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What To Know About The 2022 Edition of NFPA 72 Consulting - Specifying Engineer

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What to know about

the 2022 edition of
The 2022 edition of NFPA 72 has a
number of changes. These changes can be
implemented before the adoption of the
code to enhance a fire alarm’s system

Courtesy: Ray Grill Consulting PLLC

Learning Objectives
• Learn the key changes between the 2019 and 2022
editions of NFPA 72.
• Gain an understanding of changes impacting fire alarm
system design.
• Become familiar with the organization of NFPA 72.

If you haven’t checked your inbox lately, you may

have missed it. The 2022 edition of NFPA 72:
National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code has been
published and there are quite a few changes that
will impact <re alarm design.

While the 2022 edition

won’t be applied for some
time in most jurisdictions,
there are a number of
changes to be aware of that
could be incorporated into a
<re alarm design before the
adoption of the 2022 edition. If new code
requirements are used that could be considered
less restrictive than the current code provision,
the authority having jurisdiction should be
consulted to con<rm that they will accept the
new provisions.

New code requirements could be accepted under

the equivalency provisions of the code. Federal
government agencies typically apply the most
recently published NFPA standards at the time of
contracting for design services. If you are doing
federal government work, you may be required to
use the 2022 edition of NFPA 72 now.

This article addresses changes believed to be

signi<cant. It doesn’t address every change
between the 2019 and the 2022 editions of NFPA

Figure 1: Multiple dry pipe risers with supervisory

devices on control valves and pressure switch
type waterJow indicators connected to the Kre
alarm system. Courtesy: Ray Grill Consulting PLLC

Fire alarm de=nitions

There are several revisions to existing de<nitions
and new de<nitions that have been added. The
de<nitions in NFPA standards and codes have
special meaning regarding the application of the
standard or code. When applying the code, be
aware that if a term is de<ned in Chapter 3, it
may impact the application of the requirements.

Changes have been paraphrased below. The

reader should review the actual de<nitions in
NFPA 72.

Cybersecurity — Protection of a system from

theft or damage of data or hardware or
software as well as from unauthorized
command and control. This de<nition has
been added to support a new chapter on
cybersecurity and annex that provides
guidance on cybersecurity.
Two-way emergency communication systems
— This de<nition has been revised to include
area of refuge two-way ECS, elevator landing
two-way ECS, occupant evacuation elevator
lobby two-way communications systems and
stairway communications systems. An
elevator lobby two-way ECS is typically
required by the building code when an area of
refuge is not required.
Master control station — This de<nition has
been added to speci<cally address two-way
emergency communications for rescue
assistance. These systems include area of
refuge, elevator lobby, occupant evacuation
and stairway communication two-way
communication systems. This change
correlates with the title of UL 2525: Two-Way
Emergency Communications Systems for
Rescue Assistance, which is referenced in
Chapter 24 as an applicable standard for
listing purposes.
Minimum hearing distance — This de<nition
has been added to support the requirement in
Chapter 18 limiting the maximum sound
pressure level at the minimum hearing
distance to 110 dBA. The minimum hearing
distance is de<ned as the closest distance
that an occupant’s ear can be from an audible
Observation — This de<nition has been added
to support new language added to Chapter 14
on testing addressing observations that may
be made by testing and inspection personnel.
An observation is a suggestion for
improvement or enhancement of the <re
alarm system that if not performed, it would
not result in an impairment or code de<ciency.
Remote access — This new de<nition and
annex material has been added to support a
new section added to Chapter 23 — Protected
Premises Systems, which adds requirements
when <re alarm systems are being accessed
remotely. The new section allows
remote access for testing and maintenance
purposes including resetting, silencing or
operation of emergency control functions
under speci<c conditions. Resetting, silencing
and operation of emergency control functions
is only allowed for portions of the system that
have been taken out of service. Quali<ed
personnel are also required to be on-site when
remote access for resetting, silencing or
operation of emergency functions are being
Supervised noti<cation appliance control
circuit — This is an output circuit speci<cally
used to activate noti<cation appliance circuits
on control equipment. This de<nition clari<es
the code intent that a noti<cation appliance
circuit is not allowed to activate other
noti<cation appliance circuits. For example,
connecting a noti<cation appliance circuit to a
power extender panel that would activate
additional noti<cation appliances would not be
permitted. The circuit activating the power
extender circuit would need to be a supervised
noti<cation appliance control circuit.

