 0.5 or 0.75 mA, the
measurement is to have an error of not more than 5% at 60 Hz.

Figure 76.1
Leakage current measurement circuits

Product intended for connection to a 120-V power supply.

Product intended for connection to a 3-wire, grounded neutral 120/240-V power supply, as illustrated above.

Product intended for connection to a 3-wire, grounded neutral 120/240-V power supply, as illustrated above.
A – probe with shielded lead.
B – Separated and used as clip when measuring currents from one part of product to another.
NOTE – 120/240 V circuit also apply to 208Y/120 V supply.
166 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

76.6 Unless the meter is being used to measure the leakage current from one part of a product to
another, the meter is to be connected between the accessible parts and the grounded supply conductor.

76.7 Systems of interconnected equipment with individual connections to primary power shall have each
piece of equipment tested separately. Systems of interconnected equipment with one common connection
to primary power shall be treated as a single piece of equipment. Equipment designed for multiple
(redundant) supplies shall be tested with only one supply connected.

76.8 A sample of the product is to be tested in the as-received condition initially with all switches
indicated below closed, but with its grounding conductor, when provided, open at the attachment plug. A
product that has not been energized for a minimum of 48 hr prior to the test, and that is at room
temperature, is determined to be in the as-received condition. The supply voltage is to be the maximum
voltage marked on the product, in accordance with 30.1.3 or shall be as described in 68.6, but not less
than 120 or 240 V. The test sequence (with regard to Figure 76.1) is to be as follows:

a) With switch S1 open, the product is to be connected to the measuring circuit. Leakage current is
to be measured using both positions of switch S2, and with the product switching devices in all of
their normal operating positions;

b) Switch S1 is then to be closed, energizing the product, and within 5 s the leakage current is to be
measured using both positions of switch S2 and with the product switching devices in all their
normal operating positions;

c) Leakage current is to be monitored until thermal stabilization occurs. Both positions of switch S2
are to be used in determining this measurement. Thermal stabilization is to be obtained by
operation of the product as in the Component Temperature Test, Section 68.

77 Transient Tests

77.1 General

77.1.1 While energized from a source of supply in accordance with Table 30.1, a product shall:

a) Not falsely annunciate alarms or troubles;

b) Not falsely actuate releasing device(s);

c) Not reset during an alarm condition;

d) Experience no electrical or mechanical failure of any components of the product;

e) Operate as intended following the test;

f) As appropriate, retain required stored memory (such as date, type, and location of a signal
transmission) within the unit; and

g) Voice amplifiers shall comply with the requirements of the Voice Amplifier Harmonic Distortion
Test, Section 64 at the conclusion of the test.

when subjected to the tests described in 77.2.1 – 77.4.3.

Exception No. 1: Annunciation of a trouble signal that, either automatically restores or is manually
resettable through the operator interface, is acceptable during the internally induced and field-wiring
transient tests.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 167

Exception No. 2: Supplemental information stored within the product is not required to be retained during
any of the transient tests.

77.1.2 Products intended to interconnect to releasing devices shall be tested with each releasing device
connected as specified in the installation wiring diagram/instructions.

77.2 Externally-induced supply-line transients

77.2.1 A product intended to be powered from commercial AC shall be subjected to supply line
transients induced directly between the power supply circuit conductors of the equipment under test.

77.2.2 For this test, the product is to be connected to a transient generator capable of producing the
Location Category A 100 kHz Ring Wave transients as defined in Recommended Practice on Surge
Voltages in Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits, ANSI/IEEE C62.41.

77.2.3 The product is to be subjected to 500 transient pulses induced at an average rate of 3 pulses
every min. A total of 250 pulses are to be applied so that the transient is induced 90° into the positive
phase with reference to earth ground of the 60 Hz cycle, and the remaining 250 pulses are to be induced
90° into the negative phase with reference to earth ground of the 60 Hz cycle. Of the total 250 pulses at
each polarity, 225 are to be applied with the product in the normal supervisory condition and 25 are to be
applied with the product in the alarm condition.

77.3 Internally-induced transients

77.3.1 The product is to be energized in the intended standby condition from a rated source of supply
that is to be interrupted a total of 500 times. Each interruption is to be for approximately 1 s at a rate of not
more than six interruptions per min. The test is to be conducted for each different type of secondary power
source configuration described in the installation document such as internal battery charging or connection
to a separate battery charger. Where the system configuration involves two or more products, each with
their own AC input, the test is to be conducted by momentarily interrupting the input to all products

77.4 Input/output (low-voltage) field-wiring transients

77.4.1 The product is to be energized in the normal standby condition while connected to a source of
supply in accordance with Table 30.1. All field-wiring circuits are to be tested as specified in 77.4.2 and

Exception: A circuit or cable, other than that for a release suppression device circuit, that interconnects
equipment located within the same room is not required to be subjected to this test.

77.4.2 For this test, each output circuit is to be subjected to the transient waveforms specified in the
following table, as delivered into a 200-Ω load. The transient pulses are to be coupled directly onto the
output circuit conductors of the equipment under test.

Peak voltage level, V Minimum energy level, J Minimum pulse duration, µs Figure No.
2400 1.0 80 Figure 77.1
1000a 0.31 150 Figure 77.2
500a 0.10 250 Figure 77.3
100 0.011 1120 Figure 77.4
Other applied transients having peak voltages representative of the entire range of 100 – 2400 V shall be used in lieu of these
values when the output circuit is only designed specifically to protect against these predetermined values. The transients shall
meet or exceed the specified minimum pulse duration ( Figure 77.5) and minimum energy level ( Figure 77.6) parameters, and
shall have an equal or faster minimum transient pulse rise time than that specified in Figure 77.7.
168 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Figure 77.1
Signal line transients – 2400V curve
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Figure 77.2
Signal line transients – 1000V curve
170 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Figure 77.3
Signal line transients – 500V curve
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 171

Figure 77.4
Signal line transients – 100V curve

Figure 77.5
Minimum transient pulse duration vs. transient peak voltage
172 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Figure 77.6
Minimum transient energy level vs. transient peak voltage
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 173

Figure 77.7
Minimum transient pulse rise time vs. transient peak voltage

77.4.3 Each conductor of a circuit is to be subjected to 40 transient pulses induced at the rate of six
pulses per min as follows:

a) Twenty pulses (four at the 2400 peak voltage level and two at each of the other transient voltage
levels specified in 77.4.2) between each lead or terminal and earth ground, consisting of ten pulses
of one polarity, and ten of the opposite polarity; and

b) Twenty pulses (four at the 2400 peak voltage level and two at each of the other transient voltage
levels specified in 77.4.2) between any two circuit leads or terminals consisting of ten pulses of one
polarity and ten pulses of the opposite polarity.

78 Electric Shock Current Test

78.1 Electric shock current refers to all currents, including capacitively coupled currents.

78.2 When the open circuit potential between any part that is exposed only during user servicing (see
25.2.1) and either earth ground or any other exposed accessible part exceeds 42.4 V peak, the part shall
comply with the requirements in 78.3 – 78.7, as applicable.

78.3 With reference to the requirements in 78.2, parts are determined to be simultaneously accessible
when they can be contacted by one or both hands of a person at the same time. For the purpose of these
requirements, one hand is determined to be able to contact simultaneously parts within a 4 by 8 in (102 by
203 mm) rectangle, and two hands of a person are determined to be able to contact parts simultaneously
when the parts are not more than 6 ft (1.8 m) apart.
174 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

78.4 The continuous current flow through a 500-Ω resistor shall not exceed the values specified in Table
78.1 when the resistor is connected between the exposed part and, either earth ground or any other
exposed accessible part, or all exposed parts collectively when the parts are simultaneously accessible.

Table 78.1
Maximum current during operator servicing

Frequency, Hza Maximum measured current through a 500-Ω resistor, mA

0 – 100 7.1
500 9.4
1,000 11.0
2,000 14.1
3,000 17.3
4,000 19.6
5,000 22.0
6,000 25.1
7,000 or more 27.5
Linear interpolation between adjacent values may be used to determine the maximum current corresponding to frequencies not
shown. The table applies to repetitive nonsinusoidal or sinusoidal waveforms.

78.5 The duration of a transient current flowing through a 500-Ω resistor connected as described in 78.4
shall not exceed 809 mA, regardless of duration, and the value determined by the following equation:

20 2

in which:

T is the interval, in seconds, between the time that the instantaneous value of the current first
exceeds 7.1 mA and the time that the current falls below 7.1 mA for the last time and

I is the peak current in mA.

The interval between occurrences shall be equal to or greater than 60 s when the current is repetitive.
Typical calculated values of maximum measured transient current duration are shown in Table 78.2.

Table 78.2
Maximum transient current duration

Maximum duration (T) of waveform containing excursions

Maximum peak current (I) through 500-Ω resistor, mA greater than 7.1 mA peak
7.1 7.26 s
8.5 5.58
10.0 4.42
12.5 3.21
15.0 2.48
17.5 1.99

Table 78.2 Continued on Next Page

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Table 78.2 Continued

Maximum duration (T) of waveform containing excursions

Maximum peak current (I) through 500-Ω resistor, mA greater than 7.1 mA peak
20.0 1.64
22.5 1.39
25.0 1.19
30.0 919 ms
40.0 609
50.0 443
60.0 341
70.0 274
80.0 226
90.0 191
100.0 164
150.0 92
200.0 61
250.0 44
300.0 34
350.0 27
400.0 23
450.0 19
500.0 16
600.0 12
700.0 10
809.0 8.3

78.6 The maximum capacitance between the terminals of a capacitor that is accessible during user
servicing shall comply with the following equations:

C= 1.43 for 42.4 E 400
E (In E 1.26)

C = 35,288E -1.5364 for 400 E 1000

in which:

C is the maximum capacitance of the capacitor in microfarads and

E is the potential in volts across the capacitor prior to discharge (E is to be measured 5 s after the
capacitor terminals are made accessible, such as by the removal or opening of an interlocked
cover or similar structure).

Typical calculated values of maximum capacitance are shown in Table 78.3.

176 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Table 78.3
Electric shock – stored energy

Potential in volts, across capacitance prior to discharge Maximum capacitance in microfarads

1000 0.868
900 1.02
800 1.22
700 1.50
600 1.90
500 2.52
400 3.55
380 3.86
360 4.22
340 4.64
320 5.13
300 5.71
280 6.40
260 7.24
240 8.27
220 9.56
200 11.2
180 13.4
160 16.3
140 20.5
120 26.6
100 36.5
90 43.8
80 53.8
70 68.0
60 89.4
50 124.0
45 150.0
42.4 169.0

78.7 Current measurements are to be made with any operating control (or adjustable control that is
subject to user operation) in all operating positions, and either with or without a separable connector or
similar component in place. These measurements are to be made with controls placed in the position that
causes maximum current flow.

79 Ignition Test Through Bottom-Panel Openings

79.1 The bottom-panel constructions described in 6.9.1 – 6.9.3 are permitted without testing. Other
constructions can be used when they comply with the test described in 79.2 – 79.5.

79.2 Openings in a bottom panel shall be arranged and sufficiently small in size and few in number so
that hot flaming No. 2 furnace oil poured three times onto the openings from a position above the panel is
extinguished as it passes through the openings.

79.3 A sample of the complete, finished bottom panel is to be supported in a horizontal position a short
distance above a horizontal surface under a hood or in another area that is ventilated but free from drafts.
Bleached cheesecloth running 14 – 15 yd2/lb mass (26 – 28 m2/kg mass) and having what is known to the
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 177

trade as "a count of 32 by 28" (a square 1 in on a side has 32 threads in one direction and 28 in the other
or square 1 cm on a side has 13 threads in one direction and 11 in the other), is to be draped in one layer
over a shallow flat-bottomed pan that is of a size and shape to cover completely the pattern of openings in
the panel but is not sufficiently large to catch any of the oil that runs over the edge of the panel or
otherwise does not pass through the openings. The pan is to be centered under the center of the pattern of
openings in the panel. The center of the cheesecloth is to be 2 in (50 mm) below the openings. Use of
metal screen or wire-glass enclosure surrounding the test area is recommended to keep splattering oil
from causing injury to persons.

79.4 A small metal ladle not more than 2-1/2 in (65 mm) in diameter, with a pouring lip and a long handle
whose longitudinal axis remains horizontal during pouring, is to be partially filled with 0.34 ounces (10 cm3
or 10 ml) of No. 2 fuel oil, which is a medium-volatile distillate having a minimum API gravity of 30° , a flash
point of 110 – 190°F (43.3 – 87.7°C), and an average calorific value of 136,900 Btu/gal (38.2 MJ/L); see
the Standard Specification for Fuel Oils, ASTM D396. The ladle containing the oil is to be heated and the
oil is to be ignited. The oil is to flame for 1 min and then is to be poured at the approximate rate of, but not
less than 0.034 ounces (1 cm3/s or 1 mL/s) in a steady stream onto the center of the pattern of openings
from a position 4 in (100 mm) above the openings. It is to be observed whether the oil ignites the

79.5 Five min after completion of the pouring of the oil, the cheesecloth is to be replaced with a clean
piece and a second 0.34-ounce (10-cm3 or 10-mL) ladle of hot flaming oil is to be poured onto the
openings, again to be observed whether the cheesecloth is ignited. Five min later, a third identical pouring
is to be made. The openings do not comply with the requirement in 79.1 if the cheesecloth is ignited during
any of the three pourings.

