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Going On Holiday Going On Holiday: Sample Pages

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In this unit
Going on holiday
Vocabulary I can talk about holiday activities.

I know
Vocabulary 1 What do people usually do on holiday? Match the words that!
• Going on holiday to make expressions.
• Phrases with get buy do go read stay visit
• Past Simple affirmative a guidebook a museum a souvenir in a hotel sightseeing water sports
and negative
buy a souvenir
• Past Simple questions
and short answers
Julie Reed and her parents are planning their next holiday. This summer

they would like to go to Crete, an island in Greece.

3.2 Grammar video



Grammar animation


3.3 Grammar animation


3.4 Communication video

3.4 Communication video

Culture video


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2 2.1 Listen and repeat. Look at page 34. 6 2.3 What are the Reed family doing today?
What would the Reed family like to do on Listen and match the days to the activities.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Vocabulary Going on holiday Thursday Friday

explore an area / a city / a town go camping

a They’re at the beach.
go cycling go hiking go on a boat trip
b They’re trying the local food.
go on a day trip go on a guided tour
go snorkelling go to the beach try the local food c They’re going on a day trip.
d They’re going camping.
Julie would like to … e They’re exploring an old town. Monday
3 2.2 Listen to the Reed family and check
7 Read the comments and write suggestions
your answers to Exercise 2.
using the activities in the Vocabulary box.
4 Match 1–5 to a–e. 1 I love swimming and looking at the animals in
1 c When you explore an area, the sea.

2 When you go snorkelling, Why don’t you go snorkelling?

3 When you go camping, 2 I don’t want to stay in a hotel.
4 When you go on a day trip, 3 I love walking in the mountains.
5 When you go to the beach, 4 I want someone to tell me about the famous
a you can see what’s under the water.
5 I like sitting in the sand and looking at the sea.
b you sleep in a tent.
c you walk around and learn about it. 8 Act out the dialogues from Exercise 7 in pairs.

d you often have sand in your shoes.

9 In pairs, finish the sentences.

e you leave in the morning and return in the

evening. 1 You need special clothes or equipment to …
go snorkelling, …

5 Exam Spot Complete the text. Use the 2 In the city you can …
Vocabulary box to help you. 3 When you go to the seaside you can …

Crete – the perfect place I remember

for a holiday! 10 Make a list of five activities
you would like to do on
holiday. Start with the one
you would like to do most.
Then compare your lists in
• You can 1 go to the beach every day, swim small groups.
and go 2 in the clean blue water.
• You can also go on a boat 3 to some small
islands near Crete. 1 go on a boat trip
• Do you enjoy walking? You can go 4 in the
mountains. 2 try the local food
• Are you interested in history? You can go on 3 go hiking
a guided 5 and see famous places like
Knossos or you can
4 go to the beach
old towns, like 5 go camping
Rethymnon and Chania.
• And of course, you can try
the local 7 . It’s

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I can use the Past Simple in affirmative
Grammar and negative sentences.

I didn’t know that

The Nicholses are going 2
away on holiday today. 1

Dad: Come on, everyone!

We have a plane to
catch! … Angela,
where are the
Mum: Well, they were on the
stairs a few minutes
Dad: Here they are! Sorry,
I didn’t see them.
I’m putting them
in the … Why’s the
rubbish still here?

George? I asked
you to take out the

rubbish an hour ago!
Dad: The rubbish was your job,
young man! It wasn’t mine!
3 r that.
George: Sorry, Dad, I didn’t hea
Dad: Oh, forg et it!
Dad: That’s weird! I’m sure
I closed that suitcase
last night. Finally, they got into the taxi
Harry: My backpack was full, and left for the airport.

so I took out some of

my stuff and put it in 4

that suitcase.
Dad: What on earth is this?
Harry: It’s my pillow. You know

I can’t sleep without it.

