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T.Y. B.Com. (Sem. V and VI) (2019 Patt) Internship Manual - 30122021

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Ganeshkhind, Pune 411007

Faculty of Commerce & Management

Manual of
Internship Programme for
Third Year B. Com. Students
(Semester V & VI)
Choice Based Credit System

June 2021


Preamble: -

India is recognized as one of the youngest nations in the world with over
50% of the population under 30 years. It is estimated that by about 2025, India
will have the 25% of the total global workforce (World Competitiveness Yearbook,

Hence, there is a need to further develop and empower the human capital
to ensure the nation‟s global competiveness. As far the economic progress of
our country is concerned, India is still lagging behind due to various problems
like poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, medical infrastructure etc.

Youth plays a crucial role in achieving economic prosperity of the country.

In the present scenario, it is found that most of the youth being educated are
facing severe unemployment problem due to lack of skills and technical
knowledge. Most of them are unaware of the developments taking place in the
modern world.

National Skill Development Initiative will empower all individuals through

improved skills, knowledge, nationally and internationally recognized
qualifications to gain access to employment and ensure India’s competitiveness
in the global market.

The National Education Policy 2020 also emphasize Practical Assignments

and Skill Development to the students across institutes of higher learning in
various streams.

In view of this, Savitribai Phule Pune University has come up with a concept
to provide ‘Internship’ to all students studying in semester V & VI across faculty of

The internship programme will provide valuable work experience to the

students, help them explore a career path and develop and refine skills that will
eventually give themselves an edge in the job market

The University has established a pool of busines establishments who are

willing to provide practical exposure to the students for sixty hours in their
respective organisations. The certificate awarded by these establishments will add
a value to the academic credentials of participating students.


1. Eligibility for Internship Programme

The students who have sought admission to the semester V & VI of T.Y.B.Com.
under Choice Based Credit System need to undergo ‘Internship Programme’.
The internship programme is compulsory.

2. Nature of Internship Programme

A student has to undergo sixty hours of practical training in business

establishments. The list of these establishments will be provided by the
university. In case, a student is unable to join the enlisted establishment, he/
she can choose an establishment in consultation with the concerned teacher.

3. Salient features of Internship Programme

The fundamental framework of internship is as below:

a. The internship is of four credits and eighty marks.
b. The internship will replace the practicals and practical examination of
special paper II and paper III of semester V & VI.

c. Internship will be of sixty clock hours.

d. A student has to complete internship in the special subject that he / she
has opted in S.Y.B.Com.

e. The Internship Programme is based on the contents of the syllabus

prescribed for paper II and Paper IIII of semester V & VI.
f. The Internship Programme has to be completed in the vacation between
semester V and VI.
g. In case of backlog, he/ she can complete the internship prior to
appearing for the semester VI examination.
h. Successful completion of the Internship Programme is mandatory, in case
a student could not complete the internship as per prescribed standards,
he/ she has to undergo the Internship Programme again in different
i. A student is entitled to a ‘Completion Certificate’ after successful
completion of the Internship Programme.
j. The internship provider establishment may select the apprentice
student for regular employment depending on the skill set and nature of
performance exhibited by the student.
k. A student is solely responsible for his behaviour in the business
establishment during the Internship Programme



4. Subjects available for Internship Programme

A student has to undergo Internship Programme in the Discipline Specific

Special Subject which he / has chosen in S.Y.B.Com. (Semester III & IV). List of
the Discipline Specific Special Subject given below:

1. Business Administration Paper II & III

2. Banking and Finance Paper II & III
3. Business Law and practices Paper II & III
4. Cooperation and Rural Development Paper II & III
5. Cost and Works Accounting Paper II & III
6. Business Statistics Paper II & III
7. Business Entrepreneurship Paper II & III
8. Marketing Management Paper II & III
9. Agricultural and Industrial Economics Paper II & III
10. Defence Budgeting, Finance and Management Paper II & III
11. Insurance, Transport and Tourism Paper II & III
12. Computer Programming and Application Paper II & III

