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of Course, Is It. Never Mind Why Not? 2.: Glad You Like It

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1. “What a beautiful ring you are wearing!” “Oh, _____________”.

a. Of course, is it. c. Glad you like it
b. Never mind d. Why not?
2. After the rain the sun ______ out again from the behind cloud.
a. Goes c. Appears
b. Comes d. Rises
3. Can I _______ over the house while you are doing the cooking?
a. Look c. Come
b. See d. Stay
4. He climbed the tree and picked all the fruit within ______.
a. Hand c. Reach
b. Branch d. Arms
5. I don't like eating curry which is very ______.
a. Hot c. Spiced
b. Peppery d. Warm
6. That was absolutely delicious, can you give me the ______?
a. Formula c. Instructions
b. Receipt d. Recipe
7. Summer has come and some families in the city have problem with ______ of water.
a. Lack c. Running
b. Shortage d. Short
8. Mary has to ______ her passport because it is no longer valid.
a. Revive c. Restore
b. Review d. Renew
9. We had ______ all hope of finding the lost puppy, after a six-hour search of the whole
a. Surrendered c. Deserted
b. Abandoned d. Vacated
10. Like many other countries in the world, Vietnam is “on the ______”.
a. Progress c. Start
b. Move d. Begin
11. How many ______ are there in business lunch? Just three. Soup, meat and ice cream.
a. Plates c. Tastes
b. Acts d. Courses
12. Did you see the ______ on TV last night?
a. Showings c. Newsreels
b. Screens d. Actions
13. The sheet of paper slipped ______ his hand falling ______ the ground.
a. Off – upon b. Off – onto
c. From – down d. From - upon
14. She is like a fish ______ water in a new class.
a. Under c. Away from
b. Out of d. Without
15. Have you fixed ______ an appointment yet?
a. Up c. On
b. In d. With
16. Why don't they take their children ______ with them on their trip?
a. On c. In
b. Along d. Up
17. A: Shall we go to the cinema? B: ______.
a. Yes, let’s c. We are going
b. We go d. You’re going
18. They considered ______ they are doing to be important.
a. That c. Those
b. What d. Which
19. His arrogance makes him ______ wherever he goes.
a. Hated c. Hating
b. Hate d. To hate
20. I slept badly last night. The noise of the traffic kept me ______.
a. Awake c. Wake up
b. Awaken d. Waken
21. The school gate needs ______.
a. To repaint c. To be repainted
b. Being repainted d. Be repainting
22. I'd rather go to the cinema instead ______ being in class today.
a. In c. At
b. To d. Of
23. Janet is a beautiful and very respectful girl. She always looks ______ elders.
a. Into c. After
b. Up to d. Down upon
24. It’s no use ______ over spilt milk.
a. To cry c. You cry
b. For crying d. Crying
25. They pride themselves ______ being the best players of the school.
a. Of c. On
b. In d. At
26. Why could you sell this old house ______ such a high price?
a. By c. At
b. On d. For
27. In my hometown coconuts are sold ______ the dozen.
a. By c. At
b. On d. For
28. My cousin has ______ books than my mother, so you shouldn't ask her to lend you any
a. Fewer c. Much more
b. Less d. More
29. ______ capable of fixing the car, I got him to fix it.
