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Business Modelling Revisited Control Value Ballon 2007

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Business modelling revisited: the configuration of control and value

Pieter Ballon
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Pieter Ballon, (2007),"Business modelling revisited: the configuration of control and value", info, Vol. 9 Iss 5 pp. 6 - 19
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Business modelling revisited: the
configuration of control and value
Pieter Ballon

Pieter Ballon is Programme Abstract

Manager, IBBT-SMIT, Vrije Purpose – This paper aims to provide a theoretically grounded framework for designing and analysing
Universiteit Brussel, business models for (mobile) information communication technology (ICT) services and systems.
Brussels, Belgium and is Design/methodology/approach – The paper reviews the most topical literature on business modelling,
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Senior Researcher, TNO-ICT, as well as general strategic management, industrial economics and network economics literature, it also
Delft, The Netherlands. constructs a new integrated framework.
Findings – The study finds that business model design is interpreted as the (re)configuration of control
parameters on the one hand, and value parameters on the other hand within a particular innovation
Originality/value – The paper is informed by a wide range of theories and approaches and proposes
an improved and generally applicable framework.
Keywords Business planning, Modelling, Research methods, Mobile communication systems,
Paper type Conceptual paper

I. Introduction
The concept of a business model as a way to describe the ‘‘architecture of a business’’ is
closely linked to the rise of internet-based e-commerce (Hawkins, 2001). The additional
sales channel offered by the online environment spurred firms to devise new ways of
interacting with their customers, in the expectation that more direct or valuable ways of
interaction would become possible. Early approaches to business modelling therefore
focused on the selection of the most appropriate virtual channels and revenue models (see,
e.g. Slywotzky, 1996; Timmers, 1998; Weill and Vitale, 2001). These ‘‘new economy’’
approaches have been fairly well documented, although they were often lacking conceptual
clarity. As a rule, they highlighted typologies and taxonomies of new business models,
according to specific revenue models (e.g. online auctions), or according to specific virtual
channels or value propositions (e.g. virtual marketplaces).
As the ‘‘new economy’’ fever subsided, the attention of business model literature shifted
towards the integration of virtual activities into the real-world marketplace. Also, another
information communication technology (ICT) sector was now facing the redesign of its
Part of the research for this ‘‘business architecture’’, i.e. the mobile telecommunications industry. In this industry, interest
paper was performed in the in the concept of business models had been fuelled by the (partial) unbundling of technical
framework of the Quality of
Experience Project of the
functions and economic roles, caused mainly by increasing technological modularity and
Interdisciplinary Institute for regulatory pressure, and the expectation of a range of new value-added
BroadBand Technology (IBBT)
of Flanders, Belgium. The
telecommunications services. In the wake of the success of i-mode in Japan, a success
author wishes to thank two that was mainly credited to its innovative business model, it became clear that for mobile
anonymous reviewers for their telecommunications, the provision of new services through appropriate cooperation and
helpful comments on an earlier
draft of this paper. coordination models (including revenue sharing models) was the main business model issue

PAGE 6 j j
info VOL. 9 NO. 5 2007, pp. 6-19, Q Emerald Group Publishing Limited, ISSN 1463-6697 DOI 10.1108/14636690710816417
(Methlie and Pedersen, 2001; Ballon et al., 2002; Lindmark et al., 2004). From then onwards,
the main questions to be solved by new business models increasingly became those
connected with shifting firm boundaries, the level of vertical and horizontal integration in the
industry and the complex provision of new services.
Meanwhile, business-modelling methodologies were also evolving, to include more than the
identification of typologies. One approach was to consider business modelling as the
development of an unambiguous ontology that can serve as the basis for business process
modelling and business case simulations (see, e.g. Pigneur, 2002; Faber et al., 2003;
Osterwalder, 2004). This corresponds with related technology design approaches (TINA-C,
1997; Gordijn and Akkermans, 2001) aimed at the mapping of business roles and
interactions onto technical modules, interfaces and information streams.
As a result of all this, the focus of business modelling has gradually shifted from the single
firm to networks of firms, and from simple concepts of interaction or revenue models to
extensive concepts encompassing the value network, the functional architecture, the
financial model, and the eventual value proposition made to the user (Faber et al., 2003;
Ballon, 2005). The subject of business modelling has evolved from the positioning and/or
marketing strategy of a single firm to the outset of the entire network, its interrelations and
inherent hierarchies (Linder and Cantrell, 2000). Business modelling is also moving from a
static to a dynamic approach, considering various influences on business model viability,
business model evolution and the place of business models in the product or service
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lifecycle (Bouwman and MacInnes, 2006; Dittrich and VandenEnde, 2006).