Dad: No, I didn’t know that.
Take it with you on the

plane … Angela, don’t

forget to lock the back
door, OK? Give me
a hand, boys!

Dad: Oh, no!

1 13 2.4 Watch or listen and read. How 3 2.5 Listen and repeat. Find these
are the Nicholses going to the airport? expressions in the story.
Say it!
2 Read the story. Circle the correct answer. That’s weird! What on earth …?
1 Dad is looking for the passports / rubbish.
2 They were on the stairs / in the kitchen.
3 It was Harry’s / George’s job to take out the 4 Guess! What’s wrong? Have a class vote.
a Mrs Nichols forgot to lock the back door.
4 Harry / Dad put the pillow in the suitcase.
b They left their passports at home.
5 Dad asks Harry to take the suitcase /
the pillow with him on the plane.
5 14 2.6 Now watch or listen and check.


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Grammar 15 Get Grammar!
Past Simple affirmative and negative
The beach was
amazing. Max
to be and I swam in
I/He/She/It was here. I/He/She/It wasn’t here. the sea. We went
We/You/They were here. We/You/They weren’t here.
Regular verbs
I/You/He/She/It closed it. I/You/He/She/It didn’t close it.
We/You/They closed it. We/You/They didn’t close it.
Irregular verbs 9 2.8 Complete the sentences with
the Past Simple form of the verbs. Then
I/You/He/She/It heard that. I/You/He/She/It didn’t hear that. number the sentences. Listen and check.
We/You/They heard that. We/You/They didn’t hear that.
a The weather 1 wasn’t (not be) good.
Time expressions We 2 (spend) all the time

yesterday, last night, last Tuesday, last month, last year inside our tents and 3

a few minutes ago, an hour ago, a week ago, a year ago (drink) tea to keep warm.
b I 4 (not have) much
fun, but I 5 (read) three
6 Look at the story on page 36. Complete the text with interesting books!
was, wasn’t, were or weren’t. c 1 Last summer, my parents 6
(want) to go camping, so we
At the beginning, Mum and the boys 1were in 7
(go) to the Lake District.

the house, but they 2 in the hall. The d On the last day, it finally 8

passports 3
on the stairs. The rubbish (stop) raining. But I 9 (be)
bag 4 in the hall too and Dad 5 happy to go home!
happy. He 6 surprised because Harry’s

pillow 7 in the grey suitcase.


7 2.7 Write the infinitives of these irregular verbs.

Then listen and check.

drank gave got had left met put

read spent swam took went
drink – drank

8 Complete Harry’s blog post with the Past Simple

form of the verbs.

Yesterday, I 1didn’t get up

(not get up) early so I 2 10 Game! Play as a class. Take turns to
(not have) breakfast at the hotel. But make sentences.
later in the day, Dad and I 3
A: When I was on holiday last year,
(explore) the area and we 4
(try) the local cheese pie. We 5 (love) it! I went cycling.
George and Mum 6
(go) to the beach. They B: I didn’t go cycling, but I tried the
(not swim) because they 8 (not local food.
have) their towels with them. C: I didn’t try the local food, but I …


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3.3 Grammar I can ask questions in the Past Simple.

Doctor Q The film premiere

Doctor Q and Rob are back from a trip. They went to a big film premiere.

1 Millie:
How was your trip?
Rob: It was great!
Was the weather good?
Rob: No, it wasn’t. On Friday, it rained all
day. On Saturday, it was very windy
and on Sunday …
Pi: And the film? Was it good? Did
people like it?
Dr Q: Yes, it was and yes, they did.
Pi: Did you go to the party after the film?
Rob: Yes, we did!

2 3


Pi: Wow! Did you meet any film stars?


Rob: Yes, we did. We met Brian Gosley.

Pi: Really? Did you talk to him?
Dr Q: Yes, Pi, we did! 4

Pi: What did he say?

Dr Q: ‘Hello, pleased to meet you.’
Pi: Oh, just that? Did you take any photos?
Rob: I didn’t.
Dr Q: But I did. Look!

