HRM Rinaz 2206 2
HRM Rinaz 2206 2
HRM Rinaz 2206 2
Assignment title Written Individual Report : HRM practices in the Airline Industry
In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. Indicate the page
numbers where the evidence can be found for each criterion.
Criteria To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student Evidence
reference is able to: (Page no.)
Illustrate the application of HRM practices in a work – related context,
P7 using specific examples. 34
Assess how the functions of HRM can provide talent and skills
M1 appropriate to fulfil business objectives. 11 to 16
Student declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully
Qualification BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business
Level 5
Batch No BATCH 09
Name of
Rinaz Rinooz
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction.............................................................................................................9
2.2.1 Interview.........................................................................................................14
2.2.2 Test................................................................................................................15
3.0 The benefits of different HRM practices within an organisation for both the
employer and employee.............................................................................................19
3.3 Compensation...................................................................................................20
6.0 Importance of Employee Relations..................................................................27
6.2 Key elements of employee legislation and the impact it has upon HR decision
7.0 Impact of Job Description and Job Specification to the Functions of HRM.........34
9.0 Conclusion............................................................................................................42
10.0 Reference...........................................................................................................43
Table of Tables
Table 1: Advantages and disadvantages of internal recruitment.................................6
Table 2: advantages and disadvantages of external recruitment................................7
Table 3: advantages and disadvantages of interview..................................................9
Table 4 :advantages and disadvantages of test...........................................................9
Table 5: advantages and disadvantages of Assessment centres..............................10
Table 6: job decription................................................................................................30
Table 7: job specification............................................................................................31
1.0 Introduction
HRM's main purpose is to ensure that the proper people are available for the proper
roles so that the organisation's goals may be met efficiently. (HRM) basic goals will
be to make the most use of the existing human resources. (Picincu, 2019) Increase
employee work satisfaction and self-actualisation to their maximum potential. also
improve and sustain the quality of work life that makes working for the company a
comfortable personal and social condition. That assist in the upkeep of ethical
policies and behaviour both within and beyond the firm to build and maintain positive
working relationships with management. The recruitment, development,
maintenance/retention, and control of human resources in an organisation are all
covered under HRM. (Sampras, 2019)
HRM functions may be divided into two categories managerial functions and
operational functions. Planning, organising, staffing, directing, coordinating,
recruiting, training, appraisal, and controlling are the managerial functions of HRM.
HRM's operational functions are: Human Resource / Employment Procurement
Employee Rewards Human Resource Development Creating Positive Human
Relationships Integration of Competing Interests Employee Safety and Health
Stability and Maximum Utilisation of Employees
Recruitment: The most significant role of the HRM department is the recruitment
process. To contact a possible applicant, the Human Resource Manager employs a
variety of strategies. Depending on the source of recruiting, the technique of
contacting candidates varies. (chand, 2020) moreover The (HRM) management of
Srilankan Airlines does a job analysis to determine the required skills and abilities.
Once the talents and talents necessary are determined, they begin looking for
persons who specialise in those areas. The HRM department informs the possible
applicant on their work role and the benefits (rewards) they would receive if they
joined the company.
Training: Periodic training for workers is required by the HR department in order for
them to develop the skills, information, talents, and attitudes necessary to achieve
corporate goals. (chand, 2020) The (HRM) department of Srilankan Airlines will have
to look after the training programmes internal and external to the employees in order
to specialise in their specific work place and also help the external employees
understand the organisation.
Compensation: The role entails determining appropriate and equitable payment for
employees based on their contribution to the organisation’s goals. Compensation
encompasses not just monetary benefits but also non-monetary benefits as an
important component. (chand, 2020) Moreover the (HRM) department of Sri Lankan
airlines will have to take huge responsibilities like health and safety of the employees
and the salaries and get the maximum output of their employees the airline will make
sure the employees are satisfied with their job and pay.
Appraisal: Performance assessment is a systematic examination of each
employee's performance and contribution in order to make key personnel choices.
The outcomes of performance evaluations are used to determine training needs and
to make choices concerning employee transfers and promotions. (chand, 2020) The
HR Management creates appraisal processes and organises manager training on
how to conduct systematic employee appraisals. Using appraisal in an airline
industry Sri Lankan airline can get well qualified employees in the business testing
the employees can also give the (HRM) firm the wide understanding of the
employees this process helps the HRM department to have a wide range of will
qualified employees to the business.
Change management: is described as a company's methods and procedures for
describing and implementing change in both internal and external systems.
Preparing and supporting personnel, developing the essential change processes,
and evaluating pre- and post-change activities to ensure effective implementation
are all part of this process. Important organisational change is difficult. It frequently
necessitates many layers of collaboration and may entail many autonomous
organisations inside an organisation. It's critical to have a planned strategy to change
in order to achieve a smooth transition with little interruption. (chand, 2020)
Employee wellbeing: defined as the emotional and physical health of employees as
a result of dynamics within and occasionally beyond the workplace. These include
their working relationships, the tools and resources they employ, bigger corporate
choices that affect them and their job, and a variety of other issues. Productivity and
performance are boosted when employees are happy. Employees that are in good
health exhibit healthier behaviours and make better decisions. Higher employee
morale When employees' needs are addressed on all levels, including physical,
emotional, and financial, they feel more capable and valued. Better talent: When
your company has a positive image in the market as an employer who values and
promotes work-life balance, they will be able to recruit qualified recruits and keep
your current workers for longer lengths of time. (chand, 2020)
2.1.1 Internal Recruitment
The term ‘Internal Recruitment’ refers to the process of discovering and engaging
candidates to another position inside the same company. This is a valuable source
of recruiting since it allows for the growth and usage of existing resources inside the
business. Internal sources of recruiting are the finest and simplest approach to pick
resources since the business already knows how well they do their jobs. (Smith,
Internal recruiting provides several benefits, such as not having to worry about
whether the candidate is a suitable match for the company's culture, Internal
recruiting may be the most effective strategy to advance your career by being hired
for a better job and, as a result, receiving a raise. (Smith, 2020) Moving to a new
position that is better aligned to employee professional objectives might make an
employee happy, Cheaper and faster to obtain, Low risk it’s easier to hire suitable
candidates from within your company.
