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Grade 10-Food Processing DLP (Timtim, Liezl E..)

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E 9

Date: April 12, 2023

Name: Liezl E. Timtim
Learning Area: TLE-10
Quarter: 3rd Grading
Duration: 1 Day

I. Objectives:
At the end of the class, the students will be able to:

A. Knowledge- Identify the Basic Ingredients in Baking

B. Skills- Demonstrate the proper way of measuring dry and liquid ingredients in baking.3
C. Attitude- Value the importance of accurate measurement

II. Subject Matter



III. Instructional Materials

 Printed materials
 Manila Paper
 Marker
 Visual aids

IV. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Awareness

A.1 Prayer
Please all stand for a prayer.
_________, please lead the prayer. In the name of the father.....

A.2 Greetings
Good Afternoon, Class. Good Afternoon, Ma'am.
How are you today? (answers may vary)

A.3 Checking of Attendance

(answers may vary)
Okay class, who are absent this

A.4 Recapitalization
(Student raises her hand)
Before we proceed, who can recall
Last meeting, we discussed about the vinegar
about our lesson last meeting?
Yes, ______?

Okay, Very Good! It seems like you are now

ready for our next lesson.

A.5 Motivation

Have you ever experience eating baked Yes, ma’am.

products like cake, pies, and tarts?
It’s taste good ma’am. The texture is smooth and
Based on your experience of eating varieties the appearance is appealing to the eye.
of baked products. What can you say about
its taste, texture and appearance?

Very good.

Basically you all have the idea about its taste,

texture and appearance. Do you know that in
baking you need to put “LOVE” while
measuring and mixing the ingredients? To
make perfect ingredients you have to startup
with a good recipe. Just like in relationship
“love” is the foundation to make the
relationship stronger. Because before you
dive into relationship you need to know what
you really want. Just like the bakers, they
need to know what ingredients they are
going to use before they start baking their
ideal product.

B. Activity Yes, ma’am.

Okay class. We will be having a game.

Please count from one to five. Please group

yourselves according to your assigned (Counting)
number. Class listen very carefully to my
instruction. I have here 1 kind of baked
product (chocolate cupcake). Each group will
be given at least 5minutes to taste, think and
identify the ingredients used in the product.
Each group will have 1 representative to Yes, ma’am.
explain your answers.
Some only ma’am.
Are we clear class?

Are you sure on your answers class?

Ma’am maybe because the ingredients were

C. Analysis properly measured and well-blended according to
the recipe.
What do you think is the main reason behind
the good taste, texture and appearance of
the product?
Ma’am! (raising their hands).
Very good. Thank you for your answer.
Explaining answers: All-purpose flour, Sugar,
Who are the representatives of each group? cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, milk, egg,
Okay please explain to the class your

Group 1,2,3,4,5

Okay class your answers are all correct.

That’s the ingredients used in the product.

D. Abstraction
Today you will be able to know the basic
ingredients and how they are being measure Yes, ma’am.
Ma’am the basic ingredients are white and brown
Are you familiar with these ingredients? sugar, baking powder, margarine, milk and oil.

Who among you can identify these


Okay very good.

These ingredients are being measure in Some only ma’am.

different many ways.
Do you knowhow to measure these
ingredients accurately?

All-purpose flour
Baking powder
Ma’am because the liquid may tilt in the glass. You
cannot get the exact measurement if you will lift
the glass.
Why is it not advisable to lift the measuring
glass while measuring any liquid ingredients?
Ma’am because of the characteristics of the white
and brown sugar. The white sugar has light and
Definitely correct!
fine granules while brown sugar has heavy
Why do we need to measure the white and granules that need to be compacted to remove the
brown sugar in two different ways? excess air in the measuring cup.

You got it right! Yes ma’am. We are eager to learn in baking.

It seems that you are very attentive while I

am demonstrating the proper way of
measuring the ingredients.

D. Application

Since you already knew the proper

measuring of ingredients. I need a volunteer
to measure dry and liquid ingredients
accurately. (student measured 1 cup of flour)
1.Sift the flour
I need three volunteers and apply what you 2. Scoop the flour
have learned. ( assigning each volunteer in 3. Level off with the spatula
given ingredients)

You are going to measure 1 cup of flour.

How will you come up with the measuring of

flour? (student measured 1 cup of brown sugar)

Very good. Thank you. 1. Check if sugar is lumpy before measuring. Roll
out the lumps. Remove it
How can you measure brown sugar? 2. Scoop in to the measuring cup and pack
compactly until it follows the shape of cup when
Explain to your classmate what did you do. inverted.
Very good.
(student measured 1 cup of water)

1.Pour the water into the measuring glass up to

Last, demonstrate to us how to measure measuring mark. Do not lift the measuring glass.
liquid ingredients.

How did you do by measuring the water? It is important to measure the ingredients
according to the accurate measure to be able to
Thank you for our 3 volunteers. have good baked products.

Class, what is the importance of measuring

the ingredients accurately?

That is correct.

Precisely, measuring the ingredients makes

difference on how the recipe turns out. So
measure up with the good quality measuring
materials. You don’t need fancy and
expensive ones just like simple basic and
easy to use.

In life, making good relationship with others

is like measuring ingredients and putting
them together. We should be able to
correctly measure the things we share, say
Yes ma’am.
and do to others. Because too much or too
little of them might ruin the relationship they

Class, do you understand the proper way of

measuring the ingredients?

Okay let’s have a short quiz.

F. Assessment

Yes, ma’am.
G. Assignment
For your assignment, everybody please copy. Goodbye, ma’am.
On a ½ crosswise. Cite at least 5 reminders See you on Wednesday.
in measuring dry and liquid ingredients.

Do you understand?

Since its already time, Good bye class.

See you on Wednesday.

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