Pi: That’s not Brian Gosley! That’s food!

Why did you take a photo of food?!
Dr Q: Because it was fantastic!
Pi: Oh …

1 Look at picture 1. Where was the film 3 Read the sentences. Circle T (true) or F (false).
premiere? 1 Rob didn’t like the weather. T/F
2 The film premiere was a success. T/F
2 2.9 Listen and read. Who is Brian
Gosley? 3 Doctor Q didn’t go to the party. T/F
4 Doctor Q had a long chat with Brian Gosley. T/F
5 Doctor Q didn’t take any photos at the party. T/F

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Past Simple questions and short answers
16 Get Grammar!

Short answers
to be
Yes, I/he/she/it was.
Was I/he/she/it good?
No, I/he/she/it wasn’t.
Yes, we/you/they were. Did you see the
Were we/you/they good? dinosaurs?
No, we/you/they weren’t.
Regular and irregular verbs Yes, we did.
Did I/you/he/she/it like it? Yes, I/you/he/she/it/ did.
Did I/you/he/she/it meet Brian? No, I/you/he/she/it didn’t.
Were they scary?
Did we/you/they like it? Yes, we/you/they did.
Did we/you/they meet Brian? No, we/you/they didn’t.
Yes, they

Where was the film premiere? What did he say? were.

4 2.10 Pi asked a lot more questions.

Write Doctor Q’s short answers. Then listen
6 Exam Spot
ge 2.11 Match the questions in
Exercise 5 to answers a–g. There is one extra answer.
and check. Complete the last sentence. Then listen and check.
1 Pi: Were you and Rob on time for the a No, it wasn’t. It was silly.
film? b Crazy Animals 3.

Dr Q: ✔ Yes, we were. c Yes, he did. He loves it!

2 Pi: Did you go by taxi?

d 1 We went to the cinema too.

Dr Q: ✔
e Yes, we did.
3 Pi: Was the film very long?

f No, they weren’t. We had a picnic in the park.

Dr Q: ✘
g We met Pi’s friends.
4 Pi: Did Brian Gosley give you his

autograph? 7 Imagine you want to ask your friend about a film

Dr Q: ✘ premiere he/she went to. Complete the questions.
5 Pi: Were you and Rob tired after the
party? Did you like Were Was What
Dr Q: ✘
6 Pi: Did you bring me a present from 1 Were you excited?
London? 2 film did you see?
Dr Q: ✔ . It’s a . 3 Did you the film?
4 the cinema big?
5 The robots are talking about Millie and Pi’s 5 you see any
weekend. Write Rob’s questions. film stars?
1 what / you and Pi / do / on Saturday? 6 Did take any photos?
What did you and Pi do on Saturday?
2 what film / you / see?
3 it / be / good?

4 Pi / eat / popcorn?

5 what / you / do / after the cinema?
8 Work in pairs. Ask and
6 Pi’s friends / be / at the cinema too? answer the questions
in Exercise 7.

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3.4 Communication I can make and respond to a request.

Can you bring me my phone?

George and Harry are waiting for Mum at the hotel lobby.

Harry: Can I have the tablet now?

George: Sorry, you can’t. I’m using it at the
Mum: Boys, can one of you bring me my
phone, please? It’s upstairs. Oh, and
the guidebook.
George: Sorry, Mum. I can’t quit the game
Harry: Yes, Mum, no problem.
Mum: Thank you, darling. I’m going to be
outside with Dad.
Harry: Mum, the room key! … Oh, never
Receptionist: Can I help you? key
Harry: Yes, please. Could you give me the
to Room 217?
Receptioni st: Yes, of course. Here you are.

