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Researching the Value of Project Management
Researching the Value of Project Management
Researching the Value of Project Management
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Researching the Value of Project Management

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Consulting and practitioner literature often discusses and proclaims project management value; however the actual value resulting from investments in project management has been hard to define, let alone measure. In the past, few rigorous studies have been conducted to seek out the measurable value of project management. The Project Management Institute requested proposals in 2004 for research designed to quantify the value of project management. This monograph, Researching the Value of Project Management Research, documents the three years of fieldwork and cross-disciplinary analysis conducted between May 2005 and June 2008 by the research team that won the proposal.
Release dateDec 1, 2008
Researching the Value of Project Management

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Researching the Value of Project Management - Mark Mullaly, PMP




Investments in project management have to compete with investments in all other organizational initiatives. As with any investment, organizations would like to be assured of receiving good value for the investment being made or proposed in project management. To address this concern, executives and proponents of project management need a rigorous, objective, and well-thought-out method of identifying, measuring, and demonstrating value from project management initiatives. This is especially true given today's relentlessly increasing demands for greater corporate accountability, higher productivity, and lower costs. Without the ability to clearly define its value and impacts, project management simply joins the long line of other organizational functions or initiatives (such as total quality management, information systems, training, and human resources) struggling to prove their worth to their organizations.

Although the holy grail of demonstrable project management value is often discussed and even proclaimed in consulting and practitioner literature, the actual value resulting from investments in project management has been hard to define—let alone measure. Few rigorous studies have been undertaken, and those that exist struggle to provide indisputable and strong evidence (see Chapter 2). Even the more rigorous and quantitative efforts suffer from failing to enroll enough organizations to be broadly relevant and statistically credible. Many investigations have been focused on only a limited definition of both value and project management. Paradoxically, the more the concept of value is pinned down to a definition, the easier it becomes to identify why it is insufficient. Limiting value to ROI ignores all the intangible benefits of a particular topic of discussion. Equating value to intrinsic or subjective closely held beliefs means that there is no possibility of comparing benefits. Other research that provides insights into the multiplicity of potential benefits that executives, practitioners, and consultants associate with implementing project management make no effort to quantify these values. Where empirical evidence does exist, it is tantalizing but fragmented and incomplete.

In order to provide credible evidence of the value that project management provides to organizations, the Project Management Institute (PMI) requested proposals for research designed to quantify the value of project management in the summer of 2004. The international research community responded with an array of different approaches to answering this question. This monograph documents the three years of fieldwork and cross-disciplinary analysis conducted between May of 2005 and June of 2008 by the team that won this competition.

This winning research proposal was based on our assessment of what it would take for the project to be a success from the perspective of the primary stakeholders. We wished to find unequivocal and compelling evidence of the value organizations recognize when project management is appropriately implemented. Also, our aim was to provide practical guidelines for practitioners, consultants, and executives to measure the value of project management initiatives. Additionally, we sought perception by the academic and practitioner communities of the value, rigor, and appropriateness of the answers to the value statements and practice guidelines. This monograph should enable you to assess how well we have achieved these goals and will be supplemented with practice guidelines in the near future..

For those of you reading a research monograph for the first time, you may find parts of it to be too detailed. A research monograph is not meant to entertain or provide silver bullets or golden nuggets (although you may find some of each throughout these pages, and, in particular, in the conclusions). A research monograph is meant to provide a detailed and documented treatise on a specific topic. It is meant to lay the groundwork for future research on the topic and describe how the research was conducted. It should clearly document the findings of the study along with the academic and practical application of these findings. A good research monograph should explain the research in sufficient detail that subsequent researchers can use, critique and improve on the methods that were used and the assumptions that were made in order to further our understanding of the topic of interest.

This monograph is comprised of 10 chapters with additional appendixes. Each chapter is described below. As much as possible, we have written this monograph so that it is possible to read each chapter without the benefit of earlier chapters. However, to fully understand the work and to be able to effectively evaluate the relevance of the conclusions in your own mind, we encourage you to work through the monograph in its entirety. A thorough read will improve your understanding of the work as a whole and help you evaluate the rigor of the study and evaluate the relevance and value of the findings.

