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A) Was it successful or not? Why?

 Yes, it’s successful. It’s the first recipe that we
baked and we were able to come up with moist,
sweet and chewy coconut macaroons.

B) Comparison among other macaroons that you’ve

 I can’t make any comparison among other
macaroons as it’s my first time to taste something
like this and I’m grateful enough that I made it
this time. It’s so good. A perfect dessert in
anytime you wish.

C) Feedback from others:

 It’s delicious, moist, but a little too sweet. The
desiccated coconut is a little tough to chew and that you need to munch it a little longer.

D) Issues occurred during the baking process:

 The heat inside the oven isn’t balanced that’s why the colors of the coconut macaroons aren’t the
same as you can see in the picture above.

E) Suggestion:
 Next time, use a desiccated coconut that is something tenderer and a good class one. For the issue
about the unbalanced color, make sure that the preheating time is followed with the right


A) Was it successful or not? Why?

 Yes, it’s successful. It’s my second time to bake something like this and I can say this is more fruitful
than my baking experience in my past junior years. I
and my group mates enjoyed the whole process.

B) Comparison among other chocolate chip cookies T

that you’ve tasted:
 The others that I’ve tasted were more chocolaty,
sweet and crunchy, nevertheless, this one is great
also, and the sweetness is fair enough for people
with low sugar taste.

C) Feedback from others:

 It’s good, but next time, put more chocolate chips to
the cookie dough.

D) Issues occurred during the baking process:

 We struggled a little on the molding process of the cookie dough because our baking utensils were
incomplete. We need to refrigerate the cookie dough before we bake it in the oven but because we
don’t have refrigerator for our baking class, we need to carry our cookie trays and go down at the
school canteen where the refrigerator is.

E) Suggestion:
 Add more chocolate chips to the cookie dough.
 The management should have at least 2 or more refrigerator for the baking purposes.


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A) Was it successful or not? Why?

 This wasn’t successful. We weren’t able to
come up with the desired product, its more or
like a pudding though it’s something fair.

B) Comparison among other banana chiffon cakes

that you’ve tasted:
 The others that I’ve tasted were much better
than ours.

C) Feedback from others:

 Nice try. Next time, be responsible enough
with all the ingredients measurements.

D) Issues occurred during the baking process:

 The batter didn’t rise due to the baking
powder that we used.
 We got difficult in separating the egg whites and the egg yolks and adding that the egg isn’t
that fresh so the egg yolks brakes easily.

E) Suggestion:
 Take care of the baking powder. Make sure it’s sealed carefully so that air can’t get unto it.
 Buy fresh eggs, make sure it’s not an old stock and handle it with care when separating the
egg whites and its egg yolk especially when it’s designed for meringue.


A) Was it successful or not? Why?

 The same with the banana chiffon cake, we
weren’t able to come up with a good enough
B) Comparison among other cream cheese frosting
that you’ve tasted:
 In my 16 years of existence, I never knew the
different kinds of frosting not until now. (^-^) I
mean, I just eat them. It taste good, soft and
creamy but ours has a little flaw. For me, it’s
too sweet and I can feel the confectioner’s
sugar that isn’t melted thoroughly.

C) Feedback from others:

 Just like my comment, it’s too sweet. The
confectioner’s sugar exceeds and it’s not well

D) Issues occurred during the frosting process:

 It’s a little bit tiring to handle the hand mixer though it’s management.

E) Suggestion:
 Watch for the confectioner’s sugar. Make sure it’s well melted as you mix but don’t forget not
to over mix to retain the stiffness of the frosting.
 Take turns in using the electric hand mixer. Don’t hesitate to ask any one in your group to
take turn.


Page 2

A) Was it successful or not? Why?

 Yes it’s successful. The process was
done smoothly and the product output
was something worth it.

B) Comparison among other chocolate

cupcakes that you’ve tasted:
 Ours is better than the others. Its taste
and texture is perfect especially when
it’s blended with its butter cream

C) Feedback from others:

 Great job. It’s moist and tasty.

D) Issues occurred during the baking

 The cupcakes pop over a little but all in all it’s fine.

E) Suggestion:
 Next time, make sure to put the right amount of butter to the cupcake liners to avoid pop


A) Was it successful or not? Why?