Harry: Thank you.
Harry, can you get my sunglasses

Harry: Sorry, I can’t hear you!
4 In pairs, make and respond to requests. Use
1 17 2.12 Watch or listen and read.
the ideas below and add your own.
What does George want from the room?
1 you / give / your smartphone / check the

2 2.13 Listen and repeat. train times ✔

A: Could you give me your smartphone,

please? I need to check the train times.

Communication Requests
B: Yes, of course.

Making requests 2 I / borrow / some money from you /

Can you bring me my phone, please? buy some souvenirs ✘

Could you give me the key to my room? 3 you / take / photo of us ✘

Can I have the tablet? 4 I / close / the window / it’s cold ✔
Responding to requests
Yes, no problem. / Yes, of course. 5 Exam Spot 2.15 The Brett family are
Sorry, I/you can’t. I’m using it right now. going home after their holiday. What are they
Not now, sorry. I’m busy. looking/asking for? Listen and match people
1–4 to objects A–F. There are two extra objects.
1 B Laura 3 Dad
3 2.14 Complete the dialogues with one word
2 Sam 4 Mum
in each gap. Then listen and check.
1 A: 1 Could you bring me my bag, 2  ? A B C
B: Yes, of 3
. Where is it?
2 A: Can 4
borrow some money from
B: Yes, no 5 .
3 A: Can you give me the train timetable, please? D E F
B: 6 , I can’t. I can’t find it.
4 A: Can you help me with my homework?
B: 7 now, sorry. I’m busy.


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I can understand a text about a holiday. Reading
My Alaskan ALASKA
holiday by Shirley Burns




My family and I don’t like going to the We went to Juneau, the capital of We had a fantastic time. We went

beach. We get bored there, so last Alaska, by plane. There, we joined kayaking, fishing and hiking in the
summer we went to Alaska for our a group of three other families and mountains. We always had a guide with
holidays. Alaska is the biggest state two guides. We travelled around the us, so we didn’t get lost. The forests
of the USA and one of the last wild country in caravans, and we camped were full of wild animals and we saw
places on Earth. It has volcanoes and in a different place every night. The a wolf and grizzly bears. We got tired
mountains, rivers, thousands of islands caravans had beds and bathrooms and because there were so many activities,
and more than three million lakes! It’s were very comfortable! At night it got but we loved it. The last day of our

never very hot there, but the days are cold, so we sat around the camp fire holiday was the best! We went on
long in July and it gets dark late. and ate our food. a boat trip and saw humpback whales!

1 2.16 Read and listen to the text. Match 4 Would you like to go on a holiday to
paragraphs A–C to headings 1–4. There is one extra Alaska? Why? / Why not?

1 A dangerous place 5 2.17 Listen and repeat. Find these

phrases in the text.
2 Life on the road
3 An unusual place for a holiday
4 Not a holiday for lazy people! Vocabulary Phrases with get
get bored get cold get dark
2 I know that! Which geographical features does
get lost get tired
Alaska have? Which of them can you see in the photo?

forest island lake mountain 6 Complete the sentences with a word from
river sea volcano the Vocabulary box.
1 I didn’t take a map with me and I got lost
3 Read the text again. Which paragraph: in the city.
2 I need a jumper. It’s getting !
1 B mentions the name of a city?
3 This film isn’t interesting and I’m getting
2 mentions very big numbers?
3 describes Shirley’s favourite part of the holiday?
4 In the winter in the UK it gets at
4 says how Shirley travelled around Alaska? four o’clock.
5 says why Shirley and her family went to Alaska? 5 After a long walk, we got and
6 names the animals Shirley saw? decided to have a rest.

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I can understand and write texts
Listening and Writing describing holidays.

