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Latthe Education Society'S Polytechnic, Kupwad Sangli: "Corn Thresher Mini"

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Project report
Submitted By
Roll No. Enrollement No. Student Name
193605 1700430132 Mr. Makarand Sunil Ambole
193613 1700430169 Mr. Kunal Laxman Hankare
193614 1700430152 Mr. Vaibhav Nandkumar Koli

Under the guidance of




Department of Mechanical Engineering


This is to certify that Mr. Kunal Laxman Hankare (Roll No. 193613) has
Successfully Completed the Project on “CORN THRESHER MINI ”
Under the subject of Project. This for partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of the Diploma in Mechanical Engineering by
M.S.B.T.E; Mumbai, for semester-VI in academic year 2019-2020.

Place : Kupwad; Sangli.



Guide H.O.D. Principle
Mech. Engg L.E.S.Polytechnic, Sangli

The Principal,
Latthe Education Society’s Polytechinc,

Respected Sir,

We undersigned hereby declare that project entitled “CORN

THRESHER MINI ” developed under the guidance of Mr. R.B.Patil is our
original work. The report generated in the project work are based on the
information collected by us, we have not copied from any other project report
submitted to Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai

Place: Sangli.

The height of success does not depend on the wings of hard work
and dedication but also needs great support. Our deep sense of gratitude
and respect to our guide Mr. Patil R.B. for extending us all the help and
guidance in presenting the seminar successfully.

I would also like to express to my sincere thanks to the

principle, H.O.D., the staff members and also the Nonteaching staff
members of the “Latthe Education Society’s Polytechnic, Kupwad;
Sangli”, for their co-operation and technical guidance for the completion
of project.

Thanking You,
1) Abtract 1
2) Chapter 1 - Problem Statement 2
3) Objective 2
4) Scopes of Project 3
5) Chapter 2 - Introduction 4
6) Planting , Care 4
7) Harvest/ Storage 5
8) Chapter 3 - Literature Survey 6
9) Present Theories And Practices 6
10) Design Development 7 To 8
11) Starch From Maize 9
12) Design And Performance 9 To 11
13) Chapter 4 - Theory 12
14) Corn, Beneficial About Corn 12
15) Uses/Application of Corn 13 to 15
16) Chapter 5 - Proposed Work In Project 16
17) Selection of Material And Drives 16 to 17
18) Chapter 6 - Design of Experiment Set Up 18 to 21
19) Chapter 7 - Constructional Details 22
20) 3D Diagram of Project 22 to 24
21) Picture of Project 25
22) 2D Sketch 26
23) Chapter 8 - Testing of Machine 27
24) Chapter 9 - Project Cost And Bill of Material 28
25) Chapter 10 - Conclusion 29
26) Chapter 11 - References 30
“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

India depends on agriculture to drive the engine of its economic development. Corn
has been cast in the lead role of this ongoing storyline of agricultural success, and without
corn, the india farm sector would be just a shell of what is has now become. Corn is grown
on small scale farmers in developing countries like India. The average kernel price is
approximately twice the price of maize. Lack of Corn processing machines, especially Corn
Sheller, is a major problem of Corn production, especially in our country India. A research-
work for design, fabricate, and performance evaluation of a Corn peeler consisting of feed
hopper, shelling unit, separating unit and power system. The performance of the machine
was evaluated in terms of through put capacity, shelling efficiency, material efficiency and
mechanical damage. Regression models that could be used to express the relationship
existing between the Sheller performance indices, pod moisture content and feed rate were
establish. This project describes about the design of various components of Corn peeler
machine. Hence in this design of various parts are necessary, and design of various parts due
to which the design quality of those parts will be improved. Overall, this project involves
processes like design, fabrication and assembling of different components etc.
In India corn consumption is also very high, so to meet requirement machine or
technology is require to find out to avoid heavy time consumption and labor problems. In
this project we have tried to design & development of corn thresher machine

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”


Problem Statement

Indian Current scenario of industry focuses on the high production rate with less
consumption of resources. To achieve this we need to minimize idle time and machine time
per unit.