TABLE 1-1- Monograph Road Map


Literature Review¹


The initial premise for this research project was that before you could hope to understand the value of project management, you would first need to investigate prior research into valuing organizational functions (and project management in particular) and then devise a research strategy incorporating the lessons from this earlier research. Thus we started the project, and this chapter, by conducting a review of prior value quests to ensure we learned from their experience and avoided reinventing the wheel. We conclude by describing the initial conceptual model and key constructs that we used to focus our efforts and from which to build a methodological approach.

It should be noted that exploring the question of value and the measurement of performance in organizations touches on a huge variety of managerial disciplines, including but not limited to: accounting; decision making; finance; performance measurement; total quality management; managerial information; organizational theory; value creation; resource dependency; investment; strategy; economics; and the list could go on. The coverage of the research and literature reviewed and cited in this chapter is necessarily selective. Literally hundreds of articles and studies bear on the focus areas important to this study and we have compiled several EndNote library databases of articles numbering well over 500 at this point. It is simply not feasible to include all of these articles in this chapter. We have done our best to highlight and cite the literature that was most influential in the development of this research study. In making choices on what to include (and cite) and what to exclude, we have attempted to stay focused on providing a solid introduction to the literature that provided the foundation for our conceptual model.


Efforts to determine the value of organizational activities has been a longstanding pursuit in a number of disciplines (see Lepak, Smith, & Taylor, 2007). The conceptual approaches to the value question can be roughly categorized as follows:

Return on investment approaches,

Balanced scorecard approaches, and

Organizational competency approaches.

Each of these approaches to valuing organizational interventions are briefly introduced (assuming these are not new approaches to most business people and management academics). We make reference to the project management literature that has referenced these approaches. We also discuss the criticisms of such approaches.

Return on Investment Approaches (ROI)

Traditional financial measurement systems for supporting decision making and control were largely predicated on economic models of investment. These transaction-based financial measures adequately measured whether value had been created or destroyed in the short term (Ashton, 2005) as long as the data needed for the assessment was available. For our purposes, we include under this heading measures that deal specifically with financial value, such as:

Cost-Benefit Ratio B/C Ratio = Benefits/Costs

Cost-benefit ratio is a standard economic tool that has been used for decades, if not centuries, to help make cost-effective decisions in business and society. Derived from the field of economics, cost-benefit methods provide detailed approaches to identifying and estimating the tangible and intangible costs and benefits associated with decision outcomes. However, the economists continue to disagree on which variables to include and how to find valid and reliable estimates of appropriate indicators for these variables. Both Knutson (1999) and Smith and Barker (1999) discussed the use of this approach in a project management context, but neither article is empirical in nature.

Return on Investment ROI = (Benefits-Costs)/Costs X 100

Measuring ROI stems from a time when it was easy to base the value of an enterprise on the value of its financial assets (like revenue, real property or equipment). The assumption is that for every dollar invested, there is a directly correlated financial return attributable to that investment. The need for the calculation of project management's ROI often comes up in practitioner discussions and literature, however empirical studies are scarce. The few empirical attempts to calculate the ROI of project management focus on one narrow view of project management improvement that is generally referred to as project management maturity.

Maturity-Based ROI Metrics

Maturity/ROI = [(Predicted Profit Margin – Current Profit Margin) X Annual Project Revenues] / Annualized Project Management Expenditures

The work of the team of Ibbs, Kwak, and Reginato (Ibbs, 2000; Ibbs & Kwak, 1997; Ibbs & Kwak, 2000; Ibbs & Reginato, 2002; Ibbs, Reginato, et al., 2004; Kwak & Ibbs, 2000; Kwak & Ibbs, 2002; Reginato, 2002) over the last decade focused on recognizing the benefits of investment in project management competency through measures of maturity in an organization's practice of project management. In this way, their work uses both ROI and benchmarking to value the investment in project management. Higher maturity scores are hypothesized to correlate with higher levels of predicted project performance. The corresponding theory was that investment in project management increases an organization's project management maturity standing and this improvement results in enhanced project performance that should translate into cost savings and other benefits.

Others have contributed to this stream of research (Crawford & Pennypacker, 2001; Pennypacker & Grant, 2003), through survey-based research attempting to associate firm self-report data on maturity measures and project performance. While flawed, many of these approaches provide some interesting insights that deserve further exploration.

