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8th Test Inspectie

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1. Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past
Simple, the Past Continuous, the Present Perfect, the Present Perfect Continuous or
the Past Perfect.
Last month I ………………………….. (1 go) to visit a bungee jumping club with
my parents and my cousin. I ………………………….. (2 not see) a jump station before
so I was surprised it was so high up. My cousin ………………………….. (3 jump) for
more than a year. While my parents………………………….. (4 have) a cup of tea, I
……………………... (5 stand) at the bottom of the jump station to watch the people go
up. Then, one of the attendants said “It’s your turn.” I ………………………….. (6
realise) I ………………... (7 stand) in the queue! I didn’t know what to say but I really
wanted to jump, so I ………………. (8 go) up. I was really scared. The attendant said :
‘Wait a minute. ……… you ………………. (9 do) this before? Can I see your card?’
‘No,’ I cried. ‘I ………………………….. (10 never do) it in my life. Please, get me
down. It’s a terrible mistake!’

2. Fill in: The, a, an or --- (leave blank)

1. I have just had __________ great idea.
2. Columbus was one of __________ first people to cross __________ Atlantic.
3. __________ British drink too much tea.
4. __________ Thames flows into __________ North Sea.
5. Judith earns € 2000 __________ month.
6. Dancing is __________ more interesting activity than reading.
7. As __________ captain of __________ ship I have __________ complete authority. 8.
__________ people we met on __________ holiday in __________ north of England
came from __________ USA.
9. What’s on __________ TV today?
10. He was doing eighty miles __________ hour on __________ motorway.
11. How many hours do you work on __________ average?
12. You are __________ first to reach the top.
13. The people who live in __________ Netherlands are called __________ Dutch.
14. The burglar hit me on __________ back of my neck.
15. __________ Football is his whole life.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the purpose expressions in brackets. Make
the necessary changes.
1.She calls a meeting because she wants to hear everyone's opinion. (in order to)

2.Some firms had to close as they didn't want to go bankrupt. (in order not to)

3.Peter locked his bedroom door because he didn't want his sister to disturb him. (so that)

4.he calls a meeting because she wants to hear everyone's opinion. (in order to)

5.Susan lifts her son onto her shoulder. The boy wants to see the parade. (so that)

6.She went to Lisbon because she wanted to buy some clothes for her children. (so that)

4.Read the sentences. Use the words given in capitals at the end to form a word that
fits in the space.
1. Use the …………………..from encyclopedia and what your parents can tell
2. Even in his……………………….there wasn’t a safe place to play football.
3. My dad’s just got a new job but my mum is still………………………
4. I don’t believe there’s a ………………….. between your having the flu and
the TV not working. CONNECT
5. Look what the ……………………. has done. We found all these dead fish in
the river. POLLUTE

5. Write a composition entitled “That’s what friends are for” (50-100 words)

Marking scheme

1. 10 x 2 points = 20 points
1. went 2. hadn’t seen 3. has been jumping 4. were having 5. was standing 6. realised 7.
was standing 8. went up 9. have done 10. have never done

2. 5 x 2 points = 10 points
a. Mary didn’t know anybody in the States.
b. Nobody did anything wrong.
c.There wasn’t anybody in the computer room.
d. Peter never swims in the sea.
e. It’s important not to panic in case of an earthquake.

3. 5 x 2 points = 10 points
a. He swims every day despite the fact that/even though it is rather cold./ He swims every
day despite being rather cold.
b. I walked home despite the fact that/even though it was raining. / I walked home
despite the rain.
c. She likes her job despite the fact that/even though she has a low salary. / She likes her
job despite her low salary.
d. We weren’t close friends despite the fact that/even though we went to university
together./ We weren’t close friends despite going to university together.
e. I couldn’t sleep despite the fact that/although I was very tired./ I couldn’t sleep despite
being very tired.

4. 10 x 2 points = 20 points
1. I’m angry with him for telling lies about me.
2. Are you afraid of him?
3. Are you interested in football?
4. He is good at playing chess.
5. Why are you so angry about it?
6. Everyone was surprised by the news.
7. Mary is fond of animals.
8. We stayed at home because Mary wasn't very keen on going out in the rain.
9. I'm very bad at repairing things.
10. I'm sorry for shouting at you yesterday.

5. 30 points
10 points for correct grammar structures and connectors
5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary
5 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task
5 points for the cohesion of the text
3 points for a balanced structure (introduction, content, conclusion)
2 points for the general impression

10 points granted

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