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Najlaa Exam 12-03-17

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Exam 12/3/2017

‫ ﺑﺎﻟﺘﻮﻓﯿﻖ‬. ‫ﻛﺎن ﺳﮭﻞ وﻣﻜﺮر‬ ‫ واﻟﺤﻤﺪ‬2017/3/12 ‫ اﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﻲ ﻛﺎن اﻟﯿﻮم ﺑﺘﺎرﯾﺦ‬.. ‫اﻟﺴﻼم ﻋﻠﯿﻜﻢ‬
. ‫ﻟﻠﺠﻤﯿﻊ وﻻ ﺗﻨﺴﻮﻧﻲ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺪﻋﺎء‬

1-Ipratropium approved for

a-maintaining COPD

b- asthma

c- I don't remember the other options .

2-For treating of morphine dependence all of the following are used

except :-




d- clonidine

3- if the has is high therapeutic index . what is true according to high

therapeutic index

a-more toxicity

b-the drug is less likely to cause serious side effect

c- - I don't remember the other options

4- Pt is taking anti-seizure medication and wants to stop it, which of the

following less recurrence:-

a- EEG abnormalities

b-frequent seizure attack

c-cerebral known lesions

d-seizure began at early age (or in my exam the answer was childhood)

5-which of the following is not fungus:-



c- yeast

6-which drug is not effective ( ‫) ھﻮس‬7-In mania

a-Na valproate




7-TCA mechanism of action in CNS is :-

a-SSRI transporter blocker

b-Nor-epinephrine transporter blocker

c- SSRI transporter blocker and Nor-epinephrine transporter blocker

8- charcoal



9-least effect of B adrenergic agonists:-

a-prostatic hypertrophy( or BPH )

b- I can't remember the other options

10- all are non-competitive inhibitor binding to ACh-binding protein

except :



d- galanthamine

11-Patient in the ICU for 3 days which antacid is used :-


b- H2 blocker


d-prostaglandin analogue

12-pilocarpine used in all of the following except

a-acute attack of closed angle of glaucoma

b-standard drug for close angle glaucoma

c-used alternatively with mydriatic to separate the iris

d-standard one for open angle glaucoma

13-carbidopa used with levodopa to

a-decrease conversion of levodopa to dopamine in the periphery

b- I can't remember the other options

14-levodopa decrease it action when administered with

a.Vit. B6
b.Vit. B12
c.Vit. B1
d.Vit. B2
15-effect of levodopa diminishes after

a.5 years
b. 3 years
c. from 3rd to 5th year
16-in absence seizure which is not effective ( another question)




d- carbamezapine

17-in pregnancy all are avoided except:-



c-valproic acid


18-which is true about dry gum emulsion:-

a-ratio 4:2:1

b-water gum and oil are added together and triturated slowly

c-oil and gum are triturated and water added slowly.

d. none of the above

19-emulsion inversion:

a-conversion of W/O emulsion to O/w emulsion and vice versa

b- I can't remember other options

20-phenytoin SE is all except:-

a-gingival hyperplasia

b-nystagmus ( rapid involuntary movement of the eyes)

d- steven-gohnson syndrome

21-side effect of all anti-arrhythmic drugs:-

a- blurred vision
b- torsade de points

22-antiviral used in HBV:-


b. acyclovir

23-Pt with hypertensive crisis and glaucoma which to avoid:-





24-In AIDS the CD4 less than:-





25-CD4 bind to which antigen in the HIV positive Pt:-

a-T lymphocyte

b-B lymphocyte


d-natural killer
26- patient with pharyngitis, the patient was penicillin allergic but the
organism is penicillin sensitive ,injectable antibiotics is not preferred in
this situation ,what is the safest and effective alternative

A. Penicillin

B. Cephalosporin

C. Azithromycin

D. Tetracycline

27-10 ml ampoule of 3% drug how many mls required to give 150mg






28- 50% alcohol is to be diluted with purified water, how many parts of
purified water (0% alcohol) to prepare 20% preparation.?

a.30parts water + 20 parts 50% alcohol

b. I can't remember the other options

29-Cmax stand for:-

a.the maximum conc. that drug reach

b. I can't remember the other options

30-Tmax stand for:-

a. time at which plasma concentration reach maximum

b. I can't remember the other options

31- MTC means

a.Maximum toxic conc.

b.Maximum safe conc.

c.I can't remember the other options

32- the drug conc. above MTC indicate for


b-side effect

33-drug below MEC



34-there was another diagram with a few questions and they were very
easy you can answer them directly from the graph .

35-In myasthenia gravis which is true except:

A. Autoimmune disease against ACh receptors

b. Diagnosed by edrophonium

C. immunosuppressant and cortitcosteroids have no rule in the treatment

36-All are true about cough in ACE inhibitors: EXCEPT:

a. Accumulation of bradykinine

b. In women more than men

c. Appears in 6 months

d. Dose related
37-particles size affects:

a. Dissolution

b. Uniformity in the tablets

c. solubility

d. all

38-case scenario about female patient have GOUT was weak & dizzy &
fatigue and another problems like she can’t raise her hand and having
some blood disorders like agranulocytosis and leucopenia and type of
anemia which anti gout are probably to cause this Side effects :
a- allopurinol
b- colchicine
c- probencid
39-Conductivity test – Dilution test – Dye test used for which dosage
form :
a. Susp.
b. Emulsion
c. Foam
d. Gel
40-timolol is contraindicated in all the following except


b. congestive Heart failure

c. bronchial asthma

41-b blockers are used in all the following except


b. Bronchial asthma

c. Hypethyrodisim
42-Foam in pharmacy found as spray used for :

a. Topical ….

b. Burn dressing

c. Rectal

d. all

43-Mydratic used to determine the true refractive error of the eye:



44- Anti-epileptic used for status epilepticus :

a. phenytoin

b. carbamezapine

c.Valporic acid

45- Not SE of thiazide diuretic :

a. hypocalcemia



46-Long case about patient diagnosed with MI and arrhythmia

discharged from the hospital 10days ago which drug is suitable :

a. verapamil

b. lidocaine

c. quinidine

47-Symptoms of parkinsonism :

a. Tremor & agitant

b. difficulty to initiate & voluntary movements

c. abnormalities in postural and normal position

d. all

48-antimitochondrial antiviral :

a. emtricitabine

b. zidovudine

c. lamivudine

49-which is true about Fluoxetine

a. Half-life is 50 Hrs

b. Have a metabolite as active as the pro-drug

c. used in bulimia nervosa


50-Meperidine not suitable for use long time because of :

a. Nephrotxicity

b. Neurotoxicity

c. Cardiotoxicity

51-Morphine cause tolerance except :

a. Rispiratory depression

b. Euphoria

c. Pint point pupil

52-β- blocker SE except :,

a. glyconeogensis

b. hyperglycemia

53- all the following drugs decrease B blockers activity except ;

a. phenytoin




54-Bacteria move by :

a. Pilli

b. Flagella

55-A dose for pt. is 75mg, how ml needed from 125mg/5ml solution :

a. 5 ml

b. 3 ml

c. 15 ml

56-Which one of tetracycline is suitable for renal failure patient :

a. Doxycycline

b. Minocycline

c. Tetracycline

57-Xanax® alprazolam (CDA) must store in :

a. steel cupboard well closed with single lock

b. Cupboard opened by 2 person

c. I can't remember the other options

58-Patient with arrhythmia given medication that decrease the velocity

and force of contractility which one of this drugs :

a. Verapamil
b. enalapril

59-TCA (tricyclic antidepressant) used in all of the following expect :

a.panic attack


c. Migrain

d. Neuropathic pain

60-TCA Metabolized by :

a.Cytochrome P450

b.amine hydroxlase

c.alcohol dehydrogenase

61- TCA act on all of the following receptors expect :

a.histamine receptors

b. cholinergic receptors

c. alpha receptors

d. beta receptors

62-all of the following is CI in using LOOP diuretics expect :

a.Na And water depletion

b.sensitivity to sulphonamide

c.anuria despite using loop diuretic

d.renal diseases

63-prazosin which is true about ( statements):

a. Have first dose effect

b. First dose effect not decrease with decreasing dose

c. Not usually occur in most patient

64-The role of B-blocker in MI is all of the following expect :

a.Decrease mortality and morbidity

b. decrease infract size

c. increase o2 demand

65-case about patient have dyslipidemia and lowered HDL :

a. Niacin

b. Simvastatin

c. Fenofibrates

66-patient admitted to ER with chest pain, diagnosed as prinzmetal

angina ,regarding this angina which is true :

a. Occur at rest not associated with physical activity

b. Associated with artery spasm

c. Associated with atherosclerosis

d. Not responsive to nitroglycerin and CCB

67-Nitroglycerin not use in route of administration :

a. oral

b. buccal


d. sublingual
68-old patient admitted with arrhythmia ,regarding arrhythmia which is

a. most common cause is re-entry

b. antiarrythmic medication safer

c. most ttt is CCB and NA channel blocker

d.SA is pace of heart contraction

69-Advantage of IV route is true

a. used in emergency

b. dose can be titrated

c. fastest

d. safe and convenient

70-If dose of drug is 0.2 ml ,How many dose will be in 15ml :

Answer =75 ml

71-How many gram of 5% ointment will be prepared from 2 gm :

Answer = 40 g

72-How many gram will be in 250 ml of 5% solution :

Answer = 12.5 mg

73-HIV pt. and mycobacterium like to cause this infection :

a. mycobacterium avium complex

b. I can't remember the other options

74-prevent remission in IBD :

a. Infliximab

b. I can't remember the other options

75- DOC in Status Epilepsy

a. phenytoin

b. I can't remember the other options

76-patients with blood pressure 220/160 and glaucoma which drug

should be avoided:

a. labetalol

b. fendolopam

c. Na nitropuroside

d. nitroglycerin

77-patients admitted with morphine over dose what is the appropriate


a. Naloxone

b. I can't remember the other options

78- drug not used in Parkinson:

a. levodopa

b. bromocriptine

c. Chlorthalidone


‫ ﻧﺠﻼء‬.. ‫ اﻻﻣﺘﺤﺎن ﻛﺎن ﺳﮭﻞ وﻣﻜﺮر ﺑﺎﻟﺘﻮﻓﯿﻖ ﻟﻠﺠﻤﯿﻊ‬.. ‫ھﻲ ﻛﻞ اﻷﺳﺌﻠﺔ ﯾﻠﻲ ﻗﺪرت اﺗﺬﻛﺮھﺎ‬
Which insulins are rapid acting?

(1) insulin lispro (Humalog)

(2) insulin aspart (NovoLog)

(3) insulin glulisine (Apidra)


Which insulins are short-acting?

insulin regular (Humulin R, Novolin R)


Which insulins are long acting?

(1) insulin glargine (Lantus)

(2) insulin detemir (Levemir)


Which insulin mixtures include insulin analogs?

(1) insulin lispro protamine 75% / insulin lispro

(Humalog Mix 75/25)
(2) insulin lispro protamine 50% / insulin lispro 50%
(Humalog 50/50)

(3) insulin aspart protamine 70% / insulin aspart 30%

(NovoLog Mix 70/30)


Which insulins are mixtures of human insulins?

(1) NPH 70% / insulin regular 30%

(Humulin 70/30, Novolin 70/30)

(2) NPH 50% / insulin regular 50%

(Humulin 50/50)


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