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College Hostel Management System: A Mini Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment For The Award of Degree of

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A mini project report submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY in COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING By

A.C.Rahul (08331A0501) A.Dhanunjay Prasad (08331A0506)

A.V.Sandeep (08331A0501) K.L.P.Kumar (08331A0547)

Under the Esteemed Guidance of

Ms.Ch.Sarojini Devi Dept. of Computer Science & Engg M.V.G.R. College of Engg.

MAHARAJ VIJAYARAM GAJAPATHI RAJ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (Permanently affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada) (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi) (NBA accredited for all branches & NAAC A Graded) VIZIANAGARAM 2008-2012


This is to certify that Mini Project work entitled COLLEGE HOSTEL MANAGEMENT, done by A.C.Rahul (08331A0501), A.Dhanunjay Prasad(08331A0506), A.V.Sandeep(08331A0509), K.L.P.Kumar(08331A0547) submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the credits in Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science &engineering during the academic year 2011-2012.

Project Guide Ms.Ch.Sarojini Devi Department of CSE M.V.G.R College of Engineering

Head of the Department Dr.Sumit Gupta Professor Department of CSE M.V.G.R College of Engineering


We here by declare that the work done on the Mini project entitled COLLEGE HOSTEL MANAGEMENT has been carried out by us and submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of credits in Bachelor of Technology in COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING of MVGR College of Engineering affiliated to the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (Kakinada). The various contents incorporated in the dissertation have not been submitted for the award of any other degree of any other institution or university.

A.C.Rahul (08331A0501) A.Dhanunjay Prasad (08331A0506)

A.V.Sandeep (08331A0509) K.L.P.Kumar (08331A0547)


We wish to express our deep sense of gratitude to Ms.Ch.Sarojini, Sr.Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, for his cooperation and guidance in carrying our project work successfully. We consider it our privilege to express our deepest gratitude to Dr.Sumit Gupta, Professor, and Head of the Department for his precious suggestions that helped the project work to get successfully completed. We also thank Dr.K.V.L.Raju, Principal for extending his at most support and cooperation in providing all provisions for successful completion of the project. Finally, we thank all those who have rendered us their assistance, both directly and indirectly, for carrying out this project.

A.C.Rahul A.Dhanunjay Prasad A.V.Sandeep K.L.P.Kumar


College Hostel Management helps the admin to ease the procedure of managing a college hostel with an easy way. It is easy to track the details of all the students who are staying in the hostel and also give the payment dues of the students who are present in the hostel with due. The program is easy to use, and it is well suited for any organization that needs to keep track of student details and also the payment transactions in a college. It also provides the details of the latest payment transactions that take place. The purpose of developing College Hostel Management System is to have a computerized way of getting the payment information of a student which is better than old traditional way of maintaining student payment details in files. Another purpose for developing this project is to access the student information of a particular student in a particular year and branch in an effective way by providing dynamic updation , deletion, insertion and retrieval. The development of this system will definitely reduce the human effort and valuable time. The scope of the project is that one can easily track the information of a student based on which the administrator can give the information about the pending due of a particular student. It also lists all the students who come into a particular due category.



1.1 Introduction

1.2 Purpose 1.3 System Analysis 2. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION..11-13 2.1 Requirements Specification 2.2 System Requirements 2.3 Functional Requirements 2.4 Non- Functional Requirements 3. DESIGN...14-21 3.1 Data Flow Diagram 3.2 Static Model 3.2.1 CLASS Diagram 3.3 Dynamic Model 3.3.1 USECASE Diagram 3.3.2 SEQUENCE Diagram 3.4 Persistence Model 3.4.1 ER Diagram 4. SAMPLE CODE.22-24 5. TESTING.....25-30 5.1 Test Case Design 5.1.1 White Box Testing 5.1.2 Black Box Testing 6. USER INTERFACE SCREEN SHOTS...31-43 7. CONCLUSION44 8. REFERENCES.....45