Two-way KreKghters’ phone (red box) and

occupant use two-way communication station
(stainless steel unit) required in high-rise stairs
when doors are locked to re-entry to the Joor.
Courtesy: Ray Grill Consulting PLLC

Figure 3: Smoke detectors mounted on Unistrut to

detect smoke in HVC plenum for automatic
shutdown. Courtesy: Ray Grill Consulting PLLC

Chapter 7 — Documentation
Chapter 7 was added to NFPA 72 in the 2013
edition. The intent of Chapter 7 was to
consolidate the requirements for documentation
into a single chapter. The code only requires
documentation where required by the AHJ or
when required by applicable laws, governing
codes or project speci<cations. The section on
design documentation (7.3) has been revised to
add language noting that pathway class
designations and pathway survivability level
designations are required to be provided when
design documentation is required.

Chapter 10 — Fundamentals
Protection of control equipment — The
requirement for providing smoke detectors at
control units, power extender panels and
supervising station transmitting equipment has
been debated at the committee level since it was
originally introduced in the 2007 edition of NFPA
72. The original provision for early warning
detection at control equipment included an
exception for fully sprinklered buildings. That
exception was subsequently removed in later
editions. The 2022 edition allows a risk analysis
to be performed to determine whether early
warning detection is necessary at control
equipment, power extender panels and
supervising station transmitting equipment. If the
risk analysis supports not providing early
detection, the elimination of the detection is still
subject to the approval of the AHJ.

Abandoned <re alarm equipment — While it has

always been a best practice to remove
abandoned <re alarm equipment, the code has
not addressed this in the past. New language has
been added (10.4.7) speci<cally requiring that
abandoned <re alarm equipment be removed and
that if it is not removed when abandoned that it
be tagged “out of service” until it is removed.

Battery capacity — NFPA 72 has required a 20%

safety factor when determining the amp-hour
capacity of batteries as a standby power source.
The 20% safety factor has been in the code since
the 2010 edition. The 2022 edition of the code
requires a 25% safety factor be applied to the
amp-hour battery capacity. This change is
intended to require 80% of the battery capacity to
still provide 100% of the standby load at the end
of the battery’s useful life.

Battery listing — A new requirement has been

added requiring rechargeable batteries used as
secondary power for control units, devices and
accessories to be listed. This requirement is
effective Jan. 1, 2024, and will require battery
manufacturers to subject their batteries to listing
by a nationally recognized testing lab.

Figure 4: A Kre alarm system terminal cabinet

facilitates installation of new systems and
maintenance and renovations to existing systems.
Courtesy: Ray Grill Consulting PLLC

Chapter 11 — Cybersecurity
This edition of the code includes a general
statement noting that cybersecurity should be
provided for systems and communications
addressed by NFPA 72 when required by
governing laws, codes or standards. The
guidance for providing cybersecurity has been
incorporated in a new Annex J — Guidelines for
Cybersecurity. The annex addresses
cybersecurity standards, evidence and
documentation guidance on compliance and
certi<cation maintenance. It also addresses
aspects of <rewall software updates and remote
software changes.

Chapter 12 — Circuits and

Pathway survivability level 4 — A new level of
pathway survivability has been added to the
code. To meet a level 4 survivability, circuits are
required to be provided with one-hour <re
protection either by <re-rated circuit integrity
cable, one-hour cable systems or one-hour <re
rated enclosures.

It is important to note that when the code

requires survivability, it is intended to address
survivability from <re events. Survivability is also
intended to allow for noti<cation of occupants
beyond the area of origin. If a building is designed
for total evacuation, survivability is not generally
required to be provided.

When survivability is required for partial

evacuation and relocation scenarios in a <re
event, the equipment required to provide
noti<cation to zones outside of the zone of <re
origin need to be considered for survivability.
Survivability requirements are not typically
applicable to initiating devices or circuits not
necessary for occupant noti<cation.

The annex material to this section provides

additional explanation and notes that level 4
protection is not intended to be better than level 1
protection. It provides an alternative method of
providing a level of protection to meet the code
requirements for buildings that may not be
sprinkler protected and have less than two-hour
rated construction.

Chapter 14 — Inspection,
Testing and Maintenance
Visual inspection of supervisory signal devices
and wateriow devices — Table 14.3.1 has been
revised to require semiannual inspection of
supervisory signal devices and wateriow
devices. This is a change from requiring quarterly
inspections. NFPA 25: Standard for the
Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Water-
Based Fire Protection Systems still requires
quarterly inspection of these devices in the 2020

“Wireless communications” have been added as

a new component to the testing table (Table The code requires an annual test of
wireless communications in accordance with the
manufacturer’s published instructions.