5. Framework of the for Internship Programme :

a. The area in which a student has to undergo Internship Programme (Contents

of the Internship Programme) will be finalized by the concerned subject
teacher in consultation with the Internship Programme providing

b. It is essential to ensure that all key contents of the syllabus of paper II and
III are incorporated in the framework of the Internship Programme.

c. This will help a student to have hands - on experience of the important

aspects of the Discipline Specific Special Subject chosen by him / her.

d. The contents of the Internship Programme should be adequate and a

students should be able to understand various concepts and put it into
practice within a time frame of sixty hours.

e. Internship Programme is of sixty hours net. It does not contain pre–

Internship Programme training and or / and evaluation.


Guidelines for Teachers
Teachers’ contribution in planning and implementation of Internship Programme
is very crucial and pivotal. Teachers need to play the role of a guide and
philosopher to make the Internship Programme a flagship initiative and also
making it a success.

Meaningful execution of the Internship Programme will add a significant value not
only to the skillset of students but will enhance institutional image to a significant

The National Assessment and Accreditation Council also emphasizes Internship

Programme as a part of effective curriculum delivery. The number of students
undergoing Internship Programme will certainly aid colleges to secure better
grades during evaluation.

For effective implementation of the Internship Programme, it is advised that the

concerned department institutes an ‘Internship Programme Execution Cell’. The
cell will plan and implement the Internship Programme according to the guidelines
issued by the university. The cell is also expected to monitor and review the
progress and outcomes of the programme with regular intervals and make
necessary changes.

Role of teachers in execution of the Internship Programme is divided into three



Guidelines for Teachers
Pre- Internship Functions

Teachers are expected to carry out following Pre-Internship functions:

1. Internship Programme Execution Cell:

The concerned department needs to institute ‘Internship Programme
Execution Cell’. The composition of the cell will be as below:
o Principal of the college : Chairman
o Vice -Principal / HoD : Member Secretary
o Convener, Soft Skills Development Cell : Member
o Subject Teachers : Member
o Industry Expert /s : Member
o Student representative : Member

Following are the functions of the cell:

a. Preparation of exhaustive outline of the Internship Programme.

b. Communication of the outline to the concerned students well in

c. Contacting concerned companies/ establishments and organisation of
meetings to finalize the programme.

d. Preparation of subject wise ‘Hands- on training contents list’

(Internship contents).

e. Getting the contents approved by the Internship providing companies

/ establishments.

f. Preparation of sixty hours’ duration Internship Programme for each

Discipline Specific Special Subject ensuring that the hands-on training
contents fit in properly.

g. Establishment of query/ grievances/ difficulties redressal mechanism

to solve students’ issues related to Internship Programme.

h. Establishment of ‘Feedback Mechanism’ for both students and

Internship providing companies.

i. Preparation of ‘Progress Card’ to record the progress of students’

during the Internship Programme.


2. ‘Soft Skill Development Programme’
The concerned department needs to organizes sessions on ‘soft skills
development’ in association with the ‘Soft Skills Development Cell’ of the
college. This programme will help students to accommodate themselves in
the professional environment at a faster pace. Contents of the programme
may be finalized in association with the industry experts.

3. Clusters
Few colleges located in geographical vicinity may think of coming together
and formation of ‘Cluster’ to implement Internship Programme jointly. This
will ease the process of contacting the Internship providing companies and
execute all related activities. The colleges will save on funds, manpower
and time if the programme is implemented through clusters.

4. Evaluation and credits

The Internship Programme has replaced existing practicals and practical
examination of Discipline Specific Special Subjects – Paper II & III for
semester V & VI. However, the same number of credits allotted to practical
and practical examination have been transferred to ‘Internship

The process of evaluation has been restructured as below:

Process of Evaluation- Semester V

Semester V
Discipline Specific Special Discipline Specific Special Total Marks
Subject, Paper II Subject, Paper III
Maximum Marks - 20 Maximum Marks - 20 40

Methodology for Evaluation:

This evaluation is to be done prior to joining the Internship Programme.