a. In spite of c. Because I was
b. Though d. If
30. When the police came they saw him ______ in the park.
a. Shoot c. Shooting
b. Shot d. To shoot
31. The number of those who learn English outnumbers ______ of any other.
a. This c. That
b. These d. Those
32. Most people seem to be better ______ than they use to be.
a. Off c. At
b. Of d. For
33. Either John or his twin brother ______ the keys to the car.
a. Has been taken c. Have taken
b. Has taken d. Have been taken
34. She will never forget ______ by her stepfather.
a. To ill-treat c. Being ill-treated
b. To be ill-treated d. Ill-treating
35. Did you ______ to post my letter yesterday?
a. Miss c. Remind
b. Call d. Remember
36. It was such ______ news that they all kept silent sadly.
a. Worried c. Annoyed
b. Worrying d. Annoying
37. The accident happened ______ a cold and snowy evening.
a. At c. In
b. On d. Since
38. Nobody has ever been there, ______ ?
a. Has he c. Have they
b. Hasn’t he d. Haven’t they
39. I had to get up early, ______ I’d have missed the train.
a. If not c. But
b. Otherwise d. So that
40. He is in the government; he is a well-known ______ .
a. Speaker c. Reminder
b. Speech d. Spokesman

1. His contract ______ at the end of the year, so he doesn't know what he will do after that.
a. Expires c. Completes
b. Runs down d. Invalidates
2. They broke into his house while his family was ______ in a card game.
a. Busy c. Buried
b. Entertained d. Absorbed
3. For some days after the earthquake, things seemed to be at a ______.
a. Deadlock c. Dead
b. Standstill d. Still
4. The pianist played beautifully, showing a real ______for the music.
a. Sense c. Sentiment
b. Understanding d. Feeling
5. Finish your meal with a cup of our delicious freshly ______coffee.
a. Grated c. Shredded
b. Ground d. Minced
6. Rachel painted a gloomy ______ of life as a student.
a. Image c. Drawing
b. Picture d. Illustration
7. It is with ______ regret that we have to inform you that your scholarship has been
a. Heavy c. Deep
b. Somber d. high
8. In ______ of education his childhood years had been well spent.
a. Voice c. Term
b. Result d. Consequence
9. He is on his own now - he will have to ______ his own canoe.
a. Paddle c. Steer
b. Ride d. Row
10. It's too dark. Why don’t you ______ a match to look for candles?
a. Rub c. Strike
b. Start d. Scratch
11. She has no ______ of saying such a bad thing.
a. Reminder c. Memory
b. Souvenir d. Recollection
12. Can you ______ Vietnam on the map of Asia?
a. Locate b. Realize
c. Establish d. Found
13. He feels like a ______ out of water in the new office.
a. Crocodile c. Shark
b. Whale d. Fish
14. If any more difficulties ______ just let me know.
a. Rise c. Arise
b. Raise d. Are raised
15. Do you understand what I am trying to say? Yes, I ______ what you mean.
a. Catch c. Take
b. See d. Follow
16. The noise from that loudspeaker is gelling on my ______.
a. Anger c. Head
b. Mind d. Nerves
17. Whether or not you need a visa ______ on which country you go to.
a. Counts c. Dependent
b. Relies d. Is depending
18. It was ______ of you to lie to me about where you were last night.
a. Deceptive c. Deceitful
b. Deceiving d. Deceive
19. I am not ______ where to go tonight. It's entirely up to you.
a. Concerned c. Nervous
b. Bothered d. Anxious
20. It was really ______ of him to keep talking when he knew she was trying to concentrate.
a. Unsympathetic c. Helpless
b. Inconsiderate d. Ungrateful
21. The lecturer failed to get his idea ______ to his students.
a. Across c. In
b. Around d. Out
22. You’ll get good marks, ______ you learn this lesson by heart.
a. Were c. Provided
b. However d. Unless
23. The stones have ______ buried in the sand for a thousand years.
a. Lied c. Laid
b. Lying d. Lain
24. ______ fear of waking up the baby, they just whispered.
a. For c. From
b. In d. Within
25. The captain ordered that the soldiers ______ the room.
a. Enters c. Entered
b. Entering d. Enter
26. ______ you find it necessary, you can contact me on this number.
a. Unless c. If only
b. Could d. Should
27. Money is ______ value on a desert island.
a. Of little c. Having very little
b. Of few d. Having a little
28. She is always talking as if she ______ everything.
a. Know c. Knew
b. Knows d. Had known
29. This snake ______ we know it is more dangerous than it looks.
a. That c. So
b. And d. As
30. I’ve bought my nephew ______ toy car but I don't think he likes ______ colour.
a. The/ - c. - / -
b. a/the d. The/its
31. I ______ exhausted, but I ______ what I did was right.
a. Feel/felt c. Felt/am feeling
b. Am feeling/feel d. Feel/am feeling
32. The actress who ______ to be very honest ______ at the City Theatre tonight.
a. Appears/is appearing c. Is appearing/is appearing
b. Appears/appears d. Is appearing/appears
33. You can find the Morrison Supermarket ______ 410 Woodhouse Lane, Leeds.
a. On c. In
b. At d. Above
34. Shakespeare is ______.
a. a well-known but not a widely read c. a well known poet but who is not
poet. read widely.
b. a well-known poet but not widely d. well-known but not a poet which is
read. widely read.