1 Look at the photos. Which place would 4 Read Derek’s email. Who is he writing to?
you like to visit on holiday? Compare
with a friend.
Dear Aunt Carol,
A B 1
I hope you’re well. Lilian and I are
having a lovely time in the village!
I wish you were here!
There are lots of things to do here.
Last Friday we went fishing with
Grandad. We sat next to the river for
2 hours. I caught one fish, Lilian caught
two and Grandad caught three!
C D Yesterday we went hiking in the mountains. Lilian and I got
tired, but Grandad didn’t get tired at all. He’s fit!
I need to help Granny with the animals now, so I can’t write
3 any more.
Lots of love,
2 2.18 Listen and match speakers

1–4 to the places in Exercise 1. 5 Read the Writing box. Which of the expressions can you

find in Derek’s email?
1 B Sandra 3 Alicia
2 Derek 4 Ian
Writing A holiday email
3 2.18 Listen again. Complete the
1 At the beginning write: Hi/Hello … (to a friend)
blog post with one word in each gap.
or Dear … (to an older person you know).
You can also write: How are you? I hope you’re well.

We’re having a lovely time … I wish you were here.

Our Class Blog In the middle, describe your holiday.


3 At the end, you can write: I need to …, so I can’t write
any more.

Sandra You can add: See you soon or Love / Lots of love.
My family and I went to Rome in August. Remember to write your name.

I made a lot of 1 friends and I loved the

food! I didn’t like sightseeing very
much because I got 2 .
6 i Writing Time Imagine you are on holiday. Write
Derek an email to a friend or someone from your family and
Last summer we went to my tell him/her about it.
grandparents’ 3 . It was
a great holiday and we loved looking
after the 4 .
7 Find ideas
Make notes about your holiday. Use these
questions to help you.
Where are you and who is with you?
Our holiday in Jamaica was the best
What did you do last week / yesterday?
holiday of my life! Jamaica is a beautiful
and we did a lot of water Why do you need to stop writing? (optional)

h Draft
Write your email. Use the Writing box to help you.
We go to our Dad’s village in 7
every year. I wanted to go swimming,
but the water in the 8 was o Check and write
very cold! Make sure you begin and end your email correctly.
Write the final version of your email.


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Language Revision
Vocabulary 4 In your notebook, write questions and
1 Complete the texts with the words in the box. 1 Dad / cook / spaghetti / last night? ✔
Did Dad cook spaghetti last night?
beach boat camping explore
Yes, he did.
guided hiking snorkelling trip try
2 the weather / be / warm and sunny? ✘
We’re in Vienna and we want to see the 3 the students / like / their new teacher? ✔
city. We can 1 explore it on our own or 4 you / know / everyone at the party? ✘
we can go on a 2 tour. I also 5 they / be / at school / two days ago? ✘
want to 3 the local food. 6 you and Sam / buy / these souvenirs /
yesterday? ✔
I want to go 4 . We can
sleep under the stars and go Pronunciation
in the mountains.
5 2.19 Listen and repeat: /ð/ or /d/.

Let’s go on a day 6 to the

country and tomorrow we can go on
a 7 trip to an island.
It’s hot today. Let’s go to the 8 .
We can sit in the sun or go swimming
and 9 in the sea.

My father was there, my mother and Jade.


2 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

It rained, so we stayed at home and we
1 Winter is coming and it’s getting cold . played.

2 I don’t like playing computer games. I get .

3 Can we stop and have a rest? I’m getting .

4 Where’s the map? I don’t want to get .

5 I turned on the lights when it got . 6 2.20 Complete the dialogues. Then
listen and check.
Grammar 1 A: 1C_a _n you drive me to the town centre?
B: Not now, 2s_ _ _ _ . I’m very busy.
3 Complete the page of Sue’s diary with the correct Past
2 A: 3C_ _ _ _ you 4b_ _ _ _ me my laptop,
Simple form of the verbs in brackets.
please? It’s in my room.
10th August B: Yes, of 5c_ _ _ _ _ .
I 1 arrived (arrive) here five days ago. It
2 3 A: Can you 6g_ _ _ me the map,
p_ _ _ _ _ ?
(be) fantastic to see Aunt Kate, Uncle Joe, Alfie
and Lulu. We 3 (not sleep) a lot. B: Yes, no 8p_ _ _ _ _ _ . Here it is.

