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Tiếng Anh Thương Mại

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I/ Vocabulary:
-consultant (n): nhà tư vấn: a person who provides expert advice to a
-crisis (n): cuộc khủng hoảng: a situation of danger or difficulty.

-innovation (n): đổi mới: a new idea or method.

-objective (a): something you plan to do or achieve.

-promotion (n): khuyến khích: when someone is raised to a higher or more

important position.

-public sector (n): khu vực công: the section of the economy under
government control.

-subordinate (n): cấp dưới: a person with a less important position in an


-set objective: đặt mục tiêu

-allocate resources: phân bổ nguồn lực.

- perfume task: thực hiện mục tiêu.

-supervise subordinates: giám sát cấp dưới.

-measure performant: đo lường hiệu suất làm việc.

-deal with crisis: giải quyết khủng hoảng.

-make decision: đưa ra quyết định.

II/ Reading: What Is Management?

1.Why management is important?

- The success or failure of companies, public sector institutions and services, not
for profit organizations, sport team…often depends on the quality of their
2. How many tasks for a manager? 5 tasks

-First of all: developing strategies, plans, and precise tactics, and allocating
resources of people and money.

-Secondly: analyze and classify the actives into individual task, select people to
perform these tasks.

-Thirdly: communicate objectives to the people responsible for attaining them;

make decisions about pay and promotion.

-Fourthly: managers have to measure the performance of their staff to see whether
the objectives

-Lastly: manager develop their subordinate and themselves; consider the future,
modify or change the organization’s objectives, when necessary, introduce the
innovations; manage a business’s relations; deal with any crisis that arises.

3. Management both are nature and nurture.

-There are management skills that have to be learnt, but management is also a
human skill.



-job safety: an toàn lao động (có ít rủi ro về sức khoẻ, tính mạng…)

-job security: được đảm bảo công việc, không sợ thất nghiệp đột ngột, không sợ bị
sa thải đột ngột.

-incentive (a): khuyến khích

-incapable (a): có khả năng

-hierarchy (n): hệ thống cấp bậc.

-esteein (a): kính trọng.

-self-actualization: tự thực hiện hoá.

-foundation (n): nền tảng.

-fulfilment (n): hoàn thiện.

-self-discipline: kỉ luật, tự giác

-burden (n): gánh nặng

-authoritarian (n): độc tài, độc đoán

-progressive (a): tiến bộ-

-labour relation: tương tác: interactions between employers and employees, or

managers and workers.

-job security: know that there is little risk of losing one’s employment.

-wages (n): tiền lương: money paid (per hour or day or week) to manual

-benefit: advantage that come with a job, apart from pay.

-incentives (v): khuyến khích: things that encourage people to do something

-promotion (n): to be raised to a higher rank or better job.

-unskilled: without any particular abilities acquired by training

-job rotation: luân chuyển công việc: regular switching between different

-corporate culture/ company’s shared value: văn hoá doanh nghiệp: a

company’s shared attitudes, beliefs, practices and work relationships.

II/ Reading

*Theory X and Theory Y

1/ What is theory X about?

-Theory X is rather pessimistic approach to workers and working with assumes

that people are lazy and will avoid work and responsibility if they can.
-Have to be closely supervised and controlled, told what to do.

-Most people are incapable of taking responsibility for themselves and have to be
looked after.

2/ What is theory Y about?

-Most people have psychological need to work and given the right conditions-job
security, financial rewards- they will be creative, ambitious and self-motivated by
the satisfaction of doing a good job.

3/ According to Theory X, why do some employees have to be closely controlled?

-Because they are lazy and try to avoid work and responsibility.

4/ According to Theory Y, why should employers give their workers


-Because a responsible job is necessary to people’s psychological well-being.

5/ Why did Maslow criticize Theory Y?

-Because there are people who are unable to take on responsibility and be self-

*Satisfiers and Motivators

1/ What are satisfiers?