80 Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test

80.1 A product shall withstand for 1 min without breakdown, the application of an essentially sinusoidal
AC potential of a frequency within the range of 40 – 70 Hz, or a DC potential, between live parts and the
enclosure, between live parts and exposed dead-metal parts (see 80.2), and between live parts of circuits
operating at different potentials or frequencies (see 80.3). The test potential is to be:

a) For circuits rated 30 V AC rms (42.4 V DC or AC peak) or less – 500 V AC (707 V, when a DC
potential is used);

b) For circuits rated greater than 30 and equal to or less than 150 V AC rms (42.4 and 212 V DC) –
1000 V AC (1414 V, when a DC potential is used);

c) For circuits rated more than 150 V AC rms (212 V DC) – 1000 V AC plus twice the rated voltage
(1414 V plus 2.828 times the rated AC rms voltage, when a DC potential is used).

See 80.4 – 80.6.

80.2 Exposed dead-metal parts are non-current-carrying metal parts that are capable of becoming
energized and are accessible from outside of the enclosure of a product.

80.3 For the application of a potential between live parts of circuits operating at different potentials or
frequencies, the voltage is to be the applicable value specified in 80.1 (a), (b), or (c), based on the highest
voltage of the circuits under test. Electrical connections between the circuits are to be disconnected before
the test potential is applied.

80.4 Where the charging current through a capacitor or capacitor-type filter connected across-the-line, or
from line-to-earth ground is sufficient to prevent maintenance of the specified AC test potential, the
capacitor or filter is to be tested using a DC test potential in accordance with 80.1.
178 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

80.5 The test potential shall be obtained from any convenient source having sufficient capacity to
maintain the specified voltage. The output voltage of the test apparatus is to be monitored. The method of
applying the test voltage is to be such that there are no transient voltages that result in instantaneous
voltage being applied to the circuit exceeding 105% of the peak value of the specified test voltage. The
applied potential is to be:

a) Increased from 0 at a uniform rate so as to arrive at the specified test potential in approximately
5 s; and then

b) Maintained at the test potential for 1 min without an indication of a breakdown.

Manual or automatic control of the rate of rise is not prohibited.

80.6 A printed-wiring assembly or other electronic circuit component that is capable of short-circuiting (or
being damaged by) the test potential, is to be removed, disconnected, or otherwise rendered inoperative
before the test. A representative subassembly is then to be tested instead of an entire unit.

81 Abnormal Operation Tests

81.1 General

81.1.1 When the conditions of intended operation are not representative of all conditions possible in
service, a product shall not present a risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons when operated under
such abnormal conditions.

81.1.2 Continuous operation, malfunction of components, shorting of output circuits, failure of cooling
fans, and likely misuses of the product are examples of conditions to be simulated during the tests in this

81.1.3 During the tests, a single layer of bleached cheesecloth, fabricated at 14 – 15 yd2 to the pound
(26 – 28 m2/lb) and having a thread count of 28 by 32, is to be draped loosely over the entire unit. The
product is to be connected to a power supply as indicated in 30.1.3 and connected in series with a non-
time-delay fuse of the maximum current rating of the branch circuit. Opening of the fuse before any
condition of risk of fire or electrical shock results is considered as meeting the intent of the requirements.
The enclosure, when metallic or employing dead-metal parts, shall be connected to ground either through
a fuse rated to correspond to the input rating of the unit or 3 amp, whichever is less. Only one abnormal
condition is to be simulated at a time.

81.1.4 During these tests, all fuses which are field-renewable by the user and are of an interchangeable
type shall be replaced by a fuse of the same size and voltage rating using the highest available current
rating for that size. Opening of the fuse before any condition of risk of fire or electrical shock results
satisfies the requirement of the test.

Exception: Fuses need not be replaced when the product employs marking identifying the need for using
the indicated fuse(s) located so that it is obvious as to which fuse or fuseholder(s) the marking applies and
where readily visible during replacement of the fuse (s). A single marking is acceptable for a group of
fuses. The marking shall comply with 95.1.25 and shall consist of the word “CAUTION” and the following
or equivalent text: “For continued protection against risk of fire, replace only with same type and rating of

81.1.5 All abnormal conditions are to be continued until ultimate results are obtained, such as burnout or
stabilization of temperatures.

81.1.6 Compliance with the tests specified in this section is met when all of the following occurs:
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 179

a) There is no ignition or charring of the cheesecloth indicator (charring is deemed to have

occurred when the structural integrity of the threads has been destroyed due to the temperature

b) The fuse from the enclosure to ground does not open;

c) Immediately following these tests, the product complies with:

1) The Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test, Section 80, within 1 min of the conclusion of the
test, or

2) The Leakage Current Test, Section 76, when it is not practical to conduct the dielectric
voltage-withstand test due to numerous components electrically connected to the product
chassis or ground.

81.2 Operation

81.2.1 A product that normally would only be operated for a limited time shall be capable of operating
continuously in any condition of normal use possible without risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons.

81.3 Field-wiring circuits

81.3.1 Each output circuit of the product to which field wiring is intended to be connected is to be
individually opened or shorted.

81.3.2 The test condition in 81.3.1 shall be applied one at a time. The abnormal condition shall be
introduced while the equipment is operating in any condition of normal use.

81.4 Electronic components

81.4.1 Capacitors not determined a reliable component as specified in 58.2, shall additionally comply
with the conditions specified in 81.1.1 – 81.1.6 when individually opened and shorted.

81.4.2 All circuit components located in a high-voltage circuit shall be examined using the equipment
circuit diagrams and component specifications to determine those faults that can occur. Examples are
short-circuits and open-circuits of transistors, rectifiers, diodes, and capacitors, faults causing continuous
dissipation in resistors designed for intermittent dissipation, and internal faults in integrated circuits
causing excessive dissipation. The product shall then be operated during each of the fault conditions until
constant temperature or burnout occurs.

Exception No. 1: Components do not require testing when located in circuits meeting one of the following

a) Where the circuit current is limited by 10,000 Ω or more of series impedance in a circuit in which
the voltage is 125 V or less;

b) Where the circuit current is limited by 20,000 Ω or more of series impedance in a circuit in which
the voltage is greater than 125 V but is not greater than 250 V;

c) When the power source supplying the circuit is power limited as specified in Table 66.1 or Table
66.2; or

d) Circuits or devices that have been evaluated for use in high-voltage circuits, such as EMI Line
180 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Exception No. 2: A resistor, an inductor, or an optical isolator is not required to be subjected to this test.

81.4.3 The faults referenced in 81.4.2 shall be applied one at a time. Short circuits shall be applied only
between two terminals of a multi-terminal device at one time. Simulated circuits are also capable of being
used for high-voltage circuit abnormal tests. But when the tests performed on simulated circuits indicate
likely damage to other parts of the equipment to the extent that the safety of the equipment is capable of
being affected, the tests shall be repeated in the equipment. The abnormal condition shall be introduced
while the equipment is operating under intended conditions. This is to be accomplished by jumper leads
and remote switches with consideration given to the effect these devices have on the test.

81.4.4 Three tests of each combination, using untested components for each test, shall be conducted.

Exception: If analysis of the test results and circuit indicate that the result obtained is the only one likely to
occur, the test need be conducted only once.

81.4.5 When the circuit is interrupted by opening of a component, the test is to be repeated twice, using
new components when required. When a printed wiring board trace opens, the gap is to be electrically
shorted and the test continued until ultimate results occur, and the procedure is to be repeated for each
occurrence of a trace opening.

Exception: After opening of an internal overcurrent protective device, the test is not required to be

81.4.6 The test of 81.4.3 is to be continued for 1 hr or until one of the following conditions occurs:

a) Ignition or charring of the cheesecloth indicator (charring is deemed to have occurred when the
structural integrity of the threads has been destroyed due to the temperature rise); or

b) Fuse from the enclosure to ground does opens.

When, at the end of 1 hr, no condition described below has occurred, and it is indicated that such a
condition is imminent, the test is to be continued until ultimate results are obtained (usually 7 hr).

81.4.7 Immediately following each fault described in 81.4.3, within one min of the conclusion of the test,
the product shall be subjected to the Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test, Section 80.

81.5 Cooling fans and blowers

81.5.1 The product shall be operated under the condition which produces the greatest power dissipation
until constant temperature or burnout occurs with all cooling fans and blowers disabled.

81.5.2 The locked-rotor test is to be conducted on the product and operated with the rotor of each
cooling fan and blower motor locked.

Exception: Where a means of limiting the current is inherent in or provided as part of the device, these
features are to be given consideration when conducting the locked-rotor test. These features may be
external to the fan or motor and include, but are not limited to, the following:

a) Nonresettable thermal elements that are integral with fan or motor windings;

b) Wire-wound, or other types of resistors that limit the load current;

c) Positive temperature coefficient (PTC) resistors;

d) Inherent limitation due to impedance of the fan or motor windings; and

MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 181

e) Nonreplaceable fusing elements soldered into the product.

81.5.3 When the fan or motor indicated in 81.5.2 is connected directly to the branch circuit a circuit
representing the branch circuit supplying the motor or fan under test is to be protected by a circuit breaker
rated at least ten times the primary current rating of the fan or motor, but not less than 15 amps. Opening
of the circuit breaker is acceptable when the installation instructions for the product specifies the maximum
overcurrent protection rating to be used for the branch circuit.

81.6 Transformer burnout

81.6.1 A transformer shall be operated under one of the following conditions:

a) A transformer supplying a low-voltage circuit shall be tested with the secondary circuit shorted.

b) A power transformer supplying a high-voltage circuit shall be tested with the secondary circuit
shorted or while connected to a resistive load drawing three times the full rated current, whichever
results in the greater current value.

Exception: Where a means of limiting the secondary circuit current is inherent in or provided as part of the
device, these features are to be given consideration and the burnout test conducted at the maximum load
permitted by the limiting features. These features may be external to the transformer and include, but are
not limited to, the following:

a) Nonresettable thermal elements that are integral with transformer windings;

b) Wire-wound, or other types of resistors that limit the load current;

c) Positive temperature coefficient (PTC) resistors;

d) Inherent limitation due to impedance of the transformer windings; and

e) Non-replaceable fusing elements soldered into the product.

81.6.2 A circuit representing the branch circuit supplying the transformer under test is to be protected by
a circuit breaker rated at least ten times the primary current rating of the transformer, but not less than 15
amps. Opening of the circuit breaker is acceptable when the installation instructions for the product
specifies the maximum overcurrent protection rating to be used for the branch circuit.

81.6.3 The test shall be conducted until constant temperature or burnout occurs.

81.7 Communications circuits

81.7.1 Where a product has provisions for connection to a telephone, telegraph, or outside wiring as
covered by Article 800 in the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, the product shall comply with the
requirements for protection against overvoltage from power line crosses described in the Standard for
Information Technology Equipment – Safety – Part 1: General Requirements, UL 60950-1.

81.8 Evaluation of reduced spacings on printed-wiring boards

81.8.1 In accordance with the Exception of 16.1, printed-wiring board traces of different potential having
reduced spacings shall comply with:

a) The dielectric voltage-withstand test described in 81.8.2 and 81.8.3; or

b) The shorted trace test described in 81.8.4 and 81.8.5.

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81.8.2 A printed-wiring board, as specified in 81.8.1(a), shall withstand for 1 min without breakdown the
application of a dielectric withstand potential between the traces having reduced spacings, in accordance
with 80.1, as appropriate.

81.8.3 Power-dissipating component parts, electronic devices, and capacitors connected between traces
having reduced spacings, are to be removed or disconnected so that the spacings and insulations, rather
than these component parts, are subjected to the full dielectric voltage-withstand test potential.

81.8.4 Printed-wiring board traces, as specified in 81.8.1(b), are to be short-circuited, one location at a
time, and the test is to be conducted as described in 81.1. As a result of this test:

a) The overcurrent protection associated with the branch circuit to the unit shall not open; and

b) A wire shall not open.

When the circuit is interrupted by opening of a component, the test is to be repeated twice, using new
components when required. When a printed wiring board trace opens, the gap is to be electrically shorted
and the test continued until ultimate results occur, and the procedure is to be repeated for each occurrence
of a trace opening.

Exception: After opening of an internal overcurrent protective device, the test is not required to be

81.8.5 The test of 81.8.4 is to be continued for 1 hr or until one of the conditions described below occurs.
When, at the end of 1 hr, no condition described below has occurred, and it is indicated that such a
condition is imminent, the test is to be continued until ultimate results are obtained (usually 7 hr).

a) Ignition or charring of the cheesecloth indicator (charring is deemed to have occurred when the
structural integrity of the threads has been destroyed due to the temperature rise; or

b) Fuse from the enclosure to ground does opens.

81.8.6 Immediately following each fault described in 81.8.4, within one min of the conclusion of the test,
the product shall be subjected to the Dielectric Voltage Withstand Test, Section 80.

82 Tests on Special Terminal Assemblies

82.1 General

82.1.1 To determine its suitability as a field-wiring connection in compliance with 12.5.1 and 12.5.2,
representative samples of the terminal assembly shall comply with all of the tests specified in 82.2.1 –

82.2 Mechanical secureness test

82.2.1 A terminal connection shall withstand the application of a straight pull of 5 lb (22.2 N), applied for
1 min to the wire in the direction which would most likely result in pullout, without separating from the

82.2.2 Six samples of the terminal are to be connected to the wire sizes with which they are intended to
be used, in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. When a special tool is required to assemble
the connection, it is to be used. Each sample is to be subjected to a gradually increasing pull on the wire
until the test pull of 5 lb (22.2 N) is reached.
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82.3 Flexing test

82.3.1 The wire attached to a terminal shall be capable of withstanding an average of 5 right-angle
bends without breaking.