One important criticism applied to this approach today is that the complexity of large bureaucracies makes it very difficult to show how investments in the administration of the bureaucracy contribute to the bottom line. Given that management—and the management of projects in particular—is inherently grounded in the bureaucracy of organizations, the demonstration of a return on investment in this regard can be expected to be challenging. Proponents such as Phillips and Philips (2004) stated that the biggest challenges of conducting ROI evaluations relate to ensuring credible, valid results in a reasonable time frame; demonstrating that the results exhibited are appropriately apportioned and attributable to the program or initiative being investigated; and isolating the impacts of the program or initiative from other context-specific and situational factors. The underlying message is that this is not a terribly difficult thing to do. However, practical literature recognizes that achieving a results-oriented evaluation focus can be time consuming, labor intensive, and sometimes perceived as intrusive (Burkett, 2005a), and attempts to provide shortcuts and advice on how to conduct this sort of analysis in a cost effective manner. Others question the usefulness of the approach to decision makers based on the time and resources it takes to appropriately conduct this sort of analysis (Kaufman & Watkins, 1996). Thus, the return on investment of ROI interventions is itself being called into question.

Valuation from the industrial perspective in which ROI calculations are grounded is not as useful or relevant in information-and service-based industries, or the so-called knowledge economy, where it is commonplace for a company to be valued as much for its intangibles—–its business processes, customer lists, trademarks and patents, knowledge, skills, and business relationships. As Githens (1998) points out, in the project management context these metrics are criticized for their role in preserving the status quo. ROI measures emphasize capital investment and the yield of predictable returns over increases in intellectual capabilities. As one executive put it to us recently, Calculating an ROI of project management wouldn't be very useful to me. Project management is too many things. Even if I had an ROI, I still wouldn't know what specifically to invest in. Cabanis-Brewin (2000) echoed these criticisms in stating that these methods do not recognize the value of the cultural change and soft human factor benefits.

There is no question that bottom-line results are important for all types of organizations, regardless of their profit orientation. All organizations need to pay attention to revenue and costs to remain financially viable. However, not everything that an organization does can be translated into monetary terms. For instance, the link between employee satisfaction and corporate performance is difficult, if not impossible, to establish. However, many organizations believe that keeping employees satisfied is an important corporate goal. Translating employee or customer satisfaction into a monetary value or evaluating outcomes in financial terms is very difficult to calculate in any valid or credible way. In not-for-profit or government organizations, measuring objectives in financial terms is even more problematic; a significant majority of their undertakings are to create a social or public good, which is not readily quantified and does not produce a direct financial return.

Another major criticism of ROI approaches is that in order to calculate ROI, you must have a baseline measurement of useful indicators of pre-and post-cost and benefits. In order to calculate ROI, you need detailed data on both costs and returns. Though many of us would expect that at least the costs of organizational initiatives would be readily available, researchers have found that neither the costs nor benefits of most initiatives are easy for managers to provide. Kaufman and Watkins (1996) explain why:

However, more often than not, well-intentioned people commit to an intervention and deliver it with quality, enthusiasm, and professionalism but never calibrate the extent to which it delivers useful results. Rarely are there useful indicators of the costs consequences of our investments. In addition, without utilizing data that include all the critical variables of return, we are not able to compare investment with those of other organizations and thus cannot compare the track records of different approaches. (p. 89)

They conclude that For most organizational activities, detailed data either do not exist or are unavailable to compute a realistic return on investment (p. 97).

In addition, ROI measures beg the question of what is the appropriate comparator to determine if you are obtaining a good return. Cost and return variables tend to vary by organizational context as mentioned previously (see Burney & Matherly (2007) for a review of the variability of performance measures across organizations). Private organizations often have different concerns and considerations than public organizations and government and social sectors will have even more diverse factors to incorporate into ROI calculations. Unless the ROI calculations are completed using the same methods of estimation, there is no way to compare ROIs across organizations in order to evaluate or benchmark the performance of your investment.

Thus in spite of the perceived desire for an ROI calculation for such organizational interventions, most executives often do not have solid data upon which to base such analysis and are often wary of accepting those calculations that are presented.

