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DRRM Sci 128 Syllabus Template Long

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FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev.

0 10-July-2020


Bayambang, Pangasinan


1st Semester, S.Y 2020 – 2021



COURSE CODE Science 128

3 units
CLASS HOURS 18 weeks ( 54 hours)


To become an ASEAN Premier State University by 2020.
UNIVERSITY The Pangasinan State University, through instruction, research, extension and production, commits to develop highly principled, morally
MISSION upright, innovative and globally competent individuals capable of meeting the needs of industry, public service and civil society.
QUALITY The Pangasinan State University shall be recognized as an ASEAN premier state university that provides quality education and
POLICY satisfactory service delivery through instruction, research, extension and production.
We commit our expertise and resources to produce professionals who meet the expectations of the industry and other interested parties in
the national and international community.
We shall continuously improve our operations in response to changing environment and in support of the institution’s strategic direction.
INSTITUTIONAL The Pangasinan State University Institutional Learning Outcomes (PSU ILO) are the qualities that PSUniansmust possess. These
OUTCOMES outcomes are anchored on the following core values: Accountability and Transparency, Credibility and Integrity, Competence and

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Commitment to Achieve, Excellence in Service Delivery, Social and Environmental Responsiveness, and Spirituality – (ACCESS).

Anchored on these core values, the PSU graduates are able to:
1. Demonstrate through institutional mechanisms, systems, policies, and processes which are reflective of transparency, equity,
participatory decision making, and accountability;
2. Engage in relevant, comprehensive and sustainable development initiatives through multiple perspectives in decisions and actions
that build personal and professional credibility and integrity.
3. Set challenging goals and tasks with determination and sense of urgency which provide continuous improvement and producing
quality outputs leading to inclusive growth;
4. Exhibit life-long learning and global competency proficiency in communication skills, inter/interpersonal skills, entrepreneurial skills,
innovative mindset, research and production initiatives and capability in meeting the industry requirements of local, ASEAN and
international human capital market through relevant and comprehensive programs;
5. Display, socially and environmentally responsive organizational culture, which ensures higher productivity among the university
constituents and elevate the welfare of the multi-sectoral communities and;
6. Practice spiritual values and morally upright behavior which promote and inspire greater harmony to project a credible public

1. Apply and live up to  Act as a role model and advocate for upholding the dignity of teaching as a
the expectations of a
Role Model profession to build a positive teaching and learning culture within and
competent and
beyond the school.
innovative teacher.
2. Express eloquently/
confidently both in  Display proficiency in Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate the
spoken and in written
Communicatively teaching and learning process, as well as exhibit the needed skills in the use
the latest trends in the
Competent of communication strategies, teaching strategies and technologies to
field of education by
promote high-quality learning outcomes.
employing effective
strategies in teaching.
3. Address the  Interact with the national and local curriculum requirements
challenges and felt  Encourage the celebration of diversity in the classroom and the need for
needs in the local and teaching practices that are differentiated to encourage all learners to be
global society. successful citizens in a changing local and global environment.
Goal Oriented 4. Set priorities and work  Apply their professional knowledge to plan and design, individually or in

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collaboration with colleagues, well-structured and sequenced lessons that are

with strong
contextually relevant, responsive to learners’ needs and incorporate a range of
determinations to
teaching and learning resources.
accomplish quality
 Communicate learning goals to support learner participation, understanding
and achievement.
5. Manifest
innovativeness,  Value personal and professional reflection and learning to improve their practice.
competitiveness and
Introspective  Assume responsibility for personal growth and professional development for
competencies to grow
lifelong learning.
personally and
6. Demonstrate in-depth
knowledge and
understanding in
education: Teaching
Learning Cycle, The  Recognize the importance of mastery of content knowledge and its
Teacher Preparation interconnectedness within and across curriculum areas, coupled with a
Process, Issues in sound and critical understanding of the application of theories and principles
Education, Ethics and of teaching and learning.
Professionalism, Rewards
and Challenges, Self-
growth, and Self-
7. Pursue life-long  Value personal growth and professional development and exhibit high
learning for personal
Lifelong Learner personal regard for the profession by maintaining qualities that uphold the
and professional
dignity of teaching such as caring attitude, respect and integrity.
8. Demonstrate 21st
Century skills  Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity so that all students achieve in
the global society.
Creativity, Critical
Versatile  Facilitate learning in multiple modalities.
Thinking, and  Use the full range of digital-age tools to improve student engagement and
Collaboration) required
in the national and
international market.
Socially 9. Practice socio-civic  Establish school-community partnerships aimed at enriching the learning