The student will prepare a plan for proposed internship programme. The
plan may contain following aspects: -


➢ Format of Slide wise presentation of proposed plan of Internship
programme to be prepared and submitted by the student is given

➢ The student is required to keep necessary documents ready, if any,

at the time of assessment of the proposal.

Slide No. Contents

Name of the organisation where the internship is proposed
to be carried out.
Details of the organisation, i.e. nature of business, turnover,
2. branches, market share etc.

3. The areas in which he/ she is planning to undergo internship.

Details of the various subject specific concepts learnt by the

4. student before joining the internship.

5. Allocation of 60 hours of Internship Programme.

List of the skills that he/she is planning to acquire during

6. internship programme.

A brief note on how the internship program may benefit

7. him/her to develop better skills in his / her subject.

A note on the preparation done by the student before joining

the internship programme. This note may include the

8. a. Completion of soft skills program,

b. completion of a certificate / diploma in related
c. Previous job experience in related area.

Details of the primary discussion that the student had with

9. any officer/ authority of the internship providing
organisation about the proposed work.

10. Proposed outcome of the internship programme

➢ Students may add more slides providing additional information about

the proposed Internship Programme.

➢ The evaluation of the proposed Internship Programme is to be done

on the basis of above parameters.


➢ Teachers may provide suggestions to make the proposed internship
more meaningful for the student. Such suggestions must be
communicated to the students in writing.
Evaluation of the Proposal

a. The student is supposed to prepare a PowerPoint Presentation

covering the above aspects.

b. The evaluation is to be done on the basis of the potentials, quality,

utility and outcome of the proposed work.

c. The evaluation panel will consist of one internal and one external
examiner. Industry experts may be invited to evaluate the proposal
and make suggestion, if any.

d. Total evaluation of the proposal will be of 40 marks and it carries 2

e. Further, out of 40 marks, 20 marks are allotted to paper II and paper
III each.

Guidelines for Teachers

During – Internship Functions

1. Teachers need to contact the internship providing organisations at

regular intervals during the internship programme to review following
matters: -
a. Regularity / punctuality of student
b. Behaviour / soft skills
c. Inclination to learn new things
d. Ability to put theory into practice
e. Ability to take initiative for problem solving
f. Commitment to the assigned task
g. Overall progress and performance (Whether satisfactory or not)


Guidelines for Teachers
Post – Internship Functions

➢ After the students have successfully completed the Internship Programme,

teachers are required to convene a batch wise meeting of students to know
their experience and overall opinion about the utility and effectiveness of
the programme.

➢ Teachers should also try to compare the feedback received from the
students regarding the industry requirements with the prevailing
curriculum and try to bridge the gap by organizing guest lectures, assigning
projects to the student, organisation of industrial visits etc.

➢ These endeavors will help students to undergo the Internship Programme

in a more confident manner.
Process of Evaluation- Semester VI
Semester VI
Discipline Specific Special Discipline Specific Special Total Marks
Subject, Paper II Subject, Paper III
Maximum Marks - 20 Maximum Marks - 20 40

Methodology for Evaluation:

1. This evaluation is to be done after the student has successfully
completed the Internship Programme.
2. The student will prepare a presentation based on the work performed
by him/ her during the internship programme.
3. The parameters for evaluation are as below:-
o Hard Skills learnt by the student
o Soft skills / communication skills developed by the student
o Outcome of the Internship Programme
o Feedback received from the Internship Providing organisation
o Value addition in the overall knowledge of the student
o Quality and contents of the presentation
o Contribution of the student towards the organisation


➢ Format of Slide wise presentation of work performed by the student
during the Internship programme is given below.

Slide No. Contents

Name of the organisation where the internship was proposed

to be carried out.

Contents proposed to be learnt during the Internship


3. Allocation of 60 hours of Internship Programme

List of the officers and the staff members of the Internship

Providing organisation with designations.

Name and designation of the officer under whom the

internship was completed.

