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Women Development, Child Welfare and Disabled Welfare Department -

Persons with Disabilities - Guidelines for evaluation of various disabilities and
procedure for certification – Comprehensive Orders – Issued.



G.O.Ms.No.31 Dated.01-12-2009.
Read the following:

1. G.O.Rt.No.109, WD CW & L (WH.Desk) Dept.Dt:15.06.1992.

2. G.O.Ms.No.21, WD & CW (WH) Dept. Dated 23.03.1998.
3. G.O.Ms.No.41, WD CW & DW Dept. Dated 9.06.1998
4. G.O.Ms.No.27, WD CW & DW (DW)Dept. Dated 09.08.2000
5. Govt. Memo .No.10195/DW.A2/2002,WD, CW & DW
Dept. dated 18.11.2002
6. G.O.Ms.No.56, WDCW & DW (DW) Dept. dt.2.12.2002
7. G.O.Ms.No.22, WD CW and DW Dept. Dated 7.7.2008.
8. The Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995
9. Guidelines for evaluation of various disabilities issued by Government
of India in 2001 and 2002.
10. G.O.Ms.No.115, WD CW & L (WH.Desk) Dept., Dated: 30.07.1991.

O R D E R:-

In the G.Os. 1st to 7th read above, orders were issued by the Government
on constitution of Medical Boards, Assessment of disabilities, Constitution of
Appellate Medical Boards, percentage of disability for facilities, concessions and
benefits and action for producing of false certificates in claim of reservation etc.

2. The Government of India had enacted the Persons with Disabilities (Equal
Opportunities, Protection of Right and Full Participation) Act, 1995 and the Act
came into force in Andhra Pradesh on 7.2.1996. Keeping in view the
enactment of the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995 with Rules notified by
Government of Andhra Pradesh and Government of India guidelines on
evaluation of various disabilities and procedure for certification issued in 2001
and 2002 and superseding the orders issued from 1st to 7th read above,
Government hereby issues the following comprehensive orders:

I. Definition of Disabilities:-

The following definitions mentioned in the Persons with Disabilities (Equal

Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 and
the National Trust for Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy,
Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act, 1999 are adopted:
:: 2 ::
Disability therefore includes:-
(i) blindness;
(ii) low vision;
(iii) leprosy cured;
(iv) hearing impairment;
(v) locomotor disability;
(vi) mental Retardation;
(vii) mental Illness

a) Blindness refers to a condition where a person suffers from any of the

following conditions, namely:-

(i) total absence of sight; or

(ii) visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (snellen) in the
better eye with correcting lenses; or
(iii) limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degree
or worse;
b) Person with Low vision means a person with impairment of visual
functioning even after treatment or standard refractive correction but
who uses or is potentially capable of using vision for the planning or
execution of a task with appropriate assistive device i.e., a person
with impairment of vision of less than 6/18 to 6/60 with best
correction in the better eye or impairment of field in any of the
following categories:

(i) Reduction of fields less than 50 degrees

(ii) Heminaopia with macular involvement
(iii) Attitudinal defect involving lower fields

c) Leprosy cured person means a person who has been cured of leprosy,
but is suffering from not less than 40% of disability as follows:-

(i) loss of sensation in hands or feet as well a loss of sensation

and paresis in the eye and eye lid but with no manifest
(ii) manifest deformity and paresis but having sufficient mobility in
their hands and feet to enable them to engage in normal
economic activity;
iii) extreme physical deformity as well as advanced age which
prevents him from undertaking any gainful occupation; and
the expression “Leprosy cured” shall be construed accordingly;
(iv) The “Leprosy Cured” persons generally become “Locomotor
Disabled” and the Medical Certificate may, in such cases have
to be issued under the category of Locomotor Disability.

d) Hearing impairment means loss of sixty decibles or more in the better

ear in the conversational range of frequencies.

e) Locomotor disability means disability of the bones, joints or muscles

leading to substantial restrictions of the movement of the limbs which
includes Dwarfs, persons with Hunch back, leprosy cured persons,
persons suffering from Muscular Dystrophy or any form of Cerebral

f) Cerebral Palsy means a group of non progressive conditions of a

person characterized by abnormal motor control posture resulting
from brain insult or injuries occurring in the pre-natal, peri-natal or
infant period of development.
:: 3 ::
g) Mental retardation means a condition of arrested or incomplete
development of mind of a person which is specially characterized by
sub-normality of intelligence.
Categorization of Mental Retardation
Percentage of
Category IQ
i) Mild 50 – 69 50%
ii) Moderate 35 – 49 75%
iii) Severe 20 – 34 90%
iv) Profound Less than 20 100%

h) Mental illness means any mental disorder other than mental


Categories of Mental Illness

Global Disability Score (Total Percentage of
Disability Score + DOI Score) Disability
Moderate 7-13 40-70%
Severe 14-19 71-99%
Profound 20 100%

i) Multiple disabilities means a combination of two or more disabilities

as defined in Clause (i) of Section 2 of the Persons with Disabilities
Act 1995 Act.

j) Autism means a condition of uneven skill development primarily

affecting the communication and social abilities of a person, marked
by repetitive and ritualistic behaviors;

3. Person with disability means a person suffering from not less than forty
percent of any disability as certified by a medical authority except Hearing
Impairment. Hearing Impairment means loss of sixty decibles or more in the
better ear in the conversational range of frequencies which corresponds to 85 dBs
Hearing threshold on the audiogram in the better ear i.e., 85 dB hearing level in
audiogram – 25 dB upper limit of normal hearing = 60 dB hearing loss as per
provision under “Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995”.

II. Evaluation and Issue of Disability Certificate:

i) The guidelines for evaluation of various disabilities and procedure for

certification issued by the government of India in the 9th read above shall
be followed (Annexure-I).

ii) The Government hereby constitute the Medical Boards consisting of three
members, of whom atleast one shall be a specialist/s in the particular field
for assessing the disability / disabilities.

iii) An Audiologist with M.Sc. (Speech & Hearing / Audiology Language and
Speech Pathology {ASLP} or Equivalent) qualification having registration
with Rehabilitation Council of India should be part of the Medical Board
for issuing hearing disability certificates.

iv) All the District Headquarters Hospitals /Government Teaching Hospitals

are hereby notified as District Medical Boards and authorized to give
certificates for persons with disabilities.

v) Whenever required the Chairman of the Medical Board may co-opt other
Experts/Specialists in addition to members comprising in the Medical
:: 4 ::

vi) Further, the Superintendent is authorized to nominate one of the Members

in the Medical Board as his nominee to act as Chairman of the Medical

vii) Specified test as indicated in Annexure-I should be conducted by the

Medical Board and recorded before certificate is issued.

viii) The certificate would be valid for a period of five years or for such period
as may be specified for those whose disability is temporary. For those
who acquire permanent disability, the validity can be shown as
permanent. The specimen copy of the disability certificate is enclosed
ix) All the records pertaining to the assessment shall be kept in the custody of
the concerned Superintendent of the Hospitals.
x) On representation by the applicant, the Medical Board may review the
decision having regard to all the facts and circumstances of the case and
pass such order in the matter as it thinks fit within 20 days from the date
of receipt of the application.

xi) All the persons with disabilities shall be assessed afresh regarding
percentage of disability. All the existing certificates shall be replaced by re-
assessing the persons with disabilities by the concerned District Medical
Board as per the new guidelines to be issued separately by Rural
Development Department. For this purpose, the District Collector in
consultation with the Superintendent, District Headquarters Hospitals and
Superintendent of Teaching Hospitals are authorized to constitute required
Medical Boards within the district. The old certificates shall become
invalid after completion of the reassessment and issue of certificates
xii) After completion of the assessment of the degree of disability of all the
persons with disabilities in camp mode as per new guidelines, the Medical
Boards shall meet atleast once in a fort-night in order to assess and issue
Medical Board Certificates to new cases and left over persons with

(xiii) In case of loss of certificate, the concerned person with disabilities shall
apply to the concerned Superintendent, District Headquarters
Hospitals/Teaching Hospitals along with F.I.R. and non traceable
certificate issued by the concerned police. The Medical Board after due
assessment shall issue a Medical Board Certificate within 20 days from
the date of receipt of the application.

III. Appellate Authority:-

i) Government hereby constitutes State Appellate Medical authorities in the

State to resolve the disputes regarding the degree of disability. The State
Appellate Medical authority shall consist of the following persons:-

a) Superintendent of the Institution Hospital : Chairman

b) Head of the department of concerned disability in Hospital/Institution
c) Expert in the specified field of handicapped i.e., ophthalmologist in
the case of Visually Handicapped; ENT surgeon in the case of
speech and Hearing Handicapped; Orthopaedic surgeon in the case
of Orthopaedically Handicapped; Clinical Psychologist /
Psychiatrist /Paediatrician; in the field of Mentally Handicapped;
Psychiatrist in case of Mental illness whenever required.(to be
nominated by the Chairman, Medical Board)
:: 5 ::

ii) Disability wise Appellate Medical Boards are constituted as under:

a) Orthopaedically Handicapped/
Locomotor Disability/Leprosy Osmania General Hospital, Hyderabad./
cured/Dwarf/ Hunchback/ Gandhi Hospital, Hyderabad
Mascular Dystrophy

b) Blindness/ Low vision Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital, Hyderabad.

c) Mental Retardation Institute of Mental Health, Hyderabad /

National Institute for the Mentally
d) Mental Illness State Institute of Mental Health,

e) Hearing Impairment Govt. ENT Hospital, Koti, Hyderabad.

iii) The Chairman, Appellate Medical authority may co-opt other experts
whenever required.

iv) The Director General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare will be the final authority, should there arise any confusion / doubt
regarding the interpretation of the definition / classification / evaluation
lists etc.

IV.Action for fraudulently availing any benefit meant for Persons With

(i) It has been represented to the Government that some normal persons are
being appointed to various posts based on bogus medical certificates
resulting in denial of the benefit to the genuinely disabled persons apart
from injustice to the meritorious open category candidates.

(ii) All the Heads of Departments, the District Collectors appointing authorities
are therefore requested to carefully verify the Medical certificates produced
by the individuals and verify the genuineness before allowing them to
appear for selection tests etc.

(iii) All cases of Hearing Impaired shall necessarily be referred to ENT Hospital
for confirmation before issue of appointment orders.

(iv) Regarding doubtful cases of other categories they may be referred to the
concerned State Appellate Medical Board for confirmation or otherwise of
disability status, i.e. Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital, Hyderabad for Visually
Handicapped and Gandhi Hospital/Osmania Hospital, Hyderabad for
Orthopaedically Handicapped.

(v) Effective follow up action including prosecution/removal from service

following the due procedure shall be taken in all cases of false claims based
on fake/false certificate etc.

(vi) Those who fraudulently avail or attempt to avail any benefit meant for
persons with disabilities, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term
which may extend to two years or with fine which may extend to twenty
thousand rupees or with both as prescribed under Section 69 of Persons
with Disabilities Act, 1995.
:: 6 ::
(vii) In addition those who attempt to seek employment on the basis of false
medical board certificate i.e., certificates obtained by misrepresentation
/clandestine manner etc., which tantamount to cheating shall also be
debarred from Government employment for a period of 5 years.
(viii) Issue of Handicapped Certificates to ineligible persons i.e. without
following prescribed procedure/proper evaluation shall entail stringent
action against all concerned.


i) Trifurcation of 3% reservation in favour of Physically Handicapped persons

in so far as direct recruitment, subject to the condition that the
categorization of the physically handicapped persons for the purpose of
reservation in consonance with Sec.33 of Persons With Disabilities
(Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act,
1995 in employment, shall be as under:
Category of disability % of Reservation

1. blindness or low vision 1%

2. hearing impairment 1%
3. locomotor disability or cerebral palsy 1%.
ii) If relevant factors governing recruitment are equal, preference in
employment shall be given to the persons with disabilities having higher
degree of disability.
4. The General Administration (Services) Department may take necessary
action for amendment of A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules accordingly.
5. The Commissioner, Department for the Welfare of Disabled and Senior
Citizens is request to take necessary action accordingly.
6. This G.O., annexure - I & II can be accessed from the website of



Commissioner, Dept. for the Welfare of Disabled and Senior Citizens, Hyd.
Director of Health, Hyderabad
Director, Medical Education
Commissioner, A.P. Vaidhya Vidhana Parishad,Hyd
All the District Collectors.
All the Superintendents, District Hospitals/Teaching Hospitals in the State
Director, National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped
Copy to:
All the Departments in Secretariat
All Heads of Departments
Secretary to G.O.I., MSJ&E, New Delhi
Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, New Delhi
P.S to Prl.Secretary to C.M.
P.S. to Minister(WDCW&DW)
P.S. to Ministers (Medical Education & Health Insurance, Health & Family
Welfare and Vaidya Vidhana Parishad & Hospital Services)


ANNEXURE-I TO G.O.Ms.No.31,WD,CW&DW(DW)Dept,Dt.01-12-2009

Subject:-Guidelines for evaluation of various disabilities and procedure for


No. 16-18/97-NI. I.-In order to review the guidelines for evaluation of various disabilities and
procedure for certification as given in the Ministry of Welfare's O.M. No. 4-2/83-HW.-III, dated the 6th
August, 1986 and to recommend appropriate modifications/alterations keeping in view the Persons
with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995,
Government of India in Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, vide Order No. 16-18/97-NI. I,
dated 28-8-1998, set up four committees under the Chairmanships of Director General of Health
Services-one each in the area of mental retardation, Locomotor/ Orthopaedic disability, Visual
disability and Speech & Hearing disability. Subsequently, another Committee was also constituted on
21-7-1999 for evaluation, assessment of multiple disabilities and categorization and extent of
disability and procedures for certification.

2. After having considered the reports of these committees the undersigned is directed to convey the
approval of the President to notify the guidelines for evaluation of following disabilities and procedure
for certification:-

1. Visual impairment
2.Locomotor / Orthopaedic disability
3.Speech & hearing disability
4.Mental retardation
5. Multiple Disabilities

Copy of the Report is enclosed herewith as Annexure.

3. The minimum degree of disability should be 40% in order to be eligible for any

4. According to the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full
Participation) Rules, 1996 notified on 31.12.1996 by the Central Government in exercise of the powers
conferred by sub-section (1) and (2) of section 73 of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal
Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (1of 1996), authorities to give
disability Certificate will be a Medical Board duly constituted by the Central and the State Government.
The State government may constitute a Medical Board consisting of at least three members out of
which at least one shall be a specialist in the particular field for assessing locomotor/Visual including
low vision/hearing and speech disability, mental retardation and leprosy cured, as the case may be.

5. Specified test as indicated in Annexure should be conducted by the medical board and recorded
before a certificate is given.

6. The certificate would be valid for a period of five years for those whose disability is temporary. For
those who acquire permanent disability, the validity can be shown as 'Permanent'.

7 The State Governments/UT Administrations may constitute the medical boards indicated in para 4
above immediately, if not done so far.

8 The Director General of Health Services Ministry of Health and

Family Welfare will be the final authority, should there arise any
Controversy / doubt regarding the interpretation of the
definitions / classifications / evaluations tests etc.




1. Definition:- Mental retardation is a condition of arrested or incomplete

development of the mind, which is especially characterised by impairment of
skills manifested during the development period which contribute to the
over all level of intelligence, i.e., cognitive, language, motor and social

2. Categories of Mental Retardation:-

2.1 Mild Mental Retardation:- The range of 50 to 69 (standardised IQ test) is indicative of mild
retardation. Understanding and use of language tend to be delayed to a varying independence may
persist into adult life.

2.2 Moderate Mental Retardation: - The IQ is in the range of 35 to 49.

Discrepant profiles of abilities are common in this group with some
individuals achieving higher levels in visuo-spatial skills than in tasks
dependent on language while others are markedly clumsy by enjoy social
interaction and simple conversation. The level of development of language
in variable: some of those affected can take part in simple conversations
while others have only enough language to communicate their basic needs.

2.3 Severe Mental Retardation:- The IQ is usually in the range of 20 to 34. In

this category, most of the people suffer from a marked degree of motor
impairment or other associated deficits indicating the presence of clinically
significant damage to or mal-development of the central nervous system.