Figure 1 : Dataflow Diagram Figure 2 : Class Diagram Figure 3 : Use case Diagram

Figure 4 : Sequence Diagram Figure 5 : ER Diagram Figure 6 : Admin Login Figure 7 : Invalid Username Figure 8 : Wrong password Figure 9 : Home page of the system Figure 10 : When password is changed Figure 11 : When passwords are mismatched Figure 12 : View of student fee details Figure 13 : While accepting payment Figure 14 : View the fee pending details Figure 15 : When amount is submitted Figure 16 : Before entering values Figure 17 : When register no already exists Figure 18 : Delete by regd id Figure 19 : Successful deletion Figure 20 : When there are no transactions Figure 21 : electing the students to mark. Figure 22 : Marking The Selected Students. Figure 23 : Table After Marking. Figure 24 : Selecting a Task. Figure 25 : Create New Page. Figure 26 : Create New Continued. Figure 27 : Select The User To Edit. Figure 28 : Edit User Figure 29 : Edit User Continued Figure 30 : Select a Task Figure 31 : Delete Confirmation


College hostel management system is a sophisticated system which is highly used in organizations like colleges, schools and institutions. In this system, administrator record payment information of every student present in the hostel. We do have actions like

new joining of a student, deleting a particular student from the hostel if he/she wish to leave hostel and also view the latest payment transactions. You can create customized student payment reports for the admin. The program is easy to use, and its well suited for any organization that needs to keep track of payment details. The scope of the project is that one can easily track the information of a student based. This project is made to operate online, but later on it can be developed as a desktop application and can be installed on any system.

The purpose of developing College hostel management system is to

have a computerized way of getting the information of students eligible for the placements which is better than old traditional way of maintaining student details in files. Another purpose for developing this project is to access the payment details mainly useful to know the due details in an effective way.


System analysis is an important activity that takes place when we are building new information system or extending the existing system. The investigation into system operation and possible changes to the system is called system analysis. If there is no existing system then analysis defines only requirements. System analysis results in a detailed model of the system. The model describes the system functions, system data and system information flows. Once the system analysis is completed, design commences. System analysis is conducted with the following objectives in the mind: Identify the administrators need by Information Gathering and problem definition. To evaluate the system concept for Feasibility. Perform Economic and Technical analysis. Allocate function to Hardware, Software, People, Database and other system elements. Establish cost and scheduling constraints.

Create a system requirements specification SRS that forms the basis for all subsequent software engineering work.

Existing System, Drawbacks: The Existing System performs all the work manually which consumes manpower. This process mainly prone to errors due to repetitive nature of this work. This process is also time consuming.

Proposed System: The proposed System is less prone to errors as the details are verified at every stage. The details entered are stored in the database so viewing the details also becomes easy as it is only retrieving from database. As the entire process is online, it saves the time of the user there by increasing the efficiency.


Software Requirements Specification document has been prepared based on a detailed study of the existing systems and analysis of the field and with the end users. The

objective of the software requirement specification document is to describe the scope, objective and purpose of the project.


The software requirements specification is produced at the culmination of the analysis task. The function and performance allocated to software as part of system engineering are refined by establishing a complete information description, a detailed functional and behavior description, an indication of performance requirements and design constraints, appropriate validation criteria, and other data pertinent to requirements.

2.1.1 System Requirements:


Browser compatible with HTML 4.0 PHP MySQL WAMP SERVER System with any compatible OS such as Windows 95 onwards, MAC OS, Linux etc.


Processor: Intel Pentium or compatible,550 MHx or higher Memory: 256MB (512 MB Recommended) and 2 GB Hard Disk

2.1.2 Functional Requirements:

Module 1:


Building a simple and easy to access user interface through HTML

User interface is a HTML site that is built using html

Module 2: Authentication of admin

Admin login in the site to gain access to make changes or to update the database. Their login entries are validated against the entries in admin table in the database to authenticate them.

Module 3: Admin enters students fee details during the joining in the hostel

The student information is stored into the database in the table called Student detail

This is done by using Wamp Server which take the details and store them into the database tables.

Module 4: Admin accepts the payment of fees and records the transactions

The details for each student are displayed by entering the register number, which can be edited by the admin.