6. Work profile assigned during the Internship Programme

7. Actual work performed during the Internship Programme

8. Skills learnt during the Internship Programme

9. Problems faced while performing the assigned task

10. How the problems were addressed to

Contribution made towards better functioning the

organisation, i.e. any techniques invented to save time,
11. manpower or money, improvised documentation process,
development of a model for better customer service etc.

List of the skills required to perform the assigned task, not

included in the syllabus.

Opinion of the student about the following -

1. Utility of the Internship Programme
2. Adequacy of the time allotted for programme
3. Suggestions for improvement in the syllabus
13. 4. Will the programme improve employability?
5. Suggestions to make the internship programme more
meaningful and effective
6. Overall feedback about the internship experience
7. Any other information


➢ Students need to submit following documents at the time of final
evaluation of the work performed during the Internship Programme:-

1. Internship Completion Certificate (Format Enclosed)

2. Duly signed and completed Log Sheet stating hour wise

work done. (Format Enclosed)

3. Feedback form duly signed and stamped by the

internship provider organisation. (Format Enclosed)

4. Student Feedback form (Format Enclosed)

Evaluation of the Proposal :

a. The student is supposed to prepare a PowerPoint Presentation

covering the above aspects.

b. The evaluation is to be done on the basis of the

a. Regularity and punctuality

b. Actual work performed,
c. Feedback by the internship providing organisation
d. Nature of contribution made
e. Skills learnt
f. Problem solving initiative taken
g. Learning attitude.

c. The evaluation panel will consist of one internal and one

external examiner. Industry experts may be invited to evaluate
the proposal and make suggestion, if any.

d. Total evaluation of the proposal will be of 40 marks and it carries

2 credits.

e. Further, out of 40 marks, 20 marks are allotted to paper II and

paper III each.


Institutional Arrangements for Internship

Savitribai Phule Pune University has made internship arrangements in

association with the following institutions by signing Memorandum of
Understandings. These institutions will help colleges to provide internship
opportunities to the students.

1. Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)

2. Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI)
3. Institute of Cost and Management Accountants (ICMA)


Formats required for Internship Programme

1. Letter to Internship Providing Organisation for inclusion of students

2. Undertaking from student about his/ her behaviour to the college

3. Undertaking from student about his/ her behaviour to the organisation

4. Log Sheet of work performed during internship

5. Internship completion certificate

6. Feedback from internship provider organisation

7. Feedback from student



College Letter Head

The Manager(HR),
---------- Co Ltd.

Subject :- Request for inclusion of students of our college for Internship

Madam / Sir,
Savitribai Phule Pune University has introduced ‘Internship Programme’ for Third
Year B. Com. Students in its revised syllabus.

The purpose of the internship programme is to provide hands-on training and

experience to the students about various aspects of business and commercial
activities. The internship will also enhance employability of students.

In view of this, I request you to provide following students of our college (List
enclosed) with an opportunity for internship in your esteemed organisation.

We would appreciate if you could provide exposure of the following business

activities to these students:-

Mention here the key contents of the discipline specific special subject
selected by the student

We look forward to a mutually rewarding academic association with your

Thank you.

Coordinator, Principal
Internship Programme



1. Name of the Student :

2. Class : T.Y.B.Com.

3. Division and Roll Number :

4. Present address :

5. Permanent address :

6. Contact Number :

7. Contact Number (Parent) :

8. Email ID :

The Principal,
------ College, ------
Subject : Undertaking …..

Respected Madam / Sir,

I am studying in semester V of T.Y.B.Com. I am going to join --------------------------

(Name of the organisation) for my sixty hours internship programme during -------
--to --------------.

I assure that I will follow all the rules and instruction issued by the internship
providing organisation. I will be responsible for my behaviour and performance
during the internship period.

Thank you.
Yours obediently,

(Name & Signature of parent) (Name & signature of the student)

Date :



The Manager (HR),
-------------------- (Place)

Subject : Undertaking …..

Respected Madam / Sir,

I am a student of ----------------------------------------------- College. I am studying in

semester VI of T.Y.B.Com. I am going to join your esteemed organisation for my
sixty hours internship programme during ---------to --------------.