82.3.2 Six terminal assemblies using the maximum wire size and six with the minimum wire size shall be
subjected to this test. The terminal shall be rigidly secured so as to prevent any movement. With the wire
in 3-lb (1.4-kg) tension and held at a point 3 in (82.2 mm) from the terminal-to-wire juncture, the wire shall
be bent at a right angle from the nominal wire position. The wires shall be assembled to the terminals
using any special tool required as specified in the manufacturer's instructions. The tension on the wire
shall be sufficient to hold the wire in a rigid position during the flexing trials.

82.4 Millivolt drop test

82.4.1 The millivolt drop across a terminal connection, using the maximum and minimum wire sizes
intended to be used, shall not be greater than 300 mV with the maximum current of the circuit flowing
through the terminal connection at the rated voltage of the circuit.

82.4.2 Six terminal assemblies using the maximum wire sizes and six assemblies using the minimum
wire sizes shall be subjected to this test. The wires shall be assembled to the terminals using any special
tool, when required, according to the manufacturer's instructions. The millivolt drop shall then be
measured using a high-impedance millivoltmeter with the maximum current, as specified by the
manufacturer, flowing through the connection.

82.5 Temperature test

82.5.1 The maximum temperature rise on a terminal junction with the maximum or minimum wire sizes
with which the terminal is used, shall not be greater than 86°F (30°C) based on an ambient temperature of
77°F (25°C).

82.5.2 Six terminal assemblies using the maximum wire size and six using the minimum wire size are to
be subjected to this test. The wire is to be assembled to the terminals using any special tools, when
required, according to the manufacturer's instructions. The maximum current is then to be passed through
the terminal connection to which the wire will be subjected in service. After temperatures have stabilized,
the maximum temperature rise is to be measured by the thermocouple method in accordance with the
Component Temperature Test, Section 68.

83 Mechanical Strength Test for Metal Enclosures and Guards and Enclosure Parts Secured with

83.1 The following parts of an enclosure or guard of a unit shall withstand a force of 100 lb for 1 min,

applied by means of a hemisphere, 1/2-in (12.7 mm) in diameter, and an impact of 5 ft·lb (7 N·m), applied
by means of a smooth, solid, steel sphere 2 in (50.8 mm) in diameter and having approximately 1.18 lb
(0.54 kg) mass :

a) The enclosure or guard of a unit, when of metal, which do not meet the thickness requirements

in 6.2.1 and Table 6.1 – Table 6.3, or

b) Enclosure parts secured with an adhesive meeting 9.6 – 9.9.


83.2 The sphere in 83.1 is to fall freely from rest through a vertical distance of 51 in (1.3 m) or swung
through a pendulum arc of 51 in as shown in Figure 83.1 without:
184 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

a) Permanent distortion to the extent that spacings are reduced more than 50% of the values
specified in Spacings, Section 16;

b) Transient distortion that results in a reduction of more than 50% of the values specified in
Section 16;

c) Developing openings that do not comply with the requirements in Accessibility of Uninsulated
Live Parts, Film-Coated Wire, and Moving Parts, Section 8; and

d) Developing access to controls required to have limited-accessibility.

MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 185

Figure 83.1
Ball pendulum impact test

1) H is the vertical distance of 51 in (1.3 m).
2) For the ball pendulum impact test, the sphere is to contact the test sample when the cord is in the vertical position as shown.
186 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

84 Radio Frequency Interference Test

84.1 A product shall not false alarm or release, or have its intended operation be impaired during
exposure to radiating radio-frequency sources generated by the devices and appliances described in 84.4.

84.2 To determine compliance with 84.1, the product is to be energized from a source of rated voltage
and frequency, interconnected as described in the installation wiring diagram/instructions, and subjected
to the radio-frequency interference generated from the transceivers described in 84.4. Products intended
to be connected to releasing devices shall have each device connected during the test.

84.3 Voice amplifiers shall comply with the requirements in the Voice Amplifier Harmonic Distortion Test,
Section 64, during and after the exposure described in 84.4.

84.4 The radio-frequency interference sources for the nominal frequencies specified in (a) – (d) are to be
5-W radio transmitters, using random voice messages, whose antennas are placed 30 cm from the
nearest edge of the product under test. The radiating antennas shall be 1/4-wave monopole. The test is to
be conducted with each antenna tip pointed directly at the product, and repeated with the antenna at a
right angle to the first position, centered on the product. The transmitter is to be in the same room as the
product under test.

a) 27 MHz;

b) 150 MHz;

c) 450 MHz;

d) 866 MHz; and

e) 910 MHz.

A total of six energizations in each of the two orientations are to be applied for each nominal frequency,
five to consist of 5 s on and 5 s off, followed by one consisting of a single 15-s energization.

85 Short-Range Radio Frequency (RF) Devices Test

85.1 General

85.1.1 The transmitter/receiver shall comply with the following:

a) The communication between each transmitter and receiver shall uniquely identify each signal

b) The communication shall include means for uniquely identifying each transmitter.

c) The communication message components that identify the individual transmitter shall permit at
least 256 unique combinations. For larger systems, the number of combinations shall be increased
so that the number of combinations available to the system is numerically equivalent to eight times
the maximum number of transmitters that may be used within the system. For example, if 50
transmitters are used, the system's capability shall provide at least 400 unique combinations.

85.1.2 These requirements are applicable to systems using initiating device transmitters, repeater
transceivers (optional) and receiver units with the transmitters operating on a random basis or using two-
way interrogate/response signaling.
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85.2 Reference level determination

85.2.1 The installation document for the system shall include information concerning the following:

a) Minimum signal strength level needed at the receiver to comply with the requirements of this

b) Maximum ambient radio-frequency noise level or minimum signal to noise level which can exist
and still meet the requirements of this section;

c) A description of the equipment and procedures to be used during the installation of the system to
determine whether or not the actual signal strength received is above the minimum acceptable
level and the actual ambient noise level is below the maximum acceptable level.

85.2.2 For the purpose of these requirements, the minimum signal strength required, as declared by the
manufacturer for normal operating performance, is designated as the reference signal level. The ambient
radio-frequency noise level that would not affect normal operating performance is designated as the
maximum ambient noise level (see 56.5.12).

85.2.3 Unless indicated otherwise, the test setup is to employ a transmitter that is to be connected
directly to the receiver via a shielded electrical connection, and all measurements shall be taken in a RF-
shielded room. The signal shall be attenuated such that the level measured at the receiver (using the
method described in 85.2.1) equals the reference signal level or minimum signal to noise level.

Exception: When the transmitter is not capable of being connected via a shielded electrical connection, the
transmission path is to be free field in a RF-shielded room.

85.2.4 For test purposes, products employing spread spectrum technologies shall provide a means to
establish the reference signal level by preventing frequency hopping.

85.3 Interference immunity

85.3.1 A receiver/transmitter combination at the minimum declared reference signal level shall operate
for its intended signaling performance in the noise environment described in 85.3.3.

85.3.2 Operation of the receiver/transmitter combination shall comply with the requirements in 85.7 and
85.8, while in the noise environment.

85.3.3 For the purpose of this requirement, the noise environment is one in which the interference signal
level is equal to the maximum ambient noise level as measured at the receiver in accordance with 85.2.
This condition is intended to test the receiver's ability to discriminate the desired message from
background noise under worse-case conditions.

85.3.4 The noise environment is to be created by a white-noise generator modulating an RF signal

generator in which the frequency is twice the bandwidth about the signaling frequency. The signal strength
and ambient noise levels are to be in accordance with the manufacturer's specified levels (see 85.2.1).
The interference is to either emanate from a tuned 1/2 wave dipole antenna, capable of 360° rotation in
order to vary the polarization, or be injected into the product via a shielded electrical connection.

85.4 Frequency selectivity

85.4.1 Where a product utilizes multiple frequencies, a receiver shall not respond to any signal having:

a) A signal strength equivalent to the most powerful system transmitter; and

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b) A frequency shifted more than two working channel widths of the system, as measured between
the manufacturer's rated upper and lower frequency limits of the receiver/transmitter combination.

For example, when the communication channel is 5 MHz wide, any signal with a similar band width, even
one with identical coding, the receiver shall ignore the center frequency of which is shifted by more than 10

Exception: The requirements in 85.4 are not applicable to products employing spread spectrum

85.4.2 A receiver is to be connected to a source of rated supply and is to be positioned for intended use.

85.4.3 A sample transmitter that is adjusted for receiver-acceptable information is to be tuned to a center
frequency that is shifted from the receiver's tuned center frequency by twice the band width of the
transmitter/receiver combination. The transmitter is then to be repeatedly activated in the manner
specified in 85.4.1. The receiver shall not provide an output to any signal so transmitted.

85.4.4 This test is to be conducted for frequencies above and below the receiver frequency, including at
least ten additional frequencies randomly selected about the center frequency (0.5 MHz – 1.024 GHz) and
outside the frequency as specified in 85.4.1.

85.4.5 The test is to be monitored by a spectrum analyzer or other instrument that has been determined
to be acceptable to verify transmitter output.

85.4.6 For test purposes, where the operating frequency or signal level of a transmitter cannot be varied,
the transmitter may be partially replaced by an RF signal generator or the entire transmitter assembly may
be replaced by a combination of a programmable processor and an RF signal generator. The processor is
to produce the base band signal that modulates the RF signal generator output, when similar signal levels
are generated at the receiver.

85.5 Clash

85.5.1 For the purpose of these requirements, clash is a loss of messages at the receiver as a result of
two or more transmitters being concurrently activated when only one is in off-normal mode so that their
transmitted messages interfere with each other.

Exception No. 1: The requirements in 85.5 are not applicable for products that only permit one device at a
time to communicate on the wireless network such as Listen-Before-Talk (LBT), access protocol, or similar

Exception No. 2: The requirements of 85.5 are not applicable to products utilizing frequency hopping
spread spectrum technology.

85.5.2 The manufacturer shall provide a derivation of the probability of successful signal transmission,
based on the probability of clashes occurring. This derivation shall provide explicit operating parameters
and shall describe all the assumptions and equations used in the derivation.

85.5.3 The clash rate relative to normal status transmissions for each specific message shall not exceed
the following values:

a) 99.99% probability that the time between the initiation of a message alarm signal until it is
received at the receiver does not exceed 10 s;
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 189

b) 99.95% probability that the time between the initiation of a single supervisory message until it is
received at the receiver unit does not exceed 10 s;

c) 99.95% probability that the time between the initiation of a single trouble message until it is
received at the local monitoring unit does not exceed 200 s.

85.5.4 The calculated clash rate for any given system is a function of the:

a) Maximum number of transmitters (transmitters for neighboring systems are not to be


b) Duration of individual transmission;

c) Transmission rate;

d) Coding scheme;

e) Error (falsing) rate; and

f) Prioritization.

When determining this rate for each type of signal noted in 85.5.3 (a) – (c), each specified factor is to be
considered in the evaluation.

85.6 Clash error

85.6.1 For the purpose of this requirement, “clash error” is defined as the misinterpretation by the
receiver of two simultaneous or overlapping valid transmitter messages that results in the receiver locking-
in and annunciating a third (false) message.

Exception No. 1: The requirements in 85.6 are not applicable for products that only permit one device at a
time to communicate on the wireless network such as Listen-Before-Talk (LBT), access protocol, or similar

Exception No. 2: The requirements in 85.6 are not applicable to products employing spread spectrum

85.6.2 A receiver shall demonstrate a zero clash error rate while subjected to the test conditions
described in 85.6.3 – 85.6.5.

85.6.3 The receiver is to be mounted in a position of intended use and energized from a source of rated
supply. Two transmitters, energized from a rated source of AC supply or by a DC power supply in place of
a primary battery, are to be adjusted such that the reference signal level described in 85.2.2 is present at
the receiver. The address of each transmitter shall be set such that the logical “or” of the two addresses is
a valid address recognized by the receiver.

85.6.4 One transmitter is to then be conditioned for continuous alarm transmission. The other transmitter
shall be conditioned to transmit an alarm message at a rate equal to twice the alarm message length for a
total of 100,000 transmissions.

85.6.5 The test described in 85.6.3 and 85.6.4 is to be repeated while one transmitter is conditioned for
continuous alarm message transmission and the other transmitter is conditioned to transmit a normal
supervisory status message at a rate equal to twice the normal supervisory message length for a total of
100,000 transmissions.
190 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

85.7 Error (falsing) rate

85.7.1 For the purpose of these requirements, the error (falsing) rate is a measure of the ability of a
receiver to discriminate between correct and incorrect transmission so that false or erroneous messages
are not accepted by the receiver as valid messages from the various transmitters in the system.