The dynamic manipulation of the database can be made using PHP.

Changes to the database can be like modifying the hostel fee due that has to be paid by the students or removing the student completely and adding a new one.

Module 5: Presenting a list of transactions that happened in a month or an year


The admin can view the transaction details of a particular month or year by entering the respective month or year. In this way by viewing the report the admin can analyze the payment history.

Module 6: Viewing the list of all the pending due details of the students The admin can view all the details of the students who have due pending to be paid

2.1.3 Functional Requirement


The system should take less time for processing the calculation, manipulation

and view. User- friendly GUI.

Unauthorized person should be restricted. Only administrator should be




3.1 Dataflow Diagram



user login

enter user login details

enter correct login details


validate login no details true access services




Figure 1: Dataflow Diagram

Design phase consists of the following two models: 1. Static Model 2. Dynamic Model

3.2 Static Model:

3.2.1 CLASS Diagram: Class diagram is an illustration of the relationships and source code dependencies among classes in the Unified Modeling Language. In this context, a class defines the methods and variables in an object, which is a specific entity in a program or the unit of code representing that entity. In a class diagram, the classes are arranged in groups that share common characteristics. The top rectangle contains the name of the class; the middle rectangle contains the attributes of the class; the lower rectangle contains the methods, also called operations, of the class. Lines, which may have arrows at one or both ends, connect the boxes. These lines define the relationships, also called associations, between the classes. Class diagram is a diagram showing a collection of classes and interfaces, along with the collaborations and relationships among classes and interfaces. In the following class diagram, there are five classes namely-Student, Editstudent, Admin, MarkSelected, RetrieveList, GenerateReport and one package called Oracle database.

The Student class consists of attributes like name,address,educationaldetails, companyselected and methods like-insertdetails()

The Admin class contains attributes like username,password and methods like MarkSelected(),generateReport(),editStudent(),retrieveList()


EditStudent class consists of attributes like rollno and methods like executeQuery() The GenerateReport class consists of attributes like year,name,rollno,branch and methods are individualreport(),groupreport()

The RetrievalList class consists of attributes like branch,year,backlogs,cutoff etc and methods like retrieve()

The Markselected class contains attributes like company,year,branch and methods like markselected().

Figure 2: Class Diagram

3.3 Dynamic Model:

3.3.1 USECASE Diagram:


A usecase is a methodology used in system analysis to identify, clarify and organize system requirements. The usecase is made up of a set of possible sequences of interactions between systems and users in a particular environment and related to a particular goal. A usecase is a methodology used in system analysis to identify, clarify and organize system requirements. The usecase is made up of a set of possible sequences of interactions between systems and users in a particular environment and related to a particular goal. The main purpose of a usecase diagram is to show what system functions are performed for which actor. Roles of the actors in the system can be depicted. Use case diagrams depict usecases, actors and associations. The below usecase depicts the interactions between the admin, student and the system. The admin interacts with the system for doing the following actions likecreating a new student, viewing the student details, updating the already existing batch, and for generating academic reports to analyze the students performance and for making any modifications. . In one form of interaction, a given usecase may include another.Include is a Directed Relationship between two usecases, implying that the behavior of the included usecase is inserted into the behavior of the including usecase. In another form of interaction, a given usecase (the extension) may extend another. This relationship indicates that the behavior of the extension usecase may be inserted in the extended usecase under some condition.




login validate


all the functions utilise oracle database

mark selected

generate report


edit student details

insert details

Figure 3: Use Case Diagram.