I assure that I will follow all the rules and instruction issued by you. I will be solely
responsible for my behaviour and performance during the internship period.

I will not disclose any information that is made available to me to anyone during
or after the internship period.

I assure you that I will do my best and the internship opportunity provided to me
will be a mutually rewarding experience.

Thank you.
Yours sincerely,

(Name & signature of the student)

Date :
Place :



Letter Head of the Internship Provider

1. Name of the Student :

2. Name of the College : T.Y.B.Com.

3. Division and Roll Number :

4. Address :

5. Contact Number :

6. Email ID :

7. Special Subject :

8. Internship start date :

9. Internship end date :


Date Total Signature Signature
Details of work done
From To Hours of officer of student


Date Total Signature Signature
Details of work done
From To Hours of officer of student

Total Hours

Certified that ------------------------------------- (Name of the student) has satisfactorily

completed the internship programme assigned to him.

Name & Signature of Name & signature Name & signature of

supervisor of manager section in charge

Date :



Letter Head of the Internship Provider


The Principal,
--------------- College,
---------------- (Place)

Subject: Internship Completion Certificate …….

Dear Madam/ Sir,

I am happy to inform you that following students of your college have successfully
completed the ‘Sixty Hours Internship Programme’ in this organisation.

Sr. No. Name of the student Roll No. Aadhar No. Special Subject

These students have been provided with adequate exposure and necessary hands-
on training pertaining to their special subject.
I am confident that these students will perform effectively in similar type of
I wish them every success in future endeavors.
Thank you.

Name & Signature

(Authorised Signatory)


Dear Madam/ Sir,
Please provide your valuable feedback about the performance of the student on following
parameters. Your feedback will enable us to make necessary changes in the internship process.
Thank you.
Coordinator- Internship Programme
Internship Programme feedback form

Sr. No. Particulars Details

1) Name of the Supervisor/ Officer :

2) Department :

3) Designation :

4) Name of the Student :

5) Name of the College :

6) Roll Number :

7) Special Subject :

Part – A – Individual Ranking (Please tick the suitable checkbox)

Very Needs
No. Parameter for feedback Excellent Good Satisfactory
Good improvement

1) Domain Knowledge

2) Communication Skills

3) Punctuality & Dedication

4) Ability to work in teams

5) Problem solving skills

6) Quality of work done

7) Effectiveness

8) Efficiency

9) Ability to take Initiative

10) Positive attitude

11) Appearance

12) Using full potential at work

13) Work habits

14) Honesty & Integrity

15) Creativity

Please turn over


Part B – SWOC analysis of the student (Please mention below the strengths and weaknesses of the
student and the areas for improvement)






Part C – Suggestions to make the internship programme more productive and effective.

1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Part D – Changes required in the curriculum to improve employability of students.

1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name, Designation and Signature of the Supervisor / Reviewing Officer

Place of Review :

Date of Review :



1. Name of the Student :

2. Class : T.Y.B.Com.
3. Division and Roll Number :
4. Present address :
5. Contact Number :
6. Email ID :

Please provide your rating about following aspects pertaining to your Internship Experience on the
scale of 10; where 10 means strongly agree and 0 means do not agree at all.

Sr. No. Parameter Response

1. The pre- internship training provided by the college was very useful

2. I was properly introduced to the task assigned to me in the


3. I was given proper guidance to carry out my responsibility

4. My supervisor / officer was very cooperative and supportive

5. I found my task interesting and worth learning

6. My supervisor / officer addressed to my queries/ doubts quickly

7. I received due respect from my colleagues in the organisation

8. The contents of the syllabus match with the practical work

9. The knowledge that I gained in the college was useful to carry out
internship programme in a satisfactory manner

10. The Internship Programme is very useful to enrich my knowledge

Please give your suggestions to make the internship programme more productive and effective.

1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Please give your overall feedback about your experience during the internship (Not mentioned


Signature & Name of the student with date


Please mention your suggestions and feedback about this manual here.
You can also mail them to (Dr. Yashodhan Mithare, Associate
Dean, Faculty of Commerce & Management, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



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