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fourth edition

Christina Latham-Koenig
Clive Oxenden
Jerry Lambert
w ith Jane Hudson

Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, ox2 6DP, United Kingdorn

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d 2 Where do you usually do your b 1 are/ 're staying, are/ 're having
homework? 2 Sha ll ... arder, will / '11 call, will / '11
1 VOCABULARY 3 Why are you studying English? ha ve
4 Do you think English is easy? 3 are .. . leaving /are ... going to leave,
a 2 squid, meat 5 Are you enjoying the classes at the am / 'm getting, am / 'm going to
3 cucumber, fruit moment? get, will / '11 gi ve
4 duck, vegetables 6 What do you usua lly do after the 4 are ... doing /are ... going to do,
5 salman, fruit class? am / 'm going, are ... seeing /are ...
6 courgette, seafood going to see, wi ll / '11 love
e Students' own answers
b 2 aubergine 5 Sha ll ... help, will / '1 1wash,
3 avocado won't break
4 squ id e Students' own answers
5 red pepper
7 lobster a 2 great-grandfather
a 2 not ... buy ... flights yet
8 me Ion 3 only chi ld
3 look on line
4 niece
e 2 boiled 4 Who ... meeting ton ight
5 adopted child
3 baked 5 meeting ... friends
6 immediate
4 fried 6 not meeting ... girlfriend
7 stepmother
5 roast 7 helping ... mum
8 brother-in-l aw
6 steamed 8 When ... get ... exam resu lts
9 half-sister
d 2 frozen 9 won't get ... th is week
10 sibl in gs
3 raw 10 get ... Monday
11 extended
4 low-fat 12 nephew
5 fresh 13 stepsister Practica! English
6 spicy
b 2 anxious
e 2 a, 3 b 1 REACTING TO WHAT
3 selfish
f Students' own answers 4 sensible
5 self-confident a 2 1 don't believe it. / You're kidding.
g 2 topping
6 ambitious 3 What a pity. / Never mind.
3 cheer ... up
7 stubborn 4 How fantastic! / That's great newsl
4 ready-made
8 independent 5 Really?
5 al lergic
9 rebel lious 6 Oh no!
6 takeaway
7 filling 10 patient b 1 You're kidd ing.
11 honest 2 Really?
2 PRONUNCIATION 12 insecure 3 What a great idea!, How fantastic!,
a 1 /1/ chicken, squid e Down: 2 sociable, 3 mature, That's great news!
2 /i :/ peach 4 imaginative, 7 bossy 4 Oh no!, What a pity., Never mind.
3 /re/ crab, mango Across: 3 moody, 5 competitive,
6 reliable, 8 affectionate, 9 sensitive
4 /a:/ carton, jar
5 /o/ choco late, sausage d 2 dishonest
6 /:i:/ pork, prawns 2 What
3 immature
7 /o/ cookie, sugar 3 What
4 unreliable
8 /u:/ cucumber, tuna 4 How
5 insensitive
5 How
e 2 cabbage, 3 spicy, 4 roast, 5 grapes, 6 unambitious
6 What
6 fruit, 7 baked, 8 melon, 9 aubergine 7 unimaginative
8 disorganized 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH
3 GRAMMAR 9 irresponsible
2 How do you see
a 2 don't ... get up 10 unsociable
3 Not real ly
3 Are ... watching 11 unfriendly
4 That's because
4 cycles 12 unkind
5 How incredible
5 are/ 're having 13 impatient
6 Go ahead
6 is/ 's ... doing 14 unselfish
7 things like that
7 does ... give e 1 sensitive 8 1 mean
8 am / 'm not eating 2 sensible
9 doesn't.. .do 3 sympathetic
1O is/ 's trying Can you remember...? 1
b 3 That cake looks 2 GRAMMAR
