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Reported Speech With Infinitives and Gerund

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The passage discusses different ways to report speech using infinitives and gerunds after certain verbs. Reported speech with infinitives is used to report orders, requests, advice etc. while gerund structures are used to report thanking, apologies and accusations.

To report orders, requests, advice and suggestions we can use verbs like advise, ask, beg, command, encourage, invite, order, permit, persuade, recommend, remind, tell, urge followed by an infinitive phrase.

Thanking, apologies and accusations can be reported using verbs like apologize, congratulate, forgive, thank followed by a preposition and a gerund. For example, apologizing for, thanking for, accusing of.

Reported speech with infinitives and gerund

Reported speech with infinities : We Reported speech with gerund : We

usually use an infinitive structure to report usually use a gerund structure to
orders, requests, advice, suggestions, report thanking, apologies,
threats, warning, promises, agreements, accusations, and so on.
disagreements and so on. Ex: Ex: Ex: “Sorry, I’m late”
She apologized for being late
a)He promised to write Ex:” I didn’t do that”
b). I advise you to think again before She denied doing that
you decide Form:
 Form: V+(O)+Preposition+(not)+ V-ing
Verb+Object+ ( Not) Infinitive Using object + preposition + gerund
Using object + to- infinitive after these after these verbs : accuse ( of),
verbs congratulate ( on ), forgive ( for ),
Advise, ask, beg, command, compel, prevent( from ), stop (from), suspect
encourage, entreat, expect, forbid, (of), thank ( for ), warn (against) …
implore, instruct, invite, order, Ex: “ You tell lies” said they
permit, persuade, recommend, remind, → They accused me of telling lies
request, tell, urge, warn.. “ Don’t buy this car”
Ex: “ Don’t forget to send this letter, → They prevented us from buying that
Peter” I said car
→I reminded Peter to send that letter Apologize to somebody on
Using to- infinite after these verbs : doing something
agree, demand, guarantee, hope, Ex: “ I am sorry that I made you
offer, promise, propose, swear, wait last night”
threaten, volunteer, vow .. →She apologized to me on making me
Ex: She said “ I’ll take you to town “ wait the previous night
→ She offered to take me to town Suggest, Stop, Admit, Deny,
Say+ to – infinitive is used in informal Mention, Propose , Look Forward
English To+ V-ing
Ex: Tim said to put the box on the table Ex: “ Why don’t we go on picnic
 WH- question word + to infinitive tomorrow ?”
is commonly used →She suggested going on picnic the
Ex: He asked her how to make a sponge cake following day
 Insist on , Dream of + V-ing
Ex : “ I will pay for the meal”
→Lucy insisted on paying for the meal
Practice :
I. Complete each sentence with an infinite phrase which combined with the main verb , reports
the idea of the speaker’s word.
1. Joe said “ Please come to my party”.
→ Joe invited me to come to his party.
2. My teacher said, “ I think you should take another English course” .
→My teacher advised me to take another English course.
3. Mrs. Brown said, “ You may use the phone”.
→ Mrs. Brown permitted me to use the phone.
4. The doctor said, “ Take a deep breath”. Warn sb against doing sth
→The doctor told the patient to take a deep breath. Warn sb off doing sth
5. My mother said, “ Make an appointment with the dentist” Warn sb to do sth
→ My mother reminded me to make an….
6. The Smiths said, “ Would you like to come to our house for dinner?”.
→ The Smiths invited us to come to their house for dinner.
→The judge ordered Mr. John
8. Bill said “ Don’t touch the hot pot”.
→ Bill warned me not to touch the hot pot
9. Sue said “ Don’t buy a used car” .
→Sue advised me not to buy a used car.
10. Mr. Gray said” Don’t play in the street”.
→Mr. Gray warned the children not to play in the street.
II. Report the first speaker’s words. Use the verbs in parentheses and an infinitive phrase
1. Joe: Would you like to go to a movie with me ?
Mary : Yes. I would love to
(INVITE) Joe invited Mary to go to a movie with him
2. Dr Miller: You should get more exercise.

(ADVISE) Dr. Miller advised me to get more exercise.

3. Ms Holt: Could you please open the door for me?
Tom: Yes, of course
( ASK) Ms. Holt asked Tom if he could open the door for her.
4. Mr. Ward: You may have a cookie and a glass of milk
The children : Thanks, Dad
( PERMIT) Mr. Ward permitted the children to have a cookie and a glass of milk
5. Prof. Ward: You should take a physics course
Tom : Oh ?
(ENCOURAGE) Prof. Ward encouraged Tom to take a physics course.
6. The police officer: Put your hands on the top of your head!
The thief: Who? Me? I didn’t do anything
( ORDER) The police officer ordered the thief to put his hands on the top of his head.
7. Sue: Don’t forget to call me
Me : I wont
( REMIND) Sue reminded me to call her.
8. Prof Roth: Don’t look directly at the sun during a solar eclipse
Us : Okay
(WARN) Prof. Roth warned us not to look directly at the sun….
III. Report the sentences using one of the verbs in the box

Persuade Order Ask Advises (x2) Tell Encourage

Invite Beg Remind
1. “If I were you, I’d go to the doctor’s” He said to me
2. “ Could you possibly do me a favor?” She asked Tom
3. “ Hand in your essay next week” the teacher told the class
4. “ Don’t forget to post the letter” my wife said to me
5. “ Come and have dinner with us” Rosie said to john
6. “ You must pay a fine of one hundred pounds” the judge said to Edward
7. “ Buy the red dress not the green one” Betty said to Jane. “ It is much much
nicer”. “ Mmm, I am not sure. OK , I’ll buy the red one. You are right.” said Jane
8. “You really should paint professionally. “ said Gill to Henry. “ You’re really good at it”
9. “ Please, please don’t tell my father” she said to me
10. “I think you should sell your shares” his accountant said to Bill

IV. Complete the following sentences in the reported speech

1. The tourist guide said “ Don’t walk alone in the street at night” .
→The tourist guide warned me not to walk alone in the street at night.
2. “ Sorry, I cant go to your birthday party next Saturday evening, Jack” said Mary .
→ Mary apologized to Jack for not going to his birthday party the following Saturday evening.
3. “ You told a lie, tom” she said .
→ She accused Tom of telling a lie.
4. “ I didn’t break the windows” Bill said .
→ Bill denied breaking the windows
5. “ Shall we have dinner somewhere after the theater?” said Peter. →Peter
suggested having dinner somewhere after the theater.
6. “ You can’t run out of the garden”. Ms Kelly said to the children. →Ms
Kelly prevented the children from running out of the garden.
7. “ I feel like seeing you soon, Susan” said her mother . (look forward to +V-ing)
→ Her mother looked forward to seeing Susan soon
8. “ I always want to run my own business” she said to me.
→ She told me that she dreamed of running her own business.
V. Report the sentences, using one of the verbs in the box

Admit Deny Suggest Agree Offer


1.“Yes, okay, I’ll lend you my car”. Peter said to Ann

1. “ Yes, it was me. I stole the money”, said Bill
2. “ But I didn’t hit the old lady” added Bill
3. “ I’ll work early, honest I will” Angela said
4. “ I’ll give you a lift to the station ,if you like” Kate said to Megan
5. “ What about if we meet on Thursday?” Mark said

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