2.4 Profound Mental Retardation: - The IQ in this category estimated to be

under 20. The ability to understand or comply with requests or instructions
are severally limited. Most of such individuals are immobile or severally
restricted in mobility, incontinent and capable at most of only very
rudimentary forms of non-verbal communication. They posses little or no
ability to care for their own basic needs and require constant help and

3. Process of Certifications:-

3.1 A disability certificate shall be issued by a Medical Board consisting of three members duly constituted
by the Central/State Government. At least, one shall be a Specialist in the area of mental retardation,
namely. Psychiatrist, Paediatrician and clinical Psychologist.

3 2 The examination process will consist of three components, namely, clinical assessment, assessment,
of adaptive behaviour and intellectual functioning.


1. Definition: - Blindness refers to a condition where a persons suffers from any

of the condition, namely,

i) total absence of sight; or

ii) visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200(snellen) in the better eye with
best correcting lenses; or
iii) limitation of field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degree or worse;

2. Low Vision: - Persons with low vision means a person a with impairment of
vision of less than 6/18 to 6/60 with best correction in the better eye or
impairment of field in any one of the following categories:-

a) reduction of fields less than 50 degrees

b) Heminaopia with macular involvement

c) Altitudinal defect involving lower fields.


3. Categories of Visual Disability

All with correction

Category Better eye Worse eye % age impairment

Category 0 6/9-6/18 6/24 to 6/36 20%
Category I 6/18-6/36 6/60 to Nil 40%
6/40-4/60 or field
Category II 3/60 to Nil 75%
of vision 10o -20o
3/60 to 1/60 or field
Category III F.C. at 1 ft. to Nil 100%
of vision 10o
F. C. at 1 ft. to Nil or
Category IV F.C. at 1 ft. to Nil 100%
field of vision 10o
F. C. at 1 ft. to Nil
One eyed persons 6/6 30%
or field of vision 10o

Note: F.C. means Finger Count

4. Process of Certification
A disability certificate shall be issued by a Medical Board duly constituted by the Central/State
Government having, at least three members. Out of which, at least one member shall be a specialist in


1. Definition of Hearing: - A persons with hearing impairment having difficulty of various degrees in
hearing sounds is an impaired person.

2. : Categories of Hearing Impairment.

Speech % age of
Category Type of Impairment D B Level
discrimination impairment
Mild hearing DB 26 to 40 80 to 100% in Less than
Impairment dB in better ear better ear 40% to 50%
Moderate 41 to 60 dB in 50 to 80%in
II (a) 40% to 50%
hearing better ear better ear
61 to 70 dB
Serve hearing 40 to 50% in
II (b) hearing Impairment 51% to 70%
Impairment better ear
in better ear

a) Profound
71% to 100%
hearing 71 to 90 dB Less than 40%
Impairment in better ear
91 dB and
above/in 100%
c) Total deafness better ear/to Very Poor
hearing discrimination

i) Pure tone average of learning in 500, and 2000 HZ, 4000 HZ by conduction (AC and BC ) should be
taken as basis for consideration as per the test recommendations.

ii) When there is only as island of hearing present in one or two frequencies in better ear, it should be
considered as total loss of hearing.

iii) Wherever there is no response (NR) at any of the 4 frequencies (500, 1000,2000 and 4000 HZ), it
should be considered as equivalent to 100 dB loss for the purpose of classification of disability and in
arriving at the average.

NOTE:- Category –I, II (a) above in the statement are not eligible for any benefits
as per Clause (l) Section 2 of PWD Act, 1995 and as per Guidelines applicable in
Andhra Pradesh in the spirit of PWD Act, 1995

3. Process of Certification

A disability certificate shall be issued by a Medical Board duly constituted by the Central and the State
Government. Out of which, at least, one member shall be a specialist in the field of ENT.


1 Definition:-

i) Impairment: An impairment in any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological or anatomical

structure or function in a human being.

ii) Functional Limitations: Impairment may cause functional limitations which are partial or total inability
to perform those activities, necessary for motor, sensory or mental function within the range or manner
of which a human being is normally capable.

iii) Disability: A disability, is any restriction or lack. ( resulting from an impairment) of ability to perform
an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being.

iv) Locomotor Disability: Locomotor disability is defined as a persons inability to execute distinctive
activities associated with moving both himself and objects, from place to place and such inability resulting
from affliction of musculoskeletal and/or nervous system.

2. Categories of Locomotor Disability

The categories of locomotor disabilities are enclosed at Annexure-A.

3. Process of Certification

A disability certificate shall be issued by a Medical Board of three members duly constituted by the
Central and the State Government, out of which, at least, one member shall be a specialist from either
the field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation or Orthopaedics.

It was also decided that whenever required the Chairman of the Board may co-opt other experts
including that of the members constituted for the purpose by the Central and the State Government.

On representation by the applicant, the Medical Board may review its decision having regard to all the
facts and circumstances of the case and pass such order in the matter as it thinks fit.




1.1 Guidelines for Evaluation of Permanent Physical Impairment of Upper Limb

1. The estimation of permanent impairment depends upon the measurement of functional impairment
and is not expression of a personal opinion.

2. The estimation and measurement should be made when the

clinical condition has reached the stage of maximum
improvement from the medical treatment. Normally the time
period is to be decided by the medical doctor who is evaluating
the case for issuing the PPI Certificate as per standard format of
the certificate.

3. The upper limb is divided into two component parts; the arm
component and the hand component.

4. Measurement of the loss of function of arm component consists of

measuring the loss of motion, muscle strength and co-ordinated

5. Measurement of loss of function of hand component consists of

determining the prehension, sensation and strength. For
estimation of prehension opposition, lateral pinch cylindrical
grasp, spherical grasp and hook grasp have to be assessed as
shown in Hand Component of Form A Assessment Proforma for
upper extremity.

6. The impairment of the entire extremity depends on the

combination of the functional impairments of both components

Total value of arm component is 90%

1.2.1 Principles of evaluation of range of motion (ROM) of joints

1. The value of maximum ROM in the arm component is 90%

2. Each of the three joints of the arm is weighed equally (30%;


The intra articular fractures of the bones of right shoulder joint may affect range of motion even after
healing. The loss of ROM should be calculated in each arc of motion as. envisaged in the Assessment
Form A (Assessment Proforma for Upper Extremity).

Arc of ROM Normal value Active ROM Loss of ROM

Shoulder Flexion- 0-220 110 50%
Rotation 0-180 90 50%
Abduction-Adduction 0-180 90 50%
Hence the mean loss of ROM of shoulder will be 50+50+50/3 =150/3 = 50%
Shoulder movements constitute 30% of the motion of the arm component, therefore the loss of motion
for arm component will be 50 X 0.3d = 15% If more than one joint of the arm is involved the loss of
percentage in each joint is calculated separately as above and then added together.

1.2.2. Principles of evaluation of strength of muscles:

1 Strength of muscles can be tested by manual method and graded from 0-5 as advocated by Medical
Research Council of Great Britain depending upon the strength of the muscles.


2. Loss of muscle power can be given percentages as follows:

Manual muscle Loss of Strength in

Strength grading percentage
0 100%
1 80%
2 60%
3 40%
4 20%
5 0%

3. The mean percentage of loss of muscle strength around a joint is

multiplied by 0.30.

4. If loss of muscle strength involves more than one joint the mean
loss of percentage in each joint is calculated separately and then
added together as has been described for loss of motion.

1.23 Principles of evaluation of coordinated activities:

1 The total value for coordinated activities is 90%

Ten different coordinated activities should be tested as given in
Form A. (Appendix.I of Annexure-A)

2. Each activity has a value of 9%

1.2.4 Combining values for the Arm Component:

The total value of loss of function of arm component is obtained by combining the value of loss of ROM,
muscle strength and coordinated activities, using the combing formula.


where a = higher value

b = lower value


Let us assume that an individual with an intra articular fracture of bones of shoulder joint in addition to
16.5% loss of motion in arm has 8.3% loss of strength of muscles and 5% loss of coordination. These
values should be combined as follows:

Loss of ROM - 16.5% 16.5+8.3(90-16.5)

Loss of strength of muscles - 8.3% =23.33%
To add
Loss of coordination - 5% 23.3+5(90-23.3)=27 0%
So the total value of loss of function in Arm component will be 27.0%



1 Total value of hand component is 90%

2 The functional impairment of hand is expressed as loss of prehension, loss of sensation and loss of

1.3.1 Principles of evaluation of prehension:

1 Total value of prehension is 30%

it includes

a) Opposition - 8%
Tested against - Index finger -2%
- Middle finger-2 %
- Ring -2%
- Little finger - 2%

b) Lateral pinch -5% - Tested by asking the patient to

hold a key between the thumb and lateral side of
index finger.

c) Cylindrical grasp - 6% Tested for

i) Large object of 4 inches size -3%
ii) Small object of 1 inch size - 3%

d) Spherical grasp -6% Tested for

i) Large object of 4 inches size - 3%
ii) Small object of 1 inch size - 3%

e) Hook grasp - 5% -Tested by asking the patient to

lift a bag

1.3.2. Principles of Evaluation of sensation:

1. Total value of sensation in hand is 30%

2. It should be assessed according to the distribution given below:
i) Complete loss of sensation
Thumb ray 9%
Index finger 6%
Middle finger 5%
Ring finger 5%
Little finger 5%

ii) Partial loss of sensation: Assessment should be made according to percentage of loss
of sensation in thumb/finger(s)

1 33. Principles of Evaluation of strength

1. Total value of strength is 30%

2. It includes:

i) Grip strength 20%

ii) Pinch strength 10%

Strength of hand should be tested with hand dynamo-meter or by clinical method (grip method).

Additional weightage - A total of 10% additional weightage can be given to following accompanying
factors if they are continuous and persistent despite treatment

1. Pam
2. Infection
3. Deformity
4. Mat-alignment
5. Contractures
6. Cosmetic disfiguration
7. Dominant extremity-4%
8. Shortening of upper limb

First 1" - No weightage

For each 1" beyond first 1" -2%

The extra points should not exceed 10% of the total Arm Component and total PPI should not exceed
100% in any case.

1.3.4. Combining values of hand component:

The final value of loss of function of hand component is obtained by summing up values of loss of
prehension, sensation and strength.

1.3.5. Combining values for the Extremity:

Values of impairment of arm component and impairment of hand component should be added by using
combining formula:

a+b (90-a) a= higher value

90 b= lower value


Impairment of Arm - 27% 64+27(90-64)

Impairment of hand - 64% =71.8%

The total value can also be obtained by using the Ready Recknoer table for combining formula given at

Appendix.ll of Annexure.A.

2. Guidelines for Evaluation of permanent physical Impairment in Lower Limb.

The measurement of loss of function in lower extremity is divided into two components: Mobility and
standing components

2.1 Mobility Component:-

1 Total value of mobility component is 90%

2. It includes range of movement (ROM) and muscle strength

2.1.1. Principles of Evaluation of Range of Movement:

1. The value of maximum range of movement in mobility component is 90%

2. Each of three joints i.e. hip, knee and foot-ankle component is weighed equally - 30%.


A fracture of right hip joint bones may affect range of motion of the hip joint. Loss of ROM of the affected
hip in different are should be assessed as given in Form B (Assessment Proforma for lower extremity).
(Appendix.I of Annexure.A)

Affected Joint - Rt. Hip:

Arc of Movement Normal ROM Active ROM Loss in percentage

Flexion-Extension 0-140 70 50%

Abduction-Adduction 0-90 60 33%
Rotations 0-90 30 66%

Mean loss of ROM of Rt Hip =50+33+66= 50%

Since the hip constitute 30% of the total mobility component of the lower limb the loss of motion in
relation to the lower limb will be 50 x 0.30=15%

If more than one joint of the limb is involved the mean loss of ROM in percentage should be calculated in
relation to individual joint separately and then added together as follows to calculate the loss of mobility
component in relation to that particular limb.


For example.

Mean loss of ROM of Rt. Hip 50%

Mean loss of ROM Rt. Knee 40%
Loss of mobility component of Rt. Lower Limb will be
(50 x 0.30)+(40 x 0.30) = 27%

2.1.2. Principle of Evaluation of Muscle Strength:

1. The value for maximum muscle strength in the limb is 90%

2. Strength of muscles can be tested by Manual Method and graded
0-5 as advocated by MRC of Great Britain depending upon the
residual strength in the muscle group.

3. Manual muscle grading can be given percentage like below:

Power Grade of Ms Loss of strength in percentage
0 100%
1 80%
2 60%
3 40%
4 20%
5 0%

4. Mean percentage of muscle strength loss around a joint is

multiplied by 0.30 to calculate loss in relation to limb

5. If there has been a loss muscle strength involving more than one
joint the values are added as has been described for loss of ROM

2.1.3. Combining values for mobility component:

1. The values of loss of ROM and loss of muscle strength should be combined with the help of
combining formula: a+b(90-a)
(a = higher value, b = lower value)

Example: Let us assume that the individual with a fracture of right hip bones has in addition to 16% loss
of motion, 8% loss of muscle strength also.

Combined values

Motion-16% 16+8(90-16)

Strength-8% =22.6%

2.2 Stability component:

1. Total value of the stability component is 90%

2. It should be tested by clinical method as given in From B (Assessment Proforma for lower extremity).
There are nine activities, which need to be tested, and each activity has a value of ten per cent (10%).
The percentage valued in relation to each activity depends upon the percentage of loss stability in
relation to
each activity.


2.3 Extra points:

Extra points have been given for pain, deformities, contractures, loss of sensations and shortening
Maximum points to be added are 10% (excluding shortening). Details are as following.

i) Deformity In functional position 3%

In non-functional position 6%

ii) Pain Sever(grossly interfering 9%

with function)
Moderate (moderately inter- 6%
fering with function)
Mild (mildly interfering with 3%

iii) Loss of sensation Complete Loss 9%

Partial Loss 6%

iv) Shortening First 1/2" Nil

Every 1/2" beyond first 1/2" 4%

v) Complications Superficial complications 3%

Deep complications

3. Guidelines for Evaluation of Permanent Physical Impairment of Trunk (Spine)

Basic guidelines:

1. As permenanent physical impairment caused by spinal deformity tends to change over the years, the
certificate issued in relation to spine should be reviewed as per the standard format of the
certificate given at Annexure -B of Appendix.III.

2. Permanent physical impairment should be awarded in relation to spine and not in relation to whole

3. Permanent physical impairment due to neurological deficit in addition to spinal impairment should be
added by combining formula. The local effects of the lesions of the spine can be conventionally divided
into traumatic and non-traumatic. The percentage of PPI in relation to each situation should be valued as


3.1.1 Cervical spine injuries Percentage of PPI

in relation to Spine

i) 25% or more compression of one or two adjacent 20%

vertebral bodies with No involvement of posterior elements,
No nerve root involvement, moderate Neck rigidity and persistent Soreness.

ii) Posterior element damage with radiological Evidence of

moderate parties dislocation/subluxation including whiplash injury.

A) With fusion healed, No permanent motor or 10%

sensory changes.

b) Persistent pain with radiologically demonstrable 25%


iii) Severe Dislocation:

a) Fair to good reduction with or without fusion with 10%

no residual motor or sensory involvement;
b) Inadequate reduction with fusion and persistent radicular pain 15%


3.1.2. Cervical Intervertebral Disc Lesions Percentage of PPI In relation to Spine

i) Treated case of disc lesion with persistent pain 10%

and no neurological deficit

ii) Treated case with pain and instability 15%

3.1.3. Thoracic and Thoracolumbar Spine Injuries:

i) Compression of less than 50% involving one 10%

vertebral body with no neurological manifestation

ii) Compression of more than 50% involving single vertebra 20%

or more with involvement of posterior elements,healed, no
neurological manifestations persistent pain, fusion indicated

iii) Same as (b) with fusion, pain only on heavy use of back 15%

iv) Radiologically demonstrable instability with 30%

fracture or fracture dislocation with persistent pain.

3.1.3. Thoracic and Thoracolumbar Spine Injuries:

i) Compression of less than 50% involving one 10%

vertebral body with no neurological manifestation

ii) Compression of more than 50% involving singlevertebra or 20%

more with involvement of posterior elements, healed, no neurological
manifestations persistent pain, fusion indicated

iii) Same as (b) with fusion, pain only on heavy use of back 15%

iv) Radiologically demonstrable instability with fracture or fracture 30%

dislocation with persistent pain.