Fig:- Corn or maize with covered leaf

To separate the corn from cob of corn have some limitations when it carried by manual
method. In this process following disadvantages are present:-
a) Physical stress and strain is more.
b) Time required for peeling is more.
c) Labour availability is less and cost is more.

By identifying these problems we have taken task to design and develop a corn peeling
machine to eliminate these limitations.

1. To Improve and optimize the present procedure.
2. To improve simplicity.
3. Minimize the time required by using simple mechanical mechanisms.
4. Develop machine which will require less labor and which can be operate with unskilled
The objectives of the project are to design a system for Corn peling machine which is:

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

• Efficient
• User-friendly
• Transportable
• Cost-effective
• Reduce repetitive task
• Functional requirement of proposed system

1.2 Scopes of project

Scope of project for this project includes literature review from the last project and
all the results of the last project, engineering material, designing and development of
In this project we have considered rotor to separate the corn from the cob. Also it is
portable according to requirement we can able to transport this machine as per required
location. In this project we have only taken task to separate the corn.

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”


Sweet corn is an annual with yellow, white, and bi-colored ears. A long, frost-free
growing season is necessary after planting. Sweet corn is wind-pollinated, so it should be
planted in blocks, rather than in single rows. Early, mid, and late-season varieties extend the
harvest. If you miss the optimal harvest time, corn will go downhill fast as sugars convert
to starch.

2.1 Planting
• Corn is picky about its soil. Work in aged manure or compost the fall before planting and
let over winter in the soil.
• Starting seeds indoors is not recommended.
• Plant seeds outdoors two weeks after the last spring frost date.
• Make sure soil temperature is above 60 degrees for successful germination. (Up to 65 for
super sweet varieties.) In colder zones, the ground can be warmed by a black plastic
cover if necessary. Plant seeds through holes.
• Plant seeds 1 inch deep and 4 to 6 inches apart. Space rows 30 to 36 inches apart.
• For sufficient pollination, plan your plot right. Don’t plant two long rows, rather, plant
corn blocks of at least four rows.
• You may choose to fertilize at planting time, corn is meant to grow rapidly. If you are
confident that the soil is adequate, this can be skipped.
• Water well at planting time.

2.2 Care
• When your plants are 3 to 4 inches tall, thin them so they are 8 to 12 inches apart.
• Be careful not to damage the roots when weeding.
• Soil must be well drained and able to keep consistent moisture.
• In dry conditions, be sure to keep corn well watered due to its shallow roots. Water at a
rate of 5 gallons per sq yard. Mulch helps reduce evaporation.

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

2.3 Harvest/Storage
• Harvest when tassels begin to turn brown and cobs start to swell. Kernels should be full
and milky.
• Pull ears downward and twist to take off stalk.
• Sweet corn varieties lose their sweetness soon after harvesting.
• Prepare for eating or preserving immediately after picking.
• Sweet corn freezes well, especially if removed from ears before freezing.

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

Literature survey

This topic includes the literature survey regarding the dissertation project discussed in
the above chapter.

3.1 Present Theories and Practices:

3.1.1 Design and Performance Evaluation of a Corn De-Cobbing and Separating
Author:- MachineOriaku E.C, Agulanna C.N, Nwannewuihe H.U,
Onwukwe M.C And Adiele, I.D