 Yes, at last we’ve done it as desired
this time.

B) Comparison among other butter cream

frosting that you’ve tasted:
 They are alike. We’ve done it correctly
this time. It’s very soft and creamy.

C) Feedback from others:

 Taste good.

D) Issues occurred during the frosting

 None so far. This time we took turns over the electric hand mixer.

E) Suggestion:
 Continue the good start.


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A) Was it successful or not? Why?

 Yes, it’s successful. For me, it’s the best
output that we’ve baked except for the
salty Swiss Meringue (color pink as you
can see in the picture).

B) Comparison among other vanilla cupcakes

that you’ve tasted:
 It’s much better than the others that I’ve
tasted, considering also that we were the
ones who baked it and we knew what’s in
it. It’s so fluffy and mouth-watering.

C) Feedback from others:
 It’s very delicious but takes away the
frosting, it’s salty.

D) Issues occurred during the baking process:

 The same with the chocolate cupcakes, it popped over a little. And for the frosting, I didn’t
taste it before I used it. It’s our teacher who managed it so I think it’s fine. Other than that,
it’s none so far.

E) Suggestion:
 Be attentive next time. Make sure to check it on yourself before doing the next move.


A) Was it successful or not? Why?

 Yes, it’s successful. It has a little difference
from the other frosting process, as we need
to cook it for the sugar to melt before mixing
it using the electric hand mixer. The frosting
is so good. It’s so smooth and silky in the

B) Comparison among other Swiss Meringue

Frosting that you’ve tasted:
 Our frosting taste and looks good but for the
comparison among others, I can’t make any.
I don’t know if I tasted something like this
before though all their frostings are fine too.

C) Feedback from others:

 The one with green color is fine but the
pinkish one is salty.

D) Issues occurred during the baking process:

 The other half of our frosting taste bad because the powdered food color added on it was too
much. Supposedly, gel food color is the recommended one but we weren’t able to buy gel
food color.

E) Suggestion:
 Use gel food color instead of powdered one.
 NOTE: When using powdered food color, make sure to check, taste it if it’s still good.


Page 4

A) Was it successful or not? Why?

 Yes, it’s successful. The process was a bit
tiring when you do all he mixing alone
because the electric hand mixer was the
ones used for the entire mixing process but as
suggested, we took turns.

B) Comparison among other cheese bars that

you’ve tasted:
 Ours is softer and cheesier than the
others that I’ve tasted.

C) Feedback from others:

 They love it. It’s delightful.

D) Issues occurred during the baking process:

 The whole cheese bar wasn’t equal as it
rises maybe because of the heat that’s not balanced or the oven rack that’s not balanced.

E) Suggestion:
 Take time to check the oven for some technicalities.


A) Was it successful or not? Why?

 Yes, it was successful. The process was easier than the cheese bar as we just mixed all the
ingredients using a wire whisk and
poured it in the baking pan. See,
no electric hand mixer used.

B) Comparison among other caramel bars

that you’ve tasted:
 Ours tastes good than the others
that’s I’ve tasted. Ours was milkier
and softer when chewed. I love
the peanuts on top but I love the
caramel bar more. (^-*)

C) Feedback from others:

 It tastes good. So soft and not so
sweet, just right.

D) Issues occurred during the baking

 Just like the cheese bar, it’s not
leveled. The other side is thick while the other side is thinner.
E) Suggestion:
 Check the oven for technicalities. We weren’t able to check it because the oven is hot and
it’s time to bake caramel bar as soon as we removed the cheese bar from it.



Page 5
A) Was it successful or not? Why?
 Yes, it’s successful. The texture was great, moist and fluffy.

B) Comparison among other chiffon cakes that

you’ve tasted:
 That were both competitive when it
comes to texture and the taste but as for
the toppings, I like theirs than ours. I
don’t like cheese that much but its fine
as long as my group mates enjoyed the
cooking process. We have different
preferences but sometimes we need to
consider others happiness. (^-^)
C) Feedback from others:
 It’s delicious; it’s like a sponge cake.
D) Issues occurred during the baking process:
 None so far. The cake was leveled this
 All the time, the problem of the oven was
the rack which goes upside down.

E) Suggestion:
 Next time, use frosting aside from cheese.


A) Was it successful or not? Why?

