MNGT 250 Case 1
MNGT 250 Case 1
MNGT 250 Case 1
Case 1 (5%)
Case 1: Your Experience Personality, Perception, Job Attitudes, & Values: Your Personal Experience of Organizational Behaviour
Think about an organizational situation that you have experienced (the case). This experience could come from: A current or previous workplace ( preferred) An organization you belong to (sports team, volunteer organization, community group etc, Your current work as a student SAIT student
Reflect on this situation. Who was involved? What actions were taken? What behaviours were evident? Use specific information that you have found in the course so far to examine the behaviours of yourself and others in the situation. Think about concepts like perception (and/or perceptual errors), personality (specific personality measurements that you have completed), values (what values do you hold and why) and attitudes (job satisfaction), Analyze how these concepts were reflected or evident in: your personal perceptions, your personality measurements, your job attitudes, and your personal values. Your perception of the perceptions, personality, attitudes and values of others involved
Step 1 Review Review the text material and the results of the exercises that you have been assigned from Chapters 2 and 3. Step 2 Reflect This is a reflection or personal thinking assignment. Therefore, this assignment is based on your thinking about yourself and others in this workplace situation, and the use of the course material for a basis to frame your thinking. Step 3 Review Assessment Rubric On the final page is the assessment rubric for this assignment. This rubric outlines what I am expecting from the assignment. Follow the rubric to create an exceptional assignment. Step 4 - Write about the specific situation (minimum two pages 12 pt font, 1.5 spacing) Write up you case: 1
MNGT 250: Organizational Behaviour Describe that specific workplace that you thought about in Step 2 above. Analyze the situation. Describe how perceptions, personality, values, and job attitudes of yourself and others impacted this specific situation. Dont give the definitions for these concepts, but use what these concepts mean to describe what you have learned about yourself and others o What did you learn about your personality from this situation? o What personal perceptions (or perceptual errors) does this situation illuminate? o What job related attitudes does this situation explain? o What values do you hold that are illustrated by this story? Provide a short introduction and conclusion to your assignment.
Make sure you utilize material from your text to frame your discussion. Provide text citations for this material and a reference list. If you need to know how to do this, check your SAIT library link at: Step 5 Have a conversation and share your case with one classmate (not from another section). NOTE: if necessary, you can discuss situations with a maximum of 2 students. Meet up (not by email) in groups of two (or 5hree) and have a conversation. First share the story of your specific situation and how you think it illustrates your personality, perceptions, job attitudes, and values. Take at least 15 minutes to describe your story. Then listen to your classmates story and ask questions about the case. Take at least 15 minutes to listen to his/her story. In a minimum of 1 page (12 pt font, 1.5 spacing), write about your discussion. Did your classmate provide other ideas about your case that made you think about it differently? What did you learn from their case that contributed to your understanding of course concepts? Describe your understanding of how you partners case illustrates their personality, perceptions, values, and job attitudes. Finally, discuss why it is important to consider others stories.
Step 5 Review Assessment Rubric On the next page is the assessment rubric for this assignment. Follow the rubric to create an exceptional case. Step 6 Submit by Due Date (in the second class of week 4) The entire assignment is a minimum of three pages: one page for your personal situation one page for your analysis of the case one page for your summary of summary of your discussion with your classmate(s). A title page and a reference page are also required 2
MNGT 250: Organizational Behaviour Rubric for Case 1: Consider Yourself First Personality, Perceptions, Attitudes, Values, and Motivation Your Personal Experience of Organizational Behaviour Total Marks: 25 (5%) Assigned: Week 2 Due: Week 4 (second class) Category Unsatisfactory - Fail Fail - Marginal Acceptable - Effective Exceptional 1. Content 0 -2 points 3-4 points 5-7 points 8-10 points Did not discuss topics as Discussed most topics. Discussed all topics as Discussed all topics outlined. Did not exhibit a Exhibited some outlined. Exhibited thoroughly. Exhibited in clear understanding of understanding of understanding of depth and very clear material. Recorded few material. Recorded some material. Recorded many understanding of material. reflections on personal reflections on personal reflections on personal Recorded many reflections story. story. story. with depth of understanding of personal story. 2. Textbook concepts used to 0 - 1 points 2 points 3 points 4-5 points support reflection and discussion and citations done correctly No evidence of text Some reference to text Several uses of text Thorough and appropriate resources. APA not resources. APA not resources. APA used. use of text resources. APA used. used. used correctly. 3. Writing 0 -1 points 2 points 3 points 4-5 points Mechanics Many errors in grammar, More than a few errors in A few errors in grammar, Error free related to capitalization, grammar, capitalization, capitalization, grammar, capitalization, punctuation and spelling punctuation and spelling punctuation and spelling punctuation, and spelling. requiring major editing requiring editing and requiring minor editing and revision. revision. and revision. 4.Communication 0 -1 points 2 points 3 points 4-5 points No evidence that case Some evidence of Evidence of extensive Fully described how story was shared with a shared case, did not sharing and description reflected the course material; classmate. engage with reflections; of how story reflected the listened carefully to did not listen carefully to course material; listened classmate and asked classmate. to classmate. questions. 3