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Eap Review Unit 04 - 06

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UNIT 04 – UNIT 07

The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how conjunctions work. Choose the
best answer to complete each sentence.
1. Would you rather have cheese ____ bologna 11. It would be nice to spend our vacation on the
on your sandwich? beach in Jamaica: ____, it would be fun to
a. for c. or hike the Swiss alps.
b. nor d. so a. on the other hand
b. as a result
2. Thomas will be late to work, ____ he has a c. indeed
dental appointment. d. therefore
a. but c. for
b. or d. nor 12. Louise had never eaten snails; ______, she
was willing to give them a try.
3. Jennifer does not like to swim, ____ does she a. furthermore c. besides
enjoy cycling. b. then d. nevertheless
a. and c. but
b. or d. nor 13. You have to be on time; _________, you’ll
miss the train.
4. This salad is ____ delicious ____ healthy. a. however c. instead
a. whether… or b. nonetheless d. otherwise
b. both… and
c. scarcely… when 14. It’s ____ going to rain ____ snow tonight.
d. rather…than a. either… or c. both… and
b. as… as d. as… if
5. He is ______ forgetful ______ he just
doesn't bother to complete the work. 15. ______ you can keep the elderly active, their
a. neither, nor quality of life improves so much.
b. both, and a. although c. In case of
c. either, or b. if d. despite
d. not only, but also 16. She still won't forgive her father ______ they
had that fight more than seven years ago.
6. He did not join us for the movie _____ he
a. even though c. so that
had already seen it.
b. but d. since
a. and c. although
b. but d. because 17. Calculus is ____ easy ____ difficult.
a. rather… than c. not… but
7. _____ the couple goes, their children follow
b. both… and d. either… or
a. When c. If 18. Natalie wanted to make pie but didn’t have
b. Where d. Wherever apples; _________, she decided to bake a
8. Father locked the garage door _____ no one cake.
could tamper with the car. a. therefore c. moreover
a. because c. for b. namely d. in contrast
b. so that d. lest 19. Savory flavors are ____ sweet ____ sour.
9. She still won't forgive her father ______ they a. both… and c. often… and
had that fight more than seven years ago. b. as… as d. neither… nor
a. even though c. or else 20. My car has a radio ____ a CD player.
b. despite d. since a. but c. and
10. The tree has developed a large crack over the b. or d. so
years; ____, it will have to be cut down for
safety’s sake.
a. for example c. eventually
b. however d. likewise

21. We should start work now ______ we want 26. She will not eat the chicken curry ______ she
to finish clearing the store room by 6 o'clock. is a vegetarian.
a. in order to c. but a. because c. unless
b. if d. although b. despite d. but
22. Can I replace your chicken with beef ______ 27. I have to go to work at six, ____ I’m waking
we run out of chicken? up at four.
a. if c. since a. but c. nor
b. so that d. because b. so d. yet
23. This is the place ____ we stayed last time we 28. He could not see Imelda ______ she came
visited. out of the departure hall.
a. where c. because a. until c. so that
b. when d. how b. but d. in order to
24. He asked for a glass of champagne ______ 29. Tony's team will win the gold medal ______
some desserts. their rival team does not get a full ten.
a. so that c. and a. in order to c. but
b. or else d. unless b. if d. although
25. "Remove that noisy man from the restaurant 30. Sarah, can you take Winnie around ______
______ he will disturb all the other she's new here?
customers," said the manager. a. since c. because
a. despite c. until b. until d. despite
b. although d. or else

Identify each of the following sentences as simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex.
1. Susan teaches the kids who live in the neighborhood in the evenings after she comes home from
2. Bruce always approaches difficult tasks enthusiastically, and he frequently motivates others with his
energy and fervor.
3. My voice was raspy, rough, and cracked.
4. The antlers of a standing moose, as everybody knows, are just the perfect place to hang your wet
and drippy clothes.
5. We'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow, and we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go.
6. Pauline loves to go to the beach and spend her days sunbathing.
7. Their tools are screwdrivers and spanners rather than basketballs and footballs.
8. Since it takes approximately one thousand years for a used printer cartridge to decompose,
recycling these plastic ink dispensers helps the environment.
9. Lorraine Hansberry wrote the widely acclaimed 1959 Broadway play A Raisin in the Sun, and her
accomplishment opened the door for other African American playwrights.
10. The Cleveland Indians, who have rebuilt themselves in the off season, have lost their home opener
this year.
11. Because most wild orchids naturally affix themselves to trees and branches, planting an orchid in soil
will likely kill it.
12. Although the exercise was difficult, we managed to finish it on time, so we passed the exam.
13. The training rooms of these college athletes smell of grease and gasoline.
14. Most of the students are engineering majors, and they devote every minute of their spare time to
their sport.
15. When he saw the price of the car, he started laughing and walked away.
16. In the middle of the night, a loud noise from my neighbor's house woke me up.

