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Coconut Oil Presentation

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The document discusses the health claims and composition of coconut oil. It outlines different extraction processes, types of fatty acids found in coconut oil, and discusses literature that has found both potential positive and negative health impacts.

There are two main processes used to extract coconut oil - the dry process which uses high heat and sunlight exposure on copra to extract coconut or copra oil, and the wet process which extracts coconut oil from coconut milk under mild temperatures to produce virgin coconut oil which retains more nutrients.

The three types are short chain (<6 carbons), medium chain (8-12 carbons) which are more rapidly metabolized, and long chain (>12 carbons) which require enzymes for absorption and enter the cholesterol cycle. The main fatty acids in virgin coconut oil are lauric, capric, and myristic acids.


Cally Byrne
PRIME Rotation
Preceptor: Erin Arra, MS RD LD

Common edible oil from the meat of matured coconuts
Health claims include uses for:
Heart disease, diabetes, chronic fatigue, Crohns disease, IBS,
Alzheimers disease, thyroid conditions, antimicrobial agent,
immune system boost, skin ailments, weight loss and cholesterol
Mixed evidence on these various health claims

Oil Extraction
Dry Process
Extracted by pressing copra that has been exposed to very high
temperatures and/or sunlight to remove moisture
Copra: dried meat of the coconut
UV irradiation from sunlight inactivates the biologically active minor
components like vitamin E and polyphenols and also results in the
peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids
Coconut or Copra Oil (CO)
Wet Process
Coconut oil is extracted from coconut milk under mild temperatures
Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)
Retains the non-triacylglycerol fraction containing vitamins,

phytosterols, and polyphenols.

Fatty Acids
3 types of fatty acids
Short-chain fatty acids - <6 carbons
Medium-chain fatty acids 8-12 carbons
More rapid metabolism due to shorter chain length
Quick conversion into energy opposed to being stored as fat
Do not require pancreatic lipase enzyme for absorption allowing for

rapid absoprtion into the intestines without catalyzation.

Following absorption into the intestines, they are carried by the portal
vein to the liver, where they are easily oxidized to energy.
Do not enter cholesterol cycle
Long-chain fatty acids >12 carbons
Require pancreatic lipase enzyme for absorption
Upon absorption, they enter the cholesterol cycle and are often

deposited as fats

Fatty Acid Composition of VCO

Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFAs)
8 to 12 carbon atoms
-Caprylic (12.98%)
-Capric (6.81%)
-Lauric (47.28%)
Long Chain Fatty Acids (LCFAs)
>12 carbon atoms
-Myristic (15.80%)
-Palmitic Acid (6.69%)

Literature Negative Impact

Effects of medium-chain fatty acids and oleic acid on blood lipids,
lipoproteins, glucose, insulin, and lipid transfer protein activities.
Double-blind, randomized, crossover design; n=17
Compared with diet high in oleic acid, MCT fat unfavorably affected lipid profiles in healthy

young men by increasing plasma LDL cholesterol and triacylglycerol.

Species variation in the atherogenic profile of monkeys: relationship

between dietary fats, lipoproteins and platelet aggregation
Long-term feeding of coconut oil by comparison to corn oil; n = 24 monkeys
Produced significantly higher plasma concentrations of TC, LDL, apoB and triglycerides as well

as higher ratios of LDL/HDL cholesterol.

Coconut fat and serum lipoproteins: effects of partial replacement with

unsaturated fats.
Aim of this study was to examine the effect of reducing saturated fat in the diet or partly

replacing it w/ unsaturated fat on the serum lipoprotein profile in humans. n=66

Reduction of saturated fat, represented by coconut fat, with partial replacement of unsaturated
fat brings about changes in TC, HDL and LDL that are associated with a lower cardiovascular

Population Studies
Dietary intake and the risk of coronary heart disease among the

coconut-consuming Minangkabau in West Sumatra, Indonesia

Case control study among Minangkabau people w/ CHD
n=93 (case); 189 (control)
Saturated fat intake did not predict CHD

Cholesterol, coconuts, and diet on Polynesian atolls: a natural

experiment: the Pukapuka and Tokelau island studies

Two Polynesian populations: Tokelau (n=948) & Pukapuka (n=796)
Tokelauans: 63% energy from coconut; Pukapuka: 34% energy from coconut
Tokelauan cholesterol levels > Pukpukans cholesterol levels
No difference in incidence of vascular disease; rare in both populations

Coconut oil predicts a beneficial lipid profile in pre-menopausal

women in the Philippines.

n=1,839 Filipino women
Average consumption: 9.54 g coconut oil/day
TC & HDL-c
No association w/ LDL-c, triglycerides or TC/HDL ratio

Animal Studies
Effect of saturated fatty acid-rich dietary vegetable oils on lipid

profile, antioxidant enzymes and glucose tolerance in diabetic

Coconut Oil TC and LDL

Beneficial effects of virgin coconut oil on lipid parameters and

in vitro LDL oxidation.

VCO vs. CO VCO TC, trigycerides, LDL HDL

Influence of virgin coconut oil on blood coagulation factors,

lipid levels and LDL oxidation in cholesterol fed SpragueDawley rats

VCO prevents oxidation of LDL and retains Vit E, Provitamin A,

polyphenols and phytosterols

Wet and dry extraction of coconut oil: impact on lipid metabolic

and antioxidant status in cholesterol coadministered rats.