4 ./ a 2 1'11 pay
5 Do you think 3 Shal l 1make 1 does ... open
6 ./ 4 you'll get / you're going to get 2 is/ 's doing
7 ./ 5 We're going 3 don't agree
8 1 love 6 1'11 have 4 Are ... going to wear / wearing
7 1'11 be 5 are / 're having
e 2 believe
8 Shall we invite 6 won't be
3 aren't using
4 doesn't belong 9 won't be
5 is/ 's playing 10 it's going to break
6 am / 'm not sleeping
7 don't recognize
8 sounds

1 duck a 2 hasn't saved a 2 How long ... going out together
2 salmon 3 charged 3 feeling ill. .. yesterday
3 nephew 4 didn't inherit 4 haven't ... living here ... long
4 mother 5 haven't been 5 cleaning ... house all morning
5 bossy 6 've never used 6 haven't ... sleeping we ll lately
6 charming 7 did your TV cost
8 d idn't have 3 VOCABULARY
3 PRONUNCIATION 9 have you lived a 2 a, 3 j, 4 f, 5 e, 6 i, 7 c, 8 b, 9 1,1 Oh,
1 reliable 10 earned 11n,12k, 13m,14g
2 great b 1 passed b 2 filthy
3 mature 2 did ... borrow, have /'ve ... spent 3 huge
4 parent 3 Have ... found, has .. . agreed 4 starving
5 spoi lt 4 Have ... lent, needed 5 tiny
5 Has ... made, ca lled 6 freezing
e 2 a Have you ever found any money e 2 amazed
1 a, 2 c, 3 b, 4 a, 5 a, 6 c, 7 c, 8 c, 9 a, 1O c
on the street? 3 furious
b How much did you fi nd? 4 terrified
3 a Have you ever used contactless 5 exhausted
payment? 6 hilarious
1 VOCABULARY b Where did you use it? 7 fascinating
a 2 afford 4 a Have you ever paid for a meal for 8 positive
3 save a lot of people? d Students' own answers
4 owe b W hy did you pay for it?
5 ea rn s 5 a Have you ever stayed in an
6 is worth expensive hotel?
7 raise b Who d id you stay t here w ith?
8 cost 6 a Have you ever raised money for
9 borrow charity? a Down: 3 the underground, 5 lorry,
10 inherited b How much did you raise? 7 coach
11 invested Across: 2 motorway, 4 van, 6 scooter,
d Students' own answers
12 charged 8 ferry, 9 motorbike
13 lend b 2 parking
b 2 for 3 traffic
3 in to 1 GRAMMAR 4 road
4 from 5 cycle
a for: a lon g tim e, six months, two weeks, 6 petral
5 in
three days, years 7 rush
6 to
si nce: Christmas, 1 was very young, 8 rank
7 on
lunchtime, Tu esday 9 speed
8 by
9 back b 2 has/ 's been ... for 1O li ghts
10 in 3 have /'ve known ... since 11 car
4 has / 's worked ... for 12 zebra
e 2 contactless payment
5 have li ved ... si nce 13 limit
3 loan
6 have loved ... sin ce 14 pedestrian
4 mortgage
7 have /'ve wanted .. for e 2 does ... take
5 budget
8 hasn't spoken ... since 3 takes
6 salary
9 haven't seen ... for 4 took
7 tax
10 has/ 's liked ... since 5 w ill take / 's going to take
d 2 pay ... back
e 2 We've been travelling 6 d id ... take
3 live off
3 has he been workin g d 2 off, 3 up, 4 out, 5 up, 6 out of
4 live on
4 She's been lookin g for
e Students' own answers 5 He hasn't been doing e Students' own answers
f 2 trip 6 Have you been wa iting 2 PRONUNCIATION
3 treatments 7 l've been looking after
8 1 haven't been playing
a 2 watch, 3 jam
4 bill
5 water d 3 have had 3 GRAMMAR
6 products 4 ,/
a 2 Bangkok is the most crowded of the
5 ,/
2 PRONUNCIATION 6 l've known
three destinations.
