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Assessment Cover Sheet

SITHCCC005 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery

Student name: Guan-Ling Chen

Student number: FL170033

Declaration: I declare that:

• This assessment is my own original work, except where I have appropriately

cited the original source.
• This assessment has not previously been submitted in this or any other subject.
For the purposes of grading, I give Frontier Education the permission to
authenticate the assessment, including communicating a copy of this submission to
a checking service (which may retain a copy of the assessment on its database
for future plagiarism checking).
• This assessment does not involve plagiarism or collusion.
• I have retained a copy for my own records.


Plagiarism is ‘a practice that involves the using of A student found to have plagiarised material will be instantly
another person’s intellectual output and presenting it graded Not Yet Competent (NYC) and may be subject to one or
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other sources (including other students’ work, intervention meeting, issuing of written warning, clarification
published books or periodicals, or unpublished regarding assessment re-submission requirements and allocation
works or unauthorised collaboration with other of additional assessment tasks.
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Signature: Gladys CHEN Date: 4/6/18

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Notes to Students:

You are required to:

• Complete the front cover sheet and ensure you accept, sign and date the student declaration.
• Read through and follow all instructions provided.
• Complete each assessment task/activity.
• Submit your assessment to the Student Learning Management System (LMS).
• Ensure your submission identifies your name, student number, unit code and title.

Name: SITHCCC005 - Assessment Version: 2018.1 Last Reviewed: February 2018

SITHCCC005 - Student Assessment


• Each multiple-choice question has four responses
• You are to answer all questions

• There is only one right answer

1.What do you refer to when confirming food production requirements?

Your colleagues. ☐

Food preparation lists and standard recipes. 

Food packaging labels. ☐

Manufacturer's instructions. ☐

2. You have a recipe for 10 portions (2 L) of chicken and corn soup, but you need to make 80 portions (16 L). How

do you calculate the amount of each ingredient you need?

Multiply all the ingredient amounts in the recipe by 8. 

Divide all the ingredient amounts in the recipe by 8. ☐

Divide all the ingredient amounts in the recipe by 2. ☐

Multiply all the ingredient amounts in the recipe by 80. ☐

3. You're selecting ingredients for a dish you are about to start preparing. Which ingredients would you reject?

Cabbage with compact leaves. ☐

Crisp, bright-coloured carrots. ☐

Potatoes with no sign of sprouting or greening. ☐

Fish with slimy skin and a strong, fishy odour. 

4. You need 1 L of cream for your recipe. Which carton would you use?

The carton left in the display section of the cold dessert bain-marie overnight. It was switched off after service☐last night.

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The carton stored at the front of the fridge with a date code closest to today’s date.

The carton stored at the back of the fridge with a date less than two weeks from today. ☐

The fresh carton that has just been delivered to the kitchen. ☐

5. You are checking your meat prior to preparing it for a dish. What temperature should the meat be when
you remove it from the refrigerator?

Between -3 and 2 °C. ☐

Between 0 and 3 °C.

Between 1 and 5 °C. ☐

Between 3 and 8 °C. ☐

6. You are going to deep-fry chicken in a deep fryer. Which piece of equipment should you select to safely
remove the chicken from the fryer when it is cooked?

Meat hook. ☐

Chinois. ☐

Colander. ☐


7. What is the most appropriate piece of equipment grill fish or gratinate vegetable mornay?

Salamander. ☐

Bratt pan. ☐

Char-grill. ☐

Convection oven

8. What must you check before using any equipment?

Check that no one else needs to use the equipment. ☐

Check that it’s clean and has been assembled correctly and safely.

Check manufacturer's instructions for recommended servicing and maintenance. ☐

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Check that the settings are high to maximise the equipment's efficiency and cooking time. ☐

9. Which practice best demonstrates safe and hygienic equipment use?

Clean and sanitise equipment before use according to manufacturer's instructions.

Never use equipment with dirty, sharp or rotating blades. ☐

Do not attempt to clean equipment that has sharp blades. ☐

Clean all equipment before use with a caustic cleaner to remove any food particles. ☐

10. Your recipe requires 250 g flour. How will you weigh or measure the flour?

With a measuring cup. ☐

Estimate half of a 500 g bag of flour. ☐

On a set of accurate scales.

With a 1 L measuring jug. ☐

11. Your recipe requires julienne carrots. How do you prepare carrots using this precision cut?

Cut the carrots into 2 mm x 2 mm x 4 cm lengths. 