3.1.4 Lumbar and Lumbosacral Spine: Fracture

a) Compression of 25% or less of one or two adjacent Vertebral bodies, No 15%

definite pattern or neurological Deficit
b) Compression of more than 25% with disruption of Posterior elements, persistent 30%
pain and stiffness, healed With or without fusion, inability to lift more than 10 kgs.
c) Radiologically demonstrable instability in low lumbar or Lumbosacral spine with 35%

3.1 5 Disc lesion:

a) Treated case with persistent pain 15%

b) Treated case with pain and instability 20%

c) Treated case of disc disease with pain activities of lifting 25%

moderately modified

d) Treated case of disc disease with persistent pain and 30%

stiffness, aggravated by heavy lifting necessitating
modification of all activities requiring heavy weight lifting



3.2.1 Scoliosis:

Basic guidelines - following modification is suggested.

- The largest structural curve should be accounted for while calculating the PPI and not
the compensatory curve or both structural curves.

3.2.2 Measurement of Spine Deformity:

Cobb's method for measurement, of angle of curve in the radiograph taken in standing position should be
used. The curves have been divided into following groups depending upon the angle of major structural
scoliotic deformity.

Group Cobb’s Angle PPI in relation to Spine

I 0-20 NIL

II 21-50 10%

III 51-100 20%

IV 101 & above 30%

3.2.3 Torso Imbalance:

In addition to the above PPI should also be evaluated in relation the torso imbalance. The torso
imbalance should be measured by dropping a plumb line from C7 spine and measuring the distance of
plumb line from gluteal crease.

Deviation of Plumb line PPI

Upto 1.5 Cm 4%
1.6 - 30 Cm 8%
3.1 - 50 Cm 16%
5.1 and above 32%

3.2.4 Head Tilt over C7 spine PPI

Upto 15 4%
More than 15 10%

3.2.5 Cardiopulmonary Test

In cases with scoliosis of severe type cardiopulmonary function tests and percentage deviation from
normal should be assessed by one of the following method whichever seems more reliable clinically at
the time of assessment. The value thus obtained may be added by combining formula.

a. Chest Expansion PPI

4 - 5 Cm. Normal
Less than 4 cm 5% for each cm
reduction in Chest expansion
No expansion 25%

b counting in one breathe:

Breathe Count PPI
More than 40 Normal
0-40 5%
0-30 10%
0-20 15%
0-10 20%
Less than 5 25%


3.2.6 Associated Problems: To be added directly but the total value of PPI
in relation to spine should not exceed 100%.

a) Pain
-mildly interfering with ADL 4%
-moderately restricting ADL 6%
-severely restricting ADL 10%

b) Cosmetic Appearance:
-No obvious disfiguration with clothes on Nil
-mild disfigurement 2%
-severe disfigurement 4%

c) Leg Length Discrepancy.

-First½ " shortening Nil
-Every½" beyond first½" 4%

d) Neurological deficit - Neurological deficit should be calculated as per established method of evaluation
of PPI in such cases. Value thus obtained should be added telescopically using combining formula.

Evaluation should be done on the similar guidelines as use for scoliosis with the following modifications:

3.3.1 Spinal Deformity PPI

Less than 20 Nil
21-40 10%
41-60 20%
Above 60 30%
332 Torso Imbalance - Plumb line dropped from external ear normally falls at ankle level. The deviation
from normal should be measured from ankle anterior joint line to the plumb line.
Less than 5 cm in front of ankle 4%
5 to 10 cm in front of ankle 8%
10 to 15 cm in front of ankle 16%
More than 15 cm in front of ankle 32%
(Add directly)

Miscellaneous conditions:
Those conditions of the spine which cause stiffness and pain etc. are rated as follows.

A Subjective symptoms of pain, no involuntary -0%

muscle spasm,, not substantiated by
demonstrable structural pathology

B Pain, persistent muscles spasm and stiffness -20%

of spine, substantiated by mild radiological

C Same as B with moderate radiological -25%


D Same as B with severe radiological changes -30%

involving any one of the regions of spine

E Same as D involving whole spine -40%


4. Guidelines for Evaluation of PPI in cases of Short Stature/Dwarftsm:

1. Recumbent length or longitudinal height below 3rd percentile or

less than 2 Standard Deviation from the mean is considered to
have short stature.

2. The evaluation of a Short Statured person should be considered only when it is of

disproportionate variety and is accompanied by an underlying pathological conditions, e.g.,
Achondroplasia,Chandrodysplasia Punctata, spondyloepiphysical dysplasia,mucopoly and
acchrydosis, etc.

3. The ICMR norms as enclosed at Appendix III of Annexure. A should be used as a guideline
for the height.

4. Every 1" vertical height reduction should be valued as 4% permanent physical impairment.

5. Associated skeletal deformities should be evaluated, separately and total percentage of both
should be added by combining formula.
5. Guidelines for Evaluation of Permanent Physical Impairment in Amputees:

Basic Guidelines:

1. In cases of multiple amputees if the total sum of permanent physical

impairment is above 100%, it should be taken as 100% only.

2. If the stump is unfit for fitting the prosthesis additional weightage of 5%

should be added to the value.

3. In case of amputation in more than one limb percentage of each limb is added by combining
formula and another 10% will be added but when only toes or fingers are involved only 5% will be
4. Any complication in form of stiffness of proximal joint, neuroma infection, etc., should be given
upto a total of 10% additional weightage.

5. Dominant upper extremity should be given 4% additional weightage.

PPI & loss of

Upper Limb Amputations physical
function of each
1. Fore-quarter amputations 100%
2. Shoulder Disarticulation 90%
3. Above Elbow upto upper 1/3 of arm 85%
4. Above Elbow upto lower 1/3 of forearm 80%
5. Elbow disarticulation 75%
6. Below Elbow upto upper 1/3 of forearm 70%
7. Below Elbow upto lower 1/3 of forearm 65%
8. Wrist disarticulation 60%
9. Hand through carpal bones 55%
10. Thumb through C.M. or though 1st MC joint 30%
11. Thumb disarticulation through metacarpophalangeal Joint or 25%
through proximal phalanx.


12. Thumb disarticulation through inter phalangeal joint or 15%

Through distal phalanx.
Index Middle Ring Finger Little Finger
Finger Finger
(5%) (3%) (2%)
13. Amputation 15% 5% 3% 2%
through Proximal
phalanx or
through M.P.
14. Amputation 10% 4% 2% 1%
through Middle
phalanx or
through PP joint.
15. Amputation 5% 2% 1% 1%
through Distal
phalanx or
through DIP joint.
1.3 Lower Limb Amputations:

1. Hind quarter 100%

2. Hip disarticulation 90%
3. Above knee upto upper 1/3 of thigh 85%
4. Above knee upto lower 1/3 of thigh 80%
5. Through keen 75%
6. B.K. upto 8 cm 70%
7. B.K. upto lower 1/3 of leg 60%
8. Through ankle 55%
9. Syme's 50%
10. Upto mid-foot 40%
11. Upto fore-foot 30%
12. All toes 20%
13. Loss of first toe 10%
14. Loss of second toe 5%
15. Loss of third toe 4%
16. Loss of fourth toe 3%
17. Loss of fifth toe 2%

6. Guidelines for Evaluation of Permanent Physical Impairment of Congenital deficiencies

of the limbs.
6.1 Transverse Deficiencies-

1. Functionally congenital transverse limb deficiencies are comparable to acquired amputations

and can be called synonymously as congenital amputation, however, in some cases revision of
amputation is required to fit in a prosthesis.


2. The transverse limb deficiencies therefore should be assessed on basis of the guidelines
applicable to the evaluation of PPI in cases of amputees as given in the preceding chapter.

For example: PPI

Transverse deficiency Rt. Arm complete 90%
(shoulder disarticulation)
Transverse deficiency at thigh complete 90%
(hip disarticulation)
Transverse deficiency Proximal Upper arm 85%
(Above elbow Amp.)
Transverse deficiency at lower thigh 80%
(Above knee Amp. Lower 1/3)
Transverse deficiency forearm complete 75%
(elbow disarticulation)
Transverse deficiency lower forearm 65%
(Below Elbow Amp.)
Transverse deficiency carpal complete 60%
(wrist disarticulation)
Transverse deficiency Metacarpal complete 55%
(Disarticulation through carpal bones)

6.2 Longitudinal Deficiencies:

6.2.1 Basic Guidelines

1. In cases of longitudinal deficiencies of limbs due consideration should be

given to functional impairment

2. In upper limb, loss of ROM loss muscular strength and hand functions
like prehension, etc should be tested while assessing the case for PPI

3. In lower limb clinical method of stability component and shortening of lower limb should be
given due weightage.

4 Apart from functional assessment the lost joint/part of body should also be valued as per
distribution Given in chapter Guidelines for Evaluation of PPI in upper extremity and lower
extremity The values so obtained should be added with the help of combing formula
Congenital Absence of humorous where forearm bones directly articulate with scapula.

There will be miled reduction in ROM and strength of muscles in the existing joints apart from
loss of body part.

Loss of shoulder joint can be given - 30%

Loss of ROM of Elbow/Shoulder & Wrist

All the components should be added together by the combining formula of

a + b (90-a)


6.2.2 In cases of loss of single bone in forearm the evaluation should be based on the principles
of evaluation of Arm component which include Evaluation of ROM, Muscle strength-and coordinated
activities. The values so obtained should be added together with the help of combining

6.2.3 In cases of loss of single bone in leg the evaluation should be based on the principles of evaluation
of mobility component and stability components of the lower extremity. The values obtained should be
added together with the help of combining formula.

7.Guidelines for Evaluation of Physical Impairments in Neurological conditions.

1.1 Basic Guidelines:

1. Assessment in neurological conditions is not the assessment of disease but the assessment of its
effects, i.e. clinical manifestations.

2. These guidelines should only be used for central and upper motor neurone lesions.

3. Proformas (form A & B) will be utilized for assessment of lower motor neurone lesions, muscular
disorders and other locomotor conditions.

4. Normally any neurological assessment for the purpose of certification has to be done six months after
the onset of disease however exact time period is to be decided by the Medical Doctor who is evaluating
the case and has to recommend the review of certificate as given in the standard format of certificate.

5. Total percentage of physical impairment in any neurological condition should not exceed 100%

6. In mixed cases the highest score will be taken into consideration. The lower score will be added
telescopically to it by the help of combining formula a+b(90-a)

7. Additional rating of 4% will be given for dominant upper extremity.

8. Additional weightage up to 10% can be given for loss of sensation in each extremity but the total
physical impairment should not exceed 100%.


Neurological Status Physical Impairment

Altered sensorium 100%

7.3 Table-II
Intellectual Impairment (to be assessed by Clinical Psychologist)

Degree of Mental Retardation IQ Range Intellectual Impairment

Border line 70-79 25%

Mild 50-69 50%

Moderate 35-49 75%

Serve 20-34 90%

Profound Less than 20 100%


7.4 Table - III

Speech defect Physical Impairment

Mild dysarthria Nil

Moderate dysarthria 25%

Servere dysarthria 50%

7.5 Table - IV

Type of Cranial Nerve Involvement Physical Impairment

Motor cranial nerve 20% for each nerve

Sensory cranial nerve 10% for each nerve

Sensory cranial nerve 10% for each nerve

7.6 Table-V

Motor system Disability

Neurological Involvement Physical Impairment

- Mild 25%
- Moderate . 50%
- Severe 75%

7.7 Table-VI

Sensory System Disability

Extent of Sensory Deficit Physical Impairment

Anaesthesia Upto 10% for each limb

Hypoaesthesia Depending upon % of

Paraestheis Loss of sensation up to 30% depending

Hands/feet sensory loss Upon % of loss sensation


7.8 Table - VIII

Bladder disability due to neurogenic Involvement

Bladder Involvement Physical Impairment

Mild (Hesitancy/Frequency) 25%
Moderate (precipitancy) 50%
Severe(occasional but recurrent 75%

Very Severe (Retention/Total 100%


7.9 Table - VIII

Post Head Injury Fits and Epileptic Convulsions

Frequency/Severity of Convulsions Physical Impairment

Mild – occurrence of one convulsion Nil

Moderate 1-5 Convulsions/month on 25%

Adequate – Medication
Severe 6-10 Convulsions/month on 50%

Adequate medication
Very Severe more than 10 fits/months 75%

On adequate – Medication

7.10 Table - IX
Ataxia (Sensory or Cerebellar)

Severity of Ataxia Physical Impairment

Mild (Detected on examination) 25%

Moderate 50%

Severe 75%

Very Severe 100%

8 Guidelines for Evaluation of Physical Impairment due to Cardiopulmonary Diseases.

8.1 Basic Guidelines:-

1. Modified New York Heart Association subjective classification should be utilised to assess the functional

2. The assessing physician should be alert to the fact that patients who come for disability claims are
likely to exaggerate their symptoms. In case of any doubt patients should be referred for detailed

3. Disability evaluation of cardiopulmonary patients should be done after full medical, surgical and
rehabilitative treatment available, because most of these diseases are potentially treatable.

4. Assessment of cardiopulmonary impairment should also be done in diseases which might have
associated cardiopulmonary problems, e.g.,amputees, myopathies, etc.


5. For respiratory assessment, routine respiratory functions test should be done, however, in cases of
interstitial lung diseases, diffusion studies may be done.

6. In cases of Angina pectoris (chest pain) base line studies in resting ECG should be done. When there is
persistence of symptoms, exercise or stress test should be done.

8.2 The proposed classification with loss of function is as follows:-

Group 0: A patient with cardiopulmonary disease who is asymptomatic (i.e. has no symptoms of
breathlessness, palpitation, fatigue or chest pain).

Group 1: A patient with cardiopulmonary disease who becomes symptomatic during his ordinary physical
activity but has mild restriction (25%) of his physical activities.

Group 2: A patient with cardiopulmonary disease who becomes symptomatic during his ordinary
physical activity and has 25-50% restriction of his ordinary physical activities.

Group 3: A patient with cardiopulmonary disease who becomes symptomatic during less than
ordinary physical activity so that his ordinary physical activities are 50-75% restricted.

Group 4: A patient with cardiopulmonary disease who is symptomatic even at rest or on mildest
exertion so that his ordinary physical activities are severely or completely restricted (75-100%).

Group 5: A patient with cardiopulmonary disease who gets intermittent symptoms at rest (i.e.
patients with bronchial asthma, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea, etc.)

1. Definition of Multiple Disabilities:

Multiple disabilities means a combination of two or more disabilities as defined in clause (i) of Section
(2) of the Persons with Disabilities. (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation)
Act, 1'995, namely -
I. Locomotor disability including leprosy cured
II. Blindness/low vision
III. Speech and hearing impairment
IV. Mental retardation
V. Mental illness.

2. Guidelines for Evaluation: -

In order to evaluate the multiple disability, the same guidelines shall be used as have been developed
by the respective sub-committees of various single disability, viz. Mental retardation, locomotor
disability, visual disability, and speech and hearing disability and recommended in the meeting held on
29.2.2000 under the Chairmanship of Dr. S.P. Agarwal, Director General of Health Services,
Government of India, with reference to Order No.16-18/96-Nl.l, dated 28th August, 1998 and
communicated to Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India, vide letter No.S-
13020/4/98-MH, dated 16th March, 2000.

However, in order to arrive at the total percentage of multiple disability, the combining formula

a + b (90-a). as given in the "Manual for Doctors to Evaluate


Permanent Physical Impairment, Developed by Expert Group meeting on Disability Evaluation", shall
be used, where "a" will be the higher score and "b" Will be the lower score. However, the maximum
total percentage of multiple disabilities shall not exceed 100%.

For example, if the percentage of hearing disability is 30% and visual disability is 20%, then by
applying the combining formula given above, the total percentage of multiple disability will be
calculated as follows:-

30 + 20(90-30) = 43%


3. Procedure for Certification of Multiple Disabilities:-

The procedure will remain the same as has been developed by the respective sub-committees on
various single disabilities and finalized in a meeting under the Chairpersonship of Dr. S.P. Agarwal
held on 29.2.2000. The final disability certificate for multiple disability will be issued by Disability
Board which has given higher score of disability by combining the score of different disabilities using
the combining formula, i.e., a + b (90-a). In case, where two scores of disability are
equal, the final certificate of multiple disability will be issued by any one of them as decided by Local




Name ……………………..Age………………….Sex…………….Diagnosis……………….


