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Critical Evaluation of Suture Materials and Suturing Techniques in Implant Dentistry


Critical Evaluation of Suture Materials and

Suturing Techniques in Implant Dentistry
Manu Modi
Prosthodontics, Private Practice, New Delhi, Professor in SBB Dental College, Ghaziabad, UP, Member American Academy of
Implant Dentistry, Ex. Dr RML Hospital, New Delhi, Consultant, Maharaja Agarsen Hospital, New Delhi, India

The number of implant seekers is increasing with various medical adements and the 'Baby Boom' generation will soon make it to
'Geriatric Boom' Misch criteria allowed a minimum of 90% success for 5 years and 85% for 10 years. These criteria or success rate can
be achieved only when each and every case/patient is properly diagnosed, planned and well-executed.
Wound closure or suturing is one of the important step for a successful implant. An extensive review of the literature that is available
for various suture materials and suturing techniques does not gives a clear idea of which material and which techniques is best. This in
depth review/literature critically evaluates various suture materials and techniques which can be used and advantage of one over the
Keywords: Suture materials, suturing techniques, wound closure.

INTRODUCTION Suturing (according to Glossary of Prosthodontic

Terms-7) is defined as the process of uniting the tissues
Loss of teeth, eventual edentulism and wearing of complete
separated by either a traumatic or surgical wound in a
dentures and implants have been part of the expected course
specific manner using an appropriate material.
of aging.
There is an increasing demand for integrating oral MATERIAL AND METHODS
implantology in dental practices. This demand is because
of shift in population's age and health needs, to a growing A suture is a strand of material used to ligate blood vessels
public desire to preserve and restore dentition to a functional and to approximate tissues together. To suture is the act of
and esthetic state, and recent advances in the techniques, sewing or bringing tissues together and holding them in
technologies and technicalities in the field of dentistry. This apposition until healing has taken place.
number of implant seekers is sure to increase with various The goals of wound closure include obliteration of dead
contributions and the 'Baby boom' generation will soon make space, even distribution of tension along deep suture lines,
it to 'Geriatric boom'. maintenance of tensile strength across the wound until tissue
Wound closure or suturing is one of the important clinical strength is adequate, and approximation and eversion of the
step for a successful implant. The evaluation of various epithelial portion.
suture materials and suturing techniques is regarded
particularly important for a perfect closure of wound so as
no infection can affect the prognosis of implant. Sutures can be classified in different ways:

International Journal of Clinical Implant Dentistry, May-August 2009;1(2):31-40 31