3 Vienna is easier to get to than
a 2 clothes, 3 done 7 We've been going
e 3 S, 4 D, 5 S, 6 D 8 ,/
4 Bangkok is more exciting than Dubai .
9 have you been riding
5 Dubai is hotter than Vienna.
1O l've was hed
6 Vienna is the most relaxing of the
e Students' own answers t hree destinations.
b 2 than Practica! English 2 GRAMMAR
3 the
a 3 don't have to
4 more 1 GIVING OPINIONS 4 ,/
5 worst a 2 g, 3 c, 4 e, 5 h, 6 a, 7 i, 8 b, 9 d 5 mustn't
6 less
b 2 To be honest 6 ,/
7 quicker / faster
3 Don't you agree / What do you think 7 don't have to
8 most ,/
4 Oh sure / Personally, 1think / 1 agree 8
9 as
10 least 5 What do you think b 2 should
6 But if you ask me/ But in my opinion 3 mustn't
e 2 walk faster than 7 1 agree 4 mustn't / shouldn't
3 the most interesting city 8 1 don't think that's right 5 must
4 is less interesting than 9 Personally, 1 think 6 should
5 the best pizza
7 shouldn't
6 isn't as expensive as 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH 8 mustn't
7 is the same as
2 You've come back e 3 1 had to
8 the least comfortable bed
3 Did you mean what you said 4 ,/
4 PRONUNCIATION 4 lt's just that my boyfriend's away 5 You mustn't
5 Hang on a minute 6 he often has to
a 2 more relaxing
3 most interesting 7 ,/

4 more expensive Can you remember... ? 1-3 8 1didn't have to

5 old tram d Students' own answers
6 first time 1 GRAMMAR
1 don't, 2 Shall, 3 just, 4 for, 5 better, 6 a 3 PRONUNCIATION
2 sho uldn't
2 VOCABULARY 3 li§'ftts
1 GRAMMAR 1 grapes 4 fiour
2 spoilt 5 exfiausted
a 2 last weekend
3 save 6 deet
3 girls, languages, boys
4 angry 7 mortgage
4 the door, the house
5 ferry 8 foreisn
5 a German, an engineer
6 fed up with 9 wro ng
6 fish, the salman
10 island
7 the cinema, a wee k 3 PRONUNCIATION
8 the end, the world
1 gone
9 women, men
2 worry
1O a beautiful day, lunch
3 cost 1 GRAMMAR
b 2 )(, next weekend 4 adventure
3 )(, Money a 3 ,/
5 machi ne
4 ,/ 4 ,/
5 ,/ 4 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY 5 haven't been able to
6 )(, the jacket 6 ,/
1 c, 2 c, 3 b, 4 a, 5 c, 6 a, 7 b, 8 c, 9 a, 1O b
7 ,/ 7 been able to
8 )(, a noi sy child 8 ,/
9 )(, a doctor 9 used to be able to
10 ,/ 10 ,/
11 ,/
1 VOCABULARY 11 must be able to
12 )(, leaves work a 2 put sb on hold 12 not being able to
3 call back b 2 could / was able to
e 2 a, 3 the, 4 th e, 5 -, 6 -, 7 the, 8 the,
4 go off 3 can't
9 a, 10-
5 leave a message 4 has/ 's been able to
2 PRONUNCIATION 6 voicemail 5 couldn't / wasn't able to
7 cut sb off 6 to be able to
a 2 cheaper than the
8 dial 7 will / '11 be able to
3 to do tonight
9 ringtone
4 the window for a moment
10 swipe
e 2 g, 3 e, 4 d, 5 b, 6 a, 7 f
5 to see a doctor about
11 engaged / busy 2 PRONUNCIATION
6 to go for a wa lk
12 hang up
a 2 never ... able .. ski
3 VOCABULARY b 2 swipe 3 play ... guitar
a 2 to, 3 for, 4 on, 5 at, 6 for, 7 about, 3 go off 4 won't ... able .. go out tomorrow
