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A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Strand
Notre Dame – Siena College of General Santos City
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements
In Practical Research 1



April 2021

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department



fulfillment of the requirements in the subject Practical Research 1 has been
examined and is recommended for oral examination.



Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination




Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

subject Practical Research 1.

Approved by:

JOSEPHINE C. DORADO, MIE ________________

Senior High School Coordinator Date

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


With the lack of in-person communication which can be problematic for

students struggling to understand the course material, the researchers sought

to identify the barriers and coping mechanisms that the Senior High School

students of Notre Dame – Siena College of General Santos City experience

during virtual learning as well as their learning environments in order to further

understand them. The researchers used a purposive sampling method in

selecting ten (10) respondents from all strands offered by the school in the

academic year 2020-2021. The study utilized a semi-structure mediated

interview, conducted through Microsoft Teams, as their primary data gathering

tool. Data was analyzed through thematic analysis. Results have shown that

the barriers students encounter during virtual learning are a) unstable internet,

b) audio issues, c) poor concentration, d) household responsibilities, and e)

faulty application. Students’ coping mechanisms during virtual learning

included: (1) physical means such as getting enough rest and partaking in

therapeutic activities; (2) emotional means such as doing recreational

activities; (3) social means such as communicating and interacting with the

people around them, and (4) psychological means such as maintaining a

positive mindset.

Keywords: Virtual Learning, Learning Environment, Barriers, Coping


ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


Sincere gratitude is hereby extended by the researchers to the

following persons who never ceased in helping and supporting them in

making this study possible and a success.

First and foremost, the researchers would like to thank God for his

unconditional guidance and wisdom and for establishing the researchers to

complete this study and for the divine intervention of this academic endeavor.

This fruit of hard work and determination is for His greater glory.

To their Practical Research 1 adviser, Mr. Ralph Laurence Valdueza

for his unwavering guidance and expertise that contributed for the betterment

of this study. To the Panel of Examiners, Mrs. Zoe Regina C. Castro, and

Ms. Kylene Jean I. Celeste, for their insights, feedbacks, and advice that

were essential and influential in making this study. Without their help, this

research would not be a success.

To the respondents, The Senior High School Students, for their

active participation in the conduct of the study. Without their patience and

cooperation, the needed data would not have been gathered.

To the Directress/Principal, Sr. Susana A. Bravante OP, for her

goodwill in allowing this study to be conducted among the senior high school

students in Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City, and in giving

the researchers an opportunity to complete their research by giving her full


ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

To the Senior High School Coordinator, Mrs. Josephine C. Dorado,

for granting the researchers the opportunity to pursue this study through her

kind consideration in the conduct of this study within the locale.

To the researchers’ Parents, for their ceaseless support, assistance,

and encouragement in fulfilling this investigatory project. Their efforts to help

the researchers are greatly appreciated.

Lastly, the help and contributions of the researcher’s classmates,

teachers, and friends are gratefully acknowledged.

The Researchers

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Title Page i
Approval Sheet ii
Abstract iii
Acknowledgment iv
Table of Contents vi
List of Figures vii
List of Appendices ix


Introduction 1
Statement of the Problem 3
Scope and Delimitation 3
Significance of the Study 4
Definition of Terms 6
Theoretical Framework


Virtual Learning 11
Learning Environments 11
Barriers to Virtual Learning 13
Internet Connection 14
Audio Clarity 14
Outdated Devices and Software 15
System Glitch 15
Short Attention Span 16
Coping Mechanisms 16
Related Studies 17

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Research Design 26
Research Locale 27
Research Respondents 28
Research Instrument 28
Data Gathering Procedure 29
Data Analysis 30
Online Class 33
Home Learning 34
Online Learning Environment 37
Barriers to Virtual Learning 40
Coping Mechanisms for Virtual Learning 43
Suggestions for Improvement 45
Summary 47
Findings 48
Conclusions 48
Recommendations 50



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Figure Page

1 Theoretical Framework 10

2 Thematic Framework 32

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Appendix Page

A Letter to the Senior High School Coordinator 56

B Letter to the Principal 57

C Letter to the Validators 58

D Letter to the Respondents 59

E Interview Protocol 60

F First Interview Transcript 62

G Second Interview Transcript 65

H Third Interview Transcript 68

I Fourth Interview Transcript 70

J Fifth Interview Transcript 72

K Sixth Interview Transcript 75

L Seventh Interview Transcript 79

M Eight Interview Transcript 81

N Ninth Interview Transcript 82

O Tenth Interview Trancript 84


This chapter presents the introduction and statement of the problem, to

supply a general opening knowledge and information for the readers. It also

includes the significance of the study, which enumerates the benefactors from

this study, the scope and delimitations, which points out the coverage of this

study, which are significant to the study, the definition of terms, which provide

the conceptual and operational definitions of important terms used in the

study, and the theoretical framework, which provides the theories that will

serve as a basis for the study.


In December 2019, there had been a report about a strange disease

occurring in Wuhan, China. It stated that the said disease came from locals

who consumed exotic food, which led to its outbreak. The symptoms closely

mirrored the symptoms of another virus, and since then, it was labelled as

Novel Coronavirus 19. Based on the definition given by the World Health

Organization, it is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered

coronavirus. In the initial reports, the disease only spread throughout the city.

However, as months passed by, people from outside the country were


Tainting suddenly, as a measure to contain the spread of the novel

coronavirus, most nations resorted to imposing absolute or partial lockdown to

ensure social distance. As a result, there was a complete paralysis in sectors

such as travel and communication, tourism and hospitality, trade and

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

commerce, construction, and so on. In addition, the education sector is the

sector that has faced the greatest challenge (Molise & Dube, 2020).

There was an unprecedented complete or partial lockdown in most

countries around the world, which led to the immediate closing of universities

and colleges. As such, teachers and students had to learn instantly how to

adapt to distance learning. After much deliberation, the Department of

Education opted for online learning. The need to quickly adapt to new

contexts of online teaching and learning has revealed how educational

institutions and teachers have faced and experienced challenges and

opportunities to carry out their work in such unexpected circumstances (Flores

& Gago, 2020).

The online learning environment has dynamically developed

throughout the world, providing a wide range of opportunities for independent

learning and collaboration in unlimited space and time. The online learning

system provides easy access to the knowledge and learning process domain

anywhere, for anyone, at any time. Learners can also access a great deal of

information and resources online, such as books, videos or web pages,

including technological tools or systems used to create a collaborative

environment (Lasfeto & Ulfa, 2020).

Because of the on-going pandemic, online learning has proved to be

quite a challenge to students. Despite the variety of ways that instructors can

foster student engagement, some students simply do not find a virtual

classroom as attractive as a traditional one.

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

Thus, with the lack of in-person communication which can be

problematic for students struggling to understand the course material, the

researchers sought to identify the barriers and coping mechanisms that the

Senior High School students of Notre Dame – Siena College of General

Santos City experience during virtual learning as well as their learning

environments in order to further understand them.


Generally, this study aimed to explore the barriers and coping

mechanisms of senior high students toward their virtual learning in Notre

Dame-Siena College of General Santos City.

Specifically, it seeks answers to the following questions:

1. What is the learning environment of students during virtual learning?

2. What are the barriers students undergo in virtual learning?

3. How do these students cope with these barriers in terms of

1.1 physical;

1.2 emotional;

1.3 social; and

1.4 psychological aspects?


The general intent of this study was to explore the barriers and coping

mechanisms of Senior High School students toward their virtual learning in

Notre Dame – Siena College of General Santos City. This study was only

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

limited to the discussion of these students’ learning environments including

the difficulties in their performance tasks, activities, mode of learning, and

means of teaching, which they encounter during their learning. It also included

the senior high students’ coping mechanisms.

This study was conducted through an online platform – Microsoft

Teams, in order to properly sort the responses, within the month of March

2021. Ten (10) respondents were selected from from all strands in the Senior

High School Department offered by Notre Dame – Siena College of General

Santos City – namely, Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM),

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Humanities

and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand in the academic year 2020-2021


The result of this study may be significant to the following:

To the Senior High School Students. They may be able to know the

importance of their coping mechanisms and how these mechanisms will help

them better in virtual learning. By assessing their coping mechanisms, they

will also be able to know what the best coping mechanism is. As a result, it

will help them to adjust and cope better with the new mode of learning.

To the School Administrators. With they may be able to assess their

student’s behavior better so that they could cope with the new mode of

learning. By knowing the barriers students undergo as well as their coping

mechanisms, they will know what kind of adjustments they need to do to help

the students cope better.

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

To the Parents. Thereupon, not only the school administrators can

benefit from this study but also the parents of the senior high school students.

This is because they will be able to realize the coping mechanisms of their

child. They will also be able to know the challenges caused by virtual learning

which their child is facing. Through this, they will be able to understand that

their child needs to cope first and that it is not easy adjusting to the new mode

of learning.

To the Society. Society will be able to understand that it is not easy

coping with the new mode of learning, and they will be able to be educated

that students have different coping mechanisms. Furthermore, they will realize

that the students are facing various problems. Through this, society will

realize what kind of support the students need in order to cope better.

To the Researchers. The researchers of the study will benefit from

this study as it will enhance their knowledge about coping mechanisms and

enhance their skills in assessing results on the learning environments of the

students during virtual learning; the challenges the students are facing and

their coping mechanisms.

To the Future Researchers. The future researchers can use this

study as a guide or reference, but may use different sample sizes and

respondents. Additionally, they can use this study to improve their own


ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


The following terms were defined conceptually and operationally for

better understanding of this study.

Barriers. These are something like a rule, a statue, or a policy that

makes it difficult or impossible for something to happen or to be accomplished

(Collins, 2021). Operationally, these referred to the hurdles that the senior

high students have faced over the duration of online classes.

Coping Mechanisms. It is defined as a term used distinctively for the

conscious and voluntary mobilization of actions, different from 'defense

mechanisms' which are subconscious or unconscious adaptive reactions, both

of which aim to reduce or tolerate stress (Algorani, 2020). Operationally, it

referred to the actions or methods done by senior high students in order to

overcome the challenges brought by virtual learning.

Emotional Aspect. It is defined as a complex state of feeling that

results in physical and psychological changes that affect thought and behavior.

This is often associated with a range of psychological phenomena, including

temperament, personality, mood, and motivation (Myers, 2020). Operationally,

it referred to the way in which senior high students react to the circumstances

they have been involved in during virtual learning.

Learning Environments. These encompass learning resources and

technology, means of teaching, modes of learning, and connections to

societal and global contexts. It also includes human behavioral and cultural

dimensions, including the vital role of emotion in learning, and it requires us to

examine and sometimes rethink the roles of teachers and students

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

(Gierdowski et al., 2020). Operationally, this referred to the senior high

students’ way of living during virtual learning.

Physical Aspect. These are the characteristics, features or elements

which are visible to the human eye. This includes the first things a person

sees when they look at someone (Your Dictionary, n.d). Operationally, it

referred to the physical struggles of senior high students during virtual

learning, such as over fatigue, digital eye strain, etc.

Psychological Aspect. It is used to describe things that are intended

to influence the mind of emotions. These are the means concerned with a

person’s mind and thoughts (Collins Dictionary, 2010). Operationally, it

referred to the mental stability of senior high students, including how they

think and process the adjustments during virtual learning.

Social Aspect. It focuses on the study of issues related to social

relations between individuals from a sociological perspective (Mascio, 2015).

In this study, it refers to the difficulties senior high students face in terms of

interaction during their virtual learning. It also includes how the communicate

with one another and with their teachers via the Internet, modules, and other

devices used in virtual learning.

Virtual Learning. It is defined by a learning experience that is

enhanced by the use of computers and/or the internet both outside and inside

the educational organization (Racheva, 2017). Operationally, it referred to the

new learning environment issued by the Department of Education in order to

cope with the pandemic.

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


The study is anchored from the theoretical support of Online Learning

by Terry Anderson. As many theories have argued (Herrington & Oliver, 1999)

and practitioners have experienced for themselves, online learning is but a

subset of learning in general – thus, the researchers expected issues relevant

to how adults learn generally to also be relevant is an online learning context.

Bransford, Brown and Cocking (1999), in an insightful book of the new

science of learning, provide evidence and effective learning environment. The

effective online learning is community-centered, knowledge-centered, and

learner-centered. Discussing each of the lenses helped the

researchers define learning in a general sense before they apply the analysis

framework to the unique characteristics of online leaning.

Theories on behaviorism, cognitivism, and connectivism served as

foundations supporting this research.