85.7.2 As a measure of compliance with 85.7.1, the error (falsing) rate of the receiver is to be determined
by utilizing the following test procedure:

a) Batteries depleted to the trouble signal level are to be installed in the transmitter. A depleted
battery may be replaced by a circuit arrangement that does not affect the RF characteristic, and
does simulate the characteristics of a depleted battery.

b) The transmitter is to be adjusted so that the receiver receives the reference level signal indicated
in 85.2.2.

c) A counter is to be connected to the transmitter to record the number of messages. The

arrangement is not to interfere with the transmitter output.

d) The transmitter is to be conditioned for continuous transmissions of:

1) 1,000,000 messages with one element incorrect, then

2) 1,000,000 messages with two elements incorrect, and finally

3) 100,000 messages with three elements incorrect;

e) A counter is to be connected to the receiver that will record the number of incorrect messages
accepted as valid messages by the receiver.

f) The transmitter/receiver combination shall comply with Table 85.1. Testing shall be completed at
each of the three conditions of incorrect transmission in the order indicated.

g) When zero incorrect messages having one or two incorrect elements are accepted as valid after
the first 100,000, the testing at that number of incorrect elements per message shall be terminated
and testing at any higher number of incorrect elements per message is not required to be

Table 85.1
Error (falsing) rate test

Number of incorrect elements per Maximum number of incorrect

message Message completed messages accepted as valid
1 1,000,000 2
2 1,000,000 1
3 100,000 0

85.7.3 The test is to be conducted in the noise environment described in 85.3.1 – 85.3.4.

Exception: The noise environment is not applicable to products utilizing spread spectrum technology.

85.8 Throughput rate

85.8.1 For the purpose of this requirement, the throughput rate is a measure of the ability of a receiver to
accurately interpret and execute upon receipt of a correct message in order to achieve a high degree of
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 191

assurance that alarm or emergency messages are not lost. The transmitter/receiver combination shall be
structured so that alarm or emergency messages take precedence over all other signals.

a) The prioritization may be achieved by:

1) Extending the duration of the message,

2) Repeating the alarm message, or

3) Any other means that can be demonstrated to be equivalent.

b) When multiple services are utilized on the same system, the priority levels of signals shall be:

1) Messages associated with life safety,

2) Messages associated with property safety,

3) Supervisory or trouble messages, and

4) All other messages.

85.8.2 The throughput rate of the receiver is to be determined by utilizing the test procedure described in
85.7.1 – 85.7.3, except that only correct messages of each type are to be transmitted. The test results
shall comply with Table 85.2. The test may be terminated after 100,000 cycles rather than 1,000,000 if the
test results comply with the 100,000 messages completed row in Table 85.2.

Table 85.2
Throughput rate test

Maximum number of missed

Type of message Messages completed messages in test conditions
Fire 100,000 4
1,000,000 50
Trouble or supervisory 100,000 19
1,000,000 200
Other 100,000 38
1,000,000 400

85.9 Transmitter stability tests

85.9.1 While subjected to the environmental conditions indicated below, the transmitter/receiver
combination shall complete 500 alarm transmissions as specified in 85.8.1 and 85.8.2, without a signal
being missed.

a) 32 ±3 °F (0 ±2°C) for 3 hr;

b) 120 ±3 °F (49 ±2°C) for 3 hr; and

c) 93 ±2% relative humidity at 90 ±3°F (32 ±2°C) for 24 hr.

85.10 Transmitter accelerated aging test

85.10.1 The transmitter/receiver combination shall complete 500 alarm transmissions as described in
85.8.1 and 85.8.2, without a signal being missed, after the transmitter has been exposed for 30 days to an
192 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

ambient temperature of 158 ±3° F (70 ±2° C), followed by a stabilization period of 24 hr in an ambient
temperature of 73 ±3°F (23 ±2°C).

85.10.2 During the test, the unit is to be powered from either a separate power supply adjusted to the
rated nominal battery voltage, or the battery if it is capable of maintaining nominal voltage for the test

86 Long-Range Radio Frequency (RF) Device Tests

86.1 General

86.1.1 These requirements cover the operation and performance of products and systems that utilize
long-range radio frequency (RF) transmission paths, both one- and two-way, between a transmitter unit
and a receiver.

86.1.2 The transmitter/receiver combination shall comply with the requirements in 86.3.5 while subjected
to the conditions described in the following:

a) The adjacent channel rejection requirements in 86.5.1 – 86.5.3;

b) The intermodulation rejection requirements in 86.6.1 – 86.6.4;

c) The spurious response rejection requirements in 86.7.1 – 86.7.4;

d) The Variable Voltage Operation Test, Section 65; and

e) The Variable Ambient Temperature and Humidity Tests, Section 71.

86.1.3 The transmitter/receiver combination shall also comply with the requirements for error (falsing)
rate and clash described in 86.4.1 – 86.4.6 and 86.8.1 – 86.8.4.

86.2 Reference signal level

86.2.1 For the purpose of these requirements, the minimum signal strength required for normal operating
performance is designated as the reference signal level. The ambient radio-frequency noise level that
would affect normal operating performance is to be designated as the maximum ambient noise level.

Exception: Alternately, the combination of the signal and noise level is to be quantified as a minimum
signal-to-noise ratio.

86.2.2 These values shall be specified by the manufacturer, and a product-specific test procedure shall
be provided by the manufacturer for determining, in the field, whether the actual signal strength received is
above the minimum acceptable level and the actual ambient noise level is below the maximum acceptable
level, or the combination of the signal and noise levels is above the minimum signal to noise ratio.

86.2.3 Unless indicated otherwise, the test setup is to employ a transmitter that is to be connected
directly to the receiver via a shielded electrical connection, and all measurements shall be taken in a RF-
shielded room. The signal shall be attenuated such that the level measured at the receiver (using the
method described in 86.2.2) equals the reference signal level or minimum signal-to-noise level.

Exception: When the transmitter is not capable of being connected via a shielded electrical connection, the
transmission path is to be free field in a RF-shielded room.
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86.3 Throughput rate test

86.3.1 For the purpose of this requirement, the throughput rate is a measure of the ability of a receiver to
accurately interpret and execute upon receipt of a correct signal, in order to achieve a high degree of
assurance that alarm or emergency signals are not lost.

86.3.2 A second RF generator shall be used to produce ambient noise that is to be added to the wanted
signal using a suitable combining network. A white-noise generator modulating the RF generator shall
produce the noise. The frequency shall be varied across the receiver's specified width of the channel and
the signal strength shall be attenuated such that the level measured at the receiver (using the method
described in 86.2.2) equals the maximum ambient noise level.

86.3.3 A method of counting (which does not interfere with the normal transmitter output) shall be
implemented to record the number of transmissions and correctly received messages.

86.3.4 The transmitter/receiver combination shall complete 100,000 alarm transmissions without a signal
being missed, or 1,000,000 alarm transmissions with no more than one signal being missed.

86.3.5 While subjected to the conditions specified in 86.1.2, the transmitter/receiver combination shall
complete 500 alarm transmissions without a signal being missed. The RF generator specified in 86.3.2
shall only be utilized for conditions in 86.1.2 (d) and (e).

86.4 Error (falsing) rate test

86.4.1 For the purpose of this requirement, the error (falsing) rate is a measure of the ability of a receiver
to discriminate between correct and incorrect transmission so that false or erroneous signals are not
accepted by the receiver as valid status indications from the various transmitters in the system.

86.4.2 A second RF generator shall be used to produce ambient noise that is to be added to the wanted
signal using a suitable combining network. A white-noise generator modulating the RF generator shall
produce the noise. The frequency shall be varied across the receiver's specified bandwidth and the signal
strength shall be attenuated such that the level measured at the receiver (using the method described in
86.2.2) equals the maximum ambient noise level.

86.4.3 A method of counting (which does not interfere with the normal transmitter output) shall be
implemented to record the number of transmissions and correctly received messages.

86.4.4 The transmitter is to be conditioned for continuous transmissions of:

a) 1,000,000 messages with one incorrect element, then

b) 1,000,000 messages with two incorrect elements, and finally

c) 100,000 messages with three elements incorrect.

86.4.5 The transmitter/receiver combination shall comply with Table 86.1.

194 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Table 86.1
Error (falsing) rate test

Number of incorrect elements per Maximum number of incorrect

message Messages completed messages accepted as valid
1 1,000,000 2
2 1,000,000 1
3 100,000 0

86.4.6 When zero incorrect messages having one or two incorrect elements are accepted as valid after
the first 100,000 messages at any of the three test conditions (see 86.4.4), the testing at that number of
incorrect elements per message shall be terminated and testing at any higher number of incorrect
elements per message is not required to be conducted.

86.5 Adjacent channel rejection test

86.5.1 For the purpose of this requirement, the adjacent channel rejection is defined as the ability of the
receiver to reject unwanted signals having a carrier frequency spaced one channel above and below that
of the transmitter.

86.5.2 A second RF generator shall be used to produce an unwanted input signal, which is to be added
to the wanted signal using a suitable combining network. The unwanted signal shall be modulated with
400 Hz at 60% of the maximum permissible frequency deviation. The level of the unwanted signal shall be
adjusted such that the ratio of unwanted to wanted signal level is minus 70 dB for channel spacings
greater than or equal to 20 kHz, and minus 60 dB for channel spacings less than 20 kHz.

86.5.3 The receiver/transmitter combination shall comply with the requirements in 86.3.5 while operating
with the unwanted signal spaced one channel above the carrier frequency, and again with the unwanted
signal spaced one channel below the carrier frequency.

86.6 Intermodulation rejection test

86.6.1 The intermodulation rejection is the ability of a receiver to prevent two unwanted input signals,
with a specific frequency relation to the wanted signal frequency, from causing degradation to the
reception of a desired signal.

86.6.2 The receiver/transmitter combination shall comply with the requirements in 86.3.5 while operating
under the conditions described in 86.6.3 and 86.6.4.

86.6.3 Additional RF generators shall be used to produce two unwanted input signals that are to be
added to the wanted signal using suitable combining networks. The first unwanted signal shall be
unmodulated and shall have a frequency 50 kHz above that of the wanted signal. The second signal is to
be modulated with 400 Hz at 60% rated system deviation, and shall have a frequency 100 kHz above that
of the wanted signal. Both signals shall have the same level, which is adjusted such that the ratio of
unwanted to wanted signal is minus 70 dB.

86.6.4 The test shall be repeated as detailed above except that the first unwanted signal is to be
unmodulated and shall have a frequency 50 kHz below that of the wanted signal. The second signal is to
be modulated with 400 Hz at 60% rated system deviation and shall have a frequency 100 kHz below that
of the wanted signal.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 195

86.7 Spurious response rejection test

86.7.1 The spurious response rejection is the ability of a receiver to prevent spurious unwanted input
signals from causing degradation to the reception of a desired signal.

86.7.2 The receiver/transmitter combination shall comply with the requirements in 86.3.5 while operating
under the conditions described in 86.7.3 and 86.7.4.

Exception: In lieu of conducting the throughput at each of the frequencies specified in 86.7.4, the receiver
is to be monitored for SINAD at each frequency. The throughput is then to be conducted with the unwanted
signal adjusted to the frequency which resulted in the lowest SINAD as compared to the SINAD of the
wanted signal, and to a level such that the ratio of unwanted to wanted signal is minus 70 dB.

86.7.3 An additional RF generator shall be used to produce an unwanted input signal that is to be added
to the wanted signal using a suitable combining network. The unwanted signal shall be modulated with
400 Hz at 60% of the maximum permissible frequency deviation.

86.7.4 The frequency of the unwanted signal is to be adjusted to each of the values indicated below. In
each case, the transmitter/receiver combination shall complete 500 alarm transmissions without a signal
being missed. Frequencies in the band width that is ±100 kHz of the receiver frequency are to be

a) Lower Image Frequency (FC – 2 IF);

b) Upper Image Frequency (FC + 2 IF);

c) FC – 1/2 IF;

d) FC + 1/2 IF;

e) FC – IF;

f) FC + IF;

g) FC – Injected frequency;

h) FC + Injected frequency;

i) FC – focs; and

j) FC + focs;

in which:

FC is the carrier frequency;

IF is the intermediate frequency; and

focs is the local oscillator frequency.

86.8 Clash

86.8.1 For the purpose of these requirements, clash is a loss of alarm signal information at the receiver
as a result of multiple transmitters being concurrently activated, as described in Components – Monitoring
for Integrity, Section 58, so that their transmitted signals interfere with each other.

86.8.2 The calculated clash rate for any given system is a function of the following:
196 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

a) Maximum number of transmitters (transmitters for neighboring systems are not to be


b) Duration of individual transmission;

c) Transmission rate;

d) Coding scheme;

e) Error (falsing) rate; and

f) Prioritization.

86.8.3 The manufacturer shall provide a derivation of the probability of successful signal transmission,
based on the probability of clashes occurring. This derivation shall provide an explicit description of the
operating parameters and shall describe all the assumptions and equations used in the derivation.

86.8.4 The clash rate shall be such that:

a) There is a 90% probability that the time between the initiation of a single alarm signal until it is
recorded at the supervising station does not exceed 90 s;

b) There is a 99% probability that the time between the initiation of a single alarm signal until it is
recorded at the supervising station does not exceed 186 s; and

c) There is a 99.999% probability that the time between the initiation of a single alarm signal until it
is recorded at the supervising station does not exceed 450 s.

87 Primary Batteries Test

87.1 Life test

87.1.1 When a primary battery is used, it shall provide power to the unit under intended ambient
conditions for a minimum of one year in the standby condition and then operate the product for a minimum
of 5 min of alarm, followed by 7 days of trouble signal. If the installation instructions of the product indicate
a battery replacement period exceeding one year, the tests specified in 87.2.1 – 87.4.3 shall be conducted
for that specified extended time period.

Exception: Battery life of less than one year (but not less than 6 months) under the ambient conditions
specified in 87.1.2 (a) – (d) is allowed when the product is marked to indicate the ambient limitations for
installation of the product.