Significant radical-scavenging activity of VCO

Weight Loss Studies

An open-label pilot study to assess the efficacy and safety of

virgin coconut oil in reducing visceral adiposity

n=20 obese subjects
WC significantly reduced in males; mean reduction of 0.97%
No change in lipid profile

Effects of dietary coconut oil on the biochemical and

anthropometric profile of women presenting abdominal obesity.

Randomized, double-blind, clinical trial
n=40 women w/ abdominal obesity
Coconut oil: HDL LDL:HDL ratio BMI
Soybean oil: TC LDL LDL:HDL ratio HDL BMI

AND Position Statement

Although known to be an important component of breast milk, MCTs are
gaining in popularity among healthy adults. Unlike longer chain SFAs,
MCTs are transported in portal circulation and more readily oxidized
through the B-oxidation pathway. That these fatty acids are oxidized
rather than stored as triglyceride in the body could be advantageous. The
oxidation rate of MCTs, as well as their impact on thermogenesis, has
been shown to be beneficial in decreasing adiposity and improving weight
loss when compared to olive oil (113,114). However, these results were
from supplementation with oil containing 8:0 and 10:0 and not 12:0 fatty
acids. New food products containing coconut oil and other palm oils are
touting health benefits of MCTs. Given that 44% of coconut oil is 12:0 and
16% is 14:0 and these fatty acids are hypercholesterolemic, consumption
of coconut products is not currently recommended (115). There is,
however, cause to focus on the impact of different MCT fatty acids in
human health. As research is completed, the Academy will disseminate
findings to RDNs with appropriate recommendations.

AHA: SFA <7%
~16 g (2,000 calorie diet)
1 T VCO (14 g): 13 g saturated fat; 130 calories
Potential beneficial effect on lipid profile
Further research needed
In conjunction w/ other healthy oils, VCO, in moderation,

can have a place in a healthy diet.

Nevin KG, Rajamohan T. Wet and dry extraction of coconut oil: impact on lipid metabolic and

antioxidant status in cholesterol coadministered rats. Canadian Journal of Physiology and

Pharmacology. 2009;87:610-616.
Vannice G, Rasmussen H. Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Dietary Fatty Acids for
Healthy Adults. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2014;114(1):136-153.
Virgin coconut oil contains a 3:1 ratio of medium chain fatty acids to long chain fatty acids, which is
higher than that of other coconut oils (Liau, Chen, & Rasool, 2011).
Pronczuk A, Patton GM, Staphan ZF, et al. Species variation in the atherogenic profile of monkeys:
relationship between dietary fats, lipoproteins and platelet aggregation. Lipids. 1991;26(3)213-222.
Tholstrup T, Ehnholm C, Jauhiainen M, et al. Effects of medium-chain fatty acids and oleic acid on
blood lipids, lipoproteins, glucose, insulin, and lipid transfer protein activities. The American Journal
of Clinical Nutrition. 2004;79:564-569.
Mendis S, Samarajeewa U, Thattil RO. Coconut fat and serum lipoproteins: effects of partial
replacement with unsaturated fats. British Journal of Nutrition. 2001; 85:583-589.
Lipoeto NI, Agus Z, Oenzil F, et al. Dietary intake and the risk of coronary heart disease among the
coconut-consuming Minangkabau in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2004;13(4):377384.
Prior IA, Davidson F, Salmond CE, et al. Cholesterol, coconuts, and diet on Polynesian atolls: a
natural experiment: the Pukapuka and Tokelau island studies. Am J Clin Nutr. 1981; 34(8)1552-1561.

Fernanil AB, Duazo PL, Kuzawa CW et al. Coconut oil predicts a beneficial lipid profile in premenopausal women in the Philippines. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2011;20(2):190-195.
Kochikuzhyl BM, Devi K, Fattepur SR. Effect of saturated fatty acid-rich dietary vegetable oils on
lipid profile, antioxidant enzymes and glucose tolerance in diabetic rats. Indian J Pharmacol.
Nevin KG, Rajamohan T. Beneficial effects of virgin coconut oil on lipid parameters and in vitro
LDL oxidation. Clinical Biochemistry. 2004;37:830-835.
Nevin KG and Rajamohan T. Influence of virgin coconut oil on blood coagulation factors, lipid
levels and LDL oxidation in cholesterol fed Sprague-Dawley rats. Clin Nutr Metabol. 2008; 3:e1e8.
Nevin KG, Rajamohan T. Wet and dry extraction of coconut oil: impact on lipid metabolic and
antioxidant status in cholesterol coadministered rats. Canadian Jounral of Physiology and
Pharmacology. 2009;87:610-616.
Liau KM, Lee YY, Chen CK, et al. An open-label pilot study to assess the efficacy and safety of

virgin coconut oil in reducing visceral adiposity. ISRN Pharmacology. 2011.

Assuncao ML, Ferreira HS, dos Santos AF, et al. Effects of dietary coconut oil on the biochemical
and anthropometric profile of women presenting abdominal obesity. Lipids. 2009; 44:593-601.


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