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responsibilities and
awareness to promote environment, as well as the community’s engagement in the educative
the welfare of various process.
sectors of the
10. Demonstrate a strong
sense of spirituality  Demonstrate awareness of existing laws and regulations that apply to the
Ethical and
and morality to teaching profession, and become familiar with the responsibilities specified
Morally Upright
preserve a dignified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.
public image.
11. Demonstrate deep
Knowledgeable understanding of  Display basic and comprehensive understanding of knowledge, priciples of
and Skilled scientific concepts and the subject matter in the sciences.
12. Apply scientific inquiry  Apply the scientific principles in solving current problems.
Systematic in teaching and  Use scientific inquiry in understanding and explaining natural phenomena.
 Design and utilize appropriate instructional materials in science.
 Employ effective teaching techniques for diverse types of learners in varied
13. Utilize effective
learning conditions.
Innovative science teaching and  Design and utilize a variety of appropriate assessment techniques to monitor
assessment methods.
and evaluate learning.
 Provide regular feedback to students.
 Utilize appropriate pedagogy and use of technology for the different science
14. Manifest meaningful content areas.
and comprehensive  Demonstrate skills in various methods of teaching-learning in the sciences to
Eloquent pedagogical content include conducting science investigations, making models and prototype,
knowledge (PCK) of and doing science research.
the sciences.  Create and utilize learning experiences in the classrooms to develop
learners’skills in discovery learning, problem solving and critical thinking.


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This course on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) is designed to help improve disaster outcomes by assessing, identifying, and reducing
the different risk factors involved. Its application is widespread throughout the world in a variety of disaster-related situations and scenarios. This course will
look at how DRR can be used in emergency situations--which many disasters are--and how ANYONE can put it to use to improve their chances in a disaster



1. Explain disaster management theory (cycle, phases, risk, crisis, emergency, disasters, resilience) PO13

2. Compare hazards, disasters and associated natural phenomena and their interrelationships, causes and their PO12
effects - developing humanitarian Assistance before and after disaster.

3. Compare anthropogenic hazards, disasters and associated activities and their interrelationships of, the PO12
subsystems Green House Effect, Global, warming, Causes and their effects and development of humanitarian
assistance before and after disaster.

4. Apply knowledge about existing global frameworks and existing agreements and role of community in PO13
successful Disaster Risk Reduction.

5. Evaluate DM study including data search, analysis and presentation as a case study. PO14

6. Develop emergency preparedness plan as a guide to do before, during, and after the occurrence of events that PO15
cause geological hazards.

7. Develop emergency preparedness plan as a guide to do before, during, and after the occurrence of events that PO12
cause hydrometeorological hazards.

8. Develop proficiency in executing emergency response plans through safety drills PO16

9. Determine different community-based practices for managing disaster risk to specific hazards; PO12

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10. Develop a community preparedness plan PO13

11. Demonstrate understanding of Policies of DRRM PO14

12. Prepare survival kits and materials for one’s family and for public information and advocacy PO15


Course Learning Activities

Learning Materials
Outcome/ Learning Outcomes Topics Hours (Face-to-Face and Remote Assessment
and Platform
s Teaching)
At the end of the lesson, ORIENTATION REMOTE LEARNING Online
the student should be able A. Vision, Mission, Program recitation
to: and Course Outcomes
1. recite the University’s Online orientation and
vision and mission B. Class Policies discussion
2. enumerate the expected
outcomes of their program C. Course Requirements **Send Module 1 after online
and of their course meeting
3. identify the bases for D. Bases of evaluation
evaluation, requirements
and policies of the class E. Course Overview
4. state an overview of the
1. Explain the meaning of A. Basic concepts of disaster Online discussion MS Teams Reading
disaster; and disaster risk Discuss Study Guide 1 Study Guide 1 Assignment
1. Concept of disaster Reading Assignment: Lecture Lecture Notes 1 Key Concepts
2. Differentiate the risk note 1 Fb Messenger
factors underlying disasters; 2. Concept of disaster risk Exercises 1
Study Guide activities Ebook:
3. Describe the effects of 3. Nature of disasters Video clip viewing Video summary
disasters on one’s life; of concepts
4. Effects of disasters Exercise 1