The theory of behaviorism founded by Ivan Pavlov (Picciano,

2017) focuses on how students behave depending on their interaction with

their environment. In the context of education, the behavior of a student

depends on whether it is in an online or traditional setting. Both habits are

acquired through contact with the world, according to this principle. According

to this learning theory, behaviors are acquired from their environment,

and intrinsic or genetic influences have very little effect on actions.

Behaviorism focuses on studying how students respond to particular

stimuli that can be measured, quantified, and ultimately controlled for each

individual when replicated. The emphasis in behaviorism is on what can be

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

seen, rather than on the mind or neural processes. To summarize, this theory

focuses on the observable traits of a student that can be evaluated, controlled

and reinforced to promote a better quality of education (WGU, 2020).

Another theory that supported this study is the cognitivism theory. The

difference between this theory and Behaviorism is that it considers the role of

the mind as a factor for learning (Picciano, 2017). It means that cognitive

processes in the mind such as motivation and imagination are critical for

learning. This is related to virtual learning because it considers both internal

and external factors that affect learning (Rhalmi, 2011). In the most basic

sense, this theory suggests that when a student understands his or her

thoughts, the more he/she can control and utilize them for more learning

opportunities. One of the areas that this paper will discuss is the mental toll

that online or traditional education may impose on a student that affects their

thoughts which is under the umbrella of the cognitivism theory.

One of the founders of the coping theory, Lazarus and Folkman (1984),

described coping as "constantly shifting cognitive and behavioral attempts to

handle particular external and internal demands that are assessed as

taxing or exceeding the person's resources". Coping, according to their

description, means using emotional resources in a way that decreases

tension. The end aim of all coping strategies, whether conscious or

involuntary, is to fix a crisis and restore homeostasis. Additionally, coping

techniques can be beneficial or harmful, depending on whether they improve

or decrease mental health and personality characteristics and perceptual

interactions play a part in coping. Furthermore, individual methods for

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

responding to a situation are strongly individualized. For two people, coping is

never the same.

Figure 1.
Paradigm of the Theoretical Framework




The researchers, therefore, theorized that the online learning

performance can affect the coping mechanisms of the respondents.

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


This chapter presents a review of related literature and studies that

justifies the existing study. It has four parts, namely: 1) Virtual Learning, which

discusses its meaning and categories; 2) Barriers to Virtual Learning, which

discusses the relationship between each barrier and its categories; 3) Coping

Mechanisms, which discusses its meaning and implications; and 4) Related

Studies, which contains various studies which are relevant to the present


Related Literature

The section presents various literature related to the study and significant

to the concretization of concepts and theories for the interpretation of its


Virtual Learning

Virtual learning has many advantages. It makes education more open to

students, supports students who in conventional education models do not

perform well, and relieves social pressure. Virtual learning is still a model that

is evolving, and regular changes are made to the framework. There is

enormous promise, but there is room for growth as well. However, there are a

lot of challenges the students face because of virtual learning. According to

Achieve Virtual (2020), one of the challenges that the students face is time

management. By far the most challenging challenge for students to tackle is

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

time management since it relies solely on self-motivation. Students need to

take their education seriously, learn how to handle time and set their regular

schedule, and when they want something else, learn to study. Next is social

interaction. One of the virtual education problems that are most listed is that

students have little or no face-to-face contact with others. Outside the typical

high school setting, online students may experience isolation or discomfort,

but there are still ways of communicating with other students. Additionally,

students and their parents may be worried that virtual learning has a

detrimental effect on their chances of attending a college or university they

want. But the program, again, is required by the legislature, and has the same

requirements as all public schools.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, about 3.3 million

of college students attended online in 2018. Purdue University Global (2019),

states four issues that the students face in virtual learning. First is digital

literacy. Students need a certain level of technical maturity, including the

ability to log in, engage in classes, submit work, and interact with teachers

and classmates effectively. That's why it is hard for some students to transfer

work and engage in virtual learning. Next challenge is technical issues. As an

online student, anywhere you have a connected computer, you can access

class, however a strong internet connection is needed. How easily you can

communicate and participate in class can be influenced by low bandwidth and

poor internet. Lastly is lack of motivation. Virtual learning includes

encouragement to complete assignments, remain active, and make progress.

It can be enticing to procrastinate when you're not surrounded in a physical

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

environment by peers and teachers. Many internet learners can start out fully

engaged and then find that their motivation wanes. Students will fall behind

when this occurs.

Learning Environments

According to Akkoyunlu (2015), a learning environment has many

meanings according to the way it is used. Beside it being an indicator of

learning task, psychosocial environments in class, and virtual environments

formed with computer and internet technologies, it also used in a very wide

range of ways. The learning environment is the environment in which a

learner can discover solutions to challenges and have access to materials that

will assist them in achieving their goals. The experiences in the learning

environment are important for lifelong learning. The relationship between the

learner and the learning environment creates these interactions. In a learning

environment tailored for learners, the role of interaction with sensory

stimulants (tools and materials) is critical. The understanding of learner-

centered education, in today's educational philosophy, not only allows

materials to be built according to students' various learning characteristics, but

also improves the effective learning environments with the aid of established

technologies (Akkoyunlu, 2015).

Barriers to Virtual Learning

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, education has changed

dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is

undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. Students can choose between

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

online learning and modular learning. Most universities in the country focuses

on online learning since everything can be done digitally. But since, this new

normal of education is new to some, students struggle to cope up. According

to Amadora (2019), common problems that occur on online classes can be

simplified into five; Internet connection, Audio Clarity, Outdated Devise &

Software, System Glitch, and Short Attention Span.

Internet Connection

The Philippines is an internet-challenged country; a problem that

caused delays in the implementation of distance learning in general. Though

there are some plans for the Internet, they are not, however, created equal.

Hence, in online classes, there was never a day when a student has not

voiced out complaints such as “Can someone tell the professor I/he/she got

disconnected?” “Oops! Where did he go? (referring to the professor who

doesn’t realize he got cut off), “I have unstable Wi-Fi”, “Do you guys see/hear

me?”. Some students live in the city, but they still suffer such mishaps.

Moreover, the students who are trapped in remote places where the reception

is not as good as the city's inhabitants? To get a bar or two they are forced to

“move mountains” (Amadora, 2019).

Audio Clarity

Although weak internet connectivity can cause audio drawbacks, the

type of microphone used may also lead to the problem. The issues of

unnecessary echoes and background sounds from both the lecturer and the

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

student who recited most of the time became distracting. It's better to be on-

call with the headphones that have built-in mic will do too much. Students had

decided to purchase a different microphone just to ensure adequate audio

clarity anytime they wanted to recite in class. Good for those who can afford it.

It may or may not be that expensive; but it is also an additional expense

(Amadora, 2019).

Outdated Devise & Software

Student devices may not be latest but they were all efficiently working

for their needs. Everything changed when online classes began. Students

device were not just up to it. As most lessons take place by video calls, most

platforms require an upgraded framework to operate effectively. To keep the

story short, an update is needed not just of the system, but also of the

computer. Sadly, it is a luxury that turned into a necessity that everyone could

not just easily afford. Not at this time where most jobs are hanging by a

thread (Amadora, 2019).

System Glitch

Just like students, the program used during online classes also has

bad days. From the student's point of view, it may seem easy to open the

laptop and log in, but the fact is that they still suffer from a system bug that

they don't see coming—the collapse of the program, the abrupt exclusion from

the current lesson, the incompatibility of the application on those computers,

and so on (Amadora, 2019).

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

Short Attention Span

This dilemma may not be a technical one, but it remains universal.

Self-discipline is required to be attentive and centered in a daily classroom

environment. With the online class, it takes power to stay awake and

concentrated. Short attention span has grown even shorter. Because

everybody operates from the comfort of their houses, students can't help but

give in to that comfort (Amadora, 2019).

Coping Mechanisms

The strategies were people often use in the face of stress and/or

trauma to help manage difficulties in life. Coping mechanisms can help people

adjust to stressful events while helping them maintain their emotional well-

being. Coping styles can be problem-focused—also called instrumental—or

emotion-focused. Problem-focused coping strategies are typically associated

with methods of dealing with the problem in order to reduce stress, while

emotion-focused mechanisms can help people handle any feelings of distress

that result from the problem. In addition, coping mechanisms may be

classified broadly as active or avoidant. Some coping strategies are not

successful for a long-term period, but they operate for a while. These

inadequate coping mechanisms are known as "maladaptive coping," and can

also be detrimental or have unintentional negative effects. Adaptive coping

mechanisms are those that are commonly considered to be safe and efficient

ways to handle stressful circumstances. (2018)

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

The use of effective coping skills can often help improve mental and

emotional well-being. People who are able to adjust to stressful or traumatic

situations through productive coping mechanisms may be less likely to

experience anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns. People

who find themselves defaulting to maladaptive coping mechanisms and/or

experience difficulty utilizing effective coping strategies may eventually see a

negative impact on mental and emotional well-being. Those who have a

difficult time knowing how to cope with anxiety, stress, or anger may fall into

the habit of relying on a maladaptive coping mechanism.

Related Studies

This part contains the different studies that were relevant to this study.

These studies also provide adequate details needed in the said study.

Aging et al. (2020) in their study Students’ Perception of Online

Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study on the English Students

of STKIP Pamane Talino focused on the implementation of the Indonesian

Ministry of Education and Culture to impose policies moving conventional

classroom to online classroom. The current study was a collective case study

consisting of analysis of survey on students’ perceptions of their online

learning during the pandemic. Sixty-six students of English Language

Education Study Program at Pamane Talino College of Education (STKIP

Pamane Talino) were involved. Their perceptions of their online classroom

were recorded through a survey. The recorded perceptions were in terms of

students’ participation, accessibility, material and assignment delivery, and

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

the use of e-learning platforms. The results were then summarized into tables

and narrative descriptions. The study identified three major obstacles in

conducting online learning in English Language Education Study Program at

STKIP Pamane Talino: the first was availability and sustainability of internet

connection, the second was accessibility of the teaching media, and the last

was the compatibility of tools to access the media. The result of the current

study suggested that accessibility became the major factor influencing the

success of online learning. Online learning for English Language Education

Study Program at STKIP Pamane Talino, and potentially Indonesia in general,

required more friendly platforms so that students’ participation can be

increased. This is especially for students who reside in rural areas with limited

internet connections and other support systems.

The results indicated that the abovementioned collective case study which

consist analysis of survey on students’ perception that helped the researchers

in building up the arguments presented

Alberto et al. (2020) in their study Barriers to Online Learning in the

time of COVID-19: A National Survey of Medical Students in the Philippines

focused on identifying the barriers to online learning from the perspective of

medical students in the country. As a result, they have identified the barriers

which were divided into five categories: technological, individual, domestic,

institutional, and community barriers. Additionally, the most commsonly

experienced challenges were the adaptation of learning styles, the need for

home duties, and inadequate communication between educators and learners.

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

The results helped the researchers in the investigation of other underlying

variables in the study.

Bączek et al. (2021) in their study Students’ perception of online

learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: investigated the perception of this

type of learning among medical students. A survey was conducted by

distributing an online questionnaire to Polish medical students. Data gathered

from the survey were analyzed with routine statistical software. Eight hundred

four students answered the questionnaire. According to respondents’ answers,

the main advantages of online learning were the ability to stay at home (69%),

continuous access to online materials (69%), learning at your own pace (64%),

and comfortable surroundings (54%). The majority of respondents chose lack

of interactions with patients (70%) and technical problems with IT equipment

(54%) as the main disadvantages. There was no statistical difference between

face-to-face and online learning in terms of opinions on the ability of the

learning method to increase knowledge (P = .46). E-learning was considered

less effective than face-to-face learning in terms of increasing skills (P < .001)

and social competences (P < .001). Students assessed that they were less

active during online classes compared to traditional classes (P < .001). E-

learning was rated as enjoyable by 73% of respondents. E-learning is a

powerful tool for teaching medical students. However, successful

implementation of online learning into the curriculum requires a well thought-

out strategy and a more active approach.

The implication of these results helped the researchers in the investigation

of other underlying factors of the study.