3.3.2 SEQUENCE Diagram:

A sequence diagram shows, as parallel vertical lines lifelines, different processes or objects that live simultaneously, and, as horizontal arrows, the messages exchanged between them, in the order in which they occur. This allows the specification of simple runtime scenarios in a graphical manner. Time is represented in the vertical direction showing the sequence of interactions of the header elements, which are displayed horizontally at the top of the diagram. Sequence Diagrams are used primarily to design, document and validate the architecture, interfaces and logic of the system by describing the sequence of actions that need to be performed to complete a task or scenario. UML sequence diagrams are useful


design tools because they provide a dynamic view of the system behavior which can be difficult to extract from static diagrams or specifications. The Elements of the sequence diagram are Object and Message. The following sequence diagram shows the sequence of actions that take place during this process: The student first inserts his details into the database.the admin needs to login first,it is only then he can make use of any of the services. The services offered are to create a student, updating the already existing details, viewing the placement details, deleting the unwanted group and generating academic reports. After selecting a service and performing the operations the user has to logout.




system : NewClass 1: insert


2: get connection 3: insert 4: end connection 5: login 6: validate

7: select service 8: get connection includes retrieve,edit,mark selected,generate report

9: request operation 10: perform operation

11: result of operation 12: end of connection 13: dynamic html page 14: log out

Figure 4: Sequence Diagram


Relational technology is based on tables, columns, rows and the relationships between them -- classes and objects are completely different animals. Relational databases support stored procedures and triggers, not member functions. Associations are implemented via keys, not references. Tables are joined, not traversed.


Traceability within a relational database can be complex yet important for extensibility. Access paths are important to understand for performance tuning. Relational databases allow you to implement indices and views on tables

3.4.2 ER-diagram: An entity-relationship(ER) diagram is a specialized graphic that illustrates the interrelationships between entities in a database. ER diagrams often use symbols to represent different types of information. Boxes are commonly used to represent entities. Diamonds are normally used to represent relationships and ovals are used to represent attributes. An entity may be defined as a thing which is recognized as being capable of an independent existence and which can be uniquely identified. An entity is an abstraction from the complexities of some domain. When we speak of an entity we normally speak of some aspect of the real world which can be distinguished from other aspects of the real world. A relationship captures how two or more entities are related to one another. Entityrelationship diagrams dont show single entities or single instances of relations. Rather, they show entity sets and relationship sets. Lines are drawn between entity sets and relationship sets they are involved in. An attribute is a property or descriptor of an entity, for example, Customer Name is an attribute of the entity Customer. Each attribute will eventually be represented by one or more entity attributes in the physical database structure.

Figure 5: ER Diagram


<center><h1>HOSTEL PAYMENT WIZARD</h1> <html> <body background="d.png"> <br/><center><img src="1.jpg" height="300" width="700"

STYLE="TOP:50PX"/></center><br/><br/> </br> </br> <form action ="validate.php" method ="post"> <table class="head" width="10%" align="center" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" > <tr><td> Admin Id </td> <td><input type='text' size:16px;"> </td> </tr><tr> <td> Password </td> <td><input type='password' name='password' style="width: 150px; height: 22px; fontsize:16px; "> </td> </tr> </table><br/> <input type="submit" name="Signin" value="sign in" > </form> <?php if(isset($_GET['msg'])) { echo '<font size="5">'; name='username' style="width: 150px; height: 22px; font-


print htmlspecialchars($_GET['msg']); //print message echo '</font>'; } ?> </body> </html> Code for different modules: <html> <head> <style type="text/css" > body,table{ font-size:1.2em; font-weight:bold; } span.left { position: absolute; left: 0; } span.right { position: absolute; font-size:0.5cm; font-color:blue; text-align: right;


right: 0; } div.line { font-size:1.3em; font-weight:bold; position: relative; text-align: center; width: 100%; } </style> </head> <body background="d.png"> <div class="line"> <span class="right"> <a href="http:change.php">Change password</a><br/><a

href="http:login.php">Sign out</a></span> </div> <div style="text-align:center"> <h1><U>WELCOME TO HOSTEL PAYMENT WIZARD</U></h1> <img src="boys_03.jpg" height="300" width="500" align="right" STYLE="TOP:50PX"/> <img src="girl.jpg" height="300" width="500" align="left" STYLE="TOP:50PX" /><br/><br/><br/> <table align="right"> <tr><td>










/> </td> </tr><tr> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td> Accept payment </td><td><input type="button" name="" value="Go" /> </td> </tr><tr> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Pending Details </td><td> <input type="button" name="" value="Go" /> </td> </tr><tr> <td></td> </tr> <tr><td>New Joining </td> <td><input type="button" name="" value="Go"