Cut the carrots into 2 mm even dice. ☐

Cut the carrots into 5 to 8 mm dice. ☐

Cut the carrots into 15 mm diameter and 3 mm thick. ☐

12. You are making a beef stew. How do you know which cut of beef, and how much beef to use?

Always use the most tender beef and enough beef to half fill the pot. ☐

Porterhouse or tenderloin is best suited to stewing. The amount depends on the size of the pot. ☐

Refer to the recipe and portion ingredients accordingly.
Ask your colleagues how much to use, then choose a selection of different types of meat based on ☐
what is available.

13. You have used half a tin of sliced pineapple. What do you do with the leftover ingredients?

Place leftover pineapple in clean, air tight, food grade container and store in the refrigerator.

Seal the tin with aluminium foil and store in the refrigerator. ☐

Throw out any leftovers. ☐

Place leftover pineapple in clean food grade container and store in the dry store with the other canned goods.☐

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14.Which practice is the most desirable according to the waste management hierarchy?

Using chemical cleaners that are packaged in recyclable containers. ☐

Refusing to purchase cleaning products that are individually wrapped in plastic packaging.

Reusing cleaning containers for storage of other liquids. ☐

Disposing of used cleaning containers responsibly. ☐

15. Which method of cookery would you use to make ratatouille?

Braising. ☐

Steaming. ☐

Roasting. ☐


16. Your recipe states to sauté the vegetables. What method of cookery will you use?

Shallow frying.

Boiling. ☐

Braising. ☐

Grilling. ☐

17. Which types of food are not prepared using the boiling method as the rapid movement of the liquid breaks
up the food?

Beef, chicken and lamb. ☐

Root and green leafy vegetables. ☐

Many types of fish, shellfish and berries.

Dairy products such as milk, cream and cheese. ☐

18. How should you complete the cooking process?

Professionally and promptly. Getting food out in a hurry is a chef's first priority. ☐

Slowly and safely. It is important to take your time and complete tasks at a pace that does not make

you feel pressured.

Under supervision – Never attempt to do anything on your own. ☐

Take a systematic approach. Complete the cooking process in a logical and safe manner.

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19.The underside of your baked items is burnt and shows excessive browning. What is the likely cause and how
can you prevent this happening in the future?

Oven temperature too high – Lower the temperature by 15 °C in the future.

Incorrect baking tray used – Use a baking tray with holes in the base to allow the pastry to breathe. ☐

Too much bottom heat – Place silicon or baking paper on the baking tray (under the food) in future.

Too much flour – Check and modify the quantity of flour used in the recipe.

20. What can you do to ensure timely preparation of dishes?

Work independently to ensure you stay focused and on track. ☐

Turn up to work early to make sure all of your preparation tasks are completed prior to your shift


Be an effective leader and tell others what to do when you see them doing the wrong thing. ☐

Be an effective team player and work cooperatively with colleagues.

21. Why is presenting dishes attractively important?

You cannot charge customers the normal seeling price for poorly presented dishes as they will ☐
An attractively presented dish creates interest and anticipation and increases customer satisfaction. 

Good presentation is a standard requirement in all workplaces and is a key requirement for your ☐
ongoing employment.
Poor presentation leads to increased food costs as portion sizes tend to be bigger. ☐

22. A colleague tells you to plate a dish of Indian cu ry and garnish it appropriately. How will you garnish the

With plain yoghurt and crushed nuts. ☐

According to the recipe or standard establishment procedure to ensure consistency.

According to traditional Indian recipe requirements. ☐

With rice and naan bread. ☐

23. What information should be placed on any surplus food before it is stored at the end of a service period?

The name of the dish in the container. ☐

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A list of ingredients in the dish to ensure it is not given to allergy suffers. ☐

A date label showing when the ingredients or dish was prepared and stored.

The recipe name, person who prepared the dish, when it was stored and a best-before date. ☐

24. What is not a common task completed on a daily basis when cleaning and tidying your work area at the
end of a service period.

Cleaning all exhaust fans and filters.

Cleaning and sanitising benches. ☐

Storing clean equipment.

Emptying waste and recycling bins.

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• You are to answer all questions.
• Read each question carefully.

• Ensure you have provided all required information.