35. Wilson has found another job in an office but he will be earning just ______ he used to.
a. Half as much as c. Half as many as
b. Half as more as d. Half les than
36. His face unshaved, his coat torn, and ______, he presented a very unkempt appearance.
a. No feet shoes c. His feet no shoes
b. His feet shoeless d. His shoes are less
37. With ______ than three inches of rain falling in May, the farmers found it necessary to
irrigate the land.
a. Least c. Fewer
b. Less d. Fewest
38. The audience was entertained by beautiful dancing girls and ______.
a. Boys’ singing group b. A boy’s singing group
c. Boy singing group d. A boy singing group
39. He will come back to Vietnam six months ______ today.
a. Ago c. Soon
b. From d. By
40. Sarah was ______ down for an hour after lunch.
a. Very tired so she lay c. Too tired to lay
b. Enough tired to lay d. So tired that she lay

1. My cousin retired in 1999, ______ he had earned over 3 million pounds.
a. Which point c. By which time
b. In when d. Since when
2. I think he will join us, ___________?
a. Do I c. Will he
b. Won’t he d. Doesn’t he
3. He drinks very little ______ the police catch him as he drives home.
a. In the event c. Otherwise
b. Despite d. In case
4. Ms. Eva supposes, ______ that she will be retiring at 55.
a. As do most people c. Like most people
b. As most people did d. Like most people do
5. Finding her mother ______ her diary, the girl was very upset.
a. Read c. Reads
b. To read d. Reading
6. He is always speaking as if he ______ everything.
a. Know c. Knew
b. Knows d. Had known
7. Wilson has found another job in an office, but he will be earning just ______he used to.
a. Half as much as c. Half as many as
b. Half more than d. Half less than
8. Hue is a favorite stop for tourists ______in Central Vietnam.
a. Vacationed c. To vacate
b. Vacation d. Vacationing
9. New sources of energy are constantly being looked for ______fossil fuels continue to
a. When c. Besides
b. As d. However
10. Pearl S. Buck became the first American woman ______The Nobel Prize for literature.
a. Receive c. Received
b. To receive d. She received
11. They each are responsible for what each one does.
a. Is c. Be
b. Are d. Has been
12. I saw a lion shot dead by the hunters.
a. Shoot c. To shoot
b. Shot d. Shooting
13. She was ______.
a. So bad singer c. So bad a singer
b. Such bad singer d. Such bad a singer
14. They could do it better ______there support from the local authority.
a. So long as c. Were
b. Only if d. if
15. I wrote to the bank manager with a view ______a loan.
a. To get c. Getting
b. To getting d. Got
16. We ______ impossible to contact him.
a. Find c. Find it that’s
b. Find that d. Find it
17. That’s the bike ______engine needs to be repaired.
a. Which c. That
b. Whose d. Of which
18. I remember ______him not to forget ______ the instruction carefully, but he did not do so.
a. Asking/reading c. Asking/to read
b. To ask/to read d. To ask/reading
19. I saw a ______look on the robber’s face as he was asking us to give him money.
a. Frightful c. Frightened
b. Frightening d. Fright
20. ______good advice it was!
a. What c. How
b. Which d. How so
21. It’s about time we ______work.
a. Start c. Starting
b. Must start d. Started
22. Your hair is long. Are you going to ______?
a. Have it cut c. Be cutting it
b. Have cut it d. Have it cutting
23. I can carry only one of these ten boxes. Please carry ______.
a. Another c. The others
b. The other d. Others
24. S1: Could I go out for a little while? S2: ______.
a. Yes, you go. c. Yes, you could.
b. Yes, you can. d. Yes, you will.
25. S1: Do you like our TV programs? S2: ______.
a. Yes, we are. c. Yes, a lot.
b. I would like. d. OK.
26. S1: Shall we go to play badminton at Nancy Club? S2: ______.
a. We let go. c. Yes, let’s.
b. We go. d. You’re going!
27. S1: Where can we get the tickets for the show? S2: _______.
a. Yes, please book. c. Thanks, you can
b. Why don’t you book them? d. Really?