Manu Modi

Suture can be broadly divided into: the number of zeroes, thinner is the material. Thicker
1. Absorbable: All suture materials that are digested by suture are used for approximating deeper layers, wounds
the body enzymes or are hydrolyzed by the fluids are in tension prone areas and for ligation of blood vessels.
absorbable. Thin ones are used for closing delicate tissues like
2. Nonabsorbable: Sutures that cannot be digested by conjunctiva and incisions of face.
tissue enzymes and are encapsulated or walled are non-
These can be further divided into monofilamentous and
Plain Catgut
multifilamentous in each category.
a. Monofilamentous: It is made up of single strand, • Word catgut is derived from ‘Kit gut’ which means
resists harbouring micro-organisms and ties down violin string.
smoothly. • Catgut is derived from submucosa of the sheep
b. Multifilamentous: It consists of several filaments intestines.
twisted or braided together. This gives good handling • Oldest suture material known.
and lying characteristics. The multifilamentous • Plain catgut lasts for 7-10 days, hence its uses are
sometimes produce wicks (mainly silk) that may minimal.
cause retrograde infection which the • It is biological, absorbable and monofilament.
monofilamentous discourage.
Chromic Catgut
UNITED STATES PHARMACOPEIA • When plain catgut is mixed with chromic salts, chromic
CLASSIFICATION catgut is formed.
3. Class-I: Silk or synthetic fibers of monofilament, twisted, • Strength is for 15-25 days.
or braided construction. • It is biological, absorbable, monofilament.
Class-II: Cotton or linen fibers or coated natural or • It has good knotting property.
• It is preserved in 70% alcohol and kept soft due to 5%
synthetic fibers in which the coating contributes to
suture thickness without adding strength.
Class-III: Metal wire of monofilament or multifilament
• It is a copolymer of glycolide and lactide.
REQUISITES FOR SUTURE MATERIALS • It is a synthetic and absorbable suture.
• Unlike catgut this is absorbed by hydrolysis.
1. Adequate strength: Depends on the elasticity of the
• It has better strength and reliability.
material. Flexible materials will have a greater ability to
• It is synthetic so tissue reaction is less than that of
stretch and bear stress.
chromic catgut.
2. Low tissue irritation and reaction: Sutures made from
• Good knotting property.
inorganic material will evoke a higher tissue response
than synthetic materials. Tissue reaction is also directly Prolene
proportional to the size of suture material.
3. Low caillarity: Multifilamentous soak up tissue fluid by • It is polypropylene and nonabsorbable.
capillary action providing a rich medium for proliferation • It is monofilament, artificial and uncoated.
of microbes and increases chances of inflammation and • It is nonabsorbable.
4. Good handling and knotting properties.
5. Sterilization without deterioration in properties. • It is monofilament or multifilament polyauide.
6. Good memory, Knot strength and elasticity. • Black, braided, uncoated, nonabsorbable.
7. Thickness: Suture materials are numbered according to • Not good knotting property so mandatory to put 4-5
their thickness from 1-0(0) to 9-0 (000000). The greater knots.

Critical Evaluation of Suture Materials and Suturing Techniques in Implant Dentistry

• Nonabsorbable, braided silk, black.
• Used for ligating bleeding points.

• Nonabsorbable, biologically derived from concoon of
silkworm larva.
• Braided, coated with wax to reduce capillary action.
• Tissue reaction is more as it is a foreign protein inspite
of this widely used because of easy availability and is Ambroise Paré (1520-1590)
cheap. An astute observer and brought many innovations to surgery and
wound care. One of the most important concepts he introduced was
• Excellent knotting property. that wounds should be treated gently to reduce inflammation and
promote healing.
COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF Pare became a champion of treating wounds gently. Paré said.

SUTURE TYPES “I dress the wounds, God heals them.”

Name Material/characterization Resor- Time to Purpose/size Values Problems

bable resorb
Silk Braided, black, natural No – Mucosal closure-3.0, Slides and knots Acts as a wick needs to
tongue and flap easily, knot doesn’t removed, not very
retraction –2.0 slip strong
Plain gut Monofilament, clear, animal Yes 5-7 days Subcuticular and Resorbs quickly, May create sensitivity,
mucosal closure 3.0 good for noncritical doesn’t hold knots well,
wounds unreliable for critical
wounds, bother the tongue
intraorally, weak
Chromic Monofilament, gut beige, Yes 28 days Deep muscle closure Resorbs slowly, May create sensitivity, not
gut natural 3.0, 4.0 dependable applicable for intraoral use,
holds knots poorly, weak
Nylon Monofilament, blue/black No – Skin closure Strong discourages Holds knots poorly, has
synthetic wicking plastic memory, requires
Tevdek Braided, green, teflon coated No – Skin closure Strong knots well Acts as wick to some extent,
dacron, synthetic requires removal
Dexon Braided, white or dyed Yes 28-45 Deep suturing Strong, knots well, Causes some wicking
polyglycolic acid, synthetic days mucosal closure after removal residual requires removal when used
Vicryl Braided white or dyed Yes 28 days Deep suturing deep components may intraorally as 28 days is too
violet, polylactic acid, mucosal closure be left behind and will long when wet neither slides
synthetic resorb eventually nor knots as well as silk.