17. Violence on television has been debated by politicians for years, yet they still don't have a good plan
about how to deal with it.
18. The eagles which live in the local mountain range attract many tourists, but the local politicians still
refuse to protect them.
19. An avid reader, Ed attends weekly book club meetings, and he finishes several novels every month.
20. Mark said that he forgot his homework, and he asked if he could make it up later.

Identifying Text Structure.
1. Education in our society serves many purposes, but there are three main functions. First, students
learn skills that will help prepare them for society. Writing, reading, and mathematics are essential
in today's workplace and many people learn these skills in school. Second, schools serve
communities. Whether by functioning as polling locations during elections, or providing safe havens
for students in temporary living situations, public schools add value to communities. Third, public
schools provide a structured environment for children to engage in productive activities during many
days of the year while their adult caretakers may be working. In other words, public schools also
provide day care. These are three of the primary reasons why we have schools in our society.
2. Cooking the perfect pizza at home can be quite a challenge. You may find that it's difficult to get your
oven to the right temperature. If the oven is too hot the crust will burn, become hard, and taste bad.
If your oven isn't hot enough, the crust may get soggy. Even at the perfect temperature, extra
moisture from your ingredients may prevent the bottom of the crust from fully cooking, but don't let
oven temperature stop you from building the pizza of your dreams. Get yourself a pizza stone. A
pizza stone will get very hot when preheated and will allow your crust to fully cook without burning
it. Then you can pile the ingredients on your pizza and have a crispy crust that isn't burned. That's
the way to go.
3. All matter, all things can be changed in two ways: chemically and physically. Both chemical and
physical changes affect the state of matter. Physical changes are those that do not change the make-
up or identity of the matter. For example, clay will bend or flatten if squeezed, but it will still be
clay. Changing the shape of clay is a physical change, and does not change the matter's
identity. Chemical changes turn the matter into a new kind of matter with different properties. For
example, when paper is burnt, it becomes ash and will never be paper again. The difference between
them is that physical changes are temporary or only last for a little while, and chemical changes are
permanent, which means they last forever. Physical and chemical changes both affect the state of
4. There is more than one way to have a successful school day, but a great way is to be well
prepared. The first thing you should do is complete your homework the night before. Don't try to
do your work in the morning, it will be too stressful and you may not have enough time. Next, you
need to go to bed at a reasonable time. If you stay up too late, you will not be able to focus on
assignments or instruction as well and you may even fall asleep during class. Lastly, you should wake
up early. This will give you time to get ready and feel good about yourself, and you'll also be able to
get something to eat before the day begins. So remember, one way to have a successful school day
is to do your homework the night before, go to bed early, and wake up early. Have a great day.
5. When Americans settled the Midwest, they were challenged by tough soils that resisted their cast
iron plows. The Midwest contains some of the richest soil in the world, yet many settlers concluded
that the soil was unsuitable for farming because they couldn't break ground. John Deere's steel plow
changed all of that. Deere's plow was stronger and lighter than the iron plows people had used up
until then. This allowed settlers to open up the tough but rich soil in the Midwest and unlock its
agricultural potential. His invention became known as "The Plow that Broke the Plains," and it helped
American farmers feed the world.
6. Have you ever had an ice-cream headache? That's when a painful sensation resonates in your head
after eating something cold (usually ice-cream) on a hot day. This pain is produced by the dilation of
a nerve center in the roof of your mouth. The nerve center is overreacting to the cold by trying to
heat your brain. Ice-cream headaches have turned many smiles to frowns.