Balanced Scorecard Approaches

Given the difficulties and constraints of using ROI to measure value in an organizational setting, many researchers have sought to develop more sophisticated measures. While the realization of financial returns in the short run remains critical (especially in situations where shareholder value is paramount), there has been a marked shift towards wanting to measure the intangible value drivers that will prepare an organization for value creation in the future. By the late 1980s and early 1990s, researchers were widely reporting on the limitations of traditional financial measures to assist managers in the emerging knowledge society (Beischel & Smith, 1991; Eccles, 1991; Eccles and Pyburn, 1992; Fisher, 1992; Kaplan, 1983, 1984; Keegan, Eiler & Jones, 1989; McNair, Lynch & Cross, 1990; Maskell, 1989; Wisner and Fawcet, 1991). Clearly these researchers recognized the need for internal performance measures that focused on both performance drivers and outcomes and combined both financial and non-financial measures. The search for a balanced performance measurement was on.

By far the most prevalent of these expanded approaches in the North American context is the balanced scorecard approach developed by Kaplan and Norton (1996 a and b). In Europe, the Skandia Business Navigator (see, for example, Bartlett & Mahmood, 1996) was developed at roughly the same time. More recent examples of this balanced approach to performance measurement include the Value Dynamics Framework (Boulton, Libert, & Samek, 2000), the Value Chain Scorecard (Lev, 2001) and the Value Reporting Disclosure Model (Eccles, Herz, Keegan, & Philips, 2001). All of these models attempt to provide frameworks that will allow organizations to develop a measurement system that will align with—and in turn drive—strategic results. For the purposes of this research, we chose to use the Balanced Scorecard Model as the exemplar of these types of approaches for three reasons. First, it appears to be by far the most well known of these models in most parts of the world (the Skandia model is next-most popular, but appears to be mostly known in Europe). Second, some would argue (Ashton, 2005) that the most recent incarnation of the Balanced Scorecard Model (Kaplan & Norton, 2004) incorporates many of the features of the other models. Third, while there is limited reference to any of these approaches in the project management literature, the Balanced Scorecard has received some attention. Githens (1998) and Cabanis-Berwin (2000) advocated a balanced scorecard approach as a response to the challenges of measuring ROI.

Balanced scorecard (BSC) metrics try to evaluate organizational performance using a variety of financial and non-financial measures including:

Learning and growth,

Internal measures,

Customer perspectives, and

Financial perspectives (such as ROI).

In particular, this approach attempts to measure the knowledge-based and intangible benefits associated with organizational effectiveness today. Webber, Simsarian, & Torti (2004) gave a thorough review of the application of this approach. BSC metrics have the theoretical advantage of attempting to evaluate all the benefits and costs of each organizational action in the context of the specific organization's strategy. Kaplan and Norton (2004) argued that value is indirect, contextual, bundled, and potential (pp. 29-30), and that the critical causal links between value drivers and financial outcomes are heavily dependent on the strategic context. Organizations realize value from intangible value drivers only by creating the conditions that transform value potential into realized value. Thus, the selection of appropriate metrics is key to the success of this approach. It be could argued that the explosion of project success metrics in the last 10 years (see for example Jugdev and Mueller (2007) for an overview) could be attributed to the popularity of the search for appropriate balanced scorecard metrics. Recent studies reported at the 2008 PMI Research Conference attest to the growing popularity of balanced scorecard concepts in project management research.

In Europe, another model has also been developed based on this approach in combination with total quality management perspectives. This model, developed by the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), seeks also to evaluate organizational performance based on a wider variety of potential measures.

Building from the EFQM model, Westerveld (2003) defined a Project Excellence Model and Bryde (2003) derived a Project Management Performance Assessment model to be used to evaluate the performance and contribution of project management within the organization. Bryde published the results of his survey as an effort to explore the value of project management in a way that built on the structure of the EFQM model. The study intent and constructs are interesting, but the small sample size and weakness of construct validity limits its usefulness.

There are also many criticisms of these BSC approaches. Ittner and Larcker (2003) point out that many people attempting to apply the BSC approach fail to tie the metrics back to corporate strategy – often because commonly available or easy-to-acquire measures substitute for the more difficult but appropriate strategic measures. For example, while Crawford and Pennypacker (2001) advocate use of a balanced family of metrics associated with shareholders, employees, and communities, they do not discuss how to select and quantify these metrics or link them to corporate strategy. They appear to be falling into the trap that Ittner and Larcker discuss of failing to link measures to strategy, setting faulty performance targets, and measuring the targets ineffectively. In addition, attempts to quantify intangible benefits fall prey to criticisms of how they are estimated. Crawford and Pennypacker's empirical work using this approach also is compromised by the common issue that organizations do not often collect or maintain the kinds of information necessary to do this kind of evaluation on a comprehensive or consistent basis.