Principles of Suturing 6. Needle passes from deeper tissue to superficial tissue.

1. The needle should be grasped at approximate 1/3rd 7. Tissue should never be closed under tension.
the distance from the eye and 2/3rd from the point. 8. Tissue should not be blanched while suturing.
2. The needle should enter the tissues perpendicular to 9. The knot should never lie on incision line, suture knot
tissue surface along its curve. must lie on bone.
3. The suture should be passed at an equal depth and 10. Suture should be placed at a greater depth than the
distance from incision on both sides. distance from incision, so as to evert the wound
4. Needle always passes from movable tissue to fixed margins.
tissue. 11. Intraoral sutures are generally removed after 7 days.
5. Needle should pass through the thinner tissue to thicker If there is stress/tension while suturing the sutures
tissue. may be kept for 10 days.

International Journal of Clinical Implant Dentistry, May-August 2009;1(2):31-40 33

Manu Modi


There are several methods of closure that offer advantages
when employed for different incisions and at varying

1. Interrupted Sutures (Figs 1A to E)

• Both the points of entry and exit are on the outer surfaces
of flaps respectively.
• Most commonly used suture.
• Suture is passed through both the edges at an equal
depth and distance from incision and knot is tied.

• It is strong and can be used in areas of stress.
• Successive sutures can be placed according to individual
• Each suture is independent and loosening of suture will
not produce loosening of others.
• A degree of eversion can be produced.
• If the wound becomes infected or there is hemorrhage,
removal of few sutures may be of satisfactory treatment.

Figs 1A to E: Simple interrupted suture
More time is required. (A)Interrupted sutures, (B) Continuous sutures. (C) Vertical mattress
sutures. Stablize the flaps and pass the needle through each of the
flaps 1 mm from the incision. Then reverse the needle and pass it in
2. Continuous Suture
the opposite direction 4 mm from the wound margins. The exit and
entry points are both on the buccal flap. They are tied in surgical knot.
Initially a simple interrupted suture is placed and needle is (D) Interrupted horizontal mattress sutures. (E) Continuous box-lock
then reinserted in continuous fashion that the suture passes sutures. The technique is valuable for closure of crestal incisions.
perpendicular to incision below and obliquely above. The Entry is made from buccal to lingual each time as for a continuous
sutures. Before tightening each pass, however, lift the loop from the
suture is ended tying a knot over the untightened end of tissue, turn, it once clockwise, and pass the needle through it. When
suture. tightened, a locked box configuration will result

• Offer a water tight closure.
• Rapid technique.
• Distributes tension uniformly over the suture line.

3. Continuous Locking (Figs 4 and 5)

• Similar to continuous suture.
• Suture is with drawn through the loop and thus passes
perpendicular to incision line.
Figs 2A to D: Various types of suturing
Advantage (A) Interrupted,
(B) Vertical mattress,
The locking prevents excessive tightening of the suture as (C) Continuous,
the wound closure progresses. (D) Horizontal mattress

Critical Evaluation of Suture Materials and Suturing Techniques in Implant Dentistry

Fig. 4: Continuous box-lock suture. This technique is valuable for

closure of crestal incisions. Entry is made from buccal to lingual
surfaces each time, as for a continuous suture. Before tightening
each pass, however, lift the loop from the tissue and turn it once
clockwise and pass the needle through it. When tightened, a locked-
box configuration will result

