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HRM Eddie

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Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Task 01 .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Give a clear description of Personnel management. ........................................................................... 3 1.2 Clearly explain the HRM activities in an organization. ...................................................................... 3 1.3 Set out in detail the development and the changing context in HRM in both organizations. ............. 4 1.3.1 Dialog........................................................................................................................................... 4 1.3.2 Mobitel ......................................................................................................................................... 5 1.4 Make a judgment on the importance of role and tasks of the HR Practitioner. .................................. 6 1.5 Explain the line managers contribution to effective HR Practices in the organizations? .................. 6 TASK 02 ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Identify separate factors; say how they are related and how each one contributes to the need for human resource planning. ......................................................................................................................... 7 2.2 Write down necessary information required for HRP......................................................................... 8 2.3 What are the stages involved in the HRP? .......................................................................................... 8 2.4 Compare the structured recruitment process in two organizations. .................................................... 9 2.4.1 Recruitment process of Dialog ..................................................................................................... 9 2.4.2 Recruitment process of Mobitel ................................................................................................... 9 2.5 Evaluate the methods and media available for recruitment. ............................................................. 10 2.6 Discuss a range of alternative selection methods available. ............................................................. 11 2.7 Evaluate the interview as a selection technique. ............................................................................... 11 2.8 Compare selection practices and procedures in two organizations. .................................................. 12 2.8.1 Selection practices and procedure of Dialog .............................................................................. 12 2.8.2 Selection practices and procedure of Mobitel ............................................................................ 12 2.9 Evaluate the best selection practice. ................................................................................................. 13 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 14 Reference .................................................................................................................................................... 15


Executive Summary HRM is the key to ensure the existence of the organization in this challenging business world. HRM is a separate department which manages the entire work force of an organization. This project and the tasks are been completed based on the HRM process and practices. To show the links and to vividly point out the HRM theory, two organizations are been selected and the HRM practices are compared. Two selected organizations are Dialog, a Sri Lankan telecommunication service provider and Mobitel, another telecommunication service provider in Sri Lanka. Task one show the importance of an effective HRM to compete the international market. The parts of the task one illustrates personnel management, HRM activities in an organization, changing context and the development of HRM in selected organizations, tasks of HR

practitioner and the contribution of a line manager in effective HRM. Task two shows how organizations develop HRM strategies and how they match the size and the skills of the workforce in order to satisfy the organizational need. This identifies the factors affect HR planning and the contribution of those factors in HR planning. Explains the information required to HR planning, stages of HR planning process and recruitment process and the selection methods. Also it compares the selection and recruitment processes in both organizations. Information for the project is collected from the reliable sources like journal articles, books, reports and internet.


Task 01 1.1 Give a clear description of Personnel management. In all organizations, there should be someone concerned with the welfare and performance of persons who are a part of the operation. When an individual or a team of individuals takes on this task of seeing to programs and setting policies that impact everyone associated with the company, they are engaged in the process of personnel management.

Personnel management was focused on employment contracts, disciplinary issues and compensation. Personnel management can include administrative tasks that are both traditional and routine. It can be described as reactive, providing a response to demands and concerns as they are presented. Personnel management is often considered an independent function of an organization. (Institute of Personnel Management Australia, 1995) 1.2 Clearly explain the HRM activities in an organization. Planning & Analysis - HR planning is a process of analyzing and identifying the need for and availability of human resources so that the organization the organization can meet its objectives, so managers attempt to anticipate forces that will influence the future supply of and demand for employees.

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) - Individuals should have equal treatment in all employment-related actions, so compliance with equal employment opportunity laws and regulations affects all HR activities and integral to HR management.

Job analysis- Systematic way to gather and analyze information about the content and the human requirements of jobs.

Job description- Identification of the task, duties and responsibilities of a job Job specification- The knowledge, skills and abilities an individual needs to perform a job satisfactorily.

Recruiting- The process of generating a pool of qualified applicants for organizational jobs

Training Management Performance Management Compensation & Benefits 1.3 Set out in detail the development and the changing context in HRM in both organizations. Selected organizations are Dialog and Mobitel. Dialog and Mobitel both are telecommunication providers. As their business is service providing both organizations are maintaining an effective HRM. Both have their own development and context in HRM. 1.3.1 Dialog Dialog is telecommunication provider in Sri Lanka. Dialog has its separate HR department for HR activities. The main functions of Dialogs HRM is Job Analysis, Job Design, Recruitment & Selection, Orientation & Placement, Training & Development, Performance Appraisals, Job Evaluation, Employee and Executive Remuneration, Motivation, Communication, Welfare, Safety & Health and Industrial Relations. The main objectives of dialogs HRM are, to be socially responsible to the needs and challenges of society while minimizing the negative impact of such demands upon Dialog. To recognize that HRM exists to contribute to Dialogs effectiveness. To maintain the department's contribution at a level appropriate to the Dialog's needs. To assist employees in achieving their personal goals, at least insofar as these goals enhance the individual's contribution to Dialog. There is a major role played by the HRM in dialog where it provides services and the services should be effectively maintained by effectively maintaining HR. the HR department of Dialog follows employee empowerment.