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4. Explain how and when an

event becomes a disaster; B. DRRM Terminologies *Send Module 2 after the
5. Identify areas/locations
exposed to hazards that
may lead to disasters; and

1. Explain the meaning of MODULE 2: Exposure and REMOTE TEACHING

vulnerability and exposure Vulnerability Online lecture via Reading
CO 1 1. Definition of vulnerability Online discussion MS Teams Assignment
3. Determine why certain and exposure Discuss Study Guide 2 Study Guide 2 Key Concepts
CO 2 sectors of society are more Lecture Notes 2
vulnerable to disaster than 2. Relationship between Assigned Reading Text Fb messenger Answers to
others vulnerability and exposure Exercises 2
Study Guide activities E-Book:
4. Analyze why certain 3. Factors of vulnerability and Video summary
structures are more exposure Video clip viewing of concepts
vulnerable to specific Video clips:
hazards than others; 4. Vulnerable sectors of Exercise 2 Study Guide
6. Analyze disaster from the society assessment
different perspectives *Send Module 3 after the
(physical, psychological, 5. Examples of vulnerability discussion
socio-cultural, economic, and exposure
political, and biological).

1. Define hazards; MODULE 3: Basic concept REMOTE TEACHING

of hazard Online lecture via Reading
2. Give examples of the Online discussion MS Teams Assignment
types of hazards 1. Concept of hazard Discuss Study Guide 3 Study Guide 3 Key Concepts
Lecture Notes 3
3. Explain the impact of 2. Relationship of hazards, Assigned Reading Text Fb messenger Answers to
various hazards on different exposure, and vulnerabilities Exercises 3
exposed elements. Study Guide activities E-Book:
4. Determine the elements Video summary

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that are exposed to a 3. Types of hazards Video clip viewing of concepts

particular hazard; a) Physical Video clips:
b) Socio-cultural Exercise 3 Study Guide
5. Recognize vulnerabilities c) Economic assessment
of different elements d) political *Send Module 3 after the
exposed to specific hazards; e) Environmental discussion
4. Impact of various hazards
6. Differentiate among on different exposed elements
hazards, exposure, and with specific examples
vulnerabilities and give
examples from actual

1. Demonstrate MODULE 4: Earthquake Online lecture via MS Reading
CO 1 understanding of Potential hazards: Online discussion Teams Assignment
earthquake A. Potential earthquake Discuss Study Guide 3 Study Guide 3 Key Concepts
CO 2 Hazards hazards: Lecture Notes 3
1. Ground shaking Assigned Reading Text Fb messenger Answers to
2. Develop Emergency 2. Ground rupture Exercises 3
Preparedness plan as a 3. Liquefaction Study Guide activities E-Book:
guide on what to do 4. Earthquake-induced Video summary
before, during, and after an ground subsidence Video clip viewing of concepts
earthquake. 5. Tsunami Video clips:
6. Earthquake-induced Exercise 3 Study Guide
3. Identify various potential landslide assessment
earthquake hazards; 2. *Send Module 4 after the
Recognize the natural signs B. Natural signs of an discussion
of an impending tsunami; impending tsunami Study guide activities

4. Analyze the effects of the C. Effects of the different

different earthquake earthquake hazards
1. Demonstrate MODULE 5: Volcano Online lecture via MS Reading
CO 4 understanding of Signs of Hazards Online discussion Teams Assignment
impending volcanic Discuss Study Guide 4 Study Guide 4 Key Concepts

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eruptions A. Potential volcano-related Lecture Notes 4

hazards: Assigned Reading Text Fb messenger Answers to
2. develop emergency 1. Lahar Exercises 4
preparedness plan as a 2. Ash fall Study Guide activities E-Book:
guide on what to do before, 3. Pyroclastic flow Video summary
during, and after a volcanic 4. Ballistic projectile Video clip viewing Video clips: of concepts
eruption. 5. Volcanic gasses
6. Lava flow Exercise 4 Study Guide
3. Explain various volcano- assessment
related hazards; B. Signs of an impending *Send Module 5 after the
4. Differentiate among volcanic eruption discussion
different volcano hazards; C. Volcano hazard maps Study guide activities
5. Recognize signs of an D. Measures/interventions
impending volcanic before, during, and after a
eruption; volcanic eruption
5. Interpret different volcano
hazard maps; and
6. Apply appropriate
before, during, and after a
volcanic eruption.