Recent work on information intermediaries in open business models (Chesbrough, 2003;
Chesbrough et al., 2006), on intermediaries and gatekeepers in two-sided markets (Jullien,
2004) and on platform leaders in modular markets (Gawer and Cusumano, 2002) has
consolidated the shifting preoccupation from single-firm revenue generation towards
multi-firm control and interface issues. As such, the guiding question of a business model
has become ‘‘Who controls the value network and the overall system design’’ just as much
as ‘‘Is substantial value being produced by this model (or not)’’. In fact, we will argue in this
paper that it is precisely the alignment of control and value parameters that is of most
relevance to business modelling.
It has been argued that the business model is one of the few integrative strategy models that
could unify disparate strategic perspectives such as the resource-based view and industrial
organisation, and thereby substantially improve strategy theory (Hedman and Kalling,
2001). However, several authors have stated that there is a strong theoretical deficit in the
business modelling literature regarding the operationalisation of its concepts and the link
with established strategy, management and economic theory (Porter, 2001; Lambert, 2006).
A number of authors writing on the topic of business models have already begun to remedy
this, but often they still refer mainly to literature dealing specifically with business models,
instead of also taking established, non-business model related theories into account. The
aim of this paper is to provide a starting point for a further, theoretically grounded
operationalisation, by revisiting the existing business model literature itself as well as the
most relevant streams of general management and economic theory dealing with the issues
of control and value creation in networks, i.e. strategic management, innovation
management, industrial organisation, resource-based theory, and network economics
(see also Amit and Zott, 2001; Keen and Qureshi, 2006).
Obviously, the integration of viewpoints from these various strands of thought is risking the
same reproaches of heterogeneity and heterodoxy, as are justifiably made against most
existing business modelling frameworks. However, by focusing on the key central concepts
of control and value, this paper attempts to make at least the first steps towards an
integrative framework. This focus strongly echoes pre-business model writings on the
‘‘political economy’’ of designing new ICT (see, e.g. Mulgan, 1991; Mansell, 1993; Mansell
and Silverstone, 1996). Literature on the political economy of ICT design stresses that
control configurations, power relationships and different forms of bias pervade ICT design,
and profoundly influence the outcome in terms of individual, societal and economic value.

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Consequently, it argues that the design of ICT products, services and systems should be
informed by and analysed according to this basic premise. In other strands of thought, the
same preoccupations with governance and value can be recognised, albeit often in a less
direct manner (see, e.g. Teece et al., 1997; Cox, 1999).
It is the objective of this paper to demonstrate in what way business modelling literature and
practice as it has evolved over the last decade, is offering a tool to model the relationship
between control over and value of new ICT products and services and to analyse the scope
for choice available to designers and users for the (re)configuration of these parameters.
The paper proposes a set of parameters for the design and analysis of business models,
and identifies the crucial trade-offs involved.

II. Business model design parameters

The business model can be operationalised through a set of crucial design parameters that
need to be addressed when designing a business model for new or improved ICT products
or services. In general, it can be stated that a business model is feasible if there is a ‘‘fit’’
(Bouwman, 2003) between the main design parameters that have to be taken into account in
order to construct, differentiate and assess business models.
The bulk of business model literature up to the present day has made an attempt to identify
such parameters for categorising and analyzing business models, usually under terms such
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as ‘‘business model dimensions’’, ‘‘business model building blocks’’, or ‘‘business model