7. When I got home from school after a long boring day, I took out the peanut butter, jelly, and
bread. After taking the lid off of the jars, I spread the peanut butter on one side of the bread and the
jelly on the other, and then I put the two pieces of bread together. After that, I enjoyed it while
watching "Cops" on the TV. I swear, that was the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich I ever ate.
8. If you ever get a really good idea, one that could change the world, you should get a patent to protect
it. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issues two types of patents: design
patents and utility patents. These patents have similar purposes but function in different ways.
Design patents cover appearances. Let's say that you developed a new and original design for an
iPhone case. To protect your work, you would want to get a design patent, which would help you win
lawsuits against people who sell iPhone cases that look like yours. However, if you created a whole
new product, like an iPhone case that recharges your phone using solar energy, then you would want
to file for a utility patent. Utility patents are harder to get, but they allow you to sue those that copy
the function of your product, giving you even greater protection.
9. Thousands of software patents are granted every year, and while some of these patents protect good
ideas, others just hurt consumers. For example, Amazon was granted a patent giving them the
exclusive rights to any process that allows customers to buy a product with a single click. Amazon
sued Barnes and Noble when they tried to implement a similar button. Because of the patent that
Amazon was granted, Barnes and Noble customers have to navigate through multiple checkout pages
to purchase an item. Imagine if McDonald's were allowed to patent the drive-thru window and sued
Burger King for having one. Sometimes patents affect consumers negatively.
10. You may not know who Mark Zuckerberg is but I bet you know about Facebook. Zuckerberg and his
roommates launched Facebook from their college dormitory at Harvard. Facebook started off as just
a "Harvard thing," but Zuckerberg and roommates spread it to other universities like Stanford,
Dartmouth, and NYU. As Facebook grew in size and popularity, Zuckerberg took investments but
resisted buyout offers. The founders maintained control and in 2012 Facebook became a publically
traded company. Today Facebook is one of the world's most popular websites and Zuckerberg is the
CEO. Facebook has over one billion users and Zuckerberg is one of the 25 richest people in America.
That's not too bad for a college dropout.
11. Are you a musician? Would you like to connect with other music makers? You've got choices when
it comes to musical programs at Morton University. If you join the marching band, you'll play in
front of thousands at our football games. If you join the jazz band, you'll play at our dances and
elite alumni events. Each of these programs can help you become a better musician. The jazz band
is a little smaller than the marching band but there is more room for improvisation. Of course if you
join the marching band, you'll get to wear a cool cape. The choice is yours.
12. When you first get your instrument, the amount of work that it takes to learn to play well may
discourage you from trying at all, but don't give up! There are many ways that you can improve your
playing. You can take lessons, you can learn to play with a friend, or you can join your school's music
program. These approaches may help, but the most important thing that you can do is to stick with
it. Practice playing your instrument every day and you will learn how your instrument works. Once
you know your instrument, you'll be able to make playing look easy.
13. A hurricane is a large storm with heavy winds and rain that begins in the ocean and builds up strength
as it moves across the water. While some of the damage caused by hurricanes is from high winds,
most of it is usually from tidal surge, flooding entire cities, and killing large numbers of people. A
tornado is a storm that develops on land, with no warning, and moves in a circular motion with heavy
winds with a funnel shape, picking up and carrying dirt, dust, and even objects. The damage caused
by tornadoes is from the high velocity winds, which are extremely destructive and deadly. They can
demolish entire neighborhoods in a matter of a few seconds to a few minutes. Tornadoes can form
when hurricanes make landfall, as their winds at ground level slow down, while the winds near the
top keep their momentum, but a hurricane cannot be created by a tornado.
14. The Cretaceous Period was filled with dangerous predators, but two of the most feared hunters were
the tyrannosaurs rex and the velociraptor. The tyrannosaurs rex was one of the largest carnivores to
ever walk the Earth. He was 20 feet tall and weighed seven tons. His jaws could crush down with
3,000 lbs. of force, enough to smash the bones of his prey. The velociraptor was very small compared
to rex. Raptors only stood three feet tall and were seven feet long, weighing merely 35 pounds. But