28. It was impossible for her to tell the truth so she had to _______a story.
a. Make up c. Deal with
b. Account for d. Lie
29. Don't drop your cigarette ends on the floor. You could _______fire to the house.
a. Set c. Make
b. Put d. Cause
30. The _______of living has risen 20 per cent in the past year.
a. Standard c. Degree
b. Cost d. Expense
31. I couldn't sleep because the tap in the bathroom was _______.
a. Dropping c. Dripping
b. Failing d. Draining
32. The garden has been so _______that weeds are growing everywhere.
a. Careful c. Neglected
b. Careless d. Dirty
33. People may come across your website _______chance.
a. By c. In
b. On d. At
34. The company refused to give him the day off so he had to _______he was ill.
a. Intend c. Pretend
b. Attend d. Attempt
35. It’s not my _______if the car was not properly serviced.
a. Duty c. Defect
b. Blame d. Fault
36. In despair, he _______suicide.
a. Performed c. Executed
b. Committed d. Acted
37. You can find the Morison Supermarket _______410 Woodhouse Lane, Leeds.
a. In c. At
b. On d. Off
38. Her parents died when she was small so she was _______by her aunt and uncle.
a. Taken after c. Grown up
b. Brought up d. Looked over
39. You're old enough to _______ your own living.
a. Gather c. Collect
b. Earn d. Gain
40. The City of London is associated _______finance.
a. In c. On
b. At d. With

1. You are being thoroughly unreasonable in refusing to allow this ceremony to take place.
2. She's been feeling much happier since she found the lost key.
3. We need further information before we can decide.
4. I know you are annoyed, but you must try to control your temper.
5. Please remember to do this exercise first, Jane.
6. If you hear the fire alarm, leave the building quickly.
7. I wish I had attended the orientation program yesterday.
8. - “Do you exercise every day?” - “I used to go jogging, but I don't any longer.”
9. - Could you tell me when the bus leaves? - At 10:25, in ten minutes.
10. We expected him at eight but he finally turned up at midnight.
11. I think Sally is quite as pretty as her sister.
12. They have been living in that house for 25 years.
13. The writer doesn’t need bookcases.
14. Everyone but Alan was invited to the party.
15. I went to look at some pictures by a new painter the other day.
16. I'm sorry, but I didn't ask for chocolate ice cream. I wanted vanilla.
17. He heard the news. The news was bad.
18. I think we should buy some furniture for our living-room.
19. I wish the train would come soon. We're going to be late.
20. One more strike could bring down the government.
21. Since you’ve asked me why I went there, I’ll tell you.
22. He was angry when he heard the news. He was angry on hearing the news.
23. Whenever he goes, he is happy to help others.
24. He had to finish the paper last night.
25. He isn't going to learn Spanish, and neither is she.
26. No child below the age of sixteen will be admitted to this film.
27. You may borrow as many books as you like, provided you show them to whoever is at the
28. Such a difficult problem can only be tackled over a period of years.
29. If the rain doesn't let up soon, we shall have to look for a taxi
30. In many ways she reminds me of someone I knew at school.
31. It is doubtful whether newspapers influence governments to any great degree.
32. The hills threatened the surrounding villages with destruction. The villages might be
33. My outlook on life has changed a lot since leaving university.
34. Unless my room is warmer tonight, I'm going to complain to the hotel manager
35. Although Mary works twelve hours a day, she always finds time to bake some really nice
36. If only he would accept some help with the work instead of trying to do it alone!
37. He looked forward to receiving his first pay packet.
38. I assure you that I had no intention of offending you.
39. What on earth is going on in there?
40. The weather was blamed for the exceptionally poor harvest.

1. The movie had a profound efect on him - he couldn't get it of his mind.
2. The thing you use to turn electrical power on and off is called a switch.
3. The thief was caught red-handed opening the safe.
4. Dawn broke down when she heard that her father was in the hospital.
5. "Were you surprised when Lance left his job?" "No, he had been thinking about it for
6. "What a foolish thing to do!" "Not only was it foolish but also dangerous."
7. Children’s shoes usually wear out easily.
8. I’m looking for the gas bill. Have you thrown it away?
9. It’s quite easy to get access to the Internet nowadays.
10. These shoes are made of good leather.
11. We are trying to return the money to the one that lost it.
12. She couldn’t decide whether to stay or to leave for Beijing at once.
13. Some dried leaves hang on the branches until the new leaves appear.
14. She is the elder of the twins.
15. Could you tell me how to get to the zoo?
16. 16. When you finish your work, you can go out.