ARM COMPONENT (Total Value 90%)

Sum of %
Loss of Mean % Combining
Normal Loss of % % Summary
Arm Component Component Rt. Side Lt. Side % Loss Rt. Value Rt.
Value(Degrees) Rt. Side Loss Rt. Value for
Lt. Side Lt. Lt.
Lt. component
Range of 1. Flexion-Extension Arc 0-220o
(Active) Value 2. Rotation Arc 0-180o

3. Abduction-Adduction 0-180o
Elbow Arc
Shoulder Range 1. Flexion-Extension Arc 0-160o
Movement ( 2. Radial- 0-55o
Active) Value Ulnaardeviatior Arc
1. Flexion
Muscle Strength 2. Extension
Value 90% 3. Rotation - Ext
4. Rotation - Int.
Shoulder 5. Abduction
6. Adduction
1. Flexion
Muscle Strength 2. Extension
Value 90% 3. Pronation
4. Supination
1. Dors Flexion
Muscle Strength 2. Palmar Flexion
Value 90% 3. Radial Deviation
4. Ulnardeviatior
1. Lifting overhead objects remove and placing at the same place 9%
2. Touching nose with end of extremity 9%
3. Eating Indian Style 9%
4. Combing and Plaiting 9%
5. Putting on a shirt/kurta 9%
Activities Value
6. Ablution glass of water 9%
7. Drinking Glass of water 9%
8. Buttoning 9%
9 Tie Nara Dhoti 9%
10. Writing 9%


30% prehension Movement Normal Value

1. Hand 1. Index 2]
Component 2. Middle 2] 8%
A. 3. Ring 2]
Opposition(8%) 4. Little 2]

B. Lateral Pinch
(5%) 5%
Key Holding
C. Cylindrical o
a. Large Object ( 4 )
b. Small Object (1o)
a. Large Object ( 4o) 3} 6%
b. Small Object (1o)

Lifting Bag 3}
D. Spherical 3} 6%

E. Hook Grasp
2. 1. Radial Side } 4:1
Sensation 30% 2. Ulnar Side } Thumb
3. Radial } Fingers (4.8 : 1.2)
4. Ulnar}
3. Strength 30% 1. Grip Strength 20%
2. Pinch
Strength 10%

Summary value for upper extremity is calculated from component and hand component values Add 4%
for dominant extremity 10%. Additional weightage to be given to infection, deformity, malalignment,
contracture, cosmetic appearance and abnormal mobility






Address………………………..O.P.D. No………………………..Deptt………………………….



Joint Component Normal Rt. Lt. Loss Loss of Mean Mean Combing %
Value Side Side of % % % 0.30 Value Rt. Summary
Rt. Lt. Rt. Lt. Rt. Lt. Lt. Value for
Side Side mobility
a+b (90+a)
Range of 1. Flexion-Extension arc 0-140º
2. Abduction


3. Rotation arc

Range of 1. Flexion 0-125º

Movement Extension are

Range of 1. Dors flexion 0-70º
Movement Panterlexion are

(Active) 2. Invesior - 0-60º

ANKLE Extension are

HH 1. Flexor

2. Extensor

3. Abductor

4. Adductor

5. Rotator

(Ext. Int.)
Muscles 1. Flexor
Strength Muscles

KNEE 2. Extensor
Muscle 1. Panterliexor
Strength Muscles

ANKLE 2. Darsiflexor
& Muscles
3. Invertor

4. Exertor



Based CLINICAL METHOD of Evaluation

1. Walking on plain surface 10

2. Walking on slope 10
3. Climbing Stairs 10
4. Standing on both legs 10
5. Standing on affected leg 10
6. Squatting on floor 10
7. Sitting Cross leg 10
8. Kneeling 10
9. Taking turns 10
Total 90

10% is given for complications like (I) Infection (ii) Deformity (iii) Loss of sensation.



Ready Reckon Table for A + B(90-A)


B(1) B(2) B(3) B(4) B(5) B(6) B(7) B(8) B(9) B(10) B(11) B(12) B(13) B(14) B(15)
A(1) 1.99 3.98 3.97 4.96 5.94 6.93 7.92 8.91 9.90 10.89 11.88 12.87 13.86 14.84 15.83
A(2) 2.98 3.96 4.93 5.91 6.89 7.87 8.84 9.82 10.80 11.78 12.76 13.73 14.71 15.69 16.67
A(3) 3.97 4.93 5.90 6.87 7.83 8.80 9.77 10.73 11.70 12.67 13.63 14.60 15.57 16.53 16.67
A(4) 4.96 5.91 6.87 7.82 8.78 9.73 10.69 11.64 12.65 13.50 14.44 15.39 16.33 17.28 18.33
A(5) 5.94 6.89 7.83 8.78 9.72 10.67 11.61 12.56 13.50 14.44 15.39 16.33 17.28 18.22 19.17
A(6) 6.93 7.87 8.80 9.73 10.67 11.60 12.50 13.46 14.38 15.30 16.27 17.20 18.13 19.07 20.00
A(7) 7.92 8.84 9.77 10.69 11.61 12.53 13.46 14.38 15.29 16.20 17.11 18.07 18.99 19.91 20.83
A(8) 8.91 9.82 10.73 11.64 12.56 13.47 14.38 15.29 16.20 17.10 18.02 18.93 19.84 20.76 21.67
A(9) 9.90 10.80 11.70 12.60 13.50 14.40 15.30 16.20 17.10 18.00 18.90 19.80 20.70 21.60 22.50
A(10) 10.89 11.87 12.67 13.56 14.44 15.33 16.22 17.11 18.00 18.89 19.78 20.67 21.56 22.44 23.33
A(11) 11.88 12.76 13.63 14.51 15.39 16.27 17.14 18.02 18.90 19.78 20.66 21.53 22.41 23.29 24.17
A(12) 12.87 13.73 14.60 15.47 16.33 17.20 18.07 18.93 19.80 20.67 21.53 22.40 23.27 24.13 25.00
A(13) 13.86 14.71 15.57 16.42 17.28 18.13 18.99 19.84 20.70 21.56 22.41 23.27 24.12 24.98 25.83
A(14) 14.84 15.69 16.53 17.38 18.22 19.07 19.91 20.76 21.60 22.44 23.29 24.13 24.98 25.82 26.67
A(15) 15.83 16.67 17.50 18.33 19.17 20.00 20.83 21.67 22.50 23.33 24.17 25.00 25.83 26.67 27.50
A(16) 16.82 17.64 18.47 19.20 20.11 20.93 21.76 22.58 23.40 24.22 25.04 25.87 26.69 27.51 28.33
A(17) 17.81 18.62 19.37 20.24 21.06 21.87 22.68 23.49 24.30 25.11 25.92 26.73 27.54 28.36 29.17
A(18) 18.80 19.60 22.33 21.20 22.00 22.80 23.60 24.40 25.20 26.00 26.80 27.60 28.40 29.20 30.00
A(19) 19.79 20.58 23.30 22.16 22.94 23.73 24.52 25.31 26.10 26.89 27.68 28.47 29.26 30.04 30.83
A(20) 20.78 21.56 24.27 23.11 23.89 24.67 25.44 26.22 27.00 27.78 28.56 29.33 30.11 30.89 31.67
A(21) 21.77 22.53 25.23 24.07 24.83 25.60 26.37 27.13 27.90 28.67 29.43 30.20 30.97 31.73 32.50
A(22) 22.76 23.51 26.20 25.02 25.78 26.33 27.29 28.04 28.80 29.56 30.31 31.07 31.82 32.58 33.33
A(23) 23.44 24.49 27.17 25.08 26.72 27.47 28.21 28.96 29.70 30.44 31.19 31.93 32.68 33.42 34.17
A(24) 24.73 25.47 28.13 26.93 27.67 28.40 29.13 29.87 30.60 31.33 32.07 32.80 33.57 34.27 35.00
A(25) 25.72 26.44 29.10 27.89 28.61 29.33 30.06 30.78 31.50 32.22 32.94 33.67 34.39 35.11 35.83
A(26) 26.71 27.42 30.07 28.84 29.56 30.27 30.98 31.69 32.40 33.11 33.82 34.53 35.21 35.96 36.67
A(27) 27.70 28.40 31.03 29.80 30.50 31.20 31.90 32.60 33.30 34.00 34.40 25.40 36.10 36.80 37.50
A(28) 28.69 29.38 32.00 30.76 31.44 32.13 32.80 33.51 34.40 34.89 35.58 36.27 36.96 37.64 38.33
A(29) 29.68 30.36 32.97 31.71 32.39 33.07 33.74 24.42 35.10 35.78 36.46 37.13 37.81 38.49 39.17
A(30) 30.67 31.33 32.00 32.67 33.33 34.67 35.33 36.00 36.67 36.67 37.33 38.00 38.67 39.33 40.00
A(31) 31.66 32.31 34.97 33.62 34.28 34.93 35.59 36.24 36.90 37.96 38.21 38.87 39.50 40.18 40.83
A(32) 32.64 33.29 33.93 34.58 35.22 35.87 36.51 37.16 37.80 38.44 39.09 39.73 40.38 11.02 11.67
A(33) 33.63 34.27 34.90 35.53 36.17 36.80 37.43 38.07 38.70 39.33 39.97 40.60 41.23 41.87 42.50
A(34) 34.62 35.24 35.87 36.49 37.11 37.73 38.36 38.98 39.60 40.22 40.84 41.47 42.09 42.71 43.33
A(35) 35.61 36.22 36.83 37.44 38.06 38.67 39.28 39.89 40.50 41.11 41.72 42.33 42.94 43.56 44.17
A(36) 36.60 37.20 37.80 38.40 39.00 39.60 40.20 40.80 41.40 42.00 42.60 43.20 43.80 44.40 45.00
A(37) 37.59 38.18 38.77 39.36 39.94 40.53 41.12 41.71 42.30 42.89 43.48 44.07 44.66 45.24 45.83
A(38) 38.58 39.16 39.73 40.31 40.89 41.47 42.04 42.62 43.20 43.78 44.36 44.93 45.51 46.09 46.67
A(39) 39.57 4013 40.70 41.27 41.83 42.40 42.97 43.53 44.10 44.67 45.23 44.80 46.37 46.93 47.50
A(40) 40.56 41.11 41.67 42.22 42.78 43.33 43.89 44.44 45.00 45.56 46.11 46.67 47.22 47.78 48.33
A(41) 40.54 40.09 42.62 43.18 43.72 44.27 44.81 45.36 45.90 46.44 46.99 47.53 48.08 48.62 49.17
A(42) 42.53 43.07 43.60 44.13 44.67 45.20 45.73 46.27 46.80 47.33 47.87 48.40 48.93 49.47 50.00
A(43) 43.52 44.04 44.57 45.09 45.61 46.13 46.66 47.18 47.70 48.22 48.74 49.24 49.79 50.13 50.83
A(44) 44.51 45.02 44.53 46.04 46.56 47.07 47.58 48.09 48.60 49.11 49.62 50.13 50.64 51.61 51.67
A(45) 45.50 46.00 46.50 47.00 47.50 48.00 48.50 49.00 49.50 50.00 50.50 51.00 51.50 52.00 52.50




B(16) B(17) B(18) B(19) B(20) B(21) B(22) B(23) B(24) B(25) B(26) B(27) B(28) B(29) B(30)
A(46) 53.82 54.31 54.80 55.29 55.78 56.27 56.76 57.24 57.73 58.22 58.71 59.20 59.69 60.18 60.67
A(47) 54.64 55.12 55.60 56.08 56.56 57.03 57.51 57.99 58.47 58.94 59.42 59.90 60.38 60.86 61.33
A(48) 55.47 55.93 56.40 56.87 57.33 57.80 58.27 58.73 59.20 59.67 60.13 60.60 61.07 61.53 62.00
A(49) 56.29 56.74 57.20 57.66 58.11 58.57 59.02 59.48 59.93 60.39 60.84 61.30 61.76 62.21 62.67
A(50) 57.11 57.56 58.00 58.44 58.89 59.33 59.78 60.22 60.67 61.11 61.56 62.00 62.44 62.89 63.33
A(51) 57.93 58.37 58.80 59.23 59.67 60.10 60.55 60.97 61.40 61.83 62.27 62.70 63.13 63.57 64.00
A(52) 58.76 59.18 59.60 60.02 60.44 60.87 61.29 61.71 62.13 62.56 62.98 63.40 63.82 64.26 64.67
A(53) 59.58 59.99 60.40 60.81 61.22 61.63 62.04 62.46 62.87 63.28 63.69 64.10 64.51 64.92 65.33
A(54) 60.40 60.80 61.20 61.60 62.00 62.40 62.80 63.20 63.60 64.00 64.40 64.80 65.20 65.60 66.00
A(55) 61.22 61.61 62.00 62.39 62.78 63.17 63.56 63.94 64.33 64.72 65.11 65.50 65.89 66.28 66.67
A(56) 62.04 62.42 62.80 63.18 63.56 63.93 64.31 64.69 65.07 65.44 65.82 66.20 66.58 66.96 67.33
A(57) 62.87 63.23 63.60 63.97 64.33 64.70 65.07 65.43 65.80 66.17 66.53 66.90 67.27 67.63 68.00
A(58) 63.69 64.04 64.40 64.76 65.11 65.47 65.82 66.18 66.53 66.89 67.24 67.60 67.96 68.31 68.67
A(59) 64.51 64.86 65.20 65.54 65.89 66.23 66.58 66.92 67.27 67.61 67.96 68.30 68.64 68.99 69.33
A(60) 65.33 65.67 66.00 66.33 66.67 67.00 67.33 67.67 68.00 68.33 68.67 69.00 69.33 69.67 70.00
A(61) 66.16 66.48 66.80 67.12 67.44 67.77 68.09 68.41 68.73 69.06 69.38 69.70 70.02 70.34 70.67
A(62) 66.98 67.29 67.60 67.91 68.22 68.53 68.84 69.16 69.47 69.78 70.09 70.40 70.71 71.02 71.33
A(63) 67.80 68.10 68.40 68.70 69.00 69.30 69.60 69.90 70.20 70.50 70.80 71.10 71.40 71.70 72.00
A(64) 68.62 68.91 69.20 69.49 69.78 70.07 70.36 70.64 70.93 71.22 71.51 71.80 72.09 72.38 72.67
A(65) 69.44 69.72 70.00 70.28 70.56 70.83 71.11 71.39 71.67 71.94 72.22 72.50 72.78 73.06 73.33
A(66) 70.27 70.53 70.80 71.07 71.33 71.60 71.87 72.13 72.40 72.67 72.93 73.20 73.47 73.73 74.00
A(67) 71.09 71.34 71.60 71.86 72.11 72.37 72.62 72.88 73.13 73.39 73.64 73.90 74.16 74.41 74.67
A(68) 71.91 72.16 72.40 72.64 72.89 73.13 73.38 73.62 73.87 74.11 74.36 74.60 74.84 75.09 75.33
A(69) 72.73 72.97 73.20 73.43 73.67 73.90 74.13 74.37 74.60 74.83 75.07 75.30 75.53 75.77 76.00
A(70) 73.56 73.78 74.00 74.22 74.44 74.67 74.89 75.11 75.33 75.56 75.78 76.00 76.22 76.44 76.67
A(71) 74.38 74.59 74.80 75.01 75.22 75.43 75.64 75.86 76.07 76.28 76.49 76.70 76.91 77.12 77.33
A(72) 75.20 75.40 75.60 75.80 76.00 76.20 76.40 76.60 76.80 77.00 77.20 77.40 77.60 77.80 78.00
A(73) 76.02 76.21 76.40 76.59 76.78 76.97 77.16 77.34 77.53 77.72 77.91 78.10 78.29 78.48 78.67
A(74) 76.84 77.02 77.20 77.38 77.56 77.73 77.91 78.09 78.27 78.44 78.62 78.80 78.98 79.16 79.33
A(75) 77.67 77.83 78.00 78.17 78.33 78.50 78.67 78.83 79.00 79.17 79.33 79.50 79.67 79.83 80.00
A(76) 78.49 78.64 78.80 78.96 79.11 79.27 79.42 79.58 79.73 79.89 80.04 80.20 80.36 80.51 80.67
A(77) 79.31 79.46 79.60 79.74 79.89 80.03 80.18 80.32 80.47 80.61 80.76 80.90 81.04 81.19 81.33
A(78) 80.13 80.27 80.27 80.40 80.67 80.80 80.93 81.07 81.20 81.33 81.47 81.60 81.73 81.87 82.00
A(79) 80.96 81.08 81.20 81.32 81.44 81.57 81.69 81.81 81.93 82.06 82.18 82.30 82.42 82.54 82.67
A(80) 81.76 81.89 82.00 82.11 82.22 82.33 82.44 82.56 82.67 82.78 82.89 83.00 83.11 83.22 83.33
A(81) 82.60 82.70 82.80 82.90 83.00 83.10 83.20 83.30 83.40 83.50 83.60 83.70 83.80 83.90 84.00
A(82) 83.42 83.51 83.60 83.69 83.78 83.87 83.96 84.04 84.13 84.22 84.31 81.40 84.90 84.58 84.67
A(83) 84.24 84.24 84.40 84.48 84.56 84.63 84.71 84.79 84.87 84.89 85.02 85.10 85.18 85.26 85.33
A(84) 85.07 85.07 85.20 85.27 85.33 85.40 85.47 85.53 85.60 85.67 85.73 85.80 85.87 85.93 86.00
A(85) 85.89 85.89 86.00 86.06 86.11 86.17 86.22 86.28 86.33 86.39 86.44 86.50 86.56 86.61 86.67
A(86) 86.71 86.76 86.80 86.84 86.89 86.89 86.98 87.02 87.07 87.11 87.16 87.20 87.24 87.29 87.33
A(87) 87.53 87.57 87.57 87.60 87.63 87.67 87.73 87.77 87.80 87.83 87.87 87.90 87.93 87.97 88.00
A(88) 88.36 88.38 88.38 88.40 88.42 88.44 88.49 88.51 88.53 88.56 88.59 88.60 88.62 88.64 88.67
A(89) 89.18 89.13 89.19 89.20 89.21 89.23 89.24 89.26 89.27 89.28 89.29 89.30 89.31 89.32 89.33
A(90) 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00