 Yes, it’s very much successful. We were able to come up with a real thing cake. It’s not that
easy though but we made it. Our
teacher did most of it but we
learned too. In fact, we are going
to make our own cake for our final
B) Comparison among other chocolate
cakes that you’ve tasted:
 We aren’t these experts in baking
but we’re decent in following
instructions, and that we come up
with this competitive chocolate
cake not only on the fluffy texture,
the appetizing taste but also the

C) Feedback from others:

 “It’s good, but the cocoa is I think too much and also the sugar.”-aunt Julie, (product output
commentator at home)

D) Issues occurred during the baking process:

 Leveling off the cake before the crumbing process was difficult; thanks to our teacher who
made it.
 It’s very much tiring to go up and down to the school canteen to wash the soiled utensils, to
refrigerate the cake every after putting the frosting from the crumbing until it’s fully

E) Suggestion:
 The school manager must design a better place for baking classes. Make sure that baking
utensils and equipment are complete and in good conditions for the students to work
efficiently. Although, the situation is understandable, the school is in an ongoing


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A) Was it successful or not? Why?
 Yes, it’s successful the taste is good.

B) Comparison among other macaroons that you’ve tasted:

 The one we baked was tastier than the one we bought in by the bakery because they save what
they put in dedicated coconut.

C) Feedback from others:

 It’s delicious, but the sugar was not enough.

D) Issues occurred during the baking process:

 For me, I didn’t see any struggle. The process was done smoothly.

E) Suggestion:
 Need to watch over the oven while baking because the colors of the macaroons are not equal.


A) Was it successful or not? Why?

 Yes, it was successful because we were able to come up with our desired output.

B) Comparison among other chocolate chip cookies that you’ve tasted:

 Ours was good but the others that I’ve tasted was I think better

C) Feedback from others:

 It’s crunchy and not too sweet.

D) Issues occurred during the baking

 We struggled a little on the molding process of the
cookie dough but then we were able to surpass this
and came up with a solution.

E) Suggestion:
 Add more chocolate chips to the cookie dough.
 Tell the management to buy refrigerator that is
designed for baking.



Page 8
A) Was it successful or not? Why?
 It’s not that successful. We failed with some circumstances.

B) Comparison among other banana

chiffon cakes that you’ve tasted:
 The others that I’ve tasted were much
better than ours.

C) Feedback from others:

 Better lucks next time. Be responsible
enough with all the ingredients that you

D) Issues occurred during the baking

 We also struggled in separating the egg
whites and the egg yolks and adding that the egg isn’t that fresh so the egg yolks brakes
 The batter didn’t rise due to the baking powder that we used.

E) Suggestion:
 Take care of the baking powder. Make sure it’s sealed carefully so that air can’t get unto it.
 Buy fresh eggs, make sure it’s not an old stock and handle it with care when separating the
egg whites and its egg yolk especially when it’s designed for meringue.


A) Was it successful or not? Why?

 It’s good enough. It’s just the confectioner’s sugar that was not melted perfectly that made a
B) Comparison among other cream cheese
frosting that you’ve tasted:
 The others that I’ve tasted were
better than ours. Theirs was finer.
C) Feedback from others:
 Just like my comment, it’s too sweet. The
confectioner’s sugar exceeds and it’s not
well blended.

D) Issues occurred during the frosting

 It’s a little bit tiring to handle the hand
mixer though it’s manageable.

E) Suggestion:
 Watch for the confectioner’s sugar. Make sure it’s well melted as you mix but don’t make
sure not to over mix to retain the stiffness of the frosting.
 Take turns in using the electric hand mixer. Don’t hesitate to ask any one in your group to
take turn.


Page 9

F) Was it successful or not? Why?

 Yes it’s successful. The process was done smoothly and the product output was something
worth it.

G) Comparison among other chocolate cupcakes that

you’ve tasted:
 Ours is better than the others. Ours is more
delicious and moist than the others.

H) Feedback from others:

 Lack of sugar but its good though.
I) Issues occurred during the baking process:
 The cupcakes pop over a little but all in all
it’s fine.

J) Suggestion:
 Next time, make sure to put the right amount of butter to the cupcake liners to avoid pop


A) Was it successful or not? Why?

 Yes, it’s successful. I love this frosting.