8 of, 9 to, for, 1O with, 11 at, 12 in, 4 cut off 5 hasn't ... able .. go ... school since
13 between, 14 to, 15 on 5 ringtone Monday
6 engaged / busy 6 can't find ... restaurant
b 2 on, 3 for, 4 in, 5 from, 6 at, 7 with, 7 put ... on hold
8 about, 9 of, 10 with, about, 11 to, 8 call back
12of, 13of, 14for, 15to, 16with, 9 voicemail
17 about, 18 to, 19 to 10 hang up
12 text / message
1 argued ... dad
2 laughing at, laughing ... you
3 excited about, excited ... holiday
4 listening to, listening ... radio

3 VOCABULARY e 2 was looking forward to Practica! English
3 won / had won
a 2 embarrassed
3 frightened
5 began 2 Is it OK if 1 open a window
4 excitin g a
6 was winning
5 boring 3 Wou ld you mind repeating that
7 carne back 4 Could you take a photo of me
6 annoying
8 won 5 Do you mind if 1sit here
7 depressing
9 was getting
8 disappointed 6 Do you think you could carry my bag
10 couldn't
9 tired b 2 No problem.
11 reached
1O frustrated 3 Not at all.
12 beat / had beaten
b 2 frightened 4 No problem.
3 tiring 5 Of course not.
4 embarrassed 6 Sure.
5 disappointing e 2 visit, 3 meeting, 4 join, 5 pass, 6 take
6 excited
a 2 used to play d b 5, c 6, d 1, e 3, f 2
7 boring
8 depressed 3 don't usually go
4 normally wears
9 frustrated
5 Did you use to have a 2 talk, 3 come, 4 days, 5 mind, 6 way
10 amazing
6 stayed b 2 How come you're so late?
c Students' own answers
7 never used to watch 3 No way man!
8 went cycl ing 4 if you don't mind.
b 3 ,/ 5 Just like the old days.
4 doesn't usua lly wear 6 We've got so much to talk about.
5 ,/
a 2 fans
3 referee
6 usually wa lk Can you remember... ? 1-5
7 ,/
4 team 8 Do you usua lly / normally 1 GRAMMAR
5 umpire 9 went
6 players
1 for six years
10 ,/ 2 Shall 1 carry
7 stadium
e 2 usually give 3 has/ 's been studying
8 arena
3 usually call 4 mustn't / can't play
9 capta in
4 used to go 5 be ab le to
10 sports hall
5 used to eat out 6 used to cry
11 coa ch
6 don't usua lly work
12 spectators 2 VOCABULARY
7 used to be
b 2 court 8 didn't use to like 1 t inned, 2 re li able, 3 voicemail, 4 ferry,
3 circuit 5 propose, 6 stadium
5 pitch a 2 especially, 3 please, 4 music 3 PRONUNCIATION
6 si o pe 1 food, 2 cook, 3 mortgage, 4 world,
7 track 3 VOCABULARY 5 sport
e 2 trained a 2 fiancé, 3 close friend, 4 ex,
3 won 5 classmates, 6 colleague, 7 flatmate, 4 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY
4 got fit 8 couple 1 couple, 2 since, 3 in, 4 had, 5 from, 6 for,
5 drew b 2 fanc ied, 3 in, 4 out, 5 common, 7 more, 8 out, 9 are, 1O raise
6 lost 6 up, 7 touch, 8 to, 9 got, 1O beca me,
7 threw 11 together, 12 proposed, 13 married
8 beat
9 scored e 2 fancied him
3 got to know 1 GRAMMAR
10 got injured
11 went 4 became friends a 2 wrote
12 kicked 5 had a lot in common 3 will be used
6 went out together 4 have been invited
d 2 off, 3 out, 4 up 7 were together 5 are showing
8 broke up 6 is going to be dubbed
9 lost touch 7 were filming