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

Bolu et al. (2020) in their case study Engineering Students' Virtual

Learning Challenges during COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown determines the

nature of the issue in order to identify the research and innovation areas and

provide indigenous answers to the challenges identified as a major concern

for the Nigerian Deans of Engineering. As a result of the pandemic lockdown,

due to unequal power and internet unavailability, most professors, staff, and

students in Nigerian universities were unable to learn online.The study

presents the findings of an online survey conducted during the lockdown of

the population of over 80,000 engineering students in Nigeria to a stratified

sample size. The preliminary analysis indicates that some sort of a cost-

effective but versatile and mobile optimized enhanced internet-ready power

system must be developed suitable for teaching, learning and study, which is

often suitable for learning both day and night.

Moreover, the results indicated that the abovementioned online survey

helped the researchers in the investigation of underlying variables of the study.

Chandra (2020) in the study Online education during COVID-19:

perception of academic stress and emotional intelligence coping strategies

among college students analysis the perception of academic stress

experienced by students during current online education and coping

strategies using emotional intelligence adopted by them. Due to COVID-19

pandemic, the government around the world has closed all the educational

institutions to control the spread of disease. The sudden shift from the

physical classroom to virtual space is creating a disruption among students.

Using a purposive sampling method, data were collected on a sample of 94

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

students pursuing undergraduation and postgraduation from two Indian cities,

Ahmedabad, and Mumbai. The survey was conducted using two online

questionnaires, Perceptions of Academic Stress Scale and Emotional

Intelligence Scale and analyzed using descriptive statistics with chi-square

analysis. A telephonic discussion was also conducted with some respondents

to understand different coping strategies used by them to handle the stress.

The findings indicated significant differences were observed between the fear

of academic failure and online and home environment among male and

female students. Many of them have started diverting themselves to various

creative activities and taking up courses that are helping them to learn new

technical skills. By using emotional intelligence and distancing from boredom

and depressive thoughts, students were trying to cope with negative effects

arising from the current pandemic situation.

Furthermore, results indicated will help the researchers' on

investigating the students' perception experiencing academic stress and

coping using strategies using emotional intelligence helped the researchers'

aid in the arguments presented.

Cho and Shen (2013) in their study Self-regulation in online learning

examined the role of goal orientation and academic self-efficacy in student

achievement mediated by effort regulation, metacognitive regulation, and

interaction regulation in an online course. The results show that intrinsic goal

orientation and academic self-efficacy predicted students’ metacognitive self-

regulation; however, extrinsic goal orientation did not predict any type of

regulation. Effort regulation and the amount of time spent in Blackboard

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

predicted students’ academic achievement in the course, and interaction

regulation predicted the amount of time spent in the online course. Results

show the importance of individual students’ intrinsic goal orientation and

academic self-efficacy in academic achievement. Discussion relates to current

research and implications for online teaching and learning practice.

The results indicated helped the researchers' on academic self-efficacy

and goal orientation of students in an online course in the investigation of

other underlying variables of the study.

Cortez (2020) in the study Blended, distance, electronic and virtual-

learning for the new normal of mathematics education: A senior high school

student’s perception examined the perception of the senior high school

students on blended, distance, electronic and virtual learning as a new way of

delivering lessons for the following school year due to the existing threat of

CoViD-19. A random sample of 342 senior high school students of different

strands from STI College Global City served as the sample of this study. Data

were collected through a self-administered survey questionnaire sent through

a google form to comply with the existing lockdown policies of the government.

The result indicates that the subjects’ perception on the effectivity of online

learning and their capability to attend the e-learning sessions is independent

of their life style and available e-learning tools despite the result analysis of

variance showing that their perceived mathematical capability are significantly


ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

The implication of these results helped the researchers on examining

the perception of senior high school on virtual learning aid in the investigation

of other underlying variables of the study.

Rotas and Cahapay (2020) in their study From stress to success:

Exploring how Filipino Students cope with remote learning amid COVID-19

pandemic explored how students cope with learning amidst the pandemic. 32

purposively sampled Filipino students were chosen as participants in an

online survey method used to gather the needed information. Results stated

that students employ the following coping strategies: looking for good space

and time; borrowing learning resources; seeking support from peers;

approaching the teachers; practicing time management; doing learning tasks

ahead; extending the time for learning tasks; diverting attention; regulating the

self; taking extra jobs; crying; and praying.

Furthermore, results indicated that the abovementioned coping

mechanisms are the ones most commonly employed by students. This helped

in strengthening the arguments presented.

Wei et al. (2015) in their study Can more interactivity improve learning

achievement in an online course? Effects of college students' perception and

actual use of a course-management system on their learning achievement

investigated how interactivity influence learners' use of interactive functions in

the course-management system (CMS) and their online learning performance.

A two-tier mediation framework was proposed to examine the mediating

effects of different actual-use records concerning the CMS's interactive

functions. Data was collected from 381 undergraduate students who enrolled

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

in a general-education asynchronous online course from three universities in

Taiwan. The results indicated that the relationships among students' self-

reported use of interactive functions, students' perceptions of the usefulness

of interactive functions, and students' actual-use logs have some direct

influences on students' online learning performance (online-discussion scores,

exam scores, and group-project scores). In addition, students' actual-use logs

(the number of times of log-ins to the online course, the number of times

students read learning materials, and the number of postings on the

discussion board) have a mediated effect on students' self-reported frequency

of logging into the CMS, students' self-reported frequency of using the

learner–instructor/learner–learner interactive functions, and online learning

performance. The findings and implications could constitute a useful guide for

educational practitioners and designers concerned with the effective

integration of interactivity into future online courses.

The results indicated above in the students’ interactivity and their

online learning performance helped the researchers’ aid in the investigation of

other underlying variables of the study.

Zhou Yan (2018) in the study Influencing Factors and Coping

Strategies on Online Learning Engagement-A Perspective of Self-

Determination Theory investigated the influencing factors on online learning

engagement, by using questionnaire survey to test 438 undergraduates who

participating in the online classroom. The results show that learners'

epistemological beliefs positively predict individual learning engagement

through metacognitive regulation strategies; self-determination motivation and

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

metacognitive regulation strategies play a complete intermediary role in the

relationship between epistemological beliefs and learning engagement, but

the impact of different types of motivation is different. A motivation has

significant negative predictive effect on learning engagement; while controlling

motivation has no significant effect and autonomous motivation has significant

positive predictive effect on learning engagement. It indicated that we can

promote the academic performance of Online learning engagement by

improving learners' motivation, metacognitive regulation strategies and

epistemological beliefs.

The implication of these results helped the researchers on the

influencing factors on online learning engagement aid in the investigation of

other underlying factors of the study.

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This chapter presents the description of the research methods used for

the entire study. It will contain the following: 1) Research Design, which

presents the research design and the approaches used in the study; 2)

Research Locale, which presents the locale where the study took place and

when the study was conducted; 3) Research Respondents, which presents

the method in determining the number of samples from the total number of

population; 4) Research Instrument, which presents the data gathering

instrument used; 5) Data Analysis, which presents the research analysis that

will be used in the interpretation and analysis of the data; 6) Data Gathering

Procedure, which presents the procedures in gathering data for interpretation

and analysis.


This study was qualitative in nature. Qualitative research as defined by

Denzin and Lincoln (2005), involves the studied use and collection of a variety

of empirical materials – case study, personal experience, introspective, life

story, interview, observational, historical, interactional, and visual texts – that

describe routine and problematic moments and meanings in individuals’ lives.

It also relies on the analysis of narrative data to create an interpretation of the

meaning of these behaviors from the perspective of the participants

themselves, within their own social context.

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Moreover, this research was a descriptive research. According to

McCombes (2019), descriptive research attempts to characterize a group,

condition, or phenomena in a systematic and precise manner. It will answer to

what, where, when and how questions, but not why. It is an effective approach

when the research aims to identify characteristics, frequencies, trends, and


Additionally, this research employed a phenomenological approach.

Neubauer et al., (2019) states that phenomenology is a form of quality

research focused on the lived experiences of an individual. Its main purposes

are to produce in-depth descriptions of a phenomenon as well as to seek

reality from different individuals’ experiences and feelings. Phenomenological

research studies commonly capture the participants’ lived history, perceptions,

experiences, and emotions (Yüksel & Yıldırım, 2015).


This study was conducted on March 2021 via Microsoft Teams.

Microsoft teams, as defined by O’Neill (2020), is a cloud-based team

collaboration software which holds online business messaging, calling, video

meetings and file sharing. It enables local and remote workers to collaborate

on content in real time and near-real time across different devices such as

laptops and mobile devices. The researchers have decided to use this as a

medium of communication to cater to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic.

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The researchers used purposive sampling in identifying the

respondents needed to conduct the research. By definition, purposive

sampling is a non-probability sampling wherein samples are selected based

on the characteristics and objective of the study. Specifically, this study will

utilize a heterogeneous purposive sampling. The purpose of this kind of

sample design is to provide as much insight as possible into an event or

phenomenon under examination (Crossman, 2020).

In this study, the researchers selected ten students from all strands

available in Notre-Dame Siena College of General Santos City.


The researchers utilized a semi-structured mediated interview method

as their primary data gathering tool. Each interview question will be based on

the study’s statement of the problem. According to Frances et al., (2009),

interview is a method used to gain insight into people’s perceptions,

understandings, and experienced which can contribute to in-depth data

collection. It helps people understand, and explore the respondents’ opinions,

behaviour, experiences, phenomenon, etc.

Because of the pandemic, the researchers utilized a mediated

interview method. This refers to in-depth interviews used to gather data via

the Internet with the intention of subjecting them to analysis to provide new

evidence in relation to a specific research question (Salmons, 2010).

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Given (2008) defines semi-structured interviews as a qualitative data

collection strategy wherein researchers ask the respondents a series of

predetermined but open-ended questions. This allows interview to have space

to follow tropical trajectories as the conversation unfolds, allowing for a

discussion with the interviewee rather than a straightforward question and

answer format (Magaldi & Berler, 2018).


In order to collect information in a methodical manner, the researchers

employed the following procedures:

Before the actual interview, the researchers formulated the guide

questions to be asked to the Senior High students during their interview.

Afterwards, the researchers created a letter addressed to Notre Dame-Siena

College of General Santos City’s director/principal, Sister Susana A. Bravante,

O.P, the senior high school assistant principal, Josephine Dorado and lastly, a

letter of consent for the research respondents. Then, the researchers asked

for validation from their research adviser regarding their proposed questions

for the interview and the letters of approval and permission. Next, the

researchers sent out the letters to the intended recipients.

After selecting and finalizing the tools for data collection, the

researchers proceeded to conduct the study by interviewing the selected

Senior High students of each strand. Each respondent was sent out a private

message before proceeding with the interview. After confirming with the

respondents, they were given a Microsoft Teams link. During the interview,

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each researcher asked a series to questions related to their learning

environment, the barriers they encounter, and their coping mechanisms. All

interviews will be used to fulfil the data needed for the analysis. Upon

completion, the researchers created a transcript of the interviews which will be

later analysed and interpreted.


The data obtained from the respondents was analyzed using thematic

analysis. This type of analysis was originally developed by Virginia Braun and

Victoria Clarke for a psychology research. According to the two, thematic

analysis refers to a flexible qualitative research strategy that generates

themes from interview data. It does not associate with any specific research

design which means it can be utilized for case studies, phenomenology,

generic qualitative, and narrative inquiry (Braun and Clarke, 2013).

Additionally, thematic analysis often involves coding of qualitative data

into clusters of related individuals, or semantic categories, as well as the

identification of consistent patterns and relationships within themes in order to

develop a rational interpretation of the phenomenon under study (Figgou &

Pavlopoulos, 2015).

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This chapter contains the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of

data gathered from interviewing ten (10) senior high school students from

each strand offered by Notre Dame – Siena College of General Santos City

on their barriers and coping mechanisms during virtual learning. Six themes

emerged from the research data, each with different subtopics, namely: 1)

Online Class, which discusses the new learning system implemented by the

school, 2) Home Learning, which discusses the different physical learning

environments in which students have during virtual learning, 3) Online

Learning Environment, which discusses the learning resources and

technology, means of teaching, modes of learning, and connections to

societal and global contexts, 4) Barriers to Virtual Learning, which discusses

the struggles and difficulties of each student during virtual learning, and 5)

Coping Mechanisms for Virtual Learning, which discusses the strategies in

which students do to cope with the struggles of virtual learning, and 6)

Suggestions for Improvement, which discusses the recommendations each

student has.

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Figure 2.
This thematic map shows the relationship among the themes
used in the analysis.

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Theme 1: Online Class

With the announcement of the Department of Education to conduct

online classes until the end of the pandemic, most of the respondents initially

had negative reactions.