Table 1: Advantages and disadvantages of internal recruitment
Advantages Disadvantage
Employees are selected from outside the firm are referred to as external sources of
recruiting. In other words, the job seekers in this situation are individuals who are not
connected with the organisation. External staff provide new ideas and unique
thinking to the company. (Reddy, 2021) Although hiring from outside sources is more
expensive and difficult, it has the potential to propel the business forward in
accomplishing its objectives. Employment Agencies, Advertisements are the most
common and favoured method of external recruiting, The positions are with other
companies. To put it another way, the agency gets you a position at a different firm.
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Some organisations specialise in putting people in specialised occupations. Campus
Recruitment, The process of enticing and engaging with university students in the
goal of eventually hiring them after graduation is known as campus recruiting, also
known as graduate recruitment. Employer branding, sponsoring specific recruitment
events, (Reddy, 2021)
External recruitment provides various benefits External employees usually bring new
ideas for current processes and solutions for problems Sometimes, the job involves
technical and specific expertise that internal employees lack. An increase in the
number of applicants. When there are more individuals participating, the chances of
finding good staff increase. A wider range of experience is available. Bringing in an
outside employee may improve the experience of your staff and prepare your firm for
future challenges. (Reddy, 2021)
Table 2: advantages and disadvantages of external recruitment
Advantages Disadvantages
Sri Lankan Airlines focuses on external recruiting while focusing on meeting talent
demands through in-house personnel interacting with line managers and working on
unit optimisation projects such as job restructuring, merging, automation, and the
introduction of new work patterns. Sri Lanka Airlines' (HRM) department can search
a much broader pool of people for the proper role when they seek outside the
company. This can help you identify a competent and successful candidate faster
(, 2021). Having more prospective hires allows the department to be
more selective in its hiring, allowing it to discover applicants with the necessary
education and experience. New employees can offer ideas and techniques from their
past jobs to assist the Sri Lankan Airlines company improve its standards. They may
be able to supply information from other businesses or industries that may be
applied to the firm. Keeping up with current developments may help the Airlines stay
competitive. When the department selects a recruit with great potential, the chances
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of the airline's overall growth increase. Employees inside the firm extend their
capabilities as well, and they may aim to match with the new talent. As a result,
external recruiting conforms to its goal of sorting out the selection process by
locating a professional and qualified candidate for the available job. (Smith, 2020)
When the (HRM) department chooses external recruiting methods, there is a risk
that the applicant will have a harder time understanding the airline's environment.
And this lack of knowledge might have a significant impact on the Srilankan airlines'
future operations. There is a chance that the applicant chosen for the job isn't
suitable of the position and will take advantage of their company's position. This sort
of risk is quite common in an external recruiting process because most of the
applicants are complete strangers to the srilankan airlines. Moreover, another main
disadvantage of external recruitment is that it takes time. Then there is a high
probability that a larger number of people will apply for the job, and the (HRM)
department will have to be very attentive in choosing the best candidate for each
step of the selection process. Because it involves a lot of processes, these various
stages of selection take a little longer than the internal recruitment process. (Reddy,
Using Campus Recruitment in sri Lankan airlines can make the firm benefit by
recruiting the well graduated and skilled and well performed employees for the
available job, Through excellent campus recruiting, a srilankan airlines may build a
connection with the employees in long term process. moreover campus recruitment
Strengthen the airlines employer branding in recruiting employees from different
university can increase in the demand. Bring new knowledge and skills College
people are a huge source of fresh knowledge and will easily adopt to the
organisation behaviour. This makes campus recruiting well beneficial strategy for
srilankan airlines.
The process of selecting the best individual with the necessary credentials and
abilities to fill open positions in a company is known as selection. Furthermore,
selection is a process that comprises basic research, an employment test, a
background check, and a medical examination, but the most important aspects in
selection are interviews, exams, and assessment centres.
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2.2.1 Interview
An interview is an oral dialogue that takes place face to face. An interview's purpose
is to discover the opinions, attitudes, and ideas of the individual being interviewed.
As a spectator, the interviewee can sense the interviewer's expertise and capacity.
Both the communicants and the people involved in the interviews are put to the test.
In an in-depth interview, the parties' intelligence, expertise, and a variety of
personality and character traits are revealed. (desai, 2021)
Table 3: advantages and disadvantages of interview
Advantages Disadvantages
2.2.2 Test
The selection tests are designed to assess an employee's skills and abilities that are
deemed necessary for successful job performance based on a job analysis. A test is
a tool that is used to assess certain psychological aspects. The basic premise
behind the use of tests in personnel selection is that people differ in their job-related
talents and skills, and that these talents and skills can be assessed appropriately
and effectively for comparison. (Rolf, 2017)
Table 4 :advantages and disadvantages of test
Advantages Disadvantages
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also reduce employee turnover. exposed.
