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Earth Science Reviewer

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Earth Science Reviewer Week 1 and 2

Different theories/stories about the origin of understand the properties of the

the universe early universe.

• Myths Step 7: Birth of the –

• The Creation estimated to have been born after 9
billion years after the Big Bang,
• Scientific theories, like Big
Bang Theory making it 4.6 billion years old.
: scientists think the sun and
Big Bang Theory in 10
the rest of our solar system was
Easy Steps formed from a giant rotating cloud
of gas and dust > known as the
▪ Still a theory. .
▪ Explosion = Expansion
Step 8: in the 1960s and 1970s,
Belgian Priest- astronomers began thinking that
astronomer. Physics there might be more mass in the
universe than what is visible >
▪ Proposed by Georges
Step 9: 1920s, Edwin Hubble made a
Henri Edouard
Lemaitre. revolutionary discovery.
▪ He called the universe as
Cosmic egg, the single ▪ An American
primordial particle. astronomer.
*Big Bang is not an explosion, instead it is ▪ Pioneer of the
an expansion. distant stars.
▪ Hubble’s Law
Step 1: The universe was born as a ▪ Hubble’s constant
very hot, dense, ▪ Hubble’s Telescope
He said that
Step 2: When the universe was very
young, it grew and doubled in size
at least 90 times. As it expanded, Step 10: there are still enduring
the universe cooled, and matter questions that remain unanswered.
Step 3: Light chemical elements
were created within first 3 Fred Hoyle
minutes. Protons and neutrons - English
collided enough to form deuterium Astrophysicist
(- isotope of hydrogen.) Much of - Cosmologist
this deuterium combined to make - Contributed to the
helium. stellar
Step 4: .
- Published two papers
: the light was unleased is on steady-state
detectable today in the form of cosmology.
radiation from the CMB. - Coiled the Big Bang
: there is no present of life
or whatsoever. ➢ Proposed the Steady-State Theory

Step 5: .
According to this
: the universe became theory, the universe has
transparent. no beginning and no end.
: Clumps of gas collapsed is
enough to form stars ang galaxies. constant
Step 6: Astronomers combed the still
universe looking for the most far-
flung and oldest galaxies to
Earth Science Reviewer Week 1 and 2

Formation of the
Solar System

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