elements’’. As pointed out by Dubosson-Torbay et al. (2001), most business model literature
limits itself to identifying only two critical parameters or dimensions for differentiating and
analysing business models. These include functional integration and degree of innovation
(Timmers, 1998); economic control (both hierarchical and self-organising) and value
integration (Tapscott, 1999), type of relationships and degree of externality (Amami and
Thévenot, 2000), and power of sellers and buyers (Pigneur, 1999). Pateli and Giaglis (2003),
in their overview of the 20 most cited sources in business modelling, add to this overview a
number of other, commonly found, sets of business model parameters, i.e. revenue and
position in value chain; interaction pattern and value chain integration; core activities and
price - value balance; and sourcing.
Based on such parameters, many business model authors propose a taxonomy of basic
types of business models: from five for Tapscott (1999) to about 30 for Rappa (2001). As
argued by Dubosson-Torbay et al. (2001), the diversity in parameters as well as in classes of
business models shows the inadequacy of a unique classification scheme. Therefore, they
propose to use a multi-category approach and to accept that a business model can and
should be positioned with regard to several dimensions, in a web of classification schemes
covering various domains. In effect, their business model framework is divided into four
principal components:
1. the products and services a firm offers, representing a substantial value to a target
customer (value proposition), and for which he is willing to pay;
2. the relationship the firm creates and maintains with the customer, in order to satisfy him
and to generate sustainable revenues;
3. the infrastructure and the network of partners that are necessary in order to create value
and to maintain a good customer relationship; and
4. the financial aspects that can be found throughout the three former components, such as
cost and revenue structures.
Using the same four business model domains, this has been systematised into nine business
model parameters or ‘‘building blocks’’ by Osterwalder (2004). They are the value proposition,
the target customer, the distribution channel, the customer relationship, the value
configuration, capabilities, partnership, cost structure, and the revenue model. Another
commonly cited set of business model design parameters (‘‘elements’’) can be found in Weill
and Vitale (2001). They distinguish the strategic objective and value proposition, the sources
of revenue, critical success factors, core competencies, customer segments, channels, and

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the IT infrastructure. The approaches of Weil and Vitale and Dubosson-Torbay et al, as well as
Osterwalder’s ontology demonstrate the validity of and need for a multi-parameter analysis of
business models situated within a domain or level structure. However, for the purpose of
business model design, it can be argued that they are too focused on individual firms’
corporate decisions, as well as being quite disparate and heterogeneous, comprising almost
the entire spectrum of a firm’s internal and external strategy.
Haaker et al. (2004) consider critical design parameters specifically for (multi-stakeholder)
mobile services and as a result do extend their view towards the level of the value network.
They define a critical design issue as a design variable that is not nominal in nature (such as
availability of a network or of investments), but one that is perceived to contribute to the
viability of the studied business model. Based on a set of mobile service case-studies they
identify four critical design issues in the service domain, i.e. targeting, creating value,
branding, and customer retention, and five critical design issues in the technical domain, i.e.
security, quality of service, system integration, accessibility and management of user profiles.
Similarly the authors found four critical design issues in the organisational domain, i.e. partner
selection in order to acquire critical resources and capabilities, network openness, complexity
and governance and four critical design issues in the financial domain, i.e. pricing, division of
investments, division of costs and revenues, and valuing contributions and benefits.
While being structured more logically than previous frameworks, the set of design
parameters put forward by Haaker et al. (2004) is still rather disparate in nature. Some of the
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parameters seem to be quite particular to the cases studied, while others appear to be
generally applicable to product or service design. Also, most of their design parameters
allow a very wide range of options, resulting in an almost infinite number of potential
business models. In order to avoid such problems, the next section proposes an alternative
design framework that is more grounded in established theory, aligned according to a
restrained number of key issues, and that limits the scope of options to the main trade-offs