In this paper author has given information abour, corn the American Indian word
for corn, means literally that which sustains life. It is, after wheat and rice, the most
important cereal grain in the world, providing nutrients for humans and animals and serving
as a basic raw material for the production of starch, oil and protein, alcoholic beverages,
food sweeteners and, more recently, fuel. In Africa, maize has become a staple food crop
that is known to the poorest family. It is used in various forms to alleviate hunger, and such
forms include pap or ogi, maize flour etc. It is because of the importance of maize that it’s
processing and preservation to an optimum condition must be analyzed. The major steps
involved in the processing of maize are harvesting, drying, de-husking, shelling, storing, and
milling. For the rural farmers to maximize profit from their maize, appropriate technology
that suites their needs must be used. The processing of agricultural products like maize into
quality forms not only prolongs the useful life of these products, but increases the net profit
farmers make from mechanization technologies of such products. One of the most important
processing operations done to bring out the quality of maize is shelling or threshing of
maize. The design consideration of this machine is based on three principles namely:
The gravitational dropping of the whole maize through the inlet hopper to the
rotating spikes and exit of the grains to the receiver. The impact force delivered by the
rotating spikes to the whole maize and motion of this whole maize along the length of the
de-cobing barrel. The air generation and supply by the blower The dropping of the whole
maize through the hopper to the rotating spikes is governed by gravitational force (fg) which
is given as; F= mg Where: m = mass of whole maize g = acceleration due to gravity The
impact principle and air generation by the blower is achieved through the dynamics of the
machine components namely: pulleys, belt, bearings and shaft. Circular motion of these

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

components and gravitational motion of the whole maize through the inlet hopper and exit
of grains through the exit spouts are employed to achieve the desired result.

3.1.2 Design, development and fabrication of a low cost corn deseeding machine
Author :- Anant J. Ghad and Arunkumar,

In per this paper Maize, known in many English-speaking countries as corn, is a

grain domesticated by indigenous people in prehistoric times. The Aztecs and Mayans
cultivated it in numerous varieties throughout central and southern Mexico, to cook or grind
in a process called nixtamalization. The crop spread throughout America and later around
the 1250 BC it spread to all corners of the region. Any significant or dense populations in
the region developed a great trade network based on surplus and varieties of maize crops.
After European contact with the Americas in the late 15th and early 16th centuries,
explorers and traders carried maize back to Europe and introduced it to other countries
through trade. Maize spread to the rest of the world due to its popularity and ability to grow
in diverse climates. The existing methods of corn de-husking in agriculture industry consist
of breaking the grains by hand or by using large machinery for deseeding, both of which are
not effective for a developing economy like India where farmers have little money for
investment. Hence there is a need for an innovative idea or product that is feasible, safe, cost
effective and productive for the Indian farmer.

3.1.3 Design and Development of a Crop Residue Crushing Machine

Author :- Jibrin M. U., Amonye M. C., Akonyi N. S., Oyeleran O. A.

In this notes the information about crops residues (CRs) are roughages that become
available as livestock feeds after crops have been harvested. They are distinct from
agricultural by-products (such as bran, oil cakes etc) which are generated when crops are
processed. Generally any plant materials that remain after food crops have been harvested
are classified as a crop residue. Apart from being a source of animal feed, residues are used
as building, roofing and fencing materials, as fuel or surface mulch in crop land. Farmers
use crop residues mainly in two ways, e.g.: for fuel as firewood and minor constructions,
especially maize and sorghum stovers; for roofing local houses, in the case of wheat, oath or
barley straws; as building material for walls of local houses, especially teff straw. But the

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

major use is for livestock feed particularly for draught oxen during dry season. Animals feed
on crop residues mainly in two ways. The residues are pilled in stacks near homesteads and
animals are left to eat from the stacks or given small quantity in the morning and evening, or
for working oxen before and after work. Alternatively the residues are left in the threshing
ground and consumed by animals together with the standing straws which are left for
aftermath grazing. Farm residues produce fifty eight percent of dependable livestock feed in
the raining season. In the peak of the dry season, stubble pasture supplies more than ninety
percent of livestock food. On these remnants, the herds spend about seventy-one percent of
their time grazing.
Population growth, urbanization and income growth in developing countries are
fuelling a substantial global increase in the demands for food of animal origin, while also
aggravating the competition between the crops and livestock. (Increasing cropping areas and
reducing range lands) This increasing pressure on land and the growing demands for
livestock products makes it more and more important to ensure the effective use of food
resources, including crop residues..As more and more land is put under crop production,
livestock feed becomes scarce and crop residues particularly cereals straw remain the major
feed source for the animals particularly during the dry period of the year (which spans
November to May period. .An appreciable increase in the provision of livestock feeds shall
be guaranteed when crops residues especially the hitherto poorly utilized stalks and stovers
of cereals are crushed to admissible sizes to be taken by livestock as crushed or beefed with
nutrients. At the 2011 Kano international trade fare, many visitors who came to the stands of
Technology Incubation Centre and Hydraulic Equipment Development Institute, especially
Fulani herdsmen, apart from inspecting the displayed product of the two institutes prayed
them to develop a modest, portable and affordable equipment to crush crop residues into
livestock feeds.
Crop residue has become the used term in tropical research and development circles
for describing the fibrous by-products of cereals, sugarcane, roots and tubers, pulses,
oilseeds, oil plants, vegetable and fruits. With notable exemptions e.g. sugar beet pulp and
citrus pulp, utilization of residues as feed has been the subject of intense research and
development since the mid-1970s. All ruminants depend on two major feed resources. These

