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Portfolio Speaking 1 - Planning WORKSHEET (A-L&S)

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Portfolio Speaking Task 1: Planning Sheet

1) Make a copy of this doc and share it with your teacher
2) Carefully review pages 1-5 and make detailed notes on page 1.

Task Info: Individual video (3-4 minutes).

“You work for a volunteering company. Plan a volunteering opportunity for a group of university
students in Vietnam. Compare the benefits of 2 (or 3) different activity options and present them
in a persuasive way.”

Your name & position Nghia - Founder

Company name & overview Volunteer campaign

Customer info (a group of uni

students - who are they? which Rmit university students
city/uni/major/how many)

Activity 1 - basic info Food delivery - HCM city coz i live here :D - in this social
(what/where/when/how) distancing

Activity 1 - benefits Receive love and care from everybody community - get
(for the volunteers / community more experience in that case

Activity 1 - requirements Have a good physical to delivery , friendly and sociable,

(for volunteers / ethical not afraid -
considerations e.g. special
training / experience required)

Activity 2 - basic info Medicine delivery


Activity 2 - benefits Help people dont get sick while staying at home, eye-
(for the volunteers / community opening experience

Activity 2 - requirements Have a good physical to delivery too, have some medical
(for volunteers / ethical knowledge
considerations e.g. special
training / experience required)

Compare activities 1 & 2 These 2 activities need adult and older people because
(e.g. summary of pros and they have to travel and come into contact with people who
cons, suitability for different are at high risk of infection so they do not recommend
kinds of volunteers). children

Personal Recommendation Should consider before applying, honestly its fun, just
(optional, based on your need to be very careful
Portfolio Speaking Task 1: Planning Sheet

Volunteering Activities:
Showing Critical Thinking

Possible Benefits of Volunteering:

For Volunteers

● Fun, satisfying, eye-opening experience

● Educational - develop skills/experience - good for CV

For Communities

● Infrastructure improvements and jobs for local people

e.g. construction of schools, orphanages
● Receive basic necessities e.g. food, medicine
● Receive expert support e.g. medical/engineering/language

Planning Sustainable Activities:

Consider how to organise volunteer activities to make them sustainable i.e. having long-term
beneficial impacts for volunteers, local communities and/or the environment.
For example:
● Supporting the local economy by using locally owned/run businesses and employing
local people
● Reducing impact on the environment by using reusable equipment (not single-use
● Workshops to increase volunteer motivation and knowledge of benefits of activities
● Opportunities to meet and connect with local people (real homestays, contact before they
● Long-term projects
● Community involvement (bottom-up planning)
● Only use sufficiently qualified volunteers
● Recruit and train local people as much as possible.
Portfolio Speaking Task 1: Planning Sheet
● Avoid short-term projects with vulnerable groups e.g.

● Look at the two introductions below. Which is better, and why?

Intro 1 Intro 2

“Hello, nice to meet you. Thanks for “Hi Vu, my name’s Vinh and I’m the volunteer
contacting my volunteer company. I want to coordinator here at the Big Cat Company. It
say thanks to your group for choosing my was great to get your email yesterday, and I
volunteer company. So first let me tell you want to say a big thanks to you and the whole
about the…” RMIT basketball team for choosing our
organisation. So let’s get started. First I’m
going to tell you about the…then I’m going

Grammar Tips - Making Comparisons

Portfolio Speaking Task 1: Planning Sheet
● Veggies are more

nutritious than meat. (adj)

● Veggies have a better taste than meat. (adj)

● Veggies contain more nutrition than meat. (noun)

● Veggies taste better than meat. (adv)

● Veggies cost more than meat. (verb)

Portfolio Speaking Task 1: Planning Sheet

Fluency - Top Tips

● Use handwritten notes on cue cards.

● ONLY write key phrases & key ideas (NOT whole
● Do NOT write a script!
● Do NOT read from the screen or try to learn a
script by heart.
● Practice with your notes!!!
● Use your notes when you record your video.
● Show your notes to the camera at the beginning
(to prove you are not reading).

Task Checklist

Did you speak for around 4 minutes?

Did you have a clear, specific introduction?

Did you give a clear choice of 2 (or 3) activities?

Did you describe each activity in detail?

Did you describe the benefits of each activity?

Did you keep your audience in mind?

Did you show critical or higher-level thinking?

Did you present the activities in a persuasive way?

Did you have a suitable ending?

Did you speak smoothly without stopping or repeating a lot?

Did you use a range of signposting language and linkers?

Did you use a range of suitable collocations?

Did you use a range of complex grammar structures, and avoid making too many mistakes?

Did you use a range of comparative structures?

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