Q1: What are three (3) production requirements you should confirm before starting your food preparation tasks?
Deadlines (time taken to prepare, complete or reheat a dish)

Portion control ( for cooking and serving, for lunch or dinner serves, etc.)

Quantities to be produced

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q2: Why is good mise en place techniques essential in the kitchen?

The preparation tasks are fundamental to the efficient operation of the kitchen. It would speed up all the actions and save cookin

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q3: What does the culinary term ‘cream’ mean?

Beat sugar and fat together to incorporate air, dissolve the sugar, and whiten the mixture.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q4: What does the culinary term ‘fold’ mean?

Gently combine delicate ingredients together without letting incorporate air escape. This is usually done with a gentle flicking acti

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q5: What does the culinary term ‘reduce’ mean?

Allow a liquid to simmer away and evaporate to half its volume to intensity flavours and consistency.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q6: You have a recipe that yields 12 portions of soup. The recipe lists two onions and four carrots in the
required ingredients. How many onions and carrots do you need to prepare 36 portions of soup?

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6 onions and 12 carrots.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q7: You are preparing chickens for roasting. What are four (4) quality indicators you should look for when

selecting fresh poultry from the refrigerator.

Poultry should be plump, firm and have well-formed breasts.

Skin should be unbroken, dry and not slimy.

There should be no discolouration, blemishes, cuts, bruising or broken bones.

Poultry should have a pleasant odour.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q8: You are preparing a range of salads and need to select some fresh green leafy vegetables. List two
quality indicators you’ll look for.
They should be fresh, crisp, with good colour and a fresh, pleasant smell. There should be no signs of insect damage, wilting, bru

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q9: You are preparing tart bases using frozen shortcrust pastry. Apart from the quality of the pastry, list two (2)
things to look for when selecting the pastry from the freezer.
Dairy products should not be past their best-before or use-by date.

They should look, smell and taste appropriate for the product type.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐


Q10: List four (4) different types of tools or equipment you might use when boiling food.


Pot lids

Mother spoon

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q11: List two (2) types of tools or equipment you might use when stewing food


Wooden spoons

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Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q12: What might happen if you select the incorrect sized pan when braising meat?
The sauce cannot cover the meat well or make part of meat to be dry.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q13: Where can you obtain information or assistance from if you are unsure how to safely assemble an item
of equipment?
If you aren’t sure what to do, refer to manufacturer’s instructions or ask an experienced operator to demonstrate for you.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q14: Why should you look for and remove cracked or chipped equipment, utensils or tools from the food
preparation area?
It runs the risk of cross-contamination.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q15: List four (4) safety tips for using a deep fryer.
Place food in the deep fryer carefully and away from your body to avoid splashing. Remember that the fat is at 190℃.
Keep your sleeves rolled down. This prevents skin burns from splashes and splatters.

If anyone accidentally spills oil or fat on the floor, clean it up immediately. You don’t want to slip and put your arm in the hot frye

Always allow the fat to cool to room temperature before straining the deep fryer.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q16: List three (3) food safety practices for handling different food types.
Use tongs to add ingredients to hot pots to avoid burns from splashes or steam.

Switch off hot equipment such as ovens and steamers when not in use.

Use tongs and gloves when removing trays from bain-maries and always allow the steam to escape away from you rather then to

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐


Q17: What equipment would you use to weigh or measure 250 g flour?

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Measuring bowls and scale.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q18: What equipment would you use to weigh or measure 300 mls of chicken stock?
Measuring jugs.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q19: Name one cut or portion of meat from a butt (short leg) of beef and name one method of cooking used
to prepare it.
Silverside. This cut can be used for roasting and can be sliced to make ‘minute steak”. Silverside is also known as ‘corned beef’.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q20: The recipe requires two fillets of John Dory per serve. This is a flat fish. How many fish do you need to
prepare 18 serves of the recipe?

9 fish.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q21: List five (5) preparation techniques used to prepare fruits and vegetables.
Rough cutting





Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q22: You have used half a tin of tomatoes in a dish you’re making. What should you do with the remaining
contents of the tin?
Remove tomatoes from packaging and place in clean, dry, airtight, food grade containers. Mark with the date of storage and best-b

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q23: List two (2) ways you can reduce food waste in a commercial kitchen.

By storing and then using any food by-products.

Reusing scraps such as chicken bones for stocks and soups or offcuts for mincing.

Satisfactory ☐Unsatisfactory ☐

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Q24: What method of cookery is used to cook cakes and scones?


Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q25: A recipe states to blanch vegetables prior to adding to a stir-fry. Describe how to blanch vegetables.
Place vegetables into rapidly boiling water for 3 to 4 minutes. Refresh under cold running water.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q26: What type of meat or poultry is suitable for stewing?

Stewing is generally reserved for tougher cuts of meat (turkey leg, wild duck) because tender quality meat will fall apart. Any me

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q27: Outline the steps involved in braising meat (including the required cooking temperature and type of
cooking vessel used).
Present the meat as a single large piece and then carve before serving.

Marinating meat for several hours before braising enhances flavours.

Seal all meat in hot oil to retain the natural juices and provide colour prior to braising.

Half cover the food being braised with the appropriate liquid.

It’s best to braise in an oven, as it gives a more even heat transfer. The braising temperature for meat is 180 to 200℃.
Strain the braising liquid and use as a sauce to accompany the finished dish.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q28: Outline the steps involved in roasting whole birds (including the required cooking temperature).

Trim excess fat and sinew from meat before roasting. Season all foods for roasting with pepper, salt,
herbs and spices prior to sealing.

Truss whole birds prior to roasting.

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You can seal meat and vegetables on a grill or in a hot pan prior to roasting.

Start roasting in a hot oven, (220℃) or over hot coals to seal in the juices. Drain well before serving.
Rest roasted meats for 10 to 15 minutes prior to carving. This allows hot juices to settle and evenly disperse through

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q29: List three (3) things you can do to manage your time and ensure you complete tasks in a logical and
safe manner.
Make a list of tasks you need to complete.

Prioritise your tasks.

Ask for help if you’re struggling to meet deadlines.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q30: Your braised poultry has turned out dry. What is the likely cause?

Not enough moisture in meat.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q31: How could you improve your braised poultry in the future?
Lard or bard dry cuts of meat and poultry to add moisture and flavour.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q32: Your dough has shrunk during baking and has a hard-chewy texture. What is the likely cause?
The dough was overworked.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q33: How could you improve your dough in the future?

Minimise kneading during preparation. Don’t stretch or force dough.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q34: List four (4) techniques you can use when working cooperatively with colleagues to ensure timely
preparation of dishes.

Be prepared to do tasks that help the team achieve its goal.

Assist other team members with their tasks if required.

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Listen to and respect the ideas and opinions of other team members.

Keep your work area clean and tidy.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

SECTION 5: Present and Store Dishes

Q35: Where can you find information on how to present and garnish a dish correctly?
Present according to the recipe and organisational standards.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q36: What are three (3) considerations when selecting the right type of service ware to present your dish?
Check that service dishes and platters match and complement each other and that they are consistent in size, shape, colour, etc.

When serving individual portions, make sure the plate or bowl is an appropriate size.

Check that all dishes, plates, platters, trays and bowls are spotlessly clean and free from any chips, cracks or stains.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q37: What is a suitable garnish for grilled fish?

Butter sauce, such as hollandaise, béarnaise, beurre blanc, beurre noisette and beurre noir, are suitable for grilled oily and white-

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q38: What are two (2) common accompaniments for curries?



Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q39: What are three (3) things you should do when storing reusable by-products?

Mark an opened product container with the date of opening.

Mark all items with the date of storage.

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3.Place fragile items in food grade containers to prevent damage.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐


Learner assessment guide and evidence

This assessment requires you to identify equipment, preparation tasks and methods of cookery for different
recipes and types of food.

You are required to do the following:

• Complete Tasks 1 and 2.

• Read the recipes and answer the questions.

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• Use the recipe provided or one supplied by your assessor.

• Respond to all questions.


Ingredients Quantity
Step Method
Cubed beef topside (3 cm cube) 700 g
1Flour Pass the beef through the flour. Shake off excess 50flour.
oil 1/3 of the oil in a stew pan and seal the50 ml Remove the meat and keep warm.
3Onion, Add
dicedthe remainder of the oil and lightly cook 120
(large) the onions
g without colour.
4Sweet paprika
Add the paprika and the remainder of the flour40tog make a roux.
5TomatoAdd the concassé, meat and sufficient water to 250
concassé just gcover the meat. Season with salt.
1.5 cmto the boil and lightly simmer for 1 hour,250
diced remembering
g to degrassier.
7Butter Meanwhile, melt the butter in a pan and lightly50sauté g the diced potatoes.
8 After the stew has simmered for 1 hour, add the potatoes and continue to cook until they are tender.
9 Correct the consistency and seasoning, add a garnish if desired and serve.