Testing provides a foundation for In certain circumstances, the
determining an applicant's eligibility for adjustments brought about by the tests
various jobs. The selectors can may not be accurate. A candidate's
determine whether a person is suitable competence and ability cannot be
for the position based on their mental accurately assessed by examinations.
ability, aptitude, priorities, and hobbies
Allows for the removal of applicants who It is impossible to forecast an
are unlikely to be hired. individual's on-the-job performance
Author developed based on (Rolf, 2017)
Advantages Disadvantages
Sri Lankan Airlines uses the most common method of selection is to conduct
interviews and pick individuals based on their qualifications. They have also
established top talent from state colleges through internships and career fairs. The
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Aviation College provides university graduates with entrance possibilities and trains
them via leadership development and educational programs to establish a long-term
talent management process. (, 2021) which always srilankan airways
have a wide range of well-educated applicants. Furthermore, Sri Lankan airlines can
employ this interview process, which is more efficient in terms of identifying
appropriate top managers from one interview to the next. the (HRM) department can
ask and assess any type of question to evaluate the employee's expertise. Which
also provides the airline with a wider range of ideas and walk-in selections and
interviews helps the (HRM) department to understand the applicants and helps them
to choose the correct set of people to the firm. these types of selection will also lead
the airways to disadvantages, due to walk in interviews done by the airways can lack
in time to choose the new employees will not have right knowledge about the firm,
high tinning will be required.
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inquiries, it's easy to locate and compare replies during analysis (Bhasin, 2021).
which will help (HRM) department of Srilankan airlines to do the selection and
compare among the applicants for the position of cabin crew. Structured interviews
do not allow for a thorough examination of individual viewpoints and circumstances,
resulting in incomplete data this process might unsatisfied the (HRM) department
due to not having full understanding about the applicant.
A panel interview is one in which a group of persons conducts an interview. Three to
five members of the selection committee will question the candidates on various
topics during this sort of interview. The panel's ultimate decision will be made jointly
by all members of the panel. Due to the presence of many interviewers in the same
location, the candidate will be questioned from several angles and In the event of a
panel interview, a lot of time is saved. (Richards, 2017) which will help Srilankan
airlines to consume less time and have a wide idea selecting or rejecting the
applicant for the position of cabin crew. Even though, there are so many interviewers
in a panel interview, there is no room for any form of favouritism. There will be no
hidden partiality or personal preferences. (Richards, 2017) This is a benefit to both
the interviewee and the srilankan airlines in terms of selecting the best applicant for
their position of cabin crew furthermore, When there are people of different job
positions on a panel interview, their perspectives on asking questions may differ, and
there are many opportunities to debate about their points of view this may cause a
misunderstanding among the HRM department.
an assessment canter is a comprehensive facility utilised mostly for staff selection. It
is, however, also utilised for training. Experienced managers or qualified people
experts employ assessment canters to analyse each candidate's response to these
realistic situations. (sharma, 2021) Meeting of a fictitious organisation without a
leader Candidates take part in group discussions regarding a job issue, such as
advancement, discipline, or group management abilities, during this meeting.
(sharma, 2021) Characteristics such as verbal ability, persuasiveness, and
interpersonal skills are used to evaluate people. These ways the srilankan airline can
find the right person to join the job since cabin crew will need more qualifications
Aptitude tests are used to determine if a person has the potential or latent ability to
learn a specific job if given proper instruction. It's not only about focusing on one
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talent when it comes to assessing human intellect. (Moran, 2021) Rather,
concentrating on a group of talents and talents is more successful. These abilities
are referred to together as "skill," and they may be easily identified using a high-
quality aptitude test. The (HRM) department will have aptitude test in order fully
understand the capability of the applicants because the position of cabin crew
requires wide range of knowledge. (Moran, 2021)
3.0The benefits of different HRM practices within an organisation for both the
employer and employee.
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necessary and beneficial. However, this advantage may be difficult to measure;
when a corporation is trying to save money, professional growth might all too easily
be sacrificed. (Silver, 2015)
Both employees and management may benefit much from the performance appraisal
process. When properly planned and implemented, they give a valuable chance to
deliver constructive feedback to staff. This can assist them in defining effective short-
and long-term career strategies for their jobs and professions. Employees must feel
free to talk openly and honestly. Likewise, employees must believe that feedback is
not intended to be negative, but rather to make them feel good at work by making
them more productive and well-liked. (Thakur, 2021) The key benefit to the individual
from this performance review is that it allows the company to identify individuals who
deserve increases or promotions, as well as those who require training. A
performance appraisal is not a replacement for ongoing constructive feedback
throughout the year. However, promoting workers not only pushes them to perform
better, but it also allows employers or supervisors to raise their workload and assign
work to that individual in order to obtain beneficial results, hence increasing the
business's production and profit. Furthermore, though important, doing end-of-year
assessments is insufficient to truly understand how well your staff are doing and
feeling. The best employees may be rewarded with higher salary and benefits, which
can drive employees to help the company succeed. A performance assessment
system's major goal is to give an accurate assessment record to protect both the
employer and the employee, as well as to achieve a high level of quality and quantity
in the work performed. (Thakur, 2021)
3.3 Compensation
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is because of the compensation, salary, benefits, and incentives they are offered.