B(16) B(17) B(18) B(19) B(20) B(21) B(22) B(23) B(24) B(25) B(26) B(27) B(28) B(29) B(30)
A(1) 16.82 17.81 18.80 19.79 20.78 21.77 22.76 23.74 24.73 25.72 26.71 27.70 28.69 29.68 30.67
A(2) 17.64 18.62 19.60 20.58 21.56 22.53 23.51 24.49 25.47 26.44 27.42 28.40 29.38 30.36 31.33
A(3) 18.47 19.43 20.40 21.37 22.33 23.30 24.27 25.23 26.20 27.17 28.13 29.10 30.07 31.03 32.00
A(4) 19.29 20.24 21.20 22.16 23.11 24.07 25.02 25.98 26.93 27.89 28.84 29.80 30.76 31.71 32.67
A(5) 20.11 21.06 22.00 22.94 23.89 24.07 25.78 26.72 27.67 28.61 29.56 30.50 31.44 32.39 33.33
A(6) 20.93 21.87 22.80 23.73 24.67 24.83 26.53 27.47 28.40 29.33 30.27 31.20 32.13 33.07 34.00
A(7) 21.76 22.68 23.60 24.52 25.60 25.60 27.13 28.04 29.13 30.06 30.98 31.90 32.82 33.74 34.67
A(8) 22.58 23.49 24.40 25.31 26.37 26.37 27.90 28.80 29.87 30.78 31.69 32.60 33.51 34.42 35.33
A(9) 23.40 24.30 25.20 26.10 27.00 27.90 28.80 29.70 30.60 31.50 32.40 33.30 34.20 35.10 36.00
A(10) 24.22 25.11 26.00 26.89 27.78 28.67 29.56 30.44 31.33 32.22 33.11 34.00 34.89 35.78 36.67
A(11) 25.04 25.92 26.80 27.68 28.56 29.56 30.31 31.39 32.07 32.94 33.82 34.70 35.58 36.46 37.33
A(12) 25.87 26.73 27.60 28.47 29.33 30.20 31.07 31.93 32.80 33.67 34.53 35.40 36.27 37.13 38.00
A(13) 26.69 27.54 28.40 29.26 30.11 30.97 31.82 32.68 33.53 34.39 35.24 36.10 36.96 37.81 38.67
A(14) 27.51 28.36 29.20 30.04 30.89 31.73 32.58 33.42 34.27 35.11 35.96 36.80 37.64 38.49 39.33
A(15) 28.33 29.17 30.00 30.83 31.67 32.50 33.33 34.17 35.00 35.83 36.67 37.50 38.33 39.17 40.00
A(16) 29.16 29.98 30.80 31.62 32.44 33.27 34.09 34.91 35.73 36.56 37.38 38.20 39.02 39.84 40.67
A(17) 29.98 30.79 31.60 32.41 32.22 34.03 34.84 35.66 36.47 37.28 38.09 38.90 39.71 40.52 41.33
A(18) 30.80 31.60 32.40 32.20 34.00 34.80 35.60 36.40 37.20 38.00 38.80 39.60 40.40 41.20 42.00
A(19) 31.62 32.41 33.20 33.99 34.78 35.57 36.36 37.14 37.93 38.72 39.51 40.30 41.09 41.88 42.67
A(20) 32.44 33.22 34.00 34.78 35.56 36.33 37.11 37.89 38.67 39.44 40.22 41.00 41.78 42.56 43.33
A(21) 33.27 34.03 34.80 35.57 36.33 37.10 37.87 38.63 39.40 40.17 40.93 41.70 42.47 43.23 44.00
A(22) 34.09 34.84 35.60 36.36 37.11 37.87 38.62 39.38 40.13 40.89 41.64 42.40 43.16 43.91 44.67
A(23) 34.91 35.66 36.40 37.14 37.89 38.63 39.38 40.12 40.87 41.61 42.36 43.10 43.84 44.59 45.33
A(24) 35.73 36.47 37.20 37.93 38.67 39.40 40.13 40.87 41.60 42.33 43.07 43.80 44.53 45.27 46.00
A(25) 36.56 37.28 38.00 38.72 39.44 40.17 40.89 41.61 42.33 43.06 43.78 44.50 45.22 45.94 46.67
A(26) 37.38 38.09 38.80 39.51 40.22 40.93 41.64 42.36 43.07 43.78 44.49 45.20 45.91 46.62 47.33
A(27) 38.20 38.90 39.60 40.30 41.00 41.70 42.40 43.10 43.80 44.50 45.20 45.90 46.60 47.30 48.00
A(28) 39.02 39.71 40.40 41.09 41.78 42.47 43.16 43.84 44.53 45.22 45.91 46.60 47.29 47.98 48.67
A(29) 39.84 40.52 41.20 41.88 42.56 43.23 43.91 44.59 45.27 45.94 46.62 47.30 47.98 48.66 49.33
A(30) 40.67 41.33 42.00 42.67 43.33 44.00 44.67 45.33 46.00 46.67 47.33 48.00 48.67 49.33 50.00
A(31) 41.49 42.14 42.80 43.46 44.11 44.77 45.42 46.08 46.73 47.39 48.04 48.70 49.36 50.01 50.67
A(32) 42.31 42.96 43.60 44.24 44.89 45.23 46.18 46.82 47.47 48.11 48.76 49.40 50.04 50.69 51.33
A(33) 43.13 43.77 44.40 45.03 45.67 46.30 46.93 47.57 48.20 48.83 49.47 50.10 50.73 51.37 52.00
A(34) 43.96 44.58 45.20 45.82 46.44 47.07 47.69 48.31 48.93 49.56 50.18 50.80 51.42 52.04 52.67
A(35) 44.78 45.39 46.00 46.61 47.22 47.83 48.44 49.06 49.67 50.28 50.89 51.50 52.11 52.72 53.33
A(36) 45.60 46.20 46.80 47.40 48.00 48.60 49.20 49.80 50.40 51.00 51.60 52.20 52.80 53.40 54.00
A(37) 46.42 47.01 47.60 48.19 48.78 49.37 49.96 50.54 51.13 51.72 52.31 52.90 53.40 54.08 54.67
A(38) 47.24 47.82 48.40 48.98 49.56 50.13 50.71 51.29 51.87 52.44 53.02 53.60 54.18 54.76 55.33
A(39) 48.07 48.63 49.20 49.77 50.33 50.90 51.47 52.03 52.60 53.17 53.73 54.30 54.87 55.43 56.00
A(40) 48.89 49.44 50.00 50.56 51.11 51.67 52.22 52.78 53.33 53.89 54.44 55.00 55.56 56.11 56.67
A(41) 49.71 50.26 50.80 51.34 51.89 52.43 52.98 53.52 54.07 54.61 55.16 55.70 56.24 56.79 57.33
A(42) 50.53 51.07 51.60 52.13 52.67 53.20 53.73 54.27 54.80 55.33 55.87 56.40 56.93 57.47 58.00
A(43) 51.36 51.88 52.40 52.92 53.44 23.97 54.49 55.01 55.53 56.06 56.58 57.10 57.62 58.14 58.67
A(44) 52.18 52.69 53.20 53.71 54.22 54.73 55.24 55.76 56.27 56.78 57.29 57.80 58.31 58.82 59.33
A(45) 53.00 53.50 54.00 54.50 55.00 55.50 56.00 56.50 57.00 57.50 58.00 58.50 59.00 59.50 60.00




B(31) B(32) B(33) B(34) B(35) B(36) B(37) B(38) B(39) B(40) B(41) B(42) B(43) B(44) B(45)
A(1) 31.66 32.64 33.63 34.62 35.61 36.60 37.59 38.58 39.57 40.56 41.54 42.53 42.52 44.51 45.50
A(2) 32.31 33.29 34.27 35.24 36.22 37.20 38.18 39.16 40.13 41.11 42.09 43.07 44.04 45.02 46.00
A(3) 32.97 33.93 34.90 35.87 36.83 37.80 38.77 39.73 40.70 47.67 42.63 43.60 44.57 45.53 46.50
A(4) 33.62 34.58 35.53 36.49 37.44 38.40 39.36 40.31 41.27 42.22 43.18 44.13 45.09 46.04 47.00
A(5) 34.28 35.22 36.17 37.11 38.06 39.00 39.94 40.89 41.83 42.78 43.72 44.67 45.61 46.56 47.50
A(6) 34.93 35.87 36.80 37.73 38.67 39.60 40.53 41.74 42.40 43.33 44.27 45.20 46.13 47.07 48.00
A(7) 35.59 36.51 37.43 38.36 39.28 40.20 41.12 42.04 42.97 43.89 44.81 45.73 46.66 47.58 48.50
A(8) 36.24 37.16 38.07 38.98 39.89 40.80 41.71 42.62 43.53 44.44 45.36 46.27 47.18 48.09 49.00
A(9) 36.90 37.80 38.70 39.60 40.50 41.40 42.30 43.20 44.10 45.00 45.90 46.80 47.70 48.60 49.50
A(10) 37.56 38.44 38.33 40.22 41.11 42.00 42.89 43.78 44.67 45.56 46.44 47.33 48.22 49.11 50.00
A(11) 38.21 39.09 39.97 40.84 41.72 42.60 43.48 44.36 45.23 46.11 46.99 47.87 48.74 49.62 50.50
A(12) 38.87 39.73 40.60 41.47 42.33 43.20 44.07 44.93 45.80 46.67 47.53 48.40 49.27 50.13 51.00
A(13) 39.52 40.38 41.23 42.94 43.80 44.66 45.51 46.37 47.22 48.08 48.93 49.79 50.64 50.64 51.50
A(15) 40.83 41.67 42.50 43.33 44.17 45.00 45.83 46.67 47.50 48.33 49.17 50.00 50.83 51.67 52.50
A(16) 41.49 42.31 43.13 43.96 44.78 45.60 46.42 47.24 48.07 48.89 49.71 50.53 51.36 52.18 53.00
A(17) 42.14 42.96 43.77 44.58 45.39 46.20 47.01 47.82 48.63 49.44 50.26 51.07 51.88 52.69 53.50
A(18) 42.80 43.60 44.40 45.20 46.00 46.80 47.80 47.60 48.40 49.20 50.00 51.60 52.40 53.20 54.00
A(19) 43.46 44.24 45.03 45.82 46.61 47.40 48.19 48.98 49.77 50.56 51.34 52.13 52.92 53.71 54.50
A(20) 44.11 44.89 45.67 46.44 47.22 48.00 48.78 49.56 50.33 51.11 51.89 52.67 53.44 54.22 55.00
A(21) 44.77 45.53 46.30 47.07 47.83 48.60 49.37 50.13 50.90 51.67 52.43 53.20 53.97 54.73 55.50
A(22) 45.42 46.18 46.93 47.69 48.44 49.20 49.96 50.71 51.47 52.22 52.98 53.73 54.49 55.24 56.00
A(23) 46.08 46.82 47.57 58.31 49.06 49.80 50.54 51.29 52.03 52.78 53.52 54.27 55.01 55.76 56.50
A(24) 46.73 47.47 48.20 48.93 49.67 50.40 51.13 51.87 52.60 53.33 54.07 54.80 55.53 56.27 57.00
A(25) 47.39 48.11 48.83 49.56 50.28 51.00 51.72 52.44 53.17 53.89 54.61 55.33 56.06 56.78 57.50
A(26) 48.04 48.76 49.47 50.18 50.89 51.60 52.31 53.02 53.73 54.44 55.16 55.87 56.58 57.29 58.00
A(27) 48.70 49.40 50.10 50.80 51.50 52.20 52.90 53.50 54.30 55.00 55.70 56.40 57.10 57.80 58.50
A(28) 49.36 50.04 50.73 51.42 52.11 52.80 53.49 54.18 54.87 55.56 56.24 56.93 57.62 58.31 59.00
A(29) 50.01 50.60 51.37 52.04 52.72 53.40 54.08 54.76 55.43 56.11 56.79 57.47 58.14 58.82 59.50
A(30) 50.67 51.33 52.00 53.67 53.33 54.00 54.67 55.33 56.00 56.67 57.33 58.00 58.67 59.33 60.00
A(31) 51.32 51.98 52.63 53.29 53.94 54.60 55.26 55.91 56.57 57.22 57.88 58.53 59.19 59.84 60.50
A(32) 51.98 52.62 53.27 53.91 54.56 55.20 55.84 57.13 57.13 57.78 58.42 59.07 59.71 60.36 61.00
A(33) 52.63 53.27 53.90 54.53 55.17 55.80 56.43 57.07 57.70 58.33 58.97 59.60 60.23 60.87 61.50
A(34) 53.29 53.91 54.53 55.16 55.78 56.40 57.02 57.64 58.27 58.89 59.51 60.13 60.76 61.38 62.00
A(35) 53.94 54.56 55.17 55.78 56.39 57.00 57.61 58.22 58.83 59.44 60.06 60.67 61.28 61.89 62.50
A(36) 54.60 55.20 55.80 56.40 57.00 57.60 58.20 58.80 59.40 60.00 60.60 61.20 61.80 62.40 63.00
A(37) 55.26 55.84 56.43 57.02 57.61 58.20 58.79 59.38 59.97 60.56 61.14 61.73 62.32 62.91 63.50
A(38) 55.91 56.49 57.07 57.64 58.22 58.80 59.38 59.96 60.53 61.11 61.69 62.27 62.84 63.42 64.00
A(39) 56.57 57.13 57.70 58.27 58.83 59.40 59.97 60.53 61.10 61.67 62.23 62.80 63.37 63.93 64.50
A(40) 57.22 57.78 58.33 58.89 59.44 60.00 60.56 61.11 61.67 62.22 62.78 63.33 63.89 64.44 65.00
A(41) 57.88 58.42 58.97 59.51 60.06 60.60 61.14 61.69 62.27 62.78 63.32 63.87 64.41 64.96 65.50
A(42) 58.53 59.07 59.60 60.13 60.67 61.20 61.73 62.27 62.80 63.33 63.87 64.40 64.93 65.47 66.00
A(43) 59.19 59.71 60.23 60.76 61.28 61.80 62.32 63.84 63.37 63.89 64.41 64.93 65.46 65.98 66.50
A(44) 59.84 60.36 60.87 61.38 61.89 62.40 62.91 63.42 63.93 64.44 64.96 65.47 65.98 66.49 67.00
A(45) 60.50 61.00 61.50 62.00 62.50 63.00 63.50 64.00 64.50 65.00 65.50 65.50 65.50 67.00 67.50



