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1. Tường thuật mệnh lệnh: told sb (not) to do sth.
“Put your books away,” said the teacher.
 The teacher told us to put our books away.
2. Tường thuật lời yêu cầu: asked sb (not) to do sth.
“Please, don’t smoke in this room,” said the clerk.
 The clerk asked me not to smoke in that room.
3. Tường thuật lời khuyên: advised sb (not) to do sth.
“If I were you, I wouldn’t drink so much wine,” he said.
 He advised me not to drink so much wine.
4. Tường thuật lời hứa: promised to do sth.
“I’ll give you a hand, if you like,” said Darian.
 Darain promised to give me a hand, if I liked.
5. Tường thuật lời đe dọa: threaten to do sth’.
“Get out or I’ll call the police,” said the woman.
 The woman threatened to call the police if he didn’t get out.
6. Tường thuật lời cảnh báo: warned sb (not) to do sth.
“Don’t touch that wire,” he said.
 He warned me not to touch that wire.
7. Tường thuật lời mời: invited sb to do sth.
“Come for inner with us tonight, will you?” Bill said.
 Bill invited me to come for dinner with them that night.
8. Tường thuật lời nhắc nhở: reminded sb to do sth.
“Remember to post my letter on your way,” Wendy said.
 Wendy reminded me to post her letter on my way.
9. Tường thuật lời động viên: encouraged sb to so sth.
“Go ahead, you must enter for the contest, Jill!” said Pam.
 Pam encouraged Jill to enter for the contest.
10. Tường thuật lời khẩn cầu: begged sb to do sth.
“Please, do me a favor,” said the beggar to Carol.
 The beggar begged Carol to do him a favor.
11. Tường thuật lời tự nguyện: offered to do sth.
“Shall I help you with the housework?” said Tim to hiss wife.
 Tim offered to help his wife with the housework.
12. Tường thuật sự đồng ý: agreed to do sth.
“OK, I’ll take you to work in my car, Sue” said Carl.
 Carl agreed to take Sue to work in his car.


1Tường thuật lời buộc tội: accused sb of doing sth.
“You damaged my new laptop, Dan.” said Susan.
Susan accused Dan of damaging her new laptop.
2. Tường thuật lời thú nhận: admitted doing / having done sth.
“I didn’t tell you the truth, Ron” said Kim
Kim admitted not telling / not having told Ron the truth.
3. Tường thuật lời phủ nhận: denied doing/ having done sth.
“I didn’t breah that vase” said Tom
Tom denied breaking/ having broken that vase.
4. Tường thuật lời xin lỗi: apologized (to sb) for doing sth
“I’m sorry. I’ve kept you waiting.” Said Ann
Ann apologized for having kept me waiting.
5. Tường thuật lời khen: congratulated sb on doing sth
“Congratulations! You won the games!” said the principal.
 The principal congratulated the students on winning the game.
6. Tường thuật lời nài nỉ, khăng khăng: insisted on doing sth.
“I must pay for this damage” the man said
 The man insisted on paying for that damage
7. Tường thuật lời đề nghị: suggested doing sth
“Let’s have a picnic this weekend” Maud suggested
 Maud suggested having a picnic that weekend.
8. Tường thuật lời cảm ơn: thanked sb for (doing sth)
“Thank you very much for your advice” he said
 He thanked me for my advice.
9. Tường thuật lời cảnh báo: warned sb against (doing) sth
“Don’t invest in that business” said my lawyer
 My lawyer warned me against investing in that business
10. Tường thuật lời đổ lỗi: blamed sb for (doing) sth
“You are responsible for this failure” said the director
 The director blamed his deputy for that failure.
11. Tường thuật lời thú nhận: confessed to (doing) sth.
“It was me who stole the money,” said Jack.
 Jack confessed to stealing the money/ having stolen the money.
12. Câu cảm thán trong lời nói gián tiếp: (Exclamation in reported speech)
- Động từ tường thuật là: exclaim/shout
Ex: He said, “What a lovely garden they have”
->He exclaimed that they had a lovely garden.
- Các hình thức cảm thán bắt đầu bằng “what’ và “how” chuyển sang gián tiếp bằng:
He said that it was … / hoặc He exclaimed that it was …
Ex 1: She said; “What a pity!” (Direct speech) -> She exclaimed that it was a pity
Ex 2: I said; “What a nice horse” -> I exclaimed that it was a nice horse
Ex 3: He said; “How beautiful she is!” -> He exclaimed that she was beautiful!
Ex 4:“What a big egg” he said -> He said that it was a big egg.
Ex 5:“How dreadful!” he said -> He exclaimed that it was dreadful.


1. Một số độnh từ dùng để tường thuật với
Promise + to V: hứa 2. Một số động từ dùng để tường thuật với Gerund:
Agree + to V: đồng ý Admit + Ving : thừa nhận đã làm việc gì
Offer + to V: ngỏ ý Deny + Ving: phủ nhận đã làm việc gì
Refuse + to V: từ chối Suggest + Ving: đề nghị làm việc gì
Threaten + to V: đe dọa Apologise (to sb) for + Ving: xin lỗi (ai)vì đã làm gì
Beg sb + to V: van xin, cầu xin Insist on + Ving : khăng khăng đòi làm gì
Command sb + to V: lệnh Dream of + Ving: mơ tưởng trở thành
Forbid sb + to V: cấm Think of + Ving : nghĩ tới ai/cái gì
Order sb + to V: ra lệnh Look forward to + Ving: mong đợi
Recommend sb + to V: giới thiệu, đề nghị Accuse sb of + Ving: buộc tội ai về việc gì.
Request sb + to V: yêu cầu Congratulate sb on + Ving: chúc mừng ai về
Urge sb + to V: nài nỉ, cố thuyết phục Warn sb against + Ving: khuyến cáo (ai) đừng làm điều gì
Advise sb + to V: khuyên Thank sb for + Ving : cảm ơn ai về việc gì
Ask sb + to V: yêu cầu ai làm gì Prevent sb from + Ving: Ngăn ai khỏi việc gì
Encourage sb + to V: khuyến khích
Remind sb + to V: nhắc nhở
Invite sb + to V: mời
Tell sb + to V: bảo
Warn sb + (not) to V : cảnh báo

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