III. Business model design framework

The business model design and analysis framework presented here follows the
multi-parameter approach by defining four levels on which business models operate, and
by identifying three critical design parameters on each level. They refer not solely to a single
firm, but to the entire network of stakeholders involved in producing and delivering the
product, service or system in question. This is done in order to transcend the narrow scope
that was observed in many traditional business modelling approaches. However, given the
very complex multi-actor environments under scrutiny there is also a need to safeguard the
workability of the business modelling process. This can be done by:
B focusing on criticality and uncertainty when selecting parameters;
B allowing only generally applicable parameters; and
B focusing on the core dimensions and trade-offs most relevant to ICT business models and
that are affecting the other business model building blocks considered.
To identify these core dimensions and trade-offs, we revisited the basic two-dimensional
schemata that underlie most of the earlier business model literature. Analysing the schemata
mentioned above, and also referring to the political economy viewpoint expressed earlier,
the vast majority of them stress the dimensions of value creation and capture on the one
hand (which relates to aspects such as the value proposition and the financial model), and
the dimension of control on the other (relating to the outset of the value network and the
functional architecture). Thus, it can be argued that basically, a business model captures the
major value-related and control-related issues that need to be addressed when innovating
products or services, and the interrelationships between them.
Adapting the domain approach introduced by Faber et al. (2003), we distinguish between
four domains or ‘‘levels’’ of business modelling: the level of the value network (i.e. the
architecture of actors and roles in the future marketplace), the level of the functional model
(i.e. the architecture of technical components in the future technological system), the level of

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the financial model (i.e. the architecture of financial streams determining the future business
case), and the level of the value proposition (i.e. the architecture or general outline of the
future product or service).
At the value network level, three basic design concepts are needed, i.e. roles, actors and
relationships. A role is a distinct value-adding activity within the value network, which
potentially can exist as a commercial entity in the marketplace, with its own cost and revenue
balance (comparable to a value adding activity within a linear value chain, see Porter
(1985)). An actor is a commercial entity active in the marketplace, integrating one or more
roles. A relationship is the expression of an interaction between roles or actors. It may consist
of a market transaction, a long-term contract, a company-internal arrangement, a trust
relationship, etc. The most basic design parameters for the value network therefore are:
B The relative weight (hierarchies) between the actors – we call this the specific
combination of assets.
B The way in which roles are combined by actors – we call this the level of vertical
B The relationship between the producing actor(s) and the consuming actor(s) – we call
this customer ownership.
At the functional architecture level, we are dealing with technical systems composed of at
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least one building block (or module), governed by certain rules (or intelligence), and that
interwork (or not) with other technical systems. So at the most basic level, a functional
architecture is defined by:
B the modules and interfaces between modules;
B the distribution of intelligence within the system; and
B the interoperability with other systems.
At the financial level, the most basic building blocks are costs for setting up and running the
service or product, the revenues gained from it, and the way these are shared between
actors. Therefore we distinguish the:
B cost (sharing) model;
B revenue model; and
B revenue sharing model.

Finally, at the value proposition level, the most basic choices to make are:
B How to position the new service or product vis-à-vis existing services and products.
B Whether a ‘‘finished’’ value proposition is made at all, or whether to allow substantial
customer involvement in constructing the value of the service.
B What the main value proposed to the market primarily consists of.

In summary, the selected business model design parameters are listed in Table I. Control
parameters are listed in columns A and B, while value related parameters are listed in
columns C and D.

Table I Business model design parameters

Control parameters Value parameters
A. Value network B. Functional architecture C. Financial model D. Value proposition
parameters parameters parameters parameters

A1. Combination of assets B1. Modularity C1. Cost (sharing) model D1. Positioning
A2. Vertical integration B2. Distribution of intelligence C2. Revenue model D2. User involvement
A3. Customer ownership B3. Interoperability C3. Revenue sharing model D3. Intended value

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The following sections define and briefly examine these 12 parameters (for an extensive
treatment, see Ballon (2006)). Their scope, relevance to business modelling, and the
essential trade-offs and interdependencies related to each parameter, are outlined, leaving
ample room for elaboration and adjustment to specific cases, which should also be part of
any business modelling process. In general, only the main business model design choice,
related to value creation and capture, and/or to control, is identified here, and is grounded
within current thinking in strategic management, innovation management, industrial
organisation, resource-based theory, and network economics.