(Abdul Qadar, 2015) Employees are more loyal and motivated to work and perform
well if they are given higher compensation and benefits. Companies that pay lower
salaries, on the other hand, have a higher turnover rate and lower staff productivity.
All of these issues contribute to salary and benefits being an essential aspect in
workforce management. The key advantage for the company is that employer may
attract and hire more talented employees. Employees in the company will become
more motivated and loyal to the organisation as a result of the compensation,
rewards, and benefits, as well as work satisfaction and job security, which are the
advantages of the employee in the organisation. (Abdul Qadar, 2015)
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likely to be engaged, loyal, and devoted to the company. (DeakinCo., 2021)
Providing opportunities for training and development can help your personnel come
up with fresh ideas and build new methods and techniques. Skill enrichment equips
your staff with the information, skills, and abilities to create new and innovative
methods to meet the needs of the customer. It can also have a favourable influence
on profit for your managers by ensuring that they can effectively manage your
human resources.
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productivity evaluation is important to give wage raises or incentives. While it is
important to compensate individuals appropriately for their job,
and the compensation can boost productivity and motivation in the workplace.
(Conlan, 2021) Employees are more willing to stay with a firm if they are well paid
and satisfied. One of the reasons why employees stay with their companies is
because they are well compensated. Compensation may be viewed by employees
as a kind of trade for services given or as a reward for a job well done. Some people
are compensated based on the worth of their own skills and abilities, or the return on
their professional training. Compensation is particularly important to managers since
it has a direct impact on their success. it is a significant cost competitive constraint
that compels managers to assess the affordability of their pay decisions both
internationally and locally. The fringe benefit systems were designed to foster a good
employer-employee relationship, reduce excessive labor turnover costs, and give a
sense of personal security against life's risks and troubles, with the goal of increasing
employee loyalty and productivity. Low pay can contribute to workplace
dissatisfaction and is a key factor in employee turnover. As a result, offering the
appropriate amount of income and other benefits can help the organisation achieve
its objectives. (Conlan, 2021)
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job training is that it encourages individuals to learn quickly since they are exposed
to small details early on. When a person enters a company, they have only a basic
understanding of the tasks they would be doing. since an employee not only has the
chance to learn, but also has the ability to correct any mistakes made over time and
guarantee that they are not repeated. This type of training also encourages early
engagement between new recruits and other company personnel. (Heathfield, 2021)
As new workers begin working, they will almost certainly run across some difficulties;
they will then need to communicate with more experienced members of the
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As its considered workers are taught outside of the work station and even during
normal business hours, they are not involved in the day-to-day functioning of the
firm. As a consequence, these personnel are free of the stress of daily job, and when
they return to their original location, they generate high work rates with no errors.
(Surbhi, 2021)Since a large number of people are taught in a single period, the
strategy is long-term financially sustainable for the organisation. During the training
phase, a large quantity of knowledge is digested and internalised in a short amount
of time, and all areas of the firm are covered in all aspects. The high production rates
are constantly maintained since the trained staff will be put back into the original
financed firm.
Finally, Srilankan Airlines would benefit greatly from off-the-job training. Since an
Airline industry requires a lot of training process in order to face the customers. Due
to jobs such as cabin crew, air hostess, pilot, aircraft engineers etc. need high
training skills and experience. Srilankan airline undergo a specific training
corporation in the aviation school. This process helps the organisation to get high
range of skilled and well-trained employees in the industry.
The 360-Degree Appraisal. This approach entails handing out a questionnaire
containing questions on a colleague's performance, which they must complete.
When reviewing performance at the conclusion of the quarter/year, the manager
might take this input into account. 360-degree feedback helps employees bridge the
gap between their own views and those of others. It's a good self-awareness
exercise. (Jahan, 2021) Individual replies are mixed with other replies to maintain
anonymity, which benefits the company but also works as a guiding light for
employees. It provides the employee with a detailed picture of his or her overall
strengths and weaknesses. Employees' satisfaction is boosted by peer feedback,
which also helps them and their superiors perform more efficiently. Different
employees create trust and are more likely to reach their joint goals when they obtain
input from others in the business. 360-degree feedback requires a lot of time from
both employees and HR specialists. (Jahan, 2021) Other members of the team
should take the time to answer inquiries, ideally carefully. Moreover, it also leads to
disadvantages 360-degree feedback requires a lot of time from both employees and
HR specialists. Other members of the team should take the time to answer inquiries,
ideally carefully. No one will provide honest feedback if the folks delivering the 360-
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degree appraisal lack trust. Using 360-degree format will help the (HRM) department
of srilankan airline to have a wider understanding about every employees’ aspects.
(Jahan, 2021)
Appraisal of General Performance This strategy involves constant engagement
between the employee and manager, as well as ongoing goal-setting and
achievement. At the end of the year, the employee's ability to do justice to the entire
process is assessed. A performance appraisal system is a valuable management
tool for gathering feedback, reviewing, and estimating whether or not a person's
performance is successful, and discussing what needs to be done to make it so.