17. When I was a child I used to eat a lot of sweets.
18. What fine weather it is!
19. Neither Duy nor I am present at the meeting.
20. You must be tired, because you haven’t taken any rest the whole morning.
21. I couldn't find your number in the telephone directory.
22. The girls wanted to visit the museums in Ho Chi Minh City.
23. Lan loves the peaceful atmosphere of the pagoda.
24. Islam is Malaysia's official religion.
25. All students have to wear uniform in our school. It is compulsory.
26. My uncle works in a factory that makes cars.
27. Although she was ill, she went to school for the test.
28. Would you mind making the model ship for me when you finish writing your letters?
29. The composition needs checking before it is handed in.
30. He left in such a hurry that he left his book in the desk.
31. As soon as you hear the alarm, you all have to leave the building without delay.
32. On November 5, a lot of firework is set off in England
33. There are chances that Manchester United will win the last match against Juventus.
34. Not having been to the national park before, Sue was amazed to see the geyser.
35. Hardly had he been appointed the captain of the team when he had to face problems.
36. The police stated that the accident would be investigated soon
37. It is 6 years since we moved to Chicago.
38. I think she will join us, won’t she?
39. I am sorry. I have forgotten to reserve a table at the restaurant for you.
40. Excited as our children may be, we cannot go picnicking in this weather.
1. Mary likes to play the guitar, but her brother prefers to play - chess and - football.
2. John spent only a half hour/half an hour on his homework.
3. - “Where’s Professor Keane?” - “He has gone to Australia and he will give us a talk when he
comes back.
4. My brother has been in the Youth League since 1955.
5. She was doing her lessons from seven to nine last night.
6. Only after I reached the cinema did I realize that I had forgotten to take my wallet with me.
7. It’s half past five. It’s time the game started.
8. I didn't hear the phone. I must have been asleep.
9. You'd better not be late next time.
10. It’s a fine day. Let’s go fishing, shall we?
11. The plant is dead. I should have given it more water.
12. Doctors are needed in every part of the world.
13. The pencil writes well.
14. Every possible means has been tried, but none proves successful.
15. In 1980, it was the tallest building that had ever been built.
16. By the end of the century, it is likely that the oceans of the world will have been polluted
by all the rubbish poured into them.
17. She pretended not to see me when I passed by.
18. There was a terrible noise following the sudden burst of light.
19. When I passed by his room, I heard him singing the new song.
20. He rushed into the room, with sweat dripping.
21. He is said to have worked in America when he was young.
22. Having seen State of Divinity, we all find it interesting.
23. We are not sure which restaurant to eat at.
24. These kids are quick at learning. We'd better have them trained in a new way.
25. - “You’re drinking too much.” - “Only at home. No one sees me but you.”
26. Were she to leave today, she would get home by Friday.
27. His pale face suggested that he was not well.
28. His mother insisted that he was seriously ill and that a doctor be sent for at once.
29. The peasants began to plough the fields as soon as they got in the crops.
30. Jill would rather we didn’t leave now, but we must go to work.
31. But for his help, I wouldn’t have succeeded.
32. We were watching TV when the telephone rang.
33. Each time - they met they would talk long hours.
34. The reason which she gives for not coming is that her mother won’t let her do.
35. "Can I wait in here?" "Strictly speaking, only students are allowed in here."
36. Water boils at 100°C.
37. Great men never give up in the face of difficulty.
38. You can find this kind of flower nowhere but in China.
39. The football match was held in Hanoi. Four dozen police were sent there to keep order.
40. The news was bad last night.

1. An 'A-level' in Mathematics or a / an equivalent qualification, is normally required.
2. At the age of sixteen he qualified for a place, at the University of Harvard.
3. GCSEs are often a requirement for taking A-levels, a common type of university entrance
4. GCSE courses are taken in a variety of subjects, which are usually decided by the students
5. GCSEs are not COMPULSORY (=required), but they are the most common qualification
taken by 14-16-year-old students.
6. Secondary education is the stage of education following primary school.
7. Then he'll know exactly what’s required of him.
8. That language center has a wide variety of subjects for you to choose.
9. I admired him for being so confident at his age.
10. She is a slow student. She seems to be unable to concentrate on anything in particular.
11. You should find a job to live independently of your parents.
12. Those who do well on the test clearly have the requisite fluency.
13. Most - students in the UK prepare carefully for A-level exams.
14. Where is Peter? - He is at - school.
15. Had I stayed with my previous job, I would have won a higher promotion and I would not
be in this unfortunate position now.
16. If they tore down that old opera house, we would not have any historical architecture left in
the city.
17. I can't stand him. If he is employed, I will quit.
18. Without my parents' support, I wouldn’t have completed my overseas study.
19. Were I home, I would enjoy my favorite show.
20. The man and his dogs that were buried in the demolished building after the earthquake have
just been rescued safely.
