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Agreement For Connecting Solar Energy System To The Distribution System of The Licensee

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Agreement for Connecting Solar Energy System To The Distribution System Of The Licensee

This Memorandum of Agreement is made on ………..….day of ………………….. Year …………

between…………………………………………………, the eligible consumer (herein after referred to
as ‘consumer’), residing at ……………………………………………………………………………
as first party and the Kerala State Electricity Board Limited, a company incorporated under the Indian
Companies Act, 1956 (Central Act 1 of 1956) having its registered office at Vydyuthi, Bhavanam,
Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram, represented by Shri ……………………………………………………...
Here in after referred to as “KSEB Limited” (which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant
to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to include its successors, representatives and assignees)
as second party of the agreement; Whereas, the consumer has installed a solar energy system at the
premises owned and possessed by him and has requested KSEB Limited to provide connectivity to the
said plant.
The KSEB Limited agrees to provide to the consumer, a Solar Plant Identification Number (SPIN)
………………………………. as scheduled in the agreement for the electricity generated from the
above plant having capacity ……. kWp as per conditions of this agreement and the regulations or orders
issued by the Kerala State regulatory Commission, from time to time; And whereas the consumer has
in addition to those automatic and inbuilt isolation devices within the inverter and external manual
relays installed, a manually operated isolating switch and associated equipment with sufficient
safeguards between the solar energy system and the distribution system of KSEB Limited to prevent
injection of electricity from his solar energy system to the distribution system of the licensee when the
distribution system is de-energized; And whereas, the consumer has assured that in case of a power
outage in the system of KSEB Limited, his/her plant will not inject power into the distribution system
of the licensee and has produced separately the documents substantiating this assurance which form
part of this agreement, as if incorporated herein;
And whereas, the consumer has undertaken that all the equipment connected to the distribution system
comply with relevant international (IEEE/IEC) or Indian Standards (BIS) and that installation of
electrical equipment comply with the relevant provisions of the Central Electricity Authority (Measures
relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010;

And whereas, the consumer undertakes that he/she is in possession of all the necessary approvals and
clearances, including sanction from Electrical Inspector, as specifies in relevant regulations for
connecting the solar energy system to the distribution system for commissioning the solar energy

And whereas, the consumer has provided the solar meter and the net meter at his/her cost, which has
been tested, certified and installed by KSEB Limited.

Now, therefore, both the parties hereby agree as follows:

1. The net-metering connection shall be governed by the provisions contained in the Kerala State
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grid Interactive Distributed Solar Energy Systems)
Regulations 2014 as amended from time to time and also subject to the condition that the solar
energy system meets the requirement as per the provisions contained in Central Electricity
Authority (Technical Standard for Connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources)
Regulations, 2013.
2. KSEB Limited shall have the sole authority to decide, based on the results of necessary studies,
the interface/interconnection point to the solar energy system.
3. If the consumer’s solar energy system either causes damage to and/or produces adverse effects
affecting other consumers or assets of KSEB Limited, the consumer will have to disconnect the
solar energy system immediately from the distribution system, upon direction from the KSEB
Limited and correct the defect at his own expense, prior to reconnection.
4. KSEB Limited shall have access to the net metering equipment and disconnecting means for
the solar energy system in all required situations.
5. KSEB Limited shall have the right to disconnect solar energy system from the distribution
system of the licensee in emergency, if it is found that at that point in time providing service
through the net metering system is not safe to the grid as a whole.
6. (a) The consumer indemnifies KSEB Limited for the damages or adverse effects, if any, from
the negligence or intentional defective operation in the connection and operation of the solar
energy system of the consumer.
(b) The consumer indemnifies the consumer for the damages or adverse effects, if any, from
the negligence or intentional defective operation in the connection and operation of the
distribution system of KSEB Limited.
7. KSEB Limited shall not be liable for delivery to or re energization by the eligible consumer of
any fiscal or other incentives provided by the Central/State Government or any other
8. All the commercial settlements under this agreement shall follow the provisions of the Kerala
State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grid Interactive Distributed Solar Energy Systems)
Regulations, 2014.
9. The consumer may terminate this agreement after giving thirty days (30 days) clear notice in
writing to the authorized authority of the licensee.
10. KSEB Limited has the right to terminate this agreement at any point in time after giving 30
days’ prior notice, if the consumer breaches any terms of this agreement and in cases where
such breaches could be rectified and the same are not provided/informed within 30 days of
written from KSEB Limited about the breach.
11. The consumer agrees that upon termination of this agreement, he must disconnect the solar
energy system from distribution system of KSEB Limited in a timely manner to the satisfaction
of KSEB Limited.
12. The consumer shall have the right to bank and use the electricity generated and injected in
excess over his/her full consumption, into the distribution system of the licensee by the solar
energy system, subject to the conditions specified in the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Grid Interactive Distributed Solar Energy Systems) Regulations, 2014.
13. The consumer shall have the right to open access for wheeling the electricity generated in
excess by 500 units over the consumption, by the solar energy system, installed in the premises
of the consumer detailed under item II of the schedule attached and shall be used in the premises
owned by the consumer and in the order of preference as detailed under item III of the attached
14. The licensee shall within seven days from the date of execution of this agreement commission
the solar energy system.
15. The licensee shall pay for the net energy banked by the consumer at the end of the settlement
period at the average pooled purchase cost of electricity as approved by the Commission for
that year, as provided for in the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grid
Interactive Distributed Solar Energy Systems) Regulations, 2014.
In witness where of the said…………………………………………….(1 st party) and the said
……………………………………………………………………(2nd party) have here unto
signed at…………………………………………..the day and year first above written

Sd/-….……………………………….. (1st party)

Witness 1…………………………….

Witness 2……………………………

Sd/-….……………………………….. (2nd party)

Witness 1…………………………….

Witness 2……………………………

I. Particulars regarding the consumer at whose premises the solar energy system is installed :

Name of Consumer:
Permanent Address of the Consumer:

Consumer Number, Code & Category:

Voltage at which supply is availed:

Connected Load/ Contract Demand:

II. Details of Premises where the Solar Energy System is installed:

(i) Address of the premises where the
Solar Energy System is installed :

(ii) Solar Meter Details

(a) Meter No. & Make :
(b) Initial readings :

(iii) Net Meter Details

(a) Meter No. & Make :
(b) Initial readings :

(iv) Particulars of the Solar Energy System:

Sl.No Description Data

i Solar Plant Identification Number (SPIN)*

ii Capacity of Solar Energy System

iii Details of Distribution Transformer to

which plant is connected
iv Corporation/Muncipality/Panchayat

v Village & Survey Number

vi Location( Attach a Location Map )


III. Particulars of premises where generation exceeding the consumption by 500 units in a
month from the solar energy system as detailed under II above as intended to be used in
the order of preference.

Order of preferred Consumer Tariff Category Name of Electrical

Premise number/s of the Section

Preference 1

Preference 2

Preference 3

1st Party

2nd Party

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