IV. Control parameters

A. Combination of assets
Competence-based strategic management literature is slowly acknowledging the
importance of combinative capabilities, which can be defined as a firm’s ability to
combine internal and external resources to create new resource combinations that are rare,
valuable, hardly imitable and non-substitutable (Koruna, 2004). It is precisely this
combination of internal and external assets that has been identified recently as the key
strategic issue for survival in open innovation environments, and as one of the crucial
determining factors of successful business models (Chesbrough, 2003).
Successful combination of assets is closely related to leveraging a structurally strong position
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within a value network. As Iansiti and Levien (2004) argue, one of the most common fallacies
regarding open innovation environments is that they are constituted by all peers. Instead,
important and even vital hierarchies are present in such environments. Ballon and Hawkins
(2003) define different partner types in the value network that may contribute to the shaping of
a particular business model: structural, contributing, and supporting partners (ranging from
greater to lesser actor power, depending on the kind of resources they contribute), thus
identifying the nature of interdependencies in a given network and the strategic position of
actors within the network. Wehn de Montalvo et al. (2005) match these types to, respectively,
essential, network-specific, and generic resource contributions to value creation, ranging from
greater to lesser relevance to value creation in the network, based on resource characteristics.
Together, these concepts may be used to typify the power structure among the actors in a
value network and to set the scene for an analysis of its impact on a particular business model.
In essence, it can be stated that if essential resources are concentrated with one actor, while
the other actors only have generic resources, i.e. if the value network is composed of one
structural partner while the other partners are supporting partners, assets are strongly
concentrated. At the other extreme, if essential resources are spread evenly across multiple
partners, assets are distributed.

B. Vertical integration
The second choice associated with business model (re)design relates to the scope of the
firm in terms of markets and industries in which it competes. It is in fact far from clear what
the optimal scope of the firm is for operating in a technology-based, high-risk, growing and
internationalising industry such as the ICT industry (see, e.g. Robertson and Langlois, 1994;
Kranton and Minehart, 2000). Robertson and Langlois (1994) argue that the uncertainty
associated with radical and systemic innovations generally favours co-ordination and
integration of some kind, either through innovative networks or conglomerates (usually in the
introductory stage of an innovation) or through vertically integrated firms (as the product
life-cycle reaches more maturity). As standardisation increases, the technological incentive
to collaborate generally becomes less strong, and firms may decide to vertically integrate
some of their network partners. However, under certain circumstances, disintegration may
also be an option in this phase (see, e.g. de Fontenay and Hogendorn, 2005).
A range of authors, in dealing with the particularities of the internet and the ICT industry in
general, have argued that current digital networks (including the internet), by significantly
lowering barriers to worldwide exchange of information and trade, are enabling direct
contact between economic agents to such a degree that extensive disintermediation may

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take place, while at the same time lowering transaction costs to the extent that vertical
unbundling of the ICT industry is a viable alternative to integrated supply. These assertions
open up a range of choices to be taken by organisations in terms of their positioning and
vertical integration strategies, even if literature has tended to tone down the
idea of almost unlimited choices faced by organisations doing business electronically by
pointing at historical, industry- or market-specific contexts limiting the range of options open
to these organisations (Lehr, 1998; Hawkins and Verhoest, 2002).
In any case, it is clear that the scope of the firm, or the level of vertical integration, within a
particular value network, directly affects the business model. This choice ranks highly
amongst the most cited parameters in the whole of the business model literature (Pateli and
Giaglis, 2003). The essential trade-off that can be identified here is between integrated and
disintegrated value chains and networks.

C. Customer ownership
The third business model parameter included in this framework refers to customer relationship
in general and customer ownership in particular, i.e. the establishment of direct relations with
end customers. This is also related to access to key information about customers, products,
markets and costs. On a value network level, the question of which partner assumes the direct
commercial relationship with the customer is of equal, if not higher importance. While it is in
essence the objective of any actor to position itself as closely to the customer as possible, the
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most suited actor to take the customer ownership is the actor that can act as guarantor of the
value proposition(s) present in the service or product (Lee, 2006).
Several levels of intensity of customer ownership can be distinguished, depending upon
issues such as establishing a trusted reputation, customer relationship management,
marketing and branding, and customer lock-in. Dalziel (2005), for instance, stresses
proximity to the customer, which extends the notion of customer ownership to both
geographical proximity and the understanding of the customers’ needs and behaviour, as a
key concept that governs relationships between collaborating firms. The author stresses that
proximity to the customer is not necessarily in hands of the ‘‘central firm’’, but can also be in
the hands of ‘‘niche firms’’, such as intermediaries, resellers, system integrators and so on.
In general, the business model trade-off is to characterise customer ownership as
intermediated (i.e. operated by intermediaries that are positioned between the actor that
produces the good or service in question) versus direct (i.e. operated directly by the actor
that produces the good or service in question).

