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BSBDIV501 Manage workplace diversity

Assessment 2


Identifying diversity issues and managing these effectively in the workplace through
contemporary initiatives and sound procedures


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BSBDIV501 Manage diversity in the workplace



BSBDIV501 Manage diversity in the workplace


This assessment consists of a series of tasks which include

 research of legislation – key aspects, requirements and complaint processes

 identification of current initiatives and the potential for integrating these in the management of a
diverse workforce

 development of a diversity policy which can be implemented in a diverse workplace based on the
values identified from the current projects and based on legal requirements identified

 development of an anti-bullying/anti-harassment policy with clear procedures for informal and

formal complaint stages

You are required to address all tasks set out below. The website link provided is current as of 27
September 2014 including the information relating to current initiatives.

Whilst EEO legislation covers the general aspects related to Equal Opportunity Employment, the
intention of this project is to identify contemporary aspects which would be beneficial for a diverse
team in the workplace. You are encouraged to evaluate current programs and identify which aspects
can be implemented in a sustainable manner in industry.

The link and information provided on the websites are sources of information and all responses you
provide here must be clearly referenced. Policies and procedures must be your own work.

Your trainer will provide you with feedback within agreed timelines as outlined to you.

BSBDIV501 Manage diversity in the workplace

Your Tasks

1. Go to the website and identify the

purpose of the following Acts – what is covered, who does this apply to and what is the relevance
in a workplace?

 Age Discrimination Act

 Disability Discrimination Act
 Racial Discrimination Act
 Sex Discrimination Act
 Australian Human Rights Commission Act

Age Discrimination Act 2004

Age separation happens when an individual is dealt with less well, or not offered similar chances as
others experiencing the same thing, since the person is viewed as excessively old or excessively
The Act makes it illegal to separate based on age while publicizing position; during enlistment and
choice cycles; while arriving at conclusions about preparing, move and advancement open doors; and in
the terms and condition.
Generalizations about youngsters and develop labourers can extraordinarily impact choices made
during enlistment and in the work environment.
Instances of age separation could include:
 Commercial a situation for somebody matured to join the enthusiastic youthful team.
 Not utilizing more youthful labourers in view of presumptions that they will rapidly continue on
toward one more job.
 Harassing or tormenting an individual due to their age.
 Not utilizing specific individuals since they won't 'find a place' with different representatives on
account of their age.
 Making decisions around overt repetitiveness, or driving somebody to resign, in light of their

Disability Discrimination Act 1992

Disability separation is the point at which an individual with incapacity is dealt with less well than an
individual without the handicap in something very comparative conditions. The Commonwealth
Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) makes it illegal to treat individuals unreasonably in light of

BSBDIV501 Manage diversity in the workplace

The Act makes it illegal to oppress individuals with inabilities in business, including:
 Promotion, move, preparing or different advantages related with workers.
 Terms and states of business, for example, pay rates, work hours and leave.
 The enlistment process, like publicizing, meeting, and other choice processes
 Dismissal or some other hindrance, like downgrade or conservation.
Under the Disability Discrimination Act (1992), managers are committed to make acclimations to
oblige a singular's handicap, except if that change would bring about unmerited difficulty. Numerous
businesses acknowledge that working environment adaptability is a fascination and maintenance

Racial Discrimination Act 1975

The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 gives impact to Australia's commitments under the International
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Its significant goals are to
 promote correspondence under the steady gaze of the law for all people, no matter what their
race, variety or public or ethnic beginning, and
 Make victimization individuals based on their race, variety, drop or public.

It is illegal to segregate while publicizing position, during enrolment and determination processes,
while coming to conclusions about preparing, move and advancement potential open doors.
Instances of racial separation in business include:
 Not utilizing or advancing somebody in view of suspicions that they will unable to 'find a
place' with their associates,
 Not utilizing somebody from a specific racial gathering since 'those individuals are
 Biased treatment over work based on race, for example, exposing representatives to
negative remarks about their ethnic,
 Emphasizing that all representatives communicate in English consistently, in any event,
during recess too.

Sex Discrimination Act 1984

The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 gives impact to Australia's commitments all together to
 Remove segregation based on sex, conjugal status or pregnancy and, regarding excusals,
family obligations,.
 Encourage equity among men and women

BSBDIV501 Manage diversity in the workplace

 Removing lewd behaviour at work, in instructive establishments, in the arrangement of
labour and products, in the arrangement of convenience and the conveyance of
Commonwealth programs.
Sex segregation in work happens when somebody is dealt with less well than an individual of the other
gender would be treated in something similar or comparative conditions. It can happen when bosses or
chiefs hold suspicions about what kind of work ladies are proficient - or not able - of doing.
Instances of sex segregation include:
 Not paying a lady a similar compensation as an individual for accomplishing a similar work, or
not giving similar chances to preparing, tutoring or advancement.
 Not recruiting a lady on the grounds that the business figures because she won't squeeze into a
'customarily' male work environment.

Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986

Discrimination based on ethnic, variety, gender, religion, political assessment, public extraction, social
beginning, age, weakness, mental, scholarly or mental handicap, actual incapacity, clinical record,
criminal record, conjugal or relationship status, ethnicity, sexual direction, and worker's organization
movement. Likewise covers Discrimination in work or occupation.
It gives impact to Australia's commitments under the accompanying:
 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
 Convention on the Rights of the Child.
 Convention Concerning Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation (ILO 111).
 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
 Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Person.
 Declaration of the Rights of the Child.
 Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons.
 Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrim ination Based on
Religion or Belief.

To guarantee, similarly as practicable, that everybody has similar freedoms to uniformity under the
steady gaze of the law, paying little heed to mature, orientation, Sexual direction, race, debilitated
individuals or the remainder of the local area; can't to deny those individuals' privileges, for
example, admittance to spots and offices, purchase or lease the land, lodging and other
convenience, arrangement of labour and products, right to join worker's guilds, business, and so on.

BSBDIV501 Manage diversity in the workplace

2. Current projects that have been implemented as part of the national strategies for each of the
following acts can be found on the relevant areas of Review these
current projects and analyse the key factors and campaigns which would be beneficial and could
be adapted for managing a diverse workplace. Which potential benefits for a workplace can you
find in each of these projects?

 Age Discrimination Act

 Disability Discrimination Act
 Racial Discrimination Act
 Sex Discrimination Act

Age Discrimination Act:
Willing to Work Report execution
 Gave significance on an individual's age and generalizations or legends related to their age.
 Avoiding prejudicial ways of behaving during enlistment, in the work environment and in choices
about preparing, advancement and retrial, intentionally and compulsory.

Senior Abuse
Elder maltreatment can take different structures, including: monetary, physical, mental and sexual
maltreatment, or disregard. No more seasoned individual ought to be exposed to any type of abuse.
 Raising attention to senior maltreatment and illuminating more seasoned Australians regarding
the backings accessible to them.
 Raising consciousness of individuals' freedoms and commitments while entering replacement
choice plans, for example, wills and legal authority positioning.
 Motivating the advancement of senior regulation training programs and the foundation of a
senior regulation expert license.

Disability Discrimination Act:

DDA25 anniversary
 Goal to examine on the victories and difficulties of the DDA.
 Focusing on the freedoms of ladies with inabilities and the privileges of native people groups
with handicaps, and desire to advance the significance of supporting states to satisfy their
commitments under the CRPD.

BSBDIV501 Manage diversity in the workplace

Admittance to Justice in The Criminal Justice System for People with Disability
 The account centre around individuals with inabilities who need correspondence supports or
who have perplexing and various help needs and who have interacted with the law enforcement
 Negative suppositions and mentalities, combined with an absence of help administrations and
insignificant arrangement of changes, frequently implies that individuals with inabilities are seen
as not trustworthy, not fit for giving proof or unfit to take part in official procedures.

Help creatures and the Disability Discrimination Act 1992

 The help creature is a prepared help intended to work with the support of individuals with
handicap in getting to different parts of individual and public life.
 These creatures are not pets however it give a fundamental capacity to certain individuals
with disability is prepared to help an individual with an inability to mitigate the impact of the
handicap and satisfies guidelines of cleanliness and conduct that are fitting for a creature in
a public place.

Racial Discrimination Act:

Telling the Stories of Australian Muslims

 Goals to assemble strong knowledge about the occurance of Australian Muslims to illuminate
the Australian Human Rights Commission's work in advancing social union and giving proof to
 The project is a chance to distinguish local area qualities, concerns and needs and hear from the
local area about thoughts for change.

Race Discrimination Commissioner's Student Prize 2018

 Students planned to advance exploration and conversation of bigotry among youngsters.
 Intends to teach the youngsters and later on this will assist them for upcoming jobs

Sex Discrimination Act

National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces

 Rational investigation into lewd behaviour in Australian jobs.
 The Commission has fostered a tool compartment to help intrigued people or gatherings inside
Australian working environments, networks and gatherings to lead worked with discussions to
illuminate the National Inquiry.

BSBDIV501 Manage diversity in the workplace

Native Defence Project
 Acknowledge the conventional caretakers of Country all through Australia and perceive their
proceeding with association with land, waters and community.
 Pay regards to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people groups, their societies, and
elderly folks, over a wide span of time.

College rape and inappropriate behaviour project

 Giving an exact image of the nature and degree of rape and inappropriate behaviour at colleges,
and how colleges answer this situation.
 A public college understudy review on sexual harassment and lewd behaviour.

BSBDIV501 Manage diversity in the workplace

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