We 4 (talk) all night, but we 5
(not be) tired in the morning! lf! ✔
Check yourse

Yesterday we 6 (go) cycling near
the lake. We 7 (have) a picnic, • I can talk about holiday activities.
but we 8 (not go) swimming. • I can use the Past Simple.
In the evening, Alfie and I
• I can make and respond to
(play) a computer game and Lulu
10 (read) requests.
a comic book. I love it here!

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Cult A journey around the USA

Choose a continent: North America Choose a country: United States

The United States of America is the third
largest country in the world. Its neighbours WEST EAST

are Canada in the north and Mexico in SOUTH

the south. It has the Atlantic Ocean in the
east and the Pacific Ocean in the west. Alaska
Fifty states make up the United States.
Two of them, Alaska and Hawaii, are outside
the main territory. The capital city of the USA
is Washington DC, and the top three largest
cities are New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.
The landscape of the USA is beautiful and

varied. In the southwest, we find the Rocky

Mountains and the Colorado River 1 . The 4 Chicago 5 New York
mountains continue into the west, where 1
3 the USA Washington DC
you can also find the Mojave Desert 2 (the 2
hottest desert in North America) and three Hawaii Los Angeles
world famous national parks: Yosemite 3 , 6
Yellowstone and Redwood 4 . In Redwood, Mexico
you can see some of the world’s tallest trees!

The northeast has the Great Lakes 5 .

The southeast has the Mississippi River

(the fourth longest river in the world) and

the Everglades wetlands 6 , where you can

find hundreds of different types of animals

and plants.

1 What do you know about the USA? 3 2.22 Listen to three young Americans talking about
In small groups, think of three facts. their holidays. Complete the table.
Compare your ideas as a class.
1 Kelly 2 Adam 3 Isabella
2 2.21 Read and listen to the text Person/
holiday Hawaii Everglades, Rocky
about the USA. Answer the questions. Island Florida Mountains
1 Which countries are USA’s Geography rain forests, wetlands mountains,
neighbours? 1
with grass, 5
beaches ,
2 Which ocean is west of the USA? 3 6
3 How many states are there in the USA?
Activities 2
, taking photos, hiking,
4 Which city is larger – Washington 4 7
or Chicago? golf rides
5 How many rivers are mentioned in the
text? 4 Where do you go on holiday and what do you do?
6 Which is the hottest desert in North What activities do you like doing? What don’t you like
America? doing?


M03B_GG_SB_03GLB_9513_CUL2.indd 44 12.07.2018 19:31

wsto n e a n d th e G ra n d C a ny o n

A 18 Watch the video and answer the presenter’s questions. Which places does
the video talk about?

Redwood Arizona the Mississipi River the Colorado River
the Rocky Mountains the Mojave Desert

B 18 Watch the video again. Answer the questions.


Yellowstone National Park The Grand Canyon National Park

1 Which part of the USA is it in? 4 Which state is it in?

2 What is the name of the river that runs 5 How long is the Grand Canyon?
through it? 6 What is the hottest temperature

3 How many geysers are there in it? in the summer?


C Which of the two national parks would you like to visit? Why? What would you like to do there?

PR JECT A famous national park

The … National Park is in the north/
• Work in groups. Make a digital presentation south/east/west/centre of the country.
of a famous national park in your country. There is … There are …
You can see …
• Plan your presentation. Decide who searches
Visitors can …
the Internet for interesting information, who
looks for the photos and pictures, etc.
• Write about the national park. Use these
questions to help you.
Where is it?
What geographical features does it have? • Put your texts and photos together.
What plants and animals live there? • Show your presentation to the class. Which
What can visitors do there? is your favourite presentation? Why?


M03B_GG_SB_03GLB_9513_CUL2.indd 45 12.07.2018 19:31

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