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Origin of The Universe

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Theological theory

Big Bang Theory

Mrs. Johanna Fabre
LOGOS Academy
In the beginning… there was nothing”.
Reality: space expands
When there are more
space between galaxies,
they “move” away from
each other
Analogy: dots on an
expanding balloon
Jeremiah 10:12 But God made the
earth by his power; he founded the
world by his wisdom and stretched
out the heavens by his understanding.

Isaiah 45:12 It is I who made the

earth and created mankind upon it.
My own hands stretched out the
heavens; I marshaled their starry
“Coincidences” in the formation of the
• The composition of our sun is just right, the
distance of the Earth to the sun is just right,
the size of the Earth is just right, the orbit of
the Earth is just right, the size of our moon is
just right and even the giant planets (Jupiter)
are just right for life on Earth…
• The simple answer to the
question is…
It is not a question of
science seeking to
destroy faith, or faith
seeking to assert its
superiority over science. It
is rather that both are
legitimate visions of the
• Albert Einstein's Theory of relativity - 1 Jan 1915
Albert Einstein unveils his theory of general relativity in which he proposes that
mass warps both time and space, therefore large masses can bend light.
Hubble's and Hooker's Telescope - 1 Jan 1918
Measured distance and velocities of galaxies. This telescope was the first major
telescope to observe space in great detail. This was key to the development of The
Big Bang.
Alexander Friedmann - 1 Jan 1922
He discovered the expanding-universe solution to the general relativity field
equations. He basically solved Einsteins theory allowing us to further our
discoveries on the universe and The Big Bang.
In 1927, Lemaître published in Belgium a virtually unnoticed paper that provided a
compelling solution to the equations of General Relativity for the case of an
expanding universe. His solution had, in fact, already been derived without his
knowledge by the Russian Alexander Friedmann in 1922
Hubbles Law - 1 Jan 1929
Named after Edwin Hubble which describes how the galaxies appear to be moving
away from us at speeds proportional to their distance. It's like the planets are
accelerating out away from us. This was key to developing the big bang theory.
This observation supports the expansion of the universe and suggests that the
universe was once compacted and started somewhere.
• George Gamow -1 Apr 1948
Gamow produced an important cosmogony paper with his
student Ralph Alpher, which was published as "The Origin
of Chemical Elements." This was known as the Alpher-
Bethe-Gamow theory, which is measured levels of
hydrogen and helium in the universe largely explained by
reactions that occurred during the "big bang".
Bell Tower discovery - 1 Jan 1965
The radiation was acting as a source of excess noise in a
radio receiver they were building. They concluded that the
radiation was the noise of our once whole universe
• The Nebular Theory
• According to the nebular hypothesis, stars form in massive
and dense clouds of molecular hydrogen—giant molecular
clouds (GMC). They are gravitationally unstable, and matter
coalesces to smaller denser clumps within, which then
proceed to collapse and form stars. Star formation is a
complex process, which always produces a gaseous
protoplanetary disk around the young star. This may give birth
to planets in certain circumstances, which are not well known.
Thus the formation of planetary systems is thought to be a
natural result of star formation.

• Collision theory
• Buffon discussed the origins of the solar system, speculating
that the planets had been created by a comet's collision with
the sun.
4.500 million oceans and
years ago… igneus rocks

Density chemical
location process: LIFE!

Big Bang
• The Big Bang Theory explains…

• Elaborate a Gowin V with the most important information

• 1. What I want to know is

Theorical 4.
frame Observations

Basis Conclusion

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