Managers conduct evaluations for the benefit of both the employees and the
company. (Lotich, 2018) A performance appraisal has two purposes: it performance
of the organisation in determining the value and productivity that workers bring, and
it also assists workers in their own role development. Identify areas where
management may improve working conditions to boost productivity and quality of
work. Once they have a negative influence on departmental productivity, address
behavioural difficulties. Recognise workers' talents and skills to encourage them to
contribute more. Encourage people to advance their skills and careers. Employees
expect a favourable outcome from their performance reviews. (Lotich, 2018) The
information gleaned by evaluating and discussing an employee's performance might
be beneficial. Recognise and appreciate an employee for their accomplishments and
efforts. Recognise the possibility of a raise or bonus. Recognise and encourage the
need for extra training or education in efforts to progress their profession. Determine
the exact areas in which they may develop their talents. (Lotich, 2018)
In conclusion, the author concludes that, each method benefits both the employee
and the business, srilankan airlines employees would consider general performance
and 360 degree, due to high satisfaction among the employees and managers and
with the team. general performance methods have no third person involved in the
appraisal method and 360 methods help the mangers understand the cabin crews by
giving 360 degree forms to consumers perspective of the cabin crews behaviour,
also this forms helps the organisation in the customers needs and wants furthermore
360 degree format is wider than the general appraisal due to the information and
comments are given by a large number of people such as consumers and
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The initial wage provided to an employee, without any perks, bonuses, or raises, is
known as base pay. It refers to the amount of money an employee gets paid in return
for their services. The hourly rate, weekly, monthly, or yearly wage of an employee
are all examples of basic pay. (kagan, 2021) The starting pay for different
occupations varies a lot. Professions requiring extensive education and specific skill
sets, on average, offer greater starting salaries than ones needing only basic skills.
Employers frequently provide high base pay rates to attract highly skilled workers in
competitive sectors. Companies may attract potential workers with extra advantages,
such as a rich benefits package, retirement plan, bonuses, investment choices, and
physical prizes, such as a company vehicle or paid leisure trips, in addition to high
base compensation. These features can significantly improve a company's chances
of acquiring and keeping top talent. (kagan, 2021)
Variable pay is a technique of compensating employees depending on employment
variables other than hours performed. It can either complement or replace an
employee's regular income. Variable compensation, on the other hand, necessitates
work to manage and should be set up to assure you're motivating the desired
behaviour. (Handrick, 2018) Any organisation that wishes to appropriately motivate
its workers based on some data point, such as units sold, sales revenues, customer
service ratings, number of customers, or any other job-related factor, might use
variable compensation. Employee benefits such as variable compensation are used
to motivate and retain employees. (Handrick, 2018) They can earn and raise their
base wage through variable compensation. Employee retention is one of the main
benefits of variable pay. Variable pay might assist them keep an employee who is on
the verge of leaving your company. Variable pay assists the company in balancing
and equalising employee compensation. Employees that work hard are rewarded
with performance-based variable pay, which motivates them. The disadvantage of
variable pay would be majority of businesses fail to include an equaliser in their
variable pay. It leads to an ostensibly big salary package that turns out to be
significantly lower in reality. (Handrick, 2018)
In the end, Srilankan Airlines would benefit greatly from variable pay that helps the
Employee commitment in the business. It may also be used to get things done and
recruit fresh talent, srilankan airline would always motivate the employees and
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encourage them to focus on the goals and objective of the business. Due to a high
competitor in the market like Qatar airways, kingfisher airlines, emirates etc. there is
high chances of employees joining other firms due to their pay. The department of
(HRM) will have consider and have competitive pays and other facilities to the
employees to make them satisfied.
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Employee Loyalty: Employee loyalty is influenced by a pleasant and productive
work environment, which encourages a loyal staff. Employee retention will be
improved for companies with such a workforce. (Juneja, 2015)
A firm's employee retention strategy is a strategy for reducing staff turnover. The
strategy comprises policies and initiatives that make businesses more desirable as
employers, allowing them to attract and retain talented workers. The tactics you use
should be adapted to the demands of your staff. Based on the nature of each sector,
a low turnover rate might be beneficial, while greater percentages might be costly in
terms of both money and effort. (Azmi, 2021) Replacing a high-performing person
may be costly. It also has an impact on team motivation and work since it requires
changes to a department's or team's daily operations and workflows and especially if
the departing employee is a manager or higher. The author has listed some
employee retention strategies below:
Effective communication: Creating an open conversation climate in the workplace
is critical for recruiting and keeping top-tier talent. Effective leadership includes
listening to inquiries, resolving problems, offering feedback, and adopting solutions,
all of which are requirements for high-quality performance and staff retention. This
relationship commitment of corporate culture is useful at the management level well
since, this helps the business by solving difficulties that can arise. Open
communication is a bonus because it keeps you inside and helps others feel
connected and accountable. (Azmi, 2021).
Employee grievance management: All grievances should be identified as soon as
possible, and necessary efforts should be taken to address the sources of such
grievances so that workers stay loyal and devoted to their jobs. The management of
grievances is an important aspect of human management. Because it redresses the
issue to the mutual satisfaction of both the employees and the management, an
efficient grievance procedure provides a pleasant work environment. It also aids
management in developing rules and processes that are acceptable to employees. It
becomes a useful platform for employees to communicate their sentiments,
frustration, and dissatisfaction freely and formally. Especially when it comes to giving
employees a place to express their grievances with upper management (Azmi,
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2021). As a result, employee grievance management may be an important aspect in
maintaining workplace relationships and productivity.
employee counselling: Workplace counselling is employee assistance intervention
that provides an independent, expert resource for persons working in a variety of
industries and working conditions. Providing all employees with a free, confidential
workplace counselling service might be considered part of an employer's duty of care
(Azmi, 2021). The purpose of the counselling process is to provide an employee with
a sounding board, a secure place to talk about issues that are bothering them, and to
allow counsellors to assist them in finding their own answers to problems or
developing better methods to handle concerns. It's not about delivering advice it's
about offering a non - judgmental, compassionate, and accessible environment in
which an employee may discover a solution. (Azmi, 2021) when the firm provides
employment counselling, it not only makes the employees happy also make them
feel less stressed and helps them in their personal life, this processes provides a
better mind satisfaction which helps the employees to work better and also do their
maximum to the firm which will help the firm to active their goals and objective.