Fig. 5: Continuous locking suture

4. Subcuticular Sutures
• The subcuticular layer of tough connective tissue if
sutured will hold the skin edges in close approximation
when cosmetic results are desired.
Figs 3A to G: Simple interrupted suture. • Continuous short lateral stitches are taken beneath the
(A) Pass the needle through both flaps. epithelial layer of skin.
(B) Wrap the needle end of the suture twice around the needle
holder in a clockwise direction. • The ends of suture come out of each end of incision
(C) Then, open the beaks and grasp the free end. and are knotted.
(D) Pull the free end through the double loop and fasten it snugly
along side the incision.
(E) Now, wind the needle end counterclockwise one revolution 5. The Mattress Sutures: Vertical, Horizontal and
around the needle holder and grasp the free end with the beaks. Corner Stitch (Figs 6A to E)
(F) Pull the free end through the loop and, when tightened, it creates
a stable square knot. The knot should not be allowed to rest • These mattress sutures are beneficial for closure of
directly on the incision, but should lie alongside it. The cut ends
must be left sufficiently long to permit easy access for removal. wounds under tension and for everting skin edges.
(G) Clinical view of closure with interrupted sutures • Less prominent scarring.
International Journal of Clinical Implant Dentistry, May-August 2009;1(2):31-40 35
Manu Modi

Figs 6A to E: (A) Pain, irregularity, or hyperplasia may be the reason

for performing an alveoloplasty. (B) After the crestal incision and soft
tissue reflection, reduce the irregular undercut, or sharp bone using a
sidecutting Rongeur forceps. (C) Complete smoothing with a bone
file. (D) A simple but effective test is to draw a 4 × 4 gauze sponge
across the bone. In this instance, some remaining spicules may cause
its fibers to shred. At the sites of such irregularities, additional filling is
required. (E) An effective closure may be made after trimming and
coapting the flaps by using a continuous box-lock suture

a. Vertical Matress a. Far-far suture placement passes 4-8 mm from the

• Used to evert skin edges. By incorporating a large amount wound edge, fairly deep in the wound below the
of tissue within the passage of suture loop, the technique dermis.
permits greater closure strength and better distribution b. Near-near placement occurs at a shallow depth within
1-2 mm of wound edge and should be in upper
of wound tension.
• Mainly in body sites where the wound edges tend to
– Suture thread should be tied on one side of wound.
– Vertical mattress suture should be tied snugly, but
• The vertical mattress suture uses the far-far, near-near gently.
system. When used intraorally are of great benefit when – Natural process of wound inflammation and shear
possibility of primary closure needs to be enhanced such retraction will pull loops of suture that lie on skin
as transosteal or staple implants. surface downward. This pull results in small skin

Critical Evaluation of Suture Materials and Suturing Techniques in Implant Dentistry

scars that have been given variety of names including

Gross Hatching.


• This limits its use to cosmetically sensitive areas such
as face.
• Early removal can minimize the cross hatching.

b. Horizontal Mattress Suture (Figs 7A to H)

• This technique is commonly used for pulling wound
edges together over a distance or as initial suture to
anchor two wound edges (holding sutures).
• This suture is also effective in holding fragile skin
together, such as skin of an elderly patient or a patient
receiving chronic steroid therapy.
Horizontal mattress when used intraorally avoids the
problem of bleeding periosteum
• Presents the greatest opportunities of primary healing.
• The suture is initiated by inserting the needle 4-8 mm
from the wound edge.
• Needle passes through to the opposite wound inserted
into the skin about 4-8 mm farther down that edge (the
edge where the needle has just been passed through)
and passed from the far side of wound back of the near
• The suture is tied gently on the side of the wound where
the suturing began.
• If the suture is tied tightly, it can cause strangulation,
necrosis and scarring of skin.
• Use of blosters such as plastic tubing, cardboard, gauge
or compressible cushions beneath the suture loops is
• Because of tissue contained within the passage of suture
head, the horizontal mattress sutures are effective
Figs 7A to H: Continuous horizontal mattress suture. (A) Use
hemostatic sutures on vascular tissues. the mouse tooth forceps to stabilize the flaps. (B) Pass the needle
• Early suture removal is especially important is through the buccal and lingual flaps (a to b) at the beginning of the
incision. (C) Then, reverse the needle and press it from lingual to
cosmetically important areas. buccal (c to d). (D) Tie a knot between ends a and d, cut the loose end
and pass the needle from buccal to lingual at point e. continue the
c. Corner Stitch/Half Buried Horizontal pattern from lingual to buccal and buccal to lingual until the mesial
surface, of the one-stage implant is encountered. Enter the buccal
Matress Suture flap at a point distal to the abutment wrap it to its mesial surface, and
exit distal to the cervix through the lingual flap. (E) Bring the needle
• Used to approximate angled skin flaps without mesially (see arrow on lingual) and pierce the lingual flap mesial to the
compromising blood supply to tissue tip. abutment. The arrows indicate that the suture then passes distal to
• Closure of Y-shaped or X-shaped wounds is often the cervix and exits mesially through the buccal flap, and on this fourth
pass, when the suture is tightened, the tissue will be gathered, purse
accomplished with a corner stitch used for central string fashion around the cervix. (F) Continue the suture pattern through
corners. points k,l,n,o and p and suture at point m. (G) Make the final dosure by
taking end n and tying it to loop pl, creating knot m. (H) Clinical view of
• Corner suture is best initiated near an imaginary line that continuous horizontal mattress suture. Rapid and reliable healing is a
bisects the tissue opposite the tissue corner. characteristic of this kind of closure