In addition, while many authors show how the BSC approach focuses an organization on improving measurable performance in order to optimize operational efficiency (Bontis, Dragonetti, Jacobsen, & Roos, 1999; Roos, Roos, Dragonetti, & Edvinsson, 1998; Russ, 2001); Voepel, Leibold, Eckhoff, and Davenport (2006) argue that this single-minded focus on a small number of relatively rigid measures results in a tyranny of measurement that conflicts with creativity, innovation, and adaptation. Likewise, they argue that the internal focus of the BSC approach encourages organizations to ignore external circumstances, often to their own detriment.

Some academics point out that research in this area faces significant challenges to isolate the financial performance effects of a particular driver (Ashton, 2005, p. 65). Some of the financial measures that are recommended in the BSC literature, like earnings per share (Crawford & Pennypacker, 2001), are notoriously difficult to associate with individual organizational initiatives as there are typically too many other activities and initiatives occurring in organizations at the same time to be able to tie share prices to improvements in one specific area. Finally, it is our professional opinion arising from consulting and research conversations with hundreds of executives that executive management often views estimates of the BSC metrics as speculative and debatable rather than representing the concrete definition of value that they are looking for.

Organizational Competency Approaches

Emerging at roughly the same time as the balanced scorecard approach, the competency-based perspective of strategic thought emphasizes the impact that internal organizational competencies or resources have in determining the long-term, sustainable competitive advantage of firms. According to this perspective, each firm develops a unique combination of corporate assets and capabilities that allows it to generate income based on the exploitation of these competencies (see, as a starting point, Barney, 1991; Grant, 1991; Peteraf, 1993; Wernerfelt, 1984). Strategic competencies are those that contribute to sustainable competitive advantage for firms. Competencies can reflect the abilities and specific skills that a firm possesses or the cognitive characteristics that allow the organization to deploy these skills in a specific way. The common understanding is that these firm specific assets and competencies are knowledge-related, tacit, difficult to trade, and typically shared among the agents of the firm. Recent resource-based research has placed significant emphasis on evaluating not just the impact of individual resources but also the importance of looking at the way resources, are bundled within a firm and how that creates value (Denrell, Fang, & Winter, 2003; Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000; Lippman & Rumelt, 2003). Thus, the question emerges as to whether or not project management as a universal discipline of practice could be capable of generating long-term competitive advantage to a firm.

Jugdev (Jugdev, 2002; Jugdev & Thomas, 2002; Jugdev, 2004, Jugdev & Mathur, 2006; Jugdev, Mathur, & Fung, 2007) has made the most rigorous attempt to evaluate project management's capacity to generate long-term competitive advantage. Her research looks at the formation and enhancement of project management capabilities through the use of maturity models as frameworks for competency development. Her conceptual arguments assert that maturity models do not in themselves generate advantage, as they are easily copied. Her empirical findings from a small sample exploratory study (2002) suggest that project management may be an enabler rather than a strategic asset. Jugdev and Thomas (2002) do, make a clear case that easily copied competencies, such as project management maturity models, do not yield the long-term strategic advantages that today's organizations are looking for from their investments. In recent survey-based research, Jugdev and her colleagues (2006, 2007) show that while an investment in the tangible assets of project management is important for achieving competitive parity, investment in the intangible elements of project management are more likely to result in delivering a competitive advantage to the organization investing in them.

The following table summarizes the key theoretical contributors to these approaches to understanding and quantifying organizational value, the relevant project management articles, and the criticisms and concerns that have been documented regarding their use.

TABLE 2-1—REVIEW of Common Measures of Value

The Problematic Quest for Organizational Value

Efforts to determine the value of organizational activities has been a longstanding pursuit in a number of disciplines. Recent examples of articles exploring organizational performance across a number of disciplines include: General (Carmeli, 2004; Guha, Kettinger,& Teng, 1997; Henri, 2004); information systems (Bardhan, Krishnan, et al., 2007; Gordon & Tarafdar, 2007; Kohli, 2003; Kohli & Baron, 2003; Sherer & Baron, 2003; Rau, 2003; Reich, 2007); total quality management (Eriksson et al, 2003; Mele, 2007; Vokurka, Lummus, et al., 2007); human resources (Hesketh, 2006; Kearns, 2005; Lian, 2006; Russ-Eft, 2005; Solovy, 2003). The quest for value continues unabated and unanswered well into the 21st century.