6.2 Key elements of employee legislation and the impact it has upon HR decision
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emotional well-being and safety of employees, as well as work environment. (Al-
Koohaji, 2021),
Coronavirus Act 2020: is a law passed by the srilankan Parliament that gives the
government emergency powers to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. The act gives
the government the authority to limit or suspend public gatherings, detain individuals
suspected of being infected with COVID-19, and intervene or relax regulations in a
variety of sectors in order to prevent infection rates, relieve the burden on public
health services, and assist healthcare workers and those who are economically
impacted. The Health Service, social care, schools, police, Border Force, local
councils, funerals, airports and courts are all covered by the act. (, 2020)
The National Minimum Wage of Workers Act No. 3 of 2016: The National
Minimum Pay of Workers Act No. 3 of 2016 establishes a minimum monthly payment
of LKR10,000 and a daily wage of LKR400 for all labourers (regardless of industry).
Employers are required by the NMW Act to keep a record of the wages given to each
employee. Furthermore, all wage boards have set a certain employee wages based
on their industry. The NMW Act also specifies the Commissioner General of Labour
(the "Commissioner") as the competent authority with the authority to enter and
inspect any employees to ensure that employers comply with their duty to keep a
wage register and, if necessary, to act against any employer who fails to provide it.
As a result, employers and employees at srilankan airlines may engage into
employment contracts in order to undertake operations in accordance with the
minimum wage law. These contracts might specify the length of employment, salary,
disciplinary procedures, and termination factors. (Varia, Kanankegamage and
Saram, 2016)
Shop and Office Employees Act No 19 of 1954: The Shop and Office Employees
Law controls employment, working hours, and payment for those who work in shops
and offices. The Shop and Office Employees (Regulation of Employment and
Remuneration) Act No. 19 of 1954 states that an average work day for all shop and
office employees cannot exceed nine hours on any given day (including a one-hour
meal break) or 45 hours in any given week. On days when employees work eight
hours or more, they are entitled to a rest period. On a shortened working day,
employees are not entitled to a rest period. According to the Shop and Office
Employees Act No. 19 of 1954, an employee who works for at least 28 hours in any
29 | P a g e
given week is entitled to one-and-a-half days of paid leave in that week or the
following week. For each completed year of service, an employee covered by the
eligible to 14 days of paid annual leave. The government requires that the courses
must be taken in a row for at least seven days. Regardless of the employee's term of
service, an employee's legal rights to annual leave is limited to 14 days. Certain
companies, on the other hand, allow unused annual leave to be carried over to the
next year. (De Saram, 2019)
Employees Provident Fund Act No 15 of 1958: states that workers should
contribute to the fund under section 10 and therefore become members of the fund
as long as their individual account in the fund, generally known as EPF, has any
money to credit (Employees Provident Fund). Contributions to this fund are made on
a regular basis. Its goal is to assist employees in saving a portion of their monthly
pay check. The money can be accessed if the employee becomes unable to work or
when they retire. The Employees Provident Fund Act No. 15 of 1958 (EPF) requires
the employer to contribute 12 percent of the employee's monthly earnings to the EPF
Fund, as well as deduct and contribute 8 percent of each employee's income. The
state manages the funds to which employers are required to contribute. However,
there is no specific governmental guarantee fund to defend employees' interests in
the case of the employer's failure. (, 2021)
Employees Trust Fund Act No 46 of 1980: Depending of whether an employee is
permanent, temporary, trainee, casual, or shift worker, he or she is entitled to ETF
from the first day of employment. Employees paid on a rate of pay, on a contract
basis, or on an employment basis of any kind are also eligible for registration. Every
public and private sector undertaking is subject to the provisions of an order issued
by the minister and published in the government. Employees' Trust Fund Act No. 46
of 1980 requires the employer to contribute just 3% of the employee's total pay to the
Trust Fund established under it monthly. Members receive life insurance and
medical benefits as a result of their contribution. ETF provides that these payments
must be calculated based on the employee's "total earnings." (, 2021)
6.3 Aspects of employee relations management and employment law that influence
Srilankan Airlines HRM decisions
31 | P a g e
srilankan airlines can evaluate the compensation offered to each employee and
come to a conclusion on whether or not to raise the compensation (Peterson, 2017).
Srilankan airlines provides the firms rules and regulations under the government’s
law, and the HRM department will have to ensure the employee and employer acts
according to it. (Peterson, 2017) and every single employee in the organisation will
have to be provided more pay than the minimum wage rate as per The National
Minimum Wage of Workers Act No. 3 of 2016. (Varia, Kanankegamage and Saram,
2016) The department of HRM will have to make sure the staffs get the right pay.