Q1: How many portions does the recipe yield?

5 portions.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q2: What are two (2) quality indicators you should look for when selecting the beef topside?
Packaging should be sealed and show no signs of damage or tampering.

Flesh should show no signs of bruising, be firm, moist and have a texture appropriate to the meat type and cut.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q3: List the equipment required to prepare and cook this dish. Include size or dimensions if appropriate.

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Knife, cutting board, measuring jugs and scale, a stew pan, tongs, wooden spoon, a pan lid, service ware.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q4: List the equipment needed to measure or weigh ingredients.

Measuring jugs, scale.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q5: What preparation technique(s) are used to prepare ingredients for cooking?
Portioning, peeling, weighing.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q6: What cutting techniques are used to prepare ingredients for cooking?


Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q7: What methods of cookery are used in this recipe?

Simmering, stewing.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q8: Why is stewing used as the principle method of cooking this dish?

Stewing I the slow transfer of moist heat to food cut into bite-sized pieces. You simmer the food in just enough liquid or sauce to

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q9: When should you dispose of the potentially contaminated food?

Immediately place any food to be disposed of in a lined garbage bin.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q10: What is tomato concassé?

Concasse, the French word for “to crush or grind”, is a very basic cooking technique often applied to vegetables.

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The tomato concasse is boiling scored tomatoes in water before being peeled, seeded and then roughly chopped,
with a simple end result that can be served alone or applied to a variety of dishes. Tomato concasse can be used as
the base for tomato sauce, served atop crusty bread for bruschetta, or added to the decadent béarnaise sauce for a sauce Chor

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q11: What type of service ware would you present this dish on? Base your response on the service ware
available in your workplace or training environment.
A soup bowl with the bottom plate.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q12: There are two serves of goulash left over after service. How should you store it?
Place the left over in the clean container with a lid. Name the contents on it with a label of produced date and best-before date. K

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q13: Describe how to clean the stew pot used to cook the goulash.
Pre-clean: scrape, wipe or sweep away food scraps and rinse with water.

Wash: use hot water and detergent to remove any grease and dirt. Soak if needed.

Rinse: rinse off any loose dirt or detergent foam.

Sanitise: use a sanitizer to kill any remaining bacteria.

Final rinse: wash off sanitizer.

Dry: allow to air dry.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q14: Describe how you support your team to ensure dishes are prepared in a timely manner and within
commercial deadlines. Give two (2) examples.
Make sure everyone has been allocated tasks and they know what their responsibilities are.

Use cleaning schedules and work schedules to allocate tasks to specific people or job roles.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐


• Use the recipe provided or one supplied by your assessor.

• Respond to all questions.

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Ingredients Quantity

Breast of chicken, no.10 1

Asparagus spears 2
Camembert 30 g
Pepper, salt to taste
Filo sheets 2
Unsalted butter, melted 40 g

Step Method

1 Preheat the oven to 185 °C.

2 Blanch and refresh the asparagus in boiling salted water.
3 Trim the breast and remove any skin, bones and fat.
4 Lay the breast on a cutting board and open it out a little using a knife. Season the opening.
5 Trim the asparagus in length to a little shorter than the chicken and lay the spears lengthwise in the
small incision.
6 Cut the cheese into small pieces and place on top of the asparagus.
7 Fold the filled breast over lengthwise to form a neat bundle.
8 Lay one filo sheet on a bench and paint the surface with melted butter. Lay the second sheet on top and
gently squeeze out any trapped air. Butter half the surface of the top sheet and neatly fold the pastry in
9 Place the filled chicken breast on the pastry. Bring the two long edges together and fold them down.
Neatly fold the ends to seal and form a parcel.
10 Place on a lightly greased baking tray and brush the surface of the parcel with butter.
11 Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes.

Q1: Calculate the ingredient amounts needed to prepare 15 portions of the recipe.

Breast of chicken, no.10 15

Asparagus spears 30

Camembert 450 g

Filo sheets 30

Unsalted butter, melted 600 g

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q2: What are two (2) quality indicators to look for if you are using frozen chicken breasts to prepare this recipe?
Frozen meat should have no signs of freezer burn.