B(46) B(47) B(48) B(49) B(50) B(51) B(52) B(53) B(54) B(55) B(56) B(57) B(58) B(59) B(60)
A(1) 46.49 47.48 48.47 49.46 50.44 51.43 52.42 53.41 54.40 55.39 56.38 57.37 58.36 59.34 60.33
A(2) 46.98 47.96 48.93 49.91 50.89 51.87 52.84 53.82 54.80 55.78 56.76 57.73 58.71 59.69 60.67
A(3) 47.47 48.43 49.40 50.37 51.33 52.30 53.27 54.23 55.20 56.17 57.12 58.10 59.07 60.03 61.00
A(4) 47.96 48.91 49.87 50.82 51.78 52.73 53.69 54.64 55.60 56.56 57.51 58.47 59.42 60.38 61.33
A(5) 48.44 49.39 50.33 51.28 52.22 53.17 54.11 55.06 56.00 56.94 57.89 58.83 59.78 60.72 61.67
A(6) 48.93 49.87 50.80 51.73 52.67 53.60 54.53 55.47 56.40 57.33 58.27 59.20 60.13 61.07 62.00
A(7) 49.42 50.34 51.27 52.19 53.11 54.03 54.96 55.88 56.80 57.72 58.64 59.57 60.49 61.41 62.33
A(8) 49.91 50.82 51.73 52.64 53.56 54.47 55.38 56.20 57.20 58.11 59.02 59.93 60.84 61.76 62.67
A(9) 50.40 51.30 52.20 53.10 54.00 54.90 55.80 56.70 57.60 58.50 59.40 60.30 61.20 62.10 63.00
A(10) 50.89 51.78 52.67 53.56 54.44 55.33 56.22 57.11 58.00 58.89 59.78 60.67 61.56 62.44 63.33
A(11) 51.38 52.26 53.13 54.01 54.83 55.77 56.64 57.52 58.40 59.28 60.16 61.03 61.91 62.79 63.67
A(12) 51.87 52.73 53.60 54.47 55.33 56.20 57.07 57.93 58.80 59.67 60.53 61.40 62.27 63.13 64.00
A(13) 52.36 53.21 54.07 54.92 55.78 56.63 57.49 58.34 59.20 60.06 60.91 61.77 62.62 63.48 64.33
A(14) 52.84 53.69 54.53 55.38 56.22 57.07 57.19 58.76 59.60 60.44 61.29 62.13 62.98 63.82 64.67
A(15) 53.33 54.17 55.00 55.83 56.67 57.50 58.33 59.17 60.00 60.83 61.67 62.50 63.33 64.17 65.00
A(16) 53.82 54.64 55.47 56.29 57.11 57.93 58.76 59.58 60.40 61.22 62.04 62.87 63.69 64.51 65.33
A(17) 54.31 55.12 55.93 56.74 57.56 58.37 59.18 59.99 60.80 61.61 62.42 63.23 64.04 64.86 65.67
A(18) 54.80 55.60 56.40 57.20 58.00 58.80 59.60 60.40 61.20 62.00 62.80 63.60 64.40 65.20 66.00
A(19) 55.29 56.08 56.87 57.66 58.44 59.23 60.02 60.81 61.60 62.39 63.18 63.97 64.54 65.54 66.33
A(20) 55.78 56.56 57.33 58.11 58.89 59.67 60.44 61.22 62.00 62.78 63.56 64.33 65.11 65.89 66.67
A(21) 56.27 57.03 57.80 58.57 59.33 60.10 60.87 61.63 62.40 63.17 63.93 64.70 65.47 66.23 67.00
A(22) 56.76 57.51 58.27 59.02 59.78 60.53 61.29 62.04 62.80 63.56 64.31 65.07 65.82 66.58 67.33
A(23) 57.24 57.99 58.73 59.48 60.22 60.97 61.71 62.46 63.20 63.94 64.69 65.43 66.18 66.92 67.67
A(24) 57.73 58.47 59.20 59.93 60.67 61.40 62.13 62.87 63.60 64.33 65.07 65.80 66.53 67.27 68.00
A(25) 58.22 58.94 59.67 60.39 61.11 61.83 62.56 63.28 64.00 64.72 65.44 66.17 66.89 67.61 68.33
A(26) 58.71 59.42 60.13 60.84 61.56 62.27 62.98 63.69 64.40 65.11 65.82 66.53 67.24 67.96 68.67
A(27) 59.20 59.90 60.60 61.30 62.00 62.70 63.40 64.10 64.80 65.50 66.20 66.90 67.60 68.30 69.00
A(28) 59.69 60.38 61.07 61.76 62.44 63.13 63.82 64.51 65.20 65.89 66.58 67.27 67.96 68.64 69.33
A(29) 60.18 60.86 61.53 62.21 62.89 63.57 64.24 64.92 65.60 66.28 66.96 67.63 68.31 68.99 69.67
A(30) 60.67 61.33 62.00 62.67 63.33 64.00 64.67 65.33 66.00 66.67 67.33 68.00 68.67 69.33 70.00
A(31) 61.16 61.81 62.47 63.12 63.78 64.43 65.09 65.74 66.40 67.06 67.71 68.37 69.02 69.68 70.33
A(32) 61.64 62.29 62.93 63.58 64.22 64.87 65.51 66.16 66.80 67.44 68.09 68.73 69.38 70.02 70.67
A(33) 62.13 62.77 63.40 64.03 64.67 65.30 65.93 66.57 67.20 67.83 68.47 69.10 69.73 70.37 71.00
A(34) 62.62 63.24 63.87 64.49 65.11 65.73 66.36 33.98 67.60 68.22 68.84 69.47 70.09 70.71 71.33
A(35) 63.11 63.72 64.33 64.94 65.56 66.17 66.78 67.39 68.00 68.61 69.22 69.83 70.44 71.06 71.67
A(36) 63.90 64.20 64.80 65.40 66.00 66.60 67.20 67.80 68.00 68.61 69.22 70.20 70.80 71.40 72.00
A(37) 64.09 64.68 65.27 65.86 66.44 67.03 67.62 68.04 68.40 69.00 69.60 70.57 71.16 71.74 72.33
A(38) 64.58 65.16 65.73 66.31 66.89 67.47 68.04 68.47 68.80 69.39 69.98 70.93 71.51 72.09 72.33
A(39) 65.07 65.63 66.20 66.27 67.33 67.90 68.47 69.03 69.60 70.17 70.73 71.30 71.87 72.43 73.00
A(40) 65.56 66.11 66.67 67.22 67.78 68.33 68.89 69.44 70.00 70.56 71.11 71.67 72.22 72.78 73.33
A(41) 66.04 66.59 67.13 67.68 68.22 68.77 69.31 69.86 70.40 70.94 71.49 72.03 72.58 73.12 73.67
A(42) 66.53 67.07 67.60 68.13 68.67 69.20 69.73 70.27 70.80 71.33 71.87 72.40 72.93 73.47 74.00
A(43) 67.02 67.54 68.07 68.59 69.11 69.63 70.16 70.68 71.20 71.72 72.24 72.77 73.29 73.81 74.33
A(44) 67.51 68.02 68.53 69.04 69.56 70.07 70.58 71.09 71.60 72.11 72.62 73.13 73.64 74.16 74.67
A(45) 68.00 68.50 69.00 69.50 70.00 70.50 71.00 71.50 72.00 72.50 73.00 73.50 74.00 74.50 75.00



B(46) B(47) B(48) B(49) B(50) B(51) B(52) B(53) B(54) B(55) B(56) B(57) B(58) B(59) B(60)
A(46) 68.49 68.98 69.47 69.96 70.44 70.93 71.42 71.91 72.40 72.89 73.38 73.87 74.36 74.84 75.33
A(47) 68.98 69.46 69.93 70.41 70.89 71.37 71.84 72.32 72.80 73.28 73.76 74.23 74.71 75.19 75.67
A(48) 69.47 69.93 70.40 70.87 71.33 71.80 72.27 72.73 73.20 73.67 74.13 74.60 75.07 75.53 76.00
A(49) 69.96 70.41 70.87 71.32 71.78 72.23 72.69 73.14 73.60 74.06 74.51 74.97 75.42 75.88 76.33
A(50) 70.44 70.89 71.33 71.78 72.22 72.67 73.11 73.56 74.00 74.44 74.89 75.33 75.78 76.22 76.67
A(51) 70.93 71.37 71.80 72.23 72.67 73.10 73.53 73.97 74.40 74.83 75.27 75.70 76.13 76.57 77.00
A(52) 71.42 71.84 72.27 72.69 73.11 73.53 73.96 74.38 74.80 75.22 75.64 76.07 76.49 76.91 77.33
A(53) 71.91 72.32 72.73 73.14 73.56 73.97 74.38 74.79 75.20 75.61 76.02 76.43 73.84 77.26 77.67
A(54) 72.40 72.80 73.20 73.60 74.00 74.40 74.80 75.20 75.60 76.00 76.40 76.80 77.20 77.60 78.00
A(55) 72.89 73.28 73.67 74.06 74.44 74.83 75.22 75.61 76.00 76.39 76.78 77.17 77.56 77.94 78.33
A(56) 73.38 73.76 74.13 74.51 74.89 75.77 75.64 76.02 76.40 76.78 77.14 77.53 77.91 78.29 78.67
A(57) 73.87 74.23 74.60 74.97 75.33 75.70 76.07 76.43 76.80 77.17 77.53 77.90 78.27 78.63 79.00
A(58) 74.36 74.71 75.07 75.42 75.78 76.13 76.49 76.84 77.20 77.56 77.91 78.27 78.62 78.98 79.33
A(59) 74.84 75.19 77.53 75.88 76.22 76.57 76.91 77.26 77.60 77.94 78.29 78.63 78.98 79.32 79.67
A(60) 75.33 75.67 76.00 76.33 76.67 77.00 77.33 77.67 78.00 78.33 78.67 79.00 79.33 79.67 80.00
A(61) 75.82 76.14 76.47 76.79 77.11 77.43 77.76 78.08 78.40 78.72 79.04 79.37 79.69 80.01 80.33
A(62) 76.31 76.62 76.93 77.24 77.56 77.87 78.18 78.40 78.80 79.11 79.42 79.73 80.04 80.36 80.67
A(63) 76.80 77.10 77.40 77.70 78.00 78.30 78.60 78.90 79.20 79.50 79.80 80.10 80.40 80.70 81.00
A(64) 77.29 77.58 77.87 78.16 78.44 78.73 79.02 79.31 79.60 79.89 80.18 80.47 80.76 81.04 81.33
A(65) 77.78 78.06 78.33 78.61 78.89 79.17 79.44 79.72 80.00 80.28 80.56 80.83 81.11 81.39 81.67
A(66) 78.27 78.53 78.80 79.07 79.33 79.60 79.87 80.13 80.40 80.67 80.93 81.20 81.47 81.73 82.00
A(67) 78.76 79.01 79.27 79.52 79.78 80.03 80.29 80.54 80.80 81.06 81.31 81.57 81.82 82.08 82.33
A(68) 79.24 79.49 79.73 79.98 80.22 80.47 80.71 80.96 81.20 81.44 81.69 81.93 82.18 82.42 82.67
A(69) 79.73 79.97 80.20 80.43 80.67 80.90 81.13 81.37 81.60 81.83 82.07 82.30 82.53 82.77 83.00
A(70) 80.22 80.44 80.67 80.89 81.11 81.33 81.56 81.78 82.00 82.22 82.44 82.67 82.89 83.11 83.33
A(71) 80.71 80.92 81.13 81.34 81.56 81.77 81.98 82.19 82.40 82.61 82.82 83.03 83.24 83.46 83.67
A(72) 81.20 81.40 81.60 81.80 82.00 82.20 82.40 82.60 82.80 83.00 83.20 83.40 83.60 83.80 84.00
A(73) 81.69 81.88 82.07 82.26 82.44 82.63 82.82 83.01 83.20 83.39 83.58 83.77 83.96 84.14 84.33
A(74) 82.18 82.36 82.53 82.71 82.89 83.07 83.24 83.42 83.60 83.78 83.96 84.13 84.31 84.49 84.67
A(75) 82.67 82.83 83.00 83.17 83.33 83.50 83.67 83.83 84.00 84.17 84.33 84.50 84.67 84.83 85.00
A(76) 83.16 83.31 83.47 83.62 83.78 83.93 84.09 84.24 84.40 84.56 84.71 84.87 85.02 85.18 85.33
A(77) 83.64 83.79 83.93 84.08 84.22 84.37 84.51 84.66 84.80 84.94 85.09 85.23 85.38 85.52 85.67
A(78) 84.13 84.27 84.40 84.53 84.67 84.80 84.93 85.07 85.20 85.33 85.47 85.60 85.73 85.87 86.00
A(79) 84.62 84.74 84.87 84.99 85.11 85.23 85.36 85.48 85.60 85.72 85.84 85.97 86.09 86.21 86.33
A(80) 85.11 85.22 85.33 85.44 85.56 85.67 85.78 85.89 86.00 86.11 86.22 86.33 86.44 86.56 86.67
A(81) 85.60 85.70 85.80 85.90 86.00 86.10 86.20 86.30 86.40 86.50 86.60 86.70 86.80 86.90 87.00
A(82) 86.09 86.18 86.27 86.36 86.44 86.53 86.62 86.71 86.80 86.89 86.98 87.07 87.16 87.24 87.33
A(83) 86.58 86.66 86.73 86.81 86.89 86.97 87.04 87.12 87.20 87.28 87.36 87.43 87.51 87.59 87.67
A(84) 87.07 87.13 87.20 87.27 87.33 87.40 87.47 87.53 87.60 87.67 87.73 87.80 87.87 87.93 88.00
A(85) 87.56 87.61 87.67 87.72 87.78 87.83 87.89 87.94 88.00 88.06 88.11 88.17 88.22 88.28 88.33
A(86) 88.04 88.09 88.13 88.18 88.22 88.27 88.31 88.36 88.40 88.44 88.49 88.53 88.58 88.62 88.67
A(87) 88.53 88.57 88.60 88.63 88.67 88.70 88.73 88.77 88.80 88.83 88.87 88.90 88.93 88.97 89.00
A(88) 89.02 89.04 89.07 89.09 89.11 89.13 89.16 89.18 89.20 89.22 89.24 89.27 89.29 89.31 89.33
A(89) 89.51 89.52 89.53 89.54 89.56 89.57 89.58 89.59 89.60 89.61 89.62 89.63 89.64 89.66 89.67
A(90) 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00



A+B (90-A)