1.3.2 Mobitel Mobitel is a telecommunication service provider of Sri Lanka. They have 4500 employees where 47 out of them are working in HRM. The mission of their HRM is To lead the organization in enhancing its human capital and creating a winning environment where everyone enjoys contributing to the best of ones ability. HR department of Mobitel has three sections, Employee services, OD and Effectiveness and staffing and compensation. They have their usual HRM activities and Strategies to implement their HR processes. The Following diagram shows their Whole system for development of HR strategies/policies/practices.

Mobilinks Competitive Environment Economic, Political, Demographic, Competitive and Technological Trends

Companys Strategic Situation

Companys Strategic Plan

Companys Internal Strengths and Weaknesses

Organizational Performance

Companys HR strategies

Formulation of HR policies

Formulation of HR practices


1.4 Make a judgment on the importance of role and tasks of the HR Practitioner. HR practitioner is one who practices HRM, especially as an occupation, profession, or technique. The role of HR practitioner is important in the organizational success. HR practitioners must have exposure and an understanding in some specific areas of the field. These include management practices, selection and placement, training and development, compensation and benefits, employee and labor relations, and health, safety, and security. HRM practitioners have an understanding of how jobs are filled, the various methods of recruiting candidates, and the selection process. They are concerned more with HRM as they attend HRM as a business. They have the capability to overcome the problems faced by the external and internal factors in HRM. (Armstrong, pp 69) 1.5 Explain the line managers contribution to effective HR Practices in the organizations? Front line managers are directly responsible for production of goods and services, and supervision of clerical staff and shop floor employees. A frontline manager has some specific roles like people management, managing operational costs, organization work allocation, monitoring work processes, checking quality, dealing with customers/clients and measuring operational performance. The main contribution for HR is people management. management practices include: Performance appraisal Training, coaching and guidance Employee engagement (involvement and communication) Openness how easy is it for employees to discuss matters with their front line manager Work-life balance Recognition the extent to which employees feel their contribution is recognized. People

All these are the activities of an effective HRM. And the above people management steps are carried out by frontline managers.

Moreover, operational level work can always make the image of the company poor or good in the eyes of the customers therefore, if the front-line workers are rightly managed and controlled by the front-line manager then it can improve the overall image of the company. (Wright, et al, 1998)

TASK 02 2.1 Identify separate factors; say how they are related and how each one contributes to the need for human resource planning. There are several factors affects the HRP. These factors affect the supply and demand of staff. Mostly affecting and contributing factors are as follows: The type of organization determines the production process, type of staff, (supervisor and manager). And the strategy plan of the organization defines its HR needs. Organizational growth cycle and planning start up, growth, maturity, decline Environmental uncertainty political, social and economical change affect all organizations. Outsourcing the process by which employees transfer routine or peripheral work to the another organizations Nature of job - job vacancies, promotions and expansion strategies Type and quality of forecasting information - organizational structure, budgets, production Time horizons long term plans and short term plans, the greater the uncertainty the shorter the plan. ICBT, 2009. [Unit guide]

Organisational growth cycle and planning Type and strategy of organization Environ mental Uncertain ties

Time horizons Outsourcing

Type and Quality of forecasting Information

Nature of job


2.2 Write down necessary information required for HRP. Internal resources Net migration into and out of the area Education levels of work force Demographic changes in population Technological developments and shifts Population Mobility Demand for specific skills National, regional unemployment rates Actions of competing employers Government policies, regulations, pressures Economic Forecasts for the next few years

2.3 What are the stages involved in the HRP? The stages involved in the HRP are as follows: Analysis of the current staff and the past trends Analysis of the organizations future human resource requirements Analysis of the matches or the mismatches between HR demand and supply forecasts Evaluating the options Selection of the best alternatives and implementation of the HR plans (ICBT, 2009, Unit guide)


2.4 Compare the structured recruitment process in two organizations. 2.4.1 Recruitment process of Dialog

Identify vacancy Prepare job description and person specification Advertising the vacancy Managing the response Short-listing Arrange interviews

The recruitment process is immediately followed by the selection process Dialog uses the following as their recruitment methods commercial recruitment agencies Promotions internal recruitment

2.4.2 Recruitment process of Mobitel Mobitel uses both internal and external recruitment. The sources that MOBITEL uses to attract applicants are: Inviting applications through advertisement Recommendations from the head hunters Applications obtained from the data bank of MOBITEL where direct applications are received from time to time. Process Develop & implement recruiting strategy bearing in mind relevant legislation. Decide whether recruitment will take place externally or internally. Select methods of the recruitment (for example job posting, personnel agencies & advertising) Engage in recruitment.

2.5 Evaluate the methods and media available for recruitment. There are several recruitment media in HRM. Mostly used medias are as follows:

Internal recruitment - this method can have the advantage of building on existing staff's skills and training, and provides opportunities for development and promotion. It is a good way to retain valuable employees whose skills can be further enhanced.