Respondent #7 stated that, “Since it was approved by the Department

of Education, I think it is not that efficient. I say this because students during

this time, are losing interest, and teachers-I am not saying that their teaching

is inefficient, but I find that they are not trained well enough for this kind of set-

up. For me, it is inefficient because I cannot see myself, working as hard as I

used to.” Respondent #9, a grade 12 STEM student, reported that, “I was

always used to being taught face-to-face, so this is the first time I have tried

virtual learning. My mother would teach me one-on-one, so I got used to

personally talking to those who teach me. With that, I find it difficult to

communicate especially when I am interrupted.”

Students talked about how it was difficult to adjust to the new

environment as well as the new mode of learning. Respondent #1 expressed

how tough virtual learning is compared to face-to-face classes, saying that he

prefers the latter more;

“However, contrary to learning through modules, online classes are

much more effective due to the more emphasized teachings given by


On the other hand, Respondent #10 asserted that “I think the new

learning system that we are using today is somehow helpful for students who

prefer staying at their homes and for parents who prefer to have their children

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stay at home especially for safety purposes.” She discussed that staying at

home proves to be beneficial since everything is accessible.

Additionally, Respondent #4 believes that online classes are a good

way to help her be more open to technology which she is certain that is useful

when taking college courses;

“The online class also helped me be more open to technology which I

believe is useful when it comes to taking college courses. I have acquired

more information than I could during this time.”

Respondent #8 also added that, “As the school year is reaching its end,

she noticed that both students and teachers are now used to the new normal

learning compared to when it was first launched.”

Theme 2: Home Learning

In addition to mentioning their environment during virtual learning,

interviewees also discussed various types of learning environments and its

relationship with each other. The theme of online learning environment is

described below in two (2) parts: a) learning space, and b) hindrances to

home learning.

Learning Space

Although there has been a change in today’s learning system, the

respondents admitted that they felt comfortable with staying in the comforts of

their homes. Six out of ten respondents attend classes in their own bedrooms,

while the other four attend theirs in their living rooms.

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Respondent #1 talked about how staying inside his room gives him

more concentration in absorbing what is taught:

“My place now is inside my room because it is quieter, and I need

silence when it comes to attending classes so that I could absorb what is

being taught better.”

According to Respondent #4, “My learning environment here at home

is very comfortable, because we have a stable internet connection, and we

only experience blackouts occasionally.”

Respondent #8 described her learning environment as a typical

learning study equipped with notebooks and the necessary learning materials


In addition to that, Respondent #5 expressed that, “My learning space

doesn't have too many distractions. I have a proper desk and all the things I

need such as a laptop, and the like.” Most of the respondents have a typical

learning set-up equipped with the necessary items needed for their online


Hindrances to Home Learning

Despite studying in the comforts of their homes, students still

experience difficulties.

Respondent #9 described her home learning experience as something

that is “not so good” because she does not have her own place to study. She

stated that, “Every morning, I would go out, take a seat, which unfortunately

makes my back and butt ache. In a way, it is very similar to how you would

feel in school, except for the fact that I can stand up and adjust when the

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teacher comes.” She also added that since attends classes in their living

room, she is easily interrupted with the unnecessary noise and loses her


Additionally, Respondent #2 talked about how the heat proved to be a

hindrance during her learning at home:

“As a homebody, I do not have any problems with staying at home

except for the fact that our city is very hot. Because I am too used to the

comfort my home brings, I find it hard to leave my bed.”

Unnecessary background noise also proved to be hindrance to

Respondent #3 saying that he “constantly hears the sound of dogs and cars

passing by which annoy me.”

According to Respondent #5, her household responsibilities such as

household chores and taking care of her siblings play a big role in her having

a hard time during home learning:

“During the first week of classes, I had my brother here so I couldn't


With this, Respondent #7 added that, “Even though I have the chance

to experience online classes, I still have many hindrances, like doing

household chores and the like. I'm not saying that it is the thing that holds me

back from studying, but it is challenging because like I said, I am just at home.

There are a lot of things I could do, so I find it very challenging here.”

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Theme 3: Online Learning Environment

In addition to mentioning their environment during virtual learning,

interviewees also discussed various types of learning environments and its

relationship with each other. The theme of online learning environment is

described below in five (5) parts: a) teaching performance, b)

incomprehensible and inadequate learning materials, c) heavy workload, d)

rushed deadlines, and e) independent learning.

Teaching Performance

Teacher’s performance and effectiveness in teaching is essential in the

learning process. Good teachers are one of the most important factors that

contribute to student achievement in the classroom.

Due to the pandemic, it is understandable that there are some teachers

who cannot properly execute their skills in teaching for they may not be used

the new learning set-up yet. The respondents talked about the differences

between the modes of teaching and its effectivity to their learning.

As explained by Respondent #7, “There are a lot of unforeseen

difficulties which we experience. Some teachers cannot present their lessons,

and some students cannot take the class.”

Respondent #1 stated that, “I don't really understand our lessons that

much because of the way our teacher conducts his class. He tends to write

the solution and then copying and pasting the picture of the definition so it

becomes a hassle for us.” He found it hard to cope with subjects which

require solutions because it is hard for teachers to relay information only

through technology.

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According to Respondent #5, “I know that the teachers are not perfect,

and they are still adjusting to this new set-up. However, other teachers cannot

explain the subject matter well because they are not knowledgeable enough

in using technology.” She also added that teachers who have adjusted to the

new learning set-up are very commendable since they are able to make

learning easier for students.

Incomprehensible and Inadequate Learning Materials

Learning materials are important for they help increase student

achievement by allowing students to explore knowledge independently. These

include pdfs, PowerPoints, activities and other files. In this new learning set-

up, learning materials are utilized for students to understand the contents and

concepts of the subject matter more thoroughly.

As stated by Respondent #4, the learning material given differs for

every subject. “Fortunately, most of the teachers provide enough learning

materials which make it easier for students to comprehend their lessons. On

the other hand, there are some who provide learning materials that lack the

required information, resulting in confusion from students.” Respondent #10, a

grade 11 STEM student, reported that, “There are also times when they don't

give the files ahead of time which makes us unable to study in advance.”

There are also difficulties experienced by students with regards to their

activities. Respondent #6 mentioned that she noticed some activities had

questions that are far from the topic discussed.

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Heavy Workload

In terms of workload, students noticed that there are inconsistencies in

the schedule of activities given. It became a habit for teachers to give out

major assignments and performance tasks a week before the exams, causing

students to have a heavy workload.

Respondent #2 explained that, “The schedule of activities became

inconsistent and the teachers started to drop activities a few days before out

exams. We almost have no rest days because I still have activities to do

during the weekend.” She also added that it may be because unlike the face-

to-face set up – where students do everything at school, resulting in teachers

not giving tasks beyond, students are expected to have a lot of free time at


Rushed Deadlines

According to Respondent #1, the quizzes, and activities of almost

every subject are given at the same time with the same deadlines. This

causes students to feel an immense amount of pressure knowing that several

activities should be passed on the same day.

Respondent #2 expressed that, “I was so overwhelmed by the rushed

deadlines that I had a hard time doing my schoolworks.” It was also reported

that she realized how students only start to work whenever deadlines are

given so they tend to cram everything.

Independent Learning

Since learning is purely online, it is hard to approach teachers during

discussions due to overlapping background noises and insufficient time.

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Based on what Respondent #4 said, “We cannot assure that they

acknowledge our presence or not. Due to the number of students, teachers

may not be able to cater to every student's queries.”

Respondent #10 said that, “I also realized that learning on your own is

difficult especially when you are not with other people.” She also explained

that there were times when teachers cannot conduct class discussions due to

changes in their schedules, so students are forced to learn by themselves.

Theme 4: Barriers to Virtual Learning

Moreover, interviewees also discussed various types of barriers in

which students experience during their virtual learning. The theme of barriers

to virtual learning is described below in five (5) parts: a) unstable internet, b)

audio issues, c) poor concentration, d) household responsibilities, and e)

faulty application.

Unstable Internet

Admittedly, the Philippines does not have the best quality of internet in

the world. With this, the most common barrier experienced by students during

virtual learning is connectivity problems.

Respondent #7 asserted that, “When it comes to difficulties, the first

one will always be internet stability, because there are times when

connections fail.” She talked about how there would be interruptions everyone

one in a while which proved to be very frustrating. Respondent #4 added that,

“I actually had an experience where I had no internet for 2 weeks, so I had to

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compromise. I had to go to my cousin's house everyday just to be able to

attend classes.”

Students also discussed that whenever the internet gets cut off

randomly, they tend to lose focus during classes due to the fact that they

cannot go back to the meetings right away and cannot notify their friends

whenever it happens.

Audio Issues

In this set-up, having a clear and audible audio is essential to have a

more effective learning. However, the problems in connectivity will not be able

to assure that.

As stated by Respondent #8, “There are times when I have problems

with the audio. During this time, the audio and visual presentations are very

important. I noticed that there were instances wherein we could not hear the

teachers very well and there would sometimes be this robotic voice, so every

now and then, there would be messages in our group chat, asking about the

audio.” Respondent #1 also added that the audio gets choppy or cut off during

classes, giving them a hard time in understanding.

Unfortunately, the problem is not easily solved which cause students to

normalize having unclear and inaudible audio.

Poor Concentration

Aside from the physical barriers students experience, poor

concentration has also become evident especially during virtual learning.

There are students who find it difficult to concentrate without face-to-face

interactions, causing them to lose motivation and slack off.

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

Respondent #5 expressed that she is the kind of person who easily

loses her will to listen. With this, she said she does not prefer using gadgets

when learning, but rather writing and taking note of the things taught and

hearing the voice of the teachers personally. She also added that, “Because

of the set-up, I tend to go off cam to sleep which makes me unable to listen


On the contrary, Respondent #8 believes that if she pays enough

attention to the discussion itself, she could understand better. Unfortunately,

she also does not have enough concentration to do so.

Household Responsibilities

Since students are forced to stay at home because of the pandemic, it

is inevitable for them to still have household responsibilities.

According to Respondent #7, “Household responsibilities are part of

what holds me back from studying.” She stated that this is due to her having

the responsibility of teaching her nephew which makes her be unable to focus

during classes. Respondent #9 asserted that, “I need to do chores such as

washing the dishes and sweeping the floor.” With this, she finds it hard to

adjust her time so that after class, she could tend to her responsibilities.

Faulty Application

Notre Dame – Siena College of General Santos City’s learning

application is Microsoft Teams. Although, it is a great app equipped with

features that aid students during their learning, it still has some shortcomings.

Respondent #5 discussed that, “There are still mishaps such as failure

in uploading files, lag, and I've noticed that it required too much internet

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connection to be able to join meetings. There are also instances wherein I

forget my account information which makes me unable to log in.” She also

expressed her discontentment when the application deleted and modified the

works of other students.

In a similar way, Respondent #7 expressed her difficulties with how the

app could not let her upload her tasks, causing a delay in her schedule. She

also added that, “There was also a time when my teacher conducted a class

in the morning, but it did not show in my app, and oddly enough, I was able to

see it at night.”

Theme 5: Coping Mechanisms for Virtual Learning

Additionally, interviewees also discussed the variety of coping

mechanisms they do to cope with the barriers they experienced. The theme of

barriers to virtual learning is described below in four (4) parts: a) physical

aspect, b) emotional aspect, c) social aspect, and d) psychological aspect.

Physical Aspect

Too much exposure to technology can cause students to suffer from

physical exhaustion, so it is essential for them to have methods in coping


According to #2, having the right amount of rest and eating the right

kind of food is needed to keep the body physically healthy during virtual

learning. She stated that, “Despite the amount of workload, you need to

remember that you should rest early and eat well because you do not know

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what can affect your state of mind. If you have free time, you should at least

take a few minutes to rest your brain.”

Doing therapeutic activities such as cleaning, cooking, and meditating

are also some of the strategies students do in order to cope. Respondent #8

stated that she tried to avoid any kind of technology, saying that she had

headaches and the worst migraines:

“Physically, it was very hard to cope. I resulted in having new hobbies

such as cooking or baking. With those hobbies, I was able to cope up with the

physical stress that this kind of modality is giving.”

Emotional Aspect

Recreational activities are some of the most common emotional coping

mechanisms done by students. Most of the students tend to listen to music,

watch tv shows, play online games and dwell on social media applications.

Respondent #7 expressed that she uses books and online games to

cope, saying that “Even if we are stressed in school works, by playing, I lose

my lack of motivation and negative feelings.” Respondent #10 added that

crying helps her handle stress.