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

are crop residues and agro-industrial by-products and they play significant role in the
nutrition of ruminant animals.
There is an acute shortage of animal protein in Nigeria, a minimum intake of 34gm
of protein is recommended per capita per day. The national estimated daily per capita intake
by 1993 was 3.9gm, allowing for fish and wildlife contributions and 3.2gm without. All
factors considered, it has been estimated that average daily per capita protein intake by 2010
will be only 5.3gm still far below the food and agricultural organization recommendation of
34gm..The quest to increase the agricultural production in all facets, have intensified crop
production by way of increasing cultivated areas thereby reducing the grazing areas.
Livestock farmers especially in the sector of goats, sheep and cattle are constantly faced
with problem of feed shortage during the dry season. The herd constantly relies on crop
residue, but these are usually in short supply. Hence ruminants experience seasonal weight
gain/loss during the wet/dry periods respectively during the year.

3.1.4 Starch from maize

. In this literature information about Starch is a group of polysacchrides,composed
of glucopyranose units joined together by-glucosidric linkages. It conforms to the molecular
formula, , where n varies from a few hundred to over one million. Starch is found as the
reserve carbohydrate in various parts of plants and is enzymatically broken down to glucose
to other carbohydrates according to the metabollic needs of the plants. Starch occurs
naturally in the plants and its percentage vries with the plant and also in different parts of
the same plant. Corn (maize) sorghum
grain wheat, rice, potato, tapioca, arrow root and sago are among the important sources of
natural starches . The grains of barley, rye, oat, and the millets are also employed in the
production of starches

3.1.5 Design and Performance Evaluation of a Corn De-Cobbing and Separating

Author:- Oriaku E.C, Agulanna C.N, Nwannewuihe H.U, Onwukwe M.C And Adiele.
In this literature author has given, Agricultural products like maize, soya bean,
millet and rice, when processed into quality forms not only prolongs the useful life of these
products, but increases the net profit farmers make from mechanization technologies of such

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

products. One of the most important processing operations done to bring out the quality of
maize is de-cobbing or threshing of maize. Consequently, a de-cobbing and separation
machine was designed, fabricated and its performance evaluated. Corn at moisture content
of 15.14% db sourced locally was used in the experiment and the data collected were
analyzed. Results showed that for a total 20kg of sample tested, the average feed and
threshing time were 2.37 and 2.95 minutes respectively. The average feed and threshing
rates were 2.06 and 1.65 kg/min with an average threshing efficiency of 78.93 %. The
average separation efficiency was 56.06 %. These results indicate that threshing and
separation can be performed out satisfactorily with the designed machine and it can be used
to process about 1 tonne of maize per nine-hour shift.
Maize, the American Indian word for corn, means literally that which sustains life.
It is, after wheat and rice, the most important cereal grain in the world, providing nutrients
for humans and animals and serving as a basic raw material for the production of starch, oil
and protein, alcoholic beverages, food sweeteners and, more recently, fuel. In Africa, maize
has become a staple food crop that is known to the poorest family. It is used in various
forms to alleviate hunger, and such forms include pap or ogi, maize flour etc. It is because
of the importance of maize that it’s processing and preservation to an optimum condition
must be analyzed. The major steps involved in the processing of maize are harvesting,
drying, de-husking, shelling, storing, and milling. For the rural farmers to maximize profit
from their maize, appropriate technology that suites their needs must be used. The
processing of agricultural products like maize into quality forms not only prolongs the
useful life of these products, but increases the net profit farmers make from mechanization
technologies of such products. One of the most important processing operations done to
bring out the quality of maize is shelling or threshing of maize. In Nigeria maize constitute
the staple food of large chunk of the populace. It is also responsible for about 60% by
weight of most of livestock feed formulations. Peasant farmers are responsible for more than
70% of the maize produced annually while large scale commercial farmers constitute the
remaining 30%. The problems of post harvest processing and storage of agricultural produce
are well documented and various approaches are being employed in tackling it. For maize
one of its post harvest challenges is shelling. Kaul and Egbo, 1985 reported that maize
harvested are traditionally shelled by hand or by beating sacs stuffed with maize cobs with