B(61) B(62) B(63) B(64) B(65) B(66) B(67) B(68) B(69) B(70) B(71) B(72) B(73) B(74) B(75)
A(1) 61.32 62.31 63.30 64.29 65.28 66.27 67.26 68.24 69.23 70.22 71.21 72.20 73.19 74.18 75.17
A(2) 61.64 62.62 63.60 64.58 65.56 66.53 67.51 68.49 69.47 70.44 71.42 72.40 73.38 74.36 75.33
A(3) 61.97 62.93 63.90 64.87 65.83 66.80 67.77 68.73 69.70 70.67 71.63 72.60 73.57 74.53 75.50
A(4) 62.29 63.24 64.20 65.16 66.11 67.07 68.02 68.98 69.93 70.89 71.84 72.80 73.76 74.71 75.67
A(5) 62.61 63.56 64.50 65.44 66.39 67.33 68.28 69.22 70.17 71.11 72.06 73.00 73.94 74.89 75.83
A(6) 62.93 63.87 64.80 65.73 66.67 67.60 68.53 69.47 70.40 71.33 72.27 73.20 74.13 75.07 76.00
A(7) 63.26 64.18 65.10 66.02 66.94 67.87 68.79 69.71 70.63 71.56 72.48 73.40 74.32 75.24 76.17
A(8) 63.58 64.49 65.40 66.31 67.22 68.13 69.04 69.96 70.87 71.78 72.69 73.60 74.51 75.42 76.33
A(9) 63.90 64.80 65.70 66.60 67.50 68.40 69.30 70.20 72.10 72.00 72.90 73.80 74.70 75.60 76.50
A(10) 64.22 65.11 66.00 66.89 67.78 68.67 69.56 70.44 71.33 72.22 73.11 74.00 74.89 75.78 76.67
A(11) 64.54 65.42 66.30 67.18 68.06 68.93 69.81 70.69 71.57 72.44 73.32 74.20 75.08 75.96 76.83
A(12) 64.87 65.73 66.60 67.47 68.33 69.20 70.07 70.93 71.80 72.67 73.53 74.40 75.27 76.13 77.17
A(13) 65.19 66.04 66.90 67.78 68.61 69.47 70.32 71.18 72.03 72.89 73.74 74.60 75.46 76.49 77.33
A(14) 65.51 66.36 67.20 68.04 68.89 69.73 70.58 71.42 72.27 73.11 73.96 74.80 75.83 76.67 77.50
A(15) 65.83 66.67 67.50 68.33 69.17 70.00 70.83 71.67 72.50 73.33 74.17 75.00 76.02 76.84 77.67
A(16) 66.16 66.98 67.80 68.62 69.44 70.27 71.09 71.91 72.73 73.56 74.38 75.20 76.21 77.02 77.83
A(17) 66.68 67.29 68.10 68.91 69.72 70.53 71.34 72.16 72.97 73.78 74.59 75.40 76.40 77.20 78.00
A(18) 66.80 67.60 68.40 69.20 70.00 70.80 71.60 72.40 73.20 74.00 74.80 75.60 76.59 77.36 78.17
A(19) 67.12 67.91 68.70 69.49 70.28 71.07 71.86 72.64 73.43 74.22 75.01 75.80 76.78 77.56 78.33
A(20) 67.44 68.22 69.00 69.78 70.56 71.33 72.11 72.89 73.67 74.44 75.22 76.00 76.78 77.56 78.33
A(21) 67.77 68.53 69.30 70.07 70.80 71.60 72.37 73.13 73.90 74.67 75.43 76.20 76.97 77.73 78.50
A(22) 68.09 68.84 69.60 70.36 71.11 71.87 72.62 73.38 74.13 74.89 75.64 76.40 77.16 77.91 78.67
A(23) 68.14 69.10 69.90 70.64 71.39 72.13 72.88 73.62 74.37 75.11 75.86 76.60 77.34 78.09 78.83
A(24) 68.73 69.47 70.20 70.93 71.67 72.40 73.13 73.87 74.60 75.33 76.07 76.80 77.53 78.27 79.00
A(25) 69.06 69.78 70.50 71.22 71.94 72.67 73.39 74.11 74.83 75.56 76.28 77.00 77.72 78.44 79.17
A(26) 69.38 70.00 70.80 71.51 72.22 72.93 73.64 74.36 75.07 75.78 76.49 77.20 77.91 78.62 79.33
A(27) 69.07 75.40 71.10 71.80 72.50 73.20 73.90 74.60 75.30 76.00 76.70 77.40 78.10 78.80 79.50
A(28) 70.02 70.71 71.40 72.09 72.78 73.47 74.16 74.84 75.53 76.22 76.91 76.60 78.29 78.98 79.67
A(29) 70.34 71.02 71.70 72.38 73.06 73.73 74.41 75.09 75.77 76.44 77.12 77.80 78.48 79.6 79.83
A(30) 70.67 71.33 72.00 72.67 73.33 74.00 74.67 75.33 76.00 76.67 77.33 78.00 78.67 79.33 80.00
A(31) 70.99 71.64 72.30 72.96 73.61 74.27 74.92 75.58 76.23 76.89 77.54 78.20 78.86 79.51 80.17
A(32) 71.31 71.96 72.60 73.24 73.89 74.53 75.82 75.18 76.47 77.11 77.76 78.40 79.04 79.69 80.33
A(33) 71.69 72.27 72.90 73.53 74.17 74.80 75.43 76.07 76.70 77.33 77.97 78.60 79.23 79.87 80.50
A(34) 71.96 72.58 73.20 73.82 74.44 75.07 75.69 76.31 76.93 77.56 78.18 78.80 79.42 80.04 80.67
A(35) 72.28 72.89 73.50 74.11 74.72 75.33 75.94 76.56 77.17 77.78 78.39 79.00 79.61 80.22 80.83
A(36) 72.60 73.20 73.80 74.40 75.00 75.60 76.20 76.80 77.40 78.00 78.60 78.20 79.80 80.40 81.00
A(37) 72.92 73.51 74.10 70.69 75.28 75.87 76.46 77.04 77.63 78.22 78.81 79.40 79.99 80.58 81.17
A(38) 73.24 73.82 74.40 74.99 75.56 76.13 76.71 77.29 77.87 78.44 79.02 79.60 80.18 80.76 81.33
A(39) 73.57 74.13 74.70 75.27 75.83 76.40 76.97 77.53 78.10 78.67 79.23 79.80 80.37 80.93 81.50
A(40) 73.89 74.44 75.00 75.56 76.11 76.67 77.22 77.78 78.33 78.89 79.44 80.00 80.56 81.11 81.67
A(41) 74.21 74.76 75.30 75.84 76.39 76.93 77.48 78.02 78.57 79.11 79.66 80.20 80.74 81.29 81.83
A(42) 74.43 75.07 75.60 76.13 76.67 77.20 77.73 78.27 78.80 79.33 79.87 80.40 80.93 81.47 82.00
A(43) 74.86 75.38 75.90 76.42 76.94 77.47 77.99 78.51 79.03 79.56 80.08 80.60 81.12 81.64 82.17
A(44) 75.18 75.69 76.20 76.71 77.22 77.73 78.24 78.76 79.27 79.78 80.29 80.80 81.31 81.82 82.33
A(45) 75.50 76.00 76.50 77.00 75.50 78.00 78.50 79.00 79.50 80.00 80.50 81.00 81.50 82.00 82.50



A+B (90-A)

B(61) B(62) B(63) B(64) B(65) B(66) B(67) B(68) B(69) B(70) B(71) B(72) B(73) B(74) B(75)
A(46) 75.82 76.31 76.80 77.29 77.78 78.27 78.76 79.24 79.73 80.22 80.71 81.20 81.69 82.18 82.67
A(47) 76.14 76.62 77.10 77.58 78.06 78.53 79.01 79.49 79.97 80.44 80.92 81.40 81.88 82.36 82.83
A(48) 76.47 76.93 77.40 77.87 78.33 78.80 79.27 79.73 80.20 80.67 81.13 81.60 82.07 82.53 83.00
A(49) 76.79 77.24 77.70 78.16 78.61 79.07 79.52 79.98 80.43 80.89 81.34 81.80 82.26 82.71 83.17
A(50) 77.11 77.56 78.00 78.44 78.89 79.33 79.78 80.22 80.67 81.11 81.56 82.00 82.44 82.89 83.33
A(51) 77.43 77.87 78.30 78.73 79.17 79.60 80.03 80.47 80.90 81.33 81.77 82.20 82.63 83.07 83.50
A(52) 77.76 78.18 78.60 79.02 79.44 79.87 80.29 80.71 81.13 81.56 81.98 82.40 82.82 83.24 83.67
A(53) 78.08 78.49 78.90 79.31 79.72 80.13 80.54 80.96 81.37 81.78 82.19 82.60 83.01 83.42 83.83
A(54) 78.40 78.80 79.20 79.60 80.00 80.40 80.80 81.20 81.60 82.00 82.40 82.80 83.20 83.60 84.00
A(55) 78.72 79.11 79.50 79.60 80.28 80.67 81.06 81.44 81.83 82.22 82.61 83.00 83.39 83.78 84.17
A(56) 79.04 79.42 79.80 80.18 80.56 80.93 81.33 81.69 82.07 82.44 82.82 83.20 83.58 83.96 84.33
A(57) 79.37 79.73 80.10 80.47 80.83 81.20 81.57 81.93 82.30 82.67 83.03 83.40 83.77 84.13 84.50
A(58) 79.69 80.04 80.40 80.76 81.11 81.47 81.82 82.18 82.53 82.89 83.24 83.60 83.96 84.31 84.67
A(59) 80.01 80.36 80.70 81.04 81.39 81.73 82.08 82.42 82.77 83.11 83.46 83.80 84.14 84.49 84.83
A(60) 80.33 80.67 81.00 81.33 81.67 82.00 82.33 82.67 83.00 83.33 83.67 84.00 84.33 84.67 85.00
A(61) 80.66 80.98 81.30 81.62 81.94 82.27 82.59 82.91 83.23 83.56 83.88 84.20 84.52 84.84 85.17
A(62) 80.98 81.29 81.60 81.91 82.22 82.53 82.84 83.16 83.47 83.78 84.09 84.40 84.71 85.02 85.33
A(63) 81.30 81.60 81.90 82.20 82.50 82.80 83.10 82.40 83.70 84.00 84.30 84.60 84.90 85.20 85.50
A(64) 81.62 81.91 82.20 82.49 82.78 83.07 83.36 83.64 83.93 84.22 84.51 84.80 85.09 85.38 85.67
A(65) 81.94 82.22 82.50 82.78 83.06 83.33 83.61 83.89 84.17 84.44 84.72 85.00 85.28 85.56 85.83
A(66) 82.27 82.53 82.80 83.07 83.33 83.60 83.87 84.13 84.40 84.67 84.93 85.20 85.47 85.73 86.00
A(67) 82.59 82.84 83.10 83.36 83.61 83.87 84.12 84.38 84.63 84.89 85.14 85.40 85.66 85.91 86.17
A(68) 82.91 83.16 83.40 83.64 83.89 84.13 84.38 84.62 84.87 85.11 85.36 85.60 85.84 86.09 86.33
A(69) 83.73 83.47 83.70 83.93 84.17 84.40 84.63 84.87 85.10 85.33 85.57 85.80 86.03 86.27 86.50
A(70) 73.56 83.78 84.00 84.22 84.44 84.67 84.89 85.11 85.33 85.56 85.78 86.00 86.22 86.44 86.67
A(71) 83.88 84.09 84.30 84.51 84.72 84.93 85.14 85.36 85.57 85.78 85.99 86.20 86.41 86.62 86.83
A(72) 84.20 84.40 84.60 84.80 85.00 85.20 85.40 85.60 85.80 86.00 86.20 86.40 86.60 86.80 87.00
A(73) 84.52 84.71 84.90 85.09 85.28 85.47 85.66 85.84 86.03 86.22 86.41 86.60 86.79 86.98 87.17
A(74) 84.84 85.02 85.20 85.38 85.56 85.73 85.91 86.09 86.27 86.44 86.62 86.80 86.98 87.16 87.33
A(75) 85.17 85.33 85.50 85.67 85.83 86.00 86.17 86.33 86.50 86.67 86.83 87.00 87.17 87.33 87.50
A(76) 85.49 85.64 85.80 85.96 86.11 86.27 86.42 86.58 86.73 86.89 87.04 87.20 87.36 87.51 87.67
A(77) 85.81 85.96 86.10 86.24 86.39 86.53 86.68 86.82 86.97 87.11 87.26 87.04 87.54 87.69 87.83
A(78) 86.13 86.27 86.40 86.53 86.67 86.80 86.93 87.07 87.20 87.33 87.47 87.60 87.43 87.87 88.00
A(79) 86.16 86.58 86.70 86.82 86.94 87.07 87.19 87.31 87.73 87.56 87.68 87.80 87.92 88.04 88.17
A(80) 86.78 86.89 87.00 87.11 87.22 87.33 87.44 87.56 87.67 87.78 87.89 88.00 88.11 88.22 88.33
A(81) 87.10 87.20 87.30 87.40 87.50 87.60 87.70 87.80 87.90 88.00 88.10 88.20 88.30 88.40 88.50
A(82) 87.42 87.51 87.60 87.69 87.78 87.87 87.96 88.04 88.13 88.22 88.31 88.40 88.49 88.58 88.67
A(83) 87.74 87.82 87.90 87.98 88.06 88.13 88.21 88.29 88.37 88.44 88.52 88.60 88.68 88.76 88.83
A(84) 88.07 88.13 88.20 88.27 88.33 88.40 88.47 88.53 88.60 88.67 88.73 88.80 88.87 88.93 89.00
A(85) 88.39 88.44 88.50 88.56 88.61 88.67 88.72 88.78 88.83 88.89 88.94 89.00 89.06 89.11 89.17
A(86) 88.71 88.76 88.80 88.84 88.89 88.93 88.98 89.02 89.07 89.11 89.16 89.20 89.24 89.29 89.33
A(87) 89.03 89.07 89.10 89.13 89.17 89.20 89.23 89.27 89.30 89.33 89.37 89.40 89.43 89.47 89.50
A(88) 89.36 89.38 89.40 89.42 89.44 89.47 89.49 89.51 89.53 89.56 89.58 89.60 89.62 89.64 89.67
A(89) 89.68 89.69 89.70 89.71 89.72 89.73 89.74 89.76 89.77 89.78 89.79 89.80 89.81 89.82 89.83
A(90) 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00



A+B (90-A)