Social Aspect

Despite being locked inside our homes, communication has proved to

be very essential especially during this time of pandemic because it helps

bridge gaps between individuals.

Respondent #5 reported that, “The best coping mechanism for me is to

communicate with my friends because I find it hard to deal with my problems

alone. My friends give me comfort and confidence that can uplift my

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confidence and mood due to their never-ending support.” Most students

believe that expressing one’s feelings to others helps in maintaining a clear

mind especially since there are a lot of factors that trigger stress today.

Psychological Aspect

Due to the increasing amount of stress brought by virtual learning,

students talked about how having a patient and positive mentally as it helps

stabilize one’s emotions.

According to Respondent #1, having a positive mentality enables one

to “continue studying” knowing that things will get better:

“I'd like to advise everyone to be patient and a positive mentality. This

is because you would need a lot of patience so that you won't get bored easily,

and you would need a positive mentality to be able to continue studying.”

Respondent #4 also asserted that, “Knowing that I have to pass, I pray

whenever I feel very anxious.” Asking for God’s guidance helps her in staying

positive whenever she experiences difficulties.

Theme 6: Suggestions for Improvement

Admittedly, today’s new learning is not perfect. It has its defects and

shortcomings which should be give much attention.

On a larger scale, the best way, according to Respondent #8, is to

improve the country’s internet connection:

“However, on a smaller scale, she believes that the best way to

improve is to make sure that students can catch up. Although time consuming,

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it is still important to assure that students can catch up since there are

different learning environments for each student.”

According to Respondent #5, adjusting schedules proved to be difficult,

to which she suggests that teachers give activities that are fit for the allotted

asynchronous time. Respondent #10 stated that, “For the past semester, I

noticed that we were always given performance tasks or heavy activities a

week before the exam, and that's exhausting and stressful for our part.” She

discussed that students are forced to complete these tasks within that certain

time frame since the deadlines are either after the exam or before. With this,

she often finds her stress levels increasing.

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


This chapter consists of four parts, namely: (1) Summary, which

summarizes the purpose of the study; (2) Findings, which presents the

findings derived from data analysis and interpretation, (3) Conclusions, which

presents the conclusions made after completing the study; and (4)

Recommendations, which offers recommendations in view of the results



Generally, this study aimed to explore the barriers and coping

mechanisms of senior high students toward their virtual learning in Notre

Dame-Siena College of General Santos City.

Specifically, it seeked answers to the following questions:

1. What is the learning environment of students during virtual learning?

2. What are the barriers students undergo in virtual learning?

3. How do these students cope with these barriers in terms of

3.1 physical;

3.2 emotional;

3.3 social; and

3.4 psychological aspects?

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


Based on the analysis of the gathered data regarding the barriers and

coping mechanisms of the senior high school students, the following findings

were drawn:

1. Due to the pandemic, each students’ physical learning environment

was mainly inside their homes. Students expressed that they were

comfortable with learning spaces, saying that they had enough materials to

fend for online classes.

2. The barriers students encounter during virtual learning were: (1)

unstable internet; (2) audio issues; (3) poor concentration; (4) household

responsibilities; and (5) faulty application.

3. Students’ coping mechanisms during virtual learning included: (1)

physical means such as getting enough rest and partaking in therapeutic

activities; (2) emotional means such as doing recreational activities; (3) social

means such as communicating and interacting with the people around them,

and (4) psychological means such as maintaining a positive mindset.


The results of the study entitled Barriers and Coping Mechanisms of

Senior High Students in Notre Dame – Siena College of General Santos City

have led to the following conclusions:

1. Due to the pandemic, each students’ physical learning environment

was mainly inside their homes. Students expressed that they were

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

comfortable with learning spaces, saying that they had enough materials to

fend for online classes. Additionally, students also talked about how their

household responsibilities proved to be a hindrance when it comes to

attending classes. Moreover, students discussed their online learning

environment which include the mode of teaching, learning materials, and the

learning resources and technology. Although there are many advantages of

learning at home, there are still some shortcomings such as inefficient

teaching performance, incomprehensible and inadequate learning materials,

heavy workload, and rushed deadlines.

2. The barriers encountered by students during virtual learning were

the following: (1) Unstable internet hinders their learning experience; (2) They

get distracted of unnecessary noise; (3) They lose concentration due to

staying at home for learning; (4) Students are unable to focus during learning

because of household responsibilities; and (5) The application used has a lot

of defects which make it difficult for students to use.

3. Students’ coping mechanisms during virtual learning were the

following: (1) Students believed that getting enough rest and partaking in

therapeutic activities such as cooking, cleaning, and meditating helped them

in coping physically; (2) Doing recreational activities such as listening to music,

watching tv shows, reading books, and lurking on social media helped them in

coping emotionally; (3) Communicating and interacting with their friends,

family, and loved ones helped them in coping socially; and (4) Maintaining a

positive mindset, along with praying, helped them in coping psychologically.

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


The researcher’s aim was to explore the barriers and coping

mechanisms of senior high students toward their virtual learning in Notre

Dame-Siena College of General Santos City. However, there were still short

comings and some points which were not given much attention.

To this extent, the following recommendations were given:

1. School administrators should take note that the students have

different learning environments and should consider making adjustments to

improve the school’s online learning system such as decreasing the number

of workload, set feasible deadlines, etc.

2. Future researchers could conduct the same study but with different


3. Future researchers should utilize and explore on the four coping

strategies (e. appraisal-focused, problem-focused, emotion-focused, and

occupation-focused coping) in their study.

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


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Azeta J., Bolu C., Ismaila S., Dada J., Ismail A., Aderounmu S., Oyetunji E.,
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student’s perception .European Journal of Interactive Multimedia and

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ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


April 01, 2021


Senior High School Coordinator
Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City
NLSA Road Ext., Prk. Masagana, Brgy. San Isidro,
General Santos City, 9500

Dear Ma’am Dorado:

Blessed be God forever!

We, Grade 11 students of Our Lady of Rosary, are currently working on our research
entitled Barriers and Coping Mechanisms of Senior High School Students of
Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City, in partial fulfillment of our
requirements in Practical Research 1. Our study aims to explore the barriers and
coping mechanisms of senior high students toward their virtual learning in the
aforementioned school.

In line with this, we would like to ask permission and approval from your good office
to allow us to conduct the said research. Rest assured that participation in this study
is entirely voluntary and the data gathered will only be used for academic purposes.
Any personal information disclosed will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Your assistance and participation regarding this matter will be highly appreciated.
Thank you very much and may you be blessed a hundredfold!

Respectfully yours,

Yazmine Emmanuelle L. Hicban

Aldbrian Christon N. Tayactac
Abdul Cader M. Gunting
Jessa Marie C. Catolico
Ryan D. Pamintuan

Noted by: Approved by:


Practical Research 1 Teacher Senior High School Coordinator

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

April 01, 2021


Directress / Principal
ND-Siena College of GSC
NLSA Road Ext., Prk. Masagana
Brgy. San Isidro, General Santos City, 9500

Dear Sr. Bravante:

Blessed be God forever!

We, Grade 11 students of Our Lady of Rosary, are currently working on our research
entitled Barriers and Coping Mechanisms of Senior High School Students of
Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City, in partial fulfillment of our
requirements in Practical Research 1. Our study aims to explore the barriers and
coping mechanisms of senior high students toward their virtual learning in the
aforementioned school.

In line with this, we would like to ask permission and approval from your good office
to allow us to conduct the said research. Rest assured that participation in this study
is entirely voluntary and the data gathered will only be used for academic purposes.
Any personal information disclosed will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Your assistance and participation regarding this matter will be highly appreciated.
Thank you very much and may you be blessed a hundredfold!

Respectfully yours,

Yazmine Emmanuelle L. Hicban

Aldbrian Christon N. Tayactac
Abdul Cader M. Gunting
Jessa Marie C. Catolico
Ryan D. Pamintuan

Noted by: Approved by:


Practical Research 1 Teacher Directress/Principal


Senior High School Coordinator

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

April 01, 2021

Dear Sir/Maam:

Blessed be God forever!

We, Grade 11 students of Our Lady of Rosary, are currently working on our research
entitled Barriers and Coping Mechanisms of Senior High School Students of
Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City, in partial fulfillment of our
requirements in Practical Research 1. Our study aims to explore the barriers and
coping mechanisms of senior high students toward their virtual learning in the
aforementioned school.

In line with this, we would like to inform you that you have been chosen as one of the
validators for the said study. We would like to ask for your assistance in checking and
validating our interview guide questions attached herewith.

Thank you very much and may you be blessed a hundredfold!

Respectfully yours,

Yazmine Emmanuelle L. Hicban

Aldbrian Christon N. Tayactac
Abdul Cader M. Gunting
Jessa Marie C. Catolico
Ryan D. Pamintuan

Noted by:


Practical Research 1 Teacher

April 03, 2021

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

Dear Respondent:

Blessed be God forever!

We, Grade 11 students of Our Lady of Rosary, are currently working on our research
entitled Barriers and Coping Mechanisms of Senior High School Students of
Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City, in partial fulfillment of our
requirements in Practical Research 1. Our study aims to explore the barriers and
coping mechanisms of senior high students toward their virtual learning in the
aforementioned school.

In line with this, we would like to invite you as respondent for our study. We
respectfully ask for your consent to participate in an interview. This interview will be
recorded and transcribed for data analysis and interpretation. Your participation is
entirely voluntary and you may withdraw your participation at any point. Rest assured
of your anonymity and any information you will provide will be treated with utmost

Your assistance and participation regarding this matter will be highly appreciated.
Thank you very much and may you be blessed a hundredfold!

Respectfully yours,

Yazmine Emmanuelle L. Hicban Noted by:

Aldbrian Christon N. Tayactac
Abdul Cader M. Gunting
Jessa Marie C. Catolico Practical Research 1 Teacher
Ryan D. Pamintuan

By signing this form, I give my informed consent for my child, _____________________, to
participate in the research stated above. Rest assured that anything my child shares will be kept

_____________________ _____________
Parent/Guardian Date

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


Hello (respondent name). Thank you so much for agreeing to speak
with me. I know you have a tight schedule and I truly appreciate your
willingness to participate in this project.
As stated in a previous letter, I am a student from Grade 11 STEM –
Our Lady of the Rosary conducting a study about the barriers and coping
mechanisms of Senior High students of Notre Dame – Siena College of
General Santos City during virtual learning. Today I hope to glean insight into
the difficulties you have experienced and how you cope with those
Any information you share will not be attributed to you or used to
identify you or anyone else. You will remain anonymous in any ensuing
presentations or publications that may stem from this study. As a result of
your participation, there should be no risks for you personally or for your
school. Your participation is strictly voluntary and may be discontinued at any
time during the interview. You may also decline to answer any question during
this interview.
For ease of note taking, getting all of your input, and not slowing down
the interview, I would like to record our conversation. The recoding made
today will be kept confidential and in a safe place. The only people that will
hear the audio recording will be me and the person who transcribes our
conversation. It will be kept in a secure location and destroyed when the study
is complete. If at any time you would prefer that I turn the recorder off, please
let me know, and I will do so immediately.

Do you have any questions before we begin?

Did you sign the Informed Consent to participate in this study?
Do I have your permission to begin recording our discussion?

Interview Questions
1. What is your opinion on today’s new learning system?
2. Can you describe your learning environment? What role does it play
during online classes?
3. Have you ever had difficulties during online classes? If so, name a few.
4. How do you cope with the difficulties you encountered?

1. Is there anything that I did not ask you that you would like to share?
Thank you so much for participating in this interview. I appreciate your
time and thoughts. After I have reviewed the transcript of our conversation
today, may I contact you if I have further questions?

If you have any further questions for me, please do not hesitate to
contact me at any time. A written transcript of this interview will be made
available to you to verify accuracy of your views and experiences. You will

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

hear back from me in one to two weeks. As a reminder, this information will
remain confidential and will be destroyed at the end of the project. Let me
confirm your email one more time. Do you have any final comments or

Thanks and have a great day/evening!

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


Interviewer: Before we begin, I'd like to explain our research. The title of our
research is "Barriers and Coping Mechanisms of Senior High School
Students" during virtual learning. We chose to discuss further on this issue
because it is relevant and timely, especially since this is the kind of se-tup
we're in right now. This research will help students and the administrations
realize the barriers that students experience because of our classes. The
purpose of adding coping mechanisms is so that other people who experience
these similar barriers will have an idea of how to cope as they experience

Interviewer: For the first question, what is your opinion on today's new
learning system?