D. Modularity
The fourth crucial business model design parameter reviewed here is modularity. Modularity in
a technical sense refers to the design of systems and artefacts as sets of discrete modules
that connect to each other via predetermined interfaces. These modules are independent in
the sense that changing one module does not alter another module (Baldwin and Clark, 2000).
The key promise modularity offers is the possibility of delivering a continuous stream of
incremental innovations around a common technological platform, or product architecture.
Advantages could include enhanced product variety and mass customisation, rapid
upgradability to meet changing customer needs, exploitation of economies of scale and
scope at the platform level, increased pace and decreased costs of parallel experimentation,
decreased coordination costs of innovative projects, and ease of recombination of divisional
resources to cope with changing product-market domains (Brusoni and Fontana, 2005).
Modularity is a crucial design parameter profoundly affecting the nature of systems,
products and services, the pace of innovation, and the structure of firms, value networks,
and markets (Baldwin and Clark, 2000; Cebon et al., 2002; Ulrich, 1995). However, there is
no automatic link between adopting a modular product design strategy and the adoption of
a modular organisation (Ernst, 2005). Also, it is the assertion of various authors that system
integrators (Prencipe et al., 2003) or platform leaders (Gawer and Cusumano, 2002) are still
required to coordinate diversified knowledge bases.

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In terms of functional architecture, the main trade-off identified is the choice between
modular design and production on the one hand versus integrated or interdependent design
and production on the other hand.

E. Distribution of intelligence
A vital business model design parameter is the distribution of intelligence. In ICT systems,
this refers to the particular distribution of processing power, control and (management of)
functionality across the system in order to deliver a specific application or service. In
telecommunications, the shift from a centralised network topology towards a more
decentralised one started 20 years ago with the introduction of the intelligent network as a
concept characterised by distributed intelligence and an architecture with standard network
interfaces in which services were to be provided independently of the physical structure of
the network. Analyses emphasising the political economy of network evolution have
demonstrated the link with specific commercial interests in an increasingly liberalised
telecommunications market, attempts to impose restrictions on access and struggles to gain
control over the system (Mansell, 1993).
Recent research confirms that the ‘‘addition’’ and specific configuration of intelligence in
the network remains a key driver for network and business evolution alike (Reda, 2004).
Regarding the impact on networked collaboration between organisations, historical analysis
tends to stress the intra-domain relations between business architectures, business model
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architectures, application architectures, and ICT platform architectures (Aerts et al., 2004).
It can be stated that the distribution of intelligence is a powerful architectural concept
influencing functional design but at the same time impacting on business and
organisational design in many networked sectors of the economy. The main trade-off in
this respect is between centralised and distributed intelligence in system architectures.

F. Interoperability
Interoperability refers to the ability of technological systems to directly exchange information
and services with other systems, and to the interworking of services and products originating
from different sources. Interoperability choices determine to an important degree the
functional architecture, and also exert influence on value network configuration (e.g.
integration, customer ownership choices) and the value proposition towards the customer
(e.g. through lock-in strategies and network externalities).
Blind (2005) notes that interoperability with the products, services or systems of competitors
is ambivalent. Dominant players have little interest in interoperability with competing
products, because especially price competition will drive down their profits (Besen and
Farrell, 1994), and because interoperability may reduce lock-in effects. In contrast, small
companies or companies entering the market should have a stronger interest to provide
products which are interoperable with the products of the incumbents or the dominant
players in order to use their so called installed base of users.
The main trade-off identified here is the one between interoperable and non-interoperable
(or stand-alone) architectures. Usually, however, some kind of interoperability is opted for. A
strongly related trade-off is the one between open (i.e. publicly available) or closed (i.e.
proprietary) solutions. Cebon et al. (2002) point to the relationship between open and closed
architectures and the issues of control, network externalities, and speed of developments.
Open architectures breed network externalities but yield very little control to one player,
unless it can control the standards defining the open architecture and innovate faster than
the competition (Garud and Kumaraswamy, 1995).