International Journal of Clinical Implant Dentistry, May-August 2009;1(2):31-40 37

Manu Modi

• This allows the pull of tissue directly into the corner

and not off to one side.
• A plumb line drawn opposite the corner will help guide
the start and finish of corner stitch.
• Needle enters the skin next to plumb line (1-2 mm from
line) about 6-8 mm from the corner. The needle passes
to the wound edge about 4-6 mm from corner.
• The corner flap is elevated with Adson forcep (pick-
up) and needle is passed from one side of flap tip to the
other side in deep dermis.
• The needle then passes back into the wound edge about
4-6 mm from tip and exits the skin.
• If the suture is tied too tightly, the corner tends to buckle.

6. Figure of Eight Suture

• Used for extraction socket closure as well as for
adaptation of gingival papilla around the tooth.

Periodontal Sling Suture (Figs 8A to H)

Begin the technique by entering a facial papilla at the distal
end of the wound. Pass the needle to the lingual through the
greater embrasure, wrap it around the lingual cervix of first
tooth, and then pass it through the second buccal papilla. Figs 8A to H: Periodontal sling suturing. (A) Entry is made through
Return the needle over this second papilla through the the first buccal papilla. (B) Pass the needle to the lingual through the
greater embrasure, wrap it around the lingual cervix of the first tooth,
second embrasure, again to the lingual flap and wrap it and then pass it through the second buccal papilla. (C) Return the
around the second tooth. needle over this second papilla through the second embrasure again
to the lingual flap and wrap it around the second papilla through the
In this fashion the buccal flap is brought firmly to place.
second embrasure, again to the lingual flap, and wrap it around the
At the distal portion of the last tooth, after passing the suture second tooth. (D) In this fashion the buccal flap is brought firmly to
through the buccal papilla, it passes to the lingual and enters place. At the distal portion of the last tooth, after passing the suture
through the buccal papilla, it passes to the lingual and enters this
this papilla. All of the papillae of the lingual flap are engaged. papilla. (E and F) In similar fashion, all of the papillae of the lingual flap
Make the final pass around a tooth anterior to the incision are engaged. (G) Make the final pass around a tooth anterior to the
incision so that the suture will come directly from lingual to buccal at
so that the suture will come directly from lingual to buccal
the mesial surface of the first tooth. Before tying the two ends, tighten
at the mesial surface of the first tooth. Before typing the the system by tugging gently at each loop. (H) Tie the knot at the
two ends, tighten the system by tugging gently at each loop. mesiobuccal papilla of the first tooth. Clinical view of a properly executed
periodontal sling suture
Tie the knot at the mesiobuccal papilla of the first tooth.