the velociraptor was fast. Scientists think that raptors could run 24 miles per hour and turn on a
dime. Both dinosaurs used their jaws to kill prey, but the raptor had a secret weapon: a retractable
toe claw that he pulled out like a knife to slash at his prey. Both dinosaurs had eyes on the front of
their heads, which helped them track prey. If these two dinosaurs had fought, it would be difficult
to say which would win; however since raptors died over ten million years before the first
tyrannosaurs was born, scientists don't believe such a fight ever occurred.
15. Do you need motivation to exercise? Here are some effects of exercise that can benefit your life.
Exercise can be—gasp—fun! If you are wondering what to do on a Sunday afternoon, go out and find
a hiking trail and take the family on a hike. Exercise can add spark to your sex life because it leaves
you feeling energized and looking better, which also can stimulate your sex drive. Are you tired of
looking like a house? Well, exercise can help you manage your weight. Get outside and shed those
unwanted pounds. Aerobic activity also can improve your mood. Maybe you need to blow off some
steam. A workout or a 30 minute walk can promote euphoria and calm you down because it
stimulates various brain chemicals. Exercise also reduces insomnia, a condition that thwarts
concentration and productivity. In addition, cardio activity has been proven to lower cholesterol and
high blood pressure, and can decrease the risk of colon and breast cancer. Most importantly, keeping
fit combats chronic diseases and premature death.
16. Wouldn't you like a scary dinosaur model on your desk to protect your pencils and textbooks? You
can easily make one by following these simple directions. First, bend your to make the frame of your
dinosaur. I suggest you create a tyrannosaurus frame by using one long pipe cleaner as his neck,
spine, and tail, and then bend another into a u-shape to make his feet. Wrap the feet around the
spine piece. Next, roll out clay to wrap around the pipe cleaners. Let the clay dry overnight. The
next day you may want to paint your dinosaur using non-toxic paint. His eyes should be white, but
feel free to color your dinosaur as you wish. Nobody really knows how dinosaurs were colored, so
don't let anyone tell you that your dinosaur can't be pink. Lastly, put him on your desk and watch as
he or she scares away bullies and pencil thieves.
17. One day Dino the Dinosaur decided to go for a walk to the watering hole. It was a sunny day and the
sky was blue and clear. Dino was thinking about his girlfriend Dina when he saw a pack of wild lizards
and animals running through the plains in a frenzy. Dino tried to ask the critters why they were
running, but they just kept running. Dino scratched his dinosaur head and continued walking toward
the watering hole. Soon after, Dino heard a loud thumping noise like the slow beat of a drum. The
earth shook and fruit fell from the trees, but Dino was so deep in thought over his girl Dina that he
didn't even notice. The thumping grew louder and louder as Timmy the Tyrannosaurs Rex
approached Dino. Dino kept thinking about his girl Dina until the moment Timmy ate him.
18. For better or worse, the Internet changed the music industry. The Internet allowed people to share
music with friends and strangers around the world. With no laws to regulate online music sharing,
many consumers downloaded music for free instead of paying for it. Consequently, the music
industry made less money and a lot of artists suffered; however, the Internet also brought new talent
to the market. Before the Internet, artists had to sign with labels to break through. These labels acted
like gatekeepers, but the Internet allowed artists to record and distribute albums and videos by
themselves. The Internet continues to change the music industry.
19. A patent can protect your ideas, but filing for one is neither cheap nor easy. Before you waste a bunch
of time and money, conduct a search to see if your idea has already been patented. You can do this
from the USPTO website. If your idea hasn't been patented, then you may complete a patent
application. Submit your completed patent application and pay the appropriate filing fees. Twelve to
thirty-six months later, a USPTO agent will either issue or deny your patent. If your patent is denied,
you may file a reconsideration request. If your patent is approved, you will own the rights to that
idea. You'll feel comfortable taking your idea into the wild once it is patented.
20. Making ice-cream is not easy. Cream and sugar have to first be mixed in a frozen
container. Ingredients may be added at this point, if desired. The mixture must be stirred and
whipped until the cream and sugar mixture is frozen. Depending on the equipment, this may take as
long as an hour. After the ice-cream is prepared, it must be kept frozen until it is ready to be
enjoyed. Making ice-cream is difficult, but most people would agree that it is worth the trouble.


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