a 2 sport, 3 slope, 4 court 1O got in touch 8 can be bought
11 got on b 2 has/ 's been nominated
12 proposed to 3 is/ 's being filmed
a 2 b, 3 c, 4 b, 5 a, 6 c, 7 a, 8 b, 9 c, 1O b 13 got married 4 had been transformed
b 2 were driving, remembered,
d 2 friendship, 3 membership, 5 were directed
hadn't locked
4 leadership, 5 partnership 6 was being built
3 didn't recognize, had changed
7 will be/ is going to be released
4 was waiting, called, couldn't, had
8 be shot
broken down
5 beat, were winning, scored e 2 c, 3 b, 4 a, 5 c, 6 b, 7 b, 8 c, 9 b, 1O a
6 ran, had already left, were waiting
a 2 used, 3 waited, 4 written, 5 shot,
6 worn, 7 said, 8 won, 9 taken, 1O told
3 VOCABULARY b 2 primary school 2 PRONUNCIATION
a 2 action film 3 he ad
a 2 grow, vegetables, garden
4 state school
3 science fiction film 3 buy, cottage, had enough money
5 degree
4 drama 4 my house, wou ldn 't make, kitch en
6 private school
5 musical bigger
7 term
6 thriller 5 wouldn't have, car, lived, city centre
7 historical film
8 boarding school
e 3 D, 4 S, 5 S, 6 D, 7 S, 8 D
9 nursery school
8 horror film
10 students 3 VOCABULARY
9 war film
11 secondary school
10 western a 2 on, 3 on, 4 in, 5 on, 6 in
11 an imation e 2 e lementary school
b Down: 2 top floor, 3 steps, 5 attic,
12 rom-com 3 grades
6 balcony, 7 entrance, 9 roof
4 semesters
b 2 plot, 3 script, 4 audience, 5 review, Across: 2 terrace, 4 path, 6 basement,
5 high school
6 scene, 7 subtitles, 8 seque !, 8 ground floor, 1O gate, 11 chimney
6 twe lfth grade
9 soundtrack, 1O special effects, e 2 b, 3 b, 4 c, 5 a, 6 a, 7 c, 8 b, 9 b, 1O b,
7 college
11 extras, 12 cast, 13 critic, 14 set, 11a, 12 a
15 trailer d 2 misbehaved
3 weren't allowed to
e 2 is set in
3 is based on
4 made Practica! English
5 were punished
6 cheated
5 plays the part of
7 let a 2 l'm not very keen on raw fish
6 was dubbed into
8 revised 3 That's a great idea
9 took 4 Why don 't we try that new sushi
10 passed restaurant
11 failed 5 What about having a Chinese
1 GRAMMAR 6 Where shall we go for lunch
a 2 must, 3 might not, 4 cou ld, 5 must, 2 PRONUNCIATION 7 We could get a cab to save time
6 can't a 2 pul l, 3 cut, 4 subtitles 8 How about going to an ltal ia n
b 2 can't, 3 might, 4 must, 5 can't, resta urant
6 might not, 7 ca n't, 8 might
3 GRAMMAR 9 Let's go there
a 2 c, 3 b, 4 f, 5 a, 6 h, 7 d, 8 g b 2 Let's go there
e 2 might have a meeting
3 can't be going to work today b 2 when, 3 befare, 4 if, 5 after, 6 until 3 How about going to an lta lian
4 might not like it e 2 will / '11 be, hurry restaurant
5 can't be tired already 3 will / '11 have, go out 4 Why don't we try that new sush i
6 must have an exam tomorrow 4 won't wait, aren't restau rant
7 might not be working 5 doesn't come, won't have s l'm not very keen on raw fish
8 might be driving home from work 6 won't leave, finds 6 what about having a Chinese
7 won't be able to, lend 7 Why not
2 VOCABULARY 8 gets, wil l / '11ca ll 8 We could get a cab to save time