V. Value parameters

A. Cost sharing model

This refers to the anticipated costs, necessary for the design, development and exploitation
of a product or service, and more precisely the way these are shared amongst the actors
involved. Cost theory distinguishes several types of costs. The most relevant costs in this

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context relate to investments (including capital expenditure and R&D costs) and the
anticipated operational expenses. At the time of business model design, most knowledge
will be about up-front investments. Two related concepts of costs that are relevant here are
sunk costs, i.e. up-front costs that cannot be recovered, and marginal costs, i.e. costs that
are incurred when producing additional increments to the existing production level. The
relation between up-front investments (which are often also sunk costs) and operational
costs is closely related to economies of scale and scope, and thus to horizontal and vertical
integration. It is the ‘‘unbalance’’ between very high up-front costs and close-to-zero
marginal costs involved in the production and exploitation of digital content that has lead
authors to describe various ICT industries as natural monopolies (Shapiro and Varian, 1999).
When dealing with complementary products or services (see also below), as is generally the
case in the ICT sector, so-called coordination failures and hold-up problems may occur.
These refer to market failures in the sense that no (implicit or explicit) agreement can be
found over which actor needs to make the necessary investments. It can be stated that the
most important trade-off in this respect is whether investments are concentrated with one
actor, or distributed over various actors.

B. Revenue model
Ranging from Timmers’ (1998) taxonomies including e-shops and e-auctions to Rappa’s
(2001) business model classification including subscription models (users are charged a
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periodic fee to subscribe to a service) and utility models (based on metering usage, or a pay
as you go approach), the revenue model is, next to vertical integration, the design parameter
that ‘‘traditional’’ business model literature has been most concerned with, to the point of
even identifying business models with revenue models.
Clearly, choices and trade-offs for this parameter are dependent upon the application domain
in question. In the case of (digital) content services, there is the traditional trade-off between
direct (i.e. paid by the consumer) and indirect (i.e. paid by the advertiser, or by public
subsidies) revenue models. As Prasad et al. (2003) argue, advertising and media share a
symbiotic relationship. Media providers have to balance the revenue from advertising and
subscription, since consumers generally dislike fees as well as advertising: both high
subscription prices and large numbers of advertisements turn consumers away. Prasad et al.
also remark that this trade-off, along with the potential of contemporary electronic media to
inexpensively design and offer several price-advertising choices, offers a means for media
providers to segment their audiences, so that the business model design choice is not
restricted to setting a single price and advertising level. This is because of the differing
opportunity costs of viewers when watching advertisements. A secondary trade-off is between
content-based and transport-based revenue models (see, e.g. Methlie and Pedersen, 2005).

C. Revenue sharing model

The revenue sharing model refers to agreements on whether and how to share revenues
among the actors involved in the value chain. Literature on the Japanese success of i-mode
and on the global success of iPod and the iTunes music store provide salient examples of the
importance of revenue sharing models for the success of business models (see, e.g.
Lindmark et al., 2004).
The main trade-off that can be identified is the one between having a revenue sharing model in
place (i.e. distributing the revenues over several actors), and not having a revenue sharing
model (i.e. concentrating revenues with a single actor, and working through direct market
mechanisms, licenses, etc. between actors). A secondary trade-off is between content-oriented
revenue sharing and transport-oriented revenue sharing models (Methlie and Pedersen, 2005).

D. Positioning
Usually, the positioning of products and services refers to marketing issues including branding,
identifying market segments, establishing consumer trust, identifying competing products or
services, and identifying the most relevant attributes of the product or service in question. Here,
we emphasise choices regarding intended complementarity and substitutability.

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PAGE 14 info VOL. 9 NO. 5 2007
There is a large theoretical body on composite goods, complements and supplements. In the
ICTsector, many products and services can be said to be perfect and imperfect complements
as well as (often imperfect) substitutes (see, e.g. Varian, 2003). Usually, literature takes the
relative positioning in terms of complementarity and substitutability between products and
services as a given. Still, evidence shows that there is often even considerable choice
involved. For instance, it is one of the main tenets of the convergence literature that ICT goods
and services emanating from complementary industries are increasingly being designed as
substitutes, by adding features or creating synergies early on in the design phase.
Positioning is a complex issue for which many choices and trade-offs can be identified. The
most basic one seems to be whether to position a product or service as a complement to a
particular set of existing products and services, or rather as a substitute to them. It should be
noted that there is a significant cognitive problem in objectively defining the set of products
and services that the new or improved product or service is positioned against, so this
parameter refers to the intended set of substituted or complementary products and services.