87.1.2 Six samples of the battery (or sets of batteries when more than one is used for primary power) are
to be tested under each of the following ambient conditions for the time period determined in 87.1.1 while
connected to the product itself or a simulated load.

a) Room Ambient: 73.4 ±5°F (23 ±3°C), 30 – 50% relative humidity;

b) High Temperature: 120 ±3°F (49 ±2°C);

c) Low Temperature: 32 ±3°F (0 ±2°C);

d) Humidity: 86 ±3°F (30 ±2°C), 85 ±5% relative humidity.

87.1.3 For the test, either product samples or automatic test loads simulating a maximum standby
current drain are to be used. The alarm load is to be the product or an appropriate load simulating
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 197

maximum alarm current conditions. The batteries are to be tested in the mounting clips used in the

87.1.4 Terminals or jacks are to be provided on each test means to facilitate measurement of battery
voltage, standby and alarm currents. The measuring means is to be separated from the battery test means
by a wiring harness at least 3 ft (0.9 m) long, or other equipment that has been determined to be

87.1.5 During the course of the test, the battery voltage and current in standby is to be recorded
periodically. Once a month, the alarm load shall be momentarily connected to the battery for 30 s and the
alarm voltage recorded after 3 s.

87.1.6 At the end of the test period, all batteries shall have sufficient capacity to operate the alarm signal
for a minimum of 5 min, followed by 7 days of trouble signal. When, at the conclusion of the test period and
after 5 min of the alarm condition, the battery voltage level is too high for the product to transmit a trouble
condition, the alarm test period shall continue until the trouble signal level is obtained.

87.2 Battery trouble voltage determination

87.2.1 An increase in the internal resistance, or a decrease in terminal voltage, of a primary battery shall
not impair operation for an alarm signal before a trouble signal is obtained. In addition, any combination of
voltage and resistance at which a trouble signal is obtained shall be greater than the battery voltage and
resistance combination measured over the time period and in the environmental conditions described in

87.2.2 The trouble level of a battery-operated product shall be determined using the test circuit in Figure
87.1 and the voltage-resistance curves of Figure 87.2 for each of the following voltages:

a) Rated battery voltage;

b) Trouble-level voltage (assuming minimal or no series resistance);

c) Voltages between rated and trouble-level voltage.

198 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Figure 87.1
Test circuit
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 199

Figure 87.2
Trouble level determination

A – Rated battery voltage.

B – Trouble level voltage (assuming minimal resistance).
C – Voltage value between rated and trouble level.
D – Trouble level resistance at rated battery voltage.
E – Trouble level resistance at voltage value C.
F – Maximum permissible battery resistance and minimum voltage after 1 year in long-term battery test.
Curve A – Sample plot of voltage vs. resistance (product trouble level curve) at which a trouble signal in a product is obtained.
Curve B – Sample plot of battery internal resistance vs. battery open circuit voltage derived from life battery test. Shape and slope of
curve, as well as point of intersection with Curve A, will vary depending on battery used.
200 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

87.2.3 To determine compliance with 87.2.1, each of three products is to be connected in series with a
variable regulated direct current power supply and a variable resistor as illustrated in Figure 87.1. The
trouble level is to be determined by the following steps:

a) Rated Battery Voltage – The voltage of the power supply is to be set at the rated battery voltage
and the series resistor at 0 Ω. The resistor is to be increased until a trouble signal is obtained. The
product is to be tested for alarm operation at each resistance level and at the trouble signal level;

b) Trouble Level Voltage – With the variable resistor set at 0 Ω, the voltage of the power supply
connected to the unit is to be reduced in increments of 1/10 V/min to the level where the trouble
signal is obtained. The product is to be tested for alarm operation at each voltage level and at the
trouble signal level;

c) Voltage Values Between Rated and Trouble Level Voltages – The voltage of the power supply is
to be set at pre-selected voltages between the rated battery voltage and the trouble level voltage.
The series resistor is then to be increased until a trouble signal is obtained. The product is to be
tested for alarm operation at each resistance and voltage level and at the trouble voltage level. A
sufficient number of voltage values shall be selected to determine the shape of the trouble level

87.2.4 To determine that a battery is capable of supplying alarm and trouble signal power to the product
for the period specified for the product under the environmental conditions indicated in 87.1.1 – 87.1.6,
Curve A of Figure 87.2 is to be plotted from the data obtained in the measurements described in 87.2.3
and compared to Curve B of the above referenced figure, which is plotted from data generated in 87.1.1 –
87.1.6. The intersection of Curves A and B shall not occur before the period specified by the manufacturer
for the product. Additionally, all points of Curve B to the right of the intersection point (extended to the
baseline), shall be below Curve A.

87.3 Battery replacement test

87.3.1 The battery clips intended for connecting a primary battery shall withstand 50 cycles of removal
and replacement of the battery from the battery terminals without any reduction in contact integrity. The
test shall not impair the intended operation of the product.

87.3.2 For this test, a product is to be installed as intended in service and the battery(ies) removed and
replaced as recommended by the manufacturer. The product shall then be tested for intended operation.

87.4 Butt-type connection pressure test

87.4.1 When tested in accordance with 87.4.2 and 87.4.3, fixed butt-type connections of a product shall
apply a minimum of 1.5 lb (6.6 N) force to each battery contact.

87.4.2 Each battery shall be installed as intended and the position of the butt-type mounting connector(s)
noted. The batteries shall be removed and the force needed to depress the butt-type connectors the same
distance shall be measured.

87.4.3 When the connections are dependent upon a polymeric material, the requirement in 87.4.2 is to
be completed after the mold stress-relief distortion test specified in the Standard for Polymeric Materials –
Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 201

88 Strain-Relief Test

88.1 Cord-connected products

88.1.1 When tested in accordance with 88.1.2, the strain-relief means provided on the flexible cord shall
be capable of withstanding for 1 min, without displacement or damage to the wire insulation, a direct pull of
35 lbf (156 N) applied to the cord, with the connections within the product disconnected.

88.1.2 A 35-lb (15.9-kg) weight is to be suspended on the cord and so supported by the product that the
strain-relief means is stressed from any angle that the construction of the product permits. The means of
affording strain relief does not meet the requirement when, at the point of connection of the conductors,
there is movement of the cord indicating stress has been transmitted to soldered connections.

88.1.3 When the strain relief is dependent upon a polymeric material, the requirement in 88.1.2 is to be
completed after the mold stress-relief distortion test specified in the Standard for Polymeric Materials –
Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C, is conducted.

88.2 Field connection leads

88.2.1 Each lead used for field connections, including a battery clip lead assembly, shall withstand for 1
min a pull of 10 lbf (44.5 N) without any evidence of damage or of transmittal of stress to internal soldered
connections. The means of affording strain relief does not meet the requirement when, at the point of
connection of the conductors, there is movement of the wire indicating stress has been transmitted to the
soldered connections.

88.2.2 When the strain relief is dependent upon a polymeric material, the requirement in 88.2.1 is to be
completed after the mold stress-relief distortion test specified in the Standard for Polymeric Materials –
Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C, is conducted.

89 Antenna End-Piece Secureness Test

89.1 An end-piece used to blunt the end of a sharp point shall be capable of withstanding a force of 5 lbf
(22.3 N) applied as described in 89.2.

89.2 The force is to be applied by a weight that exerts a force of 5 lbf (22.3 N) or a steady pull of 5 lbf for
a period of 1 min in any direction permitted by the construction of parts at room temperature. When
polymer materials are involved in the construction of the parts or the securing means, the test is to be
conducted before and after the Component Temperature Test, Section 68. The results of the test do not
meet the requirement when the end-piece pulls free or antenna sections are detached and expose sharp

90 Polarity Reversal Test

90.1 A product intended to be connected to a DC supply or primary battery shall not be damaged or
present a risk of fire or electric shock when connected to rated voltage when each supply connection is of
the incorrect polarity. The incorrect polarity is to be applied until ultimate conditions occur. Opening of a
protective fuse is not prohibited during this test.

90.2 One sample is to be subjected to this test. The product shall then be tested for its intended

90.3 Voice amplifiers shall comply with the requirements in the Voice Amplifier Harmonic Distortion Test,
Section 64, after the conditioning described in 90.1 – 90.2.
202 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

91 Environmental Tests for Marine Applications

91.1 All parts of the system shall comply with the environmental tests specified in the Code of Federal
Regulations Title 46 – Shipping, Chapter I-Coast Guard, Dept. of Transportation, sub-sections 161.002–2
(Types of fire-protective systems), and 161.002-4 (General requirements).

92 Wet Location and Outdoor-Use Tests

92.1 General

92.1.1 A product intended for either indoor/wet or outdoor/wet or damp installations shall be subjected to
the tests indicated in – 92.4.7, unless indicated otherwise.

92.2 Corrosion tests

92.2.1 General A product intended for outdoor/wet or damp locations shall operate as intended following the
tests specified in – Voice amplifiers shall meet the requirements of Voice Amplifier
Harmonic Distortion Test, Section 64. Parts and sections of the product that are not intended to be exposed to weather shall be
protected from exposure to the corrosive atmospheres representative of intended use. The samples are not to be energized during these tests. Two different samples of the product are to be used for each test exposure (total of six

92.2.2 Salt spray test The apparatus and test method for salt spray (fog) testing shall be in accordance with the
Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus, ASTM B117. The test samples are to be suspended vertically in the test chamber for 240 hr (10 days).

92.2.3 Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) test The test samples are to be supported as intended in service in a closed chamber having
openings for gas inlet and outlet for 240 hr (10 days). The chamber is to be maintained at room
temperature during the test. A small amount of water is to be maintained at the bottom of the chamber. An amount of hydrogen sulfide equivalent to 1% of the volume of the test chamber is to be
introduced into the chamber each working day. Prior to each reintroduction of the gas, the chamber is to
be purged of the residual gas-air mixture from the exposure of the previous working day.

92.2.4 Sulfur-dioxide/carbon-dioxide (SO2-CO2) test The test samples are to be supported as intended in service in a closed chamber having
openings for gas inlet and outlet for 240 hr (10 days). The chamber is to be maintained at room
temperature during the test. A small amount of water is to be maintained at the bottom of the chamber.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 203 An amount of sulfur dioxide equivalent to 1% of the volume of the test chamber and an equal
volume of carbon dioxide are to be introduced into the chamber each working day. Prior to each
reintroduction of the gas, the chamber is to be purged of the residual gas-air mixture from the exposure of
the previous working day.

92.3 Dust test

92.3.1 The intended operation of a product intended for outdoors use shall not be impaired by an
accumulation of dust.

92.3.2 A sample in its intended mounting position is to be placed de-energized in an airtight chamber
having an internal volume of at least 3 ft3 (0.02 m2).

92.3.3 Approximately 2 ounces (0.06 kg) of cement dust, maintained in an ambient room temperature of
approximately 73.4 ±3°F (23 ±2°C) at 20 – 50% relative humidity and capable of passing through a 200-
mesh screen (see the Standard Specification for Wire Cloth and Sieves for Testing Purposes, ASTM E11),
is to be circulated for 15 min by means of compressed air or a blower so as to completely envelop the
sample in the chamber. The airflow is to be maintained at an air velocity of approximately 50 ft/min (0.25

92.3.4 Following the exposure to dust, the product is to be removed, mounted in its intended position,
energized from a source of supply in accordance with Details, Section 30, and examined for its intended

92.4 Water spray test

92.4.1 The section of equipment intended to be exposed to an indoor or outdoor wet location shall
withstand a rain exposure for 1 hr without producing a risk of electric shock or affecting the intended
operation. The test shall not result in wetting of live parts.

92.4.2 The product is to be de-energized and tested under the conditions most likely to cause the
entrance of water into the enclosure. Each exposure is to be for 1 hr and, when more than one exposure is
required, drying of the unit prior to the second or subsequent exposure is not required.

92.4.3 Field-wiring connections are to be made in accordance with the wiring method specified for the
product. Openings intended to terminate in conduit are to be sealed. Openings intended for the entry of a
conductor (s) for a low-voltage circuit are not to be sealed unless seals are provided as a part of the

92.4.4 Products employing polymeric material(s) as all or part of the enclosure shall be subjected to the
mold stress-relief distortion test as described in the Standard for Polymeric Materials – Use in Electrical
Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C, prior to conducting this test.

92.4.5 Following each one-hour exposure, the product is to be examined to determine that no electrical
parts are wetted and that there is no accumulation of water within the enclosure.

92.4.6 After each exposure, the complete product shall comply with the requirements of the Dielectric
Voltage-Withstand Test, Section 80. In addition, the product shall operate as intended.

92.4.7 The rain test apparatus is to consist of three spray heads mounted in a water supply rack as
shown in Figure 92.1. Spray heads are to be constructed in accordance with Figure 92.2. The water
pressure for all tests is to be maintained at 5 psi (34.5 kPa) at each spray head. The unit is to be brought
into the focal area of the three spray heads in such position and under such conditions that the greatest
204 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

quantity of water will enter the product. The spray is to be directed at an angle of 45° to the vertical toward
the louvers or other openings closest to live parts.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 205

Figure 92.1
Spray head piping
206 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Figure 92.2
Spray head
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 207

92.5 Gasket testing

92.5.1 General A gasket shall be of a material able to withstand the temperature and use to which it will be
subjected. The gasket material shall be resistant to aging. A gasket that will be disturbed during routine
servicing, such as during battery replacement, shall be formed of resilient material such as neoprene or
silicone rubber. A gasket of neoprene, rubber, neoprene composition, or rubber composition used in a product
intended for wet locations shall be subjected to the test in and, when intended for outdoor use, the
test in and A gasket material other than those specified in meets the intent of the requirement
when determined to have equivalent characteristics, including resistance to aging. Such material is
determined resistant to aging when there is no visible evidence of deterioration (such as cracking, after
flexing, softening, or hardening) after these characteristics are investigated.

