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Solutions Intermediate Test 3

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Solutions Intermediate Test 3

1 Translate:

1. Uniforma je oblečení, které nosí sestřičky, vojáci nebo policisté. 2. Letuška nebo stevard je osoba, jejíž
prací je starat se o cestující v letadle. 3. Nemyslím si, že studium na univerzitě je ztráta času. 4. John si
myslí, že lidé s vysokoškolským vzděláním by měli být placeni více. 5. Moje sestra, která miluje zvířata,
chce být veterinářem. 6. Manažeři se rozhodli zavřít továrnu. 7. Prosím, vyplňte si svou žádost. 8. Můj
strýc, který je právník, vydělává spoustu peněz. 9. Joan se vždy zajímala o péči o děti. 10. Když byl
mladý, byl pevně rozhodnutý stát se řídícím letového provozu.

1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10 x 3 = 30

2 Combine the two sentences to make one complex sentence. Include the information in the second
sentence as a non-defining relative clause:

1 I travelled to Newcastle. I was born there in 1996.

2 Kelly and Steve got married on Sunday. They moved to Norwich.
3 Our neighbours are called Paul and Joanna. Their daughter is in my class.
4 Ally is in charge of the sales office. She finds it challenging.
5 I work as a telesales operator in a call centre. It is a boring job.
6 Twelve people work in this team. They are all reliable.
7 Burford is a small town in England. My grandmother lives there.

7 x 2 = 14
3 Complete with the correct relative pronoun and add commas if the clause is non-defining:

8 My job ............... involves a lot of travelling is quite well paid.

9 Andrew ............... is Canadian supervises the football team.
10 The school ............... I studied is 100 years old this year.
11 Jon ............... wife is Chinese speaks six different languages very well.
12 This job is suitable for a person ............... ambition is to become an astronaut.
13 The thing ............... I find most stressful about my job is doing paperwork.
14 The work ............... we do in our lessons is always fun.


4 Add question tags to the statements:

1 They don’t think teaching is easy, ........................ ?

2 You aren’t applying for the manager’s job, ........................ ?
3 You weren’t doing your homework when she came home, ........................ ?
4 You won't leave your job, ........................ ?
5 Peter’s been on holiday all week, ........................ ?
6 Your manager wanted to give you a better job, ........................ ? She's very kind!


5 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. There are three verbs that you do not need:

answer play be deal decide do control earn serve supervise use

1 Is it your responsibility to ................. the customers as quickly as possible in this shop?

2 If you’re a coal miner, you don’t have to ................. with the public at all.
3 I hate it when I have to ................. a computer for work.
4 Famous footballers ................. more money from advertising than from playing football.
5 Nobody wants to ................. in charge of the marketing office.
6 We ................. manual work and we like it – it’s quite rewarding.
7 It is my job to ................. the phone when customers call with questions.
8 I'm the manager of a large team so I have to ................. .lots of people.

8 x 2 = 16
6 Choose the correct answers:

1 Belinda is ......... . She always works hard and completes jobs on time.
a conscientious b flexible c polite
2 I always believe what Michael tells me because he’s extremely ......... .
a energetic b self-motivated c trustworthy
3 Neil is a good leader and he knows what he is good at. He is really ......... .
a confident b co-operative c creative
4 Fran loves working in a team. She’s really ......... .
a co-operative b fit c polite
5 Jerry can usually think of new ways of doing things. He is very ......... .
a creative b self-motivated c trustworthy
6 Do you refuse to let anyone stop you doing what you want to do? Are you ......... ?
a co-operative b determined c flexible
7 Mark always gets so much done in a day. He’s really ......... .
a creative b hard-working c thoughtful


7 Complete the text with an appropriate word in each gap:

Later this year, sixteen-year-old Kayla Heard will become the youngest graduate from Washington State
University. Kayla, 1.................... could talk when she was one, graduated from high school when she was
ten. However, now she studies at home, 2.................... she accesses her social sciences course through
WSU Online. Hard-working Kayla, 3.................... parents felt it wouldn't be good to send her to a
university while she was still very young, is grateful 4.................... the opportunity to study at home. “I
want to continue my education online because of the convenience,” Kayla says. “And, 5.................... my
view, the classes online are slightly more challenging than the ones at university. Later on, I plan to get a
Master's degree when I'm working, so I can get some classroom experience at that time, 6....................
necessary.” Kayla's mother Marlyn, 7.................... knew Kayla was different at an early age, says, “When
she was a baby, she respected paper. She didn't tear it up, 8.................... is quite unusual. She looked at
the pictures or writing on it, as if she wanted to know what it said. .................... the other hand, when my
son was a baby, he put the paper in his mouth!” Kayla has already passed the law school entry test, so she
is going to spend the summer applying to different law schools. Kayla, 10.................... enjoys travelling
and learning about foreign cultures, says she’s interested in doing an online course in international law.
She also says she wants to work abroad, possibly in Asia.

10 x 1 = 10
8 Listen to five people talking about their work. Match the speakers with the statements. There is
one statement you do not need:

Speaker 1 .........
Speaker 2 .........
Speaker 3 .........
Speaker 4 .........
Speaker 5 .........
A I work alone most of the time.
B My personality helps me to deal with the pressures of the job.
C I am responsible for supervising others.
D I do most of my work online.
E I have a well-paid job.
F I get on well with the people I work with.
5 x 3 = 15

9 Read the text and decide if the statement is true or false:

A degree in what?
How many people in the world have a university degree in enigmatology? Well, not many. As a matter of
fact, the number of enigmatology graduates in the whole world is just one: a man whose job it is to design
puzzles for newspapers and magazines. American Will Shortz is an author and crossword editor. He has
worked on over a hundred books, and he owns the world’s largest collection of puzzle books and
magazines. The oldest title in his collection was published in 1545! And because his work is also his
hobby, he has always been interested in learning as much as possible about the subject. Obviously,
because he is the only enigmatologist in the world, there were no university professors who could teach
him. He did not go to lectures and classes like his fellow students. Shortz designed his own research
programme, which the university accepted, and he completed his course and received his bachelor’s
degree from Indiana University in 1974. So the question remains, what exactly is enigmatology? It is the
study of puzzles: their types, their history, and their popularity. It’s a mixture of history, maths, logic and
cultural studies. There were some people who criticised the university for offering a course in such a
strange subject, and they were also critical of Shortz, claiming that he had taken advantage of Indiana
University’s flexibility. But Shortz has his fans too, such as the former US president Bill Clinton. He sent
Shortz a personal note on his 50th birthday because he loves the New York Times crossword, which
Shortz edits. Shortz has also been a guest on several television shows, including an episode of the famous
cartoon The Simpsons, and the comedy series How I Met Your Mother, where he played himself.

1 Shortz’s occupation is to write puzzles for university graduates. .......

2 Shortz has worked on all the titles in his collection. .......
3 Shortz did original research and graduated from an American university. .......
4 Some people didn’t think enigmatology was a real and appropriate university course. .......
5 Bill Clinton sent Shortz a note on his birthday because they’re friends. .......

5 x 3 = 15
max = 120

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