a 2 neck, 3 back, 4 arms, 5 legs, 6 feet, 9 won't start, is / 's 9 That's a great idea
7 face, 8 nose, 9 chin, 10 stomach, 1O will / '11 play, practise 2 VERB FORMS
11 fingers, 12 knees d Students' own answers
2 watch , 3 meeting, 4 play, 5 going,
b 2 thumb, 3 tongue, 4 mouth, 5 li ps,
6 eat out
6 hands, 7 teeth, 8 ears, 9 toes
The hidden word is 'shoulders'. 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH
e 2 kick, 3 touch, 4 point, 5 sme ll, 6 smile, 1 GRAMMAR 2 why, 3 make, 4 off, 5 not, 6 word,
7 nod, 8 clap, 9 bite, 1O wh istle, a 2 g, 3 c, 4 a, 5 h, 6 b, 7 e, 8 f 7 happen
11 Throw, 12 taste b 2 wou ld be, cleaned
d 2 finger, 3 mouth, 4 tongue, 5 head, 3 wouldn't drive, didn't have
Can you remember...? 1-7
6 eyes, 7 nose, 8 fingers / hand, 4 Would ... carry on, won
9 lips / mouth, 1O teeth , 11 hands 5 would sleep, d idn't drink 1 GRAMMAR
6 would lend, needed
3 PRONUNCIATION 1 's getting, 2 's been playing, 3 mustn't,
7 wouldn't be, snowed
4 be able to, 5 have, 6 'd tell
a 2 eyes, 3 tongue, 4 shoulders, 5 here, 8 wasn't / weren't, cou ld
6 fair 9 Wou ld . .. wake up, didn't set 2 VOCABULARY
1O had, wouldn't be
1 sympathetic, 2 salary, 3 head, 4 coach,
e 3 l'd ca ll her 5 p lot, 6 s hou lder
4 you don't hurry up
1 VOCABULARY 5 1'11 tell him the news 3 PRONUNCIATION
a 2 geography 6 he didn't love you 1 cinema, 2 cosy, 3 city, 4 stare, 5 fa il
3 biology 7 she'd be happier
4 literature 8 they' ll cancel the match 4 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY
5 chemistry 9 you didn't eat out every nig ht 1 c, 2 a, 3 e, 4 b, 5 b, 6 a, 7 c, 8 b, 9 c, 1O b
6 history 1O she doesn't feel bette r
7 information technology
8 mathematics

e 2 talking
3 to tell
1 VOCABULARY 4 to turn off
5 not speaking
a 2 sacked, 3 resign, 4 applied, 5 shifts, 6 laugh a 2 would have
6 promoted, 7 redundant, 8 training 7 Being able to 3 had
course, 9 set up, 1O ran, 11 retire 8 not to charge 4 had
b 2 at, part-time 5 would / 've have
3 in, temporary 6 would / 'd have
4 in, full-time 7 had
5 for, unemployed 8 had / 'd
6 permanent, for b 2 would / 'd have arrived
a 2 it was
7 freelance, for 3 hadn't booked
3 told me
e 2 translator 4 had / 'd checked
4 she bought
3 employment 5 hadn't been
5 might
4 pharmacist 6 wouldn't have made
6 if 1could
5 retirement 7 had / 'd known
7 had to
6 promotion 8 wouldn't have invited
8 the dress suited me
7 lawyer 9 hadn't been
9 1wanted
8 scientist 1O wouldn't have got
1O had forgotten
9 resignation e 2 1hadn't passed my final exams
b 2 told, 3 said, 4 told, 5 told, 6 said
1O application 3 she would / 'd have got the job
11 farmer e 2 if 1had / 'd seen his wallet, (that) 1 4 we hadn't had lunch before we left
12 qualifications didn't know where it was 5 we would / 'd have played tennis
3 if her school shoes still fit her, me 6 you had / 'd followed my directions
d 2 fired