Furthermore, the HRM department assures that workers have at least one day off
every seven days of the week. Employees like front desk officers, ticketing officers,
and other staffs who provide services within the firm, can work over time and get
paid as for the law. And to also provide 14 days of annual paid holidays for the
employees as per Shop and Office Employees Act No 19 of 1954, (De Saram, 2019)
sri Lankan airlines also pays employees according to the state EPF and ETF benefit
plans. This reward strengthens the employee and employer connection, making
employees more loyal to the company and more likely to work to their maximum
potential. However, . (, 2021) the HRM department will have to provide the EPF
and ETF benefits to every employee starting from the high-level managers, pilots,
cabin crew etc. in order of employee satisfaction as per the governments law
Employees Provident Fund Act No 15 of 1958 and Employees Trust Fund Act No 46
of 1980. (, 2021), moreover due to the current situation of the world the
srilankan airlines must be caution about their health and safety acts, protecting the
employees and the consumers from covid using the guidelines used to prevent
covid-19 applied by their parliament of srilankan. Which makes the coronavirus act
more important to every firm since srilankan airline is a based on a travelling
industries, government has closed down the airports worldwide to prevent from the
virus. (, 2020)
Furthermore, srilankan airlines HRM department guarantees that its employees
operate in a safe and healthy environment, avoiding accidents and injuries to also
train them in protecting the customers as they fly safe. srilankan airlines requires its
HMR department to offer proper health and safety training, personal protection
equipment, first-aid, and medical care to its employees on a regular basis. In
addition, in accordance with the International Labour Organisation Convention,
32 | P a g e
prevents any type of discrimination in recruiting and employment practices based on
race, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical ability, national or
cultural identity, or employer status. The department of Sri Lankan airlines must look
in to all the employer’s problems and prevent them and give a better guidance.
7.0 Impact of Job Description and Job Specification to the Functions of HRM
Though job descriptions and specifications are not legally required, they are critical
in achieving the intended result. These data sets aid in establishing the need for,
value of, and scope of a particular work. This document outlines the abilities,
credentials, and experience that a candidate must possess, as well as the personal
attributes and attributes that an individual must possess in order to do the job.
(Juneja, 2018)
33 | P a g e
technological, and communication skills required to perform a job, responsibilities,
and other adverse behavioural demands required to perform a job. (Reddy, 2020) It
also involves intelligence, aptitude, memory, judgment, leadership skills, emotional
ability, adaptation, flexibility, morals and ethics, politeness, and creativity, among
other things. Job specifications, which are based on job descriptions, assist
candidates in determining whether or not they are qualified to apply for a given job
opening It aids an organisations recruitment staff in determining what degree of
qualifications, traits, and set of attributes an applicant must possess in order for him
or her to be considered for a job vacancy. Job specifications include job tasks,
desirable technical and physical capabilities, conversational abilities, and much
more. It aids in the selection of the best qualified candidate for a certain position.
(Reddy, 2020)
Job title- Cabin crew
Department-inflight customer experience
Title- non management
Reports to – Chief Information security officer (CIO)
Salary range- LKR 67,000 to 97,000
֎ Ensure user the satisfaction.
֎ Answer questions and offering help and assistance.
֎ Check cabin before take-off to ensure compliance to safety regulations.
֎ Welcome travellers on board and help them to their seats when
34 | P a g e
֎ Take orders, serve food and drinks and sell products.
֎ Give the “safety” presentation in a well-prepared manner.
֎ Monitor the cabin frequently.
֎ Pay particular attention to passengers with special needs (children,
disabled, elders etc)
֎ Adhere to all relevant legal, health and safety rules and regulations.
֎ Assist passengers in the case of an emergency.
֎ Create reports in accordance with all the relevant rules and regulations
֎ Customer service skills
֎ Communication skills
֎ Airlines will usually want you to at least have a GCSE qualification (or
35 | P a g e
the equivalent) in both Maths and English.
֎ Cabin Crew application process may need to demonstrate your
ability to swim.
֎ Good time management
֎ Able to speak English fluently.
֎ Ability to work well under pressure.
Experience -
2-year Previous experience of customer services training and first
aid training.
36 | P a g e
much simpler for an interview. Without a JD and JS, the applicant will be unable to
determine what their precise work entails, leaving you perplexed. Instead, by using a
JD and JS application, they can figure out their task before anybody else does.
(greeshma, 2021) Furthermore, JS can be quite useful in determining whether a
candidate's capabilities are more or fewer than what is required. If the candidate's
capabilities meet the standards, he or she may be hired right away. A proper JD and
JS is essential.
as previously mentioned, benefit the business in hiring individuals who are qualified
for the job.(Heathfield, 2021) Demonstrating the JD and JS for the job position of
"cabin crew" assists Sri lankan airlines in recruiting and selecting potential
candidates who meet all of the main requirements, as the JD contains information on
the important needs for this specific employment function, when the HRM
department looks into every applicants JD and JS it helps the department to select
the perfect employee for the cabin crew. Moreover, JD and JS provided all the
information which is required so the applicants can have brief understanding about
the vacant job “cabin crew”. When selecting the HRM department, consider the
following factors. (greeshma, 2021) Those who possess all of these qualities, or
more, but never less, as this is a high-level position by developing JS and JD, people
will only apply if they believe they are qualified. are qualified, so the HR department
does not have to go through many CVs but only a few that fit the criteria. applications
with the necessary credentials
When it comes to adopting new environment or a new innovation into the workplace,
management is important. In order to attain the desired degree of efficiency and
effectiveness in an organisation, it is also critical to teach staff. It is also critical to
train staff to achieve the required degree of efficiency and performance JD and JS
can also be utilised as incentives for employees to take college courses, attend
seminars, and participate in other professional development activities. A good JD
and JS is crucial in this situation. To show, a good awareness of information security
principles, risks, weaknesses, and controls is required for the role of cabin crew. JD
and JS determining what kind of exposure the employee or applicant should have in
terms of training and development programs becomes easy. (Lesher, 2021)
37 | P a g e
They will be able to determine if an induction program is sufficient or whether the
new manager will require more training, either on-the-job or off-the-job, in order to
offer Sri Lankan Airlines with the finest promotional activities and meet the
company’s objectives. (Lesher, 2021) When the HRM department looks in to the JD
and JS it helps them understand the employee’s weakness and provide them with a
standard training such as cabin crew will be considering many ways of
training using JD and JS can help the HRM meet the requirements.