Respondent: Online learning is more effective compared to learning through

modules because when you are in online learning, what you have learned or
learned is more emphasized, and more enhanced through teachers who
guide you. In modular learning, you'd need to have self-efficiency which
makes it harder to cope up and harder to absorb new knowledge.

Interviewer: When you found out that we will have online classes this school
year, what was your initial reaction?

Respondent: I didn't react that much because I understand that we are

currently in a pandemic.

Interviewer: Which do you prefer more: online classes or face-to-face?

Respondent: To be honest, I'd like to have face-to-face classes more even

though I like to sleep in class.

Interviewer: For my next question, may I ask you to describe your physical
learning environment?

Respondent: My place now is inside my room because it is quieter and I

need silence when it comes to attending classes so that I could absorb what
is being taught better.

Interviewer: What about your online learning environment? Can you share
your insights with regards to the mode of teaching, learning materials, and the

Respondent: To give you an example, there are difficulties I experience

during our science-related subjects. I don't really understand our lessons that
much because of the way our teacher conducts his class. He tends to write

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

the solution and then copying and pasting the picture of the definition so it
becomes a hassle for us.

Interviewer: What about your other subjects? Are they as difficult to

understand or are they easier?

Respondent: Our other subjects don't need solutions, so it's easier.

Interviewer: Do you get enough learning materials?

Respondent: Yes, actually all ppts, pdfs, or topics and lessons are provided
but sometimes the quizzes and activities are given at the wrong time. They'd
often have the same deadlines.

Interviewer: What about the performance tasks? Did you have any difficulties
regarding those?

Respondent: It's not as heavy as I thought, especially PE. PE is very easy;

it's the type of subject where you just dance which makes it my favorite. But
despite that, it still has minor setbacks.

Interviewer: Moving on, did you have any more difficulties during online
classes? Can you specifically name them?

Respondent: Of course there are more. My main problem is that sometimes

the Microsoft teams are lagging. There are times when it doesn't function well
which hinders my productivity. Another problem is the internet connection. For
some, the internet is strong, and for others, the internet is weak. The audio
gets choppy or cut off which makes us have a hard time during the class. The
teachers stay in the same place so their voices echo.

Interviewer: Did you ever lose motivation during online classes?

Respondent: I did because I have this mentality where I tell myself "I can do
this later or at another time". In short, I procrastinate because I know I have a
lot of time to spare.

Interviewer: How do you cope with the difficulties you have experienced?

Respondent: I'd like to advise everyone to be patient and a positive mentality.

This is because you would need a lot of patience so that you won't get bored
easily, and you would need a positive mentality to be able to continue

Interviewer: Do you have special recreational activities that you like to do

when you get tired of doing school works?

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

Respondent: I do meditation as well as listening to music that can comfort

you or music that helps you calm down. An hour for meditation, even a few
minutes, will truly help.

Interviewer: For our last question, I'd like to ask you what suggestions you
can offer to improve our virtual learning.

Respondent: I'd like to suggest a better setup for the teachers because
sometimes the noises are really distracting especially during our discussions.
The teachers talk at the same time so gets even more confusing.

Interviewer: Do you still have any more experiences to share?

Respondent: I hope they give us lightweight projects as well as extended

deadlines because they are not the only subjects we take in a week.

Interviewer: Thank you so much for sharing your time with us. Have a nice

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


Interviewer: Before we begin, I’d like to ask your opinion on today’s new
learning system.

Respondent: I find the new learning system quite difficult.

Interviewer: I see. Why do you say so?

Respondent: It’s mainly because I’m not yet used to the new environment as
well as the new mode of learning. I’m sure students also feel the same way
since the teaching is way more different compared to face to face classes.

Interviewer: Based on your answers, I assume that you do not prefer this
new learning system.

Respondent: I do not prefer it at all.

Interviewer: May I ask you to elaborate on that matter?

Respondent: I don't prefer this new set-up since as you may have already
known, I'm in the first year of senior high school, the 11th grade, which means
all subjects are quite new to me. It is hard for me to keep up with the
information injected to us.

Interviewer: I agree. It’s pretty hard to adjust ‘no? Anyways, can you tell me
about your physical learning environment aka your learning space?

Respondent: Basically, I conduct classes here at home. As a homebody, I do

not have any problems with staying at home except for the fact that our city is
very hot. Because I am too used to the comfort my home brings, I find it hard
to leave my bed.

Interviewer: Do you have anything to say about the online learning


Respondent: First and foremost, I was overwhelmed and surprised at the

sheer number of activities provided. I expected that there would only be about
two activities per day, but when the semester started, there was an activity
every time each synchronous class ended with deadlines that were either in
the afternoon or the next morning. Despite my surprise, I got used to the set
up a few weeks in the school year. However, the schedule of activities
became inconsistent and the teachers started to drop activities a few days
before out exams. We almost have no rest days because I still have activities
to do during the weekend.

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

Interviewer: As you’ve stated before, the heat plays a big role in your
discomfort during online classes. Can you please tell me more about that?
Respondent: The heat affects my ability to absorb the information given
because I get sudden headaches, and get thirsty fast. Being thirsty is too
troublesome since you’d need to walk to the kitchen in order to drink.

Interviewer: Aside from that, did you have any more specific difficulties?

Respondent: Aside from what I’ve mentioned before, the internet stability is
one of the major difficulties I have encountered. But to add on to the academic
difficulties I experienced, let me tell you a story. There was this one time
during the first semester, where we had to make a concept paper for the
subject EAPP. It’s kind of like a research paper, but a more summarized one.
Maybe I was so overwhelmed by the sudden project and the rushed deadlines
that I had a hard time doing it. We were supposed to have a defense, but it
was fortunately cancelled because of the amount of activities given. Honestly,
I ended up having a breakdown since there was too much on my plate.

Interviewer: With all these difficulties, what special methods do you do in

order to cope?

Respondent: I believe that having the right amount of rest and eating the
right kind of food is essential. Despite the amount of workload, you need to
remember that you should rest early and eat well because you do not know
what can affect your state of mind. If you have free time, you should at least
take a few minutes to rest your brain.

Interviewer: Aside from resting and eating well, do you have any more coping
mechanism? For instance, are you into music or tiktok? Does anything
motivate you?

Respondent: To be frank, there are seven people who motivate me every

day. And in those seven people, there are two who help me the most
especially when I feel like breaking down. They make me feel at ease by their
quotes or messages in which I read to remind myself that I should carry on.

Interviewer: If you were to categorize them, do they help you physically,

emotionally, or psychologically?

Respondent: I’d say that they’re on the more emotional aspect.

Interviewer: Is there anything that motivates you socially?

Respondent: My friends; they are the ones who manage to keep me sane.
Communication with my friends is very important especially since I cannot go
out that much.

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

Interviewer: Psychologically speaking, what motivates you?

Respondent: Every time I wake up in the morning, my mind seems to be

automatically free of unnecessary thoughts which make me be genuinely
Interviewer: Thank you so much for your sharing your time, insights, and
experiences with me today. Have a blessed evening!

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


Interviewer: First Question, what is your opinion on today’s new learning


Respondent: I find it difficult, but I’m slowly adjusting to it.

Interviewer: Why do you find it difficult?

Respondent: I find it difficult because I have a hard time focusing on the

lessons due to a lot of distractions on the internet.

Interviewer: On to the next question, can you please describe your learning

Respondent: My learning environment mainly consists of me studying inside

my room.

Interviewer: Are you comfortable in that set up?

Respondent: I am, but I’ve got to admit that there are times when the sound
of our dogs and the cars passing by annoy me.

Interviewer: This time, I will ask you about your online learning environment.
What can you say about the mode of teaching, the learning materials, and the
amount of activities given?

Respondent: To be honest, my opinion depends on the teacher and the

subject they teach. Some teachers give quite a lot of assignments and heavy
performance tasks with strict deadlines, while some are more lenient.

Interviewer: Have you ever had difficulties during online classes? Could you
please specify each one?

Respondent: My main problem is the internet because there are times when
the connection gets interrupted which cause me to lose focus in class.

Interviewer: Do you have any specific problems in the duration of your


Respondent: As I’ve stated before, the internet plays a big role in the class
proper. If their connection is weak, there is a defect in the audio clarity.
Sometimes, classes are even cancelled because of the poor connection.

Interviewer: You mentioned earlier that there are many distractions, what are
those distractions?

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

Respondent: Social media, youtube, and video games are the main
distractions I have.
Interviewer: I’d have to ask, did you feel any pressure during your virtual
learning? Isn't that making difficulties for you?

Respondent: Yes, I feel an immense amount of pressure, especially with the

small amount of time given to do our tasks.

Interviewer: Does this stresses you out?

Respondent: It doesn’t stress me that much because I choose to not be too

serious so that I do not feel any unnecessary stress, and so that I could still
balance my time well.

Interviewer: How do you cope during with the difficulties you have

Respondent: Uhm, I did major adjustments.

Interviewer: What are those adjustments?

Respondent: Every time my connection gets interrupted, I immediately switch

to data connection.

Interviewer: Do you have any special methods to cope? For instance,

watching or playing?

Respondent: I do. I watch movies, anime, and the like. I also go out with my
friends, and play basketball to release pressure in my body.

Interviewer: It’s good that you could balance everything well.

Respondent: Just balance, don't take it too seriously so as not to stress.

Interviewer: You’re right. Onto my last question, do you have any

suggestions with regards to the improvement of virtual learning?

Respondent: Teacher must clarify their words and use easily understandable
words that everyone can comprehend.

Interviewer: Thank you for answering my questions, have a great day!

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


Interviewer: Hello, how are you?

Respondent: I’m all good.

Interviewer: That’s good to know. Before we begin, I’d like to ask you. What
is your opinion on today’s new learning system?

Respondent: Honestly, I find it more difficult compared to the face to face

set-up. However, I’ve got to admit, I did learn a lot during this online class. I
learned to utilize time management because compared to the face to face set-
up; we are tasked to do more. The online class also helped me be more open
to technology which I believe is useful when it comes to taking college
courses. I have acquired more information than I could during this time.
Admittedly, there are pros and cons in this virtual set-up, but in I still try to stay
on the positive side despite the difficulties I face.

Interviewer: Next question, can you describe your physical learning


Respondent: My learning environment here at home is very comfortable,

because we have a stable internet connection, and we only experience
blackouts every once in a while. We also have separate rooms for each of my
sisters and I which also helps me concentrate more.

Interviewer: This next question will be centered on the online learning

environment. What are your thoughts on the way of teaching as well as the
amount of workload provided?

Respondent: In fact, it's also difficult because I feel that it is too much. We
have to admit, students only start to work if a deadline is given, right? So we
can’t help but cram and write whatever we want, uncertain if we’re actually
learned anything. I don’t know about you, but that’s how I react and do things.

Interviewer: This is in regards to the mode of teaching. Can you share your
thoughts on it?

Respondent: For the mode teaching, I think that its effectiveness is based on
the teacher. However, I still prefer the face to face set up, maybe it’s because
there are actual activities where you can choose to do it in groups. And you
can learn from each other during these group tasks. But now, online activities
are supposed to be done only by you.

Interviewer: That’s true, I could relate to you because I prefer sharing my

thoughts with the people around me. Moving on, have you ever had difficulties
during classes? If so, can you please name those?

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

Respondent: I actually had an experience where I had no internet for 2

weeks, so I had to compromise. I had to go to my cousin's house everyday
just to be able to attend classes.

Interviewer: During the class itself, are there any problems with the audio or
the presentation?

Respondent: I didn’t really have any problems except for this one time when
something exploded along the lines of connection.

Interviewer: Based on the struggles you mentioned, what are your coping

Respondent: Honestly, I get stressed sometimes because there are

instances in which I don’t know what to put into my worksheets. And in order
to help me, I listen to music, specifically BTS. I also watch Netflix shows as to
not put pressure on myself. Knowing that I have to pass, I pray whenever I
feel very anxious. Being positive also works especially since it the only thing I
could do.

Interviewer: For my last question, I’d like to ask if you have suggestion on
how to improve our virtual learning system.

Respondent: In my opinion, there should be an implementation of activities

where an interaction between students and teachers could be observed.

Interviewer: Thank you so much for sharing your answers. I hope you have a
great day!