(that) they fit her perfectly 7 1would / 'd have won that game
3 work
4 how much he had / 'd paid for his 8 he wouldn't have broken them
4 run
jacket, (that) it had been a bargain
5 fired
5 where 1was going the next day, her 2 PRONUNCIATION
6 market
(that) 1 was meeting sorne friends a 2 would have gone
7 company
6 if he needed anything from the shop, 3 would have bought
8 market
(that) he wanted sorne chocolate 4 would have stayed
9 work
7 if we had / 'd enjoyed our stay, her 5 would have got
10 run
(that) it had been very enjoyable 6 would have helped
2 PRONUNCIATION 8 when 1was going shopping, (that) 1
might go on Saturday 3 VOCABULARY
a 2 apJ:ili'
3 em¡;¿!.m-ment a 3 fortunate, 4 unfortunate, 5 careful,
2 VOCABULARY 6 careless, 7 patient, 8 impatient,
4 farmer
a 2 b, a, 3 a, b, 4 a, b, 5 b, a, 6 a, b, 9 lucky, 1O unlucky
5 freelance
7 b, a, 8 a, b
6 lawyer b 2 impatiently, 3 carelessly, 4 Fortunately,
7 mufilcian b 2 service 5 unlucky
8 ¡:¿filmanent 3 treatment
e 3 possible, 4 impossible, 5, selfish,
9 pharmacist 4 agreement
6 unselfish, 7 useful, 8 useless,
1O promotion 5 improvement
9 su ita ble, 1O unsuitable, 13 possibly,
11 qualification 6 argument
14 impossibly, 15 selfishly, 16 unselfishly,
12 Q.YQlify 7 valuation
17 usefully, 18 uselessly, 19 suitably,
13 redundant 8 achievement
20 unsuitably
14 resignation 9 choice
15 retire 1O management d 2 selfishly, 3 useless, 4 successful,
16 retirement 11 demonstration 5 unsuitably
17 scientist 12 sale e 2 impatient, 3 uncomfortable, 4 lucky,
18 temporary 13 consideration 5 desperately, 6 Unfortunately, 7 Luckily,
19 trans.@tion 14 failure 8 comfortable, 9 carefully
20 unemployed 15 temptation
e 2 payment
3 GRAMMAR 3 complaint
a 2 a, 3 b, 4 c, 5 a, 6 b, 7 c, 8 a, 9 b, 10 a 4 attachment 1 VOCABULARY
b 3 asked me to wait 5 response a 2 printer, 3 speaker, 4 adaptor, 5 remote
4 ,/ 6 explanation control, 6 socket, 7 charger, 8 switch,
5 1 promise not to laugh 7 success 9 plug, 1O USB cable, 11 memory stick,
6 ,/ 8 compensation 11 router
7 went on studying
8 ,/ 3 PRONUNCIATION b 2 memory stick, 3 charger, 4 printer,
5 USB cable, 6 keyboard, 7 remote
9 1 don't mind staying in a 2 certain
control, 8 adaptor, 9 speaker, 1O router,
10 ,/ 3 said
11 plug, socket
4 railway
5 captain e Down: 3 plug in, 4 switch off,
6 brain 5 turn down, 6 update, 9 set
Across: 2 unplug, 4 switch on, 7 delete,
8 install
2 GRAMMAR Can you remember...? 1-9 e 2 tap water
3 remote contro l
a 2 b , 3 b, c, 4 c, 5 a, b , c, 6 b , 7 b , 8 a,
9 c, 1O a, 11 a, 12 b 1 GRAMMAR 4 special effect s
5 road works
b 2 enoug h, too expensive /too much 1 have /'ve known
6 golf course
3 a little, m uch 2 d idn't use t o
7 olive oil
4 too many, enough 3 might / may / cou ld be
8 text message
5 no, any 4 would / 'd wal k
9 electricit y bill
6 few, many 5 t o tidy
6 had / 'd been 1O sports hall
e 2 much money The missing compound noun is
3 any b uses 2 VOCABULARY 'speed limit'.