Employees can benefit from performance appraisals because they give a clear
image of their roles and responsibilities, which may lead to success, productivity,
motivation, and satisfaction. Furthermore, the analysed data might be compared to
the job description and job specification Determine if it was in accordance with the
duties completed. Many firms consider performance appraisals to be important work.
38 | P a g e
when the HRM department look in to the employees JD and JS they can also identify
the employees background and can also make sure if the employees suitable for the
firm, In addition, the JD and JS offer information on the work responsibilities and
abilities necessary for cabin crew, making it easy to assess the performance of the
individual applicant selected for this role. (Reddy, 2019)
After hiring the employees, a performance appraisal would need to be created. This
360-degree assessment should be used to assess the performance of freshly hired
employees at the srilankan airlines, the HRM department can observe the way of the
employees skills and performance. Moreover, JD and JS can also provide additional
information to the appraisal, and it also gives a wide background for the employees
which can help the department of HRM to help the employees with training and other
methods with the employees will have to be improved. (Reddy, 2019)
Along with the challenges of doing business in highly dynamic and competitive
environment Firms, such as Srilankan Airlines, encounter a variety of pressures and
problems. To ensure the company's existence and achieve other aims and
objectives, managers and staff must be able to properly contain and cope with these
pressures and threats. In order to effectively advance the firm's vision goals and
objectives, the organisation must choose and attract competent and qualified
personnel. The srilankan airlines should give appropriate training and development
programs after recruiting the best personnel through a recruiting and selection
process in order to adapt them to specific work positions. (Lesher, 2021) Most
significantly, the HRM department is in charge of motivating and satisfying
employees through pay packages and performance appraisal. An efficient
recruitment process will aid the srilankan airlines in reducing the risk of error by
attracting skilled employees from the relevant sector, where the candidate has prior
experience and is familiar with the industry's operating environment. As a result, the
cost of training and development will be reduced as the applicant with prior
experience will not require a lengthy training process and will be familiar with the
airline industry's operating environment. It is important to have excellent employee
relationships at work in order to increase an organisations efficiency. (Reddy, 2019)
39 | P a g e
Employee relations, in addition, may be a significant component in the success of
srilankan airlines. When workers and the firm have a strong relationship, employees
are more likely to work with purpose, create better and more outcomes, and their
level of competence may rise, having a better relationship among employees can
make the employers have a well understanding. (Azmi, 2021). Srilankan airlines has
a good communication method among the firm, provides grievance management,
and organises better environment for employee counselling, provides better
consumption and benefits, provides health and safety insurance which help srilankan
airlines to help their employees motivate them, and keep the employees satisfied so
the employees become loyal and give best performance in return. (Azmi, 2021).
While srilankan airlines makes every effort to please employees by offering a variety
of benefits packages, there are a few legal regulations that srilankan airlines should
address in order to protect employees' fundamental human rights. The HRM
department of Sri Lankan airlines may oversee enforcing a variety of employment
and workplace rules, including those managing salaries, working hours, welfare,
safety and health, social assistance, sexual harassment, and medical sickness
absence. The HRM department should be in charge of all the laws and regulations
exposed by the Sri Lankan government, moreover Sri Lankan airlines are very strict
under their companies rules and restriction and also the laws by government, which
the employees and employers must always consider. (Varia, Kanankegamage and
Saram, 2016) The HRM departments makes sure that all the employees and other
members in the organisation receives holidays based on the Shop and Office
Employees Act No 19 of 1954 by government. The department also forces and
paying above the minimum wage for every employee. The HRM department of Sri
Lankan airlines also focuses on benefits provided by EPF and ETF for every single
employee and employer. Sri Lankan airlines should conform to all employee law in
order to preserve employee rights, which might eventually lead to employee
satisfactionEmployee loyalty and satisfaction are important aspects that contribute to
organisational decision-making and success, which can only be achieved from
excellent employee relations and commitment to all employee laws. Moreover, the
HRM department focus into the firms health and safety more concededly due to the
current situation of the world, the HRM department focuses on all the part of the firm
from top level managers, employees and customers which makes the HRM
40 | P a g e
department has the highest risk and take huge responsibility in the firm. (,
9.0 Conclusion.
This business report aims to address various aspects of HRM in order to improve
people management for Sri Lankan airlines business success, such as work force
planning and different strategies to recruitment and selection, as well as how Sri
lankan airlines can possess qualified candidates and skills to meet its business
objectives. Secondly, the author demonstrated the effect of important HRM aspects
including training and development, total compensation, and performance
assessment. Thirdly, at sri lankan airlines, the author examined the relevance of
employee relations and employment law in the HR decision-making process
furthermore this business report's author has created a job description and job
specification application. Finally, the author has made ideas for Sri lankan airlines
HRM operations, including a proper recruiting and selection strategy, suggestions on
enhancing employee relationships, and the most appropriate training and
development and Employee development methods.
41 | P a g e
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