B) Comparison among other butter cream frosting that you’ve tasted:

 They are alike. We’ve done it correctly this time. It’s very soft and creamy.

C) Feedback from others:

 Smooth and creamy.
D) Issues occurred during the frosting
 None so far.

E) Suggestion:
 Continue the good start.


Page 10

A) Was it successful or not? Why?

 Yes, it’s successful.

B) Comparison among other vanilla cupcakes

that you’ve tasted:
 It’s much better than the others that I’ve
tasted, moist and fluffier.

C) Feedback from others:

 This is the best among the others that
you’ve baked. It taste so good.

D) Issues occurred during the baking process:

 The same with the chocolate cupcakes, it popped over a little. And for the frosting, I didn’t
taste it before I used it. It’s our teacher who managed it so I think it’s fine. Other than that,
it’s none so far.

E) Suggestion:
 Be attentive next time. Make sure to check it on yourself before doing the next move.


F) Was it successful or not? Why?

 Yes, it’s successful. The cooking part is challenging.

G) Comparison among other Swiss Meringue Frosting that you’ve tasted:

 Our frosting taste and looks good but for the
comparison among others, I can’t make any.
I don’t know if I tasted something like this
before though all their frostings are fine too.

H) Feedback from others:

 The one with green color is fine but the
pinkish one is salty.

I) Issues occurred during the baking process:

 The other half of our frosting taste bad
because the powdered food color added in it
was too much. Supposedly, gel food color is
the recommended one but we weren’t able
to buy gel food color.

J) Suggestion:
 Use gel food color instead of powdered one.


Page 11

A) Was it successful or not? Why?

 Yes, it’s successful. The process is a bit tiring when
you do all he mixing alone because the electric
hand mixer is the ones used for the entire mixing
process but as suggested, we took turns.

B) Comparison among other cheese bars that you’ve

 Ours is softer and cheesier than the others
that I’ve tasted.

C) Feedback from others:

 They love it. It’s very delightful.

D) Issues occurred during the baking process:

 The cheese on top was toasted a little.
E) Suggestion:
 Watch as it bakes. Don’t rely on the oven timer.


A) Was it successful or not? Why?

 Yes, it’s successful. The process is
easier than the cheese bar as
we just mix all the ingredients
using a wire whisk and pour it in
the baking pan. See, no electric
hand mixer used.

B) Comparison among other caramel

bars that you’ve tasted:
 Ours tastes better than the
others that’s I’ve tasted.

C) Feedback from others:

 Creamier as it’s chewed.

D) Issues occurred during the baking

 The caramel bar’s edges were toasted a little, dark brown in color but it’s still good.
E) Suggestion:
 Check the oven every now and then.

Page 12
F) Was it successful or not? Why?
 Yes, it’s successful. The texture is great, moist and fluffy.

G) Comparison among other chiffon cakes that

you’ve tasted:
 They are both competitive when it
comes to texture and the taste but as for
the toppings, I like theirs than ours. I
don’t like cheese that much but its
fine as long as I see that my group
mates are enjoying it. We have
different preferences but sometimes we
need to consider others happiness. (^-
H) Feedback from others:
 It’s delicious; it’s like a sponge cake.
I) Issues occurred during the baking process:
 None so far. The cake is leveled this time.
 All the time, the problem of the oven is that the rack of the oven is upside down.

J) Suggestion:
 Next time, use frosting aside from cheese.


A. Was it successful or not? Why?

 Yes, it’s very much successful. We were able to come up with a real thing cake. It’s not that
easy though but we made it. Our teacher did most of it but we learned too. In fact, we are
going to make our own cake for our final output.
B. Comparison among other chocolate cakes that you’ve
 We aren’t these experts in baking but
we’re decent in following instructions, and
that we come up with this competitive
chocolate cake not only on the fluffy
texture, the appetizing taste but also the

C. Feedback from others:

 “It’s good, but the cocoa is I think too
much and also the sugar.”-aunt Julie,
(product output commentator at home)

D. Issues occurred during the baking process:.

 It’s very much tiring to go up and down to the school canteen to wash the soiled utensils, to
refrigerate the cake every after putting the frosting from the crumbing until it’s fully
E. Suggestion:
 The school manager must design a better place for baking classes.


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