4 very few people
1 d uck, 2 couple, 3 scri pt , 4 degree, 5 gate,
5 o ld enoug h
6 apply for
6 very little / no work a 2 keyboard
7 t oo much /a lot of / lots of / loads of 3 PRONUNCIATION 3 profile page
furniture 4 parking fine
1 course, 2 loan, 3 rout er, 4 floor, 5 nose
8 no paper 5 ringtone
9 a lot of / lot s of / loads of traffic 4 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY 6 secondary school
1O too many /a lot of / lot s of / loads of 7 tennis court
1 c, 2 a, 3 b, 4 a, 5 c, 6 c, 7 a, 8 a, 9 c, 1O a,
children 8 traffic lights
11 b, 12 c
11 a few /sorne p hone ca lls
12 t oo small b 1 cleaning, 2 keyboard, 3 gr:Qfile,
4 ¡¿filking, 5 ringtone, 6 secondary,
3 PRONUNCIATION 7 1ªnnis, 8 t raffic
a 2 updated it 1 GRAMMAR
3 t urn ed it down a 3 whose
4 delet ed it 4 t hat / which
5 p lugged it in 5 who 1 VOCABULARY
6 switched it off 6 w here a 2 Detectives
7 unp lugged it 7 who 3 solve
8 t urned it up 8 whose 4 victim
e 2 alt hough 9 where 5 suspects
3 t hroug h 10 that / which 6 Witnesses
4 laug hed b sentence 4 7 murderer
8 evidence
e 2 he, 3 t here, 4 it, 5 her, 6 there, 7 it,
9 prove
Practica! English 8 it, 9 them, 10 it
b 2 murder
d 2 where t he Mona Lisa ca n be seen
1 INDIRECT QUESTIONS 3 wh ich is in the Himalayas
3 victim
4 evidence
a 2 goes 4 which was opened in China in 2011
3 1 can
5 witnesses
5 whose husband is a Spanish
6 murderer
4 Lola is footballer
7 suspects
5 comes 6 who helped hundreds of slaves to
6 you're
8 sol ve
9 p rove
7 t he restau rant d oses
8 you sp oke to 2 VOCABULARY
b 2 what t ime it arrives a 2 seat belt
a 2 were you
3 w hich stop t he b us goes from 3 headphones
3 didn't you
4 how m uch a o ne way t icket costs 4 memory stick
4 haven't you
5 if 1 need to change buses 5 traffic jam
5 aren't you
6 how m uch d iscount 1 get w it h a 6 ground floor
6 doesn't he
st udent card 7 foot ball pitch
7 haven't you
8 classmat es
e 2 Could you t ell me how m uch a one 8 wou ldn't you
9 desk lamp
way ticket costs? b 2 do you , 3 is it, 4 doesn't he, 5 d idn't
3 Can you tell me how much discount 1 b 2 top floor
t hey, 6 has she, 7 aren't 1, 8 won't you,
get wit h a student card? 3 soundtrack
9 would 1, 1O have you
4 1 wonder if 1 need to change buses. 4 training course
5 do you kn ow w hat time it arrives? 5 flatmate e 2 You're younger than me, aren 't you
6 boarding school 3 You don't like cheese, do you
3 SOCIAL ENGLISH 7 cycle lane 4 Your brother lives abroad, doesn't he
8 rush hour 5 You studied p hysics, didn't you
2 1 g uess, 3 Of course, 4 lt 's obvious,
9 speed camera 6 We've been here before, haven 't we
5 W hat if, 6 either
1O science fiction 7 You wouldn't do that, would you
8 The flight won't be cancel led, wi ll it

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