2/What are motivators?

3/ How can employers or managers motivate employees in some boring jobs?

- Give them some responsibility, not as individuals bủ as part of a tem

- Encourage job rotation, as doing four different repeatitive jobs a day is better
than doing only one.
- Talk about the importance of a company’s share values or corporate culture
with which all the staff can identify.


I/ Reading:
*Wikinomics and the future of companies (Cách thức tổ chức doanh nghiệp
theo Wikinomics)

1/ Advantage of Wikinomics:

-This means collaborating with people outside the traditional corporate

structure, letting people around the world cooperate to improve an operation or
solve a problem and paying them for their ideas.

2/ Disavantage of Wikinomics:

-Companies will no longer need to get all their knowledge from their own full-
time employees.

* Company Structure:

 The chain of Command (Chuỗi lệnh): (1)

1. Advantage: All people in the organization know what decisions they are able
to make who their line manager (or boss) is (to whom they report), and who
their immediate subordinates are (over whom they have line authority and
can give instruction to).
2. Disadvantage:  it may slow communication within the company, apply in small
business, small organization.

 Functional Structure (Cơ cấu chức năng) (2)

1. Advantage: It can especially apply most organization.
2. Disadvantage:People are often more concerned with the success of their own
department than that of the company as a whole so there are permanent
conflicts between, say, finance and marketing or marketing and production
over what the objectives are.
 Flattening hierarchies and delegating responsibility (Hệ thống phân
cấp và uỷ quyền nhiệm vụ) (3)
1. Advantage: Reduce the chain of command, take out layers of management
and make the organization much flatter.
2. Disadvantage: The owners of small firms want to keep as much control over
their business as possible.
 Matrix management (Quản lý Ma trận) (4)
1. Advantage: Reduce the chain of command, take out layers of management
and make the organization much flatter.
2. Disadvantage: Several departments can become quite complex.
 Teams (5)

1. Advantage: Autonomous, temporary.

2. Disadvantage: Not good at decision making.
(1) &(2): khác nhau về quy mô

(3)&(4): cùng lợi ích với nhau, mục đích hướng tới là như nhau, khác nahu về
cách tiến hành.


1/ What is the main advantage of a chain of command?

2/ Why is it not usually possible to organize a large organization in a single


Because the activities of most org are too complicated to be organized in a single

3/ In what ways cam dividing a business functionally cause problems?

People may be more concerned about the success of their department than that of
the company.

4/ What factors might lead companies to flatten their hierarchies?

The desire to save money and make decision making easier; the use of IT systems,
and the need to reduce costs during a recession.

5/ According to the text, what kind of managers might not want to delegate
decision making?

The owners of small business, because they want to control as much as possible.

6/What is the potential disadvantage of matrix management systems?

They can become quite complex making decision-making difficult.

7/ Under what circumstances might teams not be effective?

If they don’t have a strong leader and need to make a lot of decisions.


*Tên một số quốc gia tiêu biểu trong mỗi nhóm văn hoá:

 Liner-Active Culture: (chủ nghĩa cá nhân): USA, UK, Sweden, Finland,

Canada, Australia, Netherlands, Norway.
 Multi-Active Culture: Italia, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Sub-Saharan Africa,
Russia, Slovakia, Arab countries…
 Reactive culture: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Korea, Thailand,
China, Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore.

*Một số nét đặc trưng của mỗi nhóm văn hoá:

Liner active Multi-active Reactive

Organized, rational, try to act More importance to feelings, Prefer to listen and establish
logically emotions, and intuition the other’s position, then react
to it

Plan in advance, like to do one Like to do many things at the Avoid confrontation, not want
thing at a time same time=>flexible, good at to lose face, rarely interrupt
changing plans, and happy to speaker, avoid eye contact

Believe in respecting rules, Believe personal relationships Try to formulate approaches

regulations, and contracts. and friendship should take that suit both parties
precedence over rules and

Not afraid of confrontation but Believe in social or company

will compromise. hierarchy, respect status

1/ Why it is important for companies to be aware of local cultures?