SUTURE REMOVAL (FIG. 9) amount of contaminated suture that will be dragged through
Many patients are very apprehensive about suture removal, the stitch path. The suture is then gently removed by pulling
so the first step is to reassure the patient that the procedure with the forceps. It is frequently a good idea to reinforce
is not painful. The skin/tissue should be cleansed. Hydrogen the wound with Proxi-Strips or gauze packs. Proxi-Strips
peroxide is a good choice for gently removing dried blood are narrow adhesive strips that are placed perpendicularly
and exudate. across the wound at intervals.
Then grasp one of the “ears” of the suture with a forceps The timing of suture removal depends on following factors:
to elevate the suture just enough to slip the tip of a small a. The amount of wound tension at the time of closure.
scissor under the suture in order to cut it. This should be b. Whether subcutaneous sutures have been placed.
done close to the skin/tissue edge in order to minimize the c. The age and medical condition of patient.

Critical Evaluation of Suture Materials and Suturing Techniques in Implant Dentistry

results are now a reality in challenging clinical situations.

Life expectancy has increased over the last two years. In
1965 average life span was 65 years where as in 1990 it
was 78 years.
Social pleasures including dining and dating continuous
throughout the life. In the past geriatric dentistry meant
inexpensive treatment with primarily nonsurgical approach.
The best way to manage problems is to practice avoidance.
In 1978 the Harvard Consensus Development Conference
on Dental Implants listed several conditions for implant
success including that the implant type or system should
succeed at least 75% of the time for 5 years. Misch criteria
allowed a minimum of 90% success for 5 years and 85%
for 10 years. These criteria or success rate can be achieved
only when each and every case/patient is properly diagnosed,
planned and well-executed besides this all the steps, surgical
Fig 9: The technique of suture removal, showing the use of iris
protocol and all the principles of osseointegration should be
scissors and a no. 11 scalped blade. Correctly removed the suture is
pulled towards the wound incorrect removal, pulling the suture away strictly adhered.
from wound causes added tension across the wound and is liable to For a rigid fixation i.e. for osseointegration to happen
result in dehiscence
besides all other steps once an implant is placed perfect,
wound closure is required. The various suture materials
d. Location over stress sites. have been tried. Surgeons have long thought a suture material
e. Patient medications. which could be used in every step of a surgical operation.
f. Presence of vascular disease. Ideally, such a universal material would combine the most
These factors necessitate longer time before removal. desirable characteristic of both absorbable and non-
The suture is grasped with an instrument and lifted above absorbable sutures and be devoid of most of the undesirable
the epithelial surface. features of each. But such a suture material does not exist
The scissors are then passed through one loop and for the closure of deeper layers absorbable catgut and for
transected close to surface. The suture is then pulled out. closure of superficial layers black silk is popular.
• Skin sutures are usually removed after a period of 7-10 The various techniques for closure have been followed
days and mucosal sutures are removed between 5-7 Interrupted sutures are the most common ones used for
days. simple closures but they pose a problem of bringing thin
mucosal edges together which have the potential of not
When? healing primarily. These areas present the areas of ischemia,
Face: 3-4 days; Scalp: 5 days; Trunk: 7 days further affecting healing, collecting food debris and a source
Arm or leg: 7-10 days; Foot: 10-14 days. of annoyance to tongue and lips. Horizontal mattress avoids
these previous problems cited. Vertical mattress has few
DISCUSSION intraoral uses continuous box lock sutures are more reliable
The goal of modern dentistry is to restore the patient to than simple continuous or a series of interrupted sutures.
normal contour, comfort, function, esthetics, speech and
health regardless of the atrophy, disease or injury of the CONCLUSION
stomatognathic system. In cases with multiple replacements Dental implant therapy requires careful patient evaluation,
this goal becomes more arduous with traditional dentistry. surgical planning and meticulous prosthetic execution.
As a result of continued advancements in treatment planning, The healing capacity of oral tissues is excellent. Flap
implant designs, materials and techniques the predictable design should allow maintenance of optimal and sufficient