21. Since the global industrialization, the number of animal species which have become extinct
or nearly extinct has increased.
22. Of my students, Betty is the only one that has found a good job.
23. Have you ever visited New York harbor where the famous Statue of Liberty stands?
24. Tell me the day when you want to leave.
25. That is the place where there used to be a monument.
26. Scuba diving is swimming underwater or taking part in another activity while using a scuba
27. Can you tell me some sports which are closely related to water?
28. We can reduce the risk of many diseases by swimming.
29. I often read books and newspapers for – entertainment
30. When we were in Hawaii, we often spent - time walking along the beach and enjoying the
fresh air.
31. Books which describe real things or events are called - non-fiction.
32. The main uses of books are to provide entertainment and information.
33. The player gave a hard shot beautifully straight into the opposing goal.
34. Swimming produces both psychological and physical benefits.
35. We were really impressed by the performance of the synchronized swimmers. They were
dancing very attractively.
36. Sports and festivals form an INTEGRAL (= essential) part of every human society.
37. A snorkel is a tube through which a person swimming just under the surface of the sea can
38. Books are a primary means for DISSEMINATION (= distribution) of knowledge and
39. In synchronized swimming, the players perform beautiful MANEUVERS (movements that
need skill and care to music and diving.
40. Thanks to the durability of paper, many books have been kept for a very long time.
1. Mr. Pile teaches us Physics but today he is ill so Mrs. Young is teaching us.
2. Cats like milk, but birds don’t.
3. Peter has worked for our company since 1999, for nearly ten years. During the time, he has
been working very hard.
4. He made his escape by jumping out of a window and getting into a waiting car.
5. Sometimes we are made to do things that we do not want to do.
6. Feeling dissatisfied, she decided to quit the job.
7. The more you read, the smarter you are.
8. Nobody in the neighborhood, not even he expected a riot would break out.
9. Anne couldn't find a taxi, so I offered to drive her to the station.
10. Curtis delayed catching the airplane because the weather was bad.
11. It was such a cold day that we wrapped ourselves in blankets.
12. There were so many clouds in the sky that we could not see much.
13. Mary is not old enough to live on her own. => Mary is so young that she can’t live on her
14. The fireworks went off in all their colors and lit up the sky.
15. My mother often complains, “You are so messy. I always have to clean up after you''.
16. Wealth refers to the possession of a large amount of money, property, or other valuable
17. Look! The cattle are grazing on the meadow.
18. We all admire Michael Faraday for his success story.
19. Let's have a break. Would you like to have some coffee?
20. She is an MC. She can help us to entertain the guests in our wedding.
21. Many people voluntarily offer care for the elderly and the disabled.
22. Millions of dollars' worth of damage, has been caused by a storm.
23. After a twenty minutes’ break, Peter felt better and continued working.
24. You need to work harder; otherwise, you’ll get fired.
25. With luck, tomorrow could be a sunny day.
26. Listen, please. You mustn’t talk during this exam.
27. National Parks are usually located in places which have been largely undeveloped, and are
often with exceptional native animals, plants, and usually geological features.
28. He knows few people in the class, so he feels lonely.
29. John used to drive an old yellow German car.
30. Despite the difficulties, they continued their plan.
31. He took the dictionary from the top of the bookshelf.
32. Which mountain is the higher, the Andes or the Rockies?
33. Let's go to her party. It is rude to turn down her invitation
34. The noise from that loudspeaker is getting on my nerves.
35. That custom had died out but it was revived to attract tourists to the town.
36. The picture I had lost turned up in the drawer months later.
37. He was under the impression that we were talking behind his back. Whoever gave him that
38. He wasn't tall enough to pick the fruit. It was out of reach.
39. The robbers held up the bank and got away with a lot of money.
40. Janet is one of the girls who appear to be confused about the test.

1. It was noisy because our neighbors were having a party.
2. I have had this computer for more than 10 years, so I’m thinking of getting a new one.
3. Will you tell him the truth when he returns tomorrow?
4. Every day she sinks further and further into depression.
5. My father works for a construction company in Winchester, which is a city in the UK.
6. My friend eventually decided to quit her job, which upset me a lot.
7. He is the man whose car was stolen last week.
8. They have just found the couple and their car that were swept away during the heavy storm
last week.