1. Demonstrate MODULE 6: Other related Remote Teaching Online lecture MS

understanding of Related geological hazards Teams Reading
geological hazards Online discussion Study Guide 6 Assignment
A. Related geological Discuss Study Guide 6 Lecture Notes 6 Key Concepts
2. Develop emergency hazards: Fb messenger
preparedness plan as a 1. Rainfall-induced landslide Assigned Reading Text Answers to
guide on what to do E-Book: Exercises 6
before, during, and after 2. Sinkhole Study Guide activities
the occurrence of events 3. others Video summary
that cause geological Video clip viewing Video clips: of concepts
hazards. B. Causes of geological
hazards Exercise 6 Study Guide
3. Define the different assessment
geological hazards; C. signs of impending *Send Module 6 after the
geological hazards discussion

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4. Analyze the causes of Study guide activities

geological hazards; D. Interpreting geological
5. Recognize signs of
impending geological E. Mitigation strategies to
hazards; prevent loss of lives and
6. Interpret geological properties
maps; and

7. Apply mitigation
strategies to prevent loss of
lives and properties.

1. Demonstrate MODULE 7:
understanding of Potential Hydrometeorological FACE TO FACE TEACHING Online lecture MS Reading
hydrometeorological hazards Teams Assignment
hazards F2F discussion Study Guide 7 Key Concepts
A. Potential Discuss Study Guide 7 Lecture Notes 7
2. Develop a family hydrometeorological Fb messenger Answers to
emergency preparedness hazards: Assigned Reading Text Exercises 7
plan to guide them on what 1. Typhoon E-Book:
to do before, during, and 2. Thunderstorm Study Guide activities Video summary
after the occurrence of 3. Flashflood of concepts
events that cause 4. Flood Video clip viewing Video clips:
hydrometeorological 5. Stormsurge Study Guide
hazards. 6. El niño Exercise 7 assessment
7. La niña
3. Distinguish and *Distribute Module 7 after the
differentiate among and B. Signs of impending discussion
between different hydrometeorological hazards Study guide activities
hazards; C. Measures/interventions
4. Recognize signs of before, during, and after
impending hydrometeorological hazards
hazards; D. Interpreting different
5. Apply appropriate hydrometeorological hazard

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measures/interventions maps
before, during, and after
hydrometeorological E. Tools for monitoring hydro
hazards; meteorological hazards
6. Interpret different
hazard maps; and
7. Use available tools for
monitoring hydro
meteorological hazards.

1. Demonstrate
understanding of Fire MODULE 8: Fire hazard FACE TO FACE TEACHING Online lecture MS Reading
hazards and related Teams Assignment
concepts A. Fire hazards and related F2F discussion Study Guide 7 Key Concepts
concepts: Discuss Study Guide 7 Lecture Notes 7
2. Develop emergency 1. Fire triangle Fb messenger Answers to
preparedness plan as a 2. Causes of fires Assigned Reading Text Exercises 7
guide on what to do 3. Phases of a fire E-Book:
before, during, and after Emergency Study Guide activities Video summary
a fire incident. of concepts
B. Precautionary measures Video clip viewing Video clips:
3. Recognize elements of and proper procedures in Study Guide
the fire triangle in different addressing a fire incident Exercise 7 assessment
C. Basic response *upload module 8 after the
4. Analyze the different procedures during a fire discussion
causes of fires; incident Study guide activities

5. Observe precautionary D. Fire emergency and

measures and proper evacuation plans
procedures in
addressing a fire

6. Apply basic response

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procedures during a fire

incident; and

7. Follow fire emergency

and evacuation plans;