92.5.2 Gasket accelerated aging test A gasket of elastomeric materials such as neoprene, rubber, neoprene composition, rubber
composition or flexible cellular material used to prevent the entry of water into a product shall be subjected
to an accelerated aging test as specified in Table 92.1. Results are identified as satisfying the
requirements in – when, following the test, there is no visible evidence of deterioration
such as cracking after flexing, shrinkage, distortion, softening, hardening, or similar deterioration to an
extent that affects the integrity of the seal intended to be provided by the material, when compared to
unaged samples.

Table 92.1
Accelerated aging conditions

Measured temperature risea

More than, Not more than,

°F (°C) °F (°C) Test programb

0 (0) 63 (35) Air-circulating oven aging for 70 hr at 212°F (100°C)
63 (35) 90 (50) Air-circulating oven aging for 168 hr at 212°F (100°C)
90 (50) 99 (55) Air-circulating oven aging for 168 hr at 235°F (113°C)
99 (55) 117 (65) Air-circulating oven aging for 240 hr at 250°F (121°C)
117 (65) 144 (80) Air-circulating oven aging for 168 hr at 277°F (136°C)
144 (80) 216 (120) Air-circulating oven aging for 1440 hr at 320°F (150°C)
216 (120) 225 (125) Air-circulating oven aging for 1440 hr at 316°F (158°C)
225 (125) 234 (130) Air-circulating oven aging for 1440 hr at 327°F (164°C)
234 (130) 252 (140) Air-circulating oven aging for 1440 hr at 345°F (174°C)
252 (140) 270 (150) Air-circulating oven aging for 1440 hr at 363°F (184°C)
270 (150) 288 (160) Air-circulating oven aging for 1440 hr at 381°F (194°C)
288 (160) 306 (170) Air-circulating oven aging for 1440 hr at 399°F (204°C)
306 (170) 315 (175) Air-circulating oven aging for 1440 hr at 410°F (210°C)

Table 92.1 Continued on Next Page

208 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

Table 92.1 Continued

Measured temperature risea

More than, Not more than,

°F (°C) °F (°C) Test programb

315 (175) 333 (185) Air-circulating oven aging for 1440 hr at 428°F (220°C)
333 (185) 351 (195) Air-circulating oven aging for 1440 hr at 446°F (230°C)
351 (195) 369 (205) Air-circulating oven aging for 1440 hr at 464°F (240°C)
369 (205) 387 (215) Air-circulating oven aging for 1440 hr at 482°F (250°C)
387 (215) 405 (225) Air-circulating oven aging for 1440 hr at 500°F (260°C)
Maximum temperature rise measured on the material during the temperature test.
Air-circulating oven temperatures specified have a tolerance of ±3.6°F (±2°C).

92.5.3 Gasket low temperature test – outdoor use The low temperature test is to be conducted on solid elastomer material, and both open and
closed flexible cellular material utilized in products intended for outdoor use. Three specimens of the gasket are to be subjected to 24 ±1/2 hr at minus 40 ±3.6°F (minus 40
±2°C). While at the test temperature, each specimen is to be bent within 5 s around the 0.25-in (6.4-mm)
mandrel to form a U-shaped bend. To minimize heat transfer to the specimen or "O" ring segment, gloves
are to be worn. Each specimen is to be examined for evidence of cracking. Following the test, there shall
be no visible evidence of deterioration such as cracking after flexing, shrinkage, distortion, softening,
hardening, or similar deterioration to an extent that affects the integrity of the seal intended to be provided
by the material, when compared to unconditioned samples.

92.6 Polymeric and adhesive materials tests

92.6.1 A polymeric or adhesive material used for (or as part of) the enclosure of a product intended for
outdoor wet locations shall meet the requirements of the following tests in the Standard for Polymeric
Materials – Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C:

a) The Ultraviolet Light Exposure Test;

b) The Water Exposure and Immersion Test; and

c) The Resistance to Impact Test, which is to be conducted as specified in UL 746C [at a low
temperature of minus 40 ±3°F (minus 40 ±2°C)].

Exception: With regard to (a) and (c), the examination of the property-retention parameters for a polymeric
or adhesive material not used as an enclosure, but attached to or exposed on the outside of the product
such as a viewing window, need only include dimensional change with regard to affecting the water seal,
and translucence such that viewing of required information is prohibited.


93 Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test

93.1 Each product rated at more than 30 V AC rms (42.4 V DC or AC peak) shall withstand, without a
breakdown or leakage of greater than 0.5 mA, as a routine production-line test, the application of an
essentially sinusoidal AC potential of a frequency within the range of 40 – 70 Hz, or a DC potential. The
test potential is to be applied between high-voltage live parts and the enclosure, high-voltage live parts
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 209

and exposed dead-metal parts, and live parts of circuits operating at different potentials or frequencies.
The test potential is to be:

a) For a unit rated at 150 V AC rms or less – either 1000 V (1414 V, when a DC potential is used)
applied for 60 s or 1200 V (1697 V, when a DC potential is used) applied for 1 s.

b) For a unit rated at more than 150 V – either 1000 V plus twice the rated AC rms voltage (1414 V
plus 2.828 times the rated AC rms voltage, when a DC potential is used) applied for 60 s or 1200 V
plus 2.4 times the rated AC rms voltage(1697 V plus 3.394 times the rated AC rms voltage, when a
DC potential is used) applied for 1 s.

93.2 A printed-wiring assembly or other electronic circuit component that will be damaged by or will short
circuit because of the application of the test potential, is to be removed, disconnected, or otherwise
rendered inoperative before the test. Where applicable, a representative subassembly is to be tested
instead of an entire unit. Also where applicable, rectifier diodes in the power supply are to be individually
shunted before the test to avoid destroying them in the case of a malfunction elsewhere in the secondary

93.3 When the unit employs both high-voltage and low-voltage circuits, the test may be conducted with
the low voltage circuits connected to the cabinet, chassis, or other dead-metal parts so that the potential
that is applied between the high-voltage live parts and dead-metal parts will simultaneously be applied
between high-voltage live parts and low-voltage circuits.

Exception: The test potentials may be applied between the primary and core of all high voltage input
transformers located within the product. Other high voltage components and wiring shall be visually
examined to verify that required spacings have been maintained to the enclosure or other dead metal

93.4 A transformer of 500 VA or larger capacity, the output voltage of which is essentially sinusoidal and
can be varied, is to be used to determine compliance with 93.1. The requirement of a 500 VA or larger
transformer may be waived if the high-potential testing equipment used maintains the specified high
potential voltage at the product for the duration of the test.

93.5 The test equipment used for the test in 93.1 is to include a visible indication of application of the test
potential and an audible or visible indication of breakdown. In the event of breakdown, manual reset of an
external switch is to be required, or an automatic reject of the unit under test is to result.

93.6 When the charging current through a capacitor or capacitor-type filter connected across-the-line, or
from line to earth ground, is sufficient to prevent maintenance of the specified AC test potential, the unit is
to be tested using a DC test potential in accordance with 93.1.

94 Grounding-Continuity Test

94.1 Each high-voltage, cord-connected product shall be tested as a routine production-line test to verify
electrical continuity between the device and the grounding blade of the attachment plug.

94.2 For this test, the manufacturer is to employ an acceptable resistance-indicating instrument with
leads and terminals by which the grounding circuit continuity is to be determined.
210 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020


95 Markings

95.1 General

95.1.1 A product shall be plainly and permanently marked in a single language where it will be visible
after installation with the following information:

a) Name or trademark (registered) of manufacturer.

b) Model number or other designation method determined to be equivalent.

c) Electrical ratings, in volts, amperes, or watts, and frequency for a cord-connected product.

d) Use of the product. For a control unit, this shall consist of the word commercial followed by
protected-premises control unit or supervising-station control unit. For products other than a control
unit, this shall consist of a specific use description such as annunciator, DACT interface, monitor
module, end-of-line device, or other appropriate wording. In addition, separately shipped parts or
components of a complete product shall be identified as a subassembly.

e) For a control unit, the type of fire alarm system supported by the product, such as local, local
with shunt-type connection to master box, auxiliary, remote station (protected premises unit),
remote station (receiving unit), proprietary (protected-premises unit), proprietary (receiving unit),
central station (protected-premises unit), central station (receiving unit) releasing, marine,
emergency communication, relocation, or smoke control.

f) Reference to the applicable National Fire Protection Association Installation Standard for each
type of control unit, such as NFPA 12, 12A, 13, 15, 16, 17, 17A, 92, 750, 2001, 2010, or 72.

Exception: The product shall be marked “Install in Accordance with the applicable National Fire
Protection Association Installation Standard for each type of control unit, such as NFPA 12, 12A,
13, 15, 16, 17, 17A, 92, 750, 2001, 2010, or 72” when the product is marked in other than American

g) For a control unit, the type of fire alarm signals intended to be processed by the product (such as
manual fire alarm, automatic fire alarm, supervisory, water flow alarm).

h) Type of signaling for the control unit; coded and/or non-coded, reverse polarity, multiplex, digital
alarm communicator, radio frequency (RF), etc.

i) Each light, switch, meter, and similar part shall be marked adjacent to the component to indicate
the intended function.

j) Reference to an installation wiring diagram, when not attached to the unit, by drawing number
and issue date and/or revision level.

k) The identification of primary batteries for low-power radio transmitters by part number or
manufacturer model number, located adjacent to the component.

l) For a primary battery-operated, low-powered radio transmitter, the word "WARNING" and the
following or equivalent marking shall be included on the unit:

"Use Only Batteries Specified in Marking. Use Of A Different Battery May Have A
Detrimental Effect On Product Operation."

m) Compatibility identifier, consistent with 96.17 (f), for products that provide initiating circuits
intended to be used with two-wire smoke detectors.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 211

Exception: Refer to Section 98 for permanency marking requirements when the product utilizes multiple
languages for the marking.

95.1.2 Unless the correct wiring connections are evident, installation wiring terminals or wire leads shall
be marked to indicate the connections. When connections are not indicated on the unit, the terminals or
leads shall be numbered, colored, or otherwise indicated, and markings on the unit shall correlate with the
installation wiring diagram/instructions.

95.1.3 Marking on the product shall specifically identify all power-limited circuits by terminal designation.

Exception: When the product is of a modular construction and compliance with 95.1.3 cannot be achieved
or would be inappropriate, marking on the product shall identify all modules and the associated circuits
that are power-limited.

95.1.4 Identification of the executive software release level resident in the product as required by 59.1.4.

95.1.5 A unit intended for permanent connection to a wiring system other than a metal-enclosed system
shall be marked to indicate the system(s) for which it is intended. The marking shall be located so that it
will be visible when power connections are being made to the unit.

95.1.6 When a manufacturer produces product model at more than one factory, each unit shall have a
distinctive marking to identify it as the product of a particular factory.

95.1.7 A product shall be marked for its intended installation environment (indoor or outdoor) and
location (dry, damp, or wet).

95.1.8 Products intended for installation in ambients constantly more than 25°C (77°F) or intended for
outdoor use, shall be marked to indicate the rated ambient air temperature.

95.1.9 There shall be legible and durable marking for each replaceable fuse indicating the ampere rating
(and voltage rating when more than 125 V) of the fuse to be used for replacement. The marking shall be
located so that it is obvious which fuse or fuseholder is referenced.

95.1.10 The following marking shall be included on a control unit, separate module, or interface which
incorporates an alarm verification feature. The marking shall consist of the word "WARNING" and the
following or equivalent wording:

Smoke detector
Circuit (zone) Control unit delay, s Model Delay, s

See note (a)

Include detector data or the following or equivalent statement: "The delay (power-up/start-up) time marked on the installation
wiring diagram of the smoke detector or on the installed smoke detector(s) is to be used.”

95.1.11 The subassemblies of a product, intended to be shipped separate from the product, shall be
marked with the name or trademark of the manufacturer, model number or other designation determined
212 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

to be equivalent, and reference to the installation wiring diagram by drawing number and issue date and/or
revision level if not attached to the subassembly. When the product completely consists of subassemblies
that are to be shipped separately, a minimum of one of the subassemblies that will be used in each
product configuration shall be marked with the information required by 95.1.1 (c) – (h) and (m); 95.1.7; and

95.1.12 The marking on an end-of-line device shall include the name or trademark of the manufacturer
and model number. This marking is not prohibited from being on a tag secured to the device.

95.1.13 Accessories other than the end-of-line devices shall be marked with the name or trademark of
the manufacturer, model number, electrical rating in volts, amperes or watts, and frequency for a cord-
connected product, and reference to the installation wiring diagram when not attached to the product.

95.1.14 When, during the temperature test, the temperature on a lead intended to be field installed or on
a surface of the wiring compartment which the lead might contact is more than the 140° F (60° C), the
product shall be marked with the following statement or the equivalent, at or near the points where field
connections will be made, and located so that it will be readily visible during installation. "For Field
Connections, Use Wires Suitable For At Least __ ° F (__ ° C)." The temperature value to be used in the
preceding statement shall be in accordance with Table 95.1.