/> </td></tr> <tr> <td></td> </tr> <tr><td>Delete Record</td><td><input type="button" name="" value="Go"

/> </td></tr> <tr> <td></td> </tr> <tr><td>Transactions</td><td><input type="button" name="" value="Go"

/> </td></tr> </table> <?php if(isset($_GET['msg'])) { echo '<font size="5">'; print htmlspecialchars($_GET['msg']); //print message echo '</font>'; } ?> </div> </body> </html>


The testing phase is an important part of software development. It is the process of finding missing operations and also a complete verification to determine whether the objective is met and the user requirements are satisfied.

5.1 Test Case Design:

Any Engineering product can be tested in one of the two ways: 5.1.1 White Box Testing: This testing is also called as Glass Box Testing. In this testing by knowing the specific function that a product has been designed to perform the test can be conducted, that demonstrates each function is fully operated at the same time searching for errors in each function. It is a test case designed method that uses the control structure of the procedural design to derive test cases. Basis path testing is a white box testing. 5.1.2 Black Box Testing: In this testing, by knowing the internal operation of the product, tests can be conducted to ensure all gears mesh, that is the internal operation performs according to specification and all internal components have been adequately exercised. It fundamentally focuses on the functional requirements of the software. 5.1.3 Test cases: Table 3: The test cases conducted in this system S.No Test Cases Description Expected Output Actual Output Result Reference Screen Shot 1. When wrong a Whenever the admin A wants to retrieve the message of students, showing A message showing Pass Fig. 6 and 7

username or list entered during login. 2. mark login.

password is generate

report, user does user does selected not exist not exist is displayed An alert Pass Fig. 11 displayed

students, he needs to is

When New Whenever the admin A Password wants to change message



and Confirm password he follows showing Password Fields not same are this process new password and confirm password are same not is

showing password mismatch is displayed

displayed. 3. When entered admin and password are correct 4. When wrong password and correct admin id 5. When changed When admin gives An correct admin id error An error Pass Fig 8 the Whenever the admin The home The home Pass authentically wants page will page will id to log in with correct be admin password id and displayed be displayed Fig.9

admin gives wrong password and message is message is shown, Invalid register number. When admin wants A change the message showing- password changed successful ly displayed existing password shown, Invalid register number. A message showing- password changed successful is displayed is ly Pass. Fig.10

password is to

Test cases screen shots:


Figure 6:Admin Login.

Figure 7: Invalid Username


Figure 8:Wrong password

Figure 9:Home page of the system


Figure 10:When password is changed

Figure 11:When passwords are mismatched



Student fee details:

Figure 12: View of student fee details Accept payment:

Figure 13: While accepting payment Fee pending details:


Figure 14:View the fee pending details

Figure 15:When amount is submitted

New joining:


Figure 16:Before entering values

Figure 17: When register no already exists

Deleting record:


Figure 18:Delete by regd id

Figure 19:Successful deletion


Figure 20:When there are no transactions

Figure 21:When fee entered is more than due



The College hostel management system is developed using PHP, MySQL and Wamp server. It fully meets the objectives of the system on which it has been developed. The system is operated at a high level of efficiency and all the students and the administrator associated with the system understand its advantage. The documentation and the project report are finally prepared to be referred as user manual for the further effective results of this software solution. Finally we would like to conclude that this project would be of immense use in college hostels for maintaining the database of students in hostel and their payment transactions in an easy way and also to help the administrator to have a watch which could result in good hostel management. The scope of the project is that one can easily track the information of a student based on which the administrator can give the information about the pending due of a particular student. It also lists all the students who come into a particular due category. The program is easy to use, and it is well suited for any organization that needs to keep track of student details and also the payment transactions in a college. It also provides the details of the latest payment transactions that take place.



1. Database Management System by Korth, fifth edition

Database manipulation and queries

2. The Unified Modeling Language User Guide by Grady Booch, James Rambaugh. UML diagrams and concepts


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