Project management clearly is not the only organizational initiative that has struggled with equivocal results in ROI research. Researchers from as disparate disciplines as information systems (Barua, Lee, & Whinston, 1996; Barua & Mukhopadhyay, 2000; Powell & Dent-Micallef, 1997), human resources (Hesketh & Fleetwood, 2006), total quality management (Erickson et al., 2003; Guler, Guillen and Macpherson, 2002; Montes, Jover & Molina Fernandez, 2003; Powell, 1995, Westphal, Gulati, & Shortell, 1996, 1997), and expert systems (Mottiwalla & Fairfield–Sonn, 1998) blame these unsatisfactory results on the paucity of empirical research, the inability of researchers to generate comprehensive data, the absence of effective means of taking into account contextual factors, and problems in adequately measuring all impacts. Motiwalla and Farfield-Sonn (1998) went so far as to suggest that on the basis of the studies conducted so far, the data and the methods employed did not allow researchers to determine if the lack of performance payoffs for investment in expert systems was due to failure of the systems to deliver value, poor implementations failing to deliver value, or value lagging the measurement time period. While many comprehensive evaluation models have been proposed, the authors suggested that the economic, time, and access constraints associated with these evaluations made a full evaluation practically impossible to conduct (Motiwalla & Fairfield-Sonn, 1998).

In addition, Marcus and Soh (1993) suggested that all component parts of the IT investment process must be taken into account to get a more effective evaluation of IT benefits. These researchers all point to the need for a comprehensive measurement framework considering all dimensions of white-collar performance (Tuttle & Romankowski, 1985), including: efficiency, effectiveness, productivity, quality, quality of work life, innovation, and productivity. Additional benefits such as autonomy, control, and satisfaction could also be added to this list. Clearly the researchers were identifying the need for a form of evaluation drawing on Balanced Scorecard or Organizational Competency techniques to better understand the impact of information systems. Zhang (2007), for one, following up on this suggestion, showed that the performance impacts of IS investments depend on the presence of certain firm-specific resources that complement the IS (p. 156) such as an appropriate organizational culture and firm-specific knowledge. Again, though, he reports that empirical research into these areas is still scarce.

Ultimately, while it may be tempting to focus directly on the relationship between the entire project management intervention package and global organizational outcomes, cautions applied to TQM research apply equally here.

Hackman and Wageman (1995) say that It is maddeningly difficult to do such research well, for several reasons:

First, there are serious measurement problems associated with even standard indices of firm performance such as market share, profitability or stock price (Brief, 1984; Penning, 1984; Kaplan & Norton, 1992).

Second…Exogenous disturbances can significantly obscure the link between work processes and organizational outcomes.

Third, temporal issues can obscure intervention-outcome relationships (Whetten & Cameron, 1994).

Taken together, these three difficulties can make it nearly impossible to detect statistically the direct effects of TQM on global measures of organizational outcomes."

Another temptation is to identify the value of different independent activities or initiatives associated with implementing project management—such as training, project management maturity, or the value of any one project—and extrapolate from there. Several recent studies addressed project success factors. These studies include success factors on projects, project management, and the organization (Cooke-Davies, 2002b); the influence of project management offices (PMOs) on reported project performance (Dai, 2002; Dai & Wells, 2004); the impact of project management software acceptance on project success (Bani-Ali & Anbari, 2004); and the association of project risk management practices with reported project success (Voetsch, Cioffi, & Anbari, 2004). Despite their importance, these studies do not result in the measure of the overall value of project management implementation, as the approaches do not hold constant the impact of all other project management or organizational initiatives taking place in the organization at the same time.

The pursuit of value remains an ongoing quest. Recent organization theory reviews of value creation (Lepak, Smith, & Taylor, 2007) recognize that value creation is important and that it is …equally difficult to find agreement among scholars regarding (1) what value creation is, (2) the process by which value is created, and (3) the mechanisms that allow the creator of value to capture the value. (p. 180). However, the complexity and importance of the question of value cannot be escaped. …The subject of value creation is made complex by its subjective nature, multiple levels of analysis, and the theoretical discipline scholars use to study it. (p. 192).

Given the multi-level, complex nature of the value construct, it is unlikely that self-reported survey

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