1. Demonstrate MODULE 9: Concept of FACE TO FACE TEACHING Online lecture MS Reading

understanding of Disaster Risk Reduction Teams Assignment
Disaster risk reduction (DRR) and Disaster Risk F2F discussion Study Guide 9 Key Concepts
Reduction and Discuss Study Guide 9 Lecture Notes 9
2. Develop a community Management (DRRM) Fb messenger Answers to
emergency preparedness Assigned Reading Text Exercises 9
plan and community Disaster risk reduction: E-Book:
disaster preparedness plan 1. Concept of DRR Study Guide activities Video summary
to minimize vulnerability of concepts
and disaster risk in the 2. Importance of DRR Video clip viewing Video clips:
community and avoid or Study Guide
limit adverse impacts of 3. Key principles Exercise 9 assessment
* Study guide activities
3. Define the key concepts,
principles, and elements of

4. Recognize the
importance of DRR on
one’s life;
FACE TO FACE TEACHING Online lecture MS Reading
1. Practice and develop MODULE 10: CBDRRM Teams Assignment
proficiency in executing F2F discussion Study Guide 10 Key Concepts
emergency response A. Community based Discuss Study Guide 10 Lecture Notes 10
protocols/procedures disaster risk reduction Fb messenger Answers to
through safety drills. and management for Assigned Reading Text Exercises 10
preparedness E-Book:
2. Define different Study Guide activities Video summary
community-based practices 1. Emergency plan of concepts

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for managing disaster risk 2. Monitoring and Video clip viewing Video clips:
to specific Evaluation Study Guide
hazards; 3. Early Warning Exercise 10 assessment
3. Develop a community Systems
preparedness plan 4. Survival kits and * Study guide activities
4. Prepare survival kits and Materials
materials for one’s family
and for public information B. Community-based
and advocacy practices for managing
5. Determine different disaster risk to specific
community-based practices hazards
for managing disaster risk
to specific hazards;
6. Develop a community
preparedness plan; and
7. Prepare survival kits and
materials for one’s family
and for public information
and advocacy
FACE TO FACE TEACHING Online lecture MS Reading
1. Demonstrate MODULE 11: State and Teams Assignment
understanding of Policies Citizen’s DRRM F2F discussion Study Guide 10 Key Concepts
of DRRM responsibilities Discuss Study Guide 10 Lecture Notes 10
Fb messenger Answers to
2. Develop a community A. Government’s Assigned Reading Text Exercises 10
disaster preparedness plan responsibility E-Book:
to minimize vulnerability 1. Policies of DRRM -The Study Guide activities Video summary
and disaster risk in the Philippine DRRM Law of concepts
community and avoid or RA 10121 and its Video clip viewing Video clips:
limit adverse impacts of Implementing Rules Study Guide
hazards. and Regulations Exercise 10 assessment

3. Explain DRR-related 2. Information and * Study guide activities

laws and policies resources from the
Government (Projects
4. Avail of existing DRR- and Programs)
related services programs

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and projects

5. Abide by public policies

on DRRM.


A. Text Books C. Electronic Sources/ebooks

Lanada, et al, 2016, Building Resilient Communities. Phoenix
Publishing House Inc. Sayson, lance. DRRM Ebook 1. Oct. 2021.
UNISDR. 2009 Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction. Geneva,
Switzerland: United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Jasojaso, Edwin. 2019. Disaster Risk Reduction Management Practices of School
Reduction, 2009. Principals. ISBN (eBook) 978334614925.

UNISDR. Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the Abayao, Leah. 2020. Disaster risk governance in northern Philippine communities.
Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters. Geneva, eBook ISBN9780429276453
Switzerland: United Nations International Strategy for Disaster
Reduction, 2007.
United Nations. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 –
2030.Geneva Geneva, Switzerland: United Nations International Strategy
for Disaster Reduction, 2015. and-Geography.pdf Introduction to Meteorology

B. DRRM Journals

45270_unisdrcnws2wg2vulnerabilityandexpos.pdf Exposure and Vulnerability
Alexander David E. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.
UNDRR. Disaster Risk Reduction in the Philippines Status Report 2019. Chapter7EarthquakeHazards.pdf
Broffmann, et al. Natural disaster preparedness in a multi-hazard
environment: Characterizing the sociodemographic profile of those better hydromet hazards
(worse) prepared.
Fire Hazards

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FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev. 0 10-July-2020 Concept of
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management (DRRM)
61520_communitybaseddisasterriskmanagemen[1].pdf CBDRRM
10479_10479CommunityBasedDRRGoodPracticeR.pdf CBDRRM
Risk-Management-min.pdf CBDRRM Philippines