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


Interviewer: Before we begin, I'd like to explain to you our research. The title
of our research is "Barriers and Coping Mechanisms of Senior High School
Students" during virtual learning. We chose to discuss further on this issue
because it is relevant and timely, especially since this is the kind of setup
we're in right now. This research will help students and the administrations
realize the barriers that students experience because of our classes. The
purpose of adding coping mechanisms is so that other people who experience
these similar barriers will have an idea of how to cope as they experience

Interviewer: For our first question, what is your opinion on today's new
learning system?

Respondent: My opinion on this new learning system is that it is not effective.

I realized that I haven't actually learned enough. If you were to ask me to
enumerate what I've learned, I wouldn't be able to say anything.

Interviewer: I take it that you prefer face-to-face more?

Respondent: That's true. First of all, I'm the kind of person whose attention
span is too short which makes me lose the will to listen. I also do not prefer
using gadgets for learning. I prefer writing and taking note of the things
written on the whiteboard, and hearing the voice of my teachers in person. I
find it easy to focus on face-to-face classes unlike in the online set-up.
Because of the set-up, I tend to go off cam to sleep which makes me unable
to listen anymore. Maybe it's because I have too many distractions and I
cannot stop myself from slacking off.

Interviewer: Moving on, can you describe your physical learning environment?

Respondent: During the first week of classes, I had my brother here so I

couldn't focus. However, the WIFI stressed me out so much that the learning
space I have right now isn't that remarkable. Fortunately, the people around
me respect my time in studying so I can focus more. I think I'm the problem,
though. Except for those minor casualties, my learning space doesn't have too
many distractions. I have a proper desk and all the things I need such as a
laptop, and the like.

Interviewer: What about your online learning environment? What can you say
about the mode of teaching, learning materials, etc.?

Respondent: From the beginning of the first semester until the second
semester, I was very ecstatic about learning. I know that the teachers are not
perfect and they are still adjusting to this new set-up. However, other teachers
cannot explain the subject matter well because they are not knowledgeable

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

enough in using technology. On the other hand, some are very effective in
teaching and are considerate enough to their students. With regards to the
learning material, the application is okay. However, there are still mishaps
such as failure in uploading files, lag, and I've noticed that it required too
much internet connection to be able to join meetings. There are also
instances wherein I forget my account information which makes me unable to
log in. During the first few weeks, some students deleted files, while others
modified the works of other students. Fortunately, it was fixed when we
expressed our concerns regarding that matter.

Interviewer: To clarify, one of the biggest struggles here in our online

learning environment is the app itself?

Respondent: Yes, the app itself and the wifi connection. I could also include
the mode of communication that we use because since we can't approach
them in person, we cannot assure that they acknowledge our presence or not.
Due to the number of students, teachers may not be able to cater to every
student's queries.

Interviewer: What other struggles have you experienced?

Respondent: The struggle I experience more often is coping up with the

deadline. It is truly unlike the face-to-face setup because instead of doing all
school works at school- which they cannot force us to go beyond, we do
everything at home and the teachers expect us to have all the time in the

Interviewer: Do you have any struggles with the devices you use?

Respondent: Of course, I do. Specifically on my laptop. There are times

when it doesn't connect to the internet, and there are also times when its
storage gets filled up fast.

Interviewer: Did you ever feel pressure during online class?

Respondent: Of course I felt an immense amount of pressure and had so

many breakdowns. At first, I still enjoyed myself because it was a new
environment, but then the amount of workload piled up so it became very
stressful. Adjusting schedules also proved to be difficult. I didn't know how to
cope with the high standards and expectations to be met.

Interviewer: How do you cope with the difficulties that you have experienced?

Respondent: The best coping mechanism for me is to communicate with my

friends because I find it hard to deal with my problems alone. My friends give
me comfort and confidence that can uplift my confidence and mood due to
their never-ending support.

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

Interviewer: Aside from your friends, what other things give you comfort?

Respondent: K-pop has proven to be one of my comfort zones because their

music makes me happy and lets me feel that I am not alone. Every time I feel
depressed, I listen to music, surf the net, and watch Netflix shows as they also
serve as my other comfort zones.
Interviewer: For our final question, what motivates you?

Respondent: What motivates me are probably my friends and my family. This

is because my friends are my foundation. After all, we set goals like 'we can
do this together or help each other hold on. My mom is also one of my biggest
motivations because she always gives me support and often treats me like a
baby, knowing how stressed I am. My parents always take good care of me
and love me since they feel happy whenever they see their child happy and
achieving their goals.

Interviewer: Thank you so much for answering our questions. Have a great

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


Interviewer: Before we begin, I'd like to explain to you our research. The title
of our research is "Barriers and Coping Mechanisms of Senior High School
Students" during virtual learning. We chose to discuss further on this issue
because it is relevant and timely, especially since this is the kind of setup
we're in right now. This research will help students and the administrations
realize the barriers that students experience because of our classes. The
purpose of adding coping mechanisms is so that other people who experience
these similar barriers will have an idea of how to cope as they experience

Interviewer: First question, what are your thoughts on this new learning

Respondent: I can say that online class is really difficult because our
communication is different compared to face-to-face classes.

Interviewer: So, you prefer face to face?

Respondent: Yes

Interviewer: What specific things did you notice in the online class compared
to face-to-face?

Respondent: I've noticed some differences in teaching. Teachers tend to

send their modules and expect us to study by ourselves. We no longer have
the privilege of having a one-on-one teaching experience.

Interviewer: Moving on, how would you describe your physical learning

Respondent: I attend classes here in our living room because it gives me

peace since my parents are not around.

Interviewer: Are you so comfortable?

Respondent: I am, but once I tend to not stay in the same place for a long
time. Whenever I feel uncomfortable, I transfer to another place.

Interviewer: For this question, I would like to ask you your insights regarding
the mode of teaching.

Respondent: Mode of teaching? It depends on the situation because some

teachers are teaching well and others just send their modules.

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

Interviewer: Do the teachers provide enough learning materials?

Respondent: Again, it also depends on the teacher, but I can say that most
of them send us enough learning materials. The only problem I have is the
confusing instructions they give us.

Interviewer: Do you have anything to say about the activities provided?

Respondent: I find it stressful and there are some activities given with
questions that are far from the topic discussed. They also tend to pile
activities with short deadlines.

Interviewer: After describing your online learning environment, do you have

any more barriers regarding it?

Respondent: Of course, the internet connection is the primary barrier each

student experiences.

Interviewer: Did you have any problems with regards to the device you use?

Respondent: My laptop lags most of the time, so there are instances in which
I could not join our meetings. My concentration is also a problem because I
get distracted easily, especially since my phone is always next to me. There
are also lots of background noises during our meetings.

Interviewer: How do you cope with the difficulties you have encountered?

Respondent: In order to cope, I would watch Netflix shows as well as indulge

in K-Pop. I also like to clean my room because I believe that it is therapeutic.
When I'm having a hard time, my parents are one of my biggest motivations
for they work well to provide and pay for school. I also motivate myself
because I know that I am the one who would suffer if I don't study well. I am
also thankful to my friends for being my comfort persons.

Interviewer: Lastly, what would you like to suggest to improve the school's
online learning modality?

Respondent: I hope that the teachers give us activities that are fit for the
allotted asynchronous time.

Interviewer: Thank you so much for participating. Have a nice day!

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


Interviewer: For our first question, I would like to ask you what your opinion
on today's learning system?

Respondent: My opinion on today's learning system is that since it was

approved by the Department of Education, I think it is not that efficient. I say
this because students during this time, are losing interest, and teachers-I am
not saying that their teaching is inefficient, but I find that they are not trained
well enough for this kind of set-up. For me, it is inefficient because I cannot
see myself, working as hard as I used to.

Interviewer: That's true. I've also noticed the same things with my classmates
and me. Moving on, can you describe your physical learning environment?

Respondent: My physical environment is here in our house, sometimes if I

have an appointment; I'll attend my classes in the venue. Even though I have
the chance to experience online classes, I still have many hindrances, like
doing household chores and the like. I'm not saying that it is the thing that
holds me back from studying, but it is challenging because like I said, I am
just at home. There are a lot of things I could do, so I find it very challenging

Interviewer: Are you comfortable, though?

Respondent: To be very honest, it's more comfortable when the class is face
to face.

Interviewer: Are there any interruptions when you're attending classes?

Respondent: My nephew is probably one of the "interruptions" I have, as I

help him with his modules. I find him more challenging to teach since he is still
in the 1st grade. Another issue is that my siblings and I take classes in the
same environment which could lead to inevitable shouting.

Interviewer: In terms of your online learning environment, do you have

anything to say about the given activities and/or the mode of teaching?

Respondent: Regarding the activities, I have noticed that most of them need
to have a video and it is required to take a video of yourself. It is hard for me
because I'm quite shy, and our teachers require us to post the said video on
Facebook. However, I think it does help in a way that boosts my confidence.
It helps us know how to look in front of the camera and have confidence in
front of the camera. Regarding the mode of teaching, most students and
teachers are not exerting that much effort, so the mode of teaching is not as
efficient as we think. There are a lot of unforeseen difficulties which we

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

experience. Some teachers cannot present their lessons, and some students
cannot take the class. So, I am not that satisfied.

Interviewer: Since you've mentioned the difficulties, can you name each of

Respondent: When it comes to difficulties, the first one will always be internet
stability, because there are times when connections fail. Just like what
happened when I wasn’t able to attend our PE class and was reported to
Maam Vicky. I told our teacher that my reason was valid for everyone in the
city lost their connections, even the school itself. It was morning and I wasn't
aware that he conducted his class in the afternoon, for I wasn't able to open
our wifi, thinking that there was still no internet.

Interviewer: When the teacher is presenting, do you experience lag?

Respondent: That is also one of the problems in our class. Fortunately, there
is a group chat which we can open to ask permission if we could leave the
class for a minute and fix the internet connection. I'm also annoyed with the
LMS because of its malfunctions. I don't get my work done because my app
won't upload videos. I can't even post, so I have no idea whether it has or
hasn't been posted. Due to that, my grades were always given late by my
teacher. There was also a time when my teacher conducted a class in the
morning, but it did not show in my app, and oddly enough, I was able to see it
at night. They reported me to the guidance counselor yet again.

Interviewer: Your stories are very entertaining, and I could see that you were
very honest throughout this interview. For my second to the last question, how
do you cope with the difficulties you have encountered?

Respondent: One of my coping mechanisms is reading books, and another is

playing games. Since we are in digital times, we can't avoid coming across
online games. So even if we are stressed in school works, by playing, I lose
my lack of motivation and negative feelings. I also watch anime, dramas, and
many more.

Interviewer: Onto our last question, what motivates you to carry on despite
what is happening at the present?

Respondent: It's a waste of unproductive time. Honestly, I am not talented

enough. I can't really do anything in life, so I have no choice but to carry on
with my classes. Not wanting to waste one year is my motivation. I don't want
to be left behind. Actually, even though many tell you to not pay too much
attention in learning, you can't help but feel pressure knowing that you have to
be with your batch mates. I keep thinking, 'What if we have face-to-face
classes?'. At least when the time comes, we are still with the people we are
used to being with.

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


Interviewer: To start, I'd like to ask you. What is your opinion on today's new
learning system?

Respondent: So, the new learning system for me takes a lot of time to adjust
because obviously everything is new. However, this learning system, as time
goes by, needs time for students and teachers to adjust. As we are nearing
the end of the school year, I could say that most of us, students and teachers,
are now used to this new kind of education compared to when it was first

Interviewer: It's great that we have adjusted, 'no? Anyways, which do you
prefer more, online classes or face to face?

Respondent: Face to face, of course.

Interviewer: Can you describe your physical learning environment?

Respondent: My learning environment? I can say that it is the most suitable

environment for me. My learning environment is my house, but when this kind
of learning modality began, it took me a while to get used to it. I could
describe my learning setting as a typical study area equipped with books,
notebooks, etc. So, for me right now, this is the kind of setting that I am used
to and very comfortable with.

Interviewer: In terms of activities and mode of teaching, could you share with
me some of your insights?

Respondent: Well, the learning environment differs differently for every

subject, some teachers would prefer having their activities by sending forms
of assignments, some would prefer activities to be posted on social media,
some activities to be privately sent, and more. I've come to realize that there
are different kinds or modes of passing or doing activities compared to when
we were in the face-to-face set-up. Back then, we only had to pass it. Literally.
So, for this kind of system or modality, I have to, or we have to adjust now and
then on how we answer or how we pass our activities.

Interviewer: Let us move on to our next question, have you ever had
difficulties during online classes? If so, name a few.