9. The children slept well, despite the noise.
10. They have lived next door to us for years, yet we hardly ever see them.
11. Please let us know your decision as soon as you can.
12. Everybody must leave the building right now. It is urgent.
13. He suggested to Mary that she should go to a holiday camp.
14. I did not see you last night. I wish I could have met you last night.
15. It is no use going to school if you are not ready to work hard.
16. Fred was a really silly boy when we were in high school. I still remember his asking very
stupid questions.
17. - “Would you mind putting out your cigarette?” _ “No, of course not”.
18. - “Which girl is your little sister?” - She is the one with long curly blond hair.
19. He looked ill at ease in the room full of reporters.
20. The experts were not fully convinced that the animal was a puma.
21. She ran in a marathon last week but dropped out after ten kilometers.
22. He could not resist the temptation of having a lot of money quickly.
23. They received little help from their parents, but they still became successful.
24. Whoever you are, you should observe the regulation.
25. This apartment needs redecorating.
26. He is an efficient worker who always finishes his work ahead of schedule.
27. Are you looking for anything in particular?
28. Along with obligations to clan and family, education has always played a vital role in
Vietnamese culture.
29. I absolutely approve of everything that has been said.
30. The cost of living has risen over 10 percent in the past years.
31. Peter was treated for minor injuries and shock.
32. Don’t you think it’s about time you changed the washer in the dripping tap?
33. Hard work can often bring about success.
34. If it hadn’t rained all today, we would have had a camping picnic in the mountain.
35. I think Jane deserved to be fired for her totally irresponsible behavior.
36. Gertrude takes after her mother; she has blue eyes and fair hair too.
37. The coach driver went through a red light by mistake.
38. I waved to Karen but failed to attract her attention.
39. They seemed to be indifferent to the criticism and just carried on as before.
40. Jean did not apologize to her boss at all. => Not once did Jean offer her boss an apology.

TDN 10
1. One of the reasons we grow to love characters in films is that we identify with them.
2. It's difficult to translate because there's no equivalent for that word in English.
3. Flocks of birds over a city usually predict cold weather.
4. The doctor recommended that my sister eat two meals a day.
5. Now was the time to escape and she jumped from the window.
6. I whiled away the time by looking through some magazines.
7. The batteries in the radio need every changing six months.
8. Paul's family continues to hold out much hope that their missing son will be returned safely
to them.
9. They escaped from the smoke-filled house just in the nick of time.
10. The best known work of Stevenson, besides “Kidnapped” and “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,”
is probably "Treasure Island."
11. Planting more trees is the key the to reducing risk of flooding, the most common natural
disaster which can affect millions of people.
12. Flooding in April is an unusual occurrence in that area.
13. Now that it was getting late, the boys decided to put out the campfire and crept into their
sleeping bags.
14. Kate's got so used to listening to opera that it has become a constant companion of her life.
15. You might say “where there's a will there's a way” to someone who says that something
can't be done.
16. The doctor diagnosed her illness as flu.
17. Holidays other than those in this brochure do not have free places for children.
18. Mark used to spend his whole lunch hour looking for something to eat.
19. I'm going to take advantage of this opportunity to relax.
20. Many people seem to be afraid of spiders. Most of them are completely harmless, though.
21. The aircraft carrier is INDISPENSABLE (= crucial) in naval operation against sea or shore-
based enemies.
22. Had he study more he would have been able to pass the exam.
23. Should he have time, he will come to see and play with the orphans here.
24. It's high time we punished strictly the people who litter in this park.
25. They managed to sell out all of old-fashion clothes, most of which were made in Thailand.
26. Before he let them go, he made them promise not to tell anyone what they had seen in the
27. Our teacher came in when we were talking noisily.
28. Disregarding the law of the time, Margaret Sanger opened the first birth-control clinic in
Brooklyn in 1916.
29. Teamwork is ineffective due to their lack of mutual interest.
30. His carelessness accounts for his underachievement at work
31. Tina always listens to the lessons attentively as she's an industrious student.
32. Jason's professor had him rewrite his thesis many times before allowing him to present it to
the committee.
33. We should arrive home safe and sound.
34. Many students are unfamiliar with doing research in an academic library.
35. I needn’t have worn my best suit Everyone else was very casually dressed at Phuong's
36. Team spirit plays a highly important role in winning the game.
37. Local people are concerned about pollution from off-shore oil wells.
38. I don't believe a word she said; I think he just made up that story.
39. It was only when he removed his sunglasses that I recognized him.
40. All chosen for a second interview will be informed by mail.

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