Table 95.1
Temperature for marking

Temperature attained in terminal box or compartment, Temperature in marking,

°F (°C) °F (°C)
142 – 167 (61 – 75) 167 (75)
168 – 194 (76 – 90) 194 (90)

95.1.15 In accordance with the Exception to 76.1, cord-connected products provided with an
electromagnetic radiation suppression filter and having a leakage current in excess of 0.5 or 0.75 mA
(whichever applies) but less than 2.5 mA, shall be marked with the word "WARNING" and the following or
equivalent statement: "To reduce the risk of electric shock, this product is provided with a grounding type
power supply cord. Connect product to a grounded receptacle."

95.1.16 When the construction of a unit is such that replacing lamps or fuses or resetting circuit breakers
may expose persons to the risk or unintentional contact with normally enclosed high-voltage parts, the unit
shall be marked to indicate plainly that such servicing is to be performed only while the unit is electrically
disconnected from the branch-circuit supply. The marking shall be adjacent to every door or cover that
requires opening before exposing the high-voltage parts.

95.1.17 With reference to the requirement in 6.4.3, a cover shall be marked with the following or
equivalent: "Circuit fuses inside only – contact service representative for replacement or repair." The
marking shall be located on or adjacent to the cover.

95.1.18 When the construction of a unit is such that improper routing of field wiring will expose wire
insulation to rough or sharp edges or subject internal components to damage, a marking shall be provided
in the wiring area to indicate plainly that wiring is to be routed away from sharp projections, corners, and
internal components.

95.1.19 Field-wiring terminal connections to which permanent leads are connected, such as those not
intended to be removed for testing or servicing, shall be marked adjacent to the terminals.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 213

95.1.20 A product intended for installation in air handling spaces and complying with 5.5 shall be marked
"Suitable for Use In Air Handling Spaces" or "Suitable for Use in Other environmental Air Space" in
Accordance with Section 300.22, (C) of the National Electrical Code."

95.1.21 A product whose surface temperatures exceed the limit specified in Table 68.2 shall be marked
with the word "CAUTION" and the following or equivalent wording: "Hot Surface – Avoid Contact." The
marking shall be located on or adjacent to the surface in question.

95.1.22 A product tested using the manufacturer's instructions for voltage adjustment as indicated in the
Exception to 68.6 shall be provided with a marking, as follows:

a) Adjacent to the cord or supply compartment, to warn the user that internal adjustments must be
made when the product is installed or moved and

b) Showing the adjustments that must be made for various voltages.

The marking shall either be on the outside or inside of the overall enclosure of the product where visible at
the points of adjustment.

95.1.23 When push-in terminals are used, the following shall be marked adjacent to the terminals: "Do
Not Use Aluminum Conductors."

95.1.24 A product requiring a stabilizing means as specified in 29.8 shall be marked with the following or
a statement determined to be equivalent: "CAUTION – To reduce risk of possible injury due to instability,
actuate stabilizer before the drawer, gate, or similar part is extended." The marking shall be located where
it is visible to service personnel.

95.1.25 A cautionary marking shall comply with all of the following requirements:

a) The marking shall be permanently attached.

b) The marking shall not be attached to parts removable by hand.

c) The marking shall not be attached to parts likely to be replaced during maintenance or servicing.

Exception: The requirement in (c) is not applicable when the marking is integral with the
replacement part.

d) The marking shall have lettering that complies with the following requirements:

1) The cautionary signal word (such as "DANGER", "WARNING", or "CAUTION") shall be in

letters not less than 7/64 in (2.8 mm) high.

2) The other words shall be in letters not less than 3/32 in (2.4 mm) high and contrasting in
color to the background.

3) When molded or stamped in a material not having a contrasting background color, the
letters shall have a height of not less than 7/64 in (2.8 mm) and a raised (or lowered) depth
of not less than 0.020 in (0.51 mm).

95.1.26 The removal or opening of an enclosure cover or the removal of not more than one mounting
screw, or an equivalent arrangement to view the marking, is determined as complying with the requirement
regarding visibility after installation.
214 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

95.2 Permanence of marking

95.2.1 Markings that are affixed to the outside of a unit, or are cautionary and located inside a unit, shall
be sufficiently durable as to resist the deleterious effects of handling, cleaning agents, and similar action,
anticipated in the intended use.

95.2.2 A marking that is required to be permanent shall be molded, die-stamped, paint-stenciled,

stamped or etched metal that is permanently secured, indelibly stamped lettering on a pressure-sensitive
label secured by adhesive that, upon investigation, is determined to be acceptable for the application.
Ordinary usage, handling, storage, and similar usage of a product are to be considered in the
determination of the permanence of a marking.

95.2.3 Unless it has been investigated and determined to be acceptable for the application, a pressure-
sensitive label or a label that is secured by cement or adhesive and that is required to be permanent shall
comply with the applicable requirements in the Standard for Marking and Labeling Systems, UL 969.

96 Installation Wiring Diagram/Instructions

96.1 An installation wiring diagram shall be provided with each product (other than an end-of-line device)
illustrating the field-connections to be made. The drawing shall be attached to the unit or, when separate,
shall be referenced in the marking attached to the unit by the name or trademark of the manufacturer,
drawing number, and issue date and/or revision level. When separate, a copy shall be supplied with each
individual product or with each single shipment when multiples of the same product are shipped directly to
an end customer in a single shipment.

96.2 The installation wiring diagram referenced in 96.1 and containing the information required in 96.4 –
96.14 shall be made available by one or more of the following means:

a) Marking attached to the product;

b) Separate printed instructions;

c) Electronic instructions within the basic product software; and

d) Electronic media such as CD-ROM, thumb drive, website, etc. or equivalent.

96.3 When the installation wiring diagram is included as described in 96.2 (b), (c), and/or (d), the
installation wiring diagram shall be referenced in the product marking by:

a) Name of trademark of manufacturer;

b) Drawing number and/or the equivalent identification; and

c) Issue date, revision level, and/or release date.

96.4 The drawing shall show the installation terminals or leads to which field connections are to be made
as they would appear when viewed during an installation. The terminal numbers on the unit shall agree
with the numbers on the drawing.

96.5 The information specified in 96.6 – 96.13 shall be included in the installation wiring diagram.

96.6 The following information shall be marked on the installation wiring diagram/instructions for the
applicable circuits to which field connections are made. In addition, each circuit shall be marked to indicate
that the circuit is "Supervised" or is "Not Supervised."
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 215

a) MAIN SUPPLY CIRCUIT – Volts, frequency, and maximum current input or specific power
supply with which it is intended to be used. A terminal for the connection of a grounded conductor
shall be properly identified.

b) RECHARGEABLE BATTERY CIRCUIT – Voltage, maximum circuit current, maximum amp-hour

capacity, type of suitable battery, and expected standby operating time(s).

c) INITIATING DEVICE CIRCUIT – The following information shall be indicated:

1) Reference to the type of devices to be used as well as their intended connection;

2) Initiating devices having integral trouble contacts shall be shown connected to the
initiating device circuit such that transfer of the contacts do not impair alarm signaling from
any other initiating device;

Exception: Initiating devices signaling a trouble condition caused by electrical disconnection

of the device, or by removing the device from its plug-in base.

3) The maximum line impedance.

4) Maximum current, voltage, and frequency.

d) NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CIRCUIT – The following information shall be included:

1) The type of signaling devices and their connection shall be indicated. When the circuit is
intended for the connection of a polarized appliance, the field connections to which the
appliance is to be wired shall be marked with plus or minus (+, -) symbols, or equivalent, to
indicate the proper field connection.

2) Maximum current, voltage, and frequency.

3) The maximum line impedance or equivalent shall be indicated.

4) Each circuit shall be identified by the one of the rating designations shown in Table 67.1.
Circuits identified as special application shall describe by manufacturer's name and model
designation the specific appliance (s) and device (s), along with the maximum number,
intended to be connected to the circuit.

5) Maximum RMS operating current for any single notification appliance that may be
connected to the circuit, where synchronized notification appliances may not be employed.

6) Each circuit shall identify whether synchronized notification appliances are permitted to
be connected. When synchronized notification appliances are to be employed, the
maximum number that may be connected per circuit shall additionally be specified.

e) SUPPLEMENTARY CIRCUITS – Maximum current, voltage, and frequency.

f) SIGNALING LINE CIRCUIT – Maximum current, voltage, and frequency. The maximum line
impedance, line loss attenuation, or equivalent shall be indicated. The instructions shall describe
by manufacturer's name and model designation of the specific appliance (s) intended to be
connected to the circuit.

Exception: Standard protocols identified as RS-232, RS-485, IP, etc., do not require maximum
current, voltage, and frequency ratings.


frequency, and the following, or equivalent wording, shall appear.
216 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

1) For a remote-station receiving unit: "INTENDED FOR CONNECTION TO A POLARITY


2) For a remote-station unit at the protected premises: "INTENDED FOR CONNECTION


In lieu of the above, a drawing of typical connection may be shown which provides equivalent

h) MUNICIPAL BOX CONNECTION – The type of connection, either series (local energy) or shunt,
and the resistance value of the trip coil, the trip current and the maximum voltage and frequency.
When a shunt-type connection is indicated, the following notation shall be added adjacent to the

i) COMMUNICATIONS CIRCUITS – Maximum current and voltage. The maximum line impedance,
line loss attenuation, or equivalent shall be indicated.

Exception: Standard protocols identified as RS-232, RS-485, IP, DAC, etc.

j) POWER OUTPUT CIRCUITS – Each circuit shall be identified as either "Regulated" or "Special
Application". Regulated circuits shall have a single voltage rating and maximum load current rating.
Special application circuits shall describe by manufacturer's name and model designation the
specific appliance(s) intended to be powered by the circuit.

k) LIMITED-ENERGY CIRCUITS – Connections to circuits that may be connected to limited energy

cable shall be identified as "Power-Limited Circuit" or the equivalent. Specific field-wire routing
instructions when required by 12.3.1 shall be included.

l) Where extra terminals are provided to which field connections are not intended, the notation NC
or equivalent shall be employed.

m) RELEASING-DEVICE CIRCUITS – The voltage, frequency, and maximum current. The

instructions shall also describe by manufacturer's name and model designation the specific
releasing device(s) intended to be connected to the circuit.

n) RELAY, OPEN COLLECTOR, (and similar) OUTPUT CIRCUITS – The operation of the
relay/open collector and similar outputs shall be designated as "Common", "Zone", or
"Programmable" and described as specified in 62.8. The loading for the circuit, in current, voltages,
frequency, and power factor, if applicable, shall also be provided.

o) Voice amplifier electrical ratings – signal input voltage and impedance; output voltage; speech
power; evacuate power; low frequency cutoff; and high frequency rolloff in decibels/octave.

96.7 In regard to the requirements in 96.6 (c) – (e), unfiltered half- and full-wave rectified voltages shall
be identified.

96.8 Initiating-device, notification-appliance, and signaling-line circuits shall be designated by class,

consistent with the circuit's capabilities as described in 56.2.1 – 56.4.1. Communication and transmission
paths shall be designated by type, consistent with the path's capabilities as described in 41.2.1 – 41.2.7 for
active multiplex; 41.4.1 – 41.4.7 for two-way private-radio frequency multiplex; and 41.5.1 – 41.5.12 for
one-way private-radio frequency systems.

96.9 Impedance values for testing at which ground faults are annunciated shall be specified.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 217

96.10 Where a product must be mounted in a definite position to function properly, a description of the
correct mounting position shall be indicated.

96.11 For a unit provided with field-wiring terminals as described in 12.5.1 and 12.5.2:

a) When a special tool is required for connection, its use shall be indicated by name of
manufacturer and model number or other designation method that has been determined to be

b) The range of wire sizes shall be indicated on the installation wiring; and

c) When means for testing for an open and a ground fault on the circuit to which the wiring is
connected is not incorporated into the unit, the means shall be indicated.

96.12 Products utilizing radio-frequency signaling shall include at least the following:

a) The minimum signal strength and the maximum ambient noise level shall be indicated;

b) Specific test equipment or specific test method to be used to determine appropriate levels of
signal strength and ambient noise level; and

c) Instructions to test the system for operation upon completion of installation.

96.13 In conjunction with 96.6 (c), (d), and (f), when duplicate terminals are not provided to facilitate
supervision of the installation wiring connections, and there is no provision to prevent looping an unbroken
wire around or under a terminal, the word "CAUTION" and the following or equivalent text shall be
The blanks are to be filled in with the applicable terminal identification.

Exception: Markings are not required for circuits that provide supervision without the need for duplicate

96.14 When the product consists completely of subassemblies that are to be shipped separately, the
installation document for a minimum of one of the subassemblies that will be used in each product
configuration shall list the subassemblies necessary to form a minimum control unit needed for each type
(s) of control unit configuration and the optional subassemblies which are permitted.

96.15 An installation instruction containing the information required in 96.17 – 96.26 shall be made
available by one or more of the following means:

a) Integral with the installation wiring diagram described in 96.1;

b) Separate printed instructions;

c) Electronic instructions within the basic product software;

d) Electronic media such as CD-ROM, floppy disc, website, etc.;

or the equivalent.

96.16 When the installation instructions are included as described in 96.15 (b), (c), and/or (d), the
installation instructions shall be referenced in either the installation wiring diagram or product marking by:

a) Name of trademark of manufacturer;

218 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

b) Drawing number, <URL address>, and/or the equivalent identification; and

c) Issue date, revision level, and/or release date.