B/c local differences-cultural habits, beliefs and principle specific to each country
or market-often make this impossible.

2/ What are the differences between individualists and collectivist?

Individualist believe that personal goals, desires and interests are more important
than those of a group of people.Collectivists believe in the importance of a group
of people rather than separate individuals.

3/ Who is more likely to think “I’ let them speak first”?

People in reactive cultures.

4/ Who is more likely to say, about other people: “ They can’t be trusted b/c they
will always help their friends or family”-universalists or particularists?

Universalist (Làm việc theo MQH, tình cảm, không theo quy định)

5/ Who is more likely to say: Oh, you can’t trust them, they wouldn’t even help a

Particularists (Người theo chủ nghĩa phân lập)


-glocalization (n): (từ kết hợp giữa globalization và localization) bản địa hoá: an
invented word combining worldwide and regional concerns.

-logic (a): hợp lý: thought based on reason and judgement rather than feelongs and

-confrontation (n): đối đầu: a face to face disagreement or argument.

-compromise (v): sựu thoả hiệp: reducing demands or changing opinions in order
to agree.

-intuition (n): trực giác: understanding or knowing without consciously using

-connections (n): các mối quan hệ: people of influence or importance with whom
you are associated.

-improvise (v): ứng biến: to do something when necessary without having already
planned it.

-status (n): địa vị: respect, prestige or importance given to someone.

-collectivist (n): tập thể: believing that the group is more important than the

-lose face: to be humiliated or disrespected in public.

-interrupt (v): ngắt lời: to cut into someone else’s turn to speak.

-eye contact: looking at the people you are talking or listening to.



-critical mass: khối lượng tới hạn: the number of people needed to start and sustain
a change.

-leadership rank: top levels of management.

-outperforming: làm tốt hơn: doing better than others financially

-profitability: có lãi: the ability to make a good return on capital invested in the

-return on equity: lợi nhuận trên vốn chủ sở hữu: the amount of money a company
earns on the investment of its sharedholders.

-come across: tình cờ gặp: meet or find unexpectedly or by accident.

-compulsory: required, obligatory, necessary according to the law.

-quota: hạn nghạch: an officially imposed number or quantity.

-voluntary: done by choice, without legal obligation.

-compliance: làm đúng theo: obeying laws or regulations.

-dissolution: sự giải tán: the ending or termination of an org.

-apprentice: người học việc: trainees, people still learning their job.

-convert: someone who changes their beliefs

-accountability: trách nhiệm giải trình: being officially responsible for something.


*Tên gọi và định nghĩa của các khu vực kinh tế:

 The primary sector: agriculture, and the extraction of raw materials from
the earth. (về agriculture, nông, lâm, ngư nghiệp)
 The secondary school sector: manufacturing industry, in which raw
materials are turned into finished products. (Thông qua quy trình để tạo
ra sản phẩm, sản xuất, chế biến, chế tạo, xây dựng, lắp ráp)
 The tertiary or service sector: the commercial services that help industry
produce and distribute goods to their financial consumers, as well as
activities such as education, healthcare, leisure, tourism, and so on (liên
quan về dịch vụ)

Cho công việc, ngành nghề-> hỏi thuộc vùng kinh tế nào

Primary sector Secondary sector Service Sector

Tiny fields (cánh đồng Packing products Advertising product


Digging iron ore (đào Smelting iron (luyện Fe) Packing products
quặng Fe)

Mining coal (khai thác Assembling (lắp ráp) Smelting iron (luyện Fe)

Culturing metal ( cắt KL) Transportation

Laying cables ( đặt cáp) maintenance

Milling metal (phay KL) Pumping oil

Pressing metal (ép KL)


Maintaince( bảo trì)

Pumping oil (bơm dầu),

welding metal (hàn KL)

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