Midterm and Final Examinations
6 long Quizzes
Regular Attendance
Active class participation/Recitation
Reading Assignments/ Exercises
8 Exercises/ Activity Reports


Midterm Grade= 60% lecture + 40% laboratory
Lecture Grade (60%) Laboratory (40%)
Midterm exam= 40% Laboratory reports: 80%
Attendance/ Recitation/ Quizzes- 30% Participation: 20%
Home Based Requirements- 30%

Final Term Grade= 60% lecture + 40% laboratory

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Lecture Grade (60%) Laboratory (40%)

Final exam= 40% Laboratory reports: 80%
Attendance/ Recitation/ Quizzes- 30% Participation: 20%
Home Based Requirements- 30%

Final Grade = Midterm Grade (50%) + Final Term Grade (50%) = 100 %

Class Attendance (Article 2, Section 14 of PSU Student Handbook)

1. If you have a record of ten (10) unapproved absences from the class, and/or has been absent for more than 20 percent of the required number of
hours without any valid reason, you will be automatically dropped from the subject.
2. Approved absences are limited only to illness as certified by a physician, death of a family member, official and authorized representation of
Campus/University in official function/ activities and other reasons as may be deemed justified by your instructor.
3. For excused absences, it is your responsibility to seek out missed assignments. You should check the official PSU LMS, official class FB page/group
messenger and your classmates for notes, handouts, etc.

Classroom Expectations

1. Manage your time well. Schedule properly your reading assignments and your activity accomplishments. Have your planner or calendar of
activities ready. Remember, you have other modules to accomplish for this semester.
2. Focus your attention. Make sure that you do things one at a time. Read the module over and over until you are able to get the point of the lesson.
If you do not understand the lesson, especially the problem-solving part, you can read other materials found in the other resources like the internet
or books. You may also ask the help of your parents, siblings or friends. Do not forget, I am here to help and assist you. You can message me
through the platforms I will be giving you.
3. Give your best. In doing the assessment tasks, whether formative or summative, target the highest standards because you are a better student
who wants to show your best. You have the knowledge and skills that you need to finish your work with high quality. I believe in you.
4. Submit on Time. Always take note of the date of submission of your requirements so that you will not need to cram and will not have deductions for
late submission.
5. Answer Confidently. In answering the assessment and evaluation activities, you are expected to do the following:
a. Write neatly and legibly and write only on the module if you are sure of your answers.
b. Make sure to give your answers completely and concisely. If questions need to be answered in essay form, go direct to the point. Follow the
specific number of words given in the instruction. Give proofs of your claim or point-of-view. Cite correctly the references you used in your
c. For problem-solving activities, make sure all the parts are provided: Given, Required, Formula, Solution, and Final Answer.
6. Work Independently. It is expected that you work on your module on your own. You can ask help from others but do your best to do it on your own

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7. Motivate Yourself. Whatever knowledge or skill you are gaining from this course will definitely help you in your career and in your daily life
activities. Enjoy what you are doing and everything else will follow.

8. Contact Me. If in any part of the module or lesson you will need my help and guidance, do not hesitate to contact me through my gmail. Messenger,
or SMS. Remember, I am here to ensure that we go through the completion of this course together.
9. Be Prepared. Your grade is your sole responsibility. Earn the good grade you deserve by coming to class prepared. Complete reading
assignments and other homework before class so that you can understand the lecture and participate in discussion. Have your homework ready to
submit and always bring your book, notebook, paper and writing materials. You are not allowed to borrow anything from your classmates to ensure
avoidance of virus transmission. This is for your health’s safety. Also, each of you is assigned to be the prayer leader for the day. If you are
assigned to lead, please be ready with your prayer. (Accountability, Credibility and Integrity, Spirituality)
10. Be Participative. Be ready and willing to participate in classroom discussions. Contribute proactively to class discussions. Do not hesitate to ask
questions during class discussions. Remember, you came to school to learn. (Competence and Commitment to Achieve Excellence)
11. Be Punctual. Seat plan will be used for the checking of attendance. If you are not on your designated area once the class has started, you will be
considered late/absent. Submit your homeworks/problem sets/ class activities on time too. (Accountability, Competence and Commitment to
Achieve Excellence)
12. Be Respectful. Any action that bothers another student or the teacher, or any disruptive behavior in class, is considered disrespectful. Demonstrate
proper respect for teachers, your classmates, other university personnel and all university property. Listen to others and evaluate ideas on
their own merit. (Social Responsiveness)
13. Be Tidy. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Wear your complete proper uniform. Likewise, your activities must be clean and properly stapled.
Loose leaves are prone to be misplaced. Your clean work reflects that homeworks/problem sets are well-prepared. Before leaving the classroom,
please make sure that your place is clean. Pick up litters and throw them on the designated trash bins. (Accountability, Credibility and Integrity,
Competence and Commitment to Achieve Excellence, Social and Environmental Responsiveness)