Respondent: Of course, there are difficulties during online classes, and I

think the most common and usual one would be the internet connection. Of
course, our country doesn't have the best connection in the world, at least
once in two days, my connection still gets interrupted or my connection gets
unstable. These are very frustrating times especially if it happens when
teachers give out instruction, and out of nowhere, your video call gets cut off

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

due to connection. Those kinds of interruptions are very frustrating for me

during this time. But as I go on with this modality, I could learn to again, adjust,
thanks to friends who you have at your beck and call.

Interviewer: When you are having classes, did you have any problems with
the audio clarity or the presentations?

Respondent: It depends. There are times when I have problems with the
audio. During this time, the audio and visual presentations are very important.
I noticed that there were instances wherein we could not hear the teachers
very well and there would sometimes be this robotic voice, so every now and
then, there would be messages in our group chat, asking about the audio.
However, the frequency of this problem has become very normal to us.

Interviewer: There are people whose attention spans grew shorter as they
went through this new learning modality, and some of them have found it hard
to understand the lessons given. What about you? Can you still understand
the lessons well?

Respondent: If I would focus on the discussion, I could understand. But there

are times when I wouldn't. I sometimes spit my screen in half. The first half
would be for the video call in the application and the other half could be
another activity for other subjects or probably just social media. Like I said if I
focus I could understand, but if I don't really give my attention to the
discussion, I won't be able to. Luckily, we have files, ppts, pdf's posted or
uploaded onto the app, so it's a matter of self-understanding or self-learning.

Interviewer: How did you cope with the difficulties you encounter?

Respondent: Honestly during the first few weeks, there are times when I
would sit in front of the computer for 3-4 hours straight. Afterward, I try to
avoid any kind of technology. I had headaches and the worst migraines. So
physically, it was very hard to cope. I resulted in having new hobbies such as
cooking or baking. With those hobbies, I was able to cope up with the physical
stress that this kind of modality is giving. However, I was not able to enjoy
reading, my favorite hobby, because my eyes get too tired.

Interviewer: I'd like to ask, did you ever experience having an emotional
breakdown during online classes?

Respondent: For me, no. I don’t think so. I feel like I am already done with
the 'breaking down' phase of my life. Since it is our last year in high school, I
just tried to enjoy it and go with the flow. I don't think I’ve heard anyone who I
know that had to break down during online class because honestly, our
teachers are also adjusting. They would ask us if this is a good time for us to
set a deadline, and we could tell them to adjust the deadline if it is too much. I

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

think it is a good factor or strategy for us not to stress to the point of breaking
down due to studies.

Interviewer: What can you suggest to help improve our school’s learning

Respondent: For me, the best way to improve online class in a large scale is
to improve internet connection. However, in a smaller scale, the best way is to
make sure that students can catch up. Although it is time consuming, it is still
important to assure that students are able to catch up since there are different
learning environments for each student.

Interviewer: Thank you so much for sharing your time and contributing to our
research. Have a great day!

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


Interviewer: For my first question, I'd like to ask; what is your opinion on
today's new learning system?

Respondent: Since I was a child, I was always used to being taught face-to-
face, so this is the first time I have tried an online class. My mother would
teach me one-on-one, so I got used to talking to those who taught me. With
that, I find it difficult to communicate especially when you are interrupted.
Suppose you have something to do here at home, because of many
interruptions, you can't focus on your studies. For sure it doesn't happy only
for students, but also for teachers, which proves that it's really hard to adjust
to the changes in the learning environment.

Interviewer: Now you've mentioned the learning environment, can you please
describe yours?

Respondent: Here in our house, I don't have an own room, so I always

attend classes in the living room. Every morning, I would go out, take a seat,
which unfortunately makes my back and butt ache. In a way, it is very similar
to how you would feel in school, except for the fact that I can stand up and
adjust when the teacher comes. Because I don't have a place to study on my
own, I easily get interrupted whenever I attend my classes which make me
lose focus.

Interviewer: In terms of your online learning environment- mode of teaching,

learning materials, etc., can you give me some of your insights?

Respondent: In the mode of teaching, I've noticed that there are teachers
who conduct classes, and there are teachers who ask students if they want to
take the class or reschedule so that we have time to rest. Some teachers
could not conduct their classes so we have no choice but to base on ppt or
word documents. This is difficult because there are people who cannot
understand the documents. I, myself, cannot understand right away if I only
take a class with words. I'm the type of learner who would need a verbal

Interviewer: Speaking of your difficulties, do you have any more to add?

Respondent: First, the internet connection. Every day there will always be a
problem with the connection. There are also household interruptions because
I need to chores such as washing the dishes and sweeping the floor. I would
need to adjust my time so that after class, I would clean then do the activities.
So, I find it hard to adjust.

Interviewer: You mentioned that you cannot learn right away especially if it
only verbal. Can you elaborate further?

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

Respondent: Sometimes I want to listen, sometimes I don't. If I listen, it will

stay in my mind and I will be able to remember the lessons taught.

Interviewer: For my second to the last question, how do you cope with the
difficulties you have encountered?

Respondent: Time management. In doing my activities, I tend to break them

apart. I try to do it little by little every time I am free. This is so that I can utilize
my free time. I can also do other activities so that I can cope up with the
missing time and adjust to the new activity. I also have time for myself to
watch dramas and the like.

Interviewer: Finally, what would you like to suggest in order to improve the
school’s new learning modality?

Respondent: I’d like to suggest a limit on the requirements to avoid an

excessive number of school works to be done.

Interviewer: Thank you so much for contributing your insights. Have a great

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


Interviewer: For our first question, what is your opinion on today's new
learning system?

Respondent: Can you please repeat the question?

Interviewer: What is your opinion on today’s new learning system?

Respondent: I think the new learning system that we are using today is
somehow helpful for students who prefer staying at their homes and for
parents who prefer to have their children stay at home especially for safety
purposes. However, there are pros and cons.

Interviewer: What are those pros and cons?

Respondent: The pros are you're staying at home and everything is

accessible especially food and other commodities, while the cons are the
unstable internet connection during online classes and distractions while
using gadgets.

Interviewer: Did you have any realizations while staying at home for classes?

Respondent: For me, I realized that I can stay at home and I can stay in my
room because I am the kind of person who is introverted and like to be alone
all the time. However, I also realized that learning on your own is difficult
especially when you are not with your friends because there are times when
online class is boring and I do not want to attend due to many distractions.
One of the distractions I have is my gadgets. Another is my laziness to do
school works. Aside from that, I also realized that it is very hard for us
because of the one-way communication since teachers cannot always tend to
our queries whenever we approach them.

Interviewer: Moving on, can you describe your physical learning environment?

Respondent: My learning environment is so far so good despite having

siblings who also take online classes. My parents understand that we have
responsibilities at school so we don't do much work at home.

Interviewer: What can you say about the mode of teaching during online

Respondent: Well the mode of teaching depends on the teacher because

other teachers are good at teaching and I understand them when they teach
but others only read the modules they give to us, not explaining it thoroughly.
There are also times when they don't give the files ahead of time which makes
us unable to study in advance.

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

Interviewer: Do you get enough learning material during classes?

Respondent: To be frank, no. Again it depends on what content the teachers
put on our modules. Others include all necessary information, while others do
not have clear instructions.

Interviewer: What can you say about the activities they give?

Respondent: For me, they give too many activities that I sometimes get
annoyed. This is because others often pile up all activities with the same or
fast deadlines. Even though I manage my time well, it is still difficult for me to
synchronize everything. So, I suggest that they reduce the number of
activities to be given per week.

Interviewer: For our next question, I'd like to ask you about the difficulties you
have encountered during online classes.

Respondent: I think it depends on the student but during the first quarter,
adjusting to the new learning made it difficult for us. I have no other problems
with the subjects except for the number of activities they give. The number of
activities causes me multiple mental breakdowns and stress.
Interviewer: Do you have any difficulties during the class itself?

Respondent: There are actually a lot such as the slow internet, the lagging
presentation, and the visual aids.

Interviewer: Did you have any problems with the app?

Respondent: Fortunately, I didn't have much of a problem with the app but
there were times when I had technical problems.

Interviewer: Onto the next question, how do you cope with the difficulties that
you have experienced?

Respondent: I cry whenever I get too stressed due to too many online class
responsibilities, but sometimes I distract myself by using gadgets and
checking social media. Cooking is also effective it lets me release my
resentment. Overall, using gadgets really uplifts my mood as well as
communicating with my friends.

Interviewer: What comforts you the most?

Respondent: Listening to music and reading books help me forget the

problems I face.

Interviewer: What is your greatest motivation?

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department

Respondent: My greatest motivation is myself because I know that I have to

study hard so that I can achieve my goals and dreams in life.

Interviewer: For our final question, I would like to if you have suggestions for
improving our new learning setup.

Respondent: To improve the school's new learning system, I think it would be

better if the schedule for the exams are given earlier so we know what
subjects to prepare for. It will also help if we are not given performance tasks
or heavy activities a week before the exam so that we could focus on studying
for the exam. For the past semester, I noticed that we were always given
performance tasks or heavy activities a week before the exam, and that's
exhausting and stressful for our part. I know that we need to manage our time
but if different subjects give tasks and activities a week before the exam, we
are forced to complete that within the week since the deadlines are either
after the exam or before the exam.

Interviewer: Thank you so much for your time and participation. Have a nice

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department



picture here
#14 Hicban Subdivision (head shot)
Brgy. Lagao, General Santos City

Personal Data
Age: 17
Date of Birth: January 4, 2004
Birthplace: Mandurriao, Ilo-Ilo
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 53 kg
Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Attainment:

Senior High School Notre Dame - Siena College of GSC

NLSA Road Ext. Prk. Masagana, San Isidro,
General Santos City
2020 – Present
Junior High School Notre Dame - Siena College of GSC
NLSA Road Ext. Prk. Masagana, San Isidro,
General Santos City
Elementary Dadiangas West Central Elementary School
Brgy. Lagao, General Santos City

Lagao Central Elementary School

Brgy. Lagao, General Santos City

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department



picture here
Klinan 5, Purok 2, (head shot)
Brgy. Mabuahy, General Santos City

Personal Data
Age: 16
Date of Birth: November 22, 2004
Birthplace: General Santos City
Gender: Male
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 53 kg
Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Attainment:

Senior High School Notre Dame - Siena College of GSC

NLSA Road Ext. Prk. Masagana, San Isidro,
General Santos City
2020 – Present
Junior High School Notre Dame - Siena College of GSC
NLSA Road Ext. Prk. Masagana, San Isidro,
General Santos City
Elementary Kapatagan Elementary School
Kapatagan, Laak, Davao de Oro

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department



Agan North Phase 1 Blk1 lot 23
Brgy. San Isidro, General Santos City

Personal Data
Age: 18
Date of Birth: January 4, 2003
Birthplace: General Santos City
Gender: Male
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Height: 161 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Religion: Islam

Educational Attainment:

Senior High School Notre Dame - Siena College of GSC

NLSA Road Ext. Prk. Masagana, San Isidro,
General Santos City
2021 – Present
Junior High School Notre Dame - Siena College of GSC
NLSA Road Ext. Prk. Masagana, San Isidro,
General Santos City
Elementary Holy Cross of Malita
Malita Davao Occidental, General Santos City

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department



NLSA Road Ext., Purok Masagana,
Brgy. San Isidro, General Santos City

Personal Data
Age: 17
Date of Birth: December 15,2003
Birthplace: General Santos City
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Height: 143 cm
Weight: 57 kg
Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Attainment:

Senior High School Notre Dame - Siena College of GSC

NLSA Road Ext. Prk. Masagana, San Isidro,
General Santos City
2019 – Present
Junior High School Notre Dame - Siena College of GSC
NLSA Road Ext. Prk. Masagana, San Isidro,
General Santos City
Elementary Notre Dame - Siena College of GSC
NLSA Road Ext. Prk. Masagana, San Isidro,
General Santos City

ND-SCGSC Senior High School Department


Isabella homes blk1 lot19
Brgy. San Isidro, General Santos City

Personal Data
Age: 17
Date of Birth: December 17, 2003
Birthplace: General Santos City
Gender: Male
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 65 kg
Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Attainment:

Senior High School Notre Dame - Siena College of GSC

NLSA Road Ext. Prk. Masagana, San Isidro,
General Santos City
2021 – Present
Junior High School General Santos City SPED Integrated School
Purok Malipayon, San Isidro,
General Santos City
Elementary Dadiangas Heights Elementary School
Guinintuan Street Blk. 5, Barangay City heights,
General Santos City


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