Job Centers of the Department for Work and Pensions - will display employers' vacancies and refer potential recruits. They also administer some of the Government training programs.

Learning and Skills Council - may well have trained workers available through their recruitment service, and can tailor training to an employer's requirements Commercial recruitment agencies - often specialize in particular types of work, e.g. secretarial, office work, industrial, computing, and might already have potential applicants registered with them

Local schools, colleges and the Careers Service - maintaining contact with schools, colleges and careers advisers will ensure that the organizations needs for school/college leavers with particular skills and abilities are known.

Word of mouth - introduction via existing employees or through an employers' network. Whilst this may be economical, it is likely to lead to a much smaller pool of suitable applicants and does not normally satisfy equal opportunities requirements because any imbalance in the workforce may be perpetuated.

Promotions- The employees are promoted from one department to another with more benefits and greater responsibility based on efficiency and experience. (ICBT, 2009, Handout)

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2.6 Discuss a range of alternative selection methods available. Interviews Aptitude test Behavior-based interviews Training and experience evaluations Character Tests- Character tests help managers avoid hiring problem employees. Character tests expose Work Ethic, Trustworthiness and Substance Abuse. Psychometric testing (ICBT, 2009, Unit guide)

2.7 Evaluate the interview as a selection technique. Evaluating interview, analyses the advantages and disadvantages of interviews. Advantages Disadvantages they can be very time-consuming: setting up, interviewing, transcribing, analyzing, feedback, reporting they can be costly Different interviewers may understand and transcribe interviews in different ways. It can create bias situation Underestimations can be made by the appearance they are useful to obtain detailed information about personal feelings, perceptions and opinions they allow more detailed questions to be asked they usually achieve a high response rate respondents' own words are recorded ambiguities can be clarified and incomplete answers followed up precise wording can be tailored to respondent and precise meaning of questions clarified (e.g. for students with English as a Second Language) interviewees are not influenced by others in the group Some interviewees may be less self-conscious in a one-to-one situation.

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2.8 Compare selection practices and procedures in two organizations. 2.8.1 Selection practices and procedure of Dialog Dialog uses variety of selection procedures. The procedure for Call centre selection is as follows: An open invitation to employees who are willing to join Call centre is announced, then Preliminary interview Psychometric testing- Testing the personality In-tray exercise test the typing and other working skills Presentation Language test Selection decisions For executive and managerial posts, Application Collecting Aptitude test Presentations Group discussion Oral/ face to face interviews Selection decisions

2.8.2 Selection practices and procedure of Mobitel The HR Department then issue call letters to the short listed candidates along with blank application forms by Date, time and venue for the preliminary interview is advised and candidates are asked to bring along completed application forms. A two-member panel of HR and line management carries out competency-based interviews focusing on functional skills and managerial and supervisory skills.

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After the preliminary interview is cleared people applying for different jobs are tested in different ways Communication skills Resource management Rational decision making Influencing Creative thinking Business development

The HR department is responsible for overall administration of the assessment centre including training of the assessors

2.9 Evaluate the best selection practice. Normally a single selection method is not effective. According to the evaluations it is good to have at least two selection methods. The best combination is interviews and work test. The interview can be panel, serial or on to one. During interview applicant also has a chance to ask questions about the job and the company. For the applicant, the main purpose of the selection interview is to get the information, which can help him/her to make an informed decision of whether to accept the job. Selection interview enhances the reliability of pre-process (such as application form and reference test). Actions speak louder than words. It is also an opportunity for both ends to clarify misunderstands between them. A trend in selection is to allow applicants to perform activities that closely approximate those they will actually perform on a job. These tests may be part of the supplemental application form or they may be administered during an interview. Performance on the test is assumed to represent an applicant's performance in an actual job situation. This combination can be a good selection method.

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Conclusion The project has analyzed the basis of HRM, HRP, recruitment and selection processes. Task one clearly shows the difference between personnel management and the modern HRM. It showed the activities of HRM, importance of HR practitioner and contribution of line managers in effective HRM. Task two has analyzed the need of HRP, importance of HRP and information needed to HRP. Also analyzed the recruitment processes and methods of recruitment. Selection is also been analyzed under task two. The theories of HRM and the processes are been clearly sowed by comparing the HRM activities and practices in the selected organizations. The selected organizations are Dialog and Mobitel. Both organizations are telecommunication service providers and the they maintain effective HR departments. So, the comparisons between both organizations have provided a better view of HRM.

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Reference Institute of Personnel Management Australia, 1995. Personnel management.India: Mital publications ICBT, 2009. [Handout] ICBT, 2009. [Unit guide] M.Armstong, 2007.A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice.10th ed.UK.Cambridge University press. P.M.Wright, G.C.McMahan, S.A.Snell, B.Gerhart, 1998. Comparing Line and HR Executives Perceptions of HR Effectiveness: Services, Roles, and Contributions.USA: CAHRS.

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