Technology Agreement

1. The use of electronic devices such as laptops, tablets and cell phones inside the classroom is ONLY ALLOWED WITH MY PERMISSION. Charging
of your electronic devices is prohibited inside the class. Please make sure they are fully charged before bringing them to class.
2. Cell phones and other devices need to be set in silent mode. For emergency purposes, please request to take the call/answer the text message
outside the classroom.

Academic Honesty and Class Conduct

1. Cheating in Examination and Quizzes (Article 14, Section 1-n of PSU Handbook):
1st Offense : Automatic grade of 5.00 in the particular examination where cheating occurred; referral to guidance counselor.
2nd offense : Automatic grade of 5.0 if done on the same subject and/or other subjects and suspension for one semester.
3rd offense : Automatic grade of 5.0 in the subject/s and suspension of one semester to dismissal from the institution.

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Guidelines on Late Submissions of Requirements and Late Examinations

1. The dates of the submission for all home-based requirements are indicated in the Instructional Delivery Plan. Five points will be deducted for every day
of failure to submit said requirements (except for approved absences).
2. You are only allowed to take missed examinations due to approved absence. Please fill up the Request for Special Examination before taking the
missed exam.

Class Policies (Online Class)

1. Wear a decent casual dress during web conference.

2. No foul words during online discussions.
3. Observe punctuality and courtesy (group of 5 individuals per batch; usually group leaders)
4. Private conversations during web conferencing are not allowed.
5. Respect shall be observed for the teacher and students
6. Cheating and plagiarism are not tolerated
7. On-time submission of requirements as agreed during class orientation

Lecture Class Policies (Residential Class)

1. Please wear your face masks at all times. Bring your own alcohol, soap, ballpen, paper and other materials. Strictly no borrowing of things.
2. Please stay home if you are unwell.
3. Attendance in the class signifies readiness to participate in class discussions and activities.
4. A student is responsible for his/her absence.
5. A student will be automatically marked DRP (Dropped) after eight (8) consecutive absences.
6. Requirements must be submitted within the designated date of submission.
7. NO CELL PHONES OR ELECTRONIC DEVICES AT ANY TIME. All school rules will be followed as stated in the student handbook
8. Late work: Deductions will be given however, leniency will be observed.
9. Others (agreed upon by the class)

Laboratory Class Policies

1. No laboratory gown; no attendance; no performance of activity

2. No playing of music
3. No food or drinks allowed in the lab
4. Late work: Deductions will be given however, leniency will be observed.
5. Attendance in the laboratory implies prior reading of procedures indicated in the manual

COURSE SYLLABUS IN _________________________ 18

FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

6. Cheating on a test or assignment will result in a grade of zero for all involved.
7. Data for lab reports must be taken during lab. Copying of lab data after lab is not allowed. Each student is responsible for individual lab reports unless
specifically stated by the instructor.

Additional Information:

1. A Messenger Group Chat will be created for the subject specifically which will be used for immediately answering queries and submission of
2. A closed Facebook group will be created for posting of announcements, syllabus, assignments, rubrics, directions, videos or links of instructional
3. All assignments shall be submitted to the instructor’s email, or via messenger unless otherwise indicated by the instructor. When
you contact the instructor, identify yourself as a member of the Genetics class and class section. Please indicate in the subject of the email your name
and the activity (e.g. WAO- BSE Science III-1 – Suratos, Grace – Exercise #1)

DESIGNATION Science Faculty, Head, Risk Management

Mondays, Wednesdays: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
PSU Bayambang Science and Math Building

Prepared by: Checked by: Recommended by: Approved:

Campus Executive Director

Department Chairperson Ed.D.
Faculty Campus Executive Director
College Dean, CTE

COURSE SYLLABUS IN _________________________ 19

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