Footnote “d” to Table has been expanded

to indicate that automated testing of valve
regulated lead acid batteries by the <re alarm
control unit is an acceptable alternative method
to prescriptive manual methods using test
equipment. If batteries fail an automated test, the
panel will indicate a trouble condition to indicate
the need for battery maintenance or
replacement. VRLA batteries are the most
common batteries used for standby power for
<re alarm equipment.

Chapter 18 — Noti=cation
Noti<cation appliance markings — Since the
inception of mass noti<cation systems,
noti<cation appliances that are used for signaling
other than <re only events have not been allowed
to be marked with “<re” on the appliance. This
has been an issue with converting existing
systems to be used for <re and mass noti<cation.

The code is allowing devices to be <eld modi<ed

if the modi<cation to the marking is done in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
The code will also allow a permanent sign to be
placed adjacent to existing devices noting that
they will operate to signal <re and other

Distinctive evacuation signal operation —

Previous editions of the code were not explicit
regarding handling of the evacuation signal or
duration of operation. The code now speci<cally
requires the evacuation signal to operate until
manually silenced or reset by authorized or
emergency personnel. Where approved by the
AHJ and when consistent with an emergency
plan, the evacuation signal can be automatically
silenced after 180 seconds.

Obstruction to visual noti<cation appliances —

Language has been added to the code to
explicitly note that the effect produced by wall
mounted and ceiling mounted visual devices
should not be obstructed and should be
considered in their placement.

Figure 5: Typical Kre alarm transponder panel in a

distributed high-rise Kre alarm system. Courtesy:
Ray Grill Consulting PLLC

Chapter 23 — Protected
Premises Alarm and Signaling
Operation of class A and class B radio pathways
— The provisions for low-power wireless radio
systems have been revised to include
performance characteristics for the radio
pathways. Class A and class B radio pathway
performance characteristics have been added.
Class A pathways have redundant paths while
class B pathways do not.

Chapter 24 — Emergency
Communications Systems
Pathway survivability — The criteria for pathway
survivability have been revised to include level 4
pathway survivability for a building with a <re
rating between one and two hours. The concepts
are similar to those in the 2019 edition with
additional clarifying language particularly
regarding the equipment and pathways needing
to be protected.

Area of refuge, elevator landing, occupant

evacuation elevator lobby and stairway two-way
communications systems — Criteria for
survivability of these types of two-way
communication systems has been added and
revised. Circuits providing communication
between rooms and areas in the building are
required to be survivable based on the building
construction. Circuits for off-site communication
are allowed to have any level of survivability.

Chapter 29 — Single- and

Multiple-Station Alarms and
Household Signaling Systems
Resistance to common nuisance sources from
cooking — Language has been added that
requires smoke alarms and smoke detectors
installed within 20 feet of a cooking appliance to
be listed for resistance to common nuisance
sources from cooking in accordance with the
eighth edition of UL 217: Smoke Alarms, the
seventh edition of UL 268: Smoke Detectors for
Fire Alarm Systems or subsequent editions of
those standards. This requirement is noted as
being effective Jan. 1, 2023.

New Annex I — Color-Coded

Tagging Program
This new annex provides a system that can be
used by AHJs for tagging installations. The
typical goal of these programs is to provide a
readily accessible means of determining the
status of a system following its most current
inspection or test.

New Annex J — Guidelines for

The intent of the new annex is to provide
guidelines and a framework for implementing
cybersecurity for systems that interact with the
internet or with other systems that are connected
to the internet.
Four speci<c documents addressing
cybersecurity of systems and devices are
referenced for use by manufacturers and
installers. They include:

ANSI/ISA/IEC-62443-4-2: Security for

Industrial Automation and Control Systems,
Part 4-2: Technical Security Requirements for
IACS Components
NISTIR 8259: Foundational Cybersecurity
Activities for IoT Device Manufacturers
NIST Framework for Improving Critical
Infrastructure Cybersecurity
UL 2900-2-3: Software Cybersecurity for
Network-Connectable Products Part 2-3:
Requirements for Security and Life Signaling

This is a subject that will get more attention

going forward. Speci<c requirements likely will
move into the body of the code during the next
code development cycle.

While these changes from the 2019 edition don’t

address every detail, they do identify key changes
that will be coming and that can be considered
for implementation in current designs.

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Raymond A. Grill
Author Bio: Raymond A. Grill
is principal of Ray Grill
Consulting. He is a longtime
member of the Noti<cation
Appliance and Emergency
Communications Technical
Committees of NFPA 72 and
serves on the NFPA 72
Correlating Committee. He is a
member of the Consulting-
Specifying Engineer editorial
advisory board.

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