Packaging should be sealed and show no signs of damage or tampering.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

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Q3: Describe how you can sequence your mise en place and preparation tasks to meet deadlines.

Check and confirm the standard recipe, deadlines, quantities to be produced, special customer
requests/requirements, ingredients and equipment required.

Making a work flow/schedule.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q4: What are two (2) safety techniques you should use when cutting and preparing the ingredients with a knife?
Always chop on a chopping board except when doing decorative or detailed work such as turning potatoes.

Cut away from yourself and your fingers.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q5: A customer has requested no butter be used in the preparation of this dish. The filo pastry is prepared
using melted butter. How can you prepare this dish while meeting the customer’s request?
Use the vegetable oil to replace melted butter.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q6: What method of cookery is used in this recipe? Briefly describe the key principle of this method of cookery.

Pre-heat the oven: pre-heat the oven to the desired temperature before loading with food.

The temperature for baking ranges from 130 to 235℃, depending on what’s being baked.
Added moisture: some baked products require steam to improve volume and add crispness.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q7: How does wrapping the chicken in pastry affect how it is cooked?
It can seal the gravy from the chicken when cover the filo sheet on it.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q8: What is one safe operating practice you should follow when using an oven?

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SITHCCC005 - Student Assessment

Switch off hot equipment such as ovens when not in use.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q9: What is one technique you can use to minimise waste when preparing this recipe?
Keep the chicken skin, fat and bones for chicken stock.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q10: The chicken pastries are cooked to order. How can you make sure you finish the cooking process in a timely,
logical and planned manner?
Making a work flow/schedule, which step all the required preparation, cooking methods and cooking time.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q11: The pastry on the first chicken pastry you cooked is slightly burnt. What can you do to correct this problem
for the next order?
Place silicon or baking paper on the baking tray (under the food). Alternatively, place an empty try on a lower oven shelf to act as a heat shie

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Q12: The recipe does not indicate a garnish. Based on your workplace or training organisation’s standards and
practices, what is an appropriate garnish?
Garnish with sliced or wedged lemon or sprigs of rosemary or other fresh herbs.

Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Assessor checklist
To be completed by the assessor.

Learner’s name: Guan-Ling CHEN

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SITHCCC005 - Student Assessment

Did the learner successfully demonstrate evidence of their ability to do the
following? Yes No

Read and interpret recipes to check food production requirements.

☐ ☐

Sequence food preparation tasks.

☐ ☐

Calculate ingredient amounts according to requirements.

☐ ☐

Identify and select appetiser and salad ingredients from stores according to requirements.
☐ ☐

Check perishable supplies for spoilage or contamination.

☐ ☐

Select appropriate type and size of equipment.

☐ ☐

Follow food and workplace safety procedures when assembling equipment and check cleanliness
prior to use. ☐ ☐

Use equipment safely and hygienically when preparing and cooking food.
☐ ☐

Sort and assemble ingredients according to production requirements.

☐ ☐

Weigh and measure ingredients correctly and create portions.

☐ ☐

Prepare, cut and portion ingredients using basic culinary cuts.

☐ ☐

Minimise waste.
☐ ☐
Name: SITHCCC005 - Assessment Version: 2018.1 Last Reviewed: February 2018
SITHCCC005 - Student Assessment

Did the learner successfully demonstrate evidence of their ability to do the
following? Yes No

Select and use mise en place and cookery methods for dishes.
☐ ☐

Use numeracy skills to calculate number of portions and determine cooking times and
temperatures. ☐ ☐

Prepare sauces and dressings according to recipe.

☐ ☐

Follow standard recipes and make food quality adjustments within scope of responsibility.
☐ ☐

Present dishes on appropriate serviceware.

☐ ☐

Add appropriate dips, sauces and garnishes to dishes.

☐ ☐

Clean work area and dispose of or store surplus and re-usable by-products.
☐ ☐

Prepares dishes:

• within commercial time constraints and deadlines ☐ ☐

• following procedures for portion control and food safety practices
• responding to special customer requests and dietary requirements.

Assessment Result:

Task A – Multiple choice: Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

Task B – Short answer: Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐
Task C – Project: Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐

A ‘COMPETENT’ unit result will be awarded at the successful completion of the practical component for SITHCCC005
– Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery. For more information, refer to the Work Based Training (WBT)

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SITHCCC005 - Student Assessment


Assessor’s feedback or additional comments to the learner:

Assessor’s signature:


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