E. Customer involvement
Customer involvement is another, increasingly important, design parameter for ICT products
and services business models. Reference can be made to case studies on dominant
applications such as SMS, peer-to-peer filesharing, web services, for which customer
involvement in shaping the value proposition has been the crucial business model
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determinant. Referring to literature, Von Hippel (1988) was among the first authors to stress
the role of lead users in product and service innovation. Also, the domestication strand of
literature (Silverstone and Haddon, 1996) needs to be mentioned, that emphasises the
active roles users play in assigning meaning and value to new products and services.

As ICTs constitute so-called general purpose technologies (Bresnahan and Trajtenberg,

1995), ICT products or services can be used by various actors, including end users, to
construct new products and services. In this way, users become producers of products and
services in their own right, and are empowered to play various roles within value networks
(Von Hippel, 2005). The main trade-off that can be identified in this context is the one
between high (meaning, in all or most stages) and low (meaning, in few or no stages) levels
of customer involvement in the value creation process.

F. Intended value
The final business model parameter lists the primary attributes that the product or service is
intended to possess, and that together constitute the intended customer value. From a
business planning perspective, three strategies to achieve optimal user value can be
distinguished (Treacy and Wiersema, 1993):
1. Operational excellence. Through cost-advantages the price of the product/service drops
below a level where it can attract a critical mass of consumers.
2. Product leadership. The service or product offered is of premium quality and innovative,
and comes at a premium price.
3. Customer intimacy. The consumer sees the advantage of a more intimate relationship with
the provider of a set of products/services, and is wiling to relinquish an amount of privacy
in exchange for a custom-made solution.
Since these three strategies in many instances are conflicting, it is assumed that business
planning should conduct a trade-off analysis in order to prioritise the optimal strategic mix.
This should be done with maximum customer value as the objective. Intrinsic as well as
extrinsic attributes (network effects) need to be considered in this respect. For a specific
product or service, the trade-offs will be service, product or application domain specific.
They relate to the operational excellence (price)/product leadership (quality) versus
customer intimacy (lock-in) trade-off referred to above. Typical more specific trade-offs
include reliability versus flexibility, quality versus price, and security versus ease-of-use.

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VOL. 9 NO. 5 2007 info PAGE 15
Table II The business model design matrix
Control parameters Value parameters
Value proposition
Value network parameters Functional architecture parameters parameters

Combination of assets Modularity Cost (sharing) model Positioning

Concentrated Distributed Modular Integrated Concentrated Distributed Complement Substitute
Vertical integration Distribution of intelligence Revenue model User involvement
Integrated Disintegrated Centralised Distributed Direct Indirect High Low
Customer ownership Interoperability Revenue sharing model Intended value
Direct Intermediated Yes No Yes No Price/quality Lock-in

VI. Conclusion and further work

In order to clarify the often confusing and sibylline business model debate, this paper has
conceptualised business model design as the reconfiguration of control and value, and has
proposed an analytical framework for making explicit the scope for choice when designing a
business model for ICT services, products and systems. It has taken into account recent
directions in business model research and practice, i.e. the establishment of ontologies, the
inclusion of various levels of business model design as well as the focus on the entire value
network of stakeholders. Furthermore, it has attempted to ground the framework with respect
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to the prevalent literature on strategic management, innovation management, industrial

organisation, resource-based theory, and network economics.
Table II summarises the main parameters and basic trade-offs into a matrix that can be used
for the design and analysis of any ICT business model. It is the assertion that any business
model needs to address these basic parameters, either implicitly or explicitly.

Further work includes making explicit the interdependencies between the design
parameters and the extension of this model in a more prospective and predictive sense.
However, if the framework presented here does not allow yet to speculate on the eventual
successfulness of a particular business model, it already seems clear that for a business
model to be feasible, the control variables on the one hand, and the value variables on the
other hand, need to be strategically aligned.

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