International Journal of Clinical Implant Dentistry, May-August 2009;1(2):31-40 39

Manu Modi

blood supply to all mobilized and immobilized portions of Last but not the least with profound feeling of
the soft tissues. With prolonged duration of the surgical gratefulness, I thank my parents, my brother, my wife Mona,
procedure, especially when a high degree of hemostasis
my children Manav and Manya for their invigorating and
has been achieved, there is a risk of drying out of tissues.
The surgical site must be kept moist to minimize shrinkage unrestrained enthusiasm to energize my efforts and incessant
of the reflected tissue flap. In surgical endodontics, the moral boosting without which this dissertation would have
marginal epithelium and connective tissue are not removed, remained a highly arduous task. And finally, thanks to the
but are left intact on the tooth surface subsequent to tissue allmighty god.
incision, elevation and reflection.
The treatment is aimed at maintaining vitality and survival
of these tissues in order to facilitate and expedite the healing REFERENCES
process. Ideally, wound healing does not result in new 1. Vatz AR, Turner RJ. Evaluation of tensile and absorption
attachment formation, but preferably in reattachment, or properties of polyglactin acid sutures Sung. Gynecol Obstet
healing by primary intention. The reapproximated tissue flap 1970;131:701.
should rest passively in the desired place before suturing, 2. Ahluwalia TD, Vaur Jasbir. Various Suture materials used in
reducing tension on the flap margins. In general, tissue oral and maxillofacial Surgery: A review JIDA 2003;74:162-66.
trauma, such as stretching, tearing or distortion should be 3. Boyne PJ. Bone response to dental intraosseous implants Dental
avoided at all times. Gentle and careful manipulation with implants Principles in practice Babbush C, Editor Philadelphia,
microsurgical instruments is helpful, as every placement of WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia PA 1991;17-29.
a suture poses additional injury to the wound margins 4. Roberts WE Helm FR, Marshall KJ, Gongloff RV. Rigid
The smallest possible number of sutures should be used. Endosseous implants for Orthopaedic anchorage. Angle
Nonabsorbable suture materials in sizes 6-0 to 8-0 are orthodontist 1989;59:247-56.
preferred and absorbable materials only recommended in 5. Boyne PJ. Herford as Effect of configuration of surgical burs on
multilayered closure. Time required for the wound to heal Osseo integration of dental implants. A pilot study implant
is closely related to the gap between tissue wound margins. dentistry 1994;3:47-50.
Therefore perfect adaptation will allow earlier suture 6. A' Stephen Y Lai, Sutures and needles (Medicine) (1-11).
removal. Wound support is only needed until the healing 7. Rickard Branemark. Osseo integration in skeletal reconstruction
process has progressed to such an extent that the tissue and rehabilitation. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and
can withstand functional forces. Development March/April 2001;38(2).
8. Wayne W Lamorte. Boston University, School of Medicine.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Basics of wound closure and healing.
9. Atlas of Orallmplantology. A Norman Cranin (2nd ed) 77-87.
At this juncture it gives me great pleasure to express my
10. Alan D, Mc Gregor. Fundamental Techniques of Plastic Surgery
deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness to Dr. Shankar (10th ed) 3-19.
Iyer course director Maxicourse India for his everlasting
inspiration, incessant unwavering support through out this
With deep gratitude and humbleness, I take this
opportune moment to express my sense of gratitude to Dr.
Mahesh Verma, Dean Maulana Azad Dental College, New
Delhi for his constant encouragement and help.
I express sincere gratitude to Dr. Brij Sabatwal, our
course coordinator for timely advise and support during
the whole course.
I am extremely grateful to my colleagues at the Maxi-
course, for acting like a healthy team, and thanks to Dr Manu Modi
Anju Gupta for the help rendered. (


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