96.17 The installation wiring diagram/instructions for a product that provides initiating circuits intended to
be used with two-wire smoke detectors shall include the following information:

a) Maximum rated operating voltage range of the initiating circuit.

b) Minimum (if applicable) and maximum number of detectors including detector name, model
number and compatibility identifier.

c) When a product is intended to handle more than one detector in the alarm condition, the
installation wiring diagram shall so indicate.

d) When a product is intended to handle detectors with optional features, the installation wiring
diagram shall so indicate.

e) A stipulation that detectors of different models are not to be mixed or matched on a system,
unless the system is specifically intended to be installed in that configuration. When mixing is
permitted, specific limitations shall be included.

f) Compatibility identifier number consisting of any six-digit or less alphanumeric combination (such
as a date code, part number, or model number) used to identify the latest revision that has not
resulted in a new model number, but that impacts compatibility.

96.18 Description of the product operation. This shall include, as applicable, the following:

a) Normal standby,

b) Alarm,

c) Alarm test,

d) Alarm silence,

e) Alarm reset,

f) Trouble,

g) Trouble silence,

h) Off-normal position of switches, and

i) Functions of lights or switches.

96.19 Description of the maintenance procedures of the system. This shall include, as applicable, the

a) Fuse replacement;

b) Primary battery replacement (reference to a specific replacement part which must be used with
the product shall be indicated; instructions to replace batteries periodically; the period specified
shall not be greater than the useful life of the battery, which has been determined by test);

c) Rechargeable battery maintenance and replacement (where a rechargeable battery is used,

proper maintenance and testing procedures shall be described); and

d) Maintenance recommendations.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 219

96.20 Description of the testing procedures of the system (this shall include periodic testing

96.21 Units employing the multiple detector operation described in 60.3.1 and 60.3.2 shall include
guidelines for installing of a minimum of two detectors in each protected space and to reduce the detector
installation spacing to 0.7 times the linear spacing in accordance with National Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 72.

96.22 For products utilizing an automatic analog smoke detector sensitivity test feature, the installation
instructions shall specify the extent of the range of time intervals between activations of the automatic test

96.23 The installation instructions for a control unit for releasing service shall describe whether the
operation of the manual release will override an activated abort switch.

96.24 Products complying with 69.1.3 shall include a minimum secondary (standby) battery de-rating
value of 10%, when specifying required standby capacity.

96.25 Where the field-programmable software of a product contains both complying as well as
noncomplying features or parameters as permitted in 59.1.2, the following (or equivalent presentation)
shall be included in the front of the programming manual or the beginning of the program section of the
installation manual:
This product incorporates field-programmable software. In order for the product to comply with the requirements in the Standard for
Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems, UL 864, certain programming features or options must be limited to specific
values or not used at all as indicated below.
Program feature or option Permitted in UL 864? (Y/N) Possible settings Settings permitted in UL 864

96.26 The installation document for products intended for smoke control applications shall include an
explanation of the concepts and requirements for smoke control, consistent with Recommended Practice
for Smoke-Control Systems, NFPA 92A, and Recommended Practice for Smoke-Control Systems in
Malls, Atriums, and Large Areas, 92B, and specifically how the manufacturer's smoke control equipment
can be used to accomplish the intended smoke control functions. Typically, the following shall be included:

a) Concepts and requirements for smoke control strategy;

b) Delineation of the specific control equipment intended to be employed to form smoke control

c) Wiring diagram (s) showing intended interconnection of the equipment, including guidelines for
connection to general HVAC equipment, if separate, as well as to equipment for any required end-
to-end verification process;

d) Examples for implementing the system in various applications, such as a warehouse and a high
rise application; and

e) Programming of the system for the applicable strategies, including an automatic weekly test for
dedicated type systems.

96.27 Where supervising station signal processing equipment meets the requirements of Supervising
Station Signal Processing Equipment, Section 40, the instruction manual shall have a section which
specifically describes the system configuration. This section shall include the following equipment
requirements for the receiving system:
220 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

a) Minimum computer/server specifications –

1) Operating system class, minimum revision level and/or kernel type and revision level.

2) For PC-based systems and servers, the microprocessor manufacturer, type (s)/ family,
and the minimum speed of the microprocessor for which the software is designed to work.
For systems using minicomputers, the basic system model or family as well as the
microprocessor make and its speed designation for which the software is designed to

3) Minimum disk storage space required.

4) Minimum internal memory size.

5) Required features (such as media needs, drivers, etc).

6) Required input/output functionality (such as serial ports, USB ports, and network cards).

7) Minimum release level of the system software.

b) Minimum supervising signal processing system configuration, including list of components

constituting minimum system configuration for redundant/non-redundant systems (including video
terminals, printers, computers, watchdog timers, and similar equipment), and compatible protected
premise units/transmitters and, if applicable, automation systems.

c) Environmental controls – Hardware shall be located in an environment where the temperature is

maintained between 13 – 35 °C (55 – 95°F) or at a level within the temperature rating range of the
equipment, whichever is greater. The environment shall also be maintained within the humidly
range rating of the equipment.

d) HVAC standby power – The HVAC system shall have 24 hr of standby power. The standby
power for the HVAC shall be provided by the central-station's engine-driven generator(s). When the
central-station chooses to do so, it may provide the standby power for the HVAC system by an
uninterruptible power supply (UPS), or similar equipment.

Exception: When the hardware is rated for use in environments with temperatures between 32°F
(0°C) and 120°F (49°C), standby power is not required for the HVAC system.

e) Source of power –

1) The supervising station processing control equipment or the enclosure housing the
control equipment shall have with a permanent means for connection to the branch circuit
supply which shall include provision for installing the supply conductors in conduit.

2) Hardware shall be powered by a UPS that complies with either the Standard for
Uninterruptible Power Systems, UL 1778, or the Standard for Power Supplies for Fire-
Protective Signaling Systems, UL 1481.

3) In order to perform maintenance and repair service, a means for disconnecting the input
to a UPS and output from a UPS while maintaining continuity of power supply to the
automation system shall be provided.

4) When a power conditioner is being used, it shall comply with the Standard for Power
Units Other Than Class 2, UL 1012. In order to perform maintenance and repair service, a
means for disconnecting the input to a power conditioner and output from a power
conditioner while maintaining continuity of power to the automation system shall be
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 221

5) All sources of power for the signal processing equipment shall be within the rated voltage
range of the equipment.

f) Supply-line transient protection – Hardware shall be protected by transient voltage surge

suppressors that comply with the Standard for Surge Protective Devices, UL 1449. The transient
voltage surge suppressors for single-phase, 120/220 V AC systems shall have a marked rating of
330 V or less. The transient voltage surge suppressors for 3-phase, 480 V AC or higher-rated
systems shall have a marked rating of 400 V or less.

g) Signaling-line transient protection –

1) The communication circuits contained within the central-station building and not
connected to the telecommunications network shall be protected by isolated loop circuit
protectors. These protectors shall comply with the Standard for Protectors for Data
Communications and Fire Alarm Circuits, UL 497B, and shall have a marked rating of 50 V
or less.

2) Communication circuits connected to the telecommunications network shall be protected

by secondary protectors for communication circuits. These protectors shall comply with the
Standard for Secondary Protectors for Communications Circuits, UL 497A, and shall have a
marked rating of 150 V or less. These protectors shall be used only in the protected side of
the telecommunications network.

h) Minimum system configuration – List of components constituting minimum system configuration

for required redundancy and/or fault tolerant systems (including CRTs, printers, computers,
watchdog timers, and similar equipment).

i) Software version – Instructions on how to display the software release version.

j) A stipulation that no other software other than the operating system software and anti-
virus/security protection software shall be installed on the primary and backup computer/servers.

96.28 Details on rechargeable standby power calculations, including:

a) Maximum battery amp hour capacity supported by any integral charger;

b) Normal Standby load and time period(s);

c) Alarm load and time period(s); and

d) Incorporate safety margin into the calculated amp hour rating of 20%.

96.29 Consistent with 59.1.8, indication of compatible version of the software employed in compatible
systems, by part number and revision level.

96.30 In accordance with, the signal components from signal generation to and including output
speaker utilized to meet the low frequency signal tone need to be specified.

96.31 Where BSIU software meets the requirements of Section 54A – 54B, the information specified in
Section 54C shall be included in the installation instructions.

96.32 The following information shall be included where a control unit/accessory controls or determines
the special application mode/configuration sensitivity threshold(s) for smoke detectors in accordance with –

a) The statement: “Detectors [Sampling ports] set to the special application sensitivity are not
suitable for use in areas where cooking appliances may be used. If cooking appliances are used
222 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020

within the protected space, a normal application detector or normal application mode or
configuration must be used for that area.”

b) A warning to users that the special application mode of operation is not for general use and may
be more prone to false alarms if used in unsuitable environments.

c) A list of examples of suitable and unsuitable environments for the detector, consistent with the
requirements in (a).

Exception: This information need not be included when It is provided in the installation instructions
of the interconnected smoke detector.

d) A description of potential nuisance alarm sources.

Exception: This information need not be included when It is provided in the installation instructions
of the interconnected smoke detector.

e) A description of the method to configure the detector's special application sensitivity.

f) A description of the method to provide a visual indication with identifiable markings for detectors
operating in the special application mode in accordance with

97 Operating Instructions

97.1 A control unit that is not intended to have an operator in attendance or systems that have
microphones for live voice announcements shall be provided with simple operating instructions. These
instructions shall be on the cabinet front or on a separate sheet that can be framed and located adjacent to
the control unit.

97.2 When separate from the control unit, the instructions shall include the model number of the control
unit and be referenced in the control unit marking by number and issue number and/or date.

97.3 The instructions shall include a capsule description of pertinent conditions applicable to the
particular control unit as described in 96.18 and 96.19.

97.4 In addition to the requirements in 97.1 – 97.3, a blank space shall be provided on the instruction
sheet to fill in the name, address, and telephone number of the local service representative to contact in
the event of trouble.

97.5 Where the instructions appear on a separate sheet, a notation shall be added on the bottom that the
instructions are to be framed and placed adjacent to the control unit for ready reference.

97.6 Operating instructions are not required for a remote station, proprietary, or central station protected
premises unit that has no user operating controls and where all signals are annunciated at the receiving

98 International Languages

98.1 A product is not prohibited from providing manuals, markings, labels, displays, and controls in a
language other than American English. All information necessary to safely operate the panel shall be
provided in the language(s) supported.

98.2 Warning label(s) and marking(s), in the minimum base language, shall be permanently attached to
the product as described in 95.1.1 and 95.1.26.
MAY 7, 2020 UL 864 223

98.3 In addition to 98.2, where the product supports multiple languages, additional language warning
label (s) and marking (s) are not prohibited from being separately provided with the product when the
placement of the warning label(s) and marking(s) are described in the installation instructions. Where field-
installed, each warning label(s) must have a guide mark to insure proper location, or permanently placed
on top of like labels in/on the equipment as described in 95.1.1 and 95.1.26.

98.4 Operator instructions mounted next to the control panel, as described in Section 97, shall include a
capsule description of pertinent conditions, in the language of the equipment.

98.5 Programming and installation instructions. If the programming and installation instructions are
provided in multiple languages, then all language versions shall be provided as required by 96.1 and

98.6 All required marking must be translated into each language provided.
224 UL 864 MAY 7, 2020


Standards for Components

Standards under which components of the products covered by this standard are evaluated include the

Title of Standard – UL Standard Designation

Amplifiers for Fire Protective Signaling Systems – UL 1711

Attachment Plugs and Receptacles – UL 498
Capacitors, Fixed, for Use in Electronic Equipment – Part 14: Sectional Specification: Fixed Capacitors for
Electromagnetic Interference Suppression and Connection to the Supply Mains – UL 60384-14
Circuit-Breaker Enclosures, Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case Swtiches and – UL 489
Communications-Circuit Accessories – UL 1863
Cord Sets and Power-Supply Cords – UL 817
Double Insulation Systems for Use in Electrical Equipment – UL 1097
Electric Fans – UL 507
Electromagnetic Interference Filters – UL 1283
Flexible Cords and Cables – UL 62
Fuseholders – Part 1: General Requirements – UL 4248-1
Fuseholders – Part 6: Class H – UL 4248-6
Information Technology Equipment – Safety – Part 1: General Requirements – UL 60950-1
Insulating Materials – General, Systems of – UL 1446
Lampholders – UL 496
Lithium Batteries – UL 1642
Marking and Labeling Systems – UL 969
Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances, Tests for Flammability of – UL 94
Polymeric Materials – Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations – UL 746C
Power Units, Class 2 – UL 1310
Printed-Wiring Boards – UL 796
Protectors for Data Communications and Fire Alarm Circuits – UL 497B
Protectors for Paired-Conductor Communications Circuits – UL 497
Sharpness of Edges on Equipment, Tests for – UL 1439
Surge Protective Devices – UL 1449
Switches, General-Use, Snap – UL 20
Switches, Special-Use – UL 1054 or
Switches for Appliances – Part 1: General Requirements – UL 61058-1
Tape, Polyvinyl Chloride, Polyethylene, and Rubber-Insulating – UL 510
Terminal Blocks – UL 1059
Transformers, Low Voltage – Part 1: General Requirements – UL 5085-1
Transformers, Low Voltage – Part 2: General Purpose Transformers – UL 5085-2
Transformers, Low Voltage – Part 3: Class 2 and Class 3 Transformers – UL 5085-3
Tubing, Extruded Insulating – UL 224
Wire Connectors – UL 486A-486B
Wires and Cables, Thermoplastic-Insulated – UL 83
Wires and Cables, Thermoset-Insulated – UL 44
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