B(76) B(77) B(78) B(79) B(80) B(81) B(82) B(83) B(84) B(85) B(86) B(87) B(88) B(89) B(90)
A(1) 76.16 77.14 78.13 79.12 80.11 81.10 82.09 83.08 84.07 85.06 86.04 87.03 88.02 89.01 90.00
A(2) 76.31 77.29 78.27 79.24 80.22 81.20 82.18 83.16 84.13 85.11 86.09 87.07 88.04 89.02 90.00
A(3) 76.47 77.43 78.40 79.37 80.33 81.30 82.27 83.23 84.20 85.17 86.13 87.10 88.07 89.03 90.00
A(4) 76.62 77.58 78.53 79.49 80.44 81.40 82.36 83.31 84.27 85.22 86.18 87.13 88.09 89.04 90.00
A(5) 76.78 77.72 78.67 79.61 80.56 81.50 82.44 83.39 84.33 85.28 86.22 87.17 88.11 89.06 90.00
A(6) 76.93 77.87 78.80 79.73 80.67 81.60 82.53 83.47 84.40 85.33 86.27 87.20 88.13 89.07 90.00
A(7) 77.09 78.01 78.93 79.86 80.78 81.70 82.62 83.54 84.47 85.39 86.31 87.23 88.16 89.09 90.00
A(8) 77.24 78.16 79.07 79.98 80.89 81.80 82.71 83.62 84.53 85.44 86.36 87.27 88.18 89.09 90.00
A(9) 77.40 78.30 79.20 80.10 81.00 81.90 82.80 83.70 84.60 85.50 86.40 87.30 88.20 89.10 90.00
A(10) 77.56 78.44 79.33 80.22 81.11 82.00 82.89 83.78 84.67 85.56 86.44 87.33 88.22 89.11 90.00
A(11) 77.71 78.59 79.47 80.34 81.22 82.10 82.98 83.86 84.73 85.61 86.49 87.37 88.24 89.12 90.00
A(12) 77.87 78.73 79.60 80.47 81.33 82.20 83.07 83.93 84.80 85.67 86.53 87.40 88.27 89.13 90.00
A(13) 78.02 78.88 79.73 80.59 81.44 82.30 83.16 84.01 84.87 85.72 86.18 87.43 88.29 89.16 90.00
A(14) 78.18 79.02 79.87 80.71 81.56 82.40 83.24 84.09 84.93 85.78 86.02 87.47 88.31 89.16 90.00
A(15) 78.33 79.17 80.00 80.83 81.67 82.50 83.33 84.17 85.00 85.83 86.61 87.50 88.33 89.17 90.00
A(16) 78.49 79.31 80.13 80.96 81.78 82.60 83.42 84.24 85.07 85.89 86.71 87.53 88.36 89.81 90.00
A(17) 78.64 79.46 80.27 81.08 81.89 82.70 83.51 84.32 85.13 85.94 86.76 87.57 88.38 89.19 90.00
A(18) 78.80 79.60 80.40 81.20 82.00 82.80 83.60 84.40 85.20 86.00 86.80 87.60 88.40 89.20 90.00
A(19) 78.96 79.74 80.53 81.32 82.71 82.90 83.69 84.48 85.27 86.06 86.84 87.63 88.42 89.21 90.00
A(20) 79.11 79.89 80.67 81.44 82.22 83.00 83.78 84.56 85.33 86.11 86.89 87.67 88.44 89.22 90.00
A(21) 79.27 80.03 80.80 81.57 82.33 83.10 83.87 84.63 85.40 86.17 86.93 87.70 88.47 89.23 90.00
A(22) 79.42 80.18 81.93 81.69 82.44 83.20 83.96 84.71 85.47 86.22 86.98 87.73 88.49 89.24 90.00
A(23) 79.58 80.32 81.07 81.81 82.56 83.30 84.04 84.79 85.53 86.28 87.02 87.77 88.51 89.26 90.00
A(24) 79.73 80.47 81.20 81.93 82.67 83.40 84.13 84.87 85.60 86.33 87.07 87.80 88.53 89.27 90.00
A(25) 79.89 80.61 81.33 82.06 82.78 83.50 84.22 84.94 85.67 86.39 87.11 87.80 88.56 89.28 90.00
A(26) 80.04 80.76 81.47 82.18 82.89 83.60 84.31 85.02 85.73 86.44 87.16 87.89 88.58 89.29 90.00
A(27) 80.20 80.90 81.60 82.30 83.00 83.70 84.40 85.10 85.80 86.50 87.20 87.90 88.60 89.30 90.00
A(28) 80.36 81.04 81.73 82.42 83.11 83.80 84.49 85.18 58.87 86.56 87.24 87.93 88.62 89.31 90.00
A(29) 80.51 81.19 81.87 82.54 83.22 83.90 84.58 85.26 85.93 86.61 87.29 87.97 88.64 89.32 90.00
A(30) 80.67 81.33 82.00 82.67 83.33 84.00 84.67 85.33 86.00 86.67 87.33 88.00 88.67 89.33 90.00
A(31) 80.82 81.48 82.13 82.79 83.44 84.10 84.76 85.41 86.07 86.72 87.38 88.03 88.69 89.34 90.00
A(32) 80.98 81.62 82.27 82.91 83.56 84.20 84.84 85.49 86.13 86.78 87.42 88.07 88.70 89.36 90.00
A(33) 81.13 81.77 82.40 83.03 83.67 84.30 84.93 85.57 86.20 86.83 87.47 88.10 88.73 89.37 90.00
A(34) 81.29 81.91 82.53 83.16 83.78 84.40 85.02 85.64 86.27 86.89 87.51 88.13 88.67 89.38 90.00
A(35) 81.44 82.06 82.67 83.28 83.89 84.50 85.11 85.72 86.33 86.94 87.56 88.17 88.78 89.39 90.00
A(36) 81.60 82.20 82.80 83.40 84.00 84.60 85.20 85.80 86.40 87.00 87.60 88.20 88.80 89.40 90.00
A(37) 81.76 82.34 82.93 83.53 84.11 84.70 85.29 85.88 86.47 87.06 87.64 88.23 88.82 89.41 90.00
A(38) 81.91 82.49 83.07 83.64 84.22 84.80 85.38 85.96 86.53 87.11 87.69 88.27 88.84 89.42 90.00
A(39) 82.07 82.63 83.20 83.77 84.33 84.90 85.47 86.03 86.60 87.17 87.73 88.30 88.87 89.43 90.00
A(40) 82.22 82.78 83.33 83.89 84.44 85.00 85.56 86.11 86.67 87.22 87.78 88.33 88.89 89.44 90.00
A(41) 82.38 82.92 83.47 84.01 84.56 85.10 85.64 86.19 86.73 87.82 87.28 87.82 88.37 88.91 90.00
A(42) 82.53 83.07 83.60 84.13 84.67 85.20 85.73 86.27 86.80 87.33 87.87 88.40 88.93 89.46 90.00
A(43) 83.69 83.21 83.73 84.26 84.78 85.30 85.82 86.34 86.87 87.39 87.91 88.43 88.96 89.67 90.00
A(44) 82.84 83.36 83.87 84.38 84.89 85.40 85.91 86.42 86.93 87.44 87.96 88.47 88.98 89.84 90.00
A(45) 83.00 83.50 84.00 84.50 85.00 85.50 86.00 86.50 87.00 87.50 88.00 88.50 89.00 89.50 90.00



A+B (90-A)

B(76) B(77) B(78) B(79) B(80) B(81) B(82) B(83) B(84) B(85) B(86) B(87) B(88) B(89) B(90)
A(46) 83.16 83.64 84.13 84.62 85.11 85.60 86.09 86.58 87.07 87.56 88.04 88.53 89.02 89.51 90.00
A(47) 83.31 83.79 84.27 84.74 85.22 85.70 86.18 86.66 87.13 87.61 88.09 88.57 89.04 89.52 90.00
A(48) 83.47 83.93 84.40 84.87 85.33 85.80 86.27 86.73 87.20 87.67 88.13 88.60 89.07 89.53 90.00
A(49) 83.62 84.08 84.53 84.99 85.44 85.90 86.36 86.81 87.27 87.72 88.18 88.63 89.09 89.54 90.00
A(50) 83.78 84.22 84.67 85.11 85.56 86.00 86.44 86.89 87.33 87.78 88.22 87.67 89.11 89.56 90.00
A(51) 83.93 84.37 84.80 85.23 85.67 86.10 86.53 86.97 87.40 87.83 88.27 88.70 89.13 89.57 90.00
A(52) 84.09 84.66 84.93 85.36 85.78 86.20 86.62 87.04 87.47 87.89 88.31 88.73 89.16 89.58 90.00
A(53) 84.24 84.66 85.07 85.48 85.89 86.30 86.71 87.12 87.53 87.94 88.36 88.77 89.18 89.59 90.00
A(54) 84.40 84.80 85.20 85.60 86.00 86.40 86.80 87.20 87.60 88.00 88.40 88.80 89.20 89.60 90.00
A(55) 84.56 84.94 85.33 85.72 86.11 86.50 86.89 87.28 87.67 88.06 88.44 88.83 89.22 89.61 90.00
A(56) 84.71 85.09 85.47 85.84 86.22 86.60 86.98 87.36 87.73 88.11 88.49 88.87 89.24 89.62 90.00
A(57) 84.87 85.23 85.60 85.97 86.33 86.70 87.07 87.43 87.80 88.17 88.53 88.90 89.27 89.63 90.00
A(58) 85.02 85.38 85.73 86.09 86.44 86.80 87.16 87.51 87.87 88.22 88.58 88.93 88.29 89.64 90.00
A(59) 85.18 85.52 85.87 86.21 86.56 86.90 87.24 87.59 87.93 88.28 88.62 88.97 89.31 89.66 90.00
A(60) 85.33 85.67 86.00 86.33 86.67 87.00 87.33 87.67 88.00 88.33 88.67 89.00 89.67 89.67 90.00
A(61) 85.49 85.81 86.13 86.46 86.78 87.10 87.42 87.74 88.07 88.39 88.71 89.03 89.36 89.68 90.00
A(62) 85.64 85.96 86.27 86.58 86.89 87.20 87.51 87.82 88.13 88.44 88.76 89.07 89.38 89.69 90.00
A(63) 85.80 86.10 86.40 86.70 87.00 87.30 87.60 87.90 88.20 88.50 88.80 89.10 89.40 89.70 90.00
A(64) 85.96 86.24 86.53 86.82 87.11 87.40 87.69 87.98 88.27 88.56 88.84 89.13 89.42 89.71 90.00
A(65) 86.11 86.39 86.67 86.94 87.22 87.50 87.78 88.06 88.33 88.61 88.89 89.17 89.44 89.72 90.00
A(66) 86.27 86.53 86.80 87.07 87.33 87.60 87.87 88.13 88.40 88.67 88.93 89.20 89.47 89.73 90.00
A(67) 86.42 86.68 86.93 87.19 87.44 87.70 87.96 88.21 88.47 88.72 88.98 89.23 89.49 89.74 90.00
A(68) 86.58 86.87 87.07 87.31 87.56 87.80 88.04 88.29 88.53 88.78 89.02 89.27 89.51 89.76 90.00
A(69) 86.73 86.97 87.20 87.43 87.67 87.90 88.13 88.37 88.60 88.83 89.07 89.30 89.53 89.77 90.00
A(70) 86.89 87.41 87.33 87.56 87.78 88.00 88.22 88.44 88.67 88.89 89.11 89.33 89.56 89.78 90.00
A(71) 87.04 87.18 87.47 87.68 87.89 88.10 88.31 88.52 88.73 88.94 89.16 89.37 89.58 89.79 90.00
A(72) 87.20 87.40 87.60 87.80 88.00 88.20 88.40 88.60 88.80 89.00 89.20 89.40 89.60 89.80 90.00
A(73) 87.36 87.54 87.73 87.92 88.11 88.30 88.49 88.68 88.87 89.06 89.24 89.43 89.62 89.81 90.00
A(74) 87.51 87.69 87.87 88.04 88.17 88.33 88.50 88.67 88.93 89.11 89.29 89.47 89.64 89.82 90.00
A(75) 87.67 87.83 88.00 88.17 88.33 88.50 88.67 88.83 89.00 89.17 89.33 89.50 89.67 89.83 90.00
A(76) 87.82 87.98 88.13 88.29 88.44 88.60 88.76 88.91 89.07 89.22 89.38 89.53 89.69 89.84 90.00
A(77) 87.98 88.12 88.27 88.41 88.56 88.70 88.84 88.99 89.13 89.28 89.42 89.57 89.71 89.86 90.00
A(78) 88.13 88.27 88.40 88.53 88.67 88.80 88.93 89.07 89.20 89.33 89.47 89.60 89.73 89.87 90.00
A(79) 89.29 88.41 88.53 88.66 88.78 88.90 89.02 89.14 89.27 89.39 89.51 89.63 89.76 89.88 90.00
A(80) 88.45 88.56 88.67 88.78 88.89 89.00 89.11 89.22 89.33 89.44 89.56 89.67 89.78 89.89 90.00
A(81) 88.60 88.70 88.80 88.90 89.00 89.10 89.20 89.30 89.40 89.50 89.60 89.70 89.80 89.90 90.00
A(82) 88.76 88.84 88.93 89.02 89.11 89.20 89.29 89.38 89.47 89.56 89.64 89.73 89.82 89.91 90.00
A(83) 88.91 88.99 89.07 89.14 89.22 89.30 89.38 89.46 89.53 89.61 89.69 89.77 89.84 89.92 90.00
A(84) 89.07 89.13 89.20 89.27 89.33 89.40 89.47 89.53 89.60 89.67 89.73 89.80 89.87 89.93 90.00
A(85) 89.22 89.28 89.33 89.39 89.44 89.50 89.56 89.61 89.67 89.72 89.78 89.83 89.89 89.94 90.00
A(86) 89.38 89.42 89.47 89.51 89.56 89.60 89.64 89.69 89.73 89.78 89.82 89.87 89.91 89.96 90.00
A(87) 89.53 89.57 89.60 89.63 89.67 89.70 89.73 89.77 89.80 89.83 89.87 89.90 89.93 89.97 90.00
A(88) 89.69 89.71 89.73 89.76 89.78 89.80 89.82 89.84 89.87 89.89 89.91 89.93 89.96 89.98 90.00
A(89) 89.47 89.86 89.87 89.88 89.89 89.90 89.91 89.92 89.93 89.94 89.96 89.97 89.98 89.99 90.00
A(90) 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00


Appendix - III of Annexure. A


Age Mean S.D. -2S.D. Mean S.D. -2S.D.

Less than 22.13 2.32 17.49 21.65 2.13 17.39

3 months
3 months 24.68 1.58 21.52 23.98 2.40 21.80

6 months 25.55 3.19 19.17 25.35 1.43 22.49

9 months 27.36 1.77 23.82 26.26 1.52 23.22

1 year + 29.09 2.07 24.95 28.54 2.04 24.46
2 year + 32.13 2.10 27.93 31.53 2.28 26.97
3 year + 34.96 2.58 29.80 34.33 2.50 29.33
4 year + 37.80 2.65 32.50 37.20 2.50 32.20
5 year + 40.19 3.16 33.84 39.92 2.90 34.12
6 year + 42.71 2.81 37.09 42.28 3.41 35.46
7 year + 44.84 3.41 38.02 44.04 3.34 37.72
8 year + 46.96 2.89 41.18 46.53 3.03 40.47
9 year + 48.70 3.65 41.40 48.38 2.96 42.46
10 year + 48.97 3.93 41.11 50.55 3.15 44.25
11 year + 52.51 3.83 44.86 52.60 3.73 45.14
12 year + 54.45 3.99 46.47 54.80 4.03 46.74
13 year + 56.93 3.84 49.25 56.65 3.63 49.39
14 year + 59.10 3.95 51.20 58.07 3.82 50.43
15 year + 61.22 3.94 53.34 58.89 3.27 52.35
16 year + 62.79 3.84 55.11 59.44 2.80 53.84
17 year + 63.54 4.11 55.32 59.64 2.95 53.74
18 year + 64.21 3.76 56.69 59.72 2.31 55.10
19 year + 64.37 3.79 56.79 59.72 2.31 55.10
20 year + 64.60 2.75 59.10 59.72 2.32 55.08
21 year + 64.64 2.40 59.84 60.24 2.24 55.76


Annexure II


Government of Andhra Pradesh Recent photograph of the
Medical Board: Name and Address of the Institute/Hospital candidate showing the
ID No. of Person with Disability__________ Date:__________ disability duly attestedby
1) This is certified that Shri/Smt/Kum _________________________________ the Chairperson of the
son/wife/daughter of ________________________________________age________ Medical Board
resident of_____________________________________________________________
is suffering from permanent/temporary disability of following category:-
A. Locomotor or cerebral palsy:[Orthopaedically Handicapped]
1) The disability is in relation to his/her:
(i) BL-Both legs affected but not arms.
(ii) BA-Both arms affected (a) Impaired reach
(b) Weakness of grip
(iii) BA-Both lega and both arms affected
(iv) OL-one leg affected (right or left) (a) Impaired reach
(b) Weakness of grip
(c) Ataxic
(v) OA-One arm affected (a) Impaired reach
(b) Weakness of grip
(c) Ataxic
(vi) BH-Stiff back and hips (Cannot sit or stoop)
(vii) MW-Muscular weakness and limited physical endurance.
2) Sub-type of disability
3) Cause of disability
4) Any other information by the Medical Board
B. Blindness or Low Vision:
1. (i) B-Blind
(ii) Low Vision
2. Cause of disability
3. Any other information by the Medical Board
C. Hearing Impairment:
1 Loss of _____________[in words] decibles in the better ear in the conversational range of
2. Cause of disability
3. Any other information by the Medical Board
D. Mental Retardation
1. IQ= [in words]
2. Cause of disability
3. Any other information by the Medical Board
E. Mental Illness:
1. Global Disability Score: [in words]
2. Cause of disability
3. Any other information by the Medical Board
2. This condition is progressive/non-progressive/likely to improve/not likely to improve. Re-assessment of
this case is not recommended/is recommended after a period of________ years __________months.
3. Percentage of disability in his/her case is ________________percent.[in words]
4. Shri/Smt/Kum______________________________________ meets the following physical requirements
for discharge of his/her duties.
(i)F-can perform work by manipulating with fingers Yes/No (vi)S-can perform by sitting Yes/No
(ii)PP-can perform work by pulling and pushingYes/No (vii)ST-can perform work by standing Yes/No
(iii)L-can perform work by lifting Yes/No (viii)W-can perform work by walking Yes/No
(iv)KC-can perform work by kneeling and crouching Yes/No (ix)SE-can perform work by seeing Yes/No
(v)B-can perform work by bending Yes/No (x)H-can perform work by hearing/speaking Yes/No
(xi) RW-can perform work by reading and writing Yes/No
5. Identification marks of Person with Disabilities
a. Signature/Thumb impression of
b. Person with Disability
(Dr._____________) (Dr.______________) (Dr.______________)
Member Member Chairperson
Medical Board Medical Board Medical Board
Note: This is not valid for Medico – Legal cases

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