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

wooden flails. These traditional methods of shelling maize are time wasting, hazardous and
associated with lots of drudgery. They also described shelling as a process of repeated
pounding or dragging of plant mass over a surface through an aperture. Akubuo, 2003
described the use of pestle and mortar as a process by which the dry maize is put into the
mortar and pestle is used to hit the maize with impact forces. A considerable quantity of
shelling is achieved per time but the amount of grain damage is high with low cleaning
efficiency There have been various means of shelling starting from the traditional pestle and
mortar to the various mechanical and electro-mechanical devices. The use of ‘cone’ sheller
was reported by Kaul and Egbo, the sheller consists of a cone with three to four lines of
serrated ribs. The dehusked cob is rotated in the cone by one hand while the Sheller is held
in the other hand rotating the cob against the internal rib of the Sheller to detach the grain
from the cob. Adewale, et al (2002) and Adegbulugbe, (2000) established that shelling
process is a function of moisture content. It is easier to shell maize dry than wet. Adewale et
al (2002) also reported that the local techniques of shelling and winnowing of shelled maize
is grossly inefficient judging by the serious bruises encountered by the crops. There are
many types of maize shellers, but the motorized shellers are either imported or locally
fabricated by local welders who have no knowledge of both the machine and crop
parameters suitable for optimum performance of the shelling machines (Adewumi, 2004).
Maize can also be dehusked and shelled but this is with a lot of kernel damage at the end of
the processing operation (Adesuyi, 1983). Other types of devices used for shelling
mechanism are cross flow rasp bar, axial flow rasp bar and spike tooth cylinder. A spike
tooth cylinder is more positive in feeding than rasp bar cylinders with the added advantage
that, it does not plug in easily. While rasp bars are easier to adjust and monitor and are
relatively simple to operate and durable. The efficiency of shelling machines varies from
one machine to the other as affected by some factors like the crop moisture content, feeding
rate, shelling mechanism and the concave cylinder clearance

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”


4.1 Corn
What food is more synonymous with summer than freshly picked corn on the cob?
Corn grows in "ears," each of which is covered in rows of kernels that are then protected by
the silk-like threads called "corn silk" and encased in a husk. Corn is known scientifically
as Zea mays. This moniker reflects its traditional name, maize, by which it was known to
the Native Americans as well as many other cultures throughout the world. Although we
often associate corn with the color yellow, it actually comes in host of different varieties
featuring an array of different colors, including red, pink, black, purple, and blue. Although
corn is now available in markets year-round, it is the locally grown varieties that you can
purchase during the summer months that not only tastes the best but are usually the least

4.2 Beneficial about Corn

You can get health-supportive antioxidant benefits from all varieties of corn, including
white, yellow, blue, purple and red corn. But recent research has shown the antioxidant
benefits from different varieties of corn actually come from different combinations of
phytonutrients. In the case of yellow corn, it's the antioxidant carotenoids leading the way,
with especially high concentrations of lutein and zeaxanthin. In the case of blue corn, it's the
anthocyanins. There's one particular hydroxybenzoic acid in purple corn—protocatechuic
acid—that's also been recently linked to the strong antioxidant activity in this corn variety

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

Fig:- Corn or maize

4.3 Uses / applications of corn

4.3.1 Human food:-

Maize and cornmeal (ground dried maize) constitute a staple food in many regions
of the world.Maize is central to Mexican food. In the form of grain or cornmeal, maize is
the main ingredient of tortillas, tamales, pozole, atole and all the dishes based on them, like
tacos, quesadillas, chilaquiles, enchiladas, tostadas and many more.. Maize meal is also
used as a replacement for wheat flour, to make cornbread and other baked products. Masa
(cornmeal treated with limewater) is the main ingredient for tortillas, atole and many other
dishes of Central American food. Popcorn consists of kernels of certain varieties that
explode when heated, forming fluffy pieces that are eaten as a snack. Roasted dried maize
ears with semihardened kernels, coated with a seasoning mixture of fried chopped spring
onions with salt added to the oil, is a popular snack food in Vietnam. Cancha, which are
roasted maize chulpe kernels, are a very popular snack food in Peru, and also appears in
traditional Peruvian ceviche. An unleavened bread called makki di roti is a popular bread
eaten in the Punjab region of India

4.3.2 Nutritional value

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

In a 100-gram serving, maize kernels provide 86 calories and are a good source (10-19%
of the Daily Value) of the B vitamins, thiamin, niacin, pantothenic acid (B5) and folate
(right table for raw, uncooked kernels, USDA Nutrient Database). In moderate amounts,
they also supply dietary fiber and the essential minerals, magnesium and phosphorus
whereas other nutrients are in low amounts (see table on right).

4.3.3 Chemicals
Starch from maize can also be made into plastics, fabrics, adhesives, and many other
chemical products. The corn steep liquor, a plentiful watery byproduct of maize wet
milling process, is widely used in the biochemical industry and research as a culture
medium to grow many kinds of microorganisms. Chrysanthemin is found in purple corn
and is used as a food coloring.

4.3.4 Bio-fuel

"Feed maize" is being used increasingly for heating;[citation needed] specialized corn
stoves (similar to wood stoves) are available and use either feed maize or wood pellets to
generate heat. Maize cobs are also used as a biomass fuel source. Maize is relatively cheap
and home-heating furnaces have been developed which use maize kernels as a fuel. They
feature a large hopper that feeds the uniformly sized maize kernels (or wood pellets or
cherry pits) into the fire.

Maize is increasingly used as a feedstock for the production of ethanol fuel.[citation

needed] Ethanol is mixed with gasoline to decrease the amount of pollutants emitted when
used to fuel motor vehicles. High fuel prices in mid-2007 led to higher demand for ethanol,
which in turn led to higher prices paid to farmers for maize. This led to the 2007 harvest
being one of the most profitable maize crops in modern history for farmers. Because of the
relationship between fuel and maize, prices paid for the crop now tend to track the price of
oil.[citation needed]

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

The price of food is affected to a certain degree by the use of maize for biofuel production.
The cost of transportation, production, and marketing are a large portion (80%) of the price
of food in the United States. Higher energy costs affect these costs, especially
transportation. The increase in food prices the consumer has been seeing is mainly due to
the higher energy cost. The effect of biofuel production on other food crop prices is
indirect. Use of maize for biofuel production increases the demand, and therefore price of
maize. This, in turn, results in farm acreage being diverted from other food crops to maize
production. This reduces the supply of the other food crops and increases their prices.

4.3.5 Ornamental and other uses

Some forms of the plant are occasionally grown for ornamental use in the garden. For this
purpose, variegated and colored leaf forms as well as those with colorful ears are used.
Corncobs can be hollowed out and treated to make inexpensive smoking pipes, first
manufactured in the United States in 1869. An unusual use for maize is to create a "corn
maze" (or "maize maze") as a tourist attraction. The idea of a maize maze was introduced
by the American Maze Company who created a maze in Pennsylvania in 1993.[88]
Traditional mazes are most commonly grown using yew hedges, but these take several
years to mature. The rapid growth of a field of maize allows a maze to be laid out using
GPS at the start of a growing season and for the maize to grow tall enough to obstruct a
visitor's line of sight by the start of the summer. In Canada and the US, these are popular in
many farming communities.
4.3.6 Fodder
Maize produces a greater quantity of biomass than other cereal plants, which is used for
fodder. Digestibility and palatability are higher when ensiled and fermented, rather than

Because of these major application we have to focus to design and development of

new machinery and mechanisms to increase the production and to improve quality and cost
in commercial market.

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

Proposed work in project

5.1 Proposed Work:

Design & development of corn separator.
Specification of proposed corn chaff peeler machine.
1. Function : Corn separator
2. Specification :
i. Type of machine: agriculture field machine
ii. Type of vegetable:- Corn without chaff.
iii. Man power requirement:- one operator
iv. Overall dimensions(Tentative): 300 x 250 x 150 mm
v. Main source for separate the corn : pipe type rotor.
vi. Capacity : 2 kg per 5 min.
Vii:- Selected size:- as per availability in local area.
vii. General Information :
The machine consists of a standard speed reduction unit, its design and assembly.

3. Analysis of different critical parts of mechanism.

4. Selection of materials and drives.

This project will undergo through following six phases.

Phase I : Literature Survey
A detailed literature survey will be carried out in the related area. Majorly the selected
project is come under Industrial field influence, So In this phase we will do industrial
visit where these type of bearings are using is involved.

Phase II : Concept Generation

In this phase, we are going to do schematic arrangement design and drawing of major
component which we can use for completion of our project. In this phase we will
generate the schematic drawing on the basis of problem statement and feedback and
suggestion received from end customer and vendors.

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

Phase III : Design calculations

In this phase we are going to do the design calculations by referring the standards,
catalogue and reference books. In this work we will finalize the design and components
dimensions. We are also select the material according to parts and components fuction
and loading conditions. In this phase we will decide the size and shape of components
and its position in the assembly. Also we will decide the limit and tolerance between
components and also machining methods required to select to manufacture the
Phase III : Preparation of Drawings
In this phase we are going to prepare the design. The suitable component and assembly
drawings will be prepared which will help visualize the actual project set up. In this phase
we will prepare the drawing as per industrial format.
Phase IV : Structural Analysis of the Critical Components
In this phase we will do analysis of one components which is under critical loading
condition. And by doing analysis we can decide the final dimensions and material of the
Phase V : Fabrication
(01) Manufacturing of various components and subassemblies will be carried out by
using suitable manufacturing processes.
(02) The components will be assembled per the drawing.
(03) Working trials of the project will be conducted to confirm and testing parameters
(Time and speed) we will decide for to get best quality of product.
Phase VI : Experimental Investigations
The fabricated platform will be tested for the suitability to the intended application.

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

Design of experiment set up

6.1 Design of shaft.

6.1.1 Design considerations
When designing our attachment, the following considerations were taken into account
1. The device should be suitable for local manufacturing capabilities.
2. The attachment should employ low-cost materials and manufacturing methods.
3. It should be accessible and affordable by low-income groups, and should fulfill their basic
need for mechanical power
4. It should be simple to manufacture, operate, maintain and repair.
5. It should employ locally available materials and skills. Standard steel pieces such as steel
plates, iron rods, angle iron, and flat stock that are locally available should be used.
Standard tools used in machine shop such as hack saw, files, punches, taps & dies; medium
duty welder; drill press; small lathe and milling machine should be adequate to fabricate the
parts needed for the machine.
6. Excessive weight should be avoided, as durability is a prime consideration

The corn load and operators load on the rotor shaft = 10 kg = 100N is considered
The pipe radius = 50mm
Total torque on crank = 100 x 50 = 5000N-m

To avoid damage of cobs we have considered the speed of rotor is 100 rpm
Speed required in the range 100 rpm

P = 100.33 watt
So we have selected 150watt motor .

Motor speed = 1440 rpm

Motor supply 230 V single phase

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

T = Max Torque generated to rotating Crank

Ϭ = 145 N/ mm2 considering factor of safety = 4
As per Design data book shaft material is selected Carbon steel C40

σ = 145 N/mm2

As per ASME code

0.3 X Yield strength N/mm2
0.18 X ultimate strength N/mm2} whichever is smaller
0.3 x 330 = 99 N/mm2 ………………………………………….(a)
0.18 x 580 = 104 N/mm2 ……………………………………..(b)
From equation (a) & (b)
Allowable stress value will be 99 N/mm2
If key ways will provide to shaft then
τ = 99 x 0.75 = 74.25 N/mm2

Max torsion moment equation is given by

Where T = 5000N-mm
By using above equation drive shaft dia d = 7.12mm ……………….A

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

Fig Drive shaft loading condition.

P = 100 N

∑F Y =0

RA = 100
Calculation of bending moment at loading point P,
BM at M = 100 x 50 = 5000N-mm

Ϭ = 145 N/ mm2 considering factor of safety = 4

By using above equation drive shaft dia d = 7.49mm ………………..B
From equation A and B we have selected the diameter of shaft = 10mm considering
extra jerk and for safe design.

According to maximum shear stress theory

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

‫ = ځ‬73 < 74 N/mm2 and

Ϭ = 105 < 145 N/mm2
By using above equation we have checked the allowable shear stress and allowable bending
stress and it is seen that the both values are within limit hence design is safe.

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

Constructional details

Proposed corn separator machine.

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

Fig:- 1 Proposed corn separator machine.

The main components in this model are dc motor, cutting blade, cylinder, collecting tank and
supporting frames. Cutting blade is placed in between the cylinder and DC motor. The cutting
blade is rotated using DC motor. Corn has to be moved inside the cutting blade. The blade has
been specially designed to remove the kernals from the corn. Thus rotating at high speed
kernals are removed and are collected in the collecting tank.

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

Picture of Project

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

Testing of Machine

Testing of Machine
To test and confirm the working of developed mechanism for Mini corn thresher, we have
taken practical demonstration at various small scale industry. Also we have collected the
feedbacks and improvements points in developed model.
Testing points and concluded points as below:-
Lot size considered = 100Kg

Existing manual method

Sr. New developed method
Points observed Manual marking
No mechanism

Labour requirement
1. Per day 03 01

2. Time required 01 kg per 15 min 1 kg per 2 min

3. Space required ---------------- Portable

Electricity required for

4. mechanism or ---------------- Yes

5. Material handling More Very less

6. Manual effort More Less
7. Maintenance NA 100 Rs per year

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”

Project cost and Bill of material

Sr. Material Material of Qty Cost per Total cost

No construction Unit Rs. in Rs.
1 Motor 4 pole/ single phase / As per 01 1550 1550
DC / 150watt / 1450 rpm manufacturers
with press lever catalogue
2 Structural frame as per Mild steel 01 1500 1500
drawing and fabrication labor
3 Casing pipe MS 01 500 500
4 Bush MS 01 100 100
5 Ball bearing and casing 04 200 800
6 Rollers MS 02 550 1100
7 Adapter SMPS 12 V & 7Amp 01 1150 1150
Total 6700
in Rs

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”



The project carried out by us made an impressing task in the field of agriculture. It is
very usefully for the workers to carry out a number of operations in a single machine. This
project has also reduced the cost involved in the concern project has been designed to
perform the entire requirement task which has also been provided.

“ Design & development of Mini corn separator machine. ”



12.1 Mr. R. S. Khurmi & J. K. Gupta Machine Design Pub.: Eurasia Publishing House
Pvt. Limited.
12.2 Design and Performance Evaluation of a Corn De-Cobbing and Separating
Author:- MachineOriaku E.C, Agulanna C.N, Nwannewuihe H.U, Onwukwe M.C
And Adiele, I.D

12.2 Design, development and fabrication of a low cost corn deseeding